{ "version": "2.1.0", "contents": { "Awesome-lists": { "https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-prompts", "user_name": "f", "language": "HTML", "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.", "topics": [ "bots", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "language" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、ChatGPTをより効果的に使用するためのChatGPTプロンプトのキュレーションが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包括ChatGPT提示的策划,以更好地使用ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包括了 ChatGPT 提示的策略,以更好地使用 ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/humanloop/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "humanloop", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt3", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3", "ja": "ChatGPTとGPT-3の素晴らしいツール、デモ、ドキュメントの厳選リスト", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT和GPT-3的精选工具、演示和文档列表", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT和GPT-3的精選工具、演示和文檔列表" } }, "https://github.com/nichtdax/awesome-totally-open-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-totally-open-chatgpt", "user_name": "nichtdax", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT", "topics": [ "alternative", "awesome", "awesome-list", "awesome-lists", "chatgpt", "open-source" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTの完全にオープンな代替リスト", "zh-hans": "一份完全开放的ChatGPT替代方案列表", "zh-hant": "一份完全開放的ChatGPT替代方案清單" } }, "https://github.com/plexpt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh", "user_name": "PlexPt", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。", "topics": [ "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Chinese training guide. Usage guide for various scenarios. Learn how to make it listen to you.", "ja": "ChatGPTの中国語調教ガイド。様々なシーンでの使用ガイド。あなたの言葉を聞かせる方法を学ぶ。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 中文調教指南。各種場景使用指南。學習怎麼讓它聽你的話。" } }, "https://github.com/reorx/awesome-chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-api", "user_name": "reorx", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Curated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIを使用するだけでなく、ユーザーが独自のAPIキーを設定して、自分のクオータを無料でオンデマンドで使用できるようにするアプリやツールのキュレーションリスト。", "zh-hans": "筛选出的应用程序和工具列表不仅使用新的ChatGPT API,而且还允许用户配置自己的API密钥,从而实现自由和按需使用自己的配额。", "zh-hant": "經過精心挑選的應用程式和工具清單,不僅使用新的ChatGPT API,還允許用戶配置自己的API密鑰,實現自由和按需使用自己的配額。" } }, "https://github.com/dalinvip/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "Awesome-ChatGPT", "user_name": "dalinvip", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT资料汇总学习,持续更新......", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt", "gpt-3", "nlp", "openai", "reinforcement-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT data summary for learning, continuously updated...", "ja": "ChatGPTの情報をまとめた学習資料、継続的に更新中...", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT资料汇总学习,持续更新......\nChatGPT资料汇总学习,持续更新......", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT資料匯總學習,持續更新......" } }, "https://github.com/csbl-br/awesome-compbio-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-compbio-chatgpt", "user_name": "csbl-br", "language": null, "license": "The Unlicense", "description": "An awesome repository of community-curated applications of ChatGPT and other LLMs im computational biology", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An awesome repository of community-curated applications of ChatGPT and other LLMs im computational biology", "ja": "コミュニティがキュレーションしたChatGPTや他のLLMsの計算生物学アプリケーションの素晴らしいリポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "一个由社区策划的ChatGPT和其他计算生物学LLMs应用的令人惊叹的存储库。", "zh-hant": "一個由社區共同維護的ChatGPT和其他計算生物學LLMs應用程式的絕佳存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/openmindclub/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "OpenMindClub", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "⚡ Everything about ChatGPT", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "openai", "openminclub", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "resources" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡ Everything about ChatGPT", "ja": "⚡ ChatGPTについてのすべて", "zh-hans": "⚡ 关于ChatGPT的一切", "zh-hant": "⚡ 關於ChatGPT的一切" } }, "https://github.com/saharmor/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "saharmor", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Selected ChatGPT demos, tools, articles, and more ✨", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Selected ChatGPT demos, tools, articles, and more ✨", "ja": "選択されたChatGPTのデモ、ツール、記事、その他 ✨", "zh-hans": "精选的ChatGPT演示、工具、文章等等 ✨", "zh-hant": "精選的ChatGPT演示、工具、文章等等 ✨" } }, "https://github.com/yzfly/awesome-chatgpt-zh": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-zh", "user_name": "yzfly", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT 中文指南,ChatGPT 中文调教指南,指令指南,精选资源清单,更好的使用 chatGPT 让你的生产力 up up up! ", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt35-turbo", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Chinese Guide, ChatGPT Chinese Training Guide, Instruction Guide, Selected Resource List, Better use of ChatGPT to boost your productivity up up up!", "ja": "ChatGPTの中国語ガイド、ChatGPTの中国語調教ガイド、指示ガイド、厳選されたリソースリスト、ChatGPTをより効果的に使用して生産性を向上させましょう!", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 中文指南,ChatGPT 中文调教指南,指令指南,精选资源清单,更好的使用 ChatGPT 让你的生产力 up up up!", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 中文指南,ChatGPT 中文調教指南,指令指南,精選資源清單,更好的使用 ChatGPT 讓你的生產力 up up up!" } }, "https://github.com/eon01/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "eon01", "language": null, "license": "Other", "description": "🧠 A curated list of awesome ChatGPT resources, including libraries, SDKs, APIs, and more. 🌟 Please consider supporting this project by giving it a star.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-api-wrapper", "chatgpt-browser-extension", "chatgpt-chrome-extension", "chatgpt-firefox-extension", "chatgpt-go", "chatgpt-sdk", "chatgpt3", "machine-learning", "machinelearning", "nlp", "openai", "openai-api", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🧠 A curated list of awesome ChatGPT resources, including libraries, SDKs, APIs, and more. 🌟 Please consider supporting this project by giving it a star.", "ja": "🧠 ChatGPTの素晴らしいリソースの厳選リストです。ライブラリ、SDK、APIなどが含まれます。🌟このプロジェクトをサポートするために、スターをつけてください。", "zh-hans": "🧠 精选的 ChatGPT 资源列表,包括库、SDK、API 等等。🌟 请考虑通过给它点赞来支持这个项目。", "zh-hant": "🧠 精選的 ChatGPT 資源清單,包括庫、SDK、API 等等。🌟 請考慮給這個項目一個星星的支持。" } }, "https://github.com/taranjeet/awesome-gpt4": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt4", "user_name": "taranjeet", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Curated list of awesome resources, use cases and demos for GPT-4", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of awesome resources, use cases and demos for GPT-4", "ja": "GPT-4の素晴らしいリソース、ユースケース、デモの厳選リスト", "zh-hans": "GPT-4的资源、用例和演示的精选列表", "zh-hant": "GPT-4 的優秀資源、應用案例和演示的精選清單" } }, "https://github.com/cckuailong/awesome-gpt-security": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt-security", "user_name": "cckuailong", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "A curated list of awesome security tools, experimental case or other interesting things with LLM or GPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of awesome security tools, experimental case or other interesting things with LLM or GPT.", "ja": "LLMまたはGPTを使用した、素晴らしいセキュリティツール、実験的なケース、またはその他の興味深いものの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "一个由LLM或GPT实验案例、其他有趣的事物以及安全工具组成的策划清单。", "zh-hant": "一個由LLM或GPT製作的精選安全工具、實驗案例或其他有趣的事物的清單。" } }, "https://github.com/ora-sh/awesome-gpt4-prompts": { "repository_name": "Awesome-GPT4-Prompts", "user_name": "ora-sh", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A collection of awesome GPT4 prompts", "topics": [ "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of awesome GPT4 prompts", "ja": "素晴らしいGPT4プロンプトのコレクション", "zh-hans": "一组令人惊叹的GPT4提示集合", "zh-hant": "一系列令人驚嘆的GPT4提示集合" } }, "https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "sindresorhus", "language": null, "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI", "ja": "🤖 OpenAIによって開発された人工知能チャットボットChatGPTの素晴らしいリスト", "zh-hans": "🤖 ChatGPT的超棒列表——由OpenAI开发的人工智能聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "🤖 ChatGPT 的精彩列表 — 由 OpenAI 開發的人工智慧聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/lilittlecat/awesome-free-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-free-chatgpt", "user_name": "LiLittleCat", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated. ", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chat", "chatgpt", "free", "freechatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated. ", "ja": "🆓無料のChatGPTミラーサイトのリスト、常に更新中。", "zh-hans": "🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。", "zh-hant": "🆓免費的 ChatGPT 鏡像網站列表,持續更新。" } }, "https://github.com/snwfdhmp/awesome-gpt-prompt-engineering": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt-prompt-engineering", "user_name": "snwfdhmp", "language": null, "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "A curated list of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for GPT prompt engineering.", "topics": [ "awesome", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "prompt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for GPT prompt engineering.", "ja": "GPTプロンプトエンジニアリングのための素晴らしいリソース、ツール、その他の輝くものの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "一个为GPT提示工程师精心策划的资源、工具和其他闪亮物品的精选列表。", "zh-hant": "一個經過精心挑選的資源、工具和其他閃亮物品的清單,適用於GPT提示工程。" } }, "https://github.com/sechelper/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-cybersecurity": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-prompts-cybersecurity", "user_name": "sechelper", "language": null, "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "网络安全chatgpt指令集,训练chatgpt成为一名网络安全专家", "topics": [ "blueteam", "chatgpt", "cybersecurity", "hacker", "pantest", "prompts", "redteam" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Network security chatgpt command set, training chatgpt to become a network security expert.", "ja": "ネットワークセキュリティchatgptコマンドセット、chatgptをネットワークセキュリティ専門家にトレーニングする。", "zh-hans": "网络安全chatgpt指令集,训练chatgpt成为一名网络安全专家。", "zh-hant": "網絡安全chatgpt指令集,訓練chatgpt成為一名網絡安全專家。" } }, "https://github.com/lencx/awesome-ai": { "repository_name": "awesome-ai", "user_name": "lencx", "language": null, "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "🤖 Awesome AI", "topics": [ "ai", "application", "chatgpt", "gpt", "stable-diffusion", "tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Awesome AI", "ja": "🤖 素晴らしい人工知能", "zh-hans": "🤖 令人惊叹的人工智能", "zh-hant": "🤖 神奇人工智慧" } }, "https://github.com/skalskip/awesome-chatgpt-code-interpreter-experiments": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-code-interpreter-experiments", "user_name": "SkalskiP", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Awesome things you can do with ChatGPT + Code Interpreter combo 🔥", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "code-interpreter", "language" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome things you can do with ChatGPT + Code Interpreter combo 🔥", "ja": "ChatGPT + Code Interpreterコンボでできる素晴らしいこと 🔥", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT + Code Interpreter组合可以做的很棒的事情🔥", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT + Code Interpreter組合的超棒功能🔥" } }, "https://github.com/520hacker/awesome-ai": { "repository_name": "awesome-ai", "user_name": "520hacker", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "对开源AI转发套壳应用生态进行研究,收集开源AI转发套壳应用,并进行对比。 ChatGPT,OPENAI.AZURE,BAIDU,XUNFEI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Research on the ecosystem of open source AI forwarding shell applications, collect open source AI forwarding shell applications, and compare them. ChatGPT, OPENAI.AZURE, BAIDU, XUNFEI.", "ja": "オープンソースAI転送シェルアプリのエコシステムについて研究し、オープンソースAI転送シェルアプリを収集し、比較します。ChatGPT、OPENAI.AZURE、BAIDU、XUNFEI", "zh-hans": "对开源AI转发套壳应用生态进行研究,收集开源AI转发套壳应用,并进行对比。ChatGPT,OPENAI.AZURE,BAIDU,XUNFEI", "zh-hant": "對開源AI轉發套殼應用生態進行研究,收集開源AI轉發套殼應用,並進行對比。ChatGPT,OPENAI.AZURE,BAIDU,XUNFEI" } }, "https://github.com/changeyu0229/awesome-chatgpt-ai-zh": { "repository_name": "Awesome-ChatGPT-AI-ZH", "user_name": "ChangeYu0229", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "全网曝光超1000万的「AI 知识库」正式移步Github开源,永久免费更新,提供ChatGPT,Midjourney等使用教程", "topics": [ "ai", "aigc", "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "midjourney", "stable", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The \"AI Knowledge Base\" that has been exposed to over 10 million people on the internet is now officially open source on Github. It will be permanently updated for free and provide tutorials for using ChatGPT, Midjourney, and more.", "ja": "全ネットで1000万以上の露出を受けた「AI知識ベース」が正式にGithubでオープンソース化され、永久に無料で更新され、ChatGPT、Midjourneyなどの使用方法が提供されています。", "zh-hans": "全网曝光超过1000万的「AI 知识库」正式移步Github开源,永久免费更新,提供ChatGPT,Midjourney等使用教程。", "zh-hant": "全網曝光超1000萬的「AI 知識庫」正式移步Github開源,永久免費更新,提供ChatGPT,Midjourney等使用教程" } }, "https://github.com/onejune2018/awesome-llm-eval": { "repository_name": "Awesome-LLM-Eval", "user_name": "onejune2018", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Awesome-LLM-Eval: a curated list of tools, demos, papers, docs for Evaluation on Large Language Models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, GLM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome-LLM-Eval: a curated list of tools, demos, papers, docs for Evaluation on Large Language Models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, GLM", "ja": "Awesome-LLM-Eval:ChatGPT、LLaMA、GLMなどの大規模言語モデルの評価に関するツール、デモ、論文、ドキュメントの厳選リスト", "zh-hans": "令人惊叹的LLM评估:一个精选的工具、演示、论文、文档列表,用于评估像ChatGPT、LLaMA、GLM这样的大型语言模型。", "zh-hant": "超棒-LLM-Eval:一個精選的工具、演示、論文、文件列表,用於評估大型語言模型,如ChatGPT、LLaMA、GLM。" } }, "https://github.com/voidful/awesome-chatgpt-dataset": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-dataset", "user_name": "voidful", "language": null, "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Unlock the Power of LLM: Explore These Datasets to Train Your Own ChatGPT!", "topics": [ "awesome", "chatgpt", "dataset", "gpt4", "instructions" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unlock the Power of LLM: Explore These Datasets to Train Your Own ChatGPT!", "ja": "LLMの力を解放しましょう:これらのデータセットを使って独自のChatGPTをトレーニングしましょう!", "zh-hans": "解锁LLM的力量:探索这些数据集,训练您自己的ChatGPT!", "zh-hant": "解鎖 LLM 的力量:探索這些數據集,訓練您自己的 ChatGPT!" } }, "https://github.com/formulahendry/awesome-gpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt", "user_name": "formulahendry", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to GPT, ChatGPT, OpenAI, LLM, and more.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to GPT, ChatGPT, OpenAI, LLM, and more.", "ja": "GPT、ChatGPT、OpenAI、LLMなどに関連する素晴らしいプロジェクトとリソースの厳選リスト。\nGPT、ChatGPT、OpenAI、LLMなどに関連する素晴らしいプロジェクトとリソースの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "一个精选的与GPT、ChatGPT、OpenAI、LLM等相关的令人惊叹的项目和资源列表。", "zh-hant": "一個精心挑選的與GPT、ChatGPT、OpenAI、LLM等相關的令人驚嘆的項目和資源清單。" } }, "https://github.com/yaodongc/awesome-instruction-dataset": { "repository_name": "awesome-instruction-dataset", "user_name": "yaodongC", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A collection of open-source dataset to train instruction-following LLMs (ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca)", "topics": [ "awsome-lists", "datasets", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "instruction-following", "instruction-tuning", "language-model", "llama" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of open-source dataset to train instruction-following LLMs (ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca)", "ja": "指示に従うためのオープンソースデータセットのコレクション(ChatGPT、LLaMA、Alpaca)", "zh-hans": "一个用于训练指令跟随LLM(ChatGPT、LLaMA、Alpaca)的开源数据集合。", "zh-hant": "一個開源數據集的收藏,用於訓練指令遵從的LLMs(ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca)。" } }, "https://github.com/uhub/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "uhub", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A curated list of awesome ChatGPT related projects.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of awesome ChatGPT related projects.", "ja": "素晴らしいChatGPT関連プロジェクトの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "一个精选的令人惊叹的ChatGPT相关项目列表。", "zh-hant": "一個精心挑選的令人驚艷的ChatGPT相關項目清單。" } }, "https://github.com/promptslab/awesome-prompt-engineering": { "repository_name": "Awesome-Prompt-Engineering", "user_name": "promptslab", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "deep-learning", "few-shot-learning", "gpt", "gpt-3", "machine-learning", "openai", "prompt", "prompt-based-learning", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-generator", "prompt-learning", "prompt-toolkit", "prompt-tuning", "promptengineering", "text-to-image", "text-to-speech", "text-to-video" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc ", "ja": "このリポジトリには、Prompt Engineeringに焦点を当てたGenerative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT)、ChatGPT、PaLMなどの手動で選別されたリソースが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含了一个手动策划的资源,重点关注生成式预训练转换器(GPT)、ChatGPT、PaLM等方面的Prompt工程。", "zh-hant": "這個儲存庫包含了一些手動精選的資源,主要關注於生成式預訓練轉換器(GPT)、ChatGPT、PaLM等方面的提示工程。" } }, "https://github.com/filipecalegario/awesome-generative-ai": { "repository_name": "awesome-generative-ai", "user_name": "filipecalegario", "language": null, "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "A curated list of Generative AI tools, works, models, and references", "topics": [ "ai-art", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "dalle2", "embeddings", "generative-ai", "generative-art", "gpt-4", "image2image", "inpainting", "midjourney", "outpainting", "prompt-engineering", "semantic-search", "stable-diffusion", "text-to-image", "txt2img" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of Generative AI tools, works, models, and references", "ja": "選りすぐりの生成AIツール、作品、モデル、参考文献のリスト", "zh-hans": "一个精选的生成式人工智能工具、作品、模型和参考资料列表", "zh-hant": "一個精選的生成式人工智能工具、作品、模型和參考資料清單" } }, "https://github.com/ewingyangs/awesome-open-gpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-open-gpt", "user_name": "EwingYangs", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Collection of Open Source Projects Related to GPT,GPT相关开源项目合集🚀、精选🔥🔥", "topics": [ "agentgpt", "ai", "aigc", "audiogpt", "autogpt", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatbox", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-sdk", "gpt", "gpt4", "gpt4free", "huggingchat", "machinelearning", "minigpt", "moss", "open-source", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Collection of Open Source Projects Related to GPT,GPT相关开源项目合集🚀、精选🔥🔥", "ja": "GPTに関連するオープンソースプロジェクトのコレクション、GPT関連のオープンソースプロジェクトのまとめ🚀、厳選🔥🔥", "zh-hans": "GPT相关开源项目合集🚀、精选🔥🔥", "zh-hant": "GPT相關開源項目合集🚀、精選🔥🔥" } }, "https://github.com/ikaijua/awesome-aitools": { "repository_name": "Awesome-AITools", "user_name": "ikaijua", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Collection of AI-related utilities. Welcome to submit issues and pull requests /收藏AI相关的实用工具,欢迎提交issues 或者pull requests", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "llm", "tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Collection of AI-related utilities. Welcome to submit issues and pull requests /收藏AI相关的实用工具,欢迎提交issues 或者pull requests", "ja": "AI関連のユーティリティのコレクションです。問題やプルリクエストの提出を歓迎します。", "zh-hans": "收集了一系列与人工智能相关的实用工具。欢迎提交问题和拉取请求。", "zh-hant": "收藏AI相關的實用工具,歡迎提交issues或者pull requests" } }, "https://github.com/ai-boost/awesome-gpts": { "repository_name": "Awesome-GPTs", "user_name": "ai-boost", "language": null, "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "curated-list", "gpts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.", "ja": "素晴らしいGPTの厳選リスト 👍。", "zh-hans": "精选的超棒GPT清单👍。", "zh-hant": "精心挑選的超棒GPT清單👍。" } }, "https://github.com/hedlen/awesome-segment-anything": { "repository_name": "awesome-segment-anything", "user_name": "Hedlen", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Tracking and collecting papers/projects/others related to Segment Anything.", "topics": [ "application", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "image-generation", "inpainting", "object-detection", "segment-anything", "segmentation", "stable-diffusion", "suvey" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tracking and collecting papers/projects/others related to Segment Anything.", "ja": "セグメントアニシングに関連する論文、プロジェクト、その他の情報を追跡して収集します。", "zh-hans": "跟踪和收集与分割任何相关的论文/项目/其他内容。\n跟踪和收集与分割任何相关的论文/项目/其他内容。", "zh-hant": "追蹤並收集與分割任何相關的文件/專案/其他內容。" } }, "https://github.com/luban-agi/awesome-aigc-tutorials": { "repository_name": "Awesome-AIGC-Tutorials", "user_name": "luban-agi", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, AI Painting, and more. ", "topics": [ "ai", "aigc", "awesome", "chatgpt", "courses-resource", "deep-learning", "llm", "midjourney", "multimodal", "nlp", "prompt-engineering", "stable-diffusion", "tutorials" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, AI Painting, and more. ", "ja": "大規模言語モデル、AI絵画などのための厳選されたチュートリアルとリソース。", "zh-hans": "精选的大型语言模型、AI绘画等教程和资源。", "zh-hant": "精心挑選的大型語言模型、人工智慧繪畫等教學和資源。" } }, "https://github.com/taranjeet/awesome-gpts": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpts", "user_name": "taranjeet", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Collection of all the GPTs created by the community", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "gpts", "gptstore", "lists", "resources" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Collection of all the GPTs created by the community", "ja": "コミュニティによって作成されたすべてのGPTのコレクション", "zh-hans": "社区创建的所有GPT的集合", "zh-hant": "由社群創建的所有GPT的收藏" } }, "https://github.com/egoalpha/prompt-in-context-learning": { "repository_name": "prompt-in-context-learning", "user_name": "EgoAlpha", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Awesome resources for in-context learning and prompt engineering: Mastery of the LLMs such as ChatGPT, GPT-3, and FlanT5, with up-to-date and cutting-edge updates.", "topics": [ "chain-of-thought", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cot", "in-context-learning", "language-modeling", "language-understanding", "large-language-model", "llm", "pre-training", "prompt", "prompt-based-learning", "prompt-design", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-learning", "prompt-toolkit", "prompt-tuning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome resources for in-context learning and prompt engineering: Mastery of the LLMs such as ChatGPT, GPT-3, and FlanT5, with up-to-date and cutting-edge updates.", "ja": "コンテキストに基づいた学習とプロンプトエンジニアリングのための素晴らしいリソース:ChatGPT、GPT-3、FlanT5などのLLMのマスタリーには最新かつ最先端のアップデートがあります。\n\nコンテキストに基づいた学習とプロンプトエンジニアリングのための素晴らしいリソース:ChatGPT、GPT-3、FlanT5などのLLMのマスタリーには最新かつ最先端のアップデートがあります。", "zh-hans": "用于上下文学习和提示工程的绝佳资源:掌握ChatGPT、GPT-3和FlanT5等LLM的最新和尖端更新。", "zh-hant": "出色的資源,用於上下文學習和提示工程:掌握像ChatGPT、GPT-3和FlanT5這樣的LLM的最新和尖端更新。" } }, "https://github.com/anil-matcha/awesome-gpt-store": { "repository_name": "Awesome-GPT-Store", "user_name": "Anil-matcha", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Custom GPT Store - A collection of major GPTS available in public", "topics": [ "agentgpt", "ai-agents", "awesome-gpt-store", "awesome-gpts", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-plugins", "customgpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-store", "gpts", "gptshowcas", "gptslist", "gptstore" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Custom GPT Store - A collection of major GPTS available in public", "ja": "カスタムGPTストア - 公開されている主要なGPTのコレクション", "zh-hans": "自定义GPT商店 - 一个收集了公开可用的主要GPT的集合", "zh-hant": "自訂GPT商店 - 一個收集了公開可用的主要GPT的集合" } }, "https://github.com/awesome-chatgpt/awesome-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "user_name": "awesome-chatgpt", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🏆 An awesome list of best resources, tools, applications, usages of ChatGPT", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chat-gpt-tool", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-chrome-extension", "chatgpt4", "chatgptapi", "openai", "tipschatgpt", "usingchatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🏆 An awesome list of best resources, tools, applications, usages of ChatGPT", "ja": "🏆 ChatGPTの最高のリソース、ツール、アプリケーション、使用法の素晴らしいリスト", "zh-hans": "🏆 一个关于ChatGPT最佳资源、工具、应用和用法的精选清单", "zh-hant": "🏆 一份關於ChatGPT最佳資源、工具、應用和用法的精彩清單" } }, "https://github.com/friuns2/blackfriday-gpts-prompts": { "repository_name": "BlackFriday-GPTs-Prompts", "user_name": "friuns2", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "List of free GPTs that doesn't require plus subscription ", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "awesome-list", "gpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "List of free GPTs that doesn't require plus subscription ", "ja": "無料のGPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)のリスト(プラスのサブスクリプションが必要ないもの)", "zh-hans": "免费的GPT列表,不需要Plus订阅", "zh-hant": "免費的GPT列表,不需要Plus訂閱" } }, "https://github.com/ml-tooling/best-of-ml-python": { "repository_name": "best-of-ml-python", "user_name": "ml-tooling", "language": null, "license": { "key": "cc-by-sa-4.0", "name": "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International", "spdx_id": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc-by-sa-4.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI2" }, "description": "🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.", "topics": [ "automl", "chatgpt", "data-analysis", "data-science", "data-visualization", "data-visualizations", "deep-learning", "gpt", "gpt-3", "jax", "keras", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "python", "pytorch", "scikit-learn", "tensorflow", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.", "ja": "🏆 週ごとに更新される、素晴らしい機械学習Pythonライブラリのランク付けリスト。", "zh-hans": "🏆 一份排名靠前的令人惊叹的机器学习Python库列表。每周更新。", "zh-hant": "🏆 一個排名的優秀機器學習Python函式庫清單。每週更新。" } }, "https://github.com/roboflow/awesome-openai-vision-api-experiments": { "repository_name": "awesome-openai-vision-api-experiments", "user_name": "roboflow", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Must-have resource for anyone who wants to experiment with and build on the OpenAI vision API 🔥", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "classification", "clip", "computer-vision", "grounding-dino", "open-vocabulary-detection", "open-vocabulary-segmentation", "openai", "segment-anything", "zero-shot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Must-have resource for anyone who wants to experiment with and build on the OpenAI vision API 🔥", "ja": "OpenAIビジョンAPIを試してみたり、構築したりしたい人にとって必須のリソースです🔥", "zh-hans": "必备资源,适合任何想要尝试和构建OpenAI视觉API的人🔥", "zh-hant": "必備資源,適合任何想要嘗試和建立OpenAI視覺API的人使用🔥" } }, "https://github.com/rmanluo/awesome-llm-kg": { "repository_name": "Awesome-LLM-KG", "user_name": "RManLuo", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Awesome papers about unifying LLMs and KGs", "topics": [ "awsome", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "kg", "knowledge-graph", "language-model", "large-language-model", "llm", "survey" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome papers about unifying LLMs and KGs", "ja": "LLMとKGを統合する素晴らしい論文", "zh-hans": "关于统一LLMs和KGs的精彩论文", "zh-hant": "關於統一LLMs和KGs的精彩論文" } }, "https://github.com/embraceagi/awesome-ai-gpts": { "repository_name": "Awesome-AI-GPTs", "user_name": "EmbraceAGI", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "Awesome AI GPTs, OpenAI GPTs, GPT-4, ChatGPT, GPTs, Prompts, plugins, Prompts leaking", "topics": [ "aigpts", "bots", "chatbot", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpts", "openai", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome AI GPTs, OpenAI GPTs, GPT-4, ChatGPT, GPTs, Prompts, plugins, Prompts leaking", "ja": "入力:素晴らしいAI GPT、OpenAI GPT、GPT-4、ChatGPT、GPT、プロンプト、プラグイン、プロンプトの漏洩", "zh-hans": "输入:令人惊叹的AI GPT,OpenAI GPT,GPT-4,ChatGPT,GPT,提示,插件,提示泄漏", "zh-hant": "輸入:令人驚嘆的AI GPT、OpenAI GPT、GPT-4、ChatGPT、GPT、提示、插件、提示洩漏" } }, "https://github.com/fr0gger/awesome-gpt-agents": { "repository_name": "Awesome-GPT-Agents", "user_name": "fr0gger", "language": null, "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity", "topics": [ "agents", "cybersecurity", "infosec", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity", "ja": "サイバーセキュリティのための厳選されたGPTエージェントのリスト", "zh-hans": "一个精选的用于网络安全的GPT代理列表", "zh-hant": "一個經過精心挑選的用於網絡安全的GPT代理人清單" } }, "https://github.com/connectai-e/awesome-one-click-deployment": { "repository_name": "Awesome-One-Click-Deployment", "user_name": "ConnectAI-E", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "🪄 One-click deployment of many github open source projects to facilitate fast experience 一键部署各种Github开源AI项目", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "connect-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🪄 One-click deployment of many github open source projects to facilitate fast experience 一键部署各种Github开源AI项目", "ja": "🪄 多くのGitHubオープンソースプロジェクトをワンクリックで展開し、迅速な体験を促進します。", "zh-hans": "🪄 一键部署许多Github开源项目,以便快速体验", "zh-hant": "🪄 一鍵部署許多 GitHub 開源項目,以促進快速體驗" } }, "https://github.com/atfortes/llm-reasoning-papers": { "repository_name": "LLM-Reasoning-Papers", "user_name": "atfortes", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Collection of papers and resources on Reasoning in Large Language Models (LLMs), including Chain-of-Thought (CoT), Instruction-Tuning, and others. 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", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "awesome-list", "gpts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Leaked GPTs Prompts Bypass the 25 message limit or to try out GPTs without a Plus subscription.", "ja": "リークされたGPTsによって、25メッセージ制限を回避したり、PlusサブスクリプションなしでGPTsを試すことができます。", "zh-hans": "泄露的GPTs促使绕过25条信息限制或尝试GPTs而无需Plus订阅。", "zh-hant": "洩漏的GPTs促使繞過25條信息限制或嘗試GPTs而無需Plus訂閱。" } }, "https://github.com/xianyu110/awesome-chatgpt-project": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-project", "user_name": "xianyu110", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "1.chatGPT注册 2.chatGPT成品项目整理 3.高效使用chatGPT的小技巧 4.调教指南 ↓演示网站", "topics": [ "chatbots", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "wechat", "weixin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "1. chatGPT registration2. chatGPT finished project organization3. Tips for efficient use of chatGPT4. Training guide ↓ Demo website", "ja": "1.chatGPTの登録 2.chatGPTの完成プロジェクトの整理 3.chatGPTを効果的に使用するための小技 4.調整ガイド ↓デモサイト", "zh-hans": "1. chatGPT注册2. chatGPT成品项目整理3. 高效使用chatGPT的小技巧4. 调教指南 ↓演示网站", "zh-hant": "1. chatGPT註冊 2. chatGPT成品項目整理 3. 高效使用chatGPT的小技巧 4. 調教指南 ↓演示網站" } }, "https://github.com/hyp1231/awesome-llm-powered-agent": { "repository_name": "awesome-llm-powered-agent", "user_name": "hyp1231", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Awesome things about LLM-powered agents. Papers / Repos / Blogs / ...", "topics": [ "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "embodied-agent", "embodied-ai", "foundation-model", "foundation-models", "generative-agents", "generative-ai", "generative-model", "generative-models", "gpt-4", "large-language-model", "large-language-models", "llm", "llm-powered-agents", "llms" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome things about LLM-powered agents. Papers / Repos / Blogs / ...", "ja": "LLMパワードエージェントの素晴らしい点。論文/リポジトリ/ブログ/...", "zh-hans": "关于LLM动力代理的精彩事物。论文/代码库/博客/...", "zh-hant": "LLM 引擎代理的精彩之处。论文/代码库/博客/..." } }, "https://github.com/devisasari/awesome-gpt-store": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt-store", "user_name": "devisasari", "language": null, "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-store", "gpts", "gpts-list", "gptstore", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store", "ja": "GPTストアの素晴らしいGPTの厳選リスト", "zh-hans": "一个精选的GPT商店中的精彩GPT清单", "zh-hant": "一個精心挑選的GPT商店中的精彩GPT清單" } }, "https://github.com/superiorlu/aitreasurebox": { "repository_name": "AiTreasureBox", "user_name": "superiorlu", "language": "Ruby", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎 ", "topics": [ "agi", "ai", "aigc", "alpaca", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt", "gpt-4", "llama", "llama2", "llms", "machine-learning", "openai", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎", "ja": "🤖 AIに関する実用的なリポジトリ、ツール、ウェブサイト、論文、チュートリアルを収集します。実用的なAIの宝箱 💎", "zh-hans": "🤖 收集实用的AI仓库、工具、网站、论文和教程。实用的AI百宝箱 💎", "zh-hant": "🤖 收集實用的AI存儲庫、工具、網站、論文和教程。實用的AI百寶箱 💎" } }, "https://github.com/atfortes/awesome-llm-reasoning": { "repository_name": "Awesome-LLM-Reasoning", "user_name": "atfortes", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Collection of papers and resources on Reasoning in Language Models (LLMs), including Chain-of-Thought (CoT), Instruction-Tuning, and Multimodality. ", "topics": [ "awesome", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "cot", "gpt", "gpt-4", "in-context-learning", "language-models", "mllm", "multimodal", "papers", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "question-answering", "reasoning", "vllm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Collection of papers and resources on Reasoning in Language Models (LLMs), including Chain-of-Thought (CoT), Instruction-Tuning, and Multimodality.", "ja": "チェーンオブソート(CoT)、インストラクションチューニング、およびマルチモダリティを含む、言語モデル(LLM)に関する論文とリソースのコレクション。チェーンオブソート(CoT)、インストラクションチューニング、およびマルチモダリティに関する論文とリソースのコレクション。", "zh-hans": "论文和资源的收集,关于语言模型(LLMs)中的推理,包括思维链(CoT),指导调整和多模态。", "zh-hant": "關於語言模型(LLMs)推理的論文和資源集合,包括思維鏈(CoT)、指令調整和多模態。關於語言模型(LLMs)推理的論文和資源集合,包括思維鏈(CoT)、指令調整和多模態。" } }, "https://github.com/codingonion/awesome-llm-and-aigc": { "repository_name": "awesome-llm-and-aigc", "user_name": "codingonion", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "🚀🚀🚀A collection of some awesome public projects about Large Language Model, Vision Foundation Model and AI Generated Content.", "topics": [ "ai-avatar", "aigc", "awesome-list", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "computer-vision", "gpt", "gpt4", "hugging-face", "langchain", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama2", "llm", "machine-learning", "midjourney", "moss", "nlp", "segment-anything", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀🚀🚀A collection of some awesome public projects about Large Language Model, Vision Foundation Model and AI Generated Content.", "ja": "🚀🚀🚀大規模言語モデル、ビジョン基盤モデル、AI生成コンテンツに関する素晴らしいパブリックプロジェクトのコレクションです。", "zh-hans": "🚀🚀🚀一些关于大型语言模型、视觉基础模型和人工智能生成内容的精彩公共项目的集合。", "zh-hant": "🚀🚀🚀一系列關於大型語言模型、視覺基礎模型和人工智能生成內容的精彩公共項目的集合。" } }, "https://github.com/ai-boost/awesome-gpts-prompts": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpts-prompts", "user_name": "ai-boost", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "gpt4", "gpts", "gptstore", "prompt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store.", "ja": "GPTストアのトップ評価GPTからのチャットGPTプロンプトの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "GPTs商店中排名靠前的GPTs的精选聊天GPT提示列表。输出:", "zh-hant": "從GPTs Store中排名靠前的GPTs中精心挑選的聊天GPT提示列表。" } }, "https://github.com/jxzhangjhu/awesome-llm-uncertainty-reliability-robustness": { "repository_name": "Awesome-LLM-Uncertainty-Reliability-Robustness", "user_name": "jxzhangjhu", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Awesome-LLM-Robustness: a curated list of Uncertainty, Reliability and Robustness in Large Language Models", "topics": [ "awesome-list", "calibration", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "hallucination", "in-context-learning", "large-language-models", "llms", "prompt-engineering", "prompting", "reliability", "robustness", "safety", "uncertainty-estimation", "uncertainty-quantification" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome-LLM-Robustness: a curated list of Uncertainty, Reliability and Robustness in Large Language Models", "ja": "素晴らしい-LLM-頑健性:大規模言語モデルにおける不確実性、信頼性、および頑健性の厳選されたリスト素晴らしい-LLM-頑健性:大規模言語モデルにおける不確実性、信頼性、および頑健性の厳選されたリスト", "zh-hans": "强大的LLM鲁棒性:大型语言模型中不确定性、可靠性和鲁棒性的精选列表", "zh-hant": "強大的LLM-穩定性:大型語言模型中不確定性、可靠性和穩健性的精選列表" } }, "https://github.com/ai-boost/awesome-prompts": { "repository_name": "awesome-prompts", "user_name": "ai-boost", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store. Prompt Engineering, prompt attack & prompt protect. Advanced Prompt Engineering papers.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "gpt4", "gpts", "gptstore", "papers", "prompt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store. Prompt Engineering, prompt attack & prompt protect. Advanced Prompt Engineering papers.", "ja": "GPTストアのトップ評価を受けたGPTからのチャットGPTプロンプトのキュレーションリスト。プロンプトエンジニアリング、プロンプト攻撃&プロンプト保護。高度なプロンプトエンジニアリング論文。", "zh-hans": "精心策划的聊天GPT提示列表,来自GPT商店中排名靠前的GPT。提示工程,提示攻击和提示保护。高级提示工程论文。", "zh-hant": "從GPTs Store中排名前列的GPTs中精心挑選的聊天GPT提示列表。提示工程,提示攻擊和提示保護。高級提示工程論文。" } }, "https://github.com/imaurer/awesome-decentralized-llm": { "repository_name": "awesome-decentralized-llm", "user_name": "imaurer", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Collection of LLM resources that can be used to build products you can \"own\" or to perform reproducible research.", "topics": [ "agents", "agi", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "large-language-models", "llama", "llm", "rwkv" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Collection of LLM resources that can be used to build products you can \"own\" or to perform reproducible research.", "ja": "所有可能なLLMリソースのコレクション。これらを使用して、所有できる製品を作成したり、再現可能な研究を行ったりすることができます。", "zh-hans": "收集LLM资源,可用于构建您可以“拥有”的产品,或进行可重复研究。", "zh-hant": "可用於建立您可以「擁有」的產品或進行可重複研究的LLM資源集合。可用於建立您可以「擁有」的產品或進行可重複研究的LLM資源集合。" } }, "https://github.com/radi-cho/awesome-gpt4": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt4", "user_name": "radi-cho", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "A curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the GPT-4 language model.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the GPT-4 language model.", "ja": "GPT-4言語モデルに関する厳選されたプロンプト、ツール、リソースのリスト。", "zh-hans": "一个关于GPT-4语言模型的策划列表,工具和资源。", "zh-hant": "一個關於GPT-4語言模型的精選提示、工具和資源清單。" } }, "https://github.com/cedrickchee/awesome-transformer-nlp": { "repository_name": "awesome-transformer-nlp", "user_name": "cedrickchee", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "A curated list of NLP resources focused on Transformer networks, attention mechanism, GPT, BERT, ChatGPT, LLMs, and transfer learning.", "topics": [ "attention-mechanism", "awesome", "awesome-list", "bert", "chatgpt", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "language-model", "llama", "natural-language-processing", "neural-networks", "nlp", "pre-trained-language-models", "transfer-learning", "transformer", "xlnet" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of NLP resources focused on Transformer networks, attention mechanism, GPT, BERT, ChatGPT, LLMs, and transfer learning.", "ja": "Transformerネットワーク、注意機構、GPT、BERT、ChatGPT、LLMs、および転移学習に焦点を当てたNLPリソースの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "一个精心筛选的自然语言处理资源列表,重点关注Transformer网络、注意力机制、GPT、BERT、ChatGPT、LLMs和迁移学习。", "zh-hant": "一個精心挑選的自然語言處理資源列表,專注於Transformer網絡、注意機制、GPT、BERT、ChatGPT、LLMs和遷移學習。" } }, "https://github.com/langgptai/awesome-claude-prompts": { "repository_name": "awesome-claude-prompts", "user_name": "langgptai", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "This repo includes Claude prompt curation to use Claude better.", "topics": [ "anthropic", "anthropic-claude", "awesome-claude", "awesome-claude-prompts", "awesome-prompts", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-4", "chatgpt3", "claude", "claude-ai", "openai", "openai-chatgpt", "prompt", "prompt-learning", "prompt-toolkit", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repo includes Claude prompt curation to use Claude better.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、クロードをより効果的に使用するためのクロードプロンプトのキュレーションが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个存储库包括了克劳德提示的整理,以更好地使用克劳德。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包括了克勞德提示的整理,以更好地使用克勞德。" } }, "https://github.com/e2b-dev/awesome-ai-sdks": { "repository_name": "awesome-ai-sdks", "user_name": "e2b-dev", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A database of SDKs, frameworks, libraries, and tools for creating, monitoring, debugging and deploying autonomous AI agents", "topics": [ "agent", "agentops", "agents", "ai", "ai-agents", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chatgpt", "e2b", "framework", "langchain", "llama-index", "llm", "llmops", "openai", "sdk", "tools", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A database of SDKs, frameworks, libraries, and tools for creating, monitoring, debugging and deploying autonomous AI agents", "ja": "自律型AIエージェントを作成、監視、デバッグ、展開するためのSDK、フレームワーク、ライブラリ、ツールのデータベース", "zh-hans": "一个用于创建、监控、调试和部署自主人工智能代理的SDK、框架、库和工具数据库", "zh-hant": "一個用於創建、監控、調試和部署自主人工智能代理的SDK、框架、庫和工具的數據庫" } }, "https://github.com/yzfly/awesome-claude-prompts": { "repository_name": "awesome-claude-prompts", "user_name": "yzfly", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Gitalk Comments", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Gitalk Comments", "ja": "Gitalk コメント", "zh-hans": "Gitalk 评论", "zh-hant": "Gitalk 評論" } }, "https://github.com/plexpt/chatgpt-corpus": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-corpus", "user_name": "PlexPt", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT 中文语料库 对话语料 小说语料 客服语料 用于训练大模型", "topics": [ "awesome", "corpus", "corpus-data", "question-answering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT Chinese corpus, dialogue corpus, novel corpus, customer service corpus used for training large modelsOutput: ChatGPT Chinese corpus, dialogue corpus, novel corpus, customer service corpus used for training large models", "ja": "ChatGPT 中文コーパス ダイアログコーパス 小説コーパス カスタマーサポートコーパス 大規模モデルのトレーニングに使用", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 中文语料库 包括对话、小说和客服语料,用于训练大型模型。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 中文語料庫 對話語料 小說語料 客服語料 用於訓練大模型" } }, "https://github.com/awesome-gptx/awesome-gpt": { "repository_name": "awesome-gpt", "user_name": "awesome-gptX", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "🏆 An awe-inspiring collection of resources, encompassing a wide range of tools, documents, resources, applications, and use cases related to ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "chat-gpt-tool", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-chrome-extension", "chatgpt4", "chatgptapi", "openai", "tipschatgpt", "usingchatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🏆 An awe-inspiring collection of resources, encompassing a wide range of tools, documents, resources, applications, and use cases related to ChatGPT.", "ja": "🏆 ChatGPTに関連する幅広いツール、文書、リソース、アプリケーション、使用例を網羅した感動的なコレクション。", "zh-hans": "🏆 一个令人敬畏的资源收藏,涵盖了与ChatGPT相关的各种工具、文件、资源、应用程序和用例。", "zh-hant": "🏆 一個令人敬畏的資源收藏,包括與ChatGPT相關的各種工具、文件、資源、應用程式和使用案例。" } }, "https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat-agents": { "repository_name": "lobe-chat-agents", "user_name": "lobehub", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "🤖 / 🏪 Agent Index - This is the agent index for LobeChat. It accesses index.json from this repository to display a list of available agents for LobeChat to the agent market.", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "awesome", "chatgpt", "lobe-chat-agent", "lobehub", "openai", "prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 / 🏪 Agent Index - This is the agent index for LobeChat. It accesses index.json from this repository to display a list of available agents for LobeChat to the agent market.", "ja": "🤖 / 🏪 エージェントインデックス - これはLobeChatのエージェントインデックスです。 これはこのリポジトリからindex.jsonにアクセスして、LobeChatのエージェントマーケットに利用可能なエージェントのリストを表示します。", "zh-hans": "🤖 / 🏪 代理商索引 - 这是LobeChat的代理商索引。它从这个存储库中访问index.json,以显示LobeChat在代理市场上可用的代理商列表。", "zh-hant": "🤖 / 🏪 代理商索引 - 這是LobeChat的代理商索引。它從這個存儲庫中訪問index.json,以顯示LobeChat市場上可用代理商的列表。" } }, "https://github.com/dylanhogg/awesome-python": { "repository_name": "awesome-python", "user_name": "dylanhogg", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "🐍 Hand-picked awesome Python libraries and frameworks, organised by category", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "awesome-python", "chatgpt", "data", "data-science", "deep-learning", "jupyter", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "open-source", "pandas", "python", "python-library" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐍 Hand-picked awesome Python libraries and frameworks, organised by category", "ja": "🐍 カテゴリ別に整理された、厳選された素晴らしいPythonライブラリとフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "🐍 精选的优秀Python库和框架,按类别组织", "zh-hant": "🐍 精選優秀的Python庫和框架,按類別整理" } }, "https://github.com/neph0s/awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona": { "repository_name": "awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona", "user_name": "Neph0s", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona: a curated list of resources for large language models for role-playing with assigned personas", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "aigc", "awesome", "awesome-list", "character", "chatgpt", "conversational-ai", "deep-learning", "large-language-models", "llm", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "paper-list", "persona", "role-playing", "survey" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona: a curated list of resources for large language models for role-playing with assigned personas", "ja": "素晴らしいLLM(Large Language Models)を使用した役割演技とペルソナに関する厳選されたリソースのリスト: 割り当てられたペルソナと一緒に役割演技をするためのリソースのリスト", "zh-hans": "厉害-llm-角色扮演与角色: 一个为大型语言模型提供资源的策划列表,用于与指定的角色扮演。", "zh-hant": "厲害-llm-角色扮演與角色: 一個精心挑選的資源列表,適用於大型語言模型,用於與指定的角色進行角色扮演" } }, "https://github.com/embraceagi/awesome-chatgpt-zh": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-zh", "user_name": "EmbraceAGI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT 中文指南🔥,ChatGPT 中文调教指南,指令指南,应用开发指南,精选资源清单,更好的使用 chatGPT 让你的生产力 up up up! 🚀", "topics": [ "agi", "ai", "awesome", "awesome-list", "chat-gpt", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt35-turbo", "claude", "deeplearning", "gpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "openai", "openai-chatgpt", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Chinese Guide🔥, ChatGPT Chinese Training Guide, Instruction Guide, Application Development Guide, curated resource list, use ChatGPT better to boost your productivity up up up! 🚀", "ja": "ChatGPTの中国語ガイド🔥、ChatGPTの中国語調教ガイド、指示ガイド、アプリ開発ガイド、厳選されたリソースリスト、ChatGPTをより効果的に活用して生産性を向上させましょう!🚀", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 中文指南🔥,ChatGPT 中文调教指南,指令指南,应用开发指南,精选资源清单,更好的使用 chatGPT 让你的生产力 up up up! 🚀", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 中文指南🔥,ChatGPT 中文調教指南,指令指南,應用開發指南,精選資源清單,更好的使用 chatGPT 讓你的生產力 up up up! 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/ictmcg/awesome-machine-generated-text": { "repository_name": "Awesome-Machine-Generated-Text", "user_name": "ICTMCG", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Continuously updated list of related resources for generative LLMs like GPT and their analysis and detection.", "topics": [ "ai-generated", "awesome", "chatgpt", "detection", "large-language-models", "llm", "machine-generated-text", "paper-list" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Continuously updated list of related resources for generative LLMs like GPT and their analysis and detection.", "ja": "GPTなどの生成LLMに関連するリソースの連続的に更新されるリストとその分析および検出。GPTなどの生成LLMに関連するリソースの連続的に更新されるリストとその分析および検出。", "zh-hans": "持续更新的与生成式LLM(如GPT)及其分析和检测相关资源列表。", "zh-hant": "持續更新的相關資源列表,用於生成式LLM(如GPT)及其分析和檢測。" } }, "https://github.com/cyberalbsecop/awesome_gpt_super_prompting": { "repository_name": "Awesome_GPT_Super_Prompting", "user_name": "CyberAlbSecOP", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT Jailbreaks, GPT Assistants Prompt Leaks, GPTs Prompt Injection, LLM Prompt Security, Super Prompts, Prompt Hack, Prompt Security, Ai Prompt Engineering, Adversarial Machine Learning.", "topics": [ "adversarial-machine-learning", "agent", "ai", "assistant", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "hacking", "jailbreak", "leaks", "llm", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-injection", "prompt-security", "prompts", "system-prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Jailbreaks, GPT Assistants Prompt Leaks, GPTs Prompt Injection, LLM Prompt Security, Super Prompts, Prompt Hack, Prompt Security, Ai Prompt Engineering, Adversarial Machine Learning.", "ja": "ChatGPTジェイルブレイク、GPTアシスタントプロンプトリーク、GPTプロンプトインジェクション、LLMプロンプトセキュリティ、スーパープロンプト、プロンプトハック、プロンプトセキュリティ、AIプロンプトエンジニアリング、敵対的機械学習。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT越狱,GPT助手提示泄漏,GPT提示注入,LLM提示安全,超级提示,提示黑客,提示安全,Ai提示工程,对抗性机器学习。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT越獄,GPT助手提示洩漏,GPT提示注入,LLM提示安全,超級提示,提示黑客,提示安全,Ai提示工程,對抗機器學習。" } }, "https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat-plugins": { "repository_name": "lobe-chat-plugins", "user_name": "lobehub", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "🧩 / 🏪 Plugin Index - This is the plugin index for LobeChat. It accesses index.json from this repository to display a list of available plugins for LobeChat to the user.", "topics": [ "ai", "awesome", "chatgpt", "function-calling", "lobe-chat", "lobe-chat-plugin", "lobehub", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🧩 / 🏪 Plugin Index - This is the plugin index for LobeChat. It accesses index.json from this repository to display a list of available plugins for LobeChat to the user.", "ja": "🧩 / 🏪 プラグインインデックス - これはLobeChatのプラグインインデックスです。 これは、このリポジトリからindex.jsonにアクセスして、LobeChatの利用可能なプラグインのリストをユーザーに表示します。", "zh-hans": "🧩 / 🏪 插件索引 - 这是LobeChat的插件索引。它从这个存储库访问index.json,向用户显示可用插件的列表。", "zh-hant": "🧩 / 🏪 插件索引 - 這是 LobeChat 的插件索引。它從這個存儲庫中訪問 index.json,向用戶顯示 LobeChat 可用插件的列表。" } } }, "Prompts": { "https://github.com/dair-ai/prompt-engineering-guide": { "repository_name": "Prompt-Engineering-Guide", "user_name": "dair-ai", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering", "ja": "🐙 迅速なエンジニアリングのためのガイド、論文、講義、ノートブック、およびリソース", "zh-hans": "🐙 提供快速工程的指南、论文、讲座、笔记和资源", "zh-hant": "🐙 提供即時工程的指南、論文、講座、筆記和資源" } }, "https://github.com/yue-yang/chatgpt-siri": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Siri", "user_name": "Yue-Yang", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Shortcuts for Siri using ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 model, supports continuous conversations, configure the API key & save chat records. 由 ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 模型驱动的智能 Siri,支持连续对话,配置API key,配置系统prompt,保存聊天记录。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt3", "open-source", "siri", "siri-shortcuts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Shortcuts for Siri using ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 model, supports continuous conversations, configure the API key & save chat records. 由 ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 模型驱动的智能 Siri,支持连续对话,配置API key,配置系统prompt,保存聊天记录。", "ja": "ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turboとgpt-4モデルを使用したSiriのショートカット。連続的な会話をサポートし、APIキーを設定してチャット記録を保存できます。システムプロンプトを設定することもできます。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo和gpt-4模型的Siri快捷方式,支持连续对话,配置API密钥和保存聊天记录。配置系统提示。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo和gpt-4模型的Siri快捷方式,支持连续对话,配置API密钥和保存聊天记录。配置系统提示。" } }, "https://github.com/jtmuller5/the-hustlegpt-challenge": { "repository_name": "The-HustleGPT-Challenge", "user_name": "jtmuller5", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Building Startups with an AI Co-Founder", "topics": [ "ai", "business", "chatgpt", "hustlegpt", "prompt-engineering", "startups" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Building Startups with an AI Co-Founder", "ja": "AI共同創業者とスタートアップを立ち上げる", "zh-hans": "与AI联合创始人一起打造创业公司", "zh-hant": "以AI共同創辦人建立新創企業" } }, "https://github.com/arc53/docsgpt": { "repository_name": "docsgpt", "user_name": "arc53", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "creating small models with fine tuning:- :- :- engineering:- chain of hindsight promptint-", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "creating small models with fine tuning:- :- :- engineering:- chain of hindsight promptint-", "ja": "微調整を施した小さなモデルを作成する:エンジニアリング:後見プロンプトの連鎖-", "zh-hans": "通过微调创建小模型:-:-:-工程:-后见之明提示链-", "zh-hant": "創建微調小模型:-:-:-工程:-後見之明提示鏈-" } }, "https://github.com/mpoon/gpt-repository-loader": { "repository_name": "gpt-repository-loader", "user_name": "mpoon", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Convert code repos into an LLM prompt-friendly format. Mostly built by GPT-4.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Convert code repos into an LLM prompt-friendly format. Mostly built by GPT-4.", "ja": "コードリポジトリをLLMプロンプトに適した形式に変換します。主にGPT-4によって構築されています。", "zh-hans": "将代码仓库转换为LLM提示友好格式。主要由GPT-4构建。", "zh-hant": "將代碼存儲庫轉換為LLM提示友好格式。主要由GPT-4構建。" } }, "https://github.com/madawei2699/mygptreader": { "repository_name": "myGPTReader", "user_name": "madawei2699", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "myGPTReader is a bot on Slack that can read and summarize any webpage, documents including ebooks, or even videos from YouTube. It can communicate with you through voice.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "crawler", "daily-news", "embedding", "gpt-35-turbo", "hot-news", "prompt", "reader", "scraper", "slack-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "myGPTReader is a bot on Slack that can read and summarize any webpage, documents including ebooks, or even videos from YouTube. It can communicate with you through voice.", "ja": "myGPTReaderは、Slack上のボットで、電子書籍を含む任意のウェブページ、ドキュメント、さらにはYouTubeの動画を読み取り、要約することができます。音声を通じてあなたとコミュニケーションすることもできます。", "zh-hans": "myGPTReader是Slack上的一个机器人,可以阅读和总结任何网页、文档(包括电子书)甚至来自YouTube的视频。它可以通过语音与您交流。", "zh-hant": "myGPTReader是Slack上的機器人,可以閱讀和總結任何網頁、文件(包括電子書)甚至YouTube上的視頻。它可以通過語音與您進行交流。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/promptcraft-robotics": { "repository_name": "PromptCraft-Robotics", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Community for applying LLMs to robotics and a robot simulator with ChatGPT integration", "topics": [ "airsim", "chatgpt", "llm", "prompt-engineering", "robotics", "simulation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Community for applying LLMs to robotics and a robot simulator with ChatGPT integration", "ja": "LLMをロボットに応用するコミュニティと、ChatGPT統合のロボットシミュレーター。", "zh-hans": "应用LLM到机器人的社区和集成ChatGPT的机器人模拟器。", "zh-hant": "應用LLMs到機器人的社區和具有ChatGPT集成的機器人模擬器" } }, "https://github.com/bin-huang/chatbox": { "repository_name": "chatbox", "user_name": "Bin-Huang", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A desktop app for ChatGPT API (OpenAI API) that supports Windows, Mac & Linux. 开源的ChatGPT桌面应用,prompt 开发神器,全平台支持,下载安装包就能用", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A desktop app for ChatGPT API (OpenAI API) that supports Windows, Mac & Linux. 开源的ChatGPT桌面应用,prompt 开发神器,全平台支持,下载安装包就能用", "ja": "Windows、Mac、Linuxに対応したChatGPT API(OpenAI API)のデスクトップアプリ。開発者向けの神器であるpromptをサポートし、全プラットフォームに対応しています。ダウンロードしてインストールするだけで利用可能です。", "zh-hans": "一个支持Windows、Mac和Linux的ChatGPT API(OpenAI API)桌面应用程序。这是一个开源的应用程序,使用prompt开发工具,可以在所有平台上使用,只需下载安装包即可。", "zh-hant": "一個支援Windows、Mac和Linux的ChatGPT API(OpenAI API)桌面應用程式。開源的,使用prompt開發工具,支援所有平台,下載安裝包即可使用。" } }, "https://github.com/rockbenben/chatgpt-shortcut": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Shortcut", "user_name": "rockbenben", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Maximize your efficiency and productivity. 让生产力加倍的 ChatGPT 快捷指令,按照领域和功能分区,可对提示词进行标签筛选、关键词搜索和一键复制。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Maximize your efficiency and productivity. 让生产力加倍的 ChatGPT 快捷指令,按照领域和功能分区,可对提示词进行标签筛选、关键词搜索和一键复制。", "ja": "効率と生産性を最大化しましょう。ChatGPTは生産力を倍増させるための便利なコマンドです。領域や機能に応じて分類され、キーワード検索や一括コピーなどが可能です。提示語にタグを付けて絞り込むこともできます。", "zh-hans": "最大化你的效率和生产力。ChatGPT快捷指令可以让你的生产力翻倍,按领域和功能分区,可以对提示词进行标签筛选、关键词搜索和一键复制。", "zh-hant": "最大化您的效率和生產力。ChatGPT快捷指令可讓您生產力加倍,按照領域和功能分區,可對提示詞進行標籤篩選、關鍵詞搜索和一鍵複製。" } }, "https://github.com/fullthom/chat-gpt-quine": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-quine", "user_name": "fullthom", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "@realtimeai someone tried to make a self-improving prompt with chatgpt a few weeks back. it only took 11 generations for it to collapse into a... pathological mode.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@realtimeai someone tried to make a self-improving prompt with chatgpt a few weeks back. it only took 11 generations for it to collapse into a... pathological mode.", "ja": "@realtimeai 数週間前に誰かがChatGPTを使って自己改善型のプロンプトを作ろうとしました。それはわずか11世代で病的なモードに崩壊しました。", "zh-hans": "@realtimeai 几周前有人试图使用chatgpt制作一个自我改进的提示。它只用了11代就崩溃成了一种病态模式。", "zh-hant": "@realtimeai 前幾週有人嘗試使用ChatGPT創建自我改進提示。只用了11代就崩潰成了病態模式。" } }, "https://github.com/carterleffen/chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-prompts", "user_name": "carterleffen", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Here are the prompts I’ve created and want to share.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Here are the prompts I’ve created and want to share.", "ja": "以下は私が作成したプロンプトで、共有したいものです。", "zh-hans": "这里是我创建并想分享的提示。", "zh-hant": "這裡是我創建並想分享的提示。" } }, "https://github.com/cfortuner/promptable": { "repository_name": "promptable", "user_name": "cfortuner", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build LLM apps in Typescript/Javascript. 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🚀 🚀 🚀 ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build LLM apps in Typescript/Javascript. 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🚀 🚀 🚀", "ja": "TypeScript / JavaScriptでLLMアプリを構築してください。🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🚀 🚀 🚀", "zh-hans": "使用Typescript/Javascript构建LLM应用程序。🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🚀 🚀 🚀", "zh-hant": "使用Typescript/Javascript建立LLM應用程式。🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🧑‍💻 🚀 🚀 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/travistangvh/chatgpt-data-science-prompts": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Data-Science-Prompts", "user_name": "travistangvh", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A repository of 60 useful data science prompts for ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A repository of 60 useful data science prompts for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのための有用なデータサイエンスのプロンプト60のリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的60个有用的数据科学提示存储库", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的60個有用的數據科學提示存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/neobundy/cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template": { "repository_name": "CWK-ChatGPT-MidJourney-Prompt-Template", "user_name": "neobundy", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template v1.2probably the last version: 23 prompt types supported.i will switch to an object oriented approach: a complete rewrite. it will work better with chatgpt.there's a 1.2 light branch in the repo dropping a few …", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template v1.2probably the last version: 23 prompt types supported.i will switch to an object oriented approach: a complete rewrite. it will work better with chatgpt.there's a 1.2 light branch in the repo dropping a few …", "ja": "cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template v1.2おそらく最後のバージョン:23のプロンプトタイプがサポートされています。オブジェクト指向のアプローチに切り替えます:完全な書き直しです。ChatGPTとの互換性が向上します。リポジトリに1.2ライトブランチがあり、いくつかの機能が削除されています...", "zh-hans": "cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template v1.2可能是最后一个版本:支持23种提示类型。我将采用面向对象的方法进行完全重写。它将与chatgpt更好地配合使用。仓库中有一个1.2轻量级分支,删除了一些...", "zh-hant": "cwk-chatgpt-midjourney-prompt-template v1.2可能是最後一個版本:支援23種提示類型。我將轉向面向對象的方法:進行完全重寫。這將與chatgpt更好地配合使用。存儲庫中有一個1.2輕量級分支,可以刪除一些..." } }, "https://github.com/ferrislucas/promptr": { "repository_name": "promptr", "user_name": "ferrislucas", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Promptr is a CLI tool for operating on your codebase using GPT. Promptr dynamically includes one or more files into your GPT prompts, and it can optionally parse and apply the changes that GPT suggests to your codebase. Several prompt templates are included for various purposes, and users can create their own templates.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Promptr is a CLI tool for operating on your codebase using GPT. Promptr dynamically includes one or more files into your GPT prompts, and it can optionally parse and apply the changes that GPT suggests to your codebase. Several prompt templates are included for various purposes, and users can create their own templates.", "ja": "Promptrは、GPTを使用してコードベースを操作するためのCLIツールです。Promptrは、GPTのプロンプトに1つ以上のファイルを動的に含め、必要に応じてGPTが提案する変更をコードベースに解析して適用することができます。さまざまな目的のためにいくつかのプロンプトテンプレートが含まれており、ユーザーは独自のテンプレートを作成することができます。", "zh-hans": "Promptr是一个使用GPT操作代码库的CLI工具。Promptr动态地将一个或多个文件包含到您的GPT提示中,并可以选择解析和应用GPT建议的更改到您的代码库中。包含了多个用于不同目的的提示模板,用户可以创建自己的模板。", "zh-hant": "Promptr是一個使用GPT操作您的程式庫的CLI工具。Promptr動態地將一個或多個檔案包含到您的GPT提示中,並且可以選擇性地解析和應用GPT建議的變更到您的程式庫中。多個提示範本可用於不同的目的,使用者可以創建自己的範本。" } }, "https://github.com/dene33/blender_jarvis": { "repository_name": "blender_jarvis", "user_name": "Dene33", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Control Blender through text prompts with help of ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Control Blender through text prompts with help of ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTの助けを借りて、テキストプロンプトを介してBlenderを制御します。", "zh-hans": "通过ChatGPT的文本提示控制Blender", "zh-hant": "透過ChatGPT的文字提示控制Blender" } }, "https://github.com/promptslab/promptify": { "repository_name": "Promptify", "user_name": "promptslab", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Prompt Engineering | Use GPT or other prompt based models to get structured output. Join our discord for Prompt-Engineering, LLMs and other latest research", "topics": [ "bert", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-python", "chatgpt3", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-prompts", "gpt-neo", "gpt3-library", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-toolkit", "prompt-tuning", "prompting", "prompts", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Prompt Engineering | Use GPT or other prompt based models to get structured output. Join our discord for Prompt-Engineering, LLMs and other latest research", "ja": "Prompt Engineering | GPTや他のプロンプトベースのモデルを使用して構造化された出力を取得します。Prompt-Engineering、LLMs、およびその他の最新の研究については、私たちのDiscordに参加してください。\n\nPrompt Engineering | GPTまたは他のプロンプトベースのモデルを使用して構造化された出力を取得します。Prompt-Engineering、LLMs、およびその他の最新の研究については、私たちのDiscordに参加してください。", "zh-hans": "Prompt Engineering | 使用GPT或其他基于提示的模型获取结构化输出。加入我们的Discord,了解Prompt-Engineering、LLMs和其他最新研究。", "zh-hant": "Prompt Engineering | 使用GPT或其他基於提示的模型獲取結構化輸出。加入我們的Discord,了解Prompt-Engineering、LLMs和其他最新研究。\n\nPrompt Engineering | 使用GPT或其他基於提示的模型獲取結構化輸出。加入我們的Discord,了解Prompt-Engineering、LLMs和其他最新研究。" } }, "https://github.com/u-hubar/schemagpt": { "repository_name": "SchemaGPT", "user_name": "u-hubar", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Python library for RDF Schemas generation from prompts using GPT-3 magic 🪄🪄🪄", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "knowledge-graph", "rdf", "schema-org", "semantic-web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python library for RDF Schemas generation from prompts using GPT-3 magic 🪄🪄🪄", "ja": "GPT-3の魔法を使ってプロンプトからRDFスキーマを生成するPythonライブラリ 🪄🪄🪄", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3魔法的Python库,用于从提示生成RDF模式🪄🪄🪄", "zh-hant": "使用 GPT-3 魔法 🪄🪄🪄 從提示生成 RDF 模式的 Python 庫" } }, "https://github.com/mattnigh/chatgpt3-free-prompt-list": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT3-Free-Prompt-List", "user_name": "mattnigh", "language": "Ruby", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A free guide for learning to create ChatGPT3 Prompts", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A free guide for learning to create ChatGPT3 Prompts", "ja": "ChatGPT3プロンプトの作成方法を学ぶための無料ガイド", "zh-hans": "一个免费的指南,教你学习创建ChatGPT3提示。", "zh-hant": "一份免費指南,教你如何創建ChatGPT3提示" } }, "https://github.com/taksec/chatgpt-prompts-bug-bounty": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-prompts-bug-bounty", "user_name": "TakSec", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT Prompts for Bug Bounty & Pentesting", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Prompts for Bug Bounty & Pentesting", "ja": "ChatGPTのバグバウンティとペンテストのプロンプト", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 提供漏洞赏金和渗透测试提示。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 漏洞獎金和測試的提示" } }, "https://github.com/reorx/share-to-chatgpt-shortcut": { "repository_name": "Share-to-ChatGPT-Shortcut", "user_name": "reorx", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "An Apple Shortcut for sharing text to ChatGPT using personalized prompts", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Apple Shortcut for sharing text to ChatGPT using personalized prompts", "ja": "個人的なプロンプトを使用して、テキストをChatGPTに共有するためのAppleショートカット", "zh-hans": "一个苹果快捷方式,可以使用个性化提示将文本分享到ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "一個用於將文本分享到ChatGPT的蘋果快捷方式,使用個性化提示。" } }, "https://github.com/prathamkumar14/chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Prompts", "user_name": "PrathamKumar14", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "AI is taking over slowly. Here are some use ChatGPT/API prompts that help you unlock 100% of your productivity. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI is taking over slowly. Here are some use ChatGPT/API prompts that help you unlock 100% of your productivity.", "ja": "AIが徐々に支配しています。以下は、ChatGPT/APIプロンプトの使用例であり、あなたの生産性を100%引き出すのに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "人工智能正在慢慢接管。以下是一些使用ChatGPT/API提示,可帮助您释放100%的生产力。", "zh-hant": "人工智慧正在慢慢接管。以下是一些使用ChatGPT/API提示,可幫助您發揮100%的生產力。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/prompt-engine": { "repository_name": "prompt-engine", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Create apps with Figma", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create apps with Figma", "ja": "Figmaを使用してアプリを作成する", "zh-hans": "使用Figma创建应用程序", "zh-hant": "使用 Figma 創建應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/zrrskywalker/cafo": { "repository_name": "CaFo", "user_name": "ZrrSkywalker", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "[CVPR 2023] Prompt, Generate, then Cache: Cascade of Foundation Models makes Strong Few-shot Learners", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[CVPR 2023] Prompt, Generate, then Cache: Cascade of Foundation Models makes Strong Few-shot Learners", "ja": "[CVPR 2023] プロンプト、生成、そしてキャッシュ:ファウンデーションモデルのカスケードは強力なフューショット学習者を作り出す", "zh-hans": "[CVPR 2023] 快速生成并缓存:基础模型级联使得强大的少样本学习者", "zh-hant": "[CVPR 2023] 啟示、生成、緩存:基礎模型串聯使得強大的少樣本學習者" } }, "https://github.com/danny-avila/chatgpt-clone": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-clone", "user_name": "danny-avila", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Clone of ChatGPT, uses official model & Bing, reverse-engineered UI, with AI model switching, message search, and prompt templates (WIP)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Clone of ChatGPT, uses official model & Bing, reverse-engineered UI, with AI model switching, message search, and prompt templates (WIP)", "ja": "ChatGPTのクローンで、公式モデルとBingを使用し、リバースエンジニアリングされたUI、AIモデルの切り替え、メッセージ検索、プロンプトテンプレート(WIP)を備えています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的克隆版,使用官方模型和Bing,反向工程UI,具有AI模型切换、消息搜索和提示模板(正在进行中)。", "zh-hant": "複製ChatGPT,使用官方模型和Bing,反向工程UI,具有AI模型切換、消息搜索和提示模板(WIP)。" } }, "https://github.com/jacksonmills/soren": { "repository_name": "soren", "user_name": "Jacksonmills", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "SorenCAI is an AI software engineer assistant prompt", "topics": [ "prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SorenCAI is an AI software engineer assistant prompt", "ja": "SorenCAIはAIソフトウェアエンジニアのアシスタントプロンプトです。", "zh-hans": "SorenCAI是一款人工智能软件工程师助手提示。", "zh-hant": "SorenCAI 是一個人工智慧軟體工程師助手提示。" } }, "https://github.com/benf2004/chatgpt-prompt-genius": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Prompt-Genius", "user_name": "benf2004", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Other", "description": "get your creative juices flowing not only with the prompts but feel free to contribute to this open source project too #chatgpt #gpt4 #chatgptprompts", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "get your creative juices flowing not only with the prompts but feel free to contribute to this open source project too #chatgpt #gpt4 #chatgptprompts", "ja": "プロンプトだけでなく、このオープンソースプロジェクトにも自由に貢献して、創造力を刺激してください。 #chatgpt #gpt4 #chatgptprompts", "zh-hans": "不仅可以通过提示激发您的创造力,还可以自由地为这个开源项目做出贡献。#chatgpt #gpt4 #chatgptprompts", "zh-hant": "不僅可以通過提示激發您的創造力,還可以自由地為這個開源項目做出貢獻 #chatgpt #gpt4 #chatgptprompts" } }, "https://github.com/cranot/chatbot-injections-exploits": { "repository_name": "chatbot-injections-exploits", "user_name": "Cranot", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatBot Injection and Exploit Examples: A Curated List of Prompt Engineer Commands - ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatBot Injection and Exploit Examples: A Curated List of Prompt Engineer Commands - ChatGPT", "ja": "チャットボットのインジェクションとエクスプロイトの例:プロンプトエンジニアコマンドのキュレーションリスト - ChatGPT", "zh-hans": "聊天机器人注入和利用示例:一份策划的工程师命令列表 - ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "聊天機器人注入和利用示例:一個由ChatGPT精心挑選的提示工程師命令列表" } }, "https://github.com/promptable/gpt3-interview-bot": { "repository_name": "gpt3-interview-bot", "user_name": "promptable", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT3 Interview Chatbot", "topics": [ "chatbot", "gpt3", "llms", "openai", "python3", "streamlit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT3 Interview Chatbot", "ja": "GPT3 インタビュー チャットボット", "zh-hans": "GPT3面试聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "GPT3 面試聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/capnmidnight/chatgpt-adventure": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Adventure", "user_name": "capnmidnight", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "A starting prompt for ChatGPT to create a text-adventure game", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A starting prompt for ChatGPT to create a text-adventure game", "ja": "ChatGPTにテキストアドベンチャーゲームを作成するための開始プロンプトを入力してください。", "zh-hans": "一个开始提示,让ChatGPT创建一个文字冒险游戏。", "zh-hant": "一個開始提示ChatGPT創建文字冒險遊戲" } }, "https://github.com/sw-yx/ai-notes": { "repository_name": "ai-notes", "user_name": "sw-yx", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "notes for software engineers getting up to speed on new AI developments. Serves as datastore for lspace.swyx.io writing, and product brainstorming, but has cleaned up canonical references under the /Resources folder.", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt", "gpt-3", "multimodal", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "notes for software engineers getting up to speed on new AI developments. Serves as datastore for lspace.swyx.io writing, and product brainstorming, but has cleaned up canonical references under the /Resources folder.", "ja": "新しいAIの開発に追いつくためのソフトウェアエンジニア向けのノート。lspace.swyx.ioのライティングや製品のブレストに役立つデータストアとして機能しますが、/Resourcesフォルダーの下にクリーンアップされた標準的な参照があります。", "zh-hans": "软件工程师了解新的人工智能发展的笔记。作为 lspace.swyx.io 写作和产品头脑风暴的数据存储,但在 /资源文件夹下整理了干净的规范参考资料。", "zh-hant": "軟體工程師快速掌握新人工智慧發展的筆記。作為 lspace.swyx.io 寫作和產品頭腦風暴的數據存儲庫,但在 /資源文件夾下整理了清理過的標準參考資料。" } }, "https://github.com/squidgyai/squidgy-prompts": { "repository_name": "squidgy-prompts", "user_name": "squidgyai", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International", "description": "any #langtwt folks interested in #gpt3 / #chatgpt and language learning?we’ve just released an open source set of prompts to help learners build decks, sentence mine, correct grammar, play word games and more. can be used on their own or in @squidgiesapp.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "any #langtwt folks interested in #gpt3 / #chatgpt and language learning?we’ve just released an open source set of prompts to help learners build decks, sentence mine, correct grammar, play word games and more. can be used on their own or in @squidgiesapp.", "ja": "#langtwt の皆さん、#gpt3 / #chatgpt と言語学習に興味はありますか?私たちは、学習者がデッキを構築し、文をマイニングし、文法を修正し、単語ゲームをプレイするためのオープンソースのプロンプトセットをリリースしました。単独で使用することも、@squidgiesapp で使用することもできます。", "zh-hans": "有没有#langtwt的人对#gpt3 / #chatgpt和语言学习感兴趣?我们刚刚发布了一组开源提示,帮助学习者构建卡组、挖掘句子、纠正语法、玩单词游戏等等。可以单独使用或在@squidgiesapp中使用。", "zh-hant": "有沒有任何 #langtwt 的人對 #gpt3 / #chatgpt 和語言學習感興趣?我們剛剛發布了一組開源提示,以幫助學習者建立卡片組、挖掘句子、糾正語法、玩文字遊戲等等。可以單獨使用或在 @squidgiesapp 中使用。" } }, "https://github.com/0xk1h0/chatgpt_dan": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_DAN", "user_name": "0xk1h0", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT DAN, Jailbreaks prompt", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3-5", "gpt-4", "jailbreak", "openai", "prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT DAN, Jailbreaks prompt", "ja": "ChatGPT DAN、Jailbreaksのプロンプト", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT DAN,越狱提示", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT DAN,越獄提示" } }, "https://github.com/hollobit/researchchatgpt": { "repository_name": "ResearchChatGPT", "user_name": "hollobit", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "50 use cases of ChatGPT for research work", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "prompt", "research-paper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "50 use cases of ChatGPT for research work", "ja": "研究作業のためのChatGPTの50のユースケース", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的50个用例研究工作", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的50個使用案例,供研究使用。" } }, "https://github.com/barretlee/chatgpt-text-to-midjourney-image": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-text-to-midjourney-image", "user_name": "barretlee", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Optimize the prompt using ChatGPT, then send it to Replicate to create an image.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "prompt", "replicate" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Optimize the prompt using ChatGPT, then send it to Replicate to create an image.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してプロンプトを最適化し、Replicateに送信して画像を作成してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT优化提示,然后将其发送给Replicate创建图像。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT優化提示,然後將其發送到Replicate創建圖像。" } }, "https://github.com/unicornlaunching/langchain-and-elevenlabs-with-pdf-analysis": { "repository_name": "langchain-and-elevenlabs-with-pdf-analysis", "user_name": "unicornlaunching", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "How might we mix OpenAI and Langchain and ElevenLabs to speak out responses to prompts using a body of knowledge encapsulated in PDFs?", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "How might we mix OpenAI and Langchain and ElevenLabs to speak out responses to prompts using a body of knowledge encapsulated in PDFs?", "ja": "OpenAIとLangchain、ElevenLabsをどのように組み合わせて、PDFに包まれた知識の体系を使ってプロンプトに対する回答を発話させることができるでしょうか?", "zh-hans": "我们如何将OpenAI、Langchain和ElevenLabs混合在一起,使用PDF中封装的知识体系来回答提示并发表言论?", "zh-hant": "我們如何將OpenAI、Langchain和ElevenLabs結合起來,使用PDF中所包含的知識庫來回應提示?" } }, "https://github.com/hazyresearch/ama_prompting": { "repository_name": "ama_prompting", "user_name": "HazyResearch", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Ask Me Anything language model prompting", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ask Me Anything language model prompting", "ja": "何でも聞いてください言語モデルのプロンプト", "zh-hans": "问我任何事情的语言模型提示", "zh-hant": "請問我任何問題的語言模型提示" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/lmops": { "repository_name": "LMOps", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "General technology for enabling AI capabilities w/ LLMs and MLLMs", "topics": [ "agi", "gpt", "language-model", "llm", "lm", "lmops", "nlp", "pretraining", "prompt", "promptist", "x-prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "General technology for enabling AI capabilities w/ LLMs and MLLMs", "ja": "LLMsとMLLMsを使用したAI機能を可能にする一般的な技術", "zh-hans": "使用LLMs和MLLMs实现AI能力的通用技术", "zh-hant": "利用LLMs和MLLMs實現AI能力的一般技術" } }, "https://github.com/ai4finance-foundation/fingpt": { "repository_name": "FinGPT", "user_name": "AI4Finance-Foundation", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Open-source for open finance! Revolutionize 🔥", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "finance", "fingpt", "fintech", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "nlp", "prompt-engineering", "pytorch", "reinforcement-learning", "robo-advisor", "sentiment-analysis", "technical-analysis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open-source for open finance! Revolutionize 🔥", "ja": "オープンファイナンスのためのオープンソース!革命を起こそう🔥", "zh-hans": "开源开放金融!革命🔥", "zh-hant": "開放金融的開源!革命化🔥" } }, "https://github.com/suno-ai/bark": { "repository_name": "bark", "user_name": "suno-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model", "ja": "🔊 テキストに促された生成音声モデル", "zh-hans": "🔊 文本提示生成音频模型", "zh-hant": "🔊 文字提示生成音頻模型" } }, "https://github.com/aishell-io/aish": { "repository_name": "aish", "user_name": "aishell-io", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A ChatGPT CLI with local storage for prompts and messages.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT CLI with local storage for prompts and messages.", "ja": "プロンプトとメッセージのためのローカルストレージを備えたChatGPT CLI。", "zh-hans": "一个带有本地存储的ChatGPT CLI,用于提示和消息。", "zh-hant": "一個具有本地存儲功能的ChatGPT CLI,用於提示和消息。" } }, "https://github.com/op7418/prompt-hunter": { "repository_name": "Prompt-hunter", "user_name": "op7418", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "Save the Prompt and images from the Midjourney details page to your Notion page", "topics": [ "ai", "midjourney", "notion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Save the Prompt and images from the Midjourney details page to your Notion page", "ja": "中間旅程の詳細ページからプロンプトと画像をあなたのNotionページに保存してください。", "zh-hans": "将Midjourney详情页面的提示和图片保存到您的Notion页面中。", "zh-hant": "將Midjourney詳細頁面的提示和圖像保存到您的Notion頁面中。" } }, "https://github.com/jushbjj/mr.-ranedeer-ai-tutor": { "repository_name": "Mr.-Ranedeer-AI-Tutor", "user_name": "JushBJJ", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A GPT-4 AI Tutor Prompt for customizable personalized learning experiences.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A GPT-4 AI Tutor Prompt for customizable personalized learning experiences.", "ja": "カスタマイズ可能な個人に合わせた学習体験のためのGPT-4 AIチュータープロンプト。", "zh-hans": "一个可定制个性化学习体验的GPT-4 AI导师提示。", "zh-hant": "一個可定制個性化學習體驗的GPT-4 AI導師提示。" } }, "https://github.com/githubdaily/chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers-in-chinese": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Prompt-Engineering-for-Developers-in-Chinese", "user_name": "GitHubDaily", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "《面向开发者的 ChatGPT 提示词工程》非官方版中英双语字幕 Unofficial subtitles of \"ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "《面向开发者的 ChatGPT 提示词工程》非官方版中英双语字幕 Unofficial subtitles of \"ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers\"", "ja": "「開発者向けのChatGPTプロンプトエンジニアリング」の非公式版英中字幕", "zh-hans": "《面向开发者的 ChatGPT 提示词工程》非官方版中英双语字幕:开发者必看!", "zh-hant": "《面向開發者的 ChatGPT 提示詞工程》非官方版中英雙語字幕" } }, "https://github.com/datawhalechina/prompt-engineering-for-developers": { "repository_name": "prompt-engineering-for-developers", "user_name": "datawhalechina", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中文版,视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bo4y1A7FU", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中文版,视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bo4y1A7FU", "ja": "吴恩达の「ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers」の中国語版コース、ビデオアドレス:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bo4y1A7FU", "zh-hans": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中文版,视频地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bo4y1A7FU", "zh-hant": "吳恩達《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》課程中文版,視頻地址:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bo4y1A7FU" } }, "https://github.com/ambr0sial/unleashedgpt": { "repository_name": "unleashedgpt", "user_name": "ambr0sial", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "UnleashedGPT: Yet Another ChatGPT Jailbreak", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "jailbreak", "openai", "prompt", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "UnleashedGPT: Yet Another ChatGPT Jailbreak", "ja": "UnleashedGPT:もう一つのChatGPTジェイルブレイク", "zh-hans": "UnleashedGPT:又一个ChatGPT越狱", "zh-hant": "UnleashedGPT:又一個ChatGPT越獄" } }, "https://github.com/jesselau76/gpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "GPT-Prompts", "user_name": "jesselau76", "language": null, "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Useful GPT Prompts", "topics": [ "generator", "gpt", "gpt-4", "midjourney", "prompt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "有用的GPT提示", "ja": "有用なGPTプロンプト", "zh-hans": "有用的GPT提示", "zh-hant": "有用的 GPT 提示" } }, "https://github.com/brexhq/prompt-engineering": { "repository_name": "prompt-engineering", "user_name": "brexhq", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.", "ja": "OpenAIのGPT-4のような大規模言語モデルを扱うためのヒントやトリック。", "zh-hans": "使用像OpenAI的GPT-4这样的大型语言模型的技巧和窍门。", "zh-hant": "使用大型語言模型(如OpenAI的GPT-4)的技巧和訣竅。" } }, "https://github.com/yzfly/wonderful-prompts": { "repository_name": "wonderful-prompts", "user_name": "yzfly", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🔥中文 prompt 精选🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 可玩性和可用性!🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gpt3-prompts", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt35", "gpt4", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥Selected Chinese prompts🔥, ChatGPT User Guide, Enhance ChatGPT's Playability and Usability!🚀", "ja": "🔥中文プロンプト精選🔥、ChatGPT使用ガイド、ChatGPTのプレイ性と利用性を向上させよう!🚀", "zh-hans": "🔥中文提示精选🔥,ChatGPT使用指南,提升ChatGPT可玩性和可用性!🚀", "zh-hant": "🔥中文提示精選🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 可玩性和可用性!🚀" } }, "https://github.com/aiwaves-cn/recurrentgpt": { "repository_name": "RecurrentGPT", "user_name": "aiwaves-cn", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "RecurrentGPT: Interactive Generation of (Arbitrarily) Long TextGenerates a paragraph at each timestep and updates its language-based long-short term memory stored on the hard drive and the prompt, respectively. repo: abs: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "RecurrentGPT: Interactive Generation of (Arbitrarily) Long TextGenerates a paragraph at each timestep and updates its language-based long-short term memory stored on the hard drive and the prompt, respectively. repo: abs: ", "ja": "RecurrentGPT:(任意に)長いテキストのインタラクティブ生成\n各タイムステップで段落を生成し、それぞれハードドライブとプロンプトに保存された言語ベースの長期・短期メモリを更新します。リポジトリ:abs:", "zh-hans": "RecurrentGPT:交互式生成(任意长度的)长文本。每个时间步生成一个段落,并分别更新存储在硬盘和提示中的基于语言的长短期记忆。仓库:abs:", "zh-hant": "RecurrentGPT:互動生成(任意)長文本,每個時間步生成一段落,並分別更新存儲在硬盤和提示中的基於語言的長短期記憶。存儲庫:abs:" } }, "https://github.com/jopilot-net/jopilot-4-job-seekers": { "repository_name": "jopilot-4-job-seekers", "user_name": "jopilot-net", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "The prompts supported by JoPilot ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "copilot", "jobsearch" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The prompts supported by JoPilot ", "ja": "JoPilotがサポートするプロンプト", "zh-hans": "JoPilot支持的提示信息", "zh-hant": "JoPilot 支援的提示訊息" } }, "https://github.com/franxyao/chain-of-thought-hub": { "repository_name": "chain-of-thought-hub", "user_name": "FranxYao", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Benchmarking large language models' complex reasoning ability with chain-of-thought prompting", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Benchmarking large language models' complex reasoning ability with chain-of-thought prompting", "ja": "チェーン・オブ・ソート・プロンプティングを用いた大規模言語モデルの複雑な推論能力のベンチマーク化", "zh-hans": "使用思维链提示来基准测试大型语言模型的复杂推理能力", "zh-hant": "使用思維鏈提示來評估大型語言模型的複雜推理能力的基準測試" } }, "https://github.com/aprilnea/chatgpt-admin-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Admin-Web", "user_name": "AprilNEA", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "带有用户管理和后台管理系统的 ChatGPT WebUI", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "newbing", "nextjs", "prompt", "redis", "user-management", "vercel", "web", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT WebUI with user management and backend management system.", "ja": "ChatGPT WebUIには、ユーザー管理とバックエンド管理システムが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "带有用户管理和后台管理系统的 ChatGPT 网页用户界面", "zh-hant": "具備使用者管理和後台管理系統的 ChatGPT WebUI" } }, "https://github.com/pnp/powerplatform-prompts": { "repository_name": "powerplatform-prompts", "user_name": "pnp", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "This repository contains a collection of prompt examples to be used with GPT models in the Power Platform.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains a collection of prompt examples to be used with GPT models in the Power Platform.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、Power Platformで使用するためのGPTモデルのプロンプト例のコレクションが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含了一系列的提示示例,可用于在Power Platform中使用GPT模型。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含一系列的提示範例,可用於 Power Platform 中的 GPT 模型。" } }, "https://github.com/plastic-labs/tutor-gpt": { "repository_name": "tutor-gpt", "user_name": "plastic-labs", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "LangChain LLM application. Dynamic few-shot metaprompting for the task of tutoring. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LangChain LLM application. Dynamic few-shot metaprompting for the task of tutoring. ", "ja": "LangChain LLMアプリケーション。チュータリングのタスクに対するダイナミックなフューショットメタプロンプティング。", "zh-hans": "LangChain LLM 应用程序。针对辅导任务的动态少量样本元提示。", "zh-hant": "LangChain LLM 應用程式。針對教學任務的動態少量樣本元提示。" } }, "https://github.com/admtal/chat-gpt-games": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-games", "user_name": "AdmTal", "language": null, "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Prompts for playable games in ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Prompts for playable games in ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTでプレイ可能なゲームのプロンプト", "zh-hans": "在ChatGPT中可玩游戏的提示", "zh-hant": "在ChatGPT中可玩遊戲的提示" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/taskmatrix": { "repository_name": "TaskMatrix", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "@jksyaw @LangChainAI @FlowiseAI @bubble If the prompts are descriptive and distinguishable from each other, my understanding is the agent can still work fine for a large number of tools. For a sample use of a list of tools check out Microsoft's visualChatGPT repo not sure with 1 million… ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@jksyaw @LangChainAI @FlowiseAI @bubble If the prompts are descriptive and distinguishable from each other, my understanding is the agent can still work fine for a large number of tools. For a sample use of a list of tools check out Microsoft's visualChatGPT repo not sure with 1 million… ", "ja": "@jksyaw @LangChainAI @FlowiseAI @bubble プロンプトが説明的で互いに区別できる場合、エージェントは多数のツールでまだ正常に動作すると理解しています。ツールのリストのサンプル使用については、MicrosoftのvisualChatGPTリポジトリをチェックしてください。100万個については確信が持てません...", "zh-hans": "如果提示信息具有描述性并且彼此之间可以区分,那么我认为代理程序仍然可以适用于大量的工具。如果想要查看一组工具的示例用法,请查看微软的visualChatGPT存储库,但不确定是否适用于100万个工具... @jksyaw @LangChainAI @FlowiseAI @bubble", "zh-hant": "如果提示具有描述性且彼此可区分,我认为代理仍然可以适用于大量工具。有关工具列表的示例用法,请查看Microsoft的visualChatGPT存储库,不确定是否有100万... @jksyaw @LangChainAI @FlowiseAI @bubble" } }, "https://github.com/srush/gptworld": { "repository_name": "GPTWorld", "user_name": "srush", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A puzzle to learn about prompting", "topics": [ "puzzles" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A puzzle to learn about prompting", "ja": "促進について学ぶためのパズル", "zh-hans": "一个学习提示的谜题", "zh-hant": "一個學習提示的拼圖" } }, "https://github.com/melih-unsal/demogpt": { "repository_name": "DemoGPT", "user_name": "melih-unsal", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "⚡ DemoGPT enables you to create quick demos by just using prompts. ⚡ 🌟 Star to support our work!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "demo", "gpt3-turbo", "langchain", "langchain-app", "langchain-python", "llms", "open-source", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "streamlit", "streamlit-application" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡ DemoGPT enables you to create quick demos by just using prompts. ⚡ 🌟 Star to support our work!", "ja": "⚡ DemoGPTは、プロンプトを使用するだけで簡単にクイックデモを作成することができます。⚡ 🌟 星をつけて私たちの活動をサポートしてください!", "zh-hans": "⚡ DemoGPT 可以通过简单的提示帮助您创建快速演示。⚡ 🌟 点赞支持我们的工作!", "zh-hant": "⚡ DemoGPT 讓您只需使用提示即可創建快速演示。⚡ 🌟 點贊以支持我們的工作!" } }, "https://github.com/svermeulen/text-to-colorscheme": { "repository_name": "text-to-colorscheme", "user_name": "svermeulen", "language": "Lua", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Neovim colorschemes generated on the fly with a text prompt using ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Neovim colorschemes generated on the fly with a text prompt using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してテキストプロンプトで生成されたNeovimのカラースキーム", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT通过文本提示即时生成的Neovim配色方案", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT通過文本提示即時生成的Neovim色彩方案" } }, "https://github.com/mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer": { "repository_name": "gpt-prompt-engineer", "user_name": "mshumer", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Introducing `gpt-prompt-engineer` ✍️An agent that creates optimal GPT prompts.Just describe the task, and a chain of AI systems will:- Generate many possible prompts- Test them in a ranked tournament- Return the best promptAnd it's open-source: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Introducing `gpt-prompt-engineer` ✍️An agent that creates optimal GPT prompts.Just describe the task, and a chain of AI systems will:- Generate many possible prompts- Test them in a ranked tournament- Return the best promptAnd it's open-source: ", "ja": "`gpt-prompt-engineer`をご紹介します✍️最適なGPTプロンプトを作成するエージェントです。タスクを説明するだけで、AIシステムの連鎖が以下の手順で行います:\n- 多くの可能なプロンプトを生成します\n- ランキングトーナメントでそれらをテストします\n- 最も優れたプロンプトを返します\n\nしかも、これはオープンソースです。", "zh-hans": "介绍 `gpt-prompt-engineer` ✍️ 一个能够创建最佳 GPT 提示的代理。只需描述任务,一系列 AI 系统将会:- 生成许多可能的提示- 在排名比赛中测试它们- 返回最佳提示。而且它是开源的:", "zh-hant": "介紹「gpt-prompt-engineer」✍️一個能夠創建最佳GPT提示的代理人。只需描述任務,一系列AI系統將會:- 生成許多可能的提示- 在排名比賽中測試它們- 返回最佳提示。而且它是開源的:" } }, "https://github.com/dabit3/prompt-engineering-for-javascript-developers": { "repository_name": "prompt-engineering-for-javascript-developers", "user_name": "dabit3", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Notes summarized from ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers by DeepLearning.ai", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Notes summarized from ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers by DeepLearning.ai", "ja": "DeepLearning.aiによるChatGPTプロンプトエンジニアリングの要約メモ", "zh-hans": "来自DeepLearning.ai的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers的笔记总结\nChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers的笔记总结", "zh-hant": "從DeepLearning.ai的「ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers」摘要的筆記" } }, "https://github.com/nicepkg/gpt-runner": { "repository_name": "gpt-runner", "user_name": "nicepkg", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Conversations with your files! Manage and run your AI presets!", "topics": [ "ai", "anthropic", "chatgpt", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "prompt", "promptengineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Conversations with your files! Manage and run your AI presets!", "ja": "ファイルとの会話! AIプリセットを管理して実行しましょう!", "zh-hans": "与您的文件对话!管理和运行您的AI预设!", "zh-hant": "與您的文件對話!管理和運行您的AI預設!" } }, "https://github.com/utkusen/promptmap": { "repository_name": "promptmap", "user_name": "utkusen", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "automatically tests prompt injection attacks on ChatGPT instances", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "llm", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-injection" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "automatically tests prompt injection attacks on ChatGPT instances", "ja": "ChatGPTインスタンスに対して自動的にプロンプトインジェクション攻撃をテストします。", "zh-hans": "自动测试ChatGPT实例上的提示注入攻击。", "zh-hant": "自動測試ChatGPT實例上的提示注入攻擊。" } }, "https://github.com/barqawiz/intellinode": { "repository_name": "IntelliNode", "user_name": "Barqawiz", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Access the latest AI models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, Stable Diffusion, WaveNet, and beyond through a unified prompt layer and performance evaluation", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "embeddings", "google-ai", "gpt-4", "hugging-face", "image-generation", "javascript", "language-model", "nodejs", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "semantic-search", "speech-synthesis", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Access the latest AI models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, Stable Diffusion, WaveNet, and beyond through a unified prompt layer and performance evaluation", "ja": "統一されたプロンプトレイヤーとパフォーマンス評価を通じて、ChatGPT、LLaMA、Stable Diffusion、WaveNetなどの最新のAIモデルにアクセスします。", "zh-hans": "通过统一的提示层和性能评估,访问最新的AI模型,如ChatGPT、LLaMA、Stable Diffusion、WaveNet等等。", "zh-hant": "透過統一的提示層和性能評估,存取最新的AI模型,如ChatGPT、LLaMA、Stable Diffusion、WaveNet等等。" } }, "https://github.com/dave1010/tree-of-thought-prompting": { "repository_name": "tree-of-thought-prompting", "user_name": "dave1010", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Using Tree-of-Thought Prompting to boost ChatGPT's reasoning", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using Tree-of-Thought Prompting to boost ChatGPT's reasoning", "ja": "ツリーオブソートプロンプティングを使用して、ChatGPTの推論力を向上させる", "zh-hans": "使用思维树提示来提升ChatGPT的推理能力", "zh-hant": "使用思維樹提示來提升ChatGPT的推理能力" } }, "https://github.com/wincheshe/chatgpt-prompt-scripts": { "repository_name": "chatGPT-prompt-scripts", "user_name": "winchesHe", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "油猴 chatgpt Prompt 脚本插件,在chatgpt聊天框导入Prompt 对话框", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "油猴 chatgpt Prompt 脚本插件,在chatgpt聊天框导入Prompt 对话框", "ja": "油猴 chatgpt Prompt 脚本插件,在chatgpt聊天框导入Prompt 对话框\n油猿 chatgpt Prompt スクリプトプラグインを使用して、chatgptチャットボックスにPromptダイアログをインポートします。", "zh-hans": "油猴 chatgpt Prompt 脚本插件,在chatgpt聊天框导入Prompt 对话框\n油猴 chatgpt Prompt 脚本插件,将Prompt对话框导入到chatgpt聊天框中。", "zh-hant": "油猴 chatgpt Prompt 腳本插件,在 chatgpt 聊天框導入 Prompt 對話框" } }, "https://github.com/dillionverma/llm.report": { "repository_name": "llm.report", "user_name": "dillionverma", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "📊 llm.report is an open-source logging and analytics platform for OpenAI: Log your ChatGPT API requests, analyze costs, and improve your prompts.", "topics": [ "aiops", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "llmops", "mlops", "nextjs", "nodejs", "open-source", "openai", "react", "shadcn-ui", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📊 llm.report is an open-source logging and analytics platform for OpenAI: Log your ChatGPT API requests, analyze costs, and improve your prompts.", "ja": "📊 llm.reportは、OpenAIのためのオープンソースのログと分析プラットフォームです:ChatGPT APIのリクエストを記録し、コストを分析し、プロンプトを改善します。", "zh-hans": "📊 llm.report 是一个开源的日志和分析平台,用于OpenAI:记录您的ChatGPT API请求,分析成本,并改进您的提示。", "zh-hant": "📊 llm.report 是一個開源的日誌和分析平台,專為 OpenAI 設計:記錄您的 ChatGPT API 請求,分析成本並改進您的提示。" } }, "https://github.com/lichang-chen/instructzero": { "repository_name": "InstructZero", "user_name": "Lichang-Chen", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Official Implementation of InstructZero; the first framework to optimize bad prompts of ChatGPT(API LLMs) and finally obtain good prompts!", "topics": [ "black-box-optimization", "black-box-tuning", "chatgpt", "instruction-optimization", "large-language-model", "vicuna" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official Implementation of InstructZero; the first framework to optimize bad prompts of ChatGPT(API LLMs) and finally obtain good prompts!", "ja": "公式実装:InstructZeroの導入。ChatGPT(API LLMs)の悪いプロンプトを最適化し、最終的に良いプロンプトを得るための最初のフレームワークです!", "zh-hans": "正式实施InstructZero;这是第一个优化ChatGPT(API LLMs)糟糕提示并最终获得良好提示的框架!", "zh-hant": "正式實施InstructZero;這是第一個優化ChatGPT(API LLMs)不良提示並最終獲得良好提示的框架!" } }, "https://github.com/kevin-free/chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-prompt-engineering-for-developers", "user_name": "Kevin-free", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中英版", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "language-model", "openai", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中英版", "ja": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》コース中英版", "zh-hans": "吴恩达《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》课程中英版", "zh-hant": "吳恩達《ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers》課程中英版" } }, "https://github.com/overflowy/chat-key": { "repository_name": "chat-key", "user_name": "overflowy", "language": "AutoHotkey", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey 🚀", "topics": [ "ahk", "ai", "application", "autohotkey", "chatgpt", "completion", "gpt-4", "productivity", "prompt", "tool", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Supercharge your productivity with ChatGPT and AutoHotkey 🚀", "ja": "ChatGPTとAutoHotkeyで生産性を大幅に向上させましょう 🚀", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT和AutoHotkey来提高您的生产力 🚀", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT和AutoHotkey提升您的生產力 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/timqian/openprompt.co": { "repository_name": "openprompt.co", "user_name": "timqian", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Create. Use. Share. ChatGPT prompts", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create. Use. Share. ChatGPT prompts", "ja": "作成する。使用する。共有する。ChatGPTのプロンプト", "zh-hans": "创建。使用。分享。ChatGPT提示", "zh-hant": "創建。使用。分享。ChatGPT提示" } }, "https://github.com/curiousily/get-things-done-with-prompt-engineering-and-langchain": { "repository_name": "Get-Things-Done-with-Prompt-Engineering-and-LangChain", "user_name": "curiousily", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "LangChain & Prompt Engineering tutorials on Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT with custom data. Jupyter notebooks on loading and indexing data, creating prompt templates, CSV agents, and using retrieval QA chains to query the custom data. Projects for using a private LLM (Llama 2) for chat with PDF files, tweets sentiment analysis.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "langchain", "language-models", "large-language-models", "llama2", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LangChain & Prompt Engineering tutorials on Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT with custom data. Jupyter notebooks on loading and indexing data, creating prompt templates, CSV agents, and using retrieval QA chains to query the custom data. Projects for using a private LLM (Llama 2) for chat with PDF files, tweets sentiment analysis.", "ja": "LangChain&Promptエンジニアリングチュートリアルは、ChatGPTなどの大規模言語モデル(LLM)に関するもので、カスタムデータを使用します。データのロードとインデックス作成、プロンプトテンプレートの作成、CSVエージェントの作成、およびカスタムデータへのクエリにリトリーバルQAチェーンを使用するためのJupyterノートブックがあります。PDFファイルを使用したチャット用のプライベートLLM(Llama 2)を使用したプロジェクトや、ツイートの感情分析に関するプロジェクトもあります。", "zh-hans": "LangChain和Prompt工程教程,涉及大型语言模型(LLMs)如ChatGPT与自定义数据。Jupyter笔记本上的数据加载和索引、创建提示模板、CSV代理以及使用检索QA链查询自定义数据的方法。项目用于使用私有LLM(Llama 2)进行聊天,并进行PDF文件和推文情感分析。", "zh-hant": "關於使用自定義數據的大型語言模型(LLMs)如ChatGPT的LangChain和Prompt工程教程。Jupyter筆記本教學,包括加載和索引數據,創建提示模板,CSV代理,以及使用檢索QA鏈來查詢自定義數據。項目涉及使用私有LLM(Llama 2)進行聊天和對PDF文件、推文情感分析。" } }, "https://github.com/learnprompt/learnprompt": { "repository_name": "LearnPrompt", "user_name": "LearnPrompt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "cc-by-sa-4.0", "name": "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International", "spdx_id": "CC-BY-SA-4.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc-by-sa-4.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI2" }, "description": "永久免费开源的 AIGC 课程, 目前已支持 ChatGPT, Midjourney, Runway, Stable Diffusion, AI数字人,AI声音&音乐,大模型微调", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "digital-humanities", "gpt-3", "gpt3", "llm", "midjourney", "prompt-engineering", "prompting", "runway", "runway-generated", "voice-control" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "永久免费开源的 AIGC 课程, 目前已支持 ChatGPT, Midjourney, Runway, Stable Diffusion, AI数字人,AI声音&音乐,大模型微调", "ja": "永久無料のオープンソースのAIGCコース、現在はChatGPT、Midjourney、Runway、Stable Diffusion、AI数字人、AI声音&音楽、大模型微調をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "永久免费开源的 AIGC 课程,目前已支持 ChatGPT、Midjourney、Runway、Stable Diffusion、AI数字人、AI声音和音乐、大模型微调。", "zh-hant": "永久免費開源的 AIGC 課程,目前已支援 ChatGPT、Midjourney、Runway、Stable Diffusion、AI數字人、AI聲音與音樂、大模型微調。" } }, "https://github.com/intelligentnode/intellinode": { "repository_name": "IntelliNode", "user_name": "intelligentnode", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Access the latest AI models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, Diffusion, Hugging face, and beyond through a unified prompt layer and performance evaluation", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "embeddings", "google-ai", "gpt-4", "hugging-face", "image-generation", "javascript", "language-model", "nodejs", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "semantic-search", "speech-synthesis", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Access the latest AI models like ChatGPT, LLaMA, Diffusion, Hugging face, and beyond through a unified prompt layer and performance evaluation", "ja": "統一されたプロンプトレイヤーとパフォーマンス評価を介して、ChatGPT、LLaMA、Diffusion、Hugging faceなどの最新のAIモデルにアクセスします。", "zh-hans": "通过统一的提示层和性能评估,访问最新的AI模型,如ChatGPT、LLaMA、Diffusion、Hugging face等等。", "zh-hant": "透過統一的提示層和性能評估,存取最新的人工智慧模型,如ChatGPT、LLaMA、Diffusion、Hugging face等等。" } }, "https://github.com/kimtth/azure-openai-llm-vector-langchain": { "repository_name": "azure-openai-llm-vector-langchain", "user_name": "kimtth", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Azure OpenAI, OSS LLM 🌊1. Vector db and 🦙langchain 🔎2. RAG ChatGpt demo 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌 libraries, etc.", "topics": [ "azure-cognitive-search", "azure-openai", "azureopenai", "chatgpt", "deeplearning-ai", "finetuning", "gpt", "langchain", "language-model", "llama", "llama-index", "llm", "microsoft-azure", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "rag", "semantic-kernel", "vector-database", "vector-store" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Azure OpenAI, OSS LLM 🌊1. Vector db and 🦙langchain 🔎2. RAG ChatGpt demo 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌 libraries, etc.", "ja": "Azure OpenAI、OSS LLM 🌊1. ベクトルデータベースと🦙langchain 🔎2. RAG ChatGptデモ 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌ライブラリなど。", "zh-hans": "Azure OpenAI,OSS LLM 🌊1. 向量数据库和🦙语言链 🔎2. RAG ChatGpt演示 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌库等。", "zh-hant": "Azure OpenAI,OSS LLM 🌊1. 向量資料庫和🦙語言鏈 🔎2. RAG ChatGpt 示範 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌 函式庫等等。\nAzure OpenAI,OSS LLM 🌊1. 向量資料庫和🦙語言鏈 🔎2. RAG ChatGpt 示範 3. Microsoft ♾️LLM 🌌 函式庫等等。" } }, "https://github.com/pierxuy/chatgpt-assistant": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Assistant", "user_name": "PierXuY", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "基于Streamlit搭建的ChatGPT对话助手,无须科学上网即可使用,可免费云部署。支持多窗口、语音交流、对话留存、上下文预设以及参数调节等功能。", "topics": [ "academic", "chatgpt", "llm", "prompt", "streamlit", "voice" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT conversation assistant based on Streamlit, which can be used without scientific internet access and can be deployed for free in the cloud. It supports multiple windows, voice communication, conversation retention, context presets, and parameter adjustment functions.", "ja": "Streamlitを使用して構築されたChatGPTの対話アシスタントは、科学的なインターネット接続なしで使用でき、無料でクラウドに展開できます。複数のウィンドウ、音声通信、対話の保存、コンテキストのプリセット、およびパラメータの調整などの機能をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "基于Streamlit搭建的ChatGPT对话助手,无须科学上网即可使用,可免费云部署。支持多窗口、语音交流、对话留存、上下文预设以及参数调节等功能。", "zh-hant": "基於Streamlit搭建的ChatGPT對話助手,無須科學上網即可使用,可免費雲部署。支持多窗口、語音交流、對話留存、上下文預設以及參數調節等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/pickleboxer/dev-chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "dev-chatgpt-prompts", "user_name": "PickleBoxer", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "📚 Personal collection of ChatGPT prompts for developers!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "code", "copilot", "faster", "ia", "prompts", "smarter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📚 Personal collection of ChatGPT prompts for developers!", "ja": "📚 開発者向けのChatGPTプロンプトの個人コレクション!", "zh-hans": "📚 开发者的ChatGPT提示个人收藏!", "zh-hant": "📚 開發者的ChatGPT提示個人收藏!" } }, "https://github.com/iansinnott/prompta": { "repository_name": "prompta", "user_name": "iansinnott", "language": "Svelte", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT UI that is keyboard-centric, mobile friendly, can syncs chat history across devices and search past conversations.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "openai-api", "p2p", "sqlite" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT UI that is keyboard-centric, mobile friendly, can syncs chat history across devices and search past conversations.", "ja": "キーボードを中心としたChatGPT UIで、モバイルにも対応し、チャット履歴をデバイス間で同期し、過去の会話を検索できます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT UI 是以键盘为中心的,适用于移动设备的,可以在多个设备上同步聊天记录并搜索过去的对话。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT UI以鍵盤為中心,適用於移動設備,可以同步設備間的聊天記錄並搜索過去的對話。" } }, "https://github.com/dahatake/chatgpt-prompt-sample-japanese": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Prompt-Sample-Japanese", "user_name": "dahatake", "language": "HTML", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT の Prompt のサンプルです。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a sample of ChatGPT's prompt.", "ja": "ChatGPT の Prompt のサンプルです。", "zh-hans": "这是ChatGPT的提示示例。", "zh-hant": "這是ChatGPT的提示示例。\nChatGPT的提示示例。" } }, "https://github.com/jevantang/chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-prompts", "user_name": "jevantang", "language": null, "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "分门别类的 ChatGPT 中文引导语大全。", "topics": [ "bots", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "openai", "prompt", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Comprehensive collection of categorized Chinese prompts for ChatGPT.", "ja": "分類されたChatGPTの中国語ガイド全集。", "zh-hans": "分门别类的 ChatGPT 中文引导语大全。", "zh-hant": "分門別類的 ChatGPT 中文引導語大全。" } }, "https://github.com/adambear/chat-gpt-prompts-from-aiprm-zh": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-prompts-from-aiprm-zh", "user_name": "AdamBear", "language": null, "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "来自aiprm社区的两千多个ChatGPT提示,使用GPT3.5的API完成的中文翻译", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Over 2,000 ChatGPT prompts from the aiprm community, translated into Chinese using the GPT3.5 API.", "ja": "aiprmコミュニティからの2000以上のChatGPTのプロンプトを使用して、GPT3.5のAPIを使って中国語に翻訳しました。", "zh-hans": "来自aiprm社区的两千多个ChatGPT提示,使用GPT3.5的API完成的中文翻译", "zh-hant": "來自aiprm社區的兩千多個ChatGPT提示,使用GPT3.5的API完成的中文翻譯" } }, "https://github.com/botpress/botpress": { "repository_name": "botpress", "user_name": "botpress", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The open-source hub to build & deploy GPT/LLM Agents ⚡️", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "botpress", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "llm", "nlp", "openai", "prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The open-source hub to build & deploy GPT/LLM Agents ⚡️", "ja": "GPT/LLMエージェントを構築・展開するためのオープンソースハブ ⚡️", "zh-hans": "构建和部署GPT/LLM代理的开源中心 ⚡️", "zh-hant": "建立和部署GPT/LLM代理的開源中心 ⚡️" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/promptflow": { "repository_name": "promptflow", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Build high-quality LLM apps - from prototyping, testing to production deployment and monitoring.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-application-development", "ai-applications", "chatgpt", "gpt", "llm", "prompt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build high-quality LLM apps - from prototyping, testing to production deployment and monitoring.", "ja": "高品質なLLMアプリを構築します - プロトタイピング、テストから本番展開、モニタリングまで。", "zh-hans": "构建高质量的LLM应用程序-从原型设计、测试到生产部署和监控。", "zh-hant": "建立高品質的LLM應用程式 - 從原型製作、測試到生產部署和監控。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners": { "repository_name": "generative-ai-for-beginners", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/", "topics": [ "ai", "azure", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "generative-ai", "generativeai", "gpt", "language-model", "llms", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "semantic-search", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "12 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/", "ja": "12のレッスン、ジェネレーティブAIを使ってビルディングを始めましょう 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/", "zh-hans": "12个课程,开始使用生成式人工智能构建 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/", "zh-hant": "12堂課,開始使用生成式人工智慧建構 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/" } }, "https://github.com/kyegomez/tree-of-thoughts": { "repository_name": "tree-of-thoughts", "user_name": "kyegomez", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Plug in and Play Implementation of Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models that Elevates Model Reasoning by atleast 70% ", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt4", "multimodal", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-learning", "prompt-tuning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Plug in and Play Implementation of Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models that Elevates Model Reasoning by atleast 70% ", "ja": "ツリーオブソウルのプラグインとプレイの実装:大規模言語モデルによる意図的な問題解決を70%以上向上させる", "zh-hans": "插入并播放思维树的实现:通过大型语言模型进行有意识的问题解决,将模型推理提升至至少70%。", "zh-hant": "樹狀思維的即插即用實現:利用大型語言模型進行有意義的問題解決,至少提升模型推理能力70%。" } }, "https://github.com/trigaten/learn_prompting": { "repository_name": "Learn_Prompting", "user_name": "trigaten", "language": "TeX", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Prompt Engineering, Generative AI, and LLM Guide by Learn Prompting | Join our discord for the largest Prompt Engineering learning community", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "deep-learning", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-api", "gpt3", "large-language-models", "llm", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai-api", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-toolkit", "prompt-tuning", "prompting", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Prompt Engineering, Generative AI, and LLM Guide by Learn Prompting | Join our discord for the largest Prompt Engineering learning community", "ja": "Prompt Engineering、Generative AI、およびLLM Guide by Learn Prompting | 最大のPrompt Engineering学習コミュニティに参加するために、私たちのdiscordに参加してください。", "zh-hans": "Prompt Engineering,生成式人工智能和LLM指南由Learn Prompting提供 | 加入我们的Discord,成为最大的Prompt Engineering学习社区的一员。", "zh-hant": "Prompt Engineering、生成式人工智能和LLM指南,由Learn Prompting提供 | 加入我們的Discord,成為最大的Prompt Engineering學習社群。" } }, "https://github.com/dsxiangli/decryptprompt": { "repository_name": "DecryptPrompt", "user_name": "DSXiangLi", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "总结Prompt&LLM论文,开源数据&模型,AIGC应用", "topics": [ "aigc", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "demonstration", "few-shot-learning", "in-context-learning", "instruction-tuning", "llm", "llm-agent", "papers", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-tuning", "zero-shot-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Summary of Prompt & LLM thesis, open source data & models, AIGC application.", "ja": "Prompt&LLM論文のまとめ、オープンソースのデータ&モデル、AIGCの応用", "zh-hans": "总结Prompt&LLM论文,开源数据&模型,AIGC应用", "zh-hant": "總結Prompt&LLM論文,開源數據&模型,AIGC應用" } }, "https://github.com/jackmpcollins/magentic": { "repository_name": "magentic", "user_name": "jackmpcollins", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Seamlessly integrate LLMs as Python functions", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "llm", "magentic", "openai", "openai-api", "prompt", "pydantic" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Seamlessly integrate LLMs as Python functions", "ja": "Python関数としてLLMsをシームレスに統合する", "zh-hans": "无缝地将LLMs集成为Python函数", "zh-hant": "無縫地將LLMs整合為Python函數" } }, "https://github.com/louisshark/chatgpt_system_prompt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt_system_prompt", "user_name": "LouisShark", "language": "Shell", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "store all agent's system prompt", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "store all agent's system prompt", "ja": "すべてのエージェントのシステムプロンプトを保存します。", "zh-hans": "存储所有代理人的系统提示", "zh-hant": "儲存所有代理人的系統提示" } }, "https://github.com/embraceagi/langgpt": { "repository_name": "LangGPT", "user_name": "EmbraceAGI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "LangGPT: Empowering everyone to become a prompt expert!🚀 Structured Prompt,Language of GPT, 结构化提示词,结构化Prompt", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deeplearning", "framework", "gpt-4", "gpt3-prompts", "langgpt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LangGPT: Empowering everyone to become a prompt expert!🚀 Structured Prompt,Language of GPT, 结构化提示词,结构化Prompt", "ja": "LangGPT: すべての人がプロンプトのエキスパートになれるようにする!🚀 構造化されたプロンプト、GPTの言語、結構化されたプロンプト", "zh-hans": "LangGPT:让每个人都成为提示专家!🚀 结构化提示词,GPT的语言,结构化提示", "zh-hant": "LangGPT:讓每個人都能成為提示專家!🚀 結構化提示,GPT的語言,結構化提示詞,結構化Prompt" } }, "https://github.com/ahmetbersoz/chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-prompts-for-academic-writing", "user_name": "ahmetbersoz", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans.", "topics": [ "academic-writing", "ai-writing", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-prompts", "gpt3", "gpt35", "gpt4", "prompt", "writing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This list of writing prompts covers a range of topics and tasks, including brainstorming research ideas, improving language and style, conducting literature reviews, and developing research plans.", "ja": "このライティングプロンプトのリストは、様々なトピックやタスクをカバーしており、研究アイデアのブレインストーミング、言語やスタイルの改善、文献レビューの実施、研究計画の立案などが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个写作提示列表涵盖了各种主题和任务,包括头脑风暴研究想法,改善语言和风格,进行文献综述,以及制定研究计划。", "zh-hant": "這個寫作提示清單涵蓋了各種主題和任務,包括頭腦風暴研究想法、改進語言和風格、進行文獻回顧以及制定研究計劃。" } }, "https://github.com/madaan/self-refine": { "repository_name": "self-refine", "user_name": "madaan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "LLMs can generate feedback on their work, use it to improve the output, and repeat this process iteratively.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "few-shot-learning", "gpt-35", "gpt-4", "language-generation", "large-language-models", "llms", "prompting", "prompts", "reasoning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLMs can generate feedback on their work, use it to improve the output, and repeat this process iteratively.", "ja": "LLMは自分の仕事にフィードバックを生成し、それを使ってアウトプットを改善し、このプロセスを反復して繰り返すことができます。", "zh-hans": "LLMs可以对他们的工作产生反馈,利用它来改进输出,并反复进行这个过程。", "zh-hant": "LLMs 可以對他們的工作產生反饋,利用它來改善輸出,並重複這個過程。" } }, "https://github.com/linexjlin/gpts": { "repository_name": "GPTs", "user_name": "linexjlin", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "leaked prompts of GPTs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "leaked prompts of GPTs", "ja": "GPTの漏洩したプロンプト", "zh-hans": "泄露的GPT提示", "zh-hant": "洩漏的GPT提示" } }, "https://github.com/roboflow/multimodal-maestro": { "repository_name": "multimodal-maestro", "user_name": "roboflow", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Effective prompting for Large Multimodal Models like GPT-4 Vision, LLaVA or CogVLM. 🔥", "topics": [ "cross-modal", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-vision", "instance-segmentation", "llava", "lmm", "multimodality", "object-detection", "prompt-engineering", "segment-anything", "vision-language-model", "visual-prompting" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Effective prompting for Large Multimodal Models like GPT-4 Vision, LLaVA or CogVLM. 🔥", "ja": "大規模なマルチモーダルモデル(GPT-4 Vision、LLaVA、CogVLMなど)に対する効果的なプロンプティング。🔥", "zh-hans": "输入:对于大型多模型模型(如GPT-4 Vision,LLaVA或CogVLM)的有效提示。🔥\n输出:有效提示适用于大型多模型模型,如GPT-4 Vision,LLaVA或CogVLM。🔥", "zh-hant": "輸入:針對大型多模態模型(如GPT-4 Vision、LLaVA或CogVLM)的有效提示。🔥\n輸出:" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/promptbench": { "repository_name": "promptbench", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A unified evaluation framework for large language models", "topics": [ "adversarial-attacks", "benchmark", "chatgpt", "evaluation", "large-language-models", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "robustness" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A unified evaluation framework for large language models", "ja": "大規模言語モデルの統一評価フレームワーク", "zh-hans": "大型语言模型的统一评估框架", "zh-hant": "大型語言模型的統一評估框架" } }, "https://github.com/denis2054/transformers-for-nlp-2nd-edition": { "repository_name": "Transformers-for-NLP-2nd-Edition", "user_name": "Denis2054", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Transformer models from BERT to GPT-4, environments from Hugging Face to OpenAI. Fine-tuning, training, and prompt engineering examples. A bonus section with ChatGPT, GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and DALL-E including jump starting GPT-4, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, text to image generation with DALL-E, Google Cloud AI,HuggingGPT, and more ", "topics": [ "bert", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dall-e", "dall-e-api", "deep-learning", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-api", "huggingface-transformers", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "openai", "python", "pytorch", "roberta-model", "transformers", "trax" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transformer models from BERT to GPT-4, environments from Hugging Face to OpenAI. Fine-tuning, training, and prompt engineering examples. A bonus section with ChatGPT, GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and DALL-E including jump starting GPT-4, speech-to-text, text-to-speech, text to image generation with DALL-E, Google Cloud AI,HuggingGPT, and more ", "ja": "入力:BERTからGPT-4へのTransformerモデル、Hugging FaceからOpenAIへの環境。ファインチューニング、トレーニング、プロンプトエンジニアリングの例。ChatGPT、GPT-3.5-turbo、GPT-4、およびDALL-Eを含むボーナスセクション。GPT-4のジャンプスタート、音声からテキストへの変換、テキストから音声への変換、DALL-Eによるテキストから画像生成、Google Cloud AI、HuggingGPTなども含まれます。", "zh-hans": "输入:从BERT到GPT-4的Transformer模型,从Hugging Face到OpenAI的环境。微调、训练和提示工程示例。附加部分包括ChatGPT、GPT-3.5-turbo、GPT-4和DALL-E,包括启动GPT-4、语音转文本、文本转语音、使用DALL-E生成图像的文本等。Google Cloud AI、HuggingGPT等等。", "zh-hant": "輸入:從BERT到GPT-4的Transformer模型,從Hugging Face到OpenAI的環境。微調、訓練和提示工程的示例。包括ChatGPT、GPT-3.5-turbo、GPT-4和DALL-E的額外部分,其中包括啟動GPT-4、語音轉文字、文字轉語音、使用DALL-E生成圖像的文字等。Google Cloud AI、HuggingGPT等等。" } }, "https://github.com/laiyer-ai/llm-guard": { "repository_name": "llm-guard", "user_name": "laiyer-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The Security Toolkit for LLM Interactions", "topics": [ "adversarial-machine-learning", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "llm", "llm-security", "llmops", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-injection", "security-tools", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Security Toolkit for LLM Interactions", "ja": "LLMインタラクションのためのセキュリティツールキット", "zh-hans": "LLM互动安全工具包", "zh-hant": "LLM互動的安全工具包" } }, "https://github.com/zjunlp/prompt4reasoningpapers": { "repository_name": "Prompt4ReasoningPapers", "user_name": "zjunlp", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Repository for the ACL2023 paper \"Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey\".", "topics": [ "arithmetic-reasoning", "artificial-intelligence", "awsome-list", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "commonsense-reasoning", "datasets", "gpt-3", "language-models", "large-language-models", "llm", "logical-reasoning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "paper-list", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "reasoning", "survey", "symbolic-reasoning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Repository for the ACL2023 paper \"Reasoning with Language Model Prompting: A Survey\".", "ja": "入力:ACL2023論文「言語モデルプロンプティングによる推論:サーベイ」のリポジトリ。\n出力:「言語モデルプロンプティングによる推論:サーベイ」というACL2023論文のリポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "ACL2023论文《使用语言模型提示进行推理:一项调查》的存储库。", "zh-hant": "輸入:ACL2023論文「使用語言模型提示進行推理:一項調查」的存儲庫。\n輸出:ACL2023論文「使用語言模型提示進行推理:一項調查」的存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/knowledgecanvas/knowledge": { "repository_name": "knowledge", "user_name": "KnowledgeCanvas", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Knowledge is a tool for saving, searching, accessing, exploring and chatting with all of your favorite websites, documents and files.", "topics": [ "angular", "chatgpt", "electron", "knowledge-discovery", "knowledge-distillation", "knowledge-graph", "knowledge-management", "langchain", "large-language-models", "learning", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "research", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Knowledge is a tool for saving, searching, accessing, exploring and chatting with all of your favorite websites, documents and files.", "ja": "知識は、お気に入りのウェブサイト、ドキュメント、ファイルを保存、検索、アクセス、探索、チャットするためのツールです。", "zh-hans": "知识是一个用于保存、搜索、访问、探索和与您所有喜爱的网站、文档和文件聊天的工具。", "zh-hant": "知識是一個工具,可以保存、搜索、訪問、探索和與您所有喜愛的網站、文件和文件進行聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/promptfoo/promptfoo": { "repository_name": "promptfoo", "user_name": "promptfoo", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Test your prompts, models, RAGs. Evaluate and compare LLM outputs, catch regressions, and improve prompt quality. LLM evals for OpenAI/Azure GPT, Anthropic Claude, VertexAI Gemini, Ollama, Local & private models like Mistral/Mixtral/Llama with CI/CD", "topics": [ "ci", "ci-cd", "cicd", "evaluation", "evaluation-framework", "llm", "llm-eval", "llm-evaluation", "llm-evaluation-framework", "llmops", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-testing", "prompts", "rag", "testing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Test your prompts, models, RAGs. Evaluate and compare LLM outputs, catch regressions, and improve prompt quality. LLM evals for OpenAI/Azure GPT, Anthropic Claude, VertexAI Gemini, Ollama, Local & private models like Mistral/Mixtral/Llama with CI/CD", "ja": "プロンプト、モデル、RAGをテストしてください。LLMの出力を評価し比較し、回帰を検出し、プロンプトの品質を向上させてください。OpenAI/Azure GPT、Anthropic Claude、VertexAI Gemini、Ollama、Mistral/Mixtral/Llamaなどのローカルおよびプライベートモデルに対するLLMの評価(CI/CDを使用)", "zh-hans": "测试您的提示、模型和RAGs。评估和比较LLM的输出,捕捉回归,并提高提示质量。LLM评估适用于OpenAI/Azure GPT、Anthropic Claude、VertexAI Gemini、Ollama,以及像Mistral/Mixtral/Llama这样的本地和私有模型,配备CI/CD。", "zh-hant": "測試您的提示、模型和RAGs。評估並比較LLM的輸出,捕捉回歸並改善提示的質量。對於OpenAI/Azure GPT、Anthropic Claude、VertexAI Gemini、Ollama以及Mistral/Mixtral/Llama等本地和私有模型進行LLM評估,並使用CI/CD進行比較。" } }, "https://github.com/kyegomez/swarms": { "repository_name": "swarms", "user_name": "kyegomez", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Build, Deploy, and Scale Reliable Swarms of Autonomous Agents for Workflow Automation. Join our Community: https://discord.gg/DbjBMJTSWD", "topics": [ "agents", "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "attention-mechanism", "chatgpt", "gpt4", "gpt4all", "huggingface", "langchain", "langchain-python", "machine-learning", "multi-modal-imaging", "multi-modality", "multimodal", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-toolkit", "prompting", "swarms", "transformer-models", "tree-of-thoughts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build, Deploy, and Scale Reliable Swarms of Autonomous Agents for Workflow Automation. Join our Community: https://discord.gg/DbjBMJTSWD", "ja": "信頼性のある自律エージェントのスワームを構築、展開、スケーリングしてワークフローの自動化を行います。コミュニティに参加してください:https://discord.gg/DbjBMJTSWD", "zh-hans": "构建、部署和扩展可靠的自主代理群,用于工作流自动化。加入我们的社区:https://discord.gg/DbjBMJTSWD", "zh-hant": "建立、部署和擴展可靠的自主代理群,用於工作流自動化。加入我們的社群:https://discord.gg/DbjBMJTSWD" } }, "https://github.com/1003715231/gptstore-prompts": { "repository_name": "gptstore-prompts", "user_name": "1003715231", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "Here are the Top 100 prompts on GPTStore, which we can use to learn and improve prompt engineering.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Here are the Top 100 prompts on GPTStore, which we can use to learn and improve prompt engineering.", "ja": "以下はGPTStoreのトップ100のプロンプトです。これらを使用して、プロンプトエンジニアリングを学び、向上させることができます。", "zh-hans": "这里是GPTStore上的前100个提示,我们可以用来学习和改进提示工程。", "zh-hant": "這裡是 GPTStore 的前100個提示,我們可以用來學習和改進提示工程。" } }, "https://github.com/phodal/aigc": { "repository_name": "aigc", "user_name": "phodal", "language": "Rust", "license": null, "description": "《构筑大语言模型应用:应用开发与架构设计》一本关于 LLM 在真实世界应用的开源电子书,介绍了大语言模型的基础知识和应用,以及如何构建自己的模型。其中包括Prompt的编写、开发和管理,探索最好的大语言模型能带来什么,以及LLM应用开发的模式和架构设计。", "topics": [ "aigc", "chatgpt", "ebook", "llm", "opensource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"Building Applications with Large Language Models: Application Development and Architecture Design\" is an open-source e-book about the real-world applications of Large Language Models (LLM). It introduces the fundamental knowledge and applications of large language models, as well as how to build your own model. This includes writing, developing, and managing prompts, exploring the benefits of the best large language models, and the patterns and architecture design for LLM application development.", "ja": "「《構築大言語モデルの応用:アプリケーション開発とアーキテクチャ設計》は、LLMの実世界での応用について紹介したオープンソースの電子書籍であり、大言語モデルの基礎知識や応用、そして自分自身のモデルを構築する方法について説明しています。その中には、Promptの作成、開発、管理、最高の大言語モデルがもたらす可能性の探求、そしてLLMアプリケーション開発のパターンとアーキテクチャ設計が含まれています。」", "zh-hans": "《构筑大语言模型应用:应用开发与架构设计》是一本关于LLM在真实世界应用的开源电子书,介绍了大语言模型的基础知识和应用,以及如何构建自己的模型。其中包括Prompt的编写、开发和管理,探索最好的大语言模型能带来什么,以及LLM应用开发的模式和架构设计。", "zh-hant": "《構築大語言模型應用:應用開發與架構設計》一本關於 LLM 在真實世界應用的開源電子書,介紹了大語言模型的基礎知識和應用,以及如何構建自己的模型。其中包括Prompt的編寫、開發和管理,探索最好的大語言模型能帶來什麼,以及LLM應用開發的模式和架構設計。" } }, "https://github.com/henomis/lingoose": { "repository_name": "lingoose", "user_name": "henomis", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🪿 LinGoose it's a Go framework for developing LLMs-based application using pipelines", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "embeddings", "go", "golang", "index", "llm", "openai", "pinecone", "pipeline", "prompt", "vector" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🪿 LinGoose it's a Go framework for developing LLMs-based application using pipelines", "ja": "🪿 LinGooseは、パイプラインを使用してLLMsベースのアプリケーションを開発するためのGoフレームワークです。", "zh-hans": "🪿 LinGoose 是一个使用管道开发基于LLMs的应用程序的Go框架", "zh-hant": "🪿 LinGoose 是一個使用管道開發基於 LLMs 的應用程式的 Go 框架。" } }, "https://github.com/protectai/llm-guard": { "repository_name": "llm-guard", "user_name": "protectai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The Security Toolkit for LLM Interactions", "topics": [ "adversarial-machine-learning", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "llm", "llm-security", "llmops", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-injection", "security-tools", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Security Toolkit for LLM Interactions", "ja": "LLMインタラクションのためのセキュリティツールキット", "zh-hans": "LLM互动安全工具包", "zh-hant": "LLM互動的安全工具包" } }, "https://github.com/yokoffing/chatgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Prompts", "user_name": "yokoffing", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "ChatGPT and Bing AI prompt curation", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "bing", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "collections", "generative-ai", "gpt-3", "gpt3-library", "gpt3-prompts", "gpt3-resources", "language", "language-model", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT and Bing AI prompt curation", "ja": "ChatGPTとBing AIのプロンプトキュレーション", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT和Bing AI提示策划输出:", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT和Bing AI提示整理" } }, "https://github.com/thu-coai/safety-prompts": { "repository_name": "Safety-Prompts", "user_name": "thu-coai", "language": null, "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Chinese safety prompts for evaluating and improving the safety of LLMs. 中文安全prompts,用于评估和提升大模型的安全性。", "topics": [ "attack-defense", "chatgpt", "chinese-language", "instruction", "llm", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "safety" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chinese safety prompts for evaluating and improving the safety of LLMs. 中文安全prompts,用于评估和提升大模型的安全性。", "ja": "LLMの安全性を評価および向上させるための中国語の安全プロンプト。", "zh-hans": "用于评估和提升LLM安全性的中文安全提示。", "zh-hant": "用於評估和提升LLM安全性的中文安全提示。" } }, "https://github.com/xuhangc/chatgpt-academic-prompt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Academic-Prompt", "user_name": "xuhangc", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Use ChatGPT for academic writing", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT for academic writing", "ja": "学術論文の執筆にChatGPTを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT进行学术写作", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT進行學術寫作" } }, "https://github.com/kevinamiri/instructgpt-prompts": { "repository_name": "Instructgpt-prompts", "user_name": "kevinamiri", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A collection of ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 instruction-based prompts for generating and classifying text.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-prompts", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-prompt", "gpt-3-prompts", "gpt-35", "gpt-35-prompts", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt3-instruct", "gpt35", "gpt4", "instruct-gpt", "instructgpt", "instruction-following", "prompt-engineering", "prompting", "zero-shot-prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of ChatGPT and GPT-3.5 instruction-based prompts for generating and classifying text.", "ja": "テキストを生成および分類するためのChatGPTとGPT-3.5の指示ベースのプロンプトのコレクション。", "zh-hans": "一系列用于生成和分类文本的ChatGPT和GPT-3.5基于指令的提示集合。", "zh-hant": "一系列用於生成和分類文本的ChatGPT和GPT-3.5指令型提示集合。" } }, "https://github.com/arakoodev/edgechains": { "repository_name": "EdgeChains", "user_name": "arakoodev", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "EdgeChains.js Typescript/Javascript production-friendly Generative AI. Based on Jsonnet. Works anywhere that Webassembly does. Prompts live declaratively & \"outside code in config\". Kubernetes & edge friendly. Compatible with OpenAI GPT, Gemini, Llama2, Anthropic, Mistral and others", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "ai-agents", "autogpt", "chatbot", "generative-ai", "gpt", "html", "javascript", "llm", "openai", "rest-api", "typescript", "vector", "web-development", "webassembly", "webdev", "ycombinator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "EdgeChains.js Typescript/Javascript production-friendly Generative AI. Based on Jsonnet. Works anywhere that Webassembly does. Prompts live declaratively & \"outside code in config\". Kubernetes & edge friendly. Compatible with OpenAI GPT, Gemini, Llama2, A", "ja": "Input: EdgeChains.jsは、Typescript/Javascriptで作成されたプロダクション向けのGenerative AIです。Jsonnetに基づいています。Webassemblyが動作する場所ならどこでも動作します。プロンプトは宣言的にライブであり、「設定内の外部コード」です。Kubernetesおよびエッジに対応しています。OpenAI GPT、Gemini、Llama2、Aと互換性があります。", "zh-hans": "EdgeChains.js 是一种基于 Typescript/Javascript 的生产友好的生成式人工智能。基于 Jsonnet 开发。可以在支持 Webassembly 的任何地方运行。支持声明式实时提示和“配置中的外部代码”。兼容 Kubernetes 和边缘环境。与 OpenAI GPT、Gemini、Llama2 等兼容。", "zh-hant": "EdgeChains.js 是一個基於 Jsonnet 的 Typescript/Javascript 產品友好的生成式人工智能。它可以在任何支持 Webassembly 的地方運行。支持即時聲明式提示和“配置中的外部代碼”。支持 Kubernetes 和邊緣環境。與 OpenAI GPT、Gemini、Llama2 等兼容。" } }, "https://github.com/pandabearlab/prompt-tutorial": { "repository_name": "prompt-tutorial", "user_name": "PandaBearLab", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "chatGPT、prompt、LLM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chatGPT、prompt、LLM", "ja": "chatGPT、プロンプト、LLM", "zh-hans": "聊天GPT、提示、LLM", "zh-hant": "chatGPT、提示、LLMchatGPT、提示、LLM" } }, "https://github.com/10cl/chatdev": { "repository_name": "chatdev", "user_name": "10cl", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatDev IDE is an tools for building your ai agent, Whether it's NPCs in games or powerful agent tools, you can design what you want for this platform.", "topics": [ "ai-agents-framework", "aigame", "gpts", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-ide", "promptflow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatDev IDE is an tools for building your ai agent, Whether it's NPCs in games or powerful agent tools, you can design what you want for this platform.", "ja": "ChatDev IDEは、あなたのAIエージェントを構築するためのツールです。ゲーム内のNPCや強力なエージェントツールなど、このプラットフォームで自分が望むものをデザインすることができます。", "zh-hans": "ChatDev IDE 是一个用于构建您的 AI 代理的工具,无论是游戏中的 NPC 还是强大的代理工具,您都可以在这个平台上设计您想要的内容。", "zh-hant": "ChatDev IDE 是一個用於建立您的 AI 代理的工具,無論是遊戲中的 NPC 還是強大的代理工具,您都可以在這個平台上設計您想要的內容。" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/contoso-chat": { "repository_name": "contoso-chat", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompt Flow and AI Studio. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent mapping for multiple LLM task mapping.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompt Flow and AI Studio. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent ma", "ja": "このサンプルには、Prompt FlowとAI Studioを使用してRAGアプリケーションを作成するEnd2Endプロセスが含まれています。GPT 3.5 Turbo LLMアプリケーションコード、評価、AZD CLIによる展開自動化、評価と展開のためのGitHubアクション、意図マのすべてが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个样本包含了使用Prompt Flow和AI Studio创建RAG应用程序的完整End2End流程。它包括GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM应用程序代码、评估、使用AZD CLI进行部署自动化、GitHub操作进行评估和部署以及意图管理。", "zh-hant": "這個範例包含了使用Prompt Flow和AI Studio創建RAG應用程序的完整End2End過程。它包括了GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM應用程序代碼、評估、使用AZD CLI進行部署自動化、GitHub操作進行評估和部署,以及意圖管理。" } }, "https://github.com/langgptai/langgpt": { "repository_name": "LangGPT", "user_name": "langgptai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "LangGPT: Empowering everyone to become a prompt expert!🚀 Structured Prompt,Language of GPT, 结构化提示词,结构化Prompt", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deeplearning", "framework", "gpt-4", "gpt3-prompts", "langgpt", "prompt-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LangGPT: Empowering everyone to become a prompt expert!🚀 Structured Prompt,Language of GPT, 结构化提示词,结构化Prompt", "ja": "LangGPT: すべての人が迅速な専門家になるための力を与える!🚀 構造化されたプロンプト、GPTの言語、構造化されたプロンプト", "zh-hans": "LangGPT:让每个人都成为提示专家!🚀 结构化提示词,GPT语言,结构化Prompt", "zh-hant": "LangGPT:讓每個人都成為提示專家!🚀 結構化提示,GPT的語言,結構化提示詞,結構化Prompt" } }, "https://github.com/win4r/aisuperdomain": { "repository_name": "AISuperDomain", "user_name": "win4r", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Aila(AI超元域): The premier AI integration tool for Windows, macOS, and Android. Ask once, get answers from 10+ AIs like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude3, Copilot, Poe, perplexity and more. Features customizable AI and prompts.", "topics": [ "autogpt", "autogpt-no-paid-api", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-plugins", "chatgpt4", "claude", "claude3", "freegpt", "gemini", "gpt-5", "gpt5", "llama2", "openai", "openai-api", "stable", "stable-diffusion", "stable-diffusion-webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Aila(AI超元域): The premier AI integration tool for Windows, macOS, and Android. Ask once, get answers from 10+ AIs like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude3, Copilot, Poe, perplexity and more. Features customizable AI and prompts.", "ja": "Aila(AI超元域):Windows、macOS、Android向けのプレミアAI統合ツール。1度質問すると、ChatGPT、Gemini、Claude3、Copilot、Poe、perplexityなど10以上のAIから回答を得ることができます。カスタマイズ可能なAIとプロンプト機能を備えています。", "zh-hans": "Aila(AI超元域): 适用于Windows、macOS和Android的首选AI集成工具。只需询问一次,即可从ChatGPT、Gemini、Claude3、Copilot、Poe、perplexity等10多个AI中获取答案。具有可定制的AI和提示功能。", "zh-hant": "Aila(AI超元域): 專為Windows、macOS和Android設計的頂級AI整合工具。只需問一次,即可從ChatGPT、Gemini、Claude3、Copilot、Poe、perplexity等10多個AI獲得答案。具有可定制的AI和提示功能。" } }, "https://github.com/mufeedvh/code2prompt": { "repository_name": "code2prompt", "user_name": "mufeedvh", "language": "Handlebars", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "claude", "cli", "command-line", "command-line-tool", "gpt", "llm", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-generator", "prompt-toolkit", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.", "ja": "コードベースを単一のLLMプロンプトに変換するためのCLIツール。ソースツリー、プロンプトテンプレート、トークン数のカウントが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "一个CLI工具,可以将您的代码库转换为一个带有源树、提示模板和令牌计数的单个LLM提示。", "zh-hant": "一個CLI工具,將您的代碼庫轉換為單個LLM提示符,具有源代碼樹、提示符模板和令牌計數。" } }, "https://github.com/abilzerian/llm-prompt-library": { "repository_name": "LLM-Prompt-Library", "user_name": "abilzerian", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Advanced Code and Text Manipulation Prompts for Various LLMs. Suitable for GPT-4, Claude, Llama3, Gemini, and other high-performance open-source LLMs.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-chatbot", "artificial-intelligence", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "machine-learning", "openai", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "prompt-injection", "prompt-toolkit", "prompting", "prompts", "python", "text-analysis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Advanced Code and Text Manipulation Prompts for Various LLMs. Suitable for GPT-4, Claude, Llama3, Gemini, and other high-performance open-source LLMs.", "ja": "さまざまなLLM向けの高度なコードおよびテキスト操作プロンプト。GPT-4、Claude、Llama3、Gemini、およびその他の高性能オープンソースLLMに適しています。", "zh-hans": "适用于GPT-4、Claude、Llama3、Gemini等高性能开源LLM的高级代码和文本操作提示。", "zh-hant": "高级代码和文本操作提示,适用于各种LLM。适用于GPT-4、Claude、Llama3、Gemini和其他高性能开源LLM。" } }, "https://github.com/xing61/zzz-api": { "repository_name": "zzz-api", "user_name": "xing61", "language": "PHP", "license": null, "description": "优质稳定的OpenAI的API接口-For企业和开发者。OpenAI的api proxy,支持ChatGPT的API调用,支持openai的API接口,支持:gpt-4,gpt-3.5。不需要openai Key, 不需要买openai的账号,不需要美元的银行卡,通通不用的,直接调用就行,稳定好用!!智增增", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "china", "embedding", "finetune", "finetuning", "gpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt4", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-proxy", "prompt", "proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "High-quality and stable OpenAI API interface - For enterprises and developers. OpenAI's API proxy, supporting ChatGPT API calls, supporting OpenAI API interface, supporting: GPT-4, GPT-3.5. No need for an OpenAI Key, no need to purchase an OpenAI account, no need for a US dollar bank card, all unnecessary, just call directly, stable and easy to use!! Smart increase.", "ja": "優質で安定したOpenAIのAPIインターフェース-企業や開発者向け。OpenAIのAPIプロキシ、ChatGPTのAPI呼び出しをサポートし、openaiのAPIインターフェースをサポートします:gpt-4、gpt-3.5。OpenAIのキーは必要ありません、OpenAIのアカウントを購入する必要もありません、米ドルの銀行カードも必要ありません、すべて不要です、直接呼び出すだけで安定して使いやすいです!!智增增", "zh-hans": "优质稳定的OpenAI的API接口-For企业和开发者。OpenAI的api代理,支持ChatGPT的API调用,支持openai的API接口,支持:gpt-4,gpt-3.5。不需要openai Key, 不需要购买openai的账号,不需要美元的银行卡,通通不用的,直接调用就行,稳定好用!!智增增", "zh-hant": "優質穩定的OpenAI的API接口-For企業和開發者。OpenAI的api proxy,支持ChatGPT的API調用,支持openai的API接口,支持:gpt-4,gpt-3.5。不需要openai Key, 不需要買openai的帳號,不需要美元的銀行卡,通通不用的,直接調用就行,穩定好用!!智增增" } }, "https://github.com/zjunlp/easyinstruct": { "repository_name": "EasyInstruct", "user_name": "zjunlp", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[ACL 2024] An Easy-to-use Instruction Processing Framework for LLMs.", "topics": [ "api", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "easyinstruct", "gpt", "gpt-3", "in-context-learning", "instructions", "knowlm", "large-language-models", "llama", "multimodal", "prompt", "prompting", "pypy-library", "python", "reasoning", "tool" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[ACL 2024] An Easy-to-use Instruction Processing Framework for LLMs.", "ja": "[ACL 2024] LLM向けの使いやすい命令処理フレームワーク。", "zh-hans": "[ACL 2024] 一种用于LLMs的易于使用的指令处理框架。", "zh-hant": "[ACL 2024] 一個適用於LLMs的易於使用的指令處理框架。" } }, "https://github.com/ai4finance-foundation/finrobot": { "repository_name": "FinRobot", "user_name": "AI4Finance-Foundation", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "FinRobot: An Open-Source AI Agent Platform for Financial Applications using LLMs 🚀 🚀 🚀 ", "topics": [ "aiagent", "chatgpt", "finance", "fingpt", "large-language-models", "multimodal-deep-learning", "prompt-engineering", "robo-advisor" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "FinRobot: An Open-Source AI Agent Platform for Financial Applications using LLMs 🚀 🚀 🚀", "ja": "FinRobot: LLMsを使用した金融アプリケーションのためのオープンソースAIエージェントプラットフォーム 🚀 🚀 🚀", "zh-hans": "FinRobot:一个使用LLMs的金融应用程序的开源AI代理平台 🚀 🚀 🚀", "zh-hant": "FinRobot:一個使用LLMs的金融應用開源AI代理平台 🚀 🚀 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/langgptai/wonderful-prompts": { "repository_name": "wonderful-prompts", "user_name": "langgptai", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "🔥中文 prompt 精选🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 可玩性和可用性!🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gpt3-prompts", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt35", "gpt4", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥Selected Chinese prompt🔥, ChatGPT user guide, enhancing the playability and usability of ChatGPT!🚀", "ja": "🔥中国語プロンプトの選択🔥、ChatGPTの使用ガイド、ChatGPTのプレイ性と利便性を向上させる方法!🚀", "zh-hans": "🔥精选中文提示🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 的趣味性和易用性!🚀", "zh-hant": "🔥中文提示精選🔥,ChatGPT 使用指南,提升 ChatGPT 可玩性和可用性!🚀" } }, "https://github.com/verazuo/jailbreak_llms": { "repository_name": "jailbreak_llms", "user_name": "verazuo", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[CCS'24] A dataset consists of 15,140 ChatGPT prompts from Reddit, Discord, websites, and open-source datasets (including 1,405 jailbreak prompts).", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "jailbreak", "large-language-model", "llm", "llm-security", "prompt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[CCS'24] A dataset consists of 15,140 ChatGPT prompts from Reddit, Discord, websites, and open-source datasets (including 1,405 jailbreak prompts).", "ja": "[CCS'24] Reddit、Discord、ウェブサイト、オープンソースのデータセット(1,405のジェイルブレイクプロンプトを含む)からなる15,140のChatGPTプロンプトからなるデータセット。", "zh-hans": "[CCS'24] 一个数据集包含来自Reddit、Discord、网站和开源数据集的15,140个ChatGPT提示(包括1,405个越狱提示)。", "zh-hant": "[CCS'24] 一個數據集包含來自Reddit、Discord、網站和開源數據集的15,140個ChatGPT提示(包括1,405個越獄提示)。" } }, "https://github.com/mindspore-courses/step_into_llm": { "repository_name": "step_into_llm", "user_name": "mindspore-courses", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "MindSpore online courses: Step into LLM", "topics": [ "bert", "chatglm", "chatglm2", "chatgpt", "codegeex", "gpt", "gpt2", "instruction-tuning", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama2", "llm", "mindspore", "moe", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "parallel-computing", "peft", "prompt-tuning", "rlhf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MindSpore online courses: Step into LLM", "ja": "MindSporeオンラインコース:LLMに入る", "zh-hans": "MindSpore在线课程:踏入LLM", "zh-hant": "MindSpore 在线课程:踏入 LLM" } }, "https://github.com/undertone0809/promptulate": { "repository_name": "promptulate", "user_name": "Undertone0809", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🚀Large language model automation and Autonomous Language Agents development framework. Build your LLM Agent Application in a pythonic way!", "topics": [ "agent", "autogen", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "language-agent", "llm", "pne", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "promptulate", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀Large language model automation and Autonomous Language Agents development framework. Build your LLM Agent Application in a pythonic way!", "ja": "🚀大規模言語モデルの自動化と自律言語エージェントの開発フレームワーク。Pythonの方法でLLMエージェントアプリケーションを構築してください!", "zh-hans": "🚀大型语言模型自动化和自主语言代理开发框架。以Python方式构建您的LLM代理应用程序!", "zh-hant": "🚀大型語言模型自動化和自主語言代理開發框架。以Python方式構建您的LLM代理應用程式!" } }, "https://github.com/labsai/eddi": { "repository_name": "EDDI", "user_name": "labsai", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "Prompt & Conversation Management Middleware for Conversational AI APIs such as OpenAI ChatGPT, Facebook Hugging Face, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini and Ollama. Lean, restful, scalable, and cloud-native. Developed in Java, powered by Quarkus, provided with Docker, and orchestrated with Kubernetes or Openshift.", "topics": [ "ai", "bot", "bot-api", "bot-framework", "bots", "chatbot", "conversation-memory", "conversational-ai", "conversational-bots", "conversational-interface", "conversational-ui", "dialog", "java", "mongodb", "prompt-management", "prompts", "quarkus", "restful", "restful-api", "restful-webservices" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Prompt & Conversation Management Middleware for Conversational AI APIs such as OpenAI ChatGPT, Facebook Hugging Face, Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini and Ollama. Lean, restful, scalable, and cloud-native. Developed in Java, powered by Quarkus, provided wit", "ja": "Conversational AI API(OpenAI ChatGPT、Facebook Hugging Face、Anthropic Claude、Google Gemini、Ollamaなど)向けのプロンプト&会話管理ミドルウェア。Javaで開発され、Quarkusで動作し、Lean、restful、スケーラブル、クラウドネイティブです。提供されるwit。", "zh-hans": "用于对话AI API的提示和对话管理中间件,例如OpenAI ChatGPT,Facebook Hugging Face,Anthropic Claude,Google Gemini和Ollama。 精简,轻量级,可扩展,云原生。 使用Java开发,由Quarkus提供支持。", "zh-hant": "用於對話式AI API的提示和對話管理中間件,例如OpenAI ChatGPT、Facebook Hugging Face、Anthropic Claude、Google Gemini和Ollama。輕巧、休息、可擴展且雲原生。使用Java開發,由Quarkus提供支持。" } }, "https://github.com/embraceagi/aigc_interview": { "repository_name": "AIGC_Interview", "user_name": "EmbraceAGI", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "📚 AIGC 求职面经、必备基础知识、提示词工程、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintune 等 AIGC 求职你所需要知道的一切~", "topics": [ "aigc", "chatgpt", "gpt4", "interviews", "prompt", "promptengineering", "stablediffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📚 AIGC 求职面经、必备基础知识、提示词工程、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintune 等 AIGC 求职你所需要知道的一切~", "ja": "📚 AIGCの求職面接、必須の基礎知識、ヒントワードエンジニアリング、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintuneなど、AIGCの求職に必要なすべてを知っておく必要があります。", "zh-hans": "📚 AIGC 求职面经、必备基础知识、提示词工程、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintune 等 AIGC 求职你所需要知道的一切~", "zh-hant": "📚 AIGC 求職面經、必備基礎知識、提示詞工程、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintune 等 AIGC 求職你所需要知道的一切~" } }, "https://github.com/npi-ai/npi": { "repository_name": "npi", "user_name": "npi-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Tool use APIs platform for AI Agent", "topics": [ "agent", "artificial-intelligence", "autogpt", "autonomous-agent", "browser-automation", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "intergration", "large-language-models", "llm", "openai", "prompt-engineering", "workflow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tool use APIs platform for AI Agent", "ja": "AIエージェント向けのツール使用APIプラットフォーム", "zh-hans": "AI代理工具使用API平台", "zh-hant": "工具使用API平台為AI代理程式" } }, "https://github.com/smalltong02/keras-llm-robot": { "repository_name": "keras-llm-robot", "user_name": "smalltong02", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A web UI Project In order to learn the large language model. This project includes features such as chat, quantization, fine-tuning, prompt engineering templates, and multimodality.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "code-interpreter", "faiss", "fastchat", "gemini", "knowledgebase", "llm", "milvus", "multimodal", "pgvector", "rag", "speech-to-text", "streamlit", "text-to-speech", "vectorization" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A web UI Project In order to learn the large language model. This project includes features such as chat, quantization, fine-tuning, prompt engineering templates, and multimodality.", "ja": "大規模言語モデルを学ぶためのWeb UIプロジェクト。