# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates. import warnings from contextlib import nullcontext import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.utils.dlpack from scepter.modules.model.embedder.base_embedder import BaseEmbedder from scepter.modules.model.registry import EMBEDDERS from scepter.modules.model.tokenizer.tokenizer_component import ( basic_clean, canonicalize, heavy_clean, whitespace_clean) from scepter.modules.utils.config import dict_to_yaml from scepter.modules.utils.distribute import we from scepter.modules.utils.file_system import FS try: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, T5EncoderModel except Exception as e: warnings.warn( f'Import transformers error, please deal with this problem: {e}') @EMBEDDERS.register_class() class ACETextEmbedder(BaseEmbedder): """ Uses the OpenCLIP transformer encoder for text """ """ Uses the OpenCLIP transformer encoder for text """ para_dict = { 'PRETRAINED_MODEL': { 'value': 'google/umt5-small', 'description': 'Pretrained Model for umt5, modelcard path or local path.' }, 'TOKENIZER_PATH': { 'value': 'google/umt5-small', 'description': 'Tokenizer Path for umt5, modelcard path or local path.' }, 'FREEZE': { 'value': True, 'description': '' }, 'USE_GRAD': { 'value': False, 'description': 'Compute grad or not.' }, 'CLEAN': { 'value': 'whitespace', 'description': 'Set the clean strtegy for tokenizer, used when TOKENIZER_PATH is not None.' }, 'LAYER': { 'value': 'last', 'description': '' }, 'LEGACY': { 'value': True, 'description': 'Whether use legacy returnd feature or not ,default True.' } } def __init__(self, cfg, logger=None): super().__init__(cfg, logger=logger) pretrained_path = cfg.get('PRETRAINED_MODEL', None) self.t5_dtype = cfg.get('T5_DTYPE', 'float32') assert pretrained_path with FS.get_dir_to_local_dir(pretrained_path, wait_finish=True) as local_path: self.model = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained( local_path, torch_dtype=getattr( torch, 'float' if self.t5_dtype == 'float32' else self.t5_dtype)) tokenizer_path = cfg.get('TOKENIZER_PATH', None) self.length = cfg.get('LENGTH', 77) self.use_grad = cfg.get('USE_GRAD', False) self.clean = cfg.get('CLEAN', 'whitespace') self.added_identifier = cfg.get('ADDED_IDENTIFIER', None) if tokenizer_path: self.tokenize_kargs = {'return_tensors': 'pt'} with FS.get_dir_to_local_dir(tokenizer_path, wait_finish=True) as local_path: if self.added_identifier is not None and isinstance( self.added_identifier, list): self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(local_path) else: self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(local_path) if self.length is not None: self.tokenize_kargs.update({ 'padding': 'max_length', 'truncation': True, 'max_length': self.length }) self.eos_token = self.tokenizer( self.tokenizer.eos_token)['input_ids'][0] else: self.tokenizer = None self.tokenize_kargs = {} self.use_grad = cfg.get('USE_GRAD', False) self.clean = cfg.get('CLEAN', 'whitespace') def freeze(self): self.model = self.model.eval() for param in self.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False # encode && encode_text def forward(self, tokens, return_mask=False, use_mask=True): # tokenization embedding_context = nullcontext if self.use_grad else torch.no_grad with embedding_context(): if use_mask: x = self.model(tokens.input_ids.to(we.device_id), tokens.attention_mask.to(we.device_id)) else: x = self.model(tokens.input_ids.to(we.device_id)) x = x.last_hidden_state if return_mask: return x.detach() + 0.0, tokens.attention_mask.to(we.device_id) else: return x.detach() + 0.0, None def _clean(self, text): if self.clean == 'whitespace': text = whitespace_clean(basic_clean(text)) elif self.clean == 'lower': text = whitespace_clean(basic_clean(text)).lower() elif self.clean == 'canonicalize': text = canonicalize(basic_clean(text)) elif self.clean == 'heavy': text = heavy_clean(basic_clean(text)) return text def encode(self, text, return_mask=False, use_mask=True): if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] if self.clean: text = [self._clean(u) for u in text] assert self.tokenizer is not None cont, mask = [], [] with torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', enabled=self.t5_dtype in ('float16', 'bfloat16'), dtype=getattr(torch, self.t5_dtype)): for tt in text: tokens = self.tokenizer([tt], **self.tokenize_kargs) one_cont, one_mask = self(tokens, return_mask=return_mask, use_mask=use_mask) cont.append(one_cont) mask.append(one_mask) if return_mask: return torch.cat(cont, dim=0), torch.cat(mask, dim=0) else: return torch.cat(cont, dim=0) def encode_list(self, text_list, return_mask=True): cont_list = [] mask_list = [] for pp in text_list: cont, cont_mask = self.encode(pp, return_mask=return_mask) cont_list.append(cont) mask_list.append(cont_mask) if return_mask: return cont_list, mask_list else: return cont_list @staticmethod def get_config_template(): return dict_to_yaml('MODELS', __class__.__name__, ACETextEmbedder.para_dict, set_name=True)