document_redaction / tools /
seanpedrickcase's picture
Modified Dockerfile hopefully to not need Lambda overrides. Looking into custom headers from Cloudfront to try to get them to work
history blame
11.6 kB
import os
import re
import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import unicodedata
from gradio_image_annotation import image_annotator
def reset_state_vars():
return [], [], pd.DataFrame(), pd.DataFrame(), 0, "", image_annotator(
label="Modify redaction boxes",
label_colors=[(0, 0, 0)],
def get_or_create_env_var(var_name, default_value):
# Get the environment variable if it exists
value = os.environ.get(var_name)
# If it doesn't exist, set it to the default value
if value is None:
os.environ[var_name] = default_value
value = default_value
return value
# Names for options labels
text_ocr_option = "Simple text analysis - docs with selectable text"
tesseract_ocr_option = "OCR analysis for documents without selectable text - best for typed text"
textract_option = "Complex image analysis - docs with handwriting/signatures (AWS Textract)"
local_pii_detector = "Local"
aws_pii_detector = "AWS Comprehend"
# Retrieving or setting output folder
env_var_name = 'GRADIO_OUTPUT_FOLDER'
default_value = 'output/'
output_folder = get_or_create_env_var(env_var_name, default_value)
print(f'The value of {env_var_name} is {output_folder}')
def load_in_default_allow_list(allow_list_file_path):
if isinstance(allow_list_file_path, str):
allow_list_file_path = [allow_list_file_path]
return allow_list_file_path
def get_file_path_end(file_path):
# First, get the basename of the file (e.g., "example.txt" from "/path/to/example.txt")
basename = os.path.basename(file_path)
# Then, split the basename and its extension and return only the basename without the extension
filename_without_extension, _ = os.path.splitext(basename)
return filename_without_extension
def detect_file_type(filename):
"""Detect the file type based on its extension."""
if (filename.endswith('.csv')) | (filename.endswith('.csv.gz')) | (filename.endswith('.zip')):
return 'csv'
elif filename.endswith('.xlsx'):
return 'xlsx'
elif filename.endswith('.parquet'):
return 'parquet'
elif filename.endswith('.pdf'):
return 'pdf'
elif filename.endswith('.jpg'):
return 'jpg'
elif filename.endswith('.jpeg'):
return 'jpeg'
elif filename.endswith('.png'):
return 'png'
raise ValueError("Unsupported file type.")
def read_file(filename):
"""Read the file based on its detected type."""
file_type = detect_file_type(filename)
if file_type == 'csv':
return pd.read_csv(filename, low_memory=False)
elif file_type == 'xlsx':
return pd.read_excel(filename)
elif file_type == 'parquet':
return pd.read_parquet(filename)
def ensure_output_folder_exists():
"""Checks if the 'output/' folder exists, creates it if not."""
folder_name = "output/"
if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
# Create the folder if it doesn't exist
print(f"Created the 'output/' folder.")
print(f"The 'output/' folder already exists.")
def custom_regex_load(in_file):
When file is loaded, update the column dropdown choices and write to relevant data states.
custom_regex = pd.DataFrame()
if in_file:
file_list = [ for string in in_file]
regex_file_names = [string for string in file_list if "csv" in string.lower()]
if regex_file_names:
regex_file_name = regex_file_names[0]
custom_regex = pd.read_csv(regex_file_name, low_memory=False, header=None)
#regex_file_name_no_ext = get_file_path_end(regex_file_name)
output_text = "Allow list file loaded."
error = "No allow list file provided."
output_text = error
return error, custom_regex
return output_text, custom_regex
def put_columns_in_df(in_file):
new_choices = []
concat_choices = []
all_sheet_names = []
number_of_excel_files = 0
for file in in_file:
file_name =
file_type = detect_file_type(file_name)
print("File type is:", file_type)
if file_type == 'xlsx':
number_of_excel_files += 1
new_choices = []
print("Running through all xlsx sheets")
anon_xlsx = pd.ExcelFile(file_name)
new_sheet_names = anon_xlsx.sheet_names
# Iterate through the sheet names
for sheet_name in new_sheet_names:
# Read each sheet into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel(file_name, sheet_name=sheet_name)
# Process the DataFrame (e.g., print its contents)
print(f"Sheet Name: {sheet_name}")
print(df.head()) # Print the first few rows
df = read_file(file_name)
new_choices = list(df.columns)
# Drop duplicate columns
concat_choices = list(set(concat_choices))
if number_of_excel_files > 0:
return gr.Dropdown(choices=concat_choices, value=concat_choices), gr.Dropdown(choices=all_sheet_names, value=all_sheet_names, visible=True)
return gr.Dropdown(choices=concat_choices, value=concat_choices), gr.Dropdown(visible=False)
# Following function is only relevant for locally-created executable files based on this app (when using pyinstaller it creates a _internal folder that contains tesseract and poppler. These need to be added to the system path to enable the app to run)
def add_folder_to_path(folder_path: str):
Check if a folder exists on your system. If so, get the absolute path and then add it to the system Path variable if it doesn't already exist.
if os.path.exists(folder_path) and os.path.isdir(folder_path):
print(folder_path, "folder exists.")