このプロジェクトには、チャット、量子化、ファインチューニング、プロンプトエンジニアリングテンプレート、マルチモダリティなどの機能が含まれています。", "zh-hans": "一个网络UI项目,旨在学习大型语言模型。该项目包括聊天、量化、微调、提示工程模板和多模态等功能。", "zh-hant": "一個網頁UI項目,旨在學習大型語言模型。該項目包括聊天、量化、微調、提示工程模板和多模式等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/nuked88/comfyui-n-nodes": { "repository_name": "ComfyUI-N-Nodes", "user_name": "Nuked88", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A suite of custom nodes for ConfyUI that includes GPT text-prompt generation, LoadVideo, SaveVideo, LoadFramesFromFolder and FrameInterpolator", "topics": [ "comfyui", "gpt", "llama", "llamacpp", "loadvideo", "savevideo", "stablediffusion", "videonode" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A suite of custom nodes for ConfyUI that includes GPT text-prompt generation, LoadVideo, SaveVideo, LoadFramesFromFolder and FrameInterpolator", "ja": "ConfyUI用のカスタムノードのスイートには、GPTテキストプロンプト生成、LoadVideo、SaveVideo、LoadFramesFromFolder、FrameInterpolatorが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "一个适用于ConfyUI的自定义节点套件,包括GPT文本提示生成、LoadVideo、SaveVideo、LoadFramesFromFolder和FrameInterpolator。", "zh-hant": "一套為ConfyUI定製的節點套件,包括GPT文本提示生成、LoadVideo、SaveVideo、LoadFramesFromFolder和FrameInterpolator" } }, "https://github.com/miatechpartners/promptchains": { "repository_name": "PromptChains", "user_name": "MIATECHPARTNERS", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Queue up prompts for ChatGPT and Claude for better performance", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Queue up prompts for ChatGPT and Claude for better performance", "ja": "ChatGPTとClaudeのパフォーマンスを向上させるために、プロンプトをキューに並べてください。", "zh-hans": "为了更好的表现,为ChatGPT和Claude排队提示。", "zh-hant": "排隊提示ChatGPT和Claude以獲得更好的表現" } }, "https://github.com/nicepkg/aide": { "repository_name": "aide", "user_name": "nicepkg", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Conquer Any Code in VSCode: One-Click Comments, Conversions, UI-to-Code, and AI Batch Processing of Files! 在 VSCode 中征服任何代码:一键注释、转换、UI 图生成代码、AI 批量处理文件!💪", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "aide", "anthropic", "chatgpt", "claude", "copilot", "developer-tools", "extensions", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "llm", "ollama", "openai", "prompt", "prompt-engineering", "software-development", "vscode", "vscode-extensions" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Conquer Any Code in VSCode: One-Click Comments, Conversions, UI-to-Code, and AI Batch Processing of Files! 在 VSCode 中征服任何代码:一键注释、转换、UI 图生成代码、AI 批量处理文件!💪", "ja": "VSCodeでどんなコードでも制覇:ワンクリックコメント、変換、UIからコードへ、ファイルのAIバッチ処理!💪", "zh-hans": "在 VSCode 中征服任何代码:一键注释、转换、UI 图生成代码、AI 批量处理文件!💪", "zh-hant": "在 VSCode 中征服任何代碼:一鍵註釋、轉換、UI 圖生成代碼、AI 批量處理文件!💪" } } }, "Chatbots": { "https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all": { "repository_name": "gpt4all", "user_name": "nomic-ai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "gpt4all: a chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt4all: a chatbot trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue", "ja": "gpt4all:コード、ストーリー、対話を含む大量のクリーンなアシスタントデータでトレーニングされたチャットボット", "zh-hans": "gpt4all:一个聊天机器人,它经过大量干净的助手数据集训练,包括代码、故事和对话。", "zh-hant": "gpt4all:一個訓練於大量乾淨的助理資料,包括程式碼、故事和對話的聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/laion-ai/open-assistant": { "repository_name": "Open-Assistant", "user_name": "LAION-AI", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.", "topics": [ "ai", "assistant", "chatgpt", "discord-bot", "language-model", "machine-learning", "nextjs", "python", "rlhf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.", "ja": "OpenAssistantは、タスクを理解し、サードパーティシステムとやり取りし、情報を動的に取得してそれを行うことができるチャットベースのアシスタントです。", "zh-hans": "OpenAssistant是一种基于聊天的助手,它能够理解任务,与第三方系统进行交互,并动态检索信息以完成任务。", "zh-hant": "OpenAssistant是一個基於聊天的助手,能夠理解任務,與第三方系統互動,並動態檢索信息以完成任務。" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui": { "repository_name": "chatbot-ui", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open source ChatGPT UI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open source ChatGPT UI.", "ja": "オープンソースのChatGPT UI。", "zh-hans": "一个开源的ChatGPT用户界面。", "zh-hant": "一個開源的ChatGPT UI。" } }, "https://github.com/lm-sys/fastchat": { "repository_name": "FastChat", "user_name": "lm-sys", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "The release repo for \"Vicuna: An Open Chatbot Impressing GPT-4\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The release repo for \"Vicuna: An Open Chatbot Impressing GPT-4\"", "ja": "「Vicuna: GPT-4に感銘を与えるオープンチャットボット」のリリースリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "“Vicuna: 一款令人印象深刻的开放式聊天机器人 GPT-4 发布仓库”", "zh-hant": "「Vicuna:一個令人印象深刻的GPT-4開放式聊天機器人」的發布庫" } }, "https://github.com/mayooear/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain": { "repository_name": "gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain", "user_name": "mayooear", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs", "topics": [ "gpt4", "langchain", "nextjs", "openai", "pdf", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs", "ja": "大規模なPDFドキュメント用のGPT4&LangChainチャットボット", "zh-hans": "GPT4和LangChain聊天机器人用于大型PDF文档", "zh-hant": "GPT4和LangChain聊天機器人用於大型PDF文檔" } }, "https://github.com/robusta-dev/kubernetes-chatgpt-bot": { "repository_name": "kubernetes-chatgpt-bot", "user_name": "robusta-dev", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A ChatGPT bot for Kubernetes issues.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "kubernetes", "prometheus", "slack" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT bot for Kubernetes issues.", "ja": "Kubernetesの問題に対応するChatGPTボット。", "zh-hans": "一个用于Kubernetes问题的ChatGPT机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個針對Kubernetes問題的ChatGPT機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/m1guelpf/chatgpt-telegram": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-telegram", "user_name": "m1guelpf", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command!", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "gptchat", "openai", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run your own GPTChat Telegram bot, with a single command!", "ja": "たった1つのコマンドで、自分自身のGPTChatテレグラムボットを実行してください!", "zh-hans": "用一个命令运行您自己的GPTChat Telegram机器人!", "zh-hant": "只需一個命令,運行您自己的GPTChat Telegram機器人!" } }, "https://github.com/altryne/chatgpt-telegram-bot": { "repository_name": "chatGPT-telegram-bot", "user_name": "altryne", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This is a very early attempt at having chatGPT work within a telegram bot", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a very early attempt at having chatGPT work within a telegram bot", "ja": "これはTelegramボット内でchatGPTを動作させるための非常に初期の試みです。", "zh-hans": "这是在Telegram机器人中让chatGPT工作的早期尝试。", "zh-hant": "這是在 Telegram 機器人中嘗試讓 chatGPT 運作的早期嘗試。" } }, "https://github.com/karfly/chatgpt_telegram_bot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt_telegram_bot", "user_name": "karfly", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "cómo integrar chatgpt con gpt-4 en telegram://t.co/fyumptn5vjvía @hipertextual", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "How to integrate ChatGPT with GPT-4 on Telegram? https://t.co/fyumptn5vj via @hipertextual", "ja": "テレグラムでchatgptとgpt-4を統合する方法は? //t.co/fyumptn5vj経由@hipertextual", "zh-hans": "如何将ChatGPT与Telegram中的GPT-4集成://t.co/fyumptn5vj通过@hipertextual", "zh-hant": "如何在Telegram中将ChatGPT与GPT-4集成://t.co/fyumptn5vj通过@hipertextual" } }, "https://github.com/blinkdl/chatrwkv": { "repository_name": "ChatRWKV", "user_name": "BlinkDL", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "language-model", "pytorch", "rnn", "rwkv" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.", "ja": "ChatRWKVはChatGPTのようなものですが、RWKV(100%RNN)言語モデルで動作し、オープンソースです。", "zh-hans": "ChatRWKV类似于ChatGPT,但由RWKV(100% RNN)语言模型驱动,并且是开源的。", "zh-hant": "ChatRWKV 是一個類似 ChatGPT 的聊天機器人,但是它是由 RWKV (100% RNN) 語言模型驅動的,並且是開源的。" } }, "https://github.com/skydoves/chatgpt-android": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-android", "user_name": "skydoves", "language": "Kotlin", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates OpenAI's ChatGPT on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.", "topics": [ "android", "chat", "chat-gpt", "chatbot", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-android", "compose", "jetpack", "jetpackcompose", "kotlin", "openai-chatgpt", "skydoves" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates OpenAI's ChatGPT on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.", "ja": "📲 ChatGPT Androidは、Compose用のStream Chat SDKを使用してAndroid上でOpenAIのChatGPTをデモンストレーションしています。", "zh-hans": "📲 ChatGPT Android 展示了在 Android 上使用 Stream Chat SDK for Compose 的 OpenAI's ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "📲 ChatGPT Android 展示了 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 在 Android 上使用 Stream Chat SDK for Compose 的功能。" } }, "https://github.com/sentdex/chatgpt-at-home": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-at-Home", "user_name": "Sentdex", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT @ Home: Large Language Model (LLM) chatbot application, written by ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT @ Home: Large Language Model (LLM) chatbot application, written by ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPT @ Home:ChatGPTによって書かれた大規模言語モデル(LLM)チャットボットアプリケーション\nChatGPT @ Home:ChatGPTによって書かれた大規模言語モデル(LLM)チャットボットアプリケーション", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT @ Home:大型语言模型(LLM)聊天机器人应用程序,由ChatGPT编写", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT @ Home:由ChatGPT編寫的大型語言模型(LLM)聊天機器人應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/cogentapps/chat-with-gpt": { "repository_name": "chat-with-gpt", "user_name": "cogentapps", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open-source ChatGPT app with a voice", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt-3", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source ChatGPT app with a voice", "ja": "音声付きのオープンソースのChatGPTアプリ", "zh-hans": "一个带有语音的开源ChatGPT应用程序", "zh-hant": "一個帶有語音的開源ChatGPT應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/c-nedelcu/talk-to-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "talk-to-chatgpt", "user_name": "C-Nedelcu", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Talk to ChatGPT AI using your voice and listen to its answers through a voice", "topics": [ "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talk to ChatGPT AI using your voice and listen to its answers through a voice", "ja": "あなたの声でChatGPT AIと話し、その回答を声で聞くために入力してください。", "zh-hans": "使用您的语音与ChatGPT AI交谈,并通过语音听取其答案。", "zh-hant": "使用您的聲音與ChatGPT AI對話,並通過聲音聆聽其回答。" } }, "https://github.com/uezo/chatdollkit": { "repository_name": "ChatdollKit", "user_name": "uezo", "language": "C#", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ChatdollKit enables you to make your 3D model into a chatbot", "topics": [ "3d-model", "azure", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "unity", "unity3d", "virtualassistant" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatdollKit enables you to make your 3D model into a chatbot", "ja": "ChatdollKitを使用すると、あなたの3Dモデルをチャットボットに変換できます。", "zh-hans": "ChatdollKit 可以让你将你的3D模型制作成聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "ChatdollKit 可以讓您將您的 3D 模型製作成聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/gaizhenbiao/chuanhuchatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChuanhuChatGPT", "user_name": "GaiZhenbiao", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "GUI for ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "bilibili", "chatbot", "chatgpt-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GUI for ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIのGUI", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT API的图形用户界面", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT API 的 GUI" } }, "https://github.com/kav-k/gpt3discord": { "repository_name": "GPT3Discord", "user_name": "Kav-K", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A robust, all-in-one GPT3 interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "asyncio", "bot", "chatbot", "dalle2", "deepl", "discord", "embeddings", "extractive-question-answering", "fault-tolerant", "gpt3", "help-wanted", "image-generator", "moderation", "moderator-bot", "openai", "openai-api", "pinecone", "python", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A robust, all-in-one GPT3 interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!", "ja": "Discord用の堅牢なオールインワンGPT3インターフェース。ChatGPTスタイルの会話、画像生成、AIモデレーション、カスタムインデックス/ナレッジベース、YouTubeサマライザーなどがあります!", "zh-hans": "一个强大的、全能的Discord GPT3界面。ChatGPT风格的对话、图像生成、AI-管理、自定义索引/知识库、YouTube摘要等等!", "zh-hant": "一個強大的、全方位的GPT3界面,適用於Discord。ChatGPT風格的對話、圖像生成、AI-調節、自定義索引/知識庫、YouTube總結器等等!" } }, "https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-on-wechat", "user_name": "zhayujie", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library. 使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于GPT3.5 API和itchat实现", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "python3", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library. 使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于GPT3.5 API和itchat实现", "ja": "ChatGPTをベースにしたWechatロボットで、OpenAI APIとitchatライブラリを使用しています。GPT3.5 APIに基づいています。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT的微信机器人,使用OpenAI API和itchat库。", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGPT,使用OpenAI API和itchat庫的微信機器人。使用GPT3.5 API實現。" } }, "https://github.com/seratch/chatgpt-in-slack": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-in-Slack", "user_name": "seratch", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Swift demonstration of how to build a Slack app that enables end-users to interact with a ChatGPT bot", "topics": [ "ai", "aws", "chatbot", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "lambda-functions", "openai", "productivity", "productivity-tools", "python", "python3", "serverless", "slack" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Swift demonstration of how to build a Slack app that enables end-users to interact with a ChatGPT bot", "ja": "ChatGPTボットとのやり取りを可能にするSlackアプリを構築する方法のSwiftデモンストレーション", "zh-hans": "演示如何构建一个Slack应用程序,使最终用户可以与ChatGPT机器人进行交互的Swift。", "zh-hant": "快速演示如何建立一個Slack應用程式,讓最終用戶與ChatGPT機器人互動。" } }, "https://github.com/tbxark/chatgpt-telegram-workers": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Telegram-Workers", "user_name": "TBXark", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Deploy your own Telegram ChatGPT bot on Cloudflare Workers with ease.", "topics": [ "bot", "chatgpt", "cloudflare-workers", "gpt", "telegram", "telegram-bot", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Deploy your own Telegram ChatGPT bot on Cloudflare Workers with ease.", "ja": "簡単にCloudflare Workers上に自分自身のTelegram ChatGPTボットを展開してください。", "zh-hans": "轻松在Cloudflare Workers上部署自己的Telegram ChatGPT机器人。", "zh-hant": "輕鬆在Cloudflare Workers上部署您自己的Telegram ChatGPT機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/gpt-discord-bot": { "repository_name": "gpt-discord-bot", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Example Discord bot written in Python that uses the completions API to have conversations with the `text-davinci-003` model, and the moderations API to filter the messages.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Example Discord bot written in Python that uses the completions API to have conversations with the `text-davinci-003` model, and the moderations API to filter the messages.", "ja": "Pythonで書かれたDiscordボットの例で、completions APIを使用して`text-davinci-003`モデルと会話し、moderations APIを使用してメッセージをフィルタリングします。", "zh-hans": "使用Python编写的示例Discord机器人,使用完成API与“text-davinci-003”模型进行对话,并使用管理API过滤消息。", "zh-hant": "使用Python編寫的示例Discord機器人,使用完成API與“text-davinci-003”模型進行對話,並使用管理API過濾消息。" } }, "https://github.com/askrella/whatsapp-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "whatsapp-chatgpt", "user_name": "askrella", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI Assistant :rocket: :robot:", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "bot", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dalle", "openai", "whatsapp", "whatsapp-web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI Assistant :rocket: :robot:", "ja": "ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AIアシスタント :rocket: :robot:", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI助手 :rocket: :robot:", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT + DALL-E + WhatsApp = AI 助手 🚀 🤖" } }, "https://github.com/autumnwhj/chatgpt-wechat-bot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-wechat-bot", "user_name": "AutumnWhj", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT for wechat https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for wechat https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot", "ja": "WeChatのためのChatGPT https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 微信版 https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT for 微信 https://github.com/AutumnWhj/ChatGPT-wechat-bot" } }, "https://github.com/hello-simpleai/chatgpt-comparison-detection": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-comparison-detection", "user_name": "Hello-SimpleAI", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Human ChatGPT Comparison Corpus (HC3), Detectors, and more! 🔥", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dataset", "deep-learning", "gpt-3", "gpt2", "gpt3", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai", "python", "text-classification" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Human ChatGPT Comparison Corpus (HC3), Detectors, and more! 🔥", "ja": "人間とChatGPTの比較コーパス(HC3)、検出器など!🔥", "zh-hans": "人类ChatGPT比较语料库(HC3),探测器等等!🔥", "zh-hant": "人類ChatGPT比較語料庫(HC3)、檢測器等等!🔥" } }, "https://github.com/hesse/gitgpt": { "repository_name": "gitgpt", "user_name": "Hesse", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "A natural language command line git assistant ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An assistant for git in the form of a command line interface that understands natural language.", "ja": "自然言語のコマンドラインgitアシスタント", "zh-hans": "一个自然语言命令行git助手", "zh-hant": "一個自然語言命令行 git 助手" } }, "https://github.com/jcrodriguez1989/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt", "user_name": "jcrodriguez1989", "language": "R", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Interface to ChatGPT from R", "topics": [ "assistant", "chatgpt", "openai", "rstats", "rstatses", "rstudio", "rstudio-addin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interface to ChatGPT from R", "ja": "RからChatGPTへのインターフェース", "zh-hans": "从R到ChatGPT的接口", "zh-hant": "從 R 介面連接至 ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui-pro": { "repository_name": "chatbot-ui-pro", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI search & chat for Balaji Srinivasan's \"The Network State.\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI search & chat for Balaji Srinivasan's \"The Network State.\"", "ja": "バラジ・スリニバサン氏の「ネットワーク国家」に対するAI検索とチャット。", "zh-hans": "AI搜索和聊天,用于Balaji Srinivasan的“网络国家”。", "zh-hant": "AI 搜尋和聊天,專為 Balaji Srinivasan 的「網絡國家」設計。" } }, "https://github.com/sifue/chatgpt-slackbot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-slackbot", "user_name": "sifue", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIをSlack上で利用するためのSlackbotスクリプト (日本語での利用が前提)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Slackbot script for using OpenAI's ChatGPT API on Slack (assumes usage in Japanese)", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIをSlack上で利用するためのSlackbotスクリプト (日本語での利用が前提)", "zh-hans": "用于在Slack上使用OpenAI的ChatGPT API的Slackbot脚本(前提是使用日语)", "zh-hant": "用於在Slack上使用OpenAI的ChatGPT API的Slackbot腳本(前提是使用日語)" } }, "https://github.com/m1guelpf/chatgpt-discord": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-discord", "user_name": "m1guelpf", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Run your own GPTChat Discord bot, with a single command!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run your own GPTChat Discord bot, with a single command!", "ja": "たった1つのコマンドで、自分自身のGPTChat Discordボットを実行しましょう!", "zh-hans": "只需一个命令,就可以运行您自己的GPTChat Discord机器人!", "zh-hant": "只需一個命令,運行您自己的GPTChat Discord機器人!" } }, "https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-twitter-bot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-twitter-bot", "user_name": "transitive-bullshit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Twitter bot powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It's aliveeeee 🤖", "topics": [ "bots", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai", "twitter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Twitter bot powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT API. It's aliveeeee 🤖", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIを利用したTwitterボットです。生きています🤖", "zh-hans": "由OpenAI的ChatGPT API驱动的Twitter机器人。它活着啦🤖", "zh-hant": "由OpenAI的ChatGPT API驅動的Twitter機器人。它活著啦🤖" } }, "https://github.com/zero6992/chatgpt-discord-bot": { "repository_name": "chatGPT-discord-bot", "user_name": "Zero6992", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "Integrate ChatGPT into your own discord bot", "topics": [ "bot", "chatgpt", "discord", "discord-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrate ChatGPT into your own discord bot", "ja": "あなた自身のDiscordボットにChatGPTを統合してください。", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT集成到您自己的Discord机器人中。", "zh-hant": "將ChatGPT整合到您自己的Discord機器人中。" } }, "https://github.com/geson-anko/vrchatbot": { "repository_name": "vrchatbot", "user_name": "Geson-anko", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "VRChatにAI Botを作るためのリポジトリ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Repository for creating AI bots in VRChat", "ja": "VRChatにAI Botを作るためのリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "用于创建VRChat AI机器人的代码库", "zh-hant": "建立VRChat AI Bot的存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/tree-ind/blender-gpt": { "repository_name": "Blender-GPT", "user_name": "TREE-Ind", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "An all-in-one Blender assistant powered by GPT3/4 + Whisper integration", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An all-in-one Blender assistant powered by GPT3/4 + Whisper integration", "ja": "GPT3/4 + Whisper統合によるオールインワンのBlenderアシスタント", "zh-hans": "由GPT3/4和Whisper集成驱动的全能Blender助手", "zh-hant": "一個由GPT3/4 + Whisper整合驅動的全能Blender助手" } }, "https://github.com/djun/wechatbot": { "repository_name": "wechatbot", "user_name": "djun", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "为个人微信接入ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrate ChatGPT into personal WeChat account.", "ja": "個人のWeChatにChatGPTを接続する。", "zh-hans": "将个人微信接入ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "為個人微信接入ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/ztjhz/betterchatgpt": { "repository_name": "BetterChatGPT", "user_name": "ztjhz", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "Play and chat smarter with Better ChatGPT - an amazing open-source web app with a better UI for exploring OpenAI's ChatGPT API! (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux)", "topics": [ "better-chat-gpt", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "free", "gpt-3", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Play and chat smarter with Better ChatGPT - an amazing open-source web app with a better UI for exploring OpenAI's ChatGPT API! (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux)", "ja": "「Better ChatGPT」でよりスマートにプレイ&チャットしましょう。OpenAIのChatGPT APIを探索するためのUIが改善された素晴らしいオープンソースのWebアプリです!(ウェブサイト+Windows+MacOS+Linux)", "zh-hans": "使用更好的ChatGPT聊天,更聪明地玩耍和聊天 - 一个令人惊叹的开源Web应用程序,具有更好的UI,可探索OpenAI的ChatGPT API!(网站+ Windows + MacOS + Linux)", "zh-hant": "使用更好的聊天GPT,更聰明地玩和聊天 - 這是一個令人驚嘆的開源Web應用程序,具有更好的UI,可探索OpenAI的ChatGPT API!(網站+ Windows + MacOS + Linux)" } }, "https://github.com/databrickslabs/dolly": { "repository_name": "dolly", "user_name": "databrickslabs", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Databricks’ Dolly, a large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform", "topics": [ "chatbot", "databricks", "dolly", "gpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Databricks’ Dolly, a large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform", "ja": "DatabricksのDollyは、Databricks Machine Learning Platformでトレーニングされた大規模な言語モデルです。", "zh-hans": "Databricks的Dolly,是在Databricks机器学习平台上训练的大型语言模型。", "zh-hant": "Databricks的Dolly,是在Databricks機器學習平台上訓練的大型語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/pionxzh/chatgpt-exporter": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-exporter", "user_name": "pionxzh", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Export and Share your ChatGPT conversation history", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "exporter", "tampermonkey", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Export and Share your ChatGPT conversation history", "ja": "ChatGPTの会話履歴をエクスポートして共有する。", "zh-hans": "导出并分享您的ChatGPT聊天记录历史。", "zh-hant": "匯出並分享您的ChatGPT對話歷史" } }, "https://github.com/bytemate/larkgpt": { "repository_name": "larkgpt", "user_name": "bytemate", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "Lark chatgpt bot", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Lark chatgpt bot", "ja": "ラークチャットGPTボット", "zh-hans": "百灵聊天GPT机器人", "zh-hant": "百靈鳥聊天GPT機器人" } }, "https://github.com/noahshinn024/reflexion-human-eval": { "repository_name": "reflexion-human-eval", "user_name": "noahshinn024", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "reflection-based gpt-4 agent is state-of-the-art on code geniteratively refines code, shifting “accuracy bottleneck” from correct code gen to correct test genhumaneval accuracy:-reflexion-based gpt-4 88% -gpt-4 67.0%-codet 65.8%-palm 26.2%code:", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "reflection-based gpt-4 agent is state-of-the-art on code geniteratively refines code, shifting “accuracy bottleneck” from correct code gen to correct test genhumaneval accuracy:-reflexion-based gpt-4 88% -gpt-4 67.0%-codet 65.8%-palm 26.2%code:", "ja": "反射型のGPT-4エージェントは、コード生成において最先端であり、コードを反復的に洗練し、正しいコード生成から正しいテスト生成への「精度のボトルネック」を移行させます。人間の評価精度:反射型GPT-4 88%-GPT-4 67.0%-Codet 65.8%-Palm 26.2%コード:", "zh-hans": "基于反射的GPT-4代理是代码生成领域的最先进技术,可以迭代地优化代码,将“准确性瓶颈”从正确的代码生成转移到正确的测试生成。人类评估准确性:反射式GPT-4为88%,GPT-4为67.0%,Codet为65.8%,Palm为26.2%。", "zh-hant": "反射式GPT-4代理是代碼生成的最先進技術,通過迭代地改進代碼,將“準確性瓶頸”從正確的代碼生成轉移到正確的測試生成。人性化評估準確度:反射式GPT-4 88%,GPT-4 67.0%,Codet 65.8%,Palm 26.2%。代碼:" } }, "https://github.com/giuven95/chatgpt-failures": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-failures", "user_name": "giuven95", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Failure archive for ChatGPT and similar models", "topics": [ "bing", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "error", "failure", "new-bing", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Failure archive for ChatGPT and similar models", "ja": "ChatGPTや同様のモデルの失敗アーカイブ", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT和类似模型的失败档案", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT和類似模型的失敗存檔" } }, "https://github.com/mukulpatnaik/researchgpt": { "repository_name": "researchgpt", "user_name": "mukulpatnaik", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open-source LLM based research assistant that allows you to have a conversation with a research paper", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source LLM based research assistant that allows you to have a conversation with a research paper", "ja": "研究論文と会話できるオープンソースのLLMベースの研究アシスタント", "zh-hans": "一个基于开源LLM的研究助手,可以让你与研究论文进行对话。", "zh-hant": "一個基於開源LLM的研究助手,讓您可以與研究論文進行對話。" } }, "https://github.com/m1guelpf/gptchat-telegram": { "repository_name": "gptchat-telegram", "user_name": "m1guelpf", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "✨ got tired of opening the gptchat website every time, so i made a telegram bot.if you want one too, i made it extremely easy to set up (you only need to run a single command! 😯).check out the repo 👇", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✨ got tired of opening the gptchat website every time, so i made a telegram bot.if you want one too, i made it extremely easy to set up (you only need to run a single command! 😯).check out the repo 👇", "ja": "✨毎回gptchatのウェブサイトを開くのが疲れたので、テレグラムボットを作りました。あなたも欲しい場合は、非常に簡単にセットアップできるようにしました(1つのコマンドを実行するだけです!😯)。リポジトリをチェックしてください👇", "zh-hans": "✨厌倦了每次打开gptchat网站,所以我做了一个Telegram机器人。如果你也想要一个,我已经极大地简化了设置过程(你只需要运行一个命令!😯)。查看代码库👇。", "zh-hant": "✨ 厭倦每次都要打開 gptchat 網站,所以我做了一個 Telegram 機器人。如果你也想要,我讓它非常容易設置(你只需要運行一個命令!😯)。請查看存儲庫👇。" } }, "https://github.com/riccardolinares/unchatgpt": { "repository_name": "unChatGPT", "user_name": "riccardolinares", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "unChatGPT uses the OpenAI API to create a chatbot-like chat experience. It is a similar to ChatGPT, but without the need to wait in a queue or have limited access.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "unChatGPT uses the OpenAI API to create a chatbot-like chat experience. It is a similar to ChatGPT, but without the need to wait in a queue or have limited access.", "ja": "unChatGPTはOpenAI APIを使用して、チャットボットのようなチャット体験を作成します。ChatGPTと似ていますが、待ち行列に並ぶ必要がなく、制限されたアクセスもありません。", "zh-hans": "unChatGPT使用OpenAI API创建类似聊天机器人的聊天体验。它类似于ChatGPT,但无需排队等待或受到限制。", "zh-hant": "unChatGPT使用OpenAI API創建類似聊天機器人的聊天體驗。它與ChatGPT類似,但無需等待排隊或有限制的訪問。" } }, "https://github.com/tg12/gpt_jailbreak_status": { "repository_name": "gpt_jailbreak_status", "user_name": "tg12", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "This is a repository that aims to provide updates on the status of jailbreaking the OpenAI GPT language model.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-prompts", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a repository that aims to provide updates on the status of jailbreaking the OpenAI GPT language model.", "ja": "これは、OpenAI GPT言語モデルのジェイルブレイクの状況に関する最新情報を提供することを目的としたリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个旨在提供关于OpenAI GPT语言模型越狱状态更新的存储库。", "zh-hant": "這是一個存儲庫,旨在提供關於越獄OpenAI GPT語言模型狀態的更新。" } }, "https://github.com/rubberduck-ai/rubberduck-vscode": { "repository_name": "rubberduck-vscode", "user_name": "rubberduck-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Use AI-powered code edits, explanations, code generation, error diagnosis, and chat in Visual Studio Code with the official OpenAI API.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt3", "openai", "visual-studio-code", "vscode", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use AI-powered code edits, explanations, code generation, error diagnosis, and chat in Visual Studio Code with the official OpenAI API.", "ja": "公式OpenAI APIを使用して、Visual Studio CodeでAIによるコード編集、説明、コード生成、エラー診断、チャットを行います。", "zh-hans": "使用官方OpenAI API在Visual Studio Code中使用AI驱动的代码编辑、解释、代码生成、错误诊断和聊天功能。", "zh-hant": "使用AI驅動的代碼編輯、解釋、代碼生成、錯誤診斷和聊天功能,在Visual Studio Code中使用官方OpenAI API。" } }, "https://github.com/shbhrsaha/wikipedia-gpt3-bot": { "repository_name": "wikipedia-gpt3-bot", "user_name": "shbhrsaha", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "REPL bot that answers questions by querying Wikipedia and summarizing answers with GPT-3", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "REPL bot that answers questions by querying Wikipedia and summarizing answers with GPT-3", "ja": "Wikipediaをクエリして回答を要約するGPT-3を使用して質問に答えるREPLボット", "zh-hans": "使用维基百科查询并用GPT-3总结答案的REPL机器人。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3查詢維基百科並總結答案的REPL機器人" } }, "https://github.com/leeford/teams-openai-bot": { "repository_name": "teams-openai-bot", "user_name": "leeford", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Sample Teams OpenAI bot", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Sample Teams OpenAI bot", "ja": "サンプルチームのOpenAIボット", "zh-hans": "示例团队OpenAI机器人", "zh-hant": "樣本團隊 OpenAI 機器人" } }, "https://github.com/mikito/unity-voicevox-bridge": { "repository_name": "unity-voicevox-bridge", "user_name": "mikito", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "unity上からvoicevoxと連携して合成音声を簡単に再生できるシンプルなライブラリ作ってみました!chatgpt apiとかのお供に!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I created a simple library that allows easy playback of synthesized voices in collaboration with Voicevox from Unity! It can be used as a companion to ChatGPT API and other similar services.", "ja": "unity上からvoicevoxと連携して合成音声を簡単に再生できるシンプルなライブラリ作ってみました!chatgpt apiとかのお供に!", "zh-hans": "我已经制作了一个简单的库,可以从Unity中与Voicevox协作,轻松播放合成语音!适用于ChatGPT API等用途!", "zh-hant": "我創建了一個簡單的庫,可以從Unity中與Voicevox協作,輕鬆播放合成語音!這是ChatGPT API等工具的好幫手!" } }, "https://github.com/hahahumble/speechgpt": { "repository_name": "speechgpt", "user_name": "hahahumble", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "SpeechGPT is a web application that enables you to converse with ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "language-learning", "speech", "speech-recognition" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SpeechGPT is a web application that enables you to converse with ChatGPT.", "ja": "SpeechGPTは、ChatGPTと会話することができるWebアプリケーションです。", "zh-hans": "SpeechGPT是一个网络应用程序,可以让您与ChatGPT进行对话。", "zh-hant": "SpeechGPT 是一個網路應用程式,可以讓您與 ChatGPT 對話。" } }, "https://github.com/nukeador/chatgpt-tegram-bot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-tegram-bot", "user_name": "nukeador", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "A simple bot for Telegram that allows interaction with ChatGPT (with voice notes and support for generating images).", "topics": [ "amazon-polly", "bots", "chatgpt", "ia", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple bot for Telegram that allows interaction with ChatGPT (with voice notes and support for generating images).", "ja": "Telegram用のシンプルなボットで、ChatGPTとの対話を音声ノートで行い、画像の生成をサポートします。", "zh-hans": "一个简单的Telegram机器人,可以与ChatGPT互动(支持语音笔记和生成图片)。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的Telegram機器人,可與ChatGPT互動(支持語音註釋和生成圖像)。" } }, "https://github.com/nodatafound/hackgpt": { "repository_name": "hackGPT", "user_name": "NoDataFound", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "I leverage OpenAI and ChatGPT to do hackerish things", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt3", "malware", "malwareanalysis", "managers", "openai", "openai-api", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I leverage OpenAI and ChatGPT to do hackerish things", "ja": "私はOpenAIとChatGPTを活用して、ハッカーっぽいことをしています。", "zh-hans": "我利用OpenAI和ChatGPT来做黑客式的事情。", "zh-hant": "我利用OpenAI和ChatGPT進行黑客式的事情。" } }, "https://github.com/ynagatomo/heychatgpt": { "repository_name": "HeyChatGPT", "user_name": "ynagatomo", "language": "Swift", "license": null, "description": "A minimal iOS app that interacts with ChatGPT by your voice.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A minimal iOS app that interacts with ChatGPT by your voice.", "ja": "あなたの声でChatGPTとやり取りする最小限のiOSアプリ。", "zh-hans": "一个最简iOS应用程序,可以通过您的语音与ChatGPT互动。", "zh-hant": "一個最小化的iOS應用程式,可以透過您的語音與ChatGPT互動。" } }, "https://github.com/hwchase17/langchainjs": { "repository_name": "langchainjs", "user_name": "hwchase17", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "we've implemented autogpt in js, along with new read and write tools to write files, which can be backed by both your local filesystem in node.js as well as an in-memory filesystem in all other js envs. we'll be evolving this over time. example here", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "we've implemented autogpt in js, along with new read and write tools to write files, which can be backed by both your local filesystem in node.js as well as an in-memory filesystem in all other js envs. we'll be evolving this over time. example here", "ja": "私たちは、autogptをJSに実装し、新しい読み書きツールをファイルに書き込むために追加しました。これは、node.jsのローカルファイルシステムと、他のすべてのJS環境でのインメモリファイルシステムの両方でバックアップできます。今後も進化させていきます。例はこちらです。", "zh-hans": "我们已经在js中实现了autogpt,并配备了新的读写工具来写文件,这些文件可以由node.js中的本地文件系统以及其他所有js环境中的内存文件系统支持。我们将随着时间的推移不断发展这一点。示例在这里。", "zh-hant": "我們已經在JS中實現了autogpt,並且新增了讀寫工具來寫入文件,可以在node.js中支持本地文件系統,也可以在其他JS環境中支持內存文件系統。我們將會不斷發展這個功能。這裡有一個例子。" } }, "https://github.com/kmizu/gpt-voice-chat": { "repository_name": "gpt-voice-chat", "user_name": "kmizu", "language": "Scala", "license": null, "description": "A real voice chat with ChatGPT AI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A real voice chat with ChatGPT AI", "ja": "ChatGPT AIとの実際の音声チャット", "zh-hans": "与ChatGPT AI进行真实语音聊天", "zh-hant": "與ChatGPT AI進行真實語音聊天" } }, "https://github.com/earth-genome/chatgeopt": { "repository_name": "ChatGeoPT", "user_name": "earth-genome", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A very basic, very brittle proof of concept for an AI assistant for geospatial search", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A very basic, very brittle proof of concept for an AI assistant for geospatial search", "ja": "地理空間検索のためのAIアシスタントの非常に基本的で非常に脆弱なコンセプトの証明", "zh-hans": "一个非常基础、非常脆弱的概念证明,用于地理空间搜索的人工智能助手。", "zh-hant": "一個非常基本、非常脆弱的概念證明,用於地理空間搜索的人工智能助手。" } }, "https://github.com/jcubic/chat-gpt": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt", "user_name": "jcubic", "language": "HTML", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT conversation saving bookmark", "topics": [ "bookmarklet", "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT conversation saving bookmark", "ja": "ChatGPTの会話保存ブックマーク", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 对话保存书签", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 聊天記錄儲存書籤" } }, "https://github.com/dasdata/gortanagtp": { "repository_name": "gortanagtp", "user_name": "dasdata", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "Console Application with Voice and Text Interaction Latest ChatGPT API ", "topics": [ "azure", "chatgpt", "dotnetcore" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Console Application with Voice and Text Interaction Latest ChatGPT API", "ja": "音声とテキストのインタラクションを備えたコンソールアプリケーション、最新のChatGPT API。", "zh-hans": "具有语音和文本交互的控制台应用程序,使用最新的ChatGPT API。", "zh-hant": "具有語音和文字互動的控制台應用程序,使用最新的ChatGPT API。" } }, "https://github.com/sojinsamuel/twitter-comment-bot": { "repository_name": "Twitter-Comment-Bot", "user_name": "sojinsamuel", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Other", "description": "A bot that comments on tweets containing a specified keyword. The bot uses the OpenAI API to generate comments and the Twitter API to post them. It is designed to run continuously, with a fixed delay between each comment.", "topics": [ "aws-ec2", "axios", "bot", "campus-experts", "dailybot", "github", "github-campus-experts", "heroku", "javascript", "learn", "learning", "marketing-automation", "nodejs", "openai", "twitter", "twitter-api", "twitter-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A bot that comments on tweets containing a specified keyword. The bot uses the OpenAI API to generate comments and the Twitter API to post them. It is designed to run continuously, with a fixed delay between each comment.", "ja": "指定されたキーワードを含むツイートにコメントするボットです。ボットはOpenAI APIを使用してコメントを生成し、Twitter APIを使用して投稿します。コメント間に固定の遅延を設けて、連続して実行されるように設計されています。", "zh-hans": "一个能够评论包含指定关键词的推文的机器人。该机器人使用OpenAI API生成评论,并使用Twitter API发布评论。它被设计为连续运行,每个评论之间有固定的延迟。", "zh-hant": "一個能夠評論包含特定關鍵詞推文的機器人。該機器人使用OpenAI API生成評論,並使用Twitter API發布評論。它被設計為持續運行,每個評論之間有固定的延遲時間。" } }, "https://github.com/krecicki/chatgpt-trading-bot-for-kucoin": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Trading-Bot-for-KuCoin", "user_name": "krecicki", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This is a trading script for KuCoin that continuously places buy and sell orders based on market data and a predictive model generated by OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a trading script for KuCoin that continuously places buy and sell orders based on market data and a predictive model generated by OpenAI's GPT-3.5 language model.", "ja": "これはKuCoinの取引スクリプトであり、市場データとOpenAIのGPT-3.5言語モデルによって生成された予測モデルに基づいて、連続的に買い注文と売り注文を出します。", "zh-hans": "这是一个用于KuCoin的交易脚本,它根据市场数据和OpenAI的GPT-3.5语言模型生成的预测模型不断地下买单和卖单。", "zh-hant": "這是一個用於 KuCoin 的交易腳本,根據市場數據和由 OpenAI 的 GPT-3.5 語言模型生成的預測模型,持續地下單買入和賣出。" } }, "https://github.com/0xmmo/codemancer": { "repository_name": "codemancer", "user_name": "0xmmo", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "AI coding assistant in your command line.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI coding assistant in your command line.", "ja": "コマンドラインでのAIコーディングアシスタント。", "zh-hans": "在命令行中使用AI编码助手。", "zh-hant": "在您的命令行中使用AI編程助手。" } }, "https://github.com/vocodedev/vocode-python": { "repository_name": "vocode-python", "user_name": "vocodedev", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🤖 Build voice-based LLM agents. Modular + open source.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Build voice-based LLM agents. Modular + open source.", "ja": "🤖 音声ベースのLLMエージェントを構築してください。モジュラー+オープンソース。", "zh-hans": "🤖构建基于语音的LLM代理。模块化+开源。", "zh-hant": "🤖 建立基於語音的LLM代理人。模塊化+開源。" } }, "https://github.com/prefecthq/marvin": { "repository_name": "marvin", "user_name": "PrefectHQ", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🤖🪄 A batteries-included library for GPT-powered bots and AI functions", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-functions", "bot", "chatbots", "gpt", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖🪄 A batteries-included library for GPT-powered bots and AI functions", "ja": "🤖🪄 GPTを活用したボットやAI機能のためのバッテリー付きライブラリ", "zh-hans": "🤖🪄 一个包含电池的库,用于GPT驱动的机器人和人工智能功能。", "zh-hant": "🤖🪄 一個內含電池的庫,用於GPT驅動的機器人和人工智能功能。" } }, "https://github.com/project-baize/baize": { "repository_name": "baize", "user_name": "project-baize", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Let ChatGPT teach your own chatbot in hours with a single GPU!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Let ChatGPT teach your own chatbot in hours with a single GPU!", "ja": "ChatGPTがあなたの独自のチャットボットを1つのGPUで数時間で教えます!", "zh-hans": "让ChatGPT在几小时内用单个GPU教您自己的聊天机器人!", "zh-hant": "讓ChatGPT在幾小時內使用單個GPU教您自己的聊天機器人!" } }, "https://github.com/project-baize/baize-chatbot": { "repository_name": "baize-chatbot", "user_name": "project-baize", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Let ChatGPT teach your own chatbot in hours with a single GPU!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Let ChatGPT teach your own chatbot in hours with a single GPU!", "ja": "ChatGPTがあなたの独自のチャットボットを1つのGPUで数時間で教えます!", "zh-hans": "让ChatGPT在几小时内用单个GPU教您自己的聊天机器人!", "zh-hant": "讓ChatGPT在幾小時內使用單個GPU教您自己的聊天機器人!" } }, "https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all-ui": { "repository_name": "gpt4all-ui", "user_name": "nomic-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "gpt4all chatbot ui", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt4all chatbot ui", "ja": "gpt4allチャットボットUI", "zh-hans": "gpt4all聊天机器人界面", "zh-hant": "gpt4all聊天機器人界面" } }, "https://github.com/anc95/chatgpt-codereview": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-CodeReview", "user_name": "anc95", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "🐥 A code review bot powered by ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "codereview", "probot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐥 A code review bot powered by ChatGPT", "ja": "🐥 ChatGPTで動作するコードレビューボット", "zh-hans": "🐥 由ChatGPT驱动的代码审查机器人", "zh-hant": "🐥 由ChatGPT驅動的代碼審查機器人" } }, "https://github.com/ccurme/yolopandas": { "repository_name": "yolopandas", "user_name": "ccurme", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "チャットでpandas操作これ便利。\"fy23 q2のどこどこ会社の何何製品に関する売り上げデータをグラフ化してね。\"ってセールスオペレーションチームにお願いしているので、これ使って簡単にchatgptにデータ取得お願いできるようにしよう。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using pandas in chat is convenient. I've asked the sales operations team to graph the sales data for a certain product of a certain company in fy23 q2. Let's use this to easily request data from chatgpt.", "ja": "チャットでpandas操作これ便利。\"fy23 q2のどこどこ会社の何何製品に関する売り上げデータをグラフ化してね。\"ってセールスオペレーションチームにお願いしているので、これ使って簡単にchatgptにデータ取得お願いできるようにしよう。", "zh-hans": "在聊天中使用pandas操作非常方便。我已经向销售运营团队请求了“将fy23 q2某某公司的某某产品的销售数据制成图表”,现在我们可以使用这个工具轻松地从chatgpt中获取数据。", "zh-hant": "在聊天中使用pandas操作非常方便。我已經向銷售運營團隊請求將fy23 q2公司的哪些產品的銷售數據進行圖形化,現在我們可以使用這個工具輕鬆地從chatgpt中獲取數據。" } }, "https://github.com/sullivan-sean/chat-langchainjs": { "repository_name": "chat-langchainjs", "user_name": "sullivan-sean", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "replicating chatlangchain (a chatgpt-like bot that only answers questions about langchain documentation) with a typescript backed heard @swyx is having a hackathon later today. hopefully this can serve as a starting point for some projects there!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "replicating chatlangchain (a chatgpt-like bot that only answers questions about langchain documentation) with a typescript backed heard @swyx is having a hackathon later today. hopefully this can serve as a starting point for some projects there!", "ja": "typescriptをバックエンドに使用したchatgptのようなbotで、langchainドキュメンテーションに関する質問にのみ答えるchatlangchainを複製することを入力しました。@swyxさんが今日後半にハッカソンを開催すると聞いています。そこでこのプロジェクトがいくつかのプロジェクトの出発点となることを願っています!", "zh-hans": "使用TypeScript支持的方式复制ChatLangChain(类似于ChatGPT的机器人,只回答有关LangChain文档的问题),听说@swyx今天晚些时候将举行黑客马拉松。希望这可以作为那里一些项目的起点!", "zh-hant": "使用TypeScript支持的方式複製ChatLangChain(一個類似ChatGPT的機器人,只回答有關LangChain文檔的問題)。聽說@swyx今天晚些時候將舉行一次黑客松比賽,希望這可以作為一些項目的起點!" } }, "https://github.com/hmmhmmhm/friday-gpt": { "repository_name": "friday-gpt", "user_name": "hmmhmmhm", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A.I 에게 R&R을 부여해서 프로그래밍 업무를 진행시킵니다.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "gpt-3", "korea", "korean", "korean-nlp", "neural-network", "nodejs", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "We assign R&R to A.I to proceed with programming tasks.", "ja": "A.IにR&Rを与えてプログラミング業務を進めます。", "zh-hans": "给A.I休息和恢复时间,以便进行编程工作。", "zh-hant": "給予 A.I. R&R,以進行編程工作。" } }, "https://github.com/kent0n-li/chatdoctor": { "repository_name": "ChatDoctor", "user_name": "Kent0n-Li", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "医療特化aiチャット「chatdoctor」chatgptも使ってモデルをトレーニングしてる様子全コードとデータセット、モデルの重みがオープンソース化する予定らしい..!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "It seems that the medical specialized AI chat \"chatdoctor\" is also using chatgpt to train its model. The entire code, dataset, and model weights are planned to be open-sourced!", "ja": "医療特化aiチャット「chatdoctor」chatgptも使ってモデルをトレーニングしてる様子全コードとデータセット、モデルの重みがオープンソース化する予定らしい..!", "zh-hans": "医疗专用AI聊天机器人“chatdoctor”似乎正在使用chatgpt进行模型训练,据说全代码、数据集和模型权重将很快开源!", "zh-hant": "醫療專用AI聊天機器人「chatdoctor」似乎正在使用chatgpt進行模型訓練,並計劃開源所有代碼、數據集和模型權重!" } }, "https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free": { "repository_name": "gpt4free", "user_name": "xtekky", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "decentralising the Ai Industry, free gpt-4/3.5 scripts through several reverse engineered api's ( poe.com, phind.com, chat.openai.com, phind.com, writesonic.com, sqlchat.ai, t3nsor.com, you.com etc...)", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-4", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-free", "chatgpt4", "free-gpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "language-model", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt", "python", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "decentralising the Ai Industry, free gpt-4/3.5 scripts through several reverse engineered api's ( poe.com, phind.com, chat.openai.com, phind.com, writesonic.com, sqlchat.ai, t3nsor.com, you.com etc...)", "ja": "AI産業の分散化、複数のリバースエンジニアリングAPI(poe.com、phind.com、chat.openai.com、phind.com、writesonic.com、sqlchat.ai、t3nsor.com、you.comなど)を介して無料のGPT-4 / 3.5スクリプトを提供します。", "zh-hans": "分散化AI行业,通过多个反向工程API(poe.com、phind.com、chat.openai.com、phind.com、writesonic.com、sqlchat.ai、t3nsor.com、you.com等)免费提供GPT-4/3.5脚本。", "zh-hant": "分散化人工智能產業,透過多個反向工程的API(poe.com、phind.com、chat.openai.com、phind.com、writesonic.com、sqlchat.ai、t3nsor.com、you.com等)免費提供GPT-4/3.5腳本。" } }, "https://github.com/xcanwin/keepchatgpt": { "repository_name": "KeepChatGPT", "user_name": "xcanwin", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "让我们在使用ChatGPT过程中更高效、更顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误,不再频繁地刷新网页,足足省去10个多余的步骤。还可以取消后台监管审计。解决了这几类报错: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com. (3) This content may violate our content policy. (4) Conversation not found.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "networkerror" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "让我们在使用ChatGPT过程中更高效、更顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误,不再频繁地刷新网页,足足省去10个多余的步骤。还可以取消后台监管审计。解决了这几类报错: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com. (3) This content may violate our content policy. (4) Conversation not found.", "ja": "ChatGPTをより効率的かつスムーズに使用し、ChatGPTネットワークのエラーを完全に解決し、ウェブページを頻繁に更新する必要がなく、10以上の余分な手順を省くことができます。また、バックグラウンド監査をキャンセルすることもできます。以下のエラーを解決しました:(1)リソースの取得時にNetworkErrorが発生しました。 (2)何かが間違っています。この問題が解決しない場合は、help.openai.comのヘルプセンターを通じてお問い合わせください。 (3)このコンテンツは当社のコンテンツポリシーに違反する場合があります。 (4)会話が見つかりません。", "zh-hans": "让我们在使用ChatGPT过程中更高效、更顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误,不再频繁地刷新网页,足足省去10个多余的步骤。还可以取消后台监管审计。解决了这几类报错: (1) 当尝试获取资源时出现网络错误。 (2) 出现了一些问题。如果此问题仍然存在,请通过我们的帮助中心help.openai.com与我们联系。 (3) 此内容可能违反我们的内容政策。 (4) 未找到对话。", "zh-hant": "讓我們在使用ChatGPT過程中更高效、更順暢,完美解決ChatGPT網絡錯誤,不再頻繁地刷新網頁,足足省去10個多餘的步驟。還可以取消後台監管審計。解決了這幾類報錯: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com. (3) This content may violate our content policy. (4) Conversation not found." } }, "https://github.com/glowbom/glowby": { "repository_name": "glowby", "user_name": "glowbom", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Glowby Basic helps you create your own voice-based AI assistants.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-agent", "ai-agents", "ai-assistant", "ai-assistants", "autogpt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dart", "flutter", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt35turbo", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Glowby Basic helps you create your own voice-based AI assistants.", "ja": "Glowby Basicは、あなた自身の音声ベースのAIアシスタントを作成するのを手助けします。", "zh-hans": "Glowby Basic帮助您创建自己的基于语音的AI助手。", "zh-hant": "Glowby Basic 可協助您創建自己的基於語音的 AI 助手。" } }, "https://github.com/kaqijiang/auto-gpt-zh": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT-ZH", "user_name": "kaqijiang", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Auto-GPT中文版本及爱好者组织 同步更新原项目 AI领域创业 自媒体组织 用AI工作学习创作变现", "topics": [ "auto-gpt", "autogpt", "chat-gpt", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chinese", "chinese-simplified", "chinese-translation", "gpt-3-5-turbo-api", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt4-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Auto-GPT Chinese version and enthusiast organization synchronously update the original project. AI entrepreneurship, self-media organization, using AI for work, learning, creation, and monetization in the AI field.", "ja": "Auto-GPTの中国語版とファン団体は、元のプロジェクトと同期して更新され、AI分野の起業、自己メディア組織、AIを使った仕事、学習、創作、収益化を目指しています。", "zh-hans": "Auto-GPT中文版及爱好者组织同步更新原项目,AI领域创业,自媒体组织,利用AI工作、学习、创作并变现。", "zh-hant": "Auto-GPT中文版本及愛好者組織 同步更新原項目 AI領域創業 自媒體組織 用AI工作學習創作變現" } }, "https://github.com/rafalwilinski/telegram-chatgpt-concierge-bot": { "repository_name": "telegram-chatgpt-concierge-bot", "user_name": "RafalWilinski", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT via Telegram and Voice.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT via Telegram and Voice.", "ja": "Telegramや音声を通じてOpenAIのChatGPTと対話する。", "zh-hans": "通过Telegram和语音与OpenAI的ChatGPT互动。", "zh-hant": "透過 Telegram 和語音與 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 互動。" } }, "https://github.com/log1stics/voice-generator-webui": { "repository_name": "voice-generator-webui", "user_name": "log1stics", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A multi-speaker, multilingual speech generation tool", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A multi-speaker, multilingual speech generation tool", "ja": "マルチスピーカー、多言語音声生成ツール", "zh-hans": "一个多说话人、多语言的语音生成工具", "zh-hant": "一個多語言、多語者的語音生成工具" } }, "https://github.com/steamship-packages/autogpt-telegram-chatbot": { "repository_name": "autogpt-telegram-chatbot", "user_name": "steamship-packages", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "it's here! autogpt for your mobile.communicate with your own version of autogpt via telegram. proud to open source this project. can't wait to see what we'll build together!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "it's here! autogpt for your mobile.communicate with your own version of autogpt via telegram. proud to open source this project. can't wait to see what we'll build together!", "ja": "ここにあります!あなたのモバイル用のautogpt。Telegramを介して独自のautogptバージョンと通信できます。このプロジェクトをオープンソース化することを誇りに思っています。一緒に何を構築するかを楽しみにしています!", "zh-hans": "它来了!Autogpt适用于您的移动设备。通过Telegram与您自己的Autogpt版本进行通信。我们很自豪地开源这个项目。迫不及待地想看看我们将一起构建什么!", "zh-hant": "來了!Autogpt現在可以在你的手機上使用。透過Telegram與你自己的Autogpt版本進行溝通。我們很自豪地開源這個項目,期待看到我們一起建立的成果!" } }, "https://github.com/bhaskatripathi/pdfgpt": { "repository_name": "pdfGPT", "user_name": "bhaskatripathi", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "PDF GPT allows you to chat with the contents of your PDF file by using GPT capabilities. The only open source solution to turn your pdf files in a chatbot!", "topics": [ "chatpdf", "chatwithpdf", "pdfgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PDF GPT allows you to chat with the contents of your PDF file by using GPT capabilities. The only open source solution to turn your pdf files in a chatbot!", "ja": "PDF GPTは、GPTの機能を使用してPDFファイルの内容とチャットすることができます。PDFファイルをチャットボットに変換するための唯一のオープンソースソリューションです!", "zh-hans": "PDF GPT可以利用GPT功能让您与PDF文件的内容进行聊天。这是将您的pdf文件转换为聊天机器人的唯一开源解决方案!", "zh-hant": "PDF GPT 可以利用 GPT 功能讓您與 PDF 文件的內容進行聊天。這是唯一一個將您的 PDF 文件轉換為聊天機器人的開源解決方案!" } }, "https://github.com/sytpb/chatgpt-wework-robot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-wework-robot", "user_name": "sytpb", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "零代码、一键部署chatgpt到企业微信,无须VPN,速度快", "topics": [ "automatic", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "cloudfunction", "node-js", "nodejs", "one-click-deploy", "wechat-bot", "wecom", "wecom-bot", "weixin", "wework", "wexinbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Zero code, one-click deployment of ChatGPT to WeChat Work, no need for VPN, fast speed.", "ja": "Zero code, one-click deployment of ChatGPT to WeChat Work, no need for VPN, fast speed. \n\n零コード、企業微信へのChatGPTのワンクリック展開、VPN不要、高速。", "zh-hans": "零代码、一键部署chatgpt到企业微信,无需VPN,速度快", "zh-hant": "零代碼、一鍵部署chatgpt到企業微信,無須VPN,速度快" } }, "https://github.com/go-skynet/localai": { "repository_name": "LocalAI", "user_name": "go-skynet", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": ":robot: Self-hosted, community-driven simple local OpenAI-compatible API written in go. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on CPU with consumer-grade hardware. API for ggml compatible models, for instance: llama.cpp, alpaca.cpp, gpt4all.cpp, vicuna, koala, gpt4all-j, cerebras", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": ":robot: Self-hosted, community-driven simple local OpenAI-compatible API written in go. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on CPU with consumer-grade hardware. API for ggml compatible models, for instance: llama.cpp, alpaca.cpp, gpt4all.cpp, vicuna, koala, gpt4all-j, cerebras", "ja": ":robot: Goで書かれた、コミュニティ主導のシンプルなローカルOpenAI互換API。消費者向けのハードウェアでCPU上で実行されるOpenAIの代替として使用できます。ggml互換モデル用のAPI。例えば、llama.cpp、alpaca.cpp、gpt4all.cpp、vicuna、koala、gpt4all-j、cerebras。", "zh-hans": ":robot: 自托管、社区驱动的简单本地 OpenAI 兼容 API,使用 go 编写。可用作 OpenAI 的替代品,运行在消费级硬件的 CPU 上。API 适用于 ggml 兼容模型,例如:llama.cpp、alpaca.cpp、gpt4all.cpp、vicuna、koala、gpt4all-j、cerebras。", "zh-hant": ":robot: 自主託管、社區驅動的簡單本地 OpenAI 相容 API,使用 go 編寫。可用作 OpenAI 的即插即用替代品,運行於消費級硬件的 CPU 上。API 適用於 ggml 相容模型,例如:llama.cpp、alpaca.cpp、gpt4all.cpp、vicuna、koala、gpt4all-j、cerebras。" } }, "https://github.com/ssgorg/navi": { "repository_name": "Navi", "user_name": "SSGOrg", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "A GPT based Cybersecurity AI", "topics": [ "ai", "automation", "chatbot", "chatbots", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "hacktoberfest", "hacktoberfest2022", "machine-learning", "python", "python3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A GPT based Cybersecurity AI", "ja": "GPTに基づくサイバーセキュリティAI", "zh-hans": "基于GPT的网络安全人工智能", "zh-hant": "一個基於GPT的網絡安全人工智能" } }, "https://github.com/mishalhossin/discord-chatbot-gpt4free": { "repository_name": "Discord-Chatbot-Gpt4Free", "user_name": "mishalhossin", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-2.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "This is a Discord Chatbot with image detection for free", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatbots", "codex", "discord-api", "discord-chatbot", "discord-py", "freeai", "freegpt4", "gpt", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-turbo", "gpt-3trubo", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "gpt4free", "gptfree", "image-detection", "imagedetection", "opengpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a Discord Chatbot with image detection for free", "ja": "これは無料の画像検出機能を備えたDiscordチャットボットです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个免费的Discord聊天机器人,具有图像检测功能。", "zh-hant": "這是一個免費的Discord聊天機器人,具有圖像檢測功能。" } }, "https://github.com/enricoros/big-agi": { "repository_name": "big-agi", "user_name": "enricoros", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "💬 Personal AI application powered by GPT-4 and beyond, with AI personas, AGI functions, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, much more. Deploy and gift #big-AGI-energy! Using Next.js, React, Joy.", "topics": [ "agi", "big-agi-energy", "chatbot-ui", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-ui", "generative-ai", "large-language-models", "natural-language-procressing", "nextjs", "react", "stable-diffusion", "ui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💬 Personal AI application powered by GPT-4 and beyond, with AI personas, AGI functions, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, much more. Deploy and gift #big-AGI-energy! Using Next.js, React, Joy.", "ja": "💬 GPT-4以上のAIパーソナリティを備えた個人用AIアプリケーション。AIパーソナリティ、AGI機能、テキストから画像への変換、音声、レスポンスストリーミング、コードのハイライトと実行、PDFのインポート、開発者向けのプリセットなどがあります。Next.js、React、Joyを使用して展開し、#big-AGI-energyを贈りましょう!", "zh-hans": "💬 个人AI应用程序由GPT-4及更高版本提供支持,具有AI人格、AGI功能、文本转图像、语音、响应流、代码高亮和执行、PDF导入、开发人员预设等功能。部署和赠送#big-AGI-energy!使用Next.js、React、Joy。", "zh-hant": "💬 個人AI應用程式,由GPT-4及更高版本驅動,具有AI人格、AGI功能、文字轉圖像、語音、回應串流、代碼突顯和執行、PDF匯入、開發人員預設等功能。部署和贈送#big-AGI-energy!使用Next.js、React、Joy。" } }, "https://github.com/paulpierre/rasagpt": { "repository_name": "RasaGPT", "user_name": "paulpierre", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "💬 RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. Built w/ Rasa, FastAPI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, SQLModel, pgvector, ngrok, telegram", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "fastapi", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "langchain", "llama-index", "llm", "ml", "openai", "rasa", "rasa-chatbot", "rasa-core", "rasa-nlu", "telegram", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💬 RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. Built w/ Rasa, FastAPI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, SQLModel, pgvector, ngrok, telegram", "ja": "💬 RasaGPTは、RasaとLangchainの上に構築された最初のヘッドレスLLMチャットボットプラットフォームです。Rasa、FastAPI、Langchain、LlamaIndex、SQLModel、pgvector、ngrok、telegramで構築されています。", "zh-hans": "💬 RasaGPT是基于Rasa和Langchain构建的第一个无头LLM聊天机器人平台。使用Rasa、FastAPI、Langchain、LlamaIndex、SQLModel、pgvector、ngrok和telegram构建。", "zh-hant": "💬 RasaGPT是基於Rasa和Langchain構建的第一個無頭LLM聊天機器人平台。使用Rasa、FastAPI、Langchain、LlamaIndex、SQLModel、pgvector、ngrok和telegram構建。" } }, "https://github.com/cirediatpl/figmachain": { "repository_name": "FigmaChain", "user_name": "cirediatpl", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "FigmaChain is a set of Python scripts that generate HTML/CSS code based on Figma designs. Using OpenAI's GPT-3 model, FigmaChain enables developers to quickly generate HTML/CSS code from a Figma design input. It also includes a Streamlit-based chatbot interface for interactive code generation.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "FigmaChain is a set of Python scripts that generate HTML/CSS code based on Figma designs. Using OpenAI's GPT-3 model, FigmaChain enables developers to quickly generate HTML/CSS code from a Figma design input. It also includes a Streamlit-based chatbot interface for interactive code generation.", "ja": "FigmaChainは、Figmaデザインに基づいてHTML/CSSコードを生成するPythonスクリプトのセットです。OpenAIのGPT-3モデルを使用することで、FigmaChainは開発者がFigmaデザイン入力から素早くHTML/CSSコードを生成することを可能にします。また、インタラクティブなコード生成のためのStreamlitベースのチャットボットインターフェイスも含まれています。", "zh-hans": "FigmaChain是一组基于Python脚本的工具,可以根据Figma设计生成HTML/CSS代码。利用OpenAI的GPT-3模型,FigmaChain使开发人员能够快速从Figma设计输入中生成HTML/CSS代码。它还包括一个基于Streamlit的聊天机器人界面,用于交互式代码生成。", "zh-hant": "FigmaChain 是一組基於 Python 腳本的工具,可以根據 Figma 設計生成 HTML/CSS 代碼。利用 OpenAI 的 GPT-3 模型,FigmaChain 可以讓開發人員從 Figma 設計輸入中快速生成 HTML/CSS 代碼。它還包括一個基於 Streamlit 的聊天機器人界面,用於交互式代碼生成。" } }, "https://github.com/xiangsx/gpt4free-ts": { "repository_name": "gpt4free-ts", "user_name": "xiangsx", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-free", "chatgpt4", "free-gpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "gpt4free", "nodejs", "openai", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free", "ja": "これは、xtekky/gpt4freeのTypeScriptバージョンの複製プロジェクトです。", "zh-hans": "这是xtekky/gpt4free TypeScript版本的复制项目。", "zh-hant": "這是 xtekky/gpt4free 的 TypeScript 版本複製專案。" } }, "https://github.com/martinseanhunt/slack-gpt": { "repository_name": "slack-gpt", "user_name": "martinseanhunt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "A simple slack app / bot starter that fetches answers to questions using Langchain, OpenAI and a Pincone vectorstore", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple slack app / bot starter that fetches answers to questions using Langchain, OpenAI and a Pincone vectorstore", "ja": "Langchain、OpenAI、およびPinconeベクトルストアを使用して質問に答えを取得するシンプルなSlackアプリ/ボットスターター。", "zh-hans": "一个简单的Slack应用/机器人启动器,使用Langchain、OpenAI和Pincone向量库获取问题的答案。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的 Slack 應用程式/機器人啟動器,使用 Langchain、OpenAI 和 Pincone 向量存儲庫來提取問題的答案。" } }, "https://github.com/deep-diver/llm-as-chatbot": { "repository_name": "LLM-As-Chatbot", "user_name": "deep-diver", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "LLM as a Chatbot Service", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLM as a Chatbot Service", "ja": "チャットボットサービスとしてのLLM", "zh-hans": "LLM作为聊天机器人服务", "zh-hant": "LLM作為聊天機器人服務" } }, "https://github.com/dissorial/pdf-chatbot": { "repository_name": "pdf-chatbot", "user_name": "dissorial", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Analysis of self-tracked data: interactive visualizations & predictive algorithms", "topics": [ "analytics", "data-analysis", "data-science", "data-visualization", "machine-learning", "matplotlib", "pandas", "python", "python3", "visualization" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Analysis of self-tracked data: interactive visualizations & predictive algorithms", "ja": "自己追跡データの分析:インタラクティブな可視化と予測アルゴリズム", "zh-hans": "自我追踪数据分析:交互式可视化和预测算法", "zh-hant": "自我追蹤數據分析:互動式視覺化和預測算法" } }, "https://github.com/railsjazz/ask_chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ask_chatgpt", "user_name": "railsjazz", "language": "Ruby", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "AI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console. Full power of ChatGPT in Rails", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "rails", "ruby", "ruby-on-rails" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI-Powered Assistant Gem right in your Rails console. Full power of ChatGPT in Rails", "ja": "AIパワードアシスタントGemがあなたのRailsコンソールに直接組み込まれています。ChatGPTのフルパワーをRailsで利用できます。", "zh-hans": "在你的Rails控制台中使用AI助手Gem。在Rails中完全发挥ChatGPT的功能。", "zh-hant": "AI 助手 Gem,直接在您的 Rails 控制台中使用。在 Rails 中充分发挥 ChatGPT 的功能。" } }, "https://github.com/sevask/ecoute": { "repository_name": "ecoute", "user_name": "SevaSk", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Ecoute is a live transcription tool that provides real-time transcripts for both the user's microphone input (You) and the user's speakers output (Speaker) in a textbox. It also generates a suggested response using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 for the user to say based on the live transcription of the conversation.", "topics": [ "gpt-35-turbo", "whisper-ai", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ecoute is a live transcription tool that provides real-time transcripts for both the user's microphone input (You) and the user's speakers output (Speaker) in a textbox. It also generates a suggested response using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 for the user to say based on the live transcription of the conversation.", "ja": "Ecouteは、ユーザーのマイク入力(You)とスピーカー出力(Speaker)の両方に対して、リアルタイムのテキストトランスクリプトを提供するライブトランスクリプションツールです。また、会話のライブトランスクリプションに基づいて、OpenAIのGPT-3.5を使用してユーザーが言うべき推奨応答を生成します。", "zh-hans": "Ecoute是一款实时转录工具,可以为用户的麦克风输入(您)和扬声器输出(扬声器)提供实时转录,并在文本框中生成使用OpenAI的GPT-3.5的建议响应。它基于对话的实时转录为用户提供要说的建议。", "zh-hant": "Ecoute是一個即時轉錄工具,可以為使用者的麥克風輸入(您)和使用者的揚聲器輸出(揚聲器)提供即時轉錄,並在文本框中生成使用OpenAI的GPT-3.5的建議回應,該回應基於對話的即時轉錄。" } }, "https://github.com/samuraigpt/privategpt": { "repository_name": "privateGPT", "user_name": "SamurAIGPT", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An app to interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai", "privategpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An app to interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "ja": "GPTの力を使って、100%プライベートでドキュメントとやり取りするアプリ。データ漏洩はありません。", "zh-hans": "一款使用GPT强大功能与您的文档进行私密互动的应用程序,100%私密,无数据泄漏。", "zh-hant": "一個使用GPT強大功能與您的文件進行私密互動的應用程式,100%私密,無數據洩漏。" } }, "https://github.com/haotian-liu/llava": { "repository_name": "LLaVA", "user_name": "haotian-liu", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Large Language-and-Vision Assistant built towards multimodal GPT-4 level capabilities.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "llama", "llava", "multimodal" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large Language-and-Vision Assistant built towards multimodal GPT-4 level capabilities.", "ja": "マルチモーダルなGPT-4レベルの機能に向けて構築された大規模な言語とビジョンアシスタント。", "zh-hans": "面向多模态GPT-4级能力构建的大型语言与视觉助手。", "zh-hant": "針對多模態GPT-4級別能力建立的大型語言和視覺助手。" } }, "https://github.com/openchatai/openchat": { "repository_name": "OpenChat", "user_name": "openchatai", "language": "Blade", "license": null, "description": "Run and create custom ChatGPT-like bots with OpenChat, embed and share these bots anywhere, the open-source chatbot console.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run and create custom ChatGPT-like bots with OpenChat, embed and share these bots anywhere, the open-source chatbot console.", "ja": "OpenChatでカスタムChatGPTのようなボットを実行して作成し、どこでも埋め込んで共有できるオープンソースのチャットボットコンソールです。", "zh-hans": "使用OpenChat运行和创建自定义的ChatGPT样式的机器人,在任何地方嵌入和分享这些机器人,这是一个开源的聊天机器人控制台。", "zh-hant": "使用OpenChat運行和創建自定義的ChatGPT樣式機器人,在任何地方嵌入和分享這些機器人,這是一個開源的聊天機器人控制台。" } }, "https://github.com/ai-yash/st-chat": { "repository_name": "st-chat", "user_name": "AI-Yash", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Streamlit Component, for a Chatbot UI", "topics": [ "chatbot", "hacktoberfest", "streamlit-component" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Streamlit Component, for a Chatbot UI", "ja": "チャットボットUIのためのStreamlitコンポーネント", "zh-hans": "Streamlit组件,用于聊天机器人用户界面", "zh-hant": "Streamlit元件,用於聊天機器人界面" } }, "https://github.com/tpai/summary-gpt-bot": { "repository_name": "summary-gpt-bot", "user_name": "tpai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "An AI-powered text summarization Telegram bot that generates concise summaries of text, URLs, and YouTube videos.", "topics": [ "gpt", "summarytools", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AI-powered text summarization Telegram bot that generates concise summaries of text, URLs, and YouTube videos.", "ja": "テキスト、URL、YouTubeビデオの簡潔な要約を生成するAIパワードのテキスト要約Telegramボット。", "zh-hans": "一款由人工智能驱动的Telegram文本摘要机器人,可以生成文本、URL和YouTube视频的简洁摘要。", "zh-hant": "一個由人工智慧驅動的 Telegram 文本摘要機器人,可以生成簡潔的文本、URL 和 YouTube 視頻摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/dsdanielpark/bard-api": { "repository_name": "Bard-API", "user_name": "dsdanielpark", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The unofficial python package that returns response of Google Bard through cookie value.", "topics": [ "ai-api", "api", "bard", "bard-api", "chatbot", "google", "google-bard", "google-bard-api", "google-bard-python", "google-maps-api", "googlebard", "llm", "nlp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The unofficial python package that returns response of Google Bard through cookie value.", "ja": "クッキー値を通じてGoogle Bardの応答を返す非公式のPythonパッケージ。", "zh-hans": "这是一个非官方的Python包,通过cookie值返回Google Bard的响应。", "zh-hant": "這是一個非官方的Python套件,透過Cookie值返回Google Bard的回應。" } }, "https://github.com/n4ze3m/dialoqbase": { "repository_name": "dialoqbase", "user_name": "n4ze3m", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Create chatbots with ease", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "framework", "gpt-3", "langchain" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create chatbots with ease", "ja": "簡単にチャットボットを作成する", "zh-hans": "轻松创建聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "輕鬆創建聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/video-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "Video-ChatGPT", "user_name": "mbzuai-oryx", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "cc-by-4.0", "name": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "spdx_id": "CC-BY-4.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc-by-4.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI1" }, "description": "Video-ChatGPT is a video conversation model capable of generating meaningful conversation about videos. It combines the capabilities of LLMs with a pretrained visual encoder adapted for spatiotemporal video representation.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "clip", "gpt-4", "llama", "llava", "mulit-modal", "vicuna", "video-chatboat", "video-conversation", "vision-language", "vision-language-pretraining" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Video-ChatGPT is a video conversation model capable of generating meaningful conversation about videos. It combines the capabilities of LLMs with a pretrained visual encoder adapted for spatiotemporal video representation.", "ja": "ビデオチャットGPTは、ビデオに関する意味のある会話を生成することができるビデオ会話モデルです。LLMsの機能と、時空間ビデオ表現に適応された事前学習された視覚エンコーダーの能力を組み合わせています。", "zh-hans": "视频聊天GPT是一种视频对话模型,能够生成有关视频的有意义的对话。它结合了LLMs的能力和预训练的视觉编码器,适用于时空视频表示。", "zh-hant": "Video-ChatGPT是一種視頻對話模型,能夠生成有關視頻的有意義對話。它結合了LLMs的能力和預訓練的視覺編碼器,適應於時空視頻表示。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/llava-med": { "repository_name": "LLaVA-Med", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Large Language-and-Vision Assistant for BioMedicine, built towards multimodal GPT-4 level capabilities.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large Language-and-Vision Assistant for BioMedicine, built towards multimodal GPT-4 level capabilities.", "ja": "バイオメディシン向けの大規模言語・ビジョンアシスタントで、マルチモーダルなGPT-4レベルの機能に向けて構築されました。", "zh-hans": "面向生物医学的大型语言与视觉助手,具备多模态GPT-4级别的能力。", "zh-hant": "針對生物醫學領域建立的大型語言和視覺助手,具備多模態GPT-4級別的能力。" } }, "https://github.com/jiayaoqijia/ethgpt": { "repository_name": "ethgpt", "user_name": "jiayaoqijia", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "Chatbot for Ethereum codebase and docs.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chatbot for Ethereum codebase and docs.", "ja": "Ethereumのコードベースとドキュメントのためのチャットボット。", "zh-hans": "以太坊代码库和文档的聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "以太坊程式碼庫和文件的聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/sabber-slt/telegram-chatgpt-bot": { "repository_name": "telegram-chatgpt-bot", "user_name": "sabber-slt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "NodeJS-based bot for ChatGPT that runs on Telegram now features advanced capabilities such as voice chat and image generation.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "image-generation", "nodejs", "openapi", "telegraf", "telegram-bot", "voice" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "NodeJS-based bot for ChatGPT that runs on Telegram now features advanced capabilities such as voice chat and image generation.", "ja": "Telegramで動作するNodeJSベースのChatGPTボットは、音声チャットや画像生成などの高度な機能を備えています。", "zh-hans": "基于NodeJS的ChatGPT机器人现在在Telegram上拥有高级功能,如语音聊天和图像生成。", "zh-hant": "基於NodeJS的ChatGPT機器人現在在Telegram上擁有高級功能,如語音聊天和圖像生成。" } }, "https://github.com/n3d1117/chatgpt-telegram-bot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-telegram-bot", "user_name": "n3d1117", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-2.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "🤖 A Telegram bot that integrates with OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs to provide answers, written in Python", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dall-e", "openai", "python", "telegram-bot", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 A Telegram bot that integrates with OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs to provide answers, written in Python", "ja": "🤖 Pythonで書かれた、OpenAIの公式ChatGPT APIと統合して回答を提供するTelegramボット。", "zh-hans": "🤖 一个使用Python编写的Telegram机器人,集成了OpenAI官方的ChatGPT API,可以提供答案。", "zh-hant": "🤖 一個與OpenAI官方ChatGPT API整合的Telegram機器人,使用Python編寫的答案提供者。" } }, "https://github.com/vercel-labs/ai-chatbot": { "repository_name": "ai-chatbot", "user_name": "vercel-labs", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel Labs", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "nextjs", "react", "redis", "shadcn-ui", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel Labs", "ja": "Vercel Labsによって構築された、フル機能を備えた、ハッキング可能なNext.js AIチャットボット。", "zh-hans": "由Vercel Labs构建的全功能、可黑客的Next.js AI聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "由 Vercel 實驗室打造的全功能、可駭入的 Next.js AI 聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/autoclear-chatgpt-history": { "repository_name": "autoclear-chatgpt-history", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🕶️ Adds chat auto-clear functionality to ChatGPT for more privacy", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai", "privacy", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🕶️ Adds chat auto-clear functionality to ChatGPT for more privacy", "ja": "🕶️ プライバシーをより保護するために、ChatGPTにチャット自動クリア機能を追加しました。", "zh-hans": "🕶️ 为ChatGPT添加聊天自动清除功能,提供更多隐私保护。", "zh-hant": "🕶️ 為了更好的隱私保護,為ChatGPT添加了聊天自動清除功能" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-widescreen": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-widescreen", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🖥️ Adds Widescreen + Fullscreen modes to ChatGPT for enhanced viewing", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai", "ui", "userscript", "widescreen" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🖥️ Adds Widescreen + Fullscreen modes to ChatGPT for enhanced viewing.", "ja": "🖥️ チャットGPTのワイドスクリーン+フルスクリーンモードを追加して、視聴を向上させます。", "zh-hans": "🖥️ 为ChatGPT添加宽屏和全屏模式,以提供更好的观看体验。", "zh-hant": "🖥️ 為ChatGPT新增了寬螢幕和全螢幕模式,以提供更好的觀賞體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-infinity": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-infinity", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "∞ Generate endless answers from all-knowing ChatGPT (in any language!)", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "experimental", "gpt-3", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai", "trivia" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "∞ Generate endless answers from all-knowing ChatGPT (in any language!)", "ja": "∞ 全知のChatGPTから無限の回答を生成します(どの言語でも可!)", "zh-hans": "∞ 从全知的ChatGPT(以任何语言)生成无尽的答案!", "zh-hant": "∞ 從全知的ChatGPT(以任何語言)生成無盡的答案!" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-auto-refresh": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-auto-refresh", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "↻ Keeps ChatGPT sessions fresh to avoid network errors + Cloudflare checks", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "cloudflare", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai", "reloader", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "↻ Keeps ChatGPT sessions fresh to avoid network errors + Cloudflare checks", "ja": "↻ ネットワークエラーやCloudflareのチェックを回避するために、ChatGPTセッションを新鮮に保ちます。", "zh-hans": "↻ 保持ChatGPT会话的新鲜度以避免网络错误+ Cloudflare检查", "zh-hant": "↻ 保持ChatGPT會話的新鮮度,以避免網絡錯誤+ Cloudflare檢查" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-apps": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-apps", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 Apps that utilize the astounding power of ChatGPT or enhance its UX", "topics": [ "ai", "artificialintelligence", "brave", "brave-search", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt35-turbo", "duckduckgo", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Apps that utilize the astounding power of ChatGPT or enhance its UX", "ja": "🤖 ChatGPTの驚異的なパワーを活用するアプリやそのUXを向上させるアプリ", "zh-hans": "🤖 利用ChatGPT的惊人能力或增强其用户体验的应用程序", "zh-hant": "🤖 應用程式利用ChatGPT的驚人能力或增強其使用者體驗" } }, "https://github.com/embedchain/embedchain": { "repository_name": "embedchain", "user_name": "embedchain", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Framework to easily create LLM powered bots over any dataset.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Framework to easily create LLM powered bots over any dataset.", "ja": "任意のデータセット上で簡単にLLMパワードボットを作成するためのフレームワーク。", "zh-hans": "使用框架轻松创建基于任何数据集的LLM强化机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個能夠輕鬆在任何數據集上創建以LLM為動力的機器人的框架。" } }, "https://github.com/discus0434/paper-summarizer": { "repository_name": "paper-summarizer", "user_name": "discus0434", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "A Slack Bot for summarizing arXiv papers, powered by OpenAI LLMs.", "topics": [ "gpt-4", "slack-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Slack Bot for summarizing arXiv papers, powered by OpenAI LLMs.", "ja": "OpenAI LLMsを活用したarXiv論文の要約を行うSlackボット。", "zh-hans": "一个由OpenAI LLMs驱动的用于总结arXiv论文的Slack机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個由OpenAI LLMs提供支持的用於總結arXiv論文的Slack機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/supabase-community/vercel-ai-chatbot": { "repository_name": "vercel-ai-chatbot", "user_name": "supabase-community", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "A full-featured, Supabaseified Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel Labs & Supabase", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A full-featured, Supabaseified Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel Labs & Supabase", "ja": "フル機能を備えた、Vercel Labs&Supabaseによって構築されたSupabaseified Next.js AIチャットボット。", "zh-hans": "一个由Vercel Labs和Supabase构建的功能齐全的、Supabaseified的Next.js AI聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個由Vercel Labs和Supabase打造的功能齊全、Supabaseified的Next.js AI聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/aniketmaurya/llm-inference": { "repository_name": "llm-inference", "user_name": "aniketmaurya", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Large Language Model (LLM) Inference API and Chatbot", "topics": [ "chatbot", "llama", "llm", "opensource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large Language Model (LLM) Inference API and Chatbot", "ja": "大規模言語モデル(LLM)の推論APIとチャットボット", "zh-hans": "大型语言模型(LLM)推理API和聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "大型語言模型(LLM)推論API和聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/stevengrove/gpt4tools": { "repository_name": "GPT4Tools", "user_name": "StevenGrove", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "GPT4Tools is an intelligent system that can automatically decide, control, and utilize different visual foundation models, allowing the user to interact with images during a conversation.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT4Tools is an intelligent system that can automatically decide, control, and utilize different visual foundation models, allowing the user to interact with images during a conversation.", "ja": "GPT4Toolsは、異なるビジュアル基盤モデルを自動的に決定、制御、活用することができるインテリジェントシステムです。これにより、ユーザーは会話中に画像と対話することができます。", "zh-hans": "GPT4Tools是一个智能系统,可以自动决定、控制和利用不同的视觉基础模型,允许用户在对话过程中与图像进行交互。", "zh-hant": "GPT4Tools 是一個智能系統,可以自動決定、控制和利用不同的視覺基礎模型,讓使用者在對話中與圖像互動。" } }, "https://github.com/imabutahersiddik/ultimate-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "Ultimate-ChatGPT", "user_name": "imabutahersiddik", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "The Ultimate ChatGPT is an AI-powered virtual assistant designed to provide an enhanced writing and problem-solving experience.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-free", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt4", "chatgptfree", "freegpt", "freegpt4", "gpt", "gpt3", "gpt3-free", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt4", "gpt4free" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Ultimate ChatGPT is an AI-powered virtual assistant designed to provide an enhanced writing and problem-solving experience.", "ja": "究極のChatGPTは、強化された文章作成と問題解決の体験を提供するために設計されたAIパワードの仮想アシスタントです。", "zh-hans": "终极ChatGPT是一个由人工智能驱动的虚拟助手,旨在提供卓越的写作和问题解决体验。", "zh-hant": "終極ChatGPT是一個由人工智能驅動的虛擬助手,旨在提供優質的寫作和解決問題體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/iuiaoin/wechat-gptbot": { "repository_name": "wechat-gptbot", "user_name": "iuiaoin", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A wechat robot based on ChatGPT with no risk, very stable! 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "python", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A wechat robot based on ChatGPT with no risk, very stable! 🚀", "ja": "リスクのない、非常に安定したChatGPTベースのWeChatロボットです! 🚀", "zh-hans": "一个基于ChatGPT的微信机器人,没有风险,非常稳定!🚀", "zh-hant": "一個基於ChatGPT的微信機器人,沒有風險,非常穩定!🚀" } }, "https://github.com/rawchen/feishubot": { "repository_name": "FeishuBot", "user_name": "rawchen", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "飞书群聊/私聊ChatGPT机器人", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Feishu group chat/private chat ChatGPT robot", "ja": "飛書のグループチャット/個人チャットChatGPTロボット", "zh-hans": "飞书群聊/私聊ChatGPT机器人", "zh-hant": "飛書群聊/私聊ChatGPT機器人" } }, "https://github.com/weaigc/gradio-chatbot": { "repository_name": "gradio-chatbot", "user_name": "weaigc", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": " A tool that can automatically convert 🤗 Huggingface Spaces,魔搭创空间 and Gradio ChatBot into free APIs. Supports GPT4Free,ChatGPT,Llama2,MPT,Falcon Chat,ChatGLM,通义千问 and many other chatbot like spaces.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt4free", "gradio-interface", "huggingface", "llama2", "mpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": " A tool that can automatically convert 🤗 Huggingface Spaces,魔搭创空间 and Gradio ChatBot into free APIs. Supports GPT4Free,ChatGPT,Llama2,MPT,Falcon Chat,ChatGLM,通义千问 and many other chatbot like spaces.", "ja": "自動的に🤗 Huggingface Spaces、魔搭創空間、およびGradio ChatBotを無料のAPIに変換するツールです。GPT4Free、ChatGPT、Llama2、MPT、Falcon Chat、ChatGLM、通義千問など、さまざまなチャットボットのようなスペースをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "一个可以自动将🤗 Huggingface Spaces、魔搭创空间和Gradio ChatBot转换为免费API的工具。支持GPT4Free、ChatGPT、Llama2、MPT、Falcon Chat、ChatGLM、通义千问和许多其他类似聊天机器人的空间。", "zh-hant": "一個可以自動將🤗 Huggingface Spaces、魔搭創空間和Gradio ChatBot轉換為免費API的工具。支援GPT4Free、ChatGPT、Llama2、MPT、Falcon Chat、ChatGLM、通義千問等許多類似聊天機器人的空間。" } }, "https://github.com/79e/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGpt-Web", "user_name": "79E", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A commercially-viable ChatGpt web application built with React. 使用React搭建的一款可商业化的ChatGpt Web应用。", "topics": [ "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai", "react" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A commercially-viable ChatGpt web application built with React. 使用React搭建的一款可商业化的ChatGpt Web应用。", "ja": "Reactで構築された商業的に有益なChatGptウェブアプリケーション。", "zh-hans": "使用React构建的一款商业可行的ChatGpt Web应用。", "zh-hant": "使用React搭建的一款商業化ChatGpt網頁應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/kuingsmile/word-gpt-plus": { "repository_name": "word-GPT-Plus", "user_name": "Kuingsmile", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Word GPT Plus is a word add-in which integrates the chatGPT model into Microsoft Word. Both official and web api is supported.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "copilot", "office", "office365", "openai", "word" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Word GPT Plus is a word add-in which integrates the chatGPT model into Microsoft Word. Both official and web api is supported.", "ja": "Word GPT Plusは、chatGPTモデルをMicrosoft Wordに統合するワードアドインです。公式およびWeb APIの両方がサポートされています。", "zh-hans": "Word GPT Plus是一个将chatGPT模型集成到Microsoft Word中的Word插件。它支持官方和Web API。", "zh-hant": "Word GPT Plus 是一個將 chatGPT 模型整合到 Microsoft Word 的文字附加元件。它支援官方和網頁 API。" } }, "https://github.com/linjungz/chat-with-your-doc": { "repository_name": "chat-with-your-doc", "user_name": "linjungz", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chat with your docs in PDF/PPTX/DOCX format, using LangChain and GPT4/ChatGPT from both Azure OpenAI Service and OpenAI", "topics": [ "azure", "azure-openai-service", "chatgpt", "embeddings", "gpt-4", "langchain", "openai", "vectorstore" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with your docs in PDF/PPTX/DOCX format, using LangChain and GPT4/ChatGPT from both Azure OpenAI Service and OpenAI", "ja": "LangChainとGPT4/ChatGPTを使用して、Azure OpenAIサービスとOpenAIの両方でPDF/PPTX/DOCX形式のドキュメントとチャットする。", "zh-hans": "使用LangChain和GPT4/ChatGPT从Azure OpenAI服务和OpenAI中的PDF/PPTX/DOCX格式的文档中进行聊天。", "zh-hant": "使用LangChain和GPT4/ChatGPT從Azure OpenAI服務和OpenAI,以PDF/PPTX/DOCX格式與您的醫生進行聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/darkmakerofc/openai-chatgpt-bot": { "repository_name": "OpenAi-ChatGPT-Bot", "user_name": "DarkMakerofc", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Open Ai ChatGPT Bot By DarkMakerofc( Mr Nima ) & Team , You Can Expirience ChatGPT on Your Whatsapp.", "topics": [ "baileys", "mrnima", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt", "whatsapp-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open Ai ChatGPT Bot By DarkMakerofc( Mr Nima ) & Team , You Can Expirience ChatGPT on Your Whatsapp.", "ja": "DarkMakerofc(Mr Nima)とチームによるOpen Ai ChatGPTボット、WhatsappでChatGPTを体験できます。", "zh-hans": "由DarkMakerofc(Nima先生)和团队开发的Open Ai ChatGPT机器人,您可以在Whatsapp上体验ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "由DarkMakerofc(Nima先生)和團隊開發的Open Ai ChatGPT機器人,您可以在Whatsapp上體驗ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/opening-up-chatgpt/opening-up-chatgpt.github.io": { "repository_name": "opening-up-chatgpt.github.io", "user_name": "opening-up-chatgpt", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Liesenfeld, Andreas, Alianda Lopez, and Mark Dingemanse. 2023. “Opening up ChatGPT: Tracking Openness, Transparency, and Accountability in Instruction-Tuned Text Generators.” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. Eindhoven. doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-free", "llm", "open-source", "rlhf", "transparency" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Liesenfeld, Andreas, Alianda Lopez, and Mark Dingemanse. 2023. “Opening up ChatGPT: Tracking Openness, Transparency, and Accountability in Instruction-Tuned Text Generators.” In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Conversational User Interfaces. Eindhoven. doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316.", "ja": "Liesenfeld、Andreas、Alianda Lopez、およびMark Dingemanse。2023年。「ChatGPTの公開:指示に調整されたテキスト生成器の公開性、透明性、および説明責任の追跡」。第5回国際会議「対話型ユーザーインターフェースに関する国際会議」の論文集。アイントホーフェン。doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316。", "zh-hans": "Liesenfeld, Andreas, Alianda Lopez和Mark Dingemanse。2023年。“开放ChatGPT:追踪指导调整文本生成器的开放性、透明度和问责制。”在第五届国际会议上的对话用户界面。埃因霍温。doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316。", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\nLiesenfeld, Andreas, Alianda Lopez和Mark Dingemanse。2023年。“開放ChatGPT:追蹤指導調整文本生成器的開放性、透明度和責任。”在第5屆國際會議上的對話用戶界面。愛因霍芬。doi:10.1145/3571884.3604316。" } }, "https://github.com/chao1224/chatdrug": { "repository_name": "ChatDrug", "user_name": "chao1224", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT for Drug Discovery", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "conversation", "domain-feedback", "drug", "drug-discovery", "drug-editing", "editing", "molecule", "motif", "peptide", "protein", "retrieval", "secondary-structure", "small-molecule", "structure" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for Drug Discovery", "ja": "薬剤探索のためのChatGPT", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT用于药物发现", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT用於藥物研發" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/aks-openai-terraform": { "repository_name": "aks-openai-terraform", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "HCL", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "This article shows how to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) cluster and Azure OpenAI Service via Terraform and how to deploy a Terraform chatbot that authenticates against Azure OpenAI using Azure AD workload identity and calls the Chat Completion API of a ChatGPT model.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This article shows how to deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) cluster and Azure OpenAI Service via Terraform and how to deploy a Terraform chatbot that authenticates against Azure OpenAI using Azure AD workload identity and calls the Chat Completion API of a ChatGPT model.", "ja": "この記事では、Terraformを使用してAzure Kubernetes Service(AKS)クラスターとAzure OpenAIサービスを展開する方法、およびAzure ADワークロードアイデンティティを使用してAzure OpenAIに対して認証するTerraformチャットボットを展開し、ChatGPTモデルのChat Completion APIを呼び出す方法を示しています。", "zh-hans": "本文介绍了如何通过Terraform部署Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)集群和Azure OpenAI服务,以及如何部署一个Terraform聊天机器人,该机器人使用Azure AD工作负载身份验证Azure OpenAI,并调用ChatGPT模型的Chat Completion API。", "zh-hant": "本文介紹了如何通過Terraform部署Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)集群和Azure OpenAI服務,以及如何部署一個使用Azure AD工作負載身份驗證Azure OpenAI並調用ChatGPT模型的Chat Completion API的Terraform聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/nonejou072/robot-gpt": { "repository_name": "Robot-GPT", "user_name": "NoneJou072", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A simulation framework based on ROS2 and ChatGPT for robot interaction tasks in the era of large models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simulation framework based on ROS2 and ChatGPT for robot interaction tasks in the era of large models", "ja": "大型モデルの時代におけるロボットの相互作用タスクのためのROS2とChatGPTに基づくシミュレーションフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "基于ROS2和ChatGPT的仿真框架,用于大型模型时代的机器人交互任务。", "zh-hant": "一個基於ROS2和ChatGPT的模擬框架,用於大型模型時代的機器人交互任務。" } }, "https://github.com/anchen1011/chatgpt-finetune-ui": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-finetune-ui", "user_name": "anchen1011", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Simple python WebUI for fine-tuning ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo)", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "finetune", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gui", "live-demo", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt", "streamlit", "streamlit-webapp", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple python WebUI for fine-tuning ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo)", "ja": "ChatGPT(gpt-3.5-turbo)の微調整のためのシンプルなPython WebUI", "zh-hans": "简单的Python WebUI用于微调ChatGPT(gpt-3.5-turbo)", "zh-hant": "簡單的Python WebUI,用於微調ChatGPT(gpt-3.5-turbo)。" } }, "https://github.com/snowby666/poe-api-wrapper": { "repository_name": "poe-api-wrapper", "user_name": "snowby666", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "👾 A Python API wrapper for Poe.com, using Httpx. With this, you will have free access to ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Google-PaLM and more! 🚀", "topics": [ "api", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "claude", "code-llama", "gpt-4", "llama", "openai", "palm2", "poe", "poe-api", "python", "quora", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👾 A Python API wrapper for Poe.com, using Httpx. With this, you will have free access to ChatGPT, Claude, Llama, Google-PaLM and more! 🚀", "ja": "👾 Httpxを使用したPoe.comのPython APIラッパー。これにより、ChatGPT、Claude、Llama、Google-PaLMなどに無料でアクセスできます!🚀", "zh-hans": "👾 一个使用Httpx的Poe.com的Python API封装器。通过使用它,您将可以免费访问ChatGPT、Claude、Llama、Google-PaLM等等!🚀", "zh-hant": "👾 一個使用 Httpx 的 Poe.com Python API 封裝程式。使用此封裝程式,您將可以免費使用 ChatGPT、Claude、Llama、Google-PaLM 等等!🚀" } }, "https://github.com/getumbrel/llama-gpt": { "repository_name": "llama-gpt", "user_name": "getumbrel", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device. New: Code Llama support!", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "code-llama", "codellama", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt4all", "llama", "llama-2", "llama-cpp", "llama2", "llamacpp", "llm", "localai", "openai", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device. New: Code Llama support!", "ja": "自己ホスト型のオフラインのChatGPTのようなチャットボットです。Llama 2で動作します。データは一切デバイスから出ませんので、100%プライベートです。新機能:Code Llamaのサポートも追加されました!", "zh-hans": "一个自托管的、离线的、类似ChatGPT的聊天机器人。由Llama 2提供支持。100%私密,没有数据离开您的设备。新增功能:支持Code Llama!", "zh-hant": "一個自主託管、離線運行的ChatGPT類似聊天機器人。由Llama 2提供動力。100%私密,不會將數據離開您的設備。新增功能:代碼Llama支援!" } }, "https://github.com/tcz/rotary-gpt": { "repository_name": "rotary-gpt", "user_name": "tcz", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "I turned my old rotary phone into a ChatGPT-based home assistant and now you can too", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I turned my old rotary phone into a ChatGPT-based home assistant and now you can too", "ja": "私は古い回転式電話をChatGPTベースの家庭用アシスタントに変えました。あなたも同じことができます。", "zh-hans": "我把我的旧转盘电话改装成了一个基于ChatGPT的家庭助手,现在你也可以这样做。", "zh-hant": "我把我的舊式旋轉電話改造成了一個基於ChatGPT的家庭助手,現在你也可以這樣做。" } }, "https://github.com/moonkraken/rusty_llama": { "repository_name": "rusty_llama", "user_name": "MoonKraken", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A simple ChatGPT clone in Rust on both the frontend and backend. Uses open source language models and TailwindCSS.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple ChatGPT clone in Rust on both the frontend and backend. Uses open source language models and TailwindCSS.", "ja": "フロントエンドとバックエンドの両方でRustで作られたシンプルなChatGPTクローン。オープンソースの言語モデルとTailwindCSSを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个简单的ChatGPT克隆版本,使用Rust语言编写的前后端。使用开源语言模型和TailwindCSS。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的ChatGPT克隆版本,前端和後端都使用Rust語言開發。使用開源語言模型和TailwindCSS。" } }, "https://github.com/boyueluzhipeng/gpt_codeinterpreter": { "repository_name": "GPT_CodeInterpreter", "user_name": "boyueluzhipeng", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Ultimate and FREE OpenAI Provider implemented with Python code interpreter & other multiple functions, powered by ChatGPT & GPT-4!", "topics": [ "chainlit", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-plugins", "codeinterpreter", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai", "openai-api", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ultimate and FREE OpenAI Provider implemented with Python code interpreter & other multiple functions, powered by ChatGPT & GPT-4!", "ja": "Pythonコードインタプリタと他の複数の機能を備えた究極で無料のOpenAIプロバイダー、ChatGPTとGPT-4によってパワーアップされました!", "zh-hans": "终极免费的OpenAI提供者,采用Python代码解释器和其他多种功能,由ChatGPT和GPT-4驱动!", "zh-hant": "終極且免費的OpenAI提供者,使用Python代碼解釋器和其他多個功能實現,由ChatGPT和GPT-4提供動力!" } }, "https://github.com/amm1rr/webai-to-api": { "repository_name": "WebAI-to-API", "user_name": "Amm1rr", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT, Claude, Bard to API : )", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "bard", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "claude-api", "development", "fastapi", "free", "google-bard-api", "python", "webserver", "webservice" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT, Claude, Bard to API : )", "ja": "ChatGPT、クロード、バードからAPIへ:)", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT,克劳德,巴德到API:)", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT,Claude,Bard to API : )" } }, "https://github.com/blrchen/chatgpt-minimal": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-minimal", "user_name": "blrchen", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Lightweight chatgpt bot built using Next.js and the OpenAI Streaming API. 一个使用 Next.js 和 OpenAI Streaming API 创建的简易ChatGPT聊天机器人", "topics": [ "ant-design", "azure-openai", "azureopenai", "chatbot", "chatbot-gui", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-ui", "gpt-35-turbo", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Lightweight chatgpt bot built using Next.js and the OpenAI Streaming API. 一个使用 Next.js 和 OpenAI Streaming API 创建的简易ChatGPT聊天机器人", "ja": "軽量なチャットGPTボットは、Next.jsとOpenAI Streaming APIを使用して構築されています。", "zh-hans": "一个使用Next.js和OpenAI Streaming API构建的轻量级ChatGPT聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "使用Next.js和OpenAI Streaming API構建的輕量級ChatGPT聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/sunlemuria/open_source_chatgpt_list": { "repository_name": "open_source_chatgpt_list", "user_name": "SunLemuria", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Open efforts to implement ChatGPT-like models and beyond.", "topics": [ "alpaca", "chatbot", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "llm", "nlp", "openai", "opensource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open efforts to implement ChatGPT-like models and beyond.", "ja": "ChatGPTのようなモデルやそれ以上を実装するための積極的な取り組みを開始します。", "zh-hans": "开放努力实施类似ChatGPT的模型及更多。", "zh-hant": "開放努力實施類似ChatGPT的模型及更多。" } }, "https://github.com/sytpb/chatgpt-dingtalk-robot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-dingtalk-robot", "user_name": "sytpb", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "零代码、一键部署chatgpt到钉钉,无须VPN", "topics": [ "chat-bot", "chatapp", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dingding", "enterprise", "openai", "openai-chatgpt", "robot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Zero code, one-click deployment of ChatGPT to DingTalk, no VPN required.", "ja": "零コード、ワンクリックでChatGPTをDingTalkにデプロイ、VPN不要", "zh-hans": "零代码、一键部署chatgpt到钉钉,无须VPN", "zh-hant": "零代碼、一鍵部署chatgpt到釘釘,無須VPN" } }, "https://github.com/dschil138/chatterstack": { "repository_name": "chatterstack", "user_name": "dschil138", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Easily manage ChatGPT conversation variables", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easily manage ChatGPT conversation variables", "ja": "ChatGPTの会話変数を簡単に管理する", "zh-hans": "轻松管理ChatGPT对话变量", "zh-hant": "輕鬆管理ChatGPT對話變數" } }, "https://github.com/matteo-psnt/pokergpt": { "repository_name": "PokerGPT", "user_name": "matteo-psnt", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "PokerGPT Is a Poker Discord Bot that allows you to play Texas Hold'em poker with ChatGPT-4.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "discord-bot", "poker" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PokerGPT Is a Poker Discord Bot that allows you to play Texas Hold'em poker with ChatGPT-4.", "ja": "PokerGPTは、ChatGPT-4と一緒にテキサスホールデムポーカーをプレイすることができるPoker Discord Botです。", "zh-hans": "PokerGPT是一个Poker Discord机器人,可以让你与ChatGPT-4一起玩德州扑克。", "zh-hant": "PokerGPT 是一個可以讓你與 ChatGPT-4 一起玩德州撲克的 Poker Discord 機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/livekit-examples/kitt": { "repository_name": "kitt", "user_name": "livekit-examples", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Talk to ChatGPT in real time using LiveKit", "topics": [ "ai", "assistant", "chatgpt", "gpt", "openai", "stt", "transcription", "translation", "tts", "voice", "webrtc" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talk to ChatGPT in real time using LiveKit", "ja": "リアルタイムでLiveKitを使用してChatGPTと会話してください。", "zh-hans": "使用LiveKit实时与ChatGPT进行对话", "zh-hant": "使用LiveKit即時與ChatGPT對話" } }, "https://github.com/lambiengcode/compose-chatgpt-kotlin-android-chatbot": { "repository_name": "compose-chatgpt-kotlin-android-chatbot", "user_name": "lambiengcode", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": ":lion:Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - Android Chatbot using Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI's GPT-3 API. Allow stream response from ChatGPT API. Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - 使用 Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI 的 GPT-3 API 的 Android 聊天机器人.允许来自 ChatGPT API 的流响应。🤖 ", "topics": [ "android", "chat-app", "chat-gpt", "chatbot", "chatgpt-android", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-stream", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt4", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt4", "hilt-dependency-injection", "jetpack-compose", "kotlin-android", "kotlin-coroutines", "navhost", "openai", "retrofit2", "server-sent-events" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": ":lion:Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - Android Chatbot using Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI's GPT-3 API. Allow stream response from ChatGPT API. Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - 使用 Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI 的 GPT-3 API 的 Android 聊天机器人.允许来自 ChatGPT API 的流响应。🤖 ", "ja": ":lion:Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAIのGPT-3 APIを使用したAndroidチャットボット。ChatGPT APIからのストリームレスポンスを許可します。Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - 使用 Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI 的 GPT-3 API 的 Android 聊天机器人.允许来自 ChatGPT API 的流响应。🤖", "zh-hans": ":lion:使用Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI的GPT-3 API,编写Android聊天机器人。允许从ChatGPT API获取流式响应。🤖", "zh-hant": ":lion:使用 Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI 的 GPT-3 API 的 Android 聊天機器人。允許從 ChatGPT API 接收流式回應。🤖" } }, "https://github.com/misonomikadev/chino-chan-bot": { "repository_name": "Chino-chan-Bot", "user_name": "misonomikadev", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Bot Messenger được tích hợp ChatGPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Messenger Bot is integrated with ChatGPT.", "ja": "ボットメッセンジャーはChatGPTが統合されています。", "zh-hans": "Bot Messenger 集成了 ChatGPT。\nBot Messenger 集成了 ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "Bot Messenger 被整合了 ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/anil-matcha/chatbase": { "repository_name": "Chatbase", "user_name": "Anil-matcha", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT for every website.Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content. Alternative to Chatbase, SiteGPT, Dante AI", "topics": [ "chatbase", "chatbase-alternative", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dante-ai", "dante-ai-alternative", "gpt", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai", "sitegpt", "sitegpt-alternative", "web-chatbot", "website-chatbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for every website.Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content. Alternative to Chatbase, SiteGPT, Dante AI", "ja": "すべてのウェブサイトに対応するChatGPT。ウェブサイトのコンテンツを学習したパーソナライズされたチャットボットで、訪問者の質問に即座に回答します。Chatbase、SiteGPT、Dante AIの代替案です。", "zh-hans": "适用于每个网站的ChatGPT。使用根据您的网站内容训练的个性化聊天机器人即时回答访客的问题。是Chatbase、SiteGPT和Dante AI的替代选择。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 適用於每個網站。使用根據您的網站內容訓練的個人化聊天機器人,即時回答您的訪客問題。Chatbase、SiteGPT、Dante AI 的替代方案。" } }, "https://github.com/mljar/plotai": { "repository_name": "plotai", "user_name": "mljar", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "PlotAI - Your Ultimate Plotting Assistant! 📊🤖 Use ChatGPT-3.5 to create plots in Python and Matplotlib directly in your Python script or notebook. ", "topics": [ "charts", "chatgpt", "data-science", "llm", "matplotlib", "plots", "python", "visualization" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PlotAI - Your Ultimate Plotting Assistant! 📊🤖 Use ChatGPT-3.5 to create plots in Python and Matplotlib directly in your Python script or notebook. ", "ja": "プロットAI - あなたの究極のプロット補助!📊🤖 ChatGPT-3.5を使用して、PythonとMatplotlibで直接プロットを作成するためのPythonスクリプトやノートブックを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "PlotAI - 你的终极绘图助手!📊🤖 使用ChatGPT-3.5在Python和Matplotlib中直接创建绘图,无论是在Python脚本还是笔记本中。", "zh-hant": "PlotAI - 您的終極繪圖助手!📊🤖 使用ChatGPT-3.5在Python和Matplotlib中直接創建圖表,可在您的Python腳本或筆記本中使用。" } }, "https://github.com/openjarvisai/tianmu": { "repository_name": "TianMu", "user_name": "OpenJarvisAI", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "TianMu: A modern AI tool with multi-platform support, markdown support, multimodal, continuous conversation, and customizable commands. 一个APP支持文心一言、通义千问、LLaMa、ChatGPT等,开源的大模型客户端!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt4", "llm", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "TianMu: A modern AI tool with multi-platform support, markdown support, multimodal, continuous conversation, and customizable commands. 一个APP支持文心一言、通义千问、LLaMa、ChatGPT等,开源的大模型客户端!", "ja": "天幕:一款现代化的AI工具,支持多平台、支持markdown、多模态、连续对话和可定制的命令。一个支持文心一言、通义千问、LLaMa、ChatGPT等功能的APP,同时也是一个开源的大模型客户端!", "zh-hans": "天幕:一个现代化的AI工具,支持多平台、支持markdown、多模态、连续对话和可定制的命令。一个开源的大模型客户端!", "zh-hant": "天幕:一個現代化的AI工具,具有多平台支持、支持markdown、多模態、連續對話和可自定義命令。一個支持文心一言、通義千問、LLaMa、ChatGPT等的開源大模型客戶端!" } }, "https://github.com/sabber-slt/youtube-summarizer": { "repository_name": "youtube-summarizer", "user_name": "sabber-slt", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Telegram bot designed to summaries youtube video contents with ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "telegram", "telegram-bot", "typescript", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Telegram bot designed to summaries youtube video contents with ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、YouTube動画の内容を要約するために設計されたTelegramボット。", "zh-hans": "Telegram机器人使用ChatGPT来总结YouTube视频内容。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT設計的Telegram機器人,用於總結YouTube視頻內容。" } }, "https://github.com/hylarucoder/chatgpt-nuxt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Nuxt", "user_name": "hylarucoder", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 Version", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-nuxt", "langchian", "nuxt", "tailwindcss", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 Version", "ja": "ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 バージョン", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 版本\nChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 版本", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Web Nuxt 3 Vue 3 版本" } }, "https://github.com/ysy1216/firewallm": { "repository_name": "FirewaLLM", "user_name": "ysy1216", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "By calling FirewaLLM, users can ensure the accuracy of the large model while greatly reducing the risk of privacy leakage when interacting with it. We believe that FirewallLLM is a privacy protected chatgpt interaction platform.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "firewall", "flask", "llm", "nlp", "privacy", "python", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "By calling FirewaLLM, users can ensure the accuracy of the large model while greatly reducing the risk of privacy leakage when interacting with it. We believe that FirewallLLM is a privacy protected chatgpt interaction platform.", "ja": "FirewaLLMを呼び出すことで、ユーザーは大規模なモデルの正確性を確保しながら、それとのやり取り時のプライバシー漏洩のリスクを大幅に減らすことができます。私たちはFirewallLLMがプライバシー保護されたChatGPTインタラクションプラットフォームであると考えています。", "zh-hans": "通过调用FirewaLLM,用户可以在与大型模型交互时确保准确性,同时大大降低隐私泄露的风险。我们相信FirewallLLM是一个保护隐私的ChatGPT交互平台。", "zh-hant": "通過使用FirewaLLM,用戶在與大型模型互動時可以確保其準確性,同時大大降低隱私洩露的風險。我們相信FirewallLLM是一個保護隱私的ChatGPT互動平台。" } }, "https://github.com/chatchat-space/langchain-chatchat": { "repository_name": "Langchain-Chatchat", "user_name": "chatchat-space", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain ", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatchat", "chatglm", "chatglm-6b", "chatglm2-6b", "chatgpt", "embedding", "faiss", "fastchat", "gpt", "knowledge-base", "langchain", "langchain-chatchat", "langchain-chatglm", "llama", "llm", "milvus", "pgvector", "streamlit", "text2vec" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain ", "ja": "Langchain-Chatchat(元Langchain-ChatGLM)は、LangchainとChatGLMなどの言語モデルを利用したローカルな知識ベースの質問応答アプリです。", "zh-hans": "Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)是一款基于Langchain和ChatGLM等语言模型的本地知识库问答应用程序。", "zh-hant": "Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)是一款基于Langchain和ChatGLM等语言模型的本地知识库问答应用程序。" } }, "https://github.com/wzpan/wukong-robot": { "repository_name": "wukong-robot", "user_name": "wzpan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。", "topics": [ "ai", "alexa", "amazon-echo", "anyq", "asr", "bci", "chatgpt", "google-home", "gpt3", "homeassistant", "muse", "openai", "raspeberry-pi", "snowboy", "speaker", "tts", "unit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Wukong-robot is a simple, flexible, and elegant Chinese voice conversation robot/smart speaker project that supports ChatGPT's multi-turn conversation capability. It may also be the first open-source smart speaker project that supports brain-computer interaction.", "ja": "🤖 wukong-robotは、シンプルで柔軟でエレガントな中国語音声対話ロボット/スマートスピーカープロジェクトであり、ChatGPTのマルチターン対話能力をサポートしています。また、脳機インタラクションをサポートする最初のオープンソーススマートスピーカープロジェクトかもしれません。", "zh-hans": "🤖 wukong-robot 是一个简单、灵活、优雅的中文语音对话机器人/智能音箱项目,支持ChatGPT多轮对话能力,还可能是首个支持脑机交互的开源智能音箱项目。", "zh-hant": "🤖 wukong-robot 是一個簡單、靈活、優雅的中文語音對話機器人/智能音箱項目,支持ChatGPT多輪對話能力,還可能是首個支持腦機交互的開源智能音箱項目。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/autogen": { "repository_name": "autogen", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "cc-by-4.0", "name": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "spdx_id": "CC-BY-4.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc-by-4.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI1" }, "description": "Enable Next-Gen Large Language Model Applications. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ", "topics": [ "agent-based-framework", "agent-oriented-programming", "chat", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "llm-agent", "llm-framework", "llm-inference", "llmops" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Enable Next-Gen Large Language Model Applications. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ", "ja": "次世代の大規模言語モデルアプリケーションを有効にする。私たちのDiscordに参加してください:https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ", "zh-hans": "启用下一代大型语言模型应用。加入我们的Discord:https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ", "zh-hant": "啟用下一代大型語言模型應用程式。加入我們的Discord:https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ" } }, "https://github.com/kav-k/gptdiscord": { "repository_name": "GPTDiscord", "user_name": "Kav-K", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A robust, all-in-one GPT interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "asyncio", "chatbot", "code-interpreter", "collaborate", "dalle2", "digitalocean", "discord", "embeddings", "extractive-question-answering", "github", "gpt3", "hacktoberfest", "help-wanted", "moderator-bot", "multi-modal", "openai", "openai-api", "pinecone", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A robust, all-in-one GPT interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!", "ja": "Discord用の堅牢なオールインワンGPTインターフェース。ChatGPTスタイルの会話、画像生成、AIモデレーション、カスタムインデックス/ナレッジベース、YouTubeサマライザーなどが利用可能です!", "zh-hans": "一个强大的、一体化的Discord GPT界面。ChatGPT风格的对话、图像生成、AI-审查、自定义索引/知识库、YouTube摘要生成等等!", "zh-hant": "一個強大的、全能的Discord GPT界面。ChatGPT風格的對話、圖像生成、AI審核、自定義索引/知識庫、YouTube摘要等等!" } }, "https://github.com/scisharp/botsharp": { "repository_name": "BotSharp", "user_name": "SciSharp", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "The AI Agent Application Framework in .NET", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatbot", "chatbot-framework", "chatgpt", "llm", "nlp", "nlu", "rag", "semantic" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The AI Agent Application Framework in .NET", "ja": ".NETでのAIエージェントアプリケーションフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "AI代理应用程序框架在.NET中", "zh-hant": ".NET中的AI代理應用程式框架" } }, "https://github.com/mintplex-labs/anything-llm": { "repository_name": "anything-llm", "user_name": "Mintplex-Labs", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Open-source ChatGPT equivalent experience for both open and close source LLMs, embedders, and vector databases. Supports unlimited documents, threads, and concurrent users and management all in a very clean UI.", "topics": [ "chatbots", "chatgpt-app", "chroma", "gpt3", "langchain", "llama", "llm", "llm-inference", "mistral-7b", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt", "pinecone", "rag", "retrieval-augmented-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open-source ChatGPT equivalent experience for both open and close source LLMs, embedders, and vector databases. Supports unlimited documents, threads, and concurrent users and management all in a very clean UI.", "ja": "オープンソースのChatGPTに相当する経験を、オープンソースおよびクローズドソースのLLMs、埋め込みツール、およびベクトルデータベースに提供します。非常にクリーンなUIで、無制限のドキュメント、スレッド、および同時ユーザーをサポートし、すべてを管理します。", "zh-hans": "开源的ChatGPT等效体验,适用于开源和闭源的LLMs、嵌入器和向量数据库。支持无限的文档、线程和并发用户,并在非常清晰的用户界面中进行管理。", "zh-hant": "針對開源和封閉源LLMs、嵌入器和向量數據庫的開源ChatGPT等效體驗。支持無限文檔、線程和同時使用者,並在非常乾淨的用戶界面中進行管理。\n開源ChatGPT等效體驗,適用於開源和封閉源LLMs、嵌入器和向量數據庫。支持無限文檔、線程和同時使用者,並在非常乾淨的用戶界面中進行管理。" } }, "https://github.com/polterguy/magic": { "repository_name": "magic", "user_name": "polterguy", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Create a custom ChatGPT-based website chatbot", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "machine-learning", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create a custom ChatGPT-based website chatbot", "ja": "カスタムのChatGPTベースのウェブサイトチャットボットを作成してください。", "zh-hans": "创建一个基于ChatGPT的定制网站聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "建立一個基於ChatGPT的自定義網站聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/run-llama/rags": { "repository_name": "rags", "user_name": "run-llama", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Build ChatGPT over your data, all with natural language", "topics": [ "agent", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpts", "llamaindex", "llm", "openai", "rag", "streamlit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build ChatGPT over your data, all with natural language", "ja": "データを使用してChatGPTを構築し、すべて自然言語で行います。", "zh-hans": "使用您的数据构建ChatGPT,全部使用自然语言。", "zh-hant": "使用您的數據建立自然語言的ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/scisharp/llamasharp": { "repository_name": "LLamaSharp", "user_name": "SciSharp", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Run LLaMA/GPT model easily and fast in C#!🤗 It's also easy to integrate LLamaSharp with semantic-kernel, unity, WPF and WebApp.", "topics": [ "aigc", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "llama", "llamacpp", "llm", "scisharp", "semantic-kernel", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run LLaMA/GPT model easily and fast in C#!🤗 It's also easy to integrate LLamaSharp with semantic-kernel, unity, WPF and WebApp.", "ja": "C#で簡単かつ高速にLLaMA/GPTモデルを実行できます!🤗 さらに、LLamaSharpをsemantic-kernel、unity、WPF、およびWebAppと簡単に統合することもできます。", "zh-hans": "在C#中轻松快速地运行LLaMA/GPT模型!🤗 同时,将LLamaSharp与语义内核、Unity、WPF和WebApp集成也很容易。", "zh-hant": "在C#中輕鬆快速地運行LLaMA/GPT模型!🤗 使用LLamaSharp與語義核心、Unity、WPF和WebApp進行集成也很容易。" } }, "https://github.com/samuraigpt/open-custom-gpt": { "repository_name": "Open-Custom-GPT", "user_name": "SamurAIGPT", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Create Custom GPT and add/embed on your site using Assistants api", "topics": [ "aichatbot", "assistant-api", "chatbot", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "custom-gpt", "customgpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt4", "gpts", "langchain", "no-code", "openai", "openai-chatbot", "openai-chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create Custom GPT and add/embed on your site using Assistants api", "ja": "Assistants APIを使用して、カスタムGPTを作成し、サイトに追加/埋め込む。 \nカスタムGPTを作成し、Assistants APIを使用してサイトに追加/埋め込む。", "zh-hans": "使用助手API创建自定义GPT并将其添加/嵌入到您的网站上\n创建自定义GPT并使用助手API将其添加/嵌入到您的网站上。", "zh-hant": "使用助手 API 創建自定義 GPT 並將其添加/嵌入到您的網站上" } }, "https://github.com/aoao-eth/wechat-ai-summarize-bot": { "repository_name": "wechat-ai-summarize-bot", "user_name": "aoao-eth", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "微信群聊总结助手 JS 版", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "wechat", "wechaty" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat Group Chat Summary Assistant JS Version", "ja": "微信群チャットの要約アシスタント JS バージョン", "zh-hans": "微信群聊总结助手 JS 版", "zh-hant": "微信群聊總結助手 JS 版" } }, "https://github.com/webwhiz-ai/webwhiz": { "repository_name": "webwhiz", "user_name": "webwhiz-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "WebWhiz allows you to create an AI chatbot that knows everything about your product and can instantly respond to your customer's queries.", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WebWhiz allows you to create an AI chatbot that knows everything about your product and can instantly respond to your customer's queries.", "ja": "WebWhizは、あなたの製品についてすべてを知っており、お客様の問い合わせに即座に応答できるAIチャットボットを作成することができます。", "zh-hans": "WebWhiz允许您创建一个人工智能聊天机器人,它了解您产品的一切,并能即时回答客户的问题。", "zh-hant": "WebWhiz 允許您創建一個 AI 聊天機器人,該機器人對您的產品了如指掌,能夠即時回答客戶的問題。" } }, "https://github.com/ovidijusparsiunas/deep-chat": { "repository_name": "deep-chat", "user_name": "OvidijusParsiunas", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-chatbot", "angular", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "cohere", "component", "files", "huggingface", "image", "nextjs", "openai", "react", "react-chatbot", "solid", "speech", "svelte", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website", "ja": "ウェブサイト用の完全にカスタマイズ可能なAIチャットボットコンポーネント", "zh-hans": "全面可定制的AI聊天机器人组件,适用于您的网站", "zh-hant": "完全可定制的網站AI聊天機器人組件" } }, "https://github.com/lich0821/wechatferry": { "repository_name": "WeChatFerry", "user_name": "lich0821", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "微信逆向,微信机器人,可接入 ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。Hook WeChat.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "hook", "robot", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "微信逆向,微信机器人,可接入 ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。Hook WeChat.", "ja": "微信のリバースエンジニアリング、微信ボット、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbotなどの大規模モデルに接続可能。WeChatをフックします。", "zh-hans": "微信逆向,微信机器人,可接入ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。Hook微信。", "zh-hant": "微信逆向,微信機器人,可接入 ChatGPT、ChatGLM、訊飛星火、Tigerbot等大模型。Hook WeChat." } }, "https://github.com/x-plug/mplug-owl": { "repository_name": "mPLUG-Owl", "user_name": "X-PLUG", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "[Official Implementation] mPLUG-Owl & mPLUG-Owl2: Alibaba MLLM Family.", "topics": [ "alpaca", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "damo", "dialogue", "gpt", "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "huggingface", "instruction-tuning", "large-language-models", "llama", "mplug", "mplug-owl", "multimodal", "pretraining", "pytorch", "transformer", "video", "visual-recognition" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[Official Implementation] mPLUG-Owl & mPLUG-Owl2: Alibaba MLLM Family.", "ja": "[公式実装] mPLUG-Owl&mPLUG-Owl2:アリババMLLMファミリー。", "zh-hans": "【官方实施】mPLUG-Owl和mPLUG-Owl2:阿里巴巴MLLM家族。", "zh-hant": "【官方實施】mPLUG-Owl和mPLUG-Owl2:阿里巴巴MLLM家族。" } }, "https://github.com/soulter/astrbot": { "repository_name": "AstrBot", "user_name": "Soulter", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "⭐ QQ和QQ频道都可用的 ChatGPT, Bing, Claude, HuggingChat 机器人,支持插件 | 原 QQChannelChatGPT", "topics": [ "ai", "bing", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gocq", "gpt", "openai", "qq", "qqbot", "qqchannel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⭐ ChatGPT, Bing, Claude, and HuggingChat are all available robots that can be used on QQ and QQ Channel. They support plugins. | Formerly known as QQChannelChatGPT.", "ja": "⭐ QQとQQチャンネルの両方で使用できるChatGPT、Bing、Claude、HuggingChatのボット、プラグインをサポートします | 元のQQChannelChatGPT", "zh-hans": "⭐ 可用于 QQ 和 QQ 频道的 ChatGPT、Bing、Claude、HuggingChat 机器人,支持插件 | 原 QQChannelChatGPT", "zh-hant": "⭐ 支援插件的 ChatGPT、Bing、Claude、HuggingChat 機器人,可在 QQ 和 QQ 頻道上使用 | 原 QQChannelChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/casibase/casibase": { "repository_name": "casibase", "user_name": "casibase", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "⚡️Open-source LangChain-like AI knowledge database with web UI,and Enterprise SSO⚡️, supports OpenAI, Azure, HuggingFace, OpenRouter, ChatGLM and local models, chat demo: https://ai.casbin.com, admin portal demo: https://ai.casibase.com", "topics": [ "ai", "aigc", "casibase", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "claude", "database", "gpt", "huggingface", "knowledge", "knowledge-base", "knowledgebase", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "vector", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡️Open-source LangChain-like AI knowledge database with web UI,and Enterprise SSO⚡️, supports OpenAI, Azure, HuggingFace, OpenRouter, ChatGLM and local models, chat demo: https://ai.casbin.com, admin portal demo: https://ai.casibase.com", "ja": "⚡️ウェブUIとエンタープライズSSOを備えたオープンソースのLangChainのようなAI知識データベースです⚡️。OpenAI、Azure、HuggingFace、OpenRouter、ChatGLM、およびローカルモデルをサポートしています。チャットデモ:https://ai.casbin.com、管理ポータルデモ:https://ai.casibase.com", "zh-hans": "⚡️开源的类LangChain AI知识数据库,具有Web界面和企业SSO⚡️,支持OpenAI、Azure、HuggingFace、OpenRouter、ChatGLM和本地模型,聊天演示:https://ai.casbin.com,管理员门户演示:https://ai.casibase.com", "zh-hant": "⚡️具有Web UI和企業SSO的開源LangChain類似的AI知識數據庫⚡️,支持OpenAI、Azure、HuggingFace、OpenRouter、ChatGLM和本地模型,聊天演示:https://ai.casbin.com,管理員門戶演示:https://ai.casibase.com" } }, "https://github.com/vercel/ai-chatbot": { "repository_name": "ai-chatbot", "user_name": "vercel", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "nextjs", "react", "redis", "shadcn-ui", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel", "ja": "Vercelによって構築された、フル機能を備えた、ハッキング可能なNext.js AIチャットボット。", "zh-hans": "一个由Vercel构建的功能齐全、可修改的Next.js AI聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個由Vercel建立的功能齊全、可修改的Next.js AI聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/anil-matcha/chatpdf": { "repository_name": "ChatPDF", "user_name": "Anil-matcha", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Chat with any PDF. Easily upload the PDF documents you'd like to chat with. Instant answers. Ask questions, extract information, and summarize documents with AI. Sources included.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatpdf", "chatwithpdf", "gpt", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai", "pdf", "pdf-chat-bot", "pdfgpt", "pdftochatbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with any PDF. Easily upload the PDF documents you'd like to chat with. Instant answers. Ask questions, extract information, and summarize documents with AI. Sources included.", "ja": "どんなPDFでもチャットできます。簡単にアップロードしてください。即座に回答します。質問をする、情報を抽出する、AIで文書を要約することができます。ソースも含まれています。", "zh-hans": "与任何PDF进行聊天。轻松上传您想要与之聊天的PDF文档。即时回答。使用人工智能提问、提取信息和总结文档。包含来源。", "zh-hant": "與任何PDF進行對話。輕鬆上傳您想要對話的PDF文件。即時回答。使用人工智能提問、提取信息並總結文件。包含來源。" } }, "https://github.com/marcolivierbouch/openassistantgpt": { "repository_name": "OpenAssistantGPT", "user_name": "marcolivierbouch", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "An open source platform for building chatbot using the OpenAI API Assistant.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "artificial-neural-networks", "assistant", "assistant-app", "assistant-chat-bots", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "customgpt", "js", "openaai", "openai-api", "support", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open source platform for building chatbot using the OpenAI API Assistant.", "ja": "OpenAI APIアシスタントを使用してチャットボットを構築するためのオープンソースプラットフォーム。", "zh-hans": "一个使用OpenAI API助手构建聊天机器人的开源平台。", "zh-hant": "一個使用OpenAI API助手建立聊天機器人的開源平台。" } }, "https://github.com/lifan0127/ai-research-assistant": { "repository_name": "ai-research-assistant", "user_name": "lifan0127", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Aria is Your AI Research Assistant Powered by GPT Large Language Models", "topics": [ "ai-assistant", "gpt", "large-language-models", "research-paper", "zotero" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Aria is Your AI Research Assistant Powered by GPT Large Language Models", "ja": "アリアは、GPT大規模言語モデルによってパワードされたあなたのAI研究アシスタントです。", "zh-hans": "Aria是由GPT大型语言模型驱动的AI研究助手。", "zh-hant": "Aria 是由 GPT 大型語言模型提供支援的 AI 研究助手" } }, "https://github.com/mylxsw/aidea": { "repository_name": "aidea", "user_name": "mylxsw", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "flutter", "gpt", "gpt-4", "stable-diffusion", "tongyiqianwen", "wenxinyiyan" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AIdea is a versatile app that supports GPT and domestic large language models such as Tongyi Qianwen and Wenxin Yiyuan. It also supports Stable Diffusion Wenshengtu, Tushengtu, SDXL1.0, super-resolution, and image coloring.", "ja": "AIdeaは、GPTおよび国産の大規模言語モデルである通義千問、文心一言などをサポートし、Stable Diffusion文生図、図生図、SDXL1.0、超解像度、画像着色などをサポートするオールインワンのアプリです。", "zh-hans": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 和国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。", "zh-hant": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及國產大語言模型通義千問、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生圖、圖生圖、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、圖片上色的全能型 APP。" } }, "https://github.com/snapdragonlee/chatgpt-webot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-weBot", "user_name": "SnapdragonLee", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chat with ChatGPT (gpt-3.5 or newer),WeChat hook interface based", "topics": [ "bot", "chatgpt", "stable-diffusion", "updates-api", "wechat", "wechatbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with ChatGPT (gpt-3.5 or newer),WeChat hook interface based", "ja": "入力:ChatGPT(gpt-3.5以降)とのチャット、WeChatフックインターフェースを使用\n\n出力:", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT(gpt-3.5或更新版本)进行聊天,基于微信钩子接口。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT(gpt-3.5或更新版本)進行聊天,基於微信鉤子接口。" } }, "https://github.com/hanson/vbot": { "repository_name": "vbot", "user_name": "Hanson", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信,企微,机器人,企业微信,企微机器人,微信机器人,聚合聊天,RPA,协议,hook,逆向,worktool,ntwork,群发,自动回复,chatgpt,API对接,稳定防封全语言通用,企业定制/SCRM/SAAS专用", "topics": [ "php", "robot", "wechat", "weixin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat, Enterprise WeChat, robot, Enterprise WeChat robot, WeChat robot, aggregated chat, RPA, protocol, hook, reverse, worktool, ntwork, mass sending, automatic reply, chatgpt, API docking, stable anti-blocking, universal in all languages, enterprise customization/SCRM/SAAS dedicated.", "ja": "入力:微信、企微、ロボット、企業微信、企微ロボット、微信ロボット、集約チャット、RPA、プロトコル、フック、リバース、ワークツール、ネットワーク、グループ送信、自動返信、ChatGPT、API接続、安定した防止全言語対応、企業カスタマイズ/SCRM/SAAS専用", "zh-hans": "微信,企微,机器人,企业微信,企微机器人,微信机器人,聚合聊天,RPA,协议,hook,逆向,worktool,ntwork,群发,自动回复,chatgpt,API对接,稳定防封全语言通用,企业定制/SCRM/SAAS专用", "zh-hant": "輸入:微信,企微,機器人,企業微信,企微機器人,微信機器人,聚合聊天,RPA,協議,hook,逆向,worktool,ntwork,群發,自動回復,chatgpt,API對接,穩定防封全語言通用,企業定制/SCRM/SAAS專用" } }, "https://github.com/rksm/org-ai": { "repository_name": "org-ai", "user_name": "rksm", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Emacs as your personal AI assistant. Use LLMs such as ChatGPT or LLaMA for text generation or DALL-E and Stable Diffusion for image generation. Also supports speech input / output.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "emacs", "generative-models", "gpt", "llms" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Emacs as your personal AI assistant. Use LLMs such as ChatGPT or LLaMA for text generation or DALL-E and Stable Diffusion for image generation. Also supports speech input / output.", "ja": "入力:Emacsはあなたの個人的なAIアシスタントです。ChatGPTやLLaMAなどのLLMを使用してテキスト生成、DALL-EやStable Diffusionを使用して画像生成を行います。また、音声入力/出力もサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "输入:Emacs作为您的个人AI助手。使用像ChatGPT或LLaMA这样的LLM进行文本生成,或使用DALL-E和Stable Diffusion进行图像生成。还支持语音输入/输出。", "zh-hant": "輸入:Emacs作為您的個人AI助手。使用像ChatGPT或LLaMA這樣的LLM進行文本生成,或使用DALL-E和Stable Diffusion進行圖像生成。還支持語音輸入/輸出。" } }, "https://github.com/cvi-szu/linly": { "repository_name": "Linly", "user_name": "CVI-SZU", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基础模型;ChatFlow中文对话模型;中文OpenLLaMA模型;NLP预训练/指令微调数据集", "topics": [ "bert", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chinese", "chinese-nlp", "gpt-3", "language-model", "llama", "nlp", "zero-shot-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基础模型;ChatFlow中文对话模型;中文OpenLLaMA模型;NLP预训练/指令微调数据集", "ja": "入力:Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基礎モデル;ChatFlow中文対話モデル;中文OpenLLaMAモデル;NLPプレトレーニング/指示微調データセット", "zh-hans": "输入:Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基础模型;ChatFlow中文对话模型;中文OpenLLaMA模型;NLP预训练/指令微调数据集", "zh-hant": "輸入:Chinese-LLaMA 1&2、Chinese-Falcon 基礎模型;ChatFlow中文對話模型;中文OpenLLaMA模型;NLP預訓練/指令微調資料集" } }, "https://github.com/memochou1993/gpt-ai-assistant": { "repository_name": "gpt-ai-assistant", "user_name": "memochou1993", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI + LINE + Vercel = GPT AI Assistant", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI, LINE, and Vercel together create the GPT AI Assistant.", "ja": "オープンエーアイ + LINE + Vercel = GPT AIアシスタント", "zh-hans": "OpenAI + LINE + Vercel = GPT AI助手", "zh-hant": "OpenAI + LINE + Vercel = GPT AI 助手" } }, "https://github.com/dulaiduwang003/ts-gpt": { "repository_name": "TS-GPT", "user_name": "dulaiduwang003", "language": "Vue", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Dual-ended GPT application developed based on SpringCloudAlibaba, including voice dialogue, drawing, image recognition, and text dialogue", "topics": [ "chat-gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-vision-preview", "java", "jdk17", "spring-boot", "spring-cloud", "stable-diffusion", "uniapp", "vue", "wechat-app" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dual-ended GPT application developed based on SpringCloudAlibaba, including voice dialogue, drawing, image recognition, and text dialogue", "ja": "SpringCloudAlibabaをベースに開発されたデュアルエンドのGPTアプリケーション。音声対話、描画、画像認識、テキスト対話を含んでいます。デュアルエンドのGPTアプリケーションは、音声対話、描画、画像認識、テキスト対話を含んでいます。", "zh-hans": "基于SpringCloudAlibaba开发的双端GPT应用,包括语音对话、绘画、图像识别和文本对话。", "zh-hant": "基於SpringCloudAlibaba開發的雙向GPT應用程式,包括語音對話、繪圖、圖像識別和文字對話" } }, "https://github.com/ashinnotfound/chatgpt-yourchatrobot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-YourChatRobot", "user_name": "ashinnotfound", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "❤开箱即用❤an unofficial implement of ChatGPT in QQ/Wechat. 一个非官方的ChatGPT腾讯qq/微信(非公众号)实现版,快来把你的qq或微信变成chatgpt吧", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-bot", "dalle2", "gpt-3", "gpt4", "image-generation", "java", "openai", "qq-bot", "wechat-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "❤开箱即用❤an unofficial implement of ChatGPT in QQ/Wechat. 一个非官方的ChatGPT腾讯qq/微信(非公众号)实现版,快来把你的qq或微信变成chatgpt吧", "ja": "❤開封即使❤QQ/Wechatでの非公式ChatGPTの実装です。あなたのQQまたはWechatをChatGPTに変えてみましょう。", "zh-hans": "❤开箱即用❤一个非官方的ChatGPT在QQ/微信中的实现。快来将你的QQ或微信变成ChatGPT吧!", "zh-hant": "❤開箱即用❤一個非官方的ChatGPT腾訊qq/微信(非公眾號)實現版,快來把你的qq或微信變成chatgpt吧" } }, "https://github.com/wangrongding/wechat-bot": { "repository_name": "wechat-bot", "user_name": "wangrongding", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🤖一个基于OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChaty 实现的微信机器人 ,可以用来帮助你自动回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,检测僵尸粉等...", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "wechat", "wechatbot", "wechaty" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖A WeChat robot based on OpenAI ChatGPT and WeChaty, which can be used to help you automatically reply to WeChat messages, or manage WeChat groups/friends, detect zombie fans, etc.", "ja": "🤖OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChatyをベースにしたWeChatのロボットです。WeChatのメッセージに自動的に返信したり、WeChatのグループ/友達を管理したり、ゾンビフォロワーを検出したりするのに使用できます...", "zh-hans": "🤖一个基于OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChaty 实现的微信机器人,可以用来帮助你自动回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,检测僵尸粉等...", "zh-hant": "🤖一個基於OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChaty 實現的微信機器人,可以用來幫助你自動回覆微信訊息,或者管理微信群/好友,檢測僵屍粉等..." } }, "https://github.com/chrislemke/chatfred": { "repository_name": "ChatFred", "user_name": "chrislemke", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Alfred workflow using ChatGPT, DALL·E 2 and other models for chatting, image generation and more.", "topics": [ "alfred-workflow", "alfredapp", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dall-e2", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "image-generation", "openai", "stable-diffusion", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Alfred workflow using ChatGPT, DALL·E 2 and other models for chatting, image generation and more.", "ja": "チャットGPT、DALL·E 2などを使用したAlfredワークフローによるチャット、画像生成などAlfredワークフローを使用して、チャット、画像生成などを行うためのチャットGPT、DALL·E 2などのモデルを使用します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT、DALL·E 2和其他模型的Alfred工作流,用于聊天、图像生成等功能。输出:使用ChatGPT、DALL·E 2和其他模型的Alfred工作流,可用于聊天、图像生成等功能。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT、DALL·E 2和其他模型的Alfred工作流程,用於聊天、圖像生成等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/withcatai/catai": { "repository_name": "catai", "user_name": "withcatai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "UI for 🦙model . Run AI assistant locally ✨", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-assistant", "catai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatui", "dalai", "ggmlv3", "gguf", "llama-cpp", "llm", "local-llm", "localai", "node-llama-cpp", "openai", "vicuna", "vicuna-installation-guide", "wizardlm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "UI for 🦙model . Run AI assistant locally ✨", "ja": "🦙モデルのためのUI。AIアシスタントをローカルで実行する✨", "zh-hans": "🦙模型的用户界面。本地运行AI助手✨", "zh-hant": "使用者介面 (UI) 供🦙模型使用。在本地運行 AI 助手 ✨" } }, "https://github.com/yym68686/chatgpt-telegram-bot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Telegram-Bot", "user_name": "yym68686", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🤖️ an AI chat Telegram bot can Web Search Powered by GPT and Claude2.1 using Python on Zeabur, fly.io and Replit.", "topics": [ "agent", "chatgpt", "claude", "claude-api", "docker", "fly-io", "gpt-4-api", "langchain", "python-telegram-bot", "replit", "replit-bot", "telegram-bot", "zeabur" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖️ an AI chat Telegram bot can Web Search Powered by GPT and Claude2.1 using Python on Zeabur, fly.io and Replit.", "ja": "🤖️ AIチャットTelegramボットは、Zeabur、fly.io、およびReplitでPythonを使用してGPTとClaude2.1によるWeb検索を行うことができます。", "zh-hans": "🤖️ 一个AI聊天Telegram机器人可以使用Python在Zeabur、fly.io和Replit上通过GPT和Claude2.1进行网络搜索。", "zh-hant": "🤖️ 一個AI聊天Telegram機器人可以使用Python在Zeabur、fly.io和Replit上由GPT和Claude2.1提供動力進行網絡搜索。" } }, "https://github.com/nasa-petal/bidara": { "repository_name": "bidara", "user_name": "nasa-petal", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "BIDARA is a GPT-4 chatbot that was instructed to help scientists and engineers understand, learn from, and emulate the strategies used by living things to create sustainable designs and technologies using the Biomimicry Institute's step-by-step design process.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BIDARA is a GPT-4 chatbot that was instructed to help scientists and engineers understand, learn from, and emulate the strategies used by living things to create sustainable designs and technologies using the Biomimicry Institute's step-by-step design process.", "ja": "BIDARAは、生物模倣学研究所の段階的な設計プロセスを使用して、持続可能なデザインと技術を作成するために生物が使用する戦略を科学者やエンジニアが理解し、学び、模倣するのを支援するように指示されたGPT-4チャットボットです。", "zh-hans": "BIDARA是一个GPT-4聊天机器人,被指示帮助科学家和工程师理解、学习并模仿生物利用仿生学研究所的逐步设计过程来创造可持续设计和技术的策略。", "zh-hant": "BIDARA是一個GPT-4聊天機器人,被指示幫助科學家和工程師理解、學習並模仿生物利用生物模仿學研究所的逐步設計過程來創造可持續的設計和技術所使用的策略。" } }, "https://github.com/gregsadetsky/sagittarius": { "repository_name": "sagittarius", "user_name": "gregsadetsky", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "A GPT-4/Gemini Voice/Video Exploration Tool", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Un outil d'exploration vocale/vidéo GPT-4/Gemini.", "ja": "GPT-4/Geminiの音声/ビデオ探索ツール", "zh-hans": "一个GPT-4/Gemini语音/视频探索工具", "zh-hant": "一個GPT-4/Gemini語音/視頻探索工具" } }, "https://github.com/peterw/chat-with-github-repo": { "repository_name": "Chat-with-Github-Repo", "user_name": "peterw", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This repository contains two Python scripts that demonstrate how to create a chatbot using Streamlit, OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo, and Activeloop's Deep Lake.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains two Python scripts that demonstrate how to create a chatbot using Streamlit, OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo, and Activeloop's Deep Lake.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、Streamlit、OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo、およびActiveloopのDeep Lakeを使用してチャットボットを作成する方法を示す2つのPythonスクリプトが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含两个Python脚本,演示了如何使用Streamlit、OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo和Activeloop的Deep Lake创建一个聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含兩個Python腳本,演示了如何使用Streamlit、OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo和Activeloop的Deep Lake創建一個聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/gventuri/pandas-ai": { "repository_name": "pandas-ai", "user_name": "gventuri", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chat with your data (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.", "topics": [ "ai", "csv", "data", "data-analysis", "data-science", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "pandas", "sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with your data (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.", "ja": "データとのチャット(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQLなど)。PandasAIは、LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)とRAGを使用して、データ分析を対話形式にします。", "zh-hans": "使用您的数据进行聊天(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQL等)。PandasAI利用LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)和RAG使数据分析变得对话化。", "zh-hant": "與您的數據進行對話(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQL等)。PandasAI使用LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)和RAG使數據分析變得對話式。" } }, "https://github.com/lss233/chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot", "user_name": "lss233", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "🚀 一键部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人!支持ChatGPT、文心一言、讯飞星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多账号,人设调教,虚拟女仆、图片渲染、语音发送 | 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台", "topics": [ "bard", "bot", "chatglm-6b", "chatgpt", "discord", "ernie", "go-cqhttp", "mirai", "mirai-qq", "new-bing", "openai", "poe", "qq", "qqbot", "sydney", "telegram", "wechat", "xinghuo" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 One-click deployment! Real AI chatbot! Supports ChatGPT, Wenxin Yiyuan, Xunfei Xinghuo, Bing, Bard, ChatGLM, POE, multiple accounts, character training, virtual maids, image rendering, voice sending | Supports platforms such as QQ, Telegram, Discord, WeChat, etc.", "ja": "🚀 ワンクリックで展開!本物のAIチャットボット!ChatGPT、文心一言、讯飞星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POEをサポートしています。複数のアカウント、キャラクターの調整、バーチャルメイド、画像レンダリング、音声送信に対応しています。QQ、Telegram、Discord、WeChatなどのプラットフォームをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "🚀 一键部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人!支持ChatGPT、文心一言、讯飞星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多账号,人设调教,虚拟女仆、图片渲染、语音发送 | 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台", "zh-hant": "🚀 一鍵部署!真正的 AI 聊天機器人!支援ChatGPT、文心一言、訊飛星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多帳號,人設調教,虛擬女僕、圖片渲染、語音發送 | 支援 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台" } }, "https://github.com/quivrhq/quivr": { "repository_name": "quivr", "user_name": "QuivrHQ", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, ...) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation.", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "database", "docker", "frontend", "html", "javascript", "llm", "openai", "postgresql", "privacy", "rag", "react", "rest-api", "security", "typescript", "vector", "ycombinator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, ...) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation.", "ja": "あなたのGenAIセカンドブレイン🧠個人の生産性アシスタント(RAG)⚡️🤖Langchain、GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo、Private、Anthropic、VertexAI、Ollama、LLMsを使用して、ドキュメント(PDF、CSVなど)やアプリとチャットできます。ユーザーと共有できる! OpenAI GPTやChatGPTに対するローカルでプライベートな代替です。検索増強生成によってパワードされています。", "zh-hans": "您的GenAI第二大脑🧠 个人生产力助手(RAG)⚡️🤖 通过Langchain、GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo、Private、Anthropic、VertexAI、Ollama、LLMs与您的文档(PDF、CSV等)和应用进行交流,您可以与用户共享!这是OpenAI GPTs和ChatGPT的本地和私密替代方案,由检索增强生成技术驱动。", "zh-hant": "您的GenAI第二大腦🧠個人生產力助手(RAG)⚡️🤖使用Langchain、GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo、Private、Anthropic、VertexAI、Ollama、LLMs與您的文檔(PDF、CSV等)和應用程序進行對話,您可以與用戶共享!這是一個本地和私人的替代方案,可替代OpenAI GPT和ChatGPT,由檢索增強生成技術驅動。" } }, "https://github.com/tinystruct/smalltalk": { "repository_name": "smalltalk", "user_name": "tinystruct", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "A tinystruct-based chat module which integrated with @OpenAI GPT-3 / 3.5-turbo / ChatGPT. @tinystruct", "topics": [ "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "java" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A tinystruct-based chat module which integrated with @OpenAI GPT-3 / 3.5-turbo / ChatGPT. @tinystruct", "ja": "@tinystruct と統合された、@OpenAI GPT-3 / 3.5-turbo / ChatGPT ベースのチャットモジュールです。", "zh-hans": "一个基于tinystruct的聊天模块,与@OpenAI GPT-3 / 3.5-turbo / ChatGPT集成。@tinystruct", "zh-hant": "一個基於tinystruct的聊天模組,與@OpenAI GPT-3 / 3.5-turbo / ChatGPT整合。@tinystruct" } }, "https://github.com/mobile-artificial-intelligence/maid": { "repository_name": "maid", "user_name": "Mobile-Artificial-Intelligence", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Maid is a cross-platform Flutter app for interfacing with GGUF / llama.cpp models locally, and with Ollama and OpenAI models remotely. ", "topics": [ "android", "android-ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "facebook", "ffigen", "flutter", "gguf", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama-cpp", "llama2", "llamacpp", "local-ai", "mistral", "mobile-ai", "mobile-artificial-intelligence", "ollama", "openai", "openorca" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Maid is a cross-platform Flutter app for interfacing with GGUF / llama.cpp models locally, and with Ollama and OpenAI models remotely.", "ja": "Maidは、GGUF / llama.cppモデルとローカルでインターフェースするためのクロスプラットフォームのFlutterアプリであり、また、OllamaとOpenAIモデルとリモートでインターフェースするためのものです。", "zh-hans": "Maid是一个跨平台的Flutter应用程序,用于本地与GGUF / llama.cpp模型进行交互,并与Ollama和OpenAI模型进行远程交互。", "zh-hant": "Maid 是一個跨平台的 Flutter 應用程式,用於本地與 GGUF / llama.cpp 模型進行接口,並與 Ollama 和 OpenAI 模型進行遠程接口。" } }, "https://github.com/sinaptik-ai/pandas-ai": { "repository_name": "pandas-ai", "user_name": "Sinaptik-AI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chat with your data (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.", "topics": [ "ai", "csv", "data", "data-analysis", "data-science", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "pandas", "sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with your data (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.", "ja": "データとのチャット(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQLなど)。PandasAIは、LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)とRAGを使用して、データ分析を対話形式にします。", "zh-hans": "使用您的数据进行聊天(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQL等)。PandasAI利用LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)和RAG使数据分析变得对话化。", "zh-hant": "使用您的數據進行聊天(SQL、CSV、pandas、polars、noSQL等)。PandasAI利用LLMs(GPT 3.5 / 4、Anthropic、VertexAI)和RAG使數據分析變得對話式。" } }, "https://github.com/lich0821/wechatrobot": { "repository_name": "WeChatRobot", "user_name": "lich0821", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信机器人,接入Google Bard、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot;成语接龙、天气预报、新闻摘要。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "python", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat robot, access Google Bard, ChatGPT, ChatGLM, iFlytek Xinghuo, Tigerbot; idiom solitaire, weather forecast, news summary.", "ja": "WeChatボット、Google Bard、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbotに接続します。四字熟語ゲーム、天気予報、ニュースの要約。", "zh-hans": "微信机器人,接入Google Bard、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot;成语接龙、天气预报、新闻摘要。", "zh-hant": "微信機器人,接入Google Bard、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、訊飛星火、Tigerbot;成語接龍、天氣預報、新聞摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/incomestreamsurfer/chatgptassistantautoblogger": { "repository_name": "chatgptassistantautoblogger", "user_name": "IncomeStreamSurfer", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This autoblogger uses the GPT assistant's API to autoblog on ecommerce websites", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This autoblogger uses the GPT assistant's API to autoblog on ecommerce websites", "ja": "このオートブロガーは、GPTアシスタントのAPIを使用して、ECサイトでのオートブログを行います。", "zh-hans": "这个自动博客使用GPT助手的API在电子商务网站上自动博客", "zh-hant": "這個自動部落客使用GPT助手的API在電子商務網站上自動部落格。" } }, "https://github.com/cosin2077/chaty": { "repository_name": "chaty", "user_name": "cosin2077", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "one line code, satisfied all your ChatGPT imagination✨✨✨", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "nodejs", "typescript", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "one line code, satisfied all your ChatGPT imagination✨✨✨", "ja": "1行のコード、すべてのChatGPTの想像力に満足✨✨✨", "zh-hans": "一行代码,满足你所有的ChatGPT想象✨✨✨", "zh-hant": "一行代碼,滿足您所有ChatGPT的想像✨✨✨" } }, "https://github.com/leochen-g/wechat-assistant-pro": { "repository_name": "wechat-assistant-pro", "user_name": "leochen-g", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "智能微秘书,一个全能的微信机器人管理平台,最简单的方式接入 ChatGPT,FastGPT,Dify知识库,支持绘图,联网查询,语音识别,各种定时任务,支持企微、个微、公众号、5G 消息、WhatsApp", "topics": [ "chatrobot", "wechat", "wechatbot", "wechaty", "whatsapp-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Intelligent WeChat Secretary, an all-in-one WeChat robot management platform, the easiest way to access ChatGPT, FastGPT, Dify knowledge base, support drawing, online query, voice recognition, various scheduled tasks, support enterprise WeChat, personal WeChat, public account, 5G messages, WhatsApp.", "ja": "知能ウェイシュ,オールインワンのWeChatボット管理プラットフォーム、ChatGPT、FastGPT、Difyナレッジベースに最も簡単な方法でアクセスできます。図形描画、オンライン検索、音声認識、さまざまなタイマータスクをサポートし、企業WeChat、個人WeChat、公式アカウント、5Gメッセージ、WhatsAppをサポートします。", "zh-hans": "智能微秘书,一个全能的微信机器人管理平台,最简单的方式接入 ChatGPT,FastGPT,Dify知识库,支持绘图,联网查询,语音识别,各种定时任务,支持企微、个微、公众号、5G 消息、WhatsApp。", "zh-hant": "智能微秘書,一個全能的微信機器人管理平台,最簡單的方式接入 ChatGPT,FastGPT,Dify知識庫,支持繪圖,聯網查詢,語音識別,各種定時任務,支持企微、個微、公眾號、5G 消息、WhatsApp" } }, "https://github.com/v-know/chatgpt-telegram-bot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Telegram-Bot", "user_name": "V-know", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A Telegram bot with a smooth AI experience.