import sys import os abs_path = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(abs_path) # Adds higher directory to python modules path. import streamlit as st from modules.get_modules import get_modules from modules.background import gen_background from modules.command import gen_command from modules.constraints import gen_constraints from modules.goal import gen_goal from modules.initialization import gen_initialization from modules.output_format import gen_output_format from modules.skills import gen_skills from modules.suggestion import gen_suggestion from modules.workflow import gen_workflow module_name_dict = { "background": "背景", "command": "命令", "suggesstion": "建议", "goal": "目标", "examples": "任务样例", "constraints": "约束", "workflow": "工作流程", "output_format": "输出格式", "skills": "技能", "style": "风格", "initialization": "初始化" } module_func_dict = { "background": gen_background, "command": gen_command, "suggesstion": gen_suggestion, "goal": gen_goal, "examples": None, "constraints": gen_constraints, "workflow": gen_workflow, "output_format": gen_output_format, "skills": gen_skills, "style": None, "initialization": gen_initialization } ## The page to generate the LangGPT prompt def generate(): state = st.session_state ## A text input for the user to input the basic description of the task col1, col2 = st.columns([8, 2]) with col1: task = st.text_input("任务描述","撰写科幻小说",label_visibility="collapsed") pass ## A button to analyze the task and generate the modules with col2: if st.button("分析任务",type="primary"): ## Get the modules state.module_messages = [{"role": "user", "content": f"我希望LLM帮我执行的任务是:{task}"}] state.modules = get_modules(state.generator, state.module_messages) pass with st.sidebar: st.subheader("基本信息") state.role_name = st.text_input("助手名称","",help="例如:大模型、助手等") = st.text_input("作者","LangGPT") state.version = st.number_input("版本",min_value=0.1,value=0.1,step=0.1) state.description = st.text_area("描述","这是一个LangGPT生成的助手",height=100) st.subheader("模块控制") if "modules" not in state: state.modules = { "background": False, "command": False, "suggesstion": False, "goal": False, "examples": False, "constraints": False, "workflow": False, "output_format": False, "skills": False, "style": False, "initialization": False } ## Some toggles to show the modules if "on_modules" not in state: state.on_modules = {} pass for key in state.modules.keys(): if key in module_name_dict: state.on_modules[key] = st.toggle(module_name_dict[key],state.modules[key]) pass pass pass if "modules" in state: if state.on_modules["examples"]: st.subheader("请提供任务样例:") input_area, output_area = st.columns(2) with input_area: input_example = st.text_area("样例输入","") pass with output_area: output_example = st.text_area("样例输出","") pass state.examples = { "input": input_example, "output": output_example } pass if state.on_modules["style"]: st.subheader("请指定回复的风格:") style = st.text_input("风格","",help="例如:正式、幽默、严肃等",label_visibility="collapsed") = style pass ## A button to control the generation of the modules for key in state.modules.keys(): if key in state: if state.on_modules[key]: with st.expander(module_name_dict[key]): st.text_area(module_name_dict[key],state[key],label_visibility="collapsed") pass pass g,c = st.columns([1,1]) with g: generate_button = st.button("生成模块") pass with c: compose_button = st.button("合成提示") pass if generate_button: for key in state.modules.keys(): if key == "examples" or key == "style": continue else: if state.on_modules[key]: if key not in state: state[key] = module_func_dict[key](state.generator,state.module_messages) pass pass st.rerun() pass if compose_button: if "prompt" not in state: state.prompt = "" pass if state.role_name: state.prompt += f"# Role: {state.role_name}\n" pass state.prompt += f"## profile\n" if state.prompt += f"- Author: {}\n" pass if state.version: state.prompt += f"- Version: {state.version}\n" pass if state.description: state.prompt += f"- Description: {state.description}\n" pass ## Check if all the checked modules are generated for key in state.modules.keys(): if state.on_modules[key]: if key not in state: st.error(f"请先生成{module_name_dict[key]}") return else: if key == "examples": state.prompt += f"## {module_name_dict[key]}\n" state.prompt += f"### 输入\n" state.prompt += state.examples["input"] state.prompt += "\n" state.prompt += f"### 输出\n" state.prompt += state.examples["output"] state.prompt += "\n\n" state.prompt += f"## {key}\n" state.prompt += state[key] state.prompt += "\n\n" = "test" pass st.rerun()