Added files from branch huggingface
Browse filesThis view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.
See raw diff
- .gitignore +165 -0
- .streamlit/config.toml +2 -0
- +128 -0
- LICENSE +21 -0
- +114 -4
- +322 -0
- config/.dummy_env +5 -0
- config/ +48 -0
- config/config.json +26 -0
- config/requirements.txt +189 -0
- data/clusteringFiles/cluster_data.csv +25 -0
- data/clusteringFiles/dgc_model.joblib +3 -0
- data/embeddingFiles/cluster-embedding.mat +0 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a.json +21 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87.json +18 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97.json +22 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90.json +19 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0.json +18 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81.json +14 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73.json +18 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf.json +17 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716.json +15 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e.json +15 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11.json +20 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549.json +19 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9.json +15 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b.json +16 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942.json +15 -0
- data/jsonMetaDataFiles/master_meeting_details.json +319 -0
- data/summaryFiles/abstract_summary_data.csv +25 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1.csv +1148 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2.csv +437 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3.csv +241 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow.csv +890 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1.csv +587 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2.csv +156 -0
- data/transcriptFiles/2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1.csv +748 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
1 |
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
# C extensions
12 |
13 |
14 |
# Distribution / packaging
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
# PyInstaller
35 |
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
36 |
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
# Installer logs
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
# Unit test / coverage reports
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
# Translations
60 |
61 |
62 |
63 |
# Django stuff:
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
# Flask stuff:
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
# Scrapy stuff:
74 |
75 |
76 |
# Sphinx documentation
77 |
78 |
79 |
# PyBuilder
80 |
81 |
82 |
83 |
# Jupyter Notebook
84 |
85 |
86 |
# IPython
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
# pyenv
91 |
# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
92 |
# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
93 |
# .python-version
94 |
95 |
# pipenv
96 |
# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
97 |
# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
98 |
# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
99 |
# install all needed dependencies.
100 |
101 |
102 |
# poetry
103 |
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
104 |
# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
105 |
# commonly ignored for libraries.
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
# pdm
110 |
# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
111 |
112 |
# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
113 |
# in version control.
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
# PEP 582; used by e.g. and
118 |
119 |
120 |
# Celery stuff
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
# SageMath parsed files
125 |
126 |
127 |
# Environments
128 |
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
# Spyder project settings
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
# Rope project settings
141 |
142 |
143 |
# mkdocs documentation
144 |
145 |
146 |
# mypy
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
# Pyre type checker
152 |
153 |
154 |
# pytype static type analyzer
155 |
156 |
157 |
# Cython debug symbols
158 |
159 |
160 |
# PyCharm
161 |
# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
162 |
# be found at
163 |
# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
164 |
# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
165 |
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
1 |
2 |
maxUploadSize = 1024
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
1 |
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
2 |
3 |
## Our Pledge
4 |
5 |
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
6 |
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
7 |
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
8 |
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
9 |
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
10 |
and orientation.
11 |
12 |
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
13 |
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
14 |
15 |
## Our Standards
16 |
17 |
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
18 |
community include:
19 |
20 |
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
21 |
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
22 |
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
23 |
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
24 |
and learning from the experience
25 |
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
26 |
overall community
27 |
28 |
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
29 |
30 |
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
31 |
advances of any kind
32 |
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
33 |
* Public or private harassment
34 |
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
35 |
address, without their explicit permission
36 |
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
37 |
professional setting
38 |
39 |
## Enforcement Responsibilities
40 |
41 |
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
42 |
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
43 |
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
44 |
or harmful.
45 |
46 |
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
47 |
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
48 |
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
49 |
decisions when appropriate.
50 |
51 |
## Scope
52 |
53 |
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
54 |
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
55 |
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
56 |
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
57 |
representative at an online or offline event.
58 |
59 |
## Enforcement
60 |
61 |
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
62 |
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
63 |
64 |
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
65 |
66 |
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
67 |
reporter of any incident.
68 |
69 |
## Enforcement Guidelines
70 |
71 |
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
72 |
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
73 |
74 |
### 1. Correction
75 |
76 |
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
77 |
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
78 |
79 |
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
80 |
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
81 |
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
82 |
83 |
### 2. Warning
84 |
85 |
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
86 |
of actions.
87 |
88 |
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
89 |
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
90 |
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
91 |
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
92 |
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
93 |
permanent ban.
94 |
95 |
### 3. Temporary Ban
96 |
97 |
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
98 |
sustained inappropriate behavior.
99 |
100 |
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
101 |
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
102 |
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
103 |
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
104 |
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
105 |
106 |
### 4. Permanent Ban
107 |
108 |
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
109 |
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
110 |
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
111 |
112 |
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
113 |
the community.
114 |
115 |
## Attribution
116 |
117 |
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
118 |
version 2.0, available at
119 |
120 |
121 |
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
122 |
enforcement ladder](
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
127 |
+ Translations are available at
128 |
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1 |
MIT License
2 |
3 |
Copyright (c) 2024 Sartaj Bhuvaji
4 |
5 |
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 |
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7 |
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8 |
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9 |
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 |
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
11 |
12 |
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
13 |
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
@@ -1,13 +1,123 @@
1 |
2 |
title: Resonate
3 |
4 |
colorFrom: pink
5 |
6 |
sdk: streamlit
7 |
sdk_version: 1.32.2
8 |
9 |
pinned: false
10 |
license: mit
11 |
12 |
13 |
1 |
2 |
title: Resonate
3 |
emoji: ❤️
4 |
colorFrom: pink
5 |
colorTo: green
6 |
sdk: streamlit
7 |
sdk_version: 1.32.2
8 |
9 |
pinned: false
10 |
11 |
12 |
<br />
13 |
<div align="center">
14 |
<a href="">
15 |
<img src="docs/logo.png" alt="logo" width="80" height="80">
16 |
17 |
18 |
<h3 align="center">Resonate</h3>
19 |
20 |
Data Science Capstone
21 |
<p align="center">
22 |
<br />
23 |
<a href="">Sartaj Bhuvaji</a>
24 |
25 |
<a href="">Prachitee Chouhan</a>
26 |
27 |
<a href="">Madhuroopa Irukulla</a>
28 |
29 |
<a href="">Jay Singhvi</a>
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
# Resonate: A Retrieval Augmented Framework For Meeting Insight Extraction
35 |
In the fast-paced professional realm, meetings serve as vital platforms for collaboration and decision-making. Yet, among the vast exchange of information, recollecting essential details often proves challenging, hindering overall productivity. Imagine a scenario where past discussions on User Interface design are essential but cumbersome to retrieve.
36 |
37 |
Our project aims to tackle this challenge by developing a solution to effortlessly extract pivotal insights from historical meetings. expeeLeveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation techniques, our proposed system enables users to seamlessly upload meeting records and pose queries for relevant information retrieval. One core component of the system is to group meetings based on their abstractive summaries. Several state-of-the-art clustering algorithms were extensively trained and evaluated. When users pose inquiries, our system will pinpoint the cluster most likely to contain relevant discussions.
38 |
39 |
By utilizing the Pinecone vector store database, we retrieve pertinent conversations within a contextual window. The retrieved conversations and custom prompt are then processed through a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate precise responses. Our focus on system optimization involves exploring diverse encoders and LLM models, with fine-tuning to ensure rigorous evaluation and seamless integration. Through our approach, we transcend challenges in conversational meeting summarization, content discovery, and delivering a tailored, high-performance solution designed for user convenience.
40 |
41 |
## Getting Started
42 |
43 |
### Running on Github Codespace
44 |
45 |
1. Create a Codespace with 4 cores.
46 |
2. Press Ctrl+C to cancel the automatic installation of requirements.txt, as it may not install the packages correctly.
47 |
3. Manually install required packages:
48 |
49 |
50 |
pip install -r requirements.txt
51 |
52 |
4. Setting environment variables
53 |
- Create a `/config/.env` file and fill in your environment variables.
54 |
- Learn more about config options: README
55 |
56 |
5. Running the pre-requisits script:
57 |
58 |
59 |
python init_one_time_utils/
60 |
61 |
62 |
6. Run the application:
63 |
64 |
65 |
streamlit run
66 |
67 |
68 |
### Running Locally
69 |
70 |
1. Clone the repository:
71 |
72 |
73 |
git clone
74 |
75 |
76 |
2. Set up a virtual environment:
77 |
78 |
79 |
python -m venv .venv
80 |
81 |
82 |
3. Activate the virtual environment:
83 |
84 |
- On Windows:
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
- On Unix or MacOS:
91 |
92 |
93 |
source .venv/bin/activate
94 |
95 |
96 |
4. Install dependencies:
97 |
98 |
99 |
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
100 |
101 |
102 |
5. Setting environment variables:
103 |
104 |
Create a `/config/.env` file and fill in your environment variables.
105 |
106 |
6. Running the pre-requisite script:
107 |
108 |
109 |
python init_one_time_utils/
110 |
111 |
112 |
7. Run the application:
113 |
114 |
115 |
streamlit run
116 |
117 |
118 |
## Demo
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
## Framework
123 |

@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
1 |
# Description: This file contains the main Streamlit application for the Resonate project.
2 |
# Run command: streamlit run
3 |
4 |
import os
5 |
import pandas as pd
6 |
import streamlit as st
7 |
from dotenv import load_dotenv
8 |
from streamlit import session_state as ss
9 |
from streamlit_chat import message
10 |
from src.clustering.resonate_bert_summarizer import summarize_runner
11 |
from src.clustering.resonate_clustering import Clustering
12 |
from src.langchain.resonate_langchain_functions import LangChain
13 |
from src.utils.resonate_streamlitUtils import (
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
def initialize_session_state():
21 |
# Initialize API keys in session state if not present
22 |
if "api_keys" not in ss:
23 |
ss.api_keys = {}
24 |
ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"] = None
25 |
ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"] = None
26 |
ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"] = None
27 |
ss.api_keys["aws_secret_access_key"] = None
28 |
29 |
if "api_key_set" not in ss:
30 |
ss.api_key_set = False
31 |
if "add_meeting" not in ss:
32 |
ss.add_meeting = False
33 |
if "Clustering_obj" not in ss:
34 |
ss.Clustering_obj = Clustering()
35 |
# Initialize - Main Screen - Transcript Editor
36 |
if "transcript_speaker_editor" not in ss:
37 |
ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False
38 |
if "transcript_text_editor" not in ss:
39 |
ss.transcript_text_editor = False
40 |
if "meeting_name" not in ss:
41 |
ss.meeting_name = ""
42 |
if "df_transcript_speaker" not in ss:
43 |
ss.df_transcript_speaker = pd.DataFrame()
44 |
if "df_transcript_text" not in ss:
45 |
ss.df_transcript_text = pd.DataFrame()
46 |
if "updated_df" not in ss:
47 |
ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = pd.DataFrame()
48 |
if "chat_view" not in ss:
49 |
ss.chat_view = True
50 |
if "langchain_obj" not in ss and ss.api_key_set:
51 |
ss.langchain_obj = LangChain()
52 |
if "query" not in ss:
53 |
ss.query = ""
54 |
if "responses" not in ss:
55 |
ss["responses"] = ["How can I assist you?"]
56 |
if "requests" not in ss:
57 |
ss["requests"] = []
58 |
59 |
60 |
def chat_view():
61 |
62 |
response_container = st.container()
63 |
textcontainer = st.container()
64 |
with textcontainer:
65 |
query = st.text_input(
66 |
"Chat Here",
67 |
placeholder="Message Resonate ... ",
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
# Clear button
72 |
if st.button("Clear"):
73 |
ss.langchain_obj.conversation_bufw.memory.clear() # Clear conversation buffer
74 |
ss.query = ""
75 |
ss.requests = []
76 |
ss.responses = []
77 |
ss["responses"] = ["How can I assist you?"]
78 |
79 |
80 |
elif query:
81 |
with st.spinner("typing..."):
82 |
uuid_list = ss.Clustering_obj.uuid_for_query(query=query)
83 |
print(f"Meeting Unique ID : {uuid_list}")
84 |
response =
85 |
query=query, in_filter=uuid_list, complete_db_flag=False
86 |
87 |
response = response["response"]
88 |
89 |
90 |
ss.query = ""
91 |
with response_container:
92 |
if ss["responses"]:
93 |
for i in range(len(ss["responses"])):
94 |
message(ss["responses"][i], key=str(i))
95 |
if i < len(ss["requests"]):
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
key=str(i) + "_user",
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
def api_keys_input():
104 |
with st.form("keys_input_form"):
105 |
# Retrieve values from session state
106 |
openai_api_key = st.text_input(
107 |
"OpenAPI Key:",
108 |
109 |
110 |
"openai_api_key", ""
111 |
), # Use default value if key is not present
112 |
113 |
pinecone_api_key = st.text_input(
114 |
"Pinecone Key:",
115 |
116 |
117 |
"pinecone_api_key", ""
118 |
), # Use default value if key is not present
119 |
120 |
aws_access_key = st.text_input(
121 |
"AWS Access Key:",
122 |
123 |
124 |
"aws_access_key", ""
125 |
), # Use default value if key is not present
126 |
127 |
aws_secret_access_key = st.text_input(
128 |
"AWS Secret Access Key:",
129 |
130 |
131 |
"aws_secret_access_key", ""
132 |
), # Use default value if key is not present
133 |
134 |
# Add a button to save the keys
135 |
save_button = st.form_submit_button("Save API Keys")
136 |
if save_button:
137 |
# Update session state with provided keys
138 |
ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"] = openai_api_key
139 |
ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"] = pinecone_api_key
140 |
ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"] = aws_access_key
141 |
ss.api_keys["aws_secret_access_key"] = aws_secret_access_key
142 |
# Set environment variables only if the keys are not None
143 |
if openai_api_key:
144 |
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["openai_api_key"]
145 |
if pinecone_api_key:
146 |
os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["pinecone_api_key"]
147 |
if aws_access_key:
148 |
os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY"] = ss.api_keys["aws_access_key"]
149 |
if aws_secret_access_key:
150 |
os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = ss.api_keys[
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
ss.api_key_set = True
155 |
print("API KEYS ARE: ", ss.api_keys)
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
def add_meeting():
160 |
with st.form("add_meeting_form"):
161 |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type=["wav", "mp4"])
162 |
# Get user input
163 |
meeting_name = st.text_input("Enter Meeting Name:")
164 |
save_meeting_button = st.form_submit_button("Save Meeting")
165 |
if save_meeting_button:
166 |
if not meeting_name:
167 |
st.warning("Please enter Meeting Name.")
168 |
elif uploaded_file is None:
169 |
st.warning("Please upload a meeting recording.")
170 |
elif meeting_name and uploaded_file:
171 |
with st.spinner("Processing..."):
172 |
file_name =" ", "_")
173 |
if file_name.endswith(".mp4") or file_name.endswith(".mpeg4"):
174 |
print("in video")
175 |
with open("data/videoFiles/" + file_name, "wb") as f:
176 |
177 |
178 |
# Convert video file to audio file
179 |
audio_path = "data/audioFiles/" + file_name[:-4] + ".wav"
180 |
181 |
"data/videoFiles/" + file_name, audio_path
182 |
183 |
file_name = file_name[:-4] + ".wav"
184 |
elif file_name.endswith(".wav"):
185 |
print("in audio")
186 |
with open("data/audioFiles/" + file_name, "wb") as f:
187 |
188 |
189 |
ss.df_transcript_speaker = aws_transcribe(file_name)
190 |
ss.meeting_name = meeting_name
191 |
ss.transcript_speaker_editor = True
192 |
193 |
194 |
def transcript_speaker_editor():
195 |
ss.add_meeting = False
196 |
with st.form("transcript_speaker_editor_form"):
197 |
st.write("Transcript Speaker Editor:")
198 |
199 |
df = ss.df_transcript_speaker.copy(deep=True)
200 |
# Create a list of unique speaker labels
201 |
speaker_labels = df["speaker_label"].unique()
202 |
# Create a dictionary to store the updated values
203 |
updated_speaker_names = {}
204 |
# Display text input boxes for each speaker label
205 |
for speaker_label in speaker_labels:
206 |
new_name = st.text_input(
207 |
f"Edit speaker label '{speaker_label}'", speaker_label
208 |
209 |
updated_speaker_names[speaker_label] = new_name
210 |
# Update the DataFrame with the new speaker label names
211 |
for old_name, new_name in updated_speaker_names.items():
212 |
df["speaker_label"] = df["speaker_label"].replace(old_name, new_name)
213 |
update_speaker_button = st.form_submit_button("Update Speakers")
214 |
if update_speaker_button and df is not None:
215 |
ss.df_transcript_speaker = pd.DataFrame()
216 |
ss.df_transcript_text = df.copy(deep=True)
217 |
del df
218 |
ss.transcript_text_editor = True
219 |
ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
# Function to update the text column
224 |
def transcript_text_editor_update_text(row_index, new_text):
225 |
+[row_index, "text"] = new_text
226 |
227 |
228 |
def transcript_text_editor():
229 |
ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False
230 |
st.write("Transcript Text Editor:")
231 |
232 |
df = ss.df_transcript_text.copy(deep=True)
233 |
ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = df.copy(deep=True)
234 |
# Convert start_time and end_time to HH:MM:SS format
235 |
df["start_time"] = df["start_time"].apply(transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss)
236 |
df["end_time"] = df["end_time"].apply(transcript_text_editor_minutes_to_hhmmss)
237 |
row_index = st.number_input(
238 |
"Enter the row index:",
239 |
240 |
max_value=len(df) - 1,
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
new_text = st.text_area("Enter the new text:",[row_index, "text"])
245 |
update_text_button_inner = st.button("Update Text")
246 |
if update_text_button_inner:
247 |
transcript_text_editor_update_text(row_index, new_text)
248 |
st.success("Text updated successfully!")
249 |
# Display the updated dataframe
250 |
st.header("Updated Transcript")
251 |
252 |
update_text_button = st.button("Finish Transcript Editing")
253 |
if update_text_button:
254 |
with st.spinner("Uploading..."):
255 |
ss.df_transcript_text = pd.DataFrame()
256 |
meeting_summary, meeting_uuid = summarize_runner(
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
ss.meeting_name = "unnamed"
267 |
st.success("Pinecone upsert completed successfully!")
268 |
ss.transcript_text_editor = False
269 |
ss.updated_transcript_df_to_embed = pd.DataFrame()
270 |
ss.chat_view = True
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
def init_streamlit():
275 |
276 |
if os.path.exists("./config/.env"):
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
print(".env file does not exist, API keys must be set manually.")
281 |
282 |
# Set initial state of the sidebar
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 |
289 |
# Initializing sidebar and its components
290 |
with st.sidebar:
291 |
292 |
if st.button("Upload Meeting / Chat"):
293 |
ss.add_meeting = not ss.add_meeting
294 |
ss.chat_view = not ss.chat_view
295 |
ss.transcript_speaker_editor = False
296 |
ss.transcript_text_editor = False
297 |
298 |
if not ss.api_key_set:
299 |
300 |
st.write("Please set the API keys to enable the chat view.")
301 |
st.write("Please ensure that you have already run the ''")
302 |
303 |
if ss.add_meeting and ss.api_key_set:
304 |
305 |
if ss.transcript_speaker_editor:
306 |
307 |
if ss.df_transcript_text is not None and ss.transcript_text_editor:
308 |
309 |
if ss.chat_view and ss.api_key_set:
310 |
chat_view() # Chat view
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
315 |
# Please ensure you have data loaded in Pinecone before running the Streamlit app
316 |
# Please refer
317 |
318 |
319 |
# Test questions:
320 |
# What was discussed about cyberbullying?
321 |
# What is one new feature planned for GitLab's code search?
322 |
# What is the goal of defining maintainability for the new diffs architecture?
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
## Create a .env file and fill in the values for the following keys
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
1 |
# Project Configuration
2 |
3 |
## .env File
4 |
5 |
This file contains the necessary API keys required for the application to function properly. Obtain the API keys from the following sources:
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
## config.json
13 |
14 |
This JSON file holds crucial configuration values for the entire application. Please refer to the documentation before modifying any configurations.
15 |
16 |
### Pinecone Configuration
17 |
18 |
- **PINECONE_INDEX_NAME**: The name of the index, the highest-level organizational unit of vector data in Pinecone.
19 |
- **PINECONE_VECTOR_DIMENSION**: Dimensionality of the embedding model's vectors.
20 |
- **PINECONE_UPSERT_BATCH_LIMIT**: Number of transcript rows inserted into Pinecone Serverless in parallel.
21 |
- **PINECONE_TOP_K_RESULTS**: Number of results fetched by Pinecone for a query.
22 |
- **PINECONE_DELTA_WINDOW**: Conversation window size fetched for TOP_K results.
23 |
- **PINECONE_CLOUD_PROVIDER**: Cloud provider for Pinecone DB.
24 |
- **PINECONE_REGION**: Region of the Pinecone Cloud provider.
25 |
- **PINECONE_METRIC**: Distance metric used by Pinecone to calculate similarity.
26 |
- **PINECONE_NAMESPACE**: Logical separation inside the Pinecone Index.
27 |
28 |
### Embedding Provider Configuration
29 |
30 |
- **EMBEDDING_PROVIDER**: Provider of the embedding model for text-to-vector conversion.
31 |
- **EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME**: Name of the embedding model provided by the provider.
32 |
33 |
### AWS Configuration
34 |
35 |
- **AWS_INPUT_BUCKET**: Bucket for storing audio files for AWS Transcribe.
36 |
- **AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET**: Bucket collecting transcribed files.
37 |
- **AWS_REGION**: AWS region in use.
38 |
- **AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME**: Default name for Transcribe job.
39 |
40 |
### LangChain Configuration
41 |
42 |
- **LC_LLM_TEMPERATURE**: Temperature value for the Large Language Model.
43 |
- **LC_CONV_BUFFER_MEMORY_WINDOW**: Conversation memory window limit. (Future Use)
44 |
- **LC_LLM_SUMMARY_MAX_TOKEN_LIMIT**: Maximum tokens allowed for summary in the memory buffer.
45 |
- **LC_LLM_MODEL**: Large Language Model used for inference.
46 |
47 |
48 |
<i>The config/requirements.txt file was generated using pip freeze, if the primary ./requirements.txt fails, please use config/requirements.txt </i>
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
1 |
2 |
"PINECONE_INDEX_NAME": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
"PINECONE_REGION": "us-west-2",
9 |
"PINECONE_METRIC": "cosine",
10 |
"PINECONE_NAMESPACE": "default_namespace",
11 |
12 |
13 |
"EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME": "text-embedding-3-large",
14 |
15 |
"MASTER_JSON_FILENAME": "master_meeting_details",
16 |
17 |
"AWS_INPUT_BUCKET": "input-bucket",
18 |
"AWS_OUTPUT_BUCKET": "output-bucket",
19 |
"AWS_REGION": "us-east-2",
20 |
"AWS_TRANSCRIBE_JOB_NAME": "transcribe-job",
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
"LC_LLM_MODEL": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
26 |
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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2 |
0,ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11,"This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people.",0
3 |
1,906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81,"This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans.",0
4 |
2,52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63,"The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control.",2
5 |
3,9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073,"This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them.",1
6 |
4,e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b,The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better.,2
7 |
5,61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908,"This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use.",1
8 |
6,52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef,This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups.,1
9 |
7,1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78,"This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros.",1
10 |
8,a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c,"This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros.",1
11 |
9,b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693,"This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons.",1
12 |
10,d8054419-991c-42f8-b736-a9da4f55126f,This meeting was about technical issues that the team had to deal with within the backdrop project. First the team introduced the technical lead for the backdrop C MS project who was introducing the D two B migration model. Next the group discussed technical issues with the D-two B module which was responsible for migration to the database. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the future of the project including future ideas for future work. The group agreed that more work should be done on the background project.,0
13 |
11,95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73,This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design.,0
14 |
12,85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90,The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two.,0
15 |
13,55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87,This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team.,2
16 |
14,15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a,"The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project.",0
17 |
15,875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0,"The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project.",0
18 |
16,72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb,"The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project.",0
19 |
17,4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8,"The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions.",0
20 |
18,4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137,"This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups.",0
21 |
19,9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d,"This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project.",0
22 |
20,d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549,"This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general.",0
23 |
21,876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995,"This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface.",0
24 |
22,98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design.",0
25 |
23,996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements.",0
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:46ac73b03dc95f3188078392bfcd8f7c2a41a406daba3e2aef7ad4c9ca378ee7
3 |
size 74541
Binary file (592 kB). View file
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110356",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 16045,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project."
21 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104645",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 11668,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307111213",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18166,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110956",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 17590,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103947",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 10020,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104317",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 10845,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105931",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 14911,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team."
18 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_4",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104153",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 10462,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110626",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 16718,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Climate Change meeting cop 26",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240304165314",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9666,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the last day of the Cop 26 meeting. Firstly, the group discussed the current climate crisis, the environmental crisis, and the ecological crisis. Next, they talked about how to make sure that young people would not only have the energy source they wanted, but that they would also be able to feed their young children. Lastly, they discussed the future of the project and how they could make it better for the whole world. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the future project and future ideas."
22 |
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105735",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 14373,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
"meeting_summary": "The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two."
19 |
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110526",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 16480,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project."
18 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240303214251",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9655,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103910",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9858,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans."
14 |
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105338",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 13405,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design."
18 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "EMEA Architecture meeting ",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240308121728",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18397,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
"Wan Bae",
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Architecture Weekly EMEA",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240308165216",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18430,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements."
17 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307111248",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18318,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104047",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 10260,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care meeting",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240305093837",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9689,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project."
15 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104836",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 12105,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting of Newyork",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307204141",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18341,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project."
15 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105146",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 12942,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103901",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9814,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
"meeting_summary": "This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people."
20 |
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240303214122",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9344,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
"meeting_summary": "This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general."
19 |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240306145911",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 9712,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project."
15 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_3",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104123",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 10406,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
"meeting_summary": "The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better."
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"meeting_title": "Newyork Health Care Meeting",
5 |
"meeting_uuid": "f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942",
6 |
"meeting_date": "20240308110549",
7 |
"last_conversation_no": 18364,
8 |
"meeting_video_file": false,
9 |
"meeting_members": [
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"meeting_summary": "This is the third meeting of the group. The group first discussed the current trend in the market place and future directions of the market. Then, the group discussed the status of the project and its progress. The meeting ended with a general overview of the New York State and the future direction of the health care field. The final point of the meeting was that the group was very satisfied with the progress of their project and the team was looking forward to the next meeting. The team also discussed the future of the team and the project."
15 |
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
1 |
2 |
"index": "langchain-retrieval-transcript",
3 |
"namespace": "default_namespace",
4 |
"last_conversation_no": 18430,
5 |
"meeting_uuids": [
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
"meetings": [
36 |
37 |
"meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11",
38 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens",
39 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210447",
40 |
"meeting_video_file": false
41 |
42 |
43 |
"meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81",
44 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life",
45 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210500",
46 |
"meeting_video_file": false
47 |
48 |
49 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63",
50 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_1",
51 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210538",
52 |
"meeting_video_file": false
53 |
54 |
55 |
"meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073",
56 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_2",
57 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210641",
58 |
"meeting_video_file": false
59 |
60 |
61 |
"meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b",
62 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_3",
63 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210720",
64 |
"meeting_video_file": false
65 |
66 |
67 |
"meeting_uuid": "61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908",
68 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_4",
69 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210732",
70 |
"meeting_video_file": false
71 |
72 |
73 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef",
74 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset",
75 |
"meeting_date": "20240303210902",
76 |
"meeting_video_file": false
77 |
78 |
79 |
"meeting_uuid": "1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78",
80 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_1",
81 |
"meeting_date": "20240303211228",
82 |
"meeting_video_file": false
83 |
84 |
85 |
"meeting_uuid": "a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c",
86 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014b.Mix-Headset_2",
87 |
"meeting_date": "20240303211406",
88 |
"meeting_video_file": false
89 |
90 |
91 |
"meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693",
92 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset",
93 |
"meeting_date": "20240303211725",
94 |
"meeting_video_file": false
95 |
96 |
97 |
"meeting_uuid": "95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73",
98 |
"meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_1",
99 |
"meeting_date": "20240303211931",
100 |
"meeting_video_file": false
101 |
102 |
103 |
"meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90",
104 |
"meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting",
105 |
"meeting_date": "20240303212309",
106 |
"meeting_video_file": false
107 |
108 |
109 |
"meeting_uuid": "55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87",
110 |
"meeting_title": "Gitlab_Monthly_Release_Kickoff_2",
111 |
"meeting_date": "20240303212514",
112 |
"meeting_video_file": false
113 |
114 |
115 |
"meeting_uuid": "15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a",
116 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1",
117 |
"meeting_date": "20240303212942",
118 |
"meeting_video_file": false
119 |
120 |
121 |
"meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0",
122 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2",
123 |
"meeting_date": "20240303213120",
124 |
"meeting_video_file": false
125 |
126 |
127 |
"meeting_uuid": "72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb",
128 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3",
129 |
"meeting_date": "20240303213204",
130 |
"meeting_video_file": false
131 |
132 |
133 |
"meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8",
134 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow",
135 |
"meeting_date": "20240303213532",
136 |
"meeting_video_file": false
137 |
138 |
139 |
"meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137",
140 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1",
141 |
"meeting_date": "20240303213800",
142 |
"meeting_video_file": false
143 |
144 |
145 |
"meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d",
146 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2",
147 |
"meeting_date": "20240303213838",
148 |
"meeting_video_file": false
149 |
150 |
151 |
"meeting_uuid": "d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549",
152 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_1",
153 |
"meeting_date": "20240303214122",
154 |
"meeting_video_file": false
155 |
156 |
157 |
"meeting_uuid": "876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995",
158 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-17_New_diffs_architecture_blueprint_2",
159 |
"meeting_date": "20240303214251",
160 |
"meeting_video_file": false
161 |
162 |
163 |
"meeting_uuid": "7817cc11-6cb5-46b6-88e4-8bfa340aec97",
164 |
"meeting_title": "Climate Change meeting cop 26",
165 |
"meeting_date": "20240304165314",
166 |
"meeting_video_file": false
167 |
168 |
169 |
"meeting_uuid": "9f845b2f-fae9-4179-90e1-18e757888716",
170 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care meeting",
171 |
"meeting_date": "20240305093837",
172 |
"meeting_video_file": false
173 |
174 |
175 |
"meeting_uuid": "da390244-0d69-4a1b-9e2c-dbc88041a6e9",
176 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting",
177 |
"meeting_date": "20240306145911",
178 |
"meeting_video_file": false
179 |
180 |
181 |
"meeting_uuid": "ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11",
182 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Harmed_Teens",
183 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103901",
184 |
"meeting_video_file": false
185 |
186 |
187 |
"meeting_uuid": "906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81",
188 |
"meeting_title": "Social_Media_-_Ruins_your_life",
189 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103910",
190 |
"meeting_video_file": false
191 |
192 |
193 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63",
194 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_1",
195 |
"meeting_date": "20240307103947",
196 |
"meeting_video_file": false
197 |
198 |
199 |
"meeting_uuid": "9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073",
200 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_2",
201 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104047",
202 |
"meeting_video_file": false
203 |
204 |
205 |
"meeting_uuid": "e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b",
206 |
"meeting_title": "office_relocation_3",
207 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104123",
208 |
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209 |
210 |
211 |
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212 |
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213 |
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214 |
"meeting_video_file": false
215 |
216 |
217 |
"meeting_uuid": "52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef",
218 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014a.Mix-Headset",
219 |
"meeting_date": "20240307104317",
220 |
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221 |
222 |
223 |
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224 |
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225 |
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226 |
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227 |
228 |
229 |
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230 |
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231 |
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232 |
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233 |
234 |
235 |
"meeting_uuid": "b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693",
236 |
"meeting_title": "ES2014c.Mix-Headset",
237 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105146",
238 |
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239 |
240 |
241 |
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242 |
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243 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105338",
244 |
"meeting_video_file": false
245 |
246 |
247 |
"meeting_uuid": "85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90",
248 |
"meeting_title": "product_marketing_meeting",
249 |
"meeting_date": "20240307105735",
250 |
"meeting_video_file": false
251 |
252 |
253 |
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254 |
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255 |
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256 |
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257 |
258 |
259 |
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260 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_1",
261 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110356",
262 |
"meeting_video_file": false
263 |
264 |
265 |
"meeting_uuid": "875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0",
266 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_2",
267 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110526",
268 |
"meeting_video_file": false
269 |
270 |
271 |
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272 |
"meeting_title": "2023-09-26_Architecture_Design_Workflow_New_Diffs_kickoff_call_3",
273 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110626",
274 |
"meeting_video_file": false
275 |
276 |
277 |
"meeting_uuid": "4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8",
278 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-03-New_diffs_Architecture_Workflow",
279 |
"meeting_date": "20240307110956",
280 |
"meeting_video_file": false
281 |
282 |
283 |
"meeting_uuid": "4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137",
284 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_1",
285 |
"meeting_date": "20240307111213",
286 |
"meeting_video_file": false
287 |
288 |
289 |
"meeting_uuid": "9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d",
290 |
"meeting_title": "2023-10-10_New_diffs_architecture_workflow_weekly_EMEA_AMER_2",
291 |
"meeting_date": "20240307111248",
292 |
"meeting_video_file": false
293 |
294 |
295 |
"meeting_uuid": "a5a4de39-568a-4847-905d-059384d5cc6e",
296 |
"meeting_title": "Health Care Meeting of Newyork",
297 |
"meeting_date": "20240307204141",
298 |
"meeting_video_file": false
299 |
300 |
301 |
"meeting_uuid": "f4449933-143b-4e85-b075-5cc63a567942",
302 |
"meeting_title": "Newyork Health Care Meeting",
303 |
"meeting_date": "20240308110549",
304 |
"meeting_video_file": false
305 |
306 |
307 |
"meeting_uuid": "98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385",
308 |
"meeting_title": "EMEA Architecture meeting ",
309 |
"meeting_date": "20240308121728",
310 |
"meeting_video_file": false
311 |
312 |
313 |
"meeting_uuid": "996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf",
314 |
"meeting_title": "Architecture Weekly EMEA",
315 |
"meeting_date": "20240308165216",
316 |
"meeting_video_file": false
317 |
318 |
319 |
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
1 |
2 |
ba94585e-b0df-4633-bef2-a4f94f644c11,"This meeting was about the future of social media. Firstly, the group discussed the current trends in the social media market, including the rise in the use of the internet and the trend-watching. Secondly, they talked about the current trend in the market for the internet, which was largely focused on the young and old people's different tastes. Thirdly, they discussed the role of the Internet in the current political climate, and the future directions of the society. Lastly, they agreed that the market should be more focused on young people and less on old people."
3 |
906c7694-0e33-4c8e-8f51-0365155fbb81,"This is the second meeting about future of social media. First, the group discussed the role of social media as a useful platform and tool for young people. They also discussed the current trend in the market and future direction of young people's lives. Then, the discussion moved onto the topic of young trans kids and how they would like to make their lives better. They talked about how they could help their young trans friends to make sure they were on the right track. Finally, they talked about the future of their group and future plans."
4 |
52d105f8-1c80-4056-8253-732b9e2bec63,"The group was moving to a new building across the street and were moving in three weeks. The group discussed the logistics of the new building. First, the group decided to organise their group into three groups: the phd students, the professor, and the graduate student. Next, they decided what kind of equipment they should have in their new building and how they should design it. Lastly, they discussed how they could make their group more efficient by making sure they had enough money for the cost control."
5 |
9ed1fefa-db53-41fc-a21b-479b67e30073,"This meeting was about the design of the new building. First, the group decided to put two people room in the middle with only one window, so they would have to pay attention to the colour of the building. Next, they decided to place the first para meter, the first one was a para meter to choose people to put in their offices. Then, they agreed to put the second one as well as the third one. Lastly, they discussed how they would make the building more comfortable for all of them."
6 |
e993da88-0e17-4a35-ba9a-c03decca607b,The meeting was about the new office space in the university building. The team first discussed how they would use the space they had been waiting for. The professor thought that they should make it better for the team to work on their next projects. The group also discussed how to make sure that the team would have enough room for all their work. The meeting ended with a group discussion about how they could make their new office better. The professor suggested that the group should make their next project better.
7 |
61d453f1-2852-48d9-a25a-b6e04c3c4908,"This meeting was about the design of the new rooms in new building. First, the group discussed the logistics of putting four people in one of the 23 person rooms: one person, two person and three person rooms. Next, they discussed how to deal with the storage of the equipment. They agreed that they should keep the cost under twelve and a half Euros per room, but they would have to pay attention to the cost control. Lastly, they agreed that the room should be well-lit and that it should be easy to use."
8 |
52d2dfe4-748b-4ecf-84fb-64be6ebcaeef,This is the first meeting of the new remote control project. Project Manager introduced the team members to the project and asked them to come up with a new design for the remote control. The team agreed to make the new product more user-friendly and to make it a remote control for all age groups. The meeting ended with a group discussion about the working design of the product. The group agreed that the product should be a working design with a wide range of functions and should be suitable for all ages groups.
9 |
1be8e439-45b3-4c97-9e4a-5c78c1a15e78,"This meeting was about the working design of the new remote control. First, the group discussed the three presentations from the three team members: from the group's point of view, from the user interface's perspective, and from the industrial design's perspective. They agreed that they should make the product only for TV and that the corporate image should be the final thing to be added to the product. Then, the team discussed the project requirements: the design of components, system, and interface design. The group agreed that the product should be only for television and should be priced at twelve and a half Euros."
10 |
a4b7b490-7b28-4744-85e5-d216f40ff52c,"This meeting was about the design of the new remote control product. Firstly, the group discussed the market requirements of the product: young people would like to have a high-tech design with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market. Next, they talked about the working design of their product: it would be a remote control with LCD screen and voice recognition. Lastly, they discussed the product requirements: the remote control would be good-looking, easy to use, and would be priced at twelve fifty Euros."
11 |
b3821662-03f1-4349-8781-ba5f64439693,"This meeting was about the conceptual design of the remote control. First, the group discussed the components design. They decided to have the, the logo, the company logo in its colour scheme in its own colour scheme. Next, they discussed the technical requirements. The group agreed that the product should be simple to use, but they wanted it to be more expensive. Lastly, they made some decisions about the product design, like the colour scheme, the material, the battery, and the buttons."
12 |
d8054419-991c-42f8-b736-a9da4f55126f,This meeting was about technical issues that the team had to deal with within the backdrop project. First the team introduced the technical lead for the backdrop C MS project who was introducing the D two B migration model. Next the group discussed technical issues with the D-two B module which was responsible for migration to the database. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the future of the project including future ideas for future work. The group agreed that more work should be done on the background project.
13 |
95efa3c5-9770-4160-9f28-35350efb9f73,This is the first time that the team has hosted a release kickoff at Git Lab. The meeting was about the Glab 16.7 monthly release kickoff for November. First the team discussed the current status of the core platforms group. Next the group discussed the future direction of the project including future directions and future work on data science. Lastly the meeting ended with a group discussion about the Deaf section of the web which was mainly about the improvements in the interface design.
14 |
85430eae-d466-4d63-9015-5835bbe71b90,The group product manager introduced the product leaders for the SEC and data science sections. The team was working on a world-class Cops experience with a focus on first class usability and A I powered workflows. They were also working on an interface for the data science section. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future direction of the project including future work on the Cops project and future directions of the C-zero project. The group also discussed the future of the team and their work on C-one and C-two.
15 |
55d8afa8-a1bf-413c-a75c-b8c14da88d87,This meeting was about the logistics of the group meeting. The team was trying to figure out how they could make their group meeting more efficient. The professor suggested that they should make the meeting more interactive and asked the team members to share their knowledge about their work. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project. The group discussed how they would like to make their meeting more useful. They agreed to make it more interactive by making it more accessible to all members of the team.
16 |
15b7549d-4b3f-43b5-9507-85de435f1b4a,"The meeting was about the architecture design of the GIT lab's new DSS project. The group first discussed the design of an architecture design document that would cover the future of the DSS. They discussed how they could further improve the current architecture. The meeting ended with a general discussion about future work on the project, including future directions for the project and future work in general. The final meeting was focused on future work, including a new project manager's role and the future direction of the project."
17 |
875564dc-9954-41da-9084-ccf04ebffdb0,"The meeting was about the performance of the D-goal. The team was reminded that they had to be very careful about the quality of their work. The professor thought that they should make sure that their work was up to standard and that they were doing a good job of it. The group also discussed how they could make their work better. The final meeting ended with a group discussion about the future directions of the project, including the future direction of the team and future work on the project."
18 |
72858a28-248d-4bef-af03-c62a3c285fbb,"The meeting was about the progress of their work on the Aurora project. The group discussed Aurora's progress and future directions. The professor thought that Aurora should create a shared document with some organization to share the work they had done. The team agreed that Aurora's performance should be measured against the criteria they had set for Aurora, but they were not sure how they could make their work better. The meeting ended with a general discussion about Aurora's future directions and future work on Aurora's project."
19 |
4cbd0d4e-6cf9-4db4-bf15-f4f4e4d3d8d8,"The meeting was about the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs project. The team was working on an architecture workflow for the architecture. The professor thought that they should make the team more efficient by making sure that they would not only focus on the architecture, but also on the design of the interface and the interface design. The group also discussed how they could make the project more efficient. The meeting ended with a general discussion about the current status of the project, including the progress of the team's work and future directions."
20 |
4badb5ba-ca92-4c3c-a7e9-0d49fc7a8137,"This is the second meeting of the group. First, the group discussed the logistics of the new time zone. They discussed how to deal with the different time zones of the time zones. Then, they discussed how they could make their work better by making it easier for people to share their work with the world. Lastly, they talked about how to make the new diffs architecture better for the group and how they would make it easier to share ideas about their work and future work with other groups."
21 |
9c5aa3e4-b047-4f08-a838-9b665e251e4d,"This meeting was about the progress of the team's work on the DS project. The team first discussed the technical matters, then moved onto a discussion about how they would make their work more efficient. The final decision was made that the team should focus on the service side rendering, but the team was not sure what they should do to make it better. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion about the future of the project, which was mainly about future work and future thoughts on the project."
22 |
d7c8e3b8-c6e0-4845-8669-f2f4ed1b8549,"This was the second meeting of the new D-goal group. The meeting was about the architecture of the database. First, the group discussed the scroll issues that the team had to deal with. Next, they discussed the logistics of adding the blueprint to the documentation. The group also discussed how they could make their database more robust. Lastly, the meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the database and future thoughts about the team's work in general."
23 |
876e67fa-314d-40e4-b942-21ca63e81995,"This was the final meeting of the interface project. The team first discussed the accessibility issue. The group also discussed the requirements for the interface, such as how to deal with different kinds of data and how to handle different types of data. The final meeting ended with a general discussion about the future of the project, including future work on the interface and future directions for the team's work. The group agreed that the interface should be up to standard and that it should be a good-looking and user-friendly interface."
24 |
98a0b66c-2d0f-4025-b2dc-7a983768b385,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the project. They then moved onto a general discussion about their work on the LSF files. They discussed the future direction of their work. The final meeting ended with a general update on the current progress of their project, including the progress of the current project. The group then discussed the design of the new LSF file. They agreed that it was time to make some improvements to the current design."
25 |
996096bd-965b-45e0-8241-3c9f6d7219cf,"The meeting was about the new DS architecture design. The group first discussed the current status of the team's work on the LSF files. The final decision on LSF was made by the group, but they were not sure what kind of features they should include in their work. Finally, the meeting ended with a brief discussion on the future of the project, including the design of the DS architecture and future work on other computer systems. The group was reminded that they had to make some changes to their work to meet the new requirements."
@@ -0,0 +1,1148 @@
1 |
2 |
0,0.066,0.0881499999999999,spk_0,Right. Welcome everybody.
3 |
1,0.09,0.1603166666666666,spk_0,Um This is the first call about the um
4 |
2,0.1703333333333333,0.2343333333333333,spk_0,um architecture design work for the effort that we're doing about
5 |
3,0.2468333333333333,0.26315,spk_0,the new diffs.
6 |
4,0.2663166666666666,0.3204833333333333,spk_0,"Uh If anybody has any better naming, please suggest"
7 |
5,0.3225,0.3545,spk_0,because uh we're really bad at this.
8 |
9 |
7,0.3723333333333333,0.4491666666666666,spk_0,um let's uh let's start away uh with a little bit of an introduction.
10 |
8,0.4493166666666666,0.5143333333333333,spk_0,"Uh Phil, I'll uh I'll ramble and I'll speak. But uh if you"
11 |
9,0.5171666666666667,0.5616666666666668,spk_0,"feel like something's missing, please cut me off and uh"
12 |
10,0.5709833333333333,0.5863333333333334,spk_0,uh feeling.
13 |
11,0.5993166666666667,0.63615,spk_0,"So, why are we here? So,"
14 |
12,0.6379833333333333,0.6983333333333334,spk_0,"uh in the past couple of years, we've been trying to um"
15 |
13,0.7093333333333334,0.7303166666666667,spk_0,trying to iterate
16 |
17 |
15,0.7594833333333334,0.7778166666666666,spk_0,"somehow you write it, right?"
18 |
16,0.7853166666666667,0.8313333333333334,spk_0,Somebody can take notes. Uh It would be great. Uh Let me try
19 |
17,0.8351666666666666,0.8696666666666667,spk_0,it right on the current MRD
20 |
18,0.8748333333333334,0.92815,spk_0,"architecture. And we've been um we've been, I'm gonna stop"
21 |
19,0.9349833333333332,0.9709833333333332,spk_0,"and we've been uh hitting some,"
22 |
20,0.9738333333333332,1.0488333333333333,spk_0,"some snags about how far along can build application, performance wise,"
23 |
21,1.0489833333333334,1.0698333333333334,spk_0,maintainability wise.
24 |
22,1.0775,1.1418333333333333,spk_0,And we just keep having different kinds of DS in the application.
25 |
23,1.1478333333333333,1.1643333333333334,spk_0,We have
26 |
24,1.16765,1.1775,spk_0,the Merger
27 |
28 |
26,1.1911666666666667,1.2508333333333337,spk_0,Diffs and we have the repository Ds and we have the compare
29 |
27,1.2509833333333331,1.30515,spk_0,view DS between branches and we have the new Merger Quest.
30 |
28,1.305316666666667,1.3238333333333334,spk_0,So there's a bunch of like
31 |
29,1.32715,1.3784833333333333,spk_0,"separate implementations of the DSS that live elsewhere,"
32 |
30,1.38865,1.437,spk_0,"the more we talk about these things, it feels like"
33 |
31,1.4466666666666668,1.5216666666666667,spk_0,we're taking the current architecture as far as we can with
34 |
32,1.5305,1.5775,spk_0,"getting things from Italy cashing in the database,"
35 |
33,1.5776666666666666,1.62615,spk_0,"pushing it to the front end in multiple bit batches,"
36 |
34,1.6294833333333334,1.6813166666666666,spk_0,the front end rendered with a whole tree of view components
37 |
35,1.6858333333333333,1.7503166666666663,spk_0,"uh still with UX. But it, it feels like"
38 |
36,1.7593166666666666,1.799,spk_0,we have iterated a lot added virtual scrolling
39 |
37,1.8113333333333328,1.84565,spk_0,"knowing that it was a temporary solution,"
40 |
38,1.8458333333333328,1.9096666666666664,spk_0,"introducing a couple of side effects that weren't desired,"
41 |
39,1.9098166666666665,1.9539833333333332,spk_0,like user can search the whole this right.
42 |
40,1.975,2.0425,spk_0,The reason why we're here is we wanna try to build
43 |
41,2.0509833333333334,2.151483333333333,spk_0,an architecture design document that will envision the future of diffs at GIT lab.
44 |
42,2.162,2.2213166666666666,spk_0,"And we're explicitly avoiding calling this the merger quest because it's not,"
45 |
43,2.221483333333333,2.23665,spk_0,it's diffs.
46 |
44,2.239983333333333,2.27565,spk_0,"One of them will be the merger quests,"
47 |
45,2.281483333333333,2.3413166666666667,spk_0,"the other will be the repository compared page and anywhere where the diff comes up,"
48 |
46,2.3513333333333333,2.3913166666666665,spk_0,we can have a tool built for that.
49 |
47,2.40465,2.468,spk_0,"So that's why we have source code code, review, giddily present"
50 |
48,2.47415,2.5101666666666667,spk_0,"and back and in front. And of those two teams,"
51 |
49,2.515483333333333,2.5533166666666665,spk_0,we don't have any particular um
52 |
50,2.5781666666666667,2.60015,spk_0,done decision yet.