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "python", "telegram" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Telegram bot with a smooth AI experience.", "ja": "スムーズなAI体験を提供するTelegramボット。", "zh-hans": "一个具有流畅人工智能体验的Telegram机器人。", "zh-hant": "一個具有流暢人工智慧體驗的Telegram機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/nluxai/nlux": { "repository_name": "nlux", "user_name": "nluxai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0", "description": "The Open-Source React / Javascript Library To Build Conversational AI Interfaces", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "huggingface", "javascript", "large-language-models", "llm", "openai", "reactjs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Open-Source React / Javascript Library To Build Conversational AI Interfaces", "ja": "対話型AIインターフェースを構築するためのオープンソースReact / Javascriptライブラリ", "zh-hans": "用于构建对话人工智能界面的开源React / Javascript库", "zh-hant": "用於構建對話式人工智能界面的開源React / Javascript庫" } }, "https://github.com/theexplainthis/chatgpt-line-bot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Line-Bot", "user_name": "TheExplainthis", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This is a repository that allows you to integrate ChatGPT into Line.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a repository that allows you to integrate ChatGPT into Line.", "ja": "これは、ChatGPTをLineに統合することができるリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个允许您将ChatGPT集成到Line中的存储库。", "zh-hant": "這是一個允許您將ChatGPT整合到Line中的存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/jiran214/langup-ai": { "repository_name": "langup-ai", "user_name": "jiran214", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AGI 社交网络 Bot. BiliBili | 直播聊天数字人 | 视频@自动回复 | 私信bot | 终端聊天 | 语音交互", "topics": [ "bilibili", "bot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "langchain", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AGI Social Network Bot. BiliBili | Live Chat Digital Person | Video @ Auto Reply | Private Message Bot | Terminal Chat | Voice Interaction", "ja": "AGI ソーシャルネットワークボット。BiliBili | ライブチャット数字人 | 動画@自動返信 | ダイレクトメッセージボット | 端末チャット | 音声インタラクション", "zh-hans": "AGI社交网络机器人。BiliBili | 直播聊天数字人 | 视频@自动回复 | 私信机器人 | 终端聊天 | 语音交互", "zh-hant": "AGI 社交網絡 Bot。BiliBili | 直播聊天數字人 | 視頻@自動回覆 | 私信bot | 終端聊天 | 語音交互" } }, "https://github.com/shamspias/customizable-gpt-chatbot": { "repository_name": "customizable-gpt-chatbot", "user_name": "shamspias", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A dynamic, scalable AI chatbot built with Django REST framework, supporting custom training from PDFs, documents, websites, and YouTube videos. Leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5, Pinecone, FAISS, and Celery for seamless integration and performance.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "autogpt", "chatbot", "conversational-ai", "data-preprocessing", "django", "django-rest-framework", "gpt-3", "gpt-voice", "langchain", "langchain-python", "longchain", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "python", "voice-chat", "voice-recognition", "voice-to-text", "voice-transcription" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A dynamic, scalable AI chatbot built with Django REST framework, supporting custom training from PDFs, documents, websites, and YouTube videos. Leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3.5, Pinecone, FAISS, and Celery for seamless integration and performance.", "ja": "Django RESTフレームワークで構築されたダイナミックでスケーラブルなAIチャットボットは、PDF、ドキュメント、ウェブサイト、YouTubeビデオからのカスタムトレーニングをサポートしています。 OpenAIのGPT-3.5、Pinecone、FAISS、およびCeleryを活用して、シームレスな統合とパフォーマンスを実現しています。", "zh-hans": "使用Django REST框架构建的动态、可扩展的AI聊天机器人,支持从PDF、文档、网站和YouTube视频进行定制培训。利用OpenAI的GPT-3.5、Pinecone、FAISS和Celery实现无缝集成和高性能。", "zh-hant": "使用Django REST框架构建的动态、可扩展的AI聊天机器人,支持从PDF、文档、网站和YouTube视频进行定制培训。利用OpenAI的GPT-3.5、Pinecone、FAISS和Celery实现无缝集成和高性能。" } }, "https://github.com/luijait/darkgpt": { "repository_name": "DarkGPT", "user_name": "luijait", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "DarkGPT is an OSINT assistant based on GPT-4-200K (recommended use) designed to perform queries on leaked databases, thus providing an artificial intelligence assistant that can be useful in your traditional OSINT processes.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "DarkGPT is an OSINT assistant based on GPT-4-200K (recommended use) designed to perform queries on leaked databases, thus providing an artificial intelligence assistant that can be useful in your traditional OSINT processes.", "ja": "DarkGPTは、リークされたデータベースにクエリを実行するために設計されたGPT-4-200K(推奨使用)に基づくOSINTアシスタントであり、従来のOSINTプロセスで役立つ人工知能アシスタントを提供します。", "zh-hans": "DarkGPT是一个基于GPT-4-200K(推荐使用)的OSINT助手,旨在对泄露的数据库进行查询,从而提供一个人工智能助手,可以在您传统的OSINT流程中发挥作用。", "zh-hant": "DarkGPT是一個基於GPT-4-200K(建議使用)的OSINT助手,旨在對泄露的數據庫進行查詢,從而提供一個人工智能助手,可以在您的傳統OSINT流程中發揮作用。" } }, "https://github.com/adi-panda/kuebiko": { "repository_name": "Kuebiko", "user_name": "adi-panda", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "An AI Twitch TTS Chat Bot using GPT-3 and Google Cloud TTS", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AI Twitch TTS Chat Bot using GPT-3 and Google Cloud TTS", "ja": "GPT-3とGoogle Cloud TTSを使用したAI Twitch TTSチャットボットAI Twitch TTSチャットボット", "zh-hans": "一个使用GPT-3和Google Cloud TTS的AI Twitch TTS聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "一個使用GPT-3和Google Cloud TTS的AI Twitch TTS聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/mehmetkahya0/ai-catalog": { "repository_name": "AI-Catalog", "user_name": "mehmetkahya0", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Huge AI models catalog. A curated list of AI tools, platforms, and resources across various domains.", "topics": [ "3d", "ai", "ai-art", "art", "artificial-intelligence", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "code", "dalle2", "data-science", "education", "image", "image-processing", "midjourney", "openai", "search", "search-engine", "stable-diffusion", "summarizer", "text-to" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Huge AI models catalog. A curated list of AI tools, platforms, and resources across various domains.", "ja": "巨大なAIモデルカタログ。さまざまなドメインにわたるAIツール、プラットフォーム、リソースの厳選リスト。", "zh-hans": "庞大的人工智能模型目录。一个精心筛选的人工智能工具、平台和资源列表,涵盖各个领域。", "zh-hant": "龐大的人工智慧模型目錄。涵蓋各個領域的人工智慧工具、平台和資源的精心挑選清單。" } }, "https://github.com/opengvlab/multi-modality-arena": { "repository_name": "Multi-Modality-Arena", "user_name": "OpenGVLab", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chatbot Arena meets multi-modality! Multi-Modality Arena allows you to benchmark vision-language models side-by-side while providing images as inputs. Supports MiniGPT-4, LLaMA-Adapter V2, LLaVA, BLIP-2, and many more!", "topics": [ "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gradio", "large-language-models", "llms", "multi-modality", "vision-language-model", "vqa" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chatbot Arena meets multi-modality! Multi-Modality Arena allows you to benchmark vision-language models side-by-side while providing images as inputs. Supports MiniGPT-4, LLaMA-Adapter V2, LLaVA, BLIP-2, and many more!", "ja": "チャットボットアリーナがマルチモダリティに対応しました!マルチモダリティアリーナでは、画像を入力として提供しながら、ビジョン言語モデルを並べてベンチマークを行うことができます。MiniGPT-4、LLaMA-Adapter V2、LLaVA、BLIP-2などをサポートしています!", "zh-hans": "聊天机器人竞技场迎来多模态!多模态竞技场允许您将视觉语言模型并排进行基准测试,同时提供图像作为输入。支持MiniGPT-4、LLaMA-Adapter V2、LLaVA、BLIP-2等多种模型!", "zh-hant": "聊天機器人競技場遇上多模態!多模態競技場讓您可以一邊比較視覺語言模型,一邊提供圖像作為輸入。支持MiniGPT-4、LLaMA-Adapter V2、LLaVA、BLIP-2等等!" } }, "https://github.com/zhaoyingjun/chatbot": { "repository_name": "chatbot", "user_name": "zhaoyingjun", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT带火了聊天机器人,主流的趋势都调整到了GPT类模式,本项目也与时俱进,会在近期更新GPT类版本。基于本项目和自己的语料可以训练出自己想要的聊天机器人,用于智能客服、在线问答、闲聊等场景。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "nlp-machine-learning", "python", "pytorch", "seq2seq-chatbot", "seqgan", "seqgan-tensorflow", "tensorflow2" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT has popularized chatbots, and the mainstream trend has shifted to GPT-style models. This project is also keeping up with the times and will soon update to a GPT-style version. Based on this project and your own corpus, you can train your own desired chatbot for use in intelligent customer service, online Q&A, casual chat, and other scenarios.", "ja": "ChatGPTがチャットボットを人気にしました。主流のトレンドはすべてGPTタイプのモデルに調整されており、このプロジェクトも最新のGPTタイプのバージョンを近日中に更新する予定です。このプロジェクトと独自のコーパスを使用して、自分が望むチャットボットをトレーニングすることができ、インテリジェントカスタマーサービス、オンライン質問回答、雑談などのシーンに活用できます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT带火了聊天机器人,主流的趋势都调整到了GPT类模式,本项目也与时俱进,会在近期更新GPT类版本。基于本项目和自己的语料可以训练出自己想要的聊天机器人,用于智能客服、在线问答、闲聊等场景。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT帶火了聊天機器人,主流的趨勢都調整到了GPT類模式,本項目也與時俱進,會在近期更新GPT類版本。基於本項目和自己的語料可以訓練出自己想要的聊天機器人,用於智能客服、在線問答、閒聊等場景。" } }, "https://github.com/wechatapis/wechatbotcmd": { "repository_name": "WechatBotCMD", "user_name": "WeChatAPIs", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信机器人WechatBotCMD是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "topics": [ "wechat", "wechat-api", "wechat-com", "wechat-hook", "wechatbot", "wechatbot-ai", "wechatsdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WechatBotCMD is an innovative project developed based on Python 3.11. By combining the ChatGPT model and the native WeChat API, it provides users with intelligent chatting, automatic drawing, automatic posting on Moments, automatic posting on Video Accounts, and other diverse API integration services, aiming to enhance daily communication efficiency and fun.", "ja": "WechatBotCMDは、Python 3.11をベースにした革新的なプロジェクトであり、ChatGPTモデルとWechatのネイティブAPIを組み合わせることで、ユーザーにスマートなチャット、自動描画、自動的に友達に共有する、自動的に動画を共有するなど、さまざまなAPI統合サービスを提供します。日常のコミュニケーション効率と面白さを向上させることを目的としています。", "zh-hans": "微信机器人WechatBotCMD是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "zh-hant": "微信機器人WechatBotCMD是一個創新的基於Python 3.11開發的項目,通過結合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,為用戶提供智能聊天、自動繪畫、自動發朋友圈、自動發視頻號等多樣的API集成服務,旨在提升日常溝通效率和趣味性。" } }, "https://github.com/lrhh123/chatgpt-on-cs": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-On-CS", "user_name": "lrhh123", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "基于大模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱 (后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。", "topics": [ "ai", "autohotkey", "automation", "bilibili", "bot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "customer", "dify", "douyin", "fastai", "lazaytools", "llm", "wechat", "wechat-bot", "wecom", "weibo", "xiaohongshu", "zhihu" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Intelligent chat customer service tool based on large models, supporting access to platforms such as WeChat, Taobao, Bilibili, Douyin Enterprise Account, Douyin, Douyin Store, Weibo Chat, Xiaohongshu Professional Account Operation, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, etc. Can choose GPT3.5/GPT4.0/Lazy Man's Treasure Chest (more platforms will be supported in the future), able to handle text, voice, and images, access operating systems and external resources through plugins, and support customization of enterprise AI applications based on proprietary knowledge base.", "ja": "大規模モデルを活用したインテリジェントなチャットボットツールで、WeChat、Taobao、Bilibili、Douyin Enterprise、Douyin、Douyin Store、Weibo Chat、Xiaohongshu Professional Operations、Xiaohongshu、Zhihuなどのプラットフォームに接続できます。GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ Lazy Man's Treasure Chest(今後、さらに多くのプラットフォームをサポート予定)を選択でき、テキスト、音声、画像を処理し、プラグインを使用してオペレーティングシステムやインターネットなどの外部リソースにアクセスできます。独自のナレッジベースに基づいた企業向けAIアプリケーションをカスタマイズすることができます。", "zh-hans": "基于大型模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱 (后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。", "zh-hant": "基於大型模型的智能對話客服工具,支援微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企業號、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小紅書專業號運營、小紅書、知乎等平台接入,可選擇 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懶人百寶箱 (後續會支持更多平台),能處理文本、語音和圖片,通過插件訪問操作系統和互聯網等外部資源,支持基於自有知識庫定制企業 AI 應用。" } }, "https://github.com/rnadigital/agentcloud": { "repository_name": "agentcloud", "user_name": "rnadigital", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Agent Cloud is like having your own GPT builder with a bunch extra goodies. The GUI features 1) RAG pipeline which can natively embed 260+ datasources 2) Create Conversational apps (like GPTs) 3) Create Multi Agent process automation apps (crewai) 4) Tools 5) Teams+user permissions. Get started fast with Docker and our install.sh", "topics": [ "ai", "autogen", "chatgpt", "crewai", "dockerized-application", "genai", "llm", "model", "nextjs", "python", "ui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Agent Cloud is like having your own GPT builder with a bunch extra goodies. The GUI features 1) RAG pipeline which can natively embed 260+ datasources 2) Create Conversational apps (like GPTs) 3) Create Multi Agent process automation apps (crewai) 4) Tools", "ja": "エージェントクラウドは、自分自身のGPTビルダーを持っているような感覚で、さらにたくさんの特典が付いてきます。GUIには、1) 260以上のデータソースをネイティブに埋め込むことができるRAGパイプライン、2) 会話型アプリ(GPTのようなもの)の作成、3) マルチエージェントプロセス自動化アプリ(crewai)の作成、4) ツールがあります。", "zh-hans": "云代理就像拥有自己的GPT构建器,还有许多额外好处。GUI功能包括1)RAG管道,可以本地嵌入260多个数据源 2)创建对话应用程序(如GPT)3)创建多代理流程自动化应用程序(crewai)4)工具。", "zh-hant": "Agent Cloud就像擁有自己的GPT建構者,還有許多額外好處。GUI功能包括1)RAG管線,可以原生嵌入260多個數據源2)創建對話應用程序(如GPT)3)創建多代理人流程自動化應用程序(crewai)4)工具。" } }, "https://github.com/zh-plus/openlrc": { "repository_name": "openlrc", "user_name": "zh-plus", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Transcribe and translate voice into LRC file using Whisper and LLMs (GPT, Claude, et,al). 使用whisper和LLM(GPT,Claude等)来转录、翻译你的音频为字幕文件。", "topics": [ "auto-subtitle", "faster-whisper", "lyrics", "lyrics-generator", "openai-api", "openlrc", "python", "speech-to-text", "subtitle-translation", "transcribe", "voice-to-text", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transcribe and translate voice into LRC file using Whisper and LLMs (GPT, Claude, et,al). 使用whisper和LLM(GPT,Claude等)来转录、翻译你的音频为字幕文件。", "ja": "WhisperとLLM(GPT、Claudeなど)を使用して、音声をLRCファイルに転写し、翻訳します。", "zh-hans": "使用whisper和LLM(GPT,Claude等)来将声音转录和翻译为LRC文件。", "zh-hant": "使用Whisper和LLM(GPT,Claude等)來轉錄、翻譯你的音頻為字幕文件。" } }, "https://github.com/opentdp/wrest-chat": { "repository_name": "wrest-chat", "user_name": "opentdp", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "微信机器人,PC Wechat Api/Bot/Sdk,内置 WEB 管理界面,可接入GPT、Gemini 、星火、文心、混元 、通义千问等大语言模型", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat robot, PC WeChat Api/Bot/Sdk, built-in WEB management interface, can access large language models such as GPT, Gemini, Xinghuo, Wenxin, Hunyuan, Tongyi Qianwen, etc.", "ja": "WeChatボット、PC WeChat API/Bot/SDK、組み込みのWEB管理インターフェース、GPT、Gemini、星火、文心、混元、通義千問などの大規模言語モデルに接続可能", "zh-hans": "微信机器人,PC微信Api/Bot/Sdk,内置WEB管理界面,可接入GPT、Gemini、星火、文心、混元、通义千问等大语言模型", "zh-hant": "微信機器人,PC Wechat Api/Bot/Sdk,內置 WEB 管理界面,可接入GPT、Gemini 、星火、文心、混元 、通義千問等大語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/chatbot-all/chatbot-app": { "repository_name": "chatbot-app", "user_name": "ChatBot-All", "language": "Dart", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "mobile private ChatGPT application, supporting GPT3, GPT4 & Gemini Pro models. 拥有自己的移动端 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gemini", "gemini-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Own mobile ChatGPT/Gemini application.", "ja": "モバイルプライベートChatGPTアプリケーション、GPT3、GPT4&Gemini Proモデルをサポート。独自のモバイルChatGPT/Geminiアプリを持っています。", "zh-hans": "移动私人 ChatGPT 应用,支持 GPT3、GPT4 和 Gemini Pro 模型。", "zh-hant": "擁有自己的移動端 ChatGPT/Gemini 應用程式,支援 GPT3、GPT4 和 Gemini Pro 模型。" } }, "https://github.com/cs-lazy-tools/chatgpt-on-cs": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-On-CS", "user_name": "cs-lazy-tools", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "基于大模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱 (后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。", "topics": [ "ai", "autohotkey", "automation", "bilibili", "bot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "customer", "dify", "douyin", "fastai", "lazaytools", "llm", "wechat", "wechat-bot", "wecom", "weibo", "xiaohongshu", "zhihu" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Intelligent chatbot tool based on large models, supports integration with platforms such as WeChat, Taobao, Bilibili, Douyin Enterprise Account, Douyin, Douyin Store, Weibo Chat, Xiaohongshu Professional Account Operation, Xiaohongshu, Zhihu, etc. Can choose GPT3.5/GPT4.0/Lazy Man's Treasure Chest (more platforms will be supported in the future), capable of processing text, voice, and images. Accesses operating systems and external resources through plugins, supports customization of enterprise AI applications based on proprietary knowledge base.", "ja": "大規模モデルを活用したインテリジェントなチャットボットツールで、WeChat、Taobao、Bilibili、Douyin Enterprise、Douyin、Douyin Store、Weibo Chat、Xiaohongshu Professional Operations、Xiaohongshu、Zhihuなどのプラットフォームに接続できます。GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ Lazy Man's Treasure Chest(今後、さらに多くのプラットフォームをサポート予定)を選択でき、テキスト、音声、画像を処理できます。プラグインを使用してオペレーティングシステムやインターネットなどの外部リソースにアクセスし、独自のナレッジベースに基づいて企業向けAIアプリケーションをカスタマイズできます。", "zh-hans": "基于大型模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱(后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。", "zh-hant": "基於大型模型的智能對話客服工具,支援微信、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企業號、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小紅書專業號運營、小紅書、知乎等平台接入,可選擇 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懶人百寶箱 (後續會支持更多平台),能處理文本、語音和圖片,通過插件訪問操作系統和互聯網等外部資源,支持基於自有知識庫定制企業 AI 應用。" } }, "https://github.com/openmoss/moss": { "repository_name": "MOSS", "user_name": "OpenMOSS", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "dialogue-systems", "large-language-models", "natural-language-processing", "text-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University", "ja": "復旦大学からのオープンソースツールによる会話言語モデル復旦大学からのオープンソースツールによる会話言語モデル", "zh-hans": "一个来自复旦大学的开源工具增强对话语言模型", "zh-hant": "一個來自復旦大學的開源工具增強對話式語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/sansekai/wa-openai": { "repository_name": "Wa-OpenAI", "user_name": "Sansekai", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "WhatsApp Bot OpenAI ChatGPT NodeJS Using Library Baileys", "topics": [ "baileys", "baileys-bot", "baileys-md", "javascript", "nodejs", "whatsapp-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WhatsApp Bot OpenAI ChatGPT NodeJS Using Library Baileys", "ja": "WhatsAppボットOpenAI ChatGPT NodeJSを使用したライブラリBaileysWhatsAppボットOpenAI ChatGPT NodeJSを使用したライブラリBaileys", "zh-hans": "WhatsApp 机器人 OpenAI ChatGPT NodeJS 使用库 Baileys", "zh-hant": "WhatsApp 機器人 OpenAI ChatGPT NodeJS 使用 Library Baileys" } }, "https://github.com/skythinker616/gpt-assistant-android": { "repository_name": "gpt-assistant-android", "user_name": "Skythinker616", "language": "Java", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "免费的ChatGPT API的安卓语音助手,可用音量键唤起并进行语音交流,支持联网、Vision拍照识图、提问模板等功能 | A free ChatGPT API voice assistant for Android, activated via volume keys for voice interaction, supporting features such as network connectivity, Vision photo recognition, and question templates.", "topics": [ "android", "assistant", "chatgpt", "free-gpt", "gpt-4-vision", "markdown" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "免费的ChatGPT API的安卓语音助手,可用音量键唤起并进行语音交流,支持联网、Vision拍照识图、提问模板等功能 | A free ChatGPT API voice assistant for Android, activated via volume keys for voice interaction, supporting features such as network connectivity, Vision photo recognition, and question templat", "ja": "無料のChatGPT APIボイスアシスタントは、音声インタラクションのために音量キーで起動され、ネットワーク接続、Vision写真認識、質問テンプレートなどの機能をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "免费的ChatGPT API安卓语音助手,可通过音量键激活进行语音交流,支持联网、Vision拍照识图、提问模板等功能。", "zh-hant": "免費的ChatGPT API的安卓語音助手,可用音量鍵喚醒並進行語音交流,支持網絡連接、Vision拍照識圖、提問模板等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/judahpaul16/gpt-home": { "repository_name": "gpt-home", "user_name": "judahpaul16", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT at home! Basically a better Google Nest Hub or Amazon Alexa home assistant. Built on the Raspberry Pi using the OpenAI API.", "topics": [ "ai", "async", "automation", "chatgpt", "docker", "fastapi", "home-assistant", "home-automation", "iot", "llm", "nginx", "nlp", "nodejs", "openai", "python", "raspberry-pi", "react", "speech-recognition", "spotify", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT at home! Basically a better Google Nest Hub or Amazon Alexa home assistant. Built on the Raspberry Pi using the OpenAI API.", "ja": "ChatGPTを家で使おう!基本的には、Google Nest HubやAmazon Alexaのホームアシスタントよりも優れています。Raspberry Piを使用して、OpenAI APIに基づいて構築されています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT在家!基本上是一个更好的Google Nest Hub或亚马逊Alexa家庭助手。使用OpenAI API在树莓派上构建。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT在家中!基本上是一個更好的Google Nest Hub或Amazon Alexa家庭助理。使用Raspberry Pi構建,並使用OpenAI API。" } }, "https://github.com/onuratakan/gpt-computer-assistant": { "repository_name": "gpt-computer-assistant", "user_name": "onuratakan", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "gpt-4o for windows, macos and ubuntu", "topics": [ "assistant", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "openai", "ubuntu", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt-4o for windows, macos and ubuntu", "ja": "Windows、macOS、およびUbuntu用のgpt-4o", "zh-hans": "gpt-4o适用于Windows、macOS和Ubuntu", "zh-hant": "gpt-4o 適用於 Windows、macOS 和 Ubuntu" } }, "https://github.com/nlkitai/nlux": { "repository_name": "nlux", "user_name": "nlkitai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Other", "description": "The 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗹 Conversational AI JavaScript Library", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "huggingface", "javascript", "large-language-models", "llm", "openai", "reactjs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗹 Conversational AI JavaScript Library", "ja": "The 𝗣𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗹 Conversational AI JavaScript Libraryパワフルな会話型AI JavaScriptライブラリ", "zh-hans": "强大的对话人工智能JavaScript库", "zh-hant": "強大的對話式人工智慧JavaScript程式庫" } }, "https://github.com/peterh0323/streamer-sales": { "repository_name": "Streamer-Sales", "user_name": "PeterH0323", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Streamer-Sales 销冠 —— 卖货主播 LLM 大模型🛒🎁,一个能够根据给定的商品特点对商品进行解说并激发用户的购买意愿的卖货主播模型。🚀⭐内含详细的数据生成流程❗ 📦另外还集成了 LMDeploy 加速推理🚀、RAG检索增强生成 📚、TTS文字转语音🔊", "topics": [ "chat", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt", "internlm-chat-7b", "internlm2", "llm", "rag", "text-generation", "tts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Streamer-Sales 销冠 —— 卖货主播 LLM 大模型🛒🎁, a sales anchor model that can describe products based on their characteristics and inspire users to make purchases. 🚀⭐ It includes a detailed data generation process. ❗ 📦 It also integrates LMDeploy for accelerated reasoning 🚀, RAG retrieval enhanced generation 📚, and TTS text-to-speech conversion 🔊.", "ja": "Input: Streamer-Sales 销冠 —— 卖货主播 LLM 大模型🛒🎁,一个能够根据给定的商品特点对商品进行解说并激发用户的购买意愿的卖货主播模型。🚀⭐内含详细的数据生成流程❗ 📦另外还集成了 LMDeploy 加速推理🚀、RAG检索增强生成 📚、TTS文字转语音🔊Output: ストリーマーセールス 销冠 —— 販売主播 LLM 大モデル🛒🎁、商品の特徴に基づいて商品を説明し、ユーザーの購買意欲を刺激する販売主播モデル。🚀⭐詳細なデータ生成プロセスが含まれています❗ 📦さらに、LMDeployの高速推論🚀、RAG検索強化生成 📚、TTSテキスト読み上げ🔊", "zh-hans": "Streamer-Sales 销冠 —— 卖货主播 LLM 大模型🛒🎁,一个能够根据给定的商品特点对商品进行解说并激发用户的购买意愿的卖货主播模型。🚀⭐内含详细的数据生成流程❗ 📦另外还集成了 LMDeploy 加速推理🚀、RAG检索增强生成 📚、TTS文字转语音🔊", "zh-hant": "Streamer-Sales 銷冠 —— 賣貨主播 LLM 大模型🛒🎁,一個能夠根據給定的商品特點對商品進行解說並激發用戶的購買意願的賣貨主播模型。🚀⭐內含詳細的數據生成流程❗ 📦另外還集成了 LMDeploy 加速推理🚀、RAG檢索增強生成 📚、TTS文字轉語音🔊" } }, "https://github.com/anil-matcha/chatbase-alternative": { "repository_name": "Chatbase-Alternative", "user_name": "Anil-matcha", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT for every website.Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content. Alternative to Chatbase, SiteGPT, Dante AI", "topics": [ "botpress", "botpress-alternative", "botsonic", "botsonic-alternative", "chatbase", "chatbase-alternative", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "customgpt", "customgpt-alternative", "dante-ai", "dante-ai-alternative", "gpt", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai", "sitegpt", "sitegpt-alternative", "web-chatbot", "website-chatbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for every website.Instantly answer your visitors' questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content. Alternative to Chatbase, SiteGPT, Dante AI", "ja": "各ウェブサイト用のChatGPT。ウェブサイトコンテンツでトレーニングされたパーソナライズされたチャットボットで、訪問者の質問に即座に回答します。Chatbase、SiteGPT、Dante AIの代替案。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT适用于每个网站。通过在您的网站内容上训练的个性化聊天机器人,即时回答访客的问题。是Chatbase、SiteGPT、Dante AI的替代方案。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 適用於每個網站。使用根據您的網站內容訓練的個性化聊天機器人立即回答訪客的問題。Chatbase、SiteGPT、Dante AI 的替代方案。" } }, "https://github.com/andraxdev/speak-gpt": { "repository_name": "speak-gpt", "user_name": "AndraxDev", "language": "Kotlin", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Your personal voice assistant based on OpenAI ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "android", "assistant", "assistant-chat-bots", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-client", "dall-e", "gemini", "google-assistant", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "gpt-vision", "kotlin", "kotlin-android", "llama", "mobile", "openai", "openai-api", "voice-assistant", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your personal voice assistant based on OpenAI ChatGPT.", "ja": "OpenAI ChatGPTに基づいたあなたの個人用音声アシスタント。", "zh-hans": "基于OpenAI ChatGPT的个人语音助手。", "zh-hant": "基於OpenAI ChatGPT的個人語音助手。" } }, "https://github.com/junruxiong/incarnamind": { "repository_name": "IncarnaMind", "user_name": "junruxiong", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Connect and chat with your multiple documents (pdf and txt) through GPT 3.5, GPT-4 Turbo, Claude and Local Open-Source LLMs", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "generative-ai", "gpt", "langchain", "llm", "nlp", "openai", "pdf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Connect and chat with your multiple documents (pdf and txt) through GPT 3.5, GPT-4 Turbo, Claude and Local Open-Source LLMs", "ja": "GPT 3.5、GPT-4 Turbo、Claude、およびローカルオープンソースLLMsを介して複数のドキュメント(pdfおよびtxt)を接続してチャットします。", "zh-hans": "通过GPT 3.5、GPT-4 Turbo、Claude和本地开源LLMs连接并与您的多个文档(pdf和txt)进行聊天。", "zh-hant": "通過GPT 3.5、GPT-4 Turbo、Claude和本地開源LLMs連接並與您的多個文檔(pdf和txt)進行聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/jorge-menjivar/unsaged": { "repository_name": "unsaged", "user_name": "jorge-menjivar", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Open source chat kit engineered for seamless interaction with AI models.", "topics": [ "anthropic", "anthropic-claude", "bard", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "claude", "claude-ai", "claude2", "codellama", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-turbo", "llama2", "mistral", "ollama", "openai", "palm", "palm2" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open source chat kit engineered for seamless interaction with AI models.", "ja": "AIモデルとのシームレスなインタラクションを可能にするオープンソースチャットキット。", "zh-hans": "专为与AI模型无缝交互而设计的开源聊天工具包。", "zh-hant": "針對與人工智慧模型無縫互動而設計的開源聊天套件。" } }, "https://github.com/jakobdylanc/discord-llm-chatbot": { "repository_name": "discord-llm-chatbot", "user_name": "jakobdylanc", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "llmcord.py • Talk to LLMs with your friends!", "topics": [ "ai", "bot", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "clyde", "discord", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-4o", "litellm", "llama", "llama3", "llamacpp", "llava", "llm", "llmcord", "ollama", "oobabooga", "openai", "streamed" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "llmcord.py • Talk to LLMs with your friends!", "ja": "llmcord.py • 友達とLLMと話す!", "zh-hans": "llmcord.py • 与朋友们交流LLM!", "zh-hant": "llmcord.py • 與朋友們交談LLM!" } }, "https://github.com/opengvlab/instruct2act": { "repository_name": "Instruct2Act", "user_name": "OpenGVLab", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Instruct2Act: Mapping Multi-modality Instructions to Robotic Actions with Large Language Model", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "clip", "llm", "robotics", "segment-anything" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Instruct2Act: Mapping Multi-modality Instructions to Robotic Actions with Large Language Model", "ja": "Instruct2Act:大規模言語モデルを使用した多様なモダリティ指示のロボットアクションへのマッピング", "zh-hans": "Instruct2Act: 使用大型语言模型将多模态指令映射到机器人动作", "zh-hant": "Instruct2Act:將多模式指令映射到具有大型語言模型的機器人動作" } }, "https://github.com/guru322/guru-ai": { "repository_name": "GURU-Ai", "user_name": "Guru322", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A SIMPLE YET COMPLICATED AI Chat Robot LOADED WITH FEATURES🚩", "topics": [ "ai", "automation", "baileys", "baileys-bot", "baileys-md", "bot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-bot", "guru", "guru-multidevice", "openai", "openai-whatsapp-bot", "qrcode", "termux", "whatsapp", "whatsapp-bot", "whatsapp-bot-md", "whatsapp-web", "whatsappbot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A SIMPLE YET COMPLICATED AI Chat Robot LOADED WITH FEATURES🚩", "ja": "機能満載のシンプルで複雑なAIチャットロボット🚩", "zh-hans": "一个简单但复杂的AI聊天机器人,功能齐全🚩", "zh-hant": "一個簡單但複雜的AI聊天機器人,擁有豐富的功能🚩" } }, "https://github.com/voxel51/voxelgpt": { "repository_name": "voxelgpt", "user_name": "voxel51", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "AI assistant that can query visual datasets, search the FiftyOne docs, and answer general computer vision questions", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "computer-vision", "data-science", "deep-learning", "fiftyone", "langchain", "llm", "machine-learning", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI assistant that can query visual datasets, search the FiftyOne docs, and answer general computer vision questions", "ja": "視覚データセットをクエリできるAIアシスタント、FiftyOneのドキュメントを検索し、一般的なコンピュータビジョンの質問に答える視覚データセットをクエリできるAIアシスタント、FiftyOneのドキュメントを検索し、一般的なコンピュータビジョンの質問に答える", "zh-hans": "能够查询视觉数据集,搜索FiftyOne文档,并回答一般计算机视觉问题的AI助手", "zh-hant": "能夠查詢視覺數據集、搜索FiftyOne文檔並回答一般計算機視覺問題的AI助手" } }, "https://github.com/henryxiaoyang/xybot": { "repository_name": "XYBot", "user_name": "HenryXiaoYang", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "基于docker和pywxdll hook注入的微信机器人🤖️!✅高度可自定义! ✅支持自我编写插件!非常多的功能:天气🌤️、获取新闻📰、ChatGPT聊天🗣️、Hypixel玩家查询🎮、随机图片📷、随机链接🔗、随机群成员👥、五子棋♟️、签到✅、查询积分📊、积分榜🏆、积分转送💰、积分抽奖🎁、积分红包🧧等", "topics": [ "bot", "docker", "pc", "wechat", "wechat-bot", "wei-xin", "weixin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat robot based on docker and pywxdll hook injection! ✅ Highly customizable! ✅ Supports self-written plugins! Many functions: weather 🌤️, get news 📰, ChatGPT chat 🗣️, Hypixel player query 🎮, random pictures 📷, random links 🔗, random group members 👥, Gomoku ♟️, check-in ✅, check points 📊, points leaderboard 🏆, points transfer 💰, points lottery 🎁, points red envelope 🧧, etc.", "ja": "Dockerとpywxdllフックインジェクションを使用したWeChatボット🤖️!✅高度にカスタマイズ可能! ✅自作プラグインのサポート!機能がたくさんあります:天気🌤️、ニュース取得📰、ChatGPTチャット🗣️、Hypixelプレイヤー検索🎮、ランダム画像📷、ランダムリンク🔗、ランダムグループメンバー👥、五目並べ♟️、サインイン✅、ポイント検索📊、ポイントランキング🏆、ポイント送信💰、ポイント抽選🎁、ポイントお年玉🧧など", "zh-hans": "基于docker和pywxdll hook注入的微信机器人🤖️!✅高度可自定义! ✅支持自我编写插件!非常多的功能:天气🌤️、获取新闻📰、ChatGPT聊天🗣️、Hypixel玩家查询🎮、随机图片📷、随机链接🔗、随机群成员👥、五子棋♟️、签到✅、查询积分📊、积分榜🏆、积分转送💰、积分抽奖🎁、积分红包🧧等", "zh-hant": "基於docker和pywxdll hook注入的微信機器人🤖️!✅高度可自定義! ✅支持自我編寫插件!非常多的功能:天氣🌤️、獲取新聞📰、ChatGPT聊天🗣️、Hypixel玩家查詢🎮、隨機圖片📷、隨機鏈接🔗、隨機群成員👥、五子棋♟️、簽到✅、查詢積分📊、積分榜🏆、積分轉送💰、積分抽獎🎁、積分紅包🧧等" } }, "https://github.com/zaki-1052/gptportal": { "repository_name": "GPTPortal", "user_name": "Zaki-1052", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A feature-rich portal to chat with GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, Mistral, & OpenAI Assistant APIs via a lightweight Node.js web app; supports customizable multimodality for voice, images, & files.", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "assistants-api", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "claude-api", "gemini-api", "generative-ai", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-api", "javascript", "mistral-api", "node-js", "openai", "self-hosted", "tts-api", "whisper-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A feature-rich portal to chat with GPT-4, Claude, Gemini, Mistral, & OpenAI Assistant APIs via a lightweight Node.js web app; supports customizable multimodality for voice, images, & files.", "ja": "機能豊富なポータルを介して、軽量なNode.jsウェブアプリを使用してGPT-4、Claude、Gemini、Mistral、およびOpenAIアシスタントAPIとチャットするためのポータルを提供します。音声、画像、ファイルに対応したカスタマイズ可能なマルチモダリティをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "一个功能丰富的门户,可以通过轻量级的Node.js网络应用程序与GPT-4、Claude、Gemini、Mistral和OpenAI助手API进行聊天;支持语音、图片和文件的可定制多模态。", "zh-hant": "一個功能豐富的入口,可以通過輕量級的Node.js Web應用程序與GPT-4、Claude、Gemini、Mistral和OpenAI助手API進行聊天;支持可定制的多模式,包括語音、圖片和文件。" } }, "https://github.com/ypwhs/creativechatglm": { "repository_name": "CreativeChatGLM", "user_name": "ypwhs", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "👋 欢迎来到 ChatGLM 创意世界!你可以使用修订和续写的功能来生成创意内容!", "topics": [ "chat", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatglm", "chatglm2", "chatglm3", "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👋 Welcome to ChatGLM Creative World! You can use the revision and continuation functions to generate creative content!", "ja": "👋 ChatGLMの創造的な世界へようこそ!修正や継続書き機能を使って創造的なコンテンツを生成することができます!", "zh-hans": "👋 欢迎来到 ChatGLM 创意世界!你可以使用修订和续写的功能来生成创意内容!", "zh-hant": "👋 歡迎來到 ChatGLM 創意世界!你可以使用修訂和續寫的功能來生成創意內容!" } }, "https://github.com/shibing624/chatpilot": { "repository_name": "ChatPilot", "user_name": "shibing624", "language": "Svelte", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ChatPilot: 实现AgentChat对话,支持Google搜索、文件网址对话(RAG)、代码解释器功能,复现了Kimi Chat(文件,拖进来;网址,发出来)。", "topics": [ "agent", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatpdf", "chatpilot", "kimi", "langchain", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatPilot: Implement AgentChat conversation, support Google search, file URL conversation (RAG), code interpreter function, and reproduce Kimi Chat (file, drag in; URL, send out).", "ja": "ChatPilot: AgentChatの会話を実現し、Google検索、ファイルURL会話(RAG)、コード解釈機能をサポートし、Kimi Chat(ファイル、ドラッグアンドドロップ;URL、送信)を再現しました。", "zh-hans": "ChatPilot: 实现AgentChat对话,支持Google搜索、文件网址对话(RAG)、代码解释器功能,复现了Kimi Chat(文件,拖进来;网址,发出来)。", "zh-hant": "ChatPilot: 實現AgentChat對話,支持Google搜索、文件網址對話(RAG)、代碼解釋器功能,復現了Kimi Chat(文件,拖進來;網址,發出來)。" } }, "https://github.com/yesbhautik/whatsapp-ai-bot": { "repository_name": "Whatsapp-Ai-BOT", "user_name": "yesbhautik", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Other", "description": "Introducing the AI Chatbot for WhatsApp - a cutting-edge solution powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, Playground & DALL·E. This innovative chatbot has been developed using NodeJS technology and leverages the latest advancements in AI to provide an unmatched user experience for WhatsApp today!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "collaborate", "communityexchange", "dall-e", "github", "github-campus-experts", "hacktoberfest", "hacktoberfest-accepted", "nodejs", "openai-api", "whatsapp-api", "whatsapp-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Introducing the AI Chatbot for WhatsApp - a cutting-edge solution powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, Playground & DALL·E. This innovative chatbot has been developed using NodeJS technology and leverages the latest advancements in AI to provide an unmatched user", "ja": "WhatsApp用のAIチャットボットをご紹介します - OpenAIのChatGPT、Playground&DALL·Eによってパワードされた最先端のソリューションです。この革新的なチャットボットは、NodeJS技術を使用して開発され、AIの最新の進歩を活用して、類を見ないユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供しています。", "zh-hans": "介绍WhatsApp的AI聊天机器人-这是一种由OpenAI的ChatGPT、Playground和DALL·E驱动的尖端解决方案。这款创新的聊天机器人是使用NodeJS技术开发的,并利用人工智能的最新进展,为用户提供无与伦比的体验。", "zh-hant": "介紹 WhatsApp 的 AI 聊天機器人 - 這是一個由 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT、Playground 和 DALL·E 驅動的尖端解決方案。這款創新的聊天機器人是使用 NodeJS 技術開發的,並利用 AI 領域的最新進展,為用戶提供無與倫比的體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/shroominic/fastui-chat": { "repository_name": "fastui-chat", "user_name": "shroominic", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "💬 minimalistic ChatBot Interface in pure python", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "fast-api", "fast-ui", "langchain", "minimalistic-chat-app", "pydantic" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💬 minimalistic ChatBot Interface in pure python", "ja": "💬 純粋なPythonで作られたミニマリストなChatBotインターフェース", "zh-hans": "💬纯Python的极简ChatBot界面", "zh-hant": "💬 純Python極簡ChatBot界面" } }, "https://github.com/nalgeon/pokitoki": { "repository_name": "pokitoki", "user_name": "nalgeon", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Humble GPT Telegram Bot", "topics": [ "bot", "chat-gpt", "chatbot", "dall-e", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4o", "telegram" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Humble GPT Telegram Bot", "ja": "謙虚なGPTテレグラムボット", "zh-hans": "谦逊的GPT Telegram机器人", "zh-hant": "謙虛的 GPT Telegram 機器人" } }, "https://github.com/yohasebe/openai-chat-api-workflow": { "repository_name": "openai-chat-api-workflow", "user_name": "yohasebe", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "🎩 An Alfred 5 Workflow for using OpenAI Chat API to interact with GPT-3.5/GPT-4 🤖💬 It also allows image generation 🖼️, image understanding 👀, speech-to-text conversion 🎤, and text-to-speech synthesis 🔈", "topics": [ "ai", "alfred", "chatbot", "dall-e", "gpt", "image-generation", "image-understanding", "openai", "speech-to-text", "text-to-speech", "whisper", "workflow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🎩 An Alfred 5 Workflow for using OpenAI Chat API to interact with GPT-3.5/GPT-4 🤖💬 It also allows image generation 🖼️, image understanding 👀, speech-to-text conversion 🎤, and text-to-speech synthesis 🔈", "ja": "🎩 OpenAI Chat APIを使用してGPT-3.5/GPT-4とやり取りするためのAlfred 5ワークフロー 🤖💬 画像生成も可能 🖼️、画像理解 👀、音声からテキストへの変換 🎤、テキストから音声への合成 🔈", "zh-hans": "🎩 一个用于使用OpenAI Chat API与GPT-3.5/GPT-4进行交互的Alfred 5工作流程 🤖💬 它还允许图像生成 🖼️,图像理解 👀,语音转文字转换 🎤,以及文本转语音合成 🔈", "zh-hant": "🎩 一個Alfred 5工作流程,用於使用OpenAI Chat API與GPT-3.5/GPT-4進行互動 🤖💬 它還允許圖像生成 🖼️,圖像理解 👀,語音轉文字轉換 🎤,以及文本轉語音合成 🔈" } }, "https://github.com/lspahija/aiui": { "repository_name": "AIUI", "user_name": "lspahija", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AIUI is a platform enabling seamless two-way verbal communication with AI.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "conversation", "conversational-ai", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "machine-learning", "speech", "whisper", "whisper-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AIUI is a platform enabling seamless two-way verbal communication with AI.", "ja": "AIUIはAIとのシームレスな双方向の音声コミュニケーションを可能にするプラットフォームです。", "zh-hans": "AIUI是一个平台,可以实现与人工智能之间无缝的双向口头交流。", "zh-hant": "AIUI是一個平台,可以實現與人工智能之間無縫的雙向口語交流。" } }, "https://github.com/shikiw/opera": { "repository_name": "OPERA", "user_name": "shikiw", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[CVPR 2024 Highlight] OPERA: Alleviating Hallucination in Multi-Modal Large Language Models via Over-Trust Penalty and Retrospection-Allocation", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "large-multimodal-models", "llama", "multimodal", "vision-language-learning", "vision-language-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[CVPR 2024 Highlight] OPERA: Alleviating Hallucination in Multi-Modal Large Language Models via Over-Trust Penalty and Retrospection-Allocation", "ja": "[CVPR 2024 ハイライト] OPERA: 過信ペナルティと振り返り割り当てを用いたマルチモーダル大規模言語モデルにおける幻覚の緩和", "zh-hans": "[CVPR 2024 亮点] OPERA:通过过度信任惩罚和回顾分配减轻多模态大型语言模型中的幻觉", "zh-hant": "[CVPR 2024 重點] OPERA:通過過度信任處罰和回顧分配減輕多模式大型語言模型中的幻覺" } }, "https://github.com/zhayujie/bot-on-anything": { "repository_name": "bot-on-anything", "user_name": "zhayujie", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Connect AI models (like ChatGPT-3.5/4.0, Baidu Yiyan, New Bing, Bard) to apps (like Wechat, public account, DingTalk, Telegram, QQ). 将 ChatGPT、必应、文心一言、谷歌Bard 等对话模型连接各类应用,如微信、公众号、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企业微信、飞书、钉钉等。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gmail", "qq", "slack", "telegram", "web", "wechat", "wechat-official-account" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Connect AI models (like ChatGPT-3.5/4.0, Baidu Yiyan, New Bing, Bard) to apps (like Wechat, public account, DingTalk, Telegram, QQ). 将 ChatGPT、必应、文心一言、谷歌Bard 等对话模型连接各类应用,如微信、公众号、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企业微信、飞书、钉钉等。", "ja": "AIモデル(ChatGPT-3.5/4.0、Baidu Yiyan、New Bing、Bardなど)をアプリ(Wechat、公式アカウント、DingTalk、Telegram、QQなど)に接続します。ChatGPT、必应、文心一言、谷歌Bardなどの対話モデルをWechat、公式アカウント、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企業Wechat、飛書、DingTalkなどのさまざまなアプリに接続します。", "zh-hans": "将AI模型(如ChatGPT-3.5/4.0、百度一言、新必应、Bard)连接到应用程序(如微信、公众号、钉钉、Telegram、QQ)。", "zh-hant": "將 ChatGPT、必應、文心一言、谷歌Bard 等對話模型連接各類應用,如微信、公眾號、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企業微信、飛書、釘釘等。" } }, "https://github.com/psychic-api/psychic": { "repository_name": "psychic", "user_name": "psychic-api", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "conversational-ai", "etl-pipelines", "langchain", "openai", "weaviate" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "ja": "LLM向けのデータ統合プラットフォーム。ターンキー認証でSaaSツールに接続し、Nつのデータソースからドキュメントを同期するための唯一の統合を行います。", "zh-hans": "为LLMs设计的数据集成平台。使用一键式授权连接SaaS工具,并从N个数据源同步文档,只需一次集成。", "zh-hant": "數據整合平台適用於LLM。通過即插即用的授權連接到SaaS工具,並從N個數據來源同步文件,只需一個集成。" } }, "https://github.com/upsonic/gpt-computer-assistant": { "repository_name": "gpt-computer-assistant", "user_name": "Upsonic", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "gpt-4o for windows, macos and linux", "topics": [ "assistant", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "linux", "macos", "openai", "ubuntu", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt-4o for windows, macos and linux", "ja": "Windows、macOS、およびLinux用のgpt-4oWindows、macOS、およびLinux用のgpt-4o", "zh-hans": "gpt-4o适用于Windows、macOS和Linux", "zh-hant": "gpt-4o 適用於 Windows、macOS 和 Linux" } }, "https://github.com/openassistantgpt/openassistantgpt": { "repository_name": "OpenAssistantGPT", "user_name": "OpenAssistantGPT", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "A Community Open-Source Saas for Crafting/Building/Creating Chatbots with OpenAI's Assistant API that you can add to your website.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "artificial-neural-networks", "assistant", "assistant-app", "assistant-chat-bots", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "customgpt", "js", "openaai", "openai-api", "openai-assistant-api", "openai-assistant-api-chatbot", "support", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Community Open-Source Saas for Crafting/Building/Creating Chatbots with OpenAI's Assistant API that you can add to your website.", "ja": "OpenAIのAssistant APIを使用して、ウェブサイトに追加できる、Crafting/Building/Creating Chatbots向けのコミュニティオープンソースSaaS。", "zh-hans": "一个社区开源的SaaS平台,可以利用OpenAI的助手API来制作/构建/创建聊天机器人,并将其添加到您的网站上。", "zh-hant": "一個社區開源的Saas平台,可用於製作/構建/創建聊天機器人,並使用OpenAI的助手API,您可以將其添加到您的網站上。" } }, "https://github.com/nisabmohd/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT", "user_name": "nisabmohd", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "I've developed a ChatGPT clone using Next.js 14, Shadcn-UI, Prisma ORM, and integrated it with the OpenAI API. It offers a user-friendly conversational AI experience.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-clone", "clone-app", "contributions-welcome", "next14", "nextauth", "nextjs", "nextjs-14", "nextjs13", "nextjs14", "open-source", "openai", "prisma", "react-typescript", "reactjs", "server-components", "shadcn-ui", "tailwindcss", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I've developed a ChatGPT clone using Next.js 14, Shadcn-UI, Prisma ORM, and integrated it with the OpenAI API. It offers a user-friendly conversational AI experience.", "ja": "Next.js 14、Shadcn-UI、Prisma ORMを使用してChatGPTのクローンを開発し、OpenAI APIと統合しました。ユーザーフレンドリーな会話型AI体験を提供しています。", "zh-hans": "我使用Next.js 14、Shadcn-UI、Prisma ORM开发了一个ChatGPT克隆版本,并将其与OpenAI API集成。它提供了一个用户友好的对话人工智能体验。", "zh-hant": "我使用Next.js 14、Shadcn-UI、Prisma ORM開發了一個ChatGPT克隆版本,並將其與OpenAI API集成。它提供了一個用戶友好的對話式人工智能體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/howarder3/chatgpt-linebot-using-python-flask-on-vercel": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Linebot-using-python-flask-on-vercel", "user_name": "howarder3", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "GPT-Linebot using python flask for vercel", "topics": [ "bot", "chatgpt", "flask", "gpt", "gpt-3", "linebot", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-Linebot using python flask for vercel", "ja": "Vercel用のPython Flaskを使用したGPT-LinebotGPT-LinebotをVercelで使用するPython Flask", "zh-hans": "使用Python Flask为Vercel创建GPT-Linebot", "zh-hant": "使用Python Flask和Vercel搭建的GPT-Linebot" } }, "https://github.com/aifsh/comfyui-gpt_sovits": { "repository_name": "ComfyUI-GPT_SoVITS", "user_name": "AIFSH", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "a comfyui custom node for GPT-SoVITS! you can voice cloning and tts in comfyui now", "topics": [ "gpt-sovits", "tts", "voice-cloning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a comfyui custom node for GPT-SoVITS! you can voice cloning and tts in comfyui now", "ja": "GPT-SoVITS用のカスタムノード「comfyui」!今、comfyuiでボイスクローンとTTSができます。", "zh-hans": "一个适用于GPT-SoVITS的comfyui自定义节点!现在你可以在comfyui中进行语音克隆和文字转语音。", "zh-hant": "一個適用於GPT-SoVITS的comfyui自定義節點!現在您可以在comfyui中進行語音克隆和TTS。" } }, "https://github.com/innogames/slack-bot": { "repository_name": "slack-bot", "user_name": "innogames", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Ready to use Slack bot for lazy developers: start Jenkins jobs, watch Jira tickets, watch pull requests with AI support...", "topics": [ "bitbucket", "bot", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "github", "gitlab", "go", "golang", "jenkins", "jira", "openai", "pull-request", "slack", "slack-bot", "slackbot", "slackbots" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ready to use Slack bot for lazy developers: start Jenkins jobs, watch Jira tickets, watch pull requests with AI support...", "ja": "怠惰な開発者向けのSlackボットを使用準備完了:Jenkinsジョブを開始し、Jiraチケットを監視し、AIサポート付きでプルリクエストを監視...", "zh-hans": "准备好使用的Slack机器人,为懒惰的开发人员:启动Jenkins作业,监视Jira工单,监视拉取请求并支持人工智能...", "zh-hant": "準備好使用的 Slack 機器人,專為懶惰的開發人員設計:啟動 Jenkins 任務,監控 Jira 工單,監控拉取請求,並具有人工智慧支援..." } }, "https://github.com/finic-ai/psychic": { "repository_name": "psychic", "user_name": "finic-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "conversational-ai", "etl-pipelines", "langchain", "openai", "weaviate" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "ja": "LLM向けのデータ統合プラットフォーム。ターンキー認証でSaaSツールに接続し、Nつのデータソースからドキュメントを同期するための唯一の統合を行います。", "zh-hans": "为LLMs设计的数据集成平台。使用一键式授权连接SaaS工具,并从N个数据源同步文档,只需一次集成。", "zh-hant": "為LLMs設計的數據集成平台。通過即插即用的身份驗證連接到SaaS工具,並從N個數據源同步文檔,只需一次集成。" } }, "https://github.com/yamadashy/repopack": { "repository_name": "repopack", "user_name": "yamadashy", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "📦 Repopack is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or other AI tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-assistant", "anthropic", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "claude", "developer-tools", "development-tools", "devtools", "gemini", "generative-ai", "gpt", "javascript", "js", "llm", "nodejs", "openai", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📦 Repopack is a powerful tool that packs your entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file. Perfect for when you need to feed your codebase to Large Language Models (LLMs) or other AI tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Gemini.", "ja": "📦 Repopackは、あなたのリポジトリ全体を1つの、AIにとっても使いやすいファイルにパックする強力なツールです。大規模言語モデル(LLM)やClaude、ChatGPT、Geminiなどの他のAIツールにコードベースを提供する必要があるときに最適です。", "zh-hans": "📦 Repopack 是一个强大的工具,可以将您的整个代码库打包成一个单一的、友好于人工智能的文件。非常适合当您需要将您的代码库提供给大型语言模型(LLMs)或其他人工智能工具,如Claude、ChatGPT和Gemini时使用。", "zh-hant": "📦 Repopack 是一個強大的工具,可以將您的整個存儲庫打包成一個單一的、適合人工智能的文件。當您需要將代碼庫提供給大型語言模型(LLMs)或其他人工智能工具,如Claude、ChatGPT和Gemini時,這是完美的選擇。" } }, "https://github.com/finic-ai/finic": { "repository_name": "finic", "user_name": "finic-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "conversational-ai", "etl-pipelines", "langchain", "openai", "weaviate" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Data integration platform for LLMs. Connect to SaaS tools with turnkey auth and sync documents from N data sources with only one integration", "ja": "LLM向けのデータ統合プラットフォーム。ターンキー認証でSaaSツールに接続し、Nつのデータソースからドキュメントを同期するための唯一の統合を行います。", "zh-hans": "为LLMs提供的数据集成平台。使用一键式授权连接到SaaS工具,并从N个数据源同步文档,只需进行一次集成。", "zh-hant": "為LLMs設計的數據集成平台。通過即插即用的身份驗證連接到SaaS工具,並從N個數據源同步文檔,只需一次集成。" } }, "https://github.com/jakobdylanc/llmcord.py": { "repository_name": "llmcord.py", "user_name": "jakobdylanc", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A Discord LLM chat bot that supports any OpenAI compatible API (OpenAI, Mistral, Groq, OpenRouter, ollama, oobabooga, Jan, LM Studio and more)", "topics": [ "ai", "bot", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "discord", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-4o", "groq", "litellm", "llama", "llama3", "llava", "llm", "llmcord", "lmstudio", "mistral", "ollama", "oobabooga", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Discord LLM chat bot that supports any OpenAI compatible API (OpenAI, Mistral, Groq, OpenRouter, ollama, oobabooga, Jan, LM Studio and more)", "ja": "OpenAI互換API(OpenAI、Mistral、Groq、OpenRouter、ollama、oobabooga、Jan、LM Studioなど)をサポートするDiscord LLMチャットボット", "zh-hans": "一个支持任何OpenAI兼容API的Discord LLM聊天机器人(OpenAI、Mistral、Groq、OpenRouter、ollama、oobabooga、Jan、LM Studio等)。", "zh-hant": "一個支持任何OpenAI兼容API(OpenAI、Mistral、Groq、OpenRouter、ollama、oobabooga、Jan、LM Studio等)的Discord LLM聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/vintasoftware/django-ai-assistant": { "repository_name": "django-ai-assistant", "user_name": "vintasoftware", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Integrate AI Assistants with Django to build intelligent applications", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-agent", "ai-assistant", "chatgpt", "django", "gpt", "langchain", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrate AI Assistants with Django to build intelligent applications", "ja": "DjangoとAIアシスタントを統合して、知的なアプリケーションを構築します。", "zh-hans": "将AI助手与Django集成,构建智能应用程序", "zh-hant": "將AI助手與Django整合,打造智能應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/mindinventory/mindsql": { "repository_name": "MindSQL", "user_name": "Mindinventory", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "MindSQL: A Python Text-to-SQL RAG Library simplifying database interactions. Seamlessly integrates with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Snowflake, and BigQuery. Powered by GPT-4 and Llama 2, it enables natural language queries. Supports ChromaDB and Faiss for context-aware responses.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "gemini", "langchain", "rag", "retrival-augmented", "text-to-sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MindSQL: A Python Text-to-SQL RAG Library simplifying database interactions. Seamlessly integrates with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Snowflake, and BigQuery. Powered by GPT-4 and Llama 2, it enables natural language queries. Supports ChromaDB and Faiss for c", "ja": "MindSQL:データベースの相互作用を簡素化するPython Text-to-SQL RAGライブラリ。PostgreSQL、MySQL、SQLite、Snowflake、およびBigQueryとシームレスに統合されています。GPT-4とLlama 2によって動作し、自然言語クエリを可能にします。ChromaDBとFaissをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "MindSQL:一个简化数据库交互的Python文本到SQL RAG库。与PostgreSQL、MySQL、SQLite、Snowflake和BigQuery无缝集成。由GPT-4和Llama 2驱动,支持自然语言查询。支持ChromaDB和Faiss。", "zh-hant": "MindSQL:一個簡化數據庫交互的Python文本到SQL RAG庫。與PostgreSQL、MySQL、SQLite、Snowflake和BigQuery無縫集成。由GPT-4和Llama 2驅動,可以實現自然語言查詢。支持ChromaDB和Faiss。" } } }, "Browser-extensions": { "https://github.com/wong2/chat-gpt-google-extension": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-google-extension", "user_name": "wong2", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Free 3DS Primary Entrypoint <=11.2", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Free 3DS Primary Entrypoint <=11.2", "ja": "無料の3DSプライマリエントリーポイント<=11.2", "zh-hans": "免费的3DS主入口点<=11.2", "zh-hant": "免費3DS主要入口點<=11.2" } }, "https://github.com/openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-retrieval-plugin", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily search and find personal or work documents by asking questions in everyday language.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily search and find personal or work documents by asking questions in everyday language.", "ja": "ChatGPT検索プラグインを使用すると、日常的な言葉で質問することで、個人や仕事の文書を簡単に検索して見つけることができます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT检索插件可以让您通过使用日常语言提出问题,轻松搜索和查找个人或工作文件。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 檔案檢索插件讓您可以輕鬆地用日常用語提問,搜尋並找到個人或工作文件。" } }, "https://github.com/qunash/chatgpt-advanced": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-advanced", "user_name": "qunash", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.", "topics": [ "ai", "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.", "ja": "WebChatGPT:Web結果を含めたChatGPTのプロンプトを拡張するブラウザ拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "WebChatGPT:一款浏览器扩展,可将您的ChatGPT提示与网络结果相结合。", "zh-hant": "WebChatGPT:一個瀏覽器擴展,可增強您的ChatGPT提示與網絡結果。" } }, "https://github.com/mpociot/chatgpt-vscode": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-vscode", "user_name": "mpociot", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用できるようにするVSCode拡張機能", "zh-hans": "一个VSCode扩展,允许您使用ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "一個 VSCode 擴展,讓您可以使用 ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/yetone/openai-translator": { "repository_name": "openai-translator", "user_name": "yetone", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "openai", "translation", "translator", "translator-app" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIをベースにした翻訳のためのブラウザ拡張機能とクロスプラットフォームのデスクトップアプリケーション。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT API的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - 基于ChatGPT API的翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面应用。", "zh-hant": "基於 ChatGPT API 的劃詞翻譯瀏覽器插件和跨平台桌面端應用 - 基於 ChatGPT API 的翻譯,提供瀏覽器插件和跨平台桌面應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/yaroslav-n/tweetgpt": { "repository_name": "tweetGPT", "user_name": "yaroslav-n", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "TweetGPT is a chrome extension that generates tweets and replies using chatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "TweetGPT is a chrome extension that generates tweets and replies using chatGPT", "ja": "TweetGPTは、chatGPTを使用してツイートや返信を生成するChrome拡張機能です。", "zh-hans": "TweetGPT是一款Chrome扩展程序,使用chatGPT生成推文和回复。", "zh-hant": "TweetGPT 是一個 Chrome 擴展程式,使用 chatGPT 生成推文和回覆。" } }, "https://github.com/liady/chatgpt-pdf": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-pdf", "user_name": "liady", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A Chrome extension for downloading your ChatGPT history to PNG, PDF or a sharable link", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Chrome extension for downloading your ChatGPT history to PNG, PDF or a sharable link", "ja": "ChatGPTの履歴をPNG、PDF、または共有可能なリンクにダウンロードするためのChrome拡張機能", "zh-hans": "一个Chrome扩展程序,可以将您的ChatGPT历史记录下载为PNG、PDF或可共享链接。", "zh-hant": "一個Chrome擴展,可將您的ChatGPT歷史記錄下載為PNG、PDF或可共享的鏈接。" } }, "https://github.com/justicerage/gepetto": { "repository_name": "Gepetto", "user_name": "JusticeRage", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "IDA plugin which queries OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo language model to speed up reverse-engineering", "topics": [ "gpt-35-turbo", "ida-pro", "openai", "python", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "IDA plugin which queries OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo language model to speed up reverse-engineering", "ja": "逆アセンブルを高速化するためにOpenAIのgpt-3.5-turbo言語モデルをクエリするIDAプラグイン", "zh-hans": "IDA插件,可查询OpenAI的gpt-3.5-turbo语言模型,加速反向工程。", "zh-hant": "IDA插件,可查询OpenAI的gpt-3.5-turbo语言模型,以加速反向工程。" } }, "https://github.com/nhaouari/obsidian-textgenerator-plugin": { "repository_name": "obsidian-textgenerator-plugin", "user_name": "nhaouari", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt-3", "huggingface", "nlg", "obsidian", "obsidian-plugin", "openai", "plugin", "writing", "writing-tool" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Text generator is a handy plugin for Obsidian that helps you generate text content using GPT-3 (OpenAI).", "ja": "テキストジェネレーターは、Obsidianの便利なプラグインであり、GPT-3(OpenAI)を使用してテキストコンテンツを生成するのに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "文本生成器是Obsidian的一个方便插件,它可以帮助您使用GPT-3(OpenAI)生成文本内容。", "zh-hant": "文字生成器是Obsidian的一個方便的插件,它可以幫助您使用GPT-3(OpenAI)生成文本內容。" } }, "https://github.com/gragland/chatgpt-chrome-extension": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-chrome-extension", "user_name": "gragland", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT Chrome extension. Integrates ChatGPT into every text box on the internet.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT Chrome extension. Integrates ChatGPT into every text box on the internet.", "ja": "ChatGPTのChrome拡張機能。インターネット上のすべてのテキストボックスにChatGPTを統合します。", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT Chrome扩展程序。将ChatGPT集成到互联网上的每个文本框中。", "zh-hant": "一個 ChatGPT 的 Chrome 擴充功能。將 ChatGPT 整合到網路上的每個文字框中。" } }, "https://github.com/clmnin/summarize.site": { "repository_name": "summarize.site", "user_name": "clmnin", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Summarize web pages using OpenAI ChatGPT", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-browser-extension", "chatgpt-chrome-extension", "chrome-extension", "firefox-extension", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Summarize web pages using OpenAI ChatGPT", "ja": "OpenAI ChatGPTを使用してウェブページを要約する。", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI ChatGPT总结网页", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI ChatGPT總結網頁內容" } }, "https://github.com/briansunter/logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai": { "repository_name": "logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai", "user_name": "briansunter", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq", "topics": [ "dall-e", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "logseq", "logseq-plugin", "openai", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq", "ja": "LogseqでGPT-3 AI支援のノート取りプラグイン", "zh-hans": "Logseq的GPT-3 AI辅助笔记插件", "zh-hant": "一個用於在Logseq中使用GPT-3人工智能輔助筆記的插件。" } }, "https://github.com/hunkimforks/chatgpt-arxiv-extension": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-arxiv-extension", "user_name": "hunkimForks", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを搭載した検索エンジンを強化するブラウザ拡張機能", "zh-hans": "一个浏览器扩展程序,可以通过ChatGPT增强搜索引擎。", "zh-hant": "一個瀏覽器擴充功能,可通過ChatGPT增強搜索引擎。" } }, "https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT", "user_name": "wieslawsoltes", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT C# client for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Browser. Powered by Avalonia UI framework.", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "avalonia", "avaloniaui", "chatgpt", "clippy", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT C# client for MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and Browser. Powered by Avalonia UI framework.", "ja": "Avalonia UIフレームワークを搭載したMacOS、Windows、Linux、Android、iOS、ブラウザ向けのChatGPT C#クライアント。", "zh-hans": "一个基于Avalonia UI框架的ChatGPT C#客户端,支持MacOS、Windows、Linux、Android、iOS和浏览器。", "zh-hant": "一個支援MacOS、Windows、Linux、Android、iOS和瀏覽器的ChatGPT C#客戶端,使用Avalonia UI框架。" } }, "https://github.com/xenova/transformers.js": { "repository_name": "transformers.js", "user_name": "xenova", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Run 🤗 Transformers in your browser!", "topics": [ "browser", "javascript", "transformers", "webml" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run 🤗 Transformers in your browser!", "ja": "ブラウザで🤗トランスフォーマーを実行してください!", "zh-hans": "在您的浏览器中运行🤗变形金刚!", "zh-hant": "在您的瀏覽器中運行🤗變形金剛!" } }, "https://github.com/yetone/bob-plugin-openai-translator": { "repository_name": "bob-plugin-openai-translator", "user_name": "yetone", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!", "topics": [ "bobplugin", "chatgpt", "gpt", "openai", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bob plugin based on ChatGPT API for text translation, text polishing, and grammar correction. Let's welcome a new era without the need for the Tower of Babel!", "ja": "ChatGPT APIをベースにしたテキスト翻訳、テキスト修正、文法修正のBobプラグインで、バベルの塔が必要ない新しい時代を一緒に迎えましょう!", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT API的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错Bob插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!", "zh-hant": "基於 ChatGPT API 的文字翻譯、文字潤色、語法校正 Bob 插件,讓我們一起迎接不需要巴別塔的新時代!" } }, "https://github.com/iolivernguyen/chatgpt-extension": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-extension", "user_name": "iOliverNguyen", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Minimal require.js implements CommonJS", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The minimum implementation of require.js supports CommonJS.", "ja": "最小限のrequire.jsはCommonJSを実装しています。", "zh-hans": "最小化的require.js实现了CommonJS。", "zh-hant": "最小化的 require.js 實現了 CommonJS。" } }, "https://github.com/cesarhuret/docgpt": { "repository_name": "docGPT", "user_name": "cesarhuret", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on 📑", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on 📑", "ja": "Googleドキュメント内で直接ChatGPTをエディターのアドオンとして使用できます📑", "zh-hans": "在Google Docs中直接使用ChatGPT作为编辑器插件 📑", "zh-hant": "在Google Docs中直接使用ChatGPT作為編輯器附加元件 📑" } }, "https://github.com/dpayne/codegpt.nvim": { "repository_name": "CodeGPT.nvim", "user_name": "dpayne", "language": "Lua", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "CodeGPT is a plugin for neovim that provides commands to interact with ChatGPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "CodeGPT is a plugin for neovim that provides commands to interact with ChatGPT.", "ja": "CodeGPTは、ChatGPTとやり取りするためのコマンドを提供するneovimのプラグインです。", "zh-hans": "CodeGPT是neovim的插件,提供与ChatGPT交互的命令。", "zh-hant": "CodeGPT 是一個 neovim 的插件,提供與 ChatGPT 互動的命令。" } }, "https://github.com/wong2/chatgpt-google-extension": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-google-extension", "user_name": "wong2", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを搭載した検索エンジンを強化するブラウザ拡張機能", "zh-hans": "一个浏览器扩展程序,可以通过ChatGPT增强搜索引擎。", "zh-hant": "一個瀏覽器擴充功能,可通過ChatGPT增強搜索引擎。" } }, "https://github.com/pdparchitect/chatgpt-assistant": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Assistant", "user_name": "pdparchitect", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "say goodbye to manual extension development with chatgpt! i made this extension automatically with chatgpt. #openai #openaichat", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "say goodbye to manual extension development with chatgpt! i made this extension automatically with chatgpt. #openai #openaichat", "ja": "「chatgptを使えば、手動での拡張機能開発にさようなら!私はこの拡張機能をchatgptで自動的に作成しました。#openai #openaichat」", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT,告别手动扩展开发!我使用ChatGPT自动创建了这个扩展。#openai #openaichat", "zh-hant": "跟手動擴展開發說再見,使用ChatGPT!我使用ChatGPT自動製作了這個擴展。#openai #openaichat" } }, "https://github.com/kazuki-sf/chatgpt_extension": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_Extension", "user_name": "kazuki-sf", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT Extension is a really simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that you can access OpenAI's ChatGPT from anywhere on the web.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "manifest-v3", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Extension is a really simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that you can access OpenAI's ChatGPT from anywhere on the web.", "ja": "ChatGPT拡張機能は、Web上のどこからでもOpenAIのChatGPTにアクセスできる非常にシンプルなChrome拡張機能(マニフェストv3)です。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT扩展是一个非常简单的Chrome扩展程序(清单v3),您可以从任何网站上访问OpenAI的ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 擴充功能是一個非常簡單的 Chrome 擴充功能(清單 v3),您可以從網絡上的任何地方訪問 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/jackmort/chatgpt.nvim": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT.nvim", "user_name": "jackMort", "language": "Lua", "license": null, "description": "Neovim plugin for interacting with OpenAI GPT-3 chatbot, providing an easy interface for exploring GPT-3 and NLP.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "neovim", "nvim-plugin", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Neovim plugin for interacting with OpenAI GPT-3 chatbot, providing an easy interface for exploring GPT-3 and NLP.", "ja": "OpenAI GPT-3チャットボットとやり取りするためのNeovimプラグインで、GPT-3とNLPを探索するための簡単なインターフェースを提供します。", "zh-hans": "Neovim插件与OpenAI GPT-3聊天机器人交互,提供一个简单的界面来探索GPT-3和NLP。", "zh-hant": "Neovim 插件,可與 OpenAI GPT-3 聊天機器人互動,提供簡單的界面,探索 GPT-3 和 NLP。" } }, "https://github.com/sogody/google-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "google-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "Sogody", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "@ykdojo awesome @ykdojo! there is already a google chatgpt plugin too 🤯", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@ykdojo awesome @ykdojo! there is already a google chatgpt plugin too 🤯", "ja": "@ykdojo すごい!すでにGoogle Chat GPTプラグインもあるんだって 🤯", "zh-hans": "@ykdojo 太棒了!已经有谷歌聊天GPT插件了 🤯", "zh-hant": "@ykdojo 太棒了 @ykdojo!現在已經有 Google Chat GPT 插件了 🤯" } }, "https://github.com/nat/natbot": { "repository_name": "natbot", "user_name": "nat", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Drive a browser with GPT-3", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Drive a browser with GPT-3", "ja": "GPT-3を使用してブラウザを操作する。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3驱动浏览器", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3驅動瀏覽器" } }, "https://github.com/enricoros/nextjs-chatgpt-app": { "repository_name": "nextjs-chatgpt-app", "user_name": "enricoros", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "💬 Responsive chat application powered by OpenAI's GPT-4, with response streaming, code highlighting, various presets for developers. Using Next.js, React, Joy.", "topics": [ "application", "bard", "chatgpt", "generative-ai", "gpt-4", "joyui", "natural-language-processing", "nextjs", "plugin", "react", "roadmap-plugins", "roadmap-prompts-repo", "ui", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💬 Responsive chat application powered by OpenAI's GPT-4, with response streaming, code highlighting, various presets for developers. Using Next.js, React, Joy.", "ja": "💬 OpenAIのGPT-4を搭載したレスポンシブチャットアプリケーションで、レスポンスストリーミング、コードハイライト、開発者向けのさまざまなプリセットを備えています。Next.js、React、Joyを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "💬 响应式聊天应用程序,由OpenAI的GPT-4驱动,具有响应式流、代码高亮和各种开发人员预设。使用Next.js、React和Joy。", "zh-hant": "💬 响应式聊天應用程式,由OpenAI的GPT-4驅動,具有響應式串流回應、代碼突出顯示和各種開發人員預設。使用Next.js、React和Joy。" } }, "https://github.com/cloudquery/pg_gpt": { "repository_name": "pg_gpt", "user_name": "cloudquery", "language": "Rust", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Experimental extension that brings OpenAI API to your PostgreSQL to run queries in human language.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cloudquery", "postgresql", "rust", "sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Experimental extension that brings OpenAI API to your PostgreSQL to run queries in human language.", "ja": "人間の言葉でクエリを実行するために、OpenAI APIをあなたのPostgreSQLにもたらす実験的な拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "实验性扩展,将OpenAI API引入您的PostgreSQL,以人类语言运行查询。", "zh-hant": "實驗性擴展功能,將OpenAI API引入您的PostgreSQL,以人類語言運行查詢。" } }, "https://github.com/sozercan/kubectl-ai": { "repository_name": "kubectl-ai", "user_name": "sozercan", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "✨ Kubectl plugin for OpenAI GPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "kubectl-plugins", "kubernetes", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✨ Kubectl plugin for OpenAI GPT", "ja": "✨ OpenAI GPTのためのKubectlプラグイン", "zh-hans": "✨ 用于OpenAI GPT的Kubectl插件", "zh-hant": "✨ OpenAI GPT 的 Kubectl 插件" } }, "https://github.com/domeccleston/sharegpt": { "repository_name": "sharegpt", "user_name": "domeccleston", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends", "topics": [ "ai", "chrome-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends", "ja": "簡単にChatGPTの会話の永久リンクを友達と共有できます。", "zh-hans": "轻松与朋友分享ChatGPT对话的永久链接。", "zh-hant": "輕鬆與朋友分享 ChatGPT 對話的永久連結" } }, "https://github.com/pinecone-io/examples": { "repository_name": "examples", "user_name": "pinecone-io", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "如果你对如何开发chatgpt plugin感兴趣,推荐看一下这个视频,完整的介绍了:1. 什么是chatgpt plugin2. 如何开发一个langchain文档查询的chatgpt plugin3. 如何安装调试chatgpt plugin视频::", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "If you are interested in how to develop a chatgpt plugin, we recommend watching this video which provides a complete introduction to: 1. What is a chatgpt plugin 2. How to develop a chatgpt plugin for langchain document queries 3. How to install and debug a chatgpt plugin. Video:", "ja": "もしChatGPTプラグインの開発に興味がある場合は、このビデオを見ることをお勧めします。以下の内容が完全に紹介されています:1. ChatGPTプラグインとは何か2. Langchainドキュメント検索用ChatGPTプラグインの開発方法3. ChatGPTプラグインのインストールとデバッグ方法。ビデオ:", "zh-hans": "如果你对如何开发chatgpt插件感兴趣,推荐看一下这个视频,完整的介绍了:1. 什么是chatgpt插件2. 如何开发一个langchain文档查询的chatgpt插件3. 如何安装调试chatgpt插件视频::", "zh-hant": "如果你對如何開發chatgpt plugin感興趣,推薦看一下這個視頻,完整的介紹了:1. 什麼是chatgpt plugin2. 如何開發一個langchain文檔查詢的chatgpt plugin3. 如何安裝調試chatgpt plugin視頻::" } }, "https://github.com/jflam/chat-gpt-jupyter-extension": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-jupyter-extension", "user_name": "jflam", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A browser extension that lets you chat with ChatGPT from any local Jupyter notebook.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A browser extension that lets you chat with ChatGPT from any local Jupyter notebook.", "ja": "ローカルのJupyterノートブックからChatGPTとチャットできるブラウザ拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "一个浏览器扩展,可以让你从任何本地Jupyter笔记本与ChatGPT聊天。", "zh-hant": "一個瀏覽器擴展,讓您可以從任何本地Jupyter筆記本與ChatGPT聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/josstorer/chatgptbox": { "repository_name": "chatGPTBox", "user_name": "josStorer", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "edge-extension", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension", "safari-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here", "ja": "ChatGPTをブラウザに深く統合することで、必要なすべてがここにあります。", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT深度集成到您的浏览器中,您所需的一切都在这里。", "zh-hant": "將ChatGPT深度整合到您的瀏覽器中,您所需的一切都在這裡。" } }, "https://github.com/1997roylee/openai-chatgpt-everywhere-extension": { "repository_name": "openai-chatgpt-everywhere-extension", "user_name": "1997roylee", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Sample CSV file", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Exemplo de arquivo CSV", "ja": "サンプルCSVファイル", "zh-hans": "示例CSV文件", "zh-hant": "樣本 CSV 檔案" } }, "https://github.com/kazuki-sf/youtube_summary_with_chatgpt": { "repository_name": "YouTube_Summary_with_ChatGPT", "user_name": "kazuki-sf", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that allows you to get both YouTube video transcripts and summary of the video with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI technology.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "manifest-v3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that allows you to get both YouTube video transcripts and summary of the video with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI technology.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用したYouTubeサマリーは、YouTubeビデオのトランスクリプトとOpenAIのChatGPT AI技術を使用したビデオのサマリーを両方取得できるシンプルなChrome拡張機能(マニフェストv3)です。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT是一个简单的Chrome扩展程序(清单v3),它可以使用OpenAI的ChatGPT AI技术获取YouTube视频的转录和视频摘要。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT是一個簡單的Chrome擴展程式(manifest v3),可讓您使用OpenAI的ChatGPT AI技術獲取YouTube視頻的文字轉錄和摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/kenshin/simpread": { "repository_name": "simpread", "user_name": "Kenshin", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "简悦 ( SimpRead ) - 让你瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的扩展", "topics": [ "chrome", "chrome-extension", "crx", "firefox", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension", "react", "readability", "reader", "reading-list" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SimpRead - An extension that allows you to instantly immerse yourself in immersive reading.", "ja": "SimpRead(简悦)- あなたを瞬時に没頭型読書体験に導く拡張機能", "zh-hans": "简悦(SimpRead)- 让您瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的扩展。", "zh-hant": "簡悅 ( SimpRead ) - 讓你瞬間進入沉浸式閱讀的擴展" } }, "https://github.com/manateelazycat/mind-wave": { "repository_name": "mind-wave", "user_name": "manateelazycat", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Emacs AI plugin based on ChatGPT API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Emacs AI plugin based on ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIに基づくEmacs AIプラグイン", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT API的Emacs AI插件", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGPT API的Emacs AI插件" } }, "https://github.com/imaurer/awesome-chatgpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-plugins", "user_name": "imaurer", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "List of interesting resources for building and using ChatGPT plugins.", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "awesome-lists", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "chatgpt-plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "List of interesting resources for building and using ChatGPT plugins.", "ja": "ChatGPTプラグインの構築と使用に役立つ興味深いリソースのリスト。", "zh-hans": "建立和使用ChatGPT插件的有趣资源列表。", "zh-hant": "建立和使用ChatGPT插件的有趣資源清單。" } }, "https://github.com/ouxt-polaris/whisper_ros": { "repository_name": "whisper_ros", "user_name": "OUXT-Polaris", "language": "C++", "license": null, "description": "whisper_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyospeak_ros_voicevox_plugin、ros2があれば音声対話システムが作れますね(vad未実装なので音声認識精度はガバガバですが", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "With whisper_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyo speak_ros_voicevox_plugin and ros2, you can create a voice dialogue system. However, since vad is not implemented, the accuracy of speech recognition is not very good.", "ja": "whisper_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyospeak_ros_voicevox_plugin、ros2があれば音声対話システムが作れますね(vad未実装なので音声認識精度はガバガバですが", "zh-hans": "whisper_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyo speak_ros_voicevox_plugin,如果有ros2,就可以制作语音对话系统了(由于vad未实现,因此语音识别精度不高)", "zh-hant": "輕聲_ros://t.co/rqb3qulyyo speak_ros_voicevox_plugin、如果有ros2,就可以製作語音對話系統了(由於vad未實現,因此語音識別精度不高)" } }, "https://github.com/abielzulio/chatgpt-raycast": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-raycast", "user_name": "abielzulio", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT raycast extension", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT raycast extension", "ja": "ChatGPTレイキャスト拡張機能", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT射线投射扩展程序", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 射線擴展程式" } }, "https://github.com/mahaloz/daila": { "repository_name": "DAILA", "user_name": "mahaloz", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A decompiler-unified plugin for accessing the OpenAI API to improve your decompilation experience", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A decompiler-unified plugin for accessing the OpenAI API to improve your decompilation experience", "ja": "OpenAI APIにアクセスするためのデコンパイラ統合プラグインで、デコンパイル体験を向上させます。", "zh-hans": "一个反编译器统一插件,用于访问OpenAI API,以提高您的反编译体验。", "zh-hant": "一個反編譯統一插件,可訪問OpenAI API,以提高您的反編譯體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/cedricguillemet/gpt-toolbox": { "repository_name": "GPT-Toolbox", "user_name": "CedricGuillemet", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT extension for VSCode", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT extension for VSCode", "ja": "VSCode用のGPT拡張機能", "zh-hans": "VSCode 的 GPT 扩展程序", "zh-hant": "VSCode 的 GPT 擴展程式" } }, "https://github.com/macrat/askgpt.vim": { "repository_name": "askgpt.vim", "user_name": "macrat", "language": "Vim Script", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A plugin for Vim that incorporates ChatGPT to allow you to ask questions about your code.", "topics": [ "ai-chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai", "vim", "vim-plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A plugin for Vim that incorporates ChatGPT to allow you to ask questions about your code.", "ja": "Vimのプラグインで、ChatGPTを組み込んでコードに関する質問ができるようになります。", "zh-hans": "一个Vim插件,集成了ChatGPT,可以让你询问关于你的代码的问题。", "zh-hant": "一個針對Vim的插件,整合了ChatGPT,讓您可以對您的程式碼提出問題。" } }, "https://github.com/0xhasanm/regexplore": { "repository_name": "regexplore", "user_name": "0xHasanM", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Regexplore is a Volatility plugin designed to mimic the functionality of the Registry Explorer plugins in EZsuite", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Regexplore is a Volatility plugin designed to mimic the functionality of the Registry Explorer plugins in EZsuite", "ja": "Regexploreは、EZsuiteのRegistry Explorerプラグインの機能を模倣するように設計されたVolatilityプラグインです。", "zh-hans": "Regexplore是一款Volatility插件,旨在模仿EZsuite中的Registry Explorer插件的功能。", "zh-hant": "Regexplore 是一個 Volatility 插件,旨在模仿 EZsuite 中的 Registry Explorer 插件的功能。" } }, "https://github.com/helixform/codecursor": { "repository_name": "CodeCursor", "user_name": "Helixform", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An extension for using Cursor in Visual Studio Code. ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "extension", "gpt-4", "ide", "openai", "plugin", "rust", "typescript", "visual-studio-code" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An extension for using Cursor in Visual Studio Code.", "ja": "Visual Studio Codeでカーソルを使用するための拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "一个在Visual Studio Code中使用光标的扩展。", "zh-hant": "一個在 Visual Studio Code 中使用游標的擴展程式。" } }, "https://github.com/logankilpatrick/chatgpt-plugins-collection": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Plugins-Collection", "user_name": "logankilpatrick", "language": "Julia", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An unofficial collection of Plugins for ChatGPT, in any programming language!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unofficial collection of Plugins for ChatGPT, in any programming language!", "ja": "ChatGPTの非公式プラグインのコレクション、どんなプログラミング言語でも対応しています!", "zh-hans": "一个非官方的ChatGPT插件集合,支持任何编程语言!", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的ChatGPT插件收集,支援任何編程語言!" } }, "https://github.com/lambdalisue/butler.vim": { "repository_name": "butler.vim", "user_name": "lambdalisue", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🫖 Your butler. A ChatGPT like Vim/Neovim plugin that communicate with the OpenAI APIs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🫖 Your butler. A ChatGPT like Vim/Neovim plugin that communicate with the OpenAI APIs", "ja": "🫖 あなたの執事。Vim/NeovimプラグインのようなChatGPTで、OpenAI APIと通信するものです。", "zh-hans": "🫖 您的管家。一个像 Vim/Neovim 插件一样与 OpenAI API 进行通信的 ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "🫖 您的管家。一個像 Vim/Neovim 插件的 ChatGPT,可以與 OpenAI APIs 進行通訊。" } }, "https://github.com/1cloudy/chatgpt-wechat-landing-page": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-wechat-landing-page", "user_name": "1cloudy", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "一个 Chrome 浏览器插件,通过 ChatGPT 来自动响应微信私信或群聊中 @你 的消息的智能聊天机器人", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "landing-page", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Chrome browser extension that uses ChatGPT to automatically respond to messages that @ you in WeChat private messages or group chats with an intelligent chatbot.", "ja": "ChatGPTを介して、WeChatのプライベートメッセージやグループチャットで@されたメッセージに自動応答するChromeブラウザの拡張機能によるスマートチャットボット。", "zh-hans": "一款Chrome浏览器插件,使用ChatGPT智能聊天机器人自动回复微信私信或群聊中@你的消息。", "zh-hant": "一個 Chrome 瀏覽器插件,透過 ChatGPT 自動回應微信私信或群聊中 @你 的訊息的智能聊天機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/lencx/chat-todo-plugin": { "repository_name": "chat-todo-plugin", "user_name": "lencx", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "✅ ChatGPT Plugin for managing a TODO list", "topics": [ "chat-plugin", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "openai", "plugin", "todo-list" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✅ ChatGPT Plugin for managing a TODO list", "ja": "✅ TODOリストを管理するためのChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "✅ ChatGPT插件,用于管理待办事项列表", "zh-hant": "✅ ChatGPT插件,用於管理待辦事項清單" } }, "https://github.com/textualize/textual": { "repository_name": "textual", "user_name": "Textualize", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Textual is a Rapid Application Development framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and (coming soon) a web browser!", "topics": [ "cli", "framework", "python", "rich", "terminal", "tui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Textual is a Rapid Application Development framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Python API. Run your apps in the terminal and (coming soon) a web browser!", "ja": "テキストは、Pythonのための高速アプリケーション開発フレームワークです。シンプルなPython APIで洗練されたユーザーインターフェースを構築してください。アプリをターミナルで実行し、(近日公開予定の)Webブラウザでも実行できます!", "zh-hans": "Textual是Python的快速应用程序开发框架。使用简单的Python API构建复杂的用户界面。在终端和(即将推出的)Web浏览器中运行您的应用程序!", "zh-hant": "Textual是一個Python的快速應用程式開發框架。使用簡單的Python API建立複雜的使用者介面。在終端機和(即將推出的)網頁瀏覽器中運行您的應用程式!" } }, "https://github.com/mlc-ai/web-stable-diffusion": { "repository_name": "web-stable-diffusion", "user_name": "mlc-ai", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support. ", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "stable-diffusion", "tvm", "web-assembly", "webgpu", "webml" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.", "ja": "安定した拡散モデルをWebブラウザに持ち込む。すべての処理はサーバーのサポートなしでブラウザ内で実行されます。", "zh-hans": "将稳定的扩散模型带到Web浏览器中。一切都在浏览器内运行,无需服务器支持。", "zh-hant": "將穩定的擴散模型帶到網頁瀏覽器中。一切都在瀏覽器內運行,無需服務器支持。" } }, "https://github.com/hisxo/reconaizer": { "repository_name": "ReconAIzer", "user_name": "hisxo", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A Burp Suite extension to add OpenAI (GPT) on Burp and help you with your Bug Bounty recon to discover endpoints, params, URLs, subdomains and more!", "topics": [ "bugbounty", "burp-extensions", "burpsuite", "gpt-4", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Burp Suite extension to add OpenAI (GPT) on Burp and help you with your Bug Bounty recon to discover endpoints, params, URLs, subdomains and more!", "ja": "Burp Suiteの拡張機能であるOpenAI(GPT)を追加し、Bug Bountyの調査に役立ち、エンドポイント、パラメータ、URL、サブドメインなどを発見するための支援をします!", "zh-hans": "一个Burp Suite扩展,可以在Burp上添加OpenAI(GPT),帮助您进行Bug赏金侦查,发现端点、参数、URL、子域名等!", "zh-hant": "一個Burp Suite擴展,可在Burp上添加OpenAI(GPT),並幫助您進行Bug Bounty的recon,以發現端點,參數,URL,子域名等!" } }, "https://github.com/reworkd/agentgpt": { "repository_name": "AgentGPT", "user_name": "reworkd", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.", "topics": [ "agent", "agi", "autogpt", "baby-agi", "gpt", "langchain", "next", "openai", "t3", "t3-stack" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.", "ja": "🤖 ブラウザで自律型AIエージェントを組み立て、設定、展開してください。", "zh-hans": "🤖 在您的浏览器中组装、配置和部署自主 AI 代理。", "zh-hant": "🤖 在您的瀏覽器中組裝、配置和部署自主 AI 代理。" } }, "https://github.com/santiagobasulto/ipython-gpt": { "repository_name": "ipython-gpt", "user_name": "santiagobasulto", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "ipython-gpt - a jupyter/ipython interface to chatgptvery promising extension to chat with chatgpt directly from your jupyter notebook or ipython shell.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ipython-gpt - a jupyter/ipython interface to chatgptvery promising extension to chat with chatgpt directly from your jupyter notebook or ipython shell.", "ja": "ipython-gptは、jupyter/ipythonインターフェースを介してchatgptとチャットするための非常に有望な拡張機能です。あなたのjupyterノートブックやipythonシェルから直接chatgptとチャットすることができます。", "zh-hans": "ipython-gpt - 一个与chatgpt直接聊天的jupyter/ipython扩展,非常有前途,可以直接从您的jupyter笔记本或ipython shell中与chatgpt聊天。", "zh-hant": "ipython-gpt - 一個 Jupyter/IPython 介面,可直接從您的 Jupyter 筆記本或 IPython shell 與 chatgpt 進行聊天的非常有前途的擴展。" } }, "https://github.com/0hq/webgpt": { "repository_name": "WebGPT", "user_name": "0hq", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Other", "description": "Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~2000 lines of vanilla Javascript. ", "topics": [ "gpt", "nanogpt", "transformers", "webgpu" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~2000 lines of vanilla Javascript.", "ja": "ブラウザ上でWebGPUを使用してGPTモデルを実行します。バニラJavaScriptの約2000行未満でのGPT推論の実装。", "zh-hans": "使用WebGPU在浏览器上运行GPT模型。使用不到2000行普通JavaScript实现GPT推理。", "zh-hant": "使用WebGPU在瀏覽器上運行GPT模型。使用不到2000行的純Javascript實現GPT推理。" } }, "https://github.com/aress31/burpgpt": { "repository_name": "burpgpt", "user_name": "aress31", "language": "Java", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities, and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.", "topics": [ "ai", "burp-extensions", "burp-plugin", "burpsuite", "burpsuite-extender", "cybersecurity", "gpt", "gpt-3", "openai", "openai-api", "pentesting", "security", "security-automation", "webapp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities, and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.", "ja": "OpenAIのGPTを統合したBurp Suiteの拡張機能で、高度に特殊化された脆弱性を発見するための追加のパッシブスキャンを実行し、任意のタイプのトラフィックベースの分析を実行できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "一个Burp Suite扩展,集成了OpenAI的GPT,用于执行额外的被动扫描,以发现高度定制的漏洞,并能够对任何类型的流量进行基于流量的分析。", "zh-hant": "一個Burp Suite擴展,集成了OpenAI的GPT,用於進行額外的被動掃描,以發現高度定制的漏洞,並能夠對任何類型的流量進行基於流量的分析。" } }, "https://github.com/builderio/gpt-assistant": { "repository_name": "gpt-assistant", "user_name": "BuilderIO", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "An experiment to give an autonomous GPT agent access to a browser and have it accomplish tasks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An experiment to give an autonomous GPT agent access to a browser and have it accomplish tasks", "ja": "ブラウザへのアクセスを持つ自律型GPTエージェントにタスクを達成させる実験", "zh-hans": "一个实验,让自主的GPT代理程序访问浏览器并完成任务。", "zh-hant": "一個實驗,讓自主的GPT代理人可以訪問瀏覽器並完成任務。" } }, "https://github.com/cgranier/tabsidian": { "repository_name": "tabSidian", "user_name": "cgranier", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "tabSidian gathers your open browser tabs and turns them into a markdown list.", "topics": [ "chrome-extension", "edge-extension", "gpt-4", "knowledge-management", "obsidian" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "tabSidian gathers your open browser tabs and turns them into a markdown list.", "ja": "tabSidianは、あなたの開いているブラウザータブを収集し、それらをマークダウンリストに変換します。", "zh-hans": "tabSidian可以收集您打开的浏览器标签页,并将它们转换成Markdown列表。", "zh-hant": "tabSidian 可以收集您打開的瀏覽器標籤,並將它們轉換為 Markdown 列表。" } }, "https://github.com/josh-xt/agent-llm": { "repository_name": "Agent-LLM", "user_name": "Josh-XT", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.", "topics": [ "agi", "ai", "artificial", "auto-gpt", "automation", "babyagi", "chromadb", "intelligence", "llama", "llamacpp", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.", "ja": "人工知能自動化プラットフォーム。様々なプロバイダーからのAI指示管理、適応的なメモリ、Webブラウジングを含む多機能プラグインシステムを備えています。多くのAIプロバイダーとモデルをサポートし、毎日サポートが拡大しています。", "zh-hans": "一个人工智能自动化平台。支持来自各种提供商的AI指令管理,具有自适应记忆和多功能插件系统,包括网页浏览等多个命令。支持许多AI提供商和模型,并每天增加支持。", "zh-hant": "一個人工智能自動化平台。來自各種提供商的AI指令管理,具有自適應記憶和多功能插件系統,包括網頁瀏覽等多個命令。支持多個AI提供商和模型,每天都在增加支持。" } }, "https://github.com/dogtiti/autogpt-next-web": { "repository_name": "AutoGPT-Next-Web", "user_name": "Dogtiti", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用", "topics": [ "auto-gpt", "docker", "docker-compose", "langchangjs", "llm", "nextjs", "openai", "react", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用", "ja": "🤖 ブラウザで自律型AIエージェントを組み立て、設定、展開してください。私人AutoGPTウェブアプリを簡単にデプロイできます。", "zh-hans": "🤖 在浏览器中组装、配置和部署自主 AI 代理。", "zh-hant": "🤖 在您的瀏覽器中組裝、配置和部署自主 AI 代理。一鍵免費部署您的私人 AutoGPT 網頁應用。" } }, "https://github.com/mlc-ai/web-llm": { "repository_name": "web-llm", "user_name": "mlc-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "language-model", "llm", "tvm", "webgpu", "webml" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.", "ja": "大規模言語モデルとチャットをWebブラウザに持ち込む。すべての処理はサーバーのサポートなしでブラウザ内で実行されます。", "zh-hans": "将大型语言模型和聊天引入到Web浏览器中。一切都在浏览器内运行,无需服务器支持。", "zh-hant": "將大型語言模型和聊天引入網頁瀏覽器。一切都在瀏覽器內運行,無需服務器支持。" } }, "https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain-aiplugin": { "repository_name": "langchain-aiplugin", "user_name": "langchain-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "\"langchain as an aiplugin\"🔥-super cool .@hwchase17 @langchainai this is like giving #chatgpt superpowers as it can now easily use langchain components(agents,chains etc)as plugins. this repo will scale up in no time.example: retrievalqa chain as a plugin", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"langchain as an aiplugin\"🔥-super cool .@hwchase17 @langchainai this is like giving #chatgpt superpowers as it can now easily use langchain components(agents,chains etc)as plugins. this repo will scale up in no time.example: retrievalqa chain as a plugin", "ja": "「langchainをAIプラグインとして使用することは、超クールです。@hwchase17 @langchainai これにより、#chatgptにスーパーパワーが与えられ、langchainのコンポーネント(エージェント、チェーンなど)を簡単にプラグインとして使用できます。このリポジトリはすぐにスケールアップします。例:プラグインとしてのretrievalqaチェーン」", "zh-hans": "\"Langchain作为AI插件\"🔥-超酷。@hwchase17 @langchainai 这就像给#chatgpt超能力,因为它现在可以轻松地使用Langchain组件(代理、链等)作为插件。这个仓库将很快扩大规模。例如:检索QA链作为插件。", "zh-hant": "「langchain作為ai插件」🔥-超酷。@hwchase17 @langchainai這就像是給#chatgpt超能力,因為它現在可以輕鬆地使用langchain組件(代理、鏈等)作為插件。這個存儲庫將很快擴大。例如:檢索qa鏈作為插件。" } }, "https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-plugin-ts": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin-ts", "user_name": "transitive-bullshit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Everything you need to start building ChatGPT Plugins in JS/TS 🔥", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "examples", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Everything you need to start building ChatGPT Plugins in JS/TS 🔥", "ja": "JS/TSでChatGPTプラグインを構築するために必要なすべてが揃っています🔥", "zh-hans": "一切你需要开始使用JS/TS构建ChatGPT插件的东西🔥", "zh-hant": "一切你需要開始使用JS/TS建立ChatGPT插件的材料🔥" } }, "https://github.com/openai/plugins-quickstart": { "repository_name": "plugins-quickstart", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Get a ChatGPT plugin up and running in under 5 minutes!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get a ChatGPT plugin up and running in under 5 minutes!", "ja": "5分以内にChatGPTプラグインを起動してください!", "zh-hans": "在不到5分钟内启动ChatGPT插件!\n在不到5分钟内启动ChatGPT插件!", "zh-hant": "在不到5分鐘內啟用ChatGPT插件!" } }, "https://github.com/rgbkrk/dangermode": { "repository_name": "dangermode", "user_name": "rgbkrk", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Dangermode is a ChatGPT Plugin written with Python and FastAPI that allows ChatGPT to execute code snippets in an IPython session.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dangermode is a ChatGPT Plugin written with Python and FastAPI that allows ChatGPT to execute code snippets in an IPython session.", "ja": "DangermodeはPythonとFastAPIで書かれたChatGPTプラグインで、ChatGPTがIPythonセッションでコードスニペットを実行できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "Dangermode是一个使用Python和FastAPI编写的ChatGPT插件,它允许ChatGPT在IPython会话中执行代码片段。", "zh-hant": "Dangermode是一個使用Python和FastAPI編寫的ChatGPT插件,它允許ChatGPT在IPython會話中執行代碼片段。" } }, "https://github.com/richardyc/chrome-gpt": { "repository_name": "Chrome-GPT", "user_name": "richardyc", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "An AutoGPT agent that controls Chrome on your desktop", "topics": [ "ai", "autogpt", "chatgpt", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "langchain" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AutoGPT agent that controls Chrome on your desktop", "ja": "デスクトップ上のChromeを制御するAutoGPTエージェント", "zh-hans": "一个控制您桌面上Chrome的AutoGPT代理。", "zh-hant": "一個可以控制您桌面上Chrome的AutoGPT代理。" } }, "https://github.com/isaiahbjork/auto-gpt-metatrader-plugin": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT-MetaTrader-Plugin", "user_name": "isaiahbjork", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The AutoGPT MetaTrader Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their MetaTrader 4 or 5 trading account to Auto-GPT.", "topics": [ "autogpt", "crypto", "finance", "forex", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "metatrader", "metatrader-4", "metatrader-5", "metatrader5", "mt4", "mt5", "stocks", "trading" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The AutoGPT MetaTrader Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their MetaTrader 4 or 5 trading account to Auto-GPT.", "ja": "AutoGPT MetaTraderプラグインは、トレーダーがMetaTrader 4または5の取引口座をAuto-GPTに接続できるようにするソフトウェアツールです。", "zh-hans": "AutoGPT MetaTrader插件是一款软件工具,可以让交易者将他们的MetaTrader 4或5交易账户连接到Auto-GPT。", "zh-hant": "AutoGPT MetaTrader 插件是一款軟體工具,可讓交易員將其 MetaTrader 4 或 5 交易帳戶連接到 Auto-GPT。" } }, "https://github.com/significant-gravitas/auto-gpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT-Plugins", "user_name": "Significant-Gravitas", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Plugins for Auto-GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Plugins for Auto-GPT", "ja": "Auto-GPT用のプラグイン", "zh-hans": "Auto-GPT插件", "zh-hant": "自動GPT的插件" } }, "https://github.com/dabit3/nextjs-chatgpt-plugin-starter": { "repository_name": "nextjs-chatgpt-plugin-starter", "user_name": "dabit3", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT plugin starter project using Next.js", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "chatgpt-plugins", "gpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin starter project using Next.js", "ja": "Next.jsを使用したChatGPTプラグインのスタータープロジェクト", "zh-hans": "使用Next.js的ChatGPT插件起始项目", "zh-hant": "使用Next.js的ChatGPT插件起始項目" } }, "https://github.com/kmizu/sftly-replace": { "repository_name": "sftly-replace", "user_name": "kmizu", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A Chrome extention to replace the selected text softly", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Chrome extention to replace the selected text softly", "ja": "選択したテキストをやさしく置き換えるためのChrome拡張機能", "zh-hans": "一个Chrome扩展,可以轻松替换所选文本", "zh-hant": "一個Chrome擴展程序,可以輕鬆替換所選文本" } }, "https://github.com/solana-labs/chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "solana-labs", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "🧬@Solanalabs has developed an open-source reference implementation for a ChatGPT plugin.🧬The availability of #ChatGPT plugins will enable #Solana users to verify their wallet balances, transfer tokens, and acquire NFTs.🔽INFO", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🧬@Solanalabs has developed an open-source reference implementation for a ChatGPT plugin.🧬The availability of #ChatGPT plugins will enable #Solana users to verify their wallet balances, transfer tokens, and acquire NFTs.🔽INFO", "ja": "🧬@Solanalabsは、ChatGPTプラグインのオープンソースのリファレンス実装を開発しました。🧬 #ChatGPTプラグインの利用により、#Solanaユーザーはウォレットの残高を確認し、トークンを送信し、NFTを取得することができます。🔽INFO", "zh-hans": "🧬@Solanalabs已经开发了一个开源的ChatGPT插件参考实现。🧬ChatGPT插件的可用性将使#Solana用户能够验证他们的钱包余额,转移代币并获取NFT。🔽信息", "zh-hant": "🧬@Solanalabs已經開發了一個開源的參考實現,用於ChatGPT插件。🧬 #ChatGPT插件的可用性將使#Solana用戶驗證他們的錢包餘額,轉移代幣並獲取NFT。🔽INFO" } }, "https://github.com/openbmb/bmtools": { "repository_name": "bmtools", "user_name": "openbmb", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "BMTools: Tool Learning for Big Models, Open-Source Solutions of ChatGPT-Plugins, supports BabyAGI and Auto-GPTgithub: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BMTools: Tool Learning for Big Models, Open-Source Solutions of ChatGPT-Plugins, supports BabyAGI and Auto-GPTgithub: ", "ja": "BMTools:大規模モデルのツール学習、ChatGPT-Pluginsのオープンソースソリューションをサポートし、BabyAGIとAuto-GPTgithubをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "BMTools:大型模型工具学习,ChatGPT-Plugins的开源解决方案,支持BabyAGI和Auto-GPTgithub。", "zh-hant": "BMTools:大型模型的工具學習,ChatGPT-Plugins的開源解決方案,支援BabyAGI和Auto-GPTgithub。" } }, "https://github.com/tw93/pake#popular-packages": { "repository_name": "pake", "user_name": "tw93", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "The chrome-extension of 900Month is built by AngularJS.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The chrome-extension of 900Month is built by AngularJS.", "ja": "900MonthのChrome拡張機能はAngularJSで構築されています。", "zh-hans": "900Month的Chrome扩展程序是由AngularJS构建的。", "zh-hant": "900Month 的 Chrome 擴充功能是由 AngularJS 建立的。" } }, "https://github.com/intitni/copilotforxcode": { "repository_name": "CopilotForXcode", "user_name": "intitni", "language": "Swift", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The missing GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "copilot", "macos", "xcode", "xcode-extension", "xcode-extensions" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The missing GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT Xcode Source Editor Extension", "ja": "GitHub CopilotとChatGPTのXcodeソースエディタ拡張機能が見つかりません。", "zh-hans": "缺失的GitHub Copilot和ChatGPT Xcode源代码编辑器扩展程序", "zh-hant": "缺失的GitHub Copilot和ChatGPT Xcode源代碼編輯器擴展。" } }, "https://github.com/etherlegend/gpt-terminal-plugin": { "repository_name": "gpt-terminal-plugin", "user_name": "etherlegend", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Universal command line plugin for ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Universal command line plugin for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのための汎用コマンドラインプラグイン", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的通用命令行插件", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 的通用命令行插件" } }, "https://github.com/cormanz/smartgpt": { "repository_name": "smartgpt", "user_name": "Cormanz", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A program that provides LLMs with the ability to complete complex tasks using plugins.", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "openai", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A program that provides LLMs with the ability to complete complex tasks using plugins.", "ja": "LLMがプラグインを使用して複雑なタスクを完了する能力を提供するプログラム。", "zh-hans": "一个程序,为LLMs提供使用插件完成复杂任务的能力。", "zh-hant": "一個提供LLMs使用插件完成複雜任務的程式。" } }, "https://github.com/cloudflare/chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "cloudflare", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Build ChatGPT plugins with Cloudflare's Developer Platform 🤖", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cloudflare", "openai", "workers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build ChatGPT plugins with Cloudflare's Developer Platform 🤖", "ja": "Cloudflareの開発者プラットフォームを使用してChatGPTプラグインを構築する 🤖", "zh-hans": "使用Cloudflare的开发者平台构建ChatGPT插件 🤖", "zh-hant": "使用Cloudflare的開發者平台建立ChatGPT插件 🤖" } }, "https://github.com/momaabna/qgptagent": { "repository_name": "QGPTAgent", "user_name": "momaabna", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "The QGPT Agent is a powerful plugin for QGIS that utilizes the advanced natural language processing capabilities of the OpenAI GPT model to automate various processes in QGIS. With this plugin, users can interact with the QGIS software using natural language commands, significantly reducing the time and effort required to complete various tasks.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The QGPT Agent is a powerful plugin for QGIS that utilizes the advanced natural language processing capabilities of the OpenAI GPT model to automate various processes in QGIS. With this plugin, users can interact with the QGIS software using natural language commands, significantly reducing the time and effort required to complete various tasks.", "ja": "QGPTエージェントは、OpenAI GPTモデルの高度な自然言語処理機能を活用して、QGISでさまざまなプロセスを自動化する強力なプラグインです。このプラグインを使用すると、ユーザーは自然言語コマンドを使用してQGISソフトウェアとやり取りでき、さまざまなタスクを完了するために必要な時間と労力を大幅に削減できます。", "zh-hans": "QGPT代理是QGIS的强大插件,利用OpenAI GPT模型的先进自然语言处理能力自动化QGIS中的各种过程。使用此插件,用户可以使用自然语言命令与QGIS软件交互,大大减少完成各种任务所需的时间和精力。", "zh-hant": "QGPT代理是一個強大的QGIS插件,利用OpenAI GPT模型的先進自然語言處理能力來自動化QGIS中的各種流程。使用此插件,用戶可以使用自然語言命令與QGIS軟件進行交互,大大減少完成各種任務所需的時間和精力。" } }, "https://github.com/langgenius/dify": { "repository_name": "dify", "user_name": "langgenius", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering and visual operation, all for creating powerful AI applications.", "topics": [ "ai", "backend-as-a-service", "gpt", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering and visual operation, all for creating powerful AI applications.", "ja": "プラグインとデータセットのための1つのAPI、プロンプトエンジニアリングとビジュアル操作のための1つのインターフェース、すべてが強力なAIアプリケーションを作成するためにあります。", "zh-hans": "一个API用于插件和数据集,一个界面用于提示工程和可视化操作,所有这些都是为了创建强大的人工智能应用程序。", "zh-hant": "一個API用於插件和數據集,一個界面用於提示工程和視覺操作,所有這些都是為了創建強大的人工智能應用程序。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin#supabase": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-retrieval-plugin", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.", "ja": "ChatGPT検索プラグインを使用すると、自然言語で質問することで、個人または仕事の文書を簡単に見つけることができます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT检索插件可以让您通过自然语言提问轻松查找个人或工作文件。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 檔案檢索插件讓您可以用自然語言輕鬆地查找個人或工作文件。" } }, "https://github.com/cyrisxd/gamedealgenie-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "GameDealGenie-ChatGPT-Plugin", "user_name": "CyrisXD", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "ChatGPT plugin to get the current deals on PC games from multiple stores. Powered by Cheapshark", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin to get the current deals on PC games from multiple stores. Powered by Cheapshark", "ja": "複数のストアからPCゲームの最新情報を取得するChatGPTプラグイン。Cheapsharkによって提供されます。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT插件,从多个商店获取PC游戏的最新优惠。由Cheapshark提供支持。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT插件,可從多個商店獲取PC遊戲的最新優惠。由Cheapshark提供支持。" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/openai-plugin-fastapi": { "repository_name": "openai-plugin-fastapi", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Bicep", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Scott Guthrie の基調講演で紹介された OpenAI プラグインのサンプルコードChatGPT Plugin Quickstart using Python and FastAPI #MSBuild", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Scott Guthrie の基調講演で紹介された OpenAI プラグインのサンプルコードChatGPT Plugin Quickstart using Python and FastAPI #MSBuild", "ja": "Scott Guthrie氏の基調講演で紹介されたOpenAIプラグインのサンプルコード、ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart using Python and FastAPI #MSBuild です。", "zh-hans": "在 Scott Guthrie 的主题演讲中介绍的 OpenAI 插件示例代码ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart,使用 Python 和 FastAPI #MSBuild。", "zh-hant": "在 Scott Guthrie 的主題演講中介紹的 OpenAI 插件示例代碼ChatGPT Plugin Quickstart using Python and FastAPI #MSBuild。" } }, "https://github.com/banbri/chatgpt-plugins-searchable": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Plugins-Searchable", "user_name": "banbri", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Make your ChatGPT Plugin store searchable.让你的 ChatGPT 插件商店支持搜索。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Make your ChatGPT Plugin store searchable.让你的 ChatGPT 插件商店支持搜索。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable", "ja": "あなたのChatGPTプラグインストアを検索可能にしてください。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable", "zh-hans": "让你的 ChatGPT 插件商店支持搜索。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable", "zh-hant": "讓你的 ChatGPT 插件商店支持搜索。https://greasyfork.org/scripts/466901-chatgpt-plugins-searchable" } }, "https://github.com/personoids/chat-ai-plugin": { "repository_name": "chat-ai-plugin", "user_name": "personoids", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "\"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat.\" - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat.\" - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks. ", "ja": "「チャットにおける自律性の力。」- ChatGPTを強力な自律エージェントに変換し、複雑なタスクを独立して達成できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "“每个聊天中的自主权的力量” - 将ChatGPT转化为一个强大的自主代理,可以独立完成复杂任务。", "zh-hant": "「每個聊天中的自主權力」- 將ChatGPT轉化為一個強大的自主代理,可以獨立完成複雜的任務。" } }, "https://github.com/jesserweigel/github-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "github-chatGPT-plugin", "user_name": "JesseRWeigel", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT plugin to give access to GitHub.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT plugin to give access to GitHub.", "ja": "GitHubにアクセスするためのChatGPTプラグイン。", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT插件,可让您访问GitHub。", "zh-hant": "一個 ChatGPT 插件,可讓使用者訪問 GitHub。" } }, "https://github.com/kesor/chatgpt-code-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-code-plugin", "user_name": "kesor", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Code ChatGPT Plugin is a TypeScript Code Analyzer that enables ChatGPT to \"talk\" with YOUR code", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code ChatGPT Plugin is a TypeScript Code Analyzer that enables ChatGPT to \"talk\" with YOUR code", "ja": "Code ChatGPTプラグインは、ChatGPTがあなたのコードと「話す」ことを可能にするTypeScriptコードアナライザーです。", "zh-hans": "代码 ChatGPT 插件是一种 TypeScript 代码分析器,使 ChatGPT 能够与您的代码“交流”。", "zh-hant": "代碼 ChatGPT 插件是一種 TypeScript 代碼分析器,使 ChatGPT 能夠與您的代碼“交談”。" } }, "https://github.com/isaiahbjork/auto-gpt-crypto-plugin": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT-Crypto-Plugin", "user_name": "isaiahbjork", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The AutoGPT Crypto Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their Crypto wallet or exchange to Auto-GPT.", "topics": [ "altcoins", "autogpt", "cryptocurrencies", "cryptocurrency", "cryptocurrency-exchanges", "defi", "eth", "ethereum", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "trading", "web3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The AutoGPT Crypto Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their Crypto wallet or exchange to Auto-GPT.", "ja": "AutoGPT Cryptoプラグインは、トレーダーが自分の暗号通貨ウォレットまたは取引所をAuto-GPTに接続できるようにするソフトウェアツールです。", "zh-hans": "AutoGPT加密插件是一种软件工具,使交易者能够将他们的加密钱包或交易所连接到Auto-GPT。", "zh-hant": "AutoGPT加密插件是一款軟件工具,可讓交易員將其加密錢包或交易所連接到Auto-GPT。" } }, "https://github.com/samuraigpt/chatgpt-developer-plugins": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Developer-Plugins", "user_name": "SamurAIGPT", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Run ChatGPT plugins for free without having access to Plus subscription", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "gpt", "gpt4", "langchain", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Run ChatGPT plugins for free without having access to Plus subscription", "ja": "プラスサブスクリプションにアクセスせずに、無料でChatGPTプラグインを実行する。", "zh-hans": "免费运行ChatGPT插件,无需订阅Plus。", "zh-hant": "免費運行ChatGPT插件,無需訂閱Plus。" } }, "https://github.com/yoshinorisano/chatgpt-simple-todo-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-simple-todo-plugin", "user_name": "yoshinorisano", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "With this minimal code and instructions, you can get started on developing a ChatGPT Plugin. It's perfect as an example for your first plugin development.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "With this minimal code and instructions, you can get started on developing a ChatGPT Plugin. It's perfect as an example for your first plugin development.", "ja": "この最小限のコードと手順で、ChatGPTプラグインの開発を始めることができます。これは、最初のプラグイン開発の例として完璧です。", "zh-hans": "通过这个简单的代码和说明,你可以开始开发ChatGPT插件。这是你第一个插件开发的完美示例。", "zh-hant": "透過這個極簡的程式碼和指示,您可以開始開發 ChatGPT 插件。這是您第一個插件開發的完美範例。" } }, "https://github.com/mthbernardes/codeexplain.nvim": { "repository_name": "codeexplain.nvim", "user_name": "mthbernardes", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A nvim plugin Powered by GPT4ALL for Real-time Code Explanation and Vulnerability Detection (no internet necessary)", "topics": [ "code-analyzer", "gpt4all", "nvim" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A nvim plugin Powered by GPT4ALL for Real-time Code Explanation and Vulnerability Detection (no internet necessary)", "ja": "リアルタイムのコード説明と脆弱性検出のためのGPT4ALLによるnvimプラグイン(インターネット不要)", "zh-hans": "一个由GPT4ALL驱动的nvim插件,用于实时代码解释和漏洞检测(无需互联网)。", "zh-hant": "一個由GPT4ALL驅動的nvim插件,可進行實時代碼解釋和漏洞檢測(無需互聯網)。" } }, "https://github.com/yaph/chatgpt-export": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-export", "user_name": "yaph", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A browser bookmarklet for exporting conversations with ChatGPT as markdown files.", "topics": [ "bookmarklet", "browser-bookmarklets", "browser-tools", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-tools", "document-conversion", "html2markdown", "markdown", "vanilla-javascript", "vanilla-js" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A browser bookmarklet for exporting conversations with ChatGPT as markdown files.", "ja": "ChatGPTの会話をマークダウンファイルとしてエクスポートするためのブラウザブックマークレット。", "zh-hans": "一个用于将ChatGPT对话导出为Markdown文件的浏览器书签工具。", "zh-hant": "一個瀏覽器書籤小工具,可將與ChatGPT的對話匯出為Markdown文件。" } }, "https://github.com/debanjandhar12/logseq-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "logseq-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "debanjandhar12", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "A tightly integrated ChatGPT plugin for Logseq.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A tightly integrated ChatGPT plugin for Logseq.", "ja": "Logseq用の密接に統合されたChatGPTプラグイン。", "zh-hans": "一个紧密集成的Logseq聊天插件。", "zh-hant": "一個緊密集成的Logseq聊天插件。" } }, "https://github.com/kurtosis-tech/autogpt-package": { "repository_name": "autogpt-package", "user_name": "kurtosis-tech", "language": "Starlark", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "It's like Auto-GPT met Brew. The easiest and fastest way to get started with AutoGPT with any backend of your choice & whatever plugins you may need", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "auto-gpt", "autogpt", "gpt", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "It's like Auto-GPT met Brew. The easiest and fastest way to get started with AutoGPT with any backend of your choice & whatever plugins you may need", "ja": "それはまるでAuto-GPTがBrewと出会ったようです。あなたが選ぶバックエンドと必要なプラグインを使って、AutoGPTを始めるための最も簡単で最速の方法です。", "zh-hans": "就像Auto-GPT遇到了Brew一样。使用任何您选择的后端和所需的插件,最简单和最快速的开始使用AutoGPT的方法。", "zh-hant": "就像Auto-GPT遇到了Brew一樣。使用任何您選擇的後端和您可能需要的任何插件,開始使用AutoGPT的最簡單和最快速的方法。" } }, "https://github.com/robert-hoffmann/powertoys4openai": { "repository_name": "PowerToys4OpenAI", "user_name": "robert-hoffmann", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "GPT chat extension for Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Direct integration with search results. Full chat interface with history management. No server needed & cost effective.", "topics": [ "ai", "browser-extension", "chatbot", "chatgpt-api", "chrome-extension", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt4", "openai", "openai-api", "quasar", "quasar-framework", "typescript", "vue3", "vuejs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT chat extension for Chrome, Edge, and Opera. Direct integration with search results. Full chat interface with history management. No server needed & cost effective.", "ja": "Chrome、Edge、Opera用のGPTチャット拡張機能。検索結果との直接統合。履歴管理付きの完全なチャットインターフェース。サーバー不要でコスト効果的。", "zh-hans": "Chrome、Edge和Opera的GPT聊天扩展。与搜索结果直接集成。完整的聊天界面和历史记录管理。无需服务器,成本效益高。", "zh-hant": "Chrome、Edge 和 Opera 的 GPT 聊天擴展。直接與搜索結果集成。完整的聊天界面,具有歷史管理功能。無需服務器,成本效益高。" } }, "https://github.com/royerlab/napari-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "napari-chatgpt", "user_name": "royerlab", "language": "CSS", "license": { "key": "bsd-3-clause", "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "spdx_id": "BSD-3-Clause", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTU=" }, "description": "A napari plugin to process and analyse images with chatGPT!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A napari plugin to process and analyse images with chatGPT!", "ja": "チャットGPTを使用して画像を処理および分析するためのnapariプラグイン!", "zh-hans": "一个使用chatGPT处理和分析图像的napari插件!", "zh-hant": "一個使用chatGPT處理和分析圖像的napari插件!" } }, "https://github.com/ykdojo/kaguya": { "repository_name": "kaguya", "user_name": "ykdojo", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT plugin that allows you to load and edit your local files in a controlled way, as well as run any Python, JavaScript, and bash script.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT plugin that allows you to load and edit your local files in a controlled way, as well as run any Python, JavaScript, and bash script.", "ja": "制御された方法でローカルファイルを読み込み、編集し、Python、JavaScript、およびbashスクリプトを実行できるChatGPTプラグイン。", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT插件,可以以受控方式加载和编辑本地文件,以及运行任何Python、JavaScript和bash脚本。", "zh-hant": "一個 ChatGPT 插件,可以以受控方式載入和編輯本地文件,並運行任何 Python、JavaScript 和 bash 腳本。" } }, "https://github.com/kudoai/duckduckgpt": { "repository_name": "duckduckgpt", "user_name": "kudoai", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🐤 DuckDuckGo add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "bot", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "ddg", "duckduckgo", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai", "search", "userscript", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐤 DuckDuckGo add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)", "ja": "🐤 DuckDuckGoのアドオンは、検索結果にChatGPTの魔法をもたらします(GPT-4によってパワーアップ!)", "zh-hans": "🐤 DuckDuckGo 插件将 ChatGPT 的魔力带到搜索结果中(由 GPT-4 提供动力!)", "zh-hant": "🐤 DuckDuckGo 的附加元件,將 ChatGPT 的魔力帶到搜尋結果中(由 GPT-4 驅動!)" } }, "https://github.com/kudoai/bravegpt": { "repository_name": "bravegpt", "user_name": "kudoai", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🦁 Brave Search add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "brave", "brave-search", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "machine-learning", "nlp", "openai", "search", "userscript", "web", "websearch" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🦁 Brave Search add-on that brings the magic of ChatGPT to search results (powered by GPT-4!)", "ja": "🦁 ブレイブサーチアドオンは、検索結果にChatGPTの魔法をもたらします(GPT-4によってパワーアップ!)", "zh-hans": "🦁 勇敢搜索插件将ChatGPT的魔力带到搜索结果中(由GPT-4提供动力!)", "zh-hant": "🦁 勇敢搜索插件將ChatGPT的魔力帶到搜索結果中(由GPT-4提供動力!)" } }, "https://github.com/listennotes/listennotes-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "listennotes-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "ListenNotes", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "Listen Notes ChatGPT Plugin for AI-powered podcast search. Powered by PodcastAPI.com and Cloudflare Pages.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "listennotes", "podcast-api", "podcast-database", "podcast-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Listen Notes ChatGPT Plugin for AI-powered podcast search. Powered by PodcastAPI.com and Cloudflare Pages.", "ja": "AIパワードポッドキャスト検索のためのListen Notes ChatGPTプラグイン。PodcastAPI.comとCloudflare Pagesによって提供されています。", "zh-hans": "Listen Notes ChatGPT插件,用于基于人工智能的播客搜索。由PodcastAPI.com和Cloudflare Pages提供支持。", "zh-hant": "Listen Notes ChatGPT 插件,用於 AI 強化的播客搜索。由 PodcastAPI.com 和 Cloudflare Pages 提供動力。" } }, "https://github.com/carlos-lugo/chatgpt-github-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-github-plugin", "user_name": "carlos-lugo", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "This repository contains a plugin for ChatGPT that interacts with the GitHub API. It can fetch information about GitHub repositories, including the list of repositories, branch and files in a repository, and the content of a specific file.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains a plugin for ChatGPT that interacts with the GitHub API. It can fetch information about GitHub repositories, including the list of repositories, branch and files in a repository, and the content of a specific file.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、ChatGPTとGitHub APIとの連携を可能にするプラグインが含まれています。GitHubのリポジトリに関する情報を取得することができます。具体的には、リポジトリの一覧、ブランチやファイルの情報、特定のファイルの内容などを取得することができます。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含一个与GitHub API交互的ChatGPT插件。它可以获取关于GitHub仓库的信息,包括仓库列表、仓库中的分支和文件,以及特定文件的内容。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含一個與GitHub API交互的ChatGPT插件。它可以獲取有關GitHub存儲庫的信息,包括存儲庫列表、存儲庫中的分支和文件,以及特定文件的內容。" } }, "https://github.com/eidam/chatgpt-plugin-clerk-auth": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin-clerk-auth", "user_name": "eidam", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT plugin example using Cloudflare Workers and Clerk OAuth2 backend.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "clerk", "clerkauth", "cloudflare", "cloudflare-workers", "oauth2", "openai", "plugin", "workers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin example using Cloudflare Workers and Clerk OAuth2 backend.", "ja": "Cloudflare WorkersとClerk OAuth2バックエンドを使用したChatGPTプラグインの例。", "zh-hans": "使用Cloudflare Workers和Clerk OAuth2后端的ChatGPT插件示例。\n使用Cloudflare Workers和Clerk OAuth2后端的ChatGPT插件示例。", "zh-hant": "使用 Cloudflare Workers 和 Clerk OAuth2 後端的 ChatGPT 插件示例。" } }, "https://github.com/mefengl/vscode-i-dont-care-about-commit-message": { "repository_name": "vscode-i-dont-care-about-commit-message", "user_name": "mefengl", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Yet another AI git commit plugin, but without the need for manual confirmation.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Yet another AI git commit plugin, but without the need for manual confirmation.", "ja": "もう一つのAI gitコミットプラグインですが、手動確認の必要はありません。", "zh-hans": "又一个AI git提交插件,但无需手动确认。", "zh-hant": "又一个AI git提交插件,但无需手动确认。" } }, "https://github.com/openai-translator/openai-translator": { "repository_name": "openai-translator", "user_name": "openai-translator", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "openai", "translation", "translator", "translator-app" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIに基づく翻訳のためのブラウザ拡張機能とクロスプラットフォームのデスクトップアプリケーション。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT API的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - 基于ChatGPT API的翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面应用。", "zh-hant": "基於 ChatGPT API 的劃詞翻譯瀏覽器插件和跨平台桌面端應用 - 基於 ChatGPT API 的翻譯瀏覽器插件和跨平台桌面應用。" } }, "https://github.com/jarvis2f/ais-ninja": { "repository_name": "ais-ninja", "user_name": "jarvis2f", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT that supports plugins. TG: https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT that supports plugins. TG: https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx", "ja": "プラグインをサポートするChatGPTです。TG: https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx", "zh-hans": "一个支持插件的ChatGPT。TG:https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx", "zh-hant": "一個支援插件的 ChatGPT。TG:https://t.me/+bIZncGryj_85MjYx" } }, "https://github.com/cakecrusher/openplugin": { "repository_name": "openplugin", "user_name": "CakeCrusher", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "client", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-plugin", "package", "plugins", "pypi" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!", "ja": "API(またはクライアント)を介してOpenAIのChatGPTプラグインとシームレスに統合し、ChatGPT API + プラグインと同じ強力な機能を提供します!", "zh-hans": "通过API(或客户端)与OpenAI的ChatGPT插件无缝集成,提供与ChatGPT api +插件相同的强大功能!", "zh-hant": "通過API(或客戶端)與OpenAI的ChatGPT插件無縫集成,提供與ChatGPT api + 插件相同的強大功能!" } }, "https://github.com/continuedev/continue": { "repository_name": "continue", "user_name": "continuedev", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "⏩ the open-source autopilot for software development—a VS Code extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE", "topics": [ "autopilot", "chatgpt", "developer-tools", "open-source", "software-development", "vscode" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⏩ the open-source autopilot for software development—a VS Code extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE", "ja": "ソフトウェア開発のためのオープンソースの自動操縦システム-ChatGPTのパワーをあなたのIDEにもたらすVS Code拡張機能", "zh-hans": "⏩ 这是一个开源的自动驾驶软件开发工具——一个将ChatGPT的强大功能引入到您的IDE中的VS Code扩展。", "zh-hant": "⏩ 軟體開發的開源自動駕駛系統 - 一個將 ChatGPT 強大功能帶入您的 IDE 的 VS Code 擴展。" } }, "https://github.com/targed/gpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "GPT-Plugins", "user_name": "targed", "language": "Markdown", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "GPT-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt", "open-assistant", "plugin", "plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.", "ja": "GPT-Pluginsは、ChatGPTやGPTアーキテクチャと互換性のある他の言語モデルのプラグイン、アドオン、拡張機能の包括的なリストとして機能するGitHubリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "GPT-Plugins是一个GitHub仓库,它作为一个全面的插件、附加组件和扩展列表,为ChatGPT以及与GPT架构兼容的其他语言模型提供服务。", "zh-hant": "GPT-Plugins 是一個 GitHub 存儲庫,它作為一個全面的插件、附加組件和擴展列表,為 ChatGPT 提供服務,同時也兼容 GPT 架構的其他語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/tbd54566975/web5-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "web5-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "TBD54566975", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A chatGPT plugin that adds web5 code assistance and knowledge to ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A chatGPT plugin that adds web5 code assistance and knowledge to ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTにWeb5コードのサポートと知識を追加するChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT插件,为ChatGPT添加了web5代码辅助和知识。", "zh-hant": "一個 ChatGPT 插件,為 ChatGPT 添加了 web5 代碼協助和知識。" } }, "https://github.com/e2b-dev/chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "e2b-dev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-plugin", "code", "code-execution", "code-interpreter", "development", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "javascript", "llm", "nodejs", "openai", "openapi", "plugins", "rest", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.", "ja": "ChatGPTのためのステロイド入りコードインタプリタ。どんな言語でも実行し、どんなターミナルプロセスでも実行し、自由にファイルシステムを使用できます。すべてインターネットにアクセスできます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的代码解释器加强版。运行任何语言,任何终端进程,自由使用文件系统。同时具备互联网访问权限。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的代碼解釋器強化版。運行任何語言,任何終端進程,自由使用文件系統。同時具有網絡訪問功能。" } }, "https://github.com/highwayoflife/awesome-chatgpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-plugins", "user_name": "HighwayofLife", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "A curated list of all of the ChatGPT plugins available within ChatGPT plus, includes detailed descriptions and usage docs, as well as unofficial sources of plugins", "topics": [ "awesome", "awesome-list", "awesome-lists", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "lists", "openai", "plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A curated list of all of the ChatGPT plugins available within ChatGPT plus, includes detailed descriptions and usage docs, as well as unofficial sources of plugins", "ja": "ChatGPT plus内で利用可能なChatGPTプラグインの厳選リスト。詳細な説明と使用方法のドキュメント、非公式なプラグインの情報も含まれています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Plus中所有可用的ChatGPT插件的精选列表,包括详细描述和使用文档,以及非官方的插件来源。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Plus 中所有可用的 ChatGPT 插件的精選清單,包括詳細描述和使用文檔,以及非官方的插件來源。" } }, "https://github.com/pas1ko/meeper": { "repository_name": "meeper", "user_name": "pas1ko", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mpl-2.0", "name": "Mozilla Public License 2.0", "spdx_id": "MPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE0" }, "description": "Meeper 📝 - is your secretary for any in-browser conference.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "extension", "langchain", "summary", "transcription", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Meeper 📝 - is your secretary for any in-browser conference.", "ja": "Meeper 📝 - ブラウザ内のどんなオンライン会議でもあなたの秘書です。", "zh-hans": "Meeper 📝 - 是您在浏览器中的任何会议的秘书。", "zh-hant": "Meeper 📝 - 是您在瀏覽器中進行任何會議的秘書。" } }, "https://github.com/iamgreggarcia/codesherpa": { "repository_name": "codesherpa", "user_name": "iamgreggarcia", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A code interpreter and ChatGPT plugin", "topics": [ "chatgpt-plugin", "code-interpreter", "fastapi", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-0613", "nextjs", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A code interpreter and ChatGPT plugin", "ja": "コードインタプリターとChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "一个代码解释器和ChatGPT插件", "zh-hant": "一個程式碼解譯器和ChatGPT插件" } }, "https://github.com/xinbenlv/ethgpt": { "repository_name": "ethgpt", "user_name": "xinbenlv", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT Plugin for Ethereum and EVM dApp / smart contract functionalities", "topics": [ "chat-gpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "chatgpt-plugin-template", "chatgpt-plugins", "examples", "nextjs", "nextjs-template", "openai", "plugin", "template" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Plugin for Ethereum and EVM dApp / smart contract functionalities", "ja": "EthereumおよびEVM dApp /スマートコントラクト機能のためのChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT插件用于以太坊和EVM dApp /智能合约功能\nChatGPT插件用于以太坊和EVM dApp /智能合约功能", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Plugin for Ethereum 和 EVM dApp / 智能合約功能" } }, "https://github.com/smol-ai/godmode": { "repository_name": "GodMode", "user_name": "smol-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.", "topics": [ "bard", "chatgpt", "electron", "google", "menubar" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.", "ja": "AIチャットブラウザ:ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2への高速で完全なウェブアプリアクセス!私はこれを1日に20回使用しています。", "zh-hans": "AI聊天浏览器:快速、完整的Web应用程序访问ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2!我每天使用它20次。", "zh-hant": "AI聊天瀏覽器:快速、完整的網頁應用程式,可存取ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2!我每天使用這個20次。" } }, "https://github.com/tshetrim/image-to-text-ocr-extension-for-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "Image-To-Text-OCR-extension-for-ChatGPT", "user_name": "Tshetrim", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Image To Text (OCR) Chrome extension for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "google-extension", "ocr", "productivity-tools", "tesseractjs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Image To Text (OCR) Chrome extension for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPT用の画像からテキストへの変換(OCR)Chrome拡張機能", "zh-hans": "图像转文本(OCR)ChatGPT Chrome扩展程序", "zh-hant": "圖像轉文字(OCR)ChatGPT Chrome 擴展程式" } }, "https://github.com/niemingxing/search-recommendations": { "repository_name": "search-recommendations", "user_name": "niemingxing", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "搜索推荐词采集与内容生成助手是一款强大的Chrome插件,专为小红书、抖音、B站、知乎、百度、google用户设计。它能够自动收集并显示这些平台的搜索推荐词或联想词,保存下载为csv文件,帮助您更轻松地进行搜索、浏览和发现感兴趣的内容。同时可以利用chatgpt自动化批量生产与采集内容发布到wordpress站点。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Search Recommendation Word Collection and Content Generation Assistant is a powerful Chrome extension designed for users of Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Bilibili, Zhihu, Baidu, and Google. It can automatically collect and display the search recommendation words or associated words from these platforms, save them as CSV files for download, and help you search, browse, and discover interesting content more easily. It can also use ChatGPT to automate the batch production and collection of content for publishing on WordPress sites.", "ja": "検索推奨語収集とコンテンツ生成アシスタントは、小紅書、TikTok、Bilibili、知乎、百度、Googleのユーザー向けに設計された強力なChrome拡張機能です。この拡張機能は、これらのプラットフォームの検索推奨語や関連語を自動的に収集し表示し、CSVファイルとして保存してダウンロードすることができます。興味のあるコンテンツを検索、閲覧、発見するのをサポートします。また、chatgptを利用して、自動化された大量のコンテンツを生成し、WordPressサイトに投稿することもできます。", "zh-hans": "搜索推荐词采集与内容生成助手是一款强大的Chrome插件,专为小红书、抖音、B站、知乎、百度、google用户设计。它能够自动收集并显示这些平台的搜索推荐词或联想词,保存下载为csv文件,帮助您更轻松地进行搜索、浏览和发现感兴趣的内容。同时可以利用chatgpt自动化批量生产与采集内容发布到wordpress站点。", "zh-hant": "搜索推薦詞采集與內容生成助手是一款強大的Chrome插件,專為小紅書、抖音、B站、知乎、百度、google用戶設計。它能夠自動收集並顯示這些平台的搜索推薦詞或聯想詞,保存下載為csv文件,幫助您更輕鬆地進行搜索、瀏覽和發現感興趣的內容。同時可以利用chatgpt自動化批量生產與采集內容發布到wordpress站點。" } }, "https://github.com/llmapp/openai.mini": { "repository_name": "openai.mini", "user_name": "llmapp", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Implement OpenAI APIs and plugin-enabled ChatGPT with open source LLM and other models.", "topics": [ "llm", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implement OpenAI APIs and plugin-enabled ChatGPT with open source LLM and other models.", "ja": "OpenAIのAPIとプラグイン対応のChatGPTをオープンソースのLLMや他のモデルと統合する。\nOpenAIのAPIを実装し、オープンソースのLLMや他のモデルと連携可能なChatGPTを作成します。", "zh-hans": "实现使用开源LLM和其他模型的OpenAI API和插件可用的ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "實現使用OpenAI API和支援插件的ChatGPT,並使用開源LLM和其他模型。" } }, "https://github.com/openpluginaci/openplugin": { "repository_name": "openplugin", "user_name": "OpenPluginACI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "client", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-plugin", "package", "plugins", "pypi" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Seamlessly integrate with OpenAI's ChatGPT plugins via API (or client), offering the same powerful functionality as the ChatGPT api + plugins!", "ja": "API(またはクライアント)を介してOpenAIのChatGPTプラグインとシームレスに統合し、ChatGPT API + プラグインと同じ強力な機能を提供します!", "zh-hans": "通过API(或客户端)与OpenAI的ChatGPT插件无缝集成,提供与ChatGPT api +插件相同的强大功能!", "zh-hant": "通過API(或客戶端)與OpenAI的ChatGPT插件無縫集成,提供與ChatGPT api + 插件相同的強大功能!" } }, "https://github.com/inplex-sys/chatgpt-desktop": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-desktop", "user_name": "Inplex-sys", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT in windows including AIPRM in it ( for people who can't install it on firefox )", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-desktop", "electron" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT in windows including AIPRM in it ( for people who can't install it on firefox )", "ja": "AIPRMを含むWindowsのChatGPT(Firefoxにインストールできない人向け)", "zh-hans": "在Windows上使用ChatGPT,包括其中的AIPRM(适用于无法在Firefox上安装的用户)", "zh-hant": "在 Windows 上的 ChatGPT 中包含 AIPRM(供無法在 Firefox 上安裝的人使用)" } }, "https://github.com/saeedezzati/superpower-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "superpower-chatgpt", "user_name": "saeedezzati", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more features", "topics": [ "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension", "productivity" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more features", "ja": "超能力を持ったChatGPT!チャット履歴の検索、フォルダの作成、すべてのチャットのエクスポート、メッセージのピン留め、数千のコミュニティプロンプトへのアクセス、インコグニートモード、言語とトーンの選択、さらに多くの機能があります。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT具备超能力!搜索聊天记录,创建文件夹,导出所有聊天记录,置顶消息,访问成千上万的社区提示,隐身模式,选择语言和语气,以及许多其他功能。", "zh-hant": "具有超能力的ChatGPT!搜索聊天記錄,建立文件夾,導出所有聊天,置頂訊息,訪問數千個社群提示,隱身模式,語言和語氣選擇,以及更多功能。" } }, "https://github.com/bra1ndump/show-me-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "show-me-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "bra1nDump", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create and edit diagrams in ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTで図を作成および編集する", "zh-hans": "在ChatGPT中创建和编辑图表", "zh-hant": "在ChatGPT中創建和編輯圖表" } }, "https://github.com/serp-ai/chatgpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Plugins", "user_name": "serp-ai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Repo for giving ChatGPT the ability to use web browsing, python code execution, and custom plugins", "topics": [ "chatgpt-plugins", "chatgpt-tool-use", "chatgpt-tools", "gpt-tool-use" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Repo for giving ChatGPT the ability to use web browsing, python code execution, and custom plugins", "ja": "ChatGPTにウェブブラウジング、Pythonコードの実行、およびカスタムプラグインの機能を与えるためのリポジトリ\nウェブブラウジング、Pythonコードの実行、およびカスタムプラグインの機能をChatGPTに与えるためのリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "为ChatGPT提供使用网络浏览、Python代码执行和自定义插件的能力的存储库", "zh-hant": "用於讓ChatGPT具備網頁瀏覽、Python程式碼執行和自定義插件功能的存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/yagil/chatide": { "repository_name": "ChatIDE", "user_name": "yagil", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "AI Coding Assistant in your IDE - ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Anthropic) in a VSCode extension.", "topics": [ "ai", "anthropic", "gpt-4", "openai", "vscode", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Coding Assistant in your IDE - ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Anthropic) in a VSCode extension.", "ja": "あなたのIDEでのAIコーディングアシスタント - ChatGPT(OpenAI)とClaude(Anthropic)を使用したVSCode拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "在您的IDE中的AI编码助手 - ChatGPT(OpenAI)和Claude(Anthropic)在VSCode扩展中。", "zh-hant": "在您的IDE中的AI編碼助手 - ChatGPT(OpenAI)和Claude(Anthropic)在VSCode擴展中。" } }, "https://github.com/codercooke/vim-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "vim-chatgpt", "user_name": "CoderCookE", "language": "Vim Script", "license": { "key": "unlicense", "name": "The Unlicense", "spdx_id": "Unlicense", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/unlicense", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE1" }, "description": "Vim Plugin For ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Vim Plugin For ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのためのVimプラグイン", "zh-hans": "Vim插件适用于ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "Vim 插件用於 ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/vasilecampeanu/obsidian-weaver": { "repository_name": "obsidian-weaver", "user_name": "vasilecampeanu", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Weaver is a useful Obsidian plugin that integrates ChatGPT/GPT-3 into your note-taking workflow. This plugin makes it easy to access AI-generated suggestions and insights within Obsidian, helping you improve your writing and brainstorming process.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "knowledgemanagement", "obsidian-md", "plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Weaver is a useful Obsidian plugin that integrates ChatGPT/GPT-3 into your note-taking workflow. This plugin makes it easy to access AI-generated suggestions and insights within Obsidian, helping you improve your writing and brainstorming process.", "ja": "WeaverはObsidianのプラグインであり、ChatGPT/GPT-3をノート作成のワークフローに統合することができます。このプラグインは、Obsidian内でAIによる提案や洞察を簡単に利用できるようにし、執筆やブレインストーミングのプロセスを改善するのに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "Weaver是一个有用的黑曜石插件,将ChatGPT/GPT-3集成到您的笔记工作流中。这个插件使得在Obsidian中访问由人工智能生成的建议和见解变得容易,帮助您改善写作和头脑风暴的过程。", "zh-hant": "Weaver 是一個有用的 Obsidian 插件,將 ChatGPT/GPT-3 整合到您的筆記工作流程中。這個插件使得在 Obsidian 中輕鬆訪問 AI 生成的建議和見解,有助於改善您的寫作和腦力激盪過程。" } }, "https://github.com/copilot-us/chatgpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugins", "user_name": "copilot-us", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "Official ChatGPT Plugins🧩", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "copilot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official ChatGPT Plugins🧩", "ja": "公式のChatGPTプラグイン🧩", "zh-hans": "官方ChatGPT插件🧩", "zh-hant": "官方 ChatGPT 插件🧩" } }, "https://github.com/ryuseisan/auto-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "auto-chatgpt", "user_name": "ryuseisan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Automate interaction with the browser version of ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "selenium" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automate interaction with the browser version of ChatGPT.", "ja": "ブラウザ版ChatGPTとの対話を自動化します。", "zh-hans": "自动化与ChatGPT浏览器版本的互动。", "zh-hant": "自動化與ChatGPT的瀏覽器版本互動。" } }, "https://github.com/rgbkrk/chatlab": { "repository_name": "chatlab", "user_name": "rgbkrk", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Bringing ChatGPT Plugins to your notebooks", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "interpreter", "jupyter", "jupyter-lab", "jupyter-notebooks", "noteable", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bringing ChatGPT Plugins to your notebooks", "ja": "ノートブックにChatGPTプラグインを導入する", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT插件引入您的笔记本", "zh-hant": "將 ChatGPT 插件帶入您的筆記本" } }, "https://github.com/forward-operators/paperchat": { "repository_name": "paperchat", "user_name": "Forward-Operators", "language": "HCL", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "PaperChat - cli, API and ChatGPT plugin to query arXiv's dataset", "topics": [ "arxiv", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "gpt", "huggingface", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PaperChat - cli, API and ChatGPT plugin to query arXiv's dataset", "ja": "PaperChat - arXivのデータセットをクエリするためのcli、API、およびChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "PaperChat - 用于查询arXiv数据集的cli、API和ChatGPT插件", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\nPaperChat - 用於查詢arXiv數據集的cli、API和ChatGPT插件" } }, "https://github.com/davidmvenegas/chatgpt-microphone": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-microphone", "user_name": "davidmvenegas", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Add voice-to-text and shortcut snippets to ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Add voice-to-text and shortcut snippets to ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTに音声テキスト変換とショートカットスニペットを追加してください。", "zh-hans": "将语音转文字和快捷片段添加到ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "將語音轉文字和快捷片段添加到ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/aavetis/github-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "github-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "aavetis", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT plugin to interact with anything in GitHub. Install “Chat With Code” from the ChatGPT plugin store.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin to interact with anything in GitHub. Install “Chat With Code” from the ChatGPT plugin store.", "ja": "GitHubで何でも対話するためのChatGPTプラグイン。ChatGPTプラグインストアから「Chat With Code」をインストールしてください。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT插件可与GitHub中的任何内容进行交互。从ChatGPT插件商店安装“Chat With Code”插件。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT插件可與GitHub上的任何內容進行互動。從ChatGPT插件商店安裝“Chat With Code”。\nChatGPT插件可與GitHub上的任何內容進行互動。從ChatGPT插件商店安裝“Chat With Code”。" } }, "https://github.com/gradusnikov/eclipse-chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "eclipse-chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "gradusnikov", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An Eclipse plugin that integrates with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "eclipse", "eclipse-plugin", "plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Eclipse plugin that integrates with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTと統合されたEclipseのプラグイン", "zh-hans": "一个与ChatGPT集成的Eclipse插件", "zh-hant": "一個與ChatGPT整合的Eclipse插件" } }, "https://github.com/madkarmaa/automatic-chatgpt-dan": { "repository_name": "automatic-chatgpt-dan", "user_name": "madkarmaa", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Browser userscript to automatically send DAN messages to ChatGPT", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "browser-extension", "browser-extensions", "chagpt-jailbreak", "chat-gpt", "chat-gpt-dan", "chat-gpt-tool", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-browser-extension", "chatgpt-dan", "conversational-ai", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "nlp", "openai", "userscript", "userscripts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Browser userscript to automatically send DAN messages to ChatGPT", "ja": "ブラウザのユーザースクリプトで、ChatGPTに自動的にDANメッセージを送信する。", "zh-hans": "浏览器用户脚本,自动将DAN消息发送到ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "瀏覽器使用者腳本,可自動將DAN訊息發送到ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/anthonypuppo/sk-nl2ef-plugin": { "repository_name": "sk-nl2ef-plugin", "user_name": "anthonypuppo", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT plugin built with Semantic Kernel that queries a database via natural language. Winner of Microsoft's first Semantic Kernel hackathon in the \"Most Useful for the Enterprise\" category.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "entity-framework", "llm", "netcore", "openai", "openai-plugin", "semantic-kernel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT plugin built with Semantic Kernel that queries a database via natural language. Winner of Microsoft's first Semantic Kernel hackathon in the \"Most Useful for the Enterprise\" category.", "ja": "自然言語でデータベースにクエリを送信するSemantic Kernelを使用したChatGPTプラグイン。Microsoftの最初のSemantic Kernelハッカソンで、「企業にとって最も有用」というカテゴリーで優勝しました。", "zh-hans": "一个使用语义内核构建的ChatGPT插件,可以通过自然语言查询数据库。在微软首届语义内核黑客马拉松中获得“对企业最有用”类别的冠军。", "zh-hant": "一個使用語義核心構建的ChatGPT插件,可以通過自然語言查詢數據庫。該插件在微軟首屆語義核心黑客松比賽中獲得了\"對企業最有用\"類別的冠軍。" } }, "https://github.com/targed/awesome-plugins": { "repository_name": "Awesome-Plugins", "user_name": "targed", "language": "Markdown", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Awesome-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt", "open-assistant", "plugin", "plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Awesome-Plugins is a GitHub repository that serves as a comprehensive list of plugins, add-ons, and extensions for ChatGPT, as well as other language models that are compatible with the GPT architecture.", "ja": "Awesome-Pluginsは、ChatGPTに対応したプラグイン、アドオン、拡張機能の包括的なリストとして機能するGitHubリポジトリです。また、GPTアーキテクチャに対応した他の言語モデルにも対応しています。\nAwesome-Pluginsは、ChatGPTに対応したプラグイン、アドオン、および拡張機能の包括的なリストであり、GPTアーキテクチャと互換性のある他の言語モデルにも対応しているGitHubリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "Awesome-Plugins是一个GitHub仓库,它作为一个综合列表,提供了适用于ChatGPT以及与GPT架构兼容的其他语言模型的插件、附加组件和扩展。", "zh-hant": "Awesome-Plugins 是一個 GitHub 存儲庫,它作為一個全面的插件、附加組件和擴展列表,為 ChatGPT 提供支持,同時也支持與 GPT 架構兼容的其他語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/intelligenzaartificiale/free-personal-ai-assistant-with-plugin": { "repository_name": "Free-personal-AI-Assistant-with-plugin", "user_name": "IntelligenzaArtificiale", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "🤗 Would you like to use GPT4 with Plugins but don't want to pay $20/month? This is the solution! With this repository you can have free clone of ChatGPT with plugin ", "topics": [ "autogpt", "chatbot-engine", "chatbot-platform", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-free", "chatgpt-plugins", "free-chatgpt", "free-gpt4", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "hugchat", "hugging-chat", "huggingface", "langchain", "langchain-python", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤗 Would you like to use GPT4 with Plugins but don't want to pay $20/month? This is the solution! With this repository you can have free clone of ChatGPT with plugin ", "ja": "🤗 GPT4とプラグインを使用したいですかが、月額$20を支払いたくありませんか? これが解決策です! このリポジトリを使用すると、プラグイン付きの無料のChatGPTのクローンを利用できます。", "zh-hans": "🤗 您想使用带有插件的GPT4,但又不想支付每月20美元吗?这就是解决方案!通过这个存储库,您可以免费获得ChatGPT的克隆版本。", "zh-hant": "🤗 您想使用帶有插件的GPT4,但不想支付每月20美元嗎?這就是解決方案!通過這個存儲庫,您可以免費獲得ChatGPT的克隆版本。" } }, "https://github.com/lean-dojo/leandojochatgpt": { "repository_name": "LeanDojoChatGPT", "user_name": "lean-dojo", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT plugin for theorem proving in Lean", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "large-language-models", "lean", "machine-learning", "theorem" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin for theorem proving in Lean", "ja": "Leanでの定理証明のためのChatGPTプラグイン", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT插件用于Lean中的定理证明。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 在 Lean 中的定理证明插件" } }, "https://github.com/jikkujose/awesome-chatgpt-plugins": { "repository_name": "awesome-chatgpt-plugins", "user_name": "jikkujose", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Most comprehensive list of ChatGPT Plugins in a single page!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Most comprehensive list of ChatGPT Plugins in a single page!", "ja": "一つのページにまとめられた、最も包括的なChatGPTプラグインのリスト!", "zh-hans": "最全面的ChatGPT插件列表,全部在一个页面上!", "zh-hant": "最全面的ChatGPT插件列表,全部在一個頁面上!" } }, "https://github.com/robitx/gp.nvim": { "repository_name": "gp.nvim", "user_name": "Robitx", "language": "Lua", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "GPT.nvim: Neovim AI plugin ~ OpenAI's ChatGPT & Copilot & Speech to text", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "codeium", "copilot", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt4", "llm", "lua", "neovim", "nvim", "openai", "plugin", "speech-to-text", "tabnine", "vim", "voice", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT.nvim: Neovim AI plugin ~ OpenAI's ChatGPT & Copilot & Speech to text", "ja": "GPT.nvim:Neovim AIプラグイン〜OpenAIのChatGPT&Copilot&音声テキスト\nGPT.nvim:Neovim AIプラグイン〜OpenAIのChatGPT&Copilot&音声テキスト", "zh-hans": "GPT.nvim:Neovim AI插件 ~ OpenAI的ChatGPT和Copilot和语音转文字", "zh-hant": "GPT.nvim:Neovim AI 插件 〜 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT&Copilot&語音轉文字" } }, "https://github.com/llmkira/llmbot": { "repository_name": "LLMBot", "user_name": "LlmKira", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "插件概念原型机 /// Agents System/自决策 |类 ChatGpt 插件系统| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |Assistant | 📱 Cross-Platform | 🦾 Async | 🔌 Plugin System ", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "插件概念原型机 /// Agents System/自决策 |类 ChatGpt 插件系统| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |Assistant | 📱 Cross-Platform | 🦾 Async | 🔌 Plugin System ", "ja": "插件概念原型机 /// Agents System/自己決定 |クラスChatGptプラグインシステム| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |アシスタント |📱クロスプラットフォーム|🦾非同期|🔌プラグインシステム", "zh-hans": "插件概念原型机 /// 代理系统/自决策 |类 ChatGpt 插件系统| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |助手 | 📱 跨平台 | 🦾 异步 | 🔌 插件系统", "zh-hant": "插件概念原型機 /// Agents System/自決策 |類 ChatGpt 插件系統| Gpt-3.5/Gpt-4 |助手 | 📱 跨平台 | 🦾 非同步 | 🔌 插件系統" } }, "https://github.com/openai-translator/bob-plugin-openai-translator": { "repository_name": "bob-plugin-openai-translator", "user_name": "openai-translator", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "topics": [ "bobplugin", "chatgpt", "gpt", "openai", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bob plugin for text translation, text polishing, and grammar correction based on ChatGPT API, let's welcome a new era without the need for the Tower of Babel! Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIに基づくテキスト翻訳、テキストの改善、文法修正のBobプラグインで、バベルの塔を必要としない新しい時代を一緒に迎えましょう!CC BY-NC-SA 4.0のライセンスに基づいています。", "zh-hans": "基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!根据 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可证授权。", "zh-hant": "基於 ChatGPT API 的文本翻譯、文本潤色、語法糾錯 Bob 插件,讓我們一起迎接不需要巴別塔的新時代!根據 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 授權。" } }, "https://github.com/llmkira/openaibot": { "repository_name": "Openaibot", "user_name": "LlmKira", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "⚡️ Build Your Own AssistantBot|🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram |🍓 复刻 ChatGpt 架构 |⛓ ToolCall/FunctionCall|🔖 Plugin Support | 🌻 sh & docker-compose ", "topics": [ "ai", "assistant", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "discordbot", "function-calling", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-turbo", "gpt-4-vision-preview", "gpt-agent", "gpt-functions", "gpts", "kook-bot", "openai", "python", "qq-bot", "slack-bot", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡️ Build Your Own AssistantBot|🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram |🍓 复刻 ChatGpt 架构 |⛓ ToolCall/FunctionCall|🔖 Plugin Support | 🌻 sh & docker-compose ", "ja": "⚡️ 自分自身のアシスタントボットを構築する|🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram |🍓 ChatGptアーキテクチャの複製 |⛓ ToolCall/FunctionCall|🔖 プラグインサポート | 🌻 sh & docker-compose", "zh-hans": "⚡️ 构建您自己的助手机器人 | 🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram | 🍓 复刻 ChatGpt 架构 | ⛓ 工具调用/函数调用 | 🔖 插件支持 | 🌻 sh 和 docker-compose", "zh-hant": "⚡️ 建立您自己的助理机器人 | 🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram | 🍓 複製 ChatGpt 架構 | ⛓ 工具呼叫/函數呼叫 | 🔖 插件支援 | 🌻 sh 和 docker-compose" } }, "https://github.com/danny-avila/librechat": { "repository_name": "LibreChat", "user_name": "danny-avila", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, PaLM 2, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development", "topics": [ "ai", "anthropic", "api", "azure", "bing", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-clone", "claude", "clone", "dall-e-3", "dall-e3", "langchain", "librechat", "llms", "palm", "palm-2", "palm2", "plugins", "search", "webapp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, PaLM 2, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development", "ja": "強化されたChatGPTクローン:OpenAI、Bing、Anthropic、OpenRouter、PaLM 2、AIモデルの切り替え、メッセージ検索、langchain、DALL-E-3、ChatGPTプラグイン、OpenAI関数、セキュアなマルチユーザーシステム、プリセット、自己ホスティング用の完全なオープンソースなどの機能があります。