Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 12,549 Bytes
0ca9ca4 cbce8d4 ff35886 cbce8d4 0ca9ca4 53f077b |
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# Install poetry
conda create -n poetry_env python=3.10 -y
conda activate poetry_env
pip install poetry
poetry env info
poetry new pytorch_project
cd pytorch_project/
# fill up the pyproject.toml file without pytorch and torchvision
poetry install
# Add dependencies to the project for pytorch and torchvision
poetry source add --priority explicit pytorch_cpu
poetry add --source pytorch_cpu torch torchvision
poetry lock
poetry show
# Add dependencies to the project
poetry add matplotlib
poetry add hydra-core
poetry add omegaconf
poetry add hydra_colorlog
poetry add --dev black #
poetry lock
poetry show
Type Purpose Installation Command
Normal Dependency Required for the app to run in production. poetry add <package>
Development Dependency Needed only during development (e.g., testing, linting). poetry add --dev <package>
# Add dependencies to the project with specific version
poetry add <package_name>@<version>
#### Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for a New Code Repo
If you're new to the project and need to set up Docker and Docker Compose to run the training and inference steps, follow these steps.
### 1. Setting Up the Dockerfile
A Dockerfile is a set of instructions that Docker uses to create an image. In this case, we'll use a __multi-stage build__ to make the final image lightweight while managing dependencies with `Poetry`.
#### Step-by-Step Process for Creating the Dockerfile
1. __Choose a Base Image__:
- We need to choose a Python image that matches the project's required version (e.g., Python 3.10.14).
- Use the lightweight __`slim`__ version to minimize image size.
FROM python:3.10.14-slim as builder
2. __Install Dependencies in the Build Stage__:
- We'll use __Poetry__ for dependency management. Install it using `pip`.
- Next, copy the `pyproject.toml` and `poetry.lock` files to the `/app` directory to install dependencies.
RUN pip3 install poetry==1.7.1
COPY pytorch_project/pyproject.toml pytorch_project/poetry.lock /app/
3. __Configure Poetry__:
- Configure Poetry to install the dependencies in a virtual environment inside the project directory (not globally). This keeps everything contained and avoids conflicts with the system environment.
4. __Install Dependencies__:
- Use `poetry install --no-root` to install only the dependencies and not the package itself. This is because you typically don't need to install the actual project code at this stage.
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/poetry_cache poetry install --only main --no-root
5. __Build the Runtime Stage__:
- Now, set up the final runtime image. This stage will only include the required application code and the virtual environment created in the first stage.
- The final image will use the same Python base image but remain small by avoiding the re-installation of dependencies.
FROM python:3.10.14-slim as runner
COPY src /app/src
COPY --from=builder /app/.venv /app/.venv
6. __Set Up the Path to Use the Virtual Environment__:
- Update the `PATH` environment variable to use the Python binaries from the virtual environment.
ENV PATH="/app/.venv/bin:$PATH"
7. __Set a Default Command__:
- Finally, set the command that will be executed by default when the container is run. You can change or override this later in the Docker Compose file.
CMD ["python", "-m", "src.train"]
### Final Dockerfile
# Stage 1: Build environment with Poetry and dependencies
FROM python:3.10.14-slim as builder
RUN pip3 install poetry==1.7.1
COPY pytorch_project/pyproject.toml pytorch_project/poetry.lock /app/
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/tmp/poetry_cache poetry install --only main --no-root
# Stage 2: Runtime environment
FROM python:3.10.14-slim as runner
COPY src /app/src
COPY --from=builder /app/.venv /app/.venv
ENV PATH="/app/.venv/bin:$PATH"
CMD ["python", "-m", "src.train"]
### 2. Setting Up the docker-compose.yml File
The `docker-compose.yml` file is used to define and run multiple Docker containers as services. In this case, we need two services: one for __training__ and one for __inference__.
### Step-by-Step Process for Creating docker-compose.yml
1. __Define the Version__:
- Docker Compose uses a versioning system. Use version `3.8`, which is widely supported and offers features such as networking and volume support.
version: '3.8'
2. __Set Up the `train` Service__:
- The `train` service is responsible for running the training script. It builds the Docker image, runs the training command, and uses volumes to store the data, checkpoints, and artifacts.
context: .
command: python -m src.train
- data:/app/data
- checkpoints:/app/checkpoints
- artifacts:/app/artifacts
shm_size: '2g' # Increase shared memory to prevent DataLoader issues
- default
- .env # Load environment variables
3. __Set Up the `inference` Service__:
- The `inference` service runs after the training has completed. It waits for a file (e.g., `train_done.flag`) to be created by the training process and then runs the inference script.
context: .
command: /bin/bash -c "while [ ! -f /app/checkpoints/train_done.flag ]; do sleep 10; done; python -m src.infer"
- checkpoints:/app/checkpoints
- artifacts:/app/artifacts
shm_size: '2g'
- default
- train
- .env
4. __Define Shared Volumes__:
- Volumes allow services to share data. Here, we define three shared volumes:
- `data`: Stores the input data.
