from typing import Literal, Union, Dict import os import shutil import fire from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline from safetensors.torch import safe_open, save_file import torch from .lora import ( tune_lora_scale, patch_pipe, collapse_lora, monkeypatch_remove_lora, ) from .lora_manager import lora_join from .to_ckpt_v2 import convert_to_ckpt def _text_lora_path(path: str) -> str: assert path.endswith(".pt"), "Only .pt files are supported" return ".".join(path.split(".")[:-1] + ["text_encoder", "pt"]) def add( path_1: str, path_2: str, output_path: str, alpha_1: float = 0.5, alpha_2: float = 0.5, mode: Literal[ "lpl", "upl", "upl-ckpt-v2", ] = "lpl", with_text_lora: bool = False, ): print("Lora Add, mode " + mode) if mode == "lpl": if path_1.endswith(".pt") and path_2.endswith(".pt"): for _path_1, _path_2, opt in [(path_1, path_2, "unet")] + ( [(_text_lora_path(path_1), _text_lora_path(path_2), "text_encoder")] if with_text_lora else [] ): print("Loading", _path_1, _path_2) out_list = [] if opt == "text_encoder": if not os.path.exists(_path_1): print(f"No text encoder found in {_path_1}, skipping...") continue if not os.path.exists(_path_2): print(f"No text encoder found in {_path_1}, skipping...") continue l1 = torch.load(_path_1) l2 = torch.load(_path_2) l1pairs = zip(l1[::2], l1[1::2]) l2pairs = zip(l2[::2], l2[1::2]) for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(l1pairs, l2pairs): # print("Merging", x1.shape, y1.shape, x2.shape, y2.shape) = alpha_1 * + alpha_2 * = alpha_1 * + alpha_2 * out_list.append(x1) out_list.append(y1) if opt == "unet": print("Saving merged UNET to", output_path), output_path) elif opt == "text_encoder": print("Saving merged text encoder to", _text_lora_path(output_path)) out_list, _text_lora_path(output_path), ) elif path_1.endswith(".safetensors") and path_2.endswith(".safetensors"): safeloras_1 = safe_open(path_1, framework="pt", device="cpu") safeloras_2 = safe_open(path_2, framework="pt", device="cpu") metadata = dict(safeloras_1.metadata()) metadata.update(dict(safeloras_2.metadata())) ret_tensor = {} for keys in set(list(safeloras_1.keys()) + list(safeloras_2.keys())): if keys.startswith("text_encoder") or keys.startswith("unet"): tens1 = safeloras_1.get_tensor(keys) tens2 = safeloras_2.get_tensor(keys) tens = alpha_1 * tens1 + alpha_2 * tens2 ret_tensor[keys] = tens else: if keys in safeloras_1.keys(): tens1 = safeloras_1.get_tensor(keys) else: tens1 = safeloras_2.get_tensor(keys) ret_tensor[keys] = tens1 save_file(ret_tensor, output_path, metadata) elif mode == "upl": print( f"Merging UNET/CLIP from {path_1} with LoRA from {path_2} to {output_path}. Merging ratio : {alpha_1}." ) loaded_pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( path_1, ).to("cpu") patch_pipe(loaded_pipeline, path_2) collapse_lora(loaded_pipeline.unet, alpha_1) collapse_lora(loaded_pipeline.text_encoder, alpha_1) monkeypatch_remove_lora(loaded_pipeline.unet) monkeypatch_remove_lora(loaded_pipeline.text_encoder) loaded_pipeline.save_pretrained(output_path) elif mode == "upl-ckpt-v2": assert output_path.endswith(".ckpt"), "Only .ckpt files are supported" name = os.path.basename(output_path)[0:-5] print( f"You will be using {name} as the token in A1111 webui. Make sure {name} is unique enough token." ) loaded_pipeline = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained( path_1, ).to("cpu") tok_dict = patch_pipe(loaded_pipeline, path_2, patch_ti=False) collapse_lora(loaded_pipeline.unet, alpha_1) collapse_lora(loaded_pipeline.text_encoder, alpha_1) monkeypatch_remove_lora(loaded_pipeline.unet) monkeypatch_remove_lora(loaded_pipeline.text_encoder) _tmp_output = output_path + ".tmp" loaded_pipeline.save_pretrained(_tmp_output) convert_to_ckpt(_tmp_output, output_path, as_half=True) # remove the tmp_output folder shutil.rmtree(_tmp_output) keys = sorted(tok_dict.keys()) tok_catted = torch.stack([tok_dict[k] for k in keys]) ret = { "string_to_token": {"*": torch.tensor(265)}, "string_to_param": {"*": tok_catted}, "name": name, }, output_path[:-5] + ".pt") print( f"Textual embedding saved as {output_path[:-5]}.pt, put it in the embedding folder and use it as {name} in A1111 repo, " ) elif mode == "ljl": print("Using Join mode : alpha will not have an effect here.") assert path_1.endswith(".safetensors") and path_2.endswith( ".safetensors" ), "Only .safetensors files are supported" safeloras_1 = safe_open(path_1, framework="pt", device="cpu") safeloras_2 = safe_open(path_2, framework="pt", device="cpu") total_tensor, total_metadata, _, _ = lora_join([safeloras_1, safeloras_2]) save_file(total_tensor, output_path, total_metadata) else: print("Unknown mode", mode) raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}") def main(): fire.Fire(add)