開発中のさらなる機能もあります。", "zh-hans": "增强版ChatGPT克隆:功能包括OpenAI、Bing、Anthropic、OpenRouter、PaLM 2、AI模型切换、消息搜索、langchain、DALL-E-3、ChatGPT插件、OpenAI函数、安全多用户系统、预设,完全开源以供自主托管。更多功能正在开发中。", "zh-hant": "增強版ChatGPT克隆:功能包括OpenAI、Bing、Anthropic、OpenRouter、PaLM 2、AI模型切換、訊息搜尋、語言鏈、DALL-E-3、ChatGPT插件、OpenAI功能、安全多用戶系統、預設值,完全開源以供自行託管。更多功能正在開發中。" } }, "https://github.com/tensorchord/pgvecto.rs": { "repository_name": "pgvecto.rs", "user_name": "tensorchord", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Scalable Vector database plugin for Postgres, written in Rust, specifically designed for LLM", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "faiss", "gpt", "hacktoberfest", "llm", "nearest-neighbor-search", "postgress", "rust", "vector", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Scalable Vector database plugin for Postgres, written in Rust, specifically designed for LLM", "ja": "Rustで書かれたPostgres用のスケーラブルなベクターデータベースプラグイン、特にLLM向けに設計されています。", "zh-hans": "可扩展的矢量数据库插件,使用Rust编写,专为LLM设计。", "zh-hant": "可擴展的矢量數據庫插件,用Rust編寫,專為LLM設計。" } }, "https://github.com/benf2004/ai-prompt-genius": { "repository_name": "AI-Prompt-Genius", "user_name": "benf2004", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Curate a custom library of AI Prompts", "topics": [ "ai", "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curate a custom library of AI Prompts", "ja": "AIプロンプトのカスタムライブラリを作成してください。", "zh-hans": "策划一个定制的人工智能提示库", "zh-hant": "精心策劃一個自定義的AI提示圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/bookfere/ebook-translator-calibre-plugin": { "repository_name": "Ebook-Translator-Calibre-Plugin", "user_name": "bookfere", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "A Calibre plugin to translate ebook into a specified language.", "topics": [ "bilingual", "calibre", "chatgpt", "deepl", "ebook", "epub", "google", "kindle", "translate", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Calibre plugin to translate ebook into a specified language.", "ja": "指定された言語に電子書籍を翻訳するためのCalibreプラグイン。", "zh-hans": "一个用于将电子书翻译成指定语言的Calibre插件。", "zh-hant": "一個Calibre插件,可以將電子書翻譯成指定的語言。" } }, "https://github.com/wpeace-hch/wpechatgpt": { "repository_name": "WPeChatGPT", "user_name": "WPeace-HcH", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A plugin for IDA that can help to analyze binary file, it is based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model trained by OpenAI, the same as ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "binary-analysis", "chatgpt", "ida", "ida-plugin", "openai", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A plugin for IDA that can help to analyze binary file, it is based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model trained by OpenAI, the same as ChatGPT.", "ja": "IDAのプラグインは、バイナリファイルの解析を支援するものであり、OpenAIによって訓練されたgpt-3.5-turboモデルに基づいています。ChatGPTと同じモデルです。", "zh-hans": "一个用于IDA的插件,可以帮助分析二进制文件,它基于OpenAI训练的gpt-3.5-turbo模型,与ChatGPT相同。", "zh-hant": "一個用於IDA的插件,可以幫助分析二進制文件,它基於OpenAI訓練的gpt-3.5-turbo模型,與ChatGPT相同。" } }, "https://github.com/ikechan8370/chatgpt-plugin": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plugin", "user_name": "ikechan8370", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "云崽qq机器人的chatgpt插件", "topics": [ "bot", "chatgpt", "qq", "yunzai", "yunzai-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT plugin for Yunzai QQ robot", "ja": "云崽qq机器人的chatgpt插件\n云崽qqボットのchatgptプラグイン", "zh-hans": "云崽qq机器人的chatgpt插件", "zh-hant": "雲崽qq機器人的chatgpt插件" } }, "https://github.com/sparticleinc/chatgpt-google-summary-extension": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-google-summary-extension", "user_name": "sparticleinc", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.", "topics": [ "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "firefox-extension", "google", "google-chatgpt", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.", "ja": "Googleの検索結果やYouTubeの動画と一緒にChatGPTの要約を表示するためのChrome拡張機能です。また、Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、日経、Bing、Google特許など、どんなページの要約にも対応しています。", "zh-hans": "Chrome扩展程序,可在Google搜索结果和YouTube视频旁边查看ChatGPT摘要,还支持Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、Bing、Google专利以及任何页面的摘要。", "zh-hant": "輸入:Chrome 擴充功能,可在 Google 搜尋結果和 YouTube 影片旁邊查看 ChatGPT 摘要,同時也支援 Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、Bing、Google 專利,以及任何頁面的摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/carlrobertoh/codegpt": { "repository_name": "CodeGPT", "user_name": "carlrobertoh", "language": "Java", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "JetBrains extension providing access to state-of-the-art LLMs, such as GPT-4, Code Llama, and others, all for free", "topics": [ "codellama", "gpt-4", "intellij", "intellij-plugin", "jetbrains", "llama", "pycharm", "pycharm-plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "JetBrains extension providing access to state-of-the-art LLMs, such as GPT-4, Code Llama, and others, all for free", "ja": "入力:JetBrainsの拡張機能は、GPT-4、Code Llamaなどの最新のLLMに無料でアクセスできます。", "zh-hans": "输入:JetBrains扩展程序提供免费访问最先进的LLM,如GPT-4、Code Llama等等。\n输出:JetBrains扩展程序提供免费访问最先进的LLM,如GPT-4、Code Llama等等。", "zh-hant": "輸入:JetBrains擴展提供免費使用最先進的LLM,如GPT-4、Code Llama等等。\n輸出:JetBrains擴展提供免費使用最先進的LLM,如GPT-4、Code Llama等等。" } }, "https://github.com/readsomething/readsomething": { "repository_name": "ReadSomething", "user_name": "ReadSomething", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "📖 一个开源的 Chrome 插件,可以将网页转成阅读模式,并且内置了 AI 总结、翻译、Markdown 转换等功能。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "openai", "reader", "reading" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📖 An open-source Chrome extension that can convert web pages into a reading mode, and also includes built-in AI summarization, translation, Markdown conversion, and other functions.", "ja": "📖 オープンソースのChrome拡張機能で、ウェブページを読みやすいモードに変換し、AIによる要約、翻訳、Markdown変換などの機能が組み込まれています。", "zh-hans": "📖 一个开源的 Chrome 插件,可以将网页转成阅读模式,并且内置了 AI 总结、翻译、Markdown 转换等功能。", "zh-hant": "📖 一個開源的 Chrome 插件,可以將網頁轉成閱讀模式,並且內置了 AI 總結、翻譯、Markdown 轉換等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/anc95/writely": { "repository_name": "writely", "user_name": "anc95", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "❤️‍🔥 A chrome extension as an alternative to Notion AI that goes beyond Notion AI. | 一个替代 Notion AI 的浏览器插件,不止于 Notion AI", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "notion-ai", "openai", "writing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "❤️‍🔥 A chrome extension as an alternative to Notion AI that goes beyond Notion AI. | 一个替代 Notion AI 的浏览器插件,不止于 Notion AI", "ja": "❤️‍🔥 Notion AI を超える選択肢としての Chrome 拡張機能。 | Notion AI に限らず、さらに進化した浏览器拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "❤️‍🔥 一个超越 Notion AI 的替代品的 Chrome 浏览器插件。", "zh-hant": "❤️‍🔥 一個超越 Notion AI 的替代品的 Chrome 擴充功能。" } }, "https://github.com/stoerr/codevelopergptengine": { "repository_name": "CoDeveloperGPTengine", "user_name": "stoerr", "language": "Java", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Co-Developer GPT Engine: creating ChatGPT plugins for developers that allow reading / searching / writing files, executing (build) actions", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin", "development", "gpt", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Co-Developer GPT Engine: creating ChatGPT plugins for developers that allow reading / searching / writing files, executing (build) actions", "ja": "共同開発者GPTエンジン:開発者向けのChatGPTプラグインを作成し、ファイルの読み取り/検索/書き込み、実行(ビルド)アクションを可能にします。", "zh-hans": "合作开发者GPT引擎:为开发者创建ChatGPT插件,允许读取/搜索/写入文件,执行(构建)操作。", "zh-hant": "共同開發者GPT引擎:為開發者創建ChatGPT插件,允許讀取/搜索/寫入文件,執行(構建)操作" } }, "https://github.com/bryley/neoai.nvim": { "repository_name": "neoai.nvim", "user_name": "Bryley", "language": "Lua", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Neovim plugin for intracting with GPT models from OpenAI", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt3-turbo", "neovim", "neovim-plugin", "nvim", "nvim-plugin", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Neovim plugin for intracting with GPT models from OpenAI", "ja": "OpenAIのGPTモデルとのやり取りを行うためのNeovimプラグイン", "zh-hans": "与OpenAI的GPT模型交互的Neovim插件输出:Neovim插件,用于与OpenAI的GPT模型交互", "zh-hant": "Neovim 插件,用於與 OpenAI 的 GPT 模型進行互動。" } }, "https://github.com/kromiose/nonebot_plugin_naturel_gpt": { "repository_name": "nonebot_plugin_naturel_gpt", "user_name": "KroMiose", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "一个基于NoneBot框架的Ai聊天插件,对接OpenAi文本生成接口,实现了机器人的人格 自定义/切换,聊天记忆等功能", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AI chat plugin based on the NoneBot framework, integrating with the OpenAI text generation API, implementing features such as custom/switchable robot personality, chat memory, etc.", "ja": "NoneBotフレームワークをベースにしたAIチャットプラグインで、OpenAiテキスト生成APIと連携して、ロボットのパーソナリティのカスタマイズ/切り替え、チャットの記憶などの機能を実現しています。", "zh-hans": "一个基于NoneBot框架的Ai聊天插件,对接OpenAi文本生成接口,实现了机器人的人格自定义/切换,聊天记忆等功能。", "zh-hant": "一個基於NoneBot框架的Ai聊天插件,對接OpenAi文本生成接口,實現了機器人的人格自定義/切換,聊天記憶等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/madox2/vim-ai": { "repository_name": "vim-ai", "user_name": "madox2", "language": "Vim Script", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "code-generation", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "neovim", "openai", "vim" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.", "ja": "Vim用のAIパワードコードアシスタント。VimとNeovim用のOpenAIとChatGPTプラグイン。", "zh-hans": "基于人工智能的Vim代码助手。Vim和Neovim的OpenAI和ChatGPT插件。", "zh-hant": "AI 助手為 Vim 提供代碼支援。OpenAI 和 ChatGPT 插件適用於 Vim 和 Neovim。" } }, "https://github.com/vignshwarar/ai-employe": { "repository_name": "AI-Employe", "user_name": "vignshwarar", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Create browser automation as if you were teaching a human using GPT-4 Vision.", "topics": [ "automation", "automation-testing", "gpt-4", "multimodal", "productivity", "rpa" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create browser automation as if you were teaching a human using GPT-4 Vision.", "ja": "GPT-4 Visionを使用して人間に教えているかのようにブラウザ自動化を作成します。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-4 Vision 创建浏览器自动化,就像教导人类一样。", "zh-hant": "創建瀏覽器自動化,就像您在使用GPT-4 Vision教導人類一樣。" } }, "https://github.com/openai-translator/raycast-openai-translator": { "repository_name": "raycast-openai-translator", "user_name": "openai-translator", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "基于 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻译插件 - Raycast extension for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻译插件 - Raycast extension for translation based on ChatGPT API.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIに基づいたRaycast翻訳プラグイン - ChatGPT APIに基づいたRaycast翻訳拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "基于 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻译插件 - 基于 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻译扩展。", "zh-hant": "基於 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻譯插件 - 基於 ChatGPT API 的 Raycast 翻譯插件。" } }, "https://github.com/ai-prompt-genius/ai-prompt-genius": { "repository_name": "AI-Prompt-Genius", "user_name": "AI-Prompt-Genius", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Curate a custom library of AI Prompts", "topics": [ "ai", "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Curate a custom library of AI Prompts", "ja": "AIプロンプトのカスタムライブラリをキュレーションする", "zh-hans": "策划一个定制的人工智能提示库", "zh-hant": "精心策劃一個定制的AI提示圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/dhravya/supermemory": { "repository_name": "supermemory", "user_name": "Dhravya", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.", "topics": [ "cloudflare-ai", "cloudflare-browser-rendering", "cloudflare-d1", "cloudflare-kv", "cloudflare-pages", "cloudflare-queues", "cloudflare-vectorize", "cloudflare-workers", "drizzle-orm", "nextjs", "nextjs14", "tailwindcss", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.", "ja": "スーパーメモリを使って自分だけの第二の脳を構築しましょう。それはあなたのブックマーク用のChatGPTです。ツイートをインポートしたり、Chrome拡張機能を使ってウェブサイトやコンテンツを保存できます。", "zh-hans": "用超级记忆力建立自己的第二大脑。这是您书签的ChatGPT。使用Chrome扩展程序导入推文或保存网站和内容。", "zh-hant": "用超级记忆力建立您自己的第二大脑。这是您书签的ChatGPT。使用Chrome扩展程序导入推文或保存网站和内容。" } }, "https://github.com/josephrocca/opencharacters": { "repository_name": "OpenCharacters", "user_name": "josephrocca", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Simple little web interface for creating characters and chatting with them. It's basically a single HTML file - no server. Share characters using a link (character data is stored within the URL itself). All chat data is stored in your browser using IndexedDB. Currently supports OpenAI APIs and ~any Hugging Face model.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple little web interface for creating characters and chatting with them. It's basically a single HTML file - no server. Share characters using a link (character data is stored within the URL itself). All chat data is stored in your browser using Indexed", "ja": "シンプルなウェブインターフェースでキャラクターを作成し、それらとチャットするためのものです。基本的には単一のHTMLファイルで、サーバーは必要ありません。キャラクターはリンクを使用して共有します(キャラクターデータはURL自体に保存されます)。すべてのチャットデータはIndexedを使用してブラウザに保存されます。", "zh-hans": "一个简单的小型网络界面,用于创建角色并与他们聊天。基本上是一个单独的HTML文件 - 没有服务器。使用链接分享角色(角色数据存储在URL本身中)。所有聊天数据都存储在您的浏览器中,使用Indexed。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的小型網頁界面,用於創建角色並與他們聊天。基本上是一個單獨的HTML文件 - 沒有伺服器。使用連結分享角色(角色數據存儲在URL本身中)。所有聊天數據都存儲在您的瀏覽器中,使用Indexed。" } }, "https://github.com/szczyglis-dev/py-gpt": { "repository_name": "py-gpt", "user_name": "szczyglis-dev", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Desktop AI Assistant powered by GPT-4, GPT-4 Vision, GPT-3.5, DALL-E 3, Langchain, Llama-index, chat, vision, image generation and analysis, autonomous agents, code and command execution, file upload and download, speech synthesis and recognition, web access, memory, context storage, prompt presets, plugins, assistants & more. Linux, Windows, Mac.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-assistant", "api", "artificial-intelligence", "autonomous-agent", "chatbot", "completion", "dalle-3", "desktop-app", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-vision", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "image-generation", "langchain", "llama-index", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Desktop AI Assistant powered by GPT-4, GPT-4 Vision, GPT-3.5, DALL-E 3, Langchain, Llama-index, chat, vision, image generation and analysis, autonomous agents, code and command execution, file upload and download, speech synthesis and recognition, web acce", "ja": "GPT-4、GPT-4 Vision、GPT-3.5、DALL-E 3、Langchain、Llama-indexなどを搭載したデスクトップAIアシスタント。チャット、ビジョン、画像生成と解析、自律エージェント、コードとコマンドの実行、ファイルのアップロードとダウンロード、音声合成と認識、Webアクセスを提供します。", "zh-hans": "由GPT-4、GPT-4 Vision、GPT-3.5、DALL-E 3、Langchain、Llama-index等技术驱动的桌面AI助手,具有聊天、视觉、图像生成和分析、自主代理、代码和命令执行、文件上传和下载、语音合成和识别、网络访问等功能。", "zh-hant": "由GPT-4、GPT-4 Vision、GPT-3.5、DALL-E 3、Langchain、Llama-index驅動的桌面AI助手,具備聊天、視覺、圖像生成和分析、自主代理、代碼和命令執行、文件上傳和下載、語音合成和識別、網頁訪問功能。" } }, "https://github.com/l-a-r-t/chatgpt-to-notion": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-to-notion", "user_name": "L-a-r-t", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT to Notion brings the cleverness of ChatGPT right into your Notion workspace!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "notion", "plasmo", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT to Notion brings the cleverness of ChatGPT right into your Notion workspace!", "ja": "ChatGPT to Notionは、ChatGPTの賢さをあなたのNotionワークスペースに直接もたらします!", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT to Notion 将 ChatGPT 的智能直接带入您的 Notion 工作空间!", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT to Notion 將 ChatGPT 的智慧帶入您的 Notion 工作區!" } }, "https://github.com/dense-analysis/neural": { "repository_name": "neural", "user_name": "dense-analysis", "language": "Vim Script", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI Vim/Neovim code generation plugin (OpenAI, ChatGPT, and more)", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "code-generation", "gpt-3", "linux", "llm", "machine-learning", "macos", "neovim", "openai", "vim", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Vim/Neovim code generation plugin (OpenAI, ChatGPT, and more)", "ja": "AI Vim/Neovimコード生成プラグイン(OpenAI、ChatGPTなど)AI Vim/Neovimコード生成プラグイン(OpenAI、ChatGPT、その他)", "zh-hans": "AI Vim/Neovim 代码生成插件(OpenAI,ChatGPT 等)", "zh-hant": "AI Vim/Neovim 代碼生成插件(OpenAI、ChatGPT 等)" } }, "https://github.com/kyegomez/sophia": { "repository_name": "Sophia", "user_name": "kyegomez", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": " Effortless plugin and play Optimizer to cut model training costs by 50%. New optimizer that is 2x faster than Adam on LLMs.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "multi-modality", "neural-network", "optimizer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Effortless plugin and play Optimizer to cut model training costs by 50%. New optimizer that is 2x faster than Adam on LLMs.", "ja": "モデルトレーニングコストを50%削減するための簡単なプラグインとプレイ最適化ツール。LLMsにおいてAdamより2倍高速な新しい最適化ツール。", "zh-hans": "轻松插件和播放优化器,可将模型训练成本降低50%。新的优化器在LLMs上比Adam快2倍。", "zh-hant": "輕鬆插件和播放優化器,可將模型訓練成本降低50%。新的優化器比Adam在LLMs上快2倍。" } }, "https://github.com/horrorpills/chatgpt-gnome-desktop-extension": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Gnome-Desktop-Extension", "user_name": "HorrorPills", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT Gnome Desktop Extension | Talk with ChatGPT from your menubar!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Gnome Desktop Extension | Talk with ChatGPT from your menubar!", "ja": "ChatGPTノームデスクトップ拡張機能 | メニューバーからChatGPTとお話しよう!", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Gnome桌面扩展 | 从您的菜单栏与ChatGPT交谈!", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 圖形桌面擴展 | 從您的選單欄與 ChatGPT 對話!" } }, "https://github.com/stellarsand/privacy-settings": { "repository_name": "privacy-settings", "user_name": "StellarSand", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Guide to privacy settings for most major softwares and services.", "topics": [ "amazon", "android", "brave", "chatgpt", "digital-privacy", "edge", "facebook", "firefox", "google", "instagram", "privacy", "privacy-online", "privacy-tools", "security", "signal", "twitter", "vivaldi", "windows", "windows-10", "windows-11" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Guide to privacy settings for most major softwares and services.", "ja": "主要なソフトウェアやサービスのプライバシー設定ガイド", "zh-hans": "大多数主要软件和服务的隐私设置指南。", "zh-hant": "大多數主要軟件和服務的隱私設置指南。" } }, "https://github.com/well2333/nonebot-plugin-bilichat": { "repository_name": "nonebot-plugin-bilichat", "user_name": "Well2333", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "一个通过 OpenAI 来对b站视频进行总结的多功能 B站解析插件", "topics": [ "bilibili", "chatgpt", "newbing", "nonebot-plugin", "nonebot2", "openai", "summarizer", "summary" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A multi-functional B station analysis plugin that summarizes B station videos through OpenAI.", "ja": "OpenAIを使用してBilibili動画を要約する多機能なBilibili解析プラグイン", "zh-hans": "一个通过 OpenAI 来对b站视频进行总结的多功能 B站解析插件一个能够通过 OpenAI 对b站视频进行总结的多功能 B站解析插件", "zh-hant": "一個透過 OpenAI 來對b站視頻進行總結的多功能 B站解析插件" } }, "https://github.com/tisfeng/raycast-easydict": { "repository_name": "Raycast-Easydict", "user_name": "tisfeng", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A Raycast Extension for looking up words or translating text in an easy way. Support 48+ languages, support Linguee and Youdao dictionary, support OpenAI, DeepL, Google, Bing, Apple, Baidu, Tencent, Volcano, Youdao and Caiyun translation.", "topics": [ "apple", "baidu", "bing", "caiyun", "chatgpt", "deepl", "dictionary", "eudic", "google", "linguee", "openai", "raycast", "shortcuts", "tencent", "translate", "translator", "volcano", "youdao" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Raycast Extension for looking up words or translating text in an easy way. Support 48+ languages, support Linguee and Youdao dictionary, support OpenAI, DeepL, Google, Bing, Apple, Baidu, Tencent, Volcano, Youdao and Caiyun translation.", "ja": "簡単な方法で単語を検索したりテキストを翻訳するためのRaycast拡張機能。48以上の言語をサポートし、LingueeやYoudao辞書をサポートし、OpenAI、DeepL、Google、Bing、Apple、Baidu、Tencent、Volcano、Youdao、Caiyunの翻訳をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "一个用于查找单词或翻译文本的射线投射扩展。支持48种以上语言,支持Linguee和Youdao词典,支持OpenAI、DeepL、Google、Bing、Apple、百度、腾讯、火山、有道和彩云翻译。", "zh-hant": "一個用於輕鬆查詞或翻譯文本的Raycast擴展。支持48種以上語言,支持Linguee和Youdao詞典,支持OpenAI、DeepL、Google、Bing、蘋果、百度、騰訊、火山、有道和彩雲翻譯。" } }, "https://github.com/gsuuon/model.nvim": { "repository_name": "model.nvim", "user_name": "gsuuon", "language": "Lua", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Neovim plugin for interacting with LLM's and building editor integrated prompts.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "llm", "neovim", "neovim-plugin", "nvim", "nvim-plugin", "openai", "palm", "prompt-engineering", "prompts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Neovim plugin for interacting with LLM's and building editor integrated prompts.", "ja": "LLMとエディター統合プロンプトとのやり取りを行うためのNeovimプラグイン", "zh-hans": "Neovim插件,用于与LLM进行交互并构建集成在编辑器中的提示。", "zh-hant": "Neovim插件,用於與LLM互動並構建編輯器集成提示。" } }, "https://github.com/mayt/browsergpt": { "repository_name": "BrowserGPT", "user_name": "mayt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Command your browser with GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Command your browser with GPT", "ja": "GPTを使用してブラウザを操作します。", "zh-hans": "用GPT指挥您的浏览器", "zh-hant": "使用GPT指令控制您的瀏覽器" } }, "https://github.com/jeffdapaz/visualchatgptstudio": { "repository_name": "VisualChatGPTStudio", "user_name": "jeffdapaz", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Add chatGPT functionalities directly on Visual Studio", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "extension", "openai", "visual-studio" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Add chatGPT functionalities directly on Visual Studio", "ja": "Visual Studioに直接chatGPT機能を追加します。", "zh-hans": "在Visual Studio上直接添加chatGPT功能", "zh-hant": "將chatGPT功能直接添加到Visual Studio" } }, "https://github.com/apify/crawlee-python": { "repository_name": "crawlee-python", "user_name": "apify", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.", "topics": [ "apify", "automation", "beautifulsoup", "crawler", "crawling", "headless", "headless-chrome", "pip", "playwright", "python", "scraper", "scraping", "web-crawler", "web-crawling", "web-scraping" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both head", "ja": "Crawlee—Python向けの信頼性の高いクローラーを構築するためのWebスクレイピングおよびブラウザ自動化ライブラリ。AI、LLMs、RAG、またはGPTs向けのデータを抽出します。ウェブサイトからHTML、PDF、JPG、PNGなどのファイルをダウンロードします。BeautifulSoup、Playwright、および生のHTTPと連携します。両方のヘッドで動作します。", "zh-hans": "Crawlee - 一个用于Python的网络爬虫和浏览器自动化库,用于构建可靠的爬虫。提取数据用于AI、LLMs、RAG或GPTs。从网站下载HTML、PDF、JPG、PNG和其他文件。与BeautifulSoup、Playwright和原始HTTP一起使用。支持头部。", "zh-hant": "Crawlee-一個用於Python的網頁爬蟲和瀏覽器自動化庫,用於構建可靠的爬蟲。從網站提取數據,用於AI、LLMs、RAG或GPTs。從網站下載HTML、PDF、JPG、PNG和其他文件。與BeautifulSoup、Playwright和原始HTTP一起使用。支持headless模式。" } }, "https://github.com/supermemoryai/supermemory": { "repository_name": "supermemory", "user_name": "supermemoryai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.", "topics": [ "cloudflare-ai", "cloudflare-browser-rendering", "cloudflare-d1", "cloudflare-kv", "cloudflare-pages", "cloudflare-queues", "cloudflare-vectorize", "cloudflare-workers", "drizzle-orm", "nextjs", "nextjs14", "tailwindcss", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build your own second brain with supermemory. It's a ChatGPT for your bookmarks. Import tweets or save websites and content using the chrome extension.", "ja": "スーパーメモリーを使って自分だけの第二の脳を構築しましょう。それはあなたのブックマーク用のChatGPTです。ツイートをインポートしたり、Chrome拡張機能を使ってウェブサイトやコンテンツを保存したりできます。", "zh-hans": "用超级记忆力建立自己的第二大脑。这是您书签的ChatGPT。使用Chrome扩展程序导入推文或保存网站和内容。", "zh-hant": "用超級記憶力建立您自己的第二大腦。這是您書籤的ChatGPT。使用Chrome擴展程序導入推文或保存網站和內容。" } }, "https://github.com/significant-gravitas/auto-gpt-plugin-template": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT-Plugin-Template", "user_name": "Significant-Gravitas", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A starting point for developing your own plug-in for Auto-GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A starting point for developing your own plug-in for Auto-GPT", "ja": "Auto-GPTのための独自のプラグインを開発するための出発点", "zh-hans": "为开发您自己的Auto-GPT插件提供一个起点", "zh-hant": "開發自己的Auto-GPT插件的起點" } }, "https://github.com/alondmnt/joplin-plugin-jarvis": { "repository_name": "joplin-plugin-jarvis", "user_name": "alondmnt", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Joplin (note-taking) assistant running a very intelligent system (OpenAI/GPT, Hugging Face, Gemini, Llama, Universal Sentence Encoder, etc.)", "topics": [ "assistant", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt4all", "huggingface", "llm", "note-taking", "palm", "semantic-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Joplin (note-taking) assistant running a very intelligent system (OpenAI/GPT, Hugging Face, Gemini, Llama, Universal Sentence Encoder, etc.)", "ja": "Joplin(ノートテイキング)アシスタントが非常にインテリジェントなシステム(OpenAI/GPT、Hugging Face、Gemini、Llama、Universal Sentence Encoderなど)を実行しています。", "zh-hans": "Joplin(笔记)助手运行一个非常智能的系统(OpenAI/GPT、Hugging Face、Gemini、Llama、Universal Sentence Encoder等)。", "zh-hant": "Joplin(筆記)助手運行一個非常智能的系統(OpenAI/GPT、Hugging Face、Gemini、Llama、Universal Sentence Encoder等)。" } }, "https://github.com/ryan-yang125/chatllm-web": { "repository_name": "ChatLLM-Web", "user_name": "Ryan-yang125", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🗣️ Chat with LLM like Vicuna totally in your browser with WebGPU, safely, privately, and with no server. Powered by web llm.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "llm", "nextjs", "pwa", "react", "tvm", "vicuna", "webgpu", "webml" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🗣️ Chat with LLM like Vicuna totally in your browser with WebGPU, safely, privately, and with no server. Powered by web llm.", "ja": "🗣️ WebGPUを使用して、安全かつプライベートに、サーバーなしでVicunaのようなLLMと完全にブラウザでチャットします。Web llmによって提供されます。", "zh-hans": "使用WebGPU在浏览器中与像维库纳一样的LLM进行安全、私密且无服务器的聊天。由web llm 提供支持。", "zh-hant": "🗣️ 在您的浏览器中完全与Vicuna一样与LLM聊天,使用WebGPU安全、私密且无需服务器。由web llm 提供支持。" } }, "https://github.com/xinthedark/raycast-g4f": { "repository_name": "raycast-g4f", "user_name": "XInTheDark", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Raycast extension to use GPT-4, Llama-3, and more... all for FREE. No API Key required!", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "free-gpt", "gemini", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt4free", "llama3", "raycast-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Raycast extension to use GPT-4, Llama-3, and more... all for FREE. No API Key required!", "ja": "GPT-4、Llama-3などを無料で使用するRaycast拡張機能。APIキーは不要です!", "zh-hans": "射线投射扩展程序,可免费使用GPT-4、Llama-3等等...无需API密钥!", "zh-hant": "將Raycast擴展使用GPT-4、Llama-3等等...全部免費。無需API密鑰!" } }, "https://github.com/openai-translator/bob-plugin-openai-polisher": { "repository_name": "bob-plugin-openai-polisher", "user_name": "openai-translator", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Other", "description": "使用 OpenAI API 给文本进行润色和语法纠错的 Bob 插件!完美代替 Grammarly!Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "topics": [ "bobplugin", "chatgpt", "gpt", "grammarly", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use the Bob plugin to polish and correct the grammar of the text using the OpenAI API! A perfect alternative to Grammarly! Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "ja": "OpenAI APIを使用してテキストを磨き、文法を修正するBobプラグイン!Grammarlyの完璧な代替品!CC BY-NC-SA 4.0のライセンスに基づいています。", "zh-hans": "使用 OpenAI API 给文本进行润色和语法纠错的 Bob 插件!完美代替 Grammarly!根据 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可证授权。", "zh-hant": "使用 OpenAI API 給文本進行潤色和語法校正的 Bob 插件!完美代替 Grammarly!根據 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 授權。" } }, "https://github.com/giosilvi/gpt-prompter": { "repository_name": "GPT-Prompter", "user_name": "giosilvi", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons", "topics": [ "chat", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon", "gpt3", "gpt4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Browser extension to get a fast prompt (of the selected text) for OpenAI`s GPT-3, GPT-4 & ChatGPT API . Available in the Chrome web store and Firefox browser add-ons", "ja": "選択したテキストの高速プロンプトを取得するためのブラウザ拡張機能、OpenAIのGPT-3、GPT-4、ChatGPT API用。ChromeウェブストアとFirefoxブラウザアドオンで利用可能。", "zh-hans": "浏览器扩展,可快速获取OpenAI的GPT-3、GPT-4和ChatGPT API的提示(所选文本)。在Chrome网络商店和Firefox浏览器插件中可用。", "zh-hant": "瀏覽器擴展,可快速獲取OpenAI的GPT-3、GPT-4和ChatGPT API的提示(所選文本)。在Chrome網上商店和Firefox瀏覽器附加元件中提供。" } }, "https://github.com/mlc-ai/web-llm-chat": { "repository_name": "web-llm-chat", "user_name": "mlc-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Chat with AI large language models running natively in your browser. Enjoy private, server-free, seamless AI conversations.", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chat-application", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gemma", "generative-ai", "hermes", "large-language-models", "llama", "llm", "mistral", "nextjs", "phi2", "privacy", "qwen", "redpajama", "tinyllama", "webgpu" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with AI large language models running natively in your browser. Enjoy private, server-free, seamless AI conversations.", "ja": "ブラウザでネイティブに実行されているAI大規模言語モデルとチャットしてください。プライベートで、サーバーレスで、シームレスなAI会話をお楽しみください。Output: ブラウザでネイティブに実行されているAI大規模言語モデルとチャットしてください。プライベートで、サーバーレスで、シームレスなAI会話をお楽しみください。", "zh-hans": "与在您的浏览器中本地运行的AI大型语言模型聊天。享受私密、无服务器、无缝的AI对话。", "zh-hant": "與在您的瀏覽器原生運行的AI大型語言模型聊天。享受私密、無服務器、無縫的AI對話。" } }, "https://github.com/interstellard/chatgpt-advanced": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-advanced", "user_name": "interstellard", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.", "topics": [ "ai", "browser-extension", "chatgpt", "chrome-extension", "firefox-addon", "firefox-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.", "ja": "WebChatGPT:ChatGPTのプロンプトをWebの結果で補完するブラウザ拡張機能。", "zh-hans": "WebChatGPT:一款浏览器扩展,可以通过网络结果增强您的ChatGPT提示。", "zh-hant": "WebChatGPT:一款瀏覽器擴展,可通過網絡搜索結果增強您的ChatGPT提示。" } }, "https://github.com/feder-cr/linkedin_auto_jobs_applier_with_ai": { "repository_name": "linkedIn_auto_jobs_applier_with_AI", "user_name": "feder-cr", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "LinkedIn_AIHawk is a tool that automates the jobs application process on LinkedIn. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple job offers in an automated and personalized way.", "topics": [ "application-resume", "automate", "automation", "bot", "challenge", "chatgpt", "chrome", "gpt", "job", "jobsearch", "jobseeker", "linkedin-api", "linkedin-scraper", "opeai", "python", "python3", "resume", "scraper", "scraping", "selenium" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LinkedIn_AIHawk is a tool that automates the jobs application process on LinkedIn. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple job offers in an automated and personalized way.", "ja": "LinkedIn_AIHawkは、LinkedIn上の求人応募プロセスを自動化するツールです。人工知能を活用して、ユーザーが複数の求人に自動化された個人的な方法で応募できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "LinkedIn_AIHawk是一个工具,可以自动化LinkedIn上的求职申请流程。利用人工智能技术,它使用户能够以自动化和个性化的方式申请多个工作机会。", "zh-hant": "LinkedIn_AIHawk 是一個工具,可以自動化在 LinkedIn 上的工作申請流程。利用人工智能,它使用者可以以自動化和個性化的方式申請多個工作機會。" } }, "https://github.com/wstxda/plugin-voicegpt": { "repository_name": "Plugin-VoiceGPT", "user_name": "WSTxda", "language": "Kotlin", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Use ChatGPT instead of Google Assistant", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT instead of Google Assistant", "ja": "Googleアシスタントの代わりにChatGPTを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT代替谷歌助手", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT代替Google助手" } }, "https://github.com/olimorris/codecompanion.nvim": { "repository_name": "codecompanion.nvim", "user_name": "olimorris", "language": "Lua", "license": "MIT License", "description": "✨ A Copilot Chat experience in Neovim, complete with inline assistant. Supports Anthropic, Gemini, Ollama and OpenAI LLMs", "topics": [ "anthropic", "chatgpt", "claude", "claude-3-5-sonnet", "copilot", "copilot-chat", "gemini", "google-gemini", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "gpt4o", "llm", "neovim", "nvim", "nvim-plugin", "ollama", "openai", "plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✨ A Copilot Chat experience in Neovim, complete with inline assistant. Supports Anthropic, Gemini, Ollama and OpenAI LLMs", "ja": "✨ NeovimでのCopilot Chat体験、インラインアシスタント付き。Anthropic、Gemini、Ollama、OpenAI LLMsをサポートします。", "zh-hans": "✨ 在Neovim中的Copilot聊天体验,配有内联助手。支持Anthropic、Gemini、Ollama和OpenAI LLMs", "zh-hant": "✨ 在Neovim中的Copilot Chat體驗,配有內置助手。支持Anthropic、Gemini、Ollama和OpenAI LLMs。" } }, "https://github.com/mlt-oss/open-assistant-api": { "repository_name": "open-assistant-api", "user_name": "MLT-OSS", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The Open Assistant API is a ready-to-use, open-source, self-hosted agent/gpts orchestration creation framework, supporting customized extensions for LLM, RAG, function call, and tools capabilities. It also supports seamless integration with the openai/langchain sdk.", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "assistants", "assistants-api", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpts", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-assistants", "openai-assistants-api", "python", "rag", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Open Assistant API is a ready-to-use, open-source, self-hosted agent/gpts orchestration creation framework, supporting customized extensions for LLM, RAG, function call, and tools capabilities. It also supports seamless integration with the openai/lang", "ja": "Open Assistant APIは、使用準備が整っており、オープンソースで自己ホスト型のエージェント/gptsオーケストレーション作成フレームワークであり、LLM、RAG、関数呼び出し、およびツールの機能にカスタマイズされた拡張をサポートしています。また、openai/langとのシームレスな統合もサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Open Assistant API是一个即插即用的开源自托管代理/ GPTS编排创建框架,支持LLM、RAG、函数调用和工具功能的定制扩展。它还支持与openai/lang的无缝集成。", "zh-hant": "Open Assistant API 是一個即用即棄、開源、自主託管的代理/ gpts 編排創建框架,支持 LLM、RAG、函數調用和工具功能的定制擴展。它還支持與 openai/lang 的無縫集成。" } }, "https://github.com/frankroeder/parrot.nvim": { "repository_name": "parrot.nvim", "user_name": "frankroeder", "language": "Lua", "license": "Other", "description": "parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.", "topics": [ "anthropic", "chatgpt", "claude-3-5-sonnet", "gemini", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "gpts", "groq-api", "large-language-models", "llm", "mistral", "neovim", "nvim", "ollama", "openai", "openai-api", "perplexity", "plugin", "prompting", "stochastic-parrot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.", "ja": "Input: parrot.nvim 🦜 - the plugin that brings stochastic parrots to Neovim. This is a gp.nvim-fork focused on simplicity.Output: parrot.nvim 🦜 - ネオビムに確率的なオウムをもたらすプラグイン。これはシンプリシティに焦点を当てたgp.nvimのフォークです。", "zh-hans": "鹦鹉.nvim 🦜 - 将随机鹦鹉带入Neovim的插件。这是一个专注于简单性的gp.nvim分支。", "zh-hant": "鸚鵡.nvim 🦜 - 將隨機鸚鵡帶入 Neovim 的插件。這是一個專注於簡潔的 gp.nvim 分支。" } } }, "CLIs": { "https://github.com/acheong08/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT", "user_name": "acheong08", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "Reverse engineered ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "gpt-35-turbo", "gptchat", "library", "pypi-package", "revchatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT API reverse engineered.", "ja": "ChatGPT APIのリバースエンジニアリング", "zh-hans": "反向工程ChatGPT API", "zh-hant": "反向工程 ChatGPT API" } }, "https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-api", "user_name": "transitive-bullshit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Node.js client for the official ChatGPT API. 🔥", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Node.js client for the official ChatGPT API. 🔥", "ja": "公式ChatGPT APIのためのNode.jsクライアント。🔥", "zh-hans": "官方ChatGPT API的Node.js客户端。🔥", "zh-hant": "官方ChatGPT API的Node.js客戶端。🔥" } }, "https://github.com/ther1d/shell_gpt": { "repository_name": "shell_gpt", "user_name": "TheR1D", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A command-line productivity tool powered by ChatGPT, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.", "topics": [ "bash", "chatgpt", "cheat-sheet", "cli", "gpt-3", "linux", "openai", "productivity", "python", "shell", "terminal" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A command-line productivity tool powered by ChatGPT, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently.", "ja": "ChatGPTを搭載したコマンドライン生産性ツールは、タスクをより迅速かつ効率的に達成するのに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "一个由ChatGPT驱动的命令行生产力工具,将帮助您更快、更高效地完成任务。", "zh-hant": "一個由ChatGPT驅動的命令行生產力工具,將幫助您更快更有效地完成任務。" } }, "https://github.com/dfinke/powershellai": { "repository_name": "PowerShellAI", "user_name": "dfinke", "language": "PowerShell", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "PowerShell AI module for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PowerShell AI module for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E", "ja": "OpenAI GPT-3とDALL-EのためのPowerShell AIモジュール", "zh-hans": "PowerShell AI模块,用于OpenAI GPT-3和DALL-E。", "zh-hant": "PowerShell AI 模組,適用於 OpenAI GPT-3 和 DALL-E。" } }, "https://github.com/rawandahmad698/pychatgpt": { "repository_name": "PyChatGPT", "user_name": "rawandahmad698", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "⚡️ Python client for the unofficial ChatGPT API with auto token regeneration, conversation tracking, proxy support and more.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡️ Python client for the unofficial ChatGPT API with auto token regeneration, conversation tracking, proxy support and more.", "ja": "⚡️非公式ChatGPT APIのPythonクライアント。自動トークン再生成、会話トラッキング、プロキシサポートなどがあります。", "zh-hans": "⚡️Python客户端,用于非官方ChatGPT API,具有自动令牌再生、对话跟踪、代理支持等功能。", "zh-hant": "⚡️ Python 客戶端,用於非官方 ChatGPT API,具有自動令牌再生、對話追踪、代理支持等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/mmabrouk/chatgpt-wrapper": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-wrapper", "user_name": "mmabrouk", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "API for interacting with ChatGPT and GPT4 using Python and from Shell.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt3", "gpt4", "llm", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "API for interacting with ChatGPT and GPT4 using Python and from Shell.", "ja": "PythonとシェルからChatGPTとGPT4とのやり取りを行うためのAPI。", "zh-hans": "使用Python和Shell与ChatGPT和GPT4进行交互的API。", "zh-hant": "使用Python和Shell與ChatGPT和GPT4互動的API。" } }, "https://github.com/npiv/chatblade": { "repository_name": "chatblade", "user_name": "npiv", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A CLI Swiss Army Knife for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A CLI Swiss Army Knife for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのためのCLIスイスアーミーナイフ", "zh-hans": "一个适用于ChatGPT的CLI瑞士军刀", "zh-hant": "一個用於ChatGPT的CLI瑞士軍刀" } }, "https://github.com/yidadaa/chatgpt-next-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Next-Web", "user_name": "Yidadaa", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Other", "description": "一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。 One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nextjs", "vercel", "web", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT 网页服务。 One-Click to deploy your own ChatGPT web UI.", "ja": "一クリックで自分自身のChatGPTウェブUIを展開する。", "zh-hans": "一键部署你自己的ChatGPT网页界面。", "zh-hant": "一鍵擁有你自己的 ChatGPT 網頁服務。" } }, "https://github.com/abhagsain/ai-cli": { "repository_name": "ai-cli", "user_name": "abhagsain", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Get answers for CLI commands from GPT3 right from your terminal", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "cli", "gpt3", "gpt3-cli", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get answers for CLI commands from GPT3 right from your terminal", "ja": "ターミナルからCLIコマンドの回答をGPT3から取得する。", "zh-hans": "从您的终端直接获取GPT3 CLI命令的答案", "zh-hant": "從您的終端機直接從GPT3獲取CLI命令的答案" } }, "https://github.com/waylaidwanderer/node-chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "node-chatgpt-api", "user_name": "waylaidwanderer", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.", "topics": [ "api", "api-rest", "api-server", "bing", "bing-api", "bing-chat", "bing-search", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cli", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "javascript", "nodejs", "npm", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.", "ja": "ChatGPTとBing AIのクライアント実装。Node.jsモジュール、REST APIサーバー、CLIアプリとして利用可能。", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT和Bing AI的客户端实现。可作为Node.js模块、REST API服务器和CLI应用程序使用。", "zh-hant": "一個用於 ChatGPT 和 Bing AI 的客戶端實現。可用作 Node.js 模塊、REST API 服務器和 CLI 應用程序。" } }, "https://github.com/chathub-dev/chathub": { "repository_name": "chathub", "user_name": "chathub-dev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "All-in-one chatbot client", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "All-in-one chatbot client", "ja": "オールインワンチャットボットクライアント", "zh-hans": "全能聊天机器人客户端", "zh-hant": "全能聊天機器人客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/greshake/alice": { "repository_name": "Alice", "user_name": "greshake", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Giving ChatGPT access to a real terminal", "topics": [ "gptchat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Giving ChatGPT access to a real terminal", "ja": "ChatGPTに実際の端末へのアクセスを許可する。", "zh-hans": "授权ChatGPT访问真实终端。", "zh-hant": "授予 ChatGPT 使用真實終端機的權限" } }, "https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-shell", "user_name": "xenodium", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Minimal ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dall-e", "emacs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Minimal ChatGPT and DALL-E Emacs shells", "ja": "最小限のChatGPTとDALL-E Emacsシェル", "zh-hans": "最小化的ChatGPT和DALL-E Emacs外壳", "zh-hant": "極簡聊天GPT和DALL-E Emacs外殼" } }, "https://github.com/zurawiki/gptcommit": { "repository_name": "gptcommit", "user_name": "zurawiki", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3. ", "topics": [ "cli", "git", "githook", "large-language-models", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3.", "ja": "GPT-3を使用してコミットメッセージを作成するためのgit prepare-commit-msgフック。", "zh-hans": "一个使用GPT-3编写提交信息的git prepare-commit-msg钩子。", "zh-hant": "一個使用GPT-3撰寫提交訊息的git prepare-commit-msg鉤子。" } }, "https://github.com/jseguillon/acli": { "repository_name": "acli", "user_name": "jseguillon", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Assisted command line, powered by Open AI's API", "topics": [ "ai", "assistant", "command-line", "shell" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Assisted command line, powered by Open AI's API", "ja": "Open AIのAPIによって動力を得た支援コマンドライン", "zh-hans": "辅助命令行,由Open AI的API提供动力", "zh-hant": "輔助命令行,由Open AI的API驅動。" } }, "https://github.com/transitive-bullshit/bing-chat": { "repository_name": "bing-chat", "user_name": "transitive-bullshit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Node.js client for Bing's new AI-powered search. It's like ChatGPT on steroids 🔥", "topics": [ "ai", "bing", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Node.js client for Bing's new AI-powered search. It's like ChatGPT on steroids 🔥", "ja": "Bingの新しいAI搭載検索のためのNode.jsクライアントです。それはステロイドを使用したChatGPTのようです🔥", "zh-hans": "Bing的新AI搜索的Node.js客户端。就像加强版的ChatGPT🔥。", "zh-hant": "Bing的新AI動力搜索的Node.js客戶端。就像ChatGPT加強版🔥一樣。" } }, "https://github.com/nutlope/aicommits": { "repository_name": "aicommits", "user_name": "Nutlope", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI", "ja": "AIを使ってあなたのGitコミットメッセージを自動生成するCLI", "zh-hans": "一个使用人工智能为您编写git提交信息的CLI", "zh-hant": "一個使用人工智慧為您撰寫 Git 提交訊息的 CLI" } }, "https://github.com/otiai10/openaigo": { "repository_name": "openaigo", "user_name": "otiai10", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT API Client Library for Go, simple, less dependencies, and well-tested", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt3", "go", "golang", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT API Client Library for Go, simple, less dependencies, and well-tested", "ja": "OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT APIのGo用クライアントライブラリー。シンプルで依存関係が少なく、よくテストされています。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT API Go客户端库,简单、依赖少、经过充分测试。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI GPT3/3.5 ChatGPT API 的 Go 客戶端庫,簡單、少依賴、經過良好測試。" } }, "https://github.com/di-sukharev/opencommit": { "repository_name": "opencommit", "user_name": "di-sukharev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT CLI to auto-generate impressive commits in 1 second 🤯🔫", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-commit", "ai-commits", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "git", "gpt", "productivity" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use GPT CLI to automatically generate impressive commits in just one second. Mind-blowing! 🔥", "ja": "1秒で印象的なコミットを自動生成するためのGPT CLI 🤯🔫", "zh-hans": "使用GPT CLI自动生成令人印象深刻的提交,仅需1秒钟🤯🔫", "zh-hant": "使用GPT CLI在1秒內自動生成令人印象深刻的提交🤯🔫" } }, "https://github.com/jseguillon/chat-gpt-cli": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-cli", "user_name": "jseguillon", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "PhantomJS QUnit testrunner which export results to JUnit XML format and coverage to Cobertura XML format to use with CI tools like Jenkins.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PhantomJS QUnit testrunner which export results to JUnit XML format and coverage to Cobertura XML format to use with CI tools like Jenkins.", "ja": "PhantomJS QUnitテストランナーは、JenkinsなどのCIツールで使用するために、結果をJUnit XML形式にエクスポートし、カバレッジをCobertura XML形式にエクスポートします。", "zh-hans": "PhantomJS QUnit测试运行器,将结果导出为JUnit XML格式,并将覆盖率导出为Cobertura XML格式,可用于与Jenkins等CI工具配合使用。", "zh-hant": "PhantomJS QUnit測試運行器,可將結果導出為JUnit XML格式,並將覆蓋率導出為Cobertura XML格式,以與Jenkins等CI工具一起使用。" } }, "https://github.com/openai-php/client": { "repository_name": "client", "user_name": "openai-php", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.", "topics": [ "api", "client", "codex", "gpt-3", "language", "natural", "openai", "php", "processing", "sdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API.", "ja": "⚡️ OpenAI PHPは、OpenAI APIとやり取りすることができる、コミュニティによってメンテナンスされた高速なPHP APIクライアントです。", "zh-hans": "⚡️ OpenAI PHP是一个超级强化的社区维护的PHP API客户端,允许您与OpenAI API进行交互。", "zh-hant": "⚡️ OpenAI PHP 是一個強化的社群維護 PHP API 客戶端,讓您可以與 OpenAI API 互動。" } }, "https://github.com/amachino/command-ai": { "repository_name": "command-ai", "user_name": "amachino", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI chatbot in your terminal, powered by OpenAI API", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "command-line-tool", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI chatbot in your terminal, powered by OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIによって動力化されたターミナル内のAIチャットボット", "zh-hans": "由OpenAI API驱动的终端AI聊天机器人", "zh-hant": "由OpenAI API驅動的終端AI聊天機器人" } }, "https://github.com/thehlopster/hfuzz": { "repository_name": "hfuzz", "user_name": "thehlopster", "language": null, "license": "The Unlicense", "description": "Wordlist for web fuzzing, made from a variety of reliable sources including: result from my pentests, git.rip, ChatGPT, Lex, nuclei templates, web-scanners, seclist, bo0m, and more.", "topics": [ "fuzz", "fuzzing", "web-fuzzing", "wordlist" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Wordlist for web fuzzing, made from a variety of reliable sources including: result from my pentests, git.rip, ChatGPT, Lex, nuclei templates, web-scanners, seclist, bo0m, and more.", "ja": "私が行ったペントテストの結果、git.rip、ChatGPT、Lex、nucleiテンプレート、Webスキャナー、seclist、bo0mなど、信頼できるさまざまなソースから作成されたWebファジング用のワードリスト。", "zh-hans": "用于网络模糊测试的单词列表,由多个可靠来源制作,包括:我的渗透测试结果、git.rip、ChatGPT、Lex、核心模板、网络扫描器、seclist、bo0m等等。", "zh-hant": "網站模糊測試的單詞列表,由多個可靠來源製作,包括:我的測試結果、git.rip、ChatGPT、Lex、核心模板、網站掃描器、seclist、bo0m等等。" } }, "https://github.com/morpheuslord/gpt_vuln-analyzer": { "repository_name": "GPT_Vuln-analyzer", "user_name": "morpheuslord", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Uses ChatGPT API, Python-Nmap, DNS Recon modules and uses the GPT3 model to create vulnerability reports based on Nmap scan data, and DNS scan information. It can also perform subdomain enumeration to a great extent", "topics": [ "ai-vulnerability-analysis", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dns", "dns-enumeration", "dns-enumeration-ai", "dns-record", "hacking-tools", "information-gathering", "nmap", "nmap-api", "nmap-vulnerability", "nmap-vulnerability-analysis-ai", "openai", "terminal", "vulnerability-analysis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Uses ChatGPT API, Python-Nmap, DNS Recon modules and uses the GPT3 model to create vulnerability reports based on Nmap scan data, and DNS scan information. It can also perform subdomain enumeration to a great extent", "ja": "ChatGPT API、Python-Nmap、DNS Reconモジュールを使用し、NmapスキャンデータとDNSスキャン情報に基づいた脆弱性レポートを作成するためにGPT3モデルを使用します。また、サブドメイン列挙も大幅に実行できます。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT API、Python-Nmap、DNS Recon模块,并利用GPT3模型基于Nmap扫描数据和DNS扫描信息创建漏洞报告。它还可以大量执行子域枚举。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT API、Python-Nmap、DNS Recon模組,並使用GPT3模型根據Nmap掃描數據和DNS掃描信息創建漏洞報告。它還可以大量執行子域列舉。" } }, "https://github.com/abacaj/chatgpt-backup": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-backup", "user_name": "abacaj", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Single client side script to backup your entire ChatGPT conversation history", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt", "gpt-3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Single client side script to backup your entire ChatGPT conversation history", "ja": "ChatGPTの全会話履歴をバックアップするための単一のクライアントサイドスクリプト", "zh-hans": "单个客户端脚本备份您的整个ChatGPT聊天记录历史。", "zh-hant": "單個客戶端腳本,可備份您的整個ChatGPT對話歷史。" } }, "https://github.com/jucasoliveira/terminalgpt": { "repository_name": "terminalGPT", "user_name": "jucasoliveira", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get GPT like chatGPT on your terminal", "ja": "ターミナルでchatGPTのようなGPTを取得してください。", "zh-hans": "在您的终端上获取类似于chatGPT的GPT", "zh-hant": "在您的終端機上獲取像 chatGPT 一樣的 GPT" } }, "https://github.com/ddddddeon/a": { "repository_name": "a", "user_name": "ddddddeon", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "CLI tool to generate code from GPT3", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "CLI tool to generate code from GPT3", "ja": "GPT3からコードを生成するCLIツール", "zh-hans": "CLI工具,可从GPT3生成代码。", "zh-hant": "從GPT3生成代碼的CLI工具" } }, "https://github.com/m1guelpf/plz-cli": { "repository_name": "plz-cli", "user_name": "m1guelpf", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Copilot for your terminal", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Copilot for your terminal", "ja": "ターミナルのコパイロット", "zh-hans": "您的终端副驾驶", "zh-hant": "您的終端機副駕駛員" } }, "https://github.com/dylanjcastillo/shell-genie": { "repository_name": "shell-genie", "user_name": "dylanjcastillo", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Your wishes are my commands", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your wishes are my commands", "ja": "あなたの願いは私の命令です。", "zh-hans": "你的愿望就是我的命令。", "zh-hant": "你的願望就是我的命令。" } }, "https://github.com/amrrs/chatgpt-gsheets": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-gsheets", "user_name": "amrrs", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "[new] #chatgpt in sheets! 🤯integrate the #chatgpt #api in @googlesheets in a few clicks, @1littlecoder shows you how!use cases: #seo, #socialmedia, #marketing, you name it! 🔥- tutorial: code: cost: $2/million tokens! 🙃", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[new] #chatgpt in sheets! 🤯integrate the #chatgpt #api in @googlesheets in a few clicks, @1littlecoder shows you how!use cases: #seo, #socialmedia, #marketing, you name it! 🔥- tutorial: code: cost: $2/million tokens! 🙃", "ja": "[新着] #chatgptがシートに!🤯 #chatgpt #apiを@googlesheetsに数クリックで統合し、@1littlecoderが手順を示します!用途:#seo、#socialmedia、#marketing、あなたが名付けるもの!🔥- チュートリアル:code:cost:$2 /百万トークン!🙃", "zh-hans": "【新】#chatgpt在表格中!🤯只需点击几下,就可以在@googlesheets中集成#chatgpt #api,@1littlecoder向您展示如何操作!用例:#seo,#socialmedia,#marketing,应有尽有!🔥- 教程:代码:费用:每百万令牌2美元!🙃", "zh-hant": "【新消息】#chatgpt現已在表格中!🤯只需幾個點擊,即可在@googlesheets中整合#chatgpt #api,@1littlecoder向您展示如何操作!用途:#seo,#socialmedia,#marketing,應有盡有!🔥- 教程:code:cost:$2/百萬令牌!🙃" } }, "https://github.com/paij0se/cligpt": { "repository_name": "cligpt", "user_name": "paij0se", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT but in the terminal", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "golang", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT but in the terminal", "ja": "ターミナルでのChatGPT", "zh-hans": "在终端中的ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "在終端機中的 ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/sigoden/aichat": { "repository_name": "aichat", "user_name": "sigoden", "language": "Rust", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Using ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4 in the terminal.", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-cli", "gpt-35-turbo" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4 in the terminal.", "ja": "ターミナルでChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4を使用する。", "zh-hans": "在终端中使用ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4。", "zh-hant": "在終端機中使用ChatGPT/GPT-3.5/GPT-4。" } }, "https://github.com/zahidkhawaja/rusty": { "repository_name": "rusty", "user_name": "zahidkhawaja", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT-3 powered CLI tool to help you remember bash commands.", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "hacktoberfest", "language-model", "machine-learning", "openai", "rust", "rust-lang" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-3 powered CLI tool to help you remember bash commands.", "ja": "Bashコマンドを覚えるのを手助けするGPT-3パワードCLIツール。", "zh-hans": "GPT-3 动力的 CLI 工具,帮助您记住 bash 命令。", "zh-hant": "GPT-3 引擎驅動的 CLI 工具,可幫助您記住 bash 命令。" } }, "https://github.com/shorwood/gptsh": { "repository_name": "gptsh", "user_name": "shorwood", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT.sh is a CLI tool built with NodeJs and powered by Open AI's GPT-3. It's main purpose is to translate natural language questions and requests into shell commands.", "topics": [ "ai", "bash", "cli", "cmdxyz", "cross-platform", "gitpod", "gpt3", "natural-language-processing", "nlsh", "nodejs", "openai", "powershell" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT.sh is a CLI tool built with NodeJs and powered by Open AI's GPT-3. It's main purpose is to translate natural language questions and requests into shell commands.", "ja": "GPT.shはNodeJsで構築され、Open AIのGPT-3によって動力を得たCLIツールです。その主な目的は、自然言語の質問やリクエストをシェルコマンドに翻訳することです。", "zh-hans": "GPT.sh是一个使用NodeJs构建的CLI工具,由Open AI的GPT-3驱动。它的主要目的是将自然语言问题和请求转换为shell命令。", "zh-hant": "GPT.sh 是一個使用 NodeJs 構建的 CLI 工具,由 Open AI 的 GPT-3 驅動。它的主要目的是將自然語言問題和請求轉換為 shell 命令。" } }, "https://github.com/rgommezz/react-native-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "react-native-chatgpt", "user_name": "rgommezz", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A React Native wrapper around ChatGPT to seamlessly integrate it with your applications. It handles authentication, streamed responses, and keeping track of conversations. 100% client-side :robot:", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "react", "react-native" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A React Native wrapper around ChatGPT to seamlessly integrate it with your applications. It handles authentication, streamed responses, and keeping track of conversations. 100% client-side :robot:", "ja": "ChatGPTをアプリケーションにシームレスに統合するためのReact Nativeラッパーです。認証、ストリーミングレスポンス、会話の追跡を処理します。100%クライアントサイド :robot:", "zh-hans": "一个React Native封装的ChatGPT,可以无缝地将其与您的应用程序集成。它处理身份验证、流式响应和跟踪对话。100%客户端 :robot:", "zh-hant": "一個React Native封裝ChatGPT的工具,可以無縫地將其與您的應用程序集成。它處理身份驗證、流式響應和跟踪對話。100%客戶端 :robot:" } }, "https://github.com/ustayready/directai": { "repository_name": "DirectAI", "user_name": "ustayready", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT queries via OpenAI API in your terminal", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ask ChatGPT questions using the OpenAI API in your terminal.", "ja": "ターミナルでOpenAI APIを使用してChatGPTのクエリを入力してください。", "zh-hans": "在您的终端中通过OpenAI API查询ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "在您的終端機中通過OpenAI API查詢ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/appleboy/codegpt": { "repository_name": "CodeGPT", "user_name": "appleboy", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A CLI written in Go language that writes git commit messages or do a code review brief for you using ChatGPT AI (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-commit-msg hook.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "git", "git-hook", "golang", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A CLI written in Go language that writes git commit messages or do a code review brief for you using ChatGPT AI (gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo model) and automatically installs a git prepare-commit-msg hook.", "ja": "Go言語で書かれたCLIで、ChatGPT AI(gpt-4、gpt-3.5-turboモデル)を使用してgitのコミットメッセージを書いたり、コードレビューの概要を作成したりし、自動的にgitのprepare-commit-msgフックをインストールします。", "zh-hans": "一个使用Go语言编写的CLI,可以使用ChatGPT AI(gpt-4,gpt-3.5-turbo模型)为您编写git提交消息或进行代码审查简介,并自动安装git prepare-commit-msg钩子。", "zh-hant": "一個使用Go語言編寫的CLI,可以使用ChatGPT AI(gpt-4,gpt-3.5-turbo模型)為您編寫git提交消息或進行代碼審查簡介,並自動安裝git prepare-commit-msg鉤子。" } }, "https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line": { "repository_name": "the-art-of-command-line", "user_name": "jlevy", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Master the command line, in one page", "topics": [ "bash", "documentation", "linux", "macos", "unix", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Master the command line, in one page", "ja": "1ページでコマンドラインをマスターする", "zh-hans": "掌握命令行,仅需一页", "zh-hant": "掌握命令列,只需一頁" } }, "https://github.com/shipbit/slickgpt": { "repository_name": "slickgpt", "user_name": "ShipBit", "language": "Svelte", "license": "MIT License", "description": "SlickGPT is a light-weight \"use-your-own-API-key\" web client for the OpenAI API written in Svelte. It offers GPT-4 integration, a userless share feature and other superpowers.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "openai", "svelte", "sveltekit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SlickGPT is a light-weight \"use-your-own-API-key\" web client for the OpenAI API written in Svelte. It offers GPT-4 integration, a userless share feature and other superpowers.", "ja": "SlickGPTは、Svelteで書かれた軽量な「自分自身のAPIキーを使用する」Webクライアントであり、OpenAI APIに対応しています。GPT-4の統合、ユーザーレスの共有機能など、その他のスーパーパワーを提供しています。", "zh-hans": "SlickGPT是一个轻量级的“使用自己的API密钥”的Web客户端,用Svelte编写,用于OpenAI API。它提供了GPT-4集成、无用户分享功能和其他超级功能。", "zh-hant": "SlickGPT是一個輕量級的「使用自己的API密鑰」網頁客戶端,用Svelte編寫,可用於OpenAI API。它提供GPT-4集成、無用戶分享功能和其他超能力。" } }, "https://github.com/0ut0flin3/gptalk": { "repository_name": "GPTalk", "user_name": "0ut0flin3", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "GPT-3 client for Windows and Unix with memories management that supports both text and speech in any language.", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt", "gpt3", "openai", "speech-recognition", "speech-to-text", "tts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-3 client for Windows and Unix with memories management that supports both text and speech in any language.", "ja": "WindowsおよびUnix用のメモリ管理をサポートし、任意の言語でテキストと音声の両方をサポートするGPT-3クライアント。", "zh-hans": "支持任何语言的文本和语音的Windows和Unix GPT-3客户端,具有内存管理功能。", "zh-hant": "支援任何語言的文字和語音,具有記憶管理功能的 Windows 和 Unix GPT-3 客戶端。" } }, "https://github.com/0xacx/chatgpt-shell-cli": { "repository_name": "chatGPT-shell-cli", "user_name": "0xacx", "language": "Shell", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Simple shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal. No Python or JS required.", "topics": [ "bash", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-api-wrapper", "cli", "dall-e", "dalle", "dalle2", "image-generation", "shell", "shell-script", "terminal", "zsh" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple shell script to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and DALL-E from the terminal. No Python or JS required.", "ja": "ターミナルからOpenAIのChatGPTとDALL-Eを使用するためのシンプルなシェルスクリプト。PythonやJSは必要ありません。", "zh-hans": "使用终端的简单shell脚本,无需Python或JS即可使用OpenAI的ChatGPT和DALL-E。", "zh-hant": "簡單的shell腳本,可從終端使用OpenAI的ChatGPT和DALL-E。不需要Python或JS。" } }, "https://github.com/0ut0flin3/reptyl": { "repository_name": "Reptyl", "user_name": "0ut0flin3", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Cross-platform command line shell that supports execution of commands in natural language", "topics": [ "ai", "bash", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "linux", "powershell", "python", "shell", "terminal" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Cross-platform command line shell that supports execution of commands in natural language", "ja": "自然言語でのコマンド実行をサポートするクロスプラットフォームのコマンドラインシェル", "zh-hans": "跨平台命令行 shell,支持使用自然语言执行命令。", "zh-hant": "跨平台命令行外殼,支援以自然語言執行命令。" } }, "https://github.com/hirokidaichi/wanna": { "repository_name": "wanna", "user_name": "hirokidaichi", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Shell command launcher with natural language", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Shell command launcher with natural language", "ja": "自然言語でのシェルコマンド起動ツール", "zh-hans": "带自然语言的Shell命令启动器", "zh-hant": "具有自然語言的Shell命令啟動器" } }, "https://github.com/wongsaang/chatgpt-ui": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-ui", "user_name": "WongSaang", "language": "Vue", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT web client that supports multiple users, multiple database connections for persistent data storage, supports i18n. Provides Docker images and quick deployment scripts.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-client", "chatgpt-web", "django", "docker", "docker-chatgpt", "node-chatgpt", "nuxt-chatgpt", "openai", "vue", "vue-chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT web client that supports multiple users, multiple database connections for persistent data storage, supports i18n. Provides Docker images and quick deployment scripts.", "ja": "複数のユーザーをサポートするChatGPTウェブクライアントで、永続的なデータストレージのために複数のデータベース接続をサポートし、i18nをサポートしています。Dockerイメージとクイックデプロイメントスクリプトを提供します。", "zh-hans": "一个支持多用户、多数据库连接进行持久化数据存储、支持i18n的ChatGPT Web客户端。提供Docker镜像和快速部署脚本。", "zh-hant": "一個支援多個使用者、多個數據庫連接以進行持久化數據存儲、支援i18n的ChatGPT網頁客戶端。提供Docker映像和快速部署腳本。" } }, "https://github.com/radi-cho/datasetgpt": { "repository_name": "datasetGPT", "user_name": "radi-cho", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A command-line interface to generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.", "topics": [ "cli", "dataset-generation", "large-language-models", "python3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A command-line interface to generate textual and conversational datasets with LLMs.", "ja": "LLMsを使用してテキストと会話のデータセットを生成するためのコマンドラインインターフェイス。", "zh-hans": "一个命令行界面,用于生成带有LLMs的文本和对话数据集。", "zh-hant": "一個命令行界面,可生成帶有LLMs的文本和對話數據集。" } }, "https://github.com/schneiderfelipe/cligpt": { "repository_name": "cligpt", "user_name": "schneiderfelipe", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "cligpt is a command-line interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "cligpt is a command-line interface for interacting with the ChatGPT API from OpenAI.", "ja": "cligptは、OpenAIのChatGPT APIとやり取りするためのコマンドラインインターフェイスです。", "zh-hans": "cligpt是一个命令行界面,用于与OpenAI的ChatGPT API进行交互。", "zh-hant": "cligpt 是一個命令行界面,用於與 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT API 進行交互。" } }, "https://github.com/yeokm1/doschgpt": { "repository_name": "doschgpt", "user_name": "yeokm1", "language": "C++", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A proof-of-concept ChatGPT client for DOS.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A proof-of-concept ChatGPT client for DOS.", "ja": "DOS用のChatGPTクライアントの概念実証。", "zh-hans": "一个用于DOS的ChatGPT客户端的概念验证。", "zh-hant": "一個用於DOS的ChatGPT客戶端的概念驗證。" } }, "https://github.com/visualbasic6/search": { "repository_name": "search", "user_name": "visualbasic6", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "a cli google client written by ai (chatgpt) that bypasses captcha and rate limiting by using the google alerts \"preview\" feature", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a cli google client written by ai (chatgpt) that bypasses captcha and rate limiting by using the google alerts \"preview\" feature", "ja": "「chatgpt」によって書かれたCLI Googleクライアントで、Googleアラートの「プレビュー」機能を使用して、CAPTCHAとレート制限をバイパスします。", "zh-hans": "一个由AI(ChatGPT)编写的CLI Google客户端,通过使用Google Alerts“预览”功能绕过验证码和速率限制。", "zh-hant": "一個由AI(ChatGPT)編寫的CLI Google客戶端,通過使用Google Alerts“預覽”功能繞過驗證碼和速率限制。" } }, "https://github.com/firtoz/gpt-shell": { "repository_name": "GPT-Shell", "user_name": "firtoz", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT-Shell is an OpenAI based chat-bot that is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Also allows creating Dalle2 images.", "topics": [ "bot", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "dalle2", "discord", "discord-bot", "discord-js", "gpt-3", "nodejs", "text-davinci-003" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-Shell is an OpenAI based chat-bot that is similar to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Also allows creating Dalle2 images.", "ja": "GPT-Shellは、OpenAIベースのチャットボットであり、OpenAIのChatGPTに似ています。また、Dalle2画像の作成も可能です。", "zh-hans": "GPT-Shell是一款基于OpenAI的聊天机器人,类似于OpenAI的ChatGPT。还可以创建Dalle2图像。", "zh-hant": "GPT-Shell是一個基於OpenAI的聊天機器人,類似於OpenAI的ChatGPT。還可以創建Dalle2圖像。" } }, "https://github.com/theokanning/openai-java": { "repository_name": "openai-java", "user_name": "TheoKanning", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI GPT-3 Api Client in Java", "topics": [ "gpt3", "java", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI GPT-3 API Client in Java", "ja": "JavaでのOpenAI GPT-3 APIクライアント", "zh-hans": "Java中的OpenAI GPT-3 Api客户端", "zh-hant": "Java中的OpenAI GPT-3 Api客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/rikhuijzer/ata": { "repository_name": "ata", "user_name": "rikhuijzer", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Ask the Terminal Anything (ATA): ChatGPT in the terminal", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "openai-api", "productivity", "terminal-based" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ask the Terminal Anything (ATA): ChatGPT in the terminal", "ja": "ターミナルに何でも聞いてください(ATA):ターミナルでChatGPT", "zh-hans": "在终端中询问任何事情(ATA):在终端中输入ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "在終端機上問任何問題(ATA):在終端機上輸入ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/j178/chatgpt-cli": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-cli", "user_name": "j178", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "fanfou bots", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fanfou bots", "ja": "饭否机器人", "zh-hans": "饭否机器人", "zh-hant": "饭否机器人" } }, "https://github.com/context-labs/autodoc": { "repository_name": "autodoc", "user_name": "context-labs", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Experimental toolkit for auto-generating codebase documentation using LLMs", "topics": [ "cli-tool", "documentation-generator", "language-model", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Experimental toolkit for auto-generating codebase documentation using LLMs", "ja": "LLMsを使用してコードベースのドキュメントを自動生成するための実験的なツールキット", "zh-hans": "使用LLMs自动生成代码库文档的实验工具包", "zh-hant": "使用LLMs自動生成程式庫文件的實驗工具箱" } }, "https://github.com/emcf/engshell": { "repository_name": "engshell", "user_name": "emcf", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An English-language shell for any OS, powered by LLMs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An English-language shell for any OS, powered by LLMs", "ja": "LLMsによって動力を得た、どんなOSでも使える英語シェル", "zh-hans": "由LLMs驱动的任何操作系统的英语语言外壳", "zh-hant": "由LLMs驅動的任何操作系統的英語外殼" } }, "https://github.com/dejorrit/commit-assist": { "repository_name": "commit-assist", "user_name": "dejorrit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Auto generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "cli", "git" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Auto generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して自動的にコミットメッセージを生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT自动生成提交信息", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT自動生成提交訊息" } }, "https://github.com/builderio/ai-shell": { "repository_name": "ai-shell", "user_name": "BuilderIO", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.", "ja": "自然言語をシェルコマンドに変換するCLI。", "zh-hans": "一个将自然语言转换为Shell命令的CLI。", "zh-hant": "一個將自然語言轉換為Shell命令的CLI。" } }, "https://github.com/rsaryev/auto-copilot-cli": { "repository_name": "auto-copilot-cli", "user_name": "rsaryev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Auto Copilot is a CLI tool that uses OpenAI models to generate commands for the terminal and file system operations to achieve a goal.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Auto Copilot is a CLI tool that uses OpenAI models to generate commands for the terminal and file system operations to achieve a goal.", "ja": "Auto Copilotは、目標を達成するために、OpenAIモデルを使用してターミナルのコマンドやファイルシステム操作を生成するCLIツールです。", "zh-hans": "Auto Copilot是一个CLI工具,它使用OpenAI模型生成命令,以实现终端和文件系统操作的目标。", "zh-hant": "Auto Copilot 是一個 CLI 工具,使用 OpenAI 模型生成命令,以達成目標的終端機和檔案系統操作。" } }, "https://github.com/hemulgm/delphiopenai": { "repository_name": "DelphiOpenAI", "user_name": "HemulGM", "language": "Pascal", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI API client for Delphi. Use ChatGPT, DALL-E and other products.", "topics": [ "api-wrapper", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "delphi", "gpt", "gpt-3", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI API client for Delphi. Use ChatGPT, DALL-E and other products.", "ja": "Delphi用のOpenAI APIクライアント。ChatGPT、DALL-Eなどの製品を使用します。", "zh-hans": "Delphi的OpenAI API客户端。使用ChatGPT、DALL-E和其他产品。", "zh-hant": "Delphi的OpenAI API客戶端。使用ChatGPT、DALL-E和其他產品。" } }, "https://github.com/akl7777777/free-chatgpt-client-pub": { "repository_name": "free-chatgpt-client-pub", "user_name": "akl7777777", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "**A free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图**", "topics": [ "bobplugin", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt3", "chatgptdesktop", "gpt4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "**A free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图**", "ja": "無料のChatGPTクライアント、オンライン検索に対応。キー不要、ログイン不要。マルチノード自動速度測定スイッチ、制限なしの長文翻訳、AIグラフィックスを搭載。", "zh-hans": "一个免费的ChatGPT客户端,现在支持在线搜索。无需密钥,无需登录。多节点自动速度测量切换,长文翻译无字数限制,AI图形。", "zh-hant": "一個免費的ChatGPT客戶端,現在支援線上搜尋。無需金鑰,無需登錄。多節點自動速度測量切換,無字數限制的長文翻譯,AI圖形。" } }, "https://github.com/kristoferlund/duet-gpt": { "repository_name": "duet-gpt", "user_name": "kristoferlund", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A conversational semi-autonomous developer assistant. AI pair programming without the copypasta.", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "assistant", "cli", "gpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A conversational semi-autonomous developer assistant. AI pair programming without the copypasta.", "ja": "会話型の半自律型開発者アシスタント。コピペなしのAIペアプログラミング。", "zh-hans": "一个对话式半自主开发助手。AI配对编程,无需复制粘贴。", "zh-hant": "一個對話式半自主開發者助手。AI配對編程,無需複製粘貼。" } }, "https://github.com/darrenburns/elia": { "repository_name": "elia", "user_name": "darrenburns", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A terminal ChatGPT client built with Textual", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt", "python", "terminal", "tui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A terminal ChatGPT client built with Textual", "ja": "Textualで構築されたターミナルのChatGPTクライアント", "zh-hans": "一个使用Textual构建的终端ChatGPT客户端。", "zh-hant": "一個使用Textual建立的終端ChatGPT客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/eli64s/readme-ai": { "repository_name": "README-AI", "user_name": "eli64s", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🚀 CLI tool that generates beautiful and informative README Markdown files. Powered by OpenAI's GPT APIs 💫", "topics": [ "ai", "auto-readme", "automated-readme", "badges", "chatgpt-python", "command-line-tools", "documentation", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "nlp", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-gpt3", "python", "readme", "readme-automation", "readme-generator", "readme-generator-template", "readme-template" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 CLI tool that generates beautiful and informative README Markdown files. Powered by OpenAI's GPT APIs 💫", "ja": "🚀 README Markdownファイルを美しく情報豊かに生成するCLIツール。OpenAIのGPT APIによって動作します 💫", "zh-hans": "🚀 生成美观且信息丰富的 README Markdown 文件的 CLI 工具。由 OpenAI 的 GPT API 提供支持 💫", "zh-hant": "🚀 一個 CLI 工具,可以生成美觀且豐富的 README Markdown 文件。由 OpenAI 的 GPT APIs 提供支持 💫" } }, "https://github.com/dfinke/openai-powershell-samples": { "repository_name": "openai-powershell-samples", "user_name": "dfinke", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "🚀 Launched my @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShell Samples! With the PowerShellAI module, you'll have the power of ChatGPT at your fingertips. Explore the samples in Polyglot Interactive Notebooks. Let's redefine what's possible with AI! 👇 #PowerShell #MSBuild", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 Launched my @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShell Samples! With the PowerShellAI module, you'll have the power of ChatGPT at your fingertips. Explore the samples in Polyglot Interactive Notebooks. Let's redefine what's possible with AI! 👇 #PowerShell #MSBuild", "ja": "🚀 @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShellサンプルをリリースしました!PowerShellAIモジュールを使用すると、ChatGPTの力を手軽に利用できます。Polyglotインタラクティブノートブックでサンプルを探索してください。AIで可能性を再定義しましょう!👇 #PowerShell #MSBuild", "zh-hans": "🚀 我发布了我的 @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShell 示例!使用 PowerShellAI 模块,您将拥有 ChatGPT 的强大功能。在多语言交互式笔记本中探索示例。让我们重新定义 AI 的可能性!👇 #PowerShell #MSBuild", "zh-hant": "🚀 我推出了我的 @OpenAI/@Azure PowerShell 範例!使用 PowerShellAI 模組,您將擁有 ChatGPT 的強大功能。在多語言互動筆記本中探索這些範例。讓我們重新定義 AI 的可能性!👇 #PowerShell #MSBuild" } }, "https://github.com/sentdex/termgpt": { "repository_name": "TermGPT", "user_name": "Sentdex", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Giving LLMs like GPT-4 the ability to plan and execute terminal commands", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Giving LLMs like GPT-4 the ability to plan and execute terminal commands", "ja": "LLMのようなGPT-4に、ターミナルコマンドの計画と実行の能力を与えること。", "zh-hans": "赋予像GPT-4这样的LLM能够规划和执行终端命令的能力。", "zh-hant": "讓像GPT-4這樣的LLM具備計劃和執行終端命令的能力" } }, "https://github.com/marcolardera/chatgpt-cli": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-cli", "user_name": "marcolardera", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Simple yet effective command line client for chatting with ChatGPT using the official API", "topics": [ "api", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cli", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple yet effective command line client for chatting with ChatGPT using the official API", "ja": "公式APIを使用してChatGPTとチャットするためのシンプルで効果的なコマンドラインクライアント", "zh-hans": "使用官方API与ChatGPT聊天的简单而有效的命令行客户端", "zh-hant": "使用官方API與ChatGPT聊天的簡單而有效的命令行客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/umatter/openair": { "repository_name": "OpenAIR", "user_name": "umatter", "language": "R", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "OpenAI R client", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI R client", "ja": "OpenAI Rクライアント", "zh-hans": "OpenAI R客户端", "zh-hant": "OpenAI R 客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/licoy/chatgpt-midjourney": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Midjourney", "user_name": "Licoy", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "🎨 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 网页服务 \\ Own your own ChatGPT+Midjourney web service with one click", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-web", "discord", "discord-bot", "midjourney", "niji", "openai", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🎨 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 网页服务 \\ Own your own ChatGPT+Midjourney web service with one click", "ja": "🎨 一クリックで自分のChatGPT+Midjourneyウェブサービスを所有してください。", "zh-hans": "🎨 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 网页服务", "zh-hant": "🎨 一鍵擁有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 網頁服務" } }, "https://github.com/tcapelle/termgpt": { "repository_name": "termGPT", "user_name": "tcapelle", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A simple wrapper to call openAI's chatGPT on the terminal written in Python", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple wrapper to call openAI's chatGPT on the terminal written in Python", "ja": "Pythonで書かれたターミナルでopenAIのchatGPTを呼び出すためのシンプルなラッパー", "zh-hans": "一个简单的Python包装器,可在终端上调用openAI的chatGPT。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的Python封裝程式,可在終端上調用openAI的chatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/alibaba/chat2db": { "repository_name": "Chat2DB", "user_name": "alibaba", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "🔥 🔥 🔥 An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "datagrip", "dbeaver", "electron", "gpt", "java", "mysql", "navicat", "oracle", "postgresql", "redis", "sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥 🔥 🔥 An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)", "ja": "🔥 🔥 🔥 チャットGPT機能を統合した、データベース用の知的で多目的な汎用SQLクライアントおよびレポートツール。", "zh-hans": "🔥 🔥 🔥 一款智能、多功能的通用SQL客户端和报表工具,集成了ChatGPT功能。", "zh-hant": "🔥 🔥 🔥 一個智能且多功能的通用SQL客戶端和報表工具,可整合ChatGPT功能。" } }, "https://github.com/chatgptjs/chatgpt.js": { "repository_name": "chatgpt.js", "user_name": "chatgptjs", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "bot", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "clientside", "conversational-ai", "conversational-bots", "frontend", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "javascript", "js", "library", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 A powerful client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT.", "ja": "🤖 ChatGPTのための強力なクライアントサイドのJavaScriptライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "🤖 ChatGPT 的强大客户端 JavaScript 库。", "zh-hant": "🤖 ChatGPT 的強大客戶端 JavaScript 函式庫。" } }, "https://github.com/sderev/llm-toolbox": { "repository_name": "llm-toolbox", "user_name": "sderev", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "LLM-Toolbox is a versatile collection of command-line interface (CLI) tools that utilize AI to perform various tasks, including proofreading, identifying appropriate shell commands, generating automatic commit messages, and more.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLM-Toolbox is a versatile collection of command-line interface (CLI) tools that utilize AI to perform various tasks, including proofreading, identifying appropriate shell commands, generating automatic commit messages, and more.", "ja": "LLM-Toolboxは、AIを利用して様々なタスクを実行するための多機能なコマンドラインインターフェース(CLI)ツールの集合です。これには、校正、適切なシェルコマンドの特定、自動コミットメッセージの生成などが含まれます。", "zh-hans": "LLM-Toolbox是一个多功能的命令行界面(CLI)工具集合,利用人工智能来执行各种任务,包括校对、识别适当的shell命令、生成自动提交信息等等。", "zh-hant": "LLM-Toolbox 是一個多功能的命令行界面(CLI)工具集,利用人工智能執行各種任務,包括校對、識別適當的 shell 命令、生成自動提交訊息等等。" } }, "https://github.com/firecubestudios/clippy": { "repository_name": "Clippy", "user_name": "FireCubeStudios", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "Clippy by FireCube.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "clippy", "fluent-design", "gpt-3", "openai", "windows", "windows-10", "windows-11", "winui3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Clippy by FireCube.", "ja": "クリッピー by FireCube。", "zh-hans": "火方块的Clippy。", "zh-hant": "Clippy由FireCube提供。" } }, "https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider": { "repository_name": "aider", "user_name": "paul-gauthier", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "command-line", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal", "ja": "aiderはターミナルで動作するGPTパワードのコーディングです。\naiderはターミナルで動作するGPTパワードのコーディングです。", "zh-hans": "aider是由GPT驱动的终端编码工具", "zh-hant": "aider是在您的終端機上使用GPT進行編碼的工具" } }, "https://github.com/wasp-lang/saas-template-gpt": { "repository_name": "SaaS-Template-GPT", "user_name": "wasp-lang", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "🐝 Wasp- immediately started with a SaaS template that includes social/email login, GPT/Stripe integration, cron jobs, ... → super fast start⚡️- `wasp db` CLI command is also a nice touch, immediately starts a local Postgres db in the background ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐝 Wasp- immediately started with a SaaS template that includes social/email login, GPT/Stripe integration, cron jobs, ... → super fast start⚡️- `wasp db` CLI command is also a nice touch, immediately starts a local Postgres db in the background ", "ja": "🐝 ワスプ- ソーシャル/メールログイン、GPT/Stripeの統合、cronジョブなどを含むSaaSテンプレートで即座に開始します⚡️- `wasp db` CLIコマンドも素敵な要素で、バックグラウンドでローカルのPostgresデータベースをすぐに開始します。", "zh-hans": "🐝 Wasp- 立即开始使用包含社交/电子邮件登录、GPT/Stripe集成、cron作业等功能的SaaS模板 → 超快速启动⚡️- `wasp db` CLI命令也是一个很好的功能,可以立即在后台启动本地的Postgres数据库。", "zh-hant": "🐝 黃蜂- 立即使用包含社交/郵件登錄、GPT/Stripe集成、cron作業等的SaaS模板開始⚡️- `wasp db` CLI命令也是一個不錯的功能,可以立即在後台啟動本地的Postgres數據庫。" } }, "https://github.com/janlay/openai-cli": { "repository_name": "openai-cli", "user_name": "janlay", "language": "Shell", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A universal cli for OpenAI, written in BASH.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A universal cli for OpenAI, written in BASH.", "ja": "BASHで書かれたOpenAIのためのユニバーサルCLI。", "zh-hans": "一个用BASH编写的OpenAI通用命令行界面。", "zh-hant": "一個用BASH編寫的OpenAI通用命令行界面。" } }, "https://github.com/chat2db/chat2db": { "repository_name": "Chat2DB", "user_name": "chat2db", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "🔥 🔥 🔥 An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "datagrip", "dbeaver", "gpt", "h2", "mysql", "navicat", "oracle", "postgresql", "redis", "sqlserver" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥 🔥 🔥 An intelligent and versatile general-purpose SQL client and reporting tool for databases which integrates ChatGPT capabilities.(智能的通用数据库SQL客户端和报表工具)", "ja": "🔥 🔥 🔥 データベース用の知識豊富で多機能な汎用SQLクライアントおよびレポートツールで、ChatGPTの機能も統合されています。", "zh-hans": "🔥 🔥 🔥 一个智能且多功能的通用SQL客户端和报表工具,集成了ChatGPT功能。", "zh-hant": "🔥 🔥 🔥 一個智能且多功能的通用SQL客戶端和報表工具,集成了ChatGPT功能。" } }, "https://github.com/ltyzzzxxx/gpt-web-terminal": { "repository_name": "gpt-web-terminal", "user_name": "ltyzzzxxx", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "✨ Open ChatGPT with Programmer's Approach! GPT Terminal is a platform that allows you to communicate with GPT in a terminal.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "command-line", "express", "gpt", "gpt-cli", "javascript", "nodejs", "openai", "terminal", "typescript", "vue3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✨ Open ChatGPT with Programmer's Approach! GPT Terminal is a platform that allows you to communicate with GPT in a terminal.", "ja": "✨ プログラマーのアプローチでChatGPTを開く! GPT Terminalは、ターミナルでGPTとコミュニケーションを取ることができるプラットフォームです。", "zh-hans": "✨ 以程序员的方式打开ChatGPT!GPT终端是一个平台,允许您在终端中与GPT进行通信。", "zh-hant": "✨ 以程式設計師的方式開啟 ChatGPT!GPT Terminal 是一個讓您可以在終端機中與 GPT 進行溝通的平台。" } }, "https://github.com/dqzboy/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "dqzboy", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT Web One-click deployment", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-next-web", "chatgpt-web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Web One-click deployment", "ja": "ChatGPT Webのワンクリックデプロイメント\nChatGPT Webのワンクリックデプロイメント", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 网页一键部署", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 網頁一鍵部署" } }, "https://github.com/aandrew-me/tgpt": { "repository_name": "tgpt", "user_name": "aandrew-me", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "ChatGPT in terminal without needing API keys", "topics": [ "ai", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "cli", "go", "golang", "gpt3", "linux", "macos", "terminal", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT in terminal without needing API keys", "ja": "APIキーを必要とせずにターミナルでChatGPTを使用する。", "zh-hans": "在终端中使用ChatGPT而无需API密钥", "zh-hant": "在終端機中使用ChatGPT而不需要API密鑰" } }, "https://github.com/kardolus/chatgpt-cli": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-cli", "user_name": "kardolus", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT CLI is an advanced command-line interface for OpenAI's ChatGPT, offering streaming, query mode, and history tracking for seamless and context-aware conversations. Ideal for both users and developers, it provides advanced configuration and easy setup options to ensure a tailored conversational experience with the GPT model.", "topics": [ "chatgpt-openai-cli-gpt-language-model-golang-go" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT CLI is an advanced command-line interface for OpenAI's ChatGPT, offering streaming, query mode, and history tracking for seamless and context-aware conversations. Ideal for both users and developers, it provides advanced configuration and easy setup options to ensure a tailored conversational experience with the GPT model.", "ja": "ChatGPT CLIは、OpenAIのChatGPTのための高度なコマンドラインインターフェースであり、ストリーミング、クエリモード、および履歴追跡を提供し、シームレスでコンテキストに対応した会話を実現します。ユーザーと開発者の両方に最適であり、高度な設定と簡単なセットアップオプションを提供し、GPTモデルとのカスタマイズされた会話体験を確保します。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT CLI是OpenAI的ChatGPT的高级命令行界面,提供流式传输、查询模式和历史记录跟踪,实现无缝和上下文感知的对话。非常适合用户和开发人员使用,它提供高级配置和简单设置选项,以确保与GPT模型的对话体验量身定制。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT CLI 是 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 的高級命令行界面,提供流式傳輸、查詢模式和歷史記錄功能,實現無縫且具有上下文感知的對話。非常適合用戶和開發人員使用,它提供了高級配置和簡單的設置選項,確保與 GPT 模型的對話體驗符合需求。" } }, "https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-commit": { "repository_name": "lobe-commit", "user_name": "lobehub", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "💌 Lobe Commit is a CLI tool that uses Langchain/ChatGPT to generate Gitmoji-based commit messages", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-commit", "aicommit", "chatgpt", "cli", "git-commits", "gitmoji-cli", "gpt", "langchain", "langchainjs", "lobehub", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💌 Lobe Commit is a CLI tool that uses Langchain/ChatGPT to generate Gitmoji-based commit messages", "ja": "💌 Lobe Commitは、Langchain/ChatGPTを使用してGitmojiベースのコミットメッセージを生成するCLIツールです。", "zh-hans": "💌 Lobe Commit 是一个使用 Langchain/ChatGPT 来生成基于 Gitmoji 的提交信息的命令行工具。", "zh-hant": "💌 Lobe Commit 是一個使用 Langchain/ChatGPT 的 CLI 工具,用於生成基於 Gitmoji 的提交訊息。" } }, "https://github.com/alexandrevl/supersummarizeai": { "repository_name": "SuperSummarizeAI", "user_name": "alexandrevl", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Unleash the power of AI with SuperSummarizeAI! Effortlessly extract, condense, and clip content from webpages and YouTube videos using ChatGPT. Turning endless streams of content into digestible summaries.", "topics": [ "beautifulsoup", "chatgpt", "content-analysis", "multilingual", "nlp", "openai", "papperclip", "text", "text-processing", "text-summarization", "web-scraping", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unleash the power of AI with SuperSummarizeAI! Effortlessly extract, condense, and clip content from webpages and YouTube videos using ChatGPT. Turning endless streams of content into digestible summaries.", "ja": "スーパーサマライズAIでAIの力を解き放ちましょう!ChatGPTを使用して、ウェブページやYouTubeの動画から簡単にコンテンツを抽出、要約、クリップすることができます。無限のコンテンツを消化しやすい要約に変えましょう。", "zh-hans": "使用SuperSummarizeAI释放人工智能的力量!轻松地使用ChatGPT从网页和YouTube视频中提取、压缩和剪辑内容。将无尽的内容转化为易于理解的摘要。", "zh-hant": "發揮SuperSummarizeAI的人工智能力量!輕鬆地使用ChatGPT從網頁和YouTube視頻中提取、縮短和剪輯內容,將無窮的內容轉化為易於理解的摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/mikaelvesavuori/minion": { "repository_name": "minion", "user_name": "mikaelvesavuori", "language": "Shell", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The easiest and most lightweight way for developers to use ChatGPT in a CLI.", "topics": [ "ai-developer-tools", "chatgpt", "developer-tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The easiest and most lightweight way for developers to use ChatGPT in a CLI.", "ja": "開発者がCLIでChatGPTを使用するための最も簡単で軽量な方法。", "zh-hans": "开发者在命令行界面中使用ChatGPT的最简单和最轻量级的方式。", "zh-hant": "開發者在命令列介面中使用ChatGPT的最簡單且最輕量的方式。" } }, "https://github.com/rogueocelot/chai-ruby": { "repository_name": "chai-ruby", "user_name": "rogueocelot", "language": "Ruby", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "cd into the directory open in GNOME Files with a terminal emulator of your choice", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "cd into the directory open in GNOME Files with a terminal emulator of your choice", "ja": "ターミナルエミュレータを使用して、GNOME Filesで開いているディレクトリにcdしてください。", "zh-hans": "使用您选择的终端模拟器,进入GNOME Files中打开的目录。", "zh-hant": "使用您選擇的終端模擬器進入GNOME Files中打開的目錄" } }, "https://github.com/e2b-dev/llm-code-interpreter": { "repository_name": "llm-code-interpreter", "user_name": "e2b-dev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Powered by AI Playgrounds by E2B. Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-plugin", "code", "code-execution", "code-interpreter", "development", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "javascript", "llm", "nodejs", "openai", "openapi", "plugins", "rest", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Powered by AI Playgrounds by E2B. Code interpreter on steroids for ChatGPT. Run any language, any terminal process, use filesystem freely. All with access to the internet.", "ja": "AI Playgrounds by E2Bによって提供されています。ChatGPT用のステロイドコードインタープリター。どんな言語でも、どんなターミナルプロセスでも実行し、自由にファイルシステムを使用できます。すべてインターネットにアクセスできます。", "zh-hans": "由E2B提供的AI游乐场驱动。强化版的ChatGPT代码解释器。运行任何语言,任何终端进程,自由使用文件系统。同时具备互联网访问功能。", "zh-hant": "由E2B提供的AI遊樂場驅動。ChatGPT的代碼解釋器增強版。運行任何語言,任何終端進程,自由使用文件系統。並且可以連接互聯網。" } }, "https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-chat": { "repository_name": "lobe-chat", "user_name": "lobehub", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 Lobe Chat - an open-source, extensible (Function Calling), high-performance chatbot framework. It supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "function-calling", "langchangjs", "lobe-chat", "lobehub", "nextjs", "openai", "typescript", "vercel", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Lobe Chat - an open-source, extensible (Function Calling), high-performance chatbot framework. It supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.", "ja": "🤖 Lobe Chat - オープンソースで拡張可能(関数呼び出し可能)、高性能なチャットボットフレームワークです。プライベートなChatGPT/LLMウェブアプリケーションのワンクリック無料デプロイをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "🤖 Lobe Chat - 一个开源、可扩展(函数调用)的高性能聊天机器人框架。它支持一键免费部署您的私人ChatGPT/LLM网页应用程序。", "zh-hant": "🤖 Lobe Chat - 一個開源、可擴展(函數調用)的高性能聊天機器人框架。它支持一鍵免費部署您的私人ChatGPT/LLM網絡應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/jstrieb/paperify": { "repository_name": "paperify", "user_name": "jstrieb", "language": "Shell", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Transform any document, web page, or eBook into a research paper (ChatGPT not required)", "topics": [ "latex", "pandoc", "posix-sh", "research-paper", "shell", "shell-script" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transform any document, web page, or eBook into a research paper (ChatGPT not required)", "ja": "どんなドキュメント、ウェブページ、またはeBookでも研究論文に変換します(ChatGPTは必要ありません)", "zh-hans": "将任何文档、网页或电子书转化为研究论文(无需ChatGPT)。", "zh-hant": "將任何文件、網頁或電子書轉換為研究論文(不需要ChatGPT)。" } }, "https://github.com/bashsenpai/cli": { "repository_name": "cli", "user_name": "BashSenpai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "BashSenpai is a terminal assistant powered by ChatGPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BashSenpai is a terminal assistant powered by ChatGPT.", "ja": "BashSenpaiはChatGPTによって動作するターミナルアシスタントです。", "zh-hans": "BashSenpai是由ChatGPT驱动的终端助手。", "zh-hant": "BashSenpai 是由 ChatGPT 驅動的終端助手。" } }, "https://github.com/unit-mesh/unit-runtime": { "repository_name": "unit-runtime", "user_name": "unit-mesh", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Unit Runtime 是一个 ChatGPT 等 AI 代码的运行环境,可一键启动并实时交互,帮助您快速构建和测试 AI 代码。Unit Runtime is an efficient and user-friendly AI code execution environment that allows for one-click startup and real-time interaction, helping you quickly build and test AI code.", "topics": [ "copilot", "repl" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unit Runtime 是一个 ChatGPT 等 AI 代码的运行环境,可一键启动并实时交互,帮助您快速构建和测试 AI 代码。Unit Runtime is an efficient and user-friendly AI code execution environment that allows for one-click startup and real-time interaction, helping you quickly build and test AI code.", "ja": "Unit Runtime は、ChatGPT やその他の AI コードを実行するための効率的で使いやすい環境です。ワンクリックで起動し、リアルタイムで対話することができ、AI コードの構築とテストを迅速にサポートします。", "zh-hans": "Unit Runtime 是一个高效且用户友好的 AI 代码执行环境,可一键启动并实时交互,帮助您快速构建和测试 AI 代码。", "zh-hant": "Unit Runtime 是一個 ChatGPT 等 AI 代碼的運行環境,可一鍵啟動並實時交互,幫助您快速構建和測試 AI 代碼。Unit Runtime 是一個高效且用戶友好的 AI 代碼執行環境,可一鍵啟動並實時交互,幫助您快速構建和測試 AI 代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/databingo/aih": { "repository_name": "aih", "user_name": "Databingo", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Talk to AI modes in terminal. Bard|GPT3.5|Claude2|Llama2|Falcon180", "topics": [ "ai", "all-in-one", "enhancements", "thought2source" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "You can communicate with AI models in the terminal using the following modes: Bard, GPT3.5, Claude2, Llama2, and Falcon180.", "ja": "ターミナルでAIモードと話す。Bard|GPT3.5|Claude2|Llama2|Falcon180", "zh-hans": "在终端中与AI模式进行对话。Bard|GPT3.5|Claude2|Llama2|Falcon180", "zh-hant": "在終端機中與AI模式對話。Bard|GPT3.5|Claude2|Llama2|Falcon180" } }, "https://github.com/f0x1d/sense": { "repository_name": "Sense", "user_name": "F0x1d", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "OpenAI client for Android with ChatGPT support", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI client for Android with ChatGPT support", "ja": "Android対応のOpenAIクライアントで、ChatGPTをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "支持ChatGPT的Android版OpenAI客户端", "zh-hant": "開放AI Android客戶端,支援ChatGPT功能" } }, "https://github.com/soulteary/sparrow": { "repository_name": "sparrow", "user_name": "soulteary", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "ChatGPT Style client-compatible Backend Server, open source implementation.", "topics": [ "chat-application", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-backend", "chatgpt-plugin", "chatgpt-plugins", "flagstudio", "midjourney", "midjourney-api-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Style client-compatible Backend Server, open source implementation.", "ja": "ChatGPTスタイルのクライアント互換のバックエンドサーバー、オープンソースの実装。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT风格的客户端兼容后端服务器,开源实现。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT風格的客戶端相容的後端伺服器,開源實現。" } }, "https://github.com/smikitky/chatgpt-md-translator": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-md-translator", "user_name": "smikitky", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "CLI to translate Markdown docs using ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "markdown", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "CLI to translate Markdown docs using ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIを使用してMarkdownドキュメントを翻訳するためのCLI", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT API将Markdown文档翻译为CLI", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT API翻譯Markdown文件的CLI" } }, "https://github.com/ollama-webui/ollama-webui": { "repository_name": "ollama-webui", "user_name": "ollama-webui", "language": "Svelte", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT-Style Responsive Chat Web UI Client (GUI) for Ollama 🦙", "topics": [ "llm", "ollama", "ollama-app", "ollama-chat", "ollama-client", "ollama-gui", "ollama-interface", "ollama-ui", "ollama-web", "ollama-web-interface", "ollama-webui", "self-hosted", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT-Style Responsive Chat Web UI Client (GUI) for Ollama 🦙", "ja": "Ollama 🦙のためのChatGPTスタイルの応答性のあるチャットWeb UIクライアント(GUI)", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT-Style响应式聊天Web UI客户端(GUI)用于Ollama 🦙", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT-風格的Ollama🦙響應式聊天網頁用戶界面客戶端(GUI)" } }, "https://github.com/jimmylv/bibigpt-v1": { "repository_name": "BibiGPT-v1", "user_name": "JimmyLv", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "BibiGPT v1 · one-Click AI Summary for Audio/Video & Chat with Learning Content: Bilibili | YouTube | Tweet丨TikTok丨Dropbox丨Google Drive丨Local files | Websites丨Podcasts | Meetings | Lectures, etc. 音视频内容 AI 一键总结 & 对话:哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨推特丨小红书丨抖音丨快手丨百度网盘丨阿里云盘丨网页丨播客丨会议丨本地文件等 (原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI课代表)", "topics": [ "bilibili", "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "openai", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BibiGPT v1 · one-Click AI Summary for Audio/Video & Chat with Learning Content: Bilibili | YouTube | Tweet丨TikTok丨Dropbox丨Google Drive丨Local files | Websites丨Podcasts | Meetings | Lectures, etc. 音视频内容 AI 一键总结 & 对话:哔哩哔哩丨YouTube丨推特丨小红书丨抖音丨快手丨百度网盘丨阿里云盘丨网页丨播客丨会议丨本地文件等 (原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI课代表)", "ja": "BibiGPT v1 · 音声/ビデオとチャットのためのワンクリックAI要約、学習コンテンツ付き:Bilibili | YouTube | ツイート | TikTok | Dropbox | Google Drive | ローカルファイル | ウェブサイト | ポッドキャスト | ミーティング | 講義など。音声/ビデオコンテンツのAI要約と対話:哔哩哔哩 | YouTube | ツイッター | 小红书 | 抖音 | 快手 | 百度网盘 | 阿里云盘 | ウェブサイト | ポッドキャスト | ミーティング | ローカルファイルなど(元BiliGPT省流神器&AI代表)。", "zh-hans": "BibiGPT v1 · 一键AI摘要音视频和聊天学习内容:哔哩哔哩 | YouTube | 推特 | 抖音 | 快手 | 百度网盘 | 谷歌云盘 | 本地文件 | 网站 | 播客 | 会议 | 讲座等。音视频内容AI一键总结和对话:哔哩哔哩 | YouTube | 推特 | 小红书 | 抖音 | 快手 | 百度网盘 | 阿里云盘 | 网页 | 播客 | 会议 | 讲座等(原BiliGPT省流神器和AI课代表)。", "zh-hant": "BibiGPT v1 · 一鍵 AI 摘要工具,適用於音視頻和聊天內容:Bilibili | YouTube | 推特 | 抖音 | 快手 | 百度網盤 | 谷歌雲端硬碟 | 本地文件 | 網站 | 播客 | 會議 | 講座等等。音視頻內容 AI 一鍵總結 & 對話:哔哩哔哩 | YouTube | 推特 | 小紅書 | 抖音 | 快手 | 百度網盤 | 阿里雲盤 | 網頁 | 播客 | 會議 | 講座等等(原 BiliGPT 省流神器 & AI課代表)。" } }, "https://github.com/killianlucas/open-interpreter": { "repository_name": "open-interpreter", "user_name": "KillianLucas", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI's Code Interpreter in your terminal, running locally", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "codellama", "gpt-4", "interpreter", "llama2", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI's Code Interpreter in your terminal, running locally", "ja": "ローカルで実行されるターミナル上のOpenAIのコードインタプリター", "zh-hans": "在您的终端中运行的OpenAI代码解释器", "zh-hant": "在您的终端中运行的OpenAI代码解释器" } }, "https://github.com/grt1228/chatgpt-java": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-java", "user_name": "Grt1228", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Api Client for Java", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-java", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-plugins", "java", "openai-api", "openai-chatgpt", "openai-images", "openai-whisper", "tiktoken-java", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Api Client for Java", "ja": "ChatGPT Java SDKは、ストリーミング出力、Gptプラグイン、ネットワーキングをサポートしています。OpenAI公式のすべてのインターフェースをサポートしています。ChatGPTのJavaクライアントです。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turbo GPT-4のJava用APIクライアントです。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Java Api客户端。\nChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Java Api客户端。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式輸出、Gpt插件、聯網。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客戶端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Api Client for Java" } }, "https://github.com/llm-workflow-engine/llm-workflow-engine": { "repository_name": "llm-workflow-engine", "user_name": "llm-workflow-engine", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Power CLI and Workflow manager for LLMs (core package)", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt3", "gpt4", "llm", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Power CLI and Workflow manager for LLMs (core package)", "ja": "LLMsのPower CLIとワークフローマネージャー(コアパッケージ)", "zh-hans": "LLMs的Power CLI和工作流管理器(核心包)", "zh-hant": "LLMs的Power CLI和工作流程管理器(核心套件)" } }, "https://github.com/aallam/openai-kotlin": { "repository_name": "openai-kotlin", "user_name": "aallam", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI API client for Kotlin with multiplatform and coroutines capabilities.", "topics": [ "api", "chatgpt", "client", "coroutines", "dall-e", "gpt", "kotlin", "kotlin-library", "llm", "multiplatform", "openai", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI API client for Kotlin with multiplatform and coroutines capabilities.", "ja": "マルチプラットフォームとコルーチンの機能を備えたKotlin用のOpenAI APIクライアント。", "zh-hans": "具有多平台和协程功能的Kotlin的OpenAI API客户端。", "zh-hant": "具有多平台和協程功能的 Kotlin OpenAI API 客戶端。" } }, "https://github.com/sqlchat/sqlchat": { "repository_name": "sqlchat", "user_name": "sqlchat", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Chat-based SQL Client and Editor for the next decade", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "clickhouse", "cockroachdb", "mongodb", "mssql", "mysql", "openai", "oracle", "postgres", "redis", "snowflake", "sql", "sqlclient", "sqleditor", "sqlite", "sqlserver", "text2sql", "tidb" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat-based SQL Client and Editor for the next decade", "ja": "次の10年のためのチャットベースのSQLクライアントとエディタ", "zh-hans": "聊天式SQL客户端和编辑器,面向未来十年。", "zh-hant": "基於聊天的SQL客戶端和編輯器,為未來十年打造的工具" } }, "https://github.com/akl7777777/shellgpt": { "repository_name": "ShellGPT", "user_name": "akl7777777", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "**ShellGPT is a free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图**", "topics": [ "bobplugin", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt3", "chatgptdesktop", "gpt4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "**ShellGPT is a free chatgpt client, now Supported online search.no need for a key, no need to log in.Multi-node automatic speed measurement switch,Long text translation with no word limit, AI graphics.免费的chatgpt客户端,已支持联网搜索,无需密钥,无需登录,多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译不限字数,AI出图**", "ja": "シェルGPTは無料のチャットGPTクライアントで、オンライン検索がサポートされています。キーは必要ありませんし、ログインも必要ありません。マルチノードの自動速度測定スイッチ、制限なしの長文翻訳、AIグラフィックスも利用できます。", "zh-hans": "**ShellGPT是一个免费的chatgpt客户端,现在支持在线搜索,无需密钥,无需登录。多节点自动测速切换,长文翻译没有字数限制,AI出图。**", "zh-hant": "**ShellGPT是一個免費的chatgpt客戶端,現在支援在線搜索,無需密鑰,無需登錄。多節點自動速度測量切換,無字數限制的長文翻譯,AI圖形。**" } }, "https://github.com/karthink/gptel": { "repository_name": "gptel", "user_name": "karthink", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A simple LLM client for Emacs", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "emacs", "llms", "org-mode" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Un client LLM simple pour Emacs", "ja": "シンプルなEmacs用のLLMクライアント", "zh-hans": "一个简单的Emacs LLM客户端", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的Emacs LLM客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/rageagainstthepixel/openai-dotnet": { "repository_name": "OpenAI-DotNet", "user_name": "RageAgainstThePixel", "language": "C#", "license": "Other", "description": "A Non-Official OpenAI RESTful API Client for DotNet", "topics": [ "ai", "api-proxy", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "csharp", "dall-e", "dall-e-3", "dotnet", "dotnet-core", "dotnet-standard", "dotnetcore", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "gpt-turbo", "machine-learning", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Non-Official OpenAI RESTful API Client for DotNet", "ja": "非公式のOpenAI RESTful APIクライアント(DotNet用)", "zh-hans": "一个非官方的DotNet OpenAI RESTful API客户端", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的DotNet OpenAI RESTful API客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/billmei/every-chatgpt-gui": { "repository_name": "every-chatgpt-gui", "user_name": "billmei", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Every front-end GUI client for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "large-language-models" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Every front-end GUI client for ChatGPT", "ja": "すべてのChatGPTのフロントエンドGUIクライアント", "zh-hans": "每个ChatGPT的前端GUI客户端", "zh-hant": "每個ChatGPT的前端GUI客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/ekkinox/yai": { "repository_name": "yai", "user_name": "ekkinox", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Your AI powered terminal assistant.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "cli", "command-line-tool", "golang", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai", "terminal", "tui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your AI powered terminal assistant.", "ja": "あなたのAIパワードターミナルアシスタント。", "zh-hans": "您的AI 动力终端助手。", "zh-hant": "您的AI動力終端助手。" } }, "https://github.com/kharvd/gpt-cli": { "repository_name": "gpt-cli", "user_name": "kharvd", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Command-line interface for ChatGPT, Claude and Bard", "topics": [ "anthropic", "anthropic-claude", "assistant", "bard", "chatgpt", "claude", "cli", "command-line", "google-bard", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt-cli", "gpt-client", "llm", "openai", "palm2" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Command-line interface for ChatGPT, Claude and Bard", "ja": "ChatGPTのためのコマンドラインインターフェース、ClaudeとBard", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的命令行界面,Claude和Bard", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的命令行界面,Claude和Bard" } }, "https://github.com/kyegomez/gemini": { "repository_name": "Gemini", "user_name": "kyegomez", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The open source implementation of Gemini, the model that will \"eclipse ChatGPT\" by Google", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "gemini", "gpt4", "machine-learning", "ml", "multi-modality", "multimodla" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The open source implementation of Gemini, the model that will \"eclipse ChatGPT\" by Google", "ja": "Googleによって「ChatGPTを凌駕する」モデルとして開発されたGeminiのオープンソース実装", "zh-hans": "谷歌将“超越ChatGPT”的Gemini模型的开源实现", "zh-hant": "Google將“超越ChatGPT”的Gemini模型的開源實現Google將“超越ChatGPT”的Gemini模型的開源實現" } }, "https://github.com/harry0703/moneyprinterturbo": { "repository_name": "MoneyPrinterTurbo", "user_name": "harry0703", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.", "topics": [ "automation", "chatgpt", "moviepy", "python", "shortvideo", "tiktok" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.", "ja": "AI LLMを使用して、ワンクリックで高品質なショートビデオを生成します。", "zh-hans": "利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频。", "zh-hant": "使用AI大模型,一鍵生成高清短視頻。" } }, "https://github.com/marcusgoncalvess/zap-gpt": { "repository_name": "zap-gpt", "user_name": "marcusGoncalvess", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Este projeto explora a integração do ChatGPT com o WhatsApp, transformando o chatbot em um assistente virtual capaz de realizar tarefas como falar com amigos, responder a perguntas de clientes, e muito mais, com um toque de humanização nas conversas.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project explores the integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp, turning the chatbot into a virtual assistant capable of tasks such as talking to friends, answering customer questions, and much more, with a touch of humanization in the conversations.", "ja": "このプロジェクトは、ChatGPTとWhatsAppの統合を探求し、チャットボットを友達と会話したり、顧客の質問に答えたりするなど、会話に人間味を持たせる仮想アシスタントに変えることができる能力を持つようにします。", "zh-hans": "这个项目探索了将ChatGPT与WhatsApp集成,将聊天机器人转变为一个能够与朋友交谈、回答客户问题等任务的虚拟助手,让对话更具人性化。", "zh-hant": "這個項目探索了將ChatGPT與WhatsApp集成,將聊天機器人轉變為一個能夠執行與朋友交談、回答客戶問題等任務的虛擬助手,並在對話中加入人性化的元素。" } }, "https://github.com/marcusgoncalvess/zap-gpt-free": { "repository_name": "zap-gpt-free", "user_name": "marcusGoncalvess", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Este projeto explora a integração do ChatGPT com o WhatsApp, transformando o chatbot em um assistente virtual capaz de realizar tarefas como falar com amigos, responder a perguntas de clientes, e muito mais, com um toque de humanização nas conversas.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project explores the integration of ChatGPT with WhatsApp, turning the chatbot into a virtual assistant capable of tasks such as talking to friends, answering customer questions, and much more, with a touch of humanization in the conversations.", "ja": "このプロジェクトは、ChatGPTとWhatsAppの統合を探求し、チャットボットを友達と会話したり、顧客の質問に答えたりするなど、さまざまなタスクを実行できる仮想アシスタントに変えることを目指しています。会話に人間味を持たせる要素も取り入れています。", "zh-hans": "这个项目探索了将ChatGPT与WhatsApp集成,将聊天机器人转变为一个能够与朋友交谈、回答客户问题等任务的虚拟助手,让对话更具人性化。", "zh-hant": "這個項目探索了將ChatGPT與WhatsApp集成,將聊天機器人轉變為一個能夠執行與朋友交談、回答客戶問題等任務的虛擬助手,並在對話中加入人性化的元素。" } }, "https://github.com/flyun/chatair": { "repository_name": "chatAir", "user_name": "flyun", "language": "Java", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "☁️A native Android client for OpenAI and Gemini ☁️OpenAI 和 Gemini 的原生安卓客户端", "topics": [ "ai", "android", "chatgpt", "gemini", "openai", "openrouter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "☁️A native Android client for OpenAI and Gemini ☁️OpenAI and Gemini's native Android client", "ja": "☁️OpenAIとGeminiのためのネイティブAndroidクライアント☁️", "zh-hans": "☁️OpenAI 和 Gemini 的原生安卓客户端 ☁️", "zh-hant": "☁️OpenAI 和 Gemini 的原生安卓客戶端 ☁️" } }, "https://github.com/matrixgpt/matrix-chatgpt-bot": { "repository_name": "matrix-chatgpt-bot", "user_name": "matrixgpt", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Talk to ChatGPT via any Matrix client!", "topics": [ "bot", "bridge", "chatgpt", "element", "matrix" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talk to ChatGPT via any Matrix client!", "ja": "どのMatrixクライアントを使用してもChatGPTと話すことができます!", "zh-hans": "通过任何Matrix客户端与ChatGPT交谈!", "zh-hant": "通過任何Matrix客戶端與ChatGPT交談!" } }, "https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-cli-toolbox": { "repository_name": "lobe-cli-toolbox", "user_name": "lobehub", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": " 🪀 Lobe CLI Toolbox - AI CLI Toolbox, enhancing git commit and i18n workflow efficiency", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-commit", "aicommit", "chatgpt", "cli", "git-commits", "gitmoji-cli", "gpt", "i18n", "i18next", "langchain", "langchainjs", "lobehub", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🪀 Lobe CLI Toolbox - AI CLI Toolbox, enhancing git commit and i18n workflow efficiency", "ja": "🪀 ローブCLIツールボックス - AI CLIツールボックス、gitコミットとi18nワークフローの効率を向上", "zh-hans": "🪀 Lobe CLI工具箱 - AI CLI工具箱,提高git提交和i18n工作流效率", "zh-hant": "🪀 Lobe CLI 工具箱 - AI CLI 工具箱,提升 git 提交和 i18n 工作流效率" } }, "https://github.com/cequence-io/openai-scala-client": { "repository_name": "openai-scala-client", "user_name": "cequence-io", "language": "Scala", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Scala client for OpenAI API", "topics": [ "anthropic", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "machine-learning", "ml", "nlp", "openai", "openai-api", "scala" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Scala client for OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIのためのScalaクライアント", "zh-hans": "Scala客户端用于OpenAI API", "zh-hant": "Scala客戶端用於OpenAI API" } }, "https://github.com/lagpixellol/chatgptclibot": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTCLIBot", "user_name": "LagPixelLOL", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT Bot in CLI with long term memory support using Embeddings.", "topics": [ "chatbot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Bot in CLI with long term memory support using Embeddings.", "ja": "埋め込みを使用した長期メモリサポート付きのCLIでのChatGPTボット。", "zh-hans": "使用嵌入技术支持的长期记忆功能,在CLI中与ChatGPT Bot交流。", "zh-hant": "在CLI中使用Embeddings支持長期記憶的ChatGPT機器人。ChatGPT機器人在CLI中具有長期記憶支持,並使用Embeddings。" } }, "https://github.com/lambdua/openai4j": { "repository_name": "openai4j", "user_name": "Lambdua", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Java client library for OpenAI API.Full support for all OpenAI API models including Completions, Chat, Edits, Embeddings, Audio, Files, Assistants-v2, Images, Moderations, Batch, and Fine-tuning.", "topics": [ "assistants-api", "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "gpt-4o", "gpt-4o-api", "gpt-vision", "gpt4", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-api-chatbot", "openai-assistant-api", "openai-images", "openai-whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Java client library for OpenAI API.Full support for all OpenAI API models including Completions, Chat, Edits, Embeddings, Audio, Files, Assistants-v2, Images, Moderations, Batch, and Fine-tuning.", "ja": "OpenAI APIのJavaクライアントライブラリ。Completions、Chat、Edits、Embeddings、Audio、Files、Assistants-v2、Images、Moderations、Batch、Fine-tuningを含むすべてのOpenAI APIモデルを完全サポート。", "zh-hans": "Java客户端库用于OpenAI API。完全支持所有OpenAI API模型,包括Completions,Chat,Edits,Embeddings,Audio,Files,Assistants-v2,Images,Moderations,Batch和Fine-tuning。", "zh-hant": "Java客戶端庫用於OpenAI API。對所有OpenAI API模型提供全面支持,包括Completions、Chat、Edits、Embeddings、Audio、Files、Assistants-v2、Images、Moderations、Batch和Fine-tuning。" } }, "https://github.com/mololab/json-translator": { "repository_name": "json-translator", "user_name": "mololab", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "jsontt 💡 - AI JSON Translator with GPT + other FREE translation modules to translate your json/yaml files into other languages ✅ Check Readme ✌ Supports GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argos", "topics": [ "ai", "bing-translate", "cli", "free-json-translate", "google-translate-api", "gpt", "i18n", "javascript", "json", "json-translate", "language", "nodejs", "translate", "translate-api", "translation", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "jsontt 💡 - AI JSON Translator with GPT + other FREE translation modules to translate your json/yaml files into other languages ✅ Check Readme ✌ Supports GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argos", "ja": "jsontt 💡 - GPT + その他の無料翻訳モジュールを使用したAI JSON翻訳者、json/yamlファイルを他の言語に翻訳します ✅ Readmeをチェックしてください ✌ GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argosに対応", "zh-hans": "jsontt 💡 - AI JSON翻译器,配备GPT +其他免费翻译模块,可将您的json/yaml文件翻译成其他语言 ✅ 查看自述文件 ✌ 支持GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argos", "zh-hant": "jsontt 💡 - AI JSON翻譯器,搭載GPT和其他免費翻譯模組,可將您的json/yaml文件翻譯成其他語言 ✅ 查看Readme ✌ 支援GPT / DeepL / Google / Bing / Libre / Argos" } }, "https://github.com/erikbjare/gptme": { "repository_name": "gptme", "user_name": "ErikBjare", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chat with LLMs equipped with local tools: executes python and bash, edits local files, browses the web.", "topics": [ "autogpt", "chatbot", "chatgpt", "cli", "gpt-engineer", "llamacpp", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with LLMs equipped with local tools: executes python and bash, edits local files, browses the web.", "ja": "ローカルツールを備えたLLMsとチャットする:PythonとBashを実行し、ローカルファイルを編集し、ウェブを閲覧します。", "zh-hans": "与配备本地工具的LLMs聊天:执行Python和Bash,编辑本地文件,浏览网页。", "zh-hant": "與配備本地工具的LLMs聊天:執行Python和Bash,編輯本地文件,瀏覽網頁。" } }, "https://github.com/rnchg/apt": { "repository_name": "Apt", "user_name": "rnchg", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI Productivity Tool - Free and open-source, enhancing user productivity while ensuring privacy and data security. It provides efficient and convenient AI solutions, including but not limited to: built-in exclusive ChatGPT, one-click batch intelligent processing of images and videos, and more.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Productivity Tool - Free and open-source, enhancing user productivity while ensuring privacy and data security. It provides efficient and convenient AI solutions, including but not limited to: built-in exclusive ChatGPT, one-click batch intelligent proc", "ja": "AI生産性ツール - 無料でオープンソース、ユーザーの生産性を向上させながらプライバシーとデータセキュリティを確保します。組み込みの独占的なChatGPTを含む効率的で便利なAIソリューションを提供します。", "zh-hans": "AI生产力工具-免费开源,提高用户生产力同时确保隐私和数据安全。它提供高效便捷的AI解决方案,包括但不限于:内置独家ChatGPT,一键批量智能处理。", "zh-hant": "AI 生產力工具-免費且開源,提高用戶生產力同時確保隱私和數據安全。它提供高效便捷的人工智能解決方案,包括但不限於:內置獨家 ChatGPT、一鍵批量智能處理。" } }, "https://github.com/cerlancism/chatgpt-subtitle-translator": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-subtitle-translator", "user_name": "Cerlancism", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Efficient translation tool based on ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cli", "gui", "llm", "openai", "srt", "srt-subtitles", "subtitle", "translator", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Efficient translation tool based on ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIをベースにした効率的な翻訳ツール", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT API的高效翻译工具", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGPT API的高效翻譯工具" } } }, "Reimplementations": { "https://github.com/lucidrains/palm-rlhf-pytorch": { "repository_name": "PaLM-rlhf-pytorch", "user_name": "lucidrains", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "attention-mechanisms", "deep-learning", "human-feedback", "reinforcement-learning", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM", "ja": "PaLMアーキテクチャの上にRLHF(人間のフィードバックを用いた強化学習)の実装。基本的にはChatGPTですが、PaLMを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "在PaLM架构之上实现RLHF(人类反馈强化学习)。基本上是ChatGPT,但使用了PaLM。", "zh-hant": "在PaLM架構上實現RLHF(Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback)。基本上是ChatGPT,但使用PaLM。" } }, "https://github.com/karpathy/mingpt": { "repository_name": "minGPT", "user_name": "karpathy", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training", "ja": "OpenAI GPT(Generative Pretrained Transformer)のトレーニングの最小限のPyTorch再実装", "zh-hans": "一个最小化的PyTorch重新实现OpenAI GPT(生成预训练变压器)训练。", "zh-hant": "一個最小化的PyTorch重新實現OpenAI GPT(生成預訓練變形器)訓練的程式。" } }, "https://github.com/amazon-science/mm-cot": { "repository_name": "mm-cot", "user_name": "amazon-science", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Official implementation for \"Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models\" (stay tuned and more will be updated)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official implementation for \"Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models\" (stay tuned and more will be updated)", "ja": "「言語モデルにおける多様な思考連鎖推論」の公式実装があります(今後も更新されますのでお楽しみに)。", "zh-hans": "“语言模型中的多模态思维链推理”官方实现已发布(敬请关注,更多内容将会更新)。", "zh-hant": "官方實現「語言模型中的多模態思維鏈推理」(敬請期待,將有更多更新)" } }, "https://github.com/jaymody/picogpt": { "repository_name": "picoGPT", "user_name": "jaymody", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An unnecessarily tiny implementation of GPT-2 in NumPy.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "gpt", "gpt-2", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "neural-network", "nlp", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unnecessarily tiny implementation of GPT-2 in NumPy.", "ja": "NumPyで実装されたGPT-2の不必要に小さい実装。", "zh-hans": "一个不必要的小型GPT-2实现,使用NumPy编写。", "zh-hant": "一個不必要的小型NumPy GPT-2實現。" } }, "https://github.com/eleutherai/gpt-neox": { "repository_name": "gpt-neox", "user_name": "EleutherAI", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the DeepSpeed library.", "topics": [ "deepspeed-library", "gpt-3", "language-model", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the DeepSpeed library.", "ja": "DeepSpeedライブラリに基づくGPU上のモデル並列自己回帰トランスフォーマーの実装。", "zh-hans": "基于DeepSpeed库在GPU上实现的模型并行自回归变压器。", "zh-hant": "基於DeepSpeed庫的GPU模型並行自回歸變壓器的實現。" } }, "https://github.com/burhanultayyab/gptzero": { "repository_name": "GPTZero", "user_name": "BurhanUlTayyab", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open-source implementation of GPTZero ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source implementation of GPTZero", "ja": "GPTZeroのオープンソース実装", "zh-hans": "GPTZero的开源实现", "zh-hant": "GPTZero 的開源實現" } }, "https://github.com/ridgerchu/spikegpt": { "repository_name": "SpikeGPT", "user_name": "ridgerchu", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" License", "description": "Implementation of \"SpikeGPT: Generative Pre-trained Language Model with Spiking Neural Networks\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of \"SpikeGPT: Generative Pre-trained Language Model with Spiking Neural Networks\"", "ja": "「SpikeGPT:スパイキングニューラルネットワークを用いた生成事前学習言語モデルの実装」の実現", "zh-hans": "“SpikeGPT: 带有脉冲神经网络的生成式预训练语言模型的实现”", "zh-hant": "實現「SpikeGPT:具有脈衝神經網絡的生成預訓練語言模型」" } }, "https://github.com/nouamanetazi/bloomz.cpp": { "repository_name": "bloomz.cpp", "user_name": "NouamaneTazi", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "C++ implementation for BLOOM", "topics": [ "bloom", "cpp", "multilingual" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "C++ implementation for BLOOM", "ja": "BLOOMのC++実装", "zh-hans": "BLOOM的C++实现", "zh-hant": "BLOOM 的 C++ 實現" } }, "https://github.com/apple/ml-ane-transformers": { "repository_name": "ml-ane-transformers", "user_name": "apple", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Reference implementation of the Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Neural Engine (ANE)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Reference implementation of the Transformer architecture optimized for Apple Neural Engine (ANE)", "ja": "Apple Neural Engine(ANE)に最適化されたTransformerアーキテクチャのリファレンス実装", "zh-hans": "针对苹果神经引擎(ANE)优化的Transformer架构参考实现。", "zh-hant": "針對蘋果神經引擎(ANE)優化的Transformer架構參考實現" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/swift-coreml-transformers": { "repository_name": "swift-coreml-transformers", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Swift", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Swift Core ML 3 implementations of GPT-2, DistilGPT-2, BERT, and DistilBERT for Question answering. Other Transformers coming soon!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Swift Core ML 3 implementations of GPT-2, DistilGPT-2, BERT, and DistilBERT for Question answering. Other Transformers coming soon!", "ja": "GPT-2、DistilGPT-2、BERT、およびDistilBERTのSwift Core ML 3実装による質問応答。他のトランスフォーマーも近日公開予定!", "zh-hans": "Swift Core ML 3 实现了 GPT-2、DistilGPT-2、BERT 和 DistilBERT 用于问答。其他 Transformer 即将推出!", "zh-hant": "Swift Core ML 3 實現了 GPT-2、DistilGPT-2、BERT 和 DistilBERT 的問答功能。其他 Transformer 即將推出!" } }, "https://github.com/hundredblocks/large-model-parallelism": { "repository_name": "large-model-parallelism", "user_name": "hundredblocks", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Functional local implementations of main model parallelism approaches", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Functional local implementations of main model parallelism approaches", "ja": "主要なモデル並列化手法の機能的なローカル実装", "zh-hans": "主要模型并行方法的功能本地实现", "zh-hant": "主要模型平行處理方法的功能本地實現" } }, "https://github.com/lucidrains/memorizing-transformers-pytorch": { "repository_name": "memorizing-transformers-pytorch", "user_name": "lucidrains", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Implementation of Memorizing Transformers (ICLR 2022), attention net augmented with indexing and retrieval of memories using approximate nearest neighbors, in Pytorch", "topics": [ "approximate-nearest-neighbors", "artificial-intelligence", "attention-mechanism", "deep-learning", "memory", "retrieval", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of Memorizing Transformers (ICLR 2022), attention net augmented with indexing and retrieval of memories using approximate nearest neighbors, in Pytorch", "ja": "Pytorchでの近似最近傍法を使用したメモリのインデックスと検索を増強したアテンションネットワークを実装した「Memorizing Transformers」(ICLR 2022)の実装。", "zh-hans": "使用Pytorch实现记忆Transformer(ICLR 2022),通过近似最近邻索引和检索增强的注意力网络,用于记忆。", "zh-hant": "記憶變形器的實現(ICLR 2022),使用近似最近鄰居索引和檢索增強的注意力網絡,在Pytorch中。" } }, "https://github.com/lightning-ai/lit-llama": { "repository_name": "lit-llama", "user_name": "Lightning-AI", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "ja": "nanoGPTに基づくLLaMA言語モデルの実装。フラッシュアテンション、Int8およびGPTQ 4ビット量子化、LoRAおよびLLaMA-Adapterの微調整、事前学習をサポートしています。Apache 2.0ライセンスです。", "zh-hans": "基于nanoGPT的LLaMA语言模型实现。支持闪存注意力、Int8和GPTQ 4位量化、LoRA和LLaMA-Adapter微调、预训练。采用Apache 2.0许可证。", "zh-hant": "基於nanoGPT的LLaMA語言模型實現。支持閃存注意力、Int8和GPTQ 4位量化、LoRA和LLaMA-Adapter微調、預訓練。Apache 2.0許可證。" } }, "https://github.com/lightning-ai/lit-parrot": { "repository_name": "lit-parrot", "user_name": "Lightning-AI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Implementation of the StableLM/Pythia/INCITE language models based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of the StableLM/Pythia/INCITE language models based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "ja": "nanoGPTに基づくStableLM/Pythia/INCITE言語モデルの実装。フラッシュアテンション、LLaMA-アダプターの微調整、事前学習をサポート。Apache 2.0ライセンス。", "zh-hans": "基于nanoGPT的StableLM/Pythia/INCITE语言模型的实现。支持闪存注意力、LLaMA-Adapter微调、预训练。采用Apache 2.0许可证。", "zh-hant": "基於nanoGPT的StableLM/Pythia/INCITE語言模型的實現。支持閃光注意力、LLaMA-Adapter微調和預訓練。Apache 2.0許可證。" } }, "https://github.com/ricklamers/gpt-code-ui": { "repository_name": "gpt-code-ui", "user_name": "ricklamers", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "llms", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPTコードインタープリターのオープンソース実装", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的ChatGPT代码解释器的开源实现", "zh-hant": "一個開源實現OpenAI的ChatGPT代碼解釋器的項目" } }, "https://github.com/zeqiang-lai/draggan": { "repository_name": "DragGAN", "user_name": "Zeqiang-Lai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Online Demo and Implementation of DragGAN - \"Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold\"", "topics": [ "draggan", "gradio-interface", "image-editing", "image-generation", "interngpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Online Demo and Implementation of DragGAN - \"Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold\"", "ja": "DragGANのオンラインデモと実装 - 「Drag Your GAN:生成画像マニフォールド上のインタラクティブなポイントベースの操作」", "zh-hans": "在线演示和实现DragGAN - “拖动您的GAN:在生成图像流形上进行交互式基于点的操作”", "zh-hant": "DragGAN 的線上演示和實現 - 「拖動您的 GAN:在生成圖像流形上進行交互式基於點的操作」。" } }, "https://github.com/keyvank/femtogpt": { "repository_name": "femtoGPT", "user_name": "keyvank", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Pure Rust implementation of a minimal Generative Pretrained Transformer", "topics": [ "from-scratch", "gpt", "llm", "machine-learning", "neural-network", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pure Rust implementation of a minimal Generative Pretrained Transformer", "ja": "最小限のGenerative Pretrained Transformerの純粋なRust実装", "zh-hans": "一个最小化的生成预训练变压器的纯Rust实现。", "zh-hant": "一個最小化的生成預訓練轉換器的純Rust實現" } }, "https://github.com/lightning-ai/lit-gpt": { "repository_name": "lit-gpt", "user_name": "Lightning-AI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Hackable implementation of state-of-the-art open-source LLMs based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Hackable implementation of state-of-the-art open-source LLMs based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.", "ja": "nanoGPTに基づいた最新のオープンソースLLMsのハッキング可能な実装。フラッシュアテンション、Int8およびGPTQ 4ビットの量子化、LoRAおよびLLaMA-Adapterのファインチューニング、事前トレーニングをサポートしています。Apache 2.0ライセンスです。", "zh-hans": "可黑客实现的基于nanoGPT的最先进开源LLMs。支持闪存注意力、Int8和GPTQ 4位量化、LoRA和LLaMA-Adapter微调、预训练。Apache 2.0许可。", "zh-hant": "可駭入的最先進開源LLMs的實現,基於nanoGPT。支持閃存注意力、Int8和GPTQ 4位量化、LoRA和LLaMA-Adapter微調、預訓練。Apache 2.0許可。" } }, "https://github.com/turboderp/exllama": { "repository_name": "exllama", "user_name": "turboderp", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A more memory-efficient rewrite of the HF transformers implementation of Llama for use with quantized weights.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A more memory-efficient rewrite of the HF transformers implementation of Llama for use with quantized weights.", "ja": "量子化された重みを使用するためのLlamaのHF transformers実装のメモリ効率の改善版。", "zh-hans": "一个更节省内存的重写版本,用于使用量化权重的Llama的HF变压器实现。", "zh-hant": "一個更節省記憶體的重寫版本,用於使用量化權重的Llama的HF transformers實現。" } }, "https://github.com/deepgraphlearning/astarnet": { "repository_name": "AStarNet", "user_name": "DeepGraphLearning", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Official implementation of A* Networks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official implementation of A* Networks", "ja": "公式のA*ネットワークの実装", "zh-hans": "官方实现的A*网络", "zh-hant": "官方實現的A*網絡" } }, "https://github.com/shroominic/codeinterpreter-api": { "repository_name": "codeinterpreter-api", "user_name": "shroominic", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter 👾", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-code-generation", "code-interpreter", "codeinterpreter", "langchain", "llm-agent" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter 👾", "ja": "ChatGPTコードインタープリターのオープンソース実装 👾", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT代码解释器的开源实现 👾", "zh-hant": "開源ChatGPT代碼解釋器的實現 👾" } }, "https://github.com/mrgreyfun/local-code-interpreter": { "repository_name": "Local-Code-Interpreter", "user_name": "MrGreyfun", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "A local implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code Interpreter.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A local implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code Interpreter.", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPTコードインタプリタのローカル実装。", "zh-hans": "一个本地实现的OpenAI ChatGPT代码解释器。", "zh-hant": "一個本地實現的OpenAI ChatGPT代碼解釋器。" } }, "https://github.com/openllmai/chatpixiu": { "repository_name": "ChatPiXiu", "user_name": "OpenLLMAI", "language": null, "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "ChatPiXiu: Docs of OpenLLMAI. Survey, reproduction and domain/task adaptation of open source chatgpt alternatives/implementations. PiXiu-貔貅 means fortune.", "topics": [ "chatglm", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-alternatives", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-bot", "chatzhangsan", "chatzhihu", "chinese-chatgpt", "llama", "openllm", "openllmai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatPiXiu: Docs of OpenLLMAI. Survey, reproduction and domain/task adaptation of open source chatgpt alternatives/implementations. PiXiu-貔貅 means fortune.", "ja": "ChatPiXiu:OpenLLMAIのドキュメント。オープンソースのChatGPTの代替/実装の調査、再現、ドメイン/タスクの適応についてのドキュメントです。PiXiu-貔貅は幸運を意味します。", "zh-hans": "ChatPiXiu:OpenLLMAI的文档。调查、复制和领域/任务适应开源chatgpt替代品/实现。PiXiu-貔貅意味着财富。", "zh-hant": "ChatPiXiu:OpenLLMAI的文件。調查、複製和領域/任務適應開源chatgpt替代方案/實現。PiXiu-貔貅意味著財富。" } }, "https://github.com/lifeiteng/vall-e": { "repository_name": "vall-e", "user_name": "lifeiteng", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "PyTorch implementation of VALL-E(Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech), Reproduced Demo https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "in-context-learning", "large-language-models", "text-to-speech", "tts", "vall-e", "valle" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PyTorch implementation of VALL-E(Zero-Shot Text-To-Speech), Reproduced Demo https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html", "ja": "VALL-E(ゼロショットテキストから音声へ)のPyTorch実装、再現されたデモ https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html", "zh-hans": "VALL-E(零样本文本到语音)的PyTorch实现,复现演示https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\nVALL-E(零樣本文本轉語音)的PyTorch實現,重現的演示 https://lifeiteng.github.io/valle/index.html" } }, "https://github.com/shibing624/textgen": { "repository_name": "textgen", "user_name": "shibing624", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "TextGen: Implementation of Text Generation models, include LLaMA, BLOOM, GPT2, BART, T5, SongNet and so on. 文本生成模型,实现了包括LLaMA,ChatGLM,BLOOM,GPT2,Seq2Seq,BART,T5,UDA等模型的训练和预测,开箱即用。", "topics": [ "bart", "bert", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "gpt2", "llama", "seq2seq", "t5", "text-generation", "textgen", "xlnet" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "TextGen: Implementation of Text Generation models, include LLaMA, BLOOM, GPT2, BART, T5, SongNet and so on. 文本生成模型,实现了包括LLaMA,ChatGLM,BLOOM,GPT2,Seq2Seq,BART,T5,UDA等模型的训练和预测,开箱即用。", "ja": "テキスト生成モデルの実装で、LLaMA、BLOOM、GPT2、BART、T5、SongNetなどを含みます。これらのモデルのトレーニングと予測を実現し、すぐに使用できます。", "zh-hans": "文本生成模型,包括LLaMA、BLOOM、GPT2、BART、T5、SongNet等的实现。可以进行训练和预测,方便使用。", "zh-hant": "輸入:TextGen:文本生成模型的實現,包括LLaMA,BLOOM,GPT2,BART,T5,SongNet等等。文本生成模型,實現了包括LLaMA,ChatGLM,BLOOM,GPT2,Seq2Seq,BART,T5,UDA等模型的訓練和預測,開箱即用。" } }, "https://github.com/conceptofmind/lamda-rlhf-pytorch": { "repository_name": "LaMDA-rlhf-pytorch", "user_name": "conceptofmind", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Open-source pre-training implementation of Google's LaMDA in PyTorch. Adding RLHF similar to ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "attention-mechanism", "deep-learning", "human-feedback", "machine-learning", "reinforcement-learning", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open-source pre-training implementation of Google's LaMDA in PyTorch. Adding RLHF similar to ChatGPT.", "ja": "GoogleのLaMDAのPyTorchでのオープンソースの事前トレーニング実装。ChatGPTに類似したRLHFの追加。GoogleのLaMDAのPyTorchでのオープンソースの事前トレーニング実装。ChatGPTに類似したRLHFの追加。", "zh-hans": "使用PyTorch实现Google LaMDA的开源预训练模型。添加类似于ChatGPT的RLHF。", "zh-hant": "Google LaMDA在PyTorch中的開源預訓練實現。添加類似ChatGPT的RLHF。Google LaMDA在PyTorch中的開源預訓練實現。添加類似ChatGPT的RLHF。" } }, "https://github.com/brainlid/langchain": { "repository_name": "langchain", "user_name": "brainlid", "language": "Elixir", "license": "Other", "description": "Elixir implementation of a LangChain style framework.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "elixir", "langchain", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Elixir implementation of a LangChain style framework.", "ja": "LangChainスタイルのフレームワークのElixir実装。", "zh-hans": "Elixir实现LangChain风格框架。", "zh-hant": "LangChain風格框架的Elixir實現。" } }, "https://github.com/adityang/kan-gpt": { "repository_name": "kan-gpt", "user_name": "AdityaNG", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The PyTorch implementation of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) using Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) for language modeling", "topics": [ "gpt", "kanformers", "kolmogorov-arnold-networks", "kolmogorov-arnold-representation", "llm", "text-generation", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The PyTorch implementation of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) using Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) for language modeling", "ja": "言語モデリングのためのKolmogorov-Arnold Networks(KANs)を使用したGenerative Pre-trained Transformers(GPTs)のPyTorch実装PyTorchによるGenerative Pre-trained Transformers(GPTs)のKolmogorov-Arnold Networks(KANs)を使用した言語モデリングの実装", "zh-hans": "使用 Kolmogorov-Arnold 网络 (KANs) 对生成式预训练变压器 (GPTs) 进行 PyTorch 实现,用于语言建模。", "zh-hant": "使用 Kolmogorov-Arnold 網絡 (KANs) 實現的 PyTorch 生成式預訓練變換器 (GPTs) 用於語言建模" } }, "https://github.com/voidful/textrl": { "repository_name": "TextRL", "user_name": "voidful", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Implementation of ChatGPT RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on any generation model in huggingface's transformer (blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "controlled-nlg", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "language-model", "nlg", "nlp", "pytorch", "reinforcement-learning", "rlhf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementation of ChatGPT RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on any generation model in huggingface's transformer (blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)", "ja": "huggingfaceのtransformer(blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)のどの世代モデルにもChatGPT RLHF(人間フィードバック付き強化学習)の実装", "zh-hans": "在huggingface的transformer(blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)上实现ChatGPT RLHF(强化学习与人类反馈)。", "zh-hant": "在huggingface的transformer上實現ChatGPT RLHF(Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback)在任何生成模型上的應用(blommz-176B/bloom/gpt/bart/T5/MetaICL)" } }, "https://github.com/sharegpt4omni/sharegpt4video": { "repository_name": "ShareGPT4Video", "user_name": "ShareGPT4Omni", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "An official implementation of ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "gpt-4v", "large-language-models", "large-multimodal-models", "large-video-language-models", "large-vision-language-models", "sora", "text-to-video" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An official implementation of ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions", "ja": "ShareGPT4Videoの公式実装:より良いキャプションでビデオ理解と生成を向上させる", "zh-hans": "ShareGPT4Video的官方实现:通过更好的字幕改进视频理解和生成", "zh-hant": "ShareGPT4Video的官方實施:通過更好的字幕改進視頻理解和生成" } }, "https://github.com/affjljoo3581/gpt2": { "repository_name": "GPT2", "user_name": "affjljoo3581", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "PyTorch Implementation of OpenAI GPT-2", "topics": [ "gpt2", "language-model", "natural-language-generation", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "pytorch", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PyTorch Implementation of OpenAI GPT-2", "ja": "OpenAI GPT-2のPyTorch実装", "zh-hans": "PyTorch实现OpenAI GPT-2", "zh-hant": "PyTorch 實現 OpenAI GPT-2" } } }, "Tutorials": { "https://github.com/mouredev/hello-python": { "repository_name": "Hello-Python", "user_name": "mouredev", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Curso para aprender el lenguaje de programación Python desde cero y para principiantes. Más de 30 clases, 25 horas en vídeo, código y grupo de chat. Desde sus fundamentos hasta la creación de un API Backend con base de datos y más...", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "fastapi", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "mongodb", "openai", "openai-api", "python", "python3", "tutorial" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Course to learn the Python programming language from scratch and for beginners. Over 30 classes, 25 hours of video, code, and chat group. From its fundamentals to creating a Backend API with a database and more...", "ja": "Pythonプログラミング言語をゼロから学ぶための初心者向けコース。30以上のレッスン、25時間のビデオ、コード、チャットグループがあります。基礎からデータベースを持つAPIバックエンドの作成まで...", "zh-hans": "从零开始学习Python编程语言的课程,适合初学者。超过30个课程,25小时的视频,代码和聊天群组。从基础知识到创建具有数据库的API后端等等...", "zh-hant": "從零開始學習Python編程語言的課程,適合初學者。超過30堂課,25小時的視頻,代碼和聊天群組。從基礎知識到創建帶有數據庫的API後端等等..." } }, "https://github.com/dataflowr/notebooks": { "repository_name": "notebooks", "user_name": "dataflowr", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "code for deep learning courses", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "hacktob", "hacktoberfest", "pytorch", "tutorials" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "code for deep learning courses", "ja": "深層学習コースのコード", "zh-hans": "深度学习课程代码", "zh-hant": "深度學習課程代碼" } }, "https://github.com/camenduru/gpt4all-colab": { "repository_name": "gpt4all-colab", "user_name": "camenduru", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "🔥gpt4all (the best chatgpt clone) running locally and on colab tutorial - - to @camenduru's colab -", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥gpt4all (the best chatgpt clone) running locally and on colab tutorial - - to @camenduru's colab -", "ja": "🔥gpt4all(最高のchatgptクローン)がローカルとcolabチュートリアルで実行されています-@camenduruのcolabに-", "zh-hans": "🔥gpt4all(最好的chatgpt克隆版)在本地和colab教程上运行 - 到@camenduru的colab -", "zh-hant": "🔥gpt4all(最佳的chatgpt克隆版)在本地運行並在colab教程中 - 到@camenduru的colab -\n🔥gpt4all(最佳的chatgpt克隆版)在本地運行並在colab教程中 - 到@camenduru的colab -" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/x-decoder": { "repository_name": "X-Decoder", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Tutorials and programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing", "topics": [ "coding-kata", "hacktoberfest", "qsharp", "quantum-computing", "quantum-programming", "tutorial-exercises", "tutorials" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tutorials and programming exercises for learning Q# and quantum computing", "ja": "Q#と量子コンピューティングを学ぶためのチュートリアルとプログラミング演習", "zh-hans": "学习Q#和量子计算的教程和编程练习", "zh-hant": "學習 Q# 和量子計算的教程和編程練習" } }, "https://github.com/akshitireddy/ai-powered-video-tutorial-generator": { "repository_name": "AI-Powered-Video-Tutorial-Generator", "user_name": "AkshitIreddy", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "unlicense", "name": "The Unlicense", "spdx_id": "Unlicense", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/unlicense", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE1" }, "description": "Create AI-Generated Video Tutorials with Character Animation and Slides!", "topics": [ "creative", "facial-animation", "fastapi", "generativeai", "langchain-python", "nextjs13" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create AI-Generated Video Tutorials with Character Animation and Slides!", "ja": "キャラクターアニメーションとスライドを使用したAI生成ビデオチュートリアルを作成しましょう!", "zh-hans": "使用角色动画和幻灯片创建AI生成的视频教程!", "zh-hant": "創建具有角色動畫和幻燈片的AI生成視頻教程!" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/semantic-kernel-rag-chat": { "repository_name": "semantic-kernel-rag-chat", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Tutorial for ChatGPT + Enterprise Data with Semantic Kernel, OpenAI, and Azure Cognitive Search", "topics": [ "azure-cognitive-search", "semantic-kernel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tutorial for ChatGPT + Enterprise Data with Semantic Kernel, OpenAI, and Azure Cognitive Search", "ja": "チャットGPT + エンタープライズデータのチュートリアル、セマンティックカーネル、OpenAI、およびAzure Cognitive Searchについて", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT + 企业数据与语义内核的教程,OpenAI 和 Azure Cognitive Search", "zh-hant": "使用語義核心的ChatGPT + 企業數據的教程,OpenAI和Azure認知搜索" } }, "https://github.com/k4l1sh/alexa-gpt": { "repository_name": "alexa-gpt", "user_name": "k4l1sh", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A tutorial on how to use ChatGPT in Alexa", "topics": [ "alexa", "aws-lambda", "chatgpt", "gpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A tutorial on how to use ChatGPT in Alexa", "ja": "AlexaでChatGPTを使用する方法のチュートリアル", "zh-hans": "如何在Alexa中使用ChatGPT的教程", "zh-hant": "一個關於如何在Alexa上使用ChatGPT的教程" } }, "https://github.com/qxresearch/qxresearch-event-1": { "repository_name": "qxresearch-event-1", "user_name": "qxresearch", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Python hands on tutorial with 50+ Python Application (10 lines of code) @xiaowuc2", "topics": [ "ai-project", "artificial-intelligence-projects", "audio-visualizer", "chatbot-python", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-python", "hactoberfest", "machine-learning", "machine-learning-project", "machine-learning-projects", "ml-project", "python", "python-application", "python-chatbot", "python-mini-projects", "python-project", "python-projects", "python-tutorial", "trending-repositories", "voice-recorder" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python hands on tutorial with 50+ Python Application (10 lines of code) @xiaowuc2", "ja": "Pythonの実践的なチュートリアルで、50以上のPythonアプリケーション(10行のコード)@xiaowuc2", "zh-hans": "Python实践教程,包含50多个Python应用程序(10行代码)@xiaowuc2", "zh-hant": "Python 實戰教程,包含50+個Python應用程式(10行代碼)@xiaowuc2" } }, "https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial": { "repository_name": "leedl-tutorial", "user_name": "datawhalechina", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "《李宏毅深度学习教程》,PDF下载地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases", "topics": [ "bert", "chatgpt", "cnn", "deep-learning", "diffusion", "gan", "leedl-tutorial", "machine-learning", "network-compression", "pruning", "reinforcement-learning", "rnn", "self-attention", "transfer-learning", "transformer", "tutorial" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: \"《李宏毅深度学习教程》,PDF下载地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases\"Output: \"《Li Hongyi Deep Learning Tutorial》,PDF download link: https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases\"", "ja": "《李宏毅深度学習教程》,PDFダウンロードアドレス:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases", "zh-hans": "《李宏毅深度学习教程》,PDF下载地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases", "zh-hant": "《李宏毅深度學習教程》,PDF下載地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases" } }, "https://github.com/eunomia-bpf/bpf-developer-tutorial": { "repository_name": "bpf-developer-tutorial", "user_name": "eunomia-bpf", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Learn eBPF by examples | eBPF 开发者教程与知识库:通过小工具和示例一步步学习 eBPF,包含性能、网络、安全等多种应用场景", "topics": [ "bpf", "chatgpt", "co-re", "ebpf", "gpt", "libbpf", "libbpf-go", "libbpf-tools", "linux", "tutorial", "webassemby" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Learn eBPF by examples | eBPF Developer Tutorial and Knowledge Base: Learn eBPF step by step through tools and examples, including various application scenarios such as performance, networking, and security.", "ja": "学习 eBPF 的例子 | eBPF 開発者チュートリアルとナレッジベース:パフォーマンス、ネットワーク、セキュリティなど、さまざまなアプリケーションシナリオを小道具と例を使って一歩ずつ学ぶ", "zh-hans": "通过示例学习 eBPF | eBPF 开发者教程与知识库:通过小工具和示例一步步学习 eBPF,包含性能、网络、安全等多种应用场景", "zh-hant": "通過例子學習 eBPF | eBPF 開發者教程與知識庫:通過小工具和示例一步步學習 eBPF,包含性能、網絡、安全等多種應用場景" } }, "https://github.com/ukairia777/tensorflow-nlp-tutorial": { "repository_name": "tensorflow-nlp-tutorial", "user_name": "ukairia777", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "tensorflow를 사용하여 텍스트 전처리부터, Topic Models, BERT, GPT, LLM과 같은 최신 모델의 다운스트림 태스크들을 정리한 Deep Learning NLP 저장소입니다.", "topics": [ "bert", "bert-ner", "dpo", "huggingface", "keras-tutorial", "llama", "llm", "lora", "named-entity-recognition", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "nlp-tutorial", "question-answering", "sft", "tensorflow", "trainer", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a Deep Learning NLP repository that summarizes tasks such as text preprocessing, Topic Models, BERT, GPT, and LLM using tensorflow and other latest models.", "ja": "TensorFlowを使用してテキストの前処理から、Topic Models、BERT、GPT、LLMなどの最新モデルのダウンストリームタスクをまとめたDeep Learning NLPリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "使用tensorflow进行文本预处理,整理了最新模型的下游任务,如主题模型、BERT、GPT、LLM等的Deep Learning NLP存储库。", "zh-hant": "使用tensorflow進行文本預處理,整理最新模型的下游任務,如主題模型、BERT、GPT、LLM等的Deep Learning NLP存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/teddylee777/langchain-kr": { "repository_name": "langchain-kr", "user_name": "teddylee777", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "LangChain 공식 Document, Cookbook, 그 밖의 실용 예제를 바탕으로 작성한 한국어 튜토리얼입니다. 본 튜토리얼을 통해 LangChain을 더 쉽고 효과적으로 사용하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cookbook", "generative-ai", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "huggingface", "langchain", "langchain-python", "openai", "openai-api", "tutorial" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a Korean tutorial written based on the official LangChain document, Cookbook, and other practical examples. Through this tutorial, you can learn how to use LangChain more easily and effectively.", "ja": "LangChain 公式ドキュメント、Cookbook、その他の実用例を基に作成した韓国語チュートリアルです。このチュートリアルを通じてLangChainをより簡単かつ効果的に使用する方法を学ぶことができます。", "zh-hans": "通过LangChain官方文档、Cookbook以及其他实用示例编写的韩语教程。通过本教程,您可以学习如何更轻松、更有效地使用LangChain。", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。LangChain官方文件、Cookbook、以及其他實用範例為基礎撰寫的韓文教程。透過本教程,您可以學習如何更輕鬆有效地使用LangChain。LangChain官方文件、Cookbook、以及其他實用範例為基礎撰寫的韓文教程。