53 |
51,2.601833333333333,2.645833333333333,spk_0,"So there's a lot of discovery that is gonna be having to go through,"
54 |
52,2.6591666666666667,2.6971666666666665,spk_0,but we count on everybody here.
55 |
53,2.6973166666666666,2.757483333333333,spk_0,"Uh And even those are watching the recording, we count on everybody to"
56 |
54,2.765483333333333,2.8254833333333336,spk_0,help steer the way and help author this design document.
57 |
58 |
56,2.8756500000000003,2.936,spk_0,why we're here is that clear for everybody. Anybody has any questions?
59 |
57,2.953666666666667,2.9726666666666666,spk_0,Did I miss anything? Phil?
60 |
61 |
59,3.0673166666666667,3.0923166666666666,spk_0,So what are we trying to accomplish
62 |
60,3.10015,3.150333333333333,spk_0,a design document covering
63 |
61,3.156,3.176333333333333,spk_0,the architecture
64 |
65 |
63,3.2129833333333333,3.2573333333333334,spk_0,"start to finish? Which would be, I don't know,"
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
68,3.36115,3.3846666666666665,spk_0,um to support
71 |
69,3.404,3.419483333333333,spk_0,a better
72 |
70,3.4266666666666667,3.4531666666666667,spk_0,way of um
73 |
71,3.45515,3.4848166666666667,spk_0,doing this. Let's keep it generic.
74 |
72,3.485,3.5288166666666667,spk_0,"At this point, we'll, we'll cover a little bit more detail down the bottom."
75 |
73,3.5428333333333333,3.58,spk_0,"So that's the goal of this effort. We don't,"
76 |
74,3.58715,3.6401666666666666,spk_0,we don't intend to ship code for production as
77 |
75,3.640316666666666,3.688833333333333,spk_0,part of this effort is the design document is the
78 |
76,3.6985,3.7295,spk_0,um or the documentation
79 |
77,3.735,3.7725,spk_0,is the outcome of this effort.
80 |
78,3.7759833333333335,3.8485,spk_0,"Later, we'll definitely plan out the implementation of these um guidance."
81 |
79,3.84865,3.9175,spk_0,"But for now, all our focus should be on drafting a document that we can all attest."
82 |
80,3.9279833333333336,4.002316666666666,spk_0,"Uh that is covering all scenarios or needs that we have on our side of the,"
83 |
81,4.002483333333333,4.020983333333334,spk_0,"of the equation,"
84 |
82,4.04415,4.06315,spk_0,"-- right? Any questions
85 |
-- there?"
86 |
87 |
88 |
85,4.165166666666667,4.21815,spk_0,Um Dris just covering that a little bit.
89 |
86,4.218333333333334,4.274666666666667,spk_0,"Um We have already identified the uh dris,"
90 |
87,4.2748,4.316466666666667,spk_0,but I wanted to talk a little bit about the expectations for the dr I
91 |
92 |
89,4.346816666666666,4.37965,spk_0,everyone can contribute.
93 |
90,4.386,4.4126666666666665,spk_0,I'll remind everyone of this.
94 |
91,4.412816666666667,4.475983333333334,spk_0,"Oops, I'll remind everyone of this mantra that is definitely um"
95 |
92,4.483333333333333,4.499666666666666,spk_0,real here.
96 |
93,4.503333333333333,4.563983333333333,spk_0,It's not just the dris that will contribute. Everybody is welcome to contribute.
97 |
94,4.57065,4.6075,spk_0,The dris are essentially
98 |
95,4.610666666666667,4.683,spk_0,"in the case of we're having a discussion that we need further input from the team,"
99 |
96,4.68315,4.733333333333333,spk_0,"but the team is not aware, the dris will make sure to loop them in."
100 |
97,4.740833333333334,4.8116666666666665,spk_0,They'll try to make every calls we're having or if not at least
101 |
98,4.811816666666667,4.8738166666666665,spk_0,watch the recording and bring up any potential other discussions to the relevant
102 |
99,4.878166666666667,4.922,spk_0,"people. Say, for example, just off the top of my head,"
103 |
100,4.929166666666667,4.971316666666667,spk_0,I know that Robert May is really uh
104 |
101,4.973316666666666,4.99415,spk_0,um knowledgeable about
105 |
102,4.9965,5.0615,spk_0,"caching if we're discussing about the topic of caching, but Robert is not present."
106 |
103,5.0659833333333335,5.1531666666666665,spk_0,"I count on Igor to loop him in because he's in, he's in his team and, and that would be"
107 |
104,5.155483333333334,5.185,spk_0,"just a great, a great way to keep"
108 |
105,5.191483333333333,5.23115,spk_0,the topics directed to the right experts.
109 |
106,5.2428333333333335,5.29515,spk_0,"Um In case the Uddris can't make the call,"
110 |
107,5.295333333333334,5.351816666666667,spk_0,"just make sure that somebody from your team makes it, that's, that's kind of it."
111 |
108,5.351983333333333,5.38215,spk_0,"Um And if you can't make it,"
112 |
109,5.382333333333333,5.4031666666666665,spk_0,nobody can make it at least watch the
113 |
110,5.403333333333333,5.450483333333334,spk_0,"recording and participate as synchronously in the discussions,"
114 |
111,5.475,5.500666666666667,spk_0,"right? Uh Is that,"
115 |
112,5.5066500000000005,5.521,spk_0,is that clear
116 |
113,5.525,5.554833333333333,spk_0,"in terms of expectations, your eye,"
117 |
114,5.605333333333333,5.630333333333334,spk_0,right? This is like the Andrea show.
118 |
119 |
120 |
117,5.69315,5.72065,spk_0,"Right. So the eyes covered,"
121 |
122 |
119,5.7491666666666665,5.7728166666666665,spk_0,goals um
123 |
120,5.788483333333334,5.827166666666667,spk_0,"I try, I, I give him some plot to this but um"
124 |
121,5.851983333333333,5.880333333333334,spk_0,"so again, create the document"
125 |
122,5.902666666666667,5.927666666666667,spk_0,for the architecture
126 |
123,5.976483333333333,6.0315,spk_0,and then we also need to uh we're brainstorming now.
127 |
124,6.03165,6.0955,spk_0,"So please uh if you can think of something that we're not covering, please speak up."
128 |
125,6.09565,6.151483333333333,spk_0,"And the other thing that we, that we know for sure is needs to cover"
129 |
126,6.154983333333333,6.223,spk_0,all scenarios where diffs are used around Gitla
130 |
127,6.242333333333334,6.2728166666666665,spk_0,"right now. We have identified a few,"
131 |
128,6.2774833333333335,6.33115,spk_0,"uh, I don't think there's more but, um,"
132 |
129,6.343483333333333,6.38465,spk_0,"so there's a lot of, a lot of reusability,"
133 |
130,6.399816666666666,6.452833333333333,spk_0,"uh, will be part of this effort. So"
134 |
131,6.45915,6.491483333333333,spk_0,"we don't know exactly where it's going to be used,"
135 |
136 |
133,6.5065,6.548816666666667,spk_0,"we need to prepare it for reusability every, anywhere it needs"
137 |
134,6.5695,6.602333333333333,spk_0,"to cover all scenarios. Um,"
138 |
135,6.65715,6.6786666666666665,spk_0,"anybody has any,"
139 |
136,6.69465,6.70565,spk_1,"what's the,"
140 |
137,6.7085,6.746,spk_2,what's the scope of the word
141 |
138,6.747816666666667,6.780483333333334,spk_2,diffs in this context? Because
142 |
139,6.790483333333333,6.850666666666667,spk_2,"if we like, if it's, if it can be reused anywhere, that to me means like, oh,"
143 |
140,6.850816666666667,6.884316666666667,spk_2,it's a component that can render a diff
144 |
145 |
142,6.910316666666667,6.947816666666666,spk_2,we can also be talking about like the entire DS
146 |
147 |
144,6.97065,7.005983333333333,spk_2,"So what's, what are we kind of, what are we"
148 |
145,7.009,7.0495,spk_2,trying to scope out here that can be reused everywhere.
149 |
146,7.100666666666666,7.12015,spk_0,Anybody has any thoughts on that.
150 |
147,7.173666666666667,7.196,spk_3,I it probably makes sense
151 |
148,7.20615,7.219833333333334,spk_3,to go
152 |
149,7.235316666666667,7.252983333333333,spk_3,the side of
153 |
154 |
151,7.266983333333333,7.286316666666667,spk_3,that can be used
155 |
152,7.290666666666667,7.329983333333334,spk_3,anywhere rather than being specific in the dry
156 |
157 |
154,7.3465,7.359,spk_3,commits whatever
158 |
155,7.374316666666667,7.390833333333333,spk_3,I can just take this comp
159 |
156,7.39515,7.415483333333333,spk_3,compare and give it ad
160 |
157,7.417833333333333,7.443833333333333,spk_3,and it could just render it essentially
161 |
158,7.463816666666666,7.477483333333334,spk_3,will be nice.
162 |
159,7.49715,7.522316666666667,spk_2,"So OK, so"
163 |
160,7.53015,7.579333333333333,spk_2,"just so we're on the same page, are we talking about? Basically"
164 |
161,7.599666666666667,7.648316666666666,spk_2,our goal here is to be able to render
165 |
166 |
163,7.684,7.703666666666667,spk_2,any diff
167 |
164,7.7095,7.765983333333334,spk_2,"in, in a, in a component that we can share across the whole application"
168 |
165,7.772316666666667,7.840166666666667,spk_2,"is that sort of the, the idea of this like new diffs sort of thing,"
169 |
166,7.90565,8.002483333333334,spk_2,"we wouldn't be, we wouldn't be reworking like any, any of the other parts of the Diffs"
170 |
167,8.0065,8.051316666666667,spk_2,"App. Uh, we wouldn't be re reworking."
171 |
168,8.0725,8.138816666666667,spk_2,"Uh, I don't know, it would just be a component that renders a diff is that, but better,"
172 |
169,8.138983333333334,8.16015,spk_2,"-- better than for
173 |
-- everyone."
174 |
170,8.160316666666667,8.201983333333333,spk_0,"Let me, let me step in there. Um,"
175 |
171,8.226166666666666,8.2695,spk_0,you're correct in part that the Diffs App has a
176 |
172,8.26965,8.3105,spk_0,lot of stuff that are not relevant for every diff.
177 |
173,8.3125,8.326666666666666,spk_0,"However, a"
178 |
174,8.3355,8.367333333333333,spk_0,collection of Diffs is a diff a
179 |
175,8.37165,8.431833333333334,spk_0,file tree to navigate the collection of Diffs. Because if you think about
180 |
176,8.439666666666668,8.505833333333333,spk_0,"it, if you give it, if you, if you think of ad D conceptually in git,"
181 |
177,8.512,8.5795,spk_0,"you might have more than one file, you have a long patch with multiple files."
182 |
178,8.579666666666666,8.595316666666667,spk_0,That's part of the D
183 |
179,8.59765,8.61315,spk_0,that we want to render it.
184 |
180,8.613316666666666,8.675166666666666,spk_0,"And it's relevant for commits, it's relevant for comparing branches"
185 |
181,8.680333333333333,8.72,spk_0,"and we can lever, we can, we can keep it scoped on the"
186 |
182,8.724483333333334,8.77265,spk_0,Giff. What's a Giff? It's like all the information that's present in the
187 |
183,8.7755,8.825166666666666,spk_0,"Giff, everything around it. So for example,"
188 |
189 |
185,8.861316666666667,8.920166666666667,spk_0,in the merger graph would be all the options um
190 |
186,8.927166666666666,8.941316666666667,spk_0,related to the Mer
191 |
187,8.943,8.996483333333334,spk_0,"gra itself, like the header and all that stuff. It's not present on the DS."
192 |
188,9.003166666666667,9.04665,spk_0,But the way it's presented in line or parallel
193 |
189,9.046816666666668,9.1085,spk_0,should be accounted for at least the presentational part.
194 |
195 |
191,9.158333333333331,9.183983333333334,spk_0,"the way you worded it,"
196 |
192,9.18415,9.266,spk_0,it's a very front end code review scope which is fair because that's where you live.
197 |
193,9.274333333333333,9.316,spk_0,But we behind this component.
198 |
194,9.31615,9.384666666666666,spk_0,We need to potentially change a few things on how the D gets to the browser
199 |
195,9.389,9.425983333333331,spk_0,"to make it performing, to make it fast."
200 |
196,9.429333333333334,9.491833333333334,spk_0,"Um So one of the, one of the things we had talked about already is"
201 |
197,9.495316666666668,9.533833333333334,spk_0,uh performance um
202 |
198,9.548,9.582333333333333,spk_0,not being degraded
203 |
199,9.588483333333333,9.645,spk_0,regardless of how big the Mr is.
204 |
200,9.664,9.674166666666666,spk_0,That's kind of like a
205 |
201,9.677166666666666,9.741316666666666,spk_0,"like overall thing. The, the number one complaint we hear from"
206 |
202,9.75,9.792,spk_0,product and customers. I talked to Kyle yesterday about this
207 |
203,9.804333333333334,9.846,spk_0,is the the speed of the diffs.
208 |
204,9.846166666666669,9.943483333333331,spk_0,"I can't review my 5000 changes, Mr or my 5000 files changed. Mr"
209 |
205,9.951166666666667,10.01315,spk_0,uh So we wanna make sure that whatever we build should
210 |
206,10.013316666666666,10.053983333333331,spk_0,"be built with performance in mind from the day one,"
211 |
207,10.054166666666667,10.07565,spk_0,from the moment we get data from
212 |
213 |
209,10.092316666666669,10.144833333333333,spk_0,we need to account for performance optimizations
214 |
215 |
211,10.159316666666667,10.179333333333334,spk_0,"so the user doesn't,"
216 |
212,10.182333333333334,10.21215,spk_0,doesn't see the diff entirely
217 |
213,10.214316666666669,10.227983333333333,spk_0,right away.
218 |
214,10.228166666666668,10.281666666666666,spk_0,"The way we've been iterating on the past couple of years is we batch it,"
219 |
215,10.281816666666666,10.30365,spk_0,we render the first
220 |
216,10.31615,10.356666666666667,spk_0,"batch first push that to the browser,"
221 |
217,10.356816666666669,10.406816666666666,spk_0,render that and then continue to progressively render the rest.
222 |
218,10.415483333333333,10.423166666666669,spk_0,"But the,"
223 |
219,10.423333333333334,10.45815,spk_0,the way we get the data from Gidley and the way
224 |
220,10.458333333333334,10.497483333333332,spk_0,"we started in rails might not be prepared for that,"
225 |
221,10.49765,10.533833333333334,spk_0,not might not be optimized for that.
226 |
222,10.538,10.589316666666669,spk_0,Um We can probably have some clever ways of doing
227 |
223,10.589483333333334,10.637833333333331,spk_0,"it a little bit differently if not perfectly fine,"
228 |
229 |
225,10.6525,10.682666666666666,spk_0,"we'll in this part of the effort,"
230 |
226,10.682816666666668,10.744833333333334,spk_0,we'll reassess all of these parts to see is there any way that we can do it better?
231 |
227,10.745,10.788483333333334,spk_0,So the scope is rendering a diff
232 |
228,10.799,10.847,spk_0,allowing the user to customize the way it
233 |
229,10.847166666666666,10.899333333333333,spk_0,sees the diff uh because preferences are relevant.
234 |
230,10.908333333333331,10.960666666666668,spk_0,"Um But it's much more deeper than that,"
235 |
231,10.960833333333332,11.029333333333334,spk_0,"it goes back to all the way down to Galli and the way we get the information from,"
236 |
232,11.0295,11.064483333333332,spk_0,"from that side is that, is that clear?"
237 |
233,11.07265,11.107333333333331,spk_0,"Is that fair? Sorry? Might, you might disagree with me?"
238 |
234,11.12665,11.149,spk_1,Uh Does it mean that
239 |
235,11.161983333333334,11.195166666666667,spk_1,"we're going to increase that I,"
240 |
236,11.198,11.21515,spk_1,that we currently have
241 |
237,11.222816666666668,11.242316666666667,spk_1,or we're going to remove them?
242 |
238,11.270833333333334,11.281816666666666,spk_1,Sorry. What was that?
243 |
239,11.28415,11.301983333333334,spk_0,What was that Patrick?
244 |
240,11.3035,11.322166666666666,spk_0,"-- Does it mean that we're
245 |
-- go,"
246 |
241,11.322333333333331,11.381333333333334,spk_1,does it mean that we're going to increase the limits that we currently have
247 |
248 |
243,11.43815,11.445,spk_1,remove it?
249 |
250 |
245,11.471483333333332,11.47565,spk_1,is that a
251 |
252 |
247,11.552333333333332,11.579666666666666,spk_0,"you're talking about the application limits, right."
253 |
254 |
249,11.596,11.6125,spk_1,"Yeah, the different limits."
255 |
256 |
251,11.668316666666666,11.694166666666666,spk_0,The application limits were
257 |
258 |
253,11.730983333333333,11.77865,spk_0,to fit the current way we deliver gifts to the browser.
259 |
254,11.797333333333333,11.858333333333333,spk_0,I would say that we could think about it and potentially
260 |
255,11.8755,11.907816666666667,spk_0,"uh we don't, I think"
261 |
256,11.921166666666666,11.941,spk_0,"we're probably gonna need to,"
262 |
257,11.942,11.986833333333331,spk_0,to think about a way to build this on the side of what we have.
263 |
258,11.986983333333333,12.038483333333334,spk_0,"So we're probably gonna be, you know, new end points,"
264 |
259,12.038666666666666,12.113316666666666,spk_0,"new API S kind of thing and we might have different application limits there,"
265 |
260,12.113483333333331,12.15065,spk_0,whatever makes sense to keep the stability of the platform.
266 |
261,12.150816666666667,12.167,spk_0,"So I, I would say"
267 |
262,12.180666666666667,12.198816666666668,spk_0,"I would say yes, but"
268 |
263,12.2075,12.22865,spk_0,I think it's up to us to
269 |
264,12.242166666666666,12.301816666666667,spk_0,"to test those limits. If they're working, we keep, we should keep it"
270 |
265,12.304816666666667,12.339833333333331,spk_0,"and if they're not working, we should revise them."
271 |
266,12.373,12.407333333333334,spk_4,I think part of this issue here is also really the
272 |
267,12.4075,12.464483333333334,spk_4,"giddily api that we provide from our side because currently,"
273 |
268,12.464666666666666,12.5005,spk_4,"as you already said, um the api that giddily"
274 |
269,12.503816666666667,12.52665,spk_4,provides is
275 |
270,12.538833333333333,12.584983333333334,spk_4,not really ideal when it comes to rendering this because
276 |
271,12.58515,12.6335,spk_4,"we don't really provide an incremental way to give you,"
277 |
272,12.633666666666668,12.685666666666666,spk_4,"for example, this for only parts of an Mr for example."
278 |
273,12.691666666666666,12.72665,spk_4,And this is something where I feel like we in the
279 |
274,12.729983333333331,12.799,spk_4,G team should really iterate on our current API design and make this better so
280 |
275,12.799166666666666,12.851983333333331,spk_4,that uh that so that we can support your needs in a better way.
281 |
276,12.91615,12.941483333333334,spk_0,"Yeah, I agree. Patrick, thank you."
282 |
277,12.94865,13.019166666666669,spk_0,"Uh I think it's important to, to, to be aware that at this moment"
283 |
278,13.023166666666668,13.0605,spk_0,we're not accounting for level of effort
284 |
279,13.064316666666668,13.079333333333333,spk_0,that comes later.
285 |
280,13.082816666666666,13.16515,spk_0,"OK? If we think about all the work that needs to get done for this, it's a lot of work."
286 |
287 |
282,13.194833333333332,13.25715,spk_0,But we're not gonna stop ourselves right away to just do the simplest things.
288 |
283,13.257333333333332,13.291833333333331,spk_0,We want something that gets to the goal and then
289 |
284,13.292,13.33115,spk_0,we'll plan the implementation around that as we go forward.
290 |
285,13.331333333333331,13.346816666666667,spk_0,"But for now,"
291 |
286,13.35065,13.377166666666668,spk_0,everything is up for revision
292 |
287,13.380983333333331,13.464,spk_0,"and it's up to us later. Like that's a future problem, a future self problem. Um"
293 |
288,13.472483333333331,13.516,spk_0,"Thanks Patrick. I think that's, that's pretty, pretty spot on"
294 |
289,13.593833333333333,13.66415,spk_5,and uh just a quick question. Just for clarification.
295 |
290,13.665666666666668,13.709316666666666,spk_5,I had an impression that uh this new DS
296 |
297 |
292,13.734316666666668,13.790833333333332,spk_5,"uh it's like uh we already have like magic requests,"
298 |
293,13.79665,13.80365,spk_5,uh commit
299 |
300 |
295,13.812833333333334,13.86115,spk_5,"and it's like it works, works perfectly,"
301 |
296,13.861316666666667,13.946816666666669,spk_5,but it's not so performance and not so scalable you want and we want to have it like
302 |
297,13.948483333333334,13.986983333333333,spk_5,"to work, uh have it work faster."
303 |
298,13.989,14.073483333333334,spk_5,"Yeah, but after this discussion, I have an impression that uh it's not the case yet."
304 |
299,14.07365,14.142833333333334,spk_5,We just want to improve like the quality and it doesn't mean that uh
305 |
300,14.143,14.204816666666666,spk_5,we it's only performance and only scalability
306 |
301,14.204983333333333,14.269483333333334,spk_5,we like considering all the aspects of
307 |
308 |
303,14.2785,14.30615,spk_5,or correct me if I'm wrong.
309 |
310 |
305,14.384316666666669,14.443483333333331,spk_0,That's a really interesting question with a really vague
311 |
306,14.445833333333333,14.472166666666666,spk_0,answer in my part
312 |
307,14.48615,14.534316666666667,spk_0,"because it, it's really to be defined. And I'll give you an example"
313 |
308,14.544833333333331,14.5825,spk_0,what we like. The current implementation of
314 |
315 |
310,14.6095,14.6545,spk_0,"satisfies the need, presenting the gift to the users,"
316 |
317 |
312,14.674333333333331,14.727166666666667,spk_0,"However, as we're iterating towards a new solution,"
318 |
313,14.7295,14.793833333333334,spk_0,there might be opportunities to solve long running problems.
319 |
314,14.794,14.8125,spk_0,And I'll give you an example
320 |
315,14.822166666666666,14.879816666666668,spk_0,"right now. Every comment is attached to a, to a line"
321 |
316,14.88615,14.923816666666667,spk_0,and a line it exists on a revision
322 |
317,14.929166666666667,14.977166666666667,spk_0,of an uh a merger quest or a branch comparison with something
323 |
324 |
319,15.009833333333331,15.05915,spk_0,"which gets trickier because on the merger quests,"
325 |
320,15.073816666666668,15.116833333333334,spk_0,"we're constantly comparing to the moving target,"
326 |
321,15.117,15.16415,spk_0,"the the moving head of the target branch, right?"
327 |
322,15.164316666666666,15.213,spk_0,"Uh The patches might be the same, we have some patch ID where"
328 |
323,15.21615,15.229983333333331,spk_0,flight and everything.
329 |
324,15.25365,15.29865,spk_0,"But we're attaching it to the line, right?"
330 |
325,15.318483333333331,15.37,spk_0,We have a bunch of ideas and features that rely on
331 |
326,15.370166666666666,15.428816666666666,spk_0,being able to leave comments on things other than the line.
332 |
327,15.430983333333334,15.465483333333331,spk_0,"For example, commit message."
333 |
328,15.468483333333332,15.525333333333334,spk_0,Why shouldn't the reviewer be able to comment on the commit message?
334 |
329,15.541,15.598,spk_0,"There's other things like um instead of comedy on a line,"
335 |
330,15.609666666666667,15.67,spk_0,"we should, why not be able to comment on a code object?"
336 |
331,15.670166666666669,15.727333333333334,spk_0,"And if you think about an if clause four loop,"
337 |
332,15.72765,15.779333333333334,spk_0,"if you can attach the comment to that structure of code,"
338 |
333,15.7795,15.82,spk_0,"if somebody adds lines at the top,"
339 |
334,15.826333333333332,15.842833333333331,spk_0,the comment
340 |
335,15.84465,15.890666666666666,spk_0,should still apply to the structure if that's unchanged.
341 |
336,15.894,15.902816666666666,spk_0,"And you've seen some,"
342 |
337,15.902983333333331,15.964,spk_0,we've seen some competitors doing this uh like code review specific tools.
343 |
338,15.975166666666668,16.03415,spk_0,"So here's, here's how I reframe it to this effort to answer your question."
344 |
339,16.04681666666667,16.08115,spk_0,We might think of a way to
345 |
346 |
341,16.124333333333333,16.183833333333332,spk_0,rethink the address ability of comments on a diff.
347 |
342,16.185316666666665,16.25265,spk_0,Is it attached to a line or is attached to a vague object that has
348 |
343,16.252816666666668,16.316666666666666,spk_0,"some sort of ur I that allows us to resolve the location of it,"
349 |
350 |
345,16.329666666666668,16.363483333333335,spk_0,"If we do that work now, in this effort,"
351 |
346,16.363666666666667,16.416483333333332,spk_0,design a way to like like an address format which
352 |
347,16.416666666666668,16.4605,spk_0,"is sort of like a URL for comments on diffs,"
353 |
348,16.470316666666665,16.554816666666667,spk_0,we should be able to later on build these new features going beyond the D
354 |
355 |
356 |
351,16.585833333333333,16.627333333333333,spk_0,"for now, we're just talking about the architecture"
357 |
352,16.6305,16.681816666666666,spk_0,for what we currently have to satisfy those needs.
358 |
353,16.685316666666665,16.727983333333334,spk_0,"It doesn't stop us from thinking about what, what,"
359 |
354,16.728166666666667,16.75733333333333,spk_0,what doors we could open for the future.
360 |
355,16.7575,16.796166666666668,spk_0,That's why it's an architecture effort where
361 |
356,16.798816666666667,16.824,spk_0,we're thinking about the future.
362 |
357,16.829666666666668,16.89965,spk_0,"But we're targeting, if anything, if, if to answer a little bit more directly,"
363 |
358,16.900333333333332,16.929333333333332,spk_0,"feature parody would be OK,"
364 |
359,16.943316666666668,17.01315,spk_0,"like if we have a way to render Ds, that gets what we have today, I"
365 |
360,17.01515,17.0355,spk_0,think that's a success.
366 |
361,17.039483333333333,17.071166666666667,spk_0,"If we can go beyond that, that's amazing."
367 |
362,17.07133333333333,17.116833333333332,spk_0,"But we should always account for, for example,"
368 |
363,17.117,17.176483333333334,spk_0,uh the common should be able to leave suggestions on the Ds uh
369 |
364,17.1853,17.222466666666666,spk_0,"Because that we have, we have that today. Now,"
370 |
365,17.22465,17.2945,spk_0,does that apply to merger quests only or does that apply to the repository as well?
371 |
366,17.297466666666665,17.334483333333335,spk_0,That's part of the conversations we'll be having along the way
372 |
373 |
368,17.378316666666667,17.39131666666667,spk_0,waited answer
374 |
369,17.393466666666665,17.4275,spk_0,"is that, is that, does that add any clarity?"
375 |
376 |
371,17.440166666666666,17.478650000000002,spk_5,"uh Yeah, thanks. Thanks for the answer."
377 |
372,17.478816666666667,17.568483333333333,spk_5,So then I maybe I would suggest uh and one of the action items is uh
378 |
373,17.569333333333333,17.68515,spk_5,gathering all the existing issues and ideas that we have um already um in one place
379 |
374,17.690416666666668,17.774566666666665,spk_5,"in case uh unless you want like uh to start, have a fresh start. Yeah."
380 |
375,17.774733333333334,17.87375,spk_5,"And uh get the new ideas and then compare them to the, to the old ones. But maybe, yeah."
381 |
376,17.873916666666666,17.935066666666668,spk_5,Uh let's maybe let's have the old ideas so we could
382 |
377,17.939583333333335,18.00225,spk_5,uh like see the problems that we need to solve or
383 |
378,18.01415,18.05365,spk_5,"um yeah, by our new architecture."
384 |
379,18.06733333333333,18.079166666666666,spk_5,Yeah. Thank you.
385 |
380,18.0835,18.091316666666668,spk_0,That's fair.
386 |
381,18.091483333333333,18.140816666666662,spk_0,I added a note here to the immediate task that we'll talk about in just a second.
387 |
382,18.15115,18.165,spk_0,"Yes, I think you're right."
388 |
383,18.165166666666668,18.200166666666668,spk_0,"I think we, that is something that will be, for example,"
389 |
384,18.200333333333333,18.251816666666667,spk_0,we know this because we've been working on this on the code review side of things.
390 |
385,18.25198333333333,18.27198333333333,spk_0,"But I don't expect, you know,"
391 |
386,18.27215,18.315,spk_0,Patrick from Italy or you from source code to know about what
392 |
387,18.315166666666663,18.346833333333333,spk_0,we've been talking about on the product side of code review.
393 |
388,18.34698333333333,18.359483333333333,spk_0,For sure.
394 |
389,18.36565,18.397316666666665,spk_0,That's definitely gonna be part of
395 |
390,18.41015,18.455816666666667,spk_0,the uh the tasks I'm just checking.
396 |
391,18.45798333333333,18.5175,spk_0,OK. So it's a 50 minute call. So we have a bit more like 30 minutes.
397 |
392,18.532316666666667,18.622816666666665,spk_0,"OK? Um What else? That's the scope, the scope can move on."
398 |
393,18.623,18.657316666666667,spk_0,Can we move on from the scope? Is that clear for everybody?
399 |
400 |
395,18.753316666666667,18.7985,spk_0,So then in terms of objectives like performance not
401 |
396,18.798666666666666,18.83566666666667,spk_0,"being degraded regardless of how big the Mr is,"
402 |
397,18.835833333333333,18.87848333333333,spk_0,I feel like that's clear for everybody having some
403 |
398,18.87865,18.92815,spk_0,"sort of progressive ways of getting data rendering,"
404 |
399,18.928316666666667,18.968316666666663,spk_0,"data caching, all that stuff."
405 |
400,18.9715,18.996983333333333,spk_0,Um That's good.
406 |
401,19.00483333333333,19.05633333333333,spk_0,"And this again, this means different things for each one of us. For the front end."
407 |
402,19.0565,19.096833333333333,spk_0,It means that we'll have to find ways so that the
408 |
403,19.100166666666667,19.10815,spk_0,front end
409 |
404,19.111816666666662,19.18166666666667,spk_0,architecture is not compromised when the Mr starts to get large.
410 |
411 |
406,19.223666666666663,19.264666666666667,spk_0,"Anything, any other objectives that we should"
412 |
407,19.267333333333333,19.282,spk_0,keep in mind?
413 |
408,19.323666666666668,19.351316666666666,spk_5,I I have a quick question.
414 |
409,19.35148333333333,19.443316666666668,spk_5,"Yeah, but feel free to uh let me know that we should discuss it uh later at some point"
415 |
410,19.44765,19.51398333333333,spk_5,uh regarding the highlighting on the front end.
416 |
417 |
412,19.524316666666667,19.5425,spk_5,"Uh I, I, sorry,"
418 |
413,19.542666666666666,19.59365,spk_5,I haven't checked this initiative yet but I remember
419 |
414,19.593833333333333,19.64183333333333,spk_5,that we uh developed uh some part of it.
420 |
415,19.644,19.698166666666665,spk_5,Uh just wanted to know at which stage we are.
421 |
416,19.69833333333333,19.75398333333333,spk_5,Is it like fully rolled out or do we have any blockers?
422 |
423 |
418,19.82733333333333,19.842816666666668,spk_0,do you want to talk about that?
424 |
419,19.934166666666663,19.995833333333334,spk_6,Uh Are you referring to the syntax highlighting of the blobs?
425 |
426 |
427 |
422,20.034166666666668,20.109166666666667,spk_6,Yeah. That would be a separate initiative. I think like um
428 |
423,20.11133333333333,20.14715,spk_6,the syntax highlighting of the blobs
429 |
424,20.167816666666667,20.24,spk_6,"like the holidays that we use there doesn't really do this as far as,"
430 |
425,20.240166666666667,20.261,spk_6,as far as I'm aware.
431 |
432 |
427,20.304166666666667,20.376316666666668,spk_6,"And it's also separate separate screens as well. Like viewing a blob is not,"
433 |
428,20.383666666666667,20.47665,spk_6,"is not related to viewing a, a specific commit or, or comparing it to a"
434 |
429,20.48465,20.526316666666663,spk_6,"-- different commit. It's a separate
435 |
-- page."
436 |
430,20.556833333333334,20.601,spk_0,"Yeah. Thanks Jack. I feel like that's, that's exactly right."
437 |
431,20.60115,20.6295,spk_0,We've been taking some lessons from that.
438 |
432,20.629666666666665,20.711483333333334,spk_0,It was a nice experiment but it rendering a blob is different than rendering a patch
439 |
433,20.715816666666665,20.78515,spk_0,and we've noticed that it can lead to incorrect uh highlighting.
440 |
441 |
435,20.819666666666667,20.852666666666668,spk_0,I think it's important to keep in mind
442 |
436,20.858833333333333,20.88,spk_0,the lessons there
443 |
437,20.894816666666667,20.91848333333333,spk_0,"because if we're,"
444 |
438,20.942666666666668,21.023,spk_0,"if we accept the imprecision of the highlight is an acceptable cost,"
445 |
439,21.040166666666668,21.051483333333334,spk_0,we can try it.
446 |
447 |
441,21.07933333333333,21.125,spk_0,"that's again, at the moment, we don't think"
448 |
442,21.127666666666663,21.14183333333333,spk_0,that would be applicable.
449 |
443,21.142,21.17383333333333,spk_0,"But if anybody has any other thoughts on that,"
450 |
444,21.17398333333333,21.227166666666665,spk_0,but we could defer the highlighting to the front end or we can pre
451 |
445,21.23,21.25483333333333,spk_0,render it in some ways
452 |
446,21.268833333333333,21.292816666666667,spk_0,all of that is
453 |
447,21.296983333333333,21.39515,spk_0,uh valid and a part of this um gathering existing issues and potential proposals.
454 |
448,21.395316666666663,21.4625,spk_0,Uh I know that carry um you had previously proposed something like
455 |
449,21.478,21.552333333333333,spk_0,do more of prec calculation of the data that we need to render the DS.
456 |
450,21.55615,21.591666666666665,spk_0,I think we wanna need to revisit that at some point.
457 |
451,21.59233333333333,21.6465,spk_0,Um So let's make sure that those issues are created
458 |
452,21.64666666666667,21.694333333333333,spk_0,and documented at least and highlighted here in this um
459 |
453,21.705816666666667,21.748,spk_0,"effort. Uh Well, well, I don't know, we'll have a,"
460 |
454,21.759,21.78065,spk_0,let's create an Epic
461 |
462 |
463 |
464 |
458,21.8525,21.885316666666668,spk_0,we don't want to move them from the current Epics.
465 |
466 |
460,21.90198333333333,21.948833333333333,spk_0,an issue and document them all there.
467 |
461,21.95565,22.0085,spk_0,"OK? I'll, I'll assign that desk in just a bit to somebody."
468 |
462,22.029166666666665,22.061,spk_0,Does that make sense? Scary of like bringing that
469 |
463,22.06415,22.080166666666667,spk_0,thing back?
470 |
471 |
472 |
466,22.13833333333333,22.19183333333333,spk_0,"Highlighting on the front end. OK. Does that satisfy your question, Igor"
473 |
467,22.218316666666663,22.2875,spk_5,"Yeah. Yeah. And if I have a half a minute, I can explain why I actually asked"
474 |
475 |
469,22.296166666666668,22.319816666666668,spk_5,"Uh uh Because yeah,"
476 |
470,22.32248333333333,22.353316666666668,spk_5,when I think about performance of the
477 |
478 |
472,22.3635,22.41815,spk_5,"I remember that we do something like, for example, we have ad"
479 |
473,22.41998333333333,22.49065,spk_5,for file and currently we fetch the old version of the D
480 |
474,22.49683333333333,22.564666666666668,spk_5,uh old version of the whole block and the new version of the whole block
481 |
475,22.571666666666665,22.61133333333333,spk_5,uh just to highlight the D
482 |
483 |
477,22.631666666666668,22.709333333333333,spk_5,"Uh why uh uh do, why do we do historically"
484 |
478,22.71283333333333,22.78783333333333,spk_5,uh just because we want the D to be correct because sometimes uh
485 |
479,22.791316666666667,22.82133333333333,spk_5,it's uh context
486 |
487 |
481,22.83098333333333,22.90883333333333,spk_5,"Yeah, for example, you have a stream opened like 10 lines somewhere higher."
488 |
482,22.91133333333333,22.934,spk_5,"Uh Yeah, behind the D"
489 |
483,22.941666666666663,23.00198333333333,spk_5,and uh we still want to highlight it correctly.
490 |
491 |
492 |
486,23.027166666666663,23.102666666666668,spk_5,"uh I believe if we start discussing performance improvements of the depths,"
493 |
487,23.102833333333333,23.16865,spk_5,these are the questions that we probably will be uh
494 |
488,23.16883333333333,23.23333333333333,spk_5,often try to solve and find like the new tradeoffs.
495 |
489,23.234816666666667,23.2855,spk_5,"So yeah, it's something that we can"
496 |
490,23.289316666666668,23.37333333333333,spk_5,"uh discuss later. But yeah, a lot of tradeoffs will be involved."
497 |
491,23.379166666666663,23.392666666666667,spk_5,"So yeah,"
498 |
492,23.396833333333333,23.416666666666668,spk_5,one of the examples
499 |
493,23.45381666666667,23.481666666666666,spk_2,I was doing um a
500 |
494,23.494333333333334,23.50815,spk_2,like for
501 |
502 |
496,23.53,23.5405,spk_2,in the
503 |
497,23.546666666666667,23.586816666666667,spk_2,"little, it's like micro app that I wrote."
504 |
498,23.590333333333334,23.6335,spk_2,Um that was the exact problem that I ran into.
505 |
499,23.633666666666667,23.67333333333333,spk_2,I never actually saw incorrect highlighting
506 |
500,23.677666666666667,23.7695,spk_2,"but the flaw was there where if we didn't have the whole lab, um it,"
507 |
501,23.769666666666662,23.80633333333333,spk_2,"it could have highlighted incorrectly because of what you said, you know,"
508 |
502,23.8065,23.858833333333333,spk_2,"30 lines up, something happened that needed that changed the highlighting."
509 |
510 |
504,23.9,23.937316666666668,spk_2,If we have to fetch the whole blob anyway.
511 |
505,23.94565,23.994983333333334,spk_2,"Um in, in my opinion, uh"
512 |
513 |
507,24.023983333333334,24.03865,spk_2,end highlighting
514 |
508,24.044166666666666,24.075333333333333,spk_2,allows us more flexibility
515 |
509,24.08031666666667,24.176,spk_2,um because we can wait until the user scrolls to near the file to highlight it.
516 |
517 |
511,24.194666666666667,24.226983333333333,spk_2,"there's a lot of, there's a lot, like you said,"
518 |
512,24.227166666666665,24.256833333333333,spk_2,there's a lot of tradeoffs because now you've got
519 |
513,24.257,24.288166666666665,spk_2,to deliver the whole blog to the front end.
520 |
521 |
515,24.3445,24.40348333333333,spk_0,"so what the way I envision this and if you have better ideas, this is like,"
522 |
516,24.40365,24.438816666666668,spk_0,please propose is that as the
523 |
517,24.4445,24.46815,spk_0,"discussions evolve,"
524 |
518,24.476983333333333,24.498666666666665,spk_0,we're probably gonna have
525 |
519,24.5045,24.592166666666667,spk_0,big topics in specific calls to be discussed and also be discussed as synchronously
526 |
520,24.605166666666666,24.666833333333333,spk_0,"as we go, we'll highlight, we'll pick these topics and we'll broadcast them all."
527 |
521,24.667,24.69633333333333,spk_0,"Like, let's have a discussion on the syntax highway."
528 |
522,24.69915,24.71565,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on
529 |
530 |
524,24.722316666666668,24.75548333333333,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on those things because we're gonna
531 |
525,24.75565,24.79433333333333,spk_0,need some help in figuring out some of the possibilities
532 |
526,24.79948333333333,24.849316666666667,spk_0,because there's a bunch of possibilities on how do we wanna address this.
533 |
527,24.8625,24.885316666666668,spk_0,But we need to come with a
534 |
528,24.892,24.947316666666666,spk_0,choice or some choices for the architectural design.
535 |
529,24.94748333333333,24.990166666666667,spk_0,"So uh this will be one of them since that's how,"
536 |
530,24.9905,25.02665,spk_0,since that's how I is gonna have to be part of it.
537 |
531,25.051316666666665,25.10165,spk_0,Ok. Thanks Igor. Thanks Thomas. Thanks Jack. Uh
538 |
532,25.1105,25.133333333333333,spk_0,and Carry. Um
539 |
533,25.156333333333333,25.167,spk_0,Moving on.
540 |
534,25.167166666666667,25.236,spk_0,One of the things that we have already talked and I talked to Paulina about this is
541 |
535,25.24948333333333,25.32881666666667,spk_0,we know that accessibility isn't the best today on the merging
542 |
536,25.330816666666667,25.35115,spk_0,best diffs or
543 |
537,25.353483333333333,25.39515,spk_0,Ds overall because we haven't paid too much attention to that.
544 |
538,25.40115,25.44633333333333,spk_0,Since we're rethinking a lot of this as a
545 |
539,25.4545,25.50365,spk_0,"quality usability improvement,"
546 |
540,25.503816666666665,25.58566666666667,spk_0,it will be um really good if you start incorporating accessibility from the start.
547 |
541,25.591833333333334,25.612316666666665,spk_0,"So, um"
548 |
542,25.62398333333333,25.648333333333333,spk_0,how should we wear this Paulina?
549 |
550 |
544,25.68265,25.70233333333333,spk_0,"Is it accessible,"
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
548,25.8565,25.90815,spk_7,yeah. So uh I started the document already. I'll be
555 |
549,25.91215,25.92615,spk_7,doing the audit of
556 |
550,25.929166666666667,25.953316666666662,spk_7,this now and
557 |
551,25.961483333333334,25.9925,spk_7,analyzing what's missing right now.
558 |
552,25.99965,26.047316666666667,spk_7,But also the second part will be like looking at
559 |
553,26.04748333333333,26.10115,spk_7,the guidelines that we should actually follow for the authoring tool
560 |
561 |
555,26.128316666666667,26.16165,spk_7,rethinking about how we want to
562 |
556,26.167666666666666,26.28265,spk_7,show of representatives uh to screen reader users. Um for all the other
563 |
557,26.2875,26.311333333333334,spk_7,parties like small twigs
564 |
558,26.317,26.36865,spk_7,"or tab navigation and things. But for the screen reader,"
565 |
559,26.37465,26.437666666666665,spk_7,it's a bit tricky because what we show is very graphic right now
566 |
560,26.440816666666667,26.46448333333333,spk_7,and uh we need to
567 |
561,26.472316666666668,26.511333333333333,spk_7,be able to like for the screener to
568 |
562,26.519,26.534,spk_7,like read it
569 |
563,26.538166666666665,26.58115,spk_7,computed uh with the relations between
570 |
564,26.58515,26.63948333333333,spk_7,the number of lines and that code changed. Um
571 |
565,26.64498333333333,26.696,spk_7,And all the extra features that commenting. Um
572 |
573 |
567,26.715816666666665,26.732166666666668,spk_0,so in terms of
574 |
568,26.742166666666662,26.772816666666667,spk_0,like accessibility is such a wide
575 |
569,26.790333333333333,26.817666666666668,spk_0,concept and term
576 |
570,26.827166666666667,26.884816666666666,spk_0,when we're talking about spec um specific um
577 |
571,26.887833333333333,26.937666666666665,spk_0,making it a bit more specific. Um
578 |
572,26.94515,27.07465,spk_0,"we can, we can like narrow it down to uh screen reader users, keyboard navigation."
579 |
580 |
581 |
575,27.14883333333333,27.178,spk_0,And um I was
582 |
583 |
577,27.190166666666663,27.215333333333334,spk_7,um how to phrase it.
584 |
578,27.21865,27.247816666666665,spk_7,"It's like the visually, it's"
585 |
586 |
580,27.27415,27.327166666666667,spk_7,"it's as easy to read for, for everyone"
587 |
581,27.3335,27.35765,spk_0,visually comfortable is that
588 |
589 |
583,27.376316666666668,27.386,spk_7,of like
590 |
591 |
585,27.42333333333333,27.461816666666667,spk_7,"Um Yeah, if you, you study"
592 |
586,27.46365,27.488983333333334,spk_7,"like magnifiers,"
593 |
587,27.501816666666667,27.60933333333333,spk_7,"-- uh So we, we don't lose context with
594 |
-- so contrast uh color blindness."
595 |
588,27.612666666666662,27.652166666666663,spk_0,So fits law is about um
596 |
589,27.66398333333333,27.727166666666665,spk_0,"in a nutshell is the larger the target, it is the easier it is to acquire."
597 |
590,27.72733333333333,27.76083333333333,spk_0,So make it comfortable for people with
598 |
591,27.761,27.802666666666667,spk_0,you'd like some motion disabilities and stuff.
599 |
600 |
593,27.8235,27.836816666666667,spk_0,"So again,"
601 |
594,27.836983333333333,27.88648333333333,spk_0,if anything this will be leveraged by the designers that
602 |
595,27.88665,27.9155,spk_0,we will be bringing in at a later stage.
603 |
596,27.91565,27.96448333333333,spk_0,"Uh But as we're thinking about the front end architecture,"
604 |
597,27.964666666666663,27.98281666666667,spk_0,we should account for that.
605 |
598,27.992816666666663,28.03698333333333,spk_7,"Yes, it's design is, but also for screen,"
606 |
599,28.0405,28.085833333333333,spk_7,especially there's also a html structure
607 |
608 |
601,28.098666666666663,28.109483333333333,spk_7,that is
609 |
602,28.11133333333333,28.13315,spk_7,needs to be very specific.
610 |
611 |
604,28.164316666666668,28.221166666666665,spk_0,Uh I just wanted to remind that we're not going to be writing code right away.
612 |
605,28.22133333333333,28.246983333333333,spk_0,But when we're designing the document
613 |
606,28.24965,28.28098333333333,spk_0,"that should be there as a requirement,"
614 |
607,28.28115,28.30516666666667,spk_0,it's something that we need to be accounting for.
615 |
608,28.305316666666663,28.358833333333333,spk_0,So that's the expectation level. Great. This is good. Thanks.
616 |
609,28.359,28.394,spk_0,Anybody has any other thoughts about accessibility?
617 |
618 |
611,28.48333333333333,28.557,spk_0,I feel like it's positive that we're talking about it at this stage of the project. Um
619 |
612,28.562666666666665,28.5815,spk_0,"Thomas, you have a point here."
620 |
613,28.593316666666663,28.61015,spk_0,"Yeah, so"
621 |
614,28.61598333333333,28.626483333333333,spk_0,we can
622 |
623 |
616,28.64816666666667,28.69233333333333,spk_2,we can kind of f accessibility into this. Um
624 |
617,28.70283333333333,28.73133333333333,spk_2,uh As part of my
625 |
618,28.733666666666668,28.769166666666667,spk_2,milestone stuff. I review all my assignments.
626 |
619,28.76933333333333,28.81215,spk_2,I was assigned a meta task for for new Ds.
627 |
620,28.813333333333333,28.853,spk_2,"So it's weird that I reviewed it because it's a meta task,"
628 |
621,28.85315,28.87983333333333,spk_2,but I wrote some thoughts down
629 |
622,28.882166666666667,28.925666666666668,spk_2,and one of them is um
630 |
623,28.9355,28.978483333333333,spk_2,writing down documents about like budgets
631 |
624,28.982983333333333,29.0045,spk_2,and data flow.
632 |
625,29.0085,29.030483333333333,spk_2,And um
633 |
634 |
627,29.04715,29.096,spk_2,when I talk about budgets in the implicit
635 |
628,29.096166666666665,29.13298333333333,spk_2,in that is our promises to users essentially.
636 |
629,29.13315,29.166666666666668,spk_2,And I think one of those things should be accessibility.
