sentencebird's picture
history blame contribute delete
No virus
3.85 kB
import streamlit as st
import streamlit.components.v1 as stc
import noisereduce as nr
import librosa
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import pickle
from import Binarize
import torch
def speech_activity_detection_model():
# sad = torch.hub.load('pyannote-audio', 'sad_ami', source='local', device='cpu', batch_size=128)
with open('speech_activity_detection_model.pkl', 'rb') as f:
sad = pickle.load(f)
return sad
def trim_noise_part_from_speech(sad, fname, speech_wav, sr):
file_obj = {"uri": "filename", "audio": fname}
sad_scores = sad(file_obj)
binarize = Binarize(offset=0.52, onset=0.52, log_scale=True, min_duration_off=0.1, min_duration_on=0.1)
speech = binarize.apply(sad_scores, dimension=1)
noise_wav = np.zeros((speech_wav.shape[0], 0))
append_axis = 1 if speech_wav.ndim == 2 else 0
noise_ranges = []
noise_start = 0
for segmentation in speech.segmentation():
noise_end, next_noise_start = int(segmentation.start*sr), int(segmentation.end*sr)
noise_wav = np.append(noise_wav, speech_wav[:, noise_start:noise_end], axis=append_axis)
noise_ranges.append((noise_start/sr, noise_end/sr))
noise_start = next_noise_start
return noise_wav.T, noise_ranges
def trim_audio(data, rate, start_sec=None, end_sec=None):
start, end = int(start_sec * rate), int(end_sec * rate)
if data.ndim == 1: # mono
return data[start:end]
elif data.ndim == 2: # stereo
return data[:, start:end]
title = 'Audio noise reduction'
st.set_page_config(page_title=title, page_icon=":sound:")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your audio file (.wav)")
is_file_uploaded = uploaded_file is not None
if not is_file_uploaded:
uploaded_file = 'sample.wav'
wav, sr = librosa.load(uploaded_file, sr=None)
wav_seconds = int(len(wav)/sr)
st.subheader('Original audio')
st.subheader('Noise part')
noise_part_detection_method ='Noise source detection', ['Manually', 'Automatically (using speech activity detections)'])
if noise_part_detection_method == "Manually": # ノイズ区間は1箇所
default_ranges = (0.0, float(wav_seconds)) if is_file_uploaded else (73.0, float(wav_seconds))
noise_part_ranges = [st.slider("Select a part of the noise (sec)", 0.0, float(wav_seconds), default_ranges, step=0.1)]
noise_wav = trim_audio(wav, sr, noise_part_ranges[0][0], noise_part_ranges[0][1])
elif noise_part_detection_method == "Automatically (using speech activity detections)": # ノイズ区間が複数
with st.spinner('Please wait for Detecting the speech activities'):
sad = speech_activity_detection_model()
noise_wav, noise_part_ranges = trim_noise_part_from_speech(sad, uploaded_file, wav, sr)
fig = go.Figure()
x_wav = np.arange(len(wav)) / sr
for noise_part_range in noise_part_ranges:
fig.add_vrect(x0=int(noise_part_range[0]*sr/1000), x1=int(noise_part_range[1]*sr/1000), fillcolor="Red", opacity=0.2)
fig.update_layout(width=700, margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0, pad=0))
fig.update_yaxes(visible=False, ticklabelposition='inside', tickwidth=0)
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_with=True)
st.text('Noise audio')
sf.write('noise_clip.wav', noise_wav, sr)
noise_wav, sr = librosa.load('noise_clip.wav', sr=None)'noise_clip.wav')
if st.button('Denoise the audio!'):
with st.spinner('Please wait for completion'):
nr_wav = nr.reduce_noise(audio_clip=wav, noise_clip=noise_wav, prop_decrease=1.0)
st.subheader('Denoised audio')
sf.write('nr_clip.wav', nr_wav, sr)
st.text('Denoised audio')'nr_clip.wav')