import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
from numba import jit | |
import math | |
import json | |
import os | |
import sys | |
from specklepy.api.client import SpeckleClient | |
from specklepy.api.credentials import get_default_account, get_local_accounts | |
from specklepy.transports.server import ServerTransport | |
from specklepy.api import operations | |
from specklepy.objects.geometry import Polyline, Point | |
from specklepy.objects import Base | |
from specklepy.api import operations, models | |
from specklepy.transports.server import ServerTransport | |
import time | |
from functools import wraps | |
import sys | |
sys.path.append("speckleUtils") | |
import speckle_utils | |
# | |
# | |
#serJD/RECODE_HF_tripGeneration | |
# | |
# !!! lots of hard coded values in computeTrips !!! | |
# UTILS | |
def reconstruct_dataframe(alpha_low, alpha_med, alpha_high, original_df): | |
# Define the mapping from original values to new alpha parameters | |
value_to_alpha = { | |
0.00191: alpha_low, | |
0.00767: alpha_high, | |
0.0038: alpha_med | |
} | |
# Check if each value is present at least once in the DataFrame | |
for original_value in value_to_alpha.keys(): | |
if not (original_df == original_value).any().any(): | |
raise ValueError(f"Value {original_value} not found in the input DataFrame.") | |
# Create a new DataFrame based on the original one | |
new_df = original_df.copy() | |
# Apply the mapping to each element in the DataFrame | |
for original_value, new_value in value_to_alpha.items(): | |
new_df = new_df.replace(original_value, new_value) | |
return new_df | |
def preprocess_dataFrame(df, headerRow_idx=0, numRowsStart_idx = None, numRowsEnd_idx=None, numColsStart_idx=None, numColsEnd_idx=None, rowNames_idx=None): | |
df.columns = df.iloc[headerRow_idx] #Set the header | |
if rowNames_idx is not None: | |
df.index = df.iloc[:, rowNames_idx] #Set the row names | |
df = df.iloc[numRowsStart_idx : numRowsEnd_idx, numColsStart_idx:numColsEnd_idx] #Slice the dataset to numerical data | |
return df | |
def timeit(f): | |
def timed(*args, **kw): | |
ts = time.time() | |
result = f(*args, **kw) | |
te = time.time() | |
print ('func:%r args:[%r, %r] took: %2.4f sec' % \ | |
(f.__name__, te-ts)) | |
#(f.__name__, args, kw, te-ts)) | |
return result | |
return timed | |
def timing_decorator(func): | |
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
result = func(*args, **kwargs) | |
end_time = time.time() | |
duration = end_time - start_time | |
timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(end_time)) | |
print(f"{func.__name__} took {duration:.4f} seconds. Finished at {timestamp}") | |
return result | |
return wrapper | |
# Function to compare two dataframes after converting and rounding | |
def compare_dataframes(df1, df2, decimals=8): | |
# Function to convert DataFrame columns to float and then round | |
def convert_and_round_dataframe(df, decimals): | |
# Convert all columns to float | |
df_float = df.astype(float) | |
# Round to the specified number of decimals | |
return df_float.round(decimals) | |
rounded_df1 = convert_and_round_dataframe(df1, decimals) | |
rounded_df2 = convert_and_round_dataframe(df2, decimals) | |
are_equal = rounded_df1.equals(rounded_df2) | |
print("Both methods are equal:", are_equal) | |
print("Numba shape:", df2.shape) | |
print("Original shape:", df1.shape) | |
print("======== ORIGINAL OUTPUT (first item in output list, head() for the first 5 columns)") | |
print(df1.iloc[0:5].head(2)) | |
print("======== New method OUTPUT (first item in output list, head() for the first 5 columns)") | |
print(df2.iloc[0:5].head(2)) | |
def align_dataframes(df1, df2, key): | |
""" | |
Align two dataframes based on a common key, ensuring that both dataframes | |
have only the rows with matching keys. | |
Parameters: | |
- df1: First dataframe. | |
- df2: Second dataframe. | |
- key: Column name to align dataframes on. | |
Returns: | |
- df1_aligned, df2_aligned: Tuple of aligned dataframes. | |
""" | |
common_ids = df1.index.intersection(df2[key]) | |
df1_aligned = df1.loc[common_ids] | |