637 |
638 |
631,29.185316666666665,29.20748333333333,spk_2,But other things are
639 |
640 |
633,29.25283333333333,29.303816666666663,spk_2,heavy on the network is this new structure of
641 |
642 |
635,29.3155,29.3985,spk_2,"Um How heavy on a user's browser, is this new application or,"
643 |
636,29.398666666666667,29.425833333333333,spk_2,"or new component or whatever,"
644 |
637,29.43915,29.45815,spk_2,how much code is executed?
645 |
638,29.45833333333333,29.495483333333333,spk_2,"How much, how much, how long does it take those kinds of things?"
646 |
639,29.504666666666665,29.54348333333333,spk_2,Setting those budgets early and saying
647 |
640,29.54948333333333,29.61148333333333,spk_2,uh whatever we do has to be fully accessible to
648 |
641,29.61798333333333,29.67615,spk_2,fully blind people or fully deaf people or whatever. Um
649 |
650 |
643,29.702666666666666,29.754166666666663,spk_2,Those setting those early sets expectations for the whole
651 |
644,29.761166666666668,29.776816666666665,spk_2,work that we do.
652 |
645,29.780316666666668,29.826316666666667,spk_2,"Um So I think that that should be an early part of this documentation,"
653 |
646,29.82648333333333,29.86215,spk_2,"not just the architecture, but what are our,"
654 |
647,29.870316666666668,29.8815,spk_2,"what are,"
655 |
648,29.881666666666668,29.956666666666667,spk_2,what are the difficult choices that we will accept for the benefit of our users?
656 |
649,30.01631666666667,30.069816666666668,spk_2,"And I linked the, my, my review um"
657 |
650,30.07733333333333,30.115166666666667,spk_2,that has a few of those things in there. But
658 |
651,30.15165,30.214666666666663,spk_0,great thanks Thomas. Um I particularly like the budget documents.
659 |
652,30.223,30.276316666666663,spk_0,"Um The data flow, we were already like, you'll be part of,"
660 |
653,30.27698333333333,30.306666666666665,spk_0,"I think the documentation anyway,"
661 |
654,30.306833333333334,30.34915,spk_0,but uh the budget document is something that we can easily forget.
662 |
663 |
664 |
657,30.38915,30.43133333333333,spk_0,"when we're deciding about adding a new thing,"
665 |
658,30.4375,30.44748333333333,spk_0,"because you're right,"
666 |
659,30.44765,30.47865,spk_0,like we don't want to build something that is performance
667 |
660,30.478816666666667,30.52533333333333,spk_0,on the day one and then on day 365.
668 |
661,30.5255,30.551316666666665,spk_0,"0 my God, it's slow again. Why?"
669 |
662,30.561,30.608666666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, definitely something to keep us in check. Um"
670 |
663,30.62183333333333,30.67065,spk_0,uh Potentially we can even talk about um
671 |
672 |
665,30.71215,30.725166666666667,spk_0,to like
673 |
674 |
667,30.74965,30.841833333333334,spk_0,"linking tools C I checks, et cetera. Definitely makes sense to keep us in line."
675 |
668,30.867166666666662,30.878,spk_0,And I guess
676 |
669,30.884816666666666,30.948166666666665,spk_2,"we should probably, I should probably note somewhere. We should note that um"
677 |
670,30.95165,30.986166666666666,spk_2,the word budget is intentional because
678 |
671,30.990816666666667,31.06815,spk_2,"budgets are reviewed quarterly or yearly. And if you're not meeting them, you"
679 |
680 |
673,31.091666666666665,31.10683333333333,spk_2,you adjust
681 |
674,31.120483333333333,31.136816666666668,spk_2,to meet your budget.
682 |
675,31.136983333333333,31.175166666666662,spk_2,"So we should make sure that we're, we're continually doing this,"
683 |
676,31.17533333333333,31.19748333333333,spk_2,not just as an initial target.
684 |
677,31.229666666666667,31.2485,spk_0,Got it. Thanks.
685 |
686 |
679,31.28783333333333,31.307316666666665,spk_0,ok. So
687 |
680,31.319666666666667,31.33865,spk_0,there was one thing
688 |
681,31.3425,31.385316666666668,spk_0,that has been throughout all these discussions
689 |
682,31.38865,31.436,spk_0,"that we haven't talked yet, which is maintainability."
690 |
683,31.44033333333333,31.47733333333333,spk_0,One of the problems we faced with working with
691 |
684,31.4775,31.526,spk_0,this is that the application itself is so complex
692 |
685,31.529166666666665,31.553816666666663,spk_0,"that over time,"
693 |
686,31.555,31.626483333333333,spk_0,the maintainability of the app just suffers and
694 |
687,31.62665,31.67248333333333,spk_0,"especially with a native approach or building things,"
695 |
688,31.67898333333333,31.760316666666668,spk_0,the based of boring solutions. Um And then eventually we can just keep it at
696 |
689,31.762666666666668,31.794,spk_0,that stage for a really long time.
697 |
698 |
691,31.8385,31.86733333333333,spk_0,We have plenty of examples for sure.
699 |
692,31.8735,31.940816666666667,spk_0,Um But I think one of the things we have to keep in mind is um
700 |
693,31.945833333333333,31.988166666666668,spk_0,"an improved or released,"
701 |
694,32.00266666666667,32.0275,spk_0,improve maintainability
702 |
695,32.04698333333333,32.102666666666664,spk_0,"uh than what we have today. And I think,"
703 |
696,32.10815,32.14666666666667,spk_0,does anybody disagree with that being a goal?
704 |
697,32.159,32.17015,spk_0,Let's put it that way.
705 |
698,32.20548333333333,32.212833333333336,spk_2,"You wanna,"
706 |
699,32.23531666666667,32.28366666666667,spk_2,you wanna spend the next 20 minutes defining maintainability?
707 |
708 |
701,32.32448333333333,32.38231666666667,spk_0,"thought you're gonna say uh do, do you wanna kick the person who says yet? No."
709 |
710 |
703,32.41316666666667,32.42281666666667,spk_0,"I mean,"
711 |
704,32.425333333333334,32.45033333333333,spk_0,"sure. What, what do we"
712 |
705,32.4525,32.47533333333333,spk_0,like? I think we have a
713 |
706,32.48016666666667,32.52048333333333,spk_0,maybe I have an idea of what maintainability is but
714 |
707,32.52065,32.572316666666666,spk_0,uh should we take a stab at like defining that roughly
715 |
708,32.63315,32.67015,spk_0,"or do we just keep it right at the moment? And we,"
716 |
717 |
710,32.707816666666666,32.75731666666667,spk_8,"I think you have to, it has to be defined at some point."
718 |
711,32.75748333333333,32.79266666666667,spk_8,"I don't know if this is the point to do it, but we have to,"
719 |
712,32.79281666666667,32.81648333333333,spk_8,we do have to have that conversation.
720 |
713,32.81933333333333,32.85981666666667,spk_8,"There has to be a metric where we're never gonna do it. It's just,"
721 |
714,32.86848333333333,32.89915,spk_8,"yeah, if we can't measure it, what can we do?"
722 |
715,32.910833333333336,32.971833333333336,spk_0,All right. So let's uh let's open an issue to do that as synchronously
723 |
716,32.98383333333334,32.99816666666667,spk_0,move to an issue
724 |
717,33.000166666666665,33.05798333333333,spk_0,to iterate on a joint definition
725 |
718,33.06666666666667,33.08833333333333,spk_0,of maintainability.
726 |
719,33.103,33.196666666666665,spk_0,"It was like we're moving in a W three C standard where we have like what this must mean,"
727 |
720,33.19683333333333,33.234,spk_0,what this should mean and that's good.
728 |
721,33.23416666666667,33.303,spk_0,"That's a positive thing, fellas and, and gals because I think that's the"
729 |
722,33.311166666666665,33.34466666666667,spk_0,how we get the standard to live on
730 |
723,33.34965,33.40266666666667,spk_0,"uh without misinterpretation along the way. So,"
731 |
724,33.4065,33.44065,spk_0,"yeah, thanks for bringing it up. Let's move that to an issue."
732 |
733 |
726,33.46483333333333,33.535666666666664,spk_0,I put here then the bottom create issue to define maintainability.
734 |
727,33.557,33.57516666666667,spk_0,Um Cool.
735 |
736 |
729,33.62533333333333,33.6335,spk_0,All right.
737 |
730,33.6585,33.71815,spk_0,"Any other goals that we should keep in mind? So let's recap, let's recap."
738 |
731,33.71831666666667,33.7655,spk_0,"So, create a document for the architecture, which is the main goal."
739 |
732,33.76815,33.81516666666667,spk_0,We need to cover all scenarios where diffs are used around git lab.
740 |
733,33.830983333333336,33.872816666666665,spk_0,"We need performance,"
741 |
734,33.87615,33.9105,spk_0,"we need to keep it perform. Oh, sorry."
742 |
735,33.91598333333334,33.94298333333333,spk_0,I should read the rest of the phrase
743 |
736,33.94416666666667,33.993833333333335,spk_0,performance not being degraded regardless of how big the
744 |
745 |
738,34.026983333333334,34.07431666666667,spk_0,"the diff is? See, it's gonna happen a lot of times"
746 |
739,34.07933333333333,34.08465,spk_0,it's not
747 |
748 |
741,34.098333333333336,34.11516666666667,spk_0,it's notar it's diff
749 |
742,34.13613333333333,34.18245,spk_0,uh accessible app for the users. Um
750 |
743,34.213,34.239333333333335,spk_0,"uh We'll need to define,"
751 |
744,34.24431666666667,34.2965,spk_0,define boundaries and user first promises uh which is
752 |
745,34.29881666666667,34.31648333333333,spk_0,"documents for budget,"
753 |
746,34.31666666666667,34.3625,spk_0,documents for data flow and potentially like targets for lending
754 |
747,34.36898333333333,34.41931666666667,spk_0,and uh an improvement in ability that why we have today.
755 |
756 |
749,34.47715,34.4935,spk_0,Anything missing
757 |
758 |
751,34.583333333333336,34.63965,spk_1,How about metrics like uh performance metrics
759 |
752,34.652483333333336,34.65763333333334,spk_1,use H
760 |
761 |
754,34.72083333333333,34.770316666666666,spk_0,"Um How should we, so what's the target there?"
762 |
755,34.8045,34.814816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, I mean,"
763 |
756,34.821,34.87448333333333,spk_1,"right now, I don't know. I mean, we have, we have very nice for performance"
764 |
757,34.87616666666667,34.89848333333333,spk_1,and mix because we have dark
765 |
766 |
759,34.93116666666667,34.95016666666667,spk_1,back end and fun and
767 |
760,34.9545,34.965316666666666,spk_1,fun times.
768 |
761,34.9755,34.98615,spk_1,That's one.
769 |
762,35.003483333333335,35.01531666666666,spk_1,"But for,"
770 |
763,35.02183333333333,35.03333333333333,spk_1,"yeah, go ahead and get it."
771 |
764,35.038666666666664,35.04848333333333,spk_1,Go ahead.
772 |
765,35.05083333333334,35.07566666666666,spk_1,"But for usage usage metrics,"
773 |
766,35.07748333333333,35.08165,spk_1,image for
774 |
775 |
768,35.11266666666667,35.172333333333334,spk_0,"I think, I think I'm gonna channel my Stanislav"
776 |
769,35.17633333333333,35.193983333333335,spk_0,because he's sick.
777 |
770,35.19683333333333,35.214983333333336,spk_0,So I'm gonna pull him in
778 |
771,35.22015,35.251,spk_0,and I'm gonna be speaking as if I was him
779 |
780 |
773,35.28581666666667,35.35231666666667,spk_0,because we've talked about this in the past and I think Thomas as well is um to not
781 |
774,35.36416666666667,35.4085,spk_0,do not pursue vanity metrics. What does this mean?
782 |
775,35.424483333333335,35.5095,spk_0,"If we, if we think about the usual metrics we have, which is time the first bite."
783 |
784 |
777,35.533833333333334,35.57415,spk_0,I don't know. Uh LCP and
785 |
778,35.5805,35.63315,spk_0,uh T BT s and all that stuff. A lot of those metrics can have.
786 |
779,35.64565,35.674483333333335,spk_0,"It was you, Thomas. Yes,"
787 |
780,35.67881666666667,35.70215,spk_0,that's blurry. So
788 |
781,35.713166666666666,35.7935,spk_0,"area. No, like a youtuber look at that, like look at, look at my, look at my thing."
789 |
782,35.79848333333333,35.86481666666667,spk_0,"Uh So yeah, the point of that is we should pursue meaningful metrics."
790 |
783,35.864983333333335,35.8795,spk_0,"I think that's,"
791 |
784,35.8805,35.948483333333336,spk_0,"that's how we can word it and what's meaningful is meaningful for our project,"
792 |
785,35.95248333333333,35.976166666666664,spk_0,which means we're probably gonna need to
793 |
786,35.97898333333333,36.004333333333335,spk_0,define those metrics
794 |
787,36.009166666666665,36.04481666666667,spk_0,and one of them falls into what Thomas was talking about.
795 |
788,36.04498333333333,36.11383333333333,spk_0,"The budget documents, right? Is things specifically built for us"
796 |
789,36.11816666666667,36.186816666666665,spk_0,because I can give you an example. We we had major improvement on TV T
797 |
798 |
791,36.22815,36.27583333333333,spk_0,"but that came at a cost of some viability, right?"
799 |
792,36.28,36.34131666666666,spk_0,"And it wasn't, it was conscious, we knew what we were doing. But"
800 |
793,36.3505,36.3765,spk_0,what I think we need to
801 |
794,36.38483333333333,36.42381666666667,spk_0,think a little bit deeper about is
802 |
795,36.43715,36.51,spk_0,why do we want to move those metrics and what's the impact of that to the user? So
803 |
796,36.51198333333333,36.564166666666665,spk_0,which goes a little bit to my next point of order priorities.
804 |
797,36.56433333333333,36.59065,spk_0,We're gonna grab all these goals and we're going to
805 |
798,36.59081666666667,36.64683333333333,spk_0,put them in order and like what's the most important thing
806 |
799,36.649483333333336,36.70966666666666,spk_0,"first and then having, if we have to make a choice between some of those."
807 |
800,36.709833333333336,36.72481666666667,spk_0,"So for example,"
808 |
801,36.73315,36.77415,spk_0,if we need to sacrifice um
809 |
810 |
803,36.81065,36.835816666666666,spk_0,for performance
811 |
804,36.84381666666667,36.85833333333333,spk_0,should be
812 |
805,36.871,36.89031666666666,spk_0,right? Um
813 |
806,36.89565,36.906,spk_0,I think
814 |
807,36.9175,37.01181666666667,spk_0,having an order um of uh priorities definitely helps later on in the project.
815 |
808,37.01198333333333,37.079166666666666,spk_0,"Um W three C does this with uh V html five spec where it's,"
816 |
809,37.07933333333333,37.13433333333333,spk_0,"it specifies exactly who comes first, like users comes first,"
817 |
810,37.139,37.2045,spk_0,then comes authors then comes browser implementer implementer and then comes
818 |
811,37.20916666666667,37.24633333333333,spk_0,specter or whatever or theoretical purity.
819 |
812,37.24815,37.30166666666667,spk_0,So there has some priority order there.
820 |
813,37.30781666666667,37.35648333333334,spk_0,"Um So for us and a little bit more reasonable,"
821 |
814,37.35665,37.38248333333333,spk_0,I don't want to sacrifice accessibility.
822 |
815,37.38265,37.40983333333333,spk_0,But if you think about more of
823 |
816,37.41565,37.47015,spk_0,"perceived performance or meaningful metrics, like we're talking about here,"
824 |
817,37.47715,37.507983333333335,spk_0,um meaningful metrics
825 |
818,37.5135,37.55265,spk_0,"versus maintainability, I think we're,"
826 |
819,37.56333333333333,37.619483333333335,spk_0,we should probably sacrifice maintainability a little bit if that comes with
827 |
820,37.61965,37.677483333333335,spk_0,some benefit to the perceived performance or to the meaningful metrics.
828 |
821,37.68598333333333,37.72731666666667,spk_0,"So if anything metrics to this point,"
829 |
822,37.74216666666667,37.77166666666667,spk_0,I would just add meaningful metrics
830 |
823,37.785,37.828316666666666,spk_0,"and in parentheses, Thomas will put not vanity."
831 |
824,37.873983333333335,37.88916666666667,spk_0,"-- Does that make sense?
832 |
-- Bar Patrick."
833 |
825,37.905166666666666,37.943333333333335,spk_1,"Yeah, makes sense. Makes a lot of sense. I agree."
834 |
835 |
827,37.96,37.990316666666665,spk_2,I think uh as part of our
836 |
828,37.99316666666667,38.01266666666667,spk_2,"documentation process,"
837 |
829,38.01283333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_2,"we should define something like the W three C like who comes first or,"
838 |
830,38.0685,38.1015,spk_2,"or what comes first, obviously"
839 |
831,38.10483333333333,38.141666666666666,spk_2,"users, right? And then like, what does that mean?"
840 |
832,38.14183333333333,38.212316666666666,spk_2,"So like formats accessibility, what, what's the order of how we sacrifice things?"
841 |
842 |
834,38.25331666666667,38.30866666666667,spk_2,"I'll, I'll say it since it's, it's not popular in the front end."
843 |
835,38.30883333333333,38.3885,spk_2,"Industry developers should be last. Our, our experience should be last."
844 |
836,38.388666666666666,38.44266666666667,spk_2,"The DX should not be important. Um So,"
845 |
837,38.47065,38.52065,spk_0,so I'm gonna grab this recording when later you're complaining about
846 |
838,38.520833333333336,38.54881666666667,spk_0,"a bug that is really hard to fix and like,"
847 |
839,38.54898333333333,38.56115,spk_0,"hey, listen,"
848 |
840,38.575833333333335,38.59783333333333,spk_0,"look at this old friend,"
849 |
841,38.61165,38.63016666666667,spk_0,I agree with you. I agree with that.
850 |
842,38.63033333333333,38.66181666666667,spk_0,"I think, I think it's just, yeah, we,"
851 |
843,38.66198333333333,38.7125,spk_0,"we've lived through many hard problems to solve, to know"
852 |
844,38.72331666666667,38.75281666666667,spk_0,"they come at a cost per Yeah,"
853 |
854 |
846,38.801,38.84065,spk_0,So I wrote Meaningful Metrics. Thanks Patrick.
855 |
847,38.84081666666667,38.893,spk_0,"Uh Again, we're probably gonna need to need to be defined,"
856 |
848,38.94448333333333,38.96816666666667,spk_0,"great issue, I guess."
857 |
849,38.98248333333333,39.0135,spk_0,Um create
858 |
850,39.01948333333333,39.05466666666667,spk_0,issues or meaningful
859 |
851,39.064816666666665,39.13565,spk_0,"metrics. Uh And we can use some things that we've used in the past, which is um"
860 |
852,39.14216666666667,39.16316666666667,spk_0,custom defined
861 |
853,39.16833333333334,39.18116666666667,spk_0,what we call it.
862 |
863 |
855,39.2375,39.24666666666667,spk_0,The clery
864 |
856,39.251,39.29065,spk_0,P I that we have on the browser that we can ma uh
865 |
857,39.30665,39.364983333333335,spk_0,a user markings. Uh You can have markings on the front end that like
866 |
858,39.368,39.406,spk_0,"define stages of the render of the application,"
867 |
859,39.41065,39.47315,spk_0,which include the performance of the back end and the front end all at once.
868 |
860,39.47331666666667,39.53131666666667,spk_0,"And we can define those things and implement it at the front end in terms of that,"
869 |
861,39.53265,39.58231666666666,spk_0,"which doesn't exclude having all the metrics for the backend exclusive,"
870 |
862,39.582483333333336,39.60983333333333,spk_0,all the metrics for Galley and all that stuff.
871 |
863,39.61,39.64366666666667,spk_0,So that's why this is gonna be a joint effort because
872 |
864,39.64481666666666,39.67933333333333,spk_0,this might mean different things for each one of us.
873 |
874 |
866,39.70483333333333,39.7225,spk_1,we'll keep your eye in the loop.
875 |
867,39.74583333333333,39.756816666666666,spk_0,All right.
876 |
868,39.77133333333333,39.81548333333333,spk_0,Anything else in terms of objectives?
877 |
878 |
870,39.891666666666666,39.90798333333333,spk_0,So we have seven minutes
879 |
880 |
872,39.95248333333333,39.98148333333334,spk_0,"before I go to order priorities,"
881 |
873,39.99366666666667,40.055,spk_0,"I'll ask, should we have also an issue to discuss the, I'll,"
882 |
874,40.057316666666665,40.11931666666667,spk_0,I'll list all the goals of the things that we have defined above.
883 |
875,40.126666666666665,40.16465,spk_0,Should we have an issue to discuss this as synchrony
884 |
876,40.16683333333334,40.18315,spk_0,with all with everyone?
885 |
877,40.18333333333333,40.23333333333333,spk_0,Because I don't think we're gonna be making a consensus here on the call.
886 |
887 |
879,40.25298333333333,40.29266666666667,spk_0,We can take a step of an example of what that would look like.
888 |
880,40.29283333333333,40.3515,spk_0,"But then everybody could go in that issue and then participate uh in,"
889 |
881,40.35166666666667,40.382983333333335,spk_0,in defining that together.
890 |
882,40.38315,40.392,spk_0,Does that
891 |
883,40.3965,40.403983333333336,spk_0,sound good?
892 |
884,40.40416666666667,40.43333333333333,spk_0,We could have just an example of what it would look like
893 |
885,40.4335,40.48181666666667,spk_0,and then just discard that and we go at it and build our
894 |
886,40.48715,40.516666666666666,spk_0,"suggestions in the issue. Sounds good,"
895 |
896 |
897 |
889,40.605,40.617333333333335,spk_0,it's gonna go.
898 |
890,40.65016666666666,40.72966666666667,spk_0,"So OK, so create the document is not a priority because that's just the task, right?"
899 |
891,40.74015,40.78033333333333,spk_0,"So coverage, coverage"
900 |
901 |
893,40.799483333333335,40.82183333333333,spk_0,these scenarios
902 |
894,40.83181666666667,40.88565,spk_0,and you can discard it later. Um If that doesn't make sense
903 |
895,40.8885,40.91716666666667,spk_0,and then it's performance
904 |
905 |
906 |
907 |
899,41.1225,41.14216666666667,spk_0,uh improved
908 |
900,41.16283333333333,41.21515,spk_0,can probably find better words for this later and maintain the ability.
909 |
901,41.24965,41.28731666666667,spk_0,"Uh What we talked about. Oh, we skipped one."
910 |
911 |
903,41.372166666666665,41.39148333333333,spk_0,How should we call your point?
912 |
904,41.391666666666666,41.439166666666665,spk_0,Thomas to find boundaries and user first promises early?
913 |
905,41.46565,41.542,spk_0,"Is that part of the relevant metrics, meaningful metrics? Can we keep it in there?"
914 |
906,41.55833333333333,41.59865,spk_2,"Yeah, it's part of it for sure."
915 |
907,41.61366666666667,41.6645,spk_2,"There are also, I think it's also just like define um"
916 |
908,41.680166666666665,41.70583333333333,spk_2,"it's like defining deliverables, right?"
917 |
909,41.706,41.78181666666666,spk_2,"Like like uh like something is not complete if we, if it's not accessible,"
918 |
910,41.78565,41.84048333333333,spk_2,um it's not complete if it's um
919 |
911,41.85715,41.86716666666667,spk_2,if it
920 |
921 |
913,41.91333333333333,42.0055,spk_2,a full second to get the code for it across the network or whatever. Um So it's like
922 |
923 |
915,42.0395,42.088,spk_2,what are acceptable deliverable sort of
924 |
916,42.115316666666665,42.14098333333333,spk_2,"boundary. Yeah, I'm not sure."
925 |
917,42.15616666666666,42.189166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think that's if we, if we frame it,"
926 |
918,42.18933333333333,42.21881666666667,spk_0,"I think that's part of the meaningful metrics,"
927 |
919,42.21898333333333,42.26181666666667,spk_0,we define the meaningful metrics and in there will
928 |
920,42.26198333333333,42.3125,spk_0,be compliance with the budget in there would be
929 |
921,42.316833333333335,42.37916666666667,spk_0,"time to get the data from Gidley or time to get the data from the rail side or,"
930 |
922,42.379333333333335,42.39716666666666,spk_0,or anything like that.
931 |
923,42.409,42.45066666666666,spk_0,I think we can keep it for now covered with the meaningful metric.
932 |
924,42.450833333333335,42.492,spk_0,So we have so covers of all these scenarios
933 |
925,42.49733333333333,42.524816666666666,spk_0,"uh which, which goes"
934 |
926,42.52966666666666,42.57933333333333,spk_0,"we, we can put it at odds with some particular scenarios that don't make sense,"
935 |
927,42.589,42.6475,spk_0,"performance regardless of this size, which is part of meaningful metrics."
936 |
928,42.647666666666666,42.66733333333333,spk_0,Should we erase that?
937 |
929,42.78766666666667,42.7975,spk_0,"Yeah, I"
938 |
930,42.802,42.81783333333333,spk_2,think so.
939 |
931,42.82715,42.83148333333333,spk_2,So we
940 |
932,42.833333333333336,42.8675,spk_2,have our performance budget should work no matter what
941 |
933,42.87715,42.93066666666667,spk_0,"coverage of these scenarios accessible improvement in ability,"
942 |
934,42.93083333333333,42.94981666666666,spk_0,"meaningful metrics,"
943 |
935,42.96366666666667,43.00866666666667,spk_0,"which is per performance, I guess as a whole."
944 |
945 |
937,43.0635,43.1185,spk_0,"Oh, we missed one. Can we create a shared documents followed with some organization"
946 |
938,43.13516666666666,43.15133333333333,spk_0,to start keeping artic
947 |
939,43.155166666666666,43.15983333333333,spk_0,one? But
948 |
940,43.17133333333334,43.18248333333333,spk_2,"this wasn't,"
949 |
941,43.18516666666667,43.2435,spk_2,"I didn't, I didn't vocalize it because we, we this is very,"
950 |
942,43.256483333333335,43.27865,spk_2,but like uh
951 |
943,43.28981666666667,43.32748333333333,spk_2,"we can't work exclusively in issues, right?"
952 |
944,43.32765,43.42881666666667,spk_2,"Because an issue is like something that eventually is closed um or resolved where,"
953 |
945,43.428983333333335,43.45398333333333,spk_2,where are we going to keep things?
954 |
946,43.454166666666666,43.508833333333335,spk_2,"Should we, should we create a wiki? Should we use our wiki feature?"
955 |
947,43.5125,43.55815,spk_2,"-- What like what, how are we gonna do this or just Google
956 |
-- Docs?"
957 |
948,43.58766666666666,43.638,spk_0,"Uh I don't, I've never been involved in architecture design workflow."
958 |
949,43.63816666666666,43.695483333333335,spk_0,"If anybody has, please, maybe Patrick or Carry you were"
959 |
960 |
951,43.7225,43.74465,spk_0,"I was thinking about just using the,"
961 |
952,43.744816666666665,43.78366666666667,spk_0,we're gonna start to put things in
962 |
953,43.78383333333333,43.82266666666666,spk_0,the documentation itself of the architecture design.
963 |
954,43.82516666666667,43.8925,spk_0,"There's already a status for like proposed, accepted that sort of thing."
964 |
955,43.899816666666666,43.930166666666665,spk_0,So we should not re invent the wheel and just
965 |
956,43.93033333333333,43.98181666666667,spk_0,"use the documentation as a living spec as we go,"
966 |
957,43.98198333333333,43.99798333333333,spk_0,we take it through the
967 |
958,44.005,44.04031666666667,spk_0,the stages. I think that's what makes more sense.
968 |
959,44.04583333333333,44.06465,spk_0,Anybody disagrees.
969 |
960,44.08833333333333,44.1,spk_0,Does that make sense?
970 |
971 |
962,44.153983333333336,44.20715,spk_7,Uh How about the things that would not go into documents?
972 |
963,44.20731666666666,44.26833333333333,spk_7,"Like if I'm doing the audit, it's not gonna end up all there."
973 |
974 |
965,44.30433333333333,44.330333333333336,spk_7,So should I just keep that
975 |
966,44.34333333333333,44.36033333333334,spk_7,"-- Google
976 |
-- doc?"
977 |
967,44.39448333333333,44.42881666666667,spk_0,"Um I mean, we definitely can find a"
978 |
968,44.43165,44.485816666666665,spk_0,Google Drive boulder to keep things organized.
979 |
969,44.48783333333333,44.51931666666667,spk_0,I think that's OK. Like a
980 |
970,44.5305,44.57666666666667,spk_0,artifact of investigations. Sure.
981 |
971,44.584,44.61783333333333,spk_0,Uh Maybe that can cover what Thomas was saying.
982 |
972,44.618,44.63131666666666,spk_0,"But in terms of like,"
983 |
973,44.631483333333335,44.66048333333333,spk_0,we should keep in mind that the effort should
984 |
974,44.66065,44.69415,spk_0,be to update the documentation that we're putting out.
985 |
975,44.70483333333333,44.75033333333333,spk_0,"And if like for example, if it makes sense to"
986 |
976,44.75331666666666,44.78248333333333,spk_0,"reference the artist that you did,"
987 |
977,44.78783333333333,44.7975,spk_0,you can keep it in the
988 |
978,44.799483333333335,44.84481666666667,spk_0,doc but link it on the living spec living on the
989 |
979,44.84881666666666,44.88248333333333,spk_0,link it on the documentation that we're merging.
990 |
991 |
992 |
982,44.91165,44.95798333333333,spk_0,"Still let's build a Google Drive just for,"
993 |
983,44.97398333333334,45.03366666666667,spk_2,"yeah, I think we should have a Google Drive maybe for like drafts or like, hey,"
994 |
984,45.03383333333333,45.064166666666665,spk_2,I'm doing this audit and here's a bunch of stuff.
995 |
985,45.06433333333333,45.122166666666665,spk_2,"But if we're gonna be linking like data or like report results,"
996 |
986,45.13315,45.16481666666667,spk_2,we should probably be using kit lab.
997 |
987,45.177816666666665,45.1895,spk_2,So like
998 |
999 |
989,45.21683333333333,45.24815,spk_2,"that's why I suggested wiki like that,"
1000 |
990,45.24831666666667,45.28866666666666,spk_2,that can maybe we can store larger artifacts over
1001 |
991,45.288833333333336,45.32116666666667,spk_2,in wiki and then link it from the documentation.
1002 |
992,45.321333333333335,45.33165,spk_2,I'm not sure.
1003 |
1004 |
994,45.34583333333333,45.39481666666666,spk_2,"-- um
1005 |
-- we can go, we can, we can check that as we go, I think"
1006 |
995,45.39881666666667,45.434666666666665,spk_2,that Google Drive necessarily means it's like
1007 |
996,45.44166666666667,45.47881666666667,spk_2,private and we're keeping it a secret.
1008 |
997,45.481316666666665,45.53148333333333,spk_2,Um And maybe we should default to something more public.
1009 |
998,45.54266666666667,45.589,spk_0,"Not necessarily, you can have Google Docs that are public"
1010 |
999,45.59498333333333,45.6125,spk_0,"-- can have a public
1011 |
-- version."
1012 |
1013 |
1014 |
1015 |
1016 |
1004,45.66931666666667,45.73433333333333,spk_8,"it's the pattern of, of use though. It really is like Google Docs is like,"
1017 |
1005,45.75265,45.78715,spk_8,"yeah, it's kind of hidden enough to decide."
1018 |
1006,45.81098333333333,45.8255,spk_1,"-- Shouldn't
1019 |
-- we use skip?"
1020 |
1007,45.8345,45.8505,spk_2,"We, we should use"
1021 |
1008,45.85416666666666,45.86181666666667,spk_2,"Gab, right?"
1022 |
1009,45.87533333333333,45.89216666666667,spk_1,"Hey, I have an idea."
1023 |
1010,45.89398333333333,45.90116666666667,spk_1,Let's use
1024 |
1025 |
1026 |
1027 |
1014,45.94733333333333,46.00533333333333,spk_0,"All right. Let's talk about it on Slack. I mean, whatever people are agreeing."
1028 |
1015,46.0055,46.040816666666665,spk_0,II I would have a problem with. Um
1029 |
1016,46.06433333333333,46.11416666666667,spk_0,"All right. So let's not take any actions, let's discuss, let's discuss this thing."
1030 |
1017,46.17183333333333,46.207483333333336,spk_0,Almost you start the discussion on Slack
1031 |
1018,46.212833333333336,46.25116666666667,spk_0,"um or on the Gila issue. Sorry,"
1032 |
1019,46.25566666666667,46.27283333333333,spk_0,because we need to talk for.
1033 |
1034 |
1021,46.29716666666667,46.34798333333333,spk_0,"OK. So looking at the immediate task at hand,"
1035 |
1036 |
1023,46.369483333333335,46.427483333333335,spk_0,"I'm sorry, looking at the other priorities which we need to move to an issue."
1037 |
1038 |
1025,46.50781666666666,46.5675,spk_0,"So what I think would, would do is like ordered."
1039 |
1026,46.57083333333333,46.614,spk_0,An example example would be
1040 |
1027,46.61931666666667,46.64481666666666,spk_0,"like meaningful metrics,"
1041 |
1042 |
1043 |
1030,46.726333333333336,46.760333333333335,spk_0,"before then maintain,"
1044 |
1031,46.76565,46.81498333333333,spk_0,maintain ability. That would be the first choice.
1045 |
1032,46.82065,46.8475,spk_0,Uh accessibility
1046 |
1033,46.87116666666667,46.909666666666666,spk_0,should also come before maintainability.
1047 |
1048 |
1035,46.97048333333333,47.022666666666666,spk_0,coverage for all these scenarios. That's a tricky one.
1049 |
1036,47.024483333333336,47.03766666666667,spk_0,But I
1050 |
1037,47.04098333333334,47.088166666666666,spk_0,I'm just giving an example like you don't have to agree with that. Um
1051 |
1038,47.10265,47.1515,spk_0,I I would say uh so we can
1052 |
1039,47.15631666666667,47.16833333333334,spk_0,keep it
1053 |
1054 |
1041,47.20381666666667,47.23766666666667,spk_0,because it needs to be accessible.
1055 |
1042,47.23783333333333,47.284666666666666,spk_0,"But he thought some things might not cover all scenarios,"
1056 |
1043,47.28816666666667,47.309666666666665,spk_0,maintainability. What's missing?
1057 |
1058 |
1045,47.34981666666667,47.41033333333333,spk_0,"that's it. 1234. Yeah, so that, that this would be an example of uh"
1059 |
1046,47.4265,47.43998333333333,spk_0,to start off with.
1060 |
1047,47.44015,47.471833333333336,spk_0,"We might have different things that we add in the as we go,"
1061 |
1048,47.472,47.50298333333333,spk_0,but at least we'll have a place to document it
1062 |
1049,47.50698333333333,47.53598333333333,spk_0,and this will be part of the documentation.
1063 |
1050,47.540816666666665,47.5845,spk_0,Just an example. Let's move the discussion to an issue. OK.
1064 |
1065 |
1052,47.698483333333336,47.73866666666667,spk_0,And that takes me over time.
1066 |
1053,47.74048333333333,47.80583333333333,spk_0,Uh So I need people to claim these immediate tasks at hand.
1067 |
1068 |
1055,47.83715,47.895833333333336,spk_0,We need some people to start opening the MRS for the documentation
1069 |
1056,47.89915,47.96683333333333,spk_0,just to get it started as a draft or whatever the status is. Um
1070 |
1057,47.9755,48.0345,spk_0,And I need someone to claim that task. I need someone um
1071 |
1058,48.046,48.115316666666665,spk_0,"to create the issue to gather all the existing issues and that's the point is OK,"
1072 |
1059,48.11548333333333,48.125,spk_0,"the issue,"
1073 |
1060,48.13033333333333,48.16433333333333,spk_0,but then you broadcast it to everybody to
1074 |
1061,48.177483333333335,48.22715,spk_0,uh add comments to that issue or something or add to the description
1075 |
1062,48.255833333333335,48.28548333333333,spk_0,"um and, and ask"
1076 |
1063,48.301833333333335,48.31215,spk_0,"what happened,"
1077 |
1064,48.323483333333336,48.339,spk_0,something changed.
1078 |
1065,48.34481666666667,48.35731666666667,spk_0,"Oh yeah, I did a comment."
1079 |
1080 |
1067,48.392833333333336,48.43248333333333,spk_0,"the document current approach for multiple gifts,"
1081 |
1068,48.43265,48.45381666666667,spk_0,I'm probably gonna need multiple
1082 |
1083 |
1070,48.49065,48.50748333333333,spk_0,Google doc crashed.
1084 |
1071,48.52966666666666,48.602,spk_0,Uh So the documents current approach for multiple dis implementations is that like
1085 |
1072,48.60215,48.664,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things happen between Gidley.
1086 |
1073,48.66416666666667,48.70681666666667,spk_0,"Like we on the front end between Gidley and rails,"
1087 |
1074,48.713166666666666,48.738166666666665,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things
1088 |
1075,48.73833333333333,48.77848333333333,spk_0,on source code happen uh on back end and stuff.
1089 |
1076,48.77865,48.84081666666667,spk_0,So it would be nice to get some sort of like Quick Sons shott
1090 |
1077,48.8465,48.90315,spk_0,of how the dips are being generated and handled today.
1091 |
1078,48.91033333333333,48.963166666666666,spk_0,Um I would keep it light ish
1092 |
1079,48.96515,49.02583333333333,spk_0,because this is just to understand where we are. It's not the outcome.
1093 |
1080,49.026,49.085816666666666,spk_0,"It's just a, a good effort of capturing what we have today."
1094 |
1081,49.092333333333336,49.10681666666667,spk_0,"And for this,"
1095 |
1082,49.10698333333333,49.18248333333333,spk_0,what I would leverage is potentially grab all the dris and assign an issue to them.
1096 |
1083,49.2,49.22031666666667,spk_0,Why is my Google doc
1097 |
1084,49.24166666666667,49.263333333333335,spk_0,do look just crashed.
1098 |
1099 |
1086,49.29431666666667,49.313833333333335,spk_0,Which is why we should just get love.
1100 |
1087,49.32781666666666,49.360166666666665,spk_0,So I'll take action on that. I'll create an issue
1101 |
1088,49.37365,49.42015,spk_0,and I'll sign every Dr I uh there and
1102 |
1089,49.420316666666665,49.45966666666666,spk_0,potentially I'll ping you to Patrick because of giddily.
1103 |
1090,49.4675,49.56465,spk_0,"Um And the idea is just to share some notes or some diagrams of how,"
1104 |
1091,49.57031666666666,49.62331666666667,spk_0,how we're doing the DS today in your part of the organization.
1105 |
1092,49.631166666666665,49.6935,spk_0,"Uh If that makes sense, is that sensible for everybody or am I missing something."
1106 |
1093,49.77715,49.822,spk_0,OK. Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm making
1107 |
1094,49.826166666666666,49.85681666666667,spk_0,no sense at all. It just too
1108 |
1095,49.86165,49.888666666666666,spk_0,respectful to call me out.
1109 |
1096,49.90433333333333,49.95183333333333,spk_0,Uh Let's assume it's not that uh right. I'll take that one
1110 |
1111 |
1098,49.97431666666667,50.0,spk_0,I think that is for me.
1112 |
1099,50.00248333333333,50.06816666666667,spk_0,And then we need one. We already have one for uh the define maintainability.
1113 |
1100,50.07315,50.13615,spk_0,Um This is then we need one to create issue for meaningful metrics
1114 |
1101,50.14098333333333,50.18698333333333,spk_0,and then one to an issue to discuss order of priorities.
1115 |
1102,50.191316666666665,50.21683333333333,spk_0,Um I can take that one too
1116 |
1103,50.22448333333333,50.2675,spk_0,"so please take them on, um"
1117 |
1104,50.2755,50.32731666666667,spk_0,assign yourself here like we're doing like me and Thomas.
1118 |
1105,50.33916666666666,50.36915,spk_0,Uh And then we know exactly who's going to take
1119 |
1106,50.36931666666667,50.41833333333334,spk_0,them and then broadcast them on the Slack channel.
1120 |
1107,50.4185,50.4645,spk_0,I think that's the best way at the moment to
1121 |
1108,50.46465,50.50765,spk_0,get everybody that it's involved or wants to be involved
1122 |
1123 |
1124 |
1111,50.5555,50.59548333333333,spk_0,"That's it. Anybody has any other questions before we go,"
1125 |
1112,50.6385,50.68033333333333,spk_0,we'll talk about the thing called scheduling
1126 |
1113,50.6805,50.72298333333333,spk_0,"on Slack or something because like it's,"
1127 |
1114,50.73165,50.74881666666667,spk_0,we don't have any time now.
1128 |
1115,50.756816666666666,50.803983333333335,spk_2,"Do we have uh what, what's the, is there a specific Slack show"
1129 |
1116,50.80631666666667,50.832816666666666,spk_2,for this? Am I in it? I don't know.
1130 |
1131 |
1118,50.857816666666665,50.89465,spk_0,"F New Ds, right. Phil."
1132 |
1133 |
1120,50.967333333333336,51.011316666666666,spk_0,"-- Please join. If you're not there.
1134 |
-- Look at that, I'm not a member."
1135 |
1121,51.01148333333333,51.02865,spk_2,"-- Go
1136 |
-- ahead and join that."
1137 |
1122,51.03548333333333,51.056,spk_0,"You are now. All right,"
1138 |
1123,51.075,51.09166666666667,spk_0,thanks everybody.
1139 |
1124,51.09183333333333,51.16148333333334,spk_0,"There's gonna be a lot of discovery and a lot of crazy chaos through here, but I think"
1140 |
1125,51.1635,51.20066666666666,spk_0,it's great that we're having this conversation that we see so
1141 |
1126,51.200833333333335,51.264,spk_0,many different scopes represented so really appreciative all of your time.
1142 |
1127,51.27398333333333,51.33565,spk_0,And if you by any chance uh need um
1143 |
1128,51.335816666666666,51.38016666666667,spk_0,"some help prioritizing work to this with your managers,"
1144 |
1129,51.38033333333333,51.43131666666667,spk_0,feel free to reach out to me and I can try to put in a good word.
1145 |
1146 |
1131,51.47298333333333,51.48198333333333,spk_0,That's it.
1147 |
1132,51.48383333333334,51.55331666666667,spk_0,We'll uh discuss the synchronously and we see you on the ether or something.
1148 |
1133,51.58648333333333,51.60748333333333,spk_0,Bye. Have a good week.
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
1 |
2 |
0,21.040166666666668,21.051483333333334,spk_0,we can try it.
3 |
4 |
2,21.07933333333333,21.125,spk_0,"that's again, at the moment, we don't think"
5 |
3,21.127666666666663,21.14183333333333,spk_0,that would be applicable.
6 |
4,21.142,21.17383333333333,spk_0,"But if anybody has any other thoughts on that,"
7 |
5,21.17398333333333,21.227166666666665,spk_0,but we could defer the highlighting to the front end or we can pre
8 |
6,21.23,21.25483333333333,spk_0,render it in some ways
9 |
7,21.268833333333333,21.292816666666667,spk_0,all of that is
10 |
8,21.296983333333333,21.39515,spk_0,uh valid and a part of this um gathering existing issues and potential proposals.
11 |
9,21.395316666666663,21.4625,spk_0,Uh I know that carry um you had previously proposed something like
12 |
10,21.478,21.552333333333333,spk_0,do more of prec calculation of the data that we need to render the DS.
13 |
11,21.55615,21.591666666666665,spk_0,I think we wanna need to revisit that at some point.
14 |
12,21.59233333333333,21.6465,spk_0,Um So let's make sure that those issues are created
15 |
13,21.64666666666667,21.694333333333333,spk_0,and documented at least and highlighted here in this um
16 |
14,21.705816666666667,21.748,spk_0,"effort. Uh Well, well, I don't know, we'll have a,"
17 |
15,21.759,21.78065,spk_0,let's create an Epic
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
19,21.8525,21.885316666666668,spk_0,we don't want to move them from the current Epics.
22 |
23 |
21,21.90198333333333,21.948833333333333,spk_0,an issue and document them all there.
24 |
22,21.95565,22.0085,spk_0,"OK? I'll, I'll assign that desk in just a bit to somebody."
25 |
23,22.029166666666665,22.061,spk_0,Does that make sense? Scary of like bringing that
26 |
24,22.06415,22.080166666666667,spk_0,thing back?
27 |
28 |
29 |
27,22.13833333333333,22.19183333333333,spk_0,"Highlighting on the front end. OK. Does that satisfy your question, Igor"
30 |
28,22.218316666666663,22.2875,spk_5,"Yeah. Yeah. And if I have a half a minute, I can explain why I actually asked"
31 |
32 |
30,22.296166666666668,22.319816666666668,spk_5,"Uh uh Because yeah,"
33 |
31,22.32248333333333,22.353316666666668,spk_5,when I think about performance of the
34 |
35 |
33,22.3635,22.41815,spk_5,"I remember that we do something like, for example, we have ad"
36 |
34,22.41998333333333,22.49065,spk_5,for file and currently we fetch the old version of the D
37 |
35,22.49683333333333,22.564666666666668,spk_5,uh old version of the whole block and the new version of the whole block
38 |
36,22.571666666666665,22.61133333333333,spk_5,uh just to highlight the D
39 |
40 |
38,22.631666666666668,22.709333333333333,spk_5,"Uh why uh uh do, why do we do historically"
41 |
39,22.71283333333333,22.78783333333333,spk_5,uh just because we want the D to be correct because sometimes uh
42 |
40,22.791316666666667,22.82133333333333,spk_5,it's uh context
43 |
44 |
42,22.83098333333333,22.90883333333333,spk_5,"Yeah, for example, you have a stream opened like 10 lines somewhere higher."
45 |
43,22.91133333333333,22.934,spk_5,"Uh Yeah, behind the D"
46 |
44,22.941666666666663,23.00198333333333,spk_5,and uh we still want to highlight it correctly.
47 |
48 |
49 |
47,23.027166666666663,23.102666666666668,spk_5,"uh I believe if we start discussing performance improvements of the depths,"
50 |
48,23.102833333333333,23.16865,spk_5,these are the questions that we probably will be uh
51 |
49,23.16883333333333,23.23333333333333,spk_5,often try to solve and find like the new tradeoffs.
52 |
50,23.234816666666667,23.2855,spk_5,"So yeah, it's something that we can"
53 |
51,23.289316666666668,23.37333333333333,spk_5,"uh discuss later. But yeah, a lot of tradeoffs will be involved."
54 |
52,23.379166666666663,23.392666666666667,spk_5,"So yeah,"
55 |
53,23.396833333333333,23.416666666666668,spk_5,one of the examples
56 |
54,23.45381666666667,23.481666666666666,spk_2,I was doing um a
57 |
55,23.494333333333334,23.50815,spk_2,like for
58 |
59 |
57,23.53,23.5405,spk_2,in the
60 |
58,23.546666666666667,23.586816666666667,spk_2,"little, it's like micro app that I wrote."
61 |
59,23.590333333333334,23.6335,spk_2,Um that was the exact problem that I ran into.
62 |
60,23.633666666666667,23.67333333333333,spk_2,I never actually saw incorrect highlighting
63 |
61,23.677666666666667,23.7695,spk_2,"but the flaw was there where if we didn't have the whole lab, um it,"
64 |
62,23.769666666666662,23.80633333333333,spk_2,"it could have highlighted incorrectly because of what you said, you know,"
65 |
63,23.8065,23.858833333333333,spk_2,"30 lines up, something happened that needed that changed the highlighting."
66 |
67 |
65,23.9,23.937316666666668,spk_2,If we have to fetch the whole blob anyway.
68 |
66,23.94565,23.994983333333334,spk_2,"Um in, in my opinion, uh"
69 |
70 |
68,24.023983333333334,24.03865,spk_2,end highlighting
71 |
69,24.044166666666666,24.075333333333333,spk_2,allows us more flexibility
72 |
70,24.08031666666667,24.176,spk_2,um because we can wait until the user scrolls to near the file to highlight it.
73 |
74 |
72,24.194666666666667,24.226983333333333,spk_2,"there's a lot of, there's a lot, like you said,"
75 |
73,24.227166666666665,24.256833333333333,spk_2,there's a lot of tradeoffs because now you've got
76 |
74,24.257,24.288166666666665,spk_2,to deliver the whole blog to the front end.