- `checkpoints`: Stores the model checkpoints and the flag indicating training is complete.
- `artifacts`: Stores the final model outputs or artifacts.
5. __Set Up Networking__:
- Use the default network to allow the services to communicate.
### Final docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
context: .
command: python -m src.train
- data:/app/data
- checkpoints:/app/checkpoints
- artifacts:/app/artifacts
shm_size: '2g'
- default
- .env
context: .
command: /bin/bash -c "while [ ! -f /app/checkpoints/train_done.flag ]; do sleep 10; done; python -m src.infer"
- checkpoints:/app/checkpoints
- artifacts:/app/artifacts
shm_size: '2g'
- default
- train
- .env
### Summary
1. __Dockerfile__:
- A multi-stage Dockerfile is used to create a lightweight image where the dependencies are installed with Poetry and the application code is run using a virtual environment.
- It ensures that all dependencies are isolated in a virtual environment, and the final container only includes what is necessary for the runtime.
2. __docker-compose.yml__:
- The `docker-compose.yml` file defines two services:
- __train__: Runs the training script and stores checkpoints.
- __inference__: Waits for the training to finish and runs inference based on the saved model.
- Shared volumes ensure that the services can access data, checkpoints, and artifacts.
- `shm_size` is increased to prevent issues with DataLoader in PyTorch when using multiple workers.
This setup allows for easy management of multiple services using Docker Compose, ensuring reproducibility and simplicity.
## __References__
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
- <>
8. ## __DVC SETUP__
First, install dvc using the following command
dvc init
dvc version
dvc init -f
dvc config core.autostage true
dvc add data
dvc remote add -d myremote /tmp/dvcstore
dvc push
Add some more file in the data directory and run the following commands
dvc add data
dvc push
dvc pull
Next go back to 1 commit and run the following command
git checkout HEAD~1
dvc checkout
# you will get one file less
Next go back to the latest commit and run the following command
git checkout -
dvc checkout
dv pull
dvc commit
Next run the following command to add google drive as a remote
dvc remote add --default gdrive gdrive://1w2e3r4t5y6u7i8o9p0
dvc remote modify gdrive gdrive_acknowledge_abuse true
dvc remote modify gdrive gdrive_client_id <>
dvc remote modify gdrive gdrive_client_secret <>
# does not work when used from VM and port forwarding to local machine
Next run the following command to add azure-blob as a remote
dvc remote remove azblob
dvc remote add --default azblob azure://mycontainer/myfolder
dvc remote modify --local azblob connection_string "<>"
dvc remote modify azblob allow_anonymous_login true
dvc push -r azblob
# this works when used and requires no explicit login
Next we will add S3 as a remote
dvc remote add --default aws_remote s3://deep-bucket-s3/data
dvc remote modify --local aws_remote access_key_id <>
dvc remote modify --local aws_remote secret_access_key <>
dvc remote modify --local aws_remote region ap-south-1
dvc remote modify aws_remote region ap-south-1
dvc push -r aws_remote -v
9. ## __HYDRA SETUP__
# Install hydra
pip install hydra-core hydra_colorlog omegaconf
# Fillup the configs folder with the files as per the project
# Run the following command to run the hydra experiment
# for train
python -m src.hydra_test experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=train ++train=True ++test=False
# for eval
python -m src.hydra_test experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=eval ++train=False ++test=True
# for both
python -m src.hydra_test experiment=catdog_experiment task_name=train train=True test=True # + means adding new key value pair to the existing config and ++ means overriding the existing key value pair
10. ## __LOCAL SETUP__
python -m src.train experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=train ++train=True ++test=False
python -m src.train experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=eval ++train=False ++test=True
python -m src.infer experiment=catdog_experiment
dvc repro
12. ## _DVC Experiments_
- To run the dvc experiments keep different experiment_<>.yaml files in the configs folder under experiment folder
- Make sure to override the default values in the experiment_<>.yaml file for each parameter that you want to change
13. ## _HYDRA Experiments_
- make sure to declare te config file in yaml format in the configs folder hparam
- have hparam null in train and eval config file
- run the following command to run the hydra experiment
python -m src.train --multirun experiment=catdog_experiment_convnext ++task_name=train ++train=True ++test=False hparam=catdog_classifier_covnext
python -m src.create_artifacts
14. ## __Latest Execution Command__
python -m src.train_optuna_callbacks experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=train ++train=True ++test=False
python -m src.train_optuna_callbacks experiment=catdog_experiment ++task_name=test ++train=False ++test=True
python -m src.infer experiment=catdog_experiment
``` |