from typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional from tantivy import Index import logging import os import re class TantivySearch: def __init__(self, index_path: str): """Initialize the Tantivy search agent with the index path""" self.index_path = index_path self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: self.index ="Successfully opened Tantivy index at {index_path}") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to open Tantivy index: {e}") raise def get_query_instructions(self) -> str: """Return instructions for the LLM on how to parse and construct Tantivy queries""" return """ Instructions for generating a query: 1. Boolean Operators: - AND: term1 AND term2 (both required) - OR: term1 OR term2 (either term) - Multiple words default to OR operation (cloud network = cloud OR network) - AND takes precedence over OR - Example: Shabath AND (walk OR go) 2. Field-specific Terms: - Field-specific terms: field:term - Example: text:אדם AND reference:בראשית - available fields: text, reference, topics - text contains the text of the document - reference contains the citation of the document, e.g. בראשית, פרק א - topics contains the topics of the document. available topics includes: תנך, הלכה, מדרש, etc. 3. Required/Excluded Terms: - Required (+): +term (must contain) - Excluded (-): -term (must not contain) - Example: +security cloud -deprecated - Equivalent to: security AND cloud AND NOT deprecated 4. Phrase Search: - Use quotes: "exact phrase" - Both single/double quotes work - Escape quotes with \\" - Slop operator: "term1 term2"~N - Example: "cloud security"~2 - the above will find "cloud framework and security " - Prefix matching: "start of phrase"* 5. Wildcards: - ? for single character - * for any number of characters - Example: sec?rity cloud* 6. Special Features: - All docs: * - Boost terms: term^2.0 (positive numbers only) - Example: security^2.0 cloud - the above will boost security by 2.0 Query Examples: 1. Basic: +שבת +חולה +אסור 2. Field-specific: text:סיני AND topics:תנך 3. Phrase with slop: "security framework"~2 4. Complex: +reference:בראשית +text:"הבל"^2.0 +(דמי OR דמים) -הבלים 6. Mixed: (text:"רבנו משה"^2.0 OR reference:"משנה תורה") AND topics:הלכה) AND text:"תורה המלך"~3 AND NOT topics:מדרש Tips: - Group complex expressions with parentheses - Use quotes for exact phrases - Add + for required terms, - for excluded terms - Boost important terms with ^N - use field-specific terms for better results. """ def search(self, query: str, num_results: int = 10) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Search the Tantivy index with the given query using Tantivy's query syntax""" try: # Create a searcher searcher = self.index.searcher() # Parse and execute the query try: # First try with lenient parsing query_parser = self.index.parse_query_lenient(query) search_results =[0], num_results).hits except Exception as query_error: self.logger.error(f"Lenient query parsing failed: {query_error}") # Process results results = [] for score, doc_address in search_results: doc = searcher.doc(doc_address) text = doc.get_first("text") # Extract highlighted snippets based on query terms # Remove special syntax for highlighting while preserving Hebrew highlight_terms = re.sub( r'[:"()[\]{}^~*\\]|\b(AND|OR|NOT|TO|IN)\b|[-+]', ' ', query ).strip() highlight_terms = [term for term in highlight_terms.split() if len(term) > 1] # Create regex pattern for highlighting if highlight_terms: # Escape regex special chars but preserve Hebrew patterns = [re.escape(term) for term in highlight_terms] pattern = '|'.join(patterns) # Get surrounding context for matches matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE)) if matches: highlights = [] for match in matches: start = max(0, match.start() - 50) end = min(len(text), match.end() + 50) highlight = text[start:end] if start > 0: highlight = f"...{highlight}" if end < len(text): highlight = f"{highlight}..." highlights.append(highlight) else: highlights = [text[:100] + "..." if len(text) > 100 else text] else: highlights = [text[:100] + "..." if len(text) > 100 else text] result = { "score": float(score), "title": doc.get_first("title") or os.path.basename(doc.get_first("filePath") or ""), "reference": doc.get_first("reference"), "topics": doc.get_first("topics"), "file_path": doc.get_first("filePath"), "line_number": doc.get_first("segment"), "is_pdf": doc.get_first("isPdf"), "text": text, "highlights": highlights } results.append(result)"Found {len(results)} results for query: {query}") return results except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Error during search: {str(e)}") return [] def validate_index(self) -> bool: """Validate that the index exists and is accessible""" try: # Try to create a searcher and perform a simple search searcher = self.index.searcher() query_parser = self.index.parse_query("*"), 1) return True except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Index validation failed: {e}") return False