df2_aligned = df2[df2[key].isin(common_ids)].set_index(key, drop=False) | |
return df1_aligned, df2_aligned | |
#================================================================================================== | |
def attraction_proNode(df_attraction_num, df_lu, df_lu_anName=None, printSteps=False): | |
#lu_proNode | |
df_lu_proNode = df_lu.reset_index()[df_lu_anName] | |
if printSteps: | |
print(df_lu_proNode.shape) | |
df_lu_proNode.head(50) | |
#attraction_proNode | |
if printSteps: | |
print("df_attraction_num:", df_attraction_num.shape) | |
print("df_lu_proNode:", df_lu_proNode.shape) | |
df_attraction_proNode = df_attraction_num.mul(df_lu_proNode, axis=0) | |
if printSteps: | |
print("df_attraction_proNode:", df_attraction_proNode.shape) | |
df_attraction_proNode.head(100) | |
# Sum the values of each column | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum = pd.DataFrame(df_attraction_proNode.sum(), columns=['Sum']) | |
if printSteps: | |
print("df_attraction_proNode_sum:", df_attraction_proNode_sum.shape) | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum.head(100) | |
return df_attraction_proNode_sum | |
#Non vectorized iterative function | |
def attraction_proNode_full_iter(df_attraction_num, df_lu_num, printSteps=False): | |
# Initialize an empty DataFrame | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum_total = pd.DataFrame() | |
for column_name, column_data in df_lu_num.items(): | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum = attraction_proNode(df_attraction_num, df_lu_num, df_lu_anName=column_name) | |
# Concatenate DataFrames along columns | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum_total = pd.concat([df_attraction_proNode_sum_total, df_attraction_proNode_sum], axis=1) | |
# Rename columns in df_distBasedAttr_step2 with the same column names as in df_distributionMatrix_step1 | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum_total.columns = df_lu_num.columns | |
return df_attraction_proNode_sum_total | |
# PRODUCTION ================================================ | |
def production_proNode(df_lu, df_sqmProPerson, df_tripRate, df_production_num, df_production_transposed, printSteps=False, df_lu_anName=None): | |
#lu_proNode - reset index | |
df_lu_proNode = df_lu.reset_index()[df_lu_anName] | |
if printSteps: | |
print(df_lu_proNode.shape) | |
df_lu_proNode.head(50) | |
#Get the person count - Divide corresponding values of one DataFrame by another | |
df_personCount = df_lu_proNode.div(df_sqmProPerson) | |
if printSteps: | |
print(df_personCount.shape) | |
print(df_personCount) | |
# Ensure the index is unique in df_personCount | |
df_personCount = df_personCount.reset_index(drop=True) | |
df_production_transposed = df_production_transposed.reset_index(drop=True) | |
if printSteps: | |
df_production_transposed.head() | |
if printSteps: | |
df_personCount.head() | |
df_tripRate.head() | |
#Calculate trip production pro node | |
df_production_proNode = df_production_transposed | |
df_production_proNode = df_production_proNode.mul(df_personCount, axis=0) | |
df_production_proNode = df_production_proNode.T | |
df_production_proNode = df_production_proNode.mul(df_tripRate, axis=0) | |
#Total trips | |
df_production_proNode_rowSum = df_production_proNode.sum(axis=1) | |
df_total_trips = df_production_proNode_rowSum | |
#if printSteps: | |
#df_total_trips.head(50) | |
return df_total_trips | |
#Non vectorized iterative function | |
def production_proNode_total(df_lu, df_sqmProPerson, df_tripRate, df_production_num, df_production_transposed, df_lu_num, printSteps=False): | |
# Initialize an empty DataFrame | |
df_total_trips_allNodes = pd.DataFrame() | |
for column_name, column_data in df_lu_num.items(): | |
df_total_trips_proNode = production_proNode(df_lu_num, df_sqmProPerson, df_tripRate, df_production_num, df_production_transposed, printSteps=False, df_lu_anName=column_name) | |
# Concatenate DataFrames along columns | |
df_total_trips_allNodes = pd.concat([df_total_trips_allNodes, df_total_trips_proNode], axis=1) | |