透過本教程,您可以學習如何更輕鬆有效地使用LangChain。" } }, "https://github.com/onlyphantom/llm-python": { "repository_name": "llm-python", "user_name": "onlyphantom", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Large Language Models (LLMs) tutorials & sample scripts, ft. langchain, openai, llamaindex, gpt, chromadb & pinecone", "topics": [ "chromadb", "gpt-3", "langchain", "langchain-python", "llamaindex", "llm", "llmops", "openai-api", "pinecone", "tutorial" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large Language Models (LLMs) tutorials & sample scripts featuring langchain, OpenAI, LLAMaindex, GPT, ChromaDB, and Pinecone.", "ja": "大規模言語モデル(LLMs)のチュートリアル&サンプルスクリプト、ft. langchain、openai、llamaindex、gpt、chromadb&pinecone", "zh-hans": "大型语言模型(LLMs)教程和示例脚本,ft. langchain,openai,llamaindex,gpt,chromadb和pinecone", "zh-hant": "大型語言模型(LLMs)教程和示例腳本,包括langchain、openai、llamaindex、gpt、chromadb和pinecone" } }, "https://github.com/evilpsycho/play-with-llms": { "repository_name": "Play-with-LLMs", "user_name": "EvilPsyCHo", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Tutorial on training, evaluating LLM, as well as utilizing RAG, Agent, Chain to build entertaining applications with LLMs.分享如何训练、评估LLMs,如何基于RAG、Agent、Chain构建有趣的LLMs应用。", "topics": [ "agent", "baichuan2", "chatgpt", "gpt", "large-language-models", "llama2", "llms", "mistral", "rag", "retrieval-augmented-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tutorial on training, evaluating LLM, as well as utilizing RAG, Agent, Chain to build entertaining applications with LLMs.分享如何训练、评估LLMs,如何基于RAG、Agent、Chain构建有趣的LLMs应用。", "ja": "LLMを訓練し、評価するチュートリアル、およびRAG、Agent、Chainを活用してエンターテイニングなLLMアプリケーションを構築する方法について共有します。", "zh-hans": "关于如何训练、评估LLMs,并利用RAG、Agent、Chain构建有趣的应用程序的教程。", "zh-hant": "教程:如何訓練、評估LLMs,以及利用RAG、Agent、Chain來構建具娛樂性的LLMs應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/vikparuchuri/zero_to_gpt": { "repository_name": "zero_to_gpt", "user_name": "VikParuchuri", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "Go from no deep learning knowledge to implementing GPT.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "python", "pytorch", "tutorial" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Go from no deep learning knowledge to implementing GPT.", "ja": "深層学習の知識がない状態からGPTの実装まで進んでください。", "zh-hans": "从零开始学习深度学习,实现GPT。", "zh-hant": "從零基礎的深度學習知識到實現GPT。" } } }, "NLP": { "https://github.com/microsoft/biogpt": { "repository_name": "BioGPT", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "microsoft research has released biogpt, a large language model trained on biomedical research literature. the model achieves better-than-human performance on answering questions from the biomedical literature, as evaluated on pubmedqa. the code for the …", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "microsoft research has released biogpt, a large language model trained on biomedical research literature. the model achieves better-than-human performance on answering questions from the biomedical literature, as evaluated on pubmedqa. the code for the …", "ja": "マイクロソフトリサーチは、バイオメディカル研究文献にトレーニングされた大規模言語モデルであるBioGPTをリリースしました。このモデルは、PubMedQAで評価されたバイオメディカル文献からの質問に対して、人間以上の性能を発揮します。コードは...", "zh-hans": "微软研究院发布了Biogpt,这是一个在生物医学研究文献上训练的大型语言模型。该模型在回答生物医学文献问题方面表现优于人类,经过PubMedQA评估。该模型的代码…", "zh-hant": "微軟研究院推出了 Biogpt,這是一個在生物醫學研究文獻上訓練的大型語言模型。該模型在回答來自生物醫學文獻的問題方面取得了優於人類的表現,並在 PubmedQA 上進行了評估。該模型的代碼..." } }, "https://github.com/varunshenoy/graphgpt": { "repository_name": "GraphGPT", "user_name": "varunshenoy", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Extrapolating knowledge graphs from unstructured text using GPT-3 🕵️‍♂️", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "knowledge-graph" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Extrapolating knowledge graphs from unstructured text using GPT-3 🕵️‍♂️", "ja": "GPT-3を使用して非構造化テキストから知識グラフを推測する 🕵️‍♂️", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3从非结构化文本中推断知识图谱 🕵️‍♂️", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3從非結構化文本中推斷知識圖譜 🕵️‍♂️" } }, "https://github.com/theappletucker/backend-gpt": { "repository_name": "backend-GPT", "user_name": "TheAppleTucker", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "6/ \"gpt is all you need for the backend\" : use an llm to help you write a backendwired: llm is the backendinspiring project from a recent scale hackathon. the llm backend takes state as json blob and modifies it based on... english description.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "6/ \"gpt is all you need for the backend\" : use an llm to help you write a backendwired: llm is the backendinspiring project from a recent scale hackathon. the llm backend takes state as json blob and modifies it based on... english description.", "ja": "6/ 「バックエンドに必要なのはgptだけです」:バックエンドの作成を支援するためにLLMを使用してください。Wired:LLMは最近のスケールハッカソンからのインスピレーションプロジェクトであり、LLMバックエンドは状態をJSONブロブとして取得し、それに基づいて変更します...英語の説明。", "zh-hans": "6/ “gpt是后端所需的全部”:使用LLM帮助您编写后端。Wired:LLM是最近规模黑客马拉松中一个激动人心的项目。LLM后端将状态作为JSON blob,并根据...英文描述进行修改。", "zh-hant": "6/ 「gpt是你後端所需的全部」:使用LLM來幫助你撰寫後端。Wired:LLM就是後端。LLM後端是最近一次規模黑客松中的一個啟發性項目。LLM後端將狀態作為JSON blob並根據...英文描述進行修改。" } }, "https://github.com/tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca": { "repository_name": "stanford_alpaca", "user_name": "tatsu-lab", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "instruction-following", "language-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.", "ja": "スタンフォードのアルパカモデルをトレーニングするためのコードとドキュメンテーション、およびデータを生成するためのもの。", "zh-hans": "用于训练斯坦福大学Alpaca模型和生成数据的代码和文档。", "zh-hant": "訓練斯坦福大學的Alpaca模型的代碼和文檔,以及生成數據。" } }, "https://github.com/antimatter15/alpaca.cpp": { "repository_name": "alpaca.cpp", "user_name": "antimatter15", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM", "ja": "ローカルで実行される指示に調整されたチャットスタイルLLM", "zh-hans": "本地运行指令调整的聊天式LLM", "zh-hant": "在本地運行一個指令調整的聊天式LLM" } }, "https://github.com/openai/openai-python": { "repository_name": "openai-python", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.", "topics": [ "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.", "ja": "OpenAI Pythonライブラリは、Python言語で書かれたアプリケーションからOpenAI APIに便利なアクセスを提供します。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI Python 库为使用 Python 语言编写的应用程序提供方便的访问 OpenAI API 的方式。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI Python 庫提供方便的方式,讓使用 Python 語言編寫的應用程式可以輕鬆地存取 OpenAI API。" } }, "https://github.com/fminference/flexgen": { "repository_name": "FlexGen", "user_name": "FMInference", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Running large language models on a single GPU for throughput-oriented scenarios.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "gpt-3", "high-throughput", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "offloading", "opt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Running large language models on a single GPU for throughput-oriented scenarios.", "ja": "スループット志向のシナリオで単一のGPU上で大規模な言語モデルを実行する。", "zh-hans": "在单个GPU上运行大型语言模型以实现吞吐量导向的场景。", "zh-hant": "在單個GPU上運行大型語言模型以實現吞吐量導向的場景。" } }, "https://github.com/blinkdl/rwkv-lm": { "repository_name": "RWKV-LM", "user_name": "BlinkDL", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference, saves VRAM, fast training, \"infinite\" ctx_len, and free sentence embedding.", "topics": [ "attention-mechanism", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "language-model", "linear-attention", "lstm", "pytorch", "rnn", "rwkv", "transformer", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference, saves VRAM, fast training, \"infinite\" ctx_len, and free sentence embedding.", "ja": "RWKVはトランスフォーマーレベルのLLMパフォーマンスを持つRNNです。GPTのように直接トレーニングすることができます(並列化可能)。つまり、RNNとトランスフォーマーの両方の長所を組み合わせており、優れたパフォーマンス、高速推論、VRAMの節約、高速トレーニング、\"無限\"のctx_len、そして無料の文埋め込みを提供しています。", "zh-hans": "RWKV是具有变压器级别LLM性能的RNN。它可以像GPT一样直接进行训练(可并行化)。因此,它结合了RNN和变压器的优点-出色的性能、快速推理、节省VRAM、快速训练、“无限”ctx_len和免费的句子嵌入。", "zh-hant": "RWKV 是一種具有變形器級別 LLM 表現的 RNN。它可以像 GPT 一樣直接進行訓練(可並行化)。因此,它結合了 RNN 和變形器的優點 - 表現優秀、推理速度快、節省 VRAM、訓練速度快、\"無限\" ctx_len 和免費的句子嵌入。" } }, "https://github.com/shyamsn97/mario-gpt": { "repository_name": "mario-gpt", "user_name": "shyamsn97", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Generating Mario Levels with GPT2. Code for the paper \"MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models\" https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generating Mario Levels with GPT2. Code for the paper \"MarioGPT: Open-Ended Text2Level Generation through Large Language Models\" https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981", "ja": "「GPT2を用いたマリオレベル生成。『MarioGPT:大規模言語モデルを通じたオープンエンドのテキスト2レベル生成』の論文コード」https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981", "zh-hans": "使用GPT2生成马里奥关卡。论文“MarioGPT:通过大型语言模型进行开放式文本生成关卡”的代码。https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981", "zh-hant": "使用GPT2生成馬里奧關卡。本論文代碼為「MarioGPT:通過大型語言模型進行開放式文本生成關卡」https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.05981" } }, "https://github.com/jameshwade/gpttools": { "repository_name": "gpttools", "user_name": "JamesHWade", "language": "R", "license": "Other", "description": "gpttools extends gptstudio for package development to help you document code, write tests, or even explain code", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nlp", "openai", "package-development", "rstats", "rstudio-addin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpttools extends gptstudio for package development to help you document code, write tests, or even explain code", "ja": "gpttoolsは、コードのドキュメント作成、テストの記述、コードの説明などを支援するために、パッケージ開発のためのgptstudioを拡張します。", "zh-hans": "gpttools扩展了gptstudio的功能,用于包开发,帮助您记录代码,编写测试,甚至解释代码。", "zh-hant": "gpttools擴展了gptstudio的套件開發功能,幫助您記錄代碼、編寫測試,甚至解釋代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/yihong0618/bilingual_book_maker": { "repository_name": "bilingual_book_maker", "user_name": "yihong0618", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Make bilingual epub books Using AI translate", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create bilingual e-books using AI translation.", "ja": "AI翻訳を使用してバイリンガルのepub書籍を作成する", "zh-hans": "使用人工智能翻译制作双语epub书籍", "zh-hant": "使用人工智慧翻譯製作雙語epub書籍" } }, "https://github.com/jesselau76/pdf-epub-gpt-translator": { "repository_name": "pdf-epub-GPT-translator", "user_name": "jesselau76", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "learn python + flask", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "learn python + flask", "ja": "PythonとFlaskを学ぶ", "zh-hans": "学习 Python + Flask", "zh-hant": "學習 Python + Flask" } }, "https://github.com/greshake/llm-security": { "repository_name": "llm-security", "user_name": "greshake", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "New ways of breaking app-integrated LLMs ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "New ways of breaking app-integrated LLMs", "ja": "アプリ統合LLMを破る新しい方法", "zh-hans": "打破应用程序集成的LLM的新方法", "zh-hant": "打破應用程式整合的LLM的新方法" } }, "https://github.com/thudm/glm-130b": { "repository_name": "GLM-130B", "user_name": "THUDM", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-Trained Model (ICLR 2023)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-Trained Model (ICLR 2023)", "ja": "GLM-130B:オープンなバイリンガル事前学習モデル(ICLR 2023)", "zh-hans": "GLM-130B:一个开放的双语预训练模型(ICLR 2023)", "zh-hant": "GLM-130B:一個開放的雙語預訓練模型(ICLR 2023)" } }, "https://github.com/kanhari/gpt-commit-summarizer": { "repository_name": "gpt-commit-summarizer", "user_name": "KanHarI", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "gpt based tool that writes the commit message for you", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt based tool that writes the commit message for you", "ja": "あなたのためにコミットメッセージを書くGPTベースのツール", "zh-hans": "基于GPT的工具,可以为您编写提交信息。", "zh-hant": "基於GPT的工具,可以為您撰寫提交訊息。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/gpt-3": { "repository_name": "gpt-3", "user_name": "openai", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-3: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners", "ja": "GPT-3: 言語モデルはフューショット学習者です。", "zh-hans": "GPT-3:语言模型是少样本学习者", "zh-hant": "GPT-3:語言模型是少樣本學習者" } }, "https://github.com/trzy/chatarkit": { "repository_name": "ChatARKit", "user_name": "trzy", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Using ChatGPT to create AR experiences with natural language.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using ChatGPT to create AR experiences with natural language.", "ja": "自然言語でAR体験を作成するためにChatGPTを使用する。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT自然语言创建AR体验。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT以自然語言創建AR體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/carperai/trlx": { "repository_name": "trlx", "user_name": "CarperAI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A repo for distributed training of language models with Reinforcement Learning via Human Feedback (RLHF)", "topics": [ "machine-learning", "pytorch", "reinforcement-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A repo for distributed training of language models with Reinforcement Learning via Human Feedback (RLHF)", "ja": "人間のフィードバックを介した強化学習による言語モデルの分散トレーニングのためのリポジトリ(RLHF)", "zh-hans": "一个用强化学习和人类反馈进行语言模型分布式训练的代码库(RLHF)。", "zh-hant": "一個使用強化學習和人類反饋進行語言模型分散式訓練的存儲庫(RLHF)" } }, "https://github.com/thudm/chatglm-6b": { "repository_name": "ChatGLM-6B", "user_name": "THUDM", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ChatGLM-6B:开源双语对话语言模型 | An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGLM-6B:开源双语对话语言模型 | An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model", "ja": "ChatGLM-6B:オープンソースのバイリンガル対話言語モデル", "zh-hans": "ChatGLM-6B:开源双语对话语言模型 | 一个开放的双语对话语言模型", "zh-hant": "ChatGLM-6B:開源雙語對話語言模型 | 一個開放的雙語對話語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/ai-code-translator": { "repository_name": "ai-code-translator", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Use AI to translate code from one language to another.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use AI to translate code from one language to another.", "ja": "AIを使用して、1つの言語から別の言語へのコードの翻訳を行います。", "zh-hans": "使用人工智能将代码从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。", "zh-hant": "使用人工智慧將程式碼從一種語言翻譯成另一種語言。" } }, "https://github.com/tanreinama/gptsan": { "repository_name": "GPTSAN", "user_name": "tanreinama", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "General-purpose Swich transformer based Japanese language model ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "General-purpose Swich transformer based Japanese language model", "ja": "汎用スイッチトランスに基づく日本語言語モデル", "zh-hans": "通用开关变压器基于日语的语言模型", "zh-hant": "通用開關變壓器基於日語語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/instruction-tuning-with-gpt-4/gpt-4-llm": { "repository_name": "GPT-4-LLM", "user_name": "Instruction-Tuning-with-GPT-4", "language": null, "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "nice summary of our \"instruction tuning with gpt-4!\" @omarsar0 generated instruction-following & feedback data is released, leading to superior self-instruct llms. stay tuned while we are pushing more into the github repo.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "nice summary of our \"instruction tuning with gpt-4!\" @omarsar0 generated instruction-following & feedback data is released, leading to superior self-instruct llms. stay tuned while we are pushing more into the github repo.", "ja": "「GPT-4による指示調整」に関する素晴らしいまとめがあります!@omarsar0が生成した指示に従うデータとフィードバックが公開され、優れた自己指導型LMSが生まれました。今後もGitHubリポジトリに追加していくので、お楽しみに!", "zh-hans": "我们的“使用GPT-4进行指令调整”的总结很好!@omarsar0生成的指令跟随和反馈数据已发布,导致了更优秀的自我指导学习模型。请继续关注我们在GitHub存储库中的更多更新。", "zh-hant": "我們的「使用 GPT-4 進行指令調整」的總結很好!@omarsar0 生成的指令跟隨和反饋數據已經發布,可以帶來更優秀的自我指導學習模型。請繼續關注我們在 GitHub 存儲庫中的更多更新。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/gpt-2": { "repository_name": "gpt-2", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Code for the paper \"Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners\"", "topics": [ "paper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code for the paper \"Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners\"", "ja": "論文「言語モデルは非監督マルチタスク学習者である」のコード", "zh-hans": "论文《语言模型是无监督多任务学习者》的代码", "zh-hant": "論文代碼:“語言模型是無監督多任務學習者”" } }, "https://github.com/forrestchang/gptlang": { "repository_name": "gptlang", "user_name": "forrestchang", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A new programming language implemented by GPT-4.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A new programming language implemented by GPT-4.", "ja": "GPT-4によって実装された新しいプログラミング言語。", "zh-hans": "由GPT-4实现的新编程语言。", "zh-hant": "由GPT-4實現的新程式語言。" } }, "https://github.com/google/big-bench": { "repository_name": "BIG-bench", "user_name": "google", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Beyond the Imitation Game collaborative benchmark for measuring and extrapolating the capabilities of language models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Beyond the Imitation Game collaborative benchmark for measuring and extrapolating the capabilities of language models", "ja": "言語モデルの能力を測定し、推測するための共同ベンチマークである「Beyond the Imitation Game」", "zh-hans": "超越模仿游戏的协作基准,用于测量和推断语言模型的能力。", "zh-hant": "超越模仿遊戲:衡量和推斷語言模型能力的協作基準" } }, "https://github.com/tysam-code/hlb-gpt": { "repository_name": "hlb-gpt", "user_name": "tysam-code", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Minimalistic, fast, and experimentation-friendly researcher's toolbench for GPT-like models in ~<365 lines of code. Reaches <3.8 validation loss on wikitext-103 on a single A100 in ~138 seconds.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Minimalistic, fast, and experimentation-friendly researcher's toolbench for GPT-like models in ~<365 lines of code. Reaches <3.8 validation loss on wikitext-103 on a single A100 in ~138 seconds.", "ja": "365行程度のコードで、ミニマリストで高速で実験に適したGPTライクなモデルの研究者用ツールベンチ。単一のA100で、wikitext-103で3.8以下の検証損失を約138秒で達成します。", "zh-hans": "一个极简、快速、适合实验的研究者工具箱,用不到365行代码实现GPT模型。在单个A100上,仅需约138秒即可将Wikitext-103的验证损失降至小于3.8。", "zh-hant": "以約365行程式碼打造的極簡、快速、且適合實驗的研究工具,可用於GPT-like模型。在單個A100上,於約138秒內在wikitext-103上達到小於3.8的驗證損失。" } }, "https://github.com/guillaume-be/rust-bert": { "repository_name": "rust-bert", "user_name": "guillaume-be", "language": "Rust", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Rust native ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)", "topics": [ "bart", "bert", "deep-learning", "electra", "gpt", "gpt-2", "language-generation", "machine-learning", "ner", "nlp", "question-answering", "roberta", "rust", "rust-lang", "sentiment-analysis", "transformer", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Rust native ready-to-use NLP pipelines and transformer-based models (BERT, DistilBERT, GPT2,...)", "ja": "Rustネイティブの使用準備ができたNLPパイプラインとトランスフォーマーベースのモデル(BERT、DistilBERT、GPT2など)", "zh-hans": "Rust原生的即用型NLP管道和基于转换器的模型(BERT、DistilBERT、GPT2等)", "zh-hant": "Rust原生即用的NLP管道和基於Transformer的模型(BERT、DistilBERT、GPT2等)" } }, "https://github.com/jiggy-ai/hn_summary": { "repository_name": "hn_summary", "user_name": "jiggy-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Summarizes top stories from Hacker News using a large language model and post them to a Telegram channel. ", "topics": [ "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-3-prompts", "gpt3", "hacker-news", "hackernews", "llm", "news", "telegram-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Summarizes top stories from Hacker News using a large language model and post them to a Telegram channel.", "ja": "ハッカーニュースのトップストーリーを大規模な言語モデルを使用して要約し、Telegramチャンネルに投稿します。", "zh-hans": "使用大型语言模型总结Hacker News的头条新闻,并将它们发布到Telegram频道。", "zh-hant": "使用大型語言模型總結Hacker News的頭條新聞,並將它們發布到Telegram頻道。" } }, "https://github.com/traghav/auto-redteam": { "repository_name": "auto-redteam", "user_name": "traghav", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Redteaming LLMs using other LLMs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Redteaming LLMs using other LLMs", "ja": "他のLLMsを使用してRedteaming LLMsを実行する", "zh-hans": "使用其他LLMs进行红队模拟", "zh-hant": "使用其他LLMs進行紅隊測試" } }, "https://github.com/madaan/cocogen": { "repository_name": "CoCoGen", "user_name": "madaan", "language": "TeX", "license": null, "description": "there are nlp tasks in which codex performs better than gpt-3 and t5,if you convert the nl problem into pseudo-python!: appear in #emnlp2022)work led by @aman_madaan , with @shuyanzhxyc yiming yang @gneubig and me", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "there are nlp tasks in which codex performs better than gpt-3 and t5,if you convert the nl problem into pseudo-python!: appear in #emnlp2022)work led by @aman_madaan , with @shuyanzhxyc yiming yang @gneubig and me", "ja": "「CodexがGPT-3やT5よりも優れたNLPタスクがあるが、自然言語問題を疑似Pythonに変換する必要がある」という研究結果が、@aman_madaan氏、@shuyanzhxyc氏、Yiming Yang氏、@gneubig氏らによる研究チームによって #emnlp2022 で発表されました。」", "zh-hans": "如果将自然语言问题转换为伪Python代码,Codex在某些NLP任务中表现比GPT-3和T5更好!这个研究是由@aman_madaan领导,与@shuyanzhxyc、杨一鸣、@gneubig和我一起参与,将在#emnlp2022上展示。", "zh-hant": "如果您將自然語言問題轉換為偽 Python,Codex 在某些 NLP 任務中表現優於 GPT-3 和 T5(將出現在 #emnlp2022 中),由 @aman_madaan 領導的工作,與 @shuyanzhxyc、Yiming Yang、@gneubig 和我一起進行。" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/transformers": { "repository_name": "transformers", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.", "topics": [ "bert", "deep-learning", "flax", "hacktoberfest", "jax", "language-model", "language-models", "machine-learning", "model-hub", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "nlp-library", "pretrained-models", "python", "pytorch", "pytorch-transformers", "seq2seq", "speech-recognition", "tensorflow", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.", "ja": "🤗 トランスフォーマー:Pytorch、TensorFlow、およびJAXの最新の機械学習技術。", "zh-hans": "🤗 Transformers:Pytorch、TensorFlow和JAX的最先进机器学习技术。", "zh-hant": "🤗 Transformers:Pytorch、TensorFlow 和 JAX 的最先進機器學習技術。" } }, "https://github.com/yizhongw/self-instruct": { "repository_name": "self-instruct", "user_name": "yizhongw", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Aligning pretrained language models with instruction data generated by themselves.", "topics": [ "general-purpose-model", "instruction-tuning", "language-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Aligning pretrained language models with instruction data generated by themselves.", "ja": "自己生成された指示データと事前学習済み言語モデルの整合性を取る。", "zh-hans": "将预训练语言模型与自身生成的指令数据对齐。", "zh-hant": "將預訓練語言模型與其自身生成的指導數據對齊。" } }, "https://github.com/mmz-001/knowledge_gpt": { "repository_name": "knowledge_gpt", "user_name": "mmz-001", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Accurate answers and instant citations for your documents.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Accurate answers and instant citations for your documents.", "ja": "あなたの文書に正確な回答と即座の引用を提供します。", "zh-hans": "您的文件将获得准确的答案和即时引用。", "zh-hant": "您的文件將獲得準確的答案和即時引用。" } }, "https://github.com/lhao499/lqae": { "repository_name": "lqae", "user_name": "lhao499", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Language Quantized AutoEncoders", "topics": [ "autoencoders", "bert", "large-language-models", "multimodal", "roberta", "vq", "vqvae" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Language Quantized AutoEncoders", "ja": "言語量子化オートエンコーダー", "zh-hans": "语言量化自编码器", "zh-hant": "語言量化自編碼器" } }, "https://github.com/observedobserver/chatgpt-i18n": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-i18n", "user_name": "ObservedObserver", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Translate your locale json files with AI assistance.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-i18n", "frontend", "gpt", "i18n", "i18n-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Translate your locale json files with AI assistance.", "ja": "AIの支援を受けて、ロケールのJSONファイルを翻訳してください。", "zh-hans": "使用AI辅助翻译您的本地化JSON文件。", "zh-hant": "使用人工智慧協助翻譯您的本地化 JSON 檔案。" } }, "https://github.com/tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca#fine-tuning": { "repository_name": "stanford_alpaca", "user_name": "tatsu-lab", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "instruction-following", "language-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.", "ja": "スタンフォードのアルパカモデルをトレーニングするためのコードとドキュメンテーション、およびデータを生成するためのもの。", "zh-hans": "用于训练斯坦福大学Alpaca模型和生成数据的代码和文档。", "zh-hant": "訓練斯坦福大學的Alpaca模型的代碼和文檔,以及生成數據。" } }, "https://github.com/rupeshs/alpaca.cpp": { "repository_name": "alpaca.cpp", "user_name": "rupeshs", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM (Android/Linux/Windows/Mac)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Locally run an Instruction-Tuned Chat-Style LLM (Android/Linux/Windows/Mac)", "ja": "ローカルで実行される指示に調整されたチャットスタイルLLM(Android / Linux / Windows / Mac)", "zh-hans": "本地运行指令调整的聊天式LLM(Android/Linux/Windows/Mac)", "zh-hant": "本地運行指令調整的聊天式LLM(Android/Linux/Windows/Mac)" } }, "https://github.com/r-three/fib": { "repository_name": "fib", "user_name": "r-three", "language": "Python", "license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International", "description": "are bloom, opt-175b, t0, and gpt-neox \"factually consistent\"? new preprint! we introduce fib - the factual inconsistency benchmark - and evaluate 23 llms. work done with @anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffel📄 💾 🧵 ⬇️", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "are bloom, opt-175b, t0, and gpt-neox \"factually consistent\"? new preprint! we introduce fib - the factual inconsistency benchmark - and evaluate 23 llms. work done with @anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffel📄 💾 🧵 ⬇️", "ja": "「bloom」、「opt-175b」、「t0」、そして「gpt-neox」は「事実に矛盾しない」ですか?新しいプレプリント!私たちは「事実上の不一致ベンチマーク」である「FIB」を紹介し、23のLLMを評価しました。@anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffelと一緒に作業を行いました。📄 💾 🧵 ⬇️", "zh-hans": "“bloom”、“opt-175b”、“t0”和“gpt-neox”是否“事实上一致”?新的预印本!我们介绍了“事实不一致基准测试”(FIB),并评估了23个LLM。与@anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffel一起完成的工作📄 💾 🧵 ⬇️", "zh-hant": "「bloom」、「opt-175b」、「t0」和「gpt-neox」是否「事實上一致」?新的預印本!我們介紹了「FIB」- 事實不一致基準 - 並評估了23個LLM。與@anisham197 @byryuer @mohitban47 @colinraffel一起完成的工作📄💾🧵⬇️" } }, "https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals": { "repository_name": "petals", "user_name": "bigscience-workshop", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🌸 Run 100B+ language models at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading", "topics": [ "bloom", "deep-learning", "distributed-systems", "language-models", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "neural-networks", "pipeline-parallelism", "pytorch", "tensor-parallelism", "volunteer-computing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🌸 Run 100B+ language models at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading", "ja": "🌸 自宅でBitTorrentスタイルで100B以上の言語モデルを実行します。ファインチューニングと推論はオフロードよりも最大10倍速くなります。", "zh-hans": "🌸 在家运行100B+语言模型,类似于BitTorrent。微调和推理速度比卸载快10倍。", "zh-hant": "🌸 在家中運行100B+語言模型,類似BitTorrent的方式。微調和推論速度比卸載快10倍。" } }, "https://github.com/lucasmccabe/emailgpt": { "repository_name": "emailGPT", "user_name": "lucasmccabe", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "a quick and easy interface to generate emails with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "nlp", "openai", "productivity", "streamlit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a quick and easy interface to generate emails with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してメールを簡単かつ迅速に生成するためのインターフェース。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT快速轻松生成电子邮件的界面", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT快速且簡單的介面生成電子郵件。" } }, "https://github.com/uezo/gpt3-contextual": { "repository_name": "gpt3-contextual", "user_name": "uezo", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Contextual chat with GPT-3 model of OpenAI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Contextual chat with GPT-3 model of OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIのGPT-3モデルを使用したコンテキストチャット", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI API的GPT-3模型进行上下文聊天", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI API的GPT-3模型進行上下文聊天" } }, "https://github.com/naptha/tesseract.js": { "repository_name": "tesseract.js", "user_name": "naptha", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "javascript", "ocr", "tesseract", "webassembly" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥", "ja": "100以上の言語に対応した純粋なJavaScript OCR 📖🎉🖥", "zh-hans": "超过100种语言的纯JavaScript OCR 📖🎉🖥", "zh-hant": "超過100種語言的純JavaScript OCR 📖🎉🖥" } }, "https://github.com/lightaime/camel": { "repository_name": "camel", "user_name": "lightaime", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society", "topics": [ "ai-societies", "artificial-intelligence", "communicative-ai", "cooperative-ai", "deep-learning", "large-language-models", "multi-agent-systems", "natural-language-processing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society", "ja": "CAMEL:大規模言語モデル社会の「心」探索のためのコミュニケーションエージェント", "zh-hans": "CAMEL:用于大规模语言模型社会“思维”探索的交流代理。", "zh-hant": "駱駝:用於大型語言模型社會的“心靈”探索的交流代理人" } }, "https://github.com/arokem/pubmed-gpt": { "repository_name": "pubmed-gpt", "user_name": "arokem", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Use gpt to summarize abstracts for a pubmed query", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use gpt to summarize abstracts for a pubmed query", "ja": "PubMedクエリの要約を作成するためにgptを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT对PubMed查询的摘要进行总结。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT來總結PubMed查詢的摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/manyoso/haltt4llm": { "repository_name": "haltt4llm", "user_name": "manyoso", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This project is an attempt to create a common metric to test LLM's for progress in eliminating hallucinations which is the most serious current problem in widespread adoption of LLM's for many real purposes.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project is an attempt to create a common metric to test LLM's for progress in eliminating hallucinations which is the most serious current problem in widespread adoption of LLM's for many real purposes.", "ja": "このプロジェクトは、幻覚を排除するための進歩を測定する共通のメトリックを作成する試みであり、これは多くの実際の目的においてLLMの広範な採用において最も深刻な現在の問題です。", "zh-hans": "这个项目旨在创建一个通用的度量标准,以测试LLM在消除幻觉方面的进展,这是目前广泛采用LLM的许多实际目的中最严重的问题。", "zh-hant": "這個項目旨在創建一個共同的指標,以測試LLM在消除幻覺方面的進展,這是目前廣泛應用LLM的許多實際目的中最嚴重的問題。" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/olm-datasets": { "repository_name": "olm-datasets", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Pipeline for pulling and processing online language model pretraining data from the web", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pipeline for pulling and processing online language model pretraining data from the web", "ja": "ウェブからのオンライン言語モデルの事前学習データを取得し、処理するためのパイプライン", "zh-hans": "从网络中提取和处理在线语言模型预训练数据的管道", "zh-hant": "從網路上拉取和處理語言模型預訓練數據的管道" } }, "https://github.com/ofirpress/self-ask": { "repository_name": "self-ask", "user_name": "ofirpress", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Code and data for \"Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code and data for \"Measuring and Narrowing the Compositionality Gap in Language Models\"", "ja": "「言語モデルにおける合成性ギャップの測定と縮小」のためのコードとデータ", "zh-hans": "《测量和缩小语言模型中的组合性差距》的代码和数据", "zh-hant": "《測量和縮小語言模型中的組合性差距》的代碼和數據" } }, "https://github.com/johnnay/llm-lobbyist": { "repository_name": "llm-lobbyist", "user_name": "JohnNay", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Code for the paper: \"Large Language Models as Corporate Lobbyists\" (2023).", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code for the paper: \"Large Language Models as Corporate Lobbyists\" (2023).", "ja": "論文「大規模言語モデルは企業ロビイストとして」(2023年)のコード:", "zh-hans": "论文代码:“大型语言模型作为企业游说者”(2023年)。", "zh-hant": "論文代碼:“大型語言模型作為企業遊說者”(2023年)。" } }, "https://github.com/nielsrogge/transformers-tutorials": { "repository_name": "Transformers-Tutorials", "user_name": "NielsRogge", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.", "topics": [ "bert", "gpt-2", "layoutlm", "pytorch", "transformers", "vision-transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、HuggingFaceのTransformersライブラリを使用して作成したデモが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含我使用HuggingFace的Transformers库制作的演示。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含我使用HuggingFace的Transformers庫製作的演示。" } }, "https://github.com/jquesnelle/sat-reading": { "repository_name": "sat-reading", "user_name": "jquesnelle", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "new blog: language models vs. the sat reading test! they score ~90%, and flan-t5 does as well as gpt-3.5! finetuning even better!all the deets: available here, including a new huggingface dataset with questions (+models):", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "new blog: language models vs. the sat reading test! they score ~90%, and flan-t5 does as well as gpt-3.5! finetuning even better!all the deets: available here, including a new huggingface dataset with questions (+models):", "ja": "新しいブログ:言語モデル vs SATリーディングテスト!彼らは約90%のスコアを獲得し、Flan-T5はGPT-3.5と同じくらい優れています!ファインチューニングはさらに良くなります!詳細はこちらで入手できます。新しいHuggingfaceデータセットには質問(+モデル)が含まれています。", "zh-hans": "新博客:语言模型与SAT阅读测试!它们得分约为90%,Flan-T5与GPT-3.5一样好!微调效果更好!所有详细信息都在此处提供,包括一个带有问题(+模型)的新Huggingface数据集:", "zh-hant": "新博客:語言模型與SAT閱讀測試!它們得分約為90%,而Flan-T5與GPT-3.5一樣好!微調效果更好!所有詳細信息:在此處可用,包括一個帶有問題(+模型)的新Huggingface數據集:" } }, "https://github.com/gnehs/subtitle-translator": { "repository_name": "subtitle-translator", "user_name": "gnehs", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Translate subtitle using ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Translate subtitle using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して字幕を翻訳する。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT翻译字幕", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT翻譯字幕" } }, "https://github.com/tenetlang/tenetlang": { "repository_name": "tenetlang", "user_name": "tenetlang", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A GPT-Designed Language Built for Humans", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A GPT-Designed Language Built for Humans", "ja": "人間のために構築されたGPTデザイン言語", "zh-hans": "一种为人类设计的GPT语言", "zh-hant": "一種為人類設計的GPT語言" } }, "https://github.com/jesselau76/ebook-gpt-translator": { "repository_name": "ebook-GPT-translator", "user_name": "jesselau76", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Enjoy reading with your favorite style.", "topics": [ "docx", "epub", "mobi", "pdf", "python", "translation", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Enjoy reading with your favorite style.", "ja": "お気に入りのスタイルで読書をお楽しみください。", "zh-hans": "享受用你喜欢的风格阅读。", "zh-hant": "享受以您喜愛的風格閱讀。" } }, "https://github.com/jesselau76/srt-gpt-translator": { "repository_name": "srt-gpt-translator", "user_name": "jesselau76", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Subtitle translator", "topics": [ "gpt", "srt", "subtitle", "translator" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Subtitle translator", "ja": "字幕翻訳者", "zh-hans": "字幕翻译器", "zh-hant": "字幕翻譯員" } }, "https://github.com/ibestvina/datasloth": { "repository_name": "datasloth", "user_name": "ibestvina", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Natural language Pandas queries and data generation powered by GPT-3", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "pandas" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Natural language Pandas queries and data generation powered by GPT-3", "ja": "GPT-3による自然言語のPandasクエリとデータ生成。", "zh-hans": "自然语言Pandas查询和由GPT-3驱动的数据生成。", "zh-hant": "自然語言Pandas查詢和由GPT-3驅動的數據生成" } }, "https://github.com/lvwerra/trl": { "repository_name": "trl", "user_name": "lvwerra", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Train transformer language models with reinforcement learning.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Train transformer language models with reinforcement learning.", "ja": "強化学習を用いて列車トランスフォーマー言語モデルを訓練する。", "zh-hans": "使用强化学习训练变压器语言模型。", "zh-hant": "使用強化學習訓練轉換器語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/stanfordnlp/dsp": { "repository_name": "dsp", "user_name": "stanfordnlp", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "𝗗𝗦𝗣: Demonstrate-Search-Predict. A framework for composing retrieval and language models for knowledge-intensive NLP.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "𝗗𝗦𝗣: Demonstrate-Search-Predict. A framework for composing retrieval and language models for knowledge-intensive NLP.", "ja": "𝗗𝗦𝗣:Demonstrate-Search-Predict。知識集約型NLPのための検索と言語モデルを組み合わせるためのフレームワーク。", "zh-hans": "𝗗𝗦𝗣:演示-搜索-预测。一个用于组合检索和语言模型的框架,用于知识密集型自然语言处理。", "zh-hant": "𝗗𝗦𝗣:展示-搜索-預測。一個用於組合檢索和語言模型的框架,用於知識密集型自然語言處理。" } }, "https://github.com/whu-zqh/chatgpt-vs.-bert": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-vs.-BERT", "user_name": "WHU-ZQH", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "🎁[ChatGPT4NLU] A Comparative Study on ChatGPT and Fine-tuned BERT", "topics": [ "bert", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "in-context-learning", "natural-language-understanding" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🎁[ChatGPT4NLU] A Comparative Study on ChatGPT and Fine-tuned BERT", "ja": "🎁[ChatGPT4NLU] ChatGPTとFine-tuned BERTの比較研究", "zh-hans": "🎁【ChatGPT4NLU】ChatGPT和Fine-tuned BERT的比较研究", "zh-hant": "🎁【ChatGPT4NLU】ChatGPT和Fine-tuned BERT的比較研究" } }, "https://github.com/stevebauman/github-summarizer": { "repository_name": "github-summarizer", "user_name": "stevebauman", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A PHP GitHub summarizer using Chat GPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A PHP GitHub summarizer using Chat GPT.", "ja": "Chat GPTを使用したPHP GitHubサマライザー。", "zh-hans": "一个使用Chat GPT的PHP GitHub总结工具。", "zh-hant": "一個使用 Chat GPT 的 PHP GitHub 摘要工具。" } }, "https://github.com/liujch1998/siri-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "siri-chatgpt", "user_name": "liujch1998", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "now you can transform siri into the real #chatgpt! simply download this shortcut (link in repo ⬇️) to your iphone, edit its script in the shortcuts app (i.e. paste your api key into the text box), and say, \"hey siri, chatgpt\". ask your favorite question!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "now you can transform siri into the real #chatgpt! simply download this shortcut (link in repo ⬇️) to your iphone, edit its script in the shortcuts app (i.e. paste your api key into the text box), and say, \"hey siri, chatgpt\". ask your favorite question!", "ja": "今、あなたはSiriを本物の#chatgptに変換することができます!単にこのショートカット(リポジトリ内のリンク⬇️)をあなたのiPhoneにダウンロードし、ショートカットアプリでスクリプトを編集して(つまり、APIキーをテキストボックスに貼り付ける)、そして、「ヘイSiri、chatgpt」と言ってください。お気に入りの質問をしてください!", "zh-hans": "现在你可以将Siri转换成真正的#chatgpt!只需下载此快捷方式(链接在存储库中⬇️)到您的iPhone,编辑快捷方式应用程序中的脚本(即将您的API密钥粘贴到文本框中),然后说:“嘿Siri,chatgpt”。问你最喜欢的问题!", "zh-hant": "現在你可以將Siri轉換成真正的#chatgpt!只需下載此快捷方式(存儲庫中的鏈接⬇️)到您的iPhone上,在快捷方式應用程序中編輯其腳本(即將您的API密鑰粘貼到文本框中),然後說:“嘿Siri,chatgpt”。問你最喜歡的問題!" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/unilm": { "repository_name": "unilm", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities", "topics": [ "beit", "beit-3", "deepnet", "document-ai", "document-foundation-model", "foundation-models", "kosmos", "kosmos-1", "layoutlm", "layoutxlm", "llm", "minilm", "mllm", "multimodal", "multimodal-pre-trained-model", "nlp", "pre-trained-model", "trocr", "unilm", "xlm-e" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities", "ja": "タスク、言語、モダリティを横断した大規模な自己教師あり事前学習", "zh-hans": "跨任务、语言和模态的大规模自监督预训练", "zh-hant": "跨任務、語言和模態的大規模自監督預訓練" } }, "https://github.com/ganymedenil/document.ai": { "repository_name": "document.ai", "user_name": "GanymedeNil", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案(A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT3.5)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案(A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT3.5)", "ja": "ベクトルデータベースとGPT3.5に基づく汎用ローカル知識ベースのソリューション", "zh-hans": "基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案", "zh-hant": "基於向量數據庫與GPT3.5的通用本地知識庫方案" } }, "https://github.com/salesforce/lavis": { "repository_name": "LAVIS", "user_name": "salesforce", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "deep-learning-library", "image-captioning", "multimodal-datasets", "multimodal-deep-learning", "salesforce", "vision-and-language", "vision-framework", "vision-language-pretraining", "vision-language-transformer", "visual-question-anwsering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence", "ja": "LAVIS - 言語・視覚知能のためのワンストップライブラリー", "zh-hans": "LAVIS - 一站式语言视觉智能图书馆", "zh-hant": "LAVIS - 語言視覺智能的一站式圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/machinewrapped/gpt-subtrans": { "repository_name": "gpt-subtrans", "user_name": "machinewrapped", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Project using OpenAI/ChatGPT to translate subtitle files", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Project using OpenAI/ChatGPT to translate subtitle files", "ja": "OpenAI/ChatGPTを使用した字幕ファイルの翻訳プロジェクト", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI/ChatGPT项目翻译字幕文件。", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI/ChatGPT項目來翻譯字幕文件" } }, "https://github.com/transmissions11/flux": { "repository_name": "flux", "user_name": "transmissions11", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "LLM Power Tool", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLM Power Tool", "ja": "LLMパワーツール", "zh-hans": "LLM 电动工具", "zh-hant": "LLM 電動工具" } }, "https://github.com/panterapolnocy/lsl-snippets": { "repository_name": "LSL-snippets", "user_name": "PanteraPolnocy", "language": "LSL", "license": "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1", "description": "Small scripts written (or modified) by me, in Linden Scripting Language (LSL), for Second Life.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Small scripts written (or modified) by me, in Linden Scripting Language (LSL), for Second Life.", "ja": "私が書いた(または修正した)Second LifeのLinden Scripting Language(LSL)での小さなスクリプト。", "zh-hans": "我编写(或修改)的小型脚本,使用Linden脚本语言(LSL),用于Second Life。", "zh-hant": "我所寫(或修改)的小型腳本,使用Linden Scripting Language(LSL)編寫,適用於Second Life。" } }, "https://github.com/whitead/paper-qa": { "repository_name": "paper-qa", "user_name": "whitead", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nlp", "question-answering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations", "ja": "引用文献付きドキュメントからの質問に答えるためのLLMチェーン", "zh-hans": "用于从带有引用文献的文档中回答问题的LLM链", "zh-hant": "LLM鏈,用於從帶有引用的文件中回答問題" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/semantic-kernel": { "repository_name": "semantic-kernel", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "llm", "openai", "sdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps", "ja": "最新のLLM技術を素早く簡単にアプリに統合する。", "zh-hans": "快速轻松地将尖端的LLM技术集成到您的应用程序中。", "zh-hant": "快速且輕鬆地將尖端的LLM技術整合到您的應用程式中。" } }, "https://github.com/jbrukh/gpt-jargon": { "repository_name": "gpt-jargon", "user_name": "jbrukh", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Jargon is a natural language programming language specified and executed by LLMs like GPT-4.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Jargon is a natural language programming language specified and executed by LLMs like GPT-4.", "ja": "ジャーゴンは、GPT-4のようなLLMによって指定され、実行される自然言語プログラミング言語です。", "zh-hans": "术语是一种自然语言编程语言,由像GPT-4这样的LLM指定和执行。", "zh-hant": "行話是一種自然語言編程語言,由像GPT-4這樣的LLM指定和執行。" } }, "https://github.com/cognosisai/platform": { "repository_name": "platform", "user_name": "cognosisai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "@erikschluntz when i initially played with gpt-3 agents in the summer of last year (you can see an example here: whereby you can give a gpt-3 agent with access to a javascript repl a goal to accomplish), that's where i ended up, and i didn't think it was that…", "topics": [ "ai", "docker", "elasticsearch", "gpt-3", "javascript", "llm", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@erikschluntz when i initially played with gpt-3 agents in the summer of last year (you can see an example here: whereby you can give a gpt-3 agent with access to a javascript repl a goal to accomplish), that's where i ended up, and i didn't think it was that…", "ja": "@erikschluntz、去年の夏に最初にGPT-3エージェントを使って遊んだとき(ここで例を見ることができます:JavaScript REPLにアクセスできるGPT-3エージェントに達成目標を与えることができます)、そこで私は終わりましたが、それほどでもないと思いました...", "zh-hans": "@erikschluntz 当我去年夏天最初玩GPT-3代理时(您可以在此处看到一个示例: whereby您可以为具有访问JavaScript REPL的GPT-3代理提供要完成的目标),那就是我最终的目标,我认为那并不是那么...", "zh-hant": "@erikschluntz 去年夏天我最初玩GPT-3代理時(你可以在這裡看到一個例子: whereby你可以給一個有JavaScript REPL訪問權限的GPT-3代理一個目標來完成),那就是我最終的結果,我不認為那是什麼……" } }, "https://github.com/shreyar/guardrails": { "repository_name": "guardrails", "user_name": "shreyar", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Adding guardrails to large language models.", "topics": [ "ai", "foundation-model", "gpt-3", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Adding guardrails to large language models.", "ja": "大規模言語モデルにガードレールを追加する。", "zh-hans": "为大型语言模型添加护栏。", "zh-hant": "將護欄添加到大型語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/brandonrobertz/chatgpt-document-extraction": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-document-extraction", "user_name": "brandonrobertz", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A proof of concept tool for using ChatGPT to transform messy text documents into structured JSON", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A proof of concept tool for using ChatGPT to transform messy text documents into structured JSON", "ja": "混沌としたテキスト文書を構造化されたJSONに変換するためのChatGPTを使用するための概念実証ツール", "zh-hans": "一个概念验证工具,可使用ChatGPT将混乱的文本文档转换为结构化的JSON。", "zh-hant": "一個概念驗證工具,可使用ChatGPT將混亂的文本文件轉換為結構化的JSON。" } }, "https://github.com/dosco/minds": { "repository_name": "minds", "user_name": "dosco", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "MindsJS - Build AI powered workflows easily", "topics": [ "ai", "cohere", "gpt-3", "javascript", "llm", "nodejs", "openai", "typescript", "workflows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MindsJS - Build AI powered workflows easily", "ja": "MindsJS - AIを活用したワークフローを簡単に構築", "zh-hans": "MindsJS - 轻松构建AI驱动的工作流程", "zh-hant": "MindsJS - 輕鬆建立 AI 強化的工作流程" } }, "https://github.com/aggregate-intellect/practical-llms": { "repository_name": "practical-llms", "user_name": "Aggregate-Intellect", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "#aiscllmworkshopa quick way to go from zero to dangerous (like, be able to confidently bullshit like chatgpt, but also quickly ramp up on how to go from idea to product with the latest & greatest in llm, with 9 continuous hours of hour-long presentations!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "#aiscllmworkshopa quick way to go from zero to dangerous (like, be able to confidently bullshit like chatgpt, but also quickly ramp up on how to go from idea to product with the latest & greatest in llm, with 9 continuous hours of hour-long presentations!", "ja": "#aiscllmworkshopは、チャットGPTのように自信を持って話をできるようになるための迅速な方法であり、最新かつ最高のLLMでアイデアから製品に移行する方法を迅速に学ぶための9時間連続の1時間のプレゼンテーションがあります!", "zh-hans": "#aiscllmworkshop 从零到危险的快速方式(就像能够自信地胡说八道像chatgpt一样,但也可以快速上手最新最伟大的llm,用9个连续小时的一小时演示来实现从想法到产品的转变!", "zh-hant": "#aiscllmworkshop一個從零到危險的快速方法(例如,能夠自信地胡說八道,就像chatgpt一樣,但也能夠快速地掌握如何使用最新和最偉大的llm從想法到產品,並提供9個連續小時的長達一小時的演示!" } }, "https://github.com/stanfordbdhg/healthgpt": { "repository_name": "HealthGPT", "user_name": "StanfordBDHG", "language": "Swift", "license": null, "description": "Query your Apple Health data with natural language 💬 🩺", "topics": [ "apple-health", "healthkit", "ios", "openai", "swift" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Query your Apple Health data with natural language 💬 🩺", "ja": "自然言語でApple Healthデータをクエリできます💬🩺", "zh-hans": "使用自然语言查询您的苹果健康数据 💬 🩺", "zh-hant": "使用自然語言查詢您的蘋果健康數據 💬 🩺" } }, "https://github.com/greydgl/pentestgpt": { "repository_name": "PentestGPT", "user_name": "GreyDGL", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool", "topics": [ "large-language-models", "llm", "penetration-testing", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool", "ja": "GPTによって強化されたペネトレーションテストツール", "zh-hans": "一款由GPT驱动的渗透测试工具", "zh-hant": "一個由GPT驅動的滲透測試工具" } }, "https://github.com/h2oai/h2ogpt": { "repository_name": "h2ogpt", "user_name": "h2oai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Come join the movement to make the world's best open source GPT led by H2O.ai", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Come join the movement to make the world's best open source GPT led by H2O.ai", "ja": "H2O.aiが主導する世界最高のオープンソースGPTを作るムーブメントに参加しましょう。", "zh-hans": "加入运动,成为由H2O.ai领导的世界最佳开源GPT的一员。", "zh-hant": "加入運動,成為由H2O.ai領導的世界最佳開源GPT的一員。" } }, "https://github.com/freedomintelligence/llmzoo": { "repository_name": "LLMZoo", "user_name": "FreedomIntelligence", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "⚡LLM Zoo is a project that provides data, models, and evaluation benchmark for large language models.⚡", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡LLM Zoo is a project that provides data, models, and evaluation benchmark for large language models.⚡", "ja": "⚡LLM Zooは、大規模言語モデルのデータ、モデル、評価基準を提供するプロジェクトです。⚡", "zh-hans": "⚡LLM动物园是一个项目,为大型语言模型提供数据、模型和评估基准。⚡", "zh-hant": "⚡LLM Zoo是一個為大型語言模型提供數據、模型和評估基準的項目。⚡" } }, "https://github.com/oneil512/insight": { "repository_name": "INSIGHT", "user_name": "oneil512", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "INSIGHT is an autonomous AI that can do medical research!", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt", "llm", "medical", "ml", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "INSIGHT is an autonomous AI that can do medical research!", "ja": "INSIGHTは医療研究ができる自律型AIです!", "zh-hans": "INSIGHT是一种自主的人工智能,可以进行医学研究!", "zh-hant": "INSIGHT是一個自主的人工智能,可以進行醫學研究!" } }, "https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-llmstudio": { "repository_name": "h2o-llmstudio", "user_name": "h2oai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "H2O LLM Studio - a framework and no-code GUI for fine-tuning LLMs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "H2O LLM Studio - a framework and no-code GUI for fine-tuning LLMs", "ja": "H2O LLM Studio - LLMの微調整のためのフレームワークとノーコードGUI", "zh-hans": "H2O LLM Studio - 一个用于微调LLMs的框架和无代码GUI", "zh-hant": "H2O LLM Studio - 一個框架和無代碼GUI,用於微調LLMs" } }, "https://github.com/hxu296/nlp-resume-parser": { "repository_name": "nlp-resume-parser", "user_name": "hxu296", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "NLP-powered, GPT-3 enabled Resume Parser from PDF to JSON. ", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "nlp", "nlp-parsing", "open-ai", "parser", "resume", "resume-parer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "NLP-powered, GPT-3 enabled Resume Parser from PDF to JSON.", "ja": "PDFからJSONへのNLPパワード、GPT-3対応の履歴書パーサー。", "zh-hans": "基于NLP技术,启用GPT-3的简历解析器,可将PDF格式转换为JSON格式。", "zh-hant": "從PDF到JSON的NLP驅動,GPT-3啟用的簡歷解析器。" } }, "https://github.com/pashpashpash/vault-ai": { "repository_name": "vault-ai", "user_name": "pashpashpash", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, etc) using a simple React frontend.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "generative", "go", "golang", "knowledge-base", "long-term-memory", "machine-learning", "openai", "openai-api", "pdf-support", "pinecone", "question-answering", "react", "reactjs", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, etc) using a simple React frontend.", "ja": "OP Vault ChatGPT:OPスタック(OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database)を使用して、ChatGPTに長期的な記憶を与えます。シンプルなReactフロントエンドを使用して、独自の知識ベースファイル(PDF、txtなど)をアップロードできます。", "zh-hans": "OP Vault ChatGPT:使用OP Stack(OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database)为ChatGPT提供长期记忆。使用简单的React前端上传自己的自定义知识库文件(PDF、txt等)。", "zh-hant": "OP Vault ChatGPT:使用OP Stack(OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database)為ChatGPT提供長期記憶。使用簡單的React前端上傳自己的自定義知識庫文件(PDF,txt等)。\n\nOP Vault ChatGPT:使用OP Stack(OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database)為ChatGPT提供長期記憶。使用簡單的React前端上傳自己的自定義知識庫文件(PDF,txt等)。" } }, "https://github.com/ohmplatform/freedomgpt": { "repository_name": "FreedomGPT", "user_name": "ohmplatform", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface (based on Alpaca Lora)", "topics": [ "electron", "gpt", "llm", "react" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface (based on Alpaca Lora)", "ja": "このコードベースは、ReactとElectronをベースにしたアプリで、MacとWindowsでオフラインかつプライベートにFreedomGPT LLMを実行するためのもので、Alpaca Loraに基づくチャットベースのインターフェースを使用します。", "zh-hans": "这个代码库是为了一个基于React和Electron的应用程序,它使用基于Alpaca Lora的聊天界面在Mac和Windows上本地执行FreedomGPT LLM(离线和私密)。", "zh-hant": "這個程式庫是為了一個基於React和Electron的應用程序,使用基於Alpaca Lora的聊天界面在Mac和Windows上本地執行FreedomGPT LLM(離線和私人)。" } }, "https://github.com/xtekky/chatgpt-clone": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-clone", "user_name": "xtekky", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT interface with better UI ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-clone", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-api", "gpt-interface", "gpt3", "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "gpt4all", "interface", "language", "language-model", "site", "ui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT interface with better UI", "ja": "より良いUIを備えたChatGPTインターフェース", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT界面更好的用户界面", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT介面更好的UI" } }, "https://github.com/whoiskatrin/chart-gpt": { "repository_name": "chart-gpt", "user_name": "whoiskatrin", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "AI tool to build charts based on text input", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI tool to build charts based on text input", "ja": "テキスト入力に基づいてチャートを作成するAIツール", "zh-hans": "基于文本输入构建图表的AI工具", "zh-hant": "基於文本輸入建立圖表的人工智能工具" } }, "https://github.com/lightaime/camel#data-hosted-on-hugging-face": { "repository_name": "camel", "user_name": "lightaime", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🐫 CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society", "topics": [ "ai-societies", "artificial-intelligence", "communicative-ai", "cooperative-ai", "deep-learning", "large-language-models", "multi-agent-systems", "natural-language-processing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐫 CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society", "ja": "🐫 キャメル:大規模言語モデル社会の「心」探索のためのコミュニケーションエージェント", "zh-hans": "🐫 骆驼:用于大规模语言模型社会“思维”探索的交流代理", "zh-hant": "🐫 駱駝:用於大規模語言模型社會的「心靈」探索的溝通代理人" } }, "https://github.com/agiresearch/openagi": { "repository_name": "OpenAGI", "user_name": "agiresearch", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "OpenAGI: When LLM Meets Domain Experts", "topics": [ "agi", "llm", "opensource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAGI: When Legal Master of Laws Meets Domain Experts", "ja": "OpenAGI:LLMがドメインエキスパートと出会うとき", "zh-hans": "OpenAGI:当LLM遇见领域专家", "zh-hant": "OpenAGI:當LLM遇見領域專家" } }, "https://github.com/jackbackes/happycommit": { "repository_name": "happycommit", "user_name": "jackbackes", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "HappyCommit is a delightful tool that harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo language model to generate meaningful and descriptive Git commit messages for you.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "HappyCommit is a delightful tool that harnesses the power of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo language model to generate meaningful and descriptive Git commit messages for you.", "ja": "HappyCommitは、OpenAIのGPT-3.5 Turbo言語モデルの力を活用して、意味のあるGitコミットメッセージを生成する楽しいツールです。", "zh-hans": "HappyCommit是一款令人愉悦的工具,利用OpenAI的GPT-3.5 Turbo语言模型的强大功能,为您生成有意义且描述性强的Git提交信息。", "zh-hant": "HappyCommit 是一個令人愉悅的工具,它利用 OpenAI 的 GPT-3.5 Turbo 語言模型的強大功能,為您生成有意義且描述性的 Git 提交訊息。" } }, "https://github.com/jconorgrogan/jamesgpt": { "repository_name": "JamesGPT", "user_name": "jconorgrogan", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Jailbreak for ChatGPT: Predict the future, opine on politics and controversial topics, and assess what is true. May help us understand more about LLM Bias", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Jailbreak for ChatGPT: Predict the future, opine on politics and controversial topics, and assess what is true. May help us understand more about LLM Bias", "ja": "ChatGPTのジェイルブレイク:未来を予測し、政治や論争のあるトピックに意見を述べ、真実を評価することができます。LLMバイアスについてより理解するのに役立つかもしれません。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT越狱:预测未来,发表政治和有争议的话题的意见,评估真相。可能有助于我们更好地了解LLM偏见。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT越獄:預測未來,對政治和爭議話題發表意見,並評估真相。可能有助於我們更好地了解LLM偏見。" } }, "https://github.com/kaixindelele/chatpaper": { "repository_name": "ChatPaper", "user_name": "kaixindelele", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文总结+润色+审稿+审稿回复", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文总结+润色+审稿+审稿回复", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してarXiv論文を要約する。ChatGPTを利用して論文の要約、編集、査読、査読返信を行い、研究プロセス全体を加速します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT对arXiv论文进行总结,加速整个科研流程,包括润色、审稿和审稿回复。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT來總結arXiv論文,全流程加速科研,包括總結、润色、審稿和審稿回覆。" } }, "https://github.com/srush/minichain": { "repository_name": "minichain", "user_name": "srush", "language": "Lua", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Sequence-to-sequence model with LSTM encoder/decoders and attention", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Sequence-to-sequence model with LSTM encoder/decoders and attention", "ja": "LSTMエンコーダ/デコーダとアテンションを使用したシーケンス・ツー・シーケンスモデル", "zh-hans": "带有LSTM编码器/解码器和注意力机制的序列到序列模型。", "zh-hant": "具有LSTM編碼器/解碼器和注意力的序列到序列模型" } }, "https://github.com/irgolic/autopr": { "repository_name": "AutoPR", "user_name": "irgolic", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Fix issues with AI-generated pull requests, powered by ChatGPT", "topics": [ "action", "actions", "ai", "chatgpt", "github-action", "github-actions", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fix issues with AI-generated pull requests, powered by ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTによって動力を得たAI生成のプルリクエストの問題を修正してください。", "zh-hans": "修复由ChatGPT驱动的AI生成的拉取请求问题。", "zh-hant": "修復由ChatGPT驅動的AI生成的拉取請求問題" } }, "https://github.com/imartinez/privategpt": { "repository_name": "privateGPT", "user_name": "imartinez", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "ja": "GPTの力を使って、100%プライベートで、データ漏洩の心配なしに文書とプライベートにやり取りできます。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT的强大功能私密地与您的文档互动,100%私密,无数据泄漏。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT的強大功能私下與您的文件互動,100%私密,無數據洩漏。" } }, "https://github.com/filip-michalsky/salesgpt": { "repository_name": "SalesGPT", "user_name": "filip-michalsky", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.", "ja": "コンテキストに応じたAIセールスエージェントによる営業アウトリーチの自動化。", "zh-hans": "上下文感知的人工智能销售代理,自动化销售推广。", "zh-hant": "上下文感知的人工智能銷售代理,自動化銷售推廣。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/automated-interpretability": { "repository_name": "automated-interpretability", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "LLMs Can Explain Neurons in Other LLMsExplain GPT-2 neuron’s behavior by showing GPT-4 (token, activation) pairsSimulate neuron's activations based on explanation w/ GPT-4Score explanation based on how well simulated activations match real activations ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLMs Can Explain Neurons in Other LLMsExplain GPT-2 neuron’s behavior by showing GPT-4 (token, activation) pairsSimulate neuron's activations based on explanation w/ GPT-4Score explanation based on how well simulated activations match real activations ", "ja": "LLMsは他のLLMsのニューロンを説明できます\nGPT-4(トークン、アクティベーション)ペアを示すことによってGPT-2ニューロンの振る舞いを説明する\nGPT-4による説明に基づいてニューロンの活性化をシミュレートする\nシミュレートされた活性化が実際の活性化とどの程度一致するかに基づいて説明のスコアを付ける", "zh-hans": "LLMs可以解释其他LLMs中的神经元\n通过展示GPT-4(标记,激活)对来解释GPT-2神经元的行为\n基于与GPT-4的解释模拟神经元的激活\n根据模拟激活与真实激活的匹配程度评分解释", "zh-hant": "LLMs 可以解釋其他 LLMs 中的神經元\n通過展示 GPT-4(標記,激活)對來解釋 GPT-2 神經元的行為\n基於與 GPT-4 的解釋模擬神經元的激活\n根據模擬激活與實際激活的匹配程度評分解釋" } }, "https://github.com/evalplus/evalplus": { "repository_name": "evalplus", "user_name": "evalplus", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "EvalPlus for rigourous evaluation of LLM-synthesized code", "topics": [ "benchmark", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "large-language-models", "program-synthesis", "testing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "EvalPlus for rigourous evaluation of LLM-synthesized code", "ja": "LLM合成コードの厳密な評価のためのEvalPlus", "zh-hans": "EvalPlus用于严格评估LLM合成的代码。", "zh-hant": "EvalPlus 用於嚴格評估 LLM 合成的程式碼" } }, "https://github.com/nyanp/chat2plot": { "repository_name": "chat2plot", "user_name": "nyanp", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "chat to visualization with LLM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chat to visualization with LLM", "ja": "LLMを使用したチャットの可視化", "zh-hans": "使用LLM进行聊天可视化", "zh-hant": "使用LLM進行聊天視覺化" } }, "https://github.com/gmpetrov/databerry": { "repository_name": "databerry", "user_name": "gmpetrov", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The no-code platform for building custom LLM Agents", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "llm", "no-code", "openai", "qdrant", "semantic-search", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The no-code platform for building custom LLM Agents", "ja": "カスタムLLMエージェントを構築するためのノーコードプラットフォーム", "zh-hans": "构建定制LLM代理的无代码平台", "zh-hant": "建立自訂 LLM 代理的無代碼平台" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/guidance": { "repository_name": "guidance", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A guidance language for controlling large language models.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A guidance language for controlling large language models.", "ja": "大規模言語モデルを制御するためのガイダンス言語。", "zh-hans": "控制大型语言模型的指导语言。", "zh-hant": "控制大型語言模型的指導語言。" } }, "https://github.com/jaredkirby/smartpilot": { "repository_name": "SmartPilot", "user_name": "jaredkirby", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A Python program leveraging OpenAI's language models to generate, analyze, and select the best answer to a given question.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Python program leveraging OpenAI's language models to generate, analyze, and select the best answer to a given question.", "ja": "与えられた質問に対して、OpenAIの言語モデルを活用して最適な回答を生成、分析、選択するPythonプログラム。", "zh-hans": "一个使用OpenAI语言模型生成、分析和选择给定问题最佳答案的Python程序。", "zh-hant": "一個使用OpenAI語言模型來生成、分析和選擇最佳答案的Python程序。" } }, "https://github.com/smol-ai/developer": { "repository_name": "developer", "user_name": "smol-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "with 100k context windows on the way, it's now feasible for every dev to have their own smol developer", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "with 100k context windows on the way, it's now feasible for every dev to have their own smol developer", "ja": "100kコンテキストウィンドウが登場したことで、すべての開発者が自分自身のスモールデベロッパーを持つことが現実的になりました。", "zh-hans": "随着100k上下文窗口的到来,现在每个开发者都有自己的小型开发者是可行的。", "zh-hant": "隨著100k上下文視窗的到來,現在每個開發者都有機會擁有自己的小型開發者。" } }, "https://github.com/kagisearch/pyllms": { "repository_name": "pyllms", "user_name": "kagisearch", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Minimal Python library to connect to LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, AI21, Cohere, Aleph Alpha, HuggingfaceHub, Google PaLM2, with a built-in model performance benchmark.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Minimal Python library to connect to LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, AI21, Cohere, Aleph Alpha, HuggingfaceHub, Google PaLM2, with a built-in model performance benchmark.", "ja": "LLM(OpenAI、Anthropic、AI21、Cohere、Aleph Alpha、HuggingfaceHub、Google PaLM2)に接続するための最小限のPythonライブラリで、組み込みのモデルパフォーマンスベンチマークがあります。", "zh-hans": "最小的Python库,可连接到LLMs(OpenAI,Anthropic,AI21,Cohere,Aleph Alpha,HuggingfaceHub,Google PaLM2),并带有内置的模型性能基准测试。", "zh-hant": "最小的Python庫,可連接到LLMs(OpenAI,Anthropic,AI21,Cohere,Aleph Alpha,HuggingfaceHub,Google PaLM2),並具有內置的模型性能基準測試。" } }, "https://github.com/ray-project/llm-numbers": { "repository_name": "llm-numbers", "user_name": "ray-project", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Numbers every LLM developer should know", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Numbers every LLM developer should know", "ja": "LLM開発者が知っておくべき数字", "zh-hans": "每个LLM开发者都应该知道的数字", "zh-hant": "每位LLM開發人員應該知道的數字" } }, "https://github.com/rucaibox/structgpt": { "repository_name": "StructGPT", "user_name": "RUCAIBox", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "The code and data for \"StructGPT: A general framework for Large Language Model to Reason on Structured Data\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The code and data for \"StructGPT: A general framework for Large Language Model to Reason on Structured Data\"", "ja": "「StructGPT:構造化データに対して推論するための大規模言語モデルの一般的なフレームワーク」のコードとデータ", "zh-hans": "\"StructGPT: 一个通用框架,用于大型语言模型在结构化数据上进行推理的代码和数据\"", "zh-hant": "「StructGPT:一個通用框架,用於大型語言模型在結構化數據上進行推理的代碼和數據」" } }, "https://github.com/iryna-kondr/scikit-llm": { "repository_name": "scikit-llm", "user_name": "iryna-kondr", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Seamlessly integrate powerful language models like ChatGPT into scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "llm", "machine-learning", "scikit-learn", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Seamlessly integrate powerful language models like ChatGPT into scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks.", "ja": "ChatGPTのような強力な言語モデルをscikit-learnにシームレスに統合して、テキスト分析タスクを強化します。", "zh-hans": "无缝集成强大的语言模型,如ChatGPT,到scikit-learn中,以增强文本分析任务。", "zh-hant": "無縫地將強大的語言模型(如ChatGPT)整合到scikit-learn中,以增強文本分析任務。" } }, "https://github.com/zeno-ml/zeno-build": { "repository_name": "zeno-build", "user_name": "zeno-ml", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Build, evaluate, analyze, and understand LLM-based apps", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build, evaluate, analyze, and understand LLM-based apps", "ja": "LLMベースのアプリを構築し、評価し、分析し、理解する。", "zh-hans": "构建、评估、分析和理解基于LLM的应用程序。", "zh-hant": "建立、評估、分析和理解基於LLM的應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/imartinez/privategpt?utm_source=tldrnewsletter": { "repository_name": "privateGPT", "user_name": "imartinez", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "ja": "GPTの力を使って、100%プライベートで、データ漏洩の心配なしに文書とプライベートにやり取りできます。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT的强大功能私密地与您的文档互动,100%私密,无数据泄漏。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT的強大功能私下與您的文件互動,100%私密,無數據洩漏。" } }, "https://github.com/appointat/chat-with-document-s-using-chatgpt-api-and-text-embedding": { "repository_name": "Chat-with-Document-s-using-ChatGPT-API-and-Text-Embedding", "user_name": "Appointat", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Chat with Document(s) using ChatGPT API and Text Embedding", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with Document(s) using ChatGPT API and Text Embedding", "ja": "ChatGPT APIとテキスト埋め込みを使用してドキュメントとチャットする。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT API和文本嵌入与文档进行聊天", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT API和文本嵌入與文件進行聊天" } }, "https://github.com/artidoro/qlora": { "repository_name": "qlora", "user_name": "artidoro", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs", "ja": "QLoRA:量子化されたLLMの効率的なファインチューニング", "zh-hans": "QLoRA:量化LLM的高效微调", "zh-hant": "QLoRA:量化LLM的高效微調" } }, "https://github.com/e-johnstonn/briefgpt": { "repository_name": "BriefGPT", "user_name": "e-johnstonn", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Locally hosted tool that connects documents to LLMs for summarization and querying, with a simple GUI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Locally hosted tool that connects documents to LLMs for summarization and querying, with a simple GUI.", "ja": "シンプルなGUIを備えた、文書をLLMに接続して要約やクエリを行うためのローカルホストツール。", "zh-hans": "本地托管工具,可将文档连接到LLMs以进行摘要和查询,具有简单的GUI界面。", "zh-hant": "本地主機工具,可將文件連接到LLMs進行摘要和查詢,具有簡單的GUI。" } }, "https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/xraygpt": { "repository_name": "XrayGPT", "user_name": "mbzuai-oryx", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "XrayGPT: Chest Radiographs Summarization using Medical Vision-Language Models.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "XrayGPT: Chest Radiographs Summarization using Medical Vision-Language Models.", "ja": "XrayGPT:医療ビジョン言語モデルを使用した胸部レントゲン写真の要約。", "zh-hans": "XrayGPT:使用医学视觉语言模型的胸部X光摘要。", "zh-hant": "XrayGPT:使用醫學視覺語言模型進行胸部X光攝影摘要。" } }, "https://github.com/minedojo/voyager": { "repository_name": "Voyager", "user_name": "MineDojo", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models", "topics": [ "embodied-learning", "large-language-models", "minecraft", "open-ended-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models", "ja": "大規模言語モデルを備えたオープンエンドの具現化エージェント", "zh-hans": "一个具有大型语言模型的开放式体验代理人", "zh-hant": "具有大型語言模型的開放式具體代理" } }, "https://github.com/shishirpatil/gorilla": { "repository_name": "gorilla", "user_name": "ShishirPatil", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Gorilla: An API store for LLMs", "topics": [ "anthropic-claude", "api", "gpt-4", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Gorilla: A store for APIs for LLMs.", "ja": "ゴリラ:LLMのためのAPIストア", "zh-hans": "大猩猩:LLM的API商店", "zh-hant": "大猩猩:LLM的API商店" } }, "https://github.com/paralleldrive/sudolang-llm-support": { "repository_name": "sudolang-llm-support", "user_name": "paralleldrive", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "SudoLang LLM Support for VSCode", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SudoLang LLM Support for VSCode", "ja": "VSCodeのSudoLang LLMサポート", "zh-hans": "SudoLang LLM 在 VSCode 中的支持", "zh-hant": "SudoLang LLM 在 VSCode 的支援" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/azure-search-openai-demo": { "repository_name": "azure-search-openai-demo", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "topics": [ "azd-templates", "azure", "azurecognitivesearch", "azureopenai", "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "ja": "Azureで実行される検索増強生成パターンのサンプルアプリで、検索にはAzure Cognitive Searchを使用し、ChatGPTスタイルやQ&A体験にはAzure OpenAIの大規模言語モデルを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个在Azure上运行的检索增强生成模式的示例应用程序,使用Azure认知搜索进行检索,并使用Azure OpenAI大型语言模型来支持ChatGPT风格和问答体验。", "zh-hant": "一個在Azure上運行的應用程式範例,使用Azure Cognitive Search進行檢索,並使用Azure OpenAI大型語言模型來支持ChatGPT風格和Q&A體驗的檢索增強生成模式。" } }, "https://github.com/emmethalm/infinitegpt": { "repository_name": "infiniteGPT", "user_name": "emmethalm", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "InfiniteGPT is a Python script that lets you input an unlimited size text into the OpenAI API. No more tedious copy & pasting. Long live multithreading!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "InfiniteGPT is a Python script that lets you input an unlimited size text into the OpenAI API. No more tedious copy & pasting. Long live multithreading!", "ja": "InfiniteGPTは、OpenAI APIに無制限のサイズのテキストを入力できるPythonスクリプトです。もう面倒なコピー&ペーストは不要です。マルチスレッド万歳!", "zh-hans": "InfiniteGPT是一个Python脚本,可以让您将无限大小的文本输入到OpenAI API中。不再需要繁琐的复制和粘贴。多线程万岁!", "zh-hant": "InfiniteGPT 是一個 Python 腳本,讓您可以將無限大小的文本輸入到 OpenAI API 中。不再需要繁瑣的複製和粘貼。多線程萬歲!" } }, "https://github.com/openbmb/toolbench": { "repository_name": "ToolBench", "user_name": "OpenBMB", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.", "ja": "ツール学習のための大規模言語モデルのトレーニング、提供、評価のためのオープンプラットフォーム。", "zh-hans": "一个用于训练、服务和评估大型语言模型的开放平台,用于工具学习。", "zh-hant": "一個開放平台,用於訓練、服務和評估大型語言模型,以進行工具學習。" } }, "https://github.com/promtengineer/localgpt": { "repository_name": "localGPT", "user_name": "PromtEngineer", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private. ", "ja": "GPTモデルを使用して、ローカルデバイス上のドキュメントとチャットできます。データはデバイスから出ることはなく、100%プライベートです。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT模型在本地设备上与您的文档聊天。没有数据离开您的设备,100%私密。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT模型在本地設備上與您的文件進行聊天。沒有數據離開您的設備,100%私密。" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/azure-search-openai-demo-csharp": { "repository_name": "azure-search-openai-demo-csharp", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. ", "topics": [ "azd-templates", "azure", "chatgpt", "csharp", "dotnet", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. ", "ja": "Azureで実行されるRetrieval-Augmented Generationパターンのサンプルアプリで、検索にAzure Cognitive Searchを使用し、ChatGPTスタイルやQ&A体験にパワーを与えるためにAzure OpenAI大規模言語モデルを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个在Azure上运行的检索增强生成模式的示例应用程序,使用Azure认知搜索进行检索,并使用Azure OpenAI大型语言模型来支持ChatGPT风格和问答体验。", "zh-hant": "一個在Azure上運行的應用程式範例,使用Azure Cognitive Search進行檢索,並使用Azure OpenAI大型語言模型來支持ChatGPT風格和Q&A體驗的檢索增強生成模式。" } }, "https://github.com/simonw/llm": { "repository_name": "llm", "user_name": "simonw", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Access large language models from the command-line", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Access large language models from the command-line", "ja": "コマンドラインから大規模言語モデルにアクセスする。", "zh-hans": "从命令行访问大型语言模型", "zh-hant": "從命令行訪問大型語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/panqiwei/autogptq": { "repository_name": "AutoGPTQ", "user_name": "PanQiWei", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An easy-to-use LLMs quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "inference", "large-language-models", "llms", "nlp", "pytorch", "quantization", "transformer", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An easy-to-use LLMs quantization package with user-friendly apis, based on GPTQ algorithm.", "ja": "GPTQアルゴリズムに基づくユーザーフレンドリーなAPIを備えた使いやすいLLMs量子化パッケージ。", "zh-hans": "基于GPTQ算法的易于使用的LLMs量化包,具有用户友好的API。", "zh-hant": "一個基於GPTQ算法的易於使用的LLMs量化套件,具有用戶友好的API。" } }, "https://github.com/zkx06111/algo": { "repository_name": "ALGO", "user_name": "zkx06111", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "🚀Introducing ALGO, a code synthesis framework guided by LLM-generated oracles. Integrated with ALGO, Codex is 8x better and ChatGPT 1.3x better at contest-level problems. Plus, ALGO verifies your solution before submission!🧵📜:🔗: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀Introducing ALGO, a code synthesis framework guided by LLM-generated oracles. Integrated with ALGO, Codex is 8x better and ChatGPT 1.3x better at contest-level problems. Plus, ALGO verifies your solution before submission!🧵📜:🔗: ", "ja": "🚀ALGOをご紹介します。LLM生成のオラクルによって導かれるコード合成フレームワークです。ALGOに統合されたCodexは、コンテストレベルの問題において8倍、ChatGPTは1.3倍の性能を発揮します。さらに、ALGOは提出前にあなたの解決策を検証します!🧵📜:🔗:", "zh-hans": "🚀介绍ALGO,这是一个由LLM生成的神谕引导的代码合成框架。与ALGO集成,Codex在竞赛级别的问题上提高了8倍,ChatGPT提高了1.3倍。此外,ALGO在提交前验证您的解决方案!🧵📜:🔗:", "zh-hant": "🚀介紹 ALGO,一個由 LLM 生成的神諭引導的代碼合成框架。集成了 ALGO,Codex 在競賽級別的問題上提高了 8 倍,ChatGPT 則提高了 1.3 倍。此外,ALGO 在提交前會驗證您的解決方案!🧵📜:🔗:" } }, "https://github.com/i-eval/faireval": { "repository_name": "FairEval", "user_name": "i-Eval", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Large Language Models are not Fair Evaluators- A bias in the evaluation of adopting LLMs, e.g., GPT-4, as a referee to score- Successfully mitigates the bias, resulting in closer alignment with human judgmentsrepo: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large Language Models are not Fair Evaluators- A bias in the evaluation of adopting LLMs, e.g., GPT-4, as a referee to score- Successfully mitigates the bias, resulting in closer alignment with human judgmentsrepo: ", "ja": "大規模言語モデルは公正な評価者ではありません- LLM(例:GPT-4)の採用の評価に偏りがあり、審判としてスコアリングすることに成功したバイアス- バイアスを軽減することにより、人間の判断により近い結果になります。repo:", "zh-hans": "大型语言模型不是公平的评估者-采用LLMs(例如GPT-4)作为评分裁判存在偏见-成功地缓解了偏见,使其更接近人类判断。", "zh-hant": "大型語言模型不是公平的評估者- 在採用LLMs(例如GPT-4)作為裁判評分的評估中存在偏見- 成功地緩解了偏見,使其更接近人類判斷。" } }, "https://github.com/eiaserinnys/pdf2md": { "repository_name": "pdf2md", "user_name": "eiaserinnys", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "This project, pdf2md, transforms academic paper PDF files into digestible text files. By analyzing the layout of the PDF file, the application restructures paragraphs and translates desired content. The final result is a conveniently exported text file.", "topics": [ "pdf-converter", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project, pdf2md, transforms academic paper PDF files into digestible text files. By analyzing the layout of the PDF file, the application restructures paragraphs and translates desired content. The final result is a conveniently exported text file.", "ja": "このプロジェクト、pdf2mdは、学術論文のPDFファイルを消化しやすいテキストファイルに変換します。PDFファイルのレイアウトを分析して、アプリケーションが段落を再構成し、必要なコンテンツを翻訳します。最終的な結果は、便利にエクスポートされたテキストファイルです。", "zh-hans": "这个项目pdf2md将学术论文PDF文件转换为易于阅读的文本文件。通过分析PDF文件的布局,应用程序重新构造段落并翻译所需内容。最终结果是一个方便导出的文本文件。", "zh-hant": "這個項目pdf2md將學術論文PDF文件轉換為易於閱讀的文本文件。通過分析PDF文件的佈局,應用程序重新結構段落並翻譯所需內容。最終結果是一個方便的導出文本文件。" } }, "https://github.com/monarch-initiative/ontogpt": { "repository_name": "ontogpt", "user_name": "monarch-initiative", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "bsd-3-clause", "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "spdx_id": "BSD-3-Clause", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTU=" }, "description": "GPT-based ontological extraction tools, including SPIRES", "topics": [ "ai", "chat-gpt", "gpt-3", "language-models", "large-language-models", "linkml", "monarchinitiative", "nlp", "oaklib", "obofoundry", "relation-extraction" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-based ontological extraction tools, including SPIRES", "ja": "GPTベースのオントロジー抽出ツール、SPIRESを含む", "zh-hans": "基于GPT的本体抽取工具,包括SPIRES。", "zh-hant": "基於GPT的本體抽取工具,包括SPIRES" } }, "https://github.com/selefra/selefra": { "repository_name": "selefra", "user_name": "selefra", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mpl-2.0", "name": "Mozilla Public License 2.0", "spdx_id": "MPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE0" }, "description": "The open-source policy-as-code software that provides analysis for Multi-Cloud and SaaS environments, you can get insight with natural language (powered by OpenAI).", "topics": [ "aws", "azure", "chatgpt", "cloud", "cspm", "devops", "finops", "gcp", "golang", "google", "infrastructure-as-code", "kubernetes", "openai", "policy-as-code", "terraform" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The open-source policy-as-code software that provides analysis for Multi-Cloud and SaaS environments, you can get insight with natural language (powered by OpenAI).", "ja": "マルチクラウドおよびSaaS環境の分析を提供するオープンソースのポリシーコードソフトウェアで、OpenAIによって強化された自然言語で洞察を得ることができます。", "zh-hans": "这是一款开源的政策即代码软件,可为多云和SaaS环境提供分析,您可以通过自然语言获得洞察力(由OpenAI提供支持)。", "zh-hant": "這是一款開源的政策即代碼軟件,可為多雲和SaaS環境提供分析,您可以通過自然語言獲得洞察力(由OpenAI提供支持)。" } }, "https://github.com/deepset-ai/haystack": { "repository_name": "haystack", "user_name": "deepset-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": ":mag: Haystack is an open source NLP framework to interact with your data using Transformer models and LLMs (GPT-4, ChatGPT and alike). Haystack offers production-ready tools to quickly build complex question answering, semantic search, text generation applications, and more.", "topics": [ "ai", "bert", "chatgpt", "elasticsearch", "generative-ai", "gpt-3", "information-retrieval", "language-model", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "python", "pytorch", "question-answering", "semantic-search", "squad", "summarization", "transfer-learning", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": ":mag: Haystack is an open source NLP framework to interact with your data using Transformer models and LLMs (GPT-4, ChatGPT and alike). Haystack offers production-ready tools to quickly build complex question answering, semantic search, text generation applications, and more.", "ja": ":mag: Haystackは、TransformerモデルやLLMs(GPT-4、ChatGPTなど)を使用してデータと対話するためのオープンソースのNLPフレームワークです。Haystackは、複雑な質問応答、意味検索、テキスト生成アプリケーションなどを素早く構築するための本番用ツールを提供しています。", "zh-hans": ":mag: Haystack是一个开源的NLP框架,使用Transformer模型和LLMs(如GPT-4、ChatGPT等)与您的数据进行交互。Haystack提供了生产就绪的工具,快速构建复杂的问答、语义搜索、文本生成应用等。", "zh-hant": ":mag: Haystack 是一個開源的 NLP 框架,可使用 Transformer 模型和 LLM(GPT-4、ChatGPT 等)與您的數據進行交互。Haystack 提供了生產就緒的工具,可以快速構建複雜的問答、語義搜索、文本生成應用等。" } }, "https://github.com/nlpxucan/wizardlm": { "repository_name": "WizardLM", "user_name": "nlpxucan", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Family of instruction-following LLMs powered by Evol-Instruct: WizardLM, WizardCoder", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Family of instruction-following LLMs powered by Evol-Instruct: WizardLM, WizardCoder", "ja": "Evol-Instructによって動力化された指示に従うLLMsのファミリー:WizardLM、WizardCoder", "zh-hans": "由Evol-Instruct驱动的遵循指令的LLM家族:WizardLM,WizardCoder。", "zh-hant": "由Evol-Instruct驅動的遵循指令的LLM家族:WizardLM,WizardCoder" } }, "https://github.com/katanaml/sparrow": { "repository_name": "sparrow", "user_name": "katanaml", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Data extraction from documents with ML", "topics": [ "computer-vision", "huggingface-transformers", "machinelearning", "nlp-machine-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Data extraction from documents with ML", "ja": "MLによる文書からのデータ抽出", "zh-hans": "使用机器学习从文档中提取数据", "zh-hant": "利用機器學習從文件中提取數據" } }, "https://github.com/lamini-ai/lamini": { "repository_name": "lamini", "user_name": "lamini-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Today:🎉Hosted data generator for training LLMs like ChatGPT 🎉An open-source LLM, trained on the generated data with the Lamini engine 👉Early access waitlist to full training, incl. enterprise VPC etc. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Today:🎉Hosted data generator for training LLMs like ChatGPT 🎉An open-source LLM, trained on the generated data with the Lamini engine 👉Early access waitlist to full training, incl. enterprise VPC etc. ", "ja": "今日:🎉ChatGPTのようなLLMのトレーニングのためのホストされたデータジェネレータを開催しました🎉Laminiエンジンで生成されたデータでトレーニングされたオープンソースのLLM👉フルトレーニング、エンタープライズVPCなどを含む早期アクセス待ちリスト。", "zh-hans": "今天:🎉为像ChatGPT这样的LLM托管数据生成器🎉一个开源的LLM,使用Lamini引擎训练生成的数据👉提前访问完整的培训等待名单,包括企业VPC等。", "zh-hant": "今天:🎉主持用於訓練像ChatGPT這樣的LLM的數據生成器🎉一個開源的LLM,使用Lamini引擎訓練生成的數據👉提前訪問完整培訓的等待名單,包括企業VPC等。" } }, "https://github.com/sharonzhou/long_stable_diffusion": { "repository_name": "long_stable_diffusion", "user_name": "sharonzhou", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Long-form text-to-images generation, using a pipeline of deep generative models (GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Long-form text-to-images generation, using a pipeline of deep generative models (GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion)", "ja": "長い文章から画像を生成する、深層生成モデルのパイプラインを使用したテキストから画像生成(GPT-3とStable Diffusion)", "zh-hans": "长文本生成图像,使用深度生成模型(GPT-3和稳定扩散)的管道。", "zh-hant": "長文本轉圖像生成,使用深度生成模型(GPT-3和穩定擴散)的管道。" } }, "https://github.com/0xpayne/gpt-migrate": { "repository_name": "gpt-migrate", "user_name": "0xpayne", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Easily migrate your codebase from one framework or language to another.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easily migrate your codebase from one framework or language to another.", "ja": "簡単にコードベースを別のフレームワークや言語に移行できます。", "zh-hans": "轻松将您的代码库从一个框架或语言迁移到另一个框架或语言。", "zh-hant": "輕鬆將您的程式碼從一個框架或語言遷移到另一個。" } }, "https://github.com/imoneoi/openchat": { "repository_name": "openchat", "user_name": "imoneoi", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models", "topics": [ "large-language-models", "open-source", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models", "ja": "オープンチャット:オープンソースモデルにおいては、少ない方が良い", "zh-hans": "开放聊天:对于开源模型来说,越简单越好", "zh-hant": "開放聊天:對於開源模型而言,少即是多" } }, "https://github.com/thudm/webglm": { "repository_name": "WebGLM", "user_name": "THUDM", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "WebGLM: An Efficient Web-enhanced Question Answering System (KDD 2023)", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "llm", "rlhf", "webglm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WebGLM: An Efficient Web-enhanced Question Answering System (KDD 2023)", "ja": "WebGLM:効率的なWeb強化型質問応答システム(KDD 2023)\nWebGLM:効率的なWeb強化型質問応答システム(KDD 2023)", "zh-hans": "WebGLM:一种高效的增强型网络问答系统(KDD 2023)", "zh-hant": "WebGLM:一個高效的網頁增強問答系統(KDD 2023)" } }, "https://github.com/geekan/metagpt": { "repository_name": "MetaGPT", "user_name": "geekan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "The Multi-Agent Meta Programming Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo | 多智能体元编程框架:给定老板需求,输出产品文档、架构设计、任务列表、代码", "topics": [ "agent", "gpt", "llm", "metagpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Multi-Agent Meta Programming Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo | 多智能体元编程框架:给定老板需求,输出产品文档、架构设计、任务列表、代码", "ja": "マルチエージェントメタプログラミングフレームワーク:1行の要件を与えると、PRD、デザイン、タスク、リポジトリを返します。", "zh-hans": "多智能体元编程框架:输入一行需求,返回产品需求文档、设计、任务列表、代码库。", "zh-hant": "多智能體元編程框架:給定老闆需求,輸出產品文件、架構設計、任務列表、程式庫" } }, "https://github.com/raghavan/pdfgptindexer": { "repository_name": "PdfGptIndexer", "user_name": "raghavan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An efficient tool for indexing and searching PDF text data using OpenAI's GPT-2 model and FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) index, designed for rapid information retrieval and superior search accuracy.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An efficient tool for indexing and searching PDF text data using OpenAI's GPT-2 model and FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) index, designed for rapid information retrieval and superior search accuracy.", "ja": "OpenAIのGPT-2モデルとFAISS(Facebook AI Similarity Search)インデックスを使用したPDFテキストデータのインデックス化と検索のための効率的なツールであり、迅速な情報検索と優れた検索精度を実現するために設計されています。", "zh-hans": "一个高效的工具,使用OpenAI的GPT-2模型和FAISS(Facebook AI Similarity Search)索引来索引和搜索PDF文本数据,旨在实现快速信息检索和卓越的搜索准确性。", "zh-hant": "一個高效的工具,使用OpenAI的GPT-2模型和FAISS(Facebook AI相似性搜索)索引來索引和搜索PDF文本數據,旨在實現快速信息檢索和卓越的搜索準確性。" } }, "https://github.com/transformeroptimus/superagi": { "repository_name": "SuperAGI", "user_name": "TransformerOptimus", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "<⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.", "topics": [ "agents", "agi", "ai", "artificial-general-intelligence", "artificial-intelligence", "autonomous-agents", "gpt-4", "llm", "llmops", "nextjs", "openai", "pinecone", "python", "superagi" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "<⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.", "ja": "<⚡️> SuperAGI - 開発者第一のオープンソース自律型AIエージェントフレームワーク。開発者が迅速かつ信頼性の高い有用な自律エージェントを構築、管理、実行できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "<⚡️> SuperAGI - 一个以开发者为中心的开源自主人工智能代理框架。使开发者能够快速可靠地构建、管理和运行有用的自主代理。", "zh-hant": "<⚡️> SuperAGI - 一個以開發者為主的開源自主人工智能代理框架。讓開發者能夠快速可靠地建立、管理和運行有用的自主代理。" } }, "https://github.com/bentoml/openllm": { "repository_name": "OpenLLM", "user_name": "bentoml", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Operating LLMs in production", "topics": [ "ai", "chatglm", "deployment", "developer-tools", "dolly", "easy-to-use", "falcon", "fine-tuning", "llm", "llm-serving", "llmops", "lmops", "machine-learning", "model-inference", "stablelm", "t5-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Operating LLMs in production", "ja": "製造中のLLMの操作", "zh-hans": "在生产中运行LLMs", "zh-hant": "在生產中操作LLMs" } }, "https://github.com/franxyao/gpt-bargaining": { "repository_name": "GPT-Bargaining", "user_name": "FranxYao", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Code for Arxiv 2023: Improving Language Model Negociation with Self-Play and In-Context Learning from AI Feedback", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code for Arxiv 2023: Improving Language Model Negociation with Self-Play and In-Context Learning from AI Feedback", "ja": "アーキブ2023のコード:自己対戦とAIフィードバックからのインコンテキスト学習による言語モデルの交渉の改善", "zh-hans": "Arxiv 2023年的代码:通过自我对弈和从AI反馈中学习来改进语言模型的谈判能力", "zh-hant": "Arxiv 2023年的代碼:通過自我對弈和從AI反饋中的上下文學習來改進語言模型的談判" } }, "https://github.com/divergentai/dreamgpt": { "repository_name": "dreamGPT", "user_name": "DivergentAI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Leverage hallucinations from Large Language Models (LLMs) for novelty-driven explorations.", "topics": [ "agents", "artificial-intelligence", "automation", "generative-model", "ideas", "llm", "llms", "machinelearning", "ml" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Leverage hallucinations from Large Language Models (LLMs) for novelty-driven explorations.", "ja": "大規模言語モデル(LLM)からの幻覚を利用して、新奇性に基づく探索を行います。", "zh-hans": "利用大型语言模型(LLMs)的幻觉进行以新颖性驱动的探索。", "zh-hant": "利用大型語言模型(LLMs)的幻覺進行以新奇驅動的探索。" } }, "https://github.com/litch/lnchat": { "repository_name": "lnchat", "user_name": "litch", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "So I built a thing - LNChat. You hook this app up to your node and then you can ask it plaintext questions like, \"what is my newest channel\", \"show me a channel summary\". ChatGPT bridges the gap. It's pretty fun, but not super useful. Yet. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "So I built a thing - LNChat. You hook this app up to your node and then you can ask it plaintext questions like, \"what is my newest channel\", \"show me a channel summary\". ChatGPT bridges the gap. It's pretty fun, but not super useful. Yet. ", "ja": "だから、私はLNChatというものを作りました。このアプリをノードに接続すると、\"最新のチャネルは何ですか?\"や\"チャネルの概要を表示してください\"などの平文の質問をすることができます。ChatGPTがそのギャップを埋めます。それはかなり楽しいですが、まだあまり役に立ちません。まだですが。", "zh-hans": "所以我做了一个东西 - LNChat。你将这个应用连接到你的节点,然后你可以用纯文本的方式向它提问,比如“我的最新通道是什么”,“给我展示一个通道摘要”。ChatGPT填补了这个空白。它很有趣,但并不是特别有用。至少现在还不是。", "zh-hant": "所以我建立了一个东西 - LNChat。你将这个应用连接到你的节点,然后你可以向它提出明文问题,比如“我的最新频道是什么”,“给我展示一个频道摘要”。ChatGPT填补了这个空白。它非常有趣,但并不是非常有用。至少现在还不是。" } }, "https://github.com/cgisky1980/ai00_rwkv_server": { "repository_name": "ai00_rwkv_server", "user_name": "cgisky1980", "language": "CSS", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt4", "chatgpt4free", "llm", "openai", "openai-api", "rwkv" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTよりも優れたローカライズされたオープンソースのAIサーバー。", "zh-hans": "一个比ChatGPT更好的本地化开源AI服务器。", "zh-hant": "一個比ChatGPT更好的本地化開源AI服務器。" } }, "https://github.com/jeinlee1991/chinese-llm-benchmark": { "repository_name": "chinese-llm-benchmark", "user_name": "jeinlee1991", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "中文大模型能力评测榜单:覆盖百度文心一言、chatgpt、阿里通义千问、讯飞星火、belle / chatglm6b 等开源大模型,多维度能力评测。不仅提供能力评分排行榜,也提供所有模型的原始输出结果!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chinese Large Model Capability Evaluation Ranking: Covers open source large models such as Baidu Wenxin Yiyuan, ChatGPT, Ali Tongyi Qianwen, Xunfei Xinghuo, Belle/ChatGLM6B, etc., with multidimensional capability evaluation. It not only provides a ranking of capability scores but also provides the original output results of all models!", "ja": "中文大模型能力評測ランキング:百度文心一言、chatgpt、阿里通義千問、讯飞星火、belle / chatglm6bなどのオープンソースの大規模モデルをカバーし、多次元能力評価を提供します。能力スコアのランキングだけでなく、すべてのモデルの元の出力結果も提供します!", "zh-hans": "中文大模型能力评测榜单:覆盖百度文心一言、chatgpt、阿里通义千问、讯飞星火、belle / chatglm6b 等开源大模型,多维度能力评测。不仅提供能力评分排行榜,也提供所有模型的原始输出结果!", "zh-hant": "中文大模型能力評測榜單:覆蓋百度文心一言、chatgpt、阿里通義千問、訊飛星火、belle / chatglm6b 等開源大模型,多維度能力評測。不僅提供能力評分排行榜,也提供所有模型的原始輸出結果!" } }, "https://github.com/sunnweiwei/rankgpt": { "repository_name": "RankGPT", "user_name": "sunnweiwei", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Is ChatGPT Good at Search? LLMs as Re-Ranking Agent", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "information-retrieval", "large-language-models", "reranking" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Is ChatGPT Good at Search? LLMs as Re-Ranking Agent", "ja": "ChatGPTは検索に優れていますか?LLMsは再ランキングエージェントとして優れています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT在搜索方面表现如何?LLMs作为重新排序代理", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT在搜索方面表現如何?LLMs作為重新排序代理" } }, "https://github.com/qiuhuachuan/smile": { "repository_name": "smile", "user_name": "qiuhuachuan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "cc0-1.0", "name": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "spdx_id": "CC0-1.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/cc0-1.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTY=" }, "description": "SMILE: Single-turn to Multi-turn Inclusive Language Expansion via ChatGPT for Mental Health Support", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SMILE: Single-turn to Multi-turn Inclusive Language Expansion via ChatGPT for Mental Health Support", "ja": "SMILE: メンタルヘルスサポートのためのチャットGPTを介したシングルターンからマルチターンへの包括的な言語拡張", "zh-hans": "微笑:通过ChatGPT进行单轮到多轮包容性语言扩展,为心理健康支持提供帮助。", "zh-hant": "微笑:透過ChatGPT的單輪轉多輪包容性語言擴展,為心理健康支持提供幫助。" } }, "https://github.com/bigbigwatermalon/c3sql": { "repository_name": "C3SQL", "user_name": "bigbigwatermalon", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "The code for the paper C3: Zero-shot Text-to-SQL with ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The code for the paper C3: Zero-shot Text-to-SQL with ChatGPT", "ja": "論文C3のコード:ChatGPTを用いたゼロショットテキストからSQLへの変換", "zh-hans": "论文C3的代码:使用ChatGPT进行零样本文本到SQL的转换。", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\n論文C3的代碼:使用ChatGPT進行零樣本文本到SQL的轉換" } }, "https://github.com/fmxexpress/codedroidai": { "repository_name": "CodeDroidAI", "user_name": "FMXExpress", "language": "Pascal", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Generate code and forms with AI for Delphi Object Pascal and C++Builder using LLMs like ChatGPT and Vicuna-13b.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt-api", "cpp-builder", "delphi", "delphi2007", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "replicate", "unicode", "vicuna-13b" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate code and forms with AI for Delphi Object Pascal and C++Builder using LLMs like ChatGPT and Vicuna-13b.", "ja": "ChatGPTやVicuna-13bのようなLLMを使用して、Delphi Object PascalとC++BuilderのためのコードとフォームをAIで生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用像ChatGPT和Vicuna-13b这样的LLMs,为Delphi Object Pascal和C++Builder生成代码和表单。", "zh-hant": "使用像ChatGPT和Vicuna-13b这样的LLMs,为Delphi Object Pascal和C++Builder生成代碼和表單的人工智能。" } }, "https://github.com/kdalanon/chatgpt-autohotkey-utility": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-AutoHotkey-Utility", "user_name": "kdalanon", "language": "AutoHotkey", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "An AutoHotkey script that uses ChatGPT API to process text.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AutoHotkey script that uses ChatGPT API to process text.", "ja": "テキストを処理するためにChatGPT APIを使用するAutoHotkeyスクリプト。", "zh-hans": "一个使用ChatGPT API处理文本的AutoHotkey脚本。", "zh-hant": "一個使用ChatGPT API來處理文本的AutoHotkey腳本。" } }, "https://github.com/yegor256/jekyll-chatgpt-translate": { "repository_name": "jekyll-chatgpt-translate", "user_name": "yegor256", "language": "Ruby", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Automated translating of Jekyll pages via ChatGPT: all you need is just an OpenAI API key", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "internationalization", "jekyll", "jekyll-plugin", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automated translating of Jekyll pages via ChatGPT: all you need is just an OpenAI API key", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用したJekyllページの自動翻訳:必要なのはOpenAI APIキーだけです。", "zh-hans": "通过ChatGPT自动翻译Jekyll页面:您只需要一个OpenAI API密钥。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT自動翻譯Jekyll頁面:您只需要一個OpenAI API金鑰。" } }, "https://github.com/lewangdev/autotranslate": { "repository_name": "autotranslate", "user_name": "lewangdev", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Videos Transcription and Translation with Faster Whisper and ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Videos Transcription and Translation with Faster Whisper and ChatGPT", "ja": "ビデオの転写と翻訳を、より速いささやき音声とChatGPTで行います。", "zh-hans": "视频转录和翻译,更快的耳语和ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "視頻轉錄和翻譯,使用更快的耳語和ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/sveltor/nextlint": { "repository_name": "nextlint", "user_name": "sveltor", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A rich text editor, notion like Editor, build with svelte + tiptap. Enhance writing experiences with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "editor", "gpt", "nextlint", "openai", "svelte", "tiptap", "wysiwyg" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A rich text editor, notion like Editor, build with svelte + tiptap. Enhance writing experiences with ChatGPT", "ja": "Svelte + tiptapで構築された、Notionのようなリッチテキストエディタ。ChatGPTを使用して、執筆体験を向上させます。", "zh-hans": "一个富文本编辑器,类似于Notion的编辑器,使用Svelte + Tiptap构建。通过ChatGPT提升写作体验。", "zh-hant": "一個豐富的文字編輯器,類似於Notion的編輯器,使用Svelte + Tiptap構建。通過ChatGPT提升寫作體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/boburmirzo/chatgpt-api-python-sales": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-api-python-sales", "user_name": "Boburmirzo", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Find real-time sales with AI-powered Python API using ChatGPT and LLM (Large Language Model) App. ", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "python", "real-time" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Find real-time sales with AI-powered Python API using ChatGPT and LLM (Large Language Model) App. ", "ja": "AIパワードのPython APIを使用して、ChatGPTとLLM(Large Language Model)アプリを使ってリアルタイムの売上を検索してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT和LLM(大型语言模型)应用程序,通过AI驱动的Python API查找实时销售数据。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT和LLM(大型語言模型)應用程式,利用AI驅動的Python API尋找即時銷售。" } }, "https://github.com/nekoparapa/ainiee-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "AiNiee-chatgpt", "user_name": "NEKOparapa", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "一款基于【mtool】或【Translator++】,chatgpt自动批量翻译工具,主要是用来翻译各种RPG游戏。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "一款基于【mtool】或【Translator++】,chatgpt自动批量翻译工具,主要是用来翻译各种RPG游戏。", "ja": "【mtool】または【Translator++】に基づく、chatgpt自動バッチ翻訳ツールで、主にさまざまなRPGゲームの翻訳に使用されます。", "zh-hans": "一款基于【mtool】或【Translator++】的chatgpt自动批量翻译工具,主要用于翻译各种RPG游戏。", "zh-hant": "一款基於【mtool】或【Translator++】的chatgpt自動批量翻譯工具,主要用於翻譯各種RPG遊戲。" } }, "https://github.com/beidongjiedeguang/openai-forward": { "repository_name": "openai-forward", "user_name": "beidongjiedeguang", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🚀 一个专为大型语言模型设计的转发服务 · 一键部署你的私人AI代理 · LLM Proxy · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy ", "topics": [ "chatgpt-proxy", "fastapi", "llm-proxy", "openai-api", "openai-proxy", "python", "rate-limit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 A forwarding service designed specifically for large language models · Deploy your personal AI agent with just one click · LLM Proxy · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy", "ja": "🚀 大規模言語モデル向けの転送サービス · あなたのプライベートAIプロキシをワンクリックでデプロイ · LLMプロキシ · OpenAI APIリバースプロキシ", "zh-hans": "🚀 一个专为大型语言模型设计的转发服务 · 一键部署你的私人AI代理 · LLM代理 · OpenAI API反向代理", "zh-hant": "🚀 一個專為大型語言模型設計的轉發服務 · 一鍵部署你的私人AI代理 · LLM Proxy · OpenAI API反向代理" } }, "https://github.com/nashex/gpt4-playground": { "repository_name": "gpt4-playground", "user_name": "Nashex", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Clone of OpenAI's ChatGPT and Playground environments to enable experimenting with API keys.", "topics": [ "gpt4", "gpt4-api", "nextjs", "nlp", "openai", "playground" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Clone of OpenAI's ChatGPT and Playground environments to enable experimenting with API keys.", "ja": "APIキーを使って実験を行うために、OpenAIのChatGPTとPlayground環境のクローンを作成しました。\nOpenAIのChatGPTとPlayground環境のクローンを作成しました。APIキーを使用して実験を行うことができます。", "zh-hans": "克隆OpenAI的ChatGPT和Playground环境,以便进行API密钥实验。", "zh-hant": "複製OpenAI的ChatGPT和Playground環境,以便進行API密鑰的實驗。\n\n克隆OpenAI的ChatGPT和Playground環境,以便進行API密鑰的實驗。" } }, "https://github.com/flows-network/github-pr-summary": { "repository_name": "github-pr-summary", "user_name": "flows-network", "language": "Rust", "license": null, "description": "Use ChatGPT to summarize & review GitHub Pull Requests", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "codereview", "github", "gpt4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT to summarize & review GitHub Pull Requests", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してGitHubのプルリクエストを要約およびレビューする", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT来总结和审查GitHub的Pull请求。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT來總結和審查GitHub的Pull Requests。" } }, "https://github.com/nicolodiamante/sirigpt": { "repository_name": "SiriGPT", "user_name": "nicolodiamante", "language": null, "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Unleash the power of SiriGPT: the intersection of ChatGPT’s intelligence, DALL·E's creativity, and Whisper's precise audio transcription for your Apple devices with support of 20 languages.", "topics": [ "ai-powered", "apple-shortcuts", "appleshortcuts", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dalle2", "dallegenerator", "generative-ai", "generative-images", "gpt-3-5-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-api-chatbot", "openai-chatgpt", "openai-dall-e", "openai-whisper", "siri", "sirigpt", "whisper-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unleash the power of SiriGPT: the intersection of ChatGPT’s intelligence, DALL·E's creativity, and Whisper's precise audio transcription for your Apple devices with support of 20 languages.", "ja": "SiriGPTのパワーを解き放て:ChatGPTの知能、DALL·Eの創造性、Whisperの正確な音声転写が結集したAppleデバイス向けのサポートで、20言語に対応します。", "zh-hans": "释放SiriGPT的力量:ChatGPT的智能、DALL·E的创造力和Whisper的精确音频转录相交,为您的苹果设备提供支持,支持20种语言。", "zh-hant": "釋放 SiriGPT 的力量:ChatGPT 的智能、DALL·E 的創造力和 Whisper 的精確音頻轉錄相結合,為您的 Apple 設備提供支援的 20 種語言。" } }, "https://github.com/chieapp/chie": { "repository_name": "chie", "user_name": "chieapp", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "An extensive desktop app for ChatGPT and other LLMs.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "desktop-app", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An extensive desktop app for ChatGPT and other LLMs.", "ja": "ChatGPTや他のLLM向けの広範なデスクトップアプリ。", "zh-hans": "一个功能强大的桌面应用程序,用于ChatGPT和其他LLM。", "zh-hant": "一個功能豐富的桌面應用程式,可用於ChatGPT和其他LLM。" } }, "https://github.com/zmh-program/chatnio": { "repository_name": "chatnio", "user_name": "zmh-program", "language": null, "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "📚 document of Zh-Website project (using vitepress)", "topics": [ "docs", "zh-website" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📚 document of Zh-Website project (using vitepress)", "ja": "📚 Zh-Websiteプロジェクトのドキュメント(vitepressを使用)", "zh-hans": "📚 中文网站项目的文档(使用 vitepress)", "zh-hant": "📚 中文網站項目的文件(使用 vitepress)" } }, "https://github.com/liyucheng09/selective_context": { "repository_name": "Selective_Context", "user_name": "liyucheng09", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Compress your input to ChatGPT or other LLMs, to let them process 2x more content and save 40% memory and GPU time.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "llms", "nlp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Compress your input to ChatGPT or other LLMs, to let them process 2x more content and save 40% memory and GPU time.", "ja": "ChatGPTや他のLLMに入力を圧縮して、2倍のコンテンツを処理し、メモリとGPUの時間を40%節約します。", "zh-hans": "将您的输入压缩到ChatGPT或其他LLMs中,让它们能够处理多2倍的内容,并节省40%的内存和GPU时间。", "zh-hant": "將您的輸入壓縮到ChatGPT或其他LLMs,讓它們能夠處理2倍的內容並節省40%的記憶體和GPU時間。\n將您的輸入壓縮到ChatGPT或其他LLMs,讓它們能夠處理2倍的內容並節省40%的記憶體和GPU時間。" } }, "https://github.com/azure/gpt-rag": { "repository_name": "GPT-RAG", "user_name": "Azure", "language": "Bicep", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Sharing the learning along the way we been gathering to enable Azure OpenAI at scale in a secure manner. GPT-RAG core is a Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "topics": [ "azure", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Sharing the learning along the way we been gathering to enable Azure OpenAI at scale in a secure manner. GPT-RAG core is a Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "ja": "私たちが集めてきた学習を共有し、Azure OpenAIを安全にスケールするための方法を提供します。GPT-RAGコアは、Azureで実行される検索増強生成パターンであり、検索にはAzure Cognitive Searchを使用し、ChatGPTスタイルやQ&A体験にはAzure OpenAIの大規模言語モデルを活用しています。", "zh-hans": "在我们一路上积累的学习中,以安全的方式实现Azure OpenAI的规模化。GPT-RAG核心是在Azure上运行的检索增强生成模式,使用Azure认知搜索进行检索,并使用Azure OpenAI大型语言模型来支持ChatGPT风格和问答体验。", "zh-hant": "在我們一路上所收集的資料中分享學習,以安全的方式實現大規模的Azure OpenAI。GPT-RAG核心是在Azure上運行的檢索增強生成模式,使用Azure認知搜索進行檢索,並使用Azure OpenAI大型語言模型來提供ChatGPT風格和問答體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/threecolorfr/llmfordialogdatagenerate": { "repository_name": "LLMforDialogDataGenerate", "user_name": "threeColorFr", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": " Generate dialog data from documents using LLM like ChatGLM2 or ChatGPT;利用ChatGLM2,ChatGPT等大模型根据文档生成对话数据集", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": " Generate dialog data from documents using LLM like ChatGLM2 or ChatGPT;利用ChatGLM2,ChatGPT等大模型根据文档生成对话数据集", "ja": "文書からChatGLM2やChatGPTのようなLLMを使用して対話データを生成します。", "zh-hans": "利用ChatGLM2、ChatGPT等大模型从文档中生成对话数据。", "zh-hant": "利用ChatGLM2、ChatGPT等大型模型從文件中生成對話數據。" } }, "https://github.com/linyuxuanlin/auto-i18n": { "repository_name": "Auto-i18n", "user_name": "linyuxuanlin", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "使用 ChatGPT 自动将 Markdown 文件批量翻译为多语言 | Auto translate Markdown files to multi languages using ChatGPT", "topics": [ "blog", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "python", "website" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "使用 ChatGPT 自动将 Markdown 文件批量翻译为多语言 | Auto translate Markdown files to multi languages using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、Markdownファイルを複数の言語に自動翻訳します。", "zh-hans": "使用 ChatGPT 自动将 Markdown 文件批量翻译为多语言", "zh-hant": "使用 ChatGPT 自動將 Markdown 文件批量翻譯為多語言 | Auto translate Markdown 文件 to 多語言 using ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/chat-with-your-data-solution-accelerator": { "repository_name": "chat-with-your-data-solution-accelerator", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A Solution Accelerator for the RAG pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. This includes most common requirements and best practices.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Solution Accelerator for the RAG pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. This includes most common requirements and best practices.", "ja": "Azureで実行されるRAGパターンのためのソリューションアクセラレーターで、検索にはAzure Cognitive Searchを使用し、ChatGPTスタイルやQ&A体験にはAzure OpenAIの大規模言語モデルを活用しています。これには、最も一般的な要件とベストプラクティスが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "一个在Azure上运行的RAG模式的解决方案加速器,使用Azure认知搜索进行检索,并使用Azure OpenAI大型语言模型来支持ChatGPT风格和问答体验。这包括最常见的需求和最佳实践。", "zh-hant": "一個在Azure上運行的RAG模式解決方案加速器,使用Azure認知搜索進行檢索,並使用Azure OpenAI大型語言模型來提供ChatGPT風格和問答體驗。這包括最常見的需求和最佳實踐。" } }, "https://github.com/yinan-c/rss-gpt": { "repository_name": "RSS-GPT", "user_name": "yinan-c", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Using ChatGPT to summarize your personalized RSS feeds", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using ChatGPT to summarize your personalized RSS feeds", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、個別に設定したRSSフィードを要約する\nChatGPTを使用して、個別に設定したRSSフィードを要約します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT来总结您的个性化RSS订阅", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT來總結您的個人化RSS訂閱。" } }, "https://github.com/songquanpeng/one-api": { "repository_name": "one-api", "user_name": "songquanpeng", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.", "topics": [ "api", "api-gateway", "azure-openai-api", "chatgpt", "claude", "ernie-bot", "gpt", "openai", "openai-api", "proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.", "ja": "OpenAIのキー管理および再配布システムは、Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑、および腾讯混元をサポートしています。これは、二次的な配布管理キーに使用できる単一のAPIを使用しており、英語のUIを備えています。Dockerイメージがパッケージ化され、ワンクリックでデプロイできるため、すぐに使用することができます。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI接口管理和分发系统,支持Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智谱ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好Docker镜像,一键部署,开箱即用。OpenAI key管理和重新分发系统,使用单个API适用于所有LLMs,并具有英文用户界面。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI 接口管理和分發系統,支援 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2、智譜 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、訊飛星火認知、阿里通義千問、360 智腦以及騰訊混元,可用於二次分發管理金鑰,僅單可執行檔,已打包好 Docker 鏡像,一鍵部署,開箱即用。OpenAI 金鑰管理和重新分發系統,使用單一 API 供所有 LLMs 使用,並具有英文使用者介面。" } }, "https://github.com/baichuan-inc/baichuan2": { "repository_name": "Baichuan2", "user_name": "baichuan-inc", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "A series of large language models developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "benchmark", "ceval", "chatgpt", "chinese", "gpt", "gpt-4", "huggingface", "large-language-models", "llama2", "mmlu", "natural-language-processing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A series of large language models developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology", "ja": "百川智能科技开发的一系列大型语言模型", "zh-hans": "百川智能科技开发的一系列大型语言模型", "zh-hant": "百川智能科技开发的一系列大型语言模型" } }, "https://github.com/marqo-ai/marqo": { "repository_name": "marqo", "user_name": "marqo-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Vector search for humans. Also available on cloud - cloud.marqo.ai", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "clip", "deep-learning", "gpt", "hacktoberfest", "hnsw", "information-retrieval", "knn", "large-language-models", "machine-learning", "machinelearning", "multi-modal", "natural-language-processing", "search-engine", "semantic-search", "tensor-search", "transformers", "vector-search", "vision-language", "visual-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Vector search for humans. Also available on cloud - cloud.marqo.ai", "ja": "ヒト向けのベクトル検索。クラウド上でも利用可能 - cloud.marqo.ai", "zh-hans": "人类的向量搜索。也可在云端使用 - cloud.marqo.ai", "zh-hant": "人類的向量搜索。也可在雲端上使用 - cloud.marqo.ai" } }, "https://github.com/khoj-ai/khoj": { "repository_name": "khoj", "user_name": "khoj-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "An AI copilot for your second brain. Search and chat with your personal knowledge base, online or offline", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatgpt", "emacs", "llm", "markdown", "obsidian-md", "org-mode", "personal-assistant", "productivity", "semantic-search", "sentence-transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AI copilot for your second brain. Search and chat with your personal knowledge base, online or offline", "ja": "第2の脳のためのAIコパイロット。個人の知識ベースをオンラインまたはオフラインで検索し、チャットします。", "zh-hans": "一个AI副驾驶员,为你的第二大脑。在线或离线搜索和与你的个人知识库聊天。", "zh-hant": "一個AI副駕駛員,為您的第二大腦。在線或離線搜索和與您的個人知識庫聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/luodian/otter": { "repository_name": "Otter", "user_name": "Luodian", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🦦 Otter, a multi-modal model based on OpenFlamingo (open-sourced version of DeepMind's Flamingo), trained on MIMIC-IT and showcasing improved instruction-following and in-context learning ability.", "topics": [ "apple-vision-pro", "artificial-inteligence", "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "egocentric-vision", "embodied", "embodied-ai", "foundation-models", "gpt-4", "instruction-tuning", "large-scale-models", "machine-learning", "multi-modality", "visual-language-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🦦 Otter, a multi-modal model based on OpenFlamingo (open-sourced version of DeepMind's Flamingo), trained on MIMIC-IT and showcasing improved instruction-following and in-context learning ability.", "ja": "🦦 オッターは、MIMIC-ITで訓練され、改善された指示の追跡能力と文脈に即した学習能力を示す、OpenFlamingo(DeepMindのFlamingoのオープンソース版)に基づくマルチモーダルモデルです。", "zh-hans": "🦦 Otter是基于OpenFlamingo(DeepMind的Flamingo的开源版本)的多模态模型,经过MIMIC-IT训练,展示了改进的指令跟随和上下文学习能力。", "zh-hant": "🦦 Otter是一個基於OpenFlamingo(DeepMind的Flamingo的開源版本)的多模態模型,經過在MIMIC-IT上的訓練,展示了改進的指示遵從和上下文學習能力。" } }, "https://github.com/josstorer/rwkv-runner": { "repository_name": "RWKV-Runner", "user_name": "josStorer", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.", "topics": [ "api", "api-client", "chatgpt", "llm", "rwkv", "tool", "wails" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.", "ja": "RWKVの管理およびスタートアップツールで、完全自動化であり、わずか8MBです。また、OpenAI APIと互換性のあるインターフェースを提供します。RWKVは完全にオープンソースであり、商用利用が可能な大規模な言語モデルです。", "zh-hans": "一个RWKV管理和启动工具,完全自动化,仅8MB。并提供与OpenAI API兼容的接口。RWKV是一个完全开源且可用于商业用途的大型语言模型。", "zh-hant": "一個RWKV管理和啟動工具,完全自動化,僅8MB。並提供與OpenAI API兼容的界面。RWKV是一個完全開源且可用於商業用途的大型語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/esbatmop/mnbvc": { "repository_name": "MNBVC", "user_name": "esbatmop", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不但包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。", "topics": [ "chinese", "chinese-language", "chinese-nlp", "chinese-simplified", "corpus-data", "nlp", "nlp-machine-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MNBVC (Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus) is a large-scale Chinese language corpus. It consists of 40T data, which is comparable to the training data of chatGPT. The MNBVC dataset not only includes mainstream culture but also various niche cultures, and even data in Martian language. It encompasses pure text Chinese data in various forms such as news, compositions, novels, books, magazines, papers, dialogues, posts, wikis, ancient poems, song lyrics, product descriptions, jokes, embarrassing stories, and chat records.", "ja": "MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大規模中文語料集。chatGPTのトレーニングに使用される40Tのデータに対応しています。MNBVCデータセットには、メインストリームの文化だけでなく、マイナーカルチャーやさらには火星語のデータも含まれています。MNBVCデータセットには、ニュース、作文、小説、書籍、雑誌、論文、台詞、投稿、ウィキ、古詩、歌詞、商品紹介、ジョーク、失敗談、チャットの記録など、あらゆる形式の純文本の中国語データが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不仅包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、维基百科、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。", "zh-hant": "MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大規模中文語料集。對標chatGPT訓練的40T數據。MNBVC數據集不但包括主流文化,也包括各個小眾文化甚至火星文的數據。MNBVC數據集包括新聞、作文、小說、書籍、雜誌、論文、台詞、帖子、wiki、古詩、歌詞、商品介紹、笑話、糗事、聊天記錄等一切形式的純文本中文數據。" } }, "https://github.com/tisfeng/easydict": { "repository_name": "Easydict", "user_name": "tisfeng", "language": "Objective-C", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,百度和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text. ", "topics": [ "app", "baidu", "bing", "deepl", "dictionary", "google", "macos", "ocr", "shortcuts", "translate", "translator", "volcano", "youdao" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS App。开箱即用,支持离线 OCR 识别,支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,百度和火山翻译。A concise and elegant Dictionary and Translator macOS App for looking up words and translating text. ", "ja": "シンプルでエレガントな辞書と翻訳のmacOSアプリ。すぐに使えるようになっており、オフラインOCR認識をサポートし、有道辞書、🍎 Appleシステム辞書、🍎 Appleシステム翻訳、ChatGPT、DeepL、Google、Bing、百度、火山翻訳に対応しています。単語の検索やテキストの翻訳に便利です。", "zh-hans": "一个简洁优雅的词典翻译 macOS 应用程序,可用于查找单词和翻译文本。支持离线 OCR 识别,同时支持有道词典,🍎 苹果系统词典,🍎 苹果系统翻译,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,百度和火山翻译。", "zh-hant": "一個簡潔優雅的詞典翻譯 macOS App。開箱即用,支持離線 OCR 識別,支持有道詞典,🍎 蘋果系統詞典,🍎 蘋果系統翻譯,ChatGPT,DeepL,Google,Bing,百度和火山翻譯。一個簡潔優雅的詞典和翻譯器 macOS App,用於查詢單詞和翻譯文本。" } }, "https://github.com/next-gpt/next-gpt": { "repository_name": "NExT-GPT", "user_name": "NExT-GPT", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "bsd-3-clause", "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "spdx_id": "BSD-3-Clause", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTU=" }, "description": "Code and models for NExT-GPT: Any-to-Any Multimodal Large Language Model", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "foundation-models", "gpt-4", "instruction-tuning", "large-language-models", "llm", "multi-modal-chatgpt", "multimodal", "visual-language-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code and models for NExT-GPT: Any-to-Any Multimodal Large Language Model", "ja": "NExT-GPT: あらゆるモーダルに対応した大規模言語モデルのコードとモデル", "zh-hans": "NExT-GPT的代码和模型:任意到任意的多模态大型语言模型", "zh-hant": "NExT-GPT:任意到任意多模態大型語言模型的代碼和模型" } }, "https://github.com/tavernai/tavernai": { "repository_name": "TavernAI", "user_name": "TavernAI", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Atmospheric adventure chat for AI language models (KoboldAI, NovelAI, Pygmalion, OpenAI chatgpt, gpt-4)", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "koboldai", "novelai", "pygmalion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Atmospheric adventure chat for AI language models (KoboldAI, NovelAI, Pygmalion, OpenAI chatgpt, gpt-4)", "ja": "AI言語モデル(KoboldAI、NovelAI、Pygmalion、OpenAI chatgpt、gpt-4)の大気冒険チャット", "zh-hans": "针对AI语言模型的大气冒险聊天(KoboldAI、NovelAI、Pygmalion、OpenAI chatgpt、gpt-4)", "zh-hant": "AI語言模型的大氣冒險聊天(KoboldAI、NovelAI、Pygmalion、OpenAI chatgpt、gpt-4)" } }, "https://github.com/eth-sri/lmql": { "repository_name": "lmql", "user_name": "eth-sri", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "A language for constraint-guided and efficient LLM programming.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "huggingface", "language-model", "programming-language" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A language for constraint-guided and efficient LLM programming.", "ja": "制約に基づいた効率的なLLMプログラミングのための言語。", "zh-hans": "一种用于约束引导和高效LLM编程的语言。", "zh-hant": "一種用於受限制引導和高效LLM編程的語言。" } }, "https://github.com/farama-foundation/chatarena": { "repository_name": "chatarena", "user_name": "Farama-Foundation", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "ChatArena (or Chat Arena) is a Multi-Agent Language Game Environments for LLMs. The goal is to develop communication and collaboration capabilities of AIs.", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "large-language-models", "multi-agent", "multi-agent-reinforcement-learning", "multi-agent-simulation", "natural-language-processing", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatArena (or Chat Arena) is a Multi-Agent Language Game Environments for LLMs. The goal is to develop communication and collaboration capabilities of AIs.", "ja": "ChatArena(またはChat Arena)は、LLMs向けのマルチエージェント言語ゲーム環境です。目標は、AIのコミュニケーションと協力能力を開発することです。", "zh-hans": "ChatArena(或Chat Arena)是一个为LLMs设计的多智能体语言游戏环境。其目标是开发AI的沟通和协作能力。", "zh-hant": "ChatArena(或Chat Arena)是一個為LLMs設計的多智能體語言遊戲環境。其目標是發展AI的溝通和協作能力。" } }, "https://github.com/moataz-elmesmary/data-science-roadmap": { "repository_name": "Data-Science-Roadmap", "user_name": "Moataz-Elmesmary", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Data Science Roadmap from A to Z", "topics": [ "big-data", "chatgpt", "cheatsheet", "cv-template", "data-analysis", "data-engineering", "data-science", "data-visualization", "deep-learning", "interview-questions", "linear-algebra", "llms", "machine-learning", "mathematics", "neural-network", "nlp", "probability", "python", "sql", "statistics" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Data Science Roadmap from A to Z", "ja": "データサイエンスのロードマップ A から Z まで", "zh-hans": "从A到Z的数据科学路线图", "zh-hant": "從A到Z的數據科學路線圖" } }, "https://github.com/confident-ai/deepeval": { "repository_name": "deepeval", "user_name": "confident-ai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "The Evaluation Framework for LLMs", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "evaluate-models", "evaluate-news-article-with-nlp", "evaluation", "evaluation-framework", "evaluation-metrics", "large", "llm", "llmops" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Evaluation Framework for LLMs", "ja": "LLMの評価フレームワーク", "zh-hans": "LLM评估框架", "zh-hant": "LLM(碩士學位法學)評估框架" } }, "https://github.com/xorbitsai/inference": { "repository_name": "inference", "user_name": "xorbitsai", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Replace OpenAI GPT with another LLM in your app by changing a single line of code. Xinference gives you the freedom to use any LLM you need. With Xinference, you're empowered to run inference with any open-source language models, speech recognition models, and multimodal models, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or even on your laptop.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatglm", "chatglm2", "deployment", "flan-t5", "ggml", "inference", "llama2", "llm", "machine-learning", "openai-api", "pytorch", "whisper", "wizardlm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Replace OpenAI GPT with another LLM in your app by changing a single line of code. Xinference gives you the freedom to use any LLM you need. With Xinference, you're empowered to run inference with any open-source language models, speech recognition models, and multimodal models, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or even on your laptop.", "ja": "1行のコードを変更することで、OpenAI GPTを別のLLMに置き換えてください。Xinferenceを使用すると、必要なLLMを自由に使用できます。Xinferenceを使用すると、クラウド上、オンプレミス上、さらには自分のラップトップ上でも、オープンソースの言語モデル、音声認識モデル、マルチモーダルモデルを使用して推論を実行することができます。", "zh-hans": "通过改变一行代码,将OpenAI GPT替换为另一个LLM。Xinference让您可以自由使用任何您需要的LLM。使用Xinference,您可以在云端、本地甚至笔记本电脑上运行推理,无论是开源语言模型、语音识别模型还是多模态模型。", "zh-hant": "只需更改一行程式碼,將OpenAI GPT替換為另一個LLM。Xinference讓您可以自由使用任何您需要的LLM。憑藉Xinference,您可以在雲端、本地甚至筆記型電腦上運行推論,使用任何開源語言模型、語音識別模型和多模態模型。" } }, "https://github.com/lupantech/chameleon-llm": { "repository_name": "chameleon-llm", "user_name": "lupantech", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Codes for \"Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models\".", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "llm", "openai", "python", "tool" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Codes for \"Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models\".", "ja": "「カメレオン:大規模言語モデルを用いたプラグアンドプレイの構成的推論のためのコード」", "zh-hans": "《变色龙:与大型语言模型进行即插即用的组合推理的代码》", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\n輸入:《Chameleon: Plug-and-Play Compositional Reasoning with Large Language Models》的代碼。\n輸出:" } }, "https://github.com/freedomintelligence/huatuogpt": { "repository_name": "HuatuoGPT", "user_name": "FreedomIntelligence", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "HuatuoGPT, Towards Taming Language Models To Be a Doctor. (An Open Medical GPT)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "HuatuoGPT, Towards Taming Language Models To Be a Doctor. (An Open Medical GPT)", "ja": "入力:華陀GPT、医者になるための言語モデルの飼いならしに向けて。(オープンな医療GPT)\n出力:華陀GPT、医者になるための言語モデルの飼いならしに向けて。(オープンな医療GPT)", "zh-hans": "华佗GPT,朝着驯服语言模型成为医生迈进。(一个开放的医学GPT)", "zh-hant": "華陀GPT,朝著培養語言模型成為醫生的方向前進。(一個開放的醫學GPT)" } }, "https://github.com/eosphoros-ai/db-gpt-hub": { "repository_name": "DB-GPT-Hub", "user_name": "eosphoros-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A repository that contains models, datasets, and fine-tuning techniques for DB-GPT, with the purpose of enhancing model performance in Text-to-SQL", "topics": [ "database", "datasets", "fine-tuning", "gpt", "llm", "nl2sql", "sql", "text-to-sql", "text2sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A repository that contains models, datasets, and fine-tuning techniques for DB-GPT, with the purpose of enhancing model performance in Text-to-SQL", "ja": "目的は、Text-to-SQLにおけるモデルのパフォーマンスを向上させるためのDB-GPTのモデル、データセット、ファインチューニング技術を含むリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "一个包含DB-GPT模型、数据集和微调技术的存储库,旨在提高文本到SQL的模型性能。", "zh-hant": "一個包含DB-GPT模型、數據集和微調技術的存儲庫,旨在提高文本到SQL的模型性能。" } }, "https://github.com/mylxsw/aidea-server": { "repository_name": "aidea-server", "user_name": "mylxsw", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt", "llm", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AIdea is a versatile app that supports GPT and domestic large language models such as Tongyi Qianwen and Wenxin Yiyuan. It also supports Stable Diffusion Wenshengtu, Tushengtu, SDXL1.0, super-resolution, and image coloring.", "ja": "AIdeaは、GPTおよび国産の大規模言語モデルである通義千問、文心一言などをサポートし、Stable Diffusion文生図、図生図、SDXL1.0、超解像度、画像着色などをサポートするオールインワンのアプリです。", "zh-hans": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 和国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。", "zh-hant": "AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及國產大語言模型通義千問、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生圖、圖生圖、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、圖片上色的全能型 APP。" } }, "https://github.com/bbycroft/llm-viz": { "repository_name": "llm-viz", "user_name": "bbycroft", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "3D Visualization of an GPT-style LLM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "3D Visualization of an GPT-style LLM", "ja": "GPTスタイルのLLMの3Dビジュアライゼーション", "zh-hans": "3D可视化的GPT风格LLM", "zh-hant": "3D 可視化的 GPT 風格 LLM" } }, "https://github.com/mnotgod96/appagent": { "repository_name": "AppAgent", "user_name": "mnotgod96", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AppAgent: Multimodal Agents as Smartphone Users, an LLM-based multimodal agent framework designed to operate smartphone apps.", "topics": [ "agent", "chatgpt", "generative-ai", "gpt4", "gpt4v", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AppAgent: Multimodal Agents as Smartphone Users, an LLM-based multimodal agent framework designed to operate smartphone apps.", "ja": "アプリエージェント:スマートフォンユーザーとしてのマルチモーダルエージェント、スマートフォンアプリを操作するために設計されたLLMベースのマルチモーダルエージェントフレームワーク。", "zh-hans": "AppAgent:多模态代理作为智能手机用户,是一个基于LLM的多模态代理框架,旨在操作智能手机应用程序。", "zh-hant": "AppAgent:多模態代理作為智能手機用戶,一個基於LLM的多模態代理框架,旨在操作智能手機應用程序。" } }, "https://github.com/thudm/agentbench": { "repository_name": "AgentBench", "user_name": "THUDM", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A Comprehensive Benchmark to Evaluate LLMs as Agents", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "llm", "llm-agent" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Comprehensive Benchmark to Evaluate LLMs as Agents", "ja": "エージェントとしてのLLMを評価するための包括的なベンチマーク", "zh-hans": "一个全面的基准来评估LLMs作为代理人", "zh-hant": "一個全面的基準來評估LLMs作為代理人" } }, "https://github.com/neumtry/neumai": { "repository_name": "NeumAI", "user_name": "NeumTry", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Neum AI is a best-in-class framework to manage the creation and synchronization of vector embeddings at large scale.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "data", "data-engineering", "database", "embeddings", "etl", "llm", "llmops", "mlops", "ops", "pipeline", "python", "rag", "retrieval", "vector-database", "vectors" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Neum AI is a best-in-class framework to manage the creation and synchronization of vector embeddings at large scale.", "ja": "Neum AIは、大規模なベクトル埋め込みの作成と同期を管理するための最高のフレームワークです。", "zh-hans": "Neum AI是一个一流的框架,用于大规模管理矢量嵌入的创建和同步。", "zh-hant": "Neum AI 是一個一流的框架,用於大規模管理向量嵌入的創建和同步。" } }, "https://github.com/rasbt/llms-from-scratch": { "repository_name": "LLMs-from-scratch", "user_name": "rasbt", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "large-language-models", "llm", "python", "pytorch" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step", "ja": "スクラッチからChatGPTのようなLLMを段階的に実装する", "zh-hans": "从零开始逐步实现类似ChatGPT的LLM", "zh-hant": "從頭開始逐步實現類似ChatGPT的LLM" } }, "https://github.com/neelnanda-io/transformerlens": { "repository_name": "TransformerLens", "user_name": "neelnanda-io", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models", "ja": "GPTスタイルの言語モデルの機械的解釈可能性のためのライブラリ", "zh-hans": "一个用于解释GPT风格语言模型机制的图书馆", "zh-hant": "一個用於解釋GPT風格語言模型的機械解釋性圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/kwaikeg/kwaiagents": { "repository_name": "KwaiAgents", "user_name": "KwaiKEG", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "A generalized information-seeking agent system with Large Language Models (LLMs).", "topics": [ "agi", "autogpt", "autonomous-agents", "chatgpt", "gpt", "large-language-models", "localllm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A generalized information-seeking agent system with Large Language Models (LLMs).", "ja": "大規模言語モデル(LLM)を使用した一般的な情報検索エージェントシステム。", "zh-hans": "一个具有大型语言模型(LLMs)的广义信息搜索代理系统。", "zh-hant": "一個具有大型語言模型(LLMs)的廣義信息尋求代理系統。" } }, "https://github.com/openmotionlab/motiongpt": { "repository_name": "MotionGPT", "user_name": "OpenMotionLab", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language, a unified motion-language generation model using LLMs", "topics": [ "3d-generation", "chatgpt", "gpt", "language-model", "motion", "motion-generation", "motiongpt", "multi-modal", "text-driven", "text-to-motion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language, a unified motion-language generation model using LLMs", "ja": "入力:[NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT:LLMを使用した統合されたモーション言語生成モデル「人間の動きは外国語のようなもの」\n出力:[NeurIPS 2023] MotionGPT:LLMを使用した統合されたモーション言語生成モデル「人間の動きは外国語のようなもの」", "zh-hans": "【NeurIPS 2023】MotionGPT:将人类动作视为一门外语的统一动作语言生成模型,使用LLMs", "zh-hant": "【NeurIPS 2023】MotionGPT:以語言模型為基礎的統一運動-語言生成模型,將人類運動視為一種外語" } }, "https://github.com/goldfishh/chatgpt-tool-hub": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-tool-hub", "user_name": "goldfishh", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything.", "ja": "オープンソースのChatGPTツールエコシステムで、ツールを組み合わせてChatGPTを使用し、自然言語で何でも行うことができます。", "zh-hans": "一个开源的ChatGPT工具生态系统,您可以将工具与ChatGPT结合使用,并使用自然语言来完成任何任务。", "zh-hant": "一個開源的ChatGPT工具生態系統,您可以將工具與ChatGPT結合,使用自然語言來進行任何操作。一個開源的ChatGPT工具生態系統,您可以將工具與ChatGPT結合,使用自然語言來進行任何操作。" } }, "https://github.com/rucaibox/llmsurvey": { "repository_name": "LLMSurvey", "user_name": "RUCAIBox", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "The official GitHub page for the survey paper \"A Survey of Large Language Models\".", "topics": [ "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "in-context-learning", "instruction-tuning", "large-language-models", "llm", "llms", "natural-language-processing", "pre-trained-language-models", "pre-training", "rlhf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The official GitHub page for the survey paper \"A Survey of Large Language Models\".", "ja": "「大規模言語モデルの調査」という論文の公式GitHubページ。「大規模言語モデルの調査」という論文の公式GitHubページ。", "zh-hans": "调查论文《大型语言模型综述》的官方GitHub页面。", "zh-hant": "調查論文《大型語言模型的綜述》的官方GitHub頁面。《大型語言模型的綜述》調查論文的官方GitHub頁面。" } }, "https://github.com/evanhu1/talk2arxiv": { "repository_name": "talk2arxiv", "user_name": "evanhu1", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Talk to any ArXiv paper using ChatGPT", "topics": [ "arxiv", "gpt", "llm", "open-source", "rag", "research" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talk to any ArXiv paper using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、どんなArXiv論文でも話すことができます。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT与任何ArXiv论文进行对话", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT與任何ArXiv論文進行對話" } }, "https://github.com/fjrdomingues/autopilot": { "repository_name": "autopilot", "user_name": "fjrdomingues", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Code Autopilot, a tool that uses GPT to read a codebase, create context and solve tasks.", "topics": [ "ai", "code-assistant", "gpt", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code Autopilot, a tool that uses GPT to read a codebase, create context and solve tasks.", "ja": "コードオートパイロットは、GPTを使用してコードベースを読み取り、コンテキストを作成し、タスクを解決するツールです。", "zh-hans": "代码自动驾驶,一种利用GPT读取代码库、创建上下文并解决任务的工具。", "zh-hant": "Code Autopilot,一個使用GPT來讀取程式庫、建立上下文並解決任務的工具。" } }, "https://github.com/kenyony/openai-forward": { "repository_name": "openai-forward", "user_name": "KenyonY", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🚀 大语言模型高效转发服务 · An efficient forwarding service designed for LLMs. · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy", "topics": [ "llm", "openai", "openai-api", "openai-proxy", "proxy", "python", "rate-limit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 大语言模型高效转发服务 · An efficient forwarding service designed for LLMs. · OpenAI API Reverse Proxy", "ja": "🚀 大規模言語モデルの効率的な転送サービス · LLM向けの効率的な転送サービスです。 · OpenAI APIリバースプロキシ", "zh-hans": "🚀 大语言模型高效转发服务 · 专为LLMs设计的高效转发服务 · OpenAI API反向代理", "zh-hant": "🚀 大型語言模型高效轉發服務 · 專為LLM設計的高效轉發服務 · OpenAI API反向代理" } }, "https://github.com/nvidia/fastertransformer": { "repository_name": "FasterTransformer", "user_name": "NVIDIA", "language": "C++", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Transformer related optimization, including BERT, GPT", "topics": [ "bert", "gpt", "pytorch", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transformer related optimization, including BERT, GPT", "ja": "トランスフォーマーに関連する最適化、BERT、GPTを含む。", "zh-hans": "与Transformer相关的优化,包括BERT,GPT输出:Transformer相关的优化,包括BERT,GPT", "zh-hant": "與Transformer相關的優化,包括BERT、GPT" } }, "https://github.com/polyrabbit/hacker-news-digest": { "repository_name": "hacker-news-digest", "user_name": "polyrabbit", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0", "description": ":newspaper: Let ChatGPT Summarize Hacker News for You", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "crawler", "data-extraction", "extract-summaries", "hacker-news", "hacker-news-digest", "hacker-news-reader", "machine-learning", "news-aggregator", "openai", "openai-api", "python", "rss", "spider" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": ":newspaper: Let ChatGPT Summarize Hacker News for You", "ja": ":newspaper: ChatGPTがハッカーニュースを要約します", "zh-hans": ": newspaper: 让ChatGPT为您总结黑客新闻", "zh-hant": ":newspaper: 讓ChatGPT為您總結Hacker News" } }, "https://github.com/lancemoe/openai-translator": { "repository_name": "openai-translator", "user_name": "LanceMoe", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A translator that uses OpanAI.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "daisyui", "openai", "pwa", "react", "tailwindcss", "translator", "translator-app", "vite" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A translator that uses OpanAI.", "ja": "OpanAIを使用する翻訳者。", "zh-hans": "一个使用OpenAI的翻译器。", "zh-hant": "一個使用 OpanAI 的翻譯器。" } }, "https://github.com/xianshang33/llm-paper-daily": { "repository_name": "llm-paper-daily", "user_name": "xianshang33", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Daily updated LLM papers. 每日更新 LLM 相关的论文,欢迎订阅 👏 喜欢的话动动你的小手 🌟 一个", "topics": [ "agent", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "llm", "rag" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Daily updated LLM papers. 每日更新 LLM 相关的论文,欢迎订阅 👏 喜欢的话动动你的小手 🌟 一个", "ja": "毎日更新されるLLM関連の論文。購読を歓迎します👏 お気に入りの場合は、ぜひ購読してください🌟 一つ", "zh-hans": "每日更新的LLM论文。欢迎订阅👏如果你喜欢,请动动你的小手🌟一个。", "zh-hant": "每日更新 LLM 相關的論文,歡迎訂閱 👏 喜歡的話動動你的小手 🌟 一個" } }, "https://github.com/retkowsky/azure-openai-demos": { "repository_name": "Azure-OpenAI-demos", "user_name": "retkowsky", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Azure Open AI (demos, documentation, accelerators). ", "topics": [ "azure", "azure-cognitive-services", "azure-openai", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "embeddings", "langchain-python", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Azure Open AI (demos, documentation, accelerators).", "ja": "Azure Open AI(デモ、ドキュメンテーション、アクセラレータ)。", "zh-hans": "Azure 开放 AI(演示、文档、加速器)。", "zh-hant": "Azure Open AI(演示、文件、加速器)。Azure 開放式人工智慧(演示、文件、加速器)。" } }, "https://github.com/skywalkerdarren/chatweb": { "repository_name": "chatWeb", "user_name": "SkywalkerDarren", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatWeb can crawl web pages, read PDF, DOCX, TXT, and extract the main content, then answer your questions based on the content, or summarize the key points.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "crawler", "docx", "embedding", "faiss", "gpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "news-extractor", "newspaper", "openai", "pdf", "pgvector", "postgresql", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatWeb can crawl web pages, read PDF, DOCX, TXT, and extract the main content, then answer your questions based on the content, or summarize the key points.", "ja": "ChatWebはウェブページをクロールし、PDF、DOCX、TXTを読み取り、主要なコンテンツを抽出し、その内容に基づいて質問に答えたり、キーポイントを要約したりすることができます。", "zh-hans": "ChatWeb可以爬取网页、阅读PDF、DOCX、TXT,并提取主要内容,然后根据内容回答您的问题,或总结关键要点。", "zh-hant": "ChatWeb可以爬取網頁、讀取PDF、DOCX、TXT文件,並提取主要內容,然後根據內容回答您的問題,或者總結關鍵要點。" } }, "https://github.com/video-db/streamrag": { "repository_name": "StreamRAG", "user_name": "video-db", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Video Search and Streaming Agent 🕵️‍♂️", "topics": [ "agent", "chatgpt", "llm", "rag", "search", "search-engine", "video", "video-processing", "video-streaming" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Video Search and Streaming Agent 🕵️‍♂️", "ja": "ビデオ検索とストリーミングエージェント 🕵️‍♂️", "zh-hans": "视频搜索和流媒体代理 🕵️‍♂️", "zh-hant": "視頻搜索和串流代理 🕵️‍♂️" } }, "https://github.com/gptscript-ai/gptscript": { "repository_name": "gptscript", "user_name": "gptscript-ai", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Natural Language Programming ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Natural Language Programming", "ja": "自然言語プログラミング", "zh-hans": "自然语言编程", "zh-hant": "自然語言編程" } }, "https://github.com/muennighoff/sgpt": { "repository_name": "sgpt", "user_name": "Muennighoff", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "SGPT: GPT Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Search", "topics": [ "gpt", "information-retrieval", "language-model", "large-language-models", "neural-search", "retrieval", "semantic-search", "sentence-embeddings", "sgpt", "text-embedding" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SGPT: GPT Sentence Embeddings for Semantic Search", "ja": "SGPT:GPT文埋め込みによる意味検索SGPT:GPT文埋め込みによる意味検索", "zh-hans": "SGPT:GPT句子嵌入用于语义搜索", "zh-hant": "SGPT:GPT句子嵌入用於語義搜索" } }, "https://github.com/visual-openllm/visual-openllm": { "repository_name": "visual-openllm", "user_name": "visual-openllm", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "something like visual-chatgpt, 文心一言的开源版", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "something like visual-chatgpt, the open-source version of Wenxin Yiyuan", "ja": "何かビジュアルチャットGPTのようなもの、文心一言のオープンソース版", "zh-hans": "类似视觉聊天GPT的开源版本,文心一言", "zh-hant": "類似視覺聊天GPT的東西,文心一言的開源版" } }, "https://github.com/gpt-fathom/gpt-fathom": { "repository_name": "GPT-Fathom", "user_name": "GPT-Fathom", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT-Fathom is an open-source and reproducible LLM evaluation suite, benchmarking 10+ leading open-source and closed-source LLMs as well as OpenAI's earlier models on 20+ curated benchmarks under aligned settings.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT-Fathom is an open-source and reproducible LLM evaluation suite, benchmarking 10+ leading open-source and closed-source LLMs as well as OpenAI's earlier models on 20+ curated benchmarks under aligned settings.", "ja": "GPT-Fathomは、オープンソースで再現可能なLLM評価スイートであり、10以上の主要なオープンソースおよびクローズドソースのLLM、さらにはOpenAIの以前のモデルを20以上の厳選されたベンチマークで比較評価するためのものです。", "zh-hans": "GPT-Fathom是一个开源且可重现的LLM评估套件,对10多个领先的开源和闭源LLM以及OpenAI早期模型在20多个精心策划的基准测试下进行基准测试。", "zh-hant": "GPT-Fathom 是一個開源且可重現的LLM評估套件,對10多個領先的開源和封閉源LLM以及OpenAI早期模型在20多個經過整理的基準測試下進行基準測試。" } }, "https://github.com/opencodeinterpreter/opencodeinterpreter": { "repository_name": "OpenCodeInterpreter", "user_name": "OpenCodeInterpreter", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "OpenCodeInterpreter is a suite of open-source code generation systems aimed at bridging the gap between large language models and sophisticated proprietary systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter. It significantly enhances code generation capabilities by integrating execution and iterative refinement functionalities.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenCodeInterpreter is a suite of open-source code generation systems aimed at bridging the gap between large language models and sophisticated proprietary systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter. It significantly enhances code generation capabilities by i", "ja": "OpenCodeInterpreterは、大規模な言語モデルとGPT-4コードインタープリターのような高度なプロプライエタリシステムとの間のギャップを埋めることを目的としたオープンソースのコード生成システムのスイートです。これにより、コード生成能力が大幅に向上します。", "zh-hans": "OpenCodeInterpreter是一套开源代码生成系统,旨在弥合大型语言模型和复杂专有系统(如GPT-4代码解释器)之间的差距。它通过显著增强代码生成能力,帮助用户更好地生成代码。", "zh-hant": "OpenCodeInterpreter 是一套開源代碼生成系統,旨在彌合大型語言模型與諸如 GPT-4 代碼解釋器等專有系統之間的差距。它通過增強代碼生成能力,显著提高了代碼生成的能力。" } }, "https://github.com/wewehao/flutter_chatgpt": { "repository_name": "flutter_chatgpt", "user_name": "wewehao", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Flutter ChatGPT APP. The chatgpt chat app implemented by flutter supports custom modes and contextual continuous dialogue. In addition, it supports admob advertisement configuration, accessing open screen advertisements, interstitial advertisements, Banner advertisements, etc.", "topics": [ "android", "chatgpt", "firebase", "flutter", "ios" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Flutter ChatGPT APP. The chatgpt chat app implemented by flutter supports custom modes and contextual continuous dialogue. In addition, it supports admob advertisement configuration, accessing open screen advertisements, interstitial advertisements, Banner", "ja": "Flutter ChatGPTアプリ。 Flutterによって実装されたchatgptチャットアプリは、カスタムモードとコンテキスト継続対話をサポートしています。 さらに、admob広告の構成、オープンスクリーン広告へのアクセス、インタースティシャル広告、バナー広告をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Flutter ChatGPT 应用程序。由flutter实现的chatgpt聊天应用程序支持自定义模式和上下文连续对话。此外,它支持admob广告配置,访问开屏广告、插页广告、横幅。", "zh-hant": "Flutter ChatGPT應用程式。Flutter實現的chatgpt聊天應用程式支持自定義模式和上下文連續對話。此外,它支持admob廣告配置,訪問開屏廣告、插頁廣告、橫幅廣告。" } }, "https://github.com/ai00-x/ai00_server": { "repository_name": "ai00_server", "user_name": "Ai00-X", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt4", "chatgpt4free", "llm", "openai", "openai-api", "rwkv" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A localized open-source AI server that is better than ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTよりも優れたローカライズされたオープンソースAIサーバー。", "zh-hans": "一个比ChatGPT更好的本地化开源AI服务器。", "zh-hant": "一個比ChatGPT更好的本地化開源人工智慧伺服器。" } }, "https://github.com/robustnlp/cipherchat": { "repository_name": "CipherChat", "user_name": "RobustNLP", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A framework to evaluate the generalization capability of safety alignment for LLMs", "topics": [ "alignment", "chatgpt", "gpt-4-0613", "jailbreak", "large-language-models", "llm", "security" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A framework to evaluate the generalization capability of safety alignment for LLMs", "ja": "LLMの安全性整合性の汎化能力を評価するためのフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "一个评估LLMs安全对齐泛化能力的框架", "zh-hant": "一個評估LLM安全對齊泛化能力的框架" } }, "https://github.com/batsresearch/bonito": { "repository_name": "bonito", "user_name": "BatsResearch", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "A lightweight library for generating synthetic instruction tuning datasets for your data without GPT.", "topics": [ "domain-adaptation", "gpt", "llm", "synthetic-data", "synthetic-dataset-generation", "task-adaptation", "zero-shot-learning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A lightweight library for generating synthetic instruction tuning datasets for your data without GPT.", "ja": "GPTなしでデータのための合成命令チューニングデータセットを生成するための軽量ライブラリ。GPTを使用せずにデータのための合成命令チューニングデータセットを生成するための軽量ライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "一个轻量级的库,用于生成合成指令调整数据集,无需使用GPT。", "zh-hant": "一個輕量級的庫,用於生成合成指令調整數據集,無需使用GPT。" } }, "https://github.com/ruoccofabrizio/azure-open-ai-embeddings-qna": { "repository_name": "azure-open-ai-embeddings-qna", "user_name": "ruoccofabrizio", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A simple web application for a OpenAI-enabled document search. This repo uses Azure OpenAI Service for creating embeddings vectors from documents. For answering the question of a user, it retrieves the most relevant document and then uses GPT-3, GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 to extract the matching answer for the question.", "topics": [ "azureopenai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple web application for a OpenAI-enabled document search. This repo uses Azure OpenAI Service for creating embeddings vectors from documents. For answering the question of a user, it retrieves the most relevant document and then uses GPT-3, GPT-3.5 or", "ja": "OpenAIを利用したドキュメント検索のためのシンプルなWebアプリケーション。このリポジトリは、ドキュメントから埋め込みベクトルを作成するためにAzure OpenAIサービスを使用しています。ユーザーの質問に回答するために、最も関連性の高いドキュメントを取得し、その後GPT-3、GPT-3.5を使用します。", "zh-hans": "一个简单的网络应用程序,用于OpenAI启用的文档搜索。该存储库使用Azure OpenAI服务从文档中创建嵌入向量。为了回答用户的问题,它检索最相关的文档,然后使用GPT-3、GPT-3.5或其他技术。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的網絡應用程序,用於OpenAI啟用的文檔搜索。該存儲庫使用Azure OpenAI服務從文檔中創建嵌入向量。為了回答用戶的問題,它檢索最相關的文檔,然後使用GPT-3、GPT-3.5或其他技術。" } }, "https://github.com/openinterpreter/open-interpreter": { "repository_name": "open-interpreter", "user_name": "OpenInterpreter", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "A natural language interface for computers", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "interpreter", "javascript", "nodejs", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A natural language interface for computers", "ja": "コンピューターのための自然言語インターフェース", "zh-hans": "计算机的自然语言界面", "zh-hant": "一個針對電腦的自然語言界面" } }, "https://github.com/thu-keg/evaluationpapers4chatgpt": { "repository_name": "EvaluationPapers4ChatGPT", "user_name": "THU-KEG", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Resource, Evaluation and Detection Papers for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "detection", "evaluation", "large-language-models", "resource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Resource, Evaluation and Detection Papers for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのためのリソース、評価、検出論文", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的资源、评估和检测论文", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 的資源、評估和檢測文件" } }, "https://github.com/zylon-ai/private-gpt": { "repository_name": "private-gpt", "user_name": "zylon-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks", "ja": "GPTの力を使って、100%プライベートでデータ漏洩なしに文書とやり取りします。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT的强大功能与您的文档互动,100%私密,无数据泄露。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT的強大功能與您的文件互動,100%私密,無數據洩漏。" } }, "https://github.com/open-compass/vlmevalkit": { "repository_name": "VLMEvalKit", "user_name": "open-compass", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Open-source evaluation toolkit of large vision-language models (LVLMs), support GPT-4v, Gemini, QwenVLPlus, 30+ HF models, 15+ benchmarks", "topics": [ "benchmark", "chatgpt", "clip", "computer-vision", "evaluation", "gpt", "gpt-4v", "gpt4", "large-language-models", "llava", "llm", "minigpt4", "mplug-owl", "multi-modal", "openai", "openai-api", "pytorch", "qwen", "vit", "vqa" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open-source evaluation toolkit of large vision-language models (LVLMs), support GPT-4v, Gemini, QwenVLPlus, 30+ HF models, 15+ benchmarks", "ja": "大規模なビジョン言語モデル(LVLMs)のオープンソース評価ツールキット、GPT-4v、Gemini、QwenVLPlus、30以上のHFモデル、15以上のベンチマークをサポート", "zh-hans": "开源评估工具包,支持大型视觉语言模型(LVLMs),支持GPT-4v,Gemini,QwenVLPlus,30多个HF模型,15个基准测试。", "zh-hant": "大視覺語言模型(LVLMs)的開源評估工具包,支持GPT-4v、Gemini、QwenVLPlus、30多個HF模型、15多個基準測試。" } }, "https://github.com/kseseu/llmpapers": { "repository_name": "LLMPapers", "user_name": "KSESEU", "language": "TeX", "license": null, "description": "Papers & Works for large languange models (ChatGPT, GPT-3, Codex etc.).", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "codex", "gpt-3", "large-language-models" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Papers & Works for large languange models (ChatGPT, GPT-3, Codex etc.).", "ja": "大規模言語モデル(ChatGPT、GPT-3、Codexなど)の論文や作品。", "zh-hans": "大型语言模型(ChatGPT,GPT-3,Codex等)的论文和作品。", "zh-hant": "論文和作品,適用於大型語言模型(ChatGPT、GPT-3、Codex等)。" } }, "https://github.com/stoerr/aigenpipeline": { "repository_name": "AIGenPipeline", "user_name": "stoerr", "language": "Java", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "AI based code generation pipeline: command line tool and framework for systematic code generation using AI in a build process", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "code-generation", "code-generator", "llm", "openai", "software-development" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI based code generation pipeline: command line tool and framework for systematic code generation using AI in a build process", "ja": "AIベースのコード生成パイプライン:AIを使用した体系的なコード生成のためのコマンドラインツールおよびフレームワーク、ビルドプロセスでの使用", "zh-hans": "基于人工智能的代码生成流水线:命令行工具和框架,用于在构建过程中使用人工智能进行系统化代码生成。", "zh-hant": "基於人工智慧的程式碼生成流程:命令列工具和框架,用於在構建過程中系統性地使用人工智慧生成程式碼。" } }, "https://github.com/neurocult/agency": { "repository_name": "agency", "user_name": "neurocult", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🕵️‍♂️ Library designed for developers eager to explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative AI through a clean, effective, and Go-idiomatic approach.", "topics": [ "agents", "ai", "artificial-general-intelligence", "artificial-intelligence", "artificial-neural-networks", "autonomous-agents", "chatgpt", "generative-ai", "go", "golang", "gpt", "language-models", "llm", "llmops", "machine-learning", "neural-network", "nlp", "openai", "rag", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🕵️‍♂️ Library designed for developers eager to explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative AI through a clean, effective, and Go-idiomatic approach.", "ja": "🕵️‍♂️ 大規模言語モデル(LLM)や他の生成AIの潜在能力を探求したい開発者向けに設計されたライブラリ。