77 |
78 |
76,24.3445,24.40348333333333,spk_0,"so what the way I envision this and if you have better ideas, this is like,"
79 |
77,24.40365,24.438816666666668,spk_0,please propose is that as the
80 |
78,24.4445,24.46815,spk_0,"discussions evolve,"
81 |
79,24.476983333333333,24.498666666666665,spk_0,we're probably gonna have
82 |
80,24.5045,24.592166666666667,spk_0,big topics in specific calls to be discussed and also be discussed as synchronously
83 |
81,24.605166666666666,24.666833333333333,spk_0,"as we go, we'll highlight, we'll pick these topics and we'll broadcast them all."
84 |
82,24.667,24.69633333333333,spk_0,"Like, let's have a discussion on the syntax highway."
85 |
83,24.69915,24.71565,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on
86 |
87 |
85,24.722316666666668,24.75548333333333,spk_0,Let's have a discussion on those things because we're gonna
88 |
86,24.75565,24.79433333333333,spk_0,need some help in figuring out some of the possibilities
89 |
87,24.79948333333333,24.849316666666667,spk_0,because there's a bunch of possibilities on how do we wanna address this.
90 |
88,24.8625,24.885316666666668,spk_0,But we need to come with a
91 |
89,24.892,24.947316666666666,spk_0,choice or some choices for the architectural design.
92 |
90,24.94748333333333,24.990166666666667,spk_0,"So uh this will be one of them since that's how,"
93 |
91,24.9905,25.02665,spk_0,since that's how I is gonna have to be part of it.
94 |
92,25.051316666666665,25.10165,spk_0,Ok. Thanks Igor. Thanks Thomas. Thanks Jack. Uh
95 |
93,25.1105,25.133333333333333,spk_0,and Carry. Um
96 |
94,25.156333333333333,25.167,spk_0,Moving on.
97 |
95,25.167166666666667,25.236,spk_0,One of the things that we have already talked and I talked to Paulina about this is
98 |
96,25.24948333333333,25.32881666666667,spk_0,we know that accessibility isn't the best today on the merging
99 |
97,25.330816666666667,25.35115,spk_0,best diffs or
100 |
98,25.353483333333333,25.39515,spk_0,Ds overall because we haven't paid too much attention to that.
101 |
99,25.40115,25.44633333333333,spk_0,Since we're rethinking a lot of this as a
102 |
100,25.4545,25.50365,spk_0,"quality usability improvement,"
103 |
101,25.503816666666665,25.58566666666667,spk_0,it will be um really good if you start incorporating accessibility from the start.
104 |
102,25.591833333333334,25.612316666666665,spk_0,"So, um"
105 |
103,25.62398333333333,25.648333333333333,spk_0,how should we wear this Paulina?
106 |
107 |
105,25.68265,25.70233333333333,spk_0,"Is it accessible,"
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
109,25.8565,25.90815,spk_7,yeah. So uh I started the document already. I'll be
112 |
110,25.91215,25.92615,spk_7,doing the audit of
113 |
111,25.929166666666667,25.953316666666662,spk_7,this now and
114 |
112,25.961483333333334,25.9925,spk_7,analyzing what's missing right now.
115 |
113,25.99965,26.047316666666667,spk_7,But also the second part will be like looking at
116 |
114,26.04748333333333,26.10115,spk_7,the guidelines that we should actually follow for the authoring tool
117 |
118 |
116,26.128316666666667,26.16165,spk_7,rethinking about how we want to
119 |
117,26.167666666666666,26.28265,spk_7,show of representatives uh to screen reader users. Um for all the other
120 |
118,26.2875,26.311333333333334,spk_7,parties like small twigs
121 |
119,26.317,26.36865,spk_7,"or tab navigation and things. But for the screen reader,"
122 |
120,26.37465,26.437666666666665,spk_7,it's a bit tricky because what we show is very graphic right now
123 |
121,26.440816666666667,26.46448333333333,spk_7,and uh we need to
124 |
122,26.472316666666668,26.511333333333333,spk_7,be able to like for the screener to
125 |
123,26.519,26.534,spk_7,like read it
126 |
124,26.538166666666665,26.58115,spk_7,computed uh with the relations between
127 |
125,26.58515,26.63948333333333,spk_7,the number of lines and that code changed. Um
128 |
126,26.64498333333333,26.696,spk_7,And all the extra features that commenting. Um
129 |
130 |
128,26.715816666666665,26.732166666666668,spk_0,so in terms of
131 |
129,26.742166666666662,26.772816666666667,spk_0,like accessibility is such a wide
132 |
130,26.790333333333333,26.817666666666668,spk_0,concept and term
133 |
131,26.827166666666667,26.884816666666666,spk_0,when we're talking about spec um specific um
134 |
132,26.887833333333333,26.937666666666665,spk_0,making it a bit more specific. Um
135 |
133,26.94515,27.07465,spk_0,"we can, we can like narrow it down to uh screen reader users, keyboard navigation."
136 |
137 |
138 |
136,27.14883333333333,27.178,spk_0,And um I was
139 |
140 |
138,27.190166666666663,27.215333333333334,spk_7,um how to phrase it.
141 |
139,27.21865,27.247816666666665,spk_7,"It's like the visually, it's"
142 |
143 |
141,27.27415,27.327166666666667,spk_7,"it's as easy to read for, for everyone"
144 |
142,27.3335,27.35765,spk_0,visually comfortable is that
145 |
146 |
144,27.376316666666668,27.386,spk_7,of like
147 |
148 |
146,27.42333333333333,27.461816666666667,spk_7,"Um Yeah, if you, you study"
149 |
147,27.46365,27.488983333333334,spk_7,"like magnifiers,"
150 |
148,27.501816666666667,27.60933333333333,spk_7,"-- uh So we, we don't lose context with
151 |
-- so contrast uh color blindness."
152 |
149,27.612666666666662,27.652166666666663,spk_0,So fits law is about um
153 |
150,27.66398333333333,27.727166666666665,spk_0,"in a nutshell is the larger the target, it is the easier it is to acquire."
154 |
151,27.72733333333333,27.76083333333333,spk_0,So make it comfortable for people with
155 |
152,27.761,27.802666666666667,spk_0,you'd like some motion disabilities and stuff.
156 |
157 |
154,27.8235,27.836816666666667,spk_0,"So again,"
158 |
155,27.836983333333333,27.88648333333333,spk_0,if anything this will be leveraged by the designers that
159 |
156,27.88665,27.9155,spk_0,we will be bringing in at a later stage.
160 |
157,27.91565,27.96448333333333,spk_0,"Uh But as we're thinking about the front end architecture,"
161 |
158,27.964666666666663,27.98281666666667,spk_0,we should account for that.
162 |
159,27.992816666666663,28.03698333333333,spk_7,"Yes, it's design is, but also for screen,"
163 |
160,28.0405,28.085833333333333,spk_7,especially there's also a html structure
164 |
165 |
162,28.098666666666663,28.109483333333333,spk_7,that is
166 |
163,28.11133333333333,28.13315,spk_7,needs to be very specific.
167 |
168 |
165,28.164316666666668,28.221166666666665,spk_0,Uh I just wanted to remind that we're not going to be writing code right away.
169 |
166,28.22133333333333,28.246983333333333,spk_0,But when we're designing the document
170 |
167,28.24965,28.28098333333333,spk_0,"that should be there as a requirement,"
171 |
168,28.28115,28.30516666666667,spk_0,it's something that we need to be accounting for.
172 |
169,28.305316666666663,28.358833333333333,spk_0,So that's the expectation level. Great. This is good. Thanks.
173 |
170,28.359,28.394,spk_0,Anybody has any other thoughts about accessibility?
174 |
175 |
172,28.48333333333333,28.557,spk_0,I feel like it's positive that we're talking about it at this stage of the project. Um
176 |
173,28.562666666666665,28.5815,spk_0,"Thomas, you have a point here."
177 |
174,28.593316666666663,28.61015,spk_0,"Yeah, so"
178 |
175,28.61598333333333,28.626483333333333,spk_0,we can
179 |
180 |
177,28.64816666666667,28.69233333333333,spk_2,we can kind of f accessibility into this. Um
181 |
178,28.70283333333333,28.73133333333333,spk_2,uh As part of my
182 |
179,28.733666666666668,28.769166666666667,spk_2,milestone stuff. I review all my assignments.
183 |
180,28.76933333333333,28.81215,spk_2,I was assigned a meta task for for new Ds.
184 |
181,28.813333333333333,28.853,spk_2,"So it's weird that I reviewed it because it's a meta task,"
185 |
182,28.85315,28.87983333333333,spk_2,but I wrote some thoughts down
186 |
183,28.882166666666667,28.925666666666668,spk_2,and one of them is um
187 |
184,28.9355,28.978483333333333,spk_2,writing down documents about like budgets
188 |
185,28.982983333333333,29.0045,spk_2,and data flow.
189 |
186,29.0085,29.030483333333333,spk_2,And um
190 |
191 |
188,29.04715,29.096,spk_2,when I talk about budgets in the implicit
192 |
189,29.096166666666665,29.13298333333333,spk_2,in that is our promises to users essentially.
193 |
190,29.13315,29.166666666666668,spk_2,And I think one of those things should be accessibility.
194 |
195 |
192,29.185316666666665,29.20748333333333,spk_2,But other things are
196 |
197 |
194,29.25283333333333,29.303816666666663,spk_2,heavy on the network is this new structure of
198 |
199 |
196,29.3155,29.3985,spk_2,"Um How heavy on a user's browser, is this new application or,"
200 |
197,29.398666666666667,29.425833333333333,spk_2,"or new component or whatever,"
201 |
198,29.43915,29.45815,spk_2,how much code is executed?
202 |
199,29.45833333333333,29.495483333333333,spk_2,"How much, how much, how long does it take those kinds of things?"
203 |
200,29.504666666666665,29.54348333333333,spk_2,Setting those budgets early and saying
204 |
201,29.54948333333333,29.61148333333333,spk_2,uh whatever we do has to be fully accessible to
205 |
202,29.61798333333333,29.67615,spk_2,fully blind people or fully deaf people or whatever. Um
206 |
207 |
204,29.702666666666666,29.754166666666663,spk_2,Those setting those early sets expectations for the whole
208 |
205,29.761166666666668,29.776816666666665,spk_2,work that we do.
209 |
206,29.780316666666668,29.826316666666667,spk_2,"Um So I think that that should be an early part of this documentation,"
210 |
207,29.82648333333333,29.86215,spk_2,"not just the architecture, but what are our,"
211 |
208,29.870316666666668,29.8815,spk_2,"what are,"
212 |
209,29.881666666666668,29.956666666666667,spk_2,what are the difficult choices that we will accept for the benefit of our users?
213 |
210,30.01631666666667,30.069816666666668,spk_2,"And I linked the, my, my review um"
214 |
211,30.07733333333333,30.115166666666667,spk_2,that has a few of those things in there. But
215 |
212,30.15165,30.214666666666663,spk_0,great thanks Thomas. Um I particularly like the budget documents.
216 |
213,30.223,30.276316666666663,spk_0,"Um The data flow, we were already like, you'll be part of,"
217 |
214,30.27698333333333,30.306666666666665,spk_0,"I think the documentation anyway,"
218 |
215,30.306833333333334,30.34915,spk_0,but uh the budget document is something that we can easily forget.
219 |
220 |
221 |
218,30.38915,30.43133333333333,spk_0,"when we're deciding about adding a new thing,"
222 |
219,30.4375,30.44748333333333,spk_0,"because you're right,"
223 |
220,30.44765,30.47865,spk_0,like we don't want to build something that is performance
224 |
221,30.478816666666667,30.52533333333333,spk_0,on the day one and then on day 365.
225 |
222,30.5255,30.551316666666665,spk_0,"0 my God, it's slow again. Why?"
226 |
223,30.561,30.608666666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, definitely something to keep us in check. Um"
227 |
224,30.62183333333333,30.67065,spk_0,uh Potentially we can even talk about um
228 |
229 |
226,30.71215,30.725166666666667,spk_0,to like
230 |
231 |
228,30.74965,30.841833333333334,spk_0,"linking tools C I checks, et cetera. Definitely makes sense to keep us in line."
232 |
229,30.867166666666662,30.878,spk_0,And I guess
233 |
230,30.884816666666666,30.948166666666665,spk_2,"we should probably, I should probably note somewhere. We should note that um"
234 |
231,30.95165,30.986166666666666,spk_2,the word budget is intentional because
235 |
232,30.990816666666667,31.06815,spk_2,"budgets are reviewed quarterly or yearly. And if you're not meeting them, you"
236 |
237 |
234,31.091666666666665,31.10683333333333,spk_2,you adjust
238 |
235,31.120483333333333,31.136816666666668,spk_2,to meet your budget.
239 |
236,31.136983333333333,31.175166666666662,spk_2,"So we should make sure that we're, we're continually doing this,"
240 |
237,31.17533333333333,31.19748333333333,spk_2,not just as an initial target.
241 |
238,31.229666666666667,31.2485,spk_0,Got it. Thanks.
242 |
243 |
240,31.28783333333333,31.307316666666665,spk_0,ok. So
244 |
241,31.319666666666667,31.33865,spk_0,there was one thing
245 |
242,31.3425,31.385316666666668,spk_0,that has been throughout all these discussions
246 |
243,31.38865,31.436,spk_0,"that we haven't talked yet, which is maintainability."
247 |
244,31.44033333333333,31.47733333333333,spk_0,One of the problems we faced with working with
248 |
245,31.4775,31.526,spk_0,this is that the application itself is so complex
249 |
246,31.529166666666665,31.553816666666663,spk_0,"that over time,"
250 |
247,31.555,31.626483333333333,spk_0,the maintainability of the app just suffers and
251 |
248,31.62665,31.67248333333333,spk_0,"especially with a native approach or building things,"
252 |
249,31.67898333333333,31.760316666666668,spk_0,the based of boring solutions. Um And then eventually we can just keep it at
253 |
250,31.762666666666668,31.794,spk_0,that stage for a really long time.
254 |
255 |
252,31.8385,31.86733333333333,spk_0,We have plenty of examples for sure.
256 |
253,31.8735,31.940816666666667,spk_0,Um But I think one of the things we have to keep in mind is um
257 |
254,31.945833333333333,31.988166666666668,spk_0,"an improved or released,"
258 |
255,32.00266666666667,32.0275,spk_0,improve maintainability
259 |
256,32.04698333333333,32.102666666666664,spk_0,"uh than what we have today. And I think,"
260 |
257,32.10815,32.14666666666667,spk_0,does anybody disagree with that being a goal?
261 |
258,32.159,32.17015,spk_0,Let's put it that way.
262 |
259,32.20548333333333,32.212833333333336,spk_2,"You wanna,"
263 |
260,32.23531666666667,32.28366666666667,spk_2,you wanna spend the next 20 minutes defining maintainability?
264 |
265 |
262,32.32448333333333,32.38231666666667,spk_0,"thought you're gonna say uh do, do you wanna kick the person who says yet? No."
266 |
267 |
264,32.41316666666667,32.42281666666667,spk_0,"I mean,"
268 |
265,32.425333333333334,32.45033333333333,spk_0,"sure. What, what do we"
269 |
266,32.4525,32.47533333333333,spk_0,like? I think we have a
270 |
267,32.48016666666667,32.52048333333333,spk_0,maybe I have an idea of what maintainability is but
271 |
268,32.52065,32.572316666666666,spk_0,uh should we take a stab at like defining that roughly
272 |
269,32.63315,32.67015,spk_0,"or do we just keep it right at the moment? And we,"
273 |
274 |
271,32.707816666666666,32.75731666666667,spk_8,"I think you have to, it has to be defined at some point."
275 |
272,32.75748333333333,32.79266666666667,spk_8,"I don't know if this is the point to do it, but we have to,"
276 |
273,32.79281666666667,32.81648333333333,spk_8,we do have to have that conversation.
277 |
274,32.81933333333333,32.85981666666667,spk_8,"There has to be a metric where we're never gonna do it. It's just,"
278 |
275,32.86848333333333,32.89915,spk_8,"yeah, if we can't measure it, what can we do?"
279 |
276,32.910833333333336,32.971833333333336,spk_0,All right. So let's uh let's open an issue to do that as synchronously
280 |
277,32.98383333333334,32.99816666666667,spk_0,move to an issue
281 |
278,33.000166666666665,33.05798333333333,spk_0,to iterate on a joint definition
282 |
279,33.06666666666667,33.08833333333333,spk_0,of maintainability.
283 |
280,33.103,33.196666666666665,spk_0,"It was like we're moving in a W three C standard where we have like what this must mean,"
284 |
281,33.19683333333333,33.234,spk_0,what this should mean and that's good.
285 |
282,33.23416666666667,33.303,spk_0,"That's a positive thing, fellas and, and gals because I think that's the"
286 |
283,33.311166666666665,33.34466666666667,spk_0,how we get the standard to live on
287 |
284,33.34965,33.40266666666667,spk_0,"uh without misinterpretation along the way. So,"
288 |
285,33.4065,33.44065,spk_0,"yeah, thanks for bringing it up. Let's move that to an issue."
289 |
290 |
287,33.46483333333333,33.535666666666664,spk_0,I put here then the bottom create issue to define maintainability.
291 |
288,33.557,33.57516666666667,spk_0,Um Cool.
292 |
293 |
290,33.62533333333333,33.6335,spk_0,All right.
294 |
291,33.6585,33.71815,spk_0,"Any other goals that we should keep in mind? So let's recap, let's recap."
295 |
292,33.71831666666667,33.7655,spk_0,"So, create a document for the architecture, which is the main goal."
296 |
293,33.76815,33.81516666666667,spk_0,We need to cover all scenarios where diffs are used around git lab.
297 |
294,33.830983333333336,33.872816666666665,spk_0,"We need performance,"
298 |
295,33.87615,33.9105,spk_0,"we need to keep it perform. Oh, sorry."
299 |
296,33.91598333333334,33.94298333333333,spk_0,I should read the rest of the phrase
300 |
297,33.94416666666667,33.993833333333335,spk_0,performance not being degraded regardless of how big the
301 |
302 |
299,34.026983333333334,34.07431666666667,spk_0,"the diff is? See, it's gonna happen a lot of times"
303 |
300,34.07933333333333,34.08465,spk_0,it's not
304 |
305 |
302,34.098333333333336,34.11516666666667,spk_0,it's notar it's diff
306 |
303,34.13613333333333,34.18245,spk_0,uh accessible app for the users. Um
307 |
304,34.213,34.239333333333335,spk_0,"uh We'll need to define,"
308 |
305,34.24431666666667,34.2965,spk_0,define boundaries and user first promises uh which is
309 |
306,34.29881666666667,34.31648333333333,spk_0,"documents for budget,"
310 |
307,34.31666666666667,34.3625,spk_0,documents for data flow and potentially like targets for lending
311 |
308,34.36898333333333,34.41931666666667,spk_0,and uh an improvement in ability that why we have today.
312 |
313 |
310,34.47715,34.4935,spk_0,Anything missing
314 |
315 |
312,34.583333333333336,34.63965,spk_1,How about metrics like uh performance metrics
316 |
313,34.652483333333336,34.65763333333334,spk_1,use H
317 |
318 |
315,34.72083333333333,34.770316666666666,spk_0,"Um How should we, so what's the target there?"
319 |
316,34.8045,34.814816666666665,spk_1,"Yeah, I mean,"
320 |
317,34.821,34.87448333333333,spk_1,"right now, I don't know. I mean, we have, we have very nice for performance"
321 |
318,34.87616666666667,34.89848333333333,spk_1,and mix because we have dark
322 |
323 |
320,34.93116666666667,34.95016666666667,spk_1,back end and fun and
324 |
321,34.9545,34.965316666666666,spk_1,fun times.
325 |
322,34.9755,34.98615,spk_1,That's one.
326 |
323,35.003483333333335,35.01531666666666,spk_1,"But for,"
327 |
324,35.02183333333333,35.03333333333333,spk_1,"yeah, go ahead and get it."
328 |
325,35.038666666666664,35.04848333333333,spk_1,Go ahead.
329 |
326,35.05083333333334,35.07566666666666,spk_1,"But for usage usage metrics,"
330 |
327,35.07748333333333,35.08165,spk_1,image for
331 |
332 |
329,35.11266666666667,35.172333333333334,spk_0,"I think, I think I'm gonna channel my Stanislav"
333 |
330,35.17633333333333,35.193983333333335,spk_0,because he's sick.
334 |
331,35.19683333333333,35.214983333333336,spk_0,So I'm gonna pull him in
335 |
332,35.22015,35.251,spk_0,and I'm gonna be speaking as if I was him
336 |
337 |
334,35.28581666666667,35.35231666666667,spk_0,because we've talked about this in the past and I think Thomas as well is um to not
338 |
335,35.36416666666667,35.4085,spk_0,do not pursue vanity metrics. What does this mean?
339 |
336,35.424483333333335,35.5095,spk_0,"If we, if we think about the usual metrics we have, which is time the first bite."
340 |
341 |
338,35.533833333333334,35.57415,spk_0,I don't know. Uh LCP and
342 |
339,35.5805,35.63315,spk_0,uh T BT s and all that stuff. A lot of those metrics can have.
343 |
340,35.64565,35.674483333333335,spk_0,"It was you, Thomas. Yes,"
344 |
341,35.67881666666667,35.70215,spk_0,that's blurry. So
345 |
342,35.713166666666666,35.7935,spk_0,"area. No, like a youtuber look at that, like look at, look at my, look at my thing."
346 |
343,35.79848333333333,35.86481666666667,spk_0,"Uh So yeah, the point of that is we should pursue meaningful metrics."
347 |
344,35.864983333333335,35.8795,spk_0,"I think that's,"
348 |
345,35.8805,35.948483333333336,spk_0,"that's how we can word it and what's meaningful is meaningful for our project,"
349 |
346,35.95248333333333,35.976166666666664,spk_0,which means we're probably gonna need to
350 |
347,35.97898333333333,36.004333333333335,spk_0,define those metrics
351 |
348,36.009166666666665,36.04481666666667,spk_0,and one of them falls into what Thomas was talking about.
352 |
349,36.04498333333333,36.11383333333333,spk_0,"The budget documents, right? Is things specifically built for us"
353 |
350,36.11816666666667,36.186816666666665,spk_0,because I can give you an example. We we had major improvement on TV T
354 |
355 |
352,36.22815,36.27583333333333,spk_0,"but that came at a cost of some viability, right?"
356 |
353,36.28,36.34131666666666,spk_0,"And it wasn't, it was conscious, we knew what we were doing. But"
357 |
354,36.3505,36.3765,spk_0,what I think we need to
358 |
355,36.38483333333333,36.42381666666667,spk_0,think a little bit deeper about is
359 |
356,36.43715,36.51,spk_0,why do we want to move those metrics and what's the impact of that to the user? So
360 |
357,36.51198333333333,36.564166666666665,spk_0,which goes a little bit to my next point of order priorities.
361 |
358,36.56433333333333,36.59065,spk_0,We're gonna grab all these goals and we're going to
362 |
359,36.59081666666667,36.64683333333333,spk_0,put them in order and like what's the most important thing
363 |
360,36.649483333333336,36.70966666666666,spk_0,"first and then having, if we have to make a choice between some of those."
364 |
361,36.709833333333336,36.72481666666667,spk_0,"So for example,"
365 |
362,36.73315,36.77415,spk_0,if we need to sacrifice um
366 |
367 |
364,36.81065,36.835816666666666,spk_0,for performance
368 |
365,36.84381666666667,36.85833333333333,spk_0,should be
369 |
366,36.871,36.89031666666666,spk_0,right? Um
370 |
367,36.89565,36.906,spk_0,I think
371 |
368,36.9175,37.01181666666667,spk_0,having an order um of uh priorities definitely helps later on in the project.
372 |
369,37.01198333333333,37.079166666666666,spk_0,"Um W three C does this with uh V html five spec where it's,"
373 |
370,37.07933333333333,37.13433333333333,spk_0,"it specifies exactly who comes first, like users comes first,"
374 |
371,37.139,37.2045,spk_0,then comes authors then comes browser implementer implementer and then comes
375 |
372,37.20916666666667,37.24633333333333,spk_0,specter or whatever or theoretical purity.
376 |
373,37.24815,37.30166666666667,spk_0,So there has some priority order there.
377 |
374,37.30781666666667,37.35648333333334,spk_0,"Um So for us and a little bit more reasonable,"
378 |
375,37.35665,37.38248333333333,spk_0,I don't want to sacrifice accessibility.
379 |
376,37.38265,37.40983333333333,spk_0,But if you think about more of
380 |
377,37.41565,37.47015,spk_0,"perceived performance or meaningful metrics, like we're talking about here,"
381 |
378,37.47715,37.507983333333335,spk_0,um meaningful metrics
382 |
379,37.5135,37.55265,spk_0,"versus maintainability, I think we're,"
383 |
380,37.56333333333333,37.619483333333335,spk_0,we should probably sacrifice maintainability a little bit if that comes with
384 |
381,37.61965,37.677483333333335,spk_0,some benefit to the perceived performance or to the meaningful metrics.
385 |
382,37.68598333333333,37.72731666666667,spk_0,"So if anything metrics to this point,"
386 |
383,37.74216666666667,37.77166666666667,spk_0,I would just add meaningful metrics
387 |
384,37.785,37.828316666666666,spk_0,"and in parentheses, Thomas will put not vanity."
388 |
389 |
386,37.905166666666666,37.943333333333335,spk_1,"Yeah, makes sense. Makes a lot of sense. I agree."
390 |
391 |
388,37.96,37.990316666666665,spk_2,I think uh as part of our
392 |
389,37.99316666666667,38.01266666666667,spk_2,"documentation process,"
393 |
390,38.01283333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_2,"we should define something like the W three C like who comes first or,"
394 |
391,38.0685,38.1015,spk_2,"or what comes first, obviously"
395 |
392,38.10483333333333,38.141666666666666,spk_2,"users, right? And then like, what does that mean?"
396 |
393,38.14183333333333,38.212316666666666,spk_2,"So like formats accessibility, what, what's the order of how we sacrifice things?"
397 |
398 |
395,38.25331666666667,38.30866666666667,spk_2,"I'll, I'll say it since it's, it's not popular in the front end."
399 |
396,38.30883333333333,38.3885,spk_2,"Industry developers should be last. Our, our experience should be last."
400 |
397,38.388666666666666,38.44266666666667,spk_2,"The DX should not be important. Um So,"
401 |
398,38.47065,38.52065,spk_0,so I'm gonna grab this recording when later you're complaining about
402 |
399,38.520833333333336,38.54881666666667,spk_0,"a bug that is really hard to fix and like,"
403 |
400,38.54898333333333,38.56115,spk_0,"hey, listen,"
404 |
401,38.575833333333335,38.59783333333333,spk_0,"look at this old friend,"
405 |
402,38.61165,38.63016666666667,spk_0,I agree with you. I agree with that.
406 |
403,38.63033333333333,38.66181666666667,spk_0,"I think, I think it's just, yeah, we,"
407 |
404,38.66198333333333,38.7125,spk_0,"we've lived through many hard problems to solve, to know"
408 |
405,38.72331666666667,38.75281666666667,spk_0,"they come at a cost per Yeah,"
409 |
410 |
407,38.801,38.84065,spk_0,So I wrote Meaningful Metrics. Thanks Patrick.
411 |
408,38.84081666666667,38.893,spk_0,"Uh Again, we're probably gonna need to need to be defined,"
412 |
409,38.94448333333333,38.96816666666667,spk_0,"great issue, I guess."
413 |
410,38.98248333333333,39.0135,spk_0,Um create
414 |
411,39.01948333333333,39.05466666666667,spk_0,issues or meaningful
415 |
412,39.064816666666665,39.13565,spk_0,"metrics. Uh And we can use some things that we've used in the past, which is um"
416 |
413,39.14216666666667,39.16316666666667,spk_0,custom defined
417 |
414,39.16833333333334,39.18116666666667,spk_0,what we call it.
418 |
419 |
416,39.2375,39.24666666666667,spk_0,The clery
420 |
417,39.251,39.29065,spk_0,P I that we have on the browser that we can ma uh
421 |
418,39.30665,39.364983333333335,spk_0,a user markings. Uh You can have markings on the front end that like
422 |
419,39.368,39.406,spk_0,"define stages of the render of the application,"
423 |
420,39.41065,39.47315,spk_0,which include the performance of the back end and the front end all at once.
424 |
421,39.47331666666667,39.53131666666667,spk_0,"And we can define those things and implement it at the front end in terms of that,"
425 |
422,39.53265,39.58231666666666,spk_0,"which doesn't exclude having all the metrics for the backend exclusive,"
426 |
423,39.582483333333336,39.60983333333333,spk_0,all the metrics for Galley and all that stuff.
427 |
424,39.61,39.64366666666667,spk_0,So that's why this is gonna be a joint effort because
428 |
425,39.64481666666666,39.67933333333333,spk_0,this might mean different things for each one of us.
429 |
430 |
427,39.70483333333333,39.7225,spk_1,we'll keep your eye in the loop.
431 |
428,39.74583333333333,39.756816666666666,spk_0,All right.
432 |
429,39.77133333333333,39.81548333333333,spk_0,Anything else in terms of objectives?
433 |
434 |
431,39.891666666666666,39.90798333333333,spk_0,So we have seven minutes
435 |
436 |
433,39.95248333333333,39.98148333333334,spk_0,"before I go to order priorities,"
437 |
434,39.99366666666667,40.055,spk_0,"I'll ask, should we have also an issue to discuss the, I'll,"
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
3,41.1225,41.14216666666667,spk_0,uh improved
6 |
4,41.16283333333333,41.21515,spk_0,can probably find better words for this later and maintain the ability.
7 |
5,41.24965,41.28731666666667,spk_0,"Uh What we talked about. Oh, we skipped one."
8 |
9 |
7,41.372166666666665,41.39148333333333,spk_0,How should we call your point?
10 |
8,41.391666666666666,41.439166666666665,spk_0,Thomas to find boundaries and user first promises early?
11 |
9,41.46565,41.542,spk_0,"Is that part of the relevant metrics, meaningful metrics? Can we keep it in there?"
12 |
10,41.55833333333333,41.59865,spk_2,"Yeah, it's part of it for sure."
13 |
11,41.61366666666667,41.6645,spk_2,"There are also, I think it's also just like define um"
14 |
12,41.680166666666665,41.70583333333333,spk_2,"it's like defining deliverables, right?"
15 |
13,41.706,41.78181666666666,spk_2,"Like like uh like something is not complete if we, if it's not accessible,"
16 |
14,41.78565,41.84048333333333,spk_2,um it's not complete if it's um
17 |
15,41.85715,41.86716666666667,spk_2,if it
18 |
19 |
17,41.91333333333333,42.0055,spk_2,a full second to get the code for it across the network or whatever. Um So it's like
20 |
21 |
19,42.0395,42.088,spk_2,what are acceptable deliverable sort of
22 |
20,42.115316666666665,42.14098333333333,spk_2,"boundary. Yeah, I'm not sure."
23 |
21,42.15616666666666,42.189166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I think that's if we, if we frame it,"
24 |
22,42.18933333333333,42.21881666666667,spk_0,"I think that's part of the meaningful metrics,"
25 |
23,42.21898333333333,42.26181666666667,spk_0,we define the meaningful metrics and in there will
26 |
24,42.26198333333333,42.3125,spk_0,be compliance with the budget in there would be
27 |
25,42.316833333333335,42.37916666666667,spk_0,"time to get the data from Gidley or time to get the data from the rail side or,"
28 |
26,42.379333333333335,42.39716666666666,spk_0,or anything like that.
29 |
27,42.409,42.45066666666666,spk_0,I think we can keep it for now covered with the meaningful metric.
30 |
28,42.450833333333335,42.492,spk_0,So we have so covers of all these scenarios
31 |
29,42.49733333333333,42.524816666666666,spk_0,"uh which, which goes"
32 |
30,42.52966666666666,42.57933333333333,spk_0,"we, we can put it at odds with some particular scenarios that don't make sense,"
33 |
31,42.589,42.6475,spk_0,"performance regardless of this size, which is part of meaningful metrics."
34 |
32,42.647666666666666,42.66733333333333,spk_0,Should we erase that?
35 |
33,42.78766666666667,42.7975,spk_0,"Yeah, I"
36 |
34,42.802,42.81783333333333,spk_2,think so.
37 |
35,42.82715,42.83148333333333,spk_2,So we
38 |
36,42.833333333333336,42.8675,spk_2,have our performance budget should work no matter what
39 |
37,42.87715,42.93066666666667,spk_0,"coverage of these scenarios accessible improvement in ability,"
40 |
38,42.93083333333333,42.94981666666666,spk_0,"meaningful metrics,"
41 |
39,42.96366666666667,43.00866666666667,spk_0,"which is per performance, I guess as a whole."
42 |
43 |
41,43.0635,43.1185,spk_0,"Oh, we missed one. Can we create a shared documents followed with some organization"
44 |
42,43.13516666666666,43.15133333333333,spk_0,to start keeping artic
45 |
43,43.155166666666666,43.15983333333333,spk_0,one? But
46 |
44,43.17133333333334,43.18248333333333,spk_2,"this wasn't,"
47 |
45,43.18516666666667,43.2435,spk_2,"I didn't, I didn't vocalize it because we, we this is very,"
48 |
46,43.256483333333335,43.27865,spk_2,but like uh
49 |
47,43.28981666666667,43.32748333333333,spk_2,"we can't work exclusively in issues, right?"
50 |
48,43.32765,43.42881666666667,spk_2,"Because an issue is like something that eventually is closed um or resolved where,"
51 |
49,43.428983333333335,43.45398333333333,spk_2,where are we going to keep things?
52 |
50,43.454166666666666,43.508833333333335,spk_2,"Should we, should we create a wiki? Should we use our wiki feature?"
53 |
54 |
52,43.58766666666666,43.638,spk_0,"Uh I don't, I've never been involved in architecture design workflow."
55 |
53,43.63816666666666,43.695483333333335,spk_0,"If anybody has, please, maybe Patrick or Carry you were"
56 |
57 |
55,43.7225,43.74465,spk_0,"I was thinking about just using the,"
58 |
56,43.744816666666665,43.78366666666667,spk_0,we're gonna start to put things in
59 |
57,43.78383333333333,43.82266666666666,spk_0,the documentation itself of the architecture design.
60 |
58,43.82516666666667,43.8925,spk_0,"There's already a status for like proposed, accepted that sort of thing."
61 |
59,43.899816666666666,43.930166666666665,spk_0,So we should not re invent the wheel and just
62 |
60,43.93033333333333,43.98181666666667,spk_0,"use the documentation as a living spec as we go,"
63 |
61,43.98198333333333,43.99798333333333,spk_0,we take it through the
64 |
62,44.005,44.04031666666667,spk_0,the stages. I think that's what makes more sense.
65 |
63,44.04583333333333,44.06465,spk_0,Anybody disagrees.
66 |
64,44.08833333333333,44.1,spk_0,Does that make sense?
67 |
68 |
66,44.153983333333336,44.20715,spk_7,Uh How about the things that would not go into documents?
69 |
67,44.20731666666666,44.26833333333333,spk_7,"Like if I'm doing the audit, it's not gonna end up all there."
70 |
71 |
69,44.30433333333333,44.330333333333336,spk_7,So should I just keep that
72 |
73 |
71,44.39448333333333,44.42881666666667,spk_0,"Um I mean, we definitely can find a"
74 |
72,44.43165,44.485816666666665,spk_0,Google Drive boulder to keep things organized.
75 |
73,44.48783333333333,44.51931666666667,spk_0,I think that's OK. Like a
76 |
74,44.5305,44.57666666666667,spk_0,artifact of investigations. Sure.
77 |
75,44.584,44.61783333333333,spk_0,Uh Maybe that can cover what Thomas was saying.
78 |
76,44.618,44.63131666666666,spk_0,"But in terms of like,"
79 |
77,44.631483333333335,44.66048333333333,spk_0,we should keep in mind that the effort should
80 |
78,44.66065,44.69415,spk_0,be to update the documentation that we're putting out.
81 |
79,44.70483333333333,44.75033333333333,spk_0,"And if like for example, if it makes sense to"
82 |
80,44.75331666666666,44.78248333333333,spk_0,"reference the artist that you did,"
83 |
81,44.78783333333333,44.7975,spk_0,you can keep it in the
84 |
82,44.799483333333335,44.84481666666667,spk_0,doc but link it on the living spec living on the
85 |
83,44.84881666666666,44.88248333333333,spk_0,link it on the documentation that we're merging.
86 |
87 |
88 |
86,44.91165,44.95798333333333,spk_0,"Still let's build a Google Drive just for,"
89 |
87,44.97398333333334,45.03366666666667,spk_2,"yeah, I think we should have a Google Drive maybe for like drafts or like, hey,"
90 |
88,45.03383333333333,45.064166666666665,spk_2,I'm doing this audit and here's a bunch of stuff.
91 |
89,45.06433333333333,45.122166666666665,spk_2,"But if we're gonna be linking like data or like report results,"
92 |
90,45.13315,45.16481666666667,spk_2,we should probably be using kit lab.
93 |
91,45.177816666666665,45.1895,spk_2,So like
94 |
95 |
93,45.21683333333333,45.24815,spk_2,"that's why I suggested wiki like that,"
96 |
94,45.24831666666667,45.28866666666666,spk_2,that can maybe we can store larger artifacts over
97 |
95,45.288833333333336,45.32116666666667,spk_2,in wiki and then link it from the documentation.
98 |
96,45.321333333333335,45.33165,spk_2,I'm not sure.
99 |
100 |
101 |
99,45.39881666666667,45.434666666666665,spk_2,that Google Drive necessarily means it's like
102 |
100,45.44166666666667,45.47881666666667,spk_2,private and we're keeping it a secret.
103 |
101,45.481316666666665,45.53148333333333,spk_2,Um And maybe we should default to something more public.
104 |
102,45.54266666666667,45.589,spk_0,"Not necessarily, you can have Google Docs that are public"
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
108,45.66931666666667,45.73433333333333,spk_8,"it's the pattern of, of use though. It really is like Google Docs is like,"
111 |
109,45.75265,45.78715,spk_8,"yeah, it's kind of hidden enough to decide."
112 |
110,45.81098333333333,45.8255,spk_1,"-- Shouldn't
113 |
-- we use skip?"
114 |
111,45.8345,45.8505,spk_2,"We, we should use"
115 |
112,45.85416666666666,45.86181666666667,spk_2,"Gab, right?"
116 |
113,45.87533333333333,45.89216666666667,spk_1,"Hey, I have an idea."
117 |
114,45.89398333333333,45.90116666666667,spk_1,Let's use
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
118,45.94733333333333,46.00533333333333,spk_0,"All right. Let's talk about it on Slack. I mean, whatever people are agreeing."
122 |
119,46.0055,46.040816666666665,spk_0,II I would have a problem with. Um
123 |
120,46.06433333333333,46.11416666666667,spk_0,"All right. So let's not take any actions, let's discuss, let's discuss this thing."
124 |
121,46.17183333333333,46.207483333333336,spk_0,Almost you start the discussion on Slack
125 |
122,46.212833333333336,46.25116666666667,spk_0,"um or on the Gila issue. Sorry,"
126 |
123,46.25566666666667,46.27283333333333,spk_0,because we need to talk for.
127 |
128 |
125,46.29716666666667,46.34798333333333,spk_0,"OK. So looking at the immediate task at hand,"
129 |
130 |
127,46.369483333333335,46.427483333333335,spk_0,"I'm sorry, looking at the other priorities which we need to move to an issue."
131 |
132 |
129,46.50781666666666,46.5675,spk_0,"So what I think would, would do is like ordered."
133 |
130,46.57083333333333,46.614,spk_0,An example example would be
134 |
131,46.61931666666667,46.64481666666666,spk_0,"like meaningful metrics,"
135 |
136 |
137 |
134,46.726333333333336,46.760333333333335,spk_0,"before then maintain,"
138 |
135,46.76565,46.81498333333333,spk_0,maintain ability. That would be the first choice.
139 |
136,46.82065,46.8475,spk_0,Uh accessibility
140 |
137,46.87116666666667,46.909666666666666,spk_0,should also come before maintainability.
141 |
142 |
139,46.97048333333333,47.022666666666666,spk_0,coverage for all these scenarios. That's a tricky one.
143 |
140,47.024483333333336,47.03766666666667,spk_0,But I
144 |
141,47.04098333333334,47.088166666666666,spk_0,I'm just giving an example like you don't have to agree with that. Um
145 |
142,47.10265,47.1515,spk_0,I I would say uh so we can
146 |
143,47.15631666666667,47.16833333333334,spk_0,keep it
147 |
148 |
145,47.20381666666667,47.23766666666667,spk_0,because it needs to be accessible.
149 |
146,47.23783333333333,47.284666666666666,spk_0,"But he thought some things might not cover all scenarios,"
150 |
147,47.28816666666667,47.309666666666665,spk_0,maintainability. What's missing?
151 |
152 |
149,47.34981666666667,47.41033333333333,spk_0,"that's it. 1234. Yeah, so that, that this would be an example of uh"
153 |
150,47.4265,47.43998333333333,spk_0,to start off with.
154 |
151,47.44015,47.471833333333336,spk_0,"We might have different things that we add in the as we go,"
155 |
152,47.472,47.50298333333333,spk_0,but at least we'll have a place to document it
156 |
153,47.50698333333333,47.53598333333333,spk_0,and this will be part of the documentation.
157 |
154,47.540816666666665,47.5845,spk_0,Just an example. Let's move the discussion to an issue. OK.
158 |
159 |
156,47.698483333333336,47.73866666666667,spk_0,And that takes me over time.
160 |
157,47.74048333333333,47.80583333333333,spk_0,Uh So I need people to claim these immediate tasks at hand.
161 |
162 |
159,47.83715,47.895833333333336,spk_0,We need some people to start opening the MRS for the documentation
163 |
160,47.89915,47.96683333333333,spk_0,just to get it started as a draft or whatever the status is. Um
164 |
161,47.9755,48.0345,spk_0,And I need someone to claim that task. I need someone um
165 |
162,48.046,48.115316666666665,spk_0,"to create the issue to gather all the existing issues and that's the point is OK,"
166 |
163,48.11548333333333,48.125,spk_0,"the issue,"
167 |
164,48.13033333333333,48.16433333333333,spk_0,but then you broadcast it to everybody to
168 |
165,48.177483333333335,48.22715,spk_0,uh add comments to that issue or something or add to the description
169 |
166,48.255833333333335,48.28548333333333,spk_0,"um and, and ask"
170 |
167,48.301833333333335,48.31215,spk_0,"what happened,"
171 |
168,48.323483333333336,48.339,spk_0,something changed.
172 |
169,48.34481666666667,48.35731666666667,spk_0,"Oh yeah, I did a comment."
173 |
174 |
171,48.392833333333336,48.43248333333333,spk_0,"the document current approach for multiple gifts,"
175 |
172,48.43265,48.45381666666667,spk_0,I'm probably gonna need multiple
176 |
177 |
174,48.49065,48.50748333333333,spk_0,Google doc crashed.
178 |
175,48.52966666666666,48.602,spk_0,Uh So the documents current approach for multiple dis implementations is that like
179 |
176,48.60215,48.664,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things happen between Gidley.
180 |
177,48.66416666666667,48.70681666666667,spk_0,"Like we on the front end between Gidley and rails,"
181 |
178,48.713166666666666,48.738166666666665,spk_0,we don't have a lot of visibility on how things
182 |
179,48.73833333333333,48.77848333333333,spk_0,on source code happen uh on back end and stuff.
183 |
180,48.77865,48.84081666666667,spk_0,So it would be nice to get some sort of like Quick Sons shott
184 |
181,48.8465,48.90315,spk_0,of how the dips are being generated and handled today.
185 |
182,48.91033333333333,48.963166666666666,spk_0,Um I would keep it light ish
186 |
183,48.96515,49.02583333333333,spk_0,because this is just to understand where we are. It's not the outcome.
187 |
184,49.026,49.085816666666666,spk_0,"It's just a, a good effort of capturing what we have today."
188 |
185,49.092333333333336,49.10681666666667,spk_0,"And for this,"
189 |
186,49.10698333333333,49.18248333333333,spk_0,what I would leverage is potentially grab all the dris and assign an issue to them.
190 |
187,49.2,49.22031666666667,spk_0,Why is my Google doc
191 |
188,49.24166666666667,49.263333333333335,spk_0,do look just crashed.
192 |
193 |
190,49.29431666666667,49.313833333333335,spk_0,Which is why we should just get love.
194 |
191,49.32781666666666,49.360166666666665,spk_0,So I'll take action on that. I'll create an issue
195 |
192,49.37365,49.42015,spk_0,and I'll sign every Dr I uh there and
196 |
193,49.420316666666665,49.45966666666666,spk_0,potentially I'll ping you to Patrick because of giddily.
197 |
194,49.4675,49.56465,spk_0,"Um And the idea is just to share some notes or some diagrams of how,"
198 |
195,49.57031666666666,49.62331666666667,spk_0,how we're doing the DS today in your part of the organization.
199 |
196,49.631166666666665,49.6935,spk_0,"Uh If that makes sense, is that sensible for everybody or am I missing something."
200 |
197,49.77715,49.822,spk_0,OK. Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm making
201 |
198,49.826166666666666,49.85681666666667,spk_0,no sense at all. It just too
202 |
199,49.86165,49.888666666666666,spk_0,respectful to call me out.
203 |
200,49.90433333333333,49.95183333333333,spk_0,Uh Let's assume it's not that uh right. I'll take that one
204 |
205 |
202,49.97431666666667,50.0,spk_0,I think that is for me.
206 |
203,50.00248333333333,50.06816666666667,spk_0,And then we need one. We already have one for uh the define maintainability.
207 |
204,50.07315,50.13615,spk_0,Um This is then we need one to create issue for meaningful metrics
208 |
205,50.14098333333333,50.18698333333333,spk_0,and then one to an issue to discuss order of priorities.
209 |
206,50.191316666666665,50.21683333333333,spk_0,Um I can take that one too
210 |
207,50.22448333333333,50.2675,spk_0,"so please take them on, um"
211 |
208,50.2755,50.32731666666667,spk_0,assign yourself here like we're doing like me and Thomas.
212 |
209,50.33916666666666,50.36915,spk_0,Uh And then we know exactly who's going to take
213 |
210,50.36931666666667,50.41833333333334,spk_0,them and then broadcast them on the Slack channel.
214 |
211,50.4185,50.4645,spk_0,I think that's the best way at the moment to
215 |
212,50.46465,50.50765,spk_0,get everybody that it's involved or wants to be involved
216 |
217 |
218 |
215,50.5555,50.59548333333333,spk_0,"That's it. Anybody has any other questions before we go,"
219 |
216,50.6385,50.68033333333333,spk_0,we'll talk about the thing called scheduling
220 |
217,50.6805,50.72298333333333,spk_0,"on Slack or something because like it's,"
221 |
218,50.73165,50.74881666666667,spk_0,we don't have any time now.
222 |
219,50.756816666666666,50.803983333333335,spk_2,"Do we have uh what, what's the, is there a specific Slack show"
223 |
220,50.80631666666667,50.832816666666666,spk_2,for this? Am I in it? I don't know.
224 |
225 |
222,50.857816666666665,50.89465,spk_0,"F New Ds, right. Phil."
226 |
227 |
224,50.967333333333336,51.011316666666666,spk_0,"-- Please join. If you're not there.
228 |
-- Look at that, I'm not a member."
229 |
230 |
226,51.03548333333333,51.056,spk_0,"You are now. All right,"
231 |
227,51.075,51.09166666666667,spk_0,thanks everybody.
232 |
228,51.09183333333333,51.16148333333334,spk_0,"There's gonna be a lot of discovery and a lot of crazy chaos through here, but I think"
233 |
229,51.1635,51.20066666666666,spk_0,it's great that we're having this conversation that we see so
234 |
230,51.200833333333335,51.264,spk_0,many different scopes represented so really appreciative all of your time.
235 |
231,51.27398333333333,51.33565,spk_0,And if you by any chance uh need um
236 |
232,51.335816666666666,51.38016666666667,spk_0,"some help prioritizing work to this with your managers,"
237 |
233,51.38033333333333,51.43131666666667,spk_0,feel free to reach out to me and I can try to put in a good word.
238 |
239 |
235,51.47298333333333,51.48198333333333,spk_0,That's it.
240 |
236,51.48383333333334,51.55331666666667,spk_0,We'll uh discuss the synchronously and we see you on the ether or something.
241 |
237,51.58648333333333,51.60748333333333,spk_0,Bye. Have a good week.