# Rename columns in df_distBasedAttr_step2 with the same column names as in df_distributionMatrix_step1 | |
df_total_trips_allNodes.columns = df_lu_num.columns | |
return df_total_trips_allNodes | |
#df_total_trips_allNodes = production_proNode_total(df_lu, df_sqmProPerson, df_tripRate, df_production_num, df_production_transposed, df_lu_num, printSteps=False) | |
#df_total_trips_allNodes.head(50) | |
#================================================================================================== | |
#STEP 1 | |
def step_1(df_distributionMatrix, df_total_trips_allNodes): | |
l = [] | |
#counter=0 | |
for column_name, column_data in df_total_trips_allNodes.items(): | |
df_distributionMatrix_step1_proNode = df_distributionMatrix.mul(column_data, axis = 0) | |
l.append(df_distributionMatrix_step1_proNode) | |
return l | |
#STEP 2 | |
def step_2_vectorized(df_distMatrix, df_alphas): | |
# Convert df_distMatrix to a 2D array: Shape (1464, 1464) | |
distMatrix_array = df_distMatrix.values | |
# Convert df_alphas to a 1D array: Shape (26,) | |
alphas_array = df_alphas.values | |
# Initialize an empty array to store results: Shape (1464, 1464, 26) | |
result_3d = np.zeros((distMatrix_array.shape[0], distMatrix_array.shape[1], len(alphas_array))) | |
# Loop over alphas and perform element-wise multiplication followed by exponential function | |
for i in range(len(alphas_array)): | |
result_3d[:, :, i] = np.exp(-distMatrix_array * alphas_array[i]) | |
# Construct the final list of DataFrames | |
final_list = [pd.DataFrame(result_3d[i, :, :], columns=df_alphas.index, index=df_distMatrix.index) for i in range(result_3d.shape[0])] | |
return final_list | |
# Step 3 | |
def multiply_and_sum(arr, attraction_arr): | |
# Element-wise multiplication | |
multiplied_arr = arr * attraction_arr | |
# Sum the values of each column | |
summed_arr = multiplied_arr.sum(axis=0) | |
return multiplied_arr, summed_arr | |
def step_3_numba(df_attraction_proNode_sum_total, df_step_2): | |
# Convert df_attraction_proNode_sum_total to a NumPy array and transpose it | |
attraction_array = df_attraction_proNode_sum_total.values.T.astype(np.float64) # Ensure float64 dtype | |
multiplied_results = [] | |
summed_results = [] | |
for df in df_step_2: | |
# Convert DataFrame to NumPy array with float64 dtype | |
df_array = df.values.astype(np.float64) | |
# Perform element-wise multiplication and summing | |
multiplied_arr, summed_arr = multiply_and_sum(df_array, attraction_array) | |
# Convert results back to DataFrames | |
df_multiplied = pd.DataFrame(multiplied_arr, columns=df.columns, index=df.index) | |
# Reshape summed_arr to have shape (26,1) and then convert to DataFrame | |
df_summed = pd.DataFrame(summed_arr.reshape(-1, 1), index=df.columns, columns=['Sum']) | |
multiplied_results.append(df_multiplied) | |
summed_results.append(df_summed) | |
return multiplied_results, summed_results | |
# step 4 | |
def divide_and_sum(arr, divisor_arr): | |
# Ensure divisor_arr is broadcastable to arr's shape | |
divisor_arr_expanded = divisor_arr.reshape((divisor_arr.shape[0], 1, divisor_arr.shape[1])) | |
# Initialize arrays to store results | |
divided_result = np.zeros_like(arr) | |
summed_result = np.zeros((arr.shape[0], arr.shape[2])) | |
for i in range(arr.shape[0]): | |
for j in range(arr.shape[1]): | |
for k in range(arr.shape[2]): | |
if divisor_arr_expanded[i, 0, k] != 0: | |
divided_result[i, j, k] = arr[i, j, k] / divisor_arr_expanded[i, 0, k] | |
summed_result[i, k] += divided_result[i, j, k] | |
return divided_result, summed_result | |
def step_4_numba(distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3, distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3_sum): | |
# Convert lists of DataFrames to 3D arrays with dtype float64 | |
array_step3 = np.array([df.values for df in distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3]).astype(np.float64) | |
array_step3_sum = np.array([df.values for df in distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3_sum]).astype(np.float64) | |
# Perform division and summation using Numba | |
divided_result, summed_result = divide_and_sum(array_step3, array_step3_sum) | |
