import re import aiohttp import pandas as pd from io import StringIO from constants.constants import ( vtop_process_attendance_url, vtop_process_attendance_detail_url, ) from utils.payloads import ( get_attendance_payload, get_attendance_detail_payload, ) async def _get_attendance_page( sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, username: str, semID: str, csrf: str ): async with vtop_process_attendance_url, data=get_attendance_payload(username, semID, csrf) ) as req: return await req.text() async def _get_attendance_detail_page( sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, csrf, semID, username, courseID, courseType ): async with vtop_process_attendance_detail_url, data=get_attendance_detail_payload(csrf, semID, username, courseID, courseType), ) as req: return await req.text() def _get_class_type(classType: str): if classType == "Embedded Theory": return "ETH" elif classType == "Embedded Lab": return "ELA" elif classType == "Theory Only": return "TH" elif classType == "Lab Only": return "LO" def _parse_attendance_detail(attendance_detail_page: str): attendance_detail_table = pd.read_html(StringIO(attendance_detail_page)) if len(attendance_detail_table) < 2: return {} attendance_detail_table = attendance_detail_table[1] attendance_detail = {} for index, row in attendance_detail_table.iterrows(): attendance_detail[str(row["Sl.No."])] = { "status": row["Status"], "date": row["Date"], "time": row["Day / Time"], } return attendance_detail async def _parse_attendance( attendance_page: str, sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, username: str, csrf: str, semID: str, ): table_df = pd.read_html(StringIO(attendance_page))[0] attendance = [] for index, row in table_df.iterrows(): code = row["Course Detail"].split("-")[0].strip() slot = row["Class Detail"].split("-")[1].strip() if "Total Number Of Credits" in code: if "0" in code: raise Exception continue attendance.append( { "classID": row["Class Detail"].split("-")[0].strip(), "name": row["Course Detail"].split("-")[1].strip(), "courseType": row["Course Detail"].split("-")[2].strip(), "slot": slot, "totalClasses": str(row["Total Classes"]), "attendedClasses": str(row["Attended Classes"]), "attendancePercentage": row["Attendance Percentage"][:-1], "attendanceDetail": _parse_attendance_detail( await _get_attendance_detail_page( sess, csrf, semID, username,";(\w*_{code}_\d*)&", attendance_page).group(1), _get_class_type(row["Course Detail"].split("-")[2].strip()), ) ), } ) return attendance async def get_attendance_data( sess: aiohttp.ClientSession, username: str, semID: str, csrf: str ): return await _parse_attendance( await _get_attendance_page(sess, username, semID, csrf), sess, username, csrf, semID, )