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
1 |
2 |
0,0.0165,0.1046666666666666,spk_0,And we're live. Welcome to the Weekly Sync for the New Diffs
3 |
1,0.1191666666666666,0.1391666666666666,spk_0,Architecture workflow
4 |
5 |
6 |
4,0.1966666666666666,0.275,spk_0,I added some notes to the agenda from things that happened from last week's call.
7 |
8 |
6,0.3086666666666666,0.3528333333333334,spk_0,"Inadvertently, we didn't"
9 |
10 |
8,0.38015,0.4538166666666666,spk_0,uh someone to take care of the actual documentation
11 |
9,0.457,0.47315,spk_0,"of the blueprint,"
12 |
10,0.484,0.49265,spk_0,"you know,"
13 |
11,0.4928166666666666,0.5336666666666667,spk_0,the core of it and listing it on the
14 |
12,0.5338166666666667,0.58615,spk_0,published blueprints saying that it's being worked on.
15 |
13,0.5863333333333334,0.6286666666666666,spk_0,What's the topic? Who's the authors and all that stuff?
16 |
14,0.63415,0.6795000000000001,spk_0,Um So it would be nice to get that started even though we don't
17 |
15,0.6796500000000001,0.7543166666666666,spk_0,have a lot of stuff in there just having a placeholder that will then hold
18 |
16,0.764,0.789,spk_0,the conclusions and the
19 |
17,0.79365,0.8223333333333334,spk_0,documents that will be producing.
20 |
21 |
19,0.8453333333333333,0.8504833333333334,spk_0,Nice. It
22 |
20,0.8524999999999999,0.8931666666666668,spk_0,would be nice to get that started. At least that's my understanding.
23 |
21,0.8933166666666666,0.9631666666666666,spk_0,"That would be nice to get that started early in the process so that we can, you know,"
24 |
22,0.96365,1.0068166666666667,spk_0,make it evolve and everybody knows where to add stuff.
25 |
23,1.0183166666666668,1.057316666666667,spk_0,Does that make sense or is that blocked by anything
26 |
24,1.0818333333333334,1.1034833333333334,spk_0,that we currently have in? Fight
27 |
25,1.2221666666666666,1.2328333333333332,spk_1,"-- Make
28 |
-- it make sense?"
29 |
26,1.2591666666666668,1.2935,spk_0,Bill? I didn't hear you. I only heard Thomas.
30 |
27,1.3118166666666666,1.3353333333333333,spk_2,"Yeah, I think we can just make it"
31 |
32 |
29,1.377,1.3903166666666666,spk_2,"-- You want
33 |
-- to, you"
34 |
30,1.3936666666666666,1.418316666666667,spk_0,can take it. All right. Awesome.
35 |
31,1.43915,1.4588166666666669,spk_0,And he volunteered.
36 |
37 |
38 |
34,1.5068333333333332,1.543,spk_0,"And then we have uh, some read only points."
39 |
35,1.54315,1.5978333333333334,spk_0,"Uh These are just for you to be aware of, to participate as synchronously."
40 |
36,1.597983333333333,1.625,spk_0,We don't have to cover them here on the call.
41 |
42 |
38,1.7194833333333333,1.7286666666666668,spk_0,All right.
43 |
39,1.7305,1.7585,spk_0,Which brings us to
44 |
40,1.7678166666666666,1.86115,spk_0,"uh the time. So, uh we had a rough discussion on Slack since last call."
45 |
41,1.865983333333333,1.89915,spk_0,"Um And it seemed like,"
46 |
42,1.9034833333333332,1.9458333333333333,spk_0,"yeah, it would be pretty impossible to um"
47 |
43,1.95,1.9751666666666663,spk_0,accommodate all time zones.
48 |
49 |
45,2.000166666666667,2.0781666666666667,spk_0,"So we were thinking about it and we were thinking about having a two times per week,"
50 |
46,2.078483333333333,2.1145,spk_0,alternating time slots.
51 |
47,2.11465,2.1896666666666667,spk_0,"And the idea here is that we have one on a Tuesday, one on a Thursday."
52 |
48,2.1898166666666667,2.226983333333333,spk_0,"And if eventually some tasks come out of Tuesday,"
53 |
49,2.2271666666666667,2.2891666666666666,spk_0,they could be presented the outcomes on a Thursday or vice versa.
54 |
50,2.289333333333333,2.31115,spk_0,"Something comes out on a Thursday,"
55 |
51,2.3113166666666665,2.3706666666666667,spk_0,we might be able to present it on a Tuesday and keep the ball rolling much faster
56 |
52,2.37415,2.4348166666666664,spk_0,"because even though we don't have a deadline here in the document,"
57 |
53,2.4423166666666667,2.473316666666667,spk_0,our kind of goal was to have something
58 |
54,2.478666666666667,2.5396666666666667,spk_0,"by the end of the quarter, which could be challenging, but"
59 |
55,2.545983333333333,2.59315,spk_0,uh we wanna move fast on this effort. So we don't
60 |
56,2.5976666666666666,2.66965,spk_0,linger too much on the documentation side of things for too long.
61 |
57,2.669833333333333,2.69965,spk_0,So the idea was these two
62 |
63 |
59,2.7346666666666666,2.7629833333333336,spk_0,Uh and Patrick had a question here.
64 |
60,2.796316666666667,2.8326666666666664,spk_1,"Uh Yes, is that I was wondering like"
65 |
61,2.84815,2.8598166666666667,spk_1,it too
66 |
62,2.86265,2.8798166666666667,spk_1,hit too early for him
67 |
63,2.8954833333333334,2.9098166666666665,spk_1,and too late for.
68 |
64,2.916316666666667,2.9286666666666665,spk_1,So it's like
69 |
65,2.9345,2.94815,spk_1,it only for a a
70 |
66,3.003316666666666,3.025,spk_1,but that's what he was thinking
71 |
67,3.0425,3.0733166666666665,spk_0,that we were thinking and we're thinking about the
72 |
68,3.0735,3.108983333333333,spk_0,ones that are excluded on the other one.
73 |
69,3.13065,3.1886666666666668,spk_0,I didn't make a point here at the bottom that the times aren't final
74 |
70,3.1906666666666665,3.2783166666666665,spk_0,"so we can bring them forward or backwards or later or earlier depending on,"
75 |
71,3.2855,3.3323333333333336,spk_0,"on specific cases because for example, um,"
76 |
72,3.332483333333333,3.400333333333333,spk_0,"the one on Tuesday would be if I'm not mistaken, 630"
77 |
73,3.4035,3.424333333333333,spk_0,for Pacific time.
78 |
79 |
75,3.4448333333333334,3.5043166666666665,spk_0,"in case of carry, uh I think Thomas would be like 730 or something"
80 |
81 |
77,3.5319833333333333,3.571483333333333,spk_0,with the current times of the daylight savings.
82 |
78,3.581,3.633333333333333,spk_0,So it feels like it's still a bit stretched at that point.
83 |
79,3.633483333333333,3.6688333333333336,spk_0,"And the one on Thursday would,"
84 |
80,3.668983333333333,3.7201666666666666,spk_0,I don't think they would be able to make it uh in the pacific time.
85 |
81,3.7218166666666663,3.776666666666667,spk_0,"So, yeah, time zone, time zones are hard folks."
86 |
82,3.776833333333333,3.862,spk_0,"Um So I'm pleased if you have any feedback. Uh Like for example, Patrick,"
87 |
83,3.868833333333333,3.890816666666667,spk_0,if you think that we make more.
88 |
84,3.891,3.932833333333333,spk_0,"So for example, with having these two calls,"
89 |
85,3.933983333333333,3.997,spk_0,"it wouldn't be necessarily expectable that you would attend the Tuesday one,"
90 |
86,3.9971666666666663,4.030833333333334,spk_0,but you could be participating in the synchronously
91 |
87,4.031,4.06865,spk_0,"by presenting some points and stuff for discussion,"
92 |
88,4.070333333333333,4.094833333333334,spk_0,"watching the recording,"
93 |
89,4.099333333333333,4.140316666666667,spk_0,"then eventually rediscussing that on a Thursday,"
94 |
90,4.140483333333333,4.2011666666666665,spk_0,"if you need to uh could be beneficial the whole point of it,"
95 |
91,4.205,4.245166666666667,spk_0,"even though you might not be able to attend both,"
96 |
92,4.2475,4.2888166666666665,spk_0,you should at least watch the recording of the other one which
97 |
93,4.288983333333333,4.345,spk_0,will use the streaming methodology to make sure that it's always available
98 |
94,4.349466666666666,4.390633333333334,spk_0,um As soon as the call finishes.
99 |
100 |
96,4.42065,4.48365,spk_0,"yeah, what do you think? Should we adjust the times here? Do you have a,"
101 |
97,4.49615,4.523816666666667,spk_0,a specific suggestion?
102 |
98,4.55515,4.59465,spk_1,"Yeah, I'm just worried that it's going to join the thirsty."
103 |
99,4.629333333333333,4.65515,spk_0,You just joined the Thursday one.
104 |
100,4.65965,4.69315,spk_0,"-- I
105 |
-- mean, who, who would join the Thursday one? It"
106 |
107 |
102,4.71715,4.73215,spk_1,me or
108 |
103,4.739833333333333,4.8116666666666665,spk_0,"so that's a good question. We have some folks. So we, I know we have David"
109 |
104,4.82,4.841666666666667,spk_0,in Australia.
110 |
111 |
106,4.866483333333333,4.890666666666666,spk_0,We have some folks in source
112 |
113 |
108,4.908816666666667,4.982,spk_0,"I think also in Australia, I'm not sure if they're developers though."
114 |
109,4.9965,5.002483333333333,spk_3,"Uh again,"
115 |
110,5.008816666666666,5.052833333333333,spk_3,"source code, it's Ash in Australia,"
116 |
111,5.066833333333333,5.095833333333333,spk_0,right? Ash Mackenzie. That's great.
117 |
112,5.1325,5.169833333333333,spk_0,"Um So yeah, we do have some folks."
118 |
113,5.174316666666667,5.274666666666667,spk_0,"The thing is um if I, if I remember correctly, like four AMI would not be able to"
119 |
114,5.276483333333333,5.342833333333333,spk_0,attend per se or like 5:05 a.m. wouldn't be able to attend.
120 |
121 |
116,5.374816666666667,5.411316666666667,spk_0,But the whole point of these calls is that
122 |
117,5.414316666666667,5.45715,spk_0,they would be pretty much driven as synchronous as well.
123 |
118,5.457333333333334,5.4995,spk_0,"So if I have something out putting from Tuesday,"
124 |
119,5.502483333333333,5.557333333333333,spk_0,you can add it on the Thursday to be like awareness for everybody
125 |
120,5.5575,5.614166666666667,spk_0,because the whole point is that everybody would still follow both calls.
126 |
121,5.614316666666666,5.650816666666667,spk_0,"You don't have to be there, but you still follow"
127 |
122,5.660316666666667,5.728166666666667,spk_0,the agendas of both calls because it would be the same agenda essentially. Um
128 |
123,5.7495,5.807,spk_0,"So yeah, I don't know my old, the other theory that I have is"
129 |
124,5.820333333333333,5.892483333333333,spk_0,by starting as an effort to cover the most time zones possible.
130 |
125,5.9,5.971316666666667,spk_0,We start off with that for a couple of weeks and then we'll see if we notice that
131 |
126,5.976166666666667,6.011816666666666,spk_0,"David and Ash for some reason,"
132 |
127,6.012,6.0616666666666665,spk_0,are busy with some other stuff or they don't know if they can't participate.
133 |
128,6.069,6.089316666666667,spk_0,There's no problem with that.
134 |
129,6.098316666666666,6.13065,spk_0,"But if the calls are empty all the time,"
135 |
130,6.130833333333333,6.1786666666666665,spk_0,"we might as well just try to unify it again into one,"
136 |
131,6.178833333333333,6.209816666666667,spk_0,but at least giving an effort of giving it a
137 |
132,6.22,6.290666666666667,spk_0,inclusive schedule would be nice to start off with.
138 |
133,6.301816666666666,6.360666666666667,spk_0,"Uh But again, the specific times we can adjust them. So,"
139 |
140 |
135,6.40765,6.437983333333333,spk_0,"unless anybody has any objections,"
141 |
136,6.438166666666667,6.49415,spk_0,"we would go forward with the plan of having two calls,"
142 |
137,6.500166666666667,6.552333333333333,spk_0,but the specific times still open for discussion and we
143 |
138,6.552483333333333,6.599316666666667,spk_0,can tweak them before the next iteration of those calls.
144 |
139,6.616666666666667,6.6370000000000005,spk_0,Anybody has any objections.
145 |
140,6.721316666666667,6.738316666666667,spk_0,I'll take that as enough.
146 |
147 |
142,6.775483333333334,6.799166666666666,spk_0,So I'll uh
148 |
143,6.811166666666667,6.829483333333333,spk_0,I'll have the events
149 |
144,6.8705,6.90765,spk_0,"or basically, basically, I'll just update the events"
150 |
145,6.913983333333333,6.952333333333334,spk_0,slash calendar to reflect this.
151 |
146,6.9575,6.975983333333334,spk_0,"And uh yeah,"
152 |
147,6.983333333333333,7.02065,spk_0,that's all for that. Thank you for
153 |
148,7.033,7.071316666666666,spk_0,uh indulging next point.
154 |
155 |
150,7.111666666666666,7.1626666666666665,spk_0,Last week we started discussing about documenting the current implementation of
156 |
151,7.164483333333333,7.179833333333334,spk_0,DS across Git lab
157 |
152,7.191983333333333,7.233,spk_0,and Patrick just sort of like a status.
158 |
153,7.238483333333333,7.260666666666666,spk_0,You have uh an update here.
159 |
154,7.28315,7.33365,spk_0,"-- Uh Yes.
160 |
-- Uh So we started documenting"
161 |
162 |
156,7.363666666666667,7.384316666666667,spk_1,of some endpoints
163 |
157,7.386666666666667,7.403166666666666,spk_1,used by the Merch
164 |
158,7.405333333333333,7.414983333333334,spk_1,"Press page,"
165 |
159,7.424,7.428983333333333,spk_1,"the gift,"
166 |
167 |
168 |
162,7.463316666666667,7.481333333333334,spk_1,"Endpoint and the DC,"
169 |
163,7.485816666666667,7.504483333333333,spk_1,which is used for the new merch
170 |
164,7.5065,7.516833333333333,spk_1,press page.
171 |
165,7.53365,7.571316666666666,spk_1,So I open an Mr to add some
172 |
166,7.579983333333333,7.600666666666667,spk_1,basic flow charts
173 |
174 |
168,7.6195,7.624,spk_1,they will be
175 |
176 |
170,7.649816666666666,7.664983333333334,spk_1,diagrams. So
177 |
171,7.691483333333333,7.703166666666666,spk_1,they are now
178 |
179 |
173,7.714983333333333,7.720499999999999,spk_1,all of them.
180 |
174,7.727666666666667,7.764483333333334,spk_1,Some of the diagrams can be found in the
181 |
175,7.786,7.815483333333333,spk_1,documentation or developer talk.
182 |
183 |
184 |
178,7.845499999999999,7.864833333333333,spk_1,you be in there but the
185 |
179,7.86865,7.88065,spk_1,C diagrams are
186 |
187 |
181,7.898166666666667,7.907833333333333,spk_1,too small.
188 |
182,7.937983333333333,7.948316666666667,spk_1,So I need to
189 |
190 |
184,7.982833333333334,7.997149999999999,spk_1,on your browser.
191 |
192 |
186,8.053333333333333,8.07015,spk_0,but they're there.
193 |
187,8.074166666666667,8.086666666666666,spk_0,"-- So
194 |
-- yeah,"
195 |
188,8.113816666666667,8.129983333333334,spk_1,it's feel if it
196 |
189,8.13165,8.13415,spk_1,with them.
197 |
190,8.157333333333334,8.190666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, I think I know this is what you're talking about, right?"
198 |
191,8.190833333333334,8.238983333333334,spk_0,So this is the first one for dispatch.
199 |
192,8.2485,8.264983333333333,spk_0,"Um Do you wanna,"
200 |
193,8.265166666666667,8.314316666666667,spk_0,do you wanna talk it through while we're here or we could keep the recording?
201 |
194,8.356833333333334,8.389166666666666,spk_1,Uh I think it's better to like
202 |
195,8.398166666666667,8.4,spk_1,put it
203 |
196,8.401983333333334,8.404333333333334,spk_1,"on your,"
204 |
197,8.40965,8.475483333333333,spk_1,"-- on your own time.
205 |
-- Ok. Just let them just, just people dive in. Ok? Ok."
206 |
198,8.4835,8.548483333333333,spk_0,So this is dispatch and then the ones you're talking about is this particular
207 |
199,8.557333333333334,8.577166666666667,spk_0,uh thing.
208 |
200,8.589833333333333,8.6375,spk_0,"Um This is the viewing, the viewing head, latest"
209 |
210 |
202,8.667316666666666,8.688316666666667,spk_0,or in Mars.
211 |
203,8.703816666666667,8.7808,spk_0,It'd be interesting to compare this with um the ones for the repository.
212 |
204,8.786316666666666,8.81015,spk_0,I'm guessing they're different.
213 |
205,8.842483333333334,8.888833333333332,spk_0,"Uh At least it's a deal, a certain part."
214 |
206,8.899816666666666,8.920833333333333,spk_1,There are some differences that
215 |
207,8.92765,8.993316666666667,spk_1,"some will read from the database, some read from Italy."
216 |
217 |
218 |
210,9.071166666666668,9.120166666666666,spk_0,"Yeah, I was going to try to make it larger, but it's tricky."
219 |
211,9.148483333333331,9.218833333333333,spk_0,"You should be able to open the like um a mermaid on a new window,"
220 |
221 |
213,9.28515,9.296166666666666,spk_0,I cheat.
222 |
214,9.324816666666669,9.347,spk_1,"Yeah, I think I'm not sure"
223 |
215,9.368166666666667,9.423483333333332,spk_0,"No, would you get you enlarge the size? Ok. I think I found it."
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
219,9.514833333333334,9.533833333333334,spk_0,I won't be
228 |
220,9.53815,9.5785,spk_0,sharing the screen anymore but um
229 |
221,9.58615,9.601983333333331,spk_0,I broke the page
230 |
222,9.626983333333332,9.686666666666667,spk_0,and so the the status is that we have that already.
231 |
223,9.732816666666666,9.7845,spk_0,So you still have all the M Rs in review
232 |
233 |
225,9.829983333333333,9.8775,spk_0,"Igor from your side. Is this something that we could also,"
234 |
226,9.882333333333332,9.916483333333334,spk_0,is it also achievable from the repository
235 |
227,9.945,9.977816666666667,spk_0,to have this sort of um
236 |
228,9.981983333333334,9.997816666666669,spk_0,flow charts?
237 |
229,10.029816666666669,10.066483333333334,spk_3,"-- Yeah. Yeah, it's gonna be done. It's gonna
238 |
-- be done."
239 |
230,10.066666666666666,10.11215,spk_0,"I know you, I know you're trying to squint to kind of see what's in there."
240 |
231,10.117833333333332,10.124166666666667,spk_0,But uh
241 |
232,10.148483333333331,10.15915,spk_0,it would be nice
242 |
233,10.164316666666666,10.21115,spk_0,because I think one of the only one interesting exercise would
243 |
234,10.211316666666669,10.270833333333334,spk_0,be to look at those flows and just try to see
244 |
235,10.278333333333332,10.361316666666667,spk_0,"um eventually things that one is doing that the other isn't and try to see what,"
245 |
236,10.3615,10.37865,spk_0,what we could
246 |
237,10.380666666666666,10.403333333333332,spk_0,potentially unify
247 |
248 |
239,10.426166666666669,10.457333333333333,spk_0,from the real side of things.
249 |
240,10.469316666666666,10.528983333333333,spk_3,"Uh That makes sense to me and yeah, I'll have a look,"
250 |
241,10.529166666666669,10.56965,spk_3,I didn't have a chance to do it the previous week.
251 |
242,10.569833333333332,10.6355,spk_3,"But uh yeah, until the next call, uh we can discuss to"
252 |
243,10.648816666666669,10.670483333333332,spk_3,"-- feel
253 |
-- free to raise it as shaw"
254 |
244,10.673333333333334,10.69565,spk_0,and to delegate to someone else.
255 |
245,10.695833333333333,10.702983333333334,spk_0,"If you're,"
256 |
246,10.703166666666666,10.732333333333331,spk_0,if you're busy with something like urgent
257 |
247,10.7325,10.758983333333331,spk_0,or something like there's probably a lot of
258 |
248,10.75915,10.822333333333331,spk_0,people in the team that could help you in just drafting the diagrams themselves.
259 |
249,10.83415,10.844483333333333,spk_3,Makes sense.
260 |
261 |
251,10.885666666666667,10.915666666666668,spk_0,"Um Patrick,"
262 |
252,10.920316666666666,10.968316666666666,spk_0,"I see the the other Patrick is also here,"
263 |
253,10.972,11.01865,spk_0,is this already taking into account the Gidley side of things?
264 |
254,11.080333333333334,11.090483333333331,spk_1,"It's, that's what I mean."
265 |
255,11.126983333333332,11.158833333333334,spk_0,Yes. So the Patrick on the call
266 |
256,11.163833333333333,11.221816666666667,spk_0,is I see that there was the other Patrick on the uh
267 |
257,11.222,11.277166666666666,spk_0,Mr that you linked to or the issue that you linked to.
268 |
258,11.277983333333331,11.298166666666669,spk_0,He's already chatting
269 |
259,11.300333333333333,11.318316666666666,spk_0,someone there.
270 |
260,11.32465,11.370833333333334,spk_0,My question is whether these things that have been published
271 |
261,11.371,11.43215,spk_0,already account for Galley or the giddily is a separate um
272 |
262,11.448166666666667,11.485833333333334,spk_1,"effort. Well, the, the dead girls mentioned"
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
267,11.545,11.549333333333331,spk_1,because of
278 |
268,11.551816666666667,11.598,spk_1,"Italy just shows the, the RB that we call"
279 |
269,11.633833333333332,11.640316666666669,spk_1,"and that's,"
280 |
270,11.642483333333333,11.647483333333334,spk_1,that's it.
281 |
271,11.653166666666667,11.685316666666669,spk_0,I see. Gidley client Tiff Stitcher.
282 |
283 |
273,11.730666666666666,11.73815,spk_1,"Is a fine,"
284 |
274,11.740666666666666,11.753333333333334,spk_1,fine commit
285 |
275,11.759983333333333,11.791833333333331,spk_1,R PC. This commits R PC.
286 |
276,11.836983333333333,11.84565,spk_0,Got it.
287 |
288 |
289 |
279,11.938833333333331,11.951983333333333,spk_0,It would be interesting.
290 |
280,11.998166666666666,12.01615,spk_0,Definitely interesting.
291 |
292 |
293 |
283,12.074483333333331,12.135666666666667,spk_0,I think at a certain point we're gonna need to have a specific call to discuss
294 |
284,12.138483333333332,12.209316666666666,spk_0,"these, but until we have the charts from SARS"
295 |
296 |
286,12.240666666666666,12.257983333333334,spk_0,at least that
297 |
287,12.261316666666668,12.289316666666666,spk_0,you'll be premature. So
298 |
288,12.308333333333334,12.325333333333331,spk_0,let's have that happen.
299 |
289,12.327983333333334,12.364,spk_0,"And then once we have it, we can have a call just,"
300 |
290,12.36415,12.39365,spk_0,or we can have a topic on one of the calls
301 |
291,12.393833333333331,12.452816666666669,spk_0,to dissect these things and go together because I feel like
302 |
292,12.467,12.488666666666669,spk_0,it'd be interesting to get
303 |
293,12.498,12.513316666666666,spk_0,like a sort of a demo.
304 |
294,12.513483333333332,12.556816666666666,spk_0,"Be we should all read them like you suggested,"
305 |
295,12.556983333333331,12.585983333333331,spk_0,"like you should all make sure that we understand them,"
306 |
296,12.59965,12.65265,spk_0,"but there's gonna be things that are gonna be uh interesting to go and,"
307 |
297,12.652816666666666,12.662316666666667,spk_0,and analyze them.
308 |
309 |
299,12.677983333333334,12.719,spk_0,um and have some questions across the board.
310 |
311 |
301,12.753166666666669,12.7625,spk_0,"So to do,"
312 |
302,12.762666666666666,12.8305,spk_0,there is just to complete the ones in source code uh from the front end side fill.
313 |
314 |
304,12.90265,12.936833333333333,spk_0,Is there um I know that you ha
315 |
305,12.94015,12.96765,spk_0,you linked to the
316 |
306,12.992166666666666,13.027816666666666,spk_0,sketch that you did at a certain point
317 |
307,13.031816666666666,13.04565,spk_0,"-- in time.
318 |
-- Yeah,"
319 |
308,13.067,13.06865,spk_1,we got
320 |
321 |
322 |
311,13.07865,13.123333333333331,spk_1,for the components that use. I just need to go through
323 |
312,13.137316666666669,13.1615,spk_2,what actually happens when we get
324 |
313,13.175333333333333,13.217483333333334,spk_2,the response from the dispatch stuff because we do a lot of
325 |
326 |
315,13.253166666666669,13.267,spk_2,So I need to go for that
327 |
316,13.290833333333332,13.324,spk_2,right to all the extra stuff that we do on top of it.
328 |
329 |
318,13.3855,13.394483333333334,spk_0,All right.
330 |
319,13.40065,13.438483333333334,spk_0,And we need to account for um
331 |
320,13.444166666666666,13.501166666666666,spk_0,Does it all? I can't remember if that already accounted for the
332 |
321,13.519833333333333,13.534833333333331,spk_0,file by file
333 |
322,13.607333333333331,13.621,spk_0,of A F mode
334 |
323,13.637316666666669,13.660833333333333,spk_2,"-- if well accounted
335 |
-- for it."
336 |
324,13.67065,13.724333333333334,spk_0,"If the chart that we already have created, if it covered"
337 |
325,13.739833333333332,13.756816666666667,spk_0,the logic
338 |
326,13.777816666666666,13.813666666666666,spk_0,"we have in the case a file by file,"
339 |
327,13.81965,13.833983333333334,spk_0,I don't think so.
340 |
328,13.846483333333332,13.931666666666668,spk_0,"OK. We could keep uh we could give that to Thomas to cover that part of the, the flow."
341 |
342 |
330,13.961666666666666,14.023,spk_0,But is the target to also have a mermaid chart created out of that
343 |
331,14.0275,14.033983333333332,spk_0,ex college
344 |
332,14.039316666666666,14.060316666666669,spk_0,flow chart?
345 |
333,14.076816666666666,14.148816666666669,spk_2,I think Amy wanted me to make one but like I thought like me mermaid. So
346 |
334,14.157333333333334,14.173166666666669,spk_2,didn't fancy me.
347 |
335,14.18915,14.196,spk_2,"I can,"
348 |
349 |
337,14.222483333333331,14.249,spk_4,I don't love mermaid but like dude.
350 |
338,14.285666666666666,14.349483333333334,spk_0,"All right, we can give you then so we can give you the task to kind of convert the, the,"
351 |
339,14.34965,14.38815,spk_0,"the, the chart that, that Phil created"
352 |
340,14.399816666666666,14.448166666666667,spk_0,um and then collaborate through there to get the front end
353 |
341,14.448333333333334,14.484666666666667,spk_0,because I feel like it's gonna be a huge part of
354 |
342,14.488316666666666,14.54015,spk_0,looking at the whole logic of front end as well.
355 |
343,14.540316666666667,14.594,spk_0,"This is more for us on the front end side of things, but"
356 |
344,14.603816666666669,14.6275,spk_0,for Jack's benefit
357 |
345,14.631666666666666,14.7075,spk_0,"uh and for ours as well, it will be useful to get a glimpse of"
358 |
346,14.711833333333333,14.762666666666666,spk_0,what is all the logic we have and which ones
359 |
347,14.762833333333331,14.80815,spk_0,are specific to merger quests and which ones aren't?
360 |
361 |
349,14.833666666666666,14.878166666666669,spk_0,"from your side? Jack, I think right now,"
362 |
350,14.880333333333333,14.897483333333334,spk_0,the logic
363 |
351,14.9005,14.955333333333334,spk_0,is pretty um just a hammel based
364 |
352,14.959666666666667,14.984316666666668,spk_0,"rendering the blog viewers,"
365 |
353,14.9845,15.050166666666666,spk_0,but it could be useful to still have a sort of a short summary of what we do right now
366 |
367 |
355,15.090483333333331,15.141316666666668,spk_0,because we don't want to miss anything that might be present there.
368 |
356,15.14665,15.2075,spk_0,"Um So it could be useful to have something, something on your side as well. Ok."
369 |
357,15.224483333333334,15.24,spk_0,Yeah. Sure.
370 |
371 |
359,15.26965,15.33515,spk_0,"And if you could aim to have something ready by next week, maybe not Thursday,"
372 |
360,15.344316666666666,15.383833333333332,spk_0,"the next call, but maybe next Tuesday"
373 |
361,15.39,15.413316666666669,spk_0,uh to give time for SARS
374 |
362,15.41765,15.428166666666666,spk_0,"and, and"
375 |
363,15.430983333333334,15.45365,spk_0,"in the front end to prepare,"
376 |
377 |
365,15.478983333333334,15.542316666666666,spk_0,it would be nice to have something like a name or a goal to uh
378 |
366,15.54665,15.594833333333334,spk_0,start reviewing them together across groups
379 |
367,15.602816666666667,15.64865,spk_0,um on Tuesday. So
380 |
368,15.652983333333331,15.6755,spk_0,let's make that as a goal
381 |
369,15.688,15.697816666666666,spk_0,for everybody
382 |
370,15.702983333333334,15.72165,spk_0,just to clarify.
383 |
371,15.728166666666668,15.79465,spk_0,"-- What uh what, where is the chart that Phil has
384 |
-- already made"
385 |
386 |
373,15.83615,15.87265,spk_0,"but I was sharing the screen,"
387 |
374,15.893483333333334,15.920166666666669,spk_0,I am not sharing the screen.
388 |
375,15.924816666666668,15.975983333333334,spk_0,"So here on this comment, but I'll just put, I'll just put that"
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
379,16.061316666666666,16.143833333333333,spk_0,"-- uh Thomas will pick this
393 |
-- up and create Mermaid"
394 |
395 |
396 |
382,16.210833333333333,16.259666666666668,spk_4,you had mentioned this is maybe just a subset
397 |
383,16.259833333333333,16.293,spk_4,of the things that the front end is doing.
398 |
399 |
400 |
386,16.333833333333335,16.399816666666666,spk_4,Did you want just to convert this to Mermaid for
401 |
387,16.4,16.431816666666666,spk_4,"the next Tuesday meeting or do you want the,"
402 |
388,16.431983333333335,16.478650000000002,spk_4,the whole front end Ds as a Mermaid?
403 |
404 |
405 |
391,16.516,16.550816666666666,spk_4,"you're like, yeah, yeah, it'd be great to have a whole thing"
406 |
392,16.565483333333333,16.59648333333333,spk_0,if you're asking.
407 |
393,16.609983333333332,16.630333333333333,spk_0,I would like all of it.
408 |
409 |
410 |
396,16.659316666666665,16.705333333333332,spk_0,"I'll give you, I'll give you a more reasonable thing."
411 |
397,16.7095,16.742166666666666,spk_0,It's important to have this
412 |
398,16.751333333333335,16.81215,spk_0,"in a way that it can be compared to source code, for example,"
413 |
399,16.812316666666668,16.843833333333333,spk_0,but also it can evolve over time.
414 |
400,16.848816666666668,16.910983333333334,spk_0,"So if you only have this, you'll be great start because if you think about it,"
415 |
401,16.91115,16.950333333333333,spk_0,"the file by file mode which is absent here,"
416 |
402,16.955816666666667,16.991833333333332,spk_0,um It reduces a lot of the logic.
417 |
403,16.992,17.043166666666668,spk_0,"It just, it's the way that the files are loaded and, and stuff like that."
418 |
404,17.051333333333332,17.10815,spk_0,Um So it might just be a separate Mermaid chart altogether.
419 |
420 |
406,17.131666666666668,17.171,spk_0,So this is a nice start to have. So
421 |
407,17.183483333333335,17.2678,spk_0,I seem to have this and then we'll iterate through there. Uh We iterate from there.
422 |
408,17.290166666666668,17.323833333333333,spk_4,I noticed this is mostly just components.
423 |
409,17.323983333333334,17.377333333333333,spk_4,"I would also like to see something maybe not the same chart,"
424 |
410,17.3775,17.44515,spk_4,"but I would like to see one for like data flow too because that's,"
425 |
411,17.453983333333333,17.482483333333334,spk_4,it's uh we have um
426 |
412,17.491666666666667,17.554166666666667,spk_4,"there's a lot of logic and we might be able to improve that as well,"
427 |
413,17.554333333333332,17.6125,spk_4,but we get to that as some other time or I can work on my own.
428 |
414,17.625,17.634,spk_0,No. Sure.
429 |
415,17.634166666666665,17.677666666666667,spk_0,And I think that this was part of the effort trying to understand
430 |
416,17.677833333333332,17.72465,spk_0,the logic that we had throughout the whole tree of components and everything.
431 |
417,17.724816666666666,17.75,spk_0,So the context was slightly different.
432 |
418,17.75883333333333,17.768316666666667,spk_0,"I mean,"
433 |
419,17.779166666666665,17.840166666666665,spk_0,"yeah, uh do whatever is more reasonable at this point,"
434 |
420,17.840333333333334,17.899316666666667,spk_0,"if you think that this is a nice hint, but then you produce a separate mermaid chart,"
435 |
421,17.899483333333333,17.91133333333333,spk_0,we won't be upset
436 |
422,17.926,17.95615,spk_0,it. We wanna understand exactly
437 |
423,17.961,17.996666666666666,spk_0,how things are flowing through the apps through the
438 |
424,17.996833333333335,18.037316666666666,spk_0,"front end app to kind of see where the,"
439 |
425,18.03915,18.077666666666666,spk_0,the uh unifying parts
440 |
426,18.091483333333333,18.151316666666663,spk_0,so we can pull and then eventually you can have AAA tree component
441 |
442 |
443 |
429,18.213,18.27048333333333,spk_4,"Hey, Phil, what is the, what is the reg component? There's only one,"
444 |
430,18.32333333333333,18.344666666666665,spk_2,"there is a reason why it's for,"
445 |
431,18.348666666666663,18.36798333333333,spk_2,I just don't remember the
446 |
447 |
433,18.4085,18.438166666666667,spk_4,it's the worst offender.
448 |
434,18.45815,18.47048333333333,spk_0,"All right. I,"
449 |
435,18.478483333333333,18.503816666666665,spk_0,I think if you think about
450 |
436,18.507483333333333,18.511816666666668,spk_0,"it, the"
451 |
452 |
438,18.53833333333333,18.5695,spk_2,I think maybe because it's the only functional
453 |
439,18.569666666666667,18.605166666666666,spk_2,comparing but like it's not a massive deal.
454 |
440,18.613983333333334,18.646166666666662,spk_4,"Ah, ok. That's interesting."
455 |
456 |
442,18.686,18.707,spk_0,"Yeah, nothing else is red."
457 |
443,18.748,18.773666666666667,spk_0,It's interesting. But yes.
458 |
444,18.77733333333333,18.80965,spk_0,"Um, cool."
459 |
445,18.827166666666667,18.872316666666663,spk_0,"That takes care of that. Let's, let's keep evolving. I think we're making"
460 |
446,18.87783333333333,18.9135,spk_0,good progress there. I know we know that this is
461 |
447,18.925833333333333,18.97415,spk_0,like grueling and it's very complex things
462 |
448,18.978,19.0235,spk_0,I also wanted to impress on all of us that
463 |
449,19.032816666666665,19.056833333333334,spk_0,this is not
464 |
450,19.061333333333334,19.084816666666665,spk_0,"the end goal, right?"
465 |
451,19.084983333333334,19.12665,spk_0,The current state of things is just so that we can
466 |
452,19.126816666666667,19.1675,spk_0,"all wrap our heads around and we can unify it,"
467 |
453,19.175833333333333,19.2425,spk_0,"but it won't be part of the final architecture. Eventually bits of it will,"
468 |
454,19.248,19.26415,spk_0,will survive.
469 |
455,19.277666666666665,19.33265,spk_0,"But this is just to get our. So what I'm saying is, don't be perfectionist,"
470 |
471 |
457,19.36015,19.42248333333333,spk_0,"Don't polish things into publishing into a medium article like it's,"
472 |
458,19.433333333333334,19.49633333333333,spk_0,"it's just for internal consumption and, and potentially docks. But uh"
473 |
459,19.51415,19.54715,spk_0,it's not the end of all here on this effort.
474 |
460,19.56798333333333,19.58833333333333,spk_0,You have to cut quarters.
475 |
461,19.599816666666666,19.60965,spk_0,That's fine.
476 |
462,19.63465,19.66733333333333,spk_0,"If you have to use comic sense, please do."
477 |
463,19.669,19.68498333333333,spk_0,"I, that's what I'm saying."
478 |
464,19.698833333333333,19.74965,spk_4,I might have to use common sense.
479 |
465,19.759816666666666,19.825666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah, just don't just don't quote me on it. My reputation will go down the drain."
480 |
466,19.84565,19.92248333333333,spk_0,All right. That takes care of the um documentation of the current implementation
481 |
467,19.925666666666668,19.955816666666667,spk_0,of this across skit lab.
482 |
468,19.97733333333333,20.038816666666666,spk_0,Any anything else that we need to discuss synchronously?
483 |
469,20.03898333333333,20.09233333333333,spk_0,We have some open issues that we can take care of as synchronously.
484 |
470,20.0925,20.11283333333333,spk_0,But is there anything else
485 |
471,20.126483333333333,20.1605,spk_0,that anybody feels we need to discuss at this point?
486 |
472,20.28333333333333,20.31683333333333,spk_0,"Oh, Patrick had a bit of a tip here"
487 |
473,20.34883333333333,20.369166666666665,spk_0,those in my mid life.
488 |
489 |
475,20.3855,20.411166666666663,spk_1,"just for that editing because it's,"
490 |
476,20.419816666666662,20.43698333333333,spk_1,"it's right. If you don't have,"
491 |
492 |
478,20.45365,20.462666666666667,spk_1,don't have that
493 |
479,20.47898333333333,20.49515,spk_1,"-- the one
494 |
-- I use. Yeah."
495 |
480,20.52648333333333,20.537316666666666,spk_0,"Yeah, it's been nice."
496 |
497 |
482,20.59348333333333,20.61733333333333,spk_0,Um Anything else?
498 |
499 |
484,20.70748333333333,20.7525,spk_0,"-- go ahead May,
500 |
-- May. Is it worth"
501 |
502 |
486,20.784983333333333,20.808666666666667,spk_4,brainstorming on
503 |
487,20.855816666666662,20.887666666666668,spk_4,the order of priorities?
504 |
488,20.90033333333333,20.927333333333333,spk_4,"Uh for two reasons? One,"
505 |
489,20.9335,20.996166666666667,spk_4,the list that you created may not be the full list and two
506 |
490,21.00365,21.04948333333333,spk_4,as I think Patrick and I have both mentioned
507 |
508 |
492,21.067816666666666,21.140816666666662,spk_4,"I think there is like, I think there are two classes of priorities. There's one"
509 |
493,21.14633333333333,21.21865,spk_4,I think there's like binaries like things that we either do or do not.
510 |
494,21.218833333333333,21.267,spk_4,"And we have to like, like accessibility, like I just don't,"
511 |
495,21.267166666666668,21.30615,spk_4,I don't know why we would only do half accessibility.
512 |
496,21.31015,21.33715,spk_4,Um And then there's things that are like on
513 |
497,21.337316666666663,21.3885,spk_4,a scale like maintainability or performance or whatever.
514 |
498,21.39,21.43383333333333,spk_4,Um And I wonder if it might be a good idea to sort of
515 |
499,21.467166666666667,21.48865,spk_4,"separate, like"
516 |
517 |
501,21.5065,21.528983333333333,spk_4,"when I wrote that down and I was like, I,"
518 |
502,21.537316666666666,21.5655,spk_4,we should always have accessibility.
519 |
503,21.568316666666668,21.593833333333333,spk_4,"I don't know, it should just, that should just be like a,"
520 |
504,21.594,21.632316666666668,spk_4,"a measure of completeness of, of a feature."
521 |
522 |
506,21.64633333333333,21.70683333333333,spk_4,And so I wonder if we should create a list of things that we can
523 |
507,21.707,21.7545,spk_4,put on a size scale and things that we either do or do not.
524 |
525 |
509,21.77065,21.8385,spk_4,"Is that, is that worth, we can discuss it as think? But I wonder if that's worth like"
526 |
510,21.84348333333333,21.860666666666667,spk_4,documenting somewhere
527 |
511,21.86565,21.91933333333333,spk_0,if we have the time? I think it's important to clarify what we have there.
528 |
512,21.9195,21.992166666666662,spk_0,"Um Like we, like we talked about it, the list was haphazardly put together on a call."
529 |
513,21.995316666666668,22.057316666666665,spk_0,"It's bound to be complete, bound to be adjusted as we go."
530 |
514,22.057483333333334,22.0945,spk_0,"So yeah, that's a perfect time. Um"
531 |
515,22.10633333333333,22.165816666666668,spk_0,"So do you wanna, do you wanna present specifically what like share the screen"
532 |
516,22.18115,22.22083333333333,spk_0,and potentially propose something else?
533 |
517,22.226816666666668,22.26483333333333,spk_0,"-- I don't
534 |
-- have it open currently it"
535 |
518,22.265166666666666,22.272816666666667,spk_4,"up, up,"
536 |
537 |
520,22.2795,22.33,spk_0,up on the uh open issues. I'm gonna try to highlight it.
538 |
521,22.359166666666667,22.382816666666667,spk_4,What are my priorities?
539 |
540 |
523,22.4405,22.46066666666667,spk_4,Sure I can show my screen.
541 |
542 |
543 |
526,22.534,22.59433333333333,spk_4,"Yeah. So reiterating what I, what I just said, um this may not be the whole list"
544 |
545 |
546 |
529,22.636333333333333,22.707166666666662,spk_4,there's I I sort of see these as two different classes of things.
547 |
530,22.707316666666667,22.744,spk_4,We have like an implementation type thing which we can
548 |
531,22.744166666666665,22.78898333333333,spk_4,put on a scale of what should we sacrifice versus
549 |
532,22.78915,22.85365,spk_4,other things versus product completeness or future completeness where like
550 |
533,22.853816666666667,22.90165,spk_4,"I don't think we should really ever sacrifice accessibility,"
551 |
534,22.901816666666665,22.9405,spk_4,"for example, that's part of the feature."
552 |
553 |
536,22.965,22.985316666666662,spk_4,So like
554 |
537,22.995316666666668,23.01165,spk_4,"should we,"
555 |
556 |
557 |
540,23.046983333333333,23.0965,spk_4,not logged in. Very cool. Um Should we
558 |
541,23.1105,23.19365,spk_4,create two lists here? 11 list of things that we either
559 |
542,23.19765,23.258666666666667,spk_4,do or do not bully in and one list of things that we can
560 |
543,23.2605,23.29565,spk_4,kind of pit against other things.
561 |
544,23.29915,23.323666666666668,spk_4,"That's kind of my, that's my idea."
562 |
545,23.38715,23.405483333333333,spk_0,"Yeah, I think you might,"
563 |
546,23.407166666666665,23.4445,spk_0,you might want to stop sharing the screen for this.
564 |
547,23.44965,23.48281666666667,spk_0,"You, you're on the screen share, you're recording."
565 |
548,23.52166666666667,23.531333333333333,spk_0,There you go.
566 |
549,23.55565,23.584816666666665,spk_4,It doesn't matter. I don't know.
567 |
550,23.596833333333333,23.604166666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, it's fine."
568 |
551,23.61198333333333,23.654666666666667,spk_0,Um So you have a point here
569 |
552,23.66365,23.7335,spk_0,"um in terms of, in terms of accessibility, accessibility is still"
570 |
553,23.74,23.779333333333334,spk_0,technically a spectrum because you could have
571 |
554,23.7795,23.82248333333333,spk_0,"different levels of compliance depending on what,"
572 |
555,23.83566666666667,23.86133333333333,spk_0,"what do you go for, right."
573 |
556,23.86798333333333,23.891666666666666,spk_0,"Um We have the,"
574 |
557,23.897316666666665,23.967,spk_0,"well, if you're using the WWCAG, you have the three,"
575 |
558,23.969166666666663,24.00815,spk_0,the AAA the AA the single A
576 |
559,24.015816666666662,24.092,spk_0,"depending on how much compliant and how much testing, manual testing,"
577 |
560,24.092166666666667,24.125666666666667,spk_0,automated testing you have involved.
578 |
561,24.133333333333333,24.1885,spk_0,Um So accessibility itself is a spectrum.
579 |
562,24.19298333333333,24.286,spk_0,"You might have a point that we, we might not wanna sacrifice that. So I think it,"
580 |
563,24.295483333333333,24.349816666666666,spk_0,if anything it comes to a point of
581 |
564,24.368316666666665,24.394166666666667,spk_0,like the goals we have
582 |
565,24.39965,24.439316666666667,spk_0,of like perceived performance accessible
583 |
566,24.461,24.52865,spk_0,"having opposites which is like developer, developer experience,"
584 |
567,24.528816666666668,24.55033333333333,spk_0,"which is maintainability, I guess."
585 |
586 |
569,24.583666666666662,24.63115,spk_0,"Yeah, coverage coverage might just not be"
587 |
570,24.63983333333333,24.655316666666668,spk_0,"the best,"
588 |
571,24.65833333333333,24.669166666666666,spk_0,I guess.
589 |
590 |
573,24.69148333333333,24.7025,spk_4,"I do,"
591 |
574,24.71066666666667,24.757816666666667,spk_4,"I think that's actually, so that's actually kind of an interesting one."
592 |
593 |
576,24.82415,24.863166666666668,spk_4,I think there are times when we could say
594 |
595 |
578,24.90833333333333,25.011333333333333,spk_4,implementing this feature is going to be absolutely crucial to ex uh
596 |
579,25.01415,25.05998333333333,spk_4,widespread adoption of new gifts or whatever
597 |
580,25.075,25.161,spk_4,or we could say uh implementing this feature will add so much complexity to
598 |
581,25.16865,25.25,spk_4,"gift generation or whatever that it is, it will"
599 |
582,25.255983333333333,25.30398333333333,spk_4,"dramatically hurt our performance. And that's kind of,"
600 |
583,25.31615,25.36083333333333,spk_4,it's the antithesis of what we're trying to do here.
601 |
602 |
585,25.37815,25.3875,spk_4,"So, I mean,"
603 |
586,25.387666666666668,25.41648333333333,spk_4,coverage I think is probably a good thing to
604 |
587,25.416666666666668,25.461166666666667,spk_4,bring in there because that's gonna be a question.
605 |
588,25.478483333333333,25.517666666666667,spk_0,Yeah. Especially because the repository and meg
606 |
589,25.52133333333333,25.538816666666666,spk_0,quest have different
607 |
608 |
591,25.57583333333333,25.605316666666667,spk_0,pinnings or whatever we want to call it.
609 |
592,25.619816666666665,25.6755,spk_0,"Uh If anything, it would be helpful to understand."
610 |
593,25.7005,25.743483333333334,spk_0,"So for example, if it's harder"
611 |
594,25.74683333333333,25.794816666666662,spk_0,"to implement on a certain scenario,"
612 |
613 |
596,25.862666666666662,25.91015,spk_0,should that be enough to not implement it there?
614 |
615 |
598,25.94715,26.022816666666667,spk_0,"for example, as long as it doesn't hinder performance, we should still strive to"
616 |
599,26.0315,26.06565,spk_0,implement it there. It's like
617 |
618 |
601,26.09715,26.130816666666668,spk_0,try to implement as much as we can
619 |
602,26.13948333333333,26.16998333333333,spk_0,everything on all scenarios.
620 |
621 |
604,26.2405,26.26083333333333,spk_0,Except when
622 |
605,26.27865,26.327666666666666,spk_0,"it hinders perceived performance, which would be at the top"
623 |
606,26.358666666666668,26.379666666666665,spk_0,that comes a priority
624 |
607,26.4155,26.440166666666663,spk_0,but not maintainability.
625 |
626 |
627 |
610,26.49098333333333,26.53115,spk_4,"so yeah, that actually raises an interesting point."