# Convert results back to lists of DataFrames | |
df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4 = [pd.DataFrame(divided_result[i], columns=distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3[0].columns, index=distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3[0].index) for i in range(divided_result.shape[0])] | |
# Correct the creation of the summed DataFrame to avoid setting the 'Sum' index | |
df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4_sum = [pd.DataFrame(summed_result[i]).T.set_axis(['Sum'], axis='index').set_axis(distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3[0].columns, axis='columns') for i in range(summed_result.shape[0])] | |
return df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4, df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4_sum | |
# step 5 | |
def tripsPerArctivity_numba(matrix, attrs): | |
rows, cols = attrs.shape[0], matrix.shape[0] # 1464, 26 | |
result = np.zeros((cols, rows), dtype=np.float64) # Prepare result matrix (26, 1464) | |
for i in range(rows): # Iterate over each area | |
for j in range(cols): # Iterate over each land use category | |
sum_val = 0.0 | |
for k in range(cols): # Iterate over each element in the distribution matrix row | |
sum_val += matrix[j, k] * attrs[i, k] | |
result[j, i] = sum_val | |
return result | |
def step_5_numba(distributionMatrix_step1, distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4): | |
sums = [] | |
count = 0 | |
total_count = len(distributionMatrix_step1) | |
for df_distributionMatrix_step1, df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4 in zip(distributionMatrix_step1, distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4): | |
# Convert DataFrames to NumPy arrays with dtype float64 | |
matrix = df_distributionMatrix_step1.values.astype(np.float64) | |
attrs = df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4.values.astype(np.float64) | |
result = tripsPerArctivity_numba(matrix, attrs) | |
df_result = pd.DataFrame(result, index=df_distributionMatrix_step1.columns, columns=df_distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4.index) | |
sums.append(df_result) | |
count += 1 | |
#print(f"Iteration {count} out of {total_count} is finished.") | |
#print("---------") | |
return sums | |
# step 6&7 | |
def step_6_7_vectorized(df_trips_proNode_proActivity_total): | |
# Convert each DataFrame to a NumPy array and stack them to form a 3D array | |
array_3d = np.array([df.values for df in df_trips_proNode_proActivity_total]) | |
# Sum across the middle axis (columns of each DataFrame) | |
summed_array = array_3d.sum(axis=1) | |
# Convert the summed array back to a DataFrame | |
final_matrix = pd.DataFrame(summed_array, index=df_trips_proNode_proActivity_total[0].columns, columns=df_trips_proNode_proActivity_total[0].columns) | |
return final_matrix | |
# step 8 | |
def adjTripRate_adjFactor(tripMatrix,df_total_trips_allNodes_sumPerson, targetRate=1, factor=1 ): | |
df_tripMatrix_total_sum = tripMatrix.sum().sum() | |
df_total_trips_allNodes_sumPerson_total = df_total_trips_allNodes_sumPerson.sum() | |
# scale to target trip rate | |
tripRateBeforeAdjustment = df_tripMatrix_total_sum/df_total_trips_allNodes_sumPerson_total | |
print("tripRateBeforeAdjustment",tripRateBeforeAdjustment) | |
adjustmentRate = targetRate/tripRateBeforeAdjustment | |
print("adjustmentRate",adjustmentRate) | |
# scale by ... scale factor (outdated, was hardcoded ) | |
df_tripMatrix_adjusted = tripMatrix * adjustmentRate | |
#df_tripMatrix_adjusted_scaled = df_tripMatrix_adjusted.div(factor) | |
return df_tripMatrix_adjusted, df_tripMatrix_adjusted # df_tripMatrix_adjusted_scaled | |
# Uniform Matrix | |
def decay(d, alpha): | |
return math.exp(d * alpha * -1) | |
def distanceDecay(df, alpha): | |
return df.applymap(lambda x: decay(x, alpha)) | |
def matrix_reduce_add(df): | |
return df[df != sys.float_info.max].sum().sum() | |
def replace_maxValue(df): | |
return df.replace(sys.float_info.max, 0) | |
#Trip gen matrix is used to scale the distance matrix | |
def getUniformMatrix(distanceMatrix, tripGenMatrix, alpha): | |
