pptx-parser / app.py
stzhao's picture
Update app.py
043141a verified
import gradio as gr
from pptx import Presentation
from pptx.util import Pt, Inches
from pptx.shapes.group import GroupShape
from pptx.dml.color import RGBColor
from pptx.enum.text import PP_ALIGN
from pptx.shapes.picture import Picture
import json
import os
from PIL import Image
import io
from pptx2png import pptx_to_images, render_images_with_skia
def print_json(item):
item_json = json.dumps(item, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
return item_json
def transfer_textbox_content_in_group(group_shape):
"""Edit the content of text boxes within a group shape."""
group_shape_item = {}
for l, shape in enumerate(group_shape.shapes):
shape_item = {}
if shape.has_text_frame:
shape_item['type'] = "text"
shape_item['location'] = (shape.left, shape.top)
text_frame = shape.text_frame
for r, paragraph in enumerate(text_frame.paragraphs):
original_run = paragraph.runs[0]
paragraph_item = {}
paragraph_item['text'] = paragraph.text
paragraph_item['align'] = paragraph.alignment
font_item = {}
font_item['name'] = original_run.font.name
font_item['bold'] = original_run.font.bold
font_item['italic'] = original_run.font.italic
font_item['underline'] = original_run.font.underline
font_item['color'] = original_run.font.color.rgb
font_item['language_id'] = original_run.font.language_id
paragraph_item['font'] = font_item
shape_item[f'paragraph_{r}'] = paragraph_item
group_shape_item[f"shape_{l}"] = shape_item
return group_shape_item
def transfer_to_structure(pptx_file, images_dir_path):
item = {}
prs = Presentation(pptx_file)
image_path_list = []
# Iterate through each slide in the presentation
for i, slide in enumerate(prs.slides):
# Iterate through each shape in the slide
slide_item = {}
for j, shape in enumerate(slide.shapes):
# If the shape is a group, process its shapes
shape_item = {}
if shape.has_text_frame:
text_frame = shape.text_frame
for paragraph in text_frame.paragraphs:
# Clear the existing text but keep the paragraph
# Add a new run with the new content and copy font style
run = paragraph.add_run()
run.text = new_content
if paragraph.runs:
original_run = paragraph.runs[0]
copy_font_style(original_run, run)
elif isinstance(shape, GroupShape):
shape_item['type'] = "group"
group_shape_item = transfer_textbox_content_in_group(shape)
shape_item['group_content'] = group_shape_item
elif isinstance(shape, Picture):
shape_item['type'] = "picture"
image_path = os.path.join(images_dir_path, f"picture_{j}.png")
shape_item['image_path'] = image_path
shape_item['size'] = shape.image.size # width, height
shape_item['dpi'] = shape.image.dpi # (horz_dpi, vert_dpi)
shape_item['location'] = (shape.left, shape.top)
shape_item['location_inches'] = (Inches(shape.left).inches, Inches(shape.top).inches)
image_stream = io.BytesIO(shape.image.blob)
shape_image = Image.open(image_stream)
slide_item[f"shape_{j}"] = shape_item
item[f"slide_{i}"] = slide_item
return print_json(item), image_path_list
def copy_font_style(original_run, new_run):
new_run.font.name = original_run.font.name
new_run.font.bold = original_run.font.bold
new_run.font.italic = original_run.font.italic
new_run.font.underline = original_run.font.underline
new_run.font.color.rgb = original_run.font.color.rgb
new_run.font.language_id = original_run.font.language_id
def process_pptx(pptx_file):
images_dir_path = "images"
output_dir = "rendered_png" # Directory to save the rendered images
if not os.path.exists(images_dir_path):
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
json_output, image_paths = transfer_to_structure(pptx_file, images_dir_path)
images, slide_dimensions = pptx_to_images(pptx_file)
rendered_image_path = render_images_with_skia(images, slide_dimensions, output_dir)
print(image_paths, rendered_image_path)
return json_output, image_paths, rendered_image_path
# Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.File(label="Upload PowerPoint File"),
outputs=[gr.Textbox(label="JSON Output"), gr.Gallery(label="Extracted Images"), gr.Image(type="filepath", label="PPT Preview")],
title="PowerPoint to JSON Converter",
description="Upload a PowerPoint file to convert its structure to JSON and display extracted images."