628 |
611,26.531333333333333,26.589316666666665,spk_4,"I would, I would, I would make the case and I, and I maybe I,"
629 |
612,26.58948333333333,26.619,spk_4,"maybe I'm not the right advocate for this,"
630 |
613,26.619166666666665,26.675666666666668,spk_4,but I would make the case that a lot of times um
631 |
614,26.69833333333333,26.76598333333333,spk_4,our performance problems eventually come from having
632 |
615,26.78515,26.844166666666663,spk_4,uh done something because we needed to ship it.
633 |
616,26.85633333333333,26.90683333333333,spk_4,"Like we've got to get this feature out, we have to complete this thing"
634 |
617,26.909333333333333,26.927666666666667,spk_4,and we just did it
635 |
618,26.93115,27.0025,spk_4,instead of focusing on OK. Is this going to hurt the application performance?
636 |
619,27.002666666666663,27.042166666666667,spk_4,Is this gonna have hurt the applications maintainability?
637 |
620,27.04515,27.105816666666662,spk_4,And eventually we get to a point where performance is a problem.
638 |
621,27.110666666666667,27.15165,spk_4,"Um And by the way back in people, I'm,"
639 |
622,27.15348333333333,27.182816666666668,spk_4,I'm coming purely from a front end perspective.
640 |
623,27.182983333333333,27.215,spk_4,"I'm not talking about, I'm not talking about that."
641 |
624,27.238333333333333,27.263166666666667,spk_4,Um So
642 |
643 |
626,27.28465,27.30365,spk_4,I think that like
644 |
645 |
628,27.3385,27.36683333333333,spk_4,completeness and maintainability
646 |
629,27.373833333333334,27.4065,spk_4,actually has a
647 |
630,27.416666666666668,27.44683333333333,spk_4,long term effect on performance.
648 |
631,27.4945,27.50615,spk_4,And uh
649 |
632,27.507816666666667,27.51998333333333,spk_4,and so
650 |
633,27.53783333333333,27.591483333333333,spk_4,"uh the maintainability aspect of code,"
651 |
634,27.591666666666665,27.630166666666668,spk_4,I think is actually more important than it seems
652 |
653 |
636,27.65883333333333,27.70833333333333,spk_4,"like on surface, you might be like, oh, we'll just, we'll do,"
654 |
637,27.7085,27.74098333333333,spk_4,we'll do performance first and then
655 |
638,27.74315,27.79433333333333,spk_4,"coverage and then we'll put maintain maintainability because me,"
656 |
639,27.81015,27.83633333333333,spk_4,"but uh eventually,"
657 |
640,27.8375,27.882316666666668,spk_4,I think sacrificing maintainability over those other
658 |
641,27.882483333333333,27.92215,spk_4,two things will eventually hurt performance.
659 |
642,27.922316666666667,27.94233333333333,spk_4,That's the case that I would make.
660 |
643,27.9855,28.03715,spk_0,I think you just give the order right there. Because
661 |
644,28.053816666666663,28.109166666666667,spk_0,"if so for example, if, if"
662 |
645,28.124816666666668,28.196,spk_0,we do care that the project is maintainable because we do care that things are
663 |
646,28.209333333333333,28.258333333333333,spk_0,"future proofing and you can work with it in the future,"
664 |
647,28.2585,28.290333333333333,spk_0,"we can add more features in the future,"
665 |
648,28.297816666666662,28.32415,spk_0,add more features in the future.
666 |
649,28.3425,28.38448333333333,spk_0,"But if something is not available everywhere,"
667 |
650,28.392,28.43048333333333,spk_0,it doesn't seem like a deal breaker
668 |
651,28.43065,28.47015,spk_0,"mostly because if it's not available everywhere,"
669 |
652,28.470316666666665,28.54315,spk_0,it's because of the cost of the perceived performance and the maintainability.
670 |
653,28.55633333333333,28.596666666666668,spk_0,"So if we leave accessibility out of the equation,"
671 |
654,28.596833333333333,28.637316666666667,spk_0,the order becomes pretty apparent I would say.
672 |
655,28.688166666666667,28.76683333333333,spk_4,And uh and that would be what I just said uh performance
673 |
674 |
675 |
658,28.813983333333333,28.8505,spk_0,"No, it will be perceived performance at the top."
676 |
659,28.859816666666667,28.882316666666668,spk_0,That's the most important thing.
677 |
660,28.887833333333333,28.9125,spk_0,They overcome maintainability
678 |
661,28.91733333333333,28.93715,spk_0,and then it would come coverage.
679 |
662,28.937316666666668,29.005816666666668,spk_0,"So coverage, we would be we would be willing to sacrifice coverage"
680 |
663,29.015,29.059816666666663,spk_0,if it's for the sake of maintainability or
681 |
664,29.068483333333333,29.091833333333334,spk_0,perceived performance.
682 |
683 |
666,29.1275,29.19383333333333,spk_0,"And of course, this is not like black and white, this is not binary rules, right?"
684 |
667,29.194,29.266483333333333,spk_0,"We, we will still quantify whether it's worth"
685 |
668,29.30033333333333,29.351,spk_0,"implementing this across all, all, all scenarios"
686 |
669,29.357983333333333,29.38715,spk_0,and what's the impact of maintainability?
687 |
670,29.387316666666667,29.4375,spk_0,What like how much complexity do we have to introduce and and
688 |
671,29.437666666666665,29.4855,spk_0,can we isolate it in a way that it's safe enough?
689 |
672,29.485666666666667,29.51483333333333,spk_0,So there's still a composition around it but it
690 |
673,29.515,29.55115,spk_0,"was still gives us pause to kind of like,"
691 |
674,29.554166666666667,29.59883333333333,spk_0,"OK, if we need to, that seems to be"
692 |
675,29.60765,29.62615,spk_0,"because here's the thing,"
693 |
676,29.630166666666668,29.666833333333333,spk_0,I think there's gonna be scenarios where
694 |
677,29.66865,29.72133333333333,spk_0,"full coverage doesn't make sense from a usability perspective,"
695 |
678,29.7215,29.76083333333333,spk_0,from a context perspective from
696 |
679,29.76815,29.794816666666662,spk_0,just the object we're talking about.
697 |
698 |
681,29.82215,29.87215,spk_0,which essentially means that I don't know some certain feature
699 |
682,29.88,29.894816666666667,spk_0,"and we're talking about,"
700 |
683,29.909,29.940166666666663,spk_0,"let's stick commenting, for example,"
701 |
684,29.955483333333333,29.99115,spk_0,commenting does commenting
702 |
685,29.998166666666663,30.06083333333333,spk_0,have the same weight on the merger quest that it does on a repository commit
703 |
686,30.094666666666665,30.11766666666667,spk_0,feasibility perspective?
704 |
687,30.12898333333333,30.166666666666668,spk_0,I don't think so. I think they're different weights.
705 |
706 |
689,30.200166666666668,30.251816666666667,spk_0,"Right. Would you agree anybody would, would you all agree"
707 |
690,30.26083333333333,30.27698333333333,spk_0,if you think about it?
708 |
691,30.281333333333333,30.348166666666668,spk_0,The Merger Quest review is the moment where that code is being revised.
709 |
692,30.352666666666668,30.380316666666666,spk_0,"When it's repository,"
710 |
693,30.38315,30.45565,spk_0,"it could be at rest, it could be at the default branch and who's gonna see it?"
711 |
694,30.455816666666667,30.482316666666662,spk_0,Who's gonna see that comment?
712 |
695,30.48633333333333,30.5135,spk_4,"So by weight, you mean"
713 |
696,30.51933333333333,30.538,spk_4,how important is
714 |
697,30.54315,30.58898333333333,spk_4,"to do to, to make sure we have? OK."
715 |
698,30.597816666666667,30.604666666666667,spk_4,"-- Got
716 |
-- you. Yeah."
717 |
699,30.611816666666662,30.667666666666666,spk_0,"So it, it doesn't mean that we're not gonna have comments, we might"
718 |
700,30.678316666666667,30.704666666666668,spk_0,"Uh I'm just saying that they carry,"
719 |
701,30.704833333333333,30.76333333333333,spk_0,they carry different importances depending on the context.
720 |
721 |
703,30.79298333333333,30.823,spk_0,"And if, for example, if the, at the beginning,"
722 |
704,30.823166666666665,30.91215,spk_0,the this component of this app doesn't support comments on every context.
723 |
705,30.914483333333333,30.966483333333333,spk_0,"And if you think about it, this is already true. Like when you're creating a new form,"
724 |
706,30.97415,31.01448333333333,spk_0,"so when we're, when we're comparing branches"
725 |
707,31.01615,31.04,spk_0,"comments, that doesn't make sense,"
726 |
708,31.050666666666668,31.05883333333333,spk_0,does it
727 |
709,31.074483333333333,31.143316666666667,spk_0,"when we're opening a new form, why would you comment when you're opening a new form?"
728 |
729 |
711,31.15798333333333,31.18048333333333,spk_0,"Sorry, were you opening an emer"
730 |
731 |
713,31.201,31.24683333333333,spk_0,Uh So we already have this scenario where certain context
732 |
714,31.246983333333333,31.293316666666662,spk_0,will definitely not have full coverage of the features.
733 |
715,31.29348333333333,31.32933333333333,spk_0,"So that, that's a no brainer. So that's,"
734 |
716,31.342816666666668,31.41848333333333,spk_0,"so let's, so if we remove accessibility, how do we guarantee the accessibility is"
735 |
717,31.444816666666668,31.45683333333333,spk_1,"I think,"
736 |
718,31.461166666666667,31.479166666666668,spk_4,"I think as part,"
737 |
719,31.479333333333333,31.53115,spk_4,"maybe as part of our meaningful metrics or maybe is a different thing,"
738 |
720,31.531333333333333,31.5885,spk_4,"we just need to define the things that are like what, what is a feature?"
739 |
721,31.594,31.6335,spk_4,And I think a feature is like uh
740 |
722,31.63715,31.66015,spk_4,"it's accessible,"
741 |
742 |
724,31.67383333333333,31.707816666666663,spk_4,"has, it matches your style guide"
743 |
725,31.714316666666665,31.725166666666667,spk_4,and it's
744 |
726,31.732983333333333,31.795483333333333,spk_4,and it's com it's a complete functionality or whatever.
745 |
727,31.79565,31.821,spk_4,I think accessibility just has to be one of
746 |
728,31.821166666666667,31.861816666666662,spk_4,the things that defines how we know we're done.
747 |
729,31.898983333333334,31.93265,spk_4,I don't know if that's a meaningful metric or not. But
748 |
749 |
750 |
732,32.019666666666666,32.06933333333333,spk_0,I think I can take that. I think it definitely makes sense because I
751 |
733,32.07215,32.13665,spk_0,"it, I struggled to put accessibility here because it's like you said"
752 |
734,32.14915,32.16683333333334,spk_0,it's sort of like
753 |
754 |
736,32.1735,32.22665,spk_0,principle of development that we definitely need to have it from the get go.
755 |
756 |
738,32.277166666666666,32.28948333333334,spk_0,"And we could,"
757 |
739,32.29331666666667,32.31733333333333,spk_0,would never sacrifice it.
758 |
740,32.335316666666664,32.39233333333333,spk_4,Yeah. And to your point about like there are different levels of accessibility.
759 |
741,32.3925,32.415,spk_4,I think Paulina
760 |
761 |
743,32.43416666666667,32.46981666666667,spk_4,in the meaningful metrics posted like
762 |
744,32.475,32.519,spk_4,all of the accessibility guidelines for
763 |
745,32.523983333333334,32.59883333333333,spk_4,"um content editors essentially, which is what, what we would have. Um"
764 |
746,32.609,32.66133333333333,spk_4,"And she recommended she's like, let's do AA not AAA."
765 |
747,32.66316666666667,32.71865,spk_4,"And like that could be something that we, that we like"
766 |
748,32.72116666666667,32.76733333333333,spk_4,the accepted feature is AA accessibility.
767 |
749,32.7675,32.7965,spk_4,We don't have to worry about AAA right now.
768 |
750,32.800333333333334,32.844,spk_4,But like that's the level that we get to or whatever.
769 |
751,32.8625,32.935833333333335,spk_0,"Yeah, I like putting that as accept as a acceptance metric as um um"
770 |
752,32.93816666666667,32.951483333333336,spk_0,what do we call it
771 |
753,32.96666666666667,32.98031666666667,spk_0,meaningful metric?
772 |
773 |
755,33.04915,33.0715,spk_0,So I'm putting here
774 |
756,33.078316666666666,33.09616666666667,spk_0,order list.
775 |
757,33.12766666666667,33.17265,spk_0,Does anybody here on the call object to that list?
776 |
758,33.189483333333335,33.211,spk_0,Removing disability?
777 |
759,33.22966666666667,33.28,spk_4,So I don't object to it. I will throw a wrench into it though.
778 |
760,33.28816666666667,33.37733333333333,spk_4,"We have essentially, we've essentially said um coverage is the last thing,"
779 |
761,33.38816666666666,33.45666666666666,spk_4,"the lowest priority we will, we'll focus on performance maintainability first"
780 |
781 |
782 |
764,33.513,33.54331666666667,spk_4,that level coverage
783 |
765,33.54715,33.62665,spk_4,"is something where other stakeholders uh have much more interest, right?"
784 |
766,33.62681666666667,33.7,spk_4,"Like, like uh Kai will be much more interested in coverage than"
785 |
767,33.702333333333335,33.7235,spk_4,uh maintainability
786 |
768,33.727833333333336,33.746,spk_4,"um presumably,"
787 |
769,33.7565,33.77015,spk_4,is that
788 |
789 |
771,33.81283333333333,33.859,spk_4,how do we bring other stakeholders into this conversation without
790 |
772,33.85916666666667,33.9085,spk_4,sacrificing sort of the integrity of the architectural discussion?
791 |
773,33.92815,33.941316666666665,spk_4,Because like
792 |
774,33.9445,33.962833333333336,spk_4,"we, we could say, OK,"
793 |
775,33.963,34.00483333333333,spk_4,"we're gonna have this architectural discussion outside of the,"
794 |
776,34.005,34.030316666666664,spk_4,outside of like product
795 |
777,34.034333333333336,34.04765,spk_4,"and then when,"
796 |
778,34.0625,34.10131666666667,spk_4,"but that's sort of sticking our head in the sand because at some point,"
797 |
779,34.101483333333334,34.145466666666664,spk_4,we are going to run into product needs.
798 |
780,34.15265,34.181,spk_0,"That's a great, that's a great question."
799 |
781,34.18833333333333,34.2403,spk_0,"The way that I see this list is, um,"
800 |
782,34.26165,34.27865,spk_0,"is um,"
801 |
783,34.28263333333334,34.32298333333333,spk_0,"pre agreed upon, ordered"
802 |
784,34.34096666666667,34.40983333333333,spk_0,by default. Like it's something that we use to decide things on the go as we go.
803 |
785,34.42616666666667,34.46666666666667,spk_0,There are always gonna be cases where we get overridden.
804 |
786,34.48433333333333,34.54266666666667,spk_0,"And this will come from the perspective of sometimes user experience,"
805 |
787,34.542833333333334,34.55696666666667,spk_0,sometimes product.
806 |
807 |
789,34.57731666666667,34.63665,spk_0,"for example, uh I can already think about one"
808 |
809 |
791,34.7225,34.73965,spk_0,code quality.
810 |
792,34.74948333333333,34.760983333333336,spk_0,I was
811 |
793,34.763,34.78033333333333,spk_0,"wrapping my head,"
812 |
794,34.784333333333336,34.802,spk_0,my brain around that
813 |
795,34.80616666666667,34.84513333333334,spk_0,"code quality. We have that in the merger quest,"
814 |
815 |
797,34.871833333333335,34.891666666666666,spk_0,What this means
816 |
798,34.896,34.91898333333334,spk_0,"is for that to come in,"
817 |
799,34.91915,34.97415,spk_0,it cannot come at the cost of maintainability and perceived performance.
818 |
800,34.99081666666667,35.00866666666667,spk_0,They can still come in
819 |
801,35.0305,35.086816666666664,spk_0,"not at the cost of maintainability and perceived performance,"
820 |
802,35.09915,35.16981666666667,spk_0,which means that it will not be just spaghetti code thrown into the code base.
821 |
803,35.169983333333334,35.23215,spk_0,"It would have to be something accounted for with some potentially some you know,"
822 |
804,35.23231666666667,35.256816666666666,spk_0,"clogging architecture,"
823 |
824 |
806,35.28766666666667,35.32216666666667,spk_0,"options, use of preference, whatever it is,"
825 |
807,35.335483333333336,35.3755,spk_0,"it is to come the perspective of maintainability,"
826 |
808,35.37566666666667,35.41598333333334,spk_0,but also it could not hinder performance.
827 |
809,35.41615,35.42616666666667,spk_0,And I think
828 |
810,35.43116666666667,35.48016666666667,spk_0,it's already working. Look at that it's already working
829 |
811,35.489333333333335,35.53965,spk_0,in the way that we want to is that they can still come
830 |
812,35.54148333333333,35.58615,spk_0,coverage can still be achieved 100% of the time
831 |
813,35.59115,35.61615,spk_0,"you just cannot suffer,"
832 |
814,35.62315,35.64431666666667,spk_0,it cannot become a cost of
833 |
834 |
816,35.68033333333333,35.71783333333333,spk_0,"So, again, we're not closing the door on products"
835 |
817,35.72465,35.79398333333334,spk_0,just creating the framework by how this app will survive the beers.
836 |
818,35.84166666666667,35.876666666666665,spk_4,That's gonna be the hardest part is enforcing that
837 |
819,35.901,35.92133333333334,spk_4,"-- I'll, I'll,
838 |
-- I'll"
839 |
840 |
821,35.92831666666667,35.96581666666667,spk_4,"it's a social thing, not a technical thing."
841 |
822,36.017833333333336,36.06948333333333,spk_0,"All right, that sounds good. Now, the question is, is this list complete?"
842 |
823,36.06965,36.10648333333334,spk_0,Is there anything else that we need to look out for
843 |
824,36.113166666666665,36.1465,spk_0,or is this good enough to start?
844 |
825,36.235166666666665,36.27415,spk_4,"I think, assuming that we"
845 |
826,36.29065,36.36481666666667,spk_4,uh have more discussions on the meaningful metrics and what
846 |
827,36.364983333333335,36.43631666666667,spk_4,"is maintainability issues and really nail down those two,"
847 |
828,36.44166666666667,36.499316666666665,spk_4,"like what will get us performance, what will give us maintainability?"
848 |
849 |
830,36.51766666666666,36.547666666666665,spk_4,"I think this is enough for now,"
850 |
831,36.554833333333335,36.590316666666666,spk_4,but we really have to nail down those
851 |
852 |
853 |
834,36.66465,36.686816666666665,spk_0,"Anything else anybody,"
854 |
835,36.71565,36.742,spk_0,you have any other thoughts on this?
855 |
836,36.80166666666667,36.83981666666666,spk_0,"Cool. So Thomas, can you post a comment"
856 |
837,36.8425,36.9185,spk_0,"in that issue? Just saying that we discussed this in the, in the weekly call"
857 |
838,36.92183333333333,36.960816666666666,spk_0,"and we arrived at this result,"
858 |
839,36.96098333333333,37.01016666666667,spk_0,order list three points and the accessibility
859 |
840,37.010333333333335,37.051,spk_0,is taken part of uh meaningful metrics
860 |
841,37.05433333333333,37.083666666666666,spk_0,which will be defining that other issue.
861 |
842,37.09015,37.150666666666666,spk_0,"And uh we'll get ourselves a list and then we'll keep it open for, you know,"
862 |
843,37.15083333333333,37.180166666666665,spk_0,a week and then if nobody complains
863 |
844,37.196666666666665,37.205666666666666,spk_0,"merge it,"
864 |
845,37.2145,37.26565,spk_0,"just giving, giving time for people to contribute. That's, that's all we want."
865 |
846,37.290816666666665,37.32983333333333,spk_0,"You might be missing something obvious, but I really like the"
866 |
847,37.33298333333333,37.35083333333333,spk_0,discussion. So
867 |
848,37.37283333333333,37.39183333333333,spk_0,I feel like we're making progress.
868 |
849,37.42865,37.46631666666666,spk_0,Awesome. I'll put that up on you.
869 |
850,37.551833333333335,37.58416666666667,spk_0,Anything else to discuss? Folks?
870 |
851,37.65731666666667,37.71683333333333,spk_0,There will come a time. I think where we'll start gonna be starting to discuss.
871 |
872 |
853,37.75033333333333,37.797983333333335,spk_0,what changes do we need to do to Italy to get data frag
873 |
854,37.80133333333333,37.831,spk_0,"fragmented, sorry,"
874 |
855,37.86866666666667,37.89565,spk_0,getting the data fragmented
875 |
856,37.90133333333333,37.956316666666666,spk_0,"and how the front end should deal with that with, you know,"
876 |
857,37.95648333333333,37.99565,spk_0,streaming information into the front end.
877 |
858,37.99583333333333,38.068333333333335,spk_0,"What kind of components, trees and view and web component that will come?"
878 |
859,38.08,38.11098333333333,spk_0,But I think for now we need to
879 |
860,38.117666666666665,38.18298333333333,spk_0,get a strong foundation and understanding of all the scenarios
880 |
861,38.18315,38.22798333333333,spk_0,here and uh it will get more exciting later on.
881 |
862,38.22815,38.238,spk_0,I expect
882 |
863,38.29583333333333,38.3135,spk_0,not a promise.
883 |
864,38.31733333333333,38.332816666666666,spk_0,It's a hope
884 |
865,38.3635,38.441833333333335,spk_4,jumping too early to implementation while uh always causes pain. So right.
885 |
866,38.44465,38.50116666666667,spk_0,"So I think we're, we're taking our good point, a good time with it."
886 |
867,38.51615,38.57266666666666,spk_0,"Thanks everybody. Uh If nobody has any other points, we can call it here."
887 |
868,38.572833333333335,38.59183333333333,spk_0,Have some free time back.
888 |
869,38.62583333333333,38.634,spk_0,All right.
889 |
870,38.63981666666667,38.65781666666667,spk_0,Thank you so much. Everybody
890 |
871,38.68066666666667,38.6895,spk_0,take care.
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
1 |
2 |
0,0.0168,0.0368333333333333,spk_0,And we're live.
3 |
1,0.0405,0.11515,spk_0,Welcome to yet another weekly call um for
4 |
2,0.1213333333333333,0.1905,spk_0,em and America's time zones of the new diffs architecture
5 |
3,0.2035,0.2211666666666666,spk_0,workflow effort.
6 |
4,0.2294999999999999,0.2464833333333333,spk_0,That's a mouthful.
7 |
5,0.25,0.2784833333333333,spk_0,Uh I'll go straight to the agenda.
8 |
6,0.27865,0.3291666666666666,spk_0,We have um a point from Patrick who's not attending.
9 |
7,0.33865,0.4255,spk_0,"Um I'll be out starting this Thursday, October 12 and we'll be back on October 17th."
10 |
8,0.4256666666666666,0.47165,spk_0,So I won't be able to host slash attend the A P A call.
11 |
9,0.4718166666666666,0.5045,spk_0,We'll catch up on recording and issues.
12 |
10,0.5145000000000001,0.5791666666666667,spk_0,"He also says related to the A P A call, no one attended the last one."
13 |
11,0.5793166666666667,0.6588166666666667,spk_0,So I wonder if we should make it earlier in case someone from America can join.
14 |
12,0.6629833333333334,0.7075,spk_0,What do you think about 1 a.m. UTC?
15 |
16 |
14,0.8474833333333333,0.8784833333333334,spk_1,"is, would anyone here be affected by that?"
17 |
15,0.8908333333333334,0.9078333333333332,spk_1,"Like, I can't go to that?"
18 |
16,0.9079833333333334,0.9628333333333334,spk_1,"Well, I mean, I could go to that but that would be no, thank you."
19 |
17,0.9635,1.023,spk_1,"-- Um What
20 |
-- would be your time at that? If it was 1 a.m. one AM"
21 |
18,1.02315,1.0484833333333334,spk_1,UGC would be
22 |
19,1.094833333333333,1.1498166666666667,spk_1,"uh 6 p.m. I think,"
23 |
20,1.1628166666666666,1.182483333333333,spk_1,"I think I minus seven,"
24 |
21,1.22665,1.291483333333333,spk_1,"which I mean, I suppose I could go to that. It wouldn't be my most favorite time. But"
25 |
22,1.3548333333333331,1.3751666666666666,spk_0,"this is what it would look like,"
26 |
23,1.3895,1.43665,spk_0,"uh, where are these locations are here on the right hand side?"
27 |
24,1.44565,1.47715,spk_0,So London would be two am
28 |
25,1.4883333333333333,1.5093166666666666,spk_0,sorry. What was his proposal?
29 |
26,1.522166666666667,1.5615,spk_0,"1 a.m. Yeah, 1 a.m. UTC. But with daily"
30 |
27,1.5648166666666667,1.6016499999999998,spk_0,daylight savings time is 2 a.m. London.
31 |
28,1.6131666666666666,1.64815,spk_0,"1 a.m. you just see, right. So this will be the times."
32 |
29,1.6483333333333334,1.6833333333333331,spk_0,"What's your central, it's your central mountain?"
33 |
30,1.7053166666666666,1.7405,spk_0,"Oh, yeah, it's already on the verge of being late."
34 |
31,1.770333333333333,1.79,spk_0,"Yeah, it's tough"
35 |
32,1.8256666666666668,1.8443333333333327,spk_0,"if you wanna make it,"
36 |
33,1.85,1.8596666666666664,spk_0,"uh, to"
37 |
34,1.8691666666666664,1.8919833333333331,spk_0,include Singapore
38 |
35,1.9009833333333328,1.9178166666666667,spk_0,that area.
39 |
36,1.955,1.9651666666666667,spk_0,"Yeah. I mean,"
40 |
37,1.978,2.03,spk_0,"since, since this is late, like later in my evening, I wouldn't,"
41 |
38,2.03015,2.06115,spk_1,I don't have a ton of opinion about this.
42 |
39,2.061333333333333,2.0883333333333334,spk_1,"So I don't know if anybody else here does,"
43 |
40,2.1048333333333336,2.121,spk_1,if that helps
44 |
45 |
42,2.178816666666666,2.21115,spk_1,That's good. If more people show up.
46 |
47 |
44,2.296666666666667,2.342,spk_0,"-- it would make it
48 |
-- so that it would make it so that these two meetings"
49 |
45,2.34215,2.401666666666667,spk_1,are exactly 12 hours apart and I could theoretically make either one of them.
50 |
46,2.4018333333333333,2.46865,spk_1,"Uh, which I suppose is good. I could come to both. But, uh,"
51 |
47,2.47365,2.52415,spk_1,"-- so
52 |
-- since we haven't had a lot of experiment experience with that,"
53 |
48,2.5243333333333333,2.63715,spk_0,"I would suggest just trying a new, a new time and broadcast it and let people know and"
54 |
49,2.639483333333333,2.6881500000000003,spk_0,go from there and we can tweak it every week as we go.
55 |
50,2.6958333333333333,2.774833333333333,spk_0,"Um, it seems like one am, would be still too late for Americas."
56 |
51,2.7845,2.830833333333333,spk_0,So I'm probably gonna be concert proposing
57 |
58 |
53,2.8661666666666665,2.8971666666666667,spk_0,U to see which is like one hour less
59 |
54,2.9141666666666666,2.933666666666667,spk_0,and we'll see from there.
60 |
55,2.96115,2.984166666666667,spk_0,Why can't I change?
61 |
62 |
57,3.081833333333333,3.1068333333333333,spk_0,Um Right.
63 |
58,3.1133333333333333,3.14415,spk_0,"When you, when you want me to see,"
64 |
59,3.162983333333333,3.237833333333333,spk_0,seems like it would still be too late for America.
65 |
66 |
61,3.267316666666667,3.2998333333333334,spk_0,"what is it? Zero AM,"
67 |
62,3.302483333333333,3.31765,spk_0,is that how you write
68 |
63,3.327166666666667,3.37965,spk_0,"it? It's 0 12, no, 12:12 a.m."
69 |
64,3.4021666666666666,3.43115,spk_0,"-- 12 a.m. Right? 12
70 |
-- AM or"
71 |
65,3.4353166666666666,3.4578333333333333,spk_1,00 hours
72 |
73 |
67,3.516,3.533666666666667,spk_0,Good to see.
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
71,3.614333333333333,3.6605,spk_0,Uh I'll update the invite.
78 |
72,3.697666666666666,3.7548166666666662,spk_0,Um He also says we should likely market the A P A call
79 |
73,3.755,3.8151666666666655,spk_0,more as people may not know that it exists and they can join.
80 |
74,3.8153166666666665,3.842,spk_0,I can do this when I get back.
81 |
75,3.8665,3.895483333333333,spk_0,All broadcast
82 |
76,3.91215,3.9663166666666663,spk_0,the change of the events time
83 |
77,3.986833333333333,4.030833333333334,spk_0,in Slack channels
84 |
85 |
86 |
80,4.079816666666667,4.1238166666666665,spk_0,"Yeah, I'll go through the uh it would be nice to go"
87 |
81,4.1258333333333335,4.139483333333334,spk_0,to the map.
88 |
82,4.179316666666667,4.218983333333333,spk_0,"Sorry, apologies. We don't have that anymore."
89 |
83,4.224,4.301666666666667,spk_0,"But I'll uh I know at least two people that are uh in Australia,"
90 |
84,4.320633333333333,4.39715,spk_0,uh Ash Mackenzie and uh David Kim. Um
91 |
92 |
93 |
87,4.4495,4.505983333333333,spk_0,so that would be the two people that I'll be pinging. Is there anyone else that
94 |
88,4.512666666666667,4.52965,spk_0,we should be pinging
95 |
89,4.5845,4.634316666666667,spk_0,on the top of my head? Those are it. So I'll uh I'll ping them.
96 |
90,4.637816666666667,4.650666666666667,spk_0,So that's that
97 |
98 |
92,4.690333333333333,4.715983333333334,spk_0,any more thoughts on the A PE C call?
99 |
93,4.762983333333334,4.7725,spk_0,All right.
100 |
94,4.780333333333333,4.825666666666667,spk_0,"Um Moving on to the next point, Patrick as well, not attending."
101 |
95,4.825816666666666,4.9105,spk_0,Um He left a comment about a random thought related to order of priorities.
102 |
96,4.915483333333333,4.96865,spk_0,"Then Igor, he also left a comment."
103 |
104 |
98,5.016166666666667,5.04365,spk_0,"Yeah, we had a bit of a discussion there?"
105 |
99,5.043833333333334,5.099816666666666,spk_0,Um Should we cover that now or should we keep it as synchronous?
106 |
100,5.131833333333334,5.1595,spk_0,You gonna do you wanna share your views
107 |
101,5.174166666666666,5.253833333333334,spk_2,"uh keeping it, the synchronous is fine with me? Yeah, I just mentioned that uh"
108 |
102,5.259816666666667,5.328333333333333,spk_2,probably we need to define our uh the priority.
109 |
103,5.328483333333334,5.4065,spk_2,"What, what do we mean uh regarding like behind the word priority? Yeah."
110 |
104,5.40665,5.427483333333333,spk_2,And uh whether
111 |
112 |
106,5.44715,5.507833333333333,spk_2,"whether we should be firm, firm about uh"
113 |
107,5.511816666666666,5.586316666666667,spk_2,like whether we want to sacrifice some performance or maintainability or coverage
114 |
108,5.589483333333334,5.636166666666667,spk_2,uh for the sake of other criteria
115 |
109,5.65515,5.751316666666667,spk_2,"or not. So, yeah, I suggested to two points either be firm about uh"
116 |
110,5.75765,5.798166666666667,spk_2,that we don't want to decrease
117 |
111,5.8014833333333335,5.8815,spk_2,any of the criteria of the metrics only improve them.
118 |
112,5.887166666666666,5.957333333333334,spk_2,"Or for example, uh we could define the uh flexibility,"
119 |
113,5.9575,6.0259833333333335,spk_2,how flexible we are about uh sacrificing some of the metrics.
120 |
114,6.026166666666667,6.0355,spk_2,"For example,"
121 |
115,6.035666666666667,6.089483333333333,spk_2,I can imagine a scenario of uh removing some
122 |
116,6.089666666666667,6.1611666666666665,spk_2,"feature for the sake of uh maintainability or performance,"
123 |
124 |
118,6.177983333333334,6.23215,spk_2,"-- it's uh sure it's uh like a product of
125 |
-- call."
126 |
119,6.257833333333333,6.28465,spk_0,"Got it. No, that's, that's great."
127 |
120,6.284816666666667,6.340983333333333,spk_0,And I definitely encourage everybody to read that thread because I feel like it's
128 |
121,6.350816666666667,6.4009833333333335,spk_0,the kind of things that we face in the future.
129 |
122,6.401166666666667,6.449666666666666,spk_0,So it's definitely worth giving it some thought.
130 |
131 |
124,6.4889833333333335,6.5085,spk_0,What I propose Igor
132 |
125,6.511,6.5659833333333335,spk_0,is for the sake of moving this along.
133 |
126,6.572316666666667,6.649816666666666,spk_0,I'll get an Mr started um for the documentation that's in the works.
134 |
127,6.65,6.704166666666667,spk_0,Um Phil already has an Mr Up um
135 |
128,6.709816666666667,6.743333333333333,spk_0,should be merged soon and
136 |
129,6.753333333333334,6.79215,spk_0,I'll add a little section of our priorities.
137 |
130,6.792333333333334,6.851666666666667,spk_0,"Um And we'll, we'll just collaborate there."
138 |
131,6.851816666666666,6.912816666666666,spk_0,"I'll, I'll grab some of your examples uh there."
139 |
132,6.912983333333333,6.967333333333333,spk_0,"But I think, I think we're leaning more towards the flexible part"
140 |
133,6.97115,7.0205,spk_0,"because remember, we're always gonna be here to make"
141 |
134,7.025666666666667,7.056333333333333,spk_0,"the best call for each scenario,"
142 |
135,7.07,7.123666666666667,spk_0,"but we don't want it to be, we don't wanna be"
143 |
144 |
137,7.162,7.201666666666666,spk_0,by a theoretical
145 |
138,7.2095,7.246316666666667,spk_0,restriction that we created out of thin air.
146 |
139,7.249816666666667,7.304983333333333,spk_0,This is more like to guide us than to restrain
147 |
140,7.311166666666667,7.330333333333333,spk_0,us. So
148 |
141,7.342333333333333,7.404166666666667,spk_0,"we always have the ability to make, have a conversation around it."
149 |
142,7.404333333333334,7.439833333333333,spk_0,"And in a particular part of the coverage,"
150 |
143,7.439983333333333,7.5,spk_0,accept less coverage if it means that it's more performance.
151 |
144,7.50715,7.58265,spk_0,But UX and product being OK with that will be part of the conversation for now.
152 |
145,7.587816666666667,7.617983333333333,spk_0,We just have to write something in the documentation.
153 |
146,7.61815,7.655333333333333,spk_0,We can iterate later if we feel like it's still not
154 |
147,7.669333333333333,7.677666666666667,spk_0,"good enough,"
155 |
148,7.677833333333333,7.735666666666667,spk_0,but I feel like moving to an Mr is probably the best way to start talking about
156 |
149,7.740483333333334,7.762983333333334,spk_0,the actual wording.
157 |
150,7.7695,7.788166666666667,spk_0,Uh tweaking the tweaking
158 |
151,7.790166666666667,7.810666666666666,spk_0,the text that
159 |
152,7.840483333333333,7.85815,spk_2,sure makes sense.
160 |
153,7.938983333333333,7.987166666666667,spk_0,"Uh The cough came in as I was asking, does that make sense?"
161 |
154,7.987316666666667,8.009,spk_0,"And you answered said, thanks."
162 |
163 |
156,8.039833333333334,8.053483333333334,spk_0,I'll move
164 |
157,8.069333333333333,8.10615,spk_0,on to create an Mr
165 |
158,8.151483333333333,8.168483333333333,spk_0,to start
166 |
167 |
160,8.202833333333333,8.24415,spk_0,this to stone and iterating
168 |
161,8.249316666666667,8.266483333333333,spk_0,and collaborating.
169 |
162,8.2965,8.308816666666667,spk_0,"I think,"
170 |
163,8.338983333333333,8.34215,spk_0,I think
171 |
172 |
173 |
166,8.400483333333334,8.449666666666667,spk_0,"Oh Cool, cool, cool, cool. Um"
174 |
167,8.472316666666666,8.481333333333334,spk_0,All right.
175 |
168,8.486166666666668,8.5345,spk_0,"Let's keep on discussing, I guess, synchronously in the the issue."
176 |
169,8.534666666666666,8.5545,spk_0,"If you have more thoughts,"
177 |
170,8.560983333333333,8.614,spk_0,"I'll in the meantime, should be moving on to the more in the next day or two"
178 |
171,8.639316666666666,8.660316666666667,spk_0,Igor you have your next point.
179 |
172,8.69,8.792316666666666,spk_2,"Yeah. Uh Unfortunately, it's some specific ex example uh rather than uh"
180 |
173,8.798166666666667,8.828333333333333,spk_2,"something related to them,"
181 |
174,8.83315,8.880333333333333,spk_2,how we organize our initiative.
182 |
175,8.8805,8.8865,spk_2,"But yeah,"
183 |
176,8.886666666666667,8.929166666666667,spk_2,it's about a specific example that we already
184 |
177,8.929333333333334,8.97565,spk_2,worked on the performance of this uh previously.
185 |
178,8.9775,9.035666666666666,spk_2,"And there's currently some functionality on the back end behind the future,"
186 |
179,9.050983333333331,9.120483333333333,spk_2,"but at the same time, it's disabled uh for a while now,"
187 |
180,9.12065,9.198333333333334,spk_2,just because we had uh issues with uh view Synex
188 |
181,9.199483333333331,9.246816666666666,spk_2,highlight uh maybe with some other formats as well.
189 |
182,9.250166666666669,9.324483333333331,spk_2,"So yeah, it's just an as an example of uh"
190 |
183,9.329816666666666,9.400816666666667,spk_2,"prioritizing courage and correctness or performance in this case,"
191 |
184,9.4035,9.432816666666668,spk_2,but we will probably
192 |
185,9.440833333333334,9.50515,spk_2,come back to this example later and see what we can prove.
193 |
186,9.587316666666666,9.622333333333334,spk_0,Thanks for sharing that. I think this is
194 |
187,9.62465,9.697483333333333,spk_0,definitely useful to understand I given what we learned with the um
195 |
188,9.700983333333332,9.736666666666666,spk_0,"front end highlighting it definitely,"
196 |
189,9.740666666666666,9.776816666666669,spk_0,definitely tracks because
197 |
190,9.782816666666667,9.83515,spk_0,partial highlighting is always gonna be challenging in certain contexts
198 |
199 |
192,9.86015,9.87565,spk_0,which begs the question.
200 |
193,9.875816666666667,9.884316666666669,spk_0,"So this,"
201 |
194,9.8845,9.949166666666668,spk_0,this came up in the previous discussion earlier today in my one on one with Phil
202 |
203 |
204 |
197,10.013483333333332,10.05,spk_0,have we ever looked into
205 |
206 |
199,10.095316666666667,10.125,spk_0,not highlighting
207 |
200,10.127166666666668,10.168483333333333,spk_0,all of the files in the diff and just doing
208 |
201,10.16865,10.211666666666666,spk_0,that for a certain set of like the initial ones.
209 |
202,10.225,10.259983333333333,spk_0,Uh have you looked into that at all ever?
210 |
203,10.276816666666669,10.3025,spk_0,And to save the um
211 |
204,10.306816666666666,10.364483333333334,spk_0,the work of highlighting the file for when it's actually requested
212 |
205,10.402333333333331,10.422816666666666,spk_0,"-- we looked
213 |
-- at."
214 |
206,10.433833333333334,10.5345,spk_2,"-- So uh highlighting the part of the file instead of the whole file.
215 |
-- No, no."
216 |
207,10.534666666666666,10.610666666666669,spk_0,So the idea is that uh imagine we have a diff with 12 files changed.
217 |
218 |
209,10.641483333333332,10.69365,spk_0,let's say that we change one line in 12 files.
219 |
210,10.697816666666666,10.736666666666666,spk_0,"The process as far as I understand right now,"
220 |
211,10.736833333333331,10.79265,spk_0,we'll have to highlight all of the 12 files first
221 |
212,10.79965,10.857333333333331,spk_0,and then grab this chunk thing that we um
222 |
213,10.862666666666666,10.890666666666666,spk_0,that we need to put in the DS.
223 |
214,10.910833333333333,10.959316666666666,spk_0,What if we didn't do the highlighting for the whole 12 files?
224 |
215,10.9595,11.0025,spk_0,"We just did the highlight on three or four,"
225 |
216,11.00265,11.028166666666667,spk_0,which will be the first ones that will be
226 |
217,11.028333333333334,11.074166666666668,spk_0,in the batch tips being thrown into the browser.
227 |
218,11.078983333333332,11.111833333333331,spk_0,"Uh And then from that moment on,"
228 |
219,11.123816666666666,11.194483333333334,spk_0,we would only be highlighting on demand and cashing it.
229 |
220,11.195316666666669,11.2525,spk_0,Uh The idea there is to alleviate the work
230 |
221,11.263833333333332,11.31315,spk_0,that beckon has to do to start giving
231 |
232 |
233 |
224,11.368,11.399816666666666,spk_0,"the results, I guess. So we"
234 |
235 |
226,11.466666666666669,11.536316666666666,spk_0,not doing work up ahead until it's needed. That's the whole overall
236 |
227,11.556816666666666,11.597,spk_0,I think. Have you ever looked into that? Is that even
237 |
238 |
239 |
230,11.649333333333333,11.729983333333331,spk_2,"Probably probably we had a look at it but uh as it, so to me,"
240 |
231,11.73015,11.802816666666669,spk_2,it sounds like more like front end dream because um
241 |
242 |
233,11.823816666666668,11.89365,spk_2,it's uh uh everything comes down to fetching the files.
243 |
234,11.893833333333331,11.985666666666669,spk_2,"Yeah, we just fetch uh four files and display them. Yeah. If we scroll further"
244 |
235,11.987666666666666,12.076983333333333,spk_2,"uh further, we uh fetch more files uh regarding the back end. Uh"
245 |
236,12.09015,12.120316666666668,spk_2,"No, probably it's not"
246 |
237,12.122816666666669,12.157816666666667,spk_2,"feasible not to,"
247 |
238,12.172483333333334,12.193316666666666,spk_2,"not to highlight,"
248 |
249 |
240,12.224816666666667,12.270483333333331,spk_2,"I mean, yeah, so it all comes down to front end."
250 |
241,12.27065,12.314316666666668,spk_2,"Yeah, and fetching the smaller set of files."
251 |
242,12.314483333333332,12.366833333333334,spk_2,"I don't know whether we consider, consider it before."
252 |
243,12.367,12.432983333333333,spk_2,"But yeah, it's, it's possible. But uh to be honest, I would,"
253 |
244,12.456816666666668,12.486983333333333,spk_2,I wouldn't look at them
254 |
245,12.49015,12.56315,spk_2,"currently. For example, if we're talking about 12 files, currently we fetch"
255 |
246,12.5755,12.682666666666666,spk_2,the whole content of those 12 files. Yeah. And maybe we should uh consider first
256 |
247,12.686316666666666,12.7285,spk_2,um avoid at least fetching
257 |
248,12.73215,12.780816666666666,spk_2,the whole content of 12 files but only fetching
258 |
249,12.780983333333332,12.82,spk_2,"some limited set of data because for example,"
259 |
250,12.820166666666667,12.891,spk_2,"if those files are uh one megabyte or 10 megabyte each,"
260 |
251,12.89115,12.9625,spk_2,so we will still fetch uh the whole file which is uh
261 |
252,12.96765,12.999333333333333,spk_2,"yeah, which is not so performant."
262 |
253,12.999816666666666,13.03515,spk_2,"But uh as we discussed before,"
263 |
254,13.035316666666668,13.125983333333334,spk_2,"it's done in order to provide the context for the for the whole file, for example, uh"
264 |
255,13.128166666666669,13.218483333333332,spk_2,"as for the view files uh currently that we have an issue, um the script"
265 |
256,13.231333333333334,13.278333333333332,spk_2,is somewhere um higher
266 |
257,13.282666666666668,13.306983333333331,spk_2,in the beginning of the file.
267 |
258,13.309666666666669,13.405983333333332,spk_2,And uh so uh our highlighter doesn't understand whether it's html or
268 |
259,13.407666666666668,13.454666666666666,spk_2,javascript that it needs to highlight.
269 |
270 |
261,13.479333333333331,13.560833333333331,spk_2,um something to have a look and definitely there's room for improvement.
271 |
262,13.560983333333333,13.585316666666667,spk_2,"But yeah, it should be discussed"
272 |
263,13.611983333333333,13.626983333333332,spk_2,and investigated.
273 |
274 |
265,13.66315,13.739483333333334,spk_0,"So you, you're saying that a lot, all of this work is triggered by the front end call."
275 |
266,13.739666666666666,13.793483333333333,spk_0,So essentially we do the highlights and all that stuff. If it's not cached
276 |
267,13.79865,13.825816666666666,spk_0,when the front and ask for it.
277 |
268,13.8305,13.907983333333334,spk_2,"Uh Your, your suggestion is driven by a front end call. Uh"
278 |
269,13.919166666666667,14.010833333333334,spk_2,"Well, regarding my uh improvement, I mean regarding not fetching the blocks,"
279 |
270,14.014483333333333,14.095316666666667,spk_2,"it's uh backend driven because everything happens on, on backend, on backend,"
280 |
271,14.095483333333334,14.138316666666666,spk_2,we fetch the whole content of the files.
281 |
272,14.138483333333332,14.186833333333333,spk_2,"Uh because currently we highlight the files, the DS,"
282 |
273,14.19,14.2045,spk_2,we highlight the des
283 |
274,14.2085,14.2355,spk_2,on backend and then
284 |
275,14.238,14.258833333333332,spk_2,return it to front
285 |
286 |
277,14.273333333333332,14.324816666666669,spk_2,"And yeah, uh like fetching the files is back"
287 |
278,14.3265,14.368483333333334,spk_2,driven. Uh Your idea is front
288 |
279,14.37065,14.381666666666666,spk_2,end driven.
289 |
280,14.42465,14.45365,spk_0,OK? We're probably gonna have
290 |
291 |
282,14.459316666666666,14.544316666666669,spk_0,I know that we have some documentation already and I'm looking at it uh right now for
292 |
283,14.546,14.56615,spk_0,like the um
293 |
284,14.5785,14.60815,spk_0,I'm looking at the documentation that has been updated
294 |
285,14.608333333333333,14.655666666666669,spk_0,recently that has all all the details there.
295 |
296 |
287,14.683983333333334,14.722,spk_0,"front end call, dispatch, it pillows,"
297 |
288,14.722166666666666,14.743483333333334,spk_0,the DS and all that stuff and that's where
298 |
289,14.74365,14.77765,spk_0,it does a lot of like calculating un foldable D
299 |
290,14.7795,14.831333333333331,spk_0,lines and all that stuff in specific here.
300 |
291,14.843483333333332,14.87465,spk_0,We see that
301 |
302 |
293,14.912833333333332,14.92,spk_0,you get
303 |
294,14.922,14.925333333333333,spk_0,up D
304 |
295,14.927333333333332,14.98715,spk_0,highlight cash kind of thing is over here once we're writing to the cash.
305 |
306 |
297,15.027166666666666,15.073816666666668,spk_0,part of part of this conversation is probably because
307 |
298,15.074,15.1355,spk_0,we would like to speed up the delivery of DS
308 |
299,15.147166666666667,15.2035,spk_0,and potentially postpone the the workload of
309 |
300,15.20365,15.248,spk_0,doing the highlight which could be done
310 |
301,15.273166666666668,15.308666666666667,spk_0,"um with the DS already on the page,"
311 |
302,15.308833333333334,15.380816666666666,spk_0,we could first display them not highlighted and then highlight them at a later stage
312 |
303,15.38815,15.410316666666668,spk_0,when the user scrolls to it.
313 |
304,15.418,15.45815,spk_0,"Um So we're probably gonna be,"
314 |
305,15.458333333333334,15.5355,spk_0,uh it's gonna be useful to have one particular discussion exclusively about
315 |
306,15.551166666666669,15.592483333333334,spk_0,watching as we could do about the highlighting. But
316 |
317 |
308,15.631816666666667,15.656816666666666,spk_0,I'm not sure we're ready for it yet.