distanceMatrix_withDecay = distanceDecay(distanceMatrix, alpha) | |
distanceMatrix_sum = matrix_reduce_add(distanceMatrix_withDecay) | |
tripGenMatrix_sum = matrix_reduce_add(tripGenMatrix) | |
ratio = distanceMatrix_sum / tripGenMatrix_sum | |
uniformMatrix = distanceMatrix_withDecay.div(ratio) | |
return replace_maxValue(uniformMatrix) | |
#================================================================================================== | |
#Modal Split functions | |
def computeModalShare(trip_matrix, dist_matrices, alpha, f_values=None): | |
""" | |
Process matrices or DataFrames with exponentiation and normalization. | |
Args: | |
trip_matrix (np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): The trip matrix. | |
dist_matrices (dict of np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): Dictionary of distance matrices. | |
alpha (float): The alpha coefficient. | |
f_values (dict of float, optional): Dictionary of f coefficients for each matrix. If None, defaults to 0 for each matrix. | |
Returns: | |
dict: Normalized matrices. | |
""" | |
# Default f_values to 0 for each key in dist_matrices if not provided | |
if not f_values: | |
f_values = {key: 0 for key in dist_matrices.keys()} | |
exp_matrices = {} | |
for key, matrix in dist_matrices.items(): | |
f = f_values.get(key, 0) | |
# Convert DataFrame to numpy array if needed | |
if isinstance(matrix, pd.DataFrame): | |
matrix = matrix.values | |
exp_matrix = np.exp(-1 * (matrix * alpha + f)) | |
exp_matrices[key] = exp_matrix | |
# Calculate the sum of all exponentials | |
sum_exp = sum(exp_matrices.values()) | |
# Normalize each matrix & multiply by trip matrix and update the matrices | |
normalized_matrices = {key: (exp_matrix / sum_exp) * trip_matrix for key, exp_matrix in exp_matrices.items()} | |
return normalized_matrices | |
def redistributeModalShares(dist_matrices, trip_matrices, redistribution_rules, threshold=0.5): | |
""" | |
Redistribute trips among mobility networks based on given redistribution rules and when travel times are within a specified threshold. | |
Args: | |
dist_matrices (dict): Dictionary of distance matrices (travel times) for different mobility networks, keyed by identifier. | |
trip_matrices (dict): Dictionary of matrices representing the number of trips for each mobility network, keyed by identifier. | |
redistribution_rules (list): List of redistribution rules with "from" and "to" network identifiers. | |
threshold (float): The threshold for considering travel times as similar. | |
Returns: | |
dict: Updated dictionary of trip matrices with transferred trips. | |
""" | |
# Verify that all specified matrices exist in the input dictionaries | |
for rule in redistribution_rules: | |
if rule["from"] not in dist_matrices or rule["from"] not in trip_matrices: | |
raise ValueError(f"Matrix ID {rule['from']} not found in the inputs.") | |
for to_id in rule["to"]: | |
if to_id not in dist_matrices or to_id not in trip_matrices: | |
raise ValueError(f"Matrix ID {to_id} not found in the inputs.") | |
# Copy the trip_matrices to avoid modifying the input directly | |
updated_trip_matrices = {k: v.copy() for k, v in trip_matrices.items()} | |
# Redistribute trips based on the rules and the threshold | |
for rule in redistribution_rules: | |
from_matrix_id = rule["from"] | |
from_matrix_trips = updated_trip_matrices[from_matrix_id] | |
from_matrix_dist = dist_matrices[from_matrix_id] | |
for to_matrix_id in rule["to"]: | |
to_matrix_dist = dist_matrices[to_matrix_id] | |
# Create a boolean array where the absolute difference in travel times is less than or equal to the threshold | |
similar_travel_time = np.abs(from_matrix_dist - to_matrix_dist) <= threshold | |
# Find the indices where there are trips to transfer under the new condition | |
indices_to_transfer = similar_travel_time & (from_matrix_trips > 0) | |
# Transfer trips where the condition is True | |
updated_trip_matrices[to_matrix_id][indices_to_transfer] += from_matrix_trips[indices_to_transfer] | |
# Zero out the transferred trips in the from_matrix | |
from_matrix_trips[indices_to_transfer] = 0 | |