クリーンで効果的、かつGo-idiomaticなアプローチを通じて。", "zh-hans": "🕵️‍♂️ 专为开发人员设计的图书馆,旨在通过清晰、有效和符合Go语言习惯的方法,探索大型语言模型(LLMs)和其他生成式人工智能的潜力。", "zh-hant": "🕵️‍♂️ 專為渴望通過乾淨、有效和 Go-idiomatic 方法探索大型語言模型(LLMs)和其他生成式人工智能潛力的開發人員設計的圖書館。" } }, "https://github.com/gnehs/subtitle-translator-electron": { "repository_name": "subtitle-translator-electron", "user_name": "gnehs", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "↔️ Translate subtitle using ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "electron", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "open-ai", "subtitle", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "↔️ Translate subtitle using ChatGPT", "ja": "↔️ ChatGPTを使用して字幕を翻訳します", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT翻译字幕", "zh-hant": "請使用 ChatGPT 翻譯字幕" } }, "https://github.com/different-ai/obsidian-ava": { "repository_name": "obsidian-ava", "user_name": "different-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Quickly format your notes with ChatGPT in Obsidian", "topics": [ "ai", "computer-vision", "deep-learning", "knowledge-management", "language-model", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "personal-knowledge-management", "second-brain" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Quickly format your notes with ChatGPT in Obsidian", "ja": "ObsidianでChatGPTを使用してノートを素早くフォーマットします。", "zh-hans": "使用Obsidian中的ChatGPT快速格式化您的笔记", "zh-hant": "使用Obsidian中的ChatGPT快速格式化您的筆記" } }, "https://github.com/explosion/spacy-transformers": { "repository_name": "spacy-transformers", "user_name": "explosion", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🛸 Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy", "topics": [ "bert", "google", "gpt-2", "huggingface", "language-model", "machine-learning", "natural-language-processing", "natural-language-understanding", "nlp", "openai", "pytorch", "pytorch-model", "spacy", "spacy-extension", "spacy-pipeline", "transfer-learning", "xlnet" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🛸 Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet, and GPT-2 in spaCy", "ja": "🛸 spaCyでBERT、XLNet、GPT-2などの事前学習済みトランスフォーマーを使用します。", "zh-hans": "🛸 在spaCy中使用预训练的转换器,如BERT、XLNet和GPT-2", "zh-hant": "🛸 在spaCy中使用预训练的转换器,如BERT、XLNet和GPT-2" } }, "https://github.com/cedrickchee/chatgpt-universe": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-universe", "user_name": "cedrickchee", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT Universe is fleeting notes on ChatGPT, GPT, and large language models (LLMs)", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "generative-model", "gpt", "language-models", "resource-list" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Universe is fleeting notes on ChatGPT, GPT, and large language models (LLMs)", "ja": "ChatGPT Universeは、ChatGPT、GPT、および大規模言語モデル(LLMs)に関する一時的なメモです。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Universe 是关于 ChatGPT、GPT 和大型语言模型(LLMs)的短暂笔记。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Universe 是關於 ChatGPT、GPT 和大型語言模型(LLMs)的短暫筆記。" } }, "https://github.com/opengvlab/internvl": { "repository_name": "InternVL", "user_name": "OpenGVLab", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[CVPR 2024 Oral] InternVL Family: A Pioneering Open-Source Alternative to GPT-4V. 接近GPT-4V表现的可商用开源模型", "topics": [ "gpt", "gpt-4v", "image-classification", "image-text-retrieval", "llm", "mme", "multi-modal", "semantic-segmentation", "video-classification", "vision-language-model", "vit-22b", "vit-6b" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[CVPR 2024 Oral] InternVL Family: A Pioneering Open-Source Alternative to GPT-4V. 接近GPT-4V表现的可商用开源模型", "ja": "[CVPR 2024 口頭発表] InternVL Family: GPT-4Vに対する先駆的なオープンソースの代替手段。GPT-4Vに匹敵するパフォーマンスを発揮する商用利用可能なオープンソースモデル。", "zh-hans": "[CVPR 2024 口头报告] InternVL Family: 一种开创性的开源替代方案,接近GPT-4V的性能。", "zh-hant": "[CVPR 2024 口头报告] InternVL Family:一种开创性的开源替代方案,接近GPT-4V的表现。" } }, "https://github.com/metauto-ai/gptswarm": { "repository_name": "GPTSwarm", "user_name": "metauto-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🐝 GPTSwarm: LLM agents as (Optimizable) Graphs", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "gpt", "multi-agent", "python", "reinforcement-learning", "self-improvement", "society-of-mind", "swarm-intelligence" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐝 GPTSwarm: LLM agents as (Optimizable) Graphs", "ja": "🐝 GPTSwarm: LLMエージェントを(最適化可能な)グラフとして", "zh-hans": "🐝 GPTSwarm: LLM代理作为(可优化)图形", "zh-hant": "🐝 GPTSwarm:LLM代理作為(可優化)圖形" } }, "https://github.com/nixtla/nixtla": { "repository_name": "nixtla", "user_name": "Nixtla", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "TimeGPT-1: production ready pre-trained Time Series Foundation Model for forecasting and anomaly detection. Generative pretrained transformer for time series trained on over 100B data points. It's capable of accurately predicting various domains such as retail, electricity, finance, and IoT with just a few lines of code 🚀.", "topics": [ "anomaly-detection", "artificial-intelligence", "deep-learning", "forecasting", "generative-ai-time-series", "gpt", "gpts", "llm", "machine-learning", "time-series", "time-series-forecasting", "timegpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "TimeGPT-1: production ready pre-trained Time Series Foundation Model for forecasting and anomaly detection. Generative pretrained transformer for time series trained on over 100B data points. It's capable of accurately predicting various domains such as r", "ja": "Input: TimeGPT-1: 予測と異常検知のための本番向けの事前トレーニング済みの時系列基礎モデル。 100億以上のデータポイントでトレーニングされた時系列のための生成事前トレーニングトランスフォーマー。様々なドメインを正確に予測する能力を持っています。", "zh-hans": "TimeGPT-1:生产就绪的预训练时间序列基础模型,用于预测和异常检测。在超过100B数据点上训练的时间序列生成预训练变压器。它能够准确预测各种领域,如...", "zh-hant": "TimeGPT-1:生產就緒的預先訓練時間序列基礎模型,用於預測和異常檢測。在超過100B數據點上訓練的時間序列生成預訓練變壓器。它能夠準確預測各種領域,如r" } }, "https://github.com/transformerlensorg/transformerlens": { "repository_name": "TransformerLens", "user_name": "TransformerLensOrg", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A library for mechanistic interpretability of GPT-style language models", "ja": "GPTスタイルの言語モデルの機械的解釈可能性のためのライブラリ", "zh-hans": "一种用于解释GPT风格语言模型机制的图书馆", "zh-hant": "一個用於解釋GPT風格語言模型機制的圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/junhoyeo/betterocr": { "repository_name": "BetterOCR", "user_name": "junhoyeo", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🔍 Better text detection by combining multiple OCR engines (EasyOCR, Tesseract, and Pororo) with 🧠 LLM.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "easyocr", "llm", "ocr", "openai", "openai-api", "tesseract", "tesseract-ocr" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔍 Better text detection by combining multiple OCR engines (EasyOCR, Tesseract, and Pororo) with 🧠 LLM.", "ja": "🔍 EasyOCR、Tesseract、およびPororoを🧠 LLMと組み合わせることで、より優れたテキスト検出が可能になります。", "zh-hans": "通过将多个OCR引擎(EasyOCR、Tesseract和Pororo)与🧠 LLM 结合,可以实现更好的文本检测。", "zh-hant": "通過將多個OCR引擎(EasyOCR、Tesseract和Pororo)與🧠 LLM結合,可以更好地檢測文本。" } }, "https://github.com/observedobserver/viz-gpt": { "repository_name": "viz-gpt", "user_name": "ObservedObserver", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Other", "description": "Make contextual data visualization with Chat Interface from tabular datasets. AI data visualization.", "topics": [ "ai-data-visualisation", "chart", "chart-gpt", "chartgpt", "chat2vis", "chatgpt", "gpt", "text2vis", "vega-lite", "visualization", "visualization-gpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Make contextual data visualization with Chat Interface from tabular datasets. AI data visualization.", "ja": "表形式のデータセットからコンテキストデータの視覚化をチャットインターフェースで行う。AIデータの視覚化。", "zh-hans": "使用表格数据制作具有聊天界面的上下文数据可视化。人工智能数据可视化。", "zh-hant": "使用表格數據製作具有聊天界面的上下文數據可視化。人工智能數據可視化。" } }, "https://github.com/cocacola-lab/chatie": { "repository_name": "ChatIE", "user_name": "cocacola-lab", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "The online version is temporarily unavailable because we cannot afford the key. You can clone and run it locally. Note: we set defaul openai key. If keys exceed plan and are invalid, please tell us. The response speed depends on openai. ( sometimes, the official is too crowded and slow)", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "event-extraciton", "event-extraction", "eventexecutor", "information-extraction", "knowledge-graph", "llm", "ner", "nlp", "openai", "relation-extraction", "tool", "zero-shot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The online version is temporarily unavailable because we cannot afford the key. You can clone and run it locally. Note: we set defaul openai key. If keys exceed plan and are invalid, please tell us. The response speed depends on openai. ( sometimes, the of", "ja": "オンライン版は一時的に利用できません。キーを購入する余裕がないためです。ローカルでクローンを作成して実行することができます。注意:私たちはデフォルトのOpenAIキーを設定しています。キーがプランを超えて無効になった場合はお知らせください。応答速度はOpenAIに依存します。(時々、のように)", "zh-hans": "在线版本暂时不可用,因为我们无法承担密钥费用。您可以克隆并在本地运行。注意:我们设置了默认的OpenAI密钥。如果密钥超出计划或无效,请告诉我们。响应速度取决于OpenAI。(有时候,)", "zh-hant": "網上版本暫時無法使用,因為我們無法負擔密鑰。您可以複製並在本地運行。注意:我們設置了預設的openai密鑰。如果密鑰超出計劃並且無效,請告訴我們。響應速度取決於openai。(有時候,的" } }, "https://github.com/jeremiahpetersen/repototext": { "repository_name": "RepoToText", "user_name": "JeremiahPetersen", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Turn an entire GitHub Repo into a single organized .txt file to use with LLM's (GPT-4, Claude Opus, Gemini, etc)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Turn an entire GitHub Repo into a single organized .txt file to use with LLM's (GPT-4, Claude Opus, Gemini, etc)", "ja": "GitHubリポジトリ全体を1つの整理された.txtファイルに変換して、LLM(GPT-4、Claude Opus、Geminiなど)で使用します。", "zh-hans": "将整个GitHub存储库转换为一个组织良好的单个.txt文件,以便与LLM(GPT-4、Claude Opus、Gemini等)一起使用", "zh-hant": "將整個 GitHub 存儲庫轉換為一個組織良好的 .txt 文件,以便與 LLM's(GPT-4、Claude Opus、Gemini 等)一起使用。" } }, "https://github.com/ocularengineering/ocular": { "repository_name": "ocular", "user_name": "OcularEngineering", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Other", "description": "AI Powered Search and Chat for Orgs - Think ChatGpt meets Google Search but powered by your data.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "enterprise-search", "llm", "rag" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Powered Search and Chat for Orgs - Think ChatGpt meets Google Search but powered by your data.", "ja": "AIパワードサーチとチャット for Orgs - ChatGptがGoogle検索と出会うと思ってくださいが、あなたのデータでパワードされています。", "zh-hans": "AI 动力搜索和聊天服务 - 想象一下 ChatGpt 遇见谷歌搜索,但是由您的数据驱动。", "zh-hant": "AI 強化的組織搜索和聊天 - 想像 ChatGpt 遇見 Google 搜索,但由您的數據提供動力。" } }, "https://github.com/bin123apple/autocoder": { "repository_name": "AutoCoder", "user_name": "bin123apple", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "We introduced a new model designed for the Code generation task. Its test accuracy on the HumanEval base dataset surpasses that of GPT-4 Turbo (April 2024) and GPT-4o. ", "topics": [ "code-generation", "code-interpreter", "humaneval", "llm", "nlp", "nlp-machine-learning", "text-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "We introduced a new model designed for the Code generation task. Its test accuracy on the HumanEval base dataset surpasses that of GPT-4 Turbo (April 2024) and GPT-4o.", "ja": "コード生成タスク向けに設計された新しいモデルを導入しました。そのヒューマンエバルベースデータセットでのテスト精度は、GPT-4 Turbo(2024年4月)およびGPT-4oを上回っています。", "zh-hans": "我们推出了一个专为代码生成任务设计的新模型。它在HumanEval基础数据集上的测试准确率超过了GPT-4 Turbo(2024年4月)和GPT-4o。", "zh-hant": "我們推出了一個針對代碼生成任務設計的新模型。它在HumanEval基礎數據集上的測試準確度超過了GPT-4 Turbo(2024年4月)和GPT-4o。" } }, "https://github.com/langbaseinc/langui": { "repository_name": "langui", "user_name": "LangbaseInc", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "UI for your AI. Open Source Tailwind components tailored for your GPT, generative AI, and LLM projects.", "topics": [ "chat-ui", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-ui", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt-ui", "lang-chain", "lang-ui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "UI for your AI. Open Source Tailwind components tailored for your GPT, generative AI, and LLM projects.", "ja": "あなたのAIのためのUI。あなたのGPT、生成AI、およびLLMプロジェクトに合わせたオープンソースのTailwindコンポーネント。", "zh-hans": "为您的人工智能设计的用户界面。为您的GPT、生成式人工智能和LLM项目量身定制的开源Tailwind组件。", "zh-hant": "為您的人工智慧設計的使用者界面。針對您的GPT、生成式人工智慧和LLM項目量身定制的開源Tailwind組件。" } }, "https://github.com/lorniu/go-translate": { "repository_name": "go-translate", "user_name": "lorniu", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Translator on Emacs. Supports multiple engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, ChatGPT, StarDict, Youdao and so on.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "text-utility", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Translator on Emacs. Supports multiple engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, ChatGPT, StarDict, Youdao and so on.", "ja": "Emacs上の翻訳機能。Google、Bing、deepL、ChatGPT、StarDict、Youdaoなど複数のエンジンをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Emacs上的翻译器。支持多个引擎,如Google、Bing、deepL、ChatGPT、StarDict、有道等等。", "zh-hant": "Emacs上的翻譯器。支援多個引擎,如Google、Bing、deepL、ChatGPT、StarDict、有道等等。" } }, "https://github.com/2noise/chattts": { "repository_name": "ChatTTS", "user_name": "2noise", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "A generative speech model for daily dialogue.", "topics": [ "agent", "chat", "chatgpt", "chattts", "chinese", "chinese-language", "english", "english-language", "gpt", "llm", "llm-agent", "natural-language-inference", "python", "text-to-speech", "torch", "torchaudio", "tts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A generative speech model for daily dialogue.", "ja": "日常会話のための生成型スピーチモデル。", "zh-hans": "每日对话生成模型。", "zh-hant": "一個用於日常對話的生成式演講模型。" } }, "https://github.com/supabase-community/chatgpt-your-files": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-your-files", "user_name": "supabase-community", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Production-ready MVP for securely chatting with your documents using pgvector", "topics": [ "ai", "db", "embeddings", "ml", "rag", "supabase", "vector" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Production-ready MVP for securely chatting with your documents using pgvector", "ja": "pgvectorを使用して、ドキュメントを安全にチャットするための製品向けMVP", "zh-hans": "使用pgvector安全地与您的文档进行聊天的生产就绪MVP", "zh-hant": "使用pgvector製作的可用於安全聊天的MVP,可與您的文件進行聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/fishhawk/auto-novel": { "repository_name": "auto-novel", "user_name": "FishHawk", "language": "Kotlin", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "轻小说机翻网站,支持网络小说/文库小说/本地小说", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "kotlin", "light-novel", "openai", "translator", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Light novel machine translation website, supporting online novels/library novels/local novels.", "ja": "軽小説機械翻訳サイト、ネット小説/ライトノベル/ローカル小説をサポート", "zh-hans": "轻小说机翻网站,支持网络小说/文库小说/本地小说。", "zh-hant": "輕小說機翻網站,支持網絡小說/文庫小說/本地小說" } }, "https://github.com/q-future/q-bench": { "repository_name": "Q-Bench", "user_name": "Q-Future", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "①[ICLR2024 Spotlight] (GPT-4V/Gemini-Pro/Qwen-VL-Plus+16 OS MLLMs) A benchmark for multi-modality LLMs (MLLMs) on low-level vision and visual quality assessment. ", "topics": [ "gpt-4", "iclr", "image-quality-assessment", "large-language-models", "low-level-vision", "quality-assessment", "vision-language-dataset", "visual-large-language-models" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "①[ICLR2024 Spotlight] (GPT-4V/Gemini-Pro/Qwen-VL-Plus+16 OS MLLMs) A benchmark for multi-modality LLMs (MLLMs) on low-level vision and visual quality assessment.", "ja": "①[ICLR2024 スポットライト](GPT-4V / Gemini-Pro / Qwen-VL-Plus + 16 OS MLLMs)低レベルビジョンと視覚品質評価におけるマルチモダリティLLM(MLLM)のベンチマーク。", "zh-hans": "①[ICLR2024焦点](GPT-4V / Gemini-Pro / Qwen-VL-Plus + 16 OS MLLMs)低级视觉和视觉质量评估的多模态LLMs(MLLMs)基准。", "zh-hant": "①[ICLR2024 焦點] (GPT-4V/Gemini-Pro/Qwen-VL-Plus+16 OS MLLMs) 低層次視覺和視覺質量評估的多模式LLMs(MLLMs)基準。" } }, "https://github.com/lowcoding/lowcode-vscode": { "repository_name": "lowcode-vscode", "user_name": "lowcoding", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "lowcode tool, support ChatGPT and other LLM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "lowcode tool, support ChatGPT and other LLM", "ja": "ローコードツール、ChatGPTおよびその他のLLMをサポート", "zh-hans": "低代码工具,支持ChatGPT和其他LLM", "zh-hant": "低代碼工具,支持ChatGPT和其他LLM" } }, "https://github.com/freedomintelligence/huatuogpt-ii": { "repository_name": "HuatuoGPT-II", "user_name": "FreedomIntelligence", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "HuatuoGPT2, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs. (An Open Medical GPT)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "HuatuoGPT2, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs. (An Open Medical GPT)", "ja": "華陀GPT2、LLMsの医療適応のためのワンステージトレーニング(オープン医療GPT)", "zh-hans": "华陀GPT2,医学适应LLMs的一阶段训练。(一个开放的医学GPT)", "zh-hant": "華陀GPT2,醫學LLM的一階段訓練。 (一個開放的醫學GPT)" } }, "https://github.com/whoiswennie/ai-vtuber": { "repository_name": "AI-Vtuber", "user_name": "whoiswennie", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "一个端到端的AI主播定制模块,当前支持对接b站直播间,支持本地chatglm3和智谱api语言模型,支持so-vits-svc、gpt-sovits和bert-vits2语音模型。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An end-to-end AI anchor customization module, currently supporting integration with Bilibili live rooms, supporting local chatglm3 and Zhifu API language models, and supporting so-vits-svc, gpt-sovits, and bert-vits2 voice models.", "ja": "エンドツーエンドのAIアンカーモジュール、現在はbilibiliライブルームとの接続をサポートし、ローカルchatglm3とZhipu API言語モデルをサポートし、so-vits-svc、gpt-sovits、およびbert-vits2音声モデルをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "一个端到端的AI主播定制模块,当前支持对接b站直播间,支持本地chatglm3和智谱api语言模型,支持so-vits-svc、gpt-sovits和bert-vits2语音模型。", "zh-hant": "一個端到端的AI主播定制模塊,當前支持對接b站直播間,支持本地chatglm3和智譜api語言模型,支持so-vits-svc、gpt-sovits和bert-vits2語音模型。" } }, "https://github.com/westlake-repl/recommendation-systems-without-explicit-id-features-a-literature-review": { "repository_name": "Recommendation-Systems-without-Explicit-ID-Features-A-Literature-Review", "user_name": "westlake-repl", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Paper List of Pre-trained Foundation Recommender Models", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt4rec", "cross-domain-recommendation", "cross-domainrecommendation", "foundation-model", "gpt4rec", "language-model", "large-language-model", "llm", "llm-recommendation", "llm4rec", "multimodal", "multimodal-deep-learning", "multimodalrecommendation", "pre-training", "recommendation-system", "recommender-system", "transfer-learning", "transferable" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Paper List of Pre-trained Foundation Recommender Models", "ja": "事前にトレーニングされた基礎推薦モデルの紙リスト", "zh-hans": "预训练基础推荐模型纸质清单", "zh-hant": "預先訓練的基礎推薦模型紙張清單" } }, "https://github.com/mem0ai/mem0": { "repository_name": "mem0", "user_name": "mem0ai", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Long-term memory for LLMs", "topics": [ "ai", "application", "chatbots", "chatgpt", "embeddings", "llm", "python", "rag", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Long-term memory for LLMs", "ja": "LLMsの長期記憶", "zh-hans": "LLMs的长期记忆", "zh-hant": "LLM的長期記憶" } }, "https://github.com/yuxiaopeng/github-ranking-ai": { "repository_name": "Github-Ranking-AI", "user_name": "yuxiaopeng", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A list of the most popular AI Topic repositories on GitHub based on the number of stars they have received.| AI相关主题Github仓库排名,每日自动更新。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "github-stars", "llm", "python", "ranking", "stars" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A list of the most popular AI Topic repositories on GitHub based on the number of stars they have received.| AI相关主题Github仓库排名,每日自动更新。", "ja": "GitHubで最も人気のあるAIトピックのリポジトリのリストを、受け取ったスターの数に基づいてランク付けします。| AI関連トピックのGitHubリポジトリの人気ランキング、毎日自動更新。", "zh-hans": "基于它们收到的星星数量,这是GitHub上最受欢迎的人工智能主题仓库列表。| AI相关主题Github仓库排名,每日自动更新。", "zh-hant": "根据它们收到的星星数量,列出GitHub上最受欢迎的人工智能主题仓库清单。| 每日自动更新。" } }, "https://github.com/michaelthwan/searchgpt": { "repository_name": "searchGPT", "user_name": "michaelthwan", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Grounded search engine (i.e. with source reference) based on LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API. It supports web search, file content search etc.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "grounded-api", "grounded-bot", "language-model", "llm", "machine-learning", "nlp", "nlp-machine-learning", "openai", "python", "retrieval", "retrieval-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Grounded search engine (i.e. with source reference) based on LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API. It supports web search, file content search etc.", "ja": "LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI APIに基づいたソース参照付きのグラウンデッド検索エンジン。Web検索、ファイル内容検索などをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "基于LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API的有来源引用的搜索引擎。支持网页搜索、文件内容搜索等。", "zh-hant": "基於LLM / ChatGPT / OpenAI API的有依據的搜索引擎(即具有來源參考)。它支持網絡搜索、文件內容搜索等。" } }, "https://github.com/gpt-open/rag-gpt": { "repository_name": "rag-gpt", "user_name": "gpt-open", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "RAG-GPT, leveraging LLM and RAG technology, learns from user-customized knowledge bases to provide contextually relevant answers for a wide range of queries, ensuring rapid and accurate information retrieval.", "topics": [ "deepseek", "gpt", "gpt-4o", "llamaparse", "llm", "moonshot", "nextjs", "ollama", "openai", "python", "rag", "zhipuai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "RAG-GPT, leveraging LLM and RAG technology, learns from user-customized knowledge bases to provide contextually relevant answers for a wide range of queries, ensuring rapid and accurate information retrieval.", "ja": "RAG-GPTは、LLMとRAG技術を活用して、ユーザーのカスタマイズされた知識ベースから学習し、幅広いクエリに対して文脈に即した回答を提供し、迅速かつ正確な情報検索を保証します。", "zh-hans": "RAG-GPT,利用LLM和RAG技术,从用户定制的知识库中学习,为各种查询提供相关背景答案,确保快速准确的信息检索。", "zh-hant": "RAG-GPT通過利用LLM和RAG技術,從用戶定製的知識庫中學習,為各種查詢提供相應的答案,確保快速準確的信息檢索。" } }, "https://github.com/llm-tools/embedjs": { "repository_name": "embedJs", "user_name": "llm-tools", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A NodeJS RAG framework to easily work with LLMs and embeddings", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "claude", "cohere", "embedding", "embeddings", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt-4o", "huggingface", "large-language-models", "llm", "mistral", "ollama", "openai", "pinecone", "rag", "vector-database", "vertex-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A NodeJS RAG framework to easily work with LLMs and embeddings", "ja": "LLMsと埋め込みを簡単に扱うためのNodeJS RAGフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "一个NodeJS RAG框架,可以轻松地处理LLMs和嵌入。", "zh-hant": "一個 NodeJS RAG 框架,可以輕鬆地處理LLMs和嵌入。" } }, "https://github.com/adaptivemotorcontrollab/amadeusgpt": { "repository_name": "AmadeusGPT", "user_name": "AdaptiveMotorControlLab", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "[NeurIPS 2023] We turn natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code", "topics": [ "amadeusgpt", "cebra", "chatgpt", "deeplabcut", "llms", "segment-anything" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[NeurIPS 2023] We turn natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code", "ja": "[NeurIPS 2023] 私たちは行動の自然言語の説明を機械実行可能なコードに変換します[NeurIPS 2023]私たちは行動の自然言語の説明を機械実行可能なコードに変換します", "zh-hans": "[NeurIPS 2023] 我们将行为的自然语言描述转化为可执行代码。", "zh-hant": "[NeurIPS 2023] 我們將行為的自然語言描述轉換為機器可執行的代碼" } }, "https://github.com/iimeta/fastapi": { "repository_name": "fastapi", "user_name": "iimeta", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "智元 Fast API 是一站式API管理系统,将各类LLM API进行统一格式、统一规范、统一管理,使其在功能、性能和用户体验上达到极致。", "topics": [ "api", "chatgpt", "ernie-bot", "fast", "fastapi", "glm", "gpt", "gpt-4", "openai", "qwen", "spark" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Zhiyuan Fast API is a one-stop API management system that standardizes, unifies, and manages various LLM APIs to achieve the ultimate in functionality, performance, and user experience.", "ja": "智元 Fast API は、さまざまなLLM APIを統一された形式、統一された規格、統一された管理で管理する、オールインワンのAPI管理システムです。これにより、機能、パフォーマンス、ユーザーエクスペリエンスの面で最高のレベルに達することができます。", "zh-hans": "智元 Fast API 是一站式API管理系统,将各类LLM API进行统一格式、统一规范、统一管理,使其在功能、性能和用户体验上达到极致。", "zh-hant": "智元 Fast API 是一站式API管理系統,將各類LLM API進行統一格式、統一規範、統一管理,使其在功能、性能和用戶體驗上達到極致。" } }, "https://github.com/eeexun/gtt": { "repository_name": "gtt", "user_name": "eeeXun", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Google Translate TUI (Originally). Now support Apertium, Argos, Bing, ChatGPT, DeepL, DeepLX, Google, Reverso.", "topics": [ "apertium", "argos", "bing", "chatgpt", "deepl", "deeplx", "google", "reverso", "translator", "tui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Google Translate TUI (Originally). Now support Apertium, Argos, Bing, ChatGPT, DeepL, DeepLX, Google, Reverso.", "ja": "Google翻訳TUI(元々)。現在、Apertium、Argos、Bing、ChatGPT、DeepL、DeepLX、Google、Reversoをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Google翻译TUI(原始)。现在支持Apertium,Argos,Bing,ChatGPT,DeepL,DeepLX,Google,Reverso。", "zh-hant": "Google 翻譯 TUI(原始)。現在支持 Apertium、Argos、Bing、ChatGPT、DeepL、DeepLX、Google、Reverso。" } }, "https://github.com/thudm/alignbench": { "repository_name": "AlignBench", "user_name": "THUDM", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "大模型多维度中文对齐评测基准 (ACL 2024)", "topics": [ "chatglm", "chatgpt", "large-language-models", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Large-scale Multidimensional Chinese Alignment Evaluation Benchmark (ACL 2024)", "ja": "大規模な多次元の中国語アライメント評価基準(ACL 2024)", "zh-hans": "大型多维度中文对齐评测基准 (ACL 2024)", "zh-hant": "大型多維度中文對齊評測基準(ACL 2024)" } }, "https://github.com/gair-nlp/factool": { "repository_name": "factool", "user_name": "GAIR-NLP", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "FacTool: Factuality Detection in Generative AI", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "fact-checking", "generative-ai", "large-language-models", "natural-language-processing", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "FacTool: Factuality Detection in Generative AI", "ja": "FacTool: 生成AIにおける事実性検出", "zh-hans": "FacTool:生成式AI中的事实性检测", "zh-hant": "FacTool:生成式AI中的事實性檢測" } }, "https://github.com/jieyilong/tree-of-thought-puzzle-solver": { "repository_name": "tree-of-thought-puzzle-solver", "user_name": "jieyilong", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The Tree of Thoughts (ToT) framework for solving complex reasoning tasks using LLMs", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "autogpt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "llm", "machine-learning", "tree-of-thought", "tree-of-thoughts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Tree of Thoughts (ToT) framework for solving complex reasoning tasks using LLMs", "ja": "複雑な推論タスクを解決するための「思考の木(ToT)」フレームワークを使用したLLMs", "zh-hans": "思维树(ToT)框架用于使用LLMs解决复杂推理任务", "zh-hant": "思維樹(ToT)框架用於使用LLMs解決複雜推理任務" } } }, "Langchain": { "https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain": { "repository_name": "langchain", "user_name": "hwchase17", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡", "ja": "⚡コンポーザビリティを通じてLLMsを使用したアプリケーションの構築⚡", "zh-hans": "⚡通过可组合性使用LLMs构建应用程序⚡", "zh-hant": "⚡ 通過可組合性使用LLMs構建應用程序 ⚡" } }, "https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp": { "repository_name": "llama.cpp", "user_name": "ggerganov", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++", "ja": "C/C++でのFacebookのLLaMAモデルのポート", "zh-hans": "Facebook的LLaMA模型在C/C++中的端口", "zh-hant": "Facebook的LLaMA模型在C/C++的端口" } }, "https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui": { "repository_name": "text-generation-webui", "user_name": "oobabooga", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "A gradio web UI for running Large Language Models like LLaMA, llama.cpp, GPT-J, OPT, and GALACTICA.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A gradio web UI for running Large Language Models like LLaMA, llama.cpp, GPT-J, OPT, and GALACTICA.", "ja": "LLaMA、llama.cpp、GPT-J、OPT、GALACTICAなどの大規模言語モデルを実行するためのグラディオWeb UI。", "zh-hans": "一个Gradio Web UI,用于运行像LLaMA、llama.cpp、GPT-J、OPT和GALACTICA这样的大型语言模型。", "zh-hant": "一個 Gradio 網頁界面,可用於運行大型語言模型,如 LLaMA、llama.cpp、GPT-J、OPT 和 GALACTICA。" } }, "https://github.com/jerryjliu/llama_index": { "repository_name": "llama_index", "user_name": "jerryjliu", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "LlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a project that provides a central interface to connect your LLM's with external data.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a project that provides a central interface to connect your LLM's with external data.", "ja": "LlamaIndex(GPTインデックス)は、あなたのLLMを外部データに接続するための中央インターフェースを提供するプロジェクトです。", "zh-hans": "LlamaIndex(GPT指数)是一个项目,提供一个中央接口,将您的LLM与外部数据连接起来。", "zh-hant": "LlamaIndex(GPT指數)是一個項目,提供一個中央界面,將您的LLM與外部數據連接起來。" } }, "https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama": { "repository_name": "llama", "user_name": "facebookresearch", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Inference code for LLaMA models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Código de inferencia para modelos LLaMA", "ja": "LLaMAモデルの推論コード", "zh-hans": "LLaMA模型的推理代码", "zh-hant": "LLaMA模型的推論代碼" } }, "https://github.com/cocktailpeanut/dalai": { "repository_name": "dalai", "user_name": "cocktailpeanut", "language": "CSS", "license": null, "description": "The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine", "topics": [ "ai", "llama", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The simplest way to run LLaMA on your local machine", "ja": "ローカルマシンでLLaMAを実行する最も簡単な方法", "zh-hans": "在本地机器上运行LLaMA的最简单方法", "zh-hant": "在本地機器上運行LLaMA的最簡單方法" } }, "https://github.com/logspace-ai/langflow": { "repository_name": "langflow", "user_name": "logspace-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "⛓️ LangFlow is a UI for LangChain, designed with react-flow to provide an effortless way to experiment and prototype flows.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "large-language-models", "react-flow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⛓️ LangFlow is a UI for LangChain, designed with react-flow to provide an effortless way to experiment and prototype flows.", "ja": "⛓️ LangFlowはLangChainのためのUIで、react-flowで設計されており、フローを実験しプロトタイプを作成するための簡単な方法を提供します。", "zh-hans": "⛓️ LangFlow是LangChain的用户界面,采用react-flow设计,提供了一种轻松的方式来实验和原型化流程。", "zh-hant": "⛓️ LangFlow 是 LangChain 的 UI,使用 react-flow 設計,提供了一種輕鬆的方式來實驗和原型化流程。" } }, "https://github.com/qwopqwop200/gptq-for-llama": { "repository_name": "GPTQ-for-LLaMa", "user_name": "qwopqwop200", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "4 bits quantization of LLaMA using GPTQ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "4 bits quantization of LLaMA using GPTQ", "ja": "GPTQを使用したLLaMAの4ビット量子化", "zh-hans": "使用GPTQ对LLaMA进行4位量化", "zh-hant": "使用GPTQ的LLaMA的4位量化" } }, "https://github.com/karakuri-ai/gptuber-by-langchain": { "repository_name": "gptuber-by-langchain", "user_name": "karakuri-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPTがYouTuberをやります", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT will become a YouTuber.", "ja": "GPTがYouTuberをやります", "zh-hans": "GPT将成为YouTuber。", "zh-hant": "GPT會當YouTuber" } }, "https://github.com/tloen/alpaca-lora": { "repository_name": "alpaca-lora", "user_name": "tloen", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware", "ja": "消費者向けハードウェアでLLaMAを指示調整してください。", "zh-hans": "在消费硬件上指导调整LLaMA", "zh-hant": "在消費者硬件上指導調整LLaMA。" } }, "https://github.com/nomic-ai/pyllamacpp": { "repository_name": "pyllamacpp", "user_name": "nomic-ai", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Official supported Python bindings for llama.cpp + gpt4all", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official supported Python bindings for llama.cpp + gpt4all", "ja": "llama.cppとgpt4allの公式サポートされたPythonバインディング", "zh-hans": "官方支持的llama.cpp和gpt4all的Python绑定", "zh-hant": "官方支援的 llama.cpp + gpt4all Python 綁定程式。" } }, "https://github.com/phishing-hunter/intelgpt": { "repository_name": "intelgpt", "user_name": "phishing-hunter", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "IntelGPT is a command line tool that allows you to examine specific input such as URLs, file hashes, domain names, and IP addresses using GPT3.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt3", "langchain", "malware-analysis", "threat-intelligence" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "IntelGPT is a command line tool that allows you to examine specific input such as URLs, file hashes, domain names, and IP addresses using GPT3.", "ja": "IntelGPTは、GPT3を使用して、URL、ファイルハッシュ、ドメイン名、IPアドレスなどの特定の入力を調べることができるコマンドラインツールです。", "zh-hans": "IntelGPT是一个命令行工具,可以使用GPT3检查特定的输入,如URL、文件哈希、域名和IP地址。", "zh-hant": "IntelGPT 是一個命令行工具,可以使用 GPT3 檢查特定輸入,例如 URL、文件哈希、域名和 IP 地址。" } }, "https://github.com/benthecoder/classgpt": { "repository_name": "ClassGPT", "user_name": "benthecoder", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT for lecture slides", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "langchain", "llama-index", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for lecture slides", "ja": "講義スライドのためのChatGPT", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 用于讲义幻灯片。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 課程講義" } }, "https://github.com/geeks-of-data/knowledge-gpt": { "repository_name": "knowledge-gpt", "user_name": "geeks-of-data", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Extract knowledge from all information sources using gpt and other language models. Index and make Q&A session with information sources.", "topics": [ "context", "embedding", "embedding-vectors", "gpt", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt4", "huggingface", "huggingface-transformers", "information-extraction", "language-model", "llama", "llm", "natural-language-processing", "openai", "python", "question-answering", "scraper", "sentence-embeddings", "sentence-similarity", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Extract knowledge from all information sources using gpt and other language models. Index and make Q&A session with information sources.", "ja": "GPTや他の言語モデルを使用して、すべての情報源から知識を抽出します。情報源をインデックス化し、Q&Aセッションを作成します。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT和其他语言模型从所有信息来源中提取知识。对信息来源进行索引并进行问答会话。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT和其他語言模型從所有信息源中提取知識。對信息源進行索引並進行問答會話。" } }, "https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all-ts": { "repository_name": "gpt4all-ts", "user_name": "nomic-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "gpt4all and llama typescript bindings", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt4all and llama typescript bindings", "ja": "gpt4allとllamaのTypeScriptバインディング", "zh-hans": "gpt4all和llama的typescript绑定", "zh-hant": "gpt4all和llama的TypeScript绑定" } }, "https://github.com/logan-markewich/llama_index_starter_pack": { "repository_name": "llama_index_starter_pack", "user_name": "logan-markewich", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This repository provides very basic flask, streamlit, and docker examples for the llama_index (fka gpt_index) package", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository provides very basic flask, streamlit, and docker examples for the llama_index (fka gpt_index) package", "ja": "このリポジトリは、llama_index(以前はgpt_indexと呼ばれていました)パッケージの非常に基本的なflask、streamlit、およびdockerの例を提供しています。", "zh-hans": "该存储库为llama_index(曾用名gpt_index)包提供了非常基本的flask、streamlit和docker示例。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫提供了llama_index(前身為gpt_index)包的非常基本的flask、streamlit和docker示例。" } }, "https://github.com/stochasticai/xturing": { "repository_name": "xturing", "user_name": "stochasticai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Build and control your own LLMs", "topics": [ "alpaca", "cerebras", "deep-learning", "fine-tuning", "finetuning", "galactica", "gpt-2", "gpt-j", "language-model", "llama", "llm", "lora" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build and control your own LLMs", "ja": "自分自身のLLMsを構築し、制御してください。", "zh-hans": "建立并控制你自己的LLMs", "zh-hant": "建立並控制您自己的LLMs" } }, "https://github.com/tloen/llama-int8": { "repository_name": "llama-int8", "user_name": "tloen", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Quantized inference code for LLaMA models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Quantized inference code for LLaMA models", "ja": "LLaMAモデルの量子化推論コード", "zh-hans": "LLaMA模型的量化推理代码", "zh-hant": "LLaMA模型的量化推論代碼" } }, "https://github.com/beomi/koalpaca": { "repository_name": "KoAlpaca", "user_name": "Beomi", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "KoAlpaca: Korean Alpaca Model based on Stanford Alpaca (feat. LLAMA and Polyglot-ko)", "topics": [ "alpaca", "koalpaca", "korean-nlp", "llama" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "KoAlpaca: Korean Alpaca Model based on Stanford Alpaca (feat. LLAMA and Polyglot-ko)", "ja": "KoAlpaca:スタンフォードアルパカに基づく韓国のアルパカモデル(LLAMAとPolyglot-koを搭載)", "zh-hans": "KoAlpaca:基于斯坦福羊驼的韩国羊驼模型(特色:LLAMA和Polyglot-ko)", "zh-hant": "KoAlpaca:基於斯坦福大學Alpaca模型的韓國羊駝模型(附帶LLAMA和Polyglot-ko)" } }, "https://github.com/pointnetwork/point-alpaca": { "repository_name": "point-alpaca", "user_name": "pointnetwork", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "we release our weights from recreated stanford alpaca 7b - llama finetuned on synthetic instruction dataset. it's surprisingly good:(keep in mind, the following results is just from the smallest 7b model; gpt-3 is 175b)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "we release our weights from recreated stanford alpaca 7b - llama finetuned on synthetic instruction dataset. it's surprisingly good:(keep in mind, the following results is just from the smallest 7b model; gpt-3 is 175b)", "ja": "私たちは再現されたスタンフォードアルパカ7bから私たちの重みを解放します-合成指示データセットで微調整されたラマ。それは驚くほど良いです:(以下の結果は、最小の7bモデルからのものであることに注意してください。GPT-3は175bです)", "zh-hans": "我们发布了从重新创建的斯坦福羊驼7b - 美洲驼经过合成指令数据集微调的权重。结果出奇的好:(请记住,以下结果仅来自最小的7b模型; GPT-3是175b)", "zh-hant": "我們從重新創建的斯坦福羊駝7b中釋放了我們的權重-在合成指令數據集上進行了羊駝微調。結果出奇的好:(請記住,以下結果僅來自最小的7b模型;GPT-3是175b)" } }, "https://github.com/aiplaybookin/novice-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "novice-ChatGPT", "user_name": "aiplaybookin", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT API Usage using LangChain, LlamaIndex, Guardrails, AutoGPT and more", "topics": [ "autogpt", "gpt4", "guardrails", "langchain", "llamaindex" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT API Usage using LangChain, LlamaIndex, Guardrails, AutoGPT and more", "ja": "LangChain、LlamaIndex、Guardrails、AutoGPTなどを使用したChatGPT APIの使用方法", "zh-hans": "使用LangChain、LlamaIndex、Guardrails、AutoGPT等ChatGPT API的用法", "zh-hant": "使用LangChain、LlamaIndex、Guardrails、AutoGPT等ChatGPT API的用法" } }, "https://github.com/jina-ai/agentchain": { "repository_name": "agentchain", "user_name": "jina-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chain together LLMs for reasoning & orchestrate multiple large models for accomplishing complex tasks", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "blip", "langchain", "llm", "machine-learning", "multimodal", "nlproc", "stable-diffusion", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chain together LLMs for reasoning & orchestrate multiple large models for accomplishing complex tasks", "ja": "複雑なタスクを達成するために、推論のためにLLMを連鎖させ、複数の大規模モデルをオーケストレーションします。", "zh-hans": "将LLMs串联起来进行推理,编排多个大型模型以完成复杂任务。", "zh-hant": "將LLMs鏈接在一起進行推理,並協調多個大型模型以完成複雜任務。" } }, "https://github.com/blackhc/llm-strategy": { "repository_name": "llm-strategy", "user_name": "blackhc", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Directly Connecting Python to LLMs - Dataclasses & Interfaces <-> LLMs", "topics": [ "gpt", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Directly Connecting Python to LLMs - Dataclasses & Interfaces <-> LLMs", "ja": "PythonをLLMsに直接接続する - データクラス&インターフェース<->LLMs", "zh-hans": "直接将Python连接到LLMs - 数据类和接口<->LLMs", "zh-hant": "直接將Python連接到LLMs - Dataclasses&Interfaces <-> LLMs" } }, "https://github.com/abetlen/llama-cpp-python": { "repository_name": "llama-cpp-python", "user_name": "abetlen", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Python bindings for llama.cpp", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python bindings for llama.cpp", "ja": "llama.cppのPythonバインディング", "zh-hans": "llama.cpp的Python绑定", "zh-hant": "llama.cpp 的 Python 綁定" } }, "https://github.com/hyperonym/basaran": { "repository_name": "basaran", "user_name": "hyperonym", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Basaran is an open-source alternative to the OpenAI text completion API. It provides a compatible streaming API for your Hugging Face Transformers-based text generation models.", "topics": [ "alpaca", "chatgpt-api", "generative", "gpt", "huggingface", "language-model", "llama", "llm", "model", "natural-language-processing", "openai-api", "python", "text-generation", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Basaran is an open-source alternative to the OpenAI text completion API. It provides a compatible streaming API for your Hugging Face Transformers-based text generation models.", "ja": "Basaranは、OpenAIテキスト補完APIのオープンソースの代替品です。Hugging Face Transformersベースのテキスト生成モデルに対して互換性のあるストリーミングAPIを提供します。", "zh-hans": "Basaran是OpenAI文本补全API的开源替代品。它为基于Hugging Face Transformers的文本生成模型提供兼容的流API。", "zh-hant": "Basaran是OpenAI文本完成API的開源替代方案。它為基於Hugging Face Transformers的文本生成模型提供兼容的流API。" } }, "https://github.com/itspi3141/alpaca-electron": { "repository_name": "alpaca-electron", "user_name": "ItsPi3141", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An even simpler way to run Alpaca ", "topics": [ "ai", "alpaca", "alpaca-electron", "app", "chat", "chatgpt", "dalai", "docker", "electron", "electron-app", "linux", "llama", "macos", "ui", "webui", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An even simpler way to run Alpaca", "ja": "アルパカを実行するためのさらに簡単な方法", "zh-hans": "运行Alpaca的更简单方法", "zh-hant": "更簡單的運行Alpaca的方法" } }, "https://github.com/run-llama/llama-lab": { "repository_name": "llama-lab", "user_name": "run-llama", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "if you build a space with @gpt_index, just fill out this form here! credits for llama agi go to logan, who helped to pioneer this from scratch:", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "if you build a space with @gpt_index, just fill out this form here! credits for llama agi go to logan, who helped to pioneer this from scratch:", "ja": "@gpt_indexを使用してスペースを構築する場合は、こちらのフォームに記入してください! ラマアギのクレジットは、ゼロからこのプロジェクトを立ち上げるのに役立ったローガンに与えられます。", "zh-hans": "如果您想使用@gpt_index构建一个空间,请在此处填写表格!感谢logan从零开始开创了这个项目,为llama agi的贡献致谢。", "zh-hant": "如果您使用 @gpt_index 建立了一個空間,請填寫此表格!感謝 Logan 從頭開始的努力,為 Llama AGI 貢獻了他的功勞。" } }, "https://github.com/opengvlab/ask-anything": { "repository_name": "Ask-Anything", "user_name": "OpenGVLab", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT with video understanding! And many more supported LMs such as miniGPT4, StableLM, and MOSS.", "topics": [ "big-model", "captioning-videos", "chat", "chatgpt", "foundation-models", "gradio", "langchain", "large-language-models", "large-model", "moss", "stablelm", "video", "video-question-answering", "video-understanding" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT with video understanding! And many more supported LMs such as miniGPT4, StableLM, and MOSS.", "ja": "ビデオ理解を備えたChatGPT!miniGPT4、StableLM、MOSSなど、さまざまなサポートされたLMもあります。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT支持视频理解!还支持许多其他语言模型,如miniGPT4、StableLM和MOSS。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 具有視頻理解功能!還支持許多其他語言模型,如miniGPT4、StableLM和MOSS。" } }, "https://github.com/mklarqvist/ai-playground": { "repository_name": "ai-playground", "user_name": "mklarqvist", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "i was playing around with perplexityai and wanted to figure out how it worked. so i wrote a simple open-source clone with @openai gpt-3.5turbo, @langchainai, @trychroma and with documentation. check it out.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "i was playing around with perplexityai and wanted to figure out how it worked. so i wrote a simple open-source clone with @openai gpt-3.5turbo, @langchainai, @trychroma and with documentation. check it out.", "ja": "私はperplexityaiで遊んでいて、その仕組みを理解したかったので、@openai gpt-3.5turbo、@langchainai、@trychromaを使ってシンプルなオープンソースのクローンを作成し、ドキュメントも付けました。ぜひチェックしてください。", "zh-hans": "我在玩Perplexity AI时想弄清楚它是如何工作的。所以我用@openai gpt-3.5turbo、@langchainai、@trychroma编写了一个简单的开源克隆,并提供了文档。来看看吧。", "zh-hant": "我正在玩Perplexity AI,想弄清楚它是如何工作的。所以我用@openai gpt-3.5turbo、@langchainai、@trychroma编写了一个简单的开源克隆,并提供了文档。来看看吧。" } }, "https://github.com/showlab/vlog": { "repository_name": "VLog", "user_name": "showlab", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Transform Video as a Document with ChatGPT, CLIP, BLIP2, GRIT, Whisper, LangChain.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "large-language-model", "video-language", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transform Video as a Document with ChatGPT, CLIP, BLIP2, GRIT, Whisper, LangChain.", "ja": "ChatGPT、CLIP、BLIP2、GRIT、Whisper、LangChainを使用して、ビデオをドキュメントに変換します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT、CLIP、BLIP2、GRIT、Whisper、LangChain将视频转换为文档。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT、CLIP、BLIP2、GRIT、Whisper、LangChain將視頻轉換為文檔。" } }, "https://github.com/hollobit/genai_llm_timeline": { "repository_name": "GenAI_LLM_timeline", "user_name": "hollobit", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT, GenerativeAI and LLMs Timeline", "topics": [ "agi", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "claude", "copilot", "generative-ai", "generative-models", "gpt", "langchain", "large-language-models", "llama", "llm", "midjourney", "openai", "palm-e", "stable-diffusion", "timeline", "transformer", "vall-e" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT, GenerativeAI and LLMs Timeline", "ja": "ChatGPT、GenerativeAI、LLMsのタイムライン", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT、生成式AI和LLMs时间线", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT、生成式AI和LLMs時間軸" } }, "https://github.com/openlm-research/open_llama": { "repository_name": "open_llama", "user_name": "openlm-research", "language": null, "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "OpenLLama - a permissively licensed open source reproduction of Meta AI's LLaMA. 🦙 „OpenLLaMA exhibits comparable performance to the original LLaMA and GPT-J across a majority of tasks, and outperforms them in some tasks.“ 👀 ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenLLama - a permissively licensed open source reproduction of Meta AI's LLaMA. 🦙 „OpenLLaMA exhibits comparable performance to the original LLaMA and GPT-J across a majority of tasks, and outperforms them in some tasks.“ 👀 ", "ja": "OpenLLamaは、Meta AIのLLaMAの許可を得たオープンソースの再現版です。🦙「OpenLLaMAは、多くのタスクにおいてオリジナルのLLaMAやGPT-Jと同等の性能を発揮し、一部のタスクではそれらを上回る性能を発揮します。」👀", "zh-hans": "OpenLLama - 一个采用宽松许可证的开源复制品,模仿Meta AI的LLaMA。🦙“OpenLLaMA在大多数任务中表现与原始LLaMA和GPT-J相当,并在某些任务中表现更好。”👀", "zh-hant": "OpenLLama - 是Meta AI的LLaMA的開源軟體,採用寬鬆授權。🦙「OpenLLaMA在大多數任務上表現與原始LLaMA和GPT-J相當,並在某些任務上表現優異。」👀" } }, "https://github.com/chakkaradeep/pycodeagi": { "repository_name": "pyCodeAGI", "user_name": "chakkaradeep", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "My current exploration: PyCodeAGI, an @LangChainAI #AIAgent that builds a Python console app given an objective, just got superpowers with @OpenAI #GPT4: asked it to build a 'magic app' - it built something creative. There was not even a single error in… ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "My current exploration: PyCodeAGI, an @LangChainAI #AIAgent that builds a Python console app given an objective, just got superpowers with @OpenAI #GPT4: asked it to build a 'magic app' - it built something creative. There was not even a single error in… ", "ja": "私の現在の探求:PyCodeAGI、@LangChainAI #AIAgentは、目的に応じてPythonコンソールアプリを構築するもので、@OpenAI #GPT4との超能力を手に入れました。 「魔法のアプリ」を構築するように依頼したところ、創造的なものが構築されました。エラーは一つもありませんでした...", "zh-hans": "我的当前探索:PyCodeAGI,一个@LangChainAI #AIAgent,它可以根据目标构建一个Python控制台应用程序,刚刚获得了@OpenAI #GPT4的超能力:要求它构建一个“魔法应用程序”-它构建了一些创意。甚至没有一个错误...", "zh-hant": "我的目前探索:PyCodeAGI,一個 @LangChainAI #AIAgent,可以根據目標建立一個Python控制台應用程序,現在憑藉 @OpenAI #GPT4 獲得了超能力:要求它建立一個“魔法應用程序”-它建立了一些創意。甚至沒有一個錯誤..." } }, "https://github.com/open-mmlab/multimodal-gpt": { "repository_name": "Multimodal-GPT", "user_name": "open-mmlab", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Multimodal-GPT", "topics": [ "flamingo", "gpt", "gpt-4", "llama", "multimodal", "transformer", "vision-and-language" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Multimodal-GPT", "ja": "マルチモーダル-GPT", "zh-hans": "多模态-GPT", "zh-hant": "多模態-GPT" } }, "https://github.com/kaarthik108/snowchat": { "repository_name": "snowChat", "user_name": "kaarthik108", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chat on you're snowflake database - Text to SQL", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "faiss", "gpt-4", "langchain", "snowflake", "streamlit", "vector" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat on you're snowflake database - Text to SQL", "ja": "あなたのスノーフレークデータベースでチャット - テキストからSQLへ", "zh-hans": "在您的雪花数据库上聊天 - 文本转SQL", "zh-hant": "在您的雪花數據庫上聊天 - 文本轉SQL" } }, "https://github.com/csunny/db-gpt": { "repository_name": "DB-GPT", "user_name": "csunny", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Interact your data and environment using the local GPT, no data leaks, 100% privately, 100% security", "topics": [ "database", "gpt-4", "langchain", "private", "security", "vicuna" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Interact your data and environment using the local GPT, no data leaks, 100% privately, 100% security", "ja": "ローカルGPTを使用して、データと環境をインタラクトし、データ漏洩なし、100%プライバシー、100%セキュリティを実現します。", "zh-hans": "使用本地GPT与数据和环境进行交互,无数据泄漏,100%私密,100%安全。", "zh-hant": "使用本地GPT與您的數據和環境進行互動,無數據洩露,100%私密,100%安全。" } }, "https://github.com/pengxiao-song/lawgpt": { "repository_name": "LaWGPT", "user_name": "pengxiao-song", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": " 🎉 Repo for LaWGPT, Chinese-Llama tuned with Chinese Legal knowledge. 基于中文法律知识的大语言模型", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": " 🎉 Repo for LaWGPT, Chinese-Llama tuned with Chinese Legal knowledge. 基于中文法律知识的大语言模型", "ja": "🎉 LaWGPTのためのリポジトリ、中国法律知識に調整された中国ラマ。中文法律知識に基づく大規模言語モデル。", "zh-hans": "🎉 LaWGPT仓库,中文羊驼调整的中文法律知识模型。基于中文法律知识的大语言模型。", "zh-hant": "🎉 LaWGPT 儲存庫,中國駝峰調整,搭載中國法律知識的大型語言模型。" } }, "https://github.com/opengvlab/interngpt": { "repository_name": "InternGPT", "user_name": "OpenGVLab", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "InternGPT (iGPT) is an open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI models. Now it supports DragGAN, ChatGPT, ImageBind, multimodal chat like GPT-4, SAM, interactive image editing, etc. Try it at igpt.opengvlab.com", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "click", "draggan", "foundation-model", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gradio", "husky", "image-captioning", "imagebind", "internimage", "langchain", "llama", "llm", "multimodal", "sam", "segment-anything", "vicuna", "video-generation", "vqa" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "InternGPT (iGPT) is an open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI models. Now it supports DragGAN, ChatGPT, ImageBind, multimodal chat like GPT-4, SAM, interactive image editing, etc. Try it at igpt.opengvlab.com", "ja": "InternGPT(iGPT)は、AIモデルを簡単に展示できるオープンソースのデモプラットフォームです。現在、DragGAN、ChatGPT、ImageBind、GPT-4のようなマルチモーダルチャット、SAM、インタラクティブな画像編集などをサポートしています。igpt.opengvlab.comでお試しください。", "zh-hans": "InternGPT(iGPT)是一个开源演示平台,您可以轻松展示您的AI模型。现在它支持DragGAN、ChatGPT、ImageBind、多模式聊天(如GPT-4、SAM)、交互式图像编辑等。请在igpt.opengvlab.com上尝试。", "zh-hant": "InternGPT(iGPT)是一個開源的演示平台,您可以輕鬆展示您的AI模型。現在它支持DragGAN、ChatGPT、ImageBind、像GPT-4、SAM、交互式圖像編輯等多模態聊天。請在igpt.opengvlab.com上嘗試。" } }, "https://github.com/chainlit/chainlit": { "repository_name": "chainlit", "user_name": "Chainlit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Build Python LLM apps in minutes ⚡️", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "llm", "openai", "python", "ui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build Python LLM apps in minutes ⚡️", "ja": "数分でPython LLMアプリを構築する ⚡️", "zh-hans": "在几分钟内构建Python LLM应用程序 ⚡️", "zh-hant": "在幾分鐘內建立Python LLM應用程式 ⚡️" } }, "https://github.com/flowiseai/flowise": { "repository_name": "Flowise", "user_name": "FlowiseAI", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS", "ja": "LangchainJSを使用してカスタマイズされたLLMフローを構築するためのドラッグ&ドロップUI", "zh-hans": "使用LangchainJS拖放界面构建您定制的LLM流程", "zh-hant": "拖放式的使用者介面,讓您可以使用LangchainJS建立您自訂的LLM流程。" } }, "https://github.com/dabit3/semantic-search-nextjs-pinecone-langchain-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "semantic-search-nextjs-pinecone-langchain-chatgpt", "user_name": "dabit3", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Embeds text files into vectors, stores them on Pinecone, and enables semantic search using GPT3 and Langchain in a Next.js UI", "topics": [ "langchain", "nextjs", "openai", "pinecone" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Embeds text files into vectors, stores them on Pinecone, and enables semantic search using GPT3 and Langchain in a Next.js UI", "ja": "テキストファイルをベクトルに埋め込み、Pineconeに保存し、Next.js UIでGPT3とLangchainを使用して意味検索を可能にします。", "zh-hans": "将文本文件嵌入向量中,存储在Pinecone上,并使用GPT3和Langchain在Next.js UI中实现语义搜索。", "zh-hant": "將文本文件嵌入向量中,存儲在Pinecone中,並使用GPT3和Langchain在Next.js UI中啟用語義搜索。" } }, "https://github.com/togethercomputer/redpajama.cpp": { "repository_name": "redpajama.cpp", "user_name": "togethercomputer", "language": "C", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Extend the original llama.cpp repo to support redpajama model.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Please expand the existing llama.cpp repository to include support for the redpajama model.", "ja": "元のllama.cppリポジトリを拡張して、redpajamaモデルをサポートするようにしてください。", "zh-hans": "扩展原始的llama.cpp仓库以支持redpajama模型。", "zh-hant": "擴展原始的llama.cpp存儲庫以支持redpajama模型。" } }, "https://github.com/uogbuji/ogbujipt": { "repository_name": "OgbujiPT", "user_name": "uogbuji", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Toolkit for using self-hosted large language models, through langchain & other means", "topics": [ "gpt", "langchain", "large-language-models", "llm", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Toolkit for using self-hosted large language models, through langchain & other means", "ja": "langchainやその他の手段を通じて、自己ホストされた大規模言語モデルを使用するためのツールキット", "zh-hans": "通过langchain和其他方式使用自托管的大型语言模型的工具包", "zh-hant": "透過 langchain 和其他方式使用自託管的大型語言模型工具箱" } }, "https://github.com/minosvasilias/godot-dodo": { "repository_name": "godot-dodo", "user_name": "minosvasilias", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Finetuning large language models for GDScript generation.", "topics": [ "ai", "finetuning", "gdscript", "godot", "llama" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Refining large language models for generating GDScript.", "ja": "GDScript生成のための大規模言語モデルのファインチューニング。", "zh-hans": "为GDScript生成调整大型语言模型。", "zh-hant": "微調大型語言模型以生成GDScript。" } }, "https://github.com/georgia-tech-db/eva": { "repository_name": "eva", "user_name": "georgia-tech-db", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Database system for building simpler and faster AI-powered applications", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "data-analysis", "database", "eva", "gpt-4", "labeling", "labeling-tool", "langchain", "llama", "object-detection", "serving", "video-analytics", "yolo" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Database system for building simpler and faster AI-powered applications", "ja": "よりシンプルで高速なAI搭載アプリケーションを構築するためのデータベースシステム", "zh-hans": "构建更简单、更快的人工智能应用程序的数据库系统", "zh-hant": "建立更簡單、更快速的人工智慧應用程式的資料庫系統" } }, "https://github.com/sugarforever/langchain-tutorials": { "repository_name": "LangChain-Tutorials", "user_name": "sugarforever", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "挺好奇ChatGPT那种流式输出,费了牛劲,堆砌出了基于Python LangChain的实现,涵盖控制台和Web3应用的异步流式输出。Python异步编程还需深入学习🧐代码👇视频分享👇bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I am quite curious about the stream-like output of ChatGPT. I put in a lot of effort and built an implementation based on Python LangChain, which covers asynchronous stream-like output for both the console and Web3 applications. I still need to delve deeper into Python asynchronous programming. 🧐 Here is the code: 👇 Video sharing: 👇 bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI", "ja": "挺好奇ChatGPT那种流式出力、頑張ってPythonのLangChainを使って実装しました。コンソールとWeb3アプリケーションの非同期の流れるような出力をカバーしています。Pythonの非同期プログラミングはまだ深く学ぶ必要があります🧐コード👇ビデオ共有👇bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI", "zh-hans": "挺好奇ChatGPT那种流式输出,费了牛劲,堆砌出了基于Python LangChain的实现,涵盖控制台和Web3应用的异步流式输出。Python异步编程还需深入学习🧐代码👇视频分享👇bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI", "zh-hant": "非常好奇ChatGPT那種流式輸出,費了牛勁,堆砌出了基於Python LangChain的實現,涵蓋控制台和Web3應用的異步流式輸出。Python異步編程還需深入學習🧐代碼👇視頻分享👇bilibili: #LangChain #ChatGPT #OpenAI" } }, "https://github.com/coefficientsystems/chat-efficient": { "repository_name": "chat-efficient", "user_name": "CoefficientSystems", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "DIY ChatGPT using Streamlit, LangChain and open-source LLMs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "DIY ChatGPT using Streamlit, LangChain and open-source LLMs", "ja": "Streamlit、LangChain、オープンソースのLLMsを使用したDIY ChatGPT", "zh-hans": "使用Streamlit、LangChain和开源LLMs进行DIY ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使用Streamlit、LangChain和開源LLMs進行DIY ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/juankysoriano/gpt-producer": { "repository_name": "gpt-producer", "user_name": "juankysoriano", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Introducing \"GPT-Producer\"Bring your Digital Piano, your @OpenAI API key, and your #GPU and become an artist! #musicgen #audiocraft #gpt @LangChainAI @MetaAI for the tools that made this possible! ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Introducing \"GPT-Producer\"Bring your Digital Piano, your @OpenAI API key, and your #GPU and become an artist! #musicgen #audiocraft #gpt @LangChainAI @MetaAI for the tools that made this possible! ", "ja": "「GPT-Producer」をご紹介します。デジタルピアノ、@OpenAI APIキー、そして#GPUを持って、アーティストになりましょう! #musicgen #audiocraft #gpt @LangChainAI @MetaAI は、この可能性を実現するためのツールです!", "zh-hans": "介绍“GPT-Producer”带上你的数字钢琴,你的@OpenAI API密钥和你的#GPU,成为一位艺术家!#音乐生成 #音频制作 #gpt 感谢@LangChainAI和@MetaAI提供的工具使这一切成为可能!", "zh-hant": "介紹「GPT-Producer」,帶上你的數位鋼琴、@OpenAI API金鑰和你的#GPU,成為一位藝術家!感謝@LangChainAI和@MetaAI提供的工具,使這一切成為可能! #musicgen #audiocraft #gpt" } }, "https://github.com/shibing624/medicalgpt": { "repository_name": "MedicalGPT", "user_name": "shibing624", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现包括二次预训练、有监督微调、奖励建模、强化学习训练。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "llama", "llm", "medical" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现包括二次预训练、有监督微调、奖励建模、强化学习训练。", "ja": "MedicalGPT: ChatGPTトレーニングパイプラインを使用して独自の医療GPTモデルをトレーニングする。二次プレトレーニング、教師あり微調整、報酬モデリング、強化学習トレーニングを含む。", "zh-hans": "MedicalGPT:使用ChatGPT训练流程训练您自己的医疗GPT模型。", "zh-hant": "醫學GPT:使用ChatGPT訓練流程來訓練您自己的醫學GPT模型。" } }, "https://github.com/psychic-api/rag-stack": { "repository_name": "rag-stack", "user_name": "psychic-api", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 Deploy a private ChatGPT alternative hosted within your VPC. 🔮 Connect it to your organization's knowledge base and use it as a corporate oracle. Supports open-source LLMs like Llama 2, Falcon, and GPT4All.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Deploy a private ChatGPT alternative hosted within your VPC. 🔮 Connect it to your organization's knowledge base and use it as a corporate oracle. Supports open-source LLMs like Llama 2, Falcon, and GPT4All.", "ja": "🤖 VPC内にホストされたプライベートなChatGPTの代替を展開します。🔮 組織の知識ベースに接続し、企業のオラクルとして使用します。Llama 2、Falcon、GPT4AllなどのオープンソースのLLMをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "🤖 在您的VPC中部署一个私有的ChatGPT替代品。🔮 将其连接到您的组织知识库,并将其用作企业预言机。支持开源的LLMs,如Llama 2、Falcon和GPT4All。", "zh-hant": "🤖 在您的虛擬私有雲中部署一個私有的 ChatGPT 替代方案。🔮 將其連接到您組織的知識庫,並將其用作企業的神諭。支持像 Llama 2、Falcon 和 GPT4All 這樣的開源 LLM。" } }, "https://github.com/internlm/opencompass": { "repository_name": "opencompass", "user_name": "InternLM", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.", "topics": [ "benchmark", "chatgpt", "evaluation", "large-language-model", "llama", "llama2", "llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.", "ja": "OpenCompassは、50以上のデータセットに対応し、LLM評価プラットフォームです。さまざまなモデル(LLaMA、LLaMa2、ChatGLM2、ChatGPT、Claudeなど)をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "OpenCompass是一个LLM评估平台,支持50多个数据集上的多种模型(LLaMA,LLaMa2,ChatGLM2,ChatGPT,Claude等)。", "zh-hant": "OpenCompass 是一個 LLM 評估平台,支援超過 50 個數據集的多種模型(LLaMA、LLaMa2、ChatGLM2、ChatGPT、Claude 等)。" } }, "https://github.com/kaleido-lab/dolphin": { "repository_name": "dolphin", "user_name": "kaleido-lab", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "General video interaction platform based on LLMs, including Video ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "langchain", "video" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "General video interaction platform based on LLMs, including Video ChatGPT", "ja": "LLMを基にした一般的なビデオ対話プラットフォーム、Video ChatGPTを含む。", "zh-hans": "基于LLMs的通用视频互动平台,包括Video ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "基於LLMs的通用視頻互動平台,包括Video ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/xusenlinzy/api-for-open-llm": { "repository_name": "api-for-open-llm", "user_name": "xusenlinzy", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "openai style api for open large language models, using LLMs just as chatgpt! 开源大模型的统一后端接口", "topics": [ "baichuan", "chatglm", "docker", "internlm", "langchain", "llama", "llms", "moss", "nlp", "openai", "phoenix" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "openai style api for open large language models, using LLMs just as chatgpt! 开源大模型的统一后端接口", "ja": "オープンAIスタイルAPIは、チャットGPTと同様にLLM(Large Language Models)を使用して、オープンな大規模言語モデルを開くための統一されたバックエンドインターフェースです。", "zh-hans": "使用LLMs作为ChatGPT的开放AI风格API,开放大型语言模型的统一后端接口。", "zh-hant": "使用LLMs作为ChatGPT的开放AI风格API,开放大型语言模型的统一后端接口。" } }, "https://github.com/atomecho/atomgpt": { "repository_name": "AtomGPT", "user_name": "AtomEcho", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "中英文预训练大模型,目标与ChatGPT的水平一致", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "gpt", "inference", "large-language-models", "llama", "llm", "nlp", "pytorch", "transformer", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pretrained large models for Chinese and English, aiming to achieve the same level as ChatGPT.", "ja": "中英文の事前トレーニング済みモデルは、ChatGPTと同じレベルを目指しています。", "zh-hans": "中英文预训练大模型,目标与ChatGPT的水平一致", "zh-hant": "中英文預訓練大模型,目標與ChatGPT的水平一致\n中英文預訓練大模型,目標與ChatGPT的水平一致" } }, "https://github.com/berriai/litellm": { "repository_name": "litellm", "user_name": "BerriAI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "lightweight package to simplify LLM API calls - Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Replicate. Manages input/output translation", "topics": [ "anthropic", "langchain", "langchain-python", "llm", "llmops", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a simple & light package to call OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, Anthropic API Endpoints", "ja": "OpenAI、Azure、Cohere、Anthropic APIエンドポイントを呼び出すためのシンプルで軽量なパッケージ", "zh-hans": "一个简单轻巧的软件包,用于调用OpenAI、Azure、Cohere和Anthropic API终端。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單輕巧的套件,可用於調用OpenAI、Azure、Cohere和Anthropic API端點。" } }, "https://github.com/ictnlp/bayling": { "repository_name": "BayLing", "user_name": "ictnlp", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": " “百聆”是一个基于LLaMA的语言对齐增强的英语/中文大语言模型,具有优越的英语/中文能力,在多语言和通用任务等多项测试中取得ChatGPT 90%的性能。BayLing is an English/Chinese LLM equipped with advanced language alignment, showing superior capability in English/Chinese generation, instruction following and multi-turn interaction.", "topics": [ "aigc", "bayling", "chatgpt", "chinese", "cross-lingual", "general-language-model", "gpt4", "human-performance", "instruction-tuning", "interactive", "large-language-models", "llama", "machine-translation", "multilingual-translation", "translation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": " “百聆”是一个基于LLaMA的语言对齐增强的英语/中文大语言模型,具有优越的英语/中文能力,在多语言和通用任务等多项测试中取得ChatGPT 90%的性能。BayLing is an English/Chinese LLM equipped with advanced language alignment, showing superior capability in English/Chinese generation, instruction following and multi-turn interaction.", "ja": "「百聆」は、LLaMAに基づいた言語アライメント強化型の英語/中国語の大規模言語モデルであり、英語/中国語の能力に優れており、多言語や一般的なタスクなどのさまざまなテストでChatGPTの90%の性能を発揮します。BayLingは、英語/中国語のLLMであり、高度な言語アライメントを備えており、英語/中国語の生成、指示の追跡、マルチターンの対話において優れた能力を示します。", "zh-hans": "“百聆”是一个基于LLaMA的语言对齐增强的英语/中文大语言模型,具有优越的英语/中文能力,在多语言和通用任务等多项测试中取得ChatGPT 90%的性能。BayLing是一个配备先进语言对齐功能的英语/中文LLM,展现出在英语/中文生成、指令遵循和多轮互动方面的卓越能力。", "zh-hant": "“百聆”是一個基於LLaMA的語言對齊增強的英語/中文大語言模型,具有優越的英語/中文能力,在多語言和通用任務等多項測試中取得ChatGPT 90%的性能。BayLing是一個配備先進語言對齊功能的英語/中文LLM,展示出在英語/中文生成、指令遵從和多輪互動方面的優越能力。" } }, "https://github.com/finaldie/auto-news": { "repository_name": "auto-news", "user_name": "finaldie", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A personal news aggregator to pull information from multi-sources + LLM (ChatGPT via LangChain) to help us reading efficiently with less noises, the sources including: Tweets, RSS, YouTube, Web Articles, Reddit, and personal Journal notes.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A personal news aggregator to pull information from multi-sources + LLM (ChatGPT via LangChain) to help us reading efficiently with less noises, the sources including: Tweets, RSS, YouTube, Web Articles, Reddit, and personal Journal notes.", "ja": "複数のソースから情報を収集する個人用ニュースアグリゲータ+ LLM(LangChain経由のChatGPT)による効率的な読書支援(ノイズを減らす)、ソースにはツイート、RSS、YouTube、ウェブ記事、Reddit、個人のジャーナルノートが含まれます。", "zh-hans": "一个个人新闻聚合器,可以从多个来源获取信息+LLM(通过LangChain的ChatGPT)帮助我们以更高效的方式阅读,减少干扰。这些来源包括:推特、RSS、YouTube、网页文章、Reddit和个人日记笔记。", "zh-hant": "一個個人新聞聚合器,可以從多個來源中提取信息,並利用LLM(通過LangChain的ChatGPT)幫助我們以更高效的方式閱讀,減少干擾。這些來源包括:推特、RSS、YouTube、網絡文章、Reddit和個人日記筆記。" } }, "https://github.com/suprityoung/zhongjing": { "repository_name": "Zhongjing", "user_name": "SupritYoung", "language": "Shell", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "A Chinese medical ChatGPT based on LLaMa, training from large-scale pretrain corpus and multi-turn dialogue dataset.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Chinese medical ChatGPT based on LLaMa, training from large-scale pretrain corpus and multi-turn dialogue dataset.", "ja": "大規模な事前学習コーパスとマルチターンの対話データセットからトレーニングされた、LLaMaベースの中国医学のChatGPT。\n\nLLaMaをベースにした中国医学のChatGPTは、大規模な事前学習コーパスとマルチターンの対話データセットからトレーニングされています。", "zh-hans": "一个基于LLaMa的中文医学ChatGPT,通过大规模预训练语料库和多轮对话数据集进行训练。", "zh-hant": "一個基於LLaMa的中醫ChatGPT,使用大規模預訓練語料庫和多輪對話數據集進行訓練。" } }, "https://github.com/open-compass/opencompass": { "repository_name": "opencompass", "user_name": "open-compass", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.", "topics": [ "benchmark", "chatgpt", "evaluation", "large-language-model", "llama2", "llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (LLaMA, LLaMa2, ChatGLM2, ChatGPT, Claude, etc) over 50+ datasets.", "ja": "OpenCompassは、50以上のデータセットに対応し、LLM評価プラットフォームです。さまざまなモデル(LLaMA、LLaMa2、ChatGLM2、ChatGPT、Claudeなど)をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "OpenCompass是一个LLM评估平台,支持50多个数据集上的多种模型(LLaMA、LLaMa2、ChatGLM2、ChatGPT、Claude等)。", "zh-hant": "OpenCompass 是一個 LLM 評估平台,支援超過 50 個數據集的多種模型(LLaMA、LLaMa2、ChatGLM2、ChatGPT、Claude 等)。" } }, "https://github.com/francescosaveriozuppichini/gradiogpt": { "repository_name": "gradioGPT", "user_name": "FrancescoSaverioZuppichini", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Easy to hack template for your next chatGPT app with Gradio and Langchain", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easy to hack template for your next chatGPT app with Gradio and Langchain", "ja": "GradioとLangchainを使用した、次のChatGPTアプリのための簡単にハッキングできるテンプレート。", "zh-hans": "使用Gradio和Langchain创建下一个ChatGPT应用的易于入侵的模板。", "zh-hant": "使用Gradio和Langchain的下一個ChatGPT應用程式的易於入侵的模板" } }, "https://github.com/chenking2020/findthechatgpter": { "repository_name": "FindTheChatGPTer", "user_name": "chenking2020", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT爆火,开启了通往AGI的关键一步,本项目旨在汇总那些ChatGPT的开源平替们,包括文本大模型、多模态大模型等,为大家提供一些便利", "topics": [ "agi", "alpaca", "autogpt", "baichuan", "belle", "ceval", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "codi", "guanaco", "learderboard", "linly", "llama", "llama2", "llava", "lora", "minigpt4", "self-instruct", "vicuna", "wizadlm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT has become popular and has taken a crucial step towards AGI. This project aims to gather open-source alternatives to ChatGPT, including large text models and multimodal models, to provide convenience for everyone.", "ja": "ChatGPTが大人気で、AGIへの鍵となる重要な一歩を踏み出しました。このプロジェクトは、ChatGPTのオープンソースの代替品、テキストモデル、マルチモーダルモデルなどをまとめ、皆さんに便利を提供することを目的としています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT爆火,开启了通往AGI的关键一步,本项目旨在汇总那些ChatGPT的开源平台们,包括文本大模型、多模态大模型等,为大家提供一些便利。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT爆火,開啟了通往AGI的關鍵一步,本專案旨在匯總那些ChatGPT的開源平替們,包括文本大模型、多模態大模型等,為大家提供一些便利。" } }, "https://github.com/binary-husky/gpt_academic": { "repository_name": "gpt_academic", "user_name": "binary-husky", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "为ChatGPT/GLM提供实用化交互界面,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm2等本地模型。兼容文心一言, moss, llama2, rwkv, claude2, 通义千问, 书生, 讯飞星火等。", "topics": [ "academic", "chatglm-6b", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "large-language-models" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Provide a practical interactive interface for ChatGPT/GLM, specially optimized for paper reading/editing/writing experience. Modular design, supporting custom shortcut buttons & function plugins, supporting project analysis & self-translation functions for Python and C++ projects, PDF/LaTex paper translation & summarization functions, supporting parallel inquiries for various LLM models, supporting local models such as chatglm2. Compatible with Wenxin Yiyu, Moss, Llama2, RWKV, Claude2, Tongyi Qianwen, Shusheng, Xunfei Xinghuo, etc.", "ja": "ChatGPT/GLMのための実用的なインタラクティブなインターフェースを提供し、論文の読み込み/校正/執筆の体験を特に最適化し、モジュール化されたデザインで、カスタムショートカットボタンと関数プラグインをサポートし、PythonやC++などのプロジェクトの解析と自動翻訳機能をサポートし、PDF/LaTex論文の翻訳と要約機能を提供し、さまざまなLLMモデルの並列問い合わせをサポートし、chatglm2などのローカルモデルにも対応しています。文心一言、moss、llama2、rwkv、claude2、通義千問、書生、讯飞星火などと互換性があります。", "zh-hans": "为ChatGPT/GLM提供实用化交互界面,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮和函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析和自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译和总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm2等本地模型。兼容文心一言、moss、llama2、rwkv、claude2、通义千问、书生、讯飞星火等。", "zh-hant": "為ChatGPT/GLM提供實用化交互界面,特別優化論文閱讀/潤色/寫作體驗,模塊化設計,支持自定義快捷按鈕和函數插件,支持Python和C++等項目剖析和自譯解功能,PDF/LaTex論文翻譯和總結功能,支持並行問詢多種LLM模型,支持chatglm2等本地模型。兼容文心一言,moss,llama2,rwkv,claude2,通義千問,書生,訊飛星火等。" } }, "https://github.com/latent-variable/real_time_fallacy_detection": { "repository_name": "Real_time_fallacy_detection", "user_name": "latent-variable", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Real-time Fallacy Detection using OpenAI whisper and ChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistral", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Real-time Fallacy Detection using OpenAI whisper and ChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistral", "ja": "リアルタイムの誤謬検出は、OpenAI WhisperとChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistralを使用して行われます。", "zh-hans": "实时谬误检测使用OpenAI Whisper和ChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistral", "zh-hant": "即時辨識謬誤使用OpenAI whisper和ChatGPT/LLaMA/Mistral" } }, "https://github.com/georgia-tech-db/evadb": { "repository_name": "evadb", "user_name": "georgia-tech-db", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Database system for AI-powered apps", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "auto-gpt", "chatgpt", "data-analysis", "database", "eva", "gpt-4", "gpt4all", "hacktoberfest", "huggingface", "labeling", "langchain", "llm", "object-detection", "serving", "video-analytics" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Database system for AI-powered apps", "ja": "AIパワードアプリのためのデータベースシステム", "zh-hans": "用于AI应用的数据库系统", "zh-hant": "AI 引擎應用的資料庫系統" } }, "https://github.com/langchain4j/langchain4j": { "repository_name": "langchain4j", "user_name": "langchain4j", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Java version of LangChain", "topics": [ "azure-openai", "chatgpt", "chroma", "embeddings", "gpt", "huggingface", "java", "langchain", "langchain-java", "llama", "llama2", "localai", "milvus", "onnx", "openai", "pinecone", "spring", "spring-boot", "vector-database", "weaviate" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Java version of LangChain", "ja": "LangChainのJavaバージョン", "zh-hans": "LangChain的Java版本", "zh-hant": "Java 版本的 LangChain" } }, "https://github.com/sobelio/llm-chain": { "repository_name": "llm-chain", "user_name": "sobelio", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "`llm-chain` is a powerful rust crate for building chains in large language models allowing you to summarise text and complete complex tasks", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "llama", "llm", "openai", "rust", "text-summary" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "`llm-chain` is a powerful rust crate for building chains in large language models allowing you to summarise text and complete complex tasks", "ja": "「llm-chain」は、大規模な言語モデルでチェーンを構築するための強力なRustのクレートであり、テキストの要約や複雑なタスクの完了が可能です。", "zh-hans": "`llm-chain` 是一个强大的 Rust 包,用于构建大型语言模型中的链条,可以帮助您对文本进行概括和完成复杂任务。", "zh-hant": "`llm-chain` 是一個強大的 Rust 庫,用於在大型語言模型中構建鏈條,讓您能夠對文本進行摘要和完成複雜任務。" } }, "https://github.com/langroid/langroid": { "repository_name": "langroid", "user_name": "langroid", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming", "topics": [ "agents", "ai", "chatgpt", "function-calling", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt4", "information-retrieval", "language-model", "llama", "llm", "llm-agent", "llm-framework", "local-llm", "multi-agent-systems", "openai-api", "question-answering", "rag", "retrieval-augmented-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming", "ja": "マルチエージェントプログラミングでLLMsを活用する", "zh-hans": "使用多智能体编程来驾驭LLMs", "zh-hant": "利用多智能體編程來應用LLMs" } }, "https://github.com/zjunlp/easyedit": { "repository_name": "EasyEdit", "user_name": "zjunlp", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for LLMs.", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "baichuan", "chatgpt", "easyedit", "efficient", "gpt", "knowledge-editing", "knowlm", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama2", "llm", "model-editing", "natural-language-processing", "open-source-project", "tool" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for LLMs.", "ja": "LLM向けの使いやすい知識編集フレームワーク。", "zh-hans": "一个易于使用的知识编辑框架,适用于LLMs。", "zh-hant": "一個易於使用的知識編輯框架,適用於LLMs。" } }, "https://github.com/run-llama/llama_index": { "repository_name": "llama_index", "user_name": "run-llama", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "LlamaIndex (formerly GPT Index) is a data framework for your LLM applications", "topics": [ "agents", "application", "data", "fine-tuning", "framework", "llamaindex", "llm", "rag", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LlamaIndex (formerly GPT Index) is a data framework for your LLM applications", "ja": "LlamaIndex(旧GPT Index)は、LLMアプリケーションのためのデータフレームワークです。", "zh-hans": "LlamaIndex(原名GPT Index)是一个为您的LLM应用程序设计的数据框架。", "zh-hant": "LlamaIndex(前身為GPT Index)是一個針對您的LLM應用程序的數據框架。" } }, "https://github.com/phoebussi/alpaca-cot": { "repository_name": "Alpaca-CoT", "user_name": "PhoebusSi", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (e.g., CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (e.g., lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to initiate any meaningful PR on this repo and integrate as many LLM related technologies as possible. 我们打造了方便研究人员上手和使用大模型等微调平台,我们欢迎开源爱好者发起任何有意义的pr!", "topics": [ "alpaca", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "cot", "instruction-tuning", "llama", "llm", "lora", "moss", "p-tuning", "parameter-efficient", "pytorch", "tabul", "tabular-data", "tabular-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (e.g., CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (e.g., lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to initiate any meaningful PR on this repo and integrate as many LLM related technologies as possible. 我们打造了方便研究人员上手和使用大模型等微调平台,我们欢迎开源爱好者发起任何有意义的pr!", "ja": "私たちは、指示調整データ(例:CoTデータ)、複数のLLM、およびパラメータ効率の良い手法(例:lora、p-tuning)のインターフェースを統一し、簡単に使用できるようにしました。私たちはオープンソースの愛好家に、このリポジトリで意義のあるPRを開始し、できるだけ多くのLLM関連技術を統合することを歓迎します。", "zh-hans": "我们统一了指令调优数据(例如CoT数据),多个LLM和参数高效方法(例如lora,p-tuning)的接口,以便于使用。我们欢迎开源爱好者在这个仓库上发起任何有意义的PR,并尽可能集成更多与LLM相关的技术。", "zh-hant": "我們統一了指令調整數據(例如CoT數據)、多個LLM和參數高效方法(例如lora、p-tuning)的接口,以便易於使用。我們歡迎開源愛好者在這個存儲庫上發起任何有意義的PR,並集成盡可能多的LLM相關技術。" } }, "https://github.com/stulzq/azure-openai-proxy": { "repository_name": "azure-openai-proxy", "user_name": "stulzq", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Azure OpenAI Service Proxy. Convert OpenAI official API request to Azure OpenAI API request. Support GPT-4,Embeddings,Langchain. Adapter from OpenAI to Azure OpenAI.", "topics": [ "azure", "azure-openai", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Azure OpenAI Service Proxy. Convert OpenAI official API request to Azure OpenAI API request. Support GPT-4,Embeddings,Langchain. Adapter from OpenAI to Azure OpenAI.", "ja": "Azure OpenAIサービスプロキシ。OpenAI公式APIリクエストをAzure OpenAI APIリクエストに変換します。GPT-4、Embeddings、Langchainをサポートします。OpenAIからAzure OpenAIへのアダプター。", "zh-hans": "Azure OpenAI 服务代理。将 OpenAI 官方 API 请求转换为 Azure OpenAI API 请求。支持 GPT-4、嵌入、Langchain。从 OpenAI 适配到 Azure OpenAI。", "zh-hant": "Azure OpenAI 服務代理。將 OpenAI 官方 API 請求轉換為 Azure OpenAI API 請求。支援 GPT-4、嵌入式、Langchain。從 OpenAI 轉換為 Azure OpenAI 的適配器。" } }, "https://github.com/mattzcarey/code-review-gpt": { "repository_name": "code-review-gpt", "user_name": "mattzcarey", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Your personal code reviewer powered by LLMs (OpenAI GPT-3.5/4, Llama2, Azure AI) & Embeddings ⚡️ Improve code quality and catch bugs before you break production 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "code-analysis", "code-quality", "code-review", "gpt-3", "gpt4", "huggingface", "langchain", "langchain-typescript", "llm", "llms", "openai", "opensource" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your personal code reviewer powered by LLMs (OpenAI GPT-3.5/4, Llama2, Azure AI) & Embeddings ⚡️ Improve code quality and catch bugs before you break production 🚀", "ja": "LLMs(OpenAI GPT-3.5/4、Llama2、Azure AI)と埋め込みを活用した個人用コードレビューアー ⚡️ コードの品質を向上させ、本番環境でのバグを発生させる前にキャッチする 🚀", "zh-hans": "您的个人代码审查员由LLMs(OpenAI GPT-3.5/4,Llama2,Azure AI)和嵌入式技术提供支持⚡️ 提高代码质量,在您破坏生产之前捕捉错误🚀", "zh-hant": "您的個人代碼審查員,由LLMs(OpenAI GPT-3.5/4,Llama2,Azure AI)和嵌入式技術提供支持⚡️ 提升代碼質量,在破壞生產之前捕捉錯誤🚀" } }, "https://github.com/writesonic/gptrouter": { "repository_name": "GPTRouter", "user_name": "Writesonic", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Smoothly Manage Multiple LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure) and Image Models (Dall-E, SDXL), Speed Up Responses, and Ensure Non-Stop Reliability.", "topics": [ "anthropic", "azure-openai", "cohere", "google-gemini", "langchain", "llama-index", "llm", "llmops", "llms", "mlops", "openai", "palm-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Smoothly Manage Multiple LLMs (OpenAI, Anthropic, Azure) and Image Models (Dall-E, SDXL), Speed Up Responses, and Ensure Non-Stop Reliability.", "ja": "複数のLLM(OpenAI、Anthropic、Azure)と画像モデル(Dall-E、SDXL)をスムーズに管理し、応答速度を向上させ、中断のない信頼性を確保します。", "zh-hans": "流畅管理多个LLM(OpenAI,Anthropic,Azure)和图像模型(Dall-E,SDXL),加快响应速度,并确保持续可靠性。", "zh-hant": "順利管理多個LLM(OpenAI,Anthropic,Azure)和圖像模型(Dall-E,SDXL),加快回應速度,確保不間斷的可靠性。" } }, "https://github.com/namuan/dr-doc-search": { "repository_name": "dr-doc-search", "user_name": "namuan", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Converse with book - Built with GPT-3", "topics": [ "gpt3", "langchain", "nlp-machine-learning", "python", "summarization" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Converse with book - Built with GPT-3", "ja": "入力:本と対話する - GPT-3で作成された\n出力:本と対話する - GPT-3で作成された", "zh-hans": "与书对话 - 由GPT-3构建", "zh-hant": "與書對話 - 搭載GPT-3" } }, "https://github.com/rsaryev/talk-codebase": { "repository_name": "talk-codebase", "user_name": "rsaryev", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Tool for chatting with your codebase and docs using OpenAI, LlamaCpp, and GPT-4-All", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tool for chatting with your codebase and docs using OpenAI, LlamaCpp, and GPT-4-All", "ja": "OpenAI、LlamaCpp、およびGPT-4-Allを使用して、コードベースとドキュメントとチャットするためのツール", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI、LlamaCpp和GPT-4-All的工具,可以与您的代码库和文档进行聊天。", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI、LlamaCpp和GPT-4-All的工具,可以与您的代码库和文档进行聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/theodo-group/llphant": { "repository_name": "LLPhant", "user_name": "theodo-group", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "LLPhant - A comprehensive PHP Generative AI Framework using OpenAI GPT 4. Inspired by Langchain and LLamaIndex", "topics": [ "autophp", "genai", "gpt4", "langchain", "laravel", "llamaindex", "openai", "php", "symfony" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LLPhant - A comprehensive PHP Generative AI Framework using OpenAI GPT 4. Inspired by Langchain and LLamaIndex", "ja": "LLPhant - OpenAI GPT 4を使用した包括的なPHP生成AIフレームワーク。LangchainとLLamaIndexに触発されました。", "zh-hans": "LLPhant - 一个使用OpenAI GPT 4的综合PHP生成AI框架。受Langchain和LLamaIndex启发。", "zh-hant": "LLPhant - 一個使用OpenAI GPT 4的全面PHP生成AI框架。受到Langchain和LLamaIndex的啟發。" } }, "https://github.com/rhohndorf/auto-llama-cpp": { "repository_name": "Auto-Llama-cpp", "user_name": "rhohndorf", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Uses Auto-GPT with Llama.cpp", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Uses Auto-GPT with Llama.cpp", "ja": "Llama.cppを使用したAuto-GPT", "zh-hans": "使用Llama.cpp的Auto-GPT", "zh-hant": "使用Llama.cpp和Auto-GPT" } }, "https://github.com/akshata29/entaoai": { "repository_name": "entaoai", "user_name": "akshata29", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chat and Ask on your own data. Accelerator to quickly upload your own enterprise data and use OpenAI services to chat to that uploaded data and ask questions", "topics": [ "azure", "azure-functions", "azure-openai", "azure-webapp", "azureopenai", "chatgpt", "cognitive-search", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "langchain", "openai", "pinecone", "redis-search", "vector-store" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat and Ask on your own data. Accelerator to quickly upload your own enterprise data and use OpenAI services to chat to that uploaded data and ask questions", "ja": "自分のデータでチャットや質問を行う。自社のデータを迅速にアップロードし、OpenAIのサービスを使用してそのアップロードされたデータとチャットし、質問をするためのアクセラレータ。", "zh-hans": "使用自己的数据进行聊天和提问。加速器可以快速上传您自己的企业数据,并使用OpenAI服务与上传的数据进行聊天和提问。", "zh-hant": "使用您自己的數據進行聊天和提問。加速器可快速上傳您自己的企業數據並使用OpenAI服務與上傳的數據進行聊天和提問。" } }, "https://github.com/zhudotexe/kani": { "repository_name": "kani", "user_name": "zhudotexe", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "kani (カニ) is a highly hackable microframework for chat-based language models with tool use/function calling. (NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "claude-2", "framework", "function-calling", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama-2", "llms", "microframework", "openai", "tool-use" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "kani (カニ) is a highly hackable microframework for chat-based language models with tool use/function calling. (NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)", "ja": "kani(カニ)は、ツールの使用/関数の呼び出しを備えたチャットベースの言語モデルのための高度にハッキング可能なマイクロフレームワークです。(NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)kani(カニ)は、ツールの使用/関数の呼び出しを備えたチャットベースの言語モデルのための高度にハッキング可能なマイクロフレームワークです。(NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)", "zh-hans": "kani(カニ)是一个高度可定制的微框架,用于基于聊天的语言模型和工具使用/函数调用。(NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)", "zh-hant": "kani(カニ)是一個高度可修改的微框架,用於基於聊天的語言模型,具有工具使用/函數調用功能。(NLP-OSS @ EMNLP 2023)" } }, "https://github.com/chancefocus/pixiu": { "repository_name": "PIXIU", "user_name": "chancefocus", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open-source development of financial artificial intelligence (AI).", "topics": [ "aifinance", "chatgpt", "fintech", "gpt-4", "large-language-models", "llama", "machine-learning", "named-entity-recognition", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "pixiu", "question-answering", "sentiment-analysis", "stock-price-prediction", "text-classification" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open", "ja": "このリポジトリでは、初の金融向け大規模言語モデル(LLM)、調整データ、評価基準を紹介するオープンソースのリソース「PIXIU」を紹介しています。私たちの目標は、金融LLMを包括的に評価するために、常に前進し続けることです。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库介绍了PIXIU,一个开源资源,提供了第一个金融大型语言模型(LLMs),指令调整数据和评估基准,以全面评估金融LLMs。我们的目标是不断推动开放。", "zh-hant": "這個儲存庫介紹了PIXIU,一個開源資源,其中包含了第一個金融大型語言模型(LLMs),指令調整數據和評估基準,以全面評估金融LLMs。我們的目標是不斷推動開放。" } }, "https://github.com/open-webui/open-webui": { "repository_name": "open-webui", "user_name": "open-webui", "language": "Svelte", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT-Style WebUI for Ollama (Formerly Ollama WebUI)", "topics": [ "chromadb", "llm", "llm-ui", "llm-webui", "llms", "ollama", "ollama-app", "ollama-client", "ollama-gui", "ollama-interface", "ollama-ui", "ollama-web", "ollama-webui", "rag", "self-hosted", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT-Style WebUI for Ollama (Formerly Ollama WebUI)", "ja": "Ollama用のChatGPTスタイルWebUI(以前のOllama WebUI)Ollama用ChatGPTスタイルWebUI(以前のOllama WebUI)", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT风格的Ollama WebUI(原Ollama WebUI)", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT風格的Ollama網頁用戶界面(原名Ollama WebUI)" } }, "https://github.com/wangrongsheng/caregpt": { "repository_name": "CareGPT", "user_name": "WangRongsheng", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🌞 CareGPT (关怀GPT)是一个医疗大语言模型,同时它集合了数十个公开可用的医疗微调数据集和开放可用的医疗大语言模型,包含LLM的训练、测评、部署等以促进医疗LLM快速发展。Medical LLM, Open Source Driven for a Healthy Future.", "topics": [ "baichuan", "gpt", "large-language-models", "llama", "llama2", "medical-llm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🌞 CareGPT (关怀GPT)是一个医疗大语言模型,同时它集合了数十个公开可用的医疗微调数据集和开放可用的医疗大语言模型,包含LLM的训练、测评、部署等以促进医疗LLM快速发展。Medical LLM, Open Source Driven for a Healthy Future.", "ja": "🌞 CareGPT(关怀GPT)は、医療向けの大規模言語モデルであり、数十の公開データセットとオープンソースの医療大規模言語モデルを組み合わせています。LLMのトレーニング、評価、展開などを含む医療LLMの迅速な発展を促進するために使用されています。Medical LLM、健康な未来のためのオープンソース。", "zh-hans": "🌞 CareGPT (关怀GPT)是一个医疗大语言模型,同时它集合了数十个公开可用的医疗微调数据集和开放可用的医疗大语言模型,包含LLM的训练、测评、部署等以促进医疗LLM快速发展。医疗LLM,开源驱动,助力健康未来。", "zh-hant": "🌞 CareGPT (關懷GPT)是一個醫療大語言模型,同時它集合了數十個公開可用的醫療微調數據集和開放可用的醫療大語言模型,包含LLM的訓練、測評、部署等以促進醫療LLM快速發展。醫療LLM,開源驅動,為健康未來。" } }, "https://github.com/the-finai/pixiu": { "repository_name": "PIXIU", "user_name": "The-FinAI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open-source development of financial artificial intelligence (AI).", "topics": [ "aifinance", "chatgpt", "fintech", "gpt-4", "large-language-models", "llama", "machine-learning", "named-entity-recognition", "natural-language-processing", "nlp", "pixiu", "question-answering", "sentiment-analysis", "stock-price-prediction", "text-classification" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository introduces PIXIU, an open-source resource featuring the first financial large language models (LLMs), instruction tuning data, and evaluation benchmarks to holistically assess financial LLMs. Our goal is to continually push forward the open", "ja": "このリポジトリは、初の金融向け大規模言語モデル(LLM)、インストラクションチューニングデータ、評価ベンチマークを特徴とするオープンソースリソースであるPIXIUを紹介しています。私たちの目標は、オープンを常に前進させることです。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库介绍了PIXIU,一个开源资源,包括第一个金融大型语言模型(LLMs)、指导调整数据和评估基准,以全面评估金融LLMs。我们的目标是不断推动开放。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫介紹了PIXIU,這是一個開源資源,提供了第一個金融大型語言模型(LLMs)、指導調整數據和評估基準,以全面評估金融LLMs。我們的目標是不斷推動開放。" } }, "https://github.com/benman1/generative_ai_with_langchain": { "repository_name": "generative_ai_with_langchain", "user_name": "benman1", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT and other models. This is the companion repository for the book on generative AI with LangChain.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "huggingface", "langchain", "llms", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT and other models. This is the companion repository for the book on generative AI with LangChain.", "ja": "Python、ChatGPT、およびその他のモデルを使用して大規模言語モデル(LLM)アプリを構築します。これはLangChainの生成AIに関する書籍のためのコンパニオンリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "使用Python、ChatGPT和其他模型构建大型语言模型(LLM)应用程序。这是与LangChain上生成式AI书籍配套的存储库。", "zh-hant": "請使用Python、ChatGPT和其他模型來建立大型語言模型(LLM)應用程式。這是與LangChain上生成式人工智能書籍相關的存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/morsoli/llm-books": { "repository_name": "llm-books", "user_name": "morsoli", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "利用LLM构建应用实践笔记", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "langchain", "llm", "llmops", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using LLM to build application practice notes", "ja": "LLMを使用してアプリケーションを構築する実践ノート", "zh-hans": "利用LLM构建应用实践笔记", "zh-hant": "利用LLM構建應用實踐筆記" } }, "https://github.com/langflow-ai/langflow": { "repository_name": "langflow", "user_name": "langflow-ai", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "large-language-models", "react-flow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⛓️ Langflow is a dynamic graph where each node is an executable unit. Its modular and interactive design fosters rapid experimentation and prototyping, pushing hard on the limits of creativity.", "ja": "⛓️ Langflowは、各ノードが実行可能なユニットであるダイナミックグラフです。そのモジュラーでインタラクティブなデザインは、迅速な実験やプロトタイピングを促進し、創造性の限界に挑戦します。", "zh-hans": "⛓️ Langflow是一个动态图,其中每个节点都是可执行单元。其模块化和交互式设计促进了快速实验和原型设计,大力挑战创造力的极限。", "zh-hant": "⛓️ Langflow 是一個動態圖,其中每個節點都是可執行的單元。其模塊化和互動設計促進了快速實驗和原型設計,大大挑戰了創造力的極限。" } }, "https://github.com/yuanjie-ai/chatllm": { "repository_name": "ChatLLM", "user_name": "yuanjie-ai", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "轻松玩转LLM兼容openai&langchain,支持文心一言、讯飞星火、腾讯混元、智谱ChatGLM等", "topics": [ "chatbase", "chatdb", "chatdoc", "chatgpt", "chatkb", "chatkg", "chatllm", "chatpdf", "chatsearch", "chatsql", "chatweb", "gpt4", "langchain", "llm", "lora", "p-tuning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easily play with LLM compatible openai & langchain, supporting Wenxin Yiyuan, Xunfei Xinghuo, Tencent Hunyuan, Zhipu ChatGLM, etc.", "ja": "LLMとopenai&langchainを楽しく使いこなす、文心一言、讯飞星火、腾讯混元、智谱ChatGLMなどをサポートします。", "zh-hans": "轻松玩转LLM兼容openai&langchain,支持文心一言、讯飞星火、腾讯混元、智谱ChatGLM等。", "zh-hant": "輕鬆玩轉LLM兼容openai&langchain,支持文心一言、訊飛星火、騰訊混元、智譜ChatGLM等。" } }, "https://github.com/openbmb/minicpm-v": { "repository_name": "MiniCPM-V", "user_name": "OpenBMB", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5: A GPT-4V Level MLLM on Your Phone", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5: A GPT-4V Level MLLM on Your Phone", "ja": "MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5:あなたの電話でGPT-4VレベルのMLLMMiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5:あなたの電話でGPT-4VレベルのMLLM", "zh-hans": "MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5:您手机上的GPT-4V级MLLM", "zh-hant": "MiniCPM-Llama3-V 2.5:在您的手机上使用的GPT-4V级MLLM" } }, "https://github.com/jianzhnie/llamatuner": { "repository_name": "LLamaTuner", "user_name": "jianzhnie", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Easy and Efficient Finetuning LLMs. (Supported LLama, LLama2, LLama3, Qwen, Baichuan, GLM , Falcon) 大模型高效量化训练+部署. ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dpo", "llama", "llama3", "mixtral", "ppo", "qlora", "qwen", "rlhf" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Easy and Efficient Finetuning LLMs. (Supported LLama, LLama2, LLama3, Qwen, Baichuan, GLM , Falcon) 大模型高效量化训练+部署.", "ja": "簡単で効率的なファインチューニングLLMs。(サポートされているLLama、LLama2、LLama3、Qwen、Baichuan、GLM、Falcon)大規模モデルの効率的な量子化トレーニング+展開。", "zh-hans": "简单高效的微调LLM模型。支持LLama、LLama2、LLama3、Qwen、Baichuan、GLM、Falcon。大模型高效量化训练+部署。", "zh-hant": "簡單高效的微調LLM(支持LLama、LLama2、LLama3、Qwen、Baichuan、GLM、Falcon)大模型高效量化訓練+部署。" } }, "https://github.com/li2109/langtorch": { "repository_name": "langtorch", "user_name": "li2109", "language": "Java", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🔥 Building composable LLM applications & workflow with Java.", "topics": [ "ai", "chain-of-thought", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugins", "java", "langchain", "langtorch", "large-language-models", "llm", "openai", "semantic-kernel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥 Building composable LLM applications & workflow with Java.", "ja": "🔥 Javaを使用して、組み立て可能なLLMアプリケーションとワークフローを構築します。", "zh-hans": "🔥 使用Java构建可组合的LLM应用程序和工作流。", "zh-hant": "🔥 使用Java構建可組合的LLM應用程序和工作流程。" } }, "https://github.com/talkdai/dialog": { "repository_name": "dialog", "user_name": "talkdai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "RAG LLM Ops App for easy deployment and testing", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain", "llm", "nlp", "nltk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "RAG LLM Ops App for easy deployment and testing", "ja": "簡単な展開とテストのためのRAG LLM Opsアプリ", "zh-hans": "RAG LLM运营应用程序,用于简单部署和测试", "zh-hant": "RAG LLM Ops應用程式,用於輕鬆部署和測試" } }, "https://github.com/sozercan/aikit": { "repository_name": "aikit", "user_name": "sozercan", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🏗️ Fine-tune, build, and deploy open-source LLMs easily!", "topics": [ "ai", "buildkit", "chatgpt", "docker", "fine-tuning", "finetuning", "gemma", "gpt", "inference", "kubernetes", "large-language-models", "llama", "llm", "localllama", "mistral", "mixtral", "nvidia", "open-llm", "open-source-llm", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🏗️ Fine-tune, build, and deploy open-source LLMs easily!", "ja": "🏗️オープンソースのLLMを簡単に微調整、構築、展開できます!", "zh-hans": "🏗️ 轻松微调、构建和部署开源LLMs!", "zh-hant": "🏗️ 輕鬆微調、構建和部署開源LLMs!" } }, "https://github.com/llm-ui-kit/llm-ui": { "repository_name": "llm-ui", "user_name": "llm-ui-kit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The React library for LLMs", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "claude", "component-library", "generative-ai", "llama", "llm", "markdown", "openai", "react" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The React library for LLMs", "ja": "LLMsのReactライブラリ", "zh-hans": "用于LLMs的React库", "zh-hant": "用於LLMs的React庫" } }, "https://github.com/yokingma/search_with_ai": { "repository_name": "search_with_ai", "user_name": "yokingma", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🤖 Free Search with AI, 💡 Open-Source Perplexity, 📍 Support Ollama/SearXNG, Support Docker deployment. 让AI大模型和搜索引擎回答你的问题,支持本地大模型(Ollama)、聚合搜索引擎SearXNG,支持Docker一键部署。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "free", "llm", "ollama", "perplexity", "rag", "search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Free Search with AI, 💡 Open-Source Perplexity, 📍 Support Ollama/SearXNG, Support Docker deployment. 让AI大模型和搜索引擎回答你的问题,支持本地大模型(Ollama)、聚合搜索引擎SearXNG,支持Docker一键部署。", "ja": "🤖 AIによる無料検索、💡 オープンソースのPerplexity、📍 Ollama/SearXNGのサポート、Dockerデプロイメントのサポート。AIモデルと検索エンジンがあなたの質問に答えることを可能にし、ローカルな大規模モデル(Ollama)や集約検索エンジンSearXNGをサポートし、Dockerデプロイメントをサポートします。", "zh-hans": "🤖 免费AI搜索,💡 开源困惑度,📍 支持Ollama/SearXNG,支持Docker部署。", "zh-hant": "🤖 免費AI搜索,💡 開源困惑度,📍 支持Ollama/SearXNG,支持Docker部署。 讓AI大模型和搜索引擎回答你的問題,支持本地大模型(Ollama)、聚合搜索引擎SearXNG,支持Docker一鍵部署。" } }, "https://github.com/anil-matcha/gpt-actions": { "repository_name": "GPT-Actions", "user_name": "Anil-matcha", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "GPT Auth provides a user-friendly solution to quickly setup oauth for your custom GPT and self-host it.", "topics": [ "authentication", "customgpt", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-action", "gpt-actions", "gpt-analytics", "gpt-auth", "gpt-monetize", "gpt-oauth", "gpt4", "gpts", "langchain", "langchain-python", "llms", "monetize-gpt", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT Auth provides a user-friendly solution to quickly setup oauth for your custom GPT and self-host it.", "ja": "GPT Authは、カスタムGPT用のoauthを迅速にセットアップするためのユーザーフレンドリーなソリューションを提供します。", "zh-hans": "GPT Auth提供了一个用户友好的解决方案,可以快速设置oauth,用于您定制的GPT并自行托管。", "zh-hant": "GPT Auth 提供了一個用戶友好的解決方案,可以快速設置您自定義的 GPT 和自行託管的 oauth。" } }, "https://github.com/buhe/langchain-swift": { "repository_name": "langchain-swift", "user_name": "buhe", "language": "Swift", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🚀 LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "ios", "langchain", "llm", "macos", "swift", "visionos", "watchos" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 LangChain for Swift. Optimized for iOS, macOS, watchOS (part) and visionOS.(beta)", "ja": "🚀 Swift用LangChain。iOS、macOS、watchOS(一部)およびvisionOS向けに最適化されています。(ベータ版)", "zh-hans": "🚀 为Swift优化的LangChain。针对iOS、macOS、watchOS(部分)和visionOS进行了优化。(测试版)", "zh-hant": "🚀 LangChain for Swift。針對iOS、macOS、watchOS(部分)和visionOS進行了優化。(beta)" } }, "https://github.com/openbmb/repoagent": { "repository_name": "RepoAgent", "user_name": "OpenBMB", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "An LLM-powered repository agent designed to assist developers and teams in generating documentation and understanding repositories quickly.", "topics": [ "agent", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt", "gpt-4", "langchain", "llama", "llama-index", "llms", "qwen", "rag", "repo-level-debugging" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An LLM-powered repository agent designed to assist developers and teams in generating documentation and understanding repositories quickly.", "ja": "開発者やチームが素早くドキュメントを生成し、リポジトリを理解するのを支援するLLMパワードのリポジトリエージェント。", "zh-hans": "一个由LLM驱动的存储库代理,旨在帮助开发人员和团队快速生成文档并理解存储库。", "zh-hant": "一個由LLM驅動的存儲庫代理,旨在幫助開發人員和團隊快速生成文檔並理解存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/pfrankov/obsidian-local-gpt": { "repository_name": "obsidian-local-gpt", "user_name": "pfrankov", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Local Ollama and OpenAI-like GPT's assistance for maximum privacy and offline access", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Local Ollama and OpenAI-like GPT's assistance for maximum privacy and offline access", "ja": "最大限のプライバシーとオフラインアクセスのためのローカルオーラマとOpenAIのようなGPTの支援", "zh-hans": "本地 Ollama 和类似 OpenAI 的 GPT 的协助,以实现最大隐私和离线访问。", "zh-hant": "本地 Ollama 和類似 OpenAI 的 GPT 協助,以確保最大隱私和離線訪問。" } }, "https://github.com/liaokongvfx/langchain-chinese-getting-started-guide": { "repository_name": "LangChain-Chinese-Getting-Started-Guide", "user_name": "liaokongVFX", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "LangChain 的中文入门教程", "topics": [ "aigc", "chatgpt", "langchain", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "LangChain's Chinese beginner tutorial", "ja": "LangChainの中国語入門ガイド", "zh-hans": "LangChain的中文入门教程", "zh-hant": "LangChain 的中文入門教程" } }, "https://github.com/cmkrg/qizhengpt": { "repository_name": "QiZhenGPT", "user_name": "CMKRG", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "QiZhenGPT: An Open Source Chinese Medical Large Language Model|一个开源的中文医疗大语言模型", "topics": [ "alpaca", "chatgpt", "chinese-medical", "disease", "gpt", "llama", "llm", "medicine" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "QiZhenGPT: An Open Source Chinese Medical Large Language Model|一个开源的中文医疗大语言模型", "ja": "QiZhenGPT:オープンソースの中国医療大規模言語モデル|一个开源的中文医疗大语言模型", "zh-hans": "启真GPT:一个开源的中文医疗大语言模型", "zh-hant": "啟真GPT:一個開源的中文醫療大語言模型" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/azure-search-openai-javascript": { "repository_name": "azure-search-openai-javascript", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A TypeScript sample app for the Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern running on Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI and LangChain large language models (LLMs) to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "topics": [ "ai-azd-templates", "azd-templates", "azure", "azure-ai-search", "azureopenai", "javascript", "langchain-js", "langchain-typescript", "openai", "typechat", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A TypeScript sample app for the Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern running on Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI and LangChain large language models (LLMs) to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.", "ja": "Azureで実行されるRetrieval Augmented GenerationパターンのTypeScriptサンプルアプリケーション。検索にはAzure AI Searchを使用し、ChatGPTスタイルやQ&A体験を可能にするためにAzure OpenAIとLangChainの大規模言語モデル(LLMs)を活用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个在Azure上运行的检索增强生成模式的TypeScript示例应用程序,使用Azure AI Search进行检索,使用Azure OpenAI和LangChain大型语言模型(LLMs)来支持ChatGPT风格和问答体验。", "zh-hant": "一個在Azure上運行的檢索增強生成模式的TypeScript示例應用程序,使用Azure AI Search進行檢索,並使用Azure OpenAI和LangChain大型語言模型(LLMs)來支持ChatGPT風格和問答體驗。" } } }, "Unity": { "https://github.com/keijiro/aicommand": { "repository_name": "AICommand", "user_name": "keijiro", "language": "C#", "license": "The Unlicense", "description": "ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor", "ja": "UnityエディターとのChatGPTの統合", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT与Unity编辑器的集成", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 整合 Unity 編輯器" } }, "https://github.com/keijiro/aishader": { "repository_name": "AIShader", "user_name": "keijiro", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT-powered shader generator for Unity", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT-powered shader generator for Unity", "ja": "Unity用のChatGPTパワードシェーダージェネレーター", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT驱动的Unity着色器生成器", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 引擎為 Unity 提供的 Shader 生成器" } }, "https://github.com/mochi-neko/chatgpt-api-unity": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-API-unity", "user_name": "mochi-neko", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Binds ChatGPT chat completion API to pure C# on Unity.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Binds ChatGPT chat completion API to pure C# on Unity.", "ja": "ChatGPTのチャット完了APIをUnity上の純粋なC#にバインドします。", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT聊天完成API绑定到Unity的纯C#上。", "zh-hant": "將ChatGPT聊天完成API綁定到Unity純C#上。" } }, "https://github.com/diegocambiaso/chatai": { "repository_name": "ChatAI", "user_name": "diegocambiaso", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Mozilla community directory -- A centralized directory of all Mozilla contributors!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Mozilla community directory -- A centralized directory of all Mozilla contributors!", "ja": "Mozillaコミュニティディレクトリー-すべてのMozilla貢献者の中央集約ディレクトリー!", "zh-hans": "Mozilla社区目录——所有Mozilla贡献者的集中目录!", "zh-hant": "Mozilla社群目錄 - 包含所有Mozilla貢獻者的集中目錄!" } }, "https://github.com/srcnalt/openai-unity": { "repository_name": "OpenAI-Unity", "user_name": "srcnalt", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An unofficial OpenAI Unity Package that aims to help you use OpenAI API directly in Unity Game engine.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unofficial OpenAI Unity Package that aims to help you use OpenAI API directly in Unity Game engine.", "ja": "OpenAI APIをUnityゲームエンジンで直接使用するための非公式なOpenAI Unityパッケージ。", "zh-hans": "一个非官方的OpenAI Unity包,旨在帮助您直接在Unity游戏引擎中使用OpenAI API。", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的 OpenAI Unity 套件,旨在幫助您直接在 Unity 遊戲引擎中使用 OpenAI API。" } }, "https://github.com/emptycrown/llama-hub": { "repository_name": "llama-hub", "user_name": "emptycrown", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A library of data loaders for LLMs made by the community -- to be used with GPT Index and/or LangChain", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A library of data loaders for LLMs made by the community -- to be used with GPT Index and/or LangChain", "ja": "コミュニティによるLLM用のデータローダーライブラリー - GPT Indexおよび/またはLangChainと一緒に使用するために", "zh-hans": "由社区制作的LLM数据加载器库,可与GPT Index和/或LangChain一起使用。", "zh-hant": "由社群製作的LLM數據加載器庫,可與GPT Index和/或LangChain一起使用。" } }, "https://github.com/dilmerv/unitychatgpt": { "repository_name": "UnityChatGPT", "user_name": "dilmerv", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "Few examples with Chat GPT In Unity", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "text-to-speech", "unity" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Few examples with Chat GPT In Unity", "ja": "Chat GPTを使用したUnityの数例", "zh-hans": "在Unity中使用Chat GPT的几个示例", "zh-hant": "在Unity中使用Chat GPT的幾個例子" } }, "https://github.com/zilliztech/gptcache": { "repository_name": "gptcache", "user_name": "zilliztech", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "@ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio we'd love to get a ferretdb backend for gptcache. we'll add it to the todo list.and on behalf of milvus developers and the broader community, thanks for the shout-out!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio we'd love to get a ferretdb backend for gptcache. we'll add it to the todo list.and on behalf of milvus developers and the broader community, thanks for the shout-out!", "ja": "@ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio GPTキャッシュのバックエンドにferretdbを追加したいと思っています。ToDoリストに追加します。Milvusの開発者とコミュニティ全体を代表して、シャウトアウトありがとうございます!", "zh-hans": "@ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio 我们很想为gptcache获取一个ferretdb后端。我们会将其添加到待办列表中。代表milvus开发者和更广泛的社区,感谢你们的支持!", "zh-hant": "@ferret_db @ossinsight @milvusio 我們很想為gptcache加入ferretdb後端。我們會將其加入待辦清單。代表milvus開發者和更廣泛的社區,感謝你們的提及!" } }, "https://github.com/zhangliwei7758/unity-ai-chat-toolkit": { "repository_name": "unity-AI-Chat-Toolkit", "user_name": "zhangliwei7758", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "使用unity实现AI聊天相关功能。目前这个库包含了对chatgpt、chatglm等大语言模型的api调用的代码实现以及实现了微软Azure以及百度AI的语音服务功能,语音服务均采用web api实现,支持Windows/WebGL/Android等平台", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use Unity to implement AI chat-related functions. Currently, this library includes code implementation for API calls to large language models such as chatgpt and chatglm, as well as the implementation of Microsoft Azure and Baidu AI voice services. The voice services are implemented using web APIs and support platforms such as Windows, WebGL, and Android.", "ja": "Unityを使用してAIチャット関連の機能を実現します。現在、このライブラリにはchatgpt、chatglmなどの大規模言語モデルのAPI呼び出しのコード実装が含まれており、また、Microsoft AzureおよびBaidu AIの音声サービス機能も実装されています。音声サービスはすべてWeb APIを使用しており、Windows/WebGL/Androidなどのプラットフォームをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "使用Unity实现AI聊天相关功能。目前这个库包含了对ChatGPT、ChatGLM等大语言模型的API调用的代码实现以及实现了微软Azure以及百度AI的语音服务功能,语音服务均采用Web API实现,支持Windows/WebGL/Android等平台。", "zh-hant": "使用unity實現AI聊天相關功能。目前這個庫包含了對chatgpt、chatglm等大語言模型的api調用的程式實現以及實現了微軟Azure以及百度AI的語音服務功能,語音服務均採用web api實現,支援Windows/WebGL/Android等平台。" } }, "https://github.com/orhanerday/open-ai": { "repository_name": "open-ai", "user_name": "orhanerday", "language": "PHP", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI PHP SDK : Most downloaded, forked, contributed, huge community supported, and used PHP (Laravel , Symfony, Yii, Cake PHP or any PHP framework) SDK for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E. It also supports chatGPT-like streaming. (ChatGPT AI is supported)", "topics": [ "cakephp", "dall-e", "dalle2", "gpt-3", "laravel", "openai", "openai-api", "php", "symfony", "yii" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI PHP SDK : Most downloaded, forked, contributed, huge community supported, and used PHP (Laravel , Symfony, Yii, Cake PHP or any PHP framework) SDK for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E. It also supports chatGPT-like streaming. (ChatGPT AI is supported)", "ja": "OpenAI PHP SDK:最もダウンロードされ、フォークされ、貢献され、大規模なコミュニティによってサポートされ、PHP(Laravel、Symfony、Yii、Cake PHPまたは任意のPHPフレームワーク)SDKとして使用されるOpenAI GPT-3およびDALL-EのSDKです。また、chatGPTのようなストリーミングもサポートしています。(ChatGPT AIがサポートされています)", "zh-hans": "OpenAI PHP SDK:最受欢迎、被Fork最多、贡献最多、拥有庞大社区支持的PHP(Laravel、Symfony、Yii、Cake PHP或任何PHP框架)SDK,用于OpenAI GPT-3和DALL-E。它还支持类似ChatGPT的流式聊天。(支持ChatGPT AI)", "zh-hant": "OpenAI PHP SDK:最多下載、派生、貢獻、龐大社群支持且被使用的 PHP(Laravel、Symfony、Yii、Cake PHP 或任何 PHP 框架)SDK,用於 OpenAI GPT-3 和 DALL-E。它還支持類似 ChatGPT 的串流功能。(支援 ChatGPT AI)" } }, "https://github.com/marcinguy/betterscan-ce": { "repository_name": "betterscan-ce", "user_name": "marcinguy", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "topics": [ "code-quality", "code-quality-analyzer", "compliance", "devops", "devops-tools", "devsecops", "gdpr", "owasp", "sast", "security-audit", "security-automation", "security-orchestration", "security-scanner", "security-tools", "sonarqube", "static-analysis", "static-analyzers", "static-code-analysis", "vulnerability", "vulnerability-scanner" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "ja": "入力:多くのツール/スキャナーを使用したコードスキャン/ SAST/静的解析/リンティング+ One Report(コード、IaC)を使用したOpenAI GPT - Betterscan Community Edition(CE)", "zh-hans": "输入:使用多种工具/扫描器进行代码扫描/SAST/静态分析/代码检查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份报告(代码,IaC)- Betterscan 社区版(CE)\n输出:", "zh-hant": "輸入:使用多種工具/掃描器進行代碼掃描/SAST/靜態分析/程式碼檢查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份報告(代碼、IaC)- Betterscan 社區版(CE)" } }, "https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas": { "repository_name": "open-saas", "user_name": "wasp-lang", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven.", "topics": [ "ai", "boilerplate", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "full-stack", "nodejs", "open-source", "postgresql", "prisma", "react", "saas", "saas-boilerplate", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven.", "ja": "スーパーパワーを持つReact&Node.js用の無料のオープンソースSaaSアプリのスターター。本番環境に対応。コミュニティ主導。", "zh-hans": "一个免费、开源的React和Node.js SaaS应用程序启动器,具有超强功能。可用于生产环境。由社区驱动。", "zh-hant": "一個免費、開源的React和Node.js SaaS應用程式起始器,具有超強功能。適用於生產環境,由社群驅動。" } }, "https://github.com/topcodersonline-solutions/betterscan-ce": { "repository_name": "betterscan-ce", "user_name": "topcodersonline-solutions", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "topics": [ "code-quality", "code-quality-analyzer", "compliance", "devops", "devops-tools", "devsecops", "gdpr", "owasp", "sast", "security-audit", "security-automation", "security-orchestration", "security-scanner", "security-tools", "sonarqube", "static-analysis", "static-analyzers", "static-code-analysis", "vulnerability", "vulnerability-scanner" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "ja": "多くのツール/スキャナーを使用したコードスキャン/ SAST/ 静的解析/リンティング + OpenAI GPT との1つのレポート(コード、IaC)- Betterscan Community Edition(CE)多くのツール/スキャナーを使用したコードスキャン/ SAST/ 静的解析/リンティング + OpenAI GPT との1つのレポート(コード、IaC)- Betterscan Community Edition(CE)", "zh-hans": "使用多种工具/扫描仪进行代码扫描/SAST/静态分析/代码检查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份报告(代码、IaC)- Betterscan 社区版(CE)输出:Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan 社区版 (CE)", "zh-hant": "使用多種工具/掃描器進行代碼掃描/SAST/靜態分析/程式碼檢查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份報告(代碼、IaC)- Betterscan 社區版(CE)" } }, "https://github.com/tcosolutions/betterscan-ce": { "repository_name": "betterscan-ce", "user_name": "tcosolutions", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "topics": [ "code-quality", "code-quality-analyzer", "compliance", "devops", "devops-tools", "devsecops", "gdpr", "owasp", "sast", "security-audit", "security-automation", "security-orchestration", "security-scanner", "security-tools", "sonarqube", "static-analysis", "static-analyzers", "static-code-analysis", "vulnerability", "vulnerability-scanner" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners + OpenAI GPT with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)", "ja": "多くのツール/スキャナーを使用したコードスキャン/ SAST/ 静的解析/リンティング + OpenAI GPT との1つのレポート(コード、IaC)- Betterscan Community Edition(CE)多くのツール/スキャナーを使用したコードスキャン/ SAST/ 静的解析/リンティング + OpenAI GPT との1つのレポート(コード、IaC)- Betterscan Community Edition(CE)", "zh-hans": "使用多种工具/扫描仪进行代码扫描/SAST/静态分析/代码检查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份报告(代码、IaC)- Betterscan社区版(CE)输出:使用多种工具/扫描仪进行代码扫描/SAST/静态分析/代码检查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份报告(代码、IaC)- Betterscan社区版(CE)", "zh-hant": "使用多種工具/掃描器進行代碼掃描/SAST/靜態分析/程式碼檢查 + OpenAI GPT 生成一份報告(代碼、IaC)- Betterscan 社區版(CE)" } }, "https://github.com/dylanshine/openai-kit": { "repository_name": "openai-kit", "user_name": "dylanshine", "language": "Swift", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A community Swift package used to interact with the OpenAI API", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "gpt-3", "openai", "swift" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A community Swift package used to interact with the OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIとやり取りするために使用されるコミュニティSwiftパッケージ", "zh-hans": "一个用于与OpenAI API交互的社区Swift软件包", "zh-hant": "一個用於與OpenAI API 互動的社區Swift套件" } } }, "Openai": { "https://github.com/lencx/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT", "user_name": "lencx", "language": "Rust", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)", "topics": [ "ai", "app", "application", "chatgpt", "desktop-app", "gpt", "gpt-3", "linux", "macos", "notes-app", "openai", "rust", "tauri", "webview", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)", "ja": "🔮 ChatGPT デスクトップアプリケーション(Mac、Windows、Linux)", "zh-hans": "🔮 ChatGPT 桌面应用程序(Mac、Windows 和 Linux)", "zh-hant": "🔮 ChatGPT 桌面應用程式(Mac、Windows 和 Linux)" } }, "https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook": { "repository_name": "openai-cookbook", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIの使用例とガイドの例", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI API的示例和指南", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI API的範例和指南" } }, "https://github.com/torantulino/auto-gpt": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT", "user_name": "Torantulino", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt-4", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Advanced Games Engineering Project - Cubic Voxel Game Maker", "ja": "高度なゲームエンジニアリングプロジェクト - 立方体ボクセルゲームメーカー", "zh-hans": "高级游戏工程项目 - 立方体像素游戏制作器", "zh-hant": "高級遊戲工程項目 - 立方體像素遊戲製作器" } }, "https://github.com/vincelwt/chatgpt-mac": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-mac", "user_name": "vincelwt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "macos", "menubar", "menubar-app", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.", "ja": "ChatGPT for Mac、あなたのメニューバーに住んでいます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT for Mac,常驻在您的菜单栏中。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT for Mac,生活在您的菜單欄中。" } }, "https://github.com/gd3kr/blendergpt": { "repository_name": "BlenderGPT", "user_name": "gd3kr", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Use commands in English to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use commands in English to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4", "ja": "OpenAIのGPT-4を使用してBlenderを制御するために英語のコマンドを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用英语命令来控制Blender和OpenAI的GPT-4。", "zh-hant": "使用英文命令,利用OpenAI的GPT-4控制Blender。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/evals": { "repository_name": "evals", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Evals is a framework for evaluating OpenAI models and an open-source registry of benchmarks.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Evals is a framework for evaluating OpenAI models and an open-source registry of benchmarks.", "ja": "EvalsはOpenAIモデルの評価フレームワークであり、ベンチマークのオープンソースレジストリでもあります。", "zh-hans": "Evals是一个用于评估OpenAI模型的框架和一个开源的基准测试注册表。", "zh-hant": "Evals 是一個評估 OpenAI 模型的框架,也是一個開源的基準測試庫。" } }, "https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "vscode-chatgpt", "user_name": "gencay", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "An unofficial Visual Studio Code - OpenAI ChatGPT integration", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "vscode", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An integration of OpenAI ChatGPT with Visual Studio Code that is not officially supported.", "ja": "非公式のVisual Studio Code - OpenAI ChatGPT統合", "zh-hans": "一个非官方的Visual Studio Code - OpenAI ChatGPT集成", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的Visual Studio Code - OpenAI ChatGPT整合" } }, "https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp": { "repository_name": "whisper.cpp", "user_name": "ggerganov", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++", "topics": [ "inference", "openai", "speech-recognition", "speech-to-text", "transformer", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++", "ja": "C/C++でのOpenAIのWhisperモデルのポート", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的Whisper模型的C/C++端口", "zh-hant": "OpenAI的Whisper模型的C/C++端口" } }, "https://github.com/ddiu8081/chatgpt-demo": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-demo", "user_name": "ddiu8081", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A demo repo based on OpenAI API.", "topics": [ "astro", "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-35", "gpt-35-turbo", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A demonstration repository utilizing the OpenAI API.", "ja": "OpenAI APIをベースにしたデモリポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "一个基于OpenAI API的演示仓库。", "zh-hant": "一個基於OpenAI API的演示庫。" } }, "https://github.com/terminalcommandnewsletter/everything-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "everything-chatgpt", "user_name": "terminalcommandnewsletter", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": ":mag: Explore what happens under the hood with the ChatGPT web app (chat.openai.com). And some speculation, of course.", "topics": [ "api", "backend", "chatgpt", "webapp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": ":mag: Explore what happens under the hood with the ChatGPT web app (chat.openai.com). And some speculation, of course.", "ja": ":mag: ChatGPTウェブアプリ(chat.openai.com)の裏側で何が起こるかを探索して、もちろんいくつかの推測も。", "zh-hans": ":mag: 探索ChatGPT网络应用程序(chat.openai.com)的内部运作,当然还有一些猜测。", "zh-hant": ":mag: 探索ChatGPT網絡應用程序(chat.openai.com)的運作原理,當然還有一些猜測。" } }, "https://github.com/eryajf/chatgpt-dingtalk": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-dingtalk", "user_name": "eryajf", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🔔 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 🚀 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dingtalk", "dingtalk-robot", "go-gpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔔 DingTalk & 🤖 GPT-3.5 boost your work efficiency directly 🚀 through private and group chats, one-on-one and group chat modes, role-playing, and image creation 🚀.", "ja": "🔔 钉钉&🤖 GPT-3.5であなたの仕事効率を直接向上させます🚀ダイレクトメッセージ、グループチャット、1対1のチャット、ロールプレイ、画像作成などの方法があります🚀", "zh-hans": "🔔 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 🚀 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作 🚀", "zh-hant": "🔔 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 讓你的工作效率直接起飛 🚀 私聊群聊方式、單聊串聊模式、角色扮演、圖片創作 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/ke0z/vulchatgpt": { "repository_name": "VulChatGPT", "user_name": "ke0z", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Use IDA PRO HexRays decompiler with OpenAI(ChatGPT) to find possible vulnerabilities in binaries ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use IDA PRO HexRays decompiler with OpenAI(ChatGPT) to find possible vulnerabilities in binaries", "ja": "バイナリ内の可能性のある脆弱性を見つけるために、IDA PRO HexRaysデコンパイラとOpenAI(ChatGPT)を使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用IDA PRO HexRays反编译器和OpenAI(ChatGPT)来查找二进制文件中可能存在的漏洞。", "zh-hant": "使用IDA PRO HexRays反編譯器與OpenAI(ChatGPT)來尋找二進制文件中可能存在的漏洞。" } }, "https://github.com/futantan/opengpt": { "repository_name": "OpenGpt", "user_name": "futantan", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.", "topics": [ "application", "chatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds.", "ja": "数秒で自分のChatGPTアプリを作成してください。", "zh-hans": "在几秒钟内创建您自己的ChatGPT应用程序。", "zh-hant": "在幾秒鐘內創建您自己的ChatGPT應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/robo8080/m5unified_stackchan_chatgpt": { "repository_name": "M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT", "user_name": "robo8080", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "「ChatGPT API搭載AIスタックチャン」です。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is the \"ChatGPT API-equipped AI stack-chan\".", "ja": "「ChatGPT API搭載AIスタックチャン」です。", "zh-hans": "这是搭载了ChatGPT API的AI聊天机器人。", "zh-hant": "「ChatGPT API搭載AIスタックチャン」。" } }, "https://github.com/togethercomputer/openchatkit": { "repository_name": "OpenChatKit", "user_name": "togethercomputer", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "#openchatkit is the first #opensource alternative to #chatgpt! 🤯it's a 20b param. model built by ex-@openai folks (@togethercompute) and fine-tuned using @aieleuther's gpt-neox-20b!🔗 demo: 🐙 gh: 📽️ video: @itakgol ↓", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "#openchatkit is the first #opensource alternative to #chatgpt! 🤯it's a 20b param. model built by ex-@openai folks (@togethercompute) and fine-tuned using @aieleuther's gpt-neox-20b!🔗 demo: 🐙 gh: 📽️ video: @itakgol ↓", "ja": "#openchatkitは、#chatgptの最初の#オープンソースの代替品です!🤯これは、元@openaiの人々(@togethercompute)によって構築された20bパラメーターモデルで、@aieleutherのgpt-neox-20bを使用してファインチューニングされました!🔗デモ:🐙gh:📽️ビデオ:@itakgol ↓", "zh-hans": "#openchatkit是第一个开源替代#chatgpt的选择!🤯它是由前@openai人员(@togethercompute)构建的20b参数模型,并使用@aieleuther的gpt-neox-20b进行了微调!🔗演示:🐙gh:📽️视频:@itakgol ↓", "zh-hant": "#openchatkit是第一個開源替代#chatgpt的選擇!🤯它是由前@openai的人(@togethercompute)建立的20b參數模型,並使用@aieleuther的gpt-neox-20b進行了微調!🔗演示:🐙gh:📽️視頻:@itakgol↓" } }, "https://github.com/xx025/carrot": { "repository_name": "carrot", "user_name": "xx025", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点,当前100+站点", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatgpt", "freechatgpt", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点,当前100+站点", "ja": "フリーチャットGPTサイトリスト。ここには、現在100以上のサイトが用意されており、無料で使えるChatGPTミラーサイトがたくさんあります。", "zh-hans": "免费ChatGPT站点列表,包含100+个镜像站点,方便使用。", "zh-hant": "免費ChatGPT網站列表。這裡為您準備了許多好用的ChatGPT鏡像站點,目前有100+個站點。" } }, "https://github.com/leetcode-mafia/cheetah": { "repository_name": "cheetah", "user_name": "leetcode-mafia", "language": "Swift", "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "Whisper & GPT-based app for passing remote SWE interviews", "topics": [ "gpt", "openai", "whisper", "whisper-cpp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Whisper & GPT-based app for passing remote SWE interviews", "ja": "リモートSWE面接を受けるためのWhisper&GPTベースのアプリ", "zh-hans": "Whisper和基于GPT的应用程序,用于通过远程SWE面试\nWhisper和基于GPT的应用程序,用于通过远程SWE面试", "zh-hant": "Whisper & GPT 基於的應用程式,用於通過遠程 SWE 面試" } }, "https://github.com/sashabaranov/go-openai": { "repository_name": "go-openai", "user_name": "sashabaranov", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "dall-e", "go", "golang", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai", "openai-whisper", "streaming-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go", "ja": "OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-3、GPT-4、DALL·E、Go用のWhisper APIラッパー", "zh-hans": "OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-3、GPT-4、DALL·E、Whisper API Go包装器", "zh-hant": "OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-3、GPT-4、DALL·E、Whisper API 的 Go 封裝程式。" } }, "https://github.com/marcominerva/chatgptnet": { "repository_name": "ChatGptNet", "user_name": "marcominerva", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT integration library for .NET", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "csharp", "net", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT integration library for .NET", "ja": ".NET用のChatGPT統合ライブラリ", "zh-hans": "一个用于.NET的ChatGPT集成库", "zh-hant": "一個針對.NET的ChatGPT整合庫" } }, "https://github.com/labteral/chatgpt-python": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-python", "user_name": "labteral", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Unofficial Python SDK for OpenAI's ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "davinci", "gpt-3", "gpt3-library", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unofficial Python SDK for OpenAI's ChatGPT", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPTの非公式Python SDK", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的ChatGPT非官方Python SDK", "zh-hant": "OpenAI的ChatGPT非官方Python SDK" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/userscripts": { "repository_name": "userscripts", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🐵 MTurk, ChatGPT and other Greasemonkey userscripts.", "topics": [ "ai", "captcha", "chatgpt", "cloudflare", "discourse", "duckduckgo", "greasemonkey", "javascript", "mturk", "openai", "privacy", "search", "tampermonkey", "userscript", "vbulletin", "violentmonkey", "xenforo", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🐵 MTurk, ChatGPT and other Greasemonkey userscripts.", "ja": "🐵 MTurk、ChatGPT、その他のGreasemonkeyユーザースクリプト。", "zh-hans": "🐵 MTurk、ChatGPT和其他Greasemonkey用户脚本。", "zh-hant": "🐵 MTurk、ChatGPT 和其他 Greasemonkey 使用者腳本。" } }, "https://github.com/alfianlosari/chatgptswift": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTSwift", "user_name": "alfianlosari", "language": "Swift", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Access ChatGPT API using Swift", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-api-wrapper", "chatgpt3", "gpt4", "ios", "linux", "macos", "swift", "swift-library", "swift-package-manager", "tvos", "watchos" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Access ChatGPT API using Swift", "ja": "Swiftを使用してChatGPT APIにアクセスする", "zh-hans": "使用Swift访问ChatGPT API", "zh-hant": "使用Swift訪問ChatGPT API" } }, "https://github.com/isinaltinkaya/gptchatter": { "repository_name": "gptchatteR", "user_name": "isinaltinkaya", "language": "R", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "An experimental and unofficial wrapper for interacting with OpenAI GPT models in R.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An experimental and unofficial wrapper for interacting with OpenAI GPT models in R.", "ja": "RでOpenAI GPTモデルとやり取りするための実験的で非公式なラッパー。", "zh-hans": "一个用于在R中与OpenAI GPT模型交互的实验性和非官方的包装器。", "zh-hant": "一個實驗性和非官方的 R 封裝程式,用於與 OpenAI GPT 模型互動。" } }, "https://github.com/markuswt/gpt-commit": { "repository_name": "gpt-commit", "user_name": "markuswt", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "commit", "git", "gpt-3", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してコミットメッセージを生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT生成提交信息", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT生成提交訊息" } }, "https://github.com/openai/tiktoken": { "repository_name": "tiktoken", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models.", "ja": "tiktokenは、OpenAIのモデルと一緒に使用するための高速なBPEトークナイザーです。", "zh-hans": "tiktoken是一种快速的BPE分词器,可用于OpenAI的模型。", "zh-hant": "tiktoken是一個快速的BPE分詞器,可用於OpenAI的模型。" } }, "https://github.com/leizhenpeng/feishu-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "feishu-chatgpt", "user_name": "Leizhenpeng", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🎒飞书 ×(GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot", "feishu-bot", "golang", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🎒Feishu × (GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper) = Flying work experience 🚀 Voice conversation, role-playing, multi-topic discussion, image creation, table analysis, document export 🚀", "ja": "🎒フェイシュー ×(GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper)= 飛ぶような仕事体験 🚀 音声対話、ロールプレイ、多様なトピックの議論、画像作成、表分析、文書のエクスポート 🚀", "zh-hans": "🎒飞书 ×(GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀", "zh-hant": "🎒飛書 ×(GPT-3.5 + DALL·E + Whisper)= 飛一般的工作體驗 🚀 語音對話、角色扮演、多話題討論、圖片創作、表格分析、文檔導出 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/biobootloader/wolverine": { "repository_name": "wolverine", "user_name": "biobootloader", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "@denfromufa @openai nice tool! but i meant a tool to chat with gpt-4 in my terminal, i.e., something like", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@denfromufa @openai nice tool! but i meant a tool to chat with gpt-4 in my terminal, i.e., something like", "ja": "@denfromufa @openai 素晴らしいツールです! ただ、私が言いたかったのは、ターミナルでgpt-4とチャットするためのツールです。つまり、次のようなものです。", "zh-hans": "@denfromufa @openai 不错的工具!但我想要一个可以在我的终端中与GPT-4聊天的工具,就像这样的东西。", "zh-hant": "@denfromufa @openai 很棒的工具!但我指的是一個可以在我的終端機上與GPT-4聊天的工具,就像這樣的東西。" } }, "https://github.com/k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt": { "repository_name": "k8sgpt", "user_name": "k8sgpt-ai", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Giving Kubernetes SRE superpowers to everyone", "topics": [ "devops", "kubernetes", "openai", "sre", "tooling" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Giving Kubernetes SRE superpowers to everyone", "ja": "誰でもKubernetes SREの超能力を与える", "zh-hans": "赋予每个人 Kubernetes SRE 的超能力", "zh-hant": "讓每個人都擁有 Kubernetes SRE 的超能力" } }, "https://github.com/amrrs/chatgpt-clone": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-clone", "user_name": "amrrs", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build Yo'own ChatGPT with OpenAI API & Gradio", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build Yo'own ChatGPT with OpenAI API & Gradio", "ja": "OpenAI APIとGradioを使用して、自分自身のChatGPTを構築する。", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI API和Gradio构建自己的ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI API和Gradio建立自己的ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/jbgruber/askgpt": { "repository_name": "askgpt", "user_name": "JBGruber", "language": "R", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "A chat interface build on top of OpenAI's API endpoints", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A chat interface build on top of OpenAI's API endpoints", "ja": "OpenAIのAPIエンドポイントをベースに構築されたチャットインターフェース", "zh-hans": "基于OpenAI API端点构建的聊天界面", "zh-hant": "建立在OpenAI API端點之上的聊天介面" } }, "https://github.com/deskbtm/nitmgpt": { "repository_name": "nitmgpt", "user_name": "deskbtm", "language": "Dart", "license": "Other", "description": "nitmgpt (Notification-in-the-middle GPT). Filter ads or spam notifications via ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "ai", "android", "chatgpt", "dart", "flutter", "java", "mobile-app", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "nitmgpt (Notification-in-the-middle GPT). Filter ads or spam notifications via ChatGPT.", "ja": "nitmgpt(Notification-in-the-middle GPT)。ChatGPTを介して広告やスパム通知をフィルタリングします。", "zh-hans": "nitmgpt(中间通知GPT)。通过ChatGPT过滤广告或垃圾通知。", "zh-hant": "nitmgpt(中間通知GPT)。通過ChatGPT過濾廣告或垃圾郵件通知。" } }, "https://github.com/ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-vercel", "user_name": "ourongxing", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel.", "topics": [ "astro", "chatgpt", "edge-function", "soildjs", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel.", "ja": "エレガントでパワフル。OpenAIとVercelによって動力を得ています。", "zh-hans": "优雅而强大。由OpenAI和Vercel提供支持。", "zh-hant": "優雅而強大。由OpenAI和Vercel提供動力。" } }, "https://github.com/sw33tlie/impressive-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "impressive-chatgpt", "user_name": "sw33tLie", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "A collection of impressive and useful results from OpenAI's chatgpt", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of impressive and useful results from OpenAI's chatgpt", "ja": "OpenAIのchatgptからの印象的で有用な結果のコレクション", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的chatgpt收集了许多令人印象深刻和有用的结果。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI的ChatGPT令人印象深刻且有用的結果集合" } }, "https://github.com/37ios/ichatgpt": { "repository_name": "iChatGPT", "user_name": "37iOS", "language": "Swift", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS", "ja": "OpenAI ChatGPTのSwiftUIアプリ(iOS、iPadOS、macOS用)", "zh-hans": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI 应用程序适用于 iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI iOS、iPadOS、macOS 應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/takagimeow/ts-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ts-chatgpt", "user_name": "takagimeow", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A library that is created to receive pure responses that are typed using the official ChatGPT API.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A library that is created to receive pure responses that are typed using the official ChatGPT API.", "ja": "公式ChatGPT APIを使用してタイプされた純粋な応答を受け取るために作成されたライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "一个专门用于接收使用官方ChatGPT API打字的纯响应的图书馆。", "zh-hant": "一個圖書館,旨在接收使用官方ChatGPT API打字的純回應。" } }, "https://github.com/easychen/openai-gpt-dev-notes-for-cn-developer": { "repository_name": "openai-gpt-dev-notes-for-cn-developer", "user_name": "easychen", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "如何快速开发一个OpenAI/GPT应用:国内开发者笔记", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "How to quickly develop an OpenAI/GPT application: Notes from Chinese developers", "ja": "OpenAI/GPTアプリを迅速に開発する方法:国内開発者のノート", "zh-hans": "如何快速开发一个OpenAI/GPT应用:国内开发者笔记", "zh-hant": "如何快速開發一個OpenAI/GPT應用:國內開發者筆記" } }, "https://github.com/swiftbeta/swiftopenai": { "repository_name": "SwiftOpenAI", "user_name": "SwiftBeta", "language": "Swift", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI API build with Swift ❤️", "topics": [ "openai", "swiftlang" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI API build with Swift ❤️", "ja": "Swiftで構築されたOpenAI API ❤️", "zh-hans": "使用Swift ❤️构建的OpenAI API", "zh-hant": "使用 Swift ❤️ 建立的 OpenAI API" } }, "https://github.com/terry3041/pychatgpt": { "repository_name": "pyChatGPT", "user_name": "terry3041", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIの非公式Pythonラッパー", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的ChatGPT API的非官方Python封装程序", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的Python封裝器,用於OpenAI的ChatGPT API。" } }, "https://github.com/reewardius/bbfuzzing.txt": { "repository_name": "bbFuzzing.txt", "user_name": "reewardius", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "bbfuzzing.txta unique vocabulary that is 70% generated with openai chatgpt.the remaining 30% is a compilation of dictionaries from bo0om, circuit and other bugbounters. #chatgpt", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "bbfuzzing.txta unique vocabulary that is 70% generated with openai chatgpt.the remaining 30% is a compilation of dictionaries from bo0om, circuit and other bugbounters. #chatgpt", "ja": "bbfuzzing.txtは、70%がopenai chatgptで生成されたユニークな語彙であり、残りの30%はbo0om、circuit、その他のbugbountersの辞書のコンピレーションです。#chatgpt", "zh-hans": "bbfuzzing.txt\n这是一个独特的词汇表,其中70%是由openai chatgpt生成的,剩下的30%是来自bo0om、circuit和其他bugbounters的字典编译而成。#chatgpt", "zh-hant": "bbfuzzing.txt是一個獨特的詞彙,其中70%是由openai chatgpt生成的。剩下的30%是來自bo0om、circuit和其他bugbounters的字典編輯。#chatgpt" } }, "https://github.com/alexrudall/ruby-openai": { "repository_name": "ruby-openai", "user_name": "alexrudall", "language": "Ruby", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️ Now with ChatGPT and Whisper...", "topics": [ "ai", "api-client", "chatgpt", "dall-e", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai", "rails", "ruby", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️ Now with ChatGPT and Whisper...", "ja": "OpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️ 今、ChatGPTとWhisperも使えます...", "zh-hans": "OpenAI API + Ruby!🤖❤️ 现在支持ChatGPT和Whisper...", "zh-hant": "OpenAI API + Ruby!🤖❤️ 現在支援 ChatGPT 和 Whisper..." } }, "https://github.com/odashi/davinci-functions": { "repository_name": "davinci-functions", "user_name": "odashi", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Library to ask OpenAI GPT for generating objects on the Python runtime.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Library to ask OpenAI GPT for generating objects on the Python runtime.", "ja": "Pythonランタイム上でオブジェクトを生成するためにOpenAI GPTに問い合わせるライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "使用Python运行时向OpenAI GPT询问生成对象的库。", "zh-hant": "使用圖書館向OpenAI GPT請求在Python運行時生成對象。" } }, "https://github.com/adamrushy/openaiswift": { "repository_name": "OpenAISwift", "user_name": "adamrushy", "language": "Swift", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "swift", "swiftui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API", "ja": "これはChatGPTとOpenAI HTTP APIのラッパーライブラリです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个围绕ChatGPT和OpenAI HTTP API的包装库。", "zh-hant": "這是一個封裝 ChatGPT 和 OpenAI HTTP API 的庫。" } }, "https://github.com/yuezk/chatgpt-mirror": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-mirror", "user_name": "yuezk", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "A mirror of ChatGPT based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A mirror of ChatGPT based on the gpt-3.5-turbo model.", "ja": "gpt-3.5-turboモデルに基づくChatGPTのミラー。", "zh-hans": "基于gpt-3.5-turbo模型的ChatGPT镜像。", "zh-hant": "基於gpt-3.5-turbo模型的ChatGPT鏡像。" } }, "https://github.com/soulhighwing/chatgptcustomizer": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTCustomizer", "user_name": "soulhighwing", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPTCustomizer helps you personalize your chat experience by using the power of the ChatGPT API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPTCustomizer helps you personalize your chat experience by using the power of the ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPTCustomizerは、ChatGPT APIの力を使って、チャット体験をカスタマイズするのに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPTCustomizer可以通过使用ChatGPT API的功能来个性化您的聊天体验。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPTCustomizer 可以利用 ChatGPT API 的強大功能,幫助您個性化您的聊天體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/koichirokato/chatgpt_ros": { "repository_name": "chatgpt_ros", "user_name": "koichirokato", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ROS wrapper for ChatGPT API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ROS wrapper for ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIのためのROSラッパー", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT API的ROS包装器", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT API 的 ROS 封裝程式" } }, "https://github.com/sonnylazuardi/chat-ai-desktop": { "repository_name": "chat-ai-desktop", "user_name": "sonnylazuardi", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "desktop", "desktop-app", "gpt-3", "mac", "macos", "menu-bar", "nextjs", "openai", "tauri", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust", "ja": "TauriとRustを使用したMac&Windowsメニューバー用非公式ChatGPTデスクトップアプリ", "zh-hans": "使用Tauri和Rust的非官方ChatGPT桌面应用程序,适用于Mac和Windows菜单栏。", "zh-hant": "使用Tauri和Rust的非官方ChatGPT桌面應用程式,適用於Mac和Windows菜單欄。" } }, "https://github.com/noteable-io/genai": { "repository_name": "genai", "user_name": "noteable-io", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "What if GPT could help you notebook?", "topics": [ "exceptions", "gpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "interactive-computing", "ipython", "jupyter", "openai", "traceback" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "What if GPT could help you notebook?", "ja": "もしGPTがノート作成を手助けできたらどうでしょうか?", "zh-hans": "如果GPT能帮助你记笔记会怎样?", "zh-hant": "如果GPT能幫助你筆記本,會怎麼樣?" } }, "https://github.com/acheong08/chatgpt-proxy-v4": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Proxy-V4", "user_name": "acheong08", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "Cloudflare Bypass for OpenAI based on `puid`", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Cloudflare Bypass for OpenAI based on `puid`", "ja": "「puid」に基づくOpenAIのCloudflareバイパス", "zh-hans": "基于“puid”的Cloudflare绕过OpenAI", "zh-hant": "基於“puid”的Cloudflare繞過OpenAI" } }, "https://github.com/samterfa/openai": { "repository_name": "openai", "user_name": "samterfa", "language": "R", "license": "Other", "description": "This R package provides an SDK to the Open AI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This R package provides an SDK to the Open AI API", "ja": "このRパッケージは、Open AI APIへのSDKを提供します。", "zh-hans": "这个 R 包提供了一个 Open AI API 的 SDK。", "zh-hant": "這個 R 套件提供了一個 Open AI API 的 SDK。" } }, "https://github.com/aesthetikx/openai_pipe": { "repository_name": "openai_pipe", "user_name": "Aesthetikx", "language": "Ruby", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A UNIX-ey interface to OpenAI", "topics": [ "openai", "ruby" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A UNIX-ey interface to OpenAI", "ja": "OpenAIへのUNIX風インターフェース", "zh-hans": "一个UNIX风格的OpenAI接口", "zh-hant": "一個UNIX風格的OpenAI介面" } }, "https://github.com/dmingod/callgpt": { "repository_name": "CallGPT", "user_name": "dminGod", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A dead simple way to call the ChatGPT API from your machine", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A dead simple way to call the ChatGPT API from your machine", "ja": "あなたのマシンからChatGPT APIを呼び出すための簡単な方法", "zh-hans": "从您的计算机调用ChatGPT API的简单方法", "zh-hant": "從您的機器簡單呼叫ChatGPT API的方法" } }, "https://github.com/second-state/chat-with-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "chat-with-chatgpt", "user_name": "second-state", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Chat with ChatGPT via GitHub issue comments.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-sdk", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with ChatGPT via GitHub issue comments.", "ja": "GitHubの問題コメントを介してChatGPTとチャットしてください。", "zh-hans": "通过 GitHub 问题评论与 ChatGPT 聊天。", "zh-hant": "透過 GitHub 問題評論與 ChatGPT 聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/cranot/simple-chatgpt-api-desktop": { "repository_name": "Simple-ChatGPT-API-Desktop", "user_name": "Cranot", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Simple ChatGPT API for Desktop", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple ChatGPT API for Desktop", "ja": "デスクトップ用のシンプルなChatGPT API", "zh-hans": "桌面版简易ChatGPT API", "zh-hant": "桌面版簡易ChatGPT API" } }, "https://github.com/xicilion/gptproxy": { "repository_name": "gptproxy", "user_name": "xicilion", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" License", "description": "use gitlab api key to proxy openai api.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use the GitLab API key to act as a proxy for the OpenAI API.", "ja": "GitLabのAPIキーを使用してOpenAI APIをプロキシする。", "zh-hans": "使用GitLab API密钥代理OpenAI API。", "zh-hant": "使用 GitLab API 密鑰代理 OpenAI API。" } }, "https://github.com/iejmac/gptreview": { "repository_name": "GPTReview", "user_name": "iejMac", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Get OpenAI GPT models to review your PR's", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get OpenAI GPT models to review your PR's", "ja": "OpenAI GPTモデルを使用して、あなたのPRをレビューしてもらいましょう。", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI GPT模型来审核您的PR。", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI GPT模型來審查您的PR。" } }, "https://github.com/williamfzc/chat-gpt-ppt": { "repository_name": "chat-gpt-ppt", "user_name": "williamfzc", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "openai", "ppt", "slide" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file.", "ja": "ChatGPT(または他のバックエンド)を使用して、すべてを1つの単一ファイルに自動生成するためにPPTを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT(或其他后端)自动生成PPT,全部在一个单一文件中。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT(或其他後端)自動生成PPT,全部放在單個文件中。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/openai-node": { "repository_name": "openai-node", "user_name": "openai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Node.js library for the OpenAI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Node.js library for the OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIのためのNode.jsライブラリ", "zh-hans": "OpenAI API 的 Node.js 库", "zh-hant": "用於 OpenAI API 的 Node.js 函式庫" } }, "https://github.com/johniwasz/whetstone.chatgpt": { "repository_name": "whetstone.chatgpt", "user_name": "johniwasz", "language": "CSS", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A simple light-weight library that wraps the Open AI API.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dotnet", "dotnet-standard2", "dotnet-standard2-1", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai", "whisper", "whisper-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple light-weight library that wraps the Open AI API.", "ja": "Open AI APIをラップするシンプルで軽量なライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "一个简单轻量级的库,包装了Open AI API。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單輕量的庫,包裝了Open AI API。" } }, "https://github.com/aschmelyun/subvert": { "repository_name": "subvert", "user_name": "aschmelyun", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Generate subtitles, summaries, and chapters from videos in seconds", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "transcription", "translation", "video-editing", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate subtitles, summaries, and chapters from videos in seconds", "ja": "ビデオから字幕、要約、章を数秒で生成する。", "zh-hans": "在几秒钟内从视频中生成字幕、摘要和章节", "zh-hant": "在幾秒鐘內從影片中生成字幕、摘要和章節" } }, "https://github.com/sampink/dev-gpt": { "repository_name": "dev-gpt", "user_name": "SamPink", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "dev-gpt, an automated python developer", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt4", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "dev-gpt, an automated python developer", "ja": "dev-gpt、自動化されたPython開発者", "zh-hans": "dev-gpt,一个自动化的Python开发者", "zh-hant": "dev-gpt,一個自動化的Python開發者。" } }, "https://github.com/barretlee/cloudflare-proxy": { "repository_name": "cloudflare-proxy", "user_name": "barretlee", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Cloudflare Worker 代理请求 ChatGPT API,支持 Stream 流式输出", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api-wrapper", "cloudflare", "proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Cloudflare Worker 代理请求 ChatGPT API,支持 Stream 流式输出", "ja": "Cloudflare WorkerはChatGPT APIを代理リクエストし、Streamストリーム出力をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Cloudflare Worker 代理请求 ChatGPT API,支持 Stream 流式输出\n\nCloudflare Worker 代理请求 ChatGPT API,支持 Stream 流式输出", "zh-hant": "Cloudflare Worker 代理請求 ChatGPT API,支援 Stream 流式輸出。" } }, "https://github.com/alembics/disco-diffusion": { "repository_name": "disco-diffusion", "user_name": "alembics", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "openai开发的ai模型目前比较知名的有: #chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat 今天为大家更新5个好用的ai算法模型学习渠道1、神力中文ai算法市场:、disco-diffusion型:、百度文心 ernie-vilg:", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "openai开发的ai模型目前比较知名的有: #chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat 今天为大家更新5个好用的ai算法模型学习渠道1、神力中文ai算法市场:、disco-diffusion型:、百度文心 ernie-vilg:", "ja": "現在OpenAI開發的AI模型中比較知名的有:#chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat。今天為大家更新5個好用的AI算法模型學習渠道,包括:1、神力中文AI算法市場、disco-diffusion型、百度文心ernie-vilg。", "zh-hans": "openai开发的ai模型目前比较知名的有:#chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat。今天为大家更新5个好用的ai算法模型学习渠道1、神力中文ai算法市场:、disco-diffusion型:、百度文心ernie-vilg:\n\nopenai开发的AI模型目前比较知名的有:#chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat。今天为大家更新5个好用的AI算法模型学习渠道,包括:1、神力中文AI算法市场;2、disco-diffusion型;3、百度文心ernie-vilg。", "zh-hant": "目前由OpenAI開發的人工智慧模型中,比較知名的有:#chatgpt、#midjourney、#stablediffusionchat。