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@@ -49,12 +49,10 @@ def make_plot(n_samples, n_features, n_tasks, n_relevant_features, alpha, progre
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return fig
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## Description
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Multi-task Lasso allows us to jointly fit multiple regression problems by enforcing the selected
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is a time instant, and the relevant features, while being the same, vary in amplitude over time.
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Multi-task lasso imposes that features that are selected at one time point are selected
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for all time points. This makes feature selection more stable than by regular Lasso.
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## Model
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currentmodule: sklearn.linear_model
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return fig
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model_card = f"""
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## Description
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Multi-task Lasso allows us to jointly fit multiple regression problems by enforcing the selected features to be the same across tasks. This example simulates sequential measurement. Each task
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is a time instant, and the relevant features, while being the same, vary in amplitude over time. Multi-task lasso imposes that features that are selected at one time point are selected
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for all time points. This makes feature selection more stable than by regular Lasso.
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## Model
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currentmodule: sklearn.linear_model