# Return the updated trip matrices dictionary | |
return updated_trip_matrices | |
def computeDistanceBrackets(trip_matrices, metric_dist_matrices, dist_brackets=[800, 2400, 4800]): | |
# Transform the keys of metric_dist_matrices to match with trip_matrices | |
transformed_metric_keys = {key.replace("metric_matrix", "distance_matrix")+"_noEntr": matrix | |
for key, matrix in metric_dist_matrices.items()} | |
# Initialize dictionary to store aggregated trips per distance bracket | |
bracket_totals = {bracket: 0 for bracket in dist_brackets} | |
# Iterate over each pair of trip matrix and distance matrix | |
for key, trip_matrix in trip_matrices.items(): | |
# Find the corresponding distance matrix | |
dist_matrix = transformed_metric_keys.get(key) | |
if dist_matrix is None: | |
print("no matrxi found") | |
continue # Skip if no corresponding distance matrix found | |
# Calculate trips for each distance bracket | |
for i, bracket in enumerate(dist_brackets): | |
if i == 0: | |
# For the first bracket, count trips with distance <= bracket | |
bracket_totals[bracket] += (trip_matrix[dist_matrix <= bracket]).sum().sum() | |
else: | |
# For subsequent brackets, count trips within the bracket range | |
prev_bracket = dist_brackets[i - 1] | |
bracket_totals[bracket] += (trip_matrix[(dist_matrix > prev_bracket) & (dist_matrix <= bracket)]).sum().sum() | |
brackets_sum = sum(bracket_totals.values()) | |
brackets_rel = {str(bracket): round(total / brackets_sum, 3) for bracket, total in bracket_totals.items()} | |
return brackets_rel | |
def computeTripStats(trip_matrices, distance_matrices, metric_dist_matrices, pop): | |
# Transform the keys of metric_dist_matrices to match with trip_matrices | |
transformed_metric_keys = {key.replace("metric_matrix", "distance_matrix")+"_noEntr": matrix | |
for key, matrix in metric_dist_matrices.items()} | |
trips = 0 | |
totalTravelDistance = 0 | |
totalTravelTime = 0 | |
# Iterate over each pair of trip matrix and distance matrix | |
for key, trip_matrix in trip_matrices.items(): | |
# Find the corresponding distance matrix | |
metric_dist_matrix = transformed_metric_keys.get(key) | |
dist_matrix = distance_matrices.get(key) | |
if metric_dist_matrix is None: | |
print("no matrxi found") | |
continue # Skip if no corresponding distance matrix found | |
# compute | |
totalTravelTime += (dist_matrix*trip_matrix).sum().sum() | |
trips += trip_matrix.sum().sum() | |
totalTravelDistance += (metric_dist_matrix*trip_matrix).sum().sum() | |
MeanTripDistance = totalTravelDistance/trips | |
MeanTravelDistancePerPerson = totalTravelDistance/pop | |
MeanTravelTime = totalTravelTime/trips | |
MeanTravelTimePerPerson = totalTravelTime/pop | |
return totalTravelDistance, totalTravelTime, MeanTripDistance, MeanTravelDistancePerPerson, MeanTravelTime, MeanTravelTimePerPerson | |
def calculate_relative_mode_share(trip_matrices): | |
""" | |
Calculate the relative mode share for a dictionary of trip matrices. | |
Args: | |
trip_matrices (dict of np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame): Dictionary of trip matrices. | |
Returns: | |
dict: Relative mode distribution for each key in trip_matrices. | |
""" | |
# Compute the total trips for each mode | |
total_trips_per_mode = {key: matrix.sum().sum() for key, matrix in trip_matrices.items()} | |
# Compute the total trips across all modes | |
total_trips_all_modes = sum(total_trips_per_mode.values()) | |
# Calculate the relative mode distribution | |
rel_mode_distribution = {key: trips_per_mode / total_trips_all_modes for key, trips_per_mode in total_trips_per_mode.items()} | |
return rel_mode_distribution | |
def extract_distance_matrices(stream, distance_matrices_of_interest): | |
""" | |
Extract distance matrices from the stream and convert them to pandas DataFrames. | |
Args: | |
stream (dict): Stream data containing distance matrices. | |
distance_matrices_of_interest (list of str): List of keys for the distance matrices of interest. | |
Returns: | |
dict: A dictionary of pandas DataFrames, where each key is a distance matrix kind. | |
""" | |
distance_matrices = {} | |