# Resolve relative path to absolute path
absolute_path = os.path.abspath(folder_path)
current_path = os.environ['PATH']
if absolute_path not in current_path.split(os.pathsep):
full_path_extension = absolute_path + os.pathsep + current_path
os.environ['PATH'] = full_path_extension
#print(f"Updated PATH with: ", full_path_extension)
print(f"Directory {folder_path} already exists in PATH.")
print(f"Folder not found at {folder_path} - not added to PATH")
# Upon running a process, the feedback buttons are revealed
def reveal_feedback_buttons():
return gr.Radio(visible=True, label="Please give some feedback about the results of the redaction. A reminder that the app is only expected to identify about 60% of personally identifiable information in a given (typed) document."), gr.Textbox(visible=True), gr.Button(visible=True), gr.Markdown(visible=True)
def wipe_logs(feedback_logs_loc, usage_logs_loc):
except Exception as e:
print("Could not remove feedback logs file", e)
except Exception as e:
print("Could not remove usage logs file", e)
# Retrieving or setting CUSTOM_HEADER
CUSTOM_HEADER = get_or_create_env_var('CUSTOM_HEADER', 'custom_header')
print(f'CUSTOM_HEADER found')
# Retrieving or setting CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE
CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE = get_or_create_env_var('CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE', 'custom_header_value')
print(f'CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE found')
async def get_connection_params(request: gr.Request):
base_folder = ""
#print("request user:", request.username)
#request_data = await request.json() # Parse JSON body
#print("All request data:", request_data)
#context_value = request_data.get('context')
#if 'context' in request_data:
# print("Request context dictionary:", request_data['context'])
print("Request headers dictionary:", request.headers)
print("All host elements", request.client)
print("IP address:",
print("Query parameters:", dict(request.query_params))
# To get the underlying FastAPI items you would need to use await and some fancy @ stuff for a live query:
#print("Request dictionary to object:", request.request.body())
print("Session hash:", request.session_hash)
if CUSTOM_HEADER in request.headers:
supplied_custom_header_value = request.headers[CUSTOM_HEADER]
if supplied_custom_header_value == CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE:
print("Custom header supplied and matches CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE")
print("Custom header value does not match expected value.")
raise ValueError("Custom header value does not match expected value.")
print("Custom header value not found.")
raise ValueError("Custom header value not found.")
# Get output save folder from 1 - username passed in from direct Cognito login, 2 - Cognito ID header passed through a Lambda authenticator, 3 - the session hash.
if request.username:
out_session_hash = request.username
base_folder = "user-files/"
print("Request username found:", out_session_hash)
elif 'x-cognito-id' in request.headers:
out_session_hash = request.headers['x-cognito-id']
base_folder = "user-files/"
print("Cognito ID found:", out_session_hash)
out_session_hash = request.session_hash
base_folder = "temp-files/"
# print("Cognito ID not found. Using session hash as save folder:", out_session_hash)
output_folder = base_folder + out_session_hash + "/"
#if bucket_name:
# print("S3 output folder is: " + "s3://" + bucket_name + "/" + output_folder)
return out_session_hash, output_folder, out_session_hash
def clean_unicode_text(text):
# Step 1: Normalize unicode characters to decompose any special forms
normalized_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', text)
# Step 2: Replace smart quotes and special punctuation with standard ASCII equivalents
replacements = {
'β€˜': "'", '’': "'", 'β€œ': '"', '”': '"',
'–': '-', 'β€”': '-', '…': '...', 'β€’': '*',
# Perform replacements
for old_char, new_char in replacements.items():
normalized_text = normalized_text.replace(old_char, new_char)
# Step 3: Optionally remove non-ASCII characters if needed
# This regex removes any remaining non-ASCII characters, if desired.
# Comment this line if you want to keep all Unicode characters.
cleaned_text = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+', '', normalized_text)
return cleaned_text