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<h1> | |
<img src="./img/exBERT.png" height="50" /> | |
- A Visual Analysis of BERT | |
</h1> | |
<p class="lead"> | |
<a target="_blank" href="">Benjamin Hoover</a>, | |
<a target="_blank" href="">Hendrik Strobelt</a>, | |
<a target="_blank" href="">Sebastian Gehrmann</a> | |
</p> | |
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<p> | |
Large language models can produce powerful contextual representations that lead to improvements across many | |
NLP tasks. | |
Since these models are typically guided by a sequence of learned self attention mechanisms and may comprise | |
undesired inductive biases, it is paramount to be able to explore what the attention has learned. | |
While static analyses of these models lead to targeted insights, interactive tools are more dynamic and can | |
help humans better gain an intuition for the model-internal reasoning process. | |
</p> | |
<p> | |
We present <b>exBERT</b> , an interactive tool named after the popular BERT language model, that provides | |
insights into the meaning of the contextual representations by matching a human-specified input to similar | |
contexts in a large annotated dataset. | |
By aggregating the annotations of the matching similar contexts, <b>exBERT</b> helps intuitively explain | |
what each attention-head has learned. | |
</p> | |
<p> Large language models can produce powerful contextual representations that lead to improvements across many | |
NLP tasks. Though these models can comprise undesired inductive biases, it is challenging to identify what | |
information they encode in their learned representations. </p> | |
<p> Since the model-internal reasoning process is often guided by a sequence of learned self-attention | |
mechanisms, it is paramount to be able to explore what the attention has learned. While static analyses for | |
this can lead to targeted insights, interactive tools can be more dynamic and help humans gain an intuition | |
for the model-internal reasoning process. We present exBERT, a tool that helps to gain insights into the | |
meaning of the contextual representations. exBERT matches a human-specified input to similar contexts in a | |
large annotated dataset. By aggregating these annotations across all similar contexts, exBERT can help to | |
explain what each attention-head has learned. </p> | |
<p> Thanks to | |
<a target="_blank" href="">Jesse Vig</a> | |
for feedback. Please let us know what you think by commenting below! </p> | |
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<span style="white-space: nowrap;"><b>IBM</b> Research, Cambridge </span><br> | |
<b>MIT-IBM</b> Watson <b>AI Lab</b> | |
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