318 |
319 |
320 |
311,15.73915,15.78015,spk_0,Anybody has any more thoughts or questions about that.
321 |
322 |
313,15.913833333333333,15.951333333333332,spk_0,Um Let's keep tracking that uh
323 |
314,15.956666666666669,16.00065,spk_0,Or at least keep discussing this because I feel like
324 |
315,16.0275,16.077166666666667,spk_0,while the line by line next highlighting might not be
325 |
316,16.080816666666667,16.097166666666666,spk_0,"the way to go,"
326 |
317,16.1025,16.13315,spk_0,there might be some lessons there. Um
327 |
318,16.158833333333334,16.180983333333334,spk_0,"You were for your,"
328 |
319,16.199,16.21965,spk_0,"for your context,"
329 |
320,16.2265,16.282816666666665,spk_0,it's still not very clear how much of
330 |
321,16.282983333333334,16.332666666666668,spk_0,a service side rendered approach we'll be employing
331 |
322,16.352166666666665,16.376166666666666,spk_0,and that will change a lot of
332 |
323,16.394166666666667,16.467,spk_0,"these decisions, right? If we end up deciding to do the the service side rendering,"
333 |
334 |
325,16.496333333333332,16.58315,spk_0,we'll definitely need to prioritize a lot of these um processes to be back and
335 |
326,16.598333333333333,16.656666666666666,spk_0,"uh run, run in the back and, and not leverage in the front end, but we'll,"
336 |
327,16.656816666666668,16.67065,spk_0,we'll discuss that.
337 |
328,16.694316666666666,16.721816666666665,spk_0,Cool Thomas. Do you wanna take your point?
338 |
329,16.734833333333334,16.745166666666666,spk_0,I'll be right back.
339 |
330,16.755333333333333,16.78815,spk_1,"Yeah. Um I just wanted to,"
340 |
331,16.8005,16.870316666666668,spk_1,I wasn't sure exactly what we needed to output from these meetings
341 |
332,16.870483333333333,16.932983333333333,spk_1,in this quarter or whatever in terms of the actual workflow document.
342 |
333,16.93315,16.950333333333333,spk_1,So I was just asking that
343 |
334,16.957983333333335,17.065,spk_1,"uh I see there that Phil has created an Mr for that, which I believe is"
344 |
335,17.07015,17.144333333333332,spk_1,"I think it's the full output that we need to do. So, I don't know, I don't know."
345 |
336,17.156666666666666,17.23966666666667,spk_1,"Like I said, in my note, I'm still trying to parse the, the workflow like page. Um"
346 |
337,17.243833333333335,17.289133333333332,spk_1,But I'm not sure what all we need to include in this
347 |
338,17.293466666666667,17.307166666666667,spk_1,because like
348 |
339,17.313,17.337833333333332,spk_1,"I'm focusing sort of,"
349 |
340,17.338,17.377333333333333,spk_1,we actually a lot of our conversations are around technical stuff.
350 |
341,17.3775,17.415816666666668,spk_1,Like how are we gonna do this or what can we do?
351 |
342,17.417983333333332,17.442,spk_1,"And I don't know, like,"
352 |
343,17.444,17.49266666666667,spk_1,"do we need to document this in that workflow document or is this,"
353 |
344,17.492816666666666,17.513,spk_1,is this something that's higher level?
354 |
345,17.513166666666667,17.537666666666667,spk_1,I just don't really know exactly what
355 |
346,17.5485,17.57133333333333,spk_1,"the guidelines are here,"
356 |
347,17.638,17.667,spk_0,right? So um
357 |
348,17.671166666666668,17.72615,spk_0,Phil has already started the the actual document which is
358 |
349,17.726316666666666,17.763983333333332,spk_0,a mark on file that will be put putting there.
359 |
350,17.770316666666666,17.82133333333333,spk_0,"Uh And then I guess everything that's useful to implement,"
360 |
351,17.8215,17.854166666666668,spk_0,it needs to be linked there.
361 |
352,17.854333333333333,17.863,spk_0,At least
362 |
353,17.875333333333334,17.89565,spk_0,anybody has any other thoughts.
363 |
354,17.927833333333332,17.958833333333335,spk_3,"Yeah, I think that's right. So we decided on"
364 |
365 |
356,17.980816666666666,17.997816666666665,spk_3,I rent and we would
366 |
357,18.01565,18.05433333333333,spk_3,"talk about that in that document, I presume,"
367 |
358,18.076316666666667,18.103316666666668,spk_3,"I guess I should have everything,"
368 |
359,18.107316666666662,18.157316666666667,spk_3,"the whole implementing implementation details inside of it,"
369 |
360,18.198166666666665,18.226983333333333,spk_3,whatever we link to issues or other than
370 |
361,18.2355,18.25,spk_3,whatever that's easier.
371 |
362,18.336816666666667,18.36683333333333,spk_3,"But yeah, there's a lot to read about the whole"
372 |
373 |
364,18.388,18.3945,spk_3,"Yeah, I,"
374 |
365,18.394666666666662,18.467816666666668,spk_3,I kind of skipped most of it and had to call it done and hope that he could tell me all.
375 |
376 |
367,18.49148333333333,18.551816666666667,spk_1,"That sounds good. The document is like it's not too long, it's just like"
377 |
368,18.55815,18.621166666666667,spk_1,it's hard for me to pull action items out of it. Like I understand the concept.
378 |
369,18.62133333333333,18.651816666666665,spk_1,I just don't really get like what it's trying to tell me.
379 |
370,18.66565,18.693316666666668,spk_1,"Um OK, that sounds good."
380 |
371,18.713816666666663,18.78665,spk_1,Um My other point is I created a new
381 |
372,18.788816666666666,18.807,spk_1,"issue, which is"
382 |
373,18.81165,18.82783333333333,spk_1,"one of those things where I'm like,"
383 |
374,18.828,18.86798333333333,spk_1,"I don't know if this is gonna be part of the architecture, work flow or not."
384 |
385 |
376,18.8835,18.932166666666667,spk_1,But as we were talking about metrics and
386 |
377,18.932316666666665,18.972816666666667,spk_1,"uh like accessibility and that kind of stuff,"
387 |
378,18.973,19.014316666666662,spk_1,it seemed like uh what our definition of done
388 |
379,19.01448333333333,19.062833333333334,spk_1,is is gonna be slightly different than like metrics.
389 |
380,19.063,19.09115,spk_1,"And so I created an issue for that for us to like,"
390 |
381,19.091316666666668,19.125333333333334,spk_1,define what our definition of done is.
391 |
392 |
383,19.14515,19.17015,spk_1,"Because we have metrics, we can track,"
393 |
384,19.17031666666667,19.217166666666667,spk_1,we have like the desire to do accessibility like
394 |
385,19.21733333333333,19.26565,spk_1,"as a guaranteed boolean like yes or no,"
395 |
386,19.267166666666668,19.30883333333333,spk_1,"but then like, how do we define when work is done?"
396 |
387,19.309,19.40348333333333,spk_1,"It, does it meet metrics 100% of the time? Is it 70 p 75 or whatever, that kind of stuff?"
397 |
398 |
389,19.41215,19.447316666666666,spk_1,um uh feel free to contribute there.
399 |
390,19.45148333333333,19.48515,spk_1,"I put two things in the description. I think they're,"
400 |
391,19.494333333333334,19.553316666666667,spk_1,they're uh guaranteed things and then we have to define what
401 |
392,19.55348333333333,19.60148333333333,spk_1,"they are because I said meets our technical uh metrics,"
402 |
393,19.60165,19.62665,spk_1,but we haven't really defined those yet.
403 |
404 |
395,19.638816666666667,19.648666666666667,spk_1,um feel
405 |
396,19.650666666666663,19.67215,spk_1,free to contribute wherever.
406 |
397,19.725166666666667,19.74383333333333,spk_0,Cool. Thanks Thomas.
407 |
398,19.744,19.78783333333333,spk_0,"Uh I added a note here just because the way I see it,"
408 |
399,19.788,19.83183333333333,spk_0,"a lot of these discussions about the meaningful metrics,"
409 |
400,19.832,19.85683333333333,spk_0,the defining maintainability.
410 |
401,19.85933333333333,19.916833333333333,spk_0,All of the outcome of those discussions will basically be
411 |
402,19.917,19.97815,spk_0,sections in that document that Phil is creating right now.
412 |
403,19.983666666666668,20.054166666666667,spk_0,"And in the end, what we'll have is exactly a guiding document for"
413 |
404,20.057816666666668,20.092816666666668,spk_0,this project. What will be the benchmark?
414 |
405,20.092983333333333,20.12815,spk_0,"Sorry, what will be the budgets that we have to apply?"
415 |
406,20.128316666666667,20.197816666666668,spk_0,Um abide to and all that stuff will be in the document there
416 |
407,20.20798333333333,20.233833333333333,spk_0,to guide the implementation.
417 |
408,20.234,20.290816666666668,spk_0,"and hopefully by the end of it, everything will be cleared up"
418 |
409,20.29383333333333,20.322816666666668,spk_0,and not be like a TBD.
419 |
420 |
421 |
412,20.37933333333333,20.4105,spk_0,"Yeah, thanks for starting. This is definitely"
422 |
413,20.415816666666668,20.46215,spk_0,something that could be a little bit more specific to uh
423 |
414,20.462316666666663,20.496983333333333,spk_0,us as we want to be a little bit more strict
424 |
415,20.503816666666665,20.574316666666668,spk_0,um than the overall GITLA project. I feel like this is definitely gonna be useful
425 |
416,20.578316666666662,20.60565,spk_0,in the end. So thanks for that.
426 |
427 |
418,20.699816666666667,20.7045,spk_0,you go.
428 |
419,20.74515,20.79748333333333,spk_2,"Uh Yeah, I have noticed that Patrick mentioned that uh"
429 |
420,20.79948333333333,20.8275,spk_2,"she won't be,"
430 |
421,20.829666666666668,20.886816666666668,spk_2,"she won't attend uh any of the meeting uh some of the meetings,"
431 |
422,20.886983333333333,20.94748333333333,spk_2,so I decided to mention as well that I will be off next next week.
432 |
423,20.951,21.02615,spk_2,"So yeah, nothing important. Just uh yeah, I'll be off for the next meeting."
433 |
424,21.14698333333333,21.2025,spk_0,"Cool. Thank you, Igor Enjoy the time off. Um"
434 |
425,21.20565,21.2885,spk_0,"I had a last point here uh last minute because I wanted like last time we spoke,"
435 |
426,21.28865,21.327166666666667,spk_0,um we were targeting to have
436 |
437 |
428,21.360666666666667,21.423666666666666,spk_0,uh the way that the gifts are rendered calculated
438 |
439 |
440 |
431,21.505,21.57133333333333,spk_0,"that we do today on, on all of the areas that we have this today."
441 |
432,21.575166666666668,21.63498333333333,spk_0,I want to do a quick check on where we are about
442 |
433,21.647316666666665,21.686166666666665,spk_0,that. So essentially
443 |
434,21.721,21.761983333333333,spk_0,these are the four categories I think.
444 |
435,21.77615,21.79315,spk_0,"I mean, there's still"
445 |
436,21.79515,21.84915,spk_0,"giddily somewhere in there, but I all include that as back end"
446 |
437,21.8655,21.873,spk_0,for now. So
447 |
438,21.88665,21.9,spk_0,I can say
448 |
439,21.90365,21.91165,spk_0,"I was,"
449 |
440,21.919,21.975666666666665,spk_1,I was supposed to do that work to convert Phil's uh exra
450 |
441,21.98966666666667,22.057316666666665,spk_1,thing to Mermaid and I completely forgot. So that's not done. Sorry.
451 |
442,22.075166666666668,22.15748333333333,spk_0,"-- Uh All right. So today
452 |
-- will be my is like a big catch up day. So I'm trying to,"
453 |
443,22.16733333333333,22.188816666666668,spk_1,I'll probably get to that today.
454 |
455 |
445,22.22665,22.278316666666665,spk_0,"And I have to remind you like we don't have to ha we don't,"
456 |
446,22.27848333333333,22.32048333333333,spk_0,we don't want it to be perfect.
457 |
447,22.321,22.367166666666662,spk_0,You want it to be done essentially. So
458 |
448,22.37398333333333,22.419816666666662,spk_0,it's college draw migration and started.
459 |
460 |
450,22.4505,22.4875,spk_2,"-- think
461 |
-- if I'm, if I'm recalling correct,"
462 |
451,22.487666666666662,22.536483333333333,spk_1,"I think Amy had started converting this to Mermaid, hadn't she?"
463 |
452,22.55433333333333,22.56365,spk_0,You wanted
464 |
453,22.567666666666668,22.59915,spk_0,to have it converted? I saw
465 |
466 |
455,22.619816666666665,22.686,spk_1,"I don't know where it is, but I gotta find it. I saw a collapse like a details collapse."
467 |
456,22.686166666666665,22.739316666666667,spk_1,And inside of that is a bunch of mermaid stuff. And
468 |
457,22.741666666666667,22.77733333333333,spk_1,uh I think it's related to this.
469 |
458,22.783666666666665,22.831333333333333,spk_1,"It's not done, but I I'm pretty sure it is this."
470 |
459,22.83715,22.91398333333333,spk_0,"Well, if it is good, that's good luck for you. But if it's not, you have to do it anyway."
471 |
460,22.91415,22.958666666666662,spk_0,"So, but yeah, please take a look at it soon. So we can"
472 |
461,22.9605,23.003816666666665,spk_0,"because what I want, what I want is to have as soon as we have."
473 |
462,23.00398333333333,23.041833333333333,spk_0,"I know uh we'll, we'll check the other sections"
474 |
463,23.04683333333333,23.09565,spk_0,as soon as we have these. We should all get
475 |
476 |
465,23.126816666666667,23.132483333333333,spk_0,a P
477 |
466,23.136,23.167816666666667,spk_0,"to say, listen, documentations is ready,"
478 |
467,23.16798333333333,23.222483333333333,spk_0,go take a look and then we'll chat about it because
479 |
468,23.225666666666665,23.28,spk_0,we'll have to have a sync discussion about or a sync or a sync
480 |
481 |
470,23.305316666666663,23.355166666666666,spk_0,about how we extract the patterns that match
482 |
471,23.357,23.42716666666667,spk_0,"all, all things. But anyway, so that's the status of code view, front end Thomas."
483 |
472,23.427333333333333,23.471666666666668,spk_0,Thank you so much. Let's hope to have it done in the next couple of days.
484 |
473,23.482316666666662,23.51631666666667,spk_0,Uh Who else was to provide an update?
485 |
486 |
475,23.5485,23.581666666666667,spk_4,"Yeah, I did start with the,"
487 |
476,23.5905,23.65965,spk_4,the source code content. Um I added the um
488 |
477,23.66398333333333,23.723,spk_4,the diagrams for compare branches and repository commit.
489 |
490 |
479,23.76148333333333,23.81365,spk_4,They're pretty simple because they both Hamel based.
491 |
480,23.813816666666668,23.90598333333333,spk_4,Um The only difference really is on the repository we requested um
492 |
481,23.910833333333333,23.935666666666663,spk_4,The diffs asynchronously.
493 |
482,23.957166666666662,24.00548333333333,spk_4,That's really the only notable difference uh
494 |
483,24.009816666666666,24.022816666666667,spk_4,"between them,"
495 |
484,24.038,24.07198333333333,spk_4,"but it's in the, it's in that issue."
496 |
485,24.07865,24.094666666666665,spk_4,"If you wanted to,"
497 |
486,24.102166666666665,24.12265,spk_4,anyone wants to take a look.
498 |
487,24.134,24.17698333333333,spk_0,I'm guessing that this is what you're talking about. Jack.
499 |
488,24.182316666666665,24.20115,spk_0,That's the one. Yeah.
500 |
489,24.22133333333333,24.23966666666667,spk_0,"All right, cool."
501 |
490,24.24748333333333,24.278983333333333,spk_0,"We'll definitely take a look at it and,"
502 |
491,24.279166666666665,24.337666666666667,spk_0,"and if you have any questions or clarifications that we need,"
503 |
492,24.340333333333334,24.40165,spk_0,feel free to ping Jack on this thread and um
504 |
493,24.40765,24.44233333333333,spk_0,we'll take it from there. Right? More updates.
505 |
494,24.582166666666662,24.671666666666667,spk_2,"Yeah, I saw that um uh Jack did it to them. Um Front end architecture."
506 |
495,24.6815,24.713816666666663,spk_2,"Uh And yeah, it looked"
507 |
496,24.716833333333334,24.719166666666663,spk_2,to uh
508 |
497,24.72265,24.77533333333333,spk_2,"um it seemed to me that uh it's, it's enough,"
509 |
498,24.7755,24.85548333333333,spk_2,but probably I should add more details here if we're interested about um uh
510 |
511 |
500,24.87183333333333,24.926316666666665,spk_2,"involvement into this. Then uh Yeah,"
512 |
501,24.93065,25.005983333333333,spk_2,I'll add details or maybe um either me
513 |
502,25.00815,25.02166666666667,spk_2,"or Sean,"
514 |
503,25.025916666666667,25.06525,spk_2,we'll ask someone from the team to
515 |
504,25.067416666666663,25.10425,spk_2,read the diagram. Yeah. And
516 |
517 |
506,25.120066666666663,25.18923333333333,spk_2,"-- I'll have the update yet today or
518 |
-- tomorrow. I think, I think it would still be useful,"
519 |
507,25.194416666666665,25.25658333333333,spk_0,"especially as we're like, especially when we're talking about"
520 |
508,25.261416666666666,25.291566666666668,spk_0,front and architecture changes.
521 |
509,25.29175,25.35823333333333,spk_0,We're not really clear about what that means for you all in the back end for
522 |
523 |
511,25.373083333333334,25.408916666666663,spk_0,"like for example, this partial things,"
524 |
512,25.418233333333333,25.492733333333334,spk_0,would that speed things up significantly or would still not make um
525 |
513,25.503316666666667,25.55115,spk_0,"that much of a difference. So we, we just want to"
526 |
514,25.558666666666667,25.597483333333333,spk_0,uh um understand and I'll just
527 |
515,25.61615,25.638816666666667,spk_0,to um
528 |
516,25.643316666666667,25.66865,spk_0,make that a little bit more specific
529 |
517,25.678,25.707,spk_0,"when we're requesting the DS,"
530 |
518,25.7135,25.767,spk_0,we could distinguish between the gifts that are visible now to the
531 |
519,25.767166666666668,25.800833333333333,spk_0,user and the ones that are not visible to the user.
532 |
520,25.801,25.877333333333333,spk_0,"So we could cut some corners and render those much quicker because then later on,"
533 |
521,25.8775,25.900166666666667,spk_0,we'll refresh them
534 |
522,25.902666666666665,25.93133333333333,spk_0,for the real thing later on.
535 |
523,25.937666666666665,25.998666666666665,spk_0,"Uh which means that the request to get, it could be much lighter"
536 |
524,26.005166666666668,26.03898333333333,spk_0,if we don't need all the information that we
537 |
525,26.043316666666662,26.067816666666666,spk_0,might need later. So
538 |
526,26.07248333333333,26.126483333333333,spk_0,"a lot of these decisions are like full stack, they go from the beginning to the end."
539 |
527,26.12665,26.146,spk_0,"So yeah, we're very useful."
540 |
541 |
529,26.20615,26.26148333333333,spk_0,Thanks and uh the code review back. And
542 |
530,26.26333333333333,26.33416666666667,spk_0,um as far as I understand they have been being there's a couple of meg
543 |
531,26.336483333333334,26.355166666666666,spk_0,requests being merged
544 |
532,26.384816666666666,26.44148333333333,spk_0,"and there's the one in flight uh again, Patrick absence,"
545 |
533,26.484,26.50965,spk_0,but from what I can see
546 |
534,26.54148333333333,26.6045,spk_0,several MRMRS are being
547 |
535,26.60683333333333,26.637833333333333,spk_0,merged slash reviewed
548 |
536,26.6485,26.67415,spk_0,into this page.
549 |
550 |
538,26.7175,26.749816666666668,spk_0,I shouldn't put the hash there.
551 |
539,26.764316666666662,26.863983333333334,spk_0,Um And that's what I think is the latest update from the back end for code review.
552 |
540,26.86415,26.933333333333334,spk_0,"Um In this particular sense, the diagrams are the ones that are really tiny,"
553 |
541,26.945833333333333,27.019,spk_0,"but we probably want to take a look at that, try to understand everything that, that"
554 |
542,27.03098333333333,27.11766666666667,spk_0,that is over there so we could potentially um understand that better. And um
555 |
543,27.145316666666663,27.18433333333333,spk_0,"yeah, I guess it was the flow section but"
556 |
544,27.19115,27.20965,spk_0,I put it to the whole page.
557 |
558 |
546,27.24833333333333,27.33115,spk_0,Uh So let's uh it feels like we're getting to once we have Thomas's uh
559 |
547,27.331333333333333,27.415816666666668,spk_0,"migration of Bill's diagram and once we have the back end from source code,"
560 |
548,27.415983333333333,27.47083333333333,spk_0,it feels like we have a good spot to just overview everything together
561 |
549,27.474816666666666,27.54065,spk_0,first synchronous and then have a synchronous discussion about it. So um
562 |
550,27.555,27.62933333333333,spk_0,"thanks everybody for, for that um update anybody has any other points."
563 |
564 |
565 |
553,27.825,27.884,spk_0,"So I'll, I'm just taking a look about what we need. We need to get done."
566 |
554,27.884166666666665,27.952666666666666,spk_0,"I'll update the Thursday call, broadcast the change on Slack"
567 |
555,27.96283333333333,28.009166666666665,spk_0,"Thomas will fish off,"
568 |
556,28.032816666666665,28.118316666666665,spk_0,"I'll, I'll start an Mr to document the priorities in the Mr uh in the markdown file"
569 |
570 |
558,28.15883333333333,28.215333333333334,spk_0,Igor will com complete or find someone to complete the back end
571 |
559,28.22415,28.309166666666663,spk_0,"of um details. And yeah, Thomas will update the migration of that."
572 |
560,28.30933333333333,28.32848333333333,spk_0,So I feel like we have
573 |
574 |
562,28.346,28.369,spk_0,"cool list of things to,"
575 |
563,28.369166666666665,28.4105,spk_0,to get done on and let's participate in the
576 |
564,28.410666666666668,28.454833333333333,spk_0,discussion of the definition of done everybody so we can
577 |
565,28.471,28.505983333333333,spk_0,get it in a place to get merged to.
578 |
566,28.525666666666663,28.534166666666668,spk_0,"All right,"
579 |
580 |
568,28.540816666666668,28.574316666666668,spk_0,"bit chaotic, but uh we got it through."
581 |
569,28.574483333333333,28.653316666666665,spk_0,"Thank, thank you so much for, for, for everybody's input and um"
582 |
570,28.657316666666667,28.69298333333333,spk_0,"yeah, I'll see you either Thursday or"
583 |
584 |
572,28.720316666666665,28.73098333333333,spk_0,I guess.
585 |
573,28.76415,28.786,spk_0,All right. Take care everybody
586 |
574,28.7905,28.80365,spk_0,too. Thanks everybody.
587 |
575,28.8125,28.82248333333333,spk_0,Thank you.
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1 |
2 |
0,21.14698333,21.2025,spk_0,"Cool. Thank you, Igor Enjoy the time off. Um"
3 |
1,21.20565,21.2885,spk_0,"I had a last point here uh last minute because I wanted like last time we spoke,"
4 |
2,21.28865,21.32716667,spk_0,um we were targeting to have
5 |
6 |
4,21.36066667,21.42366667,spk_0,uh the way that the gifts are rendered calculated
7 |
8 |
9 |
7,21.505,21.57133333,spk_0,"that we do today on, on all of the areas that we have this today."
10 |
8,21.57516667,21.63498333,spk_0,I want to do a quick check on where we are about
11 |
9,21.64731667,21.68616667,spk_0,that. So essentially
12 |
10,21.721,21.76198333,spk_0,these are the four categories I think.
13 |
11,21.77615,21.79315,spk_0,"I mean, there's still"
14 |
12,21.79515,21.84915,spk_0,"giddily somewhere in there, but I all include that as back end"
15 |
13,21.8655,21.873,spk_0,for now. So
16 |
14,21.88665,21.9,spk_0,I can say
17 |
15,21.90365,21.91165,spk_0,"I was,"
18 |
16,21.919,21.97566667,spk_1,I was supposed to do that work to convert Phil's uh exra
19 |
17,21.98966667,22.05731667,spk_1,thing to Mermaid and I completely forgot. So that's not done. Sorry.
20 |
18,22.07516667,22.15748333,spk_0,"-- Uh All right. So today
21 |
-- will be my is like a big catch up day. So I'm trying to,"
22 |
19,22.16733333,22.18881667,spk_1,I'll probably get to that today.
23 |
24 |
21,22.22665,22.27831667,spk_0,"And I have to remind you like we don't have to ha we don't,"
25 |
22,22.27848333,22.32048333,spk_0,we don't want it to be perfect.
26 |
23,22.321,22.36716667,spk_0,You want it to be done essentially. So
27 |
24,22.37398333,22.41981667,spk_0,it's college draw migration and started.
28 |
29 |
26,22.4505,22.4875,spk_2,"-- think
30 |
-- if I'm, if I'm recalling correct,"
31 |
27,22.48766667,22.53648333,spk_1,"I think Amy had started converting this to Mermaid, hadn't she?"
32 |
28,22.55433333,22.56365,spk_0,You wanted
33 |
29,22.56766667,22.59915,spk_0,to have it converted? I saw
34 |
35 |
31,22.61981667,22.686,spk_1,"I don't know where it is, but I gotta find it. I saw a collapse like a details collapse."
36 |
32,22.68616667,22.73931667,spk_1,And inside of that is a bunch of mermaid stuff. And
37 |
33,22.74166667,22.77733333,spk_1,uh I think it's related to this.
38 |
34,22.78366667,22.83133333,spk_1,"It's not done, but I I'm pretty sure it is this."
39 |
35,22.83715,22.91398333,spk_0,"Well, if it is good, that's good luck for you. But if it's not, you have to do it anyway."
40 |
36,22.91415,22.95866667,spk_0,"So, but yeah, please take a look at it soon. So we can"
41 |
37,22.9605,23.00381667,spk_0,"because what I want, what I want is to have as soon as we have."
42 |
38,23.00398333,23.04183333,spk_0,"I know uh we'll, we'll check the other sections"
43 |
39,23.04683333,23.09565,spk_0,as soon as we have these. We should all get
44 |
45 |
41,23.12681667,23.13248333,spk_0,a P
46 |
42,23.136,23.16781667,spk_0,"to say, listen, documentations is ready,"
47 |
43,23.16798333,23.22248333,spk_0,go take a look and then we'll chat about it because
48 |
44,23.22566667,23.28,spk_0,we'll have to have a sync discussion about or a sync or a sync
49 |
50 |
46,23.30531667,23.35516667,spk_0,about how we extract the patterns that match
51 |
47,23.357,23.42716667,spk_0,"all, all things. But anyway, so that's the status of code view, front end Thomas."
52 |
48,23.42733333,23.47166667,spk_0,Thank you so much. Let's hope to have it done in the next couple of days.
53 |
49,23.48231667,23.51631667,spk_0,Uh Who else was to provide an update?
54 |
55 |
51,23.5485,23.58166667,spk_4,"Yeah, I did start with the,"
56 |
52,23.5905,23.65965,spk_4,the source code content. Um I added the um
57 |
53,23.66398333,23.723,spk_4,the diagrams for compare branches and repository commit.
58 |
59 |
55,23.76148333,23.81365,spk_4,They're pretty simple because they both Hamel based.
60 |
56,23.81381667,23.90598333,spk_4,Um The only difference really is on the repository we requested um
61 |
57,23.91083333,23.93566667,spk_4,The diffs asynchronously.
62 |
58,23.95716667,24.00548333,spk_4,That's really the only notable difference uh
63 |
59,24.00981667,24.02281667,spk_4,"between them,"
64 |
60,24.038,24.07198333,spk_4,"but it's in the, it's in that issue."
65 |
61,24.07865,24.09466667,spk_4,"If you wanted to,"
66 |
62,24.10216667,24.12265,spk_4,anyone wants to take a look.
67 |
63,24.134,24.17698333,spk_0,I'm guessing that this is what you're talking about. Jack.
68 |
64,24.18231667,24.20115,spk_0,That's the one. Yeah.
69 |
65,24.22133333,24.23966667,spk_0,"All right, cool."
70 |
66,24.24748333,24.27898333,spk_0,"We'll definitely take a look at it and,"
71 |
67,24.27916667,24.33766667,spk_0,"and if you have any questions or clarifications that we need,"
72 |
68,24.34033333,24.40165,spk_0,feel free to ping Jack on this thread and um
73 |
69,24.40765,24.44233333,spk_0,we'll take it from there. Right? More updates.
74 |
70,24.58216667,24.67166667,spk_2,"Yeah, I saw that um uh Jack did it to them. Um Front end architecture."
75 |
71,24.6815,24.71381667,spk_2,"Uh And yeah, it looked"
76 |
72,24.71683333,24.71916667,spk_2,to uh
77 |
73,24.72265,24.77533333,spk_2,"um it seemed to me that uh it's, it's enough,"
78 |
74,24.7755,24.85548333,spk_2,but probably I should add more details here if we're interested about um uh
79 |
80 |
76,24.87183333,24.92631667,spk_2,"involvement into this. Then uh Yeah,"
81 |
77,24.93065,25.00598333,spk_2,I'll add details or maybe um either me
82 |
78,25.00815,25.02166667,spk_2,"or Sean,"
83 |
79,25.02591667,25.06525,spk_2,we'll ask someone from the team to
84 |
80,25.06741667,25.10425,spk_2,read the diagram. Yeah. And
85 |
86 |
82,25.12006667,25.18923333,spk_2,"-- I'll have the update yet today or
87 |
-- tomorrow. I think, I think it would still be useful,"
88 |
83,25.19441667,25.25658333,spk_0,"especially as we're like, especially when we're talking about"
89 |
84,25.26141667,25.29156667,spk_0,front and architecture changes.
90 |
85,25.29175,25.35823333,spk_0,We're not really clear about what that means for you all in the back end for
91 |
92 |
87,25.37308333,25.40891667,spk_0,"like for example, this partial things,"
93 |
88,25.41823333,25.49273333,spk_0,would that speed things up significantly or would still not make um
94 |
89,25.50331667,25.55115,spk_0,"that much of a difference. So we, we just want to"
95 |
90,25.55866667,25.59748333,spk_0,uh um understand and I'll just
96 |
91,25.61615,25.63881667,spk_0,to um
97 |
92,25.64331667,25.66865,spk_0,make that a little bit more specific
98 |
93,25.678,25.707,spk_0,"when we're requesting the DS,"
99 |
94,25.7135,25.767,spk_0,we could distinguish between the gifts that are visible now to the
100 |
95,25.76716667,25.80083333,spk_0,user and the ones that are not visible to the user.
101 |
96,25.801,25.87733333,spk_0,"So we could cut some corners and render those much quicker because then later on,"
102 |
97,25.8775,25.90016667,spk_0,we'll refresh them
103 |
98,25.90266667,25.93133333,spk_0,for the real thing later on.
104 |
99,25.93766667,25.99866667,spk_0,"Uh which means that the request to get, it could be much lighter"
105 |
100,26.00516667,26.03898333,spk_0,if we don't need all the information that we
106 |
101,26.04331667,26.06781667,spk_0,might need later. So
107 |
102,26.07248333,26.12648333,spk_0,"a lot of these decisions are like full stack, they go from the beginning to the end."
108 |
103,26.12665,26.146,spk_0,"So yeah, we're very useful."
109 |
110 |
105,26.20615,26.26148333,spk_0,Thanks and uh the code review back. And
111 |
106,26.26333333,26.33416667,spk_0,um as far as I understand they have been being there's a couple of meg
112 |
107,26.33648333,26.35516667,spk_0,requests being merged
113 |
108,26.38481667,26.44148333,spk_0,"and there's the one in flight uh again, Patrick absence,"
114 |
109,26.484,26.50965,spk_0,but from what I can see
115 |
110,26.54148333,26.6045,spk_0,several MRMRS are being
116 |
111,26.60683333,26.63783333,spk_0,merged slash reviewed
117 |
112,26.6485,26.67415,spk_0,into this page.
118 |
119 |
114,26.7175,26.74981667,spk_0,I shouldn't put the hash there.
120 |
115,26.76431667,26.86398333,spk_0,Um And that's what I think is the latest update from the back end for code review.
121 |
116,26.86415,26.93333333,spk_0,"Um In this particular sense, the diagrams are the ones that are really tiny,"
122 |
117,26.94583333,27.019,spk_0,"but we probably want to take a look at that, try to understand everything that, that"
123 |
118,27.03098333,27.11766667,spk_0,that is over there so we could potentially um understand that better. And um
124 |
119,27.14531667,27.18433333,spk_0,"yeah, I guess it was the flow section but"
125 |
120,27.19115,27.20965,spk_0,I put it to the whole page.
126 |
127 |
122,27.24833333,27.33115,spk_0,Uh So let's uh it feels like we're getting to once we have Thomas's uh
128 |
123,27.33133333,27.41581667,spk_0,"migration of Bill's diagram and once we have the back end from source code,"
129 |
124,27.41598333,27.47083333,spk_0,it feels like we have a good spot to just overview everything together
130 |
125,27.47481667,27.54065,spk_0,first synchronous and then have a synchronous discussion about it. So um
131 |
126,27.555,27.62933333,spk_0,"thanks everybody for, for that um update anybody has any other points."
132 |
133 |
134 |
129,27.825,27.884,spk_0,"So I'll, I'm just taking a look about what we need. We need to get done."
135 |
130,27.88416667,27.95266667,spk_0,"I'll update the Thursday call, broadcast the change on Slack"
136 |
131,27.96283333,28.00916667,spk_0,"Thomas will fish off,"
137 |
132,28.03281667,28.11831667,spk_0,"I'll, I'll start an Mr to document the priorities in the Mr uh in the markdown file"
138 |
139 |
134,28.15883333,28.21533333,spk_0,Igor will com complete or find someone to complete the back end
140 |
135,28.22415,28.30916667,spk_0,"of um details. And yeah, Thomas will update the migration of that."
141 |
136,28.30933333,28.32848333,spk_0,So I feel like we have
142 |
143 |
138,28.346,28.369,spk_0,"cool list of things to,"
144 |
139,28.36916667,28.4105,spk_0,to get done on and let's participate in the
145 |
140,28.41066667,28.45483333,spk_0,discussion of the definition of done everybody so we can
146 |
141,28.471,28.50598333,spk_0,get it in a place to get merged to.
147 |
142,28.52566667,28.53416667,spk_0,"All right,"
148 |
149 |
144,28.54081667,28.57431667,spk_0,"bit chaotic, but uh we got it through."
150 |
145,28.57448333,28.65331667,spk_0,"Thank, thank you so much for, for, for everybody's input and um"
151 |
146,28.65731667,28.69298333,spk_0,"yeah, I'll see you either Thursday or"
152 |
153 |
148,28.72031667,28.73098333,spk_0,I guess.
154 |
149,28.76415,28.786,spk_0,All right. Take care everybody
155 |
150,28.7905,28.80365,spk_0,too. Thanks everybody.
156 |
151,28.8125,28.82248333,spk_0,Thank you.
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
1 |
2 |
0,0.0293166666666666,0.0996666666666666,spk_0,"All right, we are live. Welcome to another weekly of the new D"
3 |
1,0.1076666666666666,0.185,spk_0,"architecture workflow meeting, synchronized meeting for Em"
4 |
2,0.1891666666666666,0.2085,spk_0,and America's.
5 |
6 |
4,0.23515,0.3005,spk_0,I'll start off with an uh I'll hijack the agenda just for a little bit.
7 |
5,0.30365,0.3395,spk_0,Just an fy I um
8 |
9 |
7,0.38565,0.4283333333333333,spk_0,in case you missed the update on on Slack
10 |
8,0.4383166666666666,0.4643333333333333,spk_0,Finna is now our coach.
11 |
9,0.4789833333333333,0.53265,spk_0,She will be helping us find a way throughout the whole process
12 |
10,0.53715,0.61865,spk_0,"of publishing this blueprint and, and giving some advice along the way. So"
13 |
11,0.6254833333333334,0.6313333333333334,spk_0,thanks for
14 |
12,0.6334833333333333,0.6484833333333333,spk_0,telling for the help.
15 |
13,0.64865,0.7226666666666667,spk_0,Um This came up in the review of the adding the blueprint to the documentation. So
16 |
14,0.7359833333333333,0.75765,spk_0,welcome. Do you wanna
17 |
15,0.7709833333333334,0.7849833333333333,spk_0,and s a few words?
18 |
16,0.8088166666666667,0.8885000000000001,spk_1,"Thank you. It's nice to be in create group again, at least temporarily."
19 |
17,0.893,0.9578333333333332,spk_0,"Yes. Like I always say, once, create, always create. So you never left."
20 |
18,0.9765,1.01715,spk_0,Uh All right. Thank you. Uh Let's move on to ST
21 |
19,1.0208333333333333,1.0239833333333332,spk_0,is like
22 |
20,1.0295,1.0468333333333333,spk_0,"-- you have a little point
23 |
-- there."
24 |
21,1.0738333333333334,1.1395,spk_2,"Yes, I, I've populated a list of issues with this."
25 |
22,1.1468166666666666,1.228,spk_2,"It's mostly front and focused, but I touched a little bit on the back side."
26 |
23,1.22965,1.2895,spk_2,So feel free to explore and maybe add something else.
27 |
24,1.3573333333333333,1.433,spk_3,"I was thinking about adding a separate section there with accessibility issues,"
28 |
25,1.43315,1.45765,spk_3,"uh the front end, but"
29 |
26,1.46115,1.5044833333333334,spk_3,uh there might be quite a bit of them. So
30 |
31 |
28,1.5218166666666666,1.5418333333333334,spk_3,extra list for that.
32 |
29,1.57365,1.624,spk_0,"Yeah, I think you already, you already did an audit, right?"
33 |
30,1.62415,1.6938166666666667,spk_0,"The document or at least started the audit of the current stiffs, right in the MRS."
34 |
35 |
32,1.72315,1.76065,spk_0,I think it would be definitely worth surfacing
36 |
33,1.7756666666666665,1.82065,spk_0,"the the problems there,"
37 |
34,1.8384833333333328,1.89315,spk_0,but still linking to the full audits is useful.
38 |
35,1.895333333333333,1.9408166666666664,spk_0,Um The document to the to the document you're getting ready.
39 |
36,1.9495,2.012166666666667,spk_0,Um Because that would definitely be helpful for us to understand exactly
40 |
37,2.016983333333333,2.0615,spk_0,what are the big issues um there.
41 |
42 |
39,2.1388333333333334,2.1878333333333333,spk_0,cool. I was uh for the sake of everybody. Uh
43 |
40,2.20565,2.231333333333333,spk_0,I was just gonna be sharing the screen
44 |
41,2.244333333333333,2.259316666666667,spk_0,real quick.
45 |
42,2.270833333333333,2.3051500000000003,spk_0,"Sorry, my throat is killing me a little bit."
46 |
43,2.3175,2.3834833333333334,spk_0,So just as a like just so that we can all get a little synchronized here.
47 |
44,2.3836666666666666,2.419833333333333,spk_0,So you highlighted the virtual scrolling problems.
48 |
45,2.43715,2.482666666666667,spk_0,Do you wanna do you wanna walk us through that? Love. We have a short agenda.
49 |
46,2.482833333333333,2.501333333333333,spk_0,Do you wanna walk us through?
50 |
51 |
48,2.5541666666666667,2.58565,spk_2,There's like a lot of a
52 |
49,2.587833333333333,2.6216666666666666,spk_2,lot of stuff to cover. Um
53 |
50,2.632983333333333,2.71715,spk_2,I can focus on scroll issues. Um And probably everyone here
54 |
51,2.7199833333333334,2.751333333333333,spk_2,have faced one of them
55 |
52,2.756,2.78815,spk_2,at least once. Uh Good luck.
56 |
57 |
54,2.8055,2.88,spk_2,they're mostly about stuff when you click on sidebar items.
58 |
55,2.8939833333333334,2.9774833333333333,spk_2,"If the item is not loaded, usually it will do nothing or in the worst case"
59 |
56,2.9845,3.0141666666666667,spk_2,it can break the whole page.
60 |
61 |
62 |
59,3.08,3.1213166666666665,spk_2,we've had some issues in the past when you
63 |
60,3.1228166666666666,3.177483333333333,spk_2,linked to a specific file or to a specific line
64 |
61,3.1841666666666666,3.2373333333333334,spk_2,and then use that link to go to a new page.
65 |
62,3.244333333333333,3.287333333333333,spk_2,Usually the file won't be scrolled
66 |
63,3.29365,3.3398166666666667,spk_2,to the place. So you will just see the first file
67 |
64,3.3468166666666668,3.430333333333333,spk_2,and nothing will happen. So we've tried to fix that a couple of times and I see
68 |
65,3.442833333333333,3.482833333333333,spk_2,uh people still having issues with that.
69 |
66,3.490166666666666,3.517316666666667,spk_2,Um Even though we have
70 |
67,3.5233166666666667,3.545983333333333,spk_2,"testing in place,"
71 |
68,3.549,3.633333333333333,spk_2,it's still still not enough. There are some cases that we didn't cover. So
72 |
69,3.6398166666666665,3.6843166666666662,spk_2,there's a lot of stuff to be improved in the
73 |
74 |
71,3.707483333333333,3.723,spk_2,uh area.
75 |
72,3.73665,3.783666666666667,spk_0,So I I would provide a bit of context here.
76 |
77 |
74,3.81715,3.8745,spk_0,So the scrolling issues we saw coming up in the merger quests
78 |
75,3.8841666666666663,3.931983333333333,spk_0,came up from the progress
79 |
76,3.93615,3.9954833333333335,spk_0,through first loading the whole different ones and then
80 |
77,3.9956666666666663,4.061833333333333,spk_0,loading the different batches which some parts weren't loaded.
81 |
78,4.06915,4.102316666666667,spk_0,"Uh And then introducing fortress scrolling,"
82 |
79,4.110816666666667,4.1725,spk_0,there was a bunch of changes in the dynamic on how things were loaded
83 |
80,4.181333333333333,4.225333333333333,spk_0,that were for the sake of performance.
84 |
81,4.225483333333333,4.285316666666667,spk_0,"But created this sort of like sometimes race conditions,"
85 |
82,4.2855,4.3123,spk_0,whether things are loaded or not
86 |
83,4.316983333333333,4.3373,spk_0,without proper checks.
87 |
84,4.341333333333333,4.369,spk_0,So that's probably something that we need to
88 |
85,4.3715,4.412316666666666,spk_0,incorporate in the architecture is that
89 |
86,4.4125,4.480333333333333,spk_0,um being prepared for that synchronicity or
90 |
87,4.488166666666666,4.538316666666667,spk_0,"I don't know, event driven design, so to speak. But"
91 |
88,4.54365,4.620333333333333,spk_0,"definitely there's a lot of issues that come out of those decisions and just the,"
92 |
89,4.6565,4.727333333333333,spk_0,"the evolution of the code base uh over time,"
93 |
90,4.73165,4.786,spk_0,you do. Did you mention a bit of a back end uh bits here?
94 |
91,4.7861666666666665,4.8276666666666666,spk_0,The slow Synex highlighting this ha this has been
95 |
92,4.827833333333333,4.874,spk_0,fixed by now unable to fetch a specific file.
96 |
93,4.874816666666667,4.912316666666666,spk_0,"However, it uses a different end point"
97 |
94,4.923,4.96915,spk_0,that we were suspicious about the performance because it doesn't
98 |
95,4.969333333333333,5.02,spk_0,have all the optimizations that the the normal one has.
99 |
96,5.02015,5.060666666666667,spk_0,So we definitely should have that in mind
100 |
97,5.060816666666667,5.103483333333333,spk_0,when we're thinking about ways of fetching things.
101 |
98,5.1075,5.1355,spk_0,What's the best way and all that stuff?
102 |
99,5.150166666666666,5.199,spk_0,Uh The Leon E Tech has responses and overloading riders with
103 |
104 |
101,5.217833333333333,5.3065,spk_0,"that one, we need backend um Folks to come over and help us out"
105 |
102,5.315166666666666,5.348,spk_0,uh on that section.
106 |
103,5.36965,5.383,spk_0,Cool. All right.
107 |
104,5.38315,5.466983333333333,spk_0,"So we had a bit of a an overview and please feel free to engage there in the issue, um"
108 |
105,5.468833333333333,5.4943333333333335,spk_0,"synchronously and, and"
109 |
106,5.497316666666666,5.512983333333334,spk_0,"Pauline definitely,"
110 |
107,5.513166666666667,5.5613166666666665,spk_0,the accessibility issues would definitely be useful to highlight there too
111 |
108,5.566166666666667,5.635816666666667,spk_0,"if you have issues. Just a summary like San Love did is useful as well,"
112 |
113 |
110,5.712166666666667,5.7566500000000005,spk_0,All right. Moving on to the next point. Uh I have it.
114 |
111,5.757333333333333,5.784316666666666,spk_0,I just want to let everybody know that the
115 |
112,5.7845,5.82065,spk_0,"blueprint page has been published like the draft,"
116 |
113,5.820833333333333,5.8678333333333335,spk_0,the initial very empty placeholder kind of thing.
117 |
118 |
115,5.886666666666667,5.93215,spk_0,So the idea is not as the ongoing discussions
119 |
116,5.932333333333333,5.990483333333334,spk_0,come to a close that will move the conclusions and
120 |
117,6.000166666666667,6.03165,spk_0,the directions um
121 |
118,6.039833333333333,6.063166666666667,spk_0,over to the documentation.
122 |
119,6.072,6.1253166666666665,spk_0,So we already started doing that with the order of priorities.
123 |
120,6.125483333333333,6.1475,spk_0,Uh We're definitely going to be doing that
124 |
121,6.14765,6.18165,spk_0,"with the definition of done the meaningful metrics,"
125 |
122,6.1818333333333335,6.237,spk_0,all of that will make its way to that page.
126 |
123,6.2465,6.288166666666666,spk_0,And I'd like to remind anybody can just open the merger quest to
127 |
124,6.288316666666667,6.342983333333334,spk_0,"add that as soon as the discussions come to a point of like,"
128 |
125,6.34315,6.38315,spk_0,"yep, feels like we're having, we're in a good spot"
129 |
126,6.3901666666666666,6.4495,spk_0,"just to go ahead and open the merger quest and can all review and collaborate. So,"
130 |
127,6.475316666666667,6.508333333333333,spk_0,uh questions about that
131 |
128,6.519333333333333,6.528333333333333,spk_0,of it.
132 |
133 |
130,6.605833333333333,6.6095,spk_0,Oh Yeah.
134 |
131,6.628833333333334,6.675816666666667,spk_0,Um I wanted to bring up the time of the meeting. Um
135 |
132,6.6965,6.733,spk_0,It's probably gonna be for the recording uh because
136 |
133,6.73315,6.756333333333333,spk_0,"there's not a lot of people outside here,"
137 |
134,6.7636666666666665,6.837816666666667,spk_0,"but essentially uh A PAC had no attendance again uh this week,"
138 |
135,6.837983333333334,6.858816666666667,spk_0,this past week on Thursday.
139 |
136,6.86765,6.952833333333333,spk_0,"The question is like, does anybody have any ideas on how we should deal with that?"
140 |
137,6.953333333333333,7.008816666666666,spk_0,Um I haven't chatted with David and Ash that are the
141 |
138,7.019833333333334,7.077166666666667,spk_0,immediate engineers that come to mind that are in that time zone.
142 |
139,7.084,7.113166666666666,spk_0,Um So
143 |
140,7.126816666666667,7.17015,spk_0,I live here. The question is open ended.
144 |
141,7.170333333333334,7.238166666666666,spk_0,If somebody has any ideas on how we can make the A pe call a little bit more useful
145 |
142,7.248316666666667,7.317483333333334,spk_0,"uh or give them a place to present proposals or discuss things,"
146 |
143,7.33465,7.351983333333333,spk_0,whether we do need AAA
147 |
144,7.353983333333334,7.38165,spk_0,call is also a question. So
148 |
145,7.390983333333334,7.414316666666667,spk_0,uh keen to hear your feedback
149 |
146,7.426666666666667,7.457,spk_0,"on the, on this one."
150 |
147,7.471816666666666,7.50965,spk_0,It's currently clashing with the front end weekly meeting.