for distMK in distance_matrices_of_interest: | |
for distM in stream["@Data"]['@{0}']: | |
#print( distM.__dict__.keys()) | |
try: | |
distMdict = distM.__dict__[distMK] | |
distance_matrix_dict = json.loads(distMdict) | |
origin_ids = distance_matrix_dict["origin_uuid"] | |
destination_ids = distance_matrix_dict["destination_uuid"] | |
distance_matrix = distance_matrix_dict["matrix"] | |
# Convert the distance matrix to a DataFrame | |
df_distances = pd.DataFrame(distance_matrix, index=origin_ids, columns=destination_ids) | |
distance_matrices[distMK] = df_distances | |
except Exception as e: | |
pass | |
return distance_matrices | |
#================================================================================================== | |
def computeTrips( | |
df_distributionMatrix, | |
df_total_trips_allNodes, | |
df_distMatrix_speckle, | |
df_alphas, | |
df_attraction_proNode_sum_total, | |
df_distances_aligned, | |
total_population, | |
tot_res, | |
tot_vis, | |
distance_matrices, | |
metric_matrices, | |
redistributeTrips, | |
alpha_low, alpha_med, alpha_high, | |
alpha_mode, | |
alpha_uniform, | |
sourceInfo="", | |
): | |
NEW_ALPHAS = reconstruct_dataframe(alpha_low, alpha_med, alpha_high, df_alphas) | |
NEW_MODE_ALPHA = alpha_mode | |
# ==== | |
#step 1 | |
distributionMatrix_step1M = step_1(df_distributionMatrix, | |
df_total_trips_allNodes) | |
#step 2 | |
df_step_2M = step_2_vectorized(df_distMatrix_speckle, | |
#step 3 | |
distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3M, distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3_sumM = step_3_numba(df_attraction_proNode_sum_total, | |
df_step_2M) | |
#step 4 | |
distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4M, distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4_sumM = step_4_numba(distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3M, | |
distAndAreaBasedAttr_step3_sumM) | |
#step 5 | |
df_trips_proNode_proActivity_totalM = step_5_numba(distributionMatrix_step1M, | |
distAndAreaBasedAttr_step4M) | |
#step 6 & 7 | |
df_tripMatrixM = step_6_7_vectorized(df_trips_proNode_proActivity_totalM) | |
#step 8 | |
df_tripMatrix_adjustedM, df_tripMatrix_adjusted_scaledM = adjTripRate_adjFactor(df_tripMatrixM, | |
total_population, | |
#------ | |
#MAIN 1 compute trip matrice per mode | |
trip_matricesM = computeModalShare(df_tripMatrix_adjusted_scaledM, | |
distance_matrices, | |
f_values=NEW_F_VALUES) | |
#MAIN 2 compute modal shares (redistribute trips in case of identical travel time) | |
trip_matrices_redisM = redistributeModalShares(distance_matrices, | |
trip_matricesM, | |
redistributeTrips) | |
#POST 1 compute mode shares | |
rel_mode_distributionM = calculate_relative_mode_share(trip_matrices_redisM) | |
#POST 2 distance brackets | |
dist_sharesM = computeDistanceBrackets(trip_matrices_redisM, | |
metric_matrices, | |
#POST 3 compute more stats | |
(totalTravelDistance, totalTravelTime, | |
MeanTripDistance,MeanTravelDistancePerPerson, | |
MeanTripTime, MeanTravelTimePerPerson) = computeTripStats(trip_matrices_redisM, | |
distance_matrices, | |
metric_matrices, | |
total_population) | |
uniform_tripmatrix = getUniformMatrix(df_distances_aligned, df_tripMatrix_adjustedM, alpha_uniform) | |
#add to dataframe | |
# Define your parameter and target values | |
newdata = { | |
# Model Parameter== | |
# Alpha - Routing | |
"alpha_low": alpha_low, | |
"alpha_med": alpha_med, | |
"alpha_high": alpha_high, | |
"alpha_uniform":alpha_uniform, | |
"fvalues":NEW_F_VALUES, | |
"alpha_mode":NEW_MODE_ALPHA, | |
# Model Indicators == | |
# Modal Shares | |
"share_ped_mm_art": rel_mode_distributionM['activity_node+distance_matrix_ped_mm_art_noEntr'], | |
"share_ped_mm": rel_mode_distributionM['activity_node+distance_matrix_ped_mm_noEntr'], | |
"share_ped": rel_mode_distributionM['activity_node+distance_matrix_ped_noEntr'], | |
"share_ped_art": rel_mode_distributionM['activity_node+distance_matrix_ped_art_noEntr'], | |
# Tripshares by Distance Brackets | |
"800": dist_sharesM["800"], | |
"2400": dist_sharesM["2400"], | |
"4800": dist_sharesM["4800"], | |
# Travel Time & Distances | |
"totalTravelDistance":totalTravelDistance, | |
