import streamlit as st from collections import Counter import tensorflow as tf import keras from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import text,sequence from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer import nltk'punkt') from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize'stopwords') from nltk.corpus import stopwords'wordnet') from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer from textblob import TextBlob, Blobber from textblob_fr import PatternTagger, PatternAnalyzer import spacy.cli"fr_core_news_md") import torch import sentencepiece as spm from transformers import CamembertTokenizer, CamembertModel from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity # nombre de mots et de mots uniques def number_words(text): word = text.split() return 'Nombre de mots : {} - Nombre de mots uniques : {}'.format(len(word), len(Counter(word))) # polarité def polarity(text): tb = Blobber(pos_tagger=PatternTagger(), analyzer=PatternAnalyzer()) if tb(text).sentiment[0] < 0: return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est plus négatif que positif' elif tb(text).sentiment[0] > 0: return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est plus positif que négatif' else : return f'La polarité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[0]} : ce texte est neutre, pas plus négatif que positif' # subjectivité def subjectivity(text): tb = Blobber(pos_tagger=PatternTagger(), analyzer=PatternAnalyzer()) if tb(text).sentiment[1] < 0.5: return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est plus subjectif que factuel' elif tb(text).sentiment[1] > 0.5: return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est plus subjectif que factuel' else : return f'La subjectivité de ce texte est {tb(text).sentiment[1]} : ce texte est neutre, pas plus subjectif que factuel' # mots clés def keywords(text): nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_md") text2 = nlp(text) text_keywords = [token.text for token in text2 if token.pos_== 'NOUN' or token.pos_== 'PROPN' or token.pos_== 'VERB'] counter_words = Counter(text_keywords) most_freq_words = [word for word in counter_words.most_common(10)] most_freq_words_p = [] for i in range(len(most_freq_words)): mfwp = most_freq_words[i][0] most_freq_words_p.append(mfwp) return most_freq_words_p # summary1 def summary_1(text): model = CamembertModel.from_pretrained('camembert-base') tokenizer = CamembertTokenizer.from_pretrained('camembert-base') ## preprocessing sentences = sent_tokenize(text) tokenized_sentences = [tokenizer.encode(sent, add_special_tokens=True) for sent in sentences] ## padding, encoding max_len = 0 for i in tokenized_sentences: if len(i) > max_len: max_len = len(i) padded_sentences = [] for i in tokenized_sentences: while len(i) < max_len: i.append(0) padded_sentences.append(i) input_ids = torch.tensor(padded_sentences) ## embedding with torch.no_grad(): last_hidden_states = model(input_ids)[0] sentence_embeddings = [] for i in range(len(sentences)): sentence_embeddings.append(torch.mean(last_hidden_states[i], dim=0).numpy()) ## summarizing similarity_matrix = cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings) num_sentences = 3 summary_sentences = [] for i in range(num_sentences): sentence_scores = list(enumerate(similarity_matrix[i])) sentence_scores = sorted(sentence_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) summary_sentences.append(sentences[sentence_scores[1][0]]) summary = ' '.join(summary_sentences) return summary # summary2 def summary_2(text): nlp = spacy.load("fr_core_news_md") text2 = nlp(text) text_keywords = [token.text for token in text2 if token.pos_== 'NOUN' or token.pos_== 'PROPN'] counter_words = Counter(text_keywords) most_freq_words = [word for word in counter_words.most_common(3)] most_freq_words_p = [] for i in range(len(most_freq_words)): mfwp = most_freq_words[i][0] most_freq_words_p.append(mfwp) sentences = sent_tokenize(text) summary = [] for sent in sentences: for word in sent.split(): if word in most_freq_words_p and sent not in summary: summary.append(sent) return summary def analyze_text(text): nb_mots = number_words(text) polarite = polarity(text) subjectivite = subjectivity(text) mots_cles = keywords(text) resume1 = summary_1(text) resume2 = summary_2(text) return nb_mots, polarite, subjectivite, mots_cles, resume1, resume2 background_style = """ """ st.markdown(background_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title('Text Analysis and Summary') text = st.text_area('Enter text here:') if st.button('Analyze'): if text: nb_mots, polarite, subjectivite, mots_cles, resume1, resume2 = analyze_text(text) st.write(nb_mots) st.write(polarite) st.write(subjectivite) st.write('Mots clés :', ', '.join(mots_cles)) st.write(f'Résumé 1 : {resume1}') st.write(f'Résumé 2 : {resume2}') if st.button('Clear'): text = "" With this setup, your Streamlit app will display the background image behind your app's content. Make sure the image file is in the same directory as your script, and adjust the CSS properties in the background_style variable as needed to achieve the desired appearance. st.title('Text Analysis and Summary') text = st.text_area('Enter text here:') if st.button('Analyze'): if text: nb_mots, polarite, subjectivite, mots_cles, resume1, resume2 = analyze_text(text) st.write(nb_mots) st.write(polarite) st.write(subjectivite) st.write('Mots clés :', ', '.join(mots_cles)) st.write(f'Résumé 1 : {resume1}') st.write('Résumé 2 :', ''.join(resume2)) if st.button('Clear'): text = ""