151 |
148,7.509816666666667,7.553666666666666,spk_0,"And the question is, should we move it to earlier or to later"
152 |
149,7.571816666666667,7.609816666666667,spk_0,and let's see what people think Stanislav.
153 |
150,7.653333333333333,7.667333333333334,spk_2,"Yeah, for me"
154 |
151,7.66965,7.714666666666667,spk_2,"e is, is better because we also have"
155 |
156 |
157 |
154,7.754833333333333,7.773816666666667,spk_2,and vision group meeting
158 |
155,7.786666666666667,7.815483333333333,spk_2,"uh near that time. So,"
159 |
156,7.81865,7.887,spk_2,"yeah, if you move it later, it will also collide with this meeting"
160 |
157,7.91765,7.959,spk_0,"and then after that it's too late for you. Yeah, I get it. Yeah."
161 |
162 |
159,7.988483333333333,8.031333333333333,spk_0,"Thomas, what time is it over there? 730"
163 |
160,8.041983333333333,8.083,spk_5,it's 730 right now. 745.
164 |
165 |
162,8.1075,8.140833333333333,spk_0,That's the struggle. Um
166 |
163,8.19415,8.23215,spk_5,"I was, yeah, I was just gonna chime in and be like, well for me,"
167 |
164,8.232333333333333,8.263166666666667,spk_5,it would be great if we moved it later
168 |
165,8.278166666666667,8.310666666666666,spk_0,"for you. And Carrie, that's the thing."
169 |
166,8.3225,8.355483333333334,spk_2,If we move it to like
170 |
167,8.35815,8.3865,spk_2,30 minutes later
171 |
168,8.39515,8.44315,spk_2,"-- or an hour later, I think it will be fine for
172 |
-- me."
173 |
169,8.490833333333333,8.515666666666666,spk_0,"Ok. So,"
174 |
170,8.527333333333333,8.575966666666666,spk_0,so I'm gonna document here the tradeoffs that we're going to be taking this
175 |
171,8.577983333333334,8.609833333333333,spk_0,as uh asynchronously. So essentially
176 |
177 |
173,8.675,8.710666666666667,spk_0,means uh Patrick
178 |
174,8.723166666666666,8.75065,spk_0,might make it more often
179 |
180 |
176,8.7835,8.8055,spk_0,more convenient.
181 |
177,8.827333333333334,8.836983333333333,spk_0,All right.
182 |
183 |
179,8.902983333333333,8.928816666666666,spk_0,and slash front end
184 |
180,8.950166666666666,9.001166666666666,spk_0,"later. Oh, then that means that"
185 |
181,9.01315,9.048166666666669,spk_0,us folks can't attend
186 |
182,9.083833333333333,9.122816666666669,spk_0,later. Us folks can't attend.
187 |
188 |
184,9.185833333333331,9.2035,spk_0,can't make it
189 |
190 |
191 |
187,9.279166666666669,9.347816666666668,spk_2,Maybe we can move the call um to another date like Monday
192 |
188,9.357983333333332,9.394483333333334,spk_2,because I don't see any meetings
193 |
189,9.396333333333333,9.41515,spk_2,"-- on Monday
194 |
-- happening."
195 |
190,9.446,9.521166666666666,spk_0,"So, yeah, what I'm struggling with is exactly the time itself. Um"
196 |
191,9.5275,9.585833333333332,spk_0,"The collision with the front end folks is just the front end weekly, just one of them,"
197 |
192,9.594316666666666,9.621166666666667,spk_0,but I'm trying to understand
198 |
193,9.627816666666666,9.699816666666669,spk_0,"maybe instead of trying to stretch things into an A P A call,"
199 |
194,9.720166666666668,9.802983333333334,spk_0,we can potentially have a little bit more tight oscillation of times. Um
200 |
195,9.826983333333333,9.87865,spk_0,"Yeah, I need to sit, I need to sit in front of a calendar of a time zone"
201 |
196,9.89265,9.915833333333332,spk_0,thing and just uh
202 |
197,9.91965,9.957983333333331,spk_0,shift things around and see where it lands. But
203 |
204 |
199,10.040483333333333,10.105983333333333,spk_5,so I know the the time isn't great right now. Um
205 |
200,10.110666666666669,10.179166666666667,spk_5,But I will say that at this time of day is not like
206 |
201,10.1855,10.273483333333331,spk_5,"it's not undoable for me, right? So like 730 is OK, Carrie, I think maybe"
207 |
202,10.2795,10.344833333333334,spk_5,"she said the same thing. She's like 630 isn't the worst, but like,"
208 |
203,10.35615,10.376983333333332,spk_5,"I mean, come on at 630"
209 |
204,10.397483333333334,10.426333333333334,spk_5,"-- that's the worst.
210 |
-- So"
211 |
205,10.44015,10.47,spk_0,to me that's literally the worst. But
212 |
206,10.483983333333333,10.543833333333334,spk_0,"um no, all right. So I didn't expect us to have an outcome here on the call."
213 |
207,10.544,10.599333333333334,spk_0,So I'll take these out and I'll think of something and come
214 |
208,10.599483333333334,10.649166666666666,spk_0,up with a proposal of synchronously and chat with you on Slack.
215 |
209,10.670833333333333,10.7325,spk_0,Cool. So which takes us to the current things.
216 |
210,10.732666666666669,10.806816666666666,spk_0,"Uh the current, ongoing effort to document the current state of deaths. Um"
217 |
211,10.812833333333334,10.86115,spk_0,"And if I remember correctly, we were"
218 |
212,10.8765,10.939483333333332,spk_0,"Oh yeah, because Igor said he'd be out of office. That's why Igor is not here too."
219 |
213,10.947333333333331,10.979983333333331,spk_0,Uh So we're waiting on SARS
220 |
214,10.981816666666669,11.038833333333333,spk_0,good back end. I haven't heard
221 |
222 |
216,11.077816666666669,11.144483333333334,spk_0,"Jack, do you know if Igor has added anything for source code back end?"
223 |
217,11.166666666666666,11.217166666666667,spk_4,"Yeah. So I'm looking at the issue right now. It looks like he had a,"
224 |
218,11.223166666666666,11.262833333333331,spk_4,"um, a diagram for the back end"
225 |
226 |
220,11.293833333333334,11.328816666666668,spk_4,part of the source code pages.
227 |
221,11.344316666666666,11.40715,spk_4,"Um It looks like he wants some input from the,"
228 |
222,11.41415,11.461316666666669,spk_4,from the other back end engineers as well just to
229 |
223,11.466666666666669,11.49,spk_4,check if he's missed anything.
230 |
224,11.50515,11.559983333333332,spk_0,"OK. That's, that's exactly right. That's exactly"
231 |
225,11.562316666666666,11.626983333333332,spk_0,what we need to do once we have all the diagrams in place. So
232 |
226,11.6355,11.660833333333333,spk_0,that's progress there. That's good.
233 |
227,11.664833333333334,11.682816666666668,spk_0,I'm trying to find
234 |
235 |
229,11.713483333333333,11.796483333333333,spk_0,"um Yep, found it, got the link there. I'm gonna put it here."
236 |
230,11.811316666666666,11.83615,spk_0,"So OK, we have that"
237 |
231,11.837833333333334,11.907666666666668,spk_0,front end source code. We already had that from last week. That's Jack.
238 |
239 |
233,11.9625,11.9835,spk_0,Jack added.
240 |
234,11.995483333333333,12.04965,spk_0,"So it seems like source code, we have something to to base it off uh"
241 |
235,12.056666666666668,12.1045,spk_0,"code review back and we had,"
242 |
236,12.124333333333333,12.147816666666667,spk_0,what were we waiting?
243 |
244 |
238,12.219,12.261666666666668,spk_0,We have the document condition being updated itself. I
245 |
239,12.263666666666667,12.2865,spk_0,feel like that's
246 |
240,12.302166666666666,12.349,spk_0,what we've had from Patrick and the folks.
247 |
248 |
242,12.391,12.417166666666668,spk_0,"Yeah, in the front end"
249 |
250 |
251 |
245,12.429816666666667,12.450983333333332,spk_0,chart in the dogs now.
252 |
246,12.465,12.49765,spk_0,So we had uh we converted that to Mermaid.
253 |
254 |
248,12.558833333333334,12.604666666666668,spk_0,"yes, we do. Right. Thomas, go ahead."
255 |
249,12.6365,12.71615,spk_5,"Wish we had more control over how um Merman renders. But yeah, it's, it's there. So"
256 |
250,12.73515,12.773333333333332,spk_0,"I mean, if anything can't we"
257 |
251,12.77565,12.823333333333334,spk_0,"inspect it and move it to. No,"
258 |
252,12.85065,12.911666666666669,spk_0,"but we need to make it, we need to get the source code and then get it into an editor."
259 |
253,12.923166666666669,12.952983333333334,spk_0,"But yes, so at least we have them there."
260 |
261 |
255,12.973333333333333,12.998816666666666,spk_0,So it feels like we're in a good spot.
262 |
256,12.999,13.06965,spk_0,It feels like we're have a snapshot for all four contexts.
263 |
264 |
265 |
259,13.134316666666669,13.176166666666669,spk_0,what I was thinking now that we have all four
266 |
260,13.177983333333334,13.248483333333333,spk_0,is to uh ask everybody to review them
267 |
261,13.25515,13.318,spk_0,in the next couple of days and potentially we could have
268 |
262,13.320316666666669,13.321483333333331,spk_0,"a, a"
269 |
263,13.3285,13.354983333333331,spk_0,discussion um
270 |
264,13.368833333333331,13.46415,spk_0,or just a call to answer questions. Maybe we can use the next week's call for it
271 |
265,13.471166666666669,13.5335,spk_0,to uh clarify any particular questions that we might
272 |
266,13.533666666666669,13.579166666666667,spk_0,have about the diagrams because the whole goal is to
273 |
267,13.582983333333331,13.676166666666669,spk_0,"align things both on the front end and on the back end, including Italy."
274 |
268,13.682816666666668,13.717483333333334,spk_0,"I'm particularly since the part that I don't know,"
275 |
269,13.71765,13.749816666666666,spk_0,I'm particularly interested about the back end ones
276 |
270,13.767166666666666,13.79015,spk_0,and getting to know that a little bit.
277 |
278 |
272,13.816833333333332,13.854816666666666,spk_0,So I'll take a look at those and see what questions I have.
279 |
273,13.854983333333331,13.936666666666667,spk_0,"But the idea is then to try to see um things that work well, things that work,"
280 |
274,13.936833333333333,13.948166666666667,spk_0,not so well.
281 |
275,13.948333333333334,13.963666666666668,spk_0,"And what can we,"
282 |
276,13.969483333333333,14.01615,spk_0,how can we converge it into a single architecture?
283 |
277,14.021483333333334,14.0375,spk_0,But that will come
284 |
278,14.05265,14.087833333333334,spk_0,once we all review these things.
285 |
279,14.088,14.173483333333332,spk_0,"So I'll uh I'll take an action point to ping everybody,"
286 |
280,14.191316666666667,14.227333333333334,spk_0,at least the dris um
287 |
281,14.230816666666666,14.321166666666668,spk_0,to review the documentation that has been published. Then this ones uh and
288 |
282,14.32365,14.38015,spk_0,"aim to have it discussed um or to have a,"
289 |
283,14.380333333333333,14.46315,spk_0,an A ma or just some sort of like discussion about it in the next weekly call.
290 |
284,14.463316666666667,14.478816666666669,spk_0,If that sounds OK.
291 |
285,14.523483333333331,14.553983333333331,spk_0,Any other thoughts or questions
292 |
286,14.558333333333334,14.574483333333331,spk_0,or suggestions.
293 |
287,14.655816666666666,14.689,spk_0,Cool. I'll do that
294 |
295 |
289,14.72565,14.747816666666669,spk_0,They will
296 |
297 |
298 |
292,14.81315,14.853983333333334,spk_0,take a look and discuss
299 |
293,14.863,14.889483333333333,spk_0,"in next weeks,"
300 |
294,14.913316666666669,14.925166666666666,spk_0,"a, a mini style"
301 |
295,14.96315,15.008833333333332,spk_0,"and how you do. All right, cool. Uh Thomas, you have that explain."
302 |
296,15.034666666666666,15.0505,spk_5,Yeah. Um
303 |
297,15.061833333333333,15.115483333333334,spk_5,"So in talking about some like technical performance metrics,"
304 |
298,15.115666666666666,15.15365,spk_5,"um I think it's really like, I"
305 |
299,15.1555,15.2295,spk_5,think it's really important that we define who we are trying to serve with this.
306 |
300,15.234833333333333,15.250166666666669,spk_5,Um Because
307 |
301,15.25715,15.302816666666669,spk_5,what I'm suggesting comes from a certain place which is
308 |
302,15.31115,15.358833333333331,spk_5,"like really low power devices on unreliable networks,"
309 |
303,15.358983333333333,15.392166666666666,spk_5,developing country type stuff.
310 |
304,15.392316666666666,15.444166666666666,spk_5,"Um And we really need to nail down whether that's our target,"
311 |
305,15.444316666666667,15.468166666666669,spk_5,whether we should be doing that.
312 |
313 |
307,15.491833333333334,15.562316666666666,spk_5,"Because if we're not targeting those users, we can adjust our budgets."
314 |
308,15.56865,15.630333333333333,spk_5,Um And that's like I'm me targeting those users
315 |
309,15.6305,15.664833333333334,spk_5,"might be making me talk past people about like,"
316 |
310,15.675166666666666,15.708833333333333,spk_5,"like not, not being on the same page."
317 |
311,15.711316666666669,15.781666666666666,spk_5,So I would really like to hear people's ideas about who are like target should be.
318 |
312,15.795316666666666,15.854166666666666,spk_5,"I probably also has some ideas about this, but from my perspective,"
319 |
313,15.854333333333331,15.8865,spk_5,the more users we serve the better for Kai.
320 |
321 |
322 |
316,15.910316666666668,15.94115,spk_5,that's where I'm kind of coming from. So
323 |
317,15.951166666666667,15.98415,spk_5,"um would like to get inputs here,"
324 |
318,16.074,16.096333333333334,spk_0,"status level, you have a point."
325 |
319,16.12698333333333,16.15515,spk_2,"Yeah, I want to mention that"
326 |
320,16.163666666666668,16.203983333333333,spk_2,uh most of the reports I've seen
327 |
321,16.21015,16.242166666666666,spk_2,when people mention that measure
328 |
322,16.245166666666666,16.287316666666666,spk_2,quests are very slow and hard to work with.
329 |
323,16.293,16.324816666666667,spk_2,They are coming for people that are like
330 |
324,16.33015,16.35333333333333,spk_2,trying to
331 |
325,16.35715,16.378166666666665,spk_2,review a measure
332 |
326,16.380333333333333,16.387833333333333,spk_2,quest that
333 |
334 |
328,16.406666666666666,16.466,spk_2,"100,000 clients changed some things like that."
335 |
336 |
330,16.495833333333334,16.54015,spk_2,"So yeah, if we focus on that, that's,"
337 |
331,16.547483333333332,16.579983333333335,spk_2,that's one issue. If we focus on like
338 |
332,16.584983333333334,16.620166666666666,spk_2,"low power devices, that's another one."
339 |
333,16.624166666666667,16.66315,spk_2,But I haven't seen any issues with people coming
340 |
334,16.665316666666666,16.697483333333334,spk_2,"and saying, can I want to"
341 |
335,16.701983333333335,16.74465,spk_2,render this on my nokia 3310
342 |
336,16.748333333333335,16.78415,spk_2,"and it doesn't render at all. So,"
343 |
337,16.8015,16.870483333333333,spk_5,"um so I the theory in that, in that uh issue, I, I wrote it,"
344 |
338,16.87065,16.894833333333334,spk_5,"I think my very first comment,"
345 |
339,16.90165,16.9785,spk_5,"my, my theory is that um those people are already not using the lab,"
346 |
340,16.9865,17.038666666666668,spk_5,"they're just, they've just been excluded by our product already."
347 |
348 |
342,17.0535,17.108833333333333,spk_5,"Because people on low power devices probably not a nokia 3310 but,"
349 |
343,17.111983333333335,17.189833333333333,spk_5,"but like on low on low ish power devices, um they just, they, they can't use,"
350 |
344,17.19,17.2045,spk_5,"they can't use dips,"
351 |
345,17.204666666666668,17.26215,spk_5,it's like 4.5 megabytes and it takes like takes me on
352 |
346,17.262316666666667,17.3125,spk_5,my gigabit internet like six seconds to load or something.
353 |
347,17.312666666666665,17.3255,spk_5,"So if they're on,"
354 |
348,17.3385,17.394816666666667,spk_5,"if they're on 100 K or something, it would be in like an hour. Um"
355 |
356 |
350,17.419166666666666,17.466833333333334,spk_5,they're already gone. So we're not gonna hear issues from them.
357 |
351,17.467,17.512666666666668,spk_5,"So that's why I'm, that's why I'm suspicious that like,"
358 |
352,17.51631666666667,17.5815,spk_5,"just because we're not hearing from people who want to use it on like low power,"
359 |
353,17.581666666666667,17.595483333333334,spk_5,"low bandwidth,"
360 |
354,17.598983333333333,17.636166666666668,spk_5,um doesn't mean that they are not out there.
361 |
355,17.676316666666665,17.68915,spk_5,The um
362 |
356,17.6925,17.7335,spk_5,"uh this is, this goes back to, I think our last,"
363 |
357,17.733666666666668,17.78465,spk_5,"I think it was the last meeting of this maybe or, or a front end meeting."
364 |
365 |
359,17.802333333333333,17.82265,spk_5,"Andre mentioned the,"
366 |
360,17.832,17.909,spk_5,the story of the youtube engineer who was trying to get youtube under 100 K
367 |
361,17.917816666666667,17.932,spk_5,and uh
368 |
362,17.938816666666668,18.007816666666667,spk_5,their metrics got worse when he did because suddenly people in like
369 |
363,18.007983333333332,18.07215,spk_5,parts of the world who could never even think about using youtube before
370 |
371 |
365,18.089316666666665,18.12448333333333,spk_5,And so then like latency started getting really bad because they
372 |
366,18.12465,18.161483333333333,spk_5,were using it from places they'd never used it before.
373 |
374 |
368,18.176316666666665,18.186,spk_5,"I think are,"
375 |
369,18.186166666666665,18.23248333333333,spk_5,"I think those users are out there and we're just not able to serve them right now,"
376 |
370,18.357,18.4135,spk_5,"but I want to hear comments in that issue. Um I, but it"
377 |
371,18.425166666666662,18.472816666666667,spk_5,"doesn't really matter where there's a thread on like technical limitation,"
378 |
372,18.473,18.488816666666665,spk_5,"technical budgets,"
379 |
373,18.490816666666667,18.532166666666665,spk_5,um which is kind of where this is coming from.
380 |
374,18.532316666666667,18.56533333333333,spk_5,"But if you just want to leave a comment, like here's the user,"
381 |
375,18.5655,18.5835,spk_5,I think we should support.
382 |
376,18.584,18.624316666666665,spk_5,"Um That can be a totally different thread if you want,"
383 |
377,18.681666666666665,18.71933333333333,spk_0,you wanna hear comments in that issue
384 |
378,18.723666666666663,18.75348333333333,spk_0,or do you wanna read comments in that issue
385 |
379,18.76148333333333,18.794166666666666,spk_0,"-- either
386 |
-- or if you want to leave an audio note? That's great."
387 |
380,18.80216666666667,18.86865,spk_0,Uh I'll share my thoughts here too. So um
388 |
381,18.8775,18.89131666666667,spk_0,"whenever we have,"
389 |
382,18.891483333333333,18.95916666666667,spk_0,"we have this exercise about looking at who's our users and all that stuff,"
390 |
383,18.959333333333333,19.021166666666662,spk_0,"there's always the thing about we should aim for where we want it to be,"
391 |
384,19.02133333333333,19.05033333333333,spk_0,not where we are right now.
392 |
385,19.0505,19.069983333333333,spk_0,We might say
393 |
386,19.07933333333333,19.12415,spk_0,like we can look at the mobile users and say it's a very
394 |
387,19.124316666666665,19.1905,spk_0,tiny fraction of users and the justification might not even be about performance.
395 |
388,19.19065,19.2655,spk_0,"It might be that just the U I looks crunched, it looks very small and it, oh it's just,"
396 |
389,19.26565,19.296983333333333,spk_0,it's a hard task to do.
397 |
390,19.29715,19.35615,spk_0,"And we've trained our users to don't do it on a mobile, for example,"
398 |
391,19.360666666666667,19.39915,spk_0,which is not to say that this project could change that.
399 |
392,19.399316666666667,19.445833333333333,spk_0,So let's keep an open mind in that regard. Exactly.
400 |
393,19.446,19.48281666666667,spk_0,So we should keep strict in ourselves.
401 |
394,19.496666666666663,19.53715,spk_0,The other part of my answer or my thoughts is that
402 |
395,19.5405,19.578316666666662,spk_0,"the every conversation I have with Kai about this,"
403 |
396,19.57848333333333,19.652666666666665,spk_0,it's very clear that performance is the feature for our users.
404 |
405 |
398,19.66798333333333,19.69233333333333,spk_0,"whenever they complain,"
406 |
399,19.70565,19.745316666666668,spk_0,I I don't think the majority of the
407 |
400,19.745483333333333,19.79748333333333,spk_0,complaints like Stanislav was saying is not coming from
408 |
401,19.804666666666662,19.847316666666668,spk_0,problems loading the app.
409 |
402,19.847483333333333,19.9385,spk_0,"It's mostly about time processing the data that we need for the app to render,"
410 |
403,19.94565,19.965333333333334,spk_0,which is a different
411 |
404,19.97533333333333,20.021166666666662,spk_0,"part of the budget, but it's still"
412 |
405,20.03183333333333,20.07015,spk_0,part of what we should be considering. So instead of
413 |
406,20.07881666666667,20.117166666666662,spk_0,instead of like being highly focused on
414 |
407,20.12215,20.189666666666668,spk_0,"extremely nimble bundles, which is a thing, but"
415 |
408,20.192816666666666,20.21415,spk_0,mostly for
416 |
417 |
410,20.25548333333333,20.27133333333333,spk_0,T BT S
418 |
411,20.28333333333333,20.361166666666666,spk_0,"that sort of thing rather than time transferring bytes on the wire, right?"
419 |
420 |
413,20.392666666666667,20.43915,spk_0,there should definitely be strictness in the bundle in the budgets.
421 |
414,20.439316666666667,20.478316666666668,spk_0,But uh I think what we should definitely keep
422 |
415,20.478483333333333,20.560316666666665,spk_0,an eye on is for optimizing low processing times
423 |
416,20.58115,20.609483333333333,spk_0,"when showing that when, when"
424 |
425 |
418,20.630166666666668,20.68,spk_0,there's probably a better way to describe it from the moment the user acts
426 |
419,20.68016666666667,20.72898333333333,spk_0,and they get the data they want or they have the render they want.
427 |
428 |
421,20.76448333333333,20.780483333333333,spk_0,So I think we definitely
429 |
422,20.78633333333333,20.800833333333333,spk_0,focus on
430 |
423,20.807983333333333,20.8505,spk_0,making sure that we pick meaningful metrics that
431 |
424,20.85748333333333,20.886166666666668,spk_0,forces into having
432 |
425,20.89583333333333,20.974816666666666,spk_0,"those restrictions into prioritizing the desired content first,"
433 |
426,20.98281666666667,21.050833333333333,spk_0,"all the way back from giddily, all the way to the front end application. Um"
434 |
435 |
436 |
429,21.12615,21.142333333333333,spk_0,I can see that coming.
437 |
438 |
431,21.178316666666667,21.215816666666665,spk_0,"So yeah, so that's my thoughts. Uh"
439 |
432,21.21865,21.29,spk_0,"But we should definitely discuss it in the, in the issue and uh try to advance that"
440 |
433,21.30033333333333,21.32133333333333,spk_0,uh a sequence.
441 |
434,21.3315,21.375333333333334,spk_0,"I'll, I'll share my thoughts there on that issue too."
442 |
435,21.39515,21.409333333333333,spk_0,Any more?
443 |
436,21.41415,21.45948333333333,spk_0,Anyone has any more thoughts here today?
444 |
437,21.5875,21.607166666666668,spk_0,"All right, let's try to make"
445 |
438,21.618483333333334,21.6695,spk_0,these issues come to a first version
446 |
447 |
448 |
441,21.70883333333333,21.757483333333333,spk_0,"Remember, we might still revise the actual numbers as we go,"
449 |
442,21.75765,21.78915,spk_0,might still revise the actual things but
450 |
443,21.80198333333333,21.8375,spk_0,should definitely start to
451 |
444,21.842666666666663,21.950166666666668,spk_0,bring this up to a close because these are the framework on how everything else the
452 |
453 |
446,21.982166666666668,21.989316666666667,spk_0,"for example,"
454 |
447,21.98948333333333,22.05933333333333,spk_0,"when we start discussing service side rendering or we start discussing streaming,"
455 |
448,22.059483333333333,22.108833333333333,spk_0,all of those things need to be looked at
456 |
449,22.11466666666667,22.15315,spk_0,in a framework of expectations and
457 |
450,22.159983333333333,22.20883333333333,spk_0,benchmarks are and budgets and we'll definitely
458 |
451,22.209,22.235666666666667,spk_0,need to have these already in place.
459 |
460 |
453,22.24948333333333,22.279333333333334,spk_0,"the quicker we can get a first version, the better"
461 |
462 |
455,22.33248333333333,22.348333333333333,spk_0,brings me
463 |
464 |
457,22.389316666666662,22.41333333333333,spk_0,the accessibility thing.
465 |
466 |
459,22.45,22.483666666666668,spk_0,"Paul. No, I oh, you already replied."
467 |
468 |
469 |
462,22.5315,22.56365,spk_3,to your uh fantastic list.
470 |
463,22.58098333333333,22.59698333333333,spk_3,I did.
471 |
464,22.62133333333333,22.64348333333333,spk_0,"Uh Yeah,"
472 |
473 |
466,22.69698333333333,22.70348333333333,spk_0,"So I,"
474 |
467,22.70365,22.771833333333333,spk_0,one of the things that came up in that in the accessibility for everybody to be aware
475 |
468,22.77533333333333,22.864316666666667,spk_0,is a lot of the guidelines come to the authoring of content. And in
476 |
477 |
470,22.882166666666667,22.93465,spk_0,"I mean, as far as we consider authoring content"
478 |
471,22.938,23.00998333333333,spk_0,"is leaving comments, you can leave a comment with a little suggestion."
479 |
472,23.0125,23.07583333333333,spk_0,But essentially the authoring of content typically happens in the editor
480 |
473,23.076,23.1315,spk_0,"in the markdown editor or the content editor or something,"
481 |
474,23.138816666666667,23.172316666666667,spk_0,which means that we can
482 |
475,23.185666666666663,23.23498333333333,spk_0,"you can create some sort of guidelines for that tool,"
483 |
476,23.23648333333333,23.305816666666665,spk_0,but it's probably not gonna be implemented by the create teams themselves or
484 |
477,23.32648333333333,23.353483333333333,spk_0,"gosh, where is content editor?"
485 |
478,23.3715,23.437316666666668,spk_0,Is that plan or is that editor plan plan? So it will be
486 |
479,23.45815,23.466833333333334,spk_0,got it.
487 |
480,23.4715,23.50315,spk_0,So it would be coming over to the plan side.
488 |
481,23.503316666666667,23.57848333333333,spk_0,"We have to, we have to cross borders present our case, explain why this is important."
489 |
482,23.585316666666667,23.5905,spk_0,"And it's,"
490 |
483,23.59065,23.625833333333333,spk_0,it's fascinating the guidelines that Paulina presented
491 |
484,23.626,23.65115,spk_0,because a lot of the things is just
492 |
485,23.66415,23.7355,spk_0,helping the user realize that they're producing inaccessible content and
493 |
486,23.735666666666667,23.7945,spk_0,it's pretty much just highly focused on the editor experience.
494 |
487,23.801483333333334,23.858666666666668,spk_0,"Whereas other parts of the guidelines which I think makes more,"
495 |
488,23.858833333333333,23.89131666666667,spk_0,much more sense for our effort here.
496 |
489,23.90315,23.955483333333333,spk_0,Uh or at least that we can execute on is the navigation
497 |
490,23.959983333333334,24.02083333333333,spk_0,like navigating complex application with a lot of data.
498 |
491,24.02383333333333,24.067816666666666,spk_0,How can I make it easier for users with assistive technology
499 |
492,24.06798333333333,24.1565,spk_0,to navigate those by establishing expectations and establishing these things.
500 |
501 |
494,24.192166666666665,24.214666666666663,spk_0,OK. Um
502 |
495,24.22465,24.2985,spk_0,So just so I understand Paulina is the ball on your court there to produce?
503 |
504 |
505 |
498,24.340816666666665,24.405166666666663,spk_0,"And then once we have that, we can probably move that over to the documentation"
506 |
499,24.4125,24.475666666666665,spk_0,together with the performance uh budgets that we're discussing above
507 |
500,24.48433333333333,24.518316666666667,spk_0,"and they're dependent, we can make them"
508 |
501,24.52316666666667,24.56683333333333,spk_0,committed or merge whenever they're ready. So
509 |
502,24.57783333333333,24.60683333333333,spk_0,"yeah, it's exciting. Definitely."
510 |
511 |
504,24.6385,24.649483333333333,spk_0,All right
512 |
505,24.66398333333333,24.680316666666663,spk_0,"with that,"
513 |
506,24.682483333333334,24.713,spk_0,he gets to the bottom of the agenda.
514 |
515 |
508,24.75633333333333,24.83515,spk_0,Anybody has anything else they want to discuss uh things that might have been clear
516 |
517 |
510,24.884166666666665,24.923,spk_0,that you wanna discuss or should we uh
518 |
511,24.926,24.955483333333333,spk_0,give some time back to people?
519 |
520 |
521 |
514,25.058666666666667,25.077666666666666,spk_5,"having worked in,"
522 |
515,25.079833333333333,25.098666666666663,spk_5,"yeah, having worked in the Diffs"
523 |
516,25.10148333333333,25.111,spk_5,App for
524 |
525 |
518,25.138816666666667,25.165333333333333,spk_5,four plus years now.
526 |
519,25.173,25.275,spk_5,Um I'm not sure how complete that chart is that we added to the docs
527 |
520,25.279333333333334,25.324483333333333,spk_5,"and when I say I'm not sure. I mean, I literally don't know."
528 |
521,25.34548333333333,25.386333333333333,spk_5,It's not that I have concerns. I just don't know.
529 |
522,25.38915,25.45765,spk_5,"Um So yeah, Phil, I don't know if it, do, you know if it's like, is this everything,"
530 |
523,25.462666666666667,25.49748333333333,spk_5,"-- did we completely document this
531 |
-- here?"
532 |
533 |
534 |
526,25.54148333333333,25.57048333333333,spk_6,"probably not. No,"
535 |
527,25.58465,25.64666666666667,spk_0,"I think we, I think we documented the the component tree, right?"
536 |
537 |
529,25.67015,25.707166666666662,spk_0,"-- like
538 |
-- as close to"
539 |
530,25.71598333333333,25.75483333333333,spk_6,"what a normal dick would use to render,"
540 |
531,25.769166666666667,25.83416666666667,spk_6,but there's like loads of weird different views they get rendered as well
541 |
532,25.840166666666665,25.874816666666668,spk_6,that might not be documented properly.
542 |
533,25.88465,25.90748333333333,spk_6,And yet we haven't documented
543 |
534,25.91015,25.93016666666667,spk_6,the data side of things.
544 |
535,25.9945,26.01148333333333,spk_5,Is it worth
545 |
536,26.03298333333333,26.06198333333333,spk_5,going back through it?
546 |
537,26.116666666666667,26.1465,spk_5,"So, having, having converted the X"
547 |
548 |
539,26.152666666666665,26.19098333333333,spk_5,"to this mermaid chart, like I didn't,"
549 |
540,26.207316666666667,26.215,spk_5,"I mean,"
550 |
541,26.232166666666668,26.27648333333333,spk_5,"it didn't have a red flag go off like, oh, I know it's missing this."
551 |
542,26.27665,26.319166666666668,spk_5,"And so I don't know what, what I would do."
552 |
543,26.323166666666665,26.34348333333333,spk_5,I guess it would just to step through the
553 |
544,26.34365,26.396166666666662,spk_5,code and just see if there's any branches missing
554 |
545,26.39915,26.42848333333333,spk_5,"as we go through this chart, which"
555 |
546,26.4375,26.45115,spk_5,is doable.
556 |
547,26.49,26.555,spk_6,"That's why I did at the time of create it. But that was like a year ago, a year or so. So"
557 |
548,26.57048333333333,26.592166666666667,spk_6,there's probably a lot changed since then.
558 |
549,26.632166666666667,26.6545,spk_5,"I mean, maybe it's just worth,"
559 |
550,26.6695,26.72065,spk_5,maybe I should just go in and edit the stock and say like
560 |
551,26.728816666666667,26.744666666666667,spk_5,this is
561 |
552,26.760316666666668,26.78333333333333,spk_5,this could be incomplete.
562 |
563 |
554,26.822316666666666,26.863333333333333,spk_5,don't like use this as the source of truth.
564 |
555,26.87448333333333,26.942666666666668,spk_0,"So this is a really good point because we, when we talked about this,"
565 |
556,26.942816666666666,27.00798333333333,spk_0,the whole goal of document the current state is to guide us
566 |
557,27.011816666666668,27.03265,spk_0,uh in
567 |
558,27.046,27.10365,spk_0,identifying an ideal architecture. OK? It's not
568 |
559,27.10833333333333,27.125666666666667,spk_0,the architecture.
569 |
560,27.12983333333333,27.193316666666668,spk_0,"But for example, what we can already see like when we look at these,"
570 |
561,27.19965,27.251483333333333,spk_0,like there's a lot of stuff here that are um
571 |
562,27.26815,27.30115,spk_0,also applicable in the repository.
572 |
563,27.301316666666665,27.373,spk_0,So we can probably abstract this in a way that is generalized to all contexts.
573 |
564,27.3795,27.3945,spk_0,Uh Like
574 |
565,27.39915,27.42083333333333,spk_0,"when you're looking at a commit,"
575 |
566,27.43698333333333,27.47615,spk_0,"we're looking at at a commit in a repository,"
576 |
567,27.476316666666666,27.52083333333333,spk_0,"there will be renamed files in those commits, right?"
577 |
578 |
569,27.55365,27.5875,spk_0,"And we're looking at comparing the branches,"
579 |
570,27.59065,27.6085,spk_0,it will be there
580 |
571,27.612316666666665,27.64131666666667,spk_0,that will be renamed too uh
581 |
572,27.67398333333333,27.740166666666667,spk_0,"bearing branches. We always also catch, yeah, I think it it would."
582 |
573,27.744983333333334,27.79565,spk_0,Um so we can start already starting to see that there's
583 |
574,27.79583333333333,27.84698333333333,spk_0,a bunch of things here that are common for every case of
584 |
575,27.85548333333333,27.89365,spk_0,the diff there's probably some areas here in this
585 |
576,27.893833333333333,27.94233333333333,spk_0,"tree that don't make sense for the repository,"
586 |
577,27.9425,27.988333333333333,spk_0,which we could take notes and then we can help
587 |
578,27.997316666666663,28.03833333333333,spk_0,um that can help the conversation.
588 |
589 |
580,28.064666666666668,28.11365,spk_0,"for example, one of the things that we've talked already is the"
590 |
581,28.12065,28.161816666666667,spk_0,that would be sort of part of the architecture is
591 |
592 |
583,28.217666666666663,28.3025,spk_0,the viewers for the types of file um where we can have um
593 |
584,28.318316666666668,28.37398333333333,spk_0,"like if it's an image, if it's a text, if it's a binary, all that stuff."
594 |
585,28.38115,28.403983333333333,spk_0,"But more than that,"
595 |
596 |
587,28.43,28.52316666666667,spk_0,Eduardo rec uh suggested is to also include a way that we can have
597 |
588,28.532,28.609,spk_0,a rendered version of the diff which would benefit some cases
598 |
589,28.609166666666667,28.68265,spk_0,"like the uh Jupiter notebooks and potentially others uh mark down,"
599 |
590,28.682816666666668,28.69633333333333,spk_0,for example.
600 |
601 |
592,28.73915,28.771166666666662,spk_0,And that's the kind of decisions we need to support
602 |
593,28.77133333333333,28.836816666666667,spk_0,here in that architecture is support different ways to render
603 |
604 |
595,28.85483333333333,28.887316666666667,spk_0,support different ways to display the D
605 |
596,28.89065,28.9085,spk_0,to the user
606 |
597,28.91483333333333,28.986166666666666,spk_0,um which will extract out of this diagram. And this um
607 |
598,29.006833333333333,29.026816666666665,spk_0,"knowledge I would say,"
608 |
609 |
600,29.126316666666668,29.13383333333333,spk_0,go ahead.
610 |
601,29.14883333333333,29.167816666666667,spk_5,"Oh I just said, OK."
611 |
602,29.17415,29.190166666666663,spk_0,OK. Cool.
612 |
603,29.23465,29.259816666666666,spk_0,Um Cook.
613 |
604,29.30815,29.3675,spk_0,What I would also say we don't have to have everything in one diagram.
614 |
605,29.36766666666667,29.387833333333333,spk_0,If we have another way of
615 |
616 |
607,29.414666666666665,29.467666666666663,spk_0,"other parts, I know that the back end did several"
617 |
608,29.469666666666665,29.49633333333333,spk_0,charts when we go
618 |
609,29.50933333333333,29.574483333333333,spk_0,the flow and then this like different ways of communicating things
619 |
610,29.58465,29.64348333333333,spk_0,uh especially when we're talking about different components and different parts
620 |
611,29.64715,29.672816666666662,spk_0,like Italy and all that stuff.
621 |
612,29.6775,29.755,spk_0,Um So we can present parts of the application and data flows differently.
622 |
613,29.755166666666668,29.82215,spk_0,We don't have to be restricted to one particular diagram. OK.
623 |
614,29.83065,29.852666666666668,spk_0,"If it makes it harder,"
624 |
615,29.86598333333333,29.9235,spk_0,"uh just split into multiple diagrams and we can have a different perspective,"
625 |
616,29.923666666666666,29.973666666666663,spk_0,"a different view or different lens on the data flow, for example."
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
621,30.09498333333333,30.117816666666663,spk_0,anything else
631 |
622,30.152833333333334,30.196,spk_2,I just wanted to add that we probably need a
632 |
623,30.196166666666667,30.265816666666662,spk_2,chart of all the these features that we have because
633 |
624,30.275,30.365166666666667,spk_2,"the structure is one thing but also inside each of the components, it might contain"
634 |
625,30.3695,30.41998333333333,spk_2,five different features for a particular view.
635 |
626,30.42665,30.494816666666665,spk_2,And like an image preview can have a commenting functionality
636 |
627,30.49948333333333,30.5465,spk_2,"that you can click anywhere on the image and leave a comment,"
637 |
628,30.555983333333334,30.59115,spk_2,uh text files have
638 |
629,30.602166666666665,30.658666666666665,spk_2,"side by side view in line view, no white space view."
639 |
630,30.663166666666665,30.707316666666667,spk_2,So stuff like that. And since we are
640 |
631,30.71165,30.7295,spk_2,moving to a new
641 |
632,30.734,30.755816666666668,spk_2,"des architecture,"
642 |
633,30.759,30.78383333333333,spk_2,we probably should
643 |
634,30.79515,30.817816666666666,spk_2,uh satisfy
644 |
635,30.82215,30.863816666666665,spk_2,this uh feature parity
645 |
636,30.876,30.90315,spk_2,uh with what we have right now.
646 |
637,30.903316666666665,30.954166666666666,spk_2,So I think it makes sense to document everything that we have.
647 |
638,30.95433333333333,31.026316666666663,spk_2,"So once we move to a new architecture, we don't miss any of the features."
648 |
639,31.092816666666668,31.101983333333333,spk_0,"All right,"
649 |
640,31.109166666666667,31.17065,spk_0,"you wanna start an issue with that Stanislav because I feel like that's a, a separate"
650 |
651 |
642,31.194333333333333,31.235316666666662,spk_0,effort and it's not necessarily a
652 |
643,31.23865,31.29715,spk_0,"front end thing. We might, we might involve product here as well"
653 |
644,31.302333333333333,31.33315,spk_0,to ensure that we um
654 |
645,31.342,31.3625,spk_0,that we're covered.
655 |
646,31.37333333333333,31.417,spk_0,"Of course, we can look at the code and that's definitely a way to get that."
656 |
657 |
648,31.4485,31.493316666666665,spk_0,what I want us to have is
658 |
649,31.507816666666667,31.52316666666667,spk_0,that definitely makes sense.
659 |
650,31.523333333333333,31.550166666666662,spk_0,"Like feature parody makes sense,"
660 |
651,31.55033333333333,31.60598333333333,spk_0,but maybe not every feature needs to be available everywhere.
661 |
652,31.613333333333333,31.650166666666667,spk_0,Uh or there could be some
662 |
653,31.655,31.6775,spk_0,tiered approach. So
663 |
654,31.68583333333333,31.69965,spk_0,"-- I was just gonna
664 |
-- imagine that our,"
665 |
655,31.699816666666667,31.790816666666668,spk_5,our uh our order of priorities puts future coverage actually as
666 |
656,31.797816666666662,31.85683333333333,spk_5,"-- a third on the list. So
667 |
-- by design,"
668 |
657,31.863333333333333,31.87698333333333,spk_5,"yeah, and,"
669 |
658,31.88115,31.92665,spk_5,and the um all those things you mentioned are correct.
670 |
659,31.926816666666667,31.98281666666667,spk_5,"They, they are sort of covered in that chart very abstractly like"
671 |
660,31.988983333333334,32.0485,spk_5,dro I think is what's handling parallel versus in line and like
672 |
661,32.04866666666667,32.10466666666667,spk_5,design pin is what's handling like being able to click anywhere.
673 |
662,32.10531666666667,32.16683333333334,spk_5,"So like they're, they're in there, it's just not like explicitly mentioned."
674 |
663,32.167,32.23231666666667,spk_5,So it probably is good to like list out the features that each component covers.
675 |
664,32.26381666666666,32.2795,spk_0,"I hate to say it,"
676 |
665,32.28281666666667,32.33931666666667,spk_0,"but it feels like this is a spreadsheet. It should be a spreadsheet or,"
677 |
666,32.341833333333334,32.389316666666666,spk_0,or a marked on table. I don't care.
678 |
679 |
668,32.413983333333334,32.49531666666667,spk_0,but essentially it looks like we need to have like an array of like features and then
680 |
669,32.500166666666665,32.57083333333333,spk_0,try to make a decision about whether they're applicable to all the contexts of des
681 |
670,32.57465,32.63016666666667,spk_0,"or not. Like for now, we should definitely base it off"
682 |
671,32.644816666666664,32.68515,spk_0,the domains we currently have.
683 |
672,32.685316666666665,32.72431666666667,spk_0,I don't know if you have any features on
684 |
673,32.72448333333333,32.774316666666664,spk_0,"the repository commit that are not an emerging quest,"
685 |
686 |
675,32.805483333333335,32.86333333333333,spk_0,"maybe that's why we should go and take a look. So it feels like it's a, it's a"
687 |
688 |
677,32.893316666666664,32.92698333333333,spk_0,"a feature, a feature table"
689 |
678,32.950833333333335,32.982483333333334,spk_0,for all the different contexts.
690 |
679,32.98265,33.07183333333333,spk_0,Uh and then just uh mark a cross or a check mark where they are available
691 |
680,33.07698333333333,33.11266666666667,spk_0,and potentially can have a discussion about whether
692 |
681,33.112833333333334,33.1465,spk_0,they should be available and everywhere or not.
693 |
682,33.14715,33.186483333333335,spk_0,"Uh And potentially, yeah, but that,"
694 |
683,33.18665,33.23915,spk_0,that feature table will be useful uh later on when we're
695 |
684,33.23931666666667,33.29281666666667,spk_0,deciding exactly about where to cut and what are the implications.
696 |
697 |
686,33.301,33.32983333333333,spk_0,"for example, um"
698 |
687,33.38231666666667,33.403483333333334,spk_0,this could be controversial.
699 |
688,33.4105,33.42333333333333,spk_0,"I warn you,"
700 |
689,33.436483333333335,33.48265,spk_0,should we leave comments on a repository commit?
701 |
690,33.523833333333336,33.58265,spk_0,"That's a product decision. It's not a technical decision, it's a product decision."
702 |
703 |
692,33.59866666666667,33.611983333333335,spk_0,"to be honest,"
704 |
693,33.6335,33.69515,spk_0,"there is arguments, I'm just saying there are arguments."
705 |
706 |
695,33.71581666666667,33.73515,spk_0,Maybe I agree with them
707 |
696,33.7385,33.759816666666666,spk_0,that um
708 |
697,33.763983333333336,33.79,spk_0,"if you leave a comedy in a commit,"
709 |
698,33.796166666666664,33.86516666666667,spk_0,"there's nobody looking at that commit, maybe the author will get a notification,"
710 |
699,33.873,33.883833333333335,spk_0,I guess.
711 |
700,33.89915,33.941316666666665,spk_0,But in emerging request is the moment that everybody is looking at that
712 |
701,33.94148333333333,33.98898333333333,spk_0,code or at least people are looking at that code to be reviewed.
713 |
702,33.98915,34.071983333333336,spk_0,"But when it's a repository, it's at, it's at rest. It's a, it's a it's a code at rest."
714 |
715 |
704,34.098333333333336,34.135,spk_0,should we allow discussions to happen there?
716 |
705,34.147666666666666,34.18165,spk_0,That's a more of a product UX decision.
717 |
706,34.1835,34.25398333333333,spk_0,And I think that table will help us make those conversations easier. So
718 |
707,34.27633333333333,34.29848333333333,spk_0,ST has left an open an issue for that
719 |
708,34.30298333333333,34.32065,spk_0,and get the ball rolling.
720 |
709,34.335633333333334,34.35015,spk_0,"I already did it,"
721 |
710,34.35565,34.377633333333335,spk_2,linking it right now in South.
722 |
711,34.41048333333333,34.4335,spk_0,Amazing. Amazing.
723 |
712,34.43581666666667,34.44798333333333,spk_0,Thank you.
724 |
725 |
714,34.46596666666667,34.51266666666667,spk_0,I'll also take Kai on that to help us out. Uh
726 |
715,34.52415,34.607816666666665,spk_0,"And uh and then we can make um there so Jacques from, from source code side,"
727 |
716,34.60796666666667,34.643166666666666,spk_0,it would be great for us to um
728 |
717,34.65313333333334,34.742666666666665,spk_0,pull in. Also if you uh wanna uh discover the product a little bit going on a journey
729 |
718,34.75796666666667,34.81946666666666,spk_0,"to also add the source code perspective on these because again,"
730 |
719,34.8225,34.876666666666665,spk_0,there might be features in source code that we would like to have
731 |
720,34.88263333333333,34.9345,spk_0,on the merger quest. I can't remember anything but
732 |
721,34.93698333333333,34.955666666666666,spk_0,maybe I'm missing something.
733 |
734 |
723,34.989983333333335,35.03766666666667,spk_0,"So yeah, basically what I'm saying is let's crowdsource that issue"
735 |
724,35.04481666666667,35.12448333333333,spk_0,"uh and uh whatever way of doing it, the table a spreadsheet or, or something, just"
736 |
725,35.12916666666667,35.170833333333334,spk_0,let's all collaborating and making that evolve. OK.
737 |
738 |
727,35.24815,35.275166666666664,spk_0,Thanks. Standard Life. That's useful.
739 |
740 |
729,35.334833333333336,35.34498333333333,spk_0,What else
741 |
730,35.35698333333333,35.367333333333335,spk_0,are we good
742 |
731,35.38315,35.39148333333333,spk_0,for now?
743 |
732,35.491483333333335,35.49783333333333,spk_0,"All right,"
744 |
733,35.49798333333333,35.52715,spk_0,we can use the rest of the time to go into
745 |
734,35.527316666666664,35.5935,spk_0,the issues and uh share our thoughts and make those discussions.
746 |
735,35.593666666666664,35.60183333333333,spk_0,Go ahead.
747 |
736,35.61215,35.63581666666666,spk_0,Uh Thanks everybody
748 |
737,35.64216666666667,35.7125,spk_0,and uh thanks for your time and I'll see you around and in another call perhaps