"totalTravelTime":totalTravelTime, | |
"MeanTravelTimePerPerson":MeanTravelTimePerPerson, | |
# Trip Distances | |
"MeanTripDistance":MeanTripDistance, | |
"MeanTripTime":MeanTripTime, | |
"MeanTravelDistancePerPerson":MeanTravelDistancePerPerson, | |
} | |
trip_matrice_adjName = {k.replace("distance", "trip"):v for k, v in trip_matricesM.items()} | |
trip_matrice_adjName["tripMatrix_landuse"] = df_tripMatrix_adjusted_scaledM | |
trip_matrice_adjName["tripMatrix_uniform"] = uniform_tripmatrix | |
extraData = {"population":total_population, | |
"residents":tot_res, | |
"visitors":tot_vis, | |
"parameter":newdata, | |
} | |
commitMsg = "automatic update" | |
try: | |
commitMsg += " using these commits: #+ " | |
for k,v in sourceInfo.items(): | |
commitMsg += f" {k}: {v}" | |
except: | |
pass | |
print(commitMsg) | |
commit_id = send_matrices_and_create_commit( | |
trip_matrice_adjName, | |
commitMsg, | |
rows_per_chunk=300, | |
containerMetadata=extraData | |
) | |
print ("===============================") | |
return newdata | |
#================================================================================================== | |
# speckle send | |
def send_row_bundle(rows, indices, transport): | |
bundle_object = Base() | |
bundle_object.rows = rows | |
bundle_object.indices = indices | |
bundle_id = operations.send(base=bundle_object, transports=[transport]) | |
return bundle_id | |
def send_matrix(matrix_df, transport, rows_per_chunk): | |
matrix_object = Base(metaData="Some metadata") | |
batch_index = 0 # Maintain a separate counter for batch indexing | |
# Bundle rows together | |
rows = [] | |
indices = [] | |
for index, row in matrix_df.iterrows(): | |
rows.append([round(r,4) for r in row.tolist()]) | |
indices.append(str(index)) | |
if len(rows) == rows_per_chunk: | |
bundle_id = send_row_bundle(rows, indices, transport) | |
# Set the reference to the bundle in the matrix object using setattr | |
setattr(matrix_object, f"@batch_{batch_index}", {"referencedId": bundle_id}) | |
rows, indices = [], [] # Reset for the next bundle | |
batch_index += 1 # Increment the batch index | |
print( str(rows_per_chunk) +" rows has been sent") | |
# Don't forget to send the last bundle if it's not empty | |
if rows: | |
bundle_id = send_row_bundle(rows, indices, transport) | |
setattr(matrix_object, f"@batch_{batch_index}", {"referencedId": bundle_id}) | |
# Send the matrix object to Speckle | |
matrix_object_id = operations.send(base=matrix_object, transports=[transport]) | |
return matrix_object_id | |
# Main function to send all matrices and create a commit | |
def send_matrices_and_create_commit(matrices, client, stream_id, branch_name, commit_message, rows_per_chunk, containerMetadata): | |
transport = ServerTransport(client=client, stream_id=stream_id) | |
matrix_ids = {} | |
# Send each matrix row by row and store its object ID | |
for k, df in matrices.items(): | |
matrix_ids[k] = send_matrix(df, transport, rows_per_chunk) | |
print("object: " + k + " has been sent") | |
# Create a container object that will hold references to all the matrix objects | |
container_object = Base() | |
for k, v in containerMetadata.items(): | |
container_object[k] = v | |
# Assuming you have a way to reference matrix objects by their IDs in Speckle | |
for k, obj_id in matrix_ids.items(): | |
print("obj_id", obj_id) | |
container_object[k] = obj_id | |
# Dynamically add references to the container object | |
for matrix_name, matrix_id in matrix_ids.items(): | |
# This assigns a reference to the matrix object by its ID | |
# You might need to adjust this based on how your Speckle server expects to receive references | |
setattr(container_object, matrix_name, {"referencedId": matrix_id}) | |
# Send the container object | |
container_id = operations.send(base=container_object, transports=[transport]) | |
# Now use the container_id when creating the commit | |
commit_id = client.commit.create( | |
stream_id=stream_id, | |
object_id=container_id, # Use the container's ID here | |
branch_name=branch_name, | |
message=commit_message, | |
) |