simecek's picture
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from import * # Importing the necessary fastai modules
import gradio as gr # Importing Gradio for creating the web interface
import timm # Importing timm for model management
# Load the pre-trained model
learn = load_learner('model.pkl')
# Extract categories (class labels) from the DataLoader
categories = learn.dls.vocab
# Function to classify an image
def classify_image(img):
_, _, probs = learn.predict(img)
return dict(zip(categories, map(float, probs))) # Map categories to their probabilities
# Define Gradio input and output components
image = gr.Image(width=224, height=224) # Image input
label = gr.Label() # Output label to display classification
examples = ['test_image1.jpg', 'test_image2.jpg'] # Example images for demonstration
# Create and launch the Gradio interface
intf = gr.Interface(fn=classify_image, inputs=image, outputs=label, examples=examples)