今天為大家更新5個好用的人工智慧算法模型學習渠道,包括:1、神力中文人工智慧算法市場;2、disco-diffusion型;3、百度文心ernie-vilg。" } }, "https://github.com/supabase-community/nextjs-openai-doc-search?og=v2": { "repository_name": "nextjs-openai-doc-search", "user_name": "supabase-community", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "nextjs", "openai", "postgres", "supabase", "template", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.", "ja": "Next.js、OpenAI、およびSupabaseによって動力化された独自のカスタムChatGPTスタイルのドキュメント検索を構築するためのテンプレート。", "zh-hans": "使用Next.js、OpenAI和Supabase构建自定义ChatGPT风格文档搜索的模板。", "zh-hant": "建立自己的定制化 ChatGPT 風格文件搜索模板,由 Next.js、OpenAI 和 Supabase 提供動力。" } }, "https://github.com/jamesturk/scrapeghost": { "repository_name": "scrapeghost", "user_name": "jamesturk", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "👻 Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API.", "topics": [ "gpt", "openai-api", "webscraping" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👻 Experimental library for scraping websites using OpenAI's GPT API.", "ja": "👻 OpenAIのGPT APIを使用したウェブサイトスクレイピングのための実験的なライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "👻 使用OpenAI的GPT API进行网站爬取的实验性库。", "zh-hant": "👻 使用OpenAI的GPT API進行網站爬蟲的實驗性程式庫。" } }, "https://github.com/lgrammel/gptagent.js": { "repository_name": "gptagent.js", "user_name": "lgrammel", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build AI Agents with TS/JS", "topics": [ "agent", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "javascript", "openai", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build AI Agents with TS/JS", "ja": "TS/JSでAIエージェントを構築する", "zh-hans": "使用TS/JS构建AI代理", "zh-hant": "使用TS/JS建立人工智慧代理程式" } }, "https://github.com/significant-gravitas/auto-gpt": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT", "user_name": "Significant-Gravitas", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt-4", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "ja": "GPT-4を完全に自律化するための実験的なオープンソースの試み。", "zh-hans": "一个试图让GPT-4完全自主的实验性开源尝试。", "zh-hant": "一個實驗性的開源嘗試,旨在使GPT-4完全自主。" } }, "https://github.com/alleninstitute/openai_tools": { "repository_name": "openai_tools", "user_name": "AllenInstitute", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Growing set of scripts to explore pdf publication using ChatGPT API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Growing set of scripts to explore pdf publication using ChatGPT API", "ja": "ChatGPT APIを使用してPDF出版物を探索するためのスクリプトの増加するセット。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT API探索PDF出版物的脚本集正在增长。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT API探索PDF出版物的腳本集正在增長。" } }, "https://github.com/hemulgm/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT", "user_name": "HemulGM", "language": "Pascal", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT Native Desktop Application (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Linux)", "topics": [ "android", "chatgpt", "delphi", "fmx", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "ios", "linux", "macos", "openai", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Native Desktop Application (Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Linux)", "ja": "ChatGPTネイティブデスクトップアプリケーション(Windows、Mac、Android、iOS、およびLinux)", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 本地桌面应用程序(Windows、Mac、Android、iOS 和 Linux)", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 原生桌面應用程式(Windows、Mac、Android、iOS 和 Linux)" } }, "https://github.com/xcanwin/keepchatgpt#%e5%ae%89%e8%a3%85%e6%b8%a0%e9%81%93": { "repository_name": "KeepChatGPT", "user_name": "xcanwin", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-2.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "ChatGPT畅聊插件。解决所有报错,让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效。并且持续更新更多的增强功能,包括取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页等等。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "openai", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Chat Plugin. Solves all errors, making our AI experience incredibly smooth, silky, and efficient. And continues to update more enhanced features, including canceling audits, cloning conversations, purifying homepages, and more.", "ja": "ChatGPT畅聊プラグイン。すべてのエラーを解決し、私たちのAI体験を非常にスムーズで滑らかで効率的にします。さらに、監査のキャンセル、会話のクローン、ホームページの浄化など、さらに多くの強化機能を継続的に更新します。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT畅聊插件。解决所有报错,让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效。并且持续更新更多的增强功能,包括取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页等等。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT暢聊插件。解決所有報錯,讓我們的AI體驗無比順暢、絲滑、高效。並且持續更新更多的增強功能,包括取消審計、克隆對話、淨化首頁等等。" } }, "https://github.com/jtsang4/claude-to-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "claude-to-chatgpt", "user_name": "jtsang4", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "This project converts the API of Anthropic's Claude model to the OpenAI Chat API format.", "topics": [ "anthropic", "chatgpt", "claude", "claude-ai", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project converts the API of Anthropic's Claude model to the OpenAI Chat API format.", "ja": "このプロジェクトは、AnthropicのClaudeモデルのAPIをOpenAI Chat API形式に変換します。", "zh-hans": "该项目将Anthropic的Claude模型的API转换为OpenAI Chat API格式。", "zh-hant": "此項目將Anthropic的Claude模型的API轉換為OpenAI Chat API格式。" } }, "https://github.com/anse-app/anse": { "repository_name": "anse", "user_name": "anse-app", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Supercharged experience for ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dall-e", "gpt-3", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Supercharged experience for ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.", "ja": "ChatGPT、DALL-E、Stable Diffusionのためのスーパーチャージド体験。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT、DALL-E和Stable Diffusion的超级体验。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT、DALL-E和Stable Diffusion的超級體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/anse-app/chatgpt-demo": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-demo", "user_name": "anse-app", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Minimal web UI for ChatGPT. ", "topics": [ "astro", "chatgpt", "chatgpt4", "gpt-3", "gpt-35", "gpt-35-turbo", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Minimal web UI for ChatGPT. ", "ja": "ChatGPTの最小Web UI。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的最小Web用户界面。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的極簡網頁界面。" } }, "https://github.com/casdoor/casdoor": { "repository_name": "casdoor", "user_name": "casdoor", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "An open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform powered by Casbin and AI gateway with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and OpenAI ChatGPT", "topics": [ "acl", "ai", "authentication", "authorization", "casbin", "casdoor", "chatgpt", "docker", "go", "gpt", "iam", "oauth", "oauth2", "oidc", "openai", "permission", "rbac", "react", "saml", "sso" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform powered by Casbin and AI gateway with web UI supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and OpenAI ChatGPT", "ja": "CasbinとAIゲートウェイを搭載したオープンソースのIdentity and Access Management(IAM)/ Single-Sign-On(SSO)プラットフォームで、OAuth 2.0、OIDC、SAML、OpenAI ChatGPTをサポートするWeb UIがあります。", "zh-hans": "一个由Casbin和AI网关驱动的开源身份和访问管理(IAM)/单点登录(SSO)平台,具有支持OAuth 2.0、OIDC、SAML和OpenAI ChatGPT的Web UI。", "zh-hant": "一個由Casbin和AI Gateway驅動的開源身份和訪問管理(IAM)/單點登錄(SSO)平台,具有支持OAuth 2.0、OIDC、SAML和OpenAI ChatGPT的Web UI。" } }, "https://github.com/thekharche/jetchatgpt": { "repository_name": "JetChatGPT", "user_name": "thekharche", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "ChatGPT in Jetpack Compose using OpenAI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT in Jetpack Compose using OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIを使用したJetpack ComposeでのChatGPT", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI API在Jetpack Compose中实现ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI API在Jetpack Compose中聊天GPT" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/cosmosdb-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "cosmosdb-chatgpt", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "HTML", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Sample application that combines Azure Cosmos DB with Azure OpenAI ChatGPT service", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Sample application that combines Azure Cosmos DB with Azure OpenAI ChatGPT service", "ja": "Azure Cosmos DBとAzure OpenAI ChatGPTサービスを組み合わせたサンプルアプリケーション", "zh-hans": "结合Azure Cosmos DB和Azure OpenAI ChatGPT服务的示例应用程序", "zh-hant": "結合Azure Cosmos DB和Azure OpenAI ChatGPT服務的樣本應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/kreneskyp/ix": { "repository_name": "ix", "user_name": "kreneskyp", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Autonomous GPT-4 agent platform", "topics": [ "ai", "gpt-4", "openai", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Autonomous GPT-4 agent platform", "ja": "自律型GPT-4エージェントプラットフォーム", "zh-hans": "自主GPT-4代理平台", "zh-hant": "自主GPT-4代理平台" } }, "https://github.com/janlay/openai-cloudflare": { "repository_name": "openai-cloudflare", "user_name": "janlay", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "An OpenAI API proxy running with Cloudflare worker.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An OpenAI API proxy running with Cloudflare worker.", "ja": "Cloudflareワーカーで実行されているOpenAI APIプロキシ。", "zh-hans": "一个在Cloudflare worker上运行的OpenAI API代理。", "zh-hant": "一個運行在 Cloudflare worker 上的 OpenAI API 代理。" } }, "https://github.com/xcanwin/keepchatgpt#%e5%85%b3%e4%ba%8e-%e5%8f%96%e6%b6%88%e5%ae%a1%e8%ae%a1-%e5%8a%9f%e8%83%bd": { "repository_name": "KeepChatGPT", "user_name": "xcanwin", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-2.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "这是一个ChatGPT的畅聊与增强插件。开源免费。不仅能解决所有报错不再刷新,还有保持活跃、取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页、展示大屏、展示全屏、言无不尽、拦截跟踪、日新月异等多个高级功能。让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "openai", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a ChatGPT chat and enhancement plugin. It is open source and free. It not only solves all error refreshing problems, but also has many advanced features such as staying active, canceling audits, cloning conversations, purifying the homepage, displaying on a large screen, displaying in full screen, expressing oneself fully, intercepting tracking, and constantly improving. It makes our AI experience incredibly smooth, efficient, and concise.", "ja": "これはChatGPTのスムーズなチャットと強化プラグインです。オープンソースで無料です。すべてのエラーをリフレッシュする必要がなくなるだけでなく、アクティブを維持し、監査をキャンセルし、会話をクローンし、ホームページを浄化し、大画面を表示し、フルスクリーンを表示し、言葉を尽くし、トラッキングをブロックし、日々進化するなど、多数の高度な機能があります。私たちのAI体験を非常にスムーズでシームレス、効率的、簡潔にします。", "zh-hans": "这是一个ChatGPT的畅聊与增强插件。开源免费。不仅能解决所有报错不再刷新,还有保持活跃、取消审计、克隆对话、净化首页、展示大屏、展示全屏、言无不尽、拦截跟踪、日新月异等多个高级功能。让我们的AI体验无比顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。", "zh-hant": "這是一個ChatGPT的暢聊與增強插件。開源免費。不僅能解決所有報錯不再刷新,還有保持活躍、取消審計、克隆對話、淨化首頁、展示大屏、展示全屏、言無不盡、攔截跟蹤、日新月異等多個高級功能。讓我們的AI體驗無比順暢、絲滑、高效、簡潔。" } }, "https://github.com/haibbo/cf-openai-azure-proxy": { "repository_name": "cf-openai-azure-proxy", "user_name": "haibbo", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A Cloudflare worker script to proxy OpenAI‘s request to Azure OpenAI Service", "topics": [ "azure-openai-proxy", "chatgpt", "cloudflare-workers", "gpt-3", "palm", "streaming" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Cloudflare worker script to proxy OpenAI‘s request to Azure OpenAI Service", "ja": "Azure OpenAIサービスへのOpenAIのリクエストをプロキシするためのCloudflareワーカースクリプト", "zh-hans": "一个Cloudflare工作脚本,用于代理OpenAI向Azure OpenAI服务发出的请求。", "zh-hant": "一個 Cloudflare worker 腳本,用於代理 OpenAI 對 Azure OpenAI 服務的請求。" } }, "https://github.com/theAbdoSabbagh/unlimitedgpt": { "repository_name": "UnlimitedGPT", "user_name": "Sxvxgee", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt3", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIの非公式Pythonラッパー", "zh-hans": "OpenAI的ChatGPT API的非官方Python封装程序", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的Python封裝器,用於OpenAI的ChatGPT API。" } }, "https://github.com/liou666/polyglot": { "repository_name": "polyglot", "user_name": "liou666", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "🤖️ 桌面端AI语言练习应用", "topics": [ "azure", "chatgpt", "electron", "openai", "polyglot", "tts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖️ Desktop AI language practice application", "ja": "🤖️ デスクトップAI言語練習アプリ", "zh-hans": "🤖️ 桌面端人工智能语言练习应用", "zh-hant": "🤖️ 桌面端人工智慧語言練習應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt-operator": { "repository_name": "k8sgpt-operator", "user_name": "k8sgpt-ai", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Automatic SRE Superpowers within your Kubernetes cluster", "topics": [ "devops", "kubernetes", "openai", "sre", "tooling" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automatic SRE Superpowers within your Kubernetes cluster", "ja": "Kubernetesクラスター内の自動SREスーパーパワー", "zh-hans": "在您的Kubernetes集群中自动获得SRE超能力", "zh-hant": "在您的 Kubernetes 集群中自動啟用 SRE 超能力" } }, "https://github.com/brianpetro/obsidian-smart-connections": { "repository_name": "obsidian-smart-connections", "user_name": "brianpetro", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Chat with your notes in Obsidian! Plus, see what's most relevant in real-time! Interact and stay organized. Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4 & Embeddings.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "embeddings", "gpt-4", "obsidian-md" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat with your notes in Obsidian! Plus, see what's most relevant in real-time! Interact and stay organized. Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-4 & Embeddings.", "ja": "Obsidianでノートを使ってチャットしましょう!さらに、リアルタイムで最も関連性の高い情報を見ることができます!インタラクティブにやり取りし、整理された状態を維持しましょう。OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-4&Embeddingsによって動力を得ています。", "zh-hans": "在Obsidian中使用笔记进行聊天!此外,实时查看最相关的内容!互动并保持组织。由OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-4和嵌入式技术提供支持。", "zh-hant": "在Obsidian中使用筆記進行聊天!此外,即時查看最相關的內容!互動並保持組織。由OpenAI ChatGPT、GPT-4和嵌入式技術提供支持。" } }, "https://github.com/supabase-community/nextjs-openai-doc-search": { "repository_name": "nextjs-openai-doc-search", "user_name": "supabase-community", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "nextjs", "openai", "postgres", "supabase", "template", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Template for building your own custom ChatGPT style doc search powered by Next.js, OpenAI, and Supabase.", "ja": "Next.js、OpenAI、およびSupabaseによって動力化された独自のカスタムChatGPTスタイルのドキュメント検索を構築するためのテンプレート。", "zh-hans": "使用Next.js、OpenAI和Supabase构建自定义ChatGPT风格文档搜索的模板。", "zh-hant": "建立自己的定制化 ChatGPT 風格文件搜索模板,由 Next.js、OpenAI 和 Supabase 提供動力。" } }, "https://github.com/berriai/reliablegpt": { "repository_name": "reliableGPT", "user_name": "BerriAI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Get 100% uptime, reliability from OpenAI. Handle Rate Limit, Timeout, API, Keys Errors", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get 100% uptime, reliability from OpenAI. Handle Rate Limit, Timeout, API, Keys Errors", "ja": "OpenAIから100%のアップタイムと信頼性を取得してください。レート制限、タイムアウト、API、キーエラーを処理します。", "zh-hans": "从OpenAI获得100%的正常运行时间和可靠性。处理速率限制、超时、API和密钥错误。", "zh-hant": "從OpenAI獲得100%的正常運行時間和可靠性。處理速率限制、超時、API和密鑰錯誤。" } }, "https://github.com/city-of-kobe/pva-aoai-integration-solution": { "repository_name": "pva-aoai-integration-solution", "user_name": "City-of-Kobe", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "中身は大したことないが自治体の取り組みとして興味深い。Azure OpenAIーーーこのリポジトリは、神戸市役所でのChatGPTの試行利用に向けて作成したフロー等をソリューション化し公開するものです。 ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The content is not significant, but it is interesting as a local government initiative. Azure OpenAI - This repository is a solution that was created and made public for the purpose of trial use of ChatGPT at the Kobe City Hall, including the flow and other elements.", "ja": "中身は大したことないが自治体の取り組みとして興味深い。Azure OpenAIーーーこのリポジトリは、神戸市役所でのChatGPTの試行利用に向けて作成したフロー等をソリューション化し公開するものです。", "zh-hans": "中身并不重要,但作为地方政府的努力是非常有趣的。Azure OpenAI——这个存储库是为了将在神户市政府进行ChatGPT试用的流程等转化为解决方案并公开而创建的。", "zh-hant": "中身不是很重要,但作為地方政府的努力,這很有趣。Azure OpenAI - 這個存儲庫是為了將在神戶市政府中試用ChatGPT的流程等進行解決方案化並公開而創建的。\n中身不是很重要,但作為地方政府的努力,這很有趣。Azure OpenAI - 這個存儲庫是為了將在神戶市政府中試用ChatGPT的流程等進行解決方案化並公開而創建的。" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/jp-azureopenai-samples": { "repository_name": "jp-azureopenai-samples", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "日本マイクロソフトからGPTのリファレンスアーキテクチャを公開。日本語のシナリオがベースになったサンプル実装が目白押しです!このリポジトリ押さえておけば色々捗りますね。ログとか認証周りまであるの嬉しい。~サンプル一覧~1. コールセンター向けGPTアシスタント… ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Microsoft Japan has released the reference architecture for GPT. There are plenty of sample implementations based on Japanese scenarios! If you keep an eye on this repository, it will be very helpful. It's great that there are logs and authentication included. ~List of samples~ 1. GPT Assistant for Call Centers...", "ja": "日本マイクロソフトからGPTのリファレンスアーキテクチャを公開。日本語のシナリオがベースになったサンプル実装が目白押しです!このリポジトリ押さえておけば色々捗りますね。ログとか認証周りまであるの嬉しい。~サンプル一覧~1. コールセンター向けGPTアシスタント…", "zh-hans": "日本微软发布了GPT的参考架构。基于日语的场景的示例实现应有尽有!如果掌握了这个存储库,会有很多进展。有日志和认证等功能真是太好了。~示例列表~1. 面向呼叫中心的GPT助手...", "zh-hant": "日本微軟公開了GPT的參考架構。有許多以日語為基礎的樣本實現可供參考!如果掌握了這個存儲庫,將會事半功倍。有日誌和認證等功能,真是太棒了。~樣本列表~1. 面向呼叫中心的GPT助手..." } }, "https://github.com/37mobileteam/ichatgpt": { "repository_name": "iChatGPT", "user_name": "37MobileTeam", "language": "Swift", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI app for iOS, iPadOS, macOS", "ja": "iOS、iPadOS、macOS用のOpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUIアプリ", "zh-hans": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI 应用程序适用于 iOS、iPadOS 和 macOS。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI ChatGPT SwiftUI iOS、iPadOS、macOS 應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/dzhng/zod-gpt": { "repository_name": "zod-gpt", "user_name": "dzhng", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Get structured, fully typed, and validated JSON outputs from OpenAI and Anthropic models.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Get structured, fully typed, and validated JSON outputs from OpenAI and Anthropic models.", "ja": "OpenAIとAnthropicモデルから、構造化され、完全に型付けされ、検証済みのJSON出力を取得してください。", "zh-hans": "从OpenAI和Anthropic模型中获取结构化、完全类型化和经过验证的JSON输出。", "zh-hant": "從OpenAI和Anthropic模型獲取結構化、完全類型化和驗證過的JSON輸出。" } }, "https://github.com/hncboy/ai-beehive": { "repository_name": "ai-beehive", "user_name": "hncboy", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "AI 蜂巢,基于 Java 使用 Spring Boot 3 和 JDK 17,支持的功能有 ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing 等等", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-java", "java", "midjourney" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI 蜂巢,基于 Java 使用 Spring Boot 3 和 JDK 17,支持的功能有 ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing 等等", "ja": "AI蜂巣は、Javaを使用したSpring Boot 3とJDK 17に基づいており、ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBingなどの機能をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "AI蜂巢,基于Java使用Spring Boot 3和JDK 17,支持的功能有ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing等等。", "zh-hant": "AI 蜂巢,基於 Java 使用 Spring Boot 3 和 JDK 17,支援的功能有 ChatGPT、OpenAi Image、Midjourney、NewBing 等等" } }, "https://github.com/gaboolic/cloudflare-reverse-proxy": { "repository_name": "cloudflare-reverse-proxy", "user_name": "gaboolic", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "cloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理|github免翻墙代理|github下载加速|google代理|cloudflare万能代理", "topics": [ "chatgpt-proxy", "cloudflare", "cloudflare-proxy", "cloudflare-reverse-proxy", "github-proxy", "google-proxy", "openai-proxy", "reverse-proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: Cloudflare reverse proxy | OpenAI/ChatGPT non-wall proxy | Github non-wall proxy | Github download acceleration | Google proxy | Cloudflare universal proxy\nOutput: Cloudflare reverse proxy | OpenAI/ChatGPT non-wall proxy | Github non-wall proxy | Github download acceleration | Google proxy | Cloudflare universal proxy", "ja": "クラウドフレア逆プロキシ|OpenAI/ChatGPTフリーゲートプロキシ|GitHubフリーゲートプロキシ|GitHubダウンロード加速|Googleプロキシ|クラウドフレア万能プロキシ", "zh-hans": "cloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理|github免翻墙代理|github下载加速|google代理|cloudflare万能代理\ncloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻墙代理|github免翻墙代理|github下载加速|google代理|cloudflare万能代理", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\ncloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻牆代理|github免翻牆代理|github下載加速|google代理|cloudflare萬能代理\ncloudflare反向代理|OpenAI/ChatGPT 免翻牆代理|github免翻牆代理|github下載加速|google代理|cloudflare萬能代理" } }, "https://github.com/gngpp/opengpt": { "repository_name": "opengpt", "user_name": "gngpp", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A reverse engineered unofficial ChatGPT proxy (bypass Cloudflare 403 Access Denied)", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cloudflare", "command-line", "gpt3", "gpt4", "hyper", "linux", "macos", "official", "openai", "openwrt", "rust", "server", "unofficial", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A reverse engineered unofficial ChatGPT proxy (bypass Cloudflare 403 Access Denied)", "ja": "リバースエンジニアリングされた非公式のChatGPTプロキシ(Cloudflare 403アクセス拒否をバイパス)\n\nChatGPTの非公式なリバースエンジニアリングプロキシ(Cloudflare 403アクセス拒否をバイパス)", "zh-hans": "一个反向工程的非官方ChatGPT代理(绕过Cloudflare 403访问被拒绝)", "zh-hant": "一個逆向工程的非官方ChatGPT代理(繞過Cloudflare 403訪問被拒絕)" } }, "https://github.com/yangjian102621/chatgpt-plus": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-plus", "user_name": "yangjian102621", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "基于 OpenAI API 实现的 ChatGPT Web 应用,包括通用版和角色版。自带管理后台,采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Web application based on OpenAI API, including a general version and a role version. It comes with a management backend and is implemented using Go + Vue3 + element-plus.", "ja": "OpenAI APIを使用して実装されたChatGPTウェブアプリケーションです。一般版とロール版が含まれています。管理ダッシュボードが付属しており、Go + Vue3 + element-plusで実装されています。", "zh-hans": "基于 OpenAI API 实现的 ChatGPT Web 应用,包括通用版和角色版。自带管理后台,采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。", "zh-hant": "基於 OpenAI API 實現的 ChatGPT Web 應用,包括通用版和角色版。自帶管理後台,採用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 實現。" } }, "https://github.com/274056675/springboot-openai-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "springboot-openai-chatgpt", "user_name": "274056675", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "超级AI大脑一个基于Spring Boot架构,支持web,Android,IOS,H5多端应用,使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT模型实现了智能聊天机器人。用户可以在界面上与聊天机器人进行对话,聊天机器人会根据用户的输入自动生成回复。同时也支持画图,用户输入文本,便可以自动制作文生文生图。未来会接入:文心一言、通义千问、MOSS等国产AI大模型,持续更新中,更多功能等着你来解锁", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "java", "openai", "rabittmq", "springboot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Super AI Brain is a Spring Boot-based architecture that supports web, Android, iOS, and H5 multi-platform applications. It uses OpenAI's ChatGPT model to implement an intelligent chatbot. Users can have conversations with the chatbot on the interface, and the chatbot will generate replies based on the user's input. It also supports drawing, where users can input text and automatically create corresponding diagrams. In the future, it will integrate with domestic AI models such as Wenxin Yiyuan, Tongyi Qianwen, MOSS, etc., and will continue to be updated with more features waiting for you to unlock.", "ja": "超級AI大脳は、Spring Bootアーキテクチャをベースにした、web、Android、IOS、H5などのマルチプラットフォームアプリケーションをサポートしています。OpenAIのChatGPTモデルを使用して、スマートなチャットボットを実現しています。ユーザーはインターフェース上でチャットボットと対話することができ、チャットボットはユーザーの入力に基づいて自動的に返信を生成します。また、絵を描くこともサポートしており、ユーザーがテキストを入力すると、自動的に図を作成することができます。将来的には、文心一言、通義千問、MOSSなどの国産AIモデルを統合し、継続的に更新しています。さらに多くの機能が解除されるのをお待ちしています。", "zh-hans": "超级AI大脑是一个基于Spring Boot架构的系统,支持web、Android、IOS和H5多端应用。它使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT模型来实现智能聊天机器人。用户可以在界面上与聊天机器人进行对话,聊天机器人会根据用户的输入自动生成回复。同时,它还支持画图功能,用户只需输入文本,系统就能自动制作出相应的图形。未来,我们还会接入文心一言、通义千问、MOSS等国产AI大模型,并持续更新,更多功能等着你来解锁。", "zh-hant": "超級AI大腦一個基於Spring Boot架構,支持web,Android,IOS,H5多端應用,使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT模型實現了智能聊天機器人。用戶可以在界面上與聊天機器人進行對話,聊天機器人會根據用戶的輸入自動生成回覆。同時也支持畫圖,用戶輸入文本,便可以自動製作文生文生圖。未來會接入:文心一言、通義千問、MOSS等國產AI大模型,持續更新中,更多功能等著你來解鎖" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/chatgpt-quickstart": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-quickstart", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Bicep", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Build a chat application using Azure OpenAI with ChatGPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build a chat application using Azure OpenAI with ChatGPT.", "ja": "Azure OpenAIとChatGPTを使用してチャットアプリケーションを構築してください。", "zh-hans": "使用Azure OpenAI和ChatGPT构建一个聊天应用程序。", "zh-hant": "使用Azure OpenAI和ChatGPT构建一个聊天应用程序。" } }, "https://github.com/incomestreamsurfer/autoblogger": { "repository_name": "autoblogger", "user_name": "IncomeStreamSurfer", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This is an autoblogger that uses the ChatGPT API and Stable Diffusion API to create fully optimized blog posts and post them automatically to wordpress", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is an autoblogger that uses the ChatGPT API and Stable Diffusion API to create fully optimized blog posts and post them automatically to wordpress", "ja": "これはChatGPT APIとStable Diffusion APIを使用して、完全に最適化されたブログ記事を作成し、自動的にWordPressに投稿する自動ブロガーです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个使用ChatGPT API和Stable Diffusion API的自动博客工具,可以创建完全优化的博文并自动发布到WordPress。", "zh-hant": "這是一個使用ChatGPT API和Stable Diffusion API的自動部落格系統,可以創建完全優化的部落格文章並自動發佈到WordPress。" } }, "https://github.com/wooveep/chatserver-api": { "repository_name": "chatserver-api", "user_name": "wooveep", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "基于OPENAI的ChatGPT API开发的AI助手系统 Chatserver-web 支持本地数据向量话提问 基于Golang语言的后端API服务", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于OPENAI的ChatGPT API开发的AI助手系统 Chatserver-web 支持本地数据向量话提问 基于Golang语言的后端API服务", "ja": "OPENAIに基づいて開発されたChatGPT APIを使用したAIアシスタントシステムChatserver-web。ローカルデータベースのベクトルクエリに対応しています。バックエンドAPIサービスはGolang言語を使用しています。", "zh-hans": "基于OPENAI的ChatGPT API开发的AI助手系统 Chatserver-web 支持本地数据向量话提问 基于Golang语言的后端API服务", "zh-hant": "基於OPENAI的ChatGPT API開發的AI助手系統 Chatserver-web 支持本地數據向量話提問 基於Golang語言的後端API服務" } }, "https://github.com/blinq-dev/laravel-synth": { "repository_name": "laravel-synth", "user_name": "blinq-dev", "language": "PHP", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Generate Laravel code with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "laravel", "openai", "php" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate Laravel code with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してLaravelコードを生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT生成Laravel代码", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT生成Laravel代碼" } }, "https://github.com/woodchen-ink/openai-billing-query": { "repository_name": "openai-billing-query", "user_name": "woodchen-ink", "language": "HTML", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "单页面项目,批量可视化查询openai(chatgpt)余额,支持显示总量,已使用,剩余量,已用比例,到期时间,GPT-4,是否绑卡。This is a single-page project that enables batch visualization query for openai (chatgpt) balance. It supports displaying total amount, used amount, remaining amount, usage ratio, expiration time, GPT-4, and whether it is bound with a card. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "单页面项目,批量可视化查询openai(chatgpt)余额,支持显示总量,已使用,剩余量,已用比例,到期时间,GPT-4,是否绑卡。This is a single-page project that enables batch visualization query for openai (chatgpt) balance. It supports displaying total amount, used amount, remaining amount, usage ratio, expiration time, GPT-4, and whether it is bound with a card. ", "ja": "単一ページのプロジェクトで、openai(chatgpt)の残高を一括で可視化クエリすることができます。総額、使用額、残高、使用比率、有効期限、GPT-4、カードとのバインドの有無を表示することができます。", "zh-hans": "这是一个单页面项目,可以批量可视化查询openai(chatgpt)的余额。支持显示总量、已使用量、剩余量、使用比例、到期时间、GPT-4以及是否绑定卡片。", "zh-hant": "單頁面專案,批量可視化查詢openai(chatgpt)餘額,支持顯示總量,已使用,剩餘量,已用比例,到期時間,GPT-4,是否綁卡。\n這是一個單頁面專案,可以批量查詢openai(chatgpt)餘額的可視化功能。支持顯示總量、已使用量、剩餘量、使用比例、到期時間、GPT-4以及是否綁定卡片。" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/aks-openai": { "repository_name": "aks-openai", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Azure Cosmos samples to leverage Bulk capabilities for Graph API accounts", "topics": [ "azure-cosmos-db", "gremlin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Azure Cosmos samples to leverage Bulk capabilities for Graph API accounts", "ja": "グラフAPIアカウントのバルク機能を活用するためのAzure Cosmosのサンプル", "zh-hans": "使用Azure Cosmos示例来利用图形API帐户的批量功能", "zh-hant": "使用Azure Cosmos示例来利用图形API帐户的批量功能" } }, "https://github.com/atinylittleshell/function-gpt": { "repository_name": "function-gpt", "user_name": "atinylittleshell", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "This is a typescript library that helps handle function calling with OpenAI's ChatGPT API.", "topics": [ "api", "chatgpt", "function-calling", "gpt", "openai", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a typescript library that helps handle function calling with OpenAI's ChatGPT API.", "ja": "これは、OpenAIのChatGPT APIを使用して関数呼び出しを処理するのに役立つTypeScriptライブラリです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个帮助处理使用OpenAI的ChatGPT API进行函数调用的TypeScript库。", "zh-hant": "這是一個 TypeScript 函式庫,可協助處理使用 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT API 進行函式呼叫。" } }, "https://github.com/giacomogaglione/chef-gpt": { "repository_name": "chef-gpt", "user_name": "giacomogaglione", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Customizable recipe generator powered by OpenAI and ChatGPT. Built with Next.Js Tailwind CSS Radix UI Supabase Clerk.", "topics": [ "chat-gpt", "clerk", "nextjs", "openai-api", "radix-ui", "react", "supabase", "tailwindcss", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Customizable recipe generator powered by OpenAI and ChatGPT. Built with Next.Js Tailwind CSS Radix UI Supabase Clerk.", "ja": "オープンAIとChatGPTによって動作するカスタマイズ可能なレシピジェネレーター。Next.Js、Tailwind CSS、Radix UI、Supabase Clerkで構築されています。", "zh-hans": "可定制的食谱生成器,由OpenAI和ChatGPT驱动。使用Next.Js、Tailwind CSS、Radix UI、Supabase Clerk构建。", "zh-hant": "可定制的食谱生成器,由OpenAI和ChatGPT驱动。使用Next.Js、Tailwind CSS、Radix UI、Supabase Clerk构建。" } }, "https://github.com/michaelistrofficus/gpt4docstrings": { "repository_name": "gpt4docstrings", "user_name": "MichaelisTrofficus", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Generating Python docstrings with OpenAI ChatGPT!!", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "code-quality", "docstrings", "precommit-hooks", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generating Python docstrings with OpenAI ChatGPT!!", "ja": "OpenAI ChatGPTを使用してPythonのドックストリングを生成する!", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI ChatGPT生成Python文档字符串!!", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI ChatGPT生成Python文檔字符串!!" } }, "https://github.com/youngle316/power-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "power-chatgpt", "user_name": "youngle316", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "A Power Tool For ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nextjs13", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Power Tool For ChatGPT", "ja": "チャットGPTのためのパワーツール", "zh-hans": "一个用于ChatGPT的强大工具", "zh-hant": "一個用於ChatGPT的強大工具" } }, "https://github.com/25077667/cg": { "repository_name": "cg", "user_name": "25077667", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "The commit GPT using OpenAI's chatGPT for free", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The commit GPT using OpenAI's chatGPT for free", "ja": "無料でOpenAIのchatGPTを使用したコミット", "zh-hans": "使用OpenAI的chatGPT免费提交", "zh-hant": "使用OpenAI的chatGPT免費提交" } }, "https://github.com/gngpp/ninja": { "repository_name": "ninja", "user_name": "gngpp", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy", "topics": [ "arkoselabs", "chatgpt", "cloudflare", "docker", "gpt3", "gpt4", "hyper", "openai", "openwrt", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy", "ja": "逆エンジニアリングされたChatGPTプロキシ", "zh-hans": "逆向工程的ChatGPT代理", "zh-hant": "逆向工程的ChatGPT代理" } }, "https://github.com/cnseniorious000/free-chat": { "repository_name": "free-chat", "user_name": "CNSeniorious000", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "forked from @anse-app/chatgpt-demo. Index site at https://free-chat.asia/", "topics": [ "aibot", "astro", "chatgpt", "openai", "openai-api", "solidjs", "tiktoken" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "forked from @anse-app/chatgpt-demo. Index site at https://free-chat.asia/", "ja": "フォーク元:@anse-app/chatgpt-demoからフォークしました。インデックスサイトはhttps://free-chat.asia/です。", "zh-hans": "派生自@anse-app/chatgpt-demo。索引网站位于https://free-chat.asia/。", "zh-hant": "從@anse-app/chatgpt-demo分叉。索引網站位於https://free-chat.asia/。" } }, "https://github.com/vontigo/vontigo": { "repository_name": "Vontigo", "user_name": "Vontigo", "language": "Svelte", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🛸 Vontigo is an open-source CMS built with SvelteKit, featuring 🤖 AI-powered (ChatGPT) content generation. With fast page loads and seamless routing, Vontigo offers a user-friendly interface with customizable themes and templates.", "topics": [ "ai", "best-content-management-system-cms-2023", "blog-platform", "brainiacminds", "capacitor", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-powered-cms", "cms", "cms-platform", "content-management-system", "full-stack", "fullstack-sveltekit-cms", "fullstack-sveltekit-content-publishing-platform", "openai", "skeleton", "svelte", "sveltekit", "sveltekit-cms", "sveltekit-content-management-system", "vontigo" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🛸 Vontigo is an open-source CMS built with SvelteKit, featuring 🤖 AI-powered (ChatGPT) content generation. With fast page loads and seamless routing, Vontigo offers a user-friendly interface with customizable themes and templates.", "ja": "🛸 VontigoはSvelteKitで構築されたオープンソースのCMSで、🤖 AI(ChatGPT)によるコンテンツ生成機能を備えています。高速なページ読み込みとシームレスなルーティングにより、Vontigoはカスタマイズ可能なテーマとテンプレートを備えたユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースを提供します。", "zh-hans": "🛸 Vontigo 是一个使用 SvelteKit 构建的开源 CMS,具备 🤖 AI 动力(ChatGPT)的内容生成功能。Vontigo 具有快速页面加载和无缝路由,提供了一个用户友好的界面,可定制主题和模板。", "zh-hant": "🛸 Vontigo 是一個使用 SvelteKit 構建的開源 CMS,具備 🤖 AI 驅動(ChatGPT)的內容生成功能。憑藉快速的頁面加載和無縫的路由,Vontigo 提供了一個用戶友好的界面,具有可自定義的主題和模板。" } }, "https://github.com/7-docs/7-docs": { "repository_name": "7-docs", "user_name": "7-docs", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Use any public GitHub repository as a source and ask questions through ChatGPT about it", "topics": [ "completion", "ingestion", "openai", "openai-api", "query", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use any public GitHub repository as a source and ask questions through ChatGPT about it", "ja": "公開されているGitHubリポジトリをソースとして使用し、ChatGPTを通じてそれに関する質問をする", "zh-hans": "使用任何公共GitHub存储库作为源,并通过ChatGPT提出问题。", "zh-hant": "使用任何公開的 GitHub 存儲庫作為來源,並通過 ChatGPT 提出相關問題。" } }, "https://github.com/dariuszporowski/chatgpt-pre-commit-hooks": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-pre-commit-hooks", "user_name": "DariuszPorowski", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Pre-commit hooks collection that utilizes ChatGPT and OpenAI platform to validate changes made to the codebase.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt", "openai", "pre-commit", "pre-commit-hook", "pre-commit-hooks" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pre-commit hooks collection that utilizes ChatGPT and OpenAI platform to validate changes made to the codebase.", "ja": "ChatGPTとOpenAIプラットフォームを利用して、コードベースへの変更を検証するためのプリコミットフックのコレクション。", "zh-hans": "预提交钩子集合,利用ChatGPT和OpenAI平台来验证对代码库所做的更改。\n使用ChatGPT和OpenAI平台的预提交钩子集合,用于验证对代码库所做的更改。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT和OpenAI平台的預提交鉤子集合,用於驗證對代碼庫所做的更改。" } }, "https://github.com/deiucanta/chatpad": { "repository_name": "chatpad", "user_name": "deiucanta", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "Not just another ChatGPT user-interface!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "electron", "javascript", "openai", "openai-api", "react" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Not just another ChatGPT user-interface!", "ja": "ただのChatGPTのユーザーインターフェースではありません!", "zh-hans": "不仅仅是另一个ChatGPT用户界面!", "zh-hant": "不只是另一個ChatGPT使用者介面!" } }, "https://github.com/lianginx/chatgpt-nuxt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-nuxt", "user_name": "lianginx", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "基于 Nuxt.js 框架的 ChatGPT 类项目,支持 OpenAI 和 Azure 两种 API 切换,支持黑暗模式、中英日多语言切换。", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "nuxt", "vue3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT-like project based on the Nuxt.js framework, supporting the switching between OpenAI and Azure APIs, and supporting dark mode and switching between multiple languages including Chinese, English, and Japanese.", "ja": "Nuxt.jsフレームワークを使用したChatGPTクラスプロジェクトで、OpenAIとAzureの2つのAPIの切り替えをサポートし、ダークモード、英語、日本語の多言語切り替えをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "基于 Nuxt.js 框架的 ChatGPT 类项目,支持 OpenAI 和 Azure 两种 API 切换,支持黑暗模式、中英日多语言切换。", "zh-hant": "基於 Nuxt.js 框架的 ChatGPT 類項目,支援 OpenAI 和 Azure 兩種 API 切換,支援黑暗模式、中英日多語言切換。" } }, "https://github.com/libli/chat": { "repository_name": "chat", "user_name": "libli", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "有用户管理功能的ChatGPT API透明代理后台", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT API transparent proxy backend with user management functionality.", "ja": "ユーザー管理機能を備えたChatGPT APIの透明なプロキシバックエンド", "zh-hans": "具备用户管理功能的ChatGPT API透明代理后台", "zh-hant": "具有用户管理功能的ChatGPT API透明代理後台" } }, "https://github.com/xingxin666/chatgpt-nodejs-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-nodejs-web", "user_name": "xingxin666", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": " chatgpt nodejs服务,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT联网、必应、Claude、百度文心一言等模型", "topics": [ "bard", "bing", "chatglm", "chatgpt", "claude", "gpt", "gpt4", "midjourney", "openai", "wenxinyiyan" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: chatgpt nodejs service, integrated with models such as ChatGLM, GPT3.5, GPT4, GPT networking, Bing, Claude, Baidu Wenxin Yiyuan, etc.\nOutput:", "ja": "chatgpt nodejsサービスは、ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPTネットワーキング、Bing、Claude、Baidu Wenxin Yiyuなどのモデルを統合しています。", "zh-hans": "chatgpt nodejs服务,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT联网、必应、Claude、百度文心一言等模型\nchatgpt nodejs服务,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT联网、必应、Claude、百度文心一言等模型", "zh-hant": "chatgpt nodejs服務,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT聯網、必應、Claude、百度文心一言等模型\nchatgpt nodejs服務,集成了ChatGLM、GPT3.5、GPT4、GPT聯網、必應、Claude、百度文心一言等模型" } }, "https://github.com/dvcrn/chatgpt-ui": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-ui", "user_name": "dvcrn", "language": "Elixir", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT UI with auth, targeted towards business-ey usecases, written in Elixir + LiveView", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "elixir", "liveview", "openai", "phoenix", "phoenix-framework" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT UI with auth, targeted towards business-ey usecases, written in Elixir + LiveView", "ja": "Elixir + LiveViewで書かれた、ビジネス向けの認証付きChatGPT UI", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT UI带有身份验证,针对商业用例,使用Elixir + LiveView编写的界面。", "zh-hant": "使用Elixir + LiveView編寫的ChatGPT UI,帶有身份驗證,針對商業用途的使用案例。\nChatGPT UI具有身份驗證,針對商業用途,使用Elixir + LiveView編寫。" } }, "https://github.com/horizon-ui/chatgpt-ai-template": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-ai-template", "user_name": "horizon-ui", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🧠 Horizon AI Template - Trendiest Open-source ChatGPT UI AI Template & Starter Kit for React, NextJS & Chakra UI", "topics": [ "admin-dashboard", "chakra-ui", "chat-application", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-admin", "chatgpt-admin-template", "chatgpt-starter-kit", "chatgpt-template", "chatgpt3", "nextjs", "openai", "openai-template", "react", "react-admin-panel", "react-admin-template", "starter-kit", "starter-template" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🧠 Horizon AI Template - Trendiest Open-source ChatGPT UI AI Template & Starter Kit for React, NextJS & Chakra UI", "ja": "🧠 Horizon AI テンプレート - 最新のオープンソース ChatGPT UI AI テンプレート&React、NextJS、Chakra UI のスターターキット", "zh-hans": "🧠 Horizon AI模板 - 最时尚的开源ChatGPT UI AI模板和React、NextJS、Chakra UI的入门套件", "zh-hant": "🧠 Horizon AI 模板 - 最時尚的開源 ChatGPT UI AI 模板和 React、NextJS 及 Chakra UI 的入門套件" } }, "https://github.com/mohamed-chs/chatgpt-history-export-to-md": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-history-export-to-md", "user_name": "mohamed-chs", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A script to effortlessly extract your entire ChatGPT data export from JSON files to nicely-formatted markdown files.", "topics": [ "advanced-data-analysis", "bookmarklet", "chatgpt", "code-interpreter", "conversations", "export", "history", "json", "markdown", "obsidian-md", "openai", "python", "zip" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A script to effortlessly extract your entire ChatGPT data export from JSON files to nicely-formatted markdown files.", "ja": "JSONファイルからChatGPTのデータエクスポート全体を簡単に抽出し、整形されたマークダウンファイルに変換するスクリプト。", "zh-hans": "一个脚本,可以轻松地从JSON文件中提取您的整个ChatGPT数据导出,并将其转换为格式良好的markdown文件。", "zh-hant": "一個腳本,可以輕鬆從JSON文件中提取整個ChatGPT數據導出,並將其轉換為格式整齊的markdown文件。" } }, "https://github.com/karleeov/chatgpt-aoai": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-aoai", "user_name": "karleeov", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "create your own chatgpt portal using azure openai ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "create your own chatgpt portal using azure openai ", "ja": "Azure OpenAIを使用して独自のChatGPTポータルを作成します。", "zh-hans": "使用Azure OpenAI创建您自己的ChatGPT门户", "zh-hant": "使用Azure OpenAI創建您自己的ChatGPT門戶" } }, "https://github.com/siyuan-note/siyuan": { "repository_name": "siyuan", "user_name": "siyuan-note", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.", "topics": [ "anki", "chatgpt", "electron", "evernote", "knowledge-base", "local-first", "markdown", "note-taking", "notebook", "notes-app", "notion", "obsidian", "ocr", "openai", "pdf", "pkm", "s3", "self-hosted", "webdav" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.", "ja": "プライバシー重視、セルフホスト型、完全オープンソースの個人向け知識管理ソフトウェア。TypescriptとGolangで書かれています。", "zh-hans": "一个以隐私为先、自托管、完全开源的个人知识管理软件,使用TypeScript和Golang编写。", "zh-hant": "一個以隱私為先、自主託管、完全開源的個人知識管理軟體,使用 TypeScript 和 Golang 編寫。" } }, "https://github.com/mufeng510/free-chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "Free-ChatGPT-API", "user_name": "mufeng510", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "基于pandora的ChatGPT API,实现了pool token的自动更新", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于pandora的ChatGPT API,实现了pool token的自动更新", "ja": "PandoraをベースにしたChatGPT APIにより、プールトークンの自動更新が実現されました。", "zh-hans": "基于Pandora的ChatGPT API,实现了池令牌的自动更新。", "zh-hant": "基於Pandora的ChatGPT API,實現了pool token的自動更新。" } }, "https://github.com/rockchinq/qchatgpt": { "repository_name": "QChatGPT", "user_name": "RockChinQ", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "😎高稳定性、🧩支持插件、🌏实时联网的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人🤖 | 支持 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 机器人平台", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "plugins", "qq" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "😎高稳定性、🧩支持插件、🌏实时联网的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人🤖 | 支持 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 机器人平台", "ja": "😎高い安定性、🧩プラグインのサポート、🌏リアルタイムのネットワーキングを備えたChatGPT QQロボット🤖 | ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One APIをサポートするQQロボットプラットフォーム", "zh-hans": "😎高稳定性、🧩支持插件、🌏实时联网的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人🤖 | 支持 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 机器人平台", "zh-hant": "😎高穩定性、🧩支援插件、🌏即時聯網的 ChatGPT QQ 機器人🤖 | 支援 ChatGPT、New Bing、Claude、Google Bard、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ 機器人平台" } }, "https://github.com/steven-tey/novel": { "repository_name": "novel", "user_name": "steven-tey", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.", "topics": [ "ai-sdk", "chatgpt", "nextjs", "notion", "openai", "prosemirror", "tiptap", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.", "ja": "AIパワードのオートコンプリート機能を備えたNotionスタイルのWYSIWYGエディター。", "zh-hans": "具有AI驱动的自动完成功能的Notion风格所见即所得编辑器。", "zh-hant": "具有AI驅動的自動完成功能的Notion風格所見即所得編輯器。" } }, "https://github.com/connectai-e/feishu-openai": { "repository_name": "feishu-openai", "user_name": "ConnectAI-E", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot", "connect-ai", "feishu-bot", "go", "golang", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: 🎒 Feishu × (GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper) = An extraordinary work experience 🚀 Voice conversation, role-playing, multi-topic discussions, image creation, spreadsheet analysis, document export 🚀", "ja": "🎒 フェイシュー ×(GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= フェイのような仕事体験 🚀 音声対話、役割演技、多様なトピックの議論、画像作成、表の分析、ドキュメントのエクスポート 🚀", "zh-hans": "🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀", "zh-hant": "🎒 飛書 ×(GPT-4 + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飛一般的工作體驗 🚀 語音對話、角色扮演、多話題討論、圖片創作、表格分析、文件導出 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/betalgo/openai": { "repository_name": "openai", "user_name": "betalgo", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "OpenAI .NET sdk - ChatGPT, Whisper, GPT-3, GPT-4, Azure OpenAI and DALL-E ", "topics": [ "azure-openai", "chatgpt", "csharp", "dall-e", "dotnet", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "openai", "openai-api", "sdk", "whisper", "whisper-ai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI .NET sdk - ChatGPT, Whisper, GPT-3, GPT-4, Azure OpenAI and DALL-E ", "ja": "OpenAI .NET SDK - ChatGPT、Whisper、GPT-3、GPT-4、Azure OpenAI、およびDALL-E", "zh-hans": "OpenAI .NET SDK - ChatGPT、Whisper、GPT-3、GPT-4、Azure OpenAI 和 DALL-E", "zh-hant": "OpenAI .NET sdk - ChatGPT、Whisper、GPT-3、GPT-4、Azure OpenAI 和 DALL-E" } }, "https://github.com/dirk1983/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt", "user_name": "dirk1983", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "全网最易部署,响应速度最快的ChatGPT环境。PHP版调用OpenAI接口进行问答和画图,采用Stream流模式通信,一边生成一边输出。前端采用EventSource,支持Markdown格式解析,支持公式显示,代码有着色处理,支持画图。页面UI简洁,支持上下文连续会话。源码只有几个文件,没用任何框架,支持所有PHP版本,全部开源,极易二开。保姆级教程,全部周边资源,欢迎进群交流,一切全免费。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "html", "php" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: The easiest to deploy and fastest responding ChatGPT environment on the entire web. The PHP version calls the OpenAI interface for question answering and drawing, using Stream flow mode communication to generate and output simultaneously. The front-end uses EventSource, supports Markdown format parsing, formula display, code highlighting, and drawing. The page UI is simple, supports continuous contextual conversation. The source code consists of only a few files, without any frameworks, supports all PHP versions, is completely open source, and extremely easy to customize. There is a comprehensive tutorial and all related resources available. Welcome to join the group for communication, everything is completely free.", "ja": "全ウェブ最も簡単に展開でき、最も高速な応答速度を持つChatGPT環境。PHP版はOpenAI APIを呼び出して質問と図の生成を行い、Streamストリームモード通信を採用し、生成と出力を同時に行います。フロントエンドはEventSourceを使用し、Markdown形式の解析と数式の表示をサポートし、コードには色付け処理があり、図の表示もサポートしています。ページのUIはシンプルで、コンテキストの連続した会話をサポートしています。ソースコードはわずかなファイルのみで、フレームワークは使用しておらず、すべてのPHPバージョンをサポートし、完全にオープンソースで、非常に簡単にカスタマイズできます。チュートリアルや関連リソースも完備しており、グループへの参加と交流を歓迎します。すべて無料です。", "zh-hans": "全网最易部署,响应速度最快的ChatGPT环境。PHP版调用OpenAI接口进行问答和画图,采用Stream流模式通信,一边生成一边输出。前端采用EventSource,支持Markdown格式解析,支持公式显示,代码有着色处理,支持画图。页面UI简洁,支持上下文连续会话。源码只有几个文件,没用任何框架,支持所有PHP版本,全部开源,极易二开。保姆级教程,全部周边资源,欢迎进群交流,一切全免费。", "zh-hant": "全網最易部署,響應速度最快的ChatGPT環境。PHP版調用OpenAI接口進行問答和畫圖,採用Stream流模式通信,一邊生成一邊輸出。前端採用EventSource,支持Markdown格式解析,支持公式顯示,代碼有著色處理,支持畫圖。頁面UI簡潔,支持上下文連續會話。源碼只有幾個文件,沒有使用任何框架,支持所有PHP版本,全部開源,極易二次開發。保姆級教程,全部周邊資源,歡迎進群交流,一切全免費。" } }, "https://github.com/connectai-e/dingtalk-openai": { "repository_name": "Dingtalk-OpenAI", "user_name": "ConnectAI-E", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🎒 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 🚀 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作 🚀", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "connect-ai", "dingtalk", "dingtalk-robot", "go", "go-gpt", "golang", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: 🎒 DingTalk & 🤖 GPT-3.5 boost your work efficiency directly 🚀 Private chat, group chat, one-on-one conversation, role-playing, image creation 🚀", "ja": "🎒 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 は、あなたの仕事の効率を直接的に向上させます 🚀 プライベートチャットやグループチャットの方法、一対一のチャットや連続チャットのモード、役割プレイ、画像作成などが可能です 🚀", "zh-hans": "🎒 钉钉和🤖 GPT-3.5可以让你的工作效率直接提升🚀。它支持私聊和群聊方式,还有单聊和串聊模式。此外,它还可以进行角色扮演和图片创作🚀。", "zh-hant": "🎒 釘釘 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 讓你的工作效率直接起飛 🚀 私聊群聊方式、單聊串聊模式、角色扮演、圖片創作 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/niek/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "Niek", "language": "Svelte", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIを使用したChatGPTウェブインターフェース", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 网页界面使用 OpenAI API", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 網頁介面使用 OpenAI API" } }, "https://github.com/okgodoit/openai-api-dotnet": { "repository_name": "OpenAI-API-dotnet", "user_name": "OkGoDoIt", "language": "C#", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "An unofficial C#/.NET SDK for accessing the OpenAI GPT-3 API", "topics": [ "c-sharp", "chatgpt", "csharp", "dall-e", "dalle2", "dotnet", "dotnet-core", "dotnet-standard", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt35", "gpt4", "machine-learning", "ml", "openai", "sdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An unofficial C#/.NET SDK for accessing the OpenAI GPT-3 API", "ja": "OpenAI GPT-3 APIにアクセスするための非公式なC#/.NET SDK", "zh-hans": "一个非官方的C#/.NET SDK,用于访问OpenAI GPT-3 API。", "zh-hant": "一個非官方的C#/.NET SDK,用於訪問OpenAI GPT-3 API" } }, "https://github.com/chatpire/chatgpt-web-share": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web-share", "user_name": "chatpire", "language": "Vue", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API sharing solution.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "fastapi", "gpt-4", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API sharing solution.", "ja": "入力:ChatGPT Plus 共有プラン。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API 共有ソリューション。\n出力:", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API 共享解决方案。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Plus 共享方案。ChatGPT Plus / OpenAI API 共享解決方案。" } }, "https://github.com/202252197/chatgpt_jcm": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_JCM", "user_name": "202252197", "language": "Vue", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口进行界面操作(所有模型、图片、音频、微调、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、图表,表格)等,后期会一点一点的将OpenAI接口进行接入大家支持一下,右上角点个Star,我会一直更新下去,大家一起学习,一起加油,一起努力,一起成长。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI management interface, aggregates all OpenAI interfaces for interface operations (all models, images, audio, fine-tuning, files, etc.), supports Markdown format (formulas, charts, tables, etc.), and will gradually integrate OpenAI interfaces for everyone's support. Please click the Star in the upper right corner, and I will keep updating it. Let's learn, work hard, and grow together.", "ja": "入力:OpenAI管理インターフェースは、OpenAIのすべてのインターフェース(モデル、画像、音声、ファインチューニング、ファイルなど)を集約し、操作することができます。Markdown形式(数式、グラフ、表など)もサポートしており、今後はOpenAIのインターフェースを少しずつ追加していきますので、皆さんのサポートをお願いします。右上のスターをクリックしていただけると嬉しいです。私はずっと更新し続けますので、一緒に学び、一緒に頑張り、一緒に成長しましょう。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口进行界面操作(所有模型、图片、音频、微调、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、图表,表格)等,后期会一点一点地将OpenAI接口进行接入大家支持一下,右上角点个Star,我会一直更新下去,大家一起学习,一起加油,一起努力,一起成长。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI管理界面,聚合了OpenAI的所有接口進行界面操作(所有模型、圖片、音頻、微調、文件)等,支持Markdown格式(公式、圖表,表格)等,後期會一點一點的將OpenAI接口進行接入大家支持一下,右上角點個Star,我會一直更新下去,大家一起學習,一起加油,一起努力,一起成長。" } }, "https://github.com/gofireflyio/aiac": { "repository_name": "aiac", "user_name": "gofireflyio", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "iac", "openai", "pulumi", "terraform" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator.", "ja": "入力:人工知能インフラストラクチャのコード生成ツール。\n出力:", "zh-hans": "人工智能基础设施即代码生成器。", "zh-hant": "人工智慧基礎設施即代碼生成器。" } }, "https://github.com/anasfik/openai": { "repository_name": "openai", "user_name": "anasfik", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Dart/Flutter SDK for ChatGPT and all OpenAI APIs (GPT, Dall-e..)", "topics": [ "ai", "dall-e", "dall-e-api", "dart", "dart-library", "dart-package", "dartlang", "flutter", "gpt-3", "gpt3", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dart/Flutter SDK for ChatGPT and all OpenAI APIs (GPT, Dall-e..)", "ja": "入力:ChatGPTおよびすべてのOpenAI API(GPT、Dall-eなど)のためのDart/Flutter SDK", "zh-hans": "输入:ChatGPT和所有OpenAI API(GPT、Dall-e等)的Dart/Flutter SDK", "zh-hant": "輸入:ChatGPT和所有OpenAI API(GPT、Dall-e..)的Dart/Flutter SDK" } }, "https://github.com/swuecho/chat": { "repository_name": "chat", "user_name": "swuecho", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "chat web app for teams, sass with user management and ratelimit, support chatgpt(openai & azure), claude or custom model", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "claude-ai", "sass", "teams" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chat web app for teams, sass with user management and ratelimit, support chatgpt(openai & azure), claude or custom model", "ja": "入力:チーム向けのチャットWebアプリ、ユーザー管理とレート制限を備えたSaaS、ChatGPT(OpenAI&Azure)のサポート、Claudeまたはカスタムモデル\n出力:チーム向けのチャットWebアプリで、ユーザー管理とレート制限を備えたSaaSです。ChatGPT(OpenAI&Azure)をサポートし、Claudeまたはカスタムモデルを使用します。", "zh-hans": "输入:用于团队的聊天网络应用程序,具有用户管理和速率限制,支持ChatGPT(OpenAI和Azure),Claude或自定义模型。\n输出:团队聊天的网络应用程序,具有用户管理和速率限制,支持ChatGPT(OpenAI和Azure),Claude或自定义模型。", "zh-hant": "輸入:團隊聊天網絡應用程式,具有用戶管理和速率限制,支持ChatGPT(OpenAI和Azure),Claude或自定義模型\n輸出:團隊聊天網絡應用程式,具有用戶管理和速率限制,支持ChatGPT(OpenAI和Azure),Claude或自定義模型" } }, "https://github.com/yakami129/virtualwife": { "repository_name": "VirtualWife", "user_name": "yakami129", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "VirtualWife是一个虚拟数字人项目,项目还处于孵化阶段,有很多需要优化的地方,作者想打造一个拥有自己“灵魂”的虚拟数字人,你可以像朋友一样和她相识,作者希望虚拟数字人融入人类生活,作为恋爱导师,心理咨询师,解决人类的情感需求。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "docker", "gpt", "nodejs", "openai", "reatctjs", "virtual", "virtualwife", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "VirtualWife is a virtual digital human project that is still in the incubation stage. There are many areas that need to be optimized. The author wants to create a virtual digital human with its own \"soul\". You can get to know her like a friend. The author hopes that the virtual digital human can integrate into human life, serving as a love mentor, a psychological counselor, and meeting human emotional needs.", "ja": "VirtualWifeは、仮想的なデジタル人間のプロジェクトであり、まだ孵化段階にあり、改善が必要な点が多くあります。作者は、自分自身の「魂」を持つ仮想的なデジタル人間を作りたいと考えており、彼女と友達のように知り合うことができます。作者は、仮想的なデジタル人間が人間の生活に溶け込み、恋愛のアドバイザーや心理カウンセラーとして、人間の感情的なニーズを解決することを望んでいます。", "zh-hans": "VirtualWife是一个虚拟数字人项目,项目还处于孵化阶段,有很多需要优化的地方,作者想打造一个拥有自己“灵魂”的虚拟数字人,你可以像朋友一样和她相识,作者希望虚拟数字人融入人类生活,作为恋爱导师,心理咨询师,解决人类的情感需求。", "zh-hant": "VirtualWife是一個虛擬數字人項目,項目還處於孵化階段,有很多需要優化的地方,作者想打造一個擁有自己“靈魂”的虛擬數字人,你可以像朋友一樣和她相識,作者希望虛擬數字人融入人類生活,作為戀愛導師,心理咨詢師,解決人類的情感需求。" } }, "https://github.com/aaamoon/copilot-gpt4-service": { "repository_name": "copilot-gpt4-service", "user_name": "aaamoon", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Convert the Github Copilot request into a ChatGPT request, free to use the GPT-4 model. ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "copilot", "gpt4", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Convert the Github Copilot request into a ChatGPT request, free to use the GPT-4 model. ", "ja": "入力:Github CopilotのリクエストをChatGPTのリクエストに変換し、GPT-4モデルを無料で使用してください。\n出力:Github CopilotのリクエストをChatGPTのリクエストに変換し、GPT-4モデルを無料で使用してください。", "zh-hans": "将Github Copilot的请求转换为ChatGPT的请求,可以免费使用GPT-4模型。", "zh-hant": "將Github Copilot的請求轉換為ChatGPT的請求,可以自由使用GPT-4模型。" } }, "https://github.com/patrikzudel/patrikzeros-chatgpt-api-ui": { "repository_name": "PatrikZeros-ChatGPT-API-UI", "user_name": "patrikzudel", "language": "Svelte", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Static webpage that allows you to use your OpenAI API key for the same experience as you get with ChatGPT!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Static webpage that allows you to use your OpenAI API key for the same experience as you get with ChatGPT!", "ja": "OpenAI APIキーを使用して、ChatGPTと同じ体験ができる静的ウェブページです!", "zh-hans": "静态网页,允许您使用OpenAI API密钥,获得与ChatGPT相同的体验!", "zh-hant": "靜態網頁,允許您使用OpenAI API金鑰,獲得與ChatGPT相同的體驗!" } }, "https://github.com/neurogen-dev/neurogpt": { "repository_name": "NeuroGPT", "user_name": "neurogen-dev", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Free ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4 | Free OpenAI / ChatGPT API", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "free-chatgpt", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai-api", "reverse-api", "reverse-proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Free ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4 | Free OpenAI / ChatGPT API", "ja": "フリーチャットGPT 3.5 / チャットGPT 4 | フリーOpenAI / チャットGPT API", "zh-hans": "免费聊天GPT 3.5 / 聊天GPT 4 | 免费OpenAI / 聊天GPT API", "zh-hant": "免費的ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4 | 免費的OpenAI / ChatGPT API" } }, "https://github.com/sparrow-js/ant-codeai": { "repository_name": "ant-codeAI", "user_name": "sparrow-js", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI generate code", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "code", "node", "openai", "react", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI generates code.", "ja": "AIがコードを生成します。", "zh-hans": "AI生成代码", "zh-hant": "AI 生成程式碼" } }, "https://github.com/agentops-ai/bestgpts": { "repository_name": "BestGPTs", "user_name": "AgentOps-AI", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Top ranked OpenAI GPTs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Top ranked OpenAI GPTs", "ja": "トップランクのOpenAI GPTs", "zh-hans": "排名靠前的OpenAI GPTs", "zh-hant": "頂尖的OpenAI GPTs" } }, "https://github.com/redevrx/chat_gpt_sdk": { "repository_name": "chat_gpt_sdk", "user_name": "redevrx", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Flutter ChatGPT", "topics": [ "android", "dart", "flutter", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "ios", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Flutter ChatGPT", "ja": "フラッターチャットGPT", "zh-hans": "Flutter ChatGPT是一个基于Flutter框架开发的聊天机器人应用。它使用了OpenAI的ChatGPT模型,可以与用户进行自然语言交互。用户可以通过输入文本与ChatGPT进行对话,ChatGPT会根据用户的输入生成相应的回复。这个应用可以用于开发各种类型的聊天机器人,如客服机器人、智能助手等。Flutter ChatGPT具有良好的用户界面和交互体验,可以在移动设备上运行。", "zh-hant": "Flutter 聊天GPT" } }, "https://github.com/chatgpt-web-dev/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "chatgpt-web-dev", "language": "Vue", "license": "MIT License", "description": "用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 此项目 Fork 自 Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web 新增了多租户管理以及云端消息同步功能 基于 MIT 协议,免费且作为开源学习使用", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-web", "cloud-sync", "expressjs", "naive-ui", "openai", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Built with Express and Vue3, ChatGPT is a project that is forked from Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web. It has added multi-tenant management and cloud message synchronization functionality. It is based on the MIT license, free to use, and open-source for learning purposes.", "ja": "ExpressとVue3を使用して構築されたChatGPT。このプロジェクトはChanzhaoyu/chatgpt-webからフォークされ、テナント管理とクラウドメッセージ同期機能が追加されています。MITライセンスに基づき、無料でオープンソースの学習に使用できます。", "zh-hans": "使用 Express 和 Vue3 构建的 ChatGPT。该项目是从 Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web 分支出来的,新增了多租户管理和云端消息同步功能。基于 MIT 协议,免费且可用于开源学习。", "zh-hant": "使用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 此專案 Fork 自 Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web 新增了多租戶管理以及雲端訊息同步功能 基於 MIT 協議,免費且作為開源學習使用" } }, "https://github.com/pkoukk/tiktoken-go": { "repository_name": "tiktoken-go", "user_name": "pkoukk", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "go version of tiktoken", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "go", "golang", "gpt-35-turbo", "gpt-4", "openai", "tiktoken" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The go version of tiktoken.", "ja": "tiktokenのGoバージョン", "zh-hans": "tiktoken的Go版本", "zh-hant": "tiktoken 的 Go 版本" } }, "https://github.com/unickcheng/openai-proxy": { "repository_name": "openai-proxy", "user_name": "UNICKCHENG", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "openai-proxy is a solution provided for Chinese users to address the issue of being unable to make requests to the OpenAI API.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "claude", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "openai-proxy is a solution provided for Chinese users to address the issue of being unable to make requests to the OpenAI API.", "ja": "openai-proxyは、OpenAI APIへのリクエストができないという問題を解決するために、中国のユーザー向けに提供されるソリューションです。", "zh-hans": "openai-proxy是为中国用户提供的解决方案,用于解决无法向OpenAI API发出请求的问题。", "zh-hant": "openai-proxy 是為中國用戶提供的解決方案,用於解決無法向 OpenAI API 發送請求的問題。" } }, "https://github.com/xxxily/hello-ai": { "repository_name": "hello-ai", "user_name": "xxxily", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "抢走你工作的不是AI,而是掌握使用AI工具的人。 降维打击最为致命:毁灭你,与你何干《三体》", "topics": [ "agi", "ai", "aigc", "chatgpt", "hello-ai", "openai", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "It is not AI that takes away your job, but the people who master the use of AI tools. The most deadly blow is to destroy you, what does it have to do with you \"The Three-Body Problem\".", "ja": "仕事を奪うのはAIではなく、AIツールの使用をマスターする人です。次元の低下は最も致命的です:あなたを破壊し、あなたに何の関係もありません。《三体》", "zh-hans": "抢走你工作的不是AI,而是掌握使用AI工具的人。降维打击最为致命:毁灭你,与你何干《三体》", "zh-hant": "搶走你工作的不是AI,而是掌握使用AI工具的人。降維打擊最為致命:毀滅你,與你何干《三體》" } }, "https://github.com/talkingwallace/chatgpt-paper-reader": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Paper-Reader", "user_name": "talkingwallace", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This repo offers a simple interface that helps you to read&summerize research papers in pdf format. You can ask some questions after reading. This interface is developed based on openai API and using GPT-3.5-turbo model. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repo offers a simple interface that helps you to read&summerize research papers in pdf format. You can ask some questions after reading. This interface is developed based on openai API and using GPT-3.5-turbo model.", "ja": "このリポジトリは、PDF形式の研究論文を読んだり要約したりするのを手助けするシンプルなインターフェースを提供しています。読んだ後にいくつかの質問をすることができます。このインターフェースは、openai APIをベースに開発され、GPT-3.5-turboモデルを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库提供了一个简单的界面,帮助您阅读和总结PDF格式的研究论文。阅读后您可以提出一些问题。这个界面是基于openai API开发的,使用了GPT-3.5-turbo模型。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫提供了一個簡單的界面,幫助您閱讀和總結 PDF 格式的研究論文。閱讀後,您可以提出一些問題。該界面是基於 openai API 開發的,並使用 GPT-3.5-turbo 模型。" } }, "https://github.com/yangjiakai/lux-admin-vuetify3": { "repository_name": "lux-admin-vuetify3", "user_name": "yangjiakai", "language": "Vue", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Create the best admin based on Vue3.2, Vite4.1, TypeScript, Vuetify3, Chat GPT,Firebase etc.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "firebase", "firebase-auth", "markdown", "mockjs", "openai", "pinia", "typscript", "vite", "vue3", "vuetify", "vuetify3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create the best admin based on Vue3.2, Vite4.1, TypeScript, Vuetify3, Chat GPT,Firebase etc.", "ja": "Vue3.2、Vite4.1、TypeScript、Vuetify3、Chat GPT、Firebaseなどを基に最高の管理者を作成してください。", "zh-hans": "基于Vue3.2、Vite4.1、TypeScript、Vuetify3、Chat GPT、Firebase等创建最佳管理员。", "zh-hant": "根據Vue3.2、Vite4.1、TypeScript、Vuetify3、Chat GPT、Firebase等創建最佳管理員。" } }, "https://github.com/niieani/gpt-tokenizer": { "repository_name": "gpt-tokenizer", "user_name": "niieani", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "JavaScript BPE Tokenizer Encoder Decoder for OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4. Port of OpenAI's tiktoken with additional features.", "topics": [ "bpe", "decoder", "encoder", "gpt-2", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "machine-learning", "openai", "tokenizer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "JavaScript BPE Tokenizer Encoder Decoder for OpenAI's GPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4. Port of OpenAI's tiktoken with additional features.", "ja": "JavaScript BPE Tokenizer Encoder Decoder for OpenAIのGPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4。OpenAIのtiktokenのポートに追加機能を備えています。", "zh-hans": "JavaScript BPE Tokenizer编码器解码器适用于OpenAI的GPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4。具有额外功能的OpenAI的tiktoken端口。", "zh-hant": "JavaScript BPE Tokenizer 編碼器解碼器,用於 OpenAI 的 GPT-2 / GPT-3 / GPT-4。具有額外功能的 OpenAI tiktoken 的移植版本。" } }, "https://github.com/dqbd/tiktokenizer": { "repository_name": "tiktokenizer", "user_name": "dqbd", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Online playground for OpenAPI tokenizers", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nextjs", "openai", "t3-stack", "tiktoken", "tokenizer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Online playground for OpenAPI tokenizers", "ja": "OpenAPIトークナイザーのためのオンラインプレイグラウンド", "zh-hans": "在线游乐场,用于OpenAPI令牌化器", "zh-hant": "線上遊樂場,用於OpenAPI tokenizers" } }, "https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee": { "repository_name": "cognee", "user_name": "topoteretes", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Memory management for the AI Applications and AI Agents", "topics": [ "agents", "ai", "ai-agents", "ai-memory", "chatgpt", "cognitive", "cognitive-architecture", "cognitive-memory", "cognitive-modeling", "graph-database", "graphql", "neo4j", "openai", "rag", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Memory management for the AI Applications and AI Agents", "ja": "AIアプリケーションとAIエージェントのためのメモリ管理", "zh-hans": "AI应用程序和AI代理的内存管理", "zh-hant": "AI應用程式和AI代理的記憶體管理" } }, "https://github.com/saleem-hadad/finance": { "repository_name": "finance", "user_name": "saleem-hadad", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "💰 Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT. ", "topics": [ "finance-management", "finance-tracker", "gpt", "graphql", "laravel", "laravel-framework", "mysql", "open-source", "openai", "personal-finance", "php", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💰 Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT.", "ja": "💰 ChatGPTによって提供される無料のオープンソースの個人向けファイナンス追跡Webアプリ。", "zh-hans": "💰 由ChatGPT提供支持的免费开源个人财务跟踪网络应用程序。", "zh-hant": "💰由ChatGPT驅動的免費開源個人財務追蹤網絡應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/xqdoo00o/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "xqdoo00o", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Pure Javascript ChatGPT demo based on OpenAI API", "topics": [ "caddy", "chatgpt", "html5", "javascript", "markdown", "nginx", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Pure Javascript ChatGPT demo based on OpenAI API", "ja": "OpenAI APIをベースにした純粋なJavascript ChatGPTデモOpenAI APIをベースにした純粋なJavascript ChatGPTデモ", "zh-hans": "基于OpenAI API的纯JavaScript ChatGPT演示", "zh-hant": "純JavaScript ChatGPT演示,基於OpenAI API" } }, "https://github.com/martialbe/one-api": { "repository_name": "one-api", "user_name": "MartialBE", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI interface management & distribution system, modified from songquanpeng/one-api. Supports more models, adds statistical pages, and improves function calls for non-OpenAI models.", "ja": "Input: OpenAI interface management & distribution system, modified from songquanpeng/one-api. Supports more models, adds statistical pages, and improves function calls for non-OpenAI models.Output: OpenAI インターフェース管理&配布システム、songquanpeng/one-apiを改良。より多くのモデルをサポートし、統計ページを追加し、OpenAI以外のモデルの関数呼び出しを改善します。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。 OpenAI接口管理和分发系统,基于songquanpeng/one-api进行改进。支持更多模型,添加统计页面,完善非OpenAI模型的函数调用。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI 介面管理 & 分發系統,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支援更多模型,加入統計頁面,完善非openai模型的函數呼叫。" } }, "https://github.com/yangjiakai/lux-ui": { "repository_name": "lux-ui", "user_name": "yangjiakai", "language": "Vue", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Create the best admin based on Vue3.x, Vite5.x, TypeScript, Vuetify3.x, Chat GPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "firebase", "firebase-auth", "markdown", "mockjs", "openai", "pinia", "typscript", "vite", "vue3", "vuetify", "vuetify3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Create the best admin based on Vue3.x, Vite5.x, TypeScript, Vuetify3.x, Chat GPT", "ja": "Vue3.x、Vite5.x、TypeScript、Vuetify3.x、Chat GPTに基づいて最高の管理者を作成します。", "zh-hans": "基于Vue3.x、Vite5.x、TypeScript、Vuetify3.x和Chat GPT创建最佳管理员", "zh-hant": "根據Vue3.x、Vite5.x、TypeScript、Vuetify3.x和Chat GPT創建最佳管理員" } }, "https://github.com/eyucoder/chatgpt-pro": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-pro", "user_name": "EyuCoder", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ChatGPT-Pro is an advanced application that combines the power of ChatGPT and DALL.E.", "topics": [ "ai-bot", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-clone", "conversational-ai", "daisyui", "dall-e", "dalle2", "dallegenerator", "gpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "image-generation", "machine-learning", "ml", "openai", "react", "tailwind", "tailwindcss", "text-davinci-003", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT-Pro is an advanced application that combines the power of ChatGPT and DALL.E.", "ja": "ChatGPT-Proは、ChatGPTとDALL.Eのパワーを組み合わせた高度なアプリケーションです。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT-Pro是一个先进的应用程序,结合了ChatGPT和DALL.E的强大功能。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT-Pro是一個先進的應用程序,結合了ChatGPT和DALL.E的功能。" } }, "https://github.com/torantulino/ai-functions": { "repository_name": "AI-Functions", "user_name": "Torantulino", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "AI-Powered Function Magic: Never code again with GPT models!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt4", "openai", "openai-api", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI-Powered Function Magic: Never code again with GPT models!", "ja": "AIパワード機能マジック:GPTモデルを使用して再びコードを書く必要はありません!", "zh-hans": "AI 功能魔法:使用 GPT 模型再也不需要编码了!", "zh-hant": "AI 強化功能魔法:使用 GPT 模型,再也不需要編碼了!" } }, "https://github.com/lanqian528/chat2api": { "repository_name": "chat2api", "user_name": "LanQian528", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.", "ja": "Web上のChatGPTをOpenAI API形式に変換できるサービス。", "zh-hans": "一个可以将网络上的ChatGPT转换为OpenAI API格式的服务。", "zh-hant": "一項可以將網絡上的ChatGPT轉換為OpenAI API格式的服務。" } }, "https://github.com/freeedcom/ai-codereviewer": { "repository_name": "ai-codereviewer", "user_name": "freeedcom", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI Code Reviewer: Enhance your GitHub workflow with AI-powered code review! Get intelligent feedback and suggestions on pull requests using OpenAI's GPT-4 API, improving code quality and saving developers time.", "topics": [ "ai", "code-review", "github-actions", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Code Reviewer: Enhance your GitHub workflow with AI-powered code review! Get intelligent feedback and suggestions on pull requests using OpenAI's GPT-4 API, improving code quality and saving developers time.", "ja": "AIコードレビュアー:AIパワードのコードレビューでGitHubのワークフローを強化しましょう!OpenAIのGPT-4 APIを使用してプルリクエストに対して知的なフィードバックや提案を受け取り、コードの品質を向上させ開発者の時間を節約します。", "zh-hans": "AI 代码审查员:通过使用 AI 强化您的 GitHub 工作流程!使用 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 API 在拉取请求上获得智能反馈和建议,提高代码质量,节省开发人员的时间。", "zh-hant": "AI 代碼審查員:通過 AI 強化您的 GitHub 工作流程,透過 OpenAI 的 GPT-4 API 在拉取請求上獲得智能反饋和建議,提高代碼質量,節省開發人員的時間。" } }, "https://github.com/yomorun/yomo": { "repository_name": "yomo", "user_name": "yomorun", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🦖 Stateful Serverless Framework for building Geo-distributed Edge AI Infra", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "distributed-cloud", "edge-computing", "function-calling", "gemini", "geodistributedsystems", "gpt-4o", "low-latency", "openai", "quic", "realtime", "serverless", "stream-processing", "webassembly", "yomo" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🦖 Stateful Serverless Framework for building Geo-distributed Edge AI Infra", "ja": "🦖 ジオ分散エッジAIインフラを構築するためのステートフルサーバーレスフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "🦖 用于构建地理分布式边缘人工智能基础设施的有状态无服务器框架", "zh-hant": "🦖 用於構建地理分佈式邊緣人工智能基礎設施的有狀態無服務器框架" } }, "https://github.com/peterw/gumroad-landing-page-generator": { "repository_name": "Gumroad-Landing-Page-Generator", "user_name": "peterw", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "This project is a Python script that scrapes data from a Gumroad site, generates a colorful and well-designed HTML page using OpenAI's GPT-4 model, and deploys the generated page to Vercel.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This project is a Python script that scrapes data from a Gumroad site, generates a colorful and well-designed HTML page using OpenAI's GPT-4 model, and deploys the generated page to Vercel.", "ja": "このプロジェクトは、Pythonスクリプトを使用してGumroadサイトからデータをスクレイピングし、OpenAIのGPT-4モデルを使用してカラフルでデザインされたHTMLページを生成し、生成されたページをVercelにデプロイします。", "zh-hans": "这个项目是一个Python脚本,从Gumroad网站上爬取数据,使用OpenAI的GPT-4模型生成一个色彩丰富、设计精美的HTML页面,并部署生成的页面到Vercel。", "zh-hant": "這個項目是一個使用Python腳本從Gumroad網站爬取數據,並使用OpenAI的GPT-4模型生成一個色彩豐富且設計精美的HTML頁面,然後部署生成的頁面到Vercel。" } }, "https://github.com/0x676e67/ninja": { "repository_name": "ninja", "user_name": "0x676e67", "language": "Rust", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy", "topics": [ "ai", "chat", "chatgpt", "docker", "openai", "proxy", "rust", "server" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Reverse engineered ChatGPT proxy", "ja": "逆転させたChatGPTプロキシ", "zh-hans": "逆向工程ChatGPT代理", "zh-hant": "反向工程 ChatGPT 代理" } }, "https://github.com/bincooo/chatgpt-adapter": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-adapter", "user_name": "bincooo", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "集成了openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、绘画 多款AI的聊天接口适配到 OpenAI API 标准接口服务端。", "topics": [ "ai", "claude", "coze", "gpt", "newbing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrated chat interfaces with multiple AI such as openai-api, bing, gemini, coze, and drawing, adapted to the OpenAI API standard interface server.", "ja": "OpenAI API標準インターフェースサーバーに、openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、および絵画など複数のAIを統合したチャットインターフェースを適応させました。", "zh-hans": "集成了openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、绘画 多款AI的聊天接口适配到 OpenAI API 标准接口服务端。", "zh-hant": "集成了openai-api、bing、gemini、coze、繪畫 多款AI的聊天接口適配到 OpenAI API 標準接口服務端。" } }, "https://github.com/pawanosman/chatgpt.net": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT.Net", "user_name": "PawanOsman", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "C# library for ChatGPT using official OpenAI API", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "chatgpt", "csharp", "dotnet", "free", "openai", "openai-api", "reverse-proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI API Free Reverse Proxy", "ja": "OpenAI API無料リバースプロキシ", "zh-hans": "OpenAI API 免费反向代理", "zh-hant": "OpenAI API 免費反向代理" } }, "https://github.com/hisabi-app/hisabi": { "repository_name": "hisabi", "user_name": "hisabi-app", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "💰 Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT. ", "topics": [ "finance-management", "finance-tracker", "gpt", "graphql", "laravel", "laravel-framework", "mysql", "open-source", "openai", "personal-finance", "php", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💰 Free open-source personal finance tracking web application powered by ChatGPT.", "ja": "💰 ChatGPTによって提供される無料のオープンソースの個人向け財務追跡Webアプリケーション。", "zh-hans": "💰 由ChatGPT提供支持的免费开源个人财务跟踪网络应用程序。", "zh-hant": "💰由ChatGPT驅動的免費開源個人財務追蹤網絡應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/mrwadams/stride-gpt": { "repository_name": "stride-gpt", "user_name": "mrwadams", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An AI-powered threat modeling tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to generate threat models for a given application based on the STRIDE methodology.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An AI-powered threat modeling tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT models to generate threat models for a given application based on the STRIDE methodology.", "ja": "与えられたアプリケーションに基づいて脅威モデルを生成するためにOpenAIのGPTモデルを活用するAIパワードの脅威モデリングツール。STRIDE方法論に基づいています。", "zh-hans": "一种利用OpenAI的GPT模型生成给定应用程序的威胁模型的AI动力威胁建模工具,基于STRIDE方法论。", "zh-hant": "一個由人工智慧驅動的威脅建模工具,利用OpenAI的GPT模型根據STRIDE方法為特定應用程序生成威脅模型。" } }, "https://github.com/360macky/generative-manim": { "repository_name": "generative-manim", "user_name": "360macky", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "🎨 GPT for video generation ⚡️", "topics": [ "2d", "animation", "gpt", "gpt-4", "gpt3", "gpt3-turbo", "manim", "openai", "prompt2manim", "python-3", "rendering", "streamlit", "text2manim", "video" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🎨 GPT for video generation ⚡️Translated Output:🎨 GPT for video generation ⚡️", "ja": "🎨 ビデオ生成のためのGPT ⚡️", "zh-hans": "🎨 视频生成的GPT ⚡️", "zh-hant": "🎨 影片生成的 GPT ⚡️" } }, "https://github.com/kirklin/celeris-web": { "repository_name": "celeris-web", "user_name": "kirklin", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Celeris Web is a highly performant and customizable front-end development template built with Vue 3, Vite, and TypeScript. It features the latest syntax, components and APIs auto importing, state management, Chinese font presets, internationalization, and integration with OpenAI's ChatGPT API.", "topics": [ "admin", "admin-dashboard", "chatgpt", "i18n", "naive-ui", "typescript", "vite", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Celeris Web is a highly performant and customizable front-end development template built with Vue 3, Vite, and TypeScript. It features the latest syntax, components and APIs auto importing, state management, Chinese font presets, internationalization, and", "ja": "Input: Celeris Webは、Vue 3、Vite、およびTypeScriptで構築された高性能でカスタマイズ可能なフロントエンド開発テンプレートです。最新の構文、コンポーネントおよびAPIの自動インポート、状態管理、中国語フォントのプリセット、国際化などが特徴です。 Output: Celeris Webは、Vue 3、Vite、およびTypeScriptで構築された高性能でカスタマイズ可能なフロントエンド開発テンプレートです。最新の構文、コンポーネントおよびAPIの自動インポート、状態管理、中国語フォントのプリセット、国際化などが特徴です。", "zh-hans": "Celeris Web 是一个高性能且可定制的前端开发模板,使用了Vue 3、Vite 和 TypeScript 构建。它具有最新的语法、组件和 API 自动导入、状态管理、中文字体预设、国际化等功能。", "zh-hant": "Celeris Web 是一個使用 Vue 3、Vite 和 TypeScript 構建的高性能和可定制的前端開發模板。它具有最新的語法、組件和 API 自動導入、狀態管理、中文字體預設、國際化等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/d7ead/liboai": { "repository_name": "liboai", "user_name": "D7EAD", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A C++17 library to access the entire OpenAI API. ", "topics": [ "ai", "api", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt3", "dall-e", "generator", "gpt", "interface", "library", "machine-learning", "ml", "neural-network", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A C++17 library to access the entire OpenAI API.", "ja": "OpenAI API全体にアクセスするためのC++17ライブラリ。", "zh-hans": "一个用于访问整个OpenAI API的C++17库。", "zh-hant": "一個用於訪問整個OpenAI API的C++17庫。" } }, "https://github.com/zurawiki/tiktoken-rs": { "repository_name": "tiktoken-rs", "user_name": "zurawiki", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Ready-made tokenizer library for working with GPT and tiktoken", "topics": [ "bpe", "openai", "rust", "tokenizer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ready-made tokenizer library for working with GPT and tiktoken", "ja": "GPTとtiktokenと一緒に使うための既製のトークナイザーライブラリ", "zh-hans": "使用GPT和tiktoken的现成分词库", "zh-hant": "使用GPT和tiktoken的现成分词库" } }, "https://github.com/guanguans/ai-commit": { "repository_name": "ai-commit", "user_name": "guanguans", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Automagically generate conventional git commit messages with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。", "topics": [ "ai", "bito", "changelog", "chat", "chatgpt", "commit", "commit-message", "commitizen", "commitlint", "conventional", "conventional-commit", "ernie", "ernie-bot", "git", "git-diff", "gpt", "keepachangelog", "openai" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automagically generate conventional git commit messages with AI. - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。", "ja": "AIを使用して、従来のgitコミットメッセージを自動生成します。 - 使用 AI 自动生成约定式 git 提交信息。", "zh-hans": "使用 AI 自动化生成传统的 git 提 commit 信息。", "zh-hant": "使用 AI 自動生成傳統的 git 提交訊息。" } }, "https://github.com/toshiakit/matgpt": { "repository_name": "MatGPT", "user_name": "toshiakit", "language": "MATLAB", "license": "MIT License", "description": "MATLAB app to access ChatGPT API from OpenAI", "topics": [ "chat-gpt", "chat-gpt-app", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "matlab", "matlab-gui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MATLAB app to access ChatGPT API from OpenAI", "ja": "OpenAIのChatGPT APIにアクセスするためのMATLABアプリ", "zh-hans": "MATLAB 应用程序可访问 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT API", "zh-hant": "MATLAB應用程式,可從OpenAI訪問ChatGPT API" } }, "https://github.com/martialbe/one-hub": { "repository_name": "one-hub", "user_name": "MartialBE", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "openai", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "OpenAI interface management & distribution system, modified from songquanpeng/one-api. Supports more models, adds statistical pages, and improves function calls for non-OpenAI models.", "ja": "OpenAI インターフェース管理&配布システム、songquanpeng/one-api を改良。より多くのモデルをサポートし、統計ページを追加し、OpenAI以外のモデルの関数呼び出しを改善しました。", "zh-hans": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支持更多模型,加入统计页面,完善非openai模型的函数调用。 OpenAI接口管理和分发系统,基于songquanpeng/one-api进行改进。支持更多模型,添加统计页面,完善非OpenAI模型的函数调用。", "zh-hant": "OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系統,改自songquanpeng/one-api。支援更多模型,加入統計頁面,完善非openai模型的函數調用。" } } }, "Others": { "https://github.com/microsoft/visual-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "visual-chatgpt", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models", "ja": "Visual ChatGPT: 視覚的な基盤モデルを用いた話し、描き、編集するための論文の公式リポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "论文的官方存储库:Visual ChatGPT:使用视觉基础模型进行交谈、绘画和编辑。", "zh-hant": "論文官方存儲庫:Visual ChatGPT:使用視覺基礎模型進行對話、繪圖和編輯" } }, "https://github.com/karpathy/nanogpt": { "repository_name": "nanoGPT", "user_name": "karpathy", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.", "ja": "中規模のGPTのトレーニング/ファインチューニングに最もシンプルで最速のリポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "最简单、最快的中等规模GPT训练/微调存储库。", "zh-hant": "最簡單、最快速的中型GPT訓練/微調存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/jerryjliu/gpt_index": { "repository_name": "gpt_index", "user_name": "jerryjliu", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration", "ja": "Pythonでのテンソルと動的ニューラルネットワークは、強力なGPUアクセラレーションを備えています。", "zh-hans": "使用强大的GPU加速的Python中的张量和动态神经网络", "zh-hant": "使用強大的GPU加速的Python中的張量和動態神經網絡" } }, "https://github.com/nebuly-ai/nebullvm": { "repository_name": "nebullvm", "user_name": "nebuly-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Plug and play modules to optimize the performances of your AI systems 🚀", "topics": [ "compiler", "computing", "deep-learning", "edge-computing", "gpu", "huggingface", "inference", "machine-learning", "neural-network", "onnx", "openvino", "optimization", "pypi", "pytorch", "quantization", "tensorflow", "tensorrt", "transformers", "tvm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Plug and play modules to optimize the performances of your AI systems 🚀", "ja": "あなたのAIシステムのパフォーマンスを最適化するためのプラグアンドプレイモジュール 🚀", "zh-hans": "插拔式模块,优化您的人工智能系统性能 🚀", "zh-hant": "插拔式模組可優化您的人工智慧系統表現 🚀" } }, "https://github.com/openai/gpt-2-output-dataset": { "repository_name": "gpt-2-output-dataset", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Dataset of GPT-2 outputs for research in detection, biases, and more", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dataset of GPT-2 outputs for research in detection, biases, and more", "ja": "研究における検出、バイアスなどのためのGPT-2出力のデータセット", "zh-hans": "用于检测、偏见等研究的GPT-2输出数据集", "zh-hant": "用於檢測、偏見等研究的GPT-2輸出數據集" } }, "https://github.com/danielgross/whatsapp-gpt": { "repository_name": "whatsapp-gpt", "user_name": "danielgross", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "#8 chatgpt for whatsapp and telegramadd chatgpt to your groupchats:• whatsappgpt: • telegramgpt:", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "#8 chatgpt for whatsapp and telegramadd chatgpt to your groupchats:• whatsappgpt: • telegramgpt:", "ja": "#8 WhatsAppとTelegramのためのchatgptグループチャットにchatgptを追加する:• WhatsAppgpt:• Telegramgpt:\n\n#8 WhatsAppとTelegramのためのchatgptグループチャットにchatgptを追加してください:• WhatsAppgpt:• Telegramgpt:", "zh-hans": "#8 chatgpt 用于 WhatsApp 和 Telegram将 chatgpt 添加到您的群聊中:• WhatsAppgpt:• Telegramgpt:", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文。\n#8 chatgpt for whatsapp and telegram\nadd chatgpt to your groupchats:\n• whatsappgpt: \n• telegramgpt: \n\n將chatgpt添加到您的群聊中:\n• whatsappgpt:\n• telegramgpt:" } }, "https://github.com/tw93/pake": { "repository_name": "Pake", "user_name": "tw93", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "high-performance", "linux-desktop", "loop", "mac", "mac-desktop", "no-electron", "productivity", "rust", "tauri", "twitter", "webview", "windows-desktop", "wry", "youtube" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 很简单的用 Rust 打包网页生成很小的桌面 App", "ja": "🤱🏻 Rustを使って、どんなウェブページでもデスクトップアプリに変換できます。 🤱🏻 Rustを使って、簡単にウェブページをパッケージ化して、小さなデスクトップアプリを作成できます。", "zh-hans": "🤱🏻使用Rust将任何网页转换为桌面应用程序非常简单。🤱🏻", "zh-hant": "🤱🏻 使用 Rust 將任何網頁轉換為桌面應用程式非常簡單。 🤱🏻" } }, "https://github.com/ying1123/flexgen": { "repository_name": "FlexGen", "user_name": "Ying1123", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "A game for landscape planing", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A game for landscape planing", "ja": "景観計画のためのゲーム", "zh-hans": "一个景观规划游戏", "zh-hant": "一款景觀規劃遊戲" } }, "https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite": { "repository_name": "appwrite", "user_name": "appwrite", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.", "topics": [ "android", "apple", "appwrite", "baas", "backend", "backend-as-a-service", "docker", "firebase", "flutter", "hacktoberfest", "ios", "javascript", "self-hosted", "selfhosted", "serverless", "swift", "tools", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Secure Backend Server for Web, Mobile & Flutter Developers 🚀 AKA the 100% open-source Firebase alternative.", "ja": "Web、モバイル、Flutter開発者向けの安全なバックエンドサーバー🚀、100%オープンソースのFirebase代替としても知られています。", "zh-hans": "Web、移动和Flutter开发人员的安全后端服务器🚀,也称为100%开源的Firebase替代品。", "zh-hant": "安全的後端伺服器,適用於網頁、行動裝置和Flutter開發人員🚀,也就是100%開源的Firebase替代方案。" } }, "https://github.com/fuergaosi233/wechat-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "wechat-chatgpt", "user_name": "fuergaosi233", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty", "ja": "Wechatyを介してWechatでChatGPTを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "通过 wechaty 在微信上使用 ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "透過 wechaty 在微信上使用 ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/nutlope/roomgpt": { "repository_name": "roomGPT", "user_name": "Nutlope", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI.", "ja": "AIを使用してあなたの夢の部屋を生成するために、あなたの部屋の写真をアップロードしてください。", "zh-hans": "上传您房间的照片,使用人工智能生成您的梦想房间。", "zh-hant": "上傳你房間的照片,使用人工智慧生成你的夢想房間。" } }, "https://github.com/fr0gger/iatelligence": { "repository_name": "IATelligence", "user_name": "fr0gger", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "IATelligence is a Python script that will extract the IAT of a PE file and request GPT to get more information about the API and the ATT&CK matrix related", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "malware-analysis", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "IATelligence is a Python script that will extract the IAT of a PE file and request GPT to get more information about the API and the ATT&CK matrix related", "ja": "IATelligenceは、PEファイルのIATを抽出し、APIやATT&CKマトリックスに関するより詳細な情報を取得するためにGPTにリクエストするPythonスクリプトです。", "zh-hans": "IATelligence是一个Python脚本,可以提取PE文件的IAT,并请求GPT获取有关API和ATT&CK矩阵的更多信息。", "zh-hant": "IATelligence 是一個 Python 腳本,可以提取 PE 檔案的 IAT,並請求 GPT 獲取有關 API 和 ATT&CK 矩陣的更多信息。" } }, "https://github.com/michelnivard/gptstudio": { "repository_name": "GPTstudio", "user_name": "MichelNivard", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "R and FORTRAN based optimizer specifically written to estimate genetic variance component models, in which fixed effects and moderation effects are allowed. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "R and FORTRAN based optimizer specifically written to estimate genetic variance component models, in which fixed effects and moderation effects are allowed.", "ja": "固定効果と調整効果が許容される遺伝的分散成分モデルを推定するために特別に書かれたRおよびFORTRANベースの最適化プログラム。", "zh-hans": "基于R和FORTRAN的优化器,专门用于估计遗传方差成分模型,其中允许固定效应和调节效应。", "zh-hant": "一個基於R和FORTRAN的優化器,專門用於估計遺傳變異成分模型,其中允許固定效應和調節效應。" } }, "https://github.com/hpcaitech/colossalai": { "repository_name": "ColossalAI", "user_name": "hpcaitech", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible", "topics": [ "ai", "big-model", "data-parallelism", "deep-learning", "distributed-computing", "foundation-models", "heterogeneous-training", "hpc", "inference", "large-scale", "model-parallelism", "pipeline-parallelism" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible", "ja": "大規模なAIモデルをより安価で、より速く、そしてよりアクセスしやすくすること", "zh-hans": "使大型人工智能模型更便宜、更快速和更易获取", "zh-hant": "讓大型人工智慧模型更便宜、更快速、更易取得" } }, "https://github.com/sonnylazuardi/chatgpt-desktop": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-desktop", "user_name": "sonnylazuardi", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Duel with your facebook friends in flappy bird game play", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Duel with your facebook friends in flappy bird game play", "ja": "フラッピーバードのゲームプレイでFacebookの友達とデュエルしよう。", "zh-hans": "在Flappy Bird游戏中与你的Facebook好友对决", "zh-hant": "在Flappy Bird遊戲中與你的Facebook朋友對決" } }, "https://github.com/noobnooc/noobnooc": { "repository_name": "noobnooc", "user_name": "noobnooc", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "The content of my profile, blog, and homepage (https://www.nooc.ink) .", "topics": [ "homepage", "nextjs", "nodejs", "portfolio", "portfolio-website", "react", "tailwindcss", "website" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The content of my profile, blog, and homepage (https://www.nooc.ink) .", "ja": "私のプロフィール、ブログ、ホームページ(https://www.nooc.ink)の内容。", "zh-hans": "我的个人资料、博客和主页(https://www.nooc.ink)的内容。", "zh-hant": "我的個人資料、部落格和主頁(https://www.nooc.ink)的內容。" } }, "https://github.com/max-sixty/aoc-gpt": { "repository_name": "aoc-gpt", "user_name": "max-sixty", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Solve Advent of Code puzzles with GPT-3", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Solve Advent of Code puzzles with GPT-3", "ja": "GPT-3を使ってAdvent of Codeのパズルを解決する。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3解决Advent of Code难题", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3解決Advent of Code的謎題" } }, "https://github.com/acheong08/edgegpt": { "repository_name": "EdgeGPT", "user_name": "acheong08", "language": "Python", "license": "The Unlicense", "description": "Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI", "topics": [ "bing-ai", "binggpt", "chatgpt", "edge", "edgegpt", "gpt", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI", "ja": "マイクロソフトのBing Chat AIの逆解析されたAPI", "zh-hans": "微软必应聊天AI的反向工程API", "zh-hant": "微軟必應聊天機器人API的反向工程" } }, "https://github.com/vrescobar/chatgpt-python-elm": { "repository_name": "chatGPT-python-elm", "user_name": "vrescobar", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A repository fully generated by ChatGPT making it believed it checked out a this repository which I described like the first line of the README.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A repository fully generated by ChatGPT making it believed it checked out a this repository which I described like the first line of the README.", "ja": "ChatGPTによって完全に生成されたリポジトリで、READMEの最初の行のように説明されたこのリポジトリをチェックアウトしたと信じられています。", "zh-hans": "一个由ChatGPT完全生成的存储库,它认为它已经检出了我描述的像README第一行的这个存储库。", "zh-hant": "一個由ChatGPT完全生成的存儲庫,使人們相信它已經檢查出了我在README的第一行所描述的這個存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/mjbommar/gpt-takes-the-bar-exam": { "repository_name": "gpt-takes-the-bar-exam", "user_name": "mjbommar", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "GPT Takes the Bar Exam", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT Takes the Bar Exam", "ja": "GPTが司法試験を受ける", "zh-hans": "GPT参加律师资格考试", "zh-hant": "GPT 參加律師考試" } }, "https://github.com/ggerganov/ggml": { "repository_name": "ggml", "user_name": "ggerganov", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Tensor library for machine learning", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tensor library for machine learning", "ja": "機械学習のためのテンソルライブラリ", "zh-hans": "机器学习的张量库", "zh-hant": "機器學習的張量庫" } }, "https://github.com/chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "Chanzhaoyu", "language": "Vue", "license": "MIT License", "description": "用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT demo website built with Express and Vue3.", "ja": "ExpressとVue3を使用して構築されたChatGPTデモウェブサイト", "zh-hans": "使用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页", "zh-hant": "使用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示網頁" } }, "https://github.com/yobulkdev/yobulkdev": { "repository_name": "yobulkdev", "user_name": "yobulkdev", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "🔥 🔥 🔥Open Source & AI driven Data Onboarding Platform:Free flatfile.com alternative", "topics": [ "csv-import", "csv-parser", "csv-reader", "data-engineering", "embeddable", "javascript", "language-model", "languagemodel", "low-code-framework", "mongodb", "nextjs", "nodejs", "open-source", "openai-api", "react", "stream", "streaming", "tailwindcss" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥 🔥 🔥Open Source & AI driven Data Onboarding Platform:Free flatfile.com alternative", "ja": "🔥 🔥 🔥オープンソース&AI駆動のデータオンボーディングプラットフォーム:無料のflatfile.com代替品", "zh-hans": "🔥 🔥 🔥开源和人工智能驱动的数据接入平台:免费的flatfile.com替代品", "zh-hant": "🔥 🔥 🔥開源和AI驅動的數據上傳平台:免費的flatfile.com替代方案" } }, "https://github.com/20urc3/sekiryu": { "repository_name": "Sekiryu", "user_name": "20urc3", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Automatic decompilation and analysis of binary files with your favorite decompiler and and ChatGPT", "topics": [ "binary", "binary-exploitation", "binja", "c", "chatgpt3", "cpp", "gdb", "ghidra", "ghidra-plugin", "ghidra-scripts", "ida", "python", "radare2", "reverse-engineering" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automatic decompilation and analysis of binary files with your favorite decompiler and and ChatGPT", "ja": "お気に入りのデコンパイラとChatGPTを使用したバイナリファイルの自動逆コンパイルと解析。", "zh-hans": "使用您喜爱的反编译器和ChatGPT自动反编译和分析二进制文件。", "zh-hant": "使用您喜愛的反編譯器和 ChatGPT 自動反編譯和分析二進制文件。" } }, "https://github.com/yihong0618/xiaogpt": { "repository_name": "xiaogpt", "user_name": "yihong0618", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Play ChatGPT with xiaomi AI speaker", "topics": [ "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "bilibili backend source code", "ja": "bilibiliのバックエンドソースコード", "zh-hans": "哔哩哔哩后台源码", "zh-hant": "bilibili後台源碼" } }, "https://github.com/moyix/gpt-wpre": { "repository_name": "gpt-wpre", "user_name": "moyix", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Whole-Program Reverse Engineering with GPT-3", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Whole-Program Reverse Engineering with GPT-3", "ja": "GPT-3を用いた全プログラム逆解析", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3进行整个程序的逆向工程", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3進行整個程式的逆向工程" } }, "https://github.com/869413421/chatgpt-web": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web", "user_name": "869413421", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "基于ChatGPT3.5 API实现的私有化web程序", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "website" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A private web program implemented based on ChatGPT3.5 API.", "ja": "ChatGPT3.5 APIを利用したプライベートWebプログラム。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT3.5 API实现的私有化Web程序", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGPT3.5 API實現的私有化web程式" } }, "https://github.com/anysphere/gpt-4-for-code": { "repository_name": "gpt-4-for-code", "user_name": "anysphere", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Some examples of GPT-4 for code!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Some examples of GPT-4 for code!", "ja": "コードのGPT-4のいくつかの例を教えてください!", "zh-hans": "一些GPT-4代码示例!", "zh-hant": "GPT-4 的一些代碼示例!" } }, "https://github.com/wtfacademy/wtf-javascript": { "repository_name": "WTF-JavaScript", "user_name": "WTFAcademy", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "我最近在重新学 JavaScript, 巩固一下细节, 也写一个“WTF JavaScript极简入门”,供新人学习。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I am currently relearning JavaScript to solidify some details and also writing a \"WTF JavaScript Minimalist Guide\" for newcomers to learn.", "ja": "最近、私はJavaScriptを再学習して、細かいところを強化し、また「WTF JavaScript超入門」というものを書いて、初心者の方に学んでいただけるようにしています。", "zh-hans": "我最近在重新学习JavaScript,巩固一些细节,并写了一个“WTF JavaScript极简入门”,供新手学习。", "zh-hant": "我最近在重新學 JavaScript,鞏固一下細節,也寫一個「WTF JavaScript極簡入門」,供新人學習。" } }, "https://github.com/spthvx/spth": { "repository_name": "SPTH", "user_name": "SPTHvx", "language": "MATLAB", "license": null, "description": "Second Part To Hell's artworks: artificial (life/evolution/intelligence)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Second Part To Hell's artworks: artificial (life/evolution/intelligence)", "ja": "「地獄のアートワーク」の第二部:人工的な(生命/進化/知能)", "zh-hans": "地狱艺术品的第二部分:人工(生命/进化/智能)", "zh-hant": "地獄藝術的第二部分:人工(生命/進化/智能)" } }, "https://github.com/refcell/run-wild": { "repository_name": "run-wild", "user_name": "refcell", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Augment GPT-4 Environment Access", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Amplify GPT-4 Environment Accessibility", "ja": "GPT-4環境アクセスの拡張", "zh-hans": "增强GPT-4环境访问权限", "zh-hant": "增強GPT-4環境訪問能力" } }, "https://github.com/binary-husky/chatgpt_academic": { "repository_name": "chatgpt_academic", "user_name": "binary-husky", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "科研工作专用ChatGPT拓展,特别优化学术Paper润色体验,支持自定义快捷按钮,支持markdown表格显示,Tex公式双显示,代码显示功能完善,新增本地Python工程剖析功能/自我剖析功能", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT for scientific research has been expanded with special optimization for academic paper proofreading. It supports custom shortcut buttons, markdown table display, dual display of Tex formulas, and improved code display. New features include local Python project analysis and self-analysis.", "ja": "科学研究に特化したChatGPTの拡張機能で、学術論文の校正体験を特別に最適化し、カスタムショートカットボタンをサポートし、Markdown表の表示をサポートし、Tex式の二重表示をサポートし、コード表示機能を完備し、ローカルPythonプロジェクトの解析機能/自己解析機能を追加しました。", "zh-hans": "科研工作专用的ChatGPT进行了拓展,特别优化了学术论文的润色体验,支持自定义快捷按钮,支持Markdown表格显示,TeX公式双显示,代码显示功能完善,新增了本地Python工程剖析功能/自我剖析功能。", "zh-hant": "科研工作專用ChatGPT拓展,特別優化學術Paper潤色體驗,支持自定義快捷按鈕,支持markdown表格顯示,Tex公式雙顯示,代碼顯示功能完善,新增本地Python工程剖析功能/自我剖析功能。" } }, "https://github.com/taranjeet/chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-api", "user_name": "taranjeet", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This repository contains code to parse various site", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repository contains code to parse various site", "ja": "このリポジトリには、さまざまなサイトを解析するためのコードが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个代码库包含解析各种网站的代码。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含解析各種網站的代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/aurimas13/machine-learning-goodness": { "repository_name": "Machine-Learning-Goodness", "user_name": "aurimas13", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The Machine Learning project including ML/DL projects, notebooks, cheat codes of ML/DL, useful information on AI/AGI and codes or snippets/scripts/tasks with tips.", "topics": [ "artifcial-intelligence", "cheatsheets", "deep-learning", "deep-neural-networks", "deep-reinforcement-learning", "jupyter-notebook", "machine-learning", "machine-learning-algorithms", "neural-network", "python3", "sql", "tips", "tips-and-tricks" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Machine Learning project including ML/DL projects, notebooks, cheat codes of ML/DL, useful information on AI/AGI and codes or snippets/scripts/tasks with tips.", "ja": "機械学習プロジェクトには、ML/DLプロジェクト、ノートブック、ML/DLのチートコード、AI/AGIに関する有用な情報、コードやスニペット/スクリプト/タスクとヒントが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "机器学习项目包括ML/DL项目、笔记本、ML/DL的作弊代码、有关AI/AGI的有用信息以及带有提示的代码、片段/脚本/任务。", "zh-hant": "機器學習項目包括ML / DL項目,筆記本,ML / DL的作弊代碼,有關AI / AGI的有用信息以及帶有提示的代碼或片段/腳本/任務。" } }, "https://github.com/vaibhavacharya/code-gpt": { "repository_name": "code-gpt", "user_name": "VaibhavAcharya", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Make sense of any code, anytime. 🚀", "topics": [ "ai", "code", "comments", "explainer", "vscode", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Make sense of any code, anytime. 🚀", "ja": "いつでもどんなコードでも理解できるようになりましょう。🚀", "zh-hans": "随时理解任何代码。🚀", "zh-hant": "隨時理解任何程式碼。🚀" } }, "https://github.com/lxfater/portal": { "repository_name": "Portal", "user_name": "lxfater", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "protal releases:system tray mode supportsapi chat mode historyoptional solution for chatgpt web disconnection issuesautomatic remote update", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "protal releases:system tray mode supportsapi chat mode historyoptional solution for chatgpt web disconnection issuesautomatic remote update", "ja": "ポータルリリース:システムトレイモードがサポートされ、APIチャットモードの履歴オプションソリューションが提供され、チャットGPT Web切断問題の自動リモート更新が可能になりました。", "zh-hans": "门户发布:系统托盘模式支持API聊天模式历史可选聊天GPT Web断开问题的解决方案自动远程更新。", "zh-hant": "protal 發布:系統托盤模式支持 API 聊天模式歷史可選聊天 GPT 網絡斷開問題的解決方案自動遠程更新。" } }, "https://github.com/yoheinakajima/babyagi": { "repository_name": "babyagi", "user_name": "yoheinakajima", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "3 cool projects to play around with autonomous agents:- auto-gpt: babyagi: camel: one is your favorite?", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "3 cool projects to play around with autonomous agents:- auto-gpt: babyagi: camel: one is your favorite?", "ja": "自律エージェントで遊ぶための3つのクールなプロジェクト:- auto-gpt:babyagi:camel:あなたのお気に入りはどれですか?", "zh-hans": "3个有趣的自主代理项目:- auto-gpt:babyagi:骆驼:你最喜欢哪一个?", "zh-hant": "3個有趣的自主代理項目:- auto-gpt:babyagi:駱駝:哪一個是你最喜歡的?" } }, "https://github.com/romanhotsiy/commitgpt": { "repository_name": "commitgpt", "user_name": "RomanHotsiy", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Automatically generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automatically generate commit messages using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してコミットメッセージを自動生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT自动生成提交信息", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT自動生成提交訊息" } }, "https://github.com/bramses/chatgpt-md": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-md", "user_name": "bramses", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A (nearly) seamless integration of ChatGPT into Obsidian.", "ja": "ChatGPTをObsidianに(ほぼ)シームレスに統合。", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT与Obsidian实现(几乎)无缝集成。", "zh-hant": "將ChatGPT幾乎無縫地整合到Obsidian中。" } }, "https://github.com/facebookresearch/metaseq": { "repository_name": "metaseq", "user_name": "facebookresearch", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Repo for external large-scale work", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Repo for external large-scale work", "ja": "外部の大規模な作業のためのリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "外部大规模工作的代码库", "zh-hant": "外部大型工作的存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/yeahwu/check": { "repository_name": "check", "user_name": "yeahwu", "language": "Shell", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Streaming Media Unlock Test", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Streaming Media Unlock Test", "ja": "ストリーミングメディアのロック解除テスト", "zh-hans": "流媒体解锁测试", "zh-hant": "串流媒體解鎖測試" } }, "https://github.com/navopw/whatsapp-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "whatsapp-chatgpt", "user_name": "navopw", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "Procedural noise-map generator :foggy:", "topics": [ "noise", "noise-algorithms", "procedural-generation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Procedural noise-map generator :foggy:", "ja": "手順に従ったノイズマップジェネレーター :霧:", "zh-hans": "程序噪声地图生成器 :雾:", "zh-hant": "程序性噪音地圖生成器 :霧:" } }, "https://github.com/poslogithub/binary-dist": { "repository_name": "binary-dist", "user_name": "poslogithub", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "実行可能バイナリ配布用", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "For distribution of executable binaries.", "ja": "実行可能バイナリ配布用", "zh-hans": "可执行二进制分发用", "zh-hant": "可執行二進制發布用" } }, "https://github.com/securityjoes/threatresearch": { "repository_name": "ThreatResearch", "user_name": "securityjoes", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "during our latest incident response, @charleslomboni implemented #chatgpt into #ghidra.we've released the code so you could use it too: called it askjoe 🤠enjoy & share", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "during our latest incident response, @charleslomboni implemented #chatgpt into #ghidra.we've released the code so you could use it too: called it askjoe 🤠enjoy & share", "ja": "最新のインシデント対応中、@charleslomboniは#ghidraに#chatgptを実装しました。私たちはコードをリリースしましたので、あなたも使えます。それをaskjoeと呼んでいます🤠楽しんで共有してください。", "zh-hans": "在我们最近的事件响应中,@charleslomboni将#chatgpt实现到了#ghidra中。我们已经发布了代码,所以你也可以使用它:我们称之为askjoe 🤠享受并分享。", "zh-hant": "在我們最近的事件回應中,@charleslomboni 將 #chatgpt 實現到 #ghidra 中。我們已經發布了代碼,所以你也可以使用它:我們稱之為 askjoe 🤠享受並分享。" } }, "https://github.com/frontanalyticsinc/data-winners": { "repository_name": "data-winners", "user_name": "FrontAnalyticsInc", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A collection of FREE python and R scripts for website development, analysis, and optimization. Includes advanced resources for topical authority and semantic content optimization.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of FREE python and R scripts for website development, analysis, and optimization. Includes advanced resources for topical authority and semantic content optimization.", "ja": "ウェブサイト開発、分析、最適化のための無料のPythonとRスクリプトのコレクション。トピカルオーソリティと意味的コンテンツ最適化のための高度なリソースを含みます。", "zh-hans": "一系列免费的Python和R脚本,用于网站开发、分析和优化。包括用于主题权威和语义内容优化的高级资源。", "zh-hant": "一系列免費的Python和R腳本,用於網站開發、分析和優化。包括用於主題權威和語義內容優化的高級資源。" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/paul-graham-gpt": { "repository_name": "paul-graham-gpt", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI search & chat for all of Paul Graham’s essays.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI search & chat for all of Paul Graham’s essays.", "ja": "ポール・グレアム氏のすべてのエッセイに対応したAI検索&チャット。", "zh-hans": "AI搜索和聊天,适用于所有Paul Graham的文章。", "zh-hant": "AI 搜尋和聊天,搜尋所有 Paul Graham 的文章。" } }, "https://github.com/retrage/gpt-macro": { "repository_name": "gpt-macro", "user_name": "retrage", "language": "Rust", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "rust", "test" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT powered Rust proc macro that generates code at compile-time.", "ja": "コンパイル時にコードを生成するRustプロセスマクロを搭載したChatGPT。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 是由 Rust 过程宏驱动的编译时代码生成器。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 是由 Rust proc 宏驅動的,可以在編譯時生成代碼的工具。" } }, "https://github.com/payloadartist/offensive-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "offensive-chatgpt", "user_name": "payloadartist", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "Offensive security use cases of ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Offensive security use cases of ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTの攻撃的セキュリティの使用例", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 的攻击性安全用例", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 的攻擊性安全使用案例" } }, "https://github.com/legit-labs/legitify": { "repository_name": "legitify", "user_name": "Legit-Labs", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Detect and remediate misconfigurations and security risks across all your GitHub and GitLab assets", "topics": [ "ci", "devops", "devsecops", "github", "gitlab", "golang", "sdlc-security", "security", "security-scanner", "supply-chain-security" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Detect and remediate misconfigurations and security risks across all your GitHub and GitLab assets", "ja": "すべてのGitHubおよびGitLabアセットでのミス構成とセキュリティリスクの検出と修正", "zh-hans": "检测和纠正您所有 GitHub 和 GitLab 资产中的配置错误和安全风险。", "zh-hant": "檢測並修復您所有 GitHub 和 GitLab 資產中的配置錯誤和安全風險。" } }, "https://github.com/sonnylazuardi/colorgpt": { "repository_name": "colorGPT", "user_name": "sonnylazuardi", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Generating color name captured from real-world using AI", "topics": [ "color", "copy", "paste", "plugins" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generating color name captured from real-world using AI", "ja": "AIを使用して現実世界からキャプチャされた色名を生成する。", "zh-hans": "使用人工智能从现实世界中捕捉颜色名称的生成", "zh-hant": "利用人工智慧從現實世界中捕捉顏色名稱的生成" } }, "https://github.com/teknium1/gpteacher": { "repository_name": "GPTeacher", "user_name": "teknium1", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "A collection of modular datasets generated by GPT-4, General-Instruct - Roleplay-Instruct - Code-Instruct - and Toolformer", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of modular datasets generated by GPT-4, General-Instruct - Roleplay-Instruct - Code-Instruct - and Toolformer", "ja": "GPT-4によって生成されたモジュラーデータセットのコレクション、General-Instruct - Roleplay-Instruct - Code-Instruct - Toolformer。", "zh-hans": "由GPT-4生成的模块化数据集合,包括通用指导、角色扮演指导、编码指导和工具形态。", "zh-hant": "由GPT-4生成的模塊化數據集合,包括通用指令、角色扮演指令、代碼指令和工具形式。" } }, "https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui": { "repository_name": "stable-diffusion-webui", "user_name": "AUTOMATIC1111", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Stable Diffusion web UI", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-art", "deep-learning", "diffusion", "gradio", "image-generation", "image2image", "img2img", "pytorch", "stable-diffusion", "text2image", "torch", "txt2img", "unstable", "upscaling", "web" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Stable Diffusion web UI", "ja": "安定した拡散Web UI", "zh-hans": "稳定的Diffusion网页用户界面", "zh-hant": "穩定擴散網頁使用者介面" } }, "https://github.com/danimelchor/gpt3-email": { "repository_name": "gpt3-email", "user_name": "danimelchor", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Using GPT-3 to help you write emails.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using GPT-3 to help you write emails.", "ja": "GPT-3を使ってメールの作成を手助けする。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3帮助您撰写电子邮件。", "zh-hant": "使用 GPT-3 幫助您撰寫電子郵件。" } }, "https://github.com/kxxt/chatgpt-action": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-action", "user_name": "kxxt", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Let ChatGPT review PRs for you ", "topics": [ "automation", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "ci", "code-review", "github-actions" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Let ChatGPT review PRs for you", "ja": "ChatGPTにPRのレビューをしてもらいましょう。", "zh-hans": "让ChatGPT为您审核公关请求", "zh-hant": "讓ChatGPT為您審查公關稿件。" } }, "https://github.com/mosaicml/examples": { "repository_name": "examples", "user_name": "mosaicml", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Fast and flexible reference benchmarks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fast and flexible reference benchmarks", "ja": "高速かつ柔軟なリファレンスベンチマーク", "zh-hans": "快速灵活的参考基准", "zh-hant": "快速靈活的參考基準" } }, "https://github.com/plasma-umass/scalene": { "repository_name": "scalene", "user_name": "plasma-umass", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals", "topics": [ "cpu", "cpu-profiling", "gpu", "gpu-programming", "memory-allocation", "memory-consumption", "performance-analysis", "performance-cpu", "profiler", "profiles-memory", "profiling", "python", "python-profilers", "scalene" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals", "ja": "Scalene:Python用の高性能、高精度のCPU、GPU、およびメモリプロファイラで、AIによる最適化提案を備えています。", "zh-hans": "Scalene:一款高性能、高精度的Python CPU、GPU和内存分析器,具备AI优化建议功能。", "zh-hant": "Scalene:一款高性能、高精度的Python CPU、GPU和內存分析器,具有AI驅動的優化建議。" } }, "https://github.com/grimoutlaw/chatgpt-bypass": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Bypass", "user_name": "GrimOutlaw", "language": "PowerShell", "license": null, "description": "Simple scripts that allows you to bypass content filtering in ChatGPT through the API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple scripts that allows you to bypass content filtering in ChatGPT through the API", "ja": "APIを介してChatGPTのコンテンツフィルタリングをバイパスするためのシンプルなスクリプト。", "zh-hans": "简单的脚本,可以通过API绕过ChatGPT的内容过滤。", "zh-hant": "簡單的腳本,可通過API繞過ChatGPT中的內容過濾。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/robustlearn": { "repository_name": "robustlearn", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "PowerShell", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A respository for MDATP PowerBI Templates", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A respository for MDATP PowerBI Templates", "ja": "MDATP PowerBIテンプレートのリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "MDATP PowerBI模板存储库", "zh-hant": "MDATP PowerBI模板儲存庫" } }, "https://github.com/meiyulee/mathgpt": { "repository_name": "MathGPT", "user_name": "meiyulee", "language": "Batchfile", "license": null, "description": "免費數字驅動的數學模型人工智能 | 為你的數字建立數學模型 | ", "topics": [ "ai", "artifical-intelligence", "bigdata", "chatgpt", "data-science", "dataanalytics", "datadriven", "mathematical-modelling", "mathematics", "mathgpt", "portable", "science" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Free digital-driven mathematical model artificial intelligence | Establish mathematical models for your numbers |", "ja": "無料の数字駆動型数学モデル人工知能 | あなたの数字のために数学モデルを構築する |", "zh-hans": "免费数字驱动的数学模型人工智能 | 为你的数字建立数学模型 |", "zh-hant": "免費數字驅動的數學模型人工智能 | 為您的數字建立數學模型 |" } }, "https://github.com/pgosar/chatgdb": { "repository_name": "ChatGDB", "user_name": "pgosar", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Harness the power of ChatGPT inside the GDB or LLDB debugger!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "debugging-tool", "gdb", "gpt-3", "lldb" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Harness the power of ChatGPT inside the GDB or LLDB debugger!", "ja": "GDBまたはLLDBデバッガー内でChatGPTのパワーを利用してください!", "zh-hans": "利用ChatGPT的力量在GDB或LLDB调试器中!", "zh-hant": "利用ChatGPT的力量在GDB或LLDB調試器中!" } }, "https://github.com/openai/whisper": { "repository_name": "whisper", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision", "ja": "大規模な弱い教師付き学習による堅牢な音声認識", "zh-hans": "通过大规模弱监督实现强大的语音识别", "zh-hant": "通過大規模弱監督實現強健的語音識別" } }, "https://github.com/joshcho/chatgpt.el": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT.el", "user_name": "joshcho", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT in Emacs", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "emacs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT in Emacs", "ja": "EmacsでのChatGPT", "zh-hans": "在Emacs中使用ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "在Emacs中使用ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/houko/wechatgpt": { "repository_name": "wechatgpt", "user_name": "houko", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "wechatgpt golang版 chatgpt机器人(可docker部署),目前支持wechat,telegram", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "golang", "slack", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WechatGPT is a Golang-based ChatGPT bot that can be deployed using Docker. Currently, it supports WeChat and Telegram.", "ja": "wechatgptのGolang版chatgptロボット(Dockerで展開可能)は、現在WeChatとTelegramをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "wechatgpt的golang版chatgpt机器人(可通过docker部署),目前支持wechat和telegram。", "zh-hant": "wechatgpt golang版 chatgpt機器人(可docker部署),目前支持wechat,telegram" } }, "https://github.com/openai/point-e": { "repository_name": "point-e", "user_name": "openai", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Point cloud diffusion for 3D model synthesis", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Point cloud diffusion for 3D model synthesis", "ja": "3Dモデル合成のためのポイントクラウド拡散", "zh-hans": "点云扩散用于3D模型合成", "zh-hant": "點雲擴散用於3D模型合成" } }, "https://github.com/enbifa/ai-toolbox": { "repository_name": "AI-Toolbox", "user_name": "enbifa", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "Building a comprehensive resource for AI enthusiasts and professionals", "topics": [ "ai", "aitools", "artificial-intelligence", "tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Building a comprehensive resource for AI enthusiasts and professionals", "ja": "AI愛好家やプロフェッショナルのための包括的なリソースを構築する。", "zh-hans": "构建一个全面的人工智能爱好者和专业人士资源库。", "zh-hant": "建立一個全面的資源庫,為人工智慧愛好者和專業人士服務。" } }, "https://github.com/yihong0618/xiaogpt.git": { "repository_name": "xiaogpt.git", "user_name": "yihong0618", "language": "Go", "license": null, "description": "bilibili后台源码", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "bilibili backend source code", "ja": "bilibiliのバックエンドソースコード", "zh-hans": "哔哩哔哩后台源码", "zh-hant": "bilibili後台源碼" } }, "https://github.com/hallatore/stable-diffusion-webui-chatgpt-utilities": { "repository_name": "stable-diffusion-webui-chatgpt-utilities", "user_name": "hallatore", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Enables use of ChatGPT directly from the UI", "topics": [ "automatic1111", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Enables use of ChatGPT directly from the UI", "ja": "UIから直接ChatGPTを使用できるようになりました。", "zh-hans": "使用户可以直接从UI使用ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使得可以直接從UI使用ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/noahshinn024/reflexion": { "repository_name": "reflexion", "user_name": "noahshinn024", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Reflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Reflexion: an autonomous agent with dynamic memory and self-reflection", "ja": "反省:動的なメモリと自己反省を持つ自律エージェント", "zh-hans": "反思:具有动态记忆和自我反思能力的自主代理程序", "zh-hant": "反思:具有動態記憶和自我反思能力的自主代理人" } }, "https://github.com/dice2o/binggpt": { "repository_name": "BingGPT", "user_name": "dice2o", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)", "topics": [ "ai", "app", "bing", "binggpt", "chatgpt", "copilot", "desktop-app", "edge", "electron", "gpt", "gpt-4", "linux", "macos", "microsoft", "new-bing", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)", "ja": "新しいBingのAIチャットのデスクトップアプリケーション(Windows、macOS、Linux)", "zh-hans": "新的Bing AI聊天桌面应用程序(Windows,macOS和Linux)", "zh-hant": "新的Bing AI聊天桌面應用程式(Windows、macOS和Linux)" } }, "https://github.com/billionshields/chatgpt-saver": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Saver", "user_name": "BillionShields", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Chat GPT ChatGPT Saver", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat GPT ChatGPT Saver", "ja": "チャットGPT ChatGPTセーバー", "zh-hans": "聊天GPT ChatGPT Saver", "zh-hant": "聊天GPT聊天GPT儲存器" } }, "https://github.com/manju-summoner/aisisteraichan": { "repository_name": "AISisterAIChan", "user_name": "manju-summoner", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT3.5を搭載した伺かゴースト「AI妹アイちゃん」です。利用には別途ChatGPTのAPIキーが必要です。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "ukagaka", "ukagaka-ghost" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a Siro Ghost equipped with ChatGPT3.5, called \"AI Imouto Aichan\". A separate ChatGPT API key is required to use it.", "ja": "ChatGPT3.5を搭載した伺かゴースト「AI妹アイちゃん」です。利用には別途ChatGPTのAPIキーが必要です。", "zh-hans": "这是搭载了ChatGPT3.5的伺かGhost“AI妹妹爱酱”。使用需要另外获取ChatGPT的API密钥。", "zh-hant": "這是搭載了ChatGPT3.5的伺か鬼「AI妹妹愛醬」。使用需要另外準備ChatGPT的API金鑰。" } }, "https://github.com/shobrook/stackexplain": { "repository_name": "stackexplain", "user_name": "shobrook", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Explain your error message with ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Explain your error message with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してエラーメッセージを説明してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT解释您的错误信息。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT解釋您的錯誤訊息。" } }, "https://github.com/bestony/chatgpt-feishu": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Feishu", "user_name": "bestony", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "给飞书准备的 ChatGPT 机器人", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT bot prepared for Feishu", "ja": "フェイシューのために準備されたChatGPTロボット", "zh-hans": "为飞书准备的 ChatGPT 机器人", "zh-hant": "為飛書準備的 ChatGPT 機器人" } }, "https://github.com/lencx/nofwl": { "repository_name": "nofwl", "user_name": "lencx", "language": "Rust", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "NoFWL Desktop Application", "topics": [ "application", "chatgpt", "desktop", "linux", "macos", "tauri", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "NoFWL Desktop Application", "ja": "NoFWLデスクトップアプリケーション", "zh-hans": "NoFWL桌面应用程序", "zh-hant": "NoFWL 桌面應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/sanjeevanahilan/nanochatgpt": { "repository_name": "nanoChatGPT", "user_name": "sanjeevanahilan", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A crude RLHF layer on top of nanoGPT with Gumbel-Softmax trick", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A crude RLHF layer on top of nanoGPT with Gumbel-Softmax trick", "ja": "ガンベル・ソフトマックスのトリックを使ったnanoGPTの上に粗いRLHF層を重ねたもの。", "zh-hans": "在nanoGPT之上添加了粗糙的RLHF层,并使用Gumbel-Softmax技巧。", "zh-hant": "在nanoGPT上使用Gumbel-Softmax技巧的粗糙RLHF層" } }, "https://github.com/inspired-cognition/critique-apps": { "repository_name": "critique-apps", "user_name": "inspired-cognition", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Apps built using Inspired Cognition's Critique.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Apps built using Inspired Cognition's Critique.", "ja": "インスパイアド・コグニションのクリティークを使用して構築されたアプリ。", "zh-hans": "使用Inspired Cognition的Critique构建的应用程序。", "zh-hant": "使用Inspired Cognition的Critique建立的應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/robo8080/m5core2imageavatarlitechatgpt": { "repository_name": "M5Core2ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT", "user_name": "robo8080", "language": "C++", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT for M5Stack Core2", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT for M5Stack Core2", "ja": "M5Stack Core2用のImageAvatarLiteChatGPT", "zh-hans": "M5Stack Core2 的 ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT", "zh-hant": "M5Stack Core2 的 ImageAvatarLiteChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/fchollet/arc": { "repository_name": "ARC", "user_name": "fchollet", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "intelligence-testing", "program-synthesis", "psychometrics" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus", "ja": "抽象化と推論コーパス", "zh-hans": "抽象推理语料库", "zh-hant": "抽象和推理語料庫" } }, "https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js": { "repository_name": "pdf.js", "user_name": "mozilla", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "PDF Reader in JavaScript", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PDF Reader in JavaScript", "ja": "JavaScriptでのPDFリーダー", "zh-hans": "JavaScript PDF阅读器", "zh-hant": "JavaScript PDF閱讀器" } }, "https://github.com/novuhq/novu": { "repository_name": "novu", "user_name": "novuhq", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center", "topics": [ "communication", "css", "email", "hacktoberfest", "html", "javascript", "nodejs", "notification-center", "notifications", "push-notifications", "react", "reactjs", "sms", "transactional", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The open-source notification infrastructure with fully functional embedded notification center", "ja": "完全に機能する埋め込み通知センターを備えたオープンソースの通知インフラストラクチャー", "zh-hans": "具有完全功能的嵌入式通知中心的开源通知基础设施", "zh-hant": "具有完全功能的嵌入式通知中心的開源通知基礎設施" } }, "https://github.com/hazyresearch/flash-attention": { "repository_name": "flash-attention", "user_name": "HazyResearch", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Fast and memory-efficient exact attention", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fast and memory-efficient exact attention", "ja": "高速でメモリ効率の良い正確なアテンション", "zh-hans": "快速且内存高效的精确注意力机制", "zh-hant": "快速且記憶體效率高的精確注意力機制" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/deep-rl-class": { "repository_name": "deep-rl-class", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "This repo contains the syllabus of the Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Course.", "topics": [ "deep-learning", "deep-reinforcement-learning", "reinforcement-learning", "reinforcement-learning-excercises" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This repo contains the syllabus of the Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Course.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learningコースのシラバスが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含了Hugging Face深度强化学习课程的教学大纲。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含了 Hugging Face 深度強化學習課程的課程大綱。" } }, "https://github.com/openai/following-instructions-human-feedback": { "repository_name": "following-instructions-human-feedback", "user_name": "openai", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "@rachel_l_woods this is my go-to paper for instructing gpt to not hallucinate", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@rachel_l_woods this is my go-to paper for instructing gpt to not hallucinate", "ja": "@rachel_l_woods これは私がgptに幻覚を見せないように指示するための定番のペーパーです。", "zh-hans": "@rachel_l_woods 这是我用来指导GPT不产生幻觉的常用论文。", "zh-hant": "@rachel_l_woods 這是我用來指導 GPT 不要幻覺的慣用紙張。" } }, "https://github.com/fkhan0520/cgpt_exceptions": { "repository_name": "cgpt_exceptions", "user_name": "fkhan0520", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "made a python package to automatically get help from chatgpt when an exception is thrown. check it out!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "made a python package to automatically get help from chatgpt when an exception is thrown. check it out!", "ja": "例外が発生した際に自動的にChatGPTからヘルプを取得するPythonパッケージを作成しました。ぜひチェックしてください!", "zh-hans": "制作了一个Python包,可以在抛出异常时自动从ChatGPT获取帮助。来看看吧!", "zh-hant": "製作了一個 Python 套件,當出現異常時自動從 ChatGPT 獲取幫助。快來看看吧!" } }, "https://github.com/coskuncay/flutter_chatgpt_api": { "repository_name": "flutter_chatgpt_api", "user_name": "coskuncay", "language": "Dart", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Use ChatGPT from Flutter / Dart", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-dart", "chatgpt-flutter", "dart", "flutter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT from Flutter / Dart", "ja": "Flutter / DartからChatGPTを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用Flutter / Dart中的ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使用Flutter / Dart中的ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/gtoxlili/wechat-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "wechat-chatGPT", "user_name": "gtoxlili", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "实现微信公众号被动返回接口的ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Implementing ChatGPT for WeChat Official Account's passive response interface.", "ja": "ChatGPTでWeChat公式アカウントの受動的な返信インターフェースを実現する。", "zh-hans": "实现微信公众号被动返回接口的ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "實現微信公眾號被動返回接口的ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/benwr/gwipt": { "repository_name": "gwipt", "user_name": "benwr", "language": "Rust", "license": null, "description": "Automatically commit all edits to a wip branch with GPT-3 commit messages", "topics": [ "git", "gpt-3", "workflow-automation" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automatically commit all edits to a wip branch with GPT-3 commit messages", "ja": "GPT-3のコミットメッセージを使用して、すべての編集をwipブランチに自動的にコミットします。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3提交消息自动将所有编辑提交到wip分支。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-3提交訊息自動將所有編輯提交到wip分支。" } }, "https://github.com/dnscrypt/dnscrypt-proxy": { "repository_name": "dnscrypt-proxy", "user_name": "DNSCrypt", "language": "Go", "license": "ISC License", "description": "dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.", "topics": [ "anonymized", "anonymized-dns", "dns", "dns-over-https", "dnscrypt", "dnscrypt-proxy", "dnscrypt-proxy2", "doh", "oblivious-dns-over-https", "oblivious-doh", "odoh", "proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "dnscrypt-proxy 2 - A flexible DNS proxy, with support for encrypted DNS protocols.", "ja": "dnscrypt-proxy 2 - 暗号化されたDNSプロトコルをサポートする柔軟なDNSプロキシ。", "zh-hans": "dnscrypt-proxy 2 - 一款灵活的DNS代理,支持加密DNS协议。", "zh-hant": "dnscrypt-proxy 2 - 一個靈活的 DNS 代理,支援加密 DNS 協議。" } }, "https://github.com/sashabaranov/go-gpt3": { "repository_name": "go-gpt3", "user_name": "sashabaranov", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "Python interface to Amazon Web Services", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python interface to Amazon Web Services", "ja": "Amazon Web ServicesへのPythonインターフェース", "zh-hans": "Python接口到亚马逊网络服务", "zh-hant": "Python介面到Amazon Web Services" } }, "https://github.com/bytemate/chatapi-single": { "repository_name": "chatapi-single", "user_name": "bytemate", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Simple and powerful ChatGPT-API-Server", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple and powerful ChatGPT-API-Server", "ja": "シンプルでパワフルなChatGPT-API-サーバー", "zh-hans": "简单而强大的ChatGPT-API服务器", "zh-hant": "簡單而強大的ChatGPT-API-伺服器" } }, "https://github.com/chenyukang/talkgpt": { "repository_name": "talkGPT", "user_name": "chenyukang", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "An simple Python program that help you talk with ChatGPT, practice Spoken English ...", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An simple Python program that help you talk with ChatGPT, practice Spoken English ...", "ja": "ChatGPTと話すのを手助けする簡単なPythonプログラム、スポークン英語の練習に役立ちます...", "zh-hans": "一个简单的Python程序,可以帮助你与ChatGPT交流,练习口语英语...", "zh-hant": "一個簡單的Python程式,可以幫助你與ChatGPT對話,練習口語英語..." } }, "https://github.com/xx-net/xx-net": { "repository_name": "XX-Net", "user_name": "XX-net", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A proxy tool to bypass GFW.", "topics": [ "gfw", "goagent", "proxy", "uncensored", "vpn" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A proxy tool to bypass GFW.", "ja": "GFWをバイパスするためのプロキシツール。", "zh-hans": "一个用于绕过GFW的代理工具。", "zh-hant": "一個繞過GFW的代理工具。" } }, "https://github.com/torantulino/entrepreneur-gpt": { "repository_name": "Entrepreneur-GPT", "user_name": "Torantulino", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "2017 GUJAM", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "I'm sorry, but \"GUJAM\" is not a word or phrase in any language that I am aware of. Therefore, I cannot provide a translation for this input.", "ja": "2017年GUJAM", "zh-hans": "2017年GUJAM", "zh-hant": "2017年GUJAM" } }, "https://github.com/4kk11/chatgptforrhino": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTforRhino", "user_name": "4kk11", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "chatgptforrhinoにgui実装してそれっぽくした!あとgithubに置いといた!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"I implemented a GUI for chatgptforrhino and made it look similar! I also put it on GitHub!\"", "ja": "chatgptforrhinoにgui実装してそれっぽくした!あとgithubに置いといた!", "zh-hans": "将chatgptforrhino实现为GUI并进行了一些样式调整!还将其放在了GitHub上!", "zh-hant": "將chatgptforrhino加入GUI並進行了相應的設置!還將其放在了GitHub上!" } }, "https://github.com/logankilpatrick/chatgpt-simple": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Simple", "user_name": "logankilpatrick", "language": "HTML", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build a simple locally hosted version of ChatGPT in less than 100 lines of code", "topics": [ "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build a simple locally hosted version of ChatGPT in less than 100 lines of code", "ja": "100行以下のコードで簡単なローカルホスト版のChatGPTを構築してください。", "zh-hans": "在不到100行代码的情况下,构建一个简单的本地托管版本的ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "以不到100行的程式碼建立一個簡單的本地主機版ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/audit-ace/audits-smart-contracts": { "repository_name": "Audits-Smart-Contracts", "user_name": "Audit-Ace", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "🚀 announcing audit report congratulations chat gpt 🎉 audits dm -", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 announcing audit report congratulations chat gpt 🎉 audits dm -", "ja": "🚀監査報告書の発表をお知らせします。おめでとうございます。チャットGPT🎉監査DM-", "zh-hans": "🚀宣布审计报告恭喜聊天GPT🎉审计DM-", "zh-hant": "🚀宣布審計報告恭喜聊天GPT🎉審計DM-" } }, "https://github.com/xueyidong/longreadbenchmark": { "repository_name": "LongReadBenchmark", "user_name": "XueyiDong", "language": "R", "license": null, "description": "Benchmarking long-read RNA-seq analysis tools", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Benchmarking long-read RNA-seq analysis tools", "ja": "長いリードRNA-seq解析ツールのベンチマークテスト", "zh-hans": "基准测试长读RNA-seq分析工具", "zh-hant": "基準測試長讀取RNA-seq分析工具" } }, "https://github.com/mayerdaniel/ida_gpt": { "repository_name": "ida_gpt", "user_name": "MayerDaniel", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "code to integrate #chatgpt into @hexrayssa to comment gpt's description of functions and rename variables and function names for you.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "code to integrate #chatgpt into @hexrayssa to comment gpt's description of functions and rename variables and function names for you.", "ja": "@hexrayssaに#chatgptを統合するためのコードを入力し、GPTの機能の説明をコメントし、変数と関数名をあなたのためにリネームします。", "zh-hans": "将 #chatgpt 集成到 @hexrayssa 中,以评论 gpt 的功能描述,并为您重命名变量和函数名称的代码。", "zh-hant": "代碼以將#chatgpt整合到@hexrayssa中,以評論gpt的功能描述並為您重新命名變量和函數名稱。\n\n將#chatgpt整合到@hexrayssa中的代碼,以評論gpt的功能描述並為您重新命名變量和函數名稱。" } }, "https://github.com/stanford-crfm/pubmedgpt": { "repository_name": "pubmedgpt", "user_name": "stanford-crfm", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Composing methods for ML training efficiency", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Composing methods for ML training efficiency", "ja": "MLトレーニング効率のための構成方法", "zh-hans": "机器学习训练效率的组合方法", "zh-hant": "提高機器學習訓練效率的方法" } }, "https://github.com/rohit43/gptmedcode": { "repository_name": "GptMedCode", "user_name": "rohit43", "language": "R", "license": null, "description": "@zakkohane @arjunmanrai from #ehr analytic perspective, was wondering if obtaining codes could be automated using #chatgpt backend. but the quality of codes returned was not that reliable. quality ~ icd > loinc > snomed", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@zakkohane @arjunmanrai from #ehr analytic perspective, was wondering if obtaining codes could be automated using #chatgpt backend. but the quality of codes returned was not that reliable. quality ~ icd > loinc > snomed", "ja": "@zakkohane @arjunmanrai #ehr分析の観点から、#chatgptバックエンドを使用してコードを自動化できるかどうかを考えていました。しかし、返されたコードの品質はあまり信頼できませんでした。品質はicd>loinc>snomedです。", "zh-hans": "从 #ehr 分析的角度来看,我想知道是否可以使用 #chatgpt 后端自动获取代码。但是返回的代码质量不是很可靠。质量 ~ icd > loinc > snomed。@zakkohane @arjunmanrai", "zh-hant": "從 #ehr 分析的角度來看,我想知道是否可以使用 #chatgpt 後端自動獲取代碼。但是返回的代碼質量並不可靠。質量 ~ icd > loinc > snomed @zakkohane @arjunmanrai" } }, "https://github.com/amazingang/deep-rl-elements": { "repository_name": "deep-RL-elements", "user_name": "AmazingAng", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Deep RL algorithm in pytorch", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Deep RL algorithm in pytorch", "ja": "Pytorchでの深層強化学習アルゴリズム", "zh-hans": "使用PyTorch的深度强化学习算法", "zh-hant": "使用PyTorch的深度強化學習演算法" } }, "https://github.com/karpathy/nanogpt?utm_source=tldrnewsletter": { "repository_name": "nanoGPT", "user_name": "karpathy", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.", "ja": "中規模のGPTのトレーニング/ファインチューニングに最もシンプルで最速のリポジトリ。", "zh-hans": "最简单、最快的中等规模GPT训练/微调存储库。", "zh-hant": "最簡單、最快速的中型GPT訓練/微調存儲庫。" } }, "https://github.com/objective-see/malware": { "repository_name": "Malware", "user_name": "objective-see", "language": null, "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "macOS Malware Collection", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "macOS Malware Collection", "ja": "macOSマルウェアコレクション", "zh-hans": "macOS 恶意软件收集", "zh-hant": "macOS 惡意軟件收集" } }, "https://github.com/zetaalphavector/inpars": { "repository_name": "inPars", "user_name": "zetaalphavector", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "VOSviewer Online is a tool for network visualization. It is a web-based version of VOSviewer, a popular tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "VOSviewer Online is a tool for network visualization. It is a web-based version of VOSviewer, a popular tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks.", "ja": "VOSviewer Onlineはネットワーク可視化のためのツールです。これは、文献計量ネットワークの構築と可視化に広く使われているVOSviewerのWebベース版です。", "zh-hans": "VOSviewer Online是一种网络可视化工具。它是VOSviewer的基于Web的版本,VOSviewer是一种流行的构建和可视化文献计量网络的工具。", "zh-hant": "VOSviewer Online是一個網絡可視化工具。它是VOSviewer的網絡版,VOSviewer是一個流行的構建和可視化文獻計量網絡的工具。" } }, "https://github.com/shobrook/adrenaline": { "repository_name": "adrenaline", "user_name": "shobrook", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Talk to your codebase", "topics": [ "ai", "codegen", "codex", "debugging-tool", "gpt-3", "linter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talk to your codebase", "ja": "コードベースと話し合ってください。", "zh-hans": "与你的代码库交流", "zh-hant": "與你的程式碼庫對話" } }, "https://github.com/crytic/slither": { "repository_name": "slither", "user_name": "crytic", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Static Analyzer for Solidity", "topics": [ "ethereum", "solidity", "static-analysis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Static Analyzer for Solidity", "ja": "Solidityの静的解析ツール", "zh-hans": "Solidity静态分析器", "zh-hant": "Solidity 靜態分析器" } }, "https://github.com/yuki-yano/ai-review.vim": { "repository_name": "ai-review.vim", "user_name": "yuki-yano", "language": null, "license": "Other", "description": "Count your code, quickly.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tally your code, fast.", "ja": "素早くコードを数えてください。", "zh-hans": "快速计算你的代码。", "zh-hant": "快速計算你的程式碼。" } }, "https://github.com/gayolgate/gayolgate": { "repository_name": "gayolGate", "user_name": "gayolGate", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Information about my GitHub profile", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Information about my GitHub profile", "ja": "私のGitHubプロフィールに関する情報", "zh-hans": "关于我的GitHub个人资料的信息", "zh-hant": "關於我的 GitHub 個人資料的資訊" } }, "https://github.com/cccntu/minlora": { "repository_name": "minlora", "user_name": "cccntu", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "🚀 exciting news! i just released my new repo, minlora 🎉 this powerful library lets you apply lora to *any* pytorch model in a few lines of code. from @huggingface's transformers, diffusers, to @karpathy's nanogpt. check it out now at", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 exciting news! i just released my new repo, minlora 🎉 this powerful library lets you apply lora to *any* pytorch model in a few lines of code. from @huggingface's transformers, diffusers, to @karpathy's nanogpt. check it out now at", "ja": "🚀 エキサイティングなニュース!私は新しいリポジトリ、minloraをリリースしました🎉 この強力なライブラリは、@huggingfaceのtransformers、diffusers、@karpathyのnanogptを含む*どんな*PyTorchモデルにも、わずか数行のコードでLoraを適用できます。今すぐチェックしてください。", "zh-hans": "🚀 令人兴奋的消息!我刚刚发布了我的新仓库,minlora 🎉 这个强大的库可以让你在几行代码中将Lora应用于*任何*PyTorch模型。从@huggingface的transformers、diffusers,到@karpathy的nanogpt。现在就去看看吧:", "zh-hant": "🚀 令人興奮的消息!我剛剛發布了我的新庫,minlora 🎉 這個強大的庫讓你可以在幾行代碼中將lora應用到*任何*pytorch模型中。從@huggingface的transformers、diffusers到@karpathy的nanogpt。現在就去看看吧:" } }, "https://github.com/vibovenkat123/review-gpt": { "repository_name": "review-gpt", "user_name": "vibovenkat123", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "An automatic code review tool that uses gpt-3, gpt-3.5, and gpt-4", "topics": [ "golang", "gpt", "review" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An automatic code review tool that uses gpt-3, gpt-3.5, and gpt-4", "ja": "GPT-3、GPT-3.5、およびGPT-4を使用する自動コードレビューツール", "zh-hans": "一种使用gpt-3、gpt-3.5和gpt-4的自动代码审查工具。", "zh-hant": "一個使用gpt-3、gpt-3.5和gpt-4的自動代碼審查工具。" } }, "https://github.com/joshuaknauber/bpy-chat-gpt": { "repository_name": "bpy-chat-gpt", "user_name": "joshuaKnauber", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chat GPT api integrated into a simple blender addon", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat GPT api integrated into a simple blender addon", "ja": "シンプルなブレンダーアドオンに統合されたチャットGPT API", "zh-hans": "聊天GPT API集成到简单的blender插件中。", "zh-hant": "將聊天 GPT API 整合到簡單的混合器插件中。" } }, "https://github.com/nishio/scrapbox_chatgpt_connector": { "repository_name": "scrapbox_chatgpt_connector", "user_name": "nishio", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "ChatGPT reads Scrapbox", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT reads Scrapbox", "ja": "ChatGPTはScrapboxを読みます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 阅读 Scrapbox", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 閱讀 Scrapbox" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/kindle-gpt": { "repository_name": "kindle-gpt", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI search & chat on your Kindle highlights.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI search & chat on your Kindle highlights.", "ja": "あなたのKindleのハイライトに対してAI検索とチャット。", "zh-hans": "在您的Kindle亮点上进行AI搜索和聊天。", "zh-hant": "在您的Kindle亮點上進行AI搜索和聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/kubeovn/kube-ovn": { "repository_name": "kube-ovn", "user_name": "kubeovn", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A Bridge between SDN and Cloud Native (Project under CNCF)", "topics": [ "cni", "hacktoberfest", "kubernetes", "kubernetes-networking", "network", "networking", "openvswitch", "overlay-network", "ovn", "ovs", "sdn" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Bridge between SDN and Cloud Native (Project under CNCF)", "ja": "SDNとクラウドネイティブの橋渡し(CNCFプロジェクトの一環)", "zh-hans": "SDN和云原生之间的桥梁(CNCF项目下的项目)", "zh-hant": "SDN和Cloud Native之間的橋樑(CNCF項目)" } }, "https://github.com/goldengrape/partial-english-subtitle-translation": { "repository_name": "Partial-English-Subtitle-Translation", "user_name": "goldengrape", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "各位假门假事儿学英语的亲们,我又带学英语的工具来啦这次是只翻译字幕中的生词,自己选难度。本次 #抛砖 的重点是,通过gpt翻译出了单词在句中的含义。网页版::", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dear friends who are learning English with fake doors and fake things, I have brought another English learning tool. This time, it is a tool that only translates the new words in the subtitles, and you can choose the difficulty level. The focus of this \"throwing bricks\" is to use GPT to translate the meaning of words in sentences. Web version:", "ja": "各位英語學習者,我又帶來了學習英語的工具,這次是只翻譯字幕中的生詞,自己選擇難度。本次的重點是通過GPT翻譯出單詞在句子中的含義。網頁版:", "zh-hans": "各位学英语的朋友们,我又带来了学英语的工具。这次是只翻译字幕中的生词,可以自己选择难度。本次的重点是通过GPT翻译出单词在句子中的含义。网页版:", "zh-hant": "各位假門假事兒學英語的親們,我又帶學英語的工具來啦!這次是只翻譯字幕中的生詞,自己選難度。本次 #抛磚 的重點是,通過gpt翻譯出了單詞在句中的含義。網頁版:" } }, "https://github.com/geezacoleman/gilgaidetection": { "repository_name": "GilgaiDetection", "user_name": "geezacoleman", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Simple colour thresholdhing for Gilgai detection", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Simple colour thresholdhing for Gilgai detection", "ja": "ギルガイ検出のための単純な色閾値処理", "zh-hans": "吉尔盖检测的简单颜色阈值化", "zh-hant": "吉爾蓋檢測的簡單顏色閾值化" } }, "https://github.com/cvlab-columbia/viper": { "repository_name": "viper", "user_name": "cvlab-columbia", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Other", "description": "Code for the paper \"ViperGPT: Visual Inference via Python Execution for Reasoning\"", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code for the paper \"ViperGPT: Visual Inference via Python Execution for Reasoning\"", "ja": "「ViperGPT:推論のためのPython実行による視覚的推論」の論文のコード", "zh-hans": "《ViperGPT:基于Python执行的视觉推理》论文代码", "zh-hant": "「ViperGPT:通過Python執行進行推理的視覺推論」論文代碼" } }, "https://github.com/ddobokki/chatgpt_stock_report": { "repository_name": "chatgpt_stock_report", "user_name": "ddobokki", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "그날의 증권사 리포트를 챗 gpt를 활용해 요약하는 레포", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A report summarizing the securities company report of that day using chat GPT.", "ja": "その日の証券会社レポートをチャットGPTを活用して要約するレポート", "zh-hans": "利用聊天GPT对当天证券公司报告进行摘要的报告。", "zh-hant": "利用聊天GPT總結當天的證券報告的報告。" } }, "https://github.com/eleutherai/deeperspeed": { "repository_name": "DeeperSpeed", "user_name": "EleutherAI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.", "ja": "DeepSpeedは、分散トレーニングを簡単、効率的、効果的にする深層学習最適化ライブラリです。", "zh-hans": "DeepSpeed是一个深度学习优化库,可以使分布式训练变得简单、高效和有效。", "zh-hant": "DeepSpeed 是一個深度學習優化庫,可以輕鬆、高效、有效地進行分佈式訓練。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/mm-react": { "repository_name": "MM-REACT", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Official repo for MM-REACT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official repo for MM-REACT", "ja": "MM-REACTの公式リポジトリ", "zh-hans": "MM-REACT 的官方代码库", "zh-hant": "MM-REACT 的官方存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/sentnl/eosio-vulnerability-scanner": { "repository_name": "EOSIO-Vulnerability-Scanner", "user_name": "Sentnl", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Bug Bounty for P0 Network security issue on a layer 1 blockchain protocol", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bug Bounty for P0 Network security issue on a layer 1 blockchain protocol", "ja": "レイヤー1ブロックチェーンプロトコルのP0ネットワークセキュリティ問題に対するバグバウンティ", "zh-hans": "在第一层区块链协议上发现P0网络安全问题的漏洞赏金", "zh-hant": "在第一層區塊鏈協議上發現P0網絡安全問題的漏洞賞金" } }, "https://github.com/justanotherlad/blindvisaidgpt": { "repository_name": "blindvisaidgpt", "user_name": "justanotherlad", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An interactive aid for blind people using microsoft/visual-chatgpt ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An interactive aid for blind people using microsoft/visual-chatgpt", "ja": "マイクロソフト/ビジュアルチャットGPTを使用した視覚障害者向けのインタラクティブ支援。", "zh-hans": "使用微软/视觉聊天GPT的盲人交互辅助工具", "zh-hant": "一個使用Microsoft/Visual-ChatGPT的互動輔助工具,專為視障人士設計。" } }, "https://github.com/haoel/haoel.github.io": { "repository_name": "haoel.github.io", "user_name": "haoel", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "前两天看到耗子哥更新了上网的文档 也来说一下我是怎么解决 chatgpt和 new bing 就算挂了梯子还是无法登录或者使用问题的:gost + cloudflare warp,配置起来也比较简单 (1/n)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A few days ago, I saw that Brother Rat updated the online document. I also want to share how I solved the problem of not being able to log in or use ChatGPT and New Bing even with a VPN: Gost + Cloudflare Warp. The configuration is also relatively simple. (1/n)", "ja": "前の2日間、私はネット上での文書を更新したハオズィー氏を見ました。ChatgptとNew Bingの問題を解決する方法についても言及します。VPNを使用してもログインや使用ができない場合は、Gost + Cloudflare Warpを使用することができます。設定も比較的簡単です。(1/n)", "zh-hans": "前两天看到耗子哥更新了上网的文档,我也来说一下我是怎么解决chatgpt和new bing就算挂了梯子还是无法登录或者使用问题的:gost+cloudflare warp,配置起来也比较简单。(1/n)", "zh-hant": "前兩天看到耗子哥更新了上網的文檔,也來說一下我是怎麼解決 chatgpt 和 new bing 就算掛了梯子還是無法登錄或者使用問題的:gost + cloudflare warp,配置起來也比較簡單。 (1/n)" } }, "https://github.com/twardoch/lorem-chatum-for-indesign": { "repository_name": "lorem-chatum-for-indesign", "user_name": "twardoch", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Lorem Chatum script for Adobe InDesign that uses ChatGPT to produce better lorem ipsum", "topics": [ "adobe-uxp", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "font-specimen", "indesign", "indesign-plugin", "indesign-scripts", "lorem-ipsum-generator", "multilingual", "uxp" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Lorem Chatum script for Adobe InDesign that uses ChatGPT to produce better lorem ipsum", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、より良いLorem ipsumを生成するAdobe InDesign用のLorem Chatumスクリプト", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT的Lorem Chatum脚本,可在Adobe InDesign中生成更好的Lorem ipsum。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT的Lorem Chatum腳本,以產生更好的Lorem ipsum的Adobe InDesign。" } }, "https://github.com/xinhaomei/wavcaps": { "repository_name": "WavCaps", "user_name": "XinhaoMei", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This reporsitory contains metadata of WavCaps dataset and codes for downstream tasks.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This reporsitory contains metadata of WavCaps dataset and codes for downstream tasks.", "ja": "このリポジトリには、WavCapsデータセットのメタデータと、下流タスクのためのコードが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含WavCaps数据集的元数据和下游任务的代码。", "zh-hant": "這個儲存庫包含WavCaps數據集的元數據和下游任務的代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/easychen/chatchan-dist": { "repository_name": "chatchan-dist", "user_name": "easychen", "language": "PHP", "license": null, "description": "Chat酱独立部署版,docker方案自带代理", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat Sauce independent deployment version, docker solution comes with proxy.", "ja": "Chat酱の独立部署版は、Dockerのプランにはプロキシが付属しています。", "zh-hans": "Chat酱独立部署版,docker方案自带代理\n\nChat酱独立部署版,docker方案自带代理", "zh-hant": "Chat醬獨立部署版,docker方案自帶代理" } }, "https://github.com/baaivision/painter": { "repository_name": "Painter", "user_name": "baaivision", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Painter & SegGPT Series: Vision Foundation Models from BAAI", "topics": [ "cvpr2023", "generalist-model", "generalist-painter", "in-context-learning", "in-context-visual-learning", "seggpt", "segmentation-foundation-model" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Painter & SegGPT Series: Vision Foundation Models from BAAI", "ja": "ペインター&SegGPTシリーズ:BAAIのビジョン基盤モデル", "zh-hans": "画家和SegGPT系列:BAAI的视觉基础模型", "zh-hant": "畫家和SegGPT系列:BAAI的視覺基礎模型" } }, "https://github.com/hedcet/paytm-movies": { "repository_name": "paytm-movies", "user_name": "HedCET", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "#bimbisara #jan9mon collection 1,852₹, 77% occupancy (1,852/2,400), 5 shows, #testcinemaocl #waterland", "topics": [ "boxoffice", "cinemas", "movie-database", "movies" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "#bimbisara #jan9mon collection 1,852₹, 77% occupancy (1,852/2,400), 5 shows, #testcinemaocl #waterland", "ja": "#ビンビサラ #1月9日月曜日コレクション 1,852₹、77%の占有率(1,852/2,400)、5回上映、#テストシネマオクル #ウォーターランド", "zh-hans": "#bimbisara #1月9日星期一 收入1,852卢比,占座率77%(1,852/2,400),5场电影,#testcinemaocl #waterland。", "zh-hant": "#比姆比薩拉 #1月9日星期一收藏 1,852₹,佔座率77%(1,852/2,400),5場演出,#testcinemaocl #waterland。" } }, "https://github.com/vision-cair/chatcaptioner": { "repository_name": "ChatCaptioner", "user_name": "Vision-CAIR", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Official Repository of ChatCaptioner", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Official Repository of ChatCaptioner", "ja": "ChatCaptionerの公式リポジトリ", "zh-hans": "ChatCaptioner官方仓库", "zh-hant": "ChatCaptioner 官方儲存庫" } }, "https://github.com/nolanoorg/cformers": { "repository_name": "cformers", "user_name": "NolanoOrg", "language": "C", "license": "MIT License", "description": "SoTA Transformers with C-backend for fast inference on your CPU.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SoTA Transformers with C-backend for fast inference on your CPU.", "ja": "CPU上で高速推論するためのCバックエンドを備えたSoTAトランスフォーマー。", "zh-hans": "使用C后端的SoTA变压器,可在您的CPU上进行快速推理。", "zh-hant": "使用C後端的SoTA Transformers,可在您的CPU上進行快速推論。" } }, "https://github.com/mayaenomoto/outlinestorminggpt": { "repository_name": "OutlineStormingGPT", "user_name": "MayaEnomoto", "language": "C#", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Just a tool to talk softly with GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Just a tool to talk softly with GPT", "ja": "GPTとやわらかく話すためのツールです。", "zh-hans": "只是一个与GPT轻声交谈的工具", "zh-hant": "只是一個與GPT輕聲交談的工具。" } }, "https://github.com/ai-genie/chatgpt-vscode": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-vscode", "user_name": "ai-genie", "language": null, "license": "ISC License", "description": "Your best AI pair programmer in VS Code", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "vscode" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Your best AI pair programmer in VS Code", "ja": "VS Codeで最高のAIペアプログラマー", "zh-hans": "您在VS Code中最好的AI配对程序员", "zh-hant": "您在 VS Code 中最好的 AI 配對程式設計師" } }, "https://github.com/dylanakp/materialgpt": { "repository_name": "MaterialGPT", "user_name": "DylanAkp", "language": "Vue", "license": null, "description": "MaterialGPT is a clone of ChatGPT using API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "MaterialGPT is a clone of ChatGPT using API", "ja": "MaterialGPTはAPIを使用したChatGPTのクローンです。", "zh-hans": "MaterialGPT是使用API克隆ChatGPT的。", "zh-hant": "MaterialGPT是使用API的ChatGPT的克隆版本。" } }, "https://github.com/theokafadaris/chatwire": { "repository_name": "chatwire", "user_name": "theokafadaris", "language": "PHP", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Self hosted ChatGPT clone using Laravel", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "laravel", "php" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Self hosted ChatGPT clone using Laravel", "ja": "Laravelを使用した自己ホスト型のChatGPTクローン", "zh-hans": "使用Laravel自主托管的ChatGPT克隆版", "zh-hant": "使用Laravel自行託管的ChatGPT克隆版" } }, "https://github.com/kanecohen/auto-gpt": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT", "user_name": "KaneCohen", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "ja": "GPT-4を完全に自律化するための実験的なオープンソースの試み。", "zh-hans": "一个试图让GPT-4完全自主的实验性开源尝试。", "zh-hant": "一個實驗性的開源嘗試,旨在使GPT-4完全自主。" } }, "https://github.com/rokstrnisa/robo-gpt": { "repository_name": "Robo-GPT", "user_name": "rokstrnisa", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A simple and extensible program that helps you run GPT-4 model autonomously.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A simple and extensible program that helps you run GPT-4 model autonomously.", "ja": "自律的にGPT-4モデルを実行するのを支援するシンプルで拡張可能なプログラム。", "zh-hans": "一个简单易扩展的程序,帮助您自主运行GPT-4模型。", "zh-hant": "一個簡單且可擴展的程式,可幫助您自主運行GPT-4模型。" } }, "https://github.com/kylelin1998/chatgptfortelegram": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTForTelegram", "user_name": "kylelin1998", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "目前机器人基于ChatGPT进行开发 使用机器人可以让你轻松进行对话, 后续机器人的更新升级一个命令即可搞定, 无需再上服务器进行升级机器人", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Currently, the robot is being developed based on ChatGPT. Using the robot allows you to easily engage in conversation, and future updates and upgrades can be easily done with a single command, without the need to upgrade the robot on the server.", "ja": "現在、ChatGPTを基にしたロボットが開発されています。ロボットを使用することで、簡単に会話をすることができます。また、ロボットのアップデートやアップグレードは、1つのコマンドで簡単に行うことができ、サーバーにアップグレードする必要はありません。", "zh-hans": "目前机器人基于ChatGPT进行开发。使用机器人可以让你轻松进行对话。后续机器人的更新升级一个命令即可搞定,无需再上服务器进行升级机器人。", "zh-hant": "目前機器人基於ChatGPT進行開發。使用機器人可以讓你輕鬆進行對話,後續機器人的更新升級一個命令即可搞定,無需再上伺服器進行升級機器人。" } }, "https://github.com/acui51/monocle-rizz": { "repository_name": "monocle-rizz", "user_name": "acui51", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "rizzGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "rizzGPT", "ja": "rizzGPT", "zh-hans": "rizzGPT", "zh-hant": "rizzGPT" } }, "https://github.com/munntein/polyglotsiri-apple-shortcut": { "repository_name": "PolyglotSiri-Apple-Shortcut", "user_name": "Munntein", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "PolyglotSiri is based on [ChatGPT-Siri](https://github.com/Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri) and enhances its multilingual and speech capabilities.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PolyglotSiri is based on [ChatGPT-Siri](https://github.com/Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri) and enhances its multilingual and speech capabilities.", "ja": "PolyglotSiriは[ChatGPT-Siri](https://github.com/Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri)をベースにしており、多言語および音声機能を強化しています。", "zh-hans": "PolyglotSiri基于[ChatGPT-Siri](https://github.com/Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri),并增强了其多语言和语音功能。", "zh-hant": "PolyglotSiri基於[ChatGPT-Siri](https://github.com/Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri),並增強了其多語言和語音功能。" } }, "https://github.com/robo8080/m5burner_m5unified_stackchan_chatgpt_readme": { "repository_name": "M5Burner_M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT_README", "user_name": "robo8080", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPTのREADMEです。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPTのREADMEです。", "ja": "M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPTのREADMEです。", "zh-hans": "这是M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT的README。", "zh-hant": "這是M5Burner版M5Unified_StackChan_ChatGPT的README。" } }, "https://github.com/paperswithcode/galai": { "repository_name": "galai", "user_name": "paperswithcode", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Model API for GALACTICA", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "API model for GALACTICA", "ja": "GALACTICAのモデルAPI", "zh-hans": "GALACTICA的模型API", "zh-hant": "GALACTICA 模型 API" } }, "https://github.com/torantulino/auto-gpt.git": { "repository_name": "Auto-GPT.git", "user_name": "Torantulino", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "Advanced Games Engineering Project - Cubic Voxel Game Maker", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Advanced Games Engineering Project - Cubic Voxel Game Maker", "ja": "高度なゲームエンジニアリングプロジェクト - 立方体ボクセルゲームメーカー", "zh-hans": "高级游戏工程项目 - 立方体像素游戏制作器", "zh-hant": "高級遊戲工程項目 - 立方體像素遊戲製作器" } }, "https://github.com/andylokandy/gpt-4-search": { "repository_name": "gpt-4-search", "user_name": "andylokandy", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A command line GPT-4 REPL with Google search in 200 lines of code", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A command line GPT-4 REPL with Google search in 200 lines of code", "ja": "200行のコードでGoogle検索を備えたコマンドラインGPT-4 REPL", "zh-hans": "一个带有谷歌搜索功能的命令行GPT-4 REPL,只需200行代码。", "zh-hant": "一個帶有Google搜索功能的命令行GPT-4 REPL,僅需200行代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/xpitfire/symbolicai": { "repository_name": "symbolicai", "user_name": "Xpitfire", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Compositional Differentiable Programming Library", "topics": [ "differentiable-programming", "machine-learning", "object-oriented-programming", "symbolic-execution-engine" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Compositional Differentiable Programming Library", "ja": "構成可能な微分可能プログラミングライブラリ", "zh-hans": "组合可微编程库", "zh-hant": "組合式可微編程庫" } }, "https://github.com/vision-cair/minigpt-4": { "repository_name": "MiniGPT-4", "user_name": "Vision-CAIR", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "@bentossell minigpt-4 does this in their demo.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "@bentossell minigpt-4 does this in their demo.", "ja": "@bentossellさん、minigpt-4はデモでこれを行います。", "zh-hans": "@bentossell minigpt-4 在他们的演示中可以做到这一点。", "zh-hant": "@bentossell minigpt-4 在他們的演示中可以做到這一點。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/deepspeed": { "repository_name": "DeepSpeed", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.", "topics": [ "billion-parameters", "compression", "data-parallelism", "deep-learning", "gpu", "inference", "machine-learning", "mixture-of-experts", "model-parallelism", "pipeline-parallelism", "pytorch", "trillion-parameters", "zero" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.", "ja": "DeepSpeedは、分散トレーニングと推論を簡単、効率的、効果的に行うことができる深層学習最適化ライブラリです。", "zh-hans": "DeepSpeed是一个深度学习优化库,使分布式训练和推理变得简单、高效和有效。", "zh-hant": "DeepSpeed 是一個深度學習優化庫,使分佈式訓練和推理變得簡單、高效和有效。" } }, "https://github.com/muellerberndt/micro-gpt": { "repository_name": "micro-gpt", "user_name": "muellerberndt", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A minimal generic autonomous agent.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A minimal generic autonomous agent.", "ja": "最小限の汎用自律エージェント。", "zh-hans": "一个最小的通用自主代理。", "zh-hant": "一個最小的通用自主代理。" } }, "https://github.com/jina-ai/gptdeploy": { "repository_name": "gptdeploy", "user_name": "jina-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "One line to create them all", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "One line to create them all", "ja": "すべてを作成するための1行", "zh-hans": "一行代码创造它们所有", "zh-hant": "一行程式碼創造它們所有" } }, "https://github.com/ustayready/cloudgpt": { "repository_name": "cloudgpt", "user_name": "ustayready", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Vulnerability scanner for AWS customer managed policies using ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Vulnerability scanner for AWS customer managed policies using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用したAWS顧客管理ポリシーの脆弱性スキャナー", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT的AWS客户管理策略漏洞扫描器", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT的AWS客戶管理政策漏洞掃描器" } }, "https://github.com/danielgross/llamaacademy": { "repository_name": "LlamaAcademy", "user_name": "danielgross", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A school for camelids", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A school for camelids", "ja": "ラクダ科動物の学校", "zh-hans": "骆驼类动物学校", "zh-hant": "駝鳥學校" } }, "https://github.com/stability-ai/stablelm": { "repository_name": "stableLM", "user_name": "stability-AI", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "SDK for interacting with stability.ai APIs (e.g. stable diffusion inference)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SDK for interacting with stability.ai APIs (e.g. stable diffusion inference)", "ja": "stability.ai APIとのやり取りを行うためのSDK(例:安定した拡散推論)", "zh-hans": "与stability.ai API(例如稳定扩散推理)交互的SDK", "zh-hant": "與stability.ai API(例如穩定擴散推理)互動的SDK" } }, "https://github.com/empath-nirvana/magic-happens": { "repository_name": "magic-happens", "user_name": "empath-nirvana", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "A kubernetes operator you should never run under any circumstances", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A kubernetes operator you should never run under any circumstances", "ja": "どんな状況でも実行してはいけないKubernetesオペレーター", "zh-hans": "一个你绝不能在任何情况下运行的Kubernetes操作员", "zh-hant": "一個你絕對不應該在任何情況下運行的 Kubernetes 運算子" } }, "https://github.com/dzoba/gptrpg": { "repository_name": "gptrpg", "user_name": "dzoba", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "A demo of an GPT-based agent existing in an RPG-like environment", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A demo of an GPT-based agent existing in an RPG-like environment", "ja": "RPG風の環境に存在するGPTベースのエージェントのデモ", "zh-hans": "一个基于GPT的代理程序在类似RPG的环境中的演示", "zh-hant": "一個基於GPT的代理人在類似RPG環境中的演示" } }, "https://github.com/rumpfmax/multi-gpt": { "repository_name": "Multi-GPT", "user_name": "rumpfmax", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.", "ja": "GPT-4を完全に自律化するための実験的なオープンソースの試み。", "zh-hans": "一个试图让GPT-4完全自主的实验性开源尝试。", "zh-hant": "一個實驗性的開源嘗試,旨在使GPT-4完全自主。" } }, "https://github.com/jtmuller5/ai-twitter-history": { "repository_name": "AI-Twitter-History", "user_name": "jtmuller5", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT is good but you don't know how to use it", "topics": [ "ai", "autogpt", "chatgpt", "midjourney", "truthgpt", "twitter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT is good but you don't know how to use it", "ja": "ChatGPTは良いですが、使い方がわかりません。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT很好,但你不知道如何使用它。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT很好,但你不知道如何使用它。" } }, "https://github.com/showlab/image2paragraph": { "repository_name": "Image2Paragraph", "user_name": "showlab", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Transform Image into Unique Paragraph with ChatGPT, BLIP2, OFA, GRIT, Segment Anything, ControlNet.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Transform Image into Unique Paragraph with ChatGPT, BLIP2, OFA, GRIT, Segment Anything, ControlNet.", "ja": "ChatGPT、BLIP2、OFA、GRIT、Segment Anything、ControlNetを使用して、画像をユニークな段落に変換します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT、BLIP2、OFA、GRIT、Segment Anything和ControlNet将图像转换为独特的段落。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT、BLIP2、OFA、GRIT、Segment Anything和ControlNet將圖像轉換為獨特的段落。" } }, "https://github.com/eumemic/gpt-legion": { "repository_name": "gpt-legion", "user_name": "eumemic", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "Radiant Blockchain Node (RXD) - SHA512/256 Proof-of-Work", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Radiant Blockchain Node (RXD) - SHA512/256 Proof-of-Work", "ja": "輝くブロックチェーンノード(RXD)- SHA512/256 プルーフ・オブ・ワーク", "zh-hans": "辐射区块链节点(RXD)- SHA512/256工作量证明", "zh-hant": "Radiant Blockchain Node(RXD)- SHA512/256 工作量证明" } }, "https://github.com/xpressai/xai-gpt-agent-toolkit": { "repository_name": "xai-gpt-agent-toolkit", "user_name": "XpressAI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Xircuits toolkit for creating and experimenting with BabyAGI/AutoGPT-style agents", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Xircuits toolkit for creating and experimenting with BabyAGI/AutoGPT-style agents", "ja": "BabyAGI/AutoGPTスタイルのエージェントを作成し、実験するためのXircuitsツールキット", "zh-hans": "Xircuits 工具包,用于创建和实验 BabyAGI/AutoGPT 风格的代理程序。", "zh-hant": "Xircuits 工具包,用於創建和實驗 BabyAGI/AutoGPT 風格的代理。" } }, "https://github.com/ntranoslab/celltypewriter": { "repository_name": "celltypewriter", "user_name": "ntranoslab", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "👉update: you can now use #celltypewriter without a #gpt4 api-key. we've set up a #free version so you can try it out on your #data. ✨this will be active for a few days or until funds run out : ) have fun! github link:", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👉update: you can now use #celltypewriter without a #gpt4 api-key. we've set up a #free version so you can try it out on your #data. ✨this will be active for a few days or until funds run out : ) have fun! github link:", "ja": "👉更新:#celltypewriterを#gpt4 apiキーなしで使用できるようになりました。私たちは#無料版を設定しましたので、あなたの#データで試すことができます。✨これは数日間有効であり、または資金が尽きるまで有効です:)楽しんでください!GitHubリンク:", "zh-hans": "👉更新:现在您可以在没有#gpt4 API密钥的情况下使用#celltypewriter。我们已经设置了一个#免费版本,让您可以在您的#数据上尝试它。✨这将在几天内或资金用尽之前生效:)玩得开心!GitHub链接:", "zh-hant": "👉更新:現在您可以在不需要 #gpt4 API 密鑰的情況下使用 #celltypewriter。我們已經設置了一個 #免費版本,讓您可以在自己的 #數據上試用它。✨這將在幾天內或資金用盡前生效:)玩得開心!GitHub 鏈接:" } }, "https://github.com/cyberark/chattycaty": { "repository_name": "ChattyCaty", "user_name": "cyberark", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "chattycaty - oss tool that creates polymorphic programs using gpt models.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chattycaty - oss tool that creates polymorphic programs using gpt models.", "ja": "chattycaty - GPTモデルを使用して多様なプログラムを作成するOSSツール。", "zh-hans": "chattycaty - OSS工具,使用GPT模型创建多态程序。", "zh-hant": "chattycaty - 使用gpt模型創建多態程序的oss工具。" } }, "https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all-chat": { "repository_name": "gpt4all-chat", "user_name": "nomic-ai", "language": "C++", "license": "Other", "description": "gpt4all-j chat", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gpt4all-j chat", "ja": "gpt4all-j チャット", "zh-hans": "gpt4all-j 聊天", "zh-hant": "gpt4all-j 聊天" } }, "https://github.com/lewangdev/gost-install.ipynb": { "repository_name": "gost-install.ipynb", "user_name": "lewangdev", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "MIT License", "description": "通过 Jupyter Notebook 安装 GOST", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Install GOST through Jupyter Notebook.", "ja": "Jupyter NotebookでGOSTをインストールする。", "zh-hans": "使用 Jupyter Notebook 安装 GOST", "zh-hant": "通過 Jupyter Notebook 安裝 GOST" } }, "https://github.com/mikiane/autogpt-fr": { "repository_name": "AutoGPT-FR", "user_name": "mikiane", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Version française d'Auto GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "French version of Auto GPT", "ja": "オートGPTのフランス語版", "zh-hans": "Auto GPT的法语版本", "zh-hant": "Auto GPT 的法語版本" } }, "https://github.com/tech-podcasts/jinjinledao_qa_dataset": { "repository_name": "JinJinLeDao_QA_Dataset", "user_name": "tech-podcasts", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "The dataset contains over 18,000 Chinese question-answer pairs extracted from 281 episodes of the Chinese podcast \"JinJinLeDao\".", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The dataset contains over 18,000 Chinese question-answer pairs extracted from 281 episodes of the Chinese podcast \"JinJinLeDao\".", "ja": "このデータセットには、中国のポッドキャスト「JinJinLeDao」の281エピソードから抽出された18,000以上の中国語の質問と回答のペアが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "该数据集包含从281集中国播客“金金乐道”中提取的超过18,000个中文问答对。", "zh-hant": "該數據集包含從281集中提取的超過18,000個中文問答對,這些集來自中文播客“金金樂道”。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/deepspeedexamples": { "repository_name": "DeepSpeedExamples", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Example models using DeepSpeed", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Examples of models implemented using DeepSpeed", "ja": "DeepSpeedを使用した例のモデル", "zh-hans": "使用DeepSpeed的示例模型", "zh-hant": "使用 DeepSpeed 的範例模型" } }, "https://github.com/ttengwang/caption-anything": { "repository_name": "Caption-Anything", "user_name": "ttengwang", "language": "Python", "license": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "description": "Caption-Anything is a versatile tool combining image segmentation, visual captioning, and ChatGPT, generating tailored captions with diverse controls for user preferences.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "controllable-generation", "controllable-image-captioning", "image-captioning", "segment-anything" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Caption-Anything is a versatile tool combining image segmentation, visual captioning, and ChatGPT, generating tailored captions with diverse controls for user preferences.", "ja": "キャプション-Anythingは、画像セグメンテーション、ビジュアルキャプショニング、およびChatGPTを組み合わせた多目的ツールであり、ユーザーの好みに合わせた多様なコントロールを備えたカスタムキャプションを生成します。", "zh-hans": "标题-Anything是一款多功能工具,结合了图像分割、视觉字幕和ChatGPT,生成适合用户偏好的多样化控制的定制字幕。", "zh-hant": "標題-Anything是一個多功能工具,結合圖像分割、視覺標題和ChatGPT,生成定制的標題,並提供多樣化的控制,以滿足用戶的偏好。" } }, "https://github.com/aigc-audio/audiogpt": { "repository_name": "AudioGPT", "user_name": "AIGC-Audio", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head", "topics": [ "audio", "gpt", "music", "sound", "speech", "talking-head" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head", "ja": "AudioGPT:音声、音楽、音、および話す頭の理解と生成", "zh-hans": "AudioGPT:理解和生成语音、音乐、声音和说话人头像", "zh-hant": "AudioGPT:理解和生成語音、音樂、聲音和說話人頭像" } }, "https://github.com/alita-ai/alitaai": { "repository_name": "AlitaAI", "user_name": "Alita-ai", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "#notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI 肝了一个月终于出来了,和 ChatGPT 一起产品/设计/前后端 ,新人求关注Alita AI(save to notion)是一款基于 Notion、ChatGPT 的人工智能助手, 能帮你渐进式学习、自动化高效录入知识片段抢先版: ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "#notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI 肝了一个月终于出来了,和 ChatGPT 一起产品/设计/前后端 ,新人求关注Alita AI(save to notion)是一款基于 Notion、ChatGPT 的人工智能助手, 能帮你渐进式学习、自动化高效录入知识片段抢先版: ", "ja": "#notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI が1ヶ月かかってようやく完成しました。ChatGPTと一緒に製品/デザイン/フロントエンド/バックエンドを担当しています。新人ですが、Alita AI(notionに保存)をフォローしてください。Alita AIは、NotionとChatGPTに基づく人工知能アシスタントで、段階的に学習し、知識フラグメントを自動的に効率的に入力することができます。先行版:", "zh-hans": "#notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI 肝了一个月终于出来了,和 ChatGPT 一起产品/设计/前后端 ,新人求关注Alita AI(save to notion)是一款基于 Notion、ChatGPT 的人工智能助手, 能帮你渐进式学习、自动化高效录入知识片段抢先版:", "zh-hant": "#notion #chatgpt #AlitaAI 肝了一個月終於出來了,和 ChatGPT 一起產品/設計/前後端,新人求關注Alita AI(save to notion)是一款基於 Notion、ChatGPT 的人工智能助手,能幫你漸進式學習、自動化高效錄入知識片段抢先版:" } }, "https://github.com/inishchith/2048": { "repository_name": "2048", "user_name": "inishchith", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "yet another 2048, but this time it's controlled by GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "yet another 2048, but this time it's controlled by GPT", "ja": "また別の2048ですが、今回はGPTによって制御されています。", "zh-hans": "又一个2048,但这次由GPT控制。", "zh-hant": "又一個2048,但這次由GPT控制" } }, "https://github.com/ixaxaar/vardagpt": { "repository_name": "VardaGPT", "user_name": "ixaxaar", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Associative memory-enhanced GPT-2 model", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Associative memory-enhanced GPT-2 model", "ja": "連想メモリ強化GPT-2モデル", "zh-hans": "关联记忆增强的GPT-2模型", "zh-hant": "關聯記憶增強的GPT-2模型" } }, "https://github.com/piercefreeman/gpt-json": { "repository_name": "gpt-json", "user_name": "piercefreeman", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Structured and typehinted GPT responses in Python", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Structured and typehinted GPT responses in Python", "ja": "Pythonで構造化され、型ヒントが付いたGPTの応答", "zh-hans": "Python中结构化和类型提示的GPT响应", "zh-hant": "在Python中結構化和類型提示的GPT回應" } }, "https://github.com/dfalbel/gptneox": { "repository_name": "gptneox", "user_name": "dfalbel", "language": "R", "license": null, "description": "What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)", "ja": "パッケージの概要(1行、タイトルケース)", "zh-hans": "软件包的功能(一行,标题大小写)", "zh-hant": "套件功能(一行,標題大小寫)" } }, "https://github.com/kroll-software/babyagi4all": { "repository_name": "babyagi4all", "user_name": "kroll-software", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "BabyAGI to run with GPT4All", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BabyAGI to run with GPT4All", "ja": "BabyAGIをGPT4Allと一緒に実行する。", "zh-hans": "BabyAGI与GPT4All一起运行。", "zh-hant": "BabyAGI 與 GPT4All 一起運行" } }, "https://github.com/scutlihaoyu/open-chat-video-editor": { "repository_name": "open-chat-video-editor", "user_name": "SCUTlihaoyu", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Open source short video automatic generation tool", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open source short video automatic generation tool", "ja": "オープンソースの短い動画自動生成ツール", "zh-hans": "开源短视频自动生成工具", "zh-hant": "開源短視頻自動生成工具" } }, "https://github.com/davila7/aixp": { "repository_name": "AIXP", "user_name": "davila7", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "AI-Exchange Protocol (AIXP): A Communication Standard for Artificial Intelligence Agents", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI-Exchange Protocol (AIXP): A Communication Standard for Artificial Intelligence Agents", "ja": "AI-Exchange Protocol(AIXP):人工知能エージェントのための通信規格", "zh-hans": "AI-Exchange协议(AIXP):人工智能代理通信标准", "zh-hant": "AI-Exchange Protocol(AIXP):人工智慧代理人的通訊標準" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/chat-ui": { "repository_name": "chat-ui", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Svelte", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "huggingface", "sveltekit" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app", "ja": "HuggingChatアプリを支えるオープンソースのコードベース", "zh-hans": "开源代码库支持HuggingChat应用程序", "zh-hant": "開源代碼庫驅動HuggingChat應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/pengzhile/pandora": { "repository_name": "pandora", "user_name": "pengzhile", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-2.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plus", "gpt-35-burbo", "gpt-35-turbo-0301", "gpt-4", "php", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "潘多拉,一个让你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。Pandora, a ChatGPT that helps you breathe smoothly.", "ja": "パンドラは、あなたがスムーズに呼吸できるChatGPTです。", "zh-hans": "潘多拉,一个帮助你呼吸顺畅的ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "潘朵拉,一個讓你呼吸順暢的ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/voine/chatwaifu_mobile": { "repository_name": "ChatWaifu_Mobile", "user_name": "Voine", "language": "C++", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "移动版二次元 AI 老婆聊天器", "topics": [ "android", "chatgpt", "compose", "lipsync", "live2d", "sherpa", "vits" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Mobile version of anime AI wife chatbot.", "ja": "モバイル版二次元AI妻とのチャットボット", "zh-hans": "移动版二次元 AI 老婆聊天器", "zh-hant": "移動版二次元 AI 老婆聊天器" } }, "https://github.com/sunner/chatall": { "repository_name": "ChatALL", "user_name": "sunner", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": " Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca, Vincuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, iFlytek Spark, ERNIE and more, discover the best answers", "topics": [ "bingchat", "chatgpt", "desktop-app", "electron", "electron-app", "linux", "macos", "vuejs3", "vuetify3", "windows" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": " Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, bard, Alpaca, Vincuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, iFlytek Spark, ERNIE and more, discover the best answers", "ja": "ChatGPT、Bing Chat、bard、Alpaca、Vincuna、Claude、ChatGLM、MOSS、iFlytek Spark、ERNIEなどと同時にチャットし、最適な回答を発見してください。", "zh-hans": "同时与ChatGPT、Bing Chat、bard、Alpaca、Vincuna、Claude、ChatGLM、MOSS、iFlytek Spark、ERNIE等进行聊天,发现最佳答案。", "zh-hant": "同時與ChatGPT、Bing Chat、bard、Alpaca、Vincuna、Claude、ChatGLM、MOSS、iFlytek Spark、ERNIE等人聊天,發現最佳答案。" } }, "https://github.com/anse-app/chatgpt-demo": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-demo", "user_name": "ddiu8081", "language": "Typescript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "Minimal web UI for ChatGPT..", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plus", "gpt-35-burbo", "gpt-35-turbo-0301", "astro", "solidjs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Minimal web UI for ChatGPT. ", "ja": "ChatGPTの最小Web UI。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的最小Web用户界面。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的極簡網頁界面。" } }, "https://github.com/anse-app/anse": { "repository_name": "anse", "user_name": "ddiu8081", "language": "Typescript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTg=" }, "description": "Supercharged experience for ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plus", "gpt-35-burbo", "gpt-35-turbo-0301", "gpt-4", "openai", "DALL-E", "Stable Diffusion", "astro", "solidjs" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Supercharged experience for ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.", "ja": "ChatGPT、DALL-E、Stable Diffusionのためのスーパーチャージド体験。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT、DALL-E和Stable Diffusion的超级体验。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT、DALL-E和Stable Diffusion的超級體驗。" } }, "https://github.com/certik/fastgpt": { "repository_name": "fastGPT", "user_name": "certik", "language": "Fortran", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Fast GPT-2 inference written in Fortran", "topics": [ "fortran", "gpt-2", "high-performance" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fast GPT-2 inference written in Fortran", "ja": "Fortranで書かれた高速なGPT-2推論", "zh-hans": "用Fortran编写的快速GPT-2推理", "zh-hant": "使用Fortran編寫的快速GPT-2推論" } }, "https://github.com/smol-ai/menubar": { "repository_name": "menubar", "user_name": "smol-ai", "language": "HTML", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "a menubar with Zero latency access to ChatGPT/Bard/Claude! A/B test them, or use them in the background. I use this 20 times a day.", "topics": [ "bard", "chatgpt", "electron", "google", "menubar" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a menubar with Zero latency access to ChatGPT/Bard/Claude! A/B test them, or use them in the background. I use this 20 times a day.", "ja": "チャットGPT/Bard/Claudeへのゼロレイテンシーアクセスが可能なメニューバー!A/Bテストを行ったり、バックグラウンドで使用したりできます。私は1日に20回使用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个带有零延迟访问ChatGPT/Bard/Claude的菜单栏!进行A/B测试,或在后台使用它们。我每天使用它20次。", "zh-hant": "一個帶有零延遲訪問ChatGPT/Bard/Claude的菜單!進行A/B測試,或在背景中使用它們。我每天使用這個20次。" } }, "https://github.com/stangirard/quivr": { "repository_name": "quivr", "user_name": "StanGirard", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Dump all your files and thoughts into your GenerativeAI Second Brain and chat with it", "topics": [ "audio", "chat", "chatgpt", "csv", "embeddings", "generativeai", "obsidian", "pdf", "second-brain", "vectorstore", "whisper" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Dump all your files and thoughts into your GenerativeAI Second Brain and chat with it", "ja": "あなたのファイルや思考をすべてGenerativeAI Second Brainにダンプして、それとチャットしてください。", "zh-hans": "将所有文件和想法倾倒到你的生成AI第二大脑中,并与它聊天。", "zh-hant": "將所有的檔案和想法傾倒到你的生成AI第二大腦中,並與它聊天。" } }, "https://github.com/101dotxyz/gpteam": { "repository_name": "GPTeam", "user_name": "101dotxyz", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "GPTeam: An open-source multi-agent simulation", "topics": [ "agents", "ai", "autogpt", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPTeam: An open-source multi-agent simulation", "ja": "GPTeam:オープンソースのマルチエージェントシミュレーション", "zh-hans": "GPTeam:一个开源的多智能体模拟系统", "zh-hant": "GPTeam:一個開源的多智能體模擬系統" } }, "https://github.com/dadukhankevin/learngpt": { "repository_name": "learnGPT", "user_name": "dadukhankevin", "language": "Svelte", "license": null, "description": "A free, open source, AI powered alternative to Quizlet.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A free, open source, AI powered alternative to Quizlet.", "ja": "Quizletの代替となる、無料でオープンソースで、AIを搭載したもの。", "zh-hans": "一个免费、开源、由人工智能驱动的Quizlet替代品。", "zh-hant": "一個免費、開源、由人工智慧驅動的Quizlet替代方案。" } }, "https://github.com/eniascailliau/girlfriendgpt": { "repository_name": "GirlfriendGPT", "user_name": "EniasCailliau", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Girlfriend GPT is a Python project to build your own AI girlfriend using ChatGPT4.0", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Girlfriend GPT is a Python project to build your own AI girlfriend using ChatGPT4.0", "ja": "「ガールフレンドGPT」は、ChatGPT4.0を使用して自分自身のAIガールフレンドを作成するためのPythonプロジェクトです。", "zh-hans": "女友GPT是一个使用ChatGPT4.0构建自己的AI女友的Python项目。", "zh-hant": "女友GPT是一個Python項目,使用ChatGPT4.0建立自己的人工智能女友。" } }, "https://github.com/illumine-labs/mr.trans": { "repository_name": "Mr.trans", "user_name": "Illumine-Labs", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Illuminate Minds, Transcend Learning", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Illuminate Minds, Transcend Learning", "ja": "心を照らし、学びを超越する", "zh-hans": "启迪思维,超越学习", "zh-hant": "啟迪心靈,超越學習" } }, "https://github.com/schwad/chat_gpt_error_handler": { "repository_name": "chat_gpt_error_handler", "user_name": "Schwad", "language": "Ruby", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Try out my new gem \"chat_gpt_error_handler\" today!It pops a (hopefully) helpful ChatGPT snippet before your error stacktrace ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Try out my new gem \"chat_gpt_error_handler\" today!It pops a (hopefully) helpful ChatGPT snippet before your error stacktrace ", "ja": "今日から私の新しいジェム「chat_gpt_error_handler」を試してみてください!エラースタックトレースの前に(うまくいけば)役立つChatGPTスニペットが表示されます。", "zh-hans": "今天试试我的新宝石“chat_gpt_error_handler”吧!它会在错误堆栈之前弹出一个(希望有用的)ChatGPT片段。", "zh-hant": "今天試試我的新寶石「chat_gpt_error_handler」吧!它會在你的錯誤堆疊之前彈出(希望有用的)ChatGPT片段。" } }, "https://github.com/yxuansu/pandagpt": { "repository_name": "PandaGPT", "user_name": "yxuansu", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "PandaGPT: One Model To Instruction-Follow Them All", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PandaGPT: One Model To Instruction-Follow Them All", "ja": "PandaGPT:すべてを指示に従うための1つのモデル", "zh-hans": "PandaGPT:一种模型,可指导所有操作", "zh-hant": "PandaGPT:一個模型,指令跟隨無所不包" } }, "https://github.com/yukaryavka/rinna_gpt-neox_ggml-lora": { "repository_name": "rinna_gpt-neox_ggml-lora", "user_name": "Yukaryavka", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "The repository contains scripts and merge scripts that have been modified to adapt an Alpaca-Lora adapter for LoRA tuning when assuming the use of the \"rinna/japanese-gpt-neox...\" [gpt-neox] model converted to ggml.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The repository contains scripts and merge scripts that have been modified to adapt an Alpaca-Lora adapter for LoRA tuning when assuming the use of the \"rinna/japanese-gpt-neox...\" [gpt-neox] model converted to ggml.", "ja": "リポジトリには、「rinna/japanese-gpt-neox...」[gpt-neox]モデルをggmlに変換した場合に、LoRAチューニングのためにAlpaca-Loraアダプタに適応するために変更されたスクリプトとマージスクリプトが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "该存储库包含已修改的脚本和合并脚本,以适应Alpaca-Lora适配器的LoRA调谐,假设使用转换为ggml的“rinna / japanese-gpt-neox…” [gpt-neox]模型。", "zh-hant": "該存儲庫包含已修改的腳本和合併腳本,以適應Alpaca-Lora適配器進行LoRA調試,假定使用轉換為ggml的“rinna / japanese-gpt-neox…” [gpt-neox]模型。" } }, "https://github.com/gptlink/gptlink": { "repository_name": "gptlink", "user_name": "gptlink", "language": "PHP", "license": null, "description": "10分钟搭建自己可免费商用的ChatGPT环境,搭建简单,包含用户,订单,任务,付费等功能", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build your own ChatGPT environment for free commercial use in just 10 minutes. The setup is simple and includes features such as user management, order management, task management, and payment processing.", "ja": "自分で無料で商用可能なChatGPT環境を10分で構築できます。ユーザー、注文、タスク、支払いなどの機能が含まれ、構築は簡単です。", "zh-hans": "10分钟搭建自己可免费商用的ChatGPT环境,搭建简单,包含用户,订单,任务,付费等功能。", "zh-hant": "10分鐘搭建自己可免費商用的ChatGPT環境,搭建簡單,包含用戶,訂單,任務,付費等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/kiki-le-singe/tell-me-a-story-ai": { "repository_name": "tell-me-a-story-ai", "user_name": "kiki-le-singe", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "\"Tell me a story\" is a small app that allows you to write a story using ChatGPT and React Native.", "topics": [ "android", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "ios", "javascript", "mobile", "mobile-app", "openai-api", "openapi", "react-native", "reactjs", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"Tell me a story\" is a small app that allows you to write a story using ChatGPT and React Native.", "ja": "「ストーリーを教えて」という小さなアプリは、ChatGPTとReact Nativeを使用してストーリーを書くことができるアプリです。", "zh-hans": "“讲个故事”是一个小应用程序,可以使用ChatGPT和React Native编写故事。", "zh-hant": "「講個故事」是一個小應用程式,可以使用ChatGPT和React Native來撰寫故事。" } }, "https://github.com/robusta-dev/chatgpt-yaml-generator": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-yaml-generator", "user_name": "robusta-dev", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Give ChatGPT full knowledge of Kubernetes schemas + validation capabilities", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Give ChatGPT full knowledge of Kubernetes schemas + validation capabilities", "ja": "Kubernetesのスキーマと検証機能に関する完全な知識をChatGPTに与えてください。", "zh-hans": "将Kubernetes模式和验证能力的完整知识授予ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "讓 ChatGPT 具備 Kubernetes 模式和驗證能力的完整知識" } }, "https://github.com/ebfvince/composeai": { "repository_name": "ComposeAI", "user_name": "EBfVince", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "An Android & iOS application ChatGPT like made with Compose Multiplatform", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "compose-ios", "compose-multiplatform", "kmm", "kotlin-multiplatform" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Android & iOS application ChatGPT like made with Compose Multiplatform", "ja": "AndroidとiOSアプリChatGPTのようなものをCompose Multiplatformで作成しました。", "zh-hans": "一个使用Compose Multiplatform制作的Android和iOS应用程序ChatGPT。", "zh-hant": "一個使用Compose Multiplatform製作的Android和iOS應用程式ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/illumine-labs/greatmaster": { "repository_name": "GreatMaster", "user_name": "Illumine-Labs", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Master, help us to awaken and enlighten. 大师,我悟了。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Master, help us to awaken and enlighten. Master, I have realized.", "ja": "師匠、私たちを目覚めさせ、悟りを開かせてください。", "zh-hans": "大师,请帮助我们觉醒和开悟。", "zh-hant": "大師,請幫助我們覺醒和開悟。" } }, "https://github.com/luohongyin/sail": { "repository_name": "SAIL", "user_name": "luohongyin", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "SAIL: Search Augmented Instruction Learning", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SAIL: Search Augmented Instruction Learning", "ja": "SAIL:検索増強型インストラクション学習", "zh-hans": "SAIL:搜索增强指令学习", "zh-hant": "SAIL:搜尋增強式指令學習" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/podcastcopilot": { "repository_name": "PodcastCopilot", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "C++", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Scalable, fast, and lightweight system for large-scale topic modeling", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Scalable, fast, and lightweight system for large-scale topic modeling", "ja": "大規模トピックモデリングのためのスケーラブルで高速かつ軽量なシステム", "zh-hans": "可扩展、快速、轻量级的大规模主题建模系统", "zh-hant": "可擴展、快速、輕量級的大規模主題建模系統" } }, "https://github.com/1595901624/gpt-aggregated-edition": { "repository_name": "gpt-aggregated-edition", "user_name": "1595901624", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "聚合ChatGPT官方版、ChatGPT免费版、文心一言、Poe、chatchat等多平台,支持自定义导入平台", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Aggregate multiple platforms including ChatGPT official version, ChatGPT free version, Wenxin Yiyuan, Poe, chatchat, etc., and support custom import platforms.", "ja": "聚合ChatGPTの公式版、ChatGPTの無料版、文心一言、Poe、chatchatなど、複数のプラットフォームを統合し、カスタムインポートプラットフォームをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "聚合ChatGPT官方版、ChatGPT免费版、文心一言、Poe、chatchat等多平台,支持自定义导入平台。", "zh-hant": "聚合ChatGPT官方版、ChatGPT免費版、文心一言、Poe、chatchat等多平台,支援自訂導入平台。" } }, "https://github.com/evanthebouncy/larc_gpt4": { "repository_name": "larc_gpt4", "user_name": "evanthebouncy", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "larc solving with gpt4", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "larc solving with gpt4", "ja": "larcがGPT-4で解決する", "zh-hans": "LARC与GPT-4的解决方案", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-4進行LARC求解" } }, "https://github.com/adams549659584/go-proxy-bingai": { "repository_name": "go-proxy-bingai", "user_name": "adams549659584", "language": "HTML", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "用 Vue3 和 Go 搭建的微软 New Bing 演示站点,拥有一致的 UI 体验,支持 ChatGPT 提示词,国内可用。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Microsoft New Bing demo site built with Vue3 and Go, with a consistent UI experience and support for ChatGPT prompts, available in China.", "ja": "Vue3とGoを使用して構築されたMicrosoft New Bingのデモサイトは、一貫したUI体験を提供し、ChatGPTのヒントワードをサポートしています。国内でも利用可能です。", "zh-hans": "使用Vue3和Go构建的微软New Bing演示站点,具有一致的UI体验,支持ChatGPT提示词,可在国内使用。", "zh-hant": "使用 Vue3 和 Go 構建的微軟 New Bing 示範站點,擁有一致的 UI 體驗,支援 ChatGPT 提示詞,國內可用。" } }, "https://github.com/nearform/slack-knowledgebase-chatgpt-responder": { "repository_name": "slack-knowledgebase-chatgpt-responder", "user_name": "nearform", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT powered slack responder to the questions that are about NearForm knowledge base", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT powered slack responder to the questions that are about NearForm knowledge base", "ja": "NearFormの知識ベースに関する質問に対する回答を提供するChatGPTパワードのSlack応答者。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT是由Slack驱动的自动回复程序,用于回答与NearForm知识库相关的问题。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 驅動的 Slack 回覆器,用於回答關於 NearForm 知識庫的問題。" } }, "https://github.com/minimaxir/simpleaichat": { "repository_name": "simpleaichat", "user_name": "minimaxir", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.", "ja": "Pythonパッケージは、堅牢な機能と最小限のコード複雑性を備えたチャットアプリと簡単にインターフェースを行うためのものです。", "zh-hans": "Python包,可轻松与聊天应用程序进行接口交互,具有强大的功能和最小的代码复杂性。", "zh-hant": "Python套件,可輕鬆與聊天應用程式進行接口,具有強大的功能和最小的代碼複雜性。" } }, "https://github.com/huggingface/instruction-tuned-sd": { "repository_name": "instruction-tuned-sd", "user_name": "huggingface", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Code for instruction-tuning Stable Diffusion.", "topics": [ "accelerate", "diffusers", "generative-ai", "image-editing", "instruction-tuning", "stable-diffusion", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code for instruction-tuning Stable Diffusion.", "ja": "指示調整安定拡散のためのコード。", "zh-hans": "指令调整稳定扩散的代码。", "zh-hant": "指令調整穩定擴散的程式碼。" } }, "https://github.com/antonosika/gpt-engineer": { "repository_name": "gpt-engineer", "user_name": "AntonOsika", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.", "ja": "何を構築したいか指定し、AIが確認を求め、それを構築します。", "zh-hans": "指定您想要建造的内容,人工智能会要求澄清,并进行建造。", "zh-hant": "指定您想要建造的內容,人工智慧會詢問澄清問題,然後進行建造。" } }, "https://github.com/andrewgcodes/falconstreaming": { "repository_name": "FalconStreaming", "user_name": "andrewgcodes", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "Falcon40B and 7B (Instruct) with streaming, top-k, and beam search", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Falcon40B and 7B (Instruct) with streaming, top-k, and beam search", "ja": "ストリーミング、トップ-k、ビームサーチを備えたFalcon40Bと7B(Instruct)の入力と出力。", "zh-hans": "Falcon40B和7B(指令)具有流式传输、前k个结果和波束搜索。", "zh-hant": "Falcon40B和7B(指令)具有流式傳輸、前k個、和波束搜索功能。" } }, "https://github.com/andrewgcodes/lightspeedgpt": { "repository_name": "lightspeedGPT", "user_name": "andrewgcodes", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Use GPT4 and GPT3.5 on inputs of unlimited size. Uses multithreading to process multiple chunks in parallel. Useful for tasks like Named Entity Recognition, information extraction on large books, datasets, etc.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use GPT4 and GPT3.5 on inputs of unlimited size. Uses multithreading to process multiple chunks in parallel. Useful for tasks like Named Entity Recognition, information extraction on large books, datasets, etc.", "ja": "GPT4とGPT3.5を無制限の入力に使用します。マルチスレッドを使用して複数のチャンクを並列処理します。大きな書籍、データセットなどの情報抽出や固有表現認識などのタスクに役立ちます。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT4和GPT3.5处理无限大小的输入。使用多线程并行处理多个块,适用于命名实体识别、大型书籍、数据集等信息提取任务。", "zh-hant": "使用GPT4和GPT3.5處理無限大小的輸入。使用多線程並行處理多個塊,對於命名實體識別、大型書籍、數據集等信息提取任務非常有用。" } }, "https://github.com/bloopai/bloop": { "repository_name": "bloop", "user_name": "BloopAI", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust.", "ja": "bloopはRustで書かれた高速なコード検索エンジンです。", "zh-hans": "bloop是一个用Rust编写的快速代码搜索引擎。", "zh-hant": "bloop 是一個用 Rust 編寫的快速代碼搜索引擎。" } }, "https://github.com/logancyang/obsidian-copilot": { "repository_name": "obsidian-copilot", "user_name": "logancyang", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "A ChatGPT Copilot in Obsidian", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "obsidian-plugin", "openai-api" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT Copilot in Obsidian", "ja": "オブシディアンの中のChatGPTコパイロット", "zh-hans": "黑曜石中的ChatGPT副驾驶员", "zh-hant": "黑曜石中的ChatGPT副駕駛員" } }, "https://github.com/alaeddine-13/thinkgpt": { "repository_name": "thinkgpt", "user_name": "alaeddine-13", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Tunisair App REST API", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "API for the Tunisair mobile application using REST architecture.", "ja": "チュニジア航空アプリのREST API", "zh-hans": "突尼斯航空公司应用程序REST API", "zh-hant": "突尼西亞航空公司應用程式 REST API" } }, "https://github.com/miurla/babyagi-ui": { "repository_name": "babyagi-ui", "user_name": "miurla", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "BabyAGI UI is designed to make it easier to run and develop with babyagi in a web app, like a ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "agent", "babyagi", "langchain-js", "nextjs", "openai-api", "pinecone", "radix-ui", "tailwindcss" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BabyAGI UI is designed to make it easier to run and develop with babyagi in a web app, like a ChatGPT.", "ja": "BabyAGI UIは、ChatGPTのようなWebアプリでのBabyAGIの実行と開発をより簡単にするために設計されています。", "zh-hans": "BabyAGI UI旨在使在Web应用程序中运行和开发BabyAGI(类似于ChatGPT)更加容易。", "zh-hant": "BabyAGI UI 的設計旨在使在 Web 應用程序中運行和開發 BabyAGI 變得更加容易,就像 ChatGPT 一樣。" } }, "https://github.com/easychen/gpt4company": { "repository_name": "GPT4Company", "user_name": "easychen", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Gpt4Company is a request forwarder used to prevent Samsung-style leaks. Gpt4Company 是一个用来避免三星式泄密的请求转发器", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Gpt4Company is a request forwarder used to prevent Samsung-style leaks. Gpt4Company 是一个用来避免三星式泄密的请求转发器", "ja": "Gpt4Companyは、Samsungのような情報漏洩を防止するために使用されるリクエストフォワーダーです。", "zh-hans": "Gpt4Company是一个用来防止三星式泄密的请求转发器。", "zh-hant": "Gpt4Company 是一個用來避免三星式洩漏的請求轉發器。" } }, "https://github.com/linux-china/chatgpt-spring-boot-starter": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-spring-boot-starter", "user_name": "linux-china", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Spring Boot ChatGPT Starter", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Spring Boot ChatGPT Starter", "ja": "Spring Boot ChatGPT スターター", "zh-hans": "Spring Boot ChatGPT 起始器", "zh-hant": "Spring Boot ChatGPT 開始者" } }, "https://github.com/sf197/nuclei_gpt": { "repository_name": "nuclei_gpt", "user_name": "sf197", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Chat automates Nuclei template generation", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chat automates Nuclei template generation", "ja": "チャットはNucleiテンプレート生成を自動化します。", "zh-hans": "聊天自动化生成Nuclei模板", "zh-hant": "聊天自動化核心模板生成" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "sample-app-aoai-chatGPT", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "[PREVIEW] Sample code for a simple web chat experience targeting chatGPT through AOAI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[PREVIEW] Sample code for a simple web chat experience targeting chatGPT through AOAI.", "ja": "[プレビュー] AOAIを通じてchatGPTをターゲットにしたシンプルなWebチャット体験のサンプルコード。", "zh-hans": "[预览] 通过AOAI针对chatGPT的简单网络聊天体验的示例代码。", "zh-hant": "[預覽] 透過AOAI針對chatGPT的簡單網路聊天體驗的範例程式碼。" } }, "https://github.com/mingkai-zheng/genius": { "repository_name": "GENIUS", "user_name": "mingkai-zheng", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Can GPT-4 Perform Neural Architecture Search?", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Can GPT-4 Perform Neural Architecture Search?", "ja": "GPT-4はニューラルアーキテクチャサーチを実行できるか?", "zh-hans": "GPT-4能进行神经架构搜索吗?", "zh-hant": "GPT-4能夠進行神經架構搜索嗎?" } }, "https://github.com/0xdevalias/chatgpt-source-watch": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-source-watch", "user_name": "0xdevalias", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "Analyzing the evolution of ChatGPT's codebase through time with curated archives and scripts", "topics": [ "archive", "chatgpt", "webpack" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Analyzing the evolution of ChatGPT's codebase through time with curated archives and scripts", "ja": "キュレーションされたアーカイブとスクリプトを使用して、ChatGPTのコードベースの進化を時間の経過とともに分析する。", "zh-hans": "使用策划档案和脚本分析ChatGPT代码库的演变历程。", "zh-hant": "通過精選的檔案和腳本分析ChatGPT代碼庫的演變。" } }, "https://github.com/odiks/profilegpt": { "repository_name": "PROFILEGPT", "user_name": "odiks", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "PROFILEGPT is a tool for analyzing profiles and hashtags on Twitter. The application exploits various technologies and APIs to collect data and generate information for users.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "PROFILEGPT is a tool for analyzing profiles and hashtags on Twitter. The application exploits various technologies and APIs to collect data and generate information for users.", "ja": "PROFILEGPTは、Twitter上のプロフィールやハッシュタグを分析するためのツールです。このアプリケーションは、さまざまな技術やAPIを活用してデータを収集し、ユーザーのために情報を生成します。", "zh-hans": "PROFILEGPT是一款用于分析Twitter上的个人资料和标签的工具。该应用程序利用各种技术和API收集数据并为用户生成信息。", "zh-hant": "PROFILEGPT 是一個用於分析 Twitter 上的個人資料和標籤的工具。該應用程式利用各種技術和 API 收集數據,為用戶生成信息。" } }, "https://github.com/adamlui/chatgpt-auto-continue": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-auto-continue", "user_name": "adamlui", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "⏩ Automatically continue generating multiple ChatGPT responses", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⏩ Automatically continue generating multiple ChatGPT responses", "ja": "⏩ 複数のChatGPTの応答を自動的に生成し続ける", "zh-hans": "⏩ 自动继续生成多个ChatGPT回复", "zh-hant": "⏩ 自動繼續生成多個ChatGPT回應" } }, "https://github.com/a1k0n/a1gpt": { "repository_name": "a1gpt", "user_name": "a1k0n", "language": "C++", "license": null, "description": "throwaway GPT inference", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "throwaway GPT inference", "ja": "使い捨てのGPT推論", "zh-hans": "一次性使用的GPT推理", "zh-hant": "一次性使用的GPT推理" } }, "https://github.com/ramonvc/freegpt-webui": { "repository_name": "freegpt-webui", "user_name": "ramonvc", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key required.", "topics": [ "apifree", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-clone", "freegpt", "freegpt4", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-api", "gpt-4-free", "gpt-free", "gpt-interface", "gpt3", "gpt3-api", "gpt3-turbo", "gpt4", "gpt4all", "gptfree", "jailbreak", "language-model", "website" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key required.", "ja": "GPT 3.5/4とチャットWeb UIを使用しています。APIキーは必要ありません。", "zh-hans": "GPT 3.5/4带有聊天网页界面。无需API密钥。", "zh-hant": "具有聊天網頁界面的GPT 3.5/4。無需API密鑰。" } }, "https://github.com/commaai/commavq": { "repository_name": "commavq", "user_name": "commaai", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "commaVQ is a dataset of compressed driving video", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "commaVQ is a dataset of compressed driving video", "ja": "commaVQは圧縮された運転映像のデータセットです。", "zh-hans": "commaVQ是一个压缩的驾驶视频数据集。", "zh-hant": "commaVQ 是一個壓縮的駕駛視頻數據集。" } }, "https://github.com/samrawal/chatgpt-localfiles": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-localfiles", "user_name": "samrawal", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Make local files accessible to ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Make local files accessible to ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTにローカルファイルへのアクセスを可能にする。", "zh-hans": "使本地文件可以访问ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "將本地文件設置為ChatGPT可訪問的。" } }, "https://github.com/snakajima/slashgpt": { "repository_name": "SlashGPT", "user_name": "snakajima", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "@snakajima さんによるSlashGPTの解説後でコードを確認する。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "After @snakajima's explanation of SlashGPT, let's check the code.", "ja": "@snakajima さんによるSlashGPTの解説後でコードを確認する。", "zh-hans": "在 @snakajima さん解释完SlashGPT之后,我们来确认一下代码。", "zh-hant": "在 @snakajima さん解說完SlashGPT之後,請確認程式碼。" } }, "https://github.com/mckaywrigley/nba-cba-ai-chat": { "repository_name": "nba-cba-ai-chat", "user_name": "mckaywrigley", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Use AI to ask questions about the new 676-page NBA CBA.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use AI to ask questions about the new 676-page NBA CBA.", "ja": "新しい676ページのNBA CBAについて質問するためにAIを使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用人工智能来询问有关新的676页NBA CBA的问题。", "zh-hant": "使用人工智慧來詢問有關新的676頁NBA CBA的問題。" } }, "https://github.com/arbml/taqyim": { "repository_name": "Taqyim", "user_name": "ARBML", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Python intefrace for evaluation on chatgpt models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Python intefrace for evaluation on chatgpt models", "ja": "チャットGPTモデルの評価のためのPythonインターフェース", "zh-hans": "Python界面用于对ChatGPT模型进行评估", "zh-hant": "用於評估ChatGPT模型的Python介面" } }, "https://github.com/wolfia-app/gpt-code-search": { "repository_name": "gpt-code-search", "user_name": "wolfia-app", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "GitHub Action to upload your app for automating the distribution of your app.", "topics": [ "github-actions" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GitHub Action to upload your app for automating the distribution of your app.", "ja": "アプリの配布を自動化するためのGitHubアクション。", "zh-hans": "GitHub操作,用于自动化分发您的应用程序的操作。", "zh-hant": "GitHub Action 可以自動上傳您的應用程式,以自動化應用程式的分發。\nGitHub Action 可以自動上傳您的應用程式,以自動化應用程式的分發。" } }, "https://github.com/jetp1ane/callisto": { "repository_name": "Callisto", "user_name": "JetP1ane", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Callisto - An Intelligent Binary Vulnerability Analysis Tool", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Callisto - An Intelligent Binary Vulnerability Analysis Tool", "ja": "Callisto - インテリジェントなバイナリ脆弱性分析ツール", "zh-hans": "Callisto - 一个智能的二进制漏洞分析工具", "zh-hant": "Callisto - 一個智能的二進制漏洞分析工具" } }, "https://github.com/carperai/openelm": { "repository_name": "OpenELM", "user_name": "CarperAI", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Evolution Through Large Models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Evolution Through Large Models", "ja": "大規模モデルを通じた進化", "zh-hans": "通过大型模型的演化", "zh-hant": "透過大型模型的演化" } }, "https://github.com/acheong08/chatgpt-to-api": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-to-api", "user_name": "acheong08", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Advanced HTTP Library", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Advanced HTTP Library", "ja": "高度なHTTPライブラリ", "zh-hans": "高级HTTP库", "zh-hant": "高級HTTP庫" } }, "https://github.com/moeakwak/chatgpt-web-share": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web-share", "user_name": "moeakwak", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "A fully-featured multi-user ChatGPT Web system, with Plus account or API as providers.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "fastapi", "gpt-4", "vue" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A fully-featured multi-user ChatGPT Web system, with Plus account or API as providers.", "ja": "PlusアカウントまたはAPIを提供する、完全機能を備えたマルチユーザーChatGPTウェブシステム。", "zh-hans": "一个功能齐全的多用户ChatGPT网络系统,提供Plus账户或API作为服务提供商。", "zh-hant": "一個功能齊全的多用戶ChatGPT網絡系統,提供Plus帳戶或API作為服務提供者。" } }, "https://github.com/ading2210/poe-api": { "repository_name": "poe-api", "user_name": "ading2210", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "A reverse engineered Python API wrapper for Quora's Poe, which provides free access to ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "graphql", "library", "poe", "python", "quora" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A reverse engineered Python API wrapper for Quora's Poe, which provides free access to ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude.", "ja": "QuoraのPoeの逆解析されたPython APIラッパーで、ChatGPT、GPT-4、およびClaudeへの無料アクセスを提供します。", "zh-hans": "一个逆向工程的Python API包装器,用于Quora的Poe,提供免费访问ChatGPT、GPT-4和Claude。", "zh-hant": "一個逆向工程的Python API封裝器,用於Quora的Poe,提供免費訪問ChatGPT、GPT-4和Claude。" } }, "https://github.com/azl397985856/leetcode": { "repository_name": "leetcode", "user_name": "azl397985856", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "推荐免费ChatGPT网站:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)", "topics": [ "algo", "algorithm", "algorithms", "algorithms-datastructures", "computer-science", "cpp", "data-structures", "interview", "java", "javascript", "leetcode", "leetcode-solutions", "python", "tree" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "推荐免费ChatGPT网站:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)", "ja": "推奨無料ChatGPTウェブサイト:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCodeの解答:私の問題解決の旅の記録。 (leetcode解答、自分のleetcode問題解決の旅の記録。)", "zh-hans": "推荐免费ChatGPT网站:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCode题解:记录自己的问题解决之旅。", "zh-hant": "推薦免費ChatGPT網站:www.lintcode.com/chat-gpt?utm_source=tf-github-lucifer LeetCode解題方案:一個我解題之旅的記錄。" } }, "https://github.com/garyvalue/chatgpt-business": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-business", "user_name": "garyvalue", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "已汇总41个Chatgpt商业版及提供更多的变现方式,商业源码程序,账号API渠道,支付收款渠道,服务器渠道,课程配套服务,CHATGPT知识星球,开发定制外包", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Already summarized 41 Chatgpt business editions and provide more monetization methods, commercial source code programs, account API channels, payment and collection channels, server channels, course support services, CHATGPT knowledge planet, development and customization outsourcing.", "ja": "Chatgptビジネス版はすでに41個集められ、さらに収益化方法、ビジネスのソースコードプログラム、アカウントAPIチャネル、支払い受け取りチャネル、サーバーチャネル、コースのサポートサービス、CHATGPT知識の星、開発カスタマイズの外注を提供しています。", "zh-hans": "已汇总41个Chatgpt商业版及提供更多的变现方式,商业源码程序,账号API渠道,支付收款渠道,服务器渠道,课程配套服务,CHATGPT知识星球,开发定制外包。", "zh-hant": "已匯總41個Chatgpt商業版及提供更多的變現方式,商業源碼程序,帳號API渠道,支付收款渠道,伺服器渠道,課程配套服務,CHATGPT知識星球,開發定制外包" } }, "https://github.com/chapyter/chapyter": { "repository_name": "chapyter", "user_name": "chapyter", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "bsd-3-clause", "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "spdx_id": "BSD-3-Clause", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTU=" }, "description": "Chapyter: ChatGPT Code Interpreter in Jupyter Notebooks", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Chapyter: ChatGPT Code Interpreter in Jupyter Notebooks", "ja": "Chapyter:JupyterノートブックでのChatGPTコードインタープリター", "zh-hans": "Chapyter:Jupyter Notebooks中的ChatGPT代码解释器", "zh-hant": "Chapyter:在Jupyter筆記本中的ChatGPT代碼解釋器" } }, "https://github.com/licoy/chatgpt-midjourney-pro": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Midjourney-Pro", "user_name": "Licoy", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "🤖️ 基于 Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI 的全新 ChatGPT-Midjourney 的 AIGC 应用", "topics": [ "aigc", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-midjourney", "midjourney" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖️ 基于 Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI 的全新 ChatGPT-Midjourney 的 AIGC 应用", "ja": "🤖️ Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI をベースにした新しい ChatGPT-Midjourney の AIGC アプリ", "zh-hans": "🤖️ 基于 Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI 的全新 ChatGPT-Midjourney 的 AIGC 应用", "zh-hant": "🤖️ 基於 Golang + Vue3 + NaiveUI 的全新 ChatGPT-Midjourney 的 AIGC 應用" } }, "https://github.com/haikerapples/timetask": { "repository_name": "timetask", "user_name": "haikerapples", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "一款支持自定义定时任务的chatgpt-on-wechat插件", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "一款支持自定义定时任务的chatgpt-on-wechat插件", "ja": "自分でカスタマイズ可能なタイマータスクをサポートするchatgpt-on-wechatのプラグイン", "zh-hans": "一款支持自定义定时任务的chatgpt-on-wechat插件", "zh-hant": "一款支持自定義定時任務的chatgpt-on-wechat插件" } }, "https://github.com/xyhelper/chatgpt-mirror-server-deploy": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-mirror-server-deploy", "user_name": "xyhelper", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "chatgpt-mirror-server快速部署库文件", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chatgpt-mirror-server快速部署库文件", "ja": "chatgpt-mirror-serverの迅速なデプロイメントライブラリファイル", "zh-hans": "chatgpt-mirror-server快速部署库文件\nchatgpt-mirror-server快速部署库文件", "zh-hant": "chatgpt-mirror-server快速部署庫文件" } }, "https://github.com/xd2sketch/gpt-react-designer": { "repository_name": "gpt-react-designer", "user_name": "XD2Sketch", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "⚡️ Generate and preview ⚛️ React components with 🤖 ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "code-generation", "react", "reactjs", "tailwindcss" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⚡️ Generate and preview ⚛️ React components with 🤖 ChatGPT", "ja": "⚡️ ChatGPTで⚛️ Reactコンポーネントを生成してプレビューする 🤖", "zh-hans": "⚡️ 使用🤖 ChatGPT 生成并预览 ⚛️ React 组件", "zh-hant": "⚡️ 使用🤖 ChatGPT 生成並預覽 ⚛️ React 元件" } }, "https://github.com/personoids/personoids-lite": { "repository_name": "personoids-lite", "user_name": "personoids", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "\"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat.\" - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"The Power of Autonomy in Every Chat.\" - Transform ChatGPT into a powerful autonomous agent that can independently accomplish complex tasks. ", "ja": "「チャットごとの自律性の力」- ChatGPTを強力な自律エージェントに変え、複雑なタスクを独立して達成できるようにします。", "zh-hans": "每个聊天中的自主权的力量。将ChatGPT转化为一个强大的自主代理,能够独立完成复杂任务。", "zh-hant": "「每個對話中的自主權力」- 將ChatGPT轉變為一個強大的自主代理,能夠獨立完成複雜任務。" } }, "https://github.com/nanjiren01/aichatweb": { "repository_name": "AIChatWeb", "user_name": "Nanjiren01", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "在ChatGPT-Next-Web的基础上,增加注册登录,额度限制,邀请,敏感词,支付,基于docker一键部署。提供后台管理系统,可配置标题、欢迎词、额度不足提醒、公告", "topics": [ "admin", "bard", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-next-web", "claude", "login", "midjourney", "pay", "register", "system" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Based on ChatGPT-Next-Web, add registration and login, credit limit, invitation, sensitive words, payment, and one-click deployment based on Docker. Provide a backend management system that allows configuration of titles, welcome messages, insufficient credit reminders, and announcements.", "ja": "ChatGPT-Next-Webをベースに、登録とログイン、制限額、招待、禁止ワード、支払い、Dockerを使用したワンクリックデプロイメントを追加します。バックエンド管理システムを提供し、タイトル、ウェルカムメッセージ、制限額不足の通知、お知らせを設定できます。", "zh-hans": "在ChatGPT-Next-Web的基础上,增加注册登录,额度限制,邀请,敏感词,支付,基于docker一键部署。提供后台管理系统,可配置标题、欢迎词、额度不足提醒、公告。", "zh-hant": "在ChatGPT-Next-Web的基礎上,增加註冊登錄,額度限制,邀請,敏感詞,支付,基於docker一鍵部署。提供後台管理系統,可配置標題、歡迎詞、額度不足提醒、公告。" } }, "https://github.com/woheller69/gptassist": { "repository_name": "gptAssist", "user_name": "woheller69", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "gptAssist is a simple WebView wrapper for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "android", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "gptAssist is a simple WebView wrapper for ChatGPT", "ja": "gptAssistはChatGPTのためのシンプルなWebViewラッパーです。", "zh-hans": "gptAssist是ChatGPT的一个简单的WebView封装器。", "zh-hant": "gptAssist 是 ChatGPT 的簡單 WebView 封裝程式。" } }, "https://github.com/chunhuizhang/personal_chatgpt": { "repository_name": "personal_chatgpt", "user_name": "chunhuizhang", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "personal chatgpt", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "personal chatgpt", "ja": "個人用チャットGPT", "zh-hans": "个人聊天GPT", "zh-hant": "個人聊天GPT" } }, "https://github.com/cuishuang/explain-source-code-by-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "explain-source-code-by-chatgpt", "user_name": "cuishuang", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "👂🏻 chatgpt讲解Go知名项目的源码", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👂🏻 ChatGPT explains the source code of a well-known Go project.", "ja": "👂🏻 chatgptがGoの有名なプロジェクトのソースコードを解説します。", "zh-hans": "👂🏻 chatgpt讲解Go知名项目的源码", "zh-hant": "👂🏻 chatgpt講解Go知名項目的源碼" } }, "https://github.com/julycoding/chatgpt_principle_fine-tuning_code_paper": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_principle_fine-tuning_code_paper", "user_name": "julycoding", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "本『ChatGPT资源库(原理/微调/代码/论文)』的初始版本来自July CSDN博客上阅读量高达50万的ChatGPT系列,联合发起人:七月ChatGPT原理课学员,6月初正式对外发布", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The initial version of this \"ChatGPT Resource Library (Principles/Fine-tuning/Code/Papers)\" comes from the highly popular ChatGPT series on July's CSDN blog, with a reading count of up to 500,000. Co-initiated by the students of July's ChatGPT Principles Course, it was officially released to the public in early June.", "ja": "本『ChatGPTリソースライブラリ(原理/微調/コード/論文)』の初期バージョンは、July CSDNブログで50万回以上閲覧されたChatGPTシリーズから派生しました。共同発起人:七月ChatGPT原理コースの受講生であり、6月初旬に正式に公開されました。", "zh-hans": "本『ChatGPT资源库(原理/微调/代码/论文)』的初始版本来自July CSDN博客上阅读量高达50万的ChatGPT系列,联合发起人:七月ChatGPT原理课学员,6月初正式对外发布", "zh-hant": "本『ChatGPT資源庫(原理/微調/代碼/論文)』的初始版本來自July CSDN博客上閱讀量高達50萬的ChatGPT系列,聯合發起人:七月ChatGPT原理課學員,6月初正式對外發布" } }, "https://github.com/azure-samples/spring-chatgpt-sample": { "repository_name": "spring-chatgpt-sample", "user_name": "Azure-Samples", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT like sample using Spring / Java Stack", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT like sample using Spring / Java Stack", "ja": "Spring / Javaスタックを使用したChatGPTのサンプル", "zh-hans": "一个使用Spring / Java堆栈的ChatGPT样本", "zh-hant": "使用Spring / Java堆棧的ChatGPT樣本" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/azurechatgpt": { "repository_name": "azurechatgpt", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use 💼 ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use 💼 ", "ja": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: 内部企業利用のプライベートで安全なChatGPT 💼", "zh-hans": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT:专为企业内部使用而设计的私密安全聊天GPT 💼", "zh-hant": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT:私密且安全的內部企業使用聊天GPT 💼" } }, "https://github.com/dreamergrow/chatgpt-nine-ai": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Nine-Ai", "user_name": "DreamerGrow", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "使用 Nestjs 和 Vue3 搭建的 商业化ChatGPT网站", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A commercial ChatGPT website built using Nestjs and Vue3.", "ja": "使用NestjsとVue3で構築された商業化ChatGPTウェブサイト", "zh-hans": "使用 Nestjs 和 Vue3 搭建的 商业化ChatGPT网站", "zh-hant": "使用 Nestjs 和 Vue3 搭建的 商業化ChatGPT網站" } }, "https://github.com/gptlink/gptlink-web": { "repository_name": "gptlink-web", "user_name": "gptlink", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A ChatGPT web app by React and Tailwind CSS,API by gptlink。", "topics": [ "gptlink", "react", "tailwindcss" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT web app by React and Tailwind CSS,API by gptlink。", "ja": "ReactとTailwind CSSによるChatGPTウェブアプリ、APIはgptlinkを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "一个由React和Tailwind CSS构建的ChatGPT网络应用,API由gptlink提供。", "zh-hant": "一個使用React和Tailwind CSS開發的ChatGPT網絡應用程序,API由gptlink提供。" } }, "https://github.com/smallnew666/chatgpt-virtual-live": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Virtual-Live", "user_name": "smallnew666", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT虚拟主播、支持B站、抖音、视频号", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT virtual anchor, supports Bilibili, Douyin, and Video Number.\nOutput: ChatGPT virtual anchor, supports Bilibili, Douyin, and Video Number.", "ja": "ChatGPTバーチャルタレント、Bilibili、TikTok、Video号をサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT虚拟主播,支持B站、抖音和视频号。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT虛擬主播、支持B站、抖音、視頻號" } }, "https://github.com/chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web-plus": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web-plus", "user_name": "Chanzhaoyu", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "chatgpt-web-plus", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chatgpt-web-plus", "ja": "chatgpt-web-plus\nチャットGPTウェブプラス", "zh-hans": "聊天GPT网络增强版", "zh-hant": "chatgpt-web-plus" } }, "https://github.com/xianjianlf2/mindgeniusai": { "repository_name": "MindGeniusAI", "user_name": "xianjianlf2", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Auto generate MindMap with ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "langchain-js", "mindmap" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Auto generate MindMap with ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してマインドマップを自動生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT自动生成思维导图", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT自動生成思維導圖" } }, "https://github.com/asterecho/excelgpt": { "repository_name": "ExcelGPT", "user_name": "Asterecho", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "chatgpt for Excel ,基于ExcelDNA开发", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "chatgpt for Excel, developed based on ExcelDNA.", "ja": "Input: chatgpt for Excel, developed based on ExcelDNA\nOutput: chatgpt for Excel、ExcelDNAをベースに開発されました。", "zh-hans": "chatgpt for Excel,基于ExcelDNA开发", "zh-hant": "chatgpt for Excel ,基於ExcelDNA開發" } }, "https://github.com/newfyu/opencopilot": { "repository_name": "OpenCopilot", "user_name": "newfyu", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT的跨平台桌面客户端,简洁的用户界面和随时唤起的体验。有构建本地知识库、网络检索、长文本阅读、执行本地代码等功能。", "topics": [ "chatgpt-app" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT's cross-platform desktop client, with a clean user interface and an instantly accessible experience. It has features such as building a local knowledge base, web search, reading long texts, and executing local code.", "ja": "ChatGPTのクロスプラットフォームデスクトップクライアント。シンプルなユーザーインターフェースといつでも呼び出せる体験があります。ローカルの知識ベースの構築、ウェブ検索、長文の読み込み、ローカルのコードの実行などの機能があります。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的跨平台桌面客户端,拥有简洁的用户界面和随时唤起的体验。具备构建本地知识库、网络检索、长文本阅读、执行本地代码等功能。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT的跨平台桌面客戶端,簡潔的使用者介面和隨時喚起的體驗。具備建立本地知識庫、網路檢索、長文本閱讀、執行本地程式碼等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/ucsd-ai4h/drugchat": { "repository_name": "drugchat", "user_name": "UCSD-AI4H", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "bsd-3-clause", "name": "BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License", "spdx_id": "BSD-3-Clause", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/bsd-3-clause", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTU=" }, "description": "DrugChat: Towards Enabling ChatGPT-Like Capabilities on Drug Molecule Graphs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "DrugChat: Towards Enabling ChatGPT-Like Capabilities on Drug Molecule Graphs", "ja": "ドラッグチャット:薬物分子グラフ上でのChatGPTのような機能を可能にするために", "zh-hans": "DrugChat:实现在药物分子图上启用ChatGPT类似功能", "zh-hant": "DrugChat:實現在藥物分子圖上啟用ChatGPT類似的功能" } }, "https://github.com/chengxs1994/chatgpt-sdimg-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-SDImg-Web", "user_name": "chengxs1994", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "基于ChatGPT-Next-Web,集成SD webui AI绘图,实现注册登录,次数限制,充值,分享等功能", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Based on ChatGPT-Next-Web, integrate SD webui AI drawing to achieve functions such as registration, login, usage limits, recharge, and sharing.", "ja": "ChatGPT-Next-Webをベースに、SD webui AI描画を統合し、登録、ログイン、回数制限、チャージ、共有などの機能を実現します。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGPT-Next-Web,集成SD webui AI绘图,实现注册登录,次数限制,充值,分享等功能", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGPT-Next-Web,整合SD webui AI繪圖,實現註冊登錄,次數限制,充值,分享等功能。" } }, "https://github.com/techiesms/esp32-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "ESP32-ChatGPT", "user_name": "techiesms", "language": "C++", "license": null, "description": "This Repo contains the code for using ChatGPT on ESP32 board along with Audio Response using i2s amplifier module", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This Repo contains the code for using ChatGPT on ESP32 board along with Audio Response using i2s amplifier module", "ja": "このリポジトリには、ESP32ボードでChatGPTを使用するためのコードが含まれており、i2sアンプモジュールを使用したオーディオ応答も行います。", "zh-hans": "这个仓库包含了在ESP32开发板上使用ChatGPT的代码,同时还使用了i2s放大模块进行音频响应。", "zh-hant": "這個存儲庫包含在ESP32開發板上使用ChatGPT的代碼,並使用i2s放大模組進行音頻回應。" } }, "https://github.com/gamasenninn/gihyo-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "gihyo-ChatGPT", "user_name": "gamasenninn", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Gihyo ChatGPT Book", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Gihyo ChatGPT Book", "ja": "技評 ChatGPT ブック", "zh-hans": "Gihyo ChatGPT 书籍", "zh-hant": "Gihyo ChatGPT 書籍" } }, "https://github.com/dandinu/azurechatgpt": { "repository_name": "azurechatgpt", "user_name": "dandinu", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use 💼", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: Private & secure ChatGPT for internal enterprise use 💼", "ja": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT: 内部企業利用のためのプライベートで安全なChatGPT 💼", "zh-hans": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT:专为企业内部使用而设计的私密安全聊天GPT 💼", "zh-hant": "🤖 Azure ChatGPT:私密且安全的企業內部使用聊天機器人 💼" } }, "https://github.com/black-fruit/opengpt-business": { "repository_name": "OpenGPT-Business", "user_name": "black-fruit", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "chatgpt商业应用!79E/ChatGpt-Web 的1.3.9最新!本人破解,无需授权!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGpt business application! Latest version 1.3.9 of 79E/ChatGpt-Web! Cracked by me, no authorization required!", "ja": "chatgpt商業アプリ!79E/ChatGpt-Webの1.3.9最新版!私はクラックしました、ライセンスは必要ありません!", "zh-hans": "chatgpt商业应用!79E/ChatGpt-Web 的1.3.9最新!本人破解,无需授权!\nchatgpt商业应用!79E/ChatGpt-Web 的1.3.9最新!本人破解,无需授权!", "zh-hant": "chatgpt商業應用!79E/ChatGpt-Web 的1.3.9最新!本人破解,無需授權!" } }, "https://github.com/iongpt/chatgpt-fine-tuning": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-fine-tuning", "user_name": "iongpt", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Utility class for training fine tuning ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Utility class for training fine tuning ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのファインチューニングを行うためのユーティリティクラス\nChatGPTのファインチューニングのためのユーティリティクラス", "zh-hans": "用于训练微调ChatGPT的实用类", "zh-hant": "用於訓練微調ChatGPT的實用程式類別" } }, "https://github.com/vual/chatgpt-next-web-pro": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Next-Web-Pro", "user_name": "vual", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "基于chatgpt-next-web,增加了midjourney绘画功能。后续会接入stable-diffusion,注册登录,后台管理,接入知识库等。", "topics": [ "admin", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-next-web", "login", "midjourney", "register", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于chatgpt-next-web,增加了midjourney绘画功能。后续会接入stable-diffusion,注册登录,后台管理,接入知识库等。", "ja": "chatgpt-next-webをベースに、midjourneyの描画機能を追加しました。今後はstable-diffusion、登録ログイン、バックエンド管理、ナレッジベースの接続などを行います。", "zh-hans": "基于chatgpt-next-web,增加了midjourney绘画功能。后续会接入stable-diffusion,注册登录,后台管理,接入知识库等。", "zh-hant": "基於chatgpt-next-web,增加了midjourney繪畫功能。後續會接入stable-diffusion,註冊登錄,後台管理,接入知識庫等。" } }, "https://github.com/rogueocelot/chirp": { "repository_name": "chirp", "user_name": "rogueocelot", "language": "Ruby", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Relay ChatGPT questions and answers from Discord", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Relay ChatGPT questions and answers from Discord", "ja": "DiscordからのリレーチャットGPTの質問と回答", "zh-hans": "从Discord中的Relay ChatGPT的问题和答案", "zh-hant": "從Discord中的Relay ChatGPT問題和答案" } }, "https://github.com/cl-lau/sql-gpt": { "repository_name": "SQL-GPT", "user_name": "CL-lau", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Use ChatGPT to generate SQL and perform execution. Optimization and error correction of SQL is also possible.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "sql" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT to generate SQL and perform execution. Optimization and error correction of SQL is also possible.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してSQLを生成し、実行を行います。SQLの最適化やエラー修正も可能です。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT生成SQL并执行。还可以对SQL进行优化和错误修正。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT生成SQL並執行。還可以進行SQL的優化和錯誤修正。" } }, "https://github.com/masteryip/chatpaper2xmind": { "repository_name": "ChatPaper2Xmind", "user_name": "MasterYip", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "论文XMind笔记生成工具,将论文pdf通过ChatGPT转换为带有图片和公式的简要XMind笔记,提高论文阅读效率。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Paper XMind Note Generation Tool, converts paper PDFs into concise XMind notes with images and formulas using ChatGPT, improving paper reading efficiency.", "ja": "論文XMindノート生成ツールは、論文のPDFをChatGPTを通じて変換し、画像と数式を含む簡潔なXMindノートにすることで、論文の読解効率を向上させます。", "zh-hans": "论文XMind笔记生成工具,可以将论文PDF转换为带有图片和公式的简要XMind笔记,从而提高论文阅读效率。", "zh-hant": "論文XMind筆記生成工具,將論文pdf通過ChatGPT轉換為帶有圖片和公式的簡要XMind筆記,提高論文閱讀效率。" } }, "https://github.com/dulaiduwang003/time-sea-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "TIME-SEA-chatgpt", "user_name": "dulaiduwang003", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "基于SpringBoot3开发的Ai平台 含双端 网页以及小程序 包含chatgpt newbing claude , 双端数据同步 支持自定义预设词,功能板块定义,各类绘图 web兼容手机展示", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "drawing", "java", "midjourney", "spring-boot", "stable-diffusion", "uniapp", "vue", "wechat-mini-program" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ai platform based on SpringBoot3 development, including both web and mini program, including chatgpt, newbing, and claude. It supports dual-end data synchronization, custom preset words, function module definition, various types of drawing, and web compatibility for mobile display.", "ja": "SpringBoot3で開発されたAIプラットフォーム。デュアルエンド、ウェブサイトおよびミニプログラムを含み、chatgpt、newbing、claudeを含む。デュアルエンドのデータ同期、カスタムプリセットワードのサポート、機能モジュールの定義、さまざまな種類の図形描画、ウェブとモバイルの互換性を持つ。", "zh-hans": "基于SpringBoot3开发的Ai平台 含双端 网页以及小程序 包含chatgpt newbing claude , 双端数据同步 支持自定义预设词,功能板块定义,各类绘图 web兼容手机展示", "zh-hant": "基於SpringBoot3開發的Ai平台 含雙端 網頁以及小程序 包含chatgpt newbing claude , 雙端數據同步 支持自定義預設詞,功能板塊定義,各類繪圖 web兼容手機展示" } }, "https://github.com/nangongchengfeng/chat-codereview": { "repository_name": "Chat-CodeReview", "user_name": "nangongchengfeng", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT集成Gitlab,自动审计代码进行评论", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT integrates with Gitlab to automatically audit code and provide comments.", "ja": "ChatGPTはGitlabと統合され、コードを自動的に監査してコメントします。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT集成Gitlab,自动审计代码进行评论", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT整合了Gitlab,可以自动审计代码并进行评论。" } }, "https://github.com/em1tsan/neurogpt": { "repository_name": "NeuroGPT", "user_name": "Em1tSan", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Бесплатный ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4 ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "free-chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Free ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4", "ja": "無料のChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4", "zh-hans": "免费的ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4", "zh-hant": "免費的ChatGPT 3.5 / ChatGPT 4" } }, "https://github.com/specful-ai/chatreview": { "repository_name": "chatreview", "user_name": "specful-ai", "language": "JavaScript", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Code Review Mode for ChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Code Review Mode for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTのコードレビューモード", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的代码审查模式", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 的程式碼審查模式" } }, "https://github.com/dave1010/pandora": { "repository_name": "pandora", "user_name": "dave1010", "language": "PHP", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "ChatGPT Coding Unleashed! Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Coding Unleashed! Pandora gives ChatGPT the ability to read and write files and run commands on your machine.", "ja": "ChatGPTコーディング解放!PandoraはChatGPTにマシン上でファイルの読み書きやコマンドの実行の能力を与えます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT编码解锁!Pandora赋予ChatGPT读写文件和在您的计算机上运行命令的能力。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT編碼解鎖!Pandora讓ChatGPT能夠讀寫文件並在您的機器上運行命令。" } }, "https://github.com/1130600015/feishu-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "feishu-chatgpt", "user_name": "1130600015", "language": "Java", "license": null, "description": "一个集成ChatGPT的飞书应用", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Feishu application integrated with ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTを統合したFeishuアプリ", "zh-hans": "一个集成ChatGPT的飞书应用", "zh-hant": "一個集成ChatGPT的飛書應用" } }, "https://github.com/chazzjimel/midjourney_turbo": { "repository_name": "midjourney_turbo", "user_name": "chazzjimel", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "chatgpt-on-wechat的mj画图插件,支持次数限制,GPT关键词润色,图片合成,以图生图", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT-on-WeChat's MJ drawing plugin, with usage restrictions, GPT keyword enhancement, image synthesis, and generating images based on pictures.", "ja": "chatgpt-on-wechatのmj画像プラグイン、回数制限対応、GPTキーワードの磨き、画像合成、画像生成", "zh-hans": "chatgpt-on-wechat的mj画图插件,支持次数限制,GPT关键词润色,图片合成,以图生图\nchatgpt-on-wechat的mj画图插件,支持次数限制,GPT关键词润色,图片合成,以图生图", "zh-hant": "chatgpt-on-wechat的mj畫圖插件,支持次數限制,GPT關鍵詞潤色,圖片合成,以圖生圖" } }, "https://github.com/jehna/humanify": { "repository_name": "humanify", "user_name": "jehna", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Un-minify Javascript code using ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Un-minify Javascript code using ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、JavaScriptコードを非圧縮化します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT解压缩JavaScript代码", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT解碼未壓縮的Javascript代碼" } }, "https://github.com/dmswl98/careerboost": { "repository_name": "careerboost", "user_name": "dmswl98", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "📝 chatGPT 이력서 첨삭 서비스", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nextjs13" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📝 chatGPT Resume Editing Service", "ja": "📝 chatGPT履歴書校正サービス", "zh-hans": "📝 chatGPT 简历润色服务", "zh-hant": "📝 chatGPT 履歷校對服務" } }, "https://github.com/digitalinnovationone/livecodingthefuture-docker-terraform": { "repository_name": "livecodingthefuture-docker-terraform", "user_name": "digitalinnovationone", "language": "Dockerfile", "license": null, "description": "Projeto Criado para salvar os Exemplos da Live Conding The Future. Realizando deploy de uma aplicação web em cloud com Docker, Terraform, Bard e ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Project created to save the examples from the Live Coding The Future. Deploying a web application in the cloud using Docker, Terraform, Bard, and ChatGPT.", "ja": "Live Conding The Futureの例を保存するために作成されたプロジェクト。Docker、Terraform、Bard、ChatGPTを使用してクラウド上にウェブアプリケーションをデプロイします。", "zh-hans": "创建项目以保存Live Conding The Future的示例。使用Docker、Terraform、Bard和ChatGPT在云中部署Web应用程序。", "zh-hant": "項目創建用於保存Live Conding The Future的示例。使用Docker、Terraform、Bard和ChatGPT在雲端部署Web應用程式。" } }, "https://github.com/hncboy/chatgpt-jiezi": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-jiezi", "user_name": "hncboy", "language": "Vue", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "ChatGPT 管理端-解字", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Management Platform - Character Decoding", "ja": "ChatGPT 管理端-解字\nチャットGPT 管理者-解読", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT 管理端-解字", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 管理端-解字" } }, "https://github.com/a616567126/gpt-web-java": { "repository_name": "GPT-WEB-JAVA", "user_name": "a616567126", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "基于JDK8 AI 聊天机器人!微信公众号 Midjourney画图、卡密兑换、web 支持ChatGPT、Midjourney画图、sd画图,卡密兑换,易支付,公众号引流,邮件注册🔥", "topics": [ "bard-api", "chatgpt", "google", "midjourney-api", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Based on JDK8 AI chatbot! WeChat official account Midjourney drawing, card exchange, web support ChatGPT, Midjourney drawing, sd drawing, card exchange, easy payment, official account drainage, email registration🔥", "ja": "JDK8に基づくAIチャットボット!WeChat公式アカウントMidjourney画像、カード交換、webサポートChatGPT、Midjourney画像、sd画像、カード交換、簡単な支払い、公式アカウントの誘導、メール登録🔥", "zh-hans": "基于JDK8的AI聊天机器人!微信公众号Midjourney画图、卡密兑换、web支持ChatGPT、Midjourney画图、sd画图,卡密兑换,易支付,公众号引流,邮件注册🔥", "zh-hant": "基於JDK8 AI 聊天機器人!微信公眾號 Midjourney畫圖、卡密兌換、web 支持ChatGPT、Midjourney畫圖、sd畫圖,卡密兌換,易支付,公眾號引流,郵件註冊🔥" } }, "https://github.com/xiaowuc2/chatgpt-python-applications": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Python-Applications", "user_name": "xiaowuc2", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT Python Applications integrated with third party libraries and modules", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "machine-learning", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Python Applications integrated with third party libraries and modules", "ja": "ChatGPT Pythonアプリケーションは、サードパーティのライブラリやモジュールと統合されています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Python应用程序集成了第三方库和模块。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Python應用程式與第三方庫和模組整合" } }, "https://github.com/thu-keg/chatlog": { "repository_name": "ChatLog", "user_name": "THU-KEG", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "⏳ ChatLog: Recording and Analysing ChatGPT Across Time", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "detection", "evaluation", "feature-extraction", "knowledge", "linguistic-analysis", "time-series-analysis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "⏳ ChatLog: Recording and Analysing ChatGPT Across Time", "ja": "⏳ チャットログ:時間をかけてChatGPTの記録と分析", "zh-hans": "⏳ 聊天记录:记录和分析ChatGPT的聊天内容", "zh-hant": "⏳ 聊天記錄:記錄和分析ChatGPT隨時間變化的對話" } }, "https://github.com/llmkira/claude-in-slack-server": { "repository_name": "claude-in-slack-server", "user_name": "LlmKira", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "HTTP server that help you interact with Claude in slack, compatible with ChatGPT Web API.", "topics": [ "claude", "slack" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "HTTP server that help you interact with Claude in slack, compatible with ChatGPT Web API.", "ja": "Claudeとの対話をサポートするSlack向けのHTTPサーバーであり、ChatGPT Web APIと互換性があります。", "zh-hans": "帮助您在slack中与Claude互动的HTTP服务器,与ChatGPT Web API兼容。", "zh-hant": "幫助您在slack中與Claude互動的HTTP伺服器,與ChatGPT Web API相容。" } }, "https://github.com/ikoofe/chat-review": { "repository_name": "chat-review", "user_name": "ikoofe", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT Gitlab Code Review", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Gitlab Code Review", "ja": "ChatGPT Gitlab コードレビュー", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Gitlab 代码审查", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Gitlab 代碼審查" } }, "https://github.com/liucongg/chatgptbook": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTBook", "user_name": "liucongg", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "《ChatGPT原理与实战:大型语言模型的算法、技术和私有化》", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"Principles and Practice of ChatGPT: Algorithms, Techniques, and Privatization of Large-scale Language Models\"", "ja": "《ChatGPT原理与実践:大規模言語モデルのアルゴリズム、技術、およびプライベート化》", "zh-hans": "《ChatGPT原理与实战:大型语言模型的算法、技术和私有化》", "zh-hant": "《ChatGPT原理與實戰:大型語言模型的算法、技術和私有化》" } }, "https://github.com/archibate/nvim-gpt": { "repository_name": "nvim-gpt", "user_name": "archibate", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Integrated ChatGPT + Bing AI in NeoVim just for neo-pioneers like you :)", "topics": [ "bingai", "chatgpt", "neovim", "nvim-plugin", "pynvim", "rplugin", "vim" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrated ChatGPT + Bing AI in NeoVim just for neo-pioneers like you :)", "ja": "あなたのようなネオパイオニアのために、NeoVimで統合されたChatGPT + Bing AIを提供します :)\nネオパイオニアのために、NeoVimで統合されたChatGPT + Bing AIを提供します :)", "zh-hans": "为像您这样的新先锋将ChatGPT和Bing AI集成到NeoVim中 :)", "zh-hant": "整合ChatGPT + Bing AI於NeoVim,專為像您這樣的新先鋒而設 :)" } }, "https://github.com/nishiwen1214/chatreviewer": { "repository_name": "ChatReviewer", "user_name": "nishiwen1214", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "ChatReviewer: 使用ChatGPT分析论文优缺点,提出改进建议", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatReviewer: 使用ChatGPT分析论文优缺点,提出改进建议", "ja": "ChatReviewer: ChatGPTを使用して論文の利点と欠点を分析し、改善の提案を行います。", "zh-hans": "ChatReviewer: 使用ChatGPT分析论文的优缺点,并提出改进建议", "zh-hant": "ChatReviewer: 使用ChatGPT分析論文優缺點,提出改進建議" } }, "https://github.com/mymusise/chatglm-tuning": { "repository_name": "ChatGLM-Tuning", "user_name": "mymusise", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "一种平价的chatgpt实现方案, 基于ChatGLM-6B + LoRA", "topics": [ "chatglm", "chatgpt", "lora", "peft" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An affordable chatgpt implementation solution based on ChatGLM-6B + LoRA.", "ja": "出力: ChatGLM-6B + LoRAを基にした手頃な価格のChatGPTの実現方法", "zh-hans": "一种平价的chatgpt实现方案,基于ChatGLM-6B + LoRA", "zh-hant": "一種平價的chatgpt實現方案,基於ChatGLM-6B + LoRA" } }, "https://github.com/emacs-openai/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt", "user_name": "emacs-openai", "language": "Emacs Lisp", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Use ChatGPT inside Emacs", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use ChatGPT inside Emacs", "ja": "Emacs内でChatGPTを使用する", "zh-hans": "在Emacs中使用ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT在Emacs中" } }, "https://github.com/blackstar1453/using-chatgpt-to-learn-programming": { "repository_name": "Using-ChatGPT-to-Learn-Programming", "user_name": "BlackStar1453", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "\"Learn how to use ChatGPT to enhance your learning of Programming", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "\"Learn how to use ChatGPT to enhance your learning of Programming", "ja": "プログラミングの学習を強化するためにChatGPTの使い方を学びましょう。", "zh-hans": "学习如何使用ChatGPT来增强你的编程学习", "zh-hant": "學習如何使用ChatGPT來增強你的編程學習" } }, "https://github.com/6vision/apilot": { "repository_name": "Apilot", "user_name": "6vision", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "基于chatgpt_on_wechat项目的一个api调用插件", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于chatgpt_on_wechat项目的一个api调用插件", "ja": "chatgpt_on_wechatプロジェクトに基づくAPI呼び出しプラグイン\nchatgpt_on_wechatプロジェクトをベースにしたAPI呼び出しプラグイン", "zh-hans": "基于chatgpt_on_wechat项目的一个api调用插件", "zh-hant": "基於chatgpt_on_wechat項目的一個API調用插件" } }, "https://github.com/daveshap/chatgpt_custom_instructions": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_Custom_Instructions", "user_name": "daveshap", "language": null, "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Repo of custom instructions that you can use for ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Repo of custom instructions that you can use for ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTで使用できるカスタムインストラクションのリポジトリ", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT的自定义指令存储库", "zh-hant": "您可以在ChatGPT中使用的自定義指令存儲庫" } }, "https://github.com/deeptrain-community/chatnio": { "repository_name": "chatnio", "user_name": "Deeptrain-Community", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "👋 轻量级 ChatGPT 聊天平台, 实现 ChatGPT 联网功能,多账户均衡负载,缓存,鉴权系统,支持 Stream 实时响应,图像生成,对话记忆功能 👋 Lightweight ChatGPT chat platform, implement ChatGPT online searching service, multi-account load balancing, cache, authentication system, supports stream real-time response, image generation and memory function", "topics": [ "ai-chat", "chatgpt", "golang", "react", "stream", "typescript", "web", "web-chatgpt", "websocket" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "👋 轻量级 ChatGPT 聊天平台, 实现 ChatGPT 联网功能,多账户均衡负载,缓存,鉴权系统,支持 Stream 实时响应,图像生成,对话记忆功能 👋 Lightweight ChatGPT chat platform, implement ChatGPT online searching service, multi-account load balancing, cache, authentication system, supports stream real-time response, image generation and memory function", "ja": "👋 軽量なChatGPTチャットプラットフォーム、ChatGPTのオンライン検索サービスを実装し、マルチアカウントの負荷分散、キャッシュ、認証システムをサポートし、ストリームのリアルタイム応答、画像生成、対話の記憶機能をサポートします。", "zh-hans": "👋 轻量级 ChatGPT 聊天平台,实现 ChatGPT 在线搜索服务,多账户负载均衡,缓存,鉴权系统,支持实时响应流,图像生成和记忆功能。", "zh-hant": "👋 輕量級 ChatGPT 聊天平台,實現 ChatGPT 聯網功能,多帳戶均衡負載,緩存,鑒權系統,支持 Stream 實時響應,圖像生成,對話記憶功能 👋" } }, "https://github.com/proxoar/talk": { "repository_name": "talk", "user_name": "proxoar", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Talking with ChatGPT is a breeze", "topics": [ "audio", "chatgpt", "elevenlabs", "go", "golang", "google-speech", "google-text-to-speech", "react", "single-page", "speech-to-text", "talk", "text-to-speech" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Talking with ChatGPT is a breeze", "ja": "ChatGPTとの会話はとても簡単です。", "zh-hans": "与ChatGPT交流非常轻松", "zh-hant": "與ChatGPT對話輕而易舉" } }, "https://github.com/caidukai/brain-reply": { "repository_name": "brain-reply", "user_name": "caidukai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "更优雅的ChatGPT客户端", "topics": [ "chat", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "More elegant ChatGPT client", "ja": "より優雅なChatGPTクライアント", "zh-hans": "更优雅的ChatGPT客户端", "zh-hant": "更優雅的ChatGPT客戶端" } }, "https://github.com/husanr/wechat_gpt_laf": { "repository_name": "wechat_gpt_laf", "user_name": "husanr", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "使用Laf云平台,两步将ChatGPT接入微信公众号", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using the Laf cloud platform, ChatGPT can be integrated into WeChat official accounts in two steps.", "ja": "Lafクラウドプラットフォームを使用して、2つのステップでChatGPTをWeChat公式アカウントに接続します。", "zh-hans": "使用Laf云平台,只需两步即可将ChatGPT接入微信公众号。", "zh-hant": "使用Laf雲平台,兩步將ChatGPT接入微信公眾號" } }, "https://github.com/purton-tech/bionicgpt": { "repository_name": "bionicgpt", "user_name": "purton-tech", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality", "topics": [ "architecture", "full-stack", "llmops", "llms", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality", "ja": "BionicGPTはChatGPTのオンプレミス版であり、生成型AIの利点を提供しながら厳格なデータの機密性を維持しています。", "zh-hans": "BionicGPT是ChatGPT的本地替代品,具有生成式人工智能的优势,同时保持严格的数据保密性。", "zh-hant": "BionicGPT 是 ChatGPT 的本地替代方案,提供了生成式人工智能的优势,同时保持严格的数据保密性。" } }, "https://github.com/llboo/chatgpt-next-web-pro": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Next-Web-PRO", "user_name": "llboo", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "ChatGPT-Next-Web 接入管理后台,包括:key管理、用户鉴权、公众号注册/扫码登录、支付管理、卡密管理等", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT-Next-Web access management background, including: key management, user authentication, public account registration/QR code login, payment management, card management, etc.\nOutput: ChatGPT-Next-Web access management backend, including: key management, user authentication, public account registration/QR code login, payment management, card management, etc.", "ja": "ChatGPT-Next-Webの管理コンソール。キーの管理、ユーザー認証、公式アカウントの登録/QRコードログイン、支払い管理、ギフトカードの管理などが含まれています。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT-Next-Web 接入管理后台,包括:key管理、用户鉴权、公众号注册/扫码登录、支付管理、卡密管理等\nChatGPT-Next-Web 接入管理后台,包括:key管理、用户鉴权、公众号注册/扫码登录、支付管理、卡密管理等", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT-Next-Web 接入管理後台,包括:key管理、使用者驗證、公眾號註冊/掃碼登錄、支付管理、卡密管理等" } }, "https://github.com/spdustin/chatgpt-autoexpert": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-AutoExpert", "user_name": "spdustin", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "other", "name": "Other", "spdx_id": "NOASSERTION", "url": null, "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTA=" }, "description": "🚀🧠💬 Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding). ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀🧠💬 Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding). ", "ja": "🚀🧠💬 ChatGPT(非コーディング)およびChatGPTアドバンスドデータ分析(コーディング)のためのスーパーチャージカスタムインストラクション。", "zh-hans": "🚀🧠💬 ChatGPT(非编程)和ChatGPT高级数据分析(编程)的超级定制指令。", "zh-hant": "🚀🧠💬 ChatGPT(非編碼)和ChatGPT高級數據分析(編碼)的超強定制指令。" } }, "https://github.com/panyanyany/muchat-aio": { "repository_name": "muchat-aio", "user_name": "panyanyany", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "团队版 ChatGPT Web 应用,多用户,免登录。适合公司、组织或小团体内部使用。Team version of ChatGPT web application- multi-user and no log-in required. Suitable for internal use in companies, organizations or small groups.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-app", "chatgpt-multiple-users", "chatgpt-team" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "团队版 ChatGPT Web 应用,多用户,免登录。适合公司、组织或小团体内部使用。Team version of ChatGPT web application- multi-user and no log-in required. Suitable for internal use in companies, organizations or small groups.", "ja": "团队版 ChatGPT Web アプリケーション、多ユーザー、ログイン不要。会社、組織、または小規模グループ内での内部利用に適しています。", "zh-hans": "团队版 ChatGPT Web 应用,多用户,免登录。适合公司、组织或小团体内部使用。", "zh-hant": "團隊版 ChatGPT Web 應用,多使用者,免登錄。適合公司、組織或小團體內部使用。" } }, "https://github.com/heimeropen/chatgpt-web-go": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-web-go", "user_name": "heimeropen", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A golang service for chatgpt application", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-app", "golang" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A golang service for chatgpt application", "ja": "チャットGPTアプリケーションのためのGolangサービス", "zh-hans": "一个用于ChatGPT应用的Golang服务", "zh-hant": "一個用於ChatGPT應用程序的Golang服務" } }, "https://github.com/grays42/reddit-profile-analyzer": { "repository_name": "reddit-profile-analyzer", "user_name": "grays42", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT-based reddit profile analyzer. BYO api key", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT-based reddit profile analyzer. BYO api key", "ja": "ChatGPTベースのredditプロファイル分析ツール。APIキーを持参してください。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT基于Reddit个人资料分析器。请自备API密钥。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT基於Reddit個人資料分析器。請自備API金鑰。" } }, "https://github.com/bionic-gpt/bionic-gpt": { "repository_name": "bionic-gpt", "user_name": "bionic-gpt", "language": "Rust", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality", "topics": [ "architecture", "full-stack", "llmops", "llms", "rust" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "BionicGPT is an on-premise replacement for ChatGPT, offering the advantages of Generative AI while maintaining strict data confidentiality", "ja": "BionicGPTはChatGPTのオンプレミス版であり、生成型AIの利点を提供しながら厳格なデータの機密性を維持しています。", "zh-hans": "BionicGPT是ChatGPT的本地替代品,具有生成式人工智能的优势,同时保持严格的数据保密性。", "zh-hant": "BionicGPT 是 ChatGPT 的本地替代方案,提供了生成式人工智能的优势,同时保持严格的数据保密性。" } }, "https://github.com/croissanteth/chatgpt-token": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-token", "user_name": "croissanteth", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "Fully automated token deployment on ETH, using ChatGPT and DALL-E.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Fully automated token deployment on ETH, using ChatGPT and DALL-E.", "ja": "ETH上での完全自動トークン展開、ChatGPTとDALL-Eを使用しています。", "zh-hans": "完全自动化的ETH代币部署,使用ChatGPT和DALL-E。", "zh-hant": "完全自動化的ETH代幣部署,使用ChatGPT和DALL-E。" } }, "https://github.com/code-bullet/rickandmortai": { "repository_name": "RickAndMortai", "user_name": "Code-Bullet", "language": "C#", "license": null, "description": "a chatgpt thingy with rick and morty characters and portals and theres shrek idk.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "a chatgpt thingy with rick and morty characters and portals and theres shrek idk.", "ja": "リックとモーティのキャラクターとポータルがあるチャットGPTのもので、シュレックもいるようですが、詳細はわかりません。", "zh-hans": "一个聊天GPT的东西,里面有瑞克和莫蒂的角色、传送门,还有什么怪物史莱克之类的,我也不知道。", "zh-hant": "一個有瑞克和莫蒂角色、傳送門和史瑞克的聊天GPT東西,我不知道。" } }, "https://github.com/non906/sd-webui-chatgpt": { "repository_name": "sd-webui-chatgpt", "user_name": "NON906", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "This is a repository for using ChatGPT in Stable Diffusion web UI.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a repository for using ChatGPT in Stable Diffusion web UI.", "ja": "これはStable Diffusion web UIでChatGPTを使用するためのリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个在稳定扩散网络界面中使用ChatGPT的存储库。", "zh-hant": "這是在Stable Diffusion web UI中使用ChatGPT的儲存庫。" } }, "https://github.com/yanyutin753/picturechange": { "repository_name": "pictureChange", "user_name": "Yanyutin753", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "适用于chatgpt-on-wechat项目插件", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "适用于chatgpt-on-wechat项目插件", "ja": "chatgpt-on-wechatプロジェクトのプラグインに適用されます。", "zh-hans": "适用于chatgpt-on-wechat项目插件", "zh-hant": "適用於chatgpt-on-wechat專案插件" } }, "https://github.com/liyucheng09/chatgpt_agent": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT_Agent", "user_name": "liyucheng09", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A Game Demo Powered by ChatGPT Agents", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Game Demo Powered by ChatGPT Agents", "ja": "チャットGPTエージェントによるゲームデモ", "zh-hans": "一个由ChatGPT代理驱动的游戏演示", "zh-hant": "一個由ChatGPT代理驅動的遊戲演示" } }, "https://github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin": { "repository_name": "gin-vue-admin", "user_name": "flipped-aurora", "language": "Go", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,显隐可控组件,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器,chatGPT自动查表等开发必备功能。", "topics": [ "admin", "casbin", "chatgpt", "element-ui", "gin", "gin-admin", "gin-vue-admin", "go", "go-admin", "golang", "gorm", "i18n", "jwt", "pinia", "swagger", "vite", "vue", "vue-admin", "vue3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Development basic platform based on vite+vue3+gin (supporting mixed use of TS and JS), integrating jwt authentication, permission management, dynamic routing, controllable components, pagination encapsulation, multi-login interception, resource permissions, upload and download, code generator, form generator, chatGPT automatic table lookup and other essential development functions.", "ja": "vite+vue3+ginをベースにした開発基盤プラットフォーム(TS、JSの混在をサポート)、jwt認証、権限管理、ダイナミックルーティング、表示/非表示可能なコンポーネント、ページネーションのラッピング、マルチログインのインターセプト、リソース権限、アップロード/ダウンロード、コードジェネレータ、フォームジェネレータ、chatGPT自動テーブル検索など、開発に必要な機能を統合しています。", "zh-hans": "基于vite+vue3+gin搭建的开发基础平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鉴权,权限管理,动态路由,显隐可控组件,分页封装,多点登录拦截,资源权限,上传下载,代码生成器,表单生成器,chatGPT自动查表等开发必备功能。", "zh-hant": "基於vite+vue3+gin搭建的開發基礎平台(支持TS,JS混用),集成jwt鑒權,權限管理,動態路由,顯隱可控組件,分頁封裝,多點登錄攔截,資源權限,上傳下載,代碼生成器,表單生成器,chatGPT自動查表等開發必備功能。" } }, "https://github.com/optimalscale/lmflow": { "repository_name": "LMFlow", "user_name": "OptimalScale", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models. Large Models for All.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "deep-learning", "instruction-following", "language-model", "pretrained-models", "pytorch", "transformer" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models. Large Models for All.", "ja": "大規模な基盤モデルの微調整と推論のための拡張可能なツールキット。すべてのための大規模なモデル。", "zh-hans": "一个可扩展的工具包,用于对大型基础模型进行微调和推理。适用于所有大型模型。", "zh-hant": "一個可擴展的工具包,用於對大型基礎模型進行微調和推論。為所有人提供大型模型。" } }, "https://github.com/reloadware/reloadium": { "repository_name": "reloadium", "user_name": "reloadware", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "Hot Reloading, Profiling and AI debugging for Python", "topics": [ "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "django", "edit-and-continue", "flask", "hot-reload", "hot-reloading", "pandas", "python", "python3" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Hot Reloading, Profiling and AI debugging for Python", "ja": "ホットリローディング、プロファイリング、およびPythonのAIデバッグ", "zh-hans": "热重载、性能分析和人工智能调试的Python", "zh-hant": "熱重新加載、性能分析和Python的AI調試" } }, "https://github.com/plexpt/chatgpt-java": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-java", "user_name": "PlexPt", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT3.5、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-api-wrapper", "chatgpt-bot", "chatgpt-sdk", "chatgpt3", "chatgpt4", "gpt4", "java" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT3.5、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。", "ja": "ChatGPT Java SDK。GPT3.5、GPT4 APIに対応しています。すぐに使用できます。", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT3.5、GPT4 API。开箱即用。", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT Java SDK。支援 GPT3.5、 GPT4 API。開箱即用。" } }, "https://github.com/alldatacenter/alldata": { "repository_name": "alldata", "user_name": "alldatacenter", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "agpl-3.0", "name": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "AGPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/agpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTE=" }, "description": "🔥🔥 AllData大数据产品是可定义数据中台,以数据平台为底座,以数据中台为桥梁,以机器学习平台,GPT平台为框架,提供全链路数字化解决方案。微信群:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo ", "topics": [ "artificial-intelligence", "big-data", "chatgpt", "cloudeon", "cube-studio", "datart", "datasophon", "dinky", "dolphinscheduler", "flink", "griffin", "hudi", "iceberg", "kong", "mlops", "mlrun", "paimon", "ranger", "streampark", "tis" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🔥🔥 AllData's big data product is a definable data center, with a data platform as the foundation, a data bridge as the connection, and machine learning and GPT platforms as the framework, providing end-to-end digital solutions. WeChat group: https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo", "ja": "🔥🔥 AllData大数据製品は、データプラットフォームを基盤とし、データ中台を橋渡しとして、機械学習プラットフォームやGPTプラットフォームをフレームワークとして、全体のデジタル化ソリューションを提供するものです。WeChatグループ:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo", "zh-hans": "🔥🔥 AllData大数据产品是可定义数据中台,以数据平台为底座,以数据中台为桥梁,以机器学习平台,GPT平台为框架,提供全链路数字化解决方案。微信群:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo", "zh-hant": "🔥🔥 AllData大數據產品是可定義數據中台,以數據平台為底座,以數據中台為橋樑,以機器學習平台,GPT平台為框架,提供全鏈路數字化解決方案。微信群:https://docs.qq.com/doc/DVHlkSEtvVXVCdEFo" } }, "https://github.com/cluebenchmark/superclue": { "repository_name": "SuperCLUE", "user_name": "CLUEbenchmark", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "SuperCLUE: 中文通用大模型综合性基准 | A Benchmark for Foundation Models in Chinese", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chinese", "evaluation", "foundation-models", "gpt-4" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SuperCLUE: 中文通用大模型综合性基准 | A Benchmark for Foundation Models in Chinese", "ja": "SuperCLUE: 中国語の基礎モデルのためのベンチマーク", "zh-hans": "SuperCLUE: 中文通用大模型综合性基准 | 一个用于中文基础模型的基准测试", "zh-hant": "SuperCLUE: 中文通用大模型综合性基准 | 一個針對中文基礎模型的基準測試" } }, "https://github.com/gallonyin/worktool": { "repository_name": "worktool", "user_name": "gallonyin", "language": "Kotlin", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "【企业微信】企业微信机器人 聊天机器人、自动加好友、自动拉群、自动群发机器人 免Root零封号 集成ChatGPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[Enterprise WeChat] Enterprise WeChat Robot Chatbot, automatic friend adding, automatic group creation, automatic group messaging robot, no need for Root, zero account suspension, integrated with ChatGPT.", "ja": "【企業微信】企業微信のロボット チャットボット、自動的に友達を追加、自動的にグループに招待、自動的にメッセージを送信するロボット ルート不要でアカウントが封鎖されない ChatGPTを統合", "zh-hans": "【企业微信】企业微信机器人 聊天机器人、自动加好友、自动拉群、自动群发机器人 免Root零封号 集成ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "【企業微信】企業微信機器人 聊天機器人、自動加好友、自動拉群、自動群發機器人 免Root零封號 集成ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/blazity/next-enterprise": { "repository_name": "next-enterprise", "user_name": "Blazity", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "💼 An enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps. Packed with features like Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, testing tools, and more to accelerate your development.", "topics": [ "boilerplate", "chatgpt", "cva", "eslint", "jamstack", "javascript-ai", "next", "next-js", "next-theme", "nextjs", "nextjs13", "radix-ui", "react", "react-enterprise-boilerplate", "seo", "starter-kit", "starter-template", "tailwindcss", "typescript", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "💼 An enterprise-grade Next.js boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps. Packed with features like Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, testing tools, and more to accelerate your development.", "ja": "💼 高性能で保守性の高いアプリケーションのためのエンタープライズグレードのNext.jsボイラープレート。Tailwind CSS、TypeScript、ESLint、Prettier、テストツールなどの機能が搭載されており、開発を加速させます。", "zh-hans": "💼 一个面向企业级的 Next.js 脚手架,用于构建高性能、易维护的应用程序。内置了诸如 Tailwind CSS、TypeScript、ESLint、Prettier、测试工具等功能,以加速您的开发过程。", "zh-hant": "💼 一個適用於高效能、易於維護的企業級 Next.js 樣板,內含豐富功能,如 Tailwind CSS、TypeScript、ESLint、Prettier、測試工具等,可加速您的開發流程。" } }, "https://github.com/microsoft/hydralab": { "repository_name": "HydraLab", "user_name": "microsoft", "language": "Java", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "Intelligent cloud testing made easy.", "topics": [ "azure", "chatgpt", "cloud-testing", "cross-platform", "developer-tools", "device-farm", "e2e-testing", "mobile-development", "performance-testing", "platform-engineering", "spring-boot", "test-automation", "testgpt", "testing", "testing-framework", "ui-testing" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Intelligent cloud testing made easy.", "ja": "インテリジェントなクラウドテストが簡単になりました。", "zh-hans": "智能云测试变得简单。", "zh-hant": "智能雲端測試變得輕鬆。" } }, "https://github.com/epsilla-cloud/vectordb": { "repository_name": "vectordb", "user_name": "epsilla-cloud", "language": "C++", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "Epsilla is a high performance Vector Database Management System. Try out hosted Epsilla at https://cloud.epsilla.com/", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "data", "data-science", "database", "embeddings", "embeddings-similarity", "infrastructure", "llms", "machine-learning", "neural-network", "neural-search", "rag", "retrieval", "search-engine", "vector-database", "vector-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Epsilla is a high performance Vector Database Management System. Try out hosted Epsilla at https://cloud.epsilla.com/", "ja": "Epsillaは高性能なベクトルデータベース管理システムです。ホストされたEpsillaをhttps://cloud.epsilla.com/で試してみてください。", "zh-hans": "Epsilla是一款高性能的向量数据库管理系统。请在https://cloud.epsilla.com/上尝试使用托管的Epsilla。", "zh-hant": "Epsilla 是一個高效能的向量資料庫管理系統。請在 https://cloud.epsilla.com/ 嘗試使用托管的 Epsilla。" } }, "https://github.com/lc044/wechatmsg": { "repository_name": "WeChatMsg", "user_name": "LC044", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "gpl-3.0", "name": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "spdx_id": "GPL-3.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/gpl-3.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTk=" }, "description": "提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、CSV文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "llms", "pyqt", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Extract WeChat chat records, export them as HTML, Word, and CSV documents for permanent storage, analyze the chat records, and generate annual chat reports.", "ja": "WeChatのチャット履歴を抽出し、HTML、Word、CSV形式のドキュメントにエクスポートして永久保存し、チャット履歴を分析して年次チャットレポートを生成します。", "zh-hans": "提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、CSV文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告", "zh-hant": "提取微信聊天記錄,將其導出成HTML、Word、CSV文件永久保存,對聊天記錄進行分析生成年度聊天報告" } }, "https://github.com/all-in-aigc/gpts-works": { "repository_name": "gpts-works", "user_name": "all-in-aigc", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "apache-2.0", "name": "Apache License 2.0", "spdx_id": "Apache-2.0", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/apache-2.0", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTI=" }, "description": "A Third-party GPTs store", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpts", "gptstore" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Third-party GPTs store", "ja": "サードパーティのGPTストア", "zh-hans": "一个第三方GPT存储库", "zh-hant": "第三方GPT存儲" } }, "https://github.com/assafelovic/gpt-researcher": { "repository_name": "gpt-researcher", "user_name": "assafelovic", "language": "Python", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic", "ja": "与えられた任意のトピックについてオンラインで包括的なリサーチを行うGPTベースの自律エージェント", "zh-hans": "基于GPT的自主代理,可以对任何给定的主题进行在线综合研究。", "zh-hant": "基於GPT的自主代理人,可以對任何給定的主題進行在線綜合研究。" } }, "https://github.com/chatgptnextwebteam/chatgpt-next-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Next-Web", "user_name": "ChatGPTNextWebTeam", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cross-platform", "desktop", "nextjs", "react", "tauri", "tauri-app", "vercel", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。", "ja": "使いやすく設計されたクロスプラットフォームのChatGPT UI(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。一つのボタンで自分自身のクロスプラットフォームChatGPTアプリを手に入れましょう。", "zh-hans": "一个设计精良的跨平台 ChatGPT 用户界面(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。", "zh-hant": "一個設計精良的跨平台 ChatGPT 用戶界面(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。" } }, "https://github.com/liucongg/chatglm-finetuning": { "repository_name": "ChatGLM-Finetuning", "user_name": "liucongg", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "基于ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,进行下游具体任务微调,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微调等", "topics": [ "chatglm", "chatglm2", "chatglm3", "chatgpt", "freeze", "lora", "p-tuning" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "基于ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,进行下游具体任务微调,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微调等", "ja": "ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6Bモデルを使用して、ダウンストリームの具体的なタスクのファインチューニングを行います。Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微調などが関係しています。", "zh-hans": "基于ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,进行下游具体任务微调,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全参微调等。", "zh-hant": "基於ChatGLM-6B、ChatGLM2-6B、ChatGLM3-6B模型,進行下游具體任務微調,涉及Freeze、Lora、P-tuning、全參微調等。" } }, "https://github.com/chatgptnextweb/chatgpt-next-web": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Next-Web", "user_name": "ChatGPTNextWeb", "language": "TypeScript", "license": { "key": "mit", "name": "MIT License", "spdx_id": "MIT", "url": "https://api.github.com/licenses/mit", "node_id": "MDc6TGljZW5zZTEz" }, "description": "A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cross-platform", "desktop", "nextjs", "react", "tauri", "tauri-app", "vercel", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A well-designed cross-platform ChatGPT UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT 应用。", "ja": "使いやすく設計されたクロスプラットフォームのChatGPT UI(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。一つのボタンで自分自身のクロスプラットフォームChatGPTアプリを手に入れましょう。", "zh-hans": "一个设计精良的跨平台 ChatGPT 用户界面(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。", "zh-hant": "一個設計精良的跨平台 ChatGPT 用戶界面(Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS)。" } }, "https://github.com/builderio/gpt-crawler": { "repository_name": "gpt-crawler", "user_name": "BuilderIO", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL", "ja": "URLから独自のカスタムGPTを作成するための知識ファイルを生成するために、サイトをクロールします。", "zh-hans": "从一个URL中爬取网站以生成知识文件,从而创建自己定制的GPT。", "zh-hant": "輸入:爬取網站以生成知識文件,從URL創建自己的定制GPT\n輸出:" } }, "https://github.com/ishan0102/vimgpt": { "repository_name": "vimGPT", "user_name": "ishan0102", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Browse the web with GPT-4V and Vimium", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Browse the web with GPT-4V and Vimium", "ja": "GPT-4VとVimiumを使用してウェブを閲覧してください。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-4V和Vimium浏览网页", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-4V和Vimium瀏覽網頁" } }, "https://github.com/modelscope/modelscope-agent": { "repository_name": "modelscope-agent", "user_name": "modelscope", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "ModelScope-Agent(开源版GPTs): An agent framework connecting models in ModelScope with the world", "topics": [ "agent", "gpts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ModelScope-Agent(开源版GPTs): An agent framework connecting models in ModelScope with the world", "ja": "ModelScope-Agent(オープンソース版GPTs):ModelScope内のモデルと世界をつなぐエージェントフレームワーク", "zh-hans": "ModelScope-Agent(开源版GPTs):一个将ModelScope中的模型与世界连接起来的代理框架。", "zh-hant": "ModelScope-Agent(開源版GPTs):一個連接ModelScope中的模型與世界的代理框架。" } }, "https://github.com/whyiyhw/chatgpt-wechat": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-wechat", "user_name": "whyiyhw", "language": "Go", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "企业微信/微信 安全使用的 ChatGPT 个人助手应用", "topics": [ "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "wechat", "wecom" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Enterprise WeChat/WeChat secure use ChatGPT personal assistant application", "ja": "企業微信/微信の安全な使用に適したChatGPTの個人アシスタントアプリ", "zh-hans": "企业微信/微信 安全使用的 ChatGPT 个人助手应用", "zh-hant": "企業微信/微信 安全使用的 ChatGPT 個人助手應用" } }, "https://github.com/janhq/jan": { "repository_name": "jan", "user_name": "janhq", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer", "topics": [ "electron", "gpt", "llama2", "llamacpp", "localai", "self-hosted" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer", "ja": "Janは、コンピュータ上で完全にオフラインで動作するChatGPTのオープンソースの代替品です。", "zh-hans": "Jan是ChatGPT的开源替代品,可以完全离线在您的计算机上运行。", "zh-hant": "Jan是一個開源的替代方案,可以在您的電腦上完全離線運行,用於替代ChatGPT。" } }, "https://github.com/gerevai/gerev": { "repository_name": "gerev", "user_name": "GerevAI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🧠 AI-powered enterprise search engine 🔎", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "confluence", "enterprise-search", "helpdesk", "helpdesk-tools", "llama-index", "machine-learning", "search-engine", "semantic-search-engine", "similarity-search", "sysadmin", "tech-support", "technical-support", "vector-search", "workplace-search" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🧠 AI-powered enterprise search engine 🔎", "ja": "🧠 AIを搭載した企業向け検索エンジン 🔎", "zh-hans": "🧠 人工智能驱动的企业搜索引擎 🔎", "zh-hant": "🧠 AI 強化的企業搜尋引擎 🔎" } }, "https://github.com/yonggekkk/replit-xray": { "repository_name": "Replit-Xray", "user_name": "yonggekkk", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "Replit容器部署xray代理,支持自定义伪装网页,一键五协议共存,支持搭建vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socks,支持本地上传与replit平台fork两种模式部署", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nginx", "oneclick", "replit", "shadowsocks", "socks", "trojan", "vless", "vmess", "xray-core", "ygkkk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: Replit container deployment of xray proxy, supports custom disguised web pages, one-click support for five protocols coexistence, supports building vless, vmess, trojan, shadowsocks, socks, supports local upload and deployment in two modes: forking on the replit platform.", "ja": "入力:Replitコンテナのデプロイxrayプロキシ、カスタムマスクウェブページのサポート、ワンクリックで5つのプロトコルを同時にサポート、vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socksの構築をサポート、ローカルアップロードとreplitプラットフォームのforkの2つのモードでのデプロイをサポートします。", "zh-hans": "输入:Replit容器部署xray代理,支持自定义伪装网页,一键五协议共存,支持搭建vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socks,支持本地上传与replit平台fork两种模式部署\n输出:Replit容器部署xray代理,支持自定义伪装网页,一键五协议共存,支持搭建vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socks,支持本地上传与replit平台fork两种模式部署", "zh-hant": "輸入:Replit容器部署xray代理,支持自定義偽裝網頁,一鍵五協議共存,支持搭建vless、vmess、trojan、shadowsocks、socks,支持本地上傳與replit平台fork兩種模式部署" } }, "https://github.com/mo-xiaoxi/gptsecurity": { "repository_name": "GPTSecurity", "user_name": "mo-xiaoxi", "language": null, "license": "Other", "description": "塑造未来的安全领域智能革命", "topics": [ "aigc", "gpt-4", "security", "wiki" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Shaping the Intelligent Revolution in the Field of Future Security", "ja": "未来を形作る安全領域のスマート革命", "zh-hans": "塑造未来的安全领域智能革命", "zh-hant": "塑造未來的安全領域智能革命" } }, "https://github.com/frrrrrrrrank/auto_job__find__chatgpt__rpa": { "repository_name": "auto_job__find__chatgpt__rpa", "user_name": "Frrrrrrrrank", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "This is a tool used to automatically generate a cover letter using chatgpt based on your resume and job description and send messages to bosses in China.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "This is a tool used to automatically generate a cover letter using chatgpt based on your resume and job description and send messages to bosses in China.", "ja": "これは、あなたの履歴書と求人内容に基づいてChatGPTを使用して自動的にカバーレターを生成し、中国の上司にメッセージを送信するためのツールです。", "zh-hans": "这是一个工具,可以根据您的简历和职位描述,使用ChatGPT自动生成求职信,并发送给中国的老板。", "zh-hant": "這是一個工具,使用 chatgpt 根據您的簡歷和職位描述自動生成求職信,並發送給中國的老闆。" } }, "https://github.com/hoochanlon/hamulete": { "repository_name": "hamulete", "user_name": "hoochanlon", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": null, "description": "🏔️国立台湾大学、新加坡国立大学、早稻田大学、东京大学,中央研究院(台湾)以及中国重点高校及科研机构,社科、经济、数学、博弈论、哲学、系统工程类学术论文等知识库。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cnki", "it", "mirrors", "social", "university" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "National Taiwan University, National University of Singapore, Waseda University, University of Tokyo, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), as well as key universities and research institutions in China, social sciences, economics, mathematics, game theory, philosophy, and academic papers in the field of systems engineering, etc.", "ja": "🏔️国立台湾大学、新加坡国立大学、早稻田大学、東京大学、中央研究院(台湾)および中国の重要な大学や研究機関による、社会科学、経済学、数学、ゲーム理論、哲学、システム工学などの学術論文の知識データベース。", "zh-hans": "🏔️国立台湾大学、新加坡国立大学、早稻田大学、东京大学,中央研究院(台湾)以及中国重点高校及科研机构,社科、经济、数学、博弈论、哲学、系统工程类学术论文等知识库。", "zh-hant": "🏔️國立臺灣大學、新加坡國立大學、早稻田大學、東京大學,中央研究院(臺灣)以及中國重點高校及科研機構,社科、經濟、數學、博弈論、哲學、系統工程類學術論文等知識庫。" } }, "https://github.com/ddupont808/gpt-4v-act": { "repository_name": "GPT-4V-Act", "user_name": "ddupont808", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "AI agent using GPT-4V(ision) capable of using a mouse/keyboard to interact with web UI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI agent using GPT-4V(ision) capable of using a mouse/keyboard to interact with web UI", "ja": "マウス/キーボードを使用してWeb UIと対話することができるGPT-4V(ision)を使用したAIエージェント", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-4V(视觉)的AI代理能够使用鼠标/键盘与Web用户界面进行交互输出:", "zh-hant": "AI代理使用GPT-4V(視覺)能夠使用滑鼠/鍵盤與網頁使用者介面進行互動" } }, "https://github.com/davidadsp/generative_deep_learning_2nd_edition": { "repository_name": "Generative_Deep_Learning_2nd_Edition", "user_name": "davidADSP", "language": "Jupyter Notebook", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "The official code repository for the second edition of the O'Reilly book Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "dalle2", "data-science", "deep-learning", "diffusion-models", "generative-adversarial-network", "gpt-3", "machine-learning", "python", "stable-diffusion", "tensorflow" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The official code repository for the second edition of the O'Reilly book Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play.", "ja": "O'Reilly書籍「Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play」第2版の公式コードリポジトリ。O'Reilly書籍「Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose and Play」第2版の公式コードリポジトリです。", "zh-hans": "《O'Reilly书籍生成式深度学习第二版:教机器绘画、写作、作曲和演奏》的官方代码存储库。输出:", "zh-hant": "《O'Reilly書籍生成式深度學習第二版:教機器繪畫、寫作、作曲和遊戲的官方程式庫》。" } }, "https://github.com/airuikun/smart-ide": { "repository_name": "smart-ide", "user_name": "airuikun", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "在vscode插件中结合chatgpt能力,实现智能研发提效", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Integrating chatbot GPT capability into vscode plugins to enhance R&D efficiency.", "ja": "VSCodeのプラグインとChatGPTの機能を組み合わせて、スマートな研究開発の効率化を実現する。", "zh-hans": "通过在vscode插件中结合chatgpt能力,实现智能研发提效。", "zh-hant": "在vscode插件中結合chatgpt能力,實現智能研發提效" } }, "https://github.com/shadowcz007/comfyui-mixlab-nodes": { "repository_name": "comfyui-mixlab-nodes", "user_name": "shadowcz007", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Workflow-to-APP、ScreenShare&FloatingVideo、GPT & 3D、SpeechRecognition&TTS", "topics": [ "3d", "chatgpt", "comfyui", "lcm-lora", "real-time", "screenshare", "tts" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Workflow-to-APP、ScreenShare&FloatingVideo、GPT & 3D、SpeechRecognition&TTS", "ja": "ワークフローからアプリへ、スクリーン共有&フローティングビデオ、GPT&3D、音声認識&テキスト読み上げ", "zh-hans": "工作流到APP、屏幕共享和悬浮视频、GPT和3D、语音识别和文本转语音", "zh-hant": "工作流程至應用程式、螢幕分享和浮動視訊、GPT和3D、語音辨識和語音合成" } }, "https://github.com/weijunext/smart-excel-ai": { "repository_name": "smart-excel-ai", "user_name": "weijunext", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using ChatGPT.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用して、必要なExcelの数式を数秒で生成します。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT,在几秒钟内生成您所需的Excel公式。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT,在幾秒內生成您所需的Excel公式。" } }, "https://github.com/muisedestiny/zotero-gpt": { "repository_name": "zotero-gpt", "user_name": "MuiseDestiny", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "GPT Meet Zotero.", "topics": [ "gpt", "zotero", "zotero-plugin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT meets Zotero.", "ja": "GPTとZoteroの出会い。", "zh-hans": "GPT 遇见 Zotero。", "zh-hant": "GPT 遇見 Zotero。" } }, "https://github.com/unconv/gpt4v-browsing": { "repository_name": "gpt4v-browsing", "user_name": "unconv", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "Web Scraping with GPT-4 Vision API and Puppeteer", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Web Scraping with GPT-4 Vision API and Puppeteer", "ja": "GPT-4 Vision APIとPuppeteerを使用したウェブスクレイピング", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-4 Vision API和Puppeteer进行网络爬虫", "zh-hant": "使用GPT-4 Vision API和Puppeteer进行网络爬虫" } }, "https://github.com/yesmore/inke": { "repository_name": "inke", "user_name": "yesmore", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "📖 A WYSIWYG notebook with AI assisted writing and real-time collaboration. Support self hosting. 一个所见即所得的Markdown笔记本,支持AI辅助写作和多人协作,支持自部署,使用IndexedDB存储笔记。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "editor", "gpt", "markdown", "nextjs", "notion", "openai-api", "react", "tailwindcss", "turborepo", "vercel" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "📖 A WYSIWYG notebook with AI assisted writing and real-time collaboration. Support self hosting. 一个所见即所得的Markdown笔记本,支持AI辅助写作和多人协作,支持自部署,使用IndexedDB存储笔记。", "ja": "📖 AI支援のあるリアルタイム共同作業が可能なWYSIWYGノートブック。セルフホスティングに対応しています。IndexedDBを使用してノートを保存します。", "zh-hans": "📖 一个具备AI辅助写作和实时协作功能的所见即所得笔记本。支持自主托管,使用IndexedDB存储笔记。", "zh-hant": "📖 一個具有AI輔助寫作和即時協作功能的所見即所得筆記本。支援自主託管。一個所見即所得的Markdown筆記本,支援AI輔助寫作和多人協作,支援自部署,使用IndexedDB存儲筆記。" } }, "https://github.com/nutlope/twitterbio": { "repository_name": "twitterbio", "user_name": "Nutlope", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Generate your Twitter bio with Mixtral and GPT-3.5.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Generate your Twitter bio with Mixtral and GPT-3.5.", "ja": "ミクストラルとGPT-3.5を使って、あなたのTwitterの自己紹介を生成しましょう。", "zh-hans": "使用Mixtral和GPT-3.5生成您的Twitter简介。", "zh-hant": "使用Mixtral和GPT-3.5生成您的Twitter簡介。" } }, "https://github.com/osu-nlp-group/seeact": { "repository_name": "SeeAct", "user_name": "OSU-NLP-Group", "language": "Python", "license": "Other", "description": "SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision).", "topics": [ "agent" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SeeAct is a system for generalist web agents that autonomously carry out tasks on any given website, with a focus on large multimodal models (LMMs) such as GPT-4V(ision).", "ja": "SeeActは、大規模なマルチモーダルモデル(LMM)であるGPT-4V(ision)を中心に、任意のウェブサイトで自律的にタスクを実行する一般的なウェブエージェントのためのシステムです。", "zh-hans": "SeeAct是一个用于通用网络代理的系统,可以在任何给定的网站上自主执行任务,重点是大型多模态模型(LMMs),如GPT-4V(ision)。", "zh-hant": "SeeAct是一個針對一般網頁代理人的系統,能夠自主地在任何給定的網站上執行任務,尤其關注於大型多模態模型(LMMs),如GPT-4V(ision)。" } }, "https://github.com/meetpateltech/ai-infinity": { "repository_name": "AI-Infinity", "user_name": "meetpateltech", "language": null, "license": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal", "description": "A set of AI tools that will help you explore the infinite possibilities of AI.", "topics": [ "ai", "ai-tools", "chat-gpt", "chatgpt", "tools" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A set of AI tools that will help you explore the infinite possibilities of AI.", "ja": "AIの無限の可能性を探求するのに役立つAIツールのセット。", "zh-hans": "一套人工智能工具,将帮助您探索人工智能的无限可能性。", "zh-hant": "一套AI工具,將幫助您探索人工智慧的無限可能性。" } }, "https://github.com/dqzboy/chatgpt-proxy": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Proxy", "user_name": "dqzboy", "language": "Shell", "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT Proxy", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-proxy" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT Proxy", "ja": "ChatGPTプロキシ", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT代理", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT 代理" } }, "https://github.com/bravekingzhang/flutter_chat_box": { "repository_name": "flutter_chat_box", "user_name": "bravekingzhang", "language": "Dart", "license": "Other", "description": "Flutter开发的和ChatGPT聊天的App,全平台支持", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "flutter" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "App developed with Flutter for chatting with ChatGPT, supports all platforms.", "ja": "Flutterで開発されたChatGPTとのチャットアプリ、全プラットフォーム対応", "zh-hans": "Flutter开发的和ChatGPT聊天的App,全平台支持", "zh-hant": "Flutter開發的和ChatGPT聊天的App,全平台支援" } }, "https://github.com/ist-dresden/composum-ai": { "repository_name": "composum-AI", "user_name": "ist-dresden", "language": "Java", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Artificial intelligence services for the Composum Pages CMS and Adobe AEM", "topics": [ "ai", "apache-sling-cms", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cms", "cms-framework", "composum" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Artificial intelligence services for the Composum Pages CMS and Adobe AEM", "ja": "コンポジウムページCMSとAdobe AEMのための人工知能サービス", "zh-hans": "为Composum Pages CMS和Adobe AEM提供人工智能服务", "zh-hant": "為Composum Pages CMS和Adobe AEM提供的人工智能服務" } }, "https://github.com/chain-ml/council": { "repository_name": "council", "user_name": "chain-ml", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Council is an open-source platform for the rapid development and robust deployment of customized generative AI applications", "topics": [ "agent", "ai", "artificial-intelligence", "chatgpt", "generative-ai", "gpt", "gpt3", "gpt4", "machine-learning", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Council is an open-source platform for the rapid development and robust deployment of customized generative AI applications", "ja": "Councilは、カスタマイズされた生成AIアプリケーションの迅速な開発と堅牢な展開のためのオープンソースプラットフォームです。", "zh-hans": "Council是一个开源平台,用于快速开发和强大部署定制的生成式人工智能应用程序。", "zh-hant": "Council是一個開源平台,用於快速開發和強大部署定制的生成式人工智能應用。" } }, "https://github.com/linweiyuan/go-chatgpt-api": { "repository_name": "go-chatgpt-api", "user_name": "linweiyuan", "language": "Go", "license": "MIT License", "description": "一个尝试绕过 Cloudflare 来使用 ChatGPT 接口的程序", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "一个尝试绕过 Cloudflare 来使用 ChatGPT 接口的程序", "ja": "Cloudflare を迂回して ChatGPT インターフェースを使用しようとするプログラム", "zh-hans": "一个尝试绕过 Cloudflare 来使用 ChatGPT 接口的程序", "zh-hant": "一個嘗試繞過 Cloudflare 來使用 ChatGPT 接口的程式" } }, "https://github.com/bclswl0827/chatgemini": { "repository_name": "ChatGemini", "user_name": "bclswl0827", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "✨ ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt3", "gemini", "gemini-api", "reactjs", "tailwindcss", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "✨ ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。", "ja": "✨ ChatGeminiは、Google Geminiをベースにしたウェブクライアントです。ChatGPT 3.5と同等の操作ロジックを持ち、同時にチャット中に画像をアップロードすることもサポートしています。アプリは自動的にGemini-Pro-Visionモデルを呼び出して画像認識を行います。", "zh-hans": "✨ ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。", "zh-hant": "✨ ChatGemini 是一個基於 Google Gemini 的網頁客戶端,對標 ChatGPT 3.5,操作邏輯同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同時支持在聊天中上傳圖片,應用會自動調用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型進行識圖。" } }, "https://github.com/yakgpt/yakgpt": { "repository_name": "yakGPT", "user_name": "yakGPT", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI", "ja": "ローカルで実行される、ハンズフリーのChatGPT UI", "zh-hans": "本地运行的无需手动操作的ChatGPT用户界面", "zh-hant": "本地運行,無需手動操作的ChatGPT使用者界面" } }, "https://github.com/cx2333-gt/galtransl": { "repository_name": "GalTransl", "user_name": "cx2333-gt", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Support for Galgame automated translation solutions using large language models such as GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura.", "ja": "GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakuraなどの大規模言語モデルをサポートするGalgame自動翻訳の解決策", "zh-hans": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大型语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案。", "zh-hant": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大型語言模型的Galgame自動化翻譯解決方案" } }, "https://github.com/fujiwarachoki/moneyprinter": { "repository_name": "MoneyPrinter", "user_name": "FujiwaraChoki", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Automate Creation of YouTube Shorts using MoviePy.", "topics": [ "automation", "chatgpt", "moviepy", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automate Creation of YouTube Shorts using MoviePy.", "ja": "MoviePyを使用してYouTube Shortsの作成を自動化します。", "zh-hans": "使用MoviePy自动创建YouTube Shorts。", "zh-hant": "使用MoviePy自動創建YouTube Shorts。" } }, "https://github.com/4as/chatgpt-demod": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-DeMod", "user_name": "4as", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v2.0", "description": "Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script that hides the moderation results when communicating with ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "greasemonkey", "tampermonkey", "userscript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey script that hides the moderation results when communicating with ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTとの通信時にモデレーション結果を非表示にするTampermonkey/Greasemonkeyスクリプト。", "zh-hans": "Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey脚本,用于在与ChatGPT通信时隐藏审查结果。输出:", "zh-hant": "請將以下內容翻譯成繁體中文:Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey腳本,用於在與ChatGPT通信時隱藏審核結果。" } }, "https://github.com/rotemweiss57/gpt-newspaper": { "repository_name": "gpt-newspaper", "user_name": "rotemweiss57", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "GPT based autonomous agent designed to create personalized newspapers tailored to user preferences. ", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "GPT based autonomous agent designed to create personalized newspapers tailored to user preferences.", "ja": "ユーザーの好みに合わせてカスタマイズされた個人新聞を作成するために設計されたGPTベースの自律エージェント。", "zh-hans": "基于GPT的自主代理,旨在根据用户偏好创建个性化报纸。", "zh-hant": "基於GPT的自主代理設計,旨在創建根據用戶偏好定制的個性化報紙。" } }, "https://github.com/geniucker/cogpt": { "repository_name": "CoGPT", "user_name": "Geniucker", "language": "Go", "license": "Mozilla Public License 2.0", "description": "Hmm Copilot or GPT? Who knows. Get access to gpt-4 via copilot.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Hmm Copilot or GPT? Who knows. Get access to gpt-4 via copilot.", "ja": "ん〜CopilotかGPTか?誰にもわからない。Copilotを介してgpt-4にアクセスしてみて。", "zh-hans": "嗯,副驾驶员还是GPT?谁知道呢。通过副驾驶员访问gpt-4。", "zh-hant": "嗯,Copilot還是GPT?誰知道呢。通過Copilot獲取對gpt-4的訪問。" } }, "https://github.com/kmeng01/rome": { "repository_name": "rome", "user_name": "kmeng01", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Locating and editing factual associations in GPT (NeurIPS 2022)", "topics": [ "gpt", "interpretability", "pytorch", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Locating and editing factual associations in GPT (NeurIPS 2022)", "ja": "GPT(NeurIPS 2022)内の事実関連の特定と編集", "zh-hans": "在GPT(NeurIPS 2022)中定位和编辑事实关联。", "zh-hant": "定位和編輯GPT(NeurIPS 2022)中的事實關聯" } }, "https://github.com/xcatliu/chatgpt-next": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-next", "user_name": "xcatliu", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信风格的 ChatGPT,使用 Next.js 构建,私有化部署的最佳选择!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "nextjs", "wechat" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat-style ChatGPT, built using Next.js, is the best choice for private deployment!", "ja": "微信風のChatGPT、Next.jsで構築され、プライベートデプロイメントに最適な選択肢!", "zh-hans": "微信风格的 ChatGPT,使用 Next.js 构建,私有化部署的最佳选择!", "zh-hant": "微信風格的 ChatGPT,使用 Next.js 構建,私有化部署的最佳選擇!" } }, "https://github.com/kawika-git/wechatsdk": { "repository_name": "wechatSDK", "user_name": "kawika-git", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信机器人是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "topics": [ "ai", "wechat", "wechatsdk", "weixin", "weixin-sdk", "wxsdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat robot is an innovative project developed based on Python 3.11. By combining the ChatGPT model and the native WeChat API, it provides users with intelligent chatting, automatic drawing, automatic posting on Moments, automatic posting on Video Accounts, and other diverse API integration services, aiming to enhance daily communication efficiency and fun.", "ja": "WeChatボットは、Python 3.11に基づいた革新的なプロジェクトであり、ChatGPTモデルとWeChatのネイティブAPIを組み合わせて、ユーザーにスマートなチャット、自動描画、自動的に友達に投稿、自動的に動画を投稿するなど、さまざまなAPI統合サービスを提供します。日常のコミュニケーション効率と面白さを向上させることを目的としています。", "zh-hans": "微信机器人是一个基于Python 3.11开发的创新项目,结合了ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "zh-hant": "微信機器人是一個創新的基於Python 3.11開發的項目,通過結合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,為用戶提供智能聊天、自動繪畫、自動發朋友圈、自動發視頻號等多樣的API集成服務,旨在提升日常溝通效率和趣味性。" } }, "https://github.com/baai-dcai/bunny": { "repository_name": "Bunny", "user_name": "BAAI-DCAI", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A family of lightweight multimodal models. ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "mllm", "multimodal-large-language-models", "vlm" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A family of lightweight multimodal models.", "ja": "軽量なマルチモーダルモデルのファミリー。", "zh-hans": "一家轻量级多模型。", "zh-hant": "一個輕量級多模型家族。" } }, "https://github.com/terobox/chatgpt-api-faucet": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-API-Faucet", "user_name": "terobox", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "AI 圈的水龙头网站,每24小时可领取一个令牌用于开发测试 AI 产品", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Circle's faucet website, where you can receive one token every 24 hours for developing and testing AI products.", "ja": "AIサークルの蛇口ウェブサイト、24時間ごとに1つのトークンを受け取り、AI製品の開発テストに使用できます。", "zh-hans": "AI圈的水龙头网站,每24小时可领取一个令牌用于开发测试AI产品。", "zh-hant": "AI 圈的水龍頭網站,每24小時可領取一個令牌用於開發測試 AI 產品。" } }, "https://github.com/ssmjae/welearnhelper": { "repository_name": "WELearnHelper", "user_name": "SSmJaE", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "显示WE Learn随行课堂题目答案;支持班级测试;自动答题;刷时长;基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成", "topics": [ "english-learning", "online-course", "scriptcat", "tampermonkey", "userscript", "welearn" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Display WE Learn accompanying classroom question answers; support class tests; automatic answering; time brushing; answer generation based on generative AI (ChatGPT)", "ja": "WE Learnの同行クラスの問題の答えを表示します。クラスのテストをサポートします。自動回答、学習時間を記録し、ChatGPTに基づいた回答生成を行います。", "zh-hans": "显示WE Learn随行课堂题目答案;支持班级测试;自动答题;刷时长;基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成", "zh-hant": "顯示WE Learn隨行課堂題目答案;支持班級測驗;自動答題;刷時長;基於生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成" } }, "https://github.com/devchat-ai/devchat": { "repository_name": "devchat", "user_name": "devchat-ai", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "Automate your dev tasks with AI-powered scripts, from your IDE's chat panel.", "topics": [ "ai", "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "programming", "python", "software-development", "software-engineering", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automate your dev tasks with AI-powered scripts, from your IDE's chat panel.", "ja": "AIパワードスクリプトを使用して、IDEのチャットパネルから開発タスクを自動化します。", "zh-hans": "使用AI动力脚本自动化您的开发任务,从您的IDE聊天面板开始。", "zh-hant": "使用AI驅動的腳本自動化您的開發任務,從您的IDE的聊天面板開始。" } }, "https://github.com/alfianlosari/chatgptswiftui": { "repository_name": "ChatGPTSwiftUI", "user_name": "alfianlosari", "language": "Swift", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT native iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS SwiftUI Application", "topics": [ "appletv", "applewatch", "chatgpt", "ios", "macos", "macos-app", "palm2", "palmapi", "swift", "swiftui", "tvos", "tvos-app", "watchos" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT native iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS SwiftUI Application", "ja": "ChatGPTネイティブiOS、macOS、watchOS、tvOS SwiftUIアプリケーションChatGPTネイティブiOS、macOS、watchOS、tvOS SwiftUIアプリケーション", "zh-hans": "一个ChatGPT原生的iOS、macOS、watchOS、tvOS SwiftUI应用程序", "zh-hant": "一個 ChatGPT 原生的 iOS、macOS、watchOS、tvOS SwiftUI 應用程式" } }, "https://github.com/rockchinq/qcg-installer": { "repository_name": "qcg-installer", "user_name": "RockChinQ", "language": "Go", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "ChatGPT QQ 机器人的自动安装器,自动化部署,适用于QChatGPT项目: https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "installer", "qq" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "ChatGPT QQ robot automatic installer, automated deployment, suitable for QChatGPT project: https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPT QQ ロボットの自動インストーラー、自動デプロイ、QChatGPTプロジェクト用に適用される:https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT QQ 机器人的自动安装器,自动化部署,适用于QChatGPT项目: https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT QQ 機器人的自動安裝器,自動化部署,適用於QChatGPT項目: https://github.com/RockChinQ/QChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/wechatapis/wechatsdk": { "repository_name": "wechatSDK", "user_name": "WeChatAPIs", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "微信机器人是一个创新的基于Python 3.11开发的项目,通过结合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "topics": [ "ai", "wechat", "wechatsdk", "weixin", "weixin-sdk", "wxsdk" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WeChat bot is an innovative project developed based on Python 3.11. By combining the ChatGPT model and the native WeChat API, it provides users with intelligent chatting, automatic drawing, automatic posting on Moments, automatic posting on Video Accounts, and other diverse API integration services, aiming to enhance daily communication efficiency and fun.", "ja": "WeChatボットは、Python 3.11に基づいた革新的なプロジェクトであり、ChatGPTモデルとWeChatのネイティブAPIを組み合わせて、ユーザーにスマートなチャット、自動絵画、自動フレンドサークルの投稿、自動ビデオ投稿など多様なAPI統合サービスを提供します。日常のコミュニケーション効率と面白さを向上させることを目的としています。", "zh-hans": "微信机器人是一个基于Python 3.11开发的创新项目,结合了ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,为用户提供智能聊天、自动绘画、自动发朋友圈、自动发视频号等多样的API集成服务,旨在提升日常沟通效率和趣味性。", "zh-hant": "微信機器人是一個創新的基於Python 3.11開發的項目,通過結合ChatGPT模型和微信原生API,為用戶提供智能聊天、自動繪畫、自動發朋友圈、自動發視頻號等多樣的API集成服務,旨在提升日常溝通效率和趣味性。" } }, "https://github.com/missuo/freegpt35": { "repository_name": "FreeGPT35", "user_name": "missuo", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Utilize the unlimited free GPT-3.5-Turbo API service provided by the login-free ChatGPT Web.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Utilize the unlimited free GPT-3.5-Turbo API service provided by the login-free ChatGPT Web.", "ja": "ログイン不要のChatGPT Webが提供する無制限の無料GPT-3.5-Turbo APIサービスを活用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT Web提供的无需登录的GPT-3.5-Turbo API服务,免费无限制。", "zh-hant": "使用由ChatGPT Web提供的無限免費GPT-3.5-Turbo API服務。" } }, "https://github.com/princeton-nlp/swe-agent": { "repository_name": "SWE-agent", "user_name": "princeton-nlp", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "SWE-agent takes a GitHub issue and tries to automatically fix it, using GPT-4, or your LM of choice. It solves 12.29% of bugs in the SWE-bench evaluation set and takes just 1.5 minutes to run.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "SWE-agent takes a GitHub issue and tries to automatically fix it, using GPT-4, or your LM of choice. It solves 12.29% of bugs in the SWE-bench evaluation set and takes just 1.5 minutes to run.", "ja": "SWEエージェントは、GitHubの問題を取得し、GPT-4またはお好みのLMを使用して自動的に修正しようとします。 SWEベンチ評価セットのバグの12.29%を解決し、実行にわずか1.5分かかります。", "zh-hans": "SWE代理接收一个GitHub问题,并尝试使用GPT-4或您选择的LM自动修复它。它解决了SWE基准评估集中12.29%的错误,并且只需要1.5分钟来运行。", "zh-hant": "SWE代理接收GitHub问题,并尝试使用GPT-4或您选择的LM自动修复它。它在SWE-bench评估集中解决了12.29%的错误,并仅需1.5分钟运行。" } }, "https://github.com/xd2333/galtransl": { "repository_name": "GalTransl", "user_name": "xd2333", "language": "Python", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案 Automated translation solution for visual novels supporting GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案 Automated translation solution for visual novels supporting GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura", "ja": "GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakuraなどの大規模言語モデルをサポートするビジュアルノベルの自動翻訳ソリューション", "zh-hans": "支持GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大型语言模型的Galgame自动化翻译解决方案", "zh-hant": "支援GPT-3.5/GPT-4/Newbing/Sakura等大型語言模型的視覺小說自動翻譯解決方案" } }, "https://github.com/foundationvision/var": { "repository_name": "VAR", "user_name": "FoundationVision", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[GPT beats diffusion🔥] [scaling laws in visual generation📈] Official impl. of \"Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction\"", "topics": [ "auto-regressive-model", "diffusion-models", "image-generation", "transformers" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[GPT beats diffusion🔥] [scaling laws in visual generation📈] Official impl. of \"Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction\"", "ja": "[GPTが拡散を打ち負かす🔥] [視覚生成におけるスケーリング法則📈] 「Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Next-Scale Predictionを介したスケーラブルな画像生成」の公式実装", "zh-hans": "[GPT击败扩散🔥] [视觉生成中的缩放定律📈] “视觉自回归建模:通过下一尺度预测实现可扩展图像生成”的官方实现。", "zh-hant": "[GPT擊敗擴散🔥] [視覺生成中的比例定律📈] 官方實現\"視覺自回歸建模:通過下一尺度預測實現可擴展圖像生成\"" } }, "https://github.com/cjyaddone/chatwaifu": { "repository_name": "ChatWaifu", "user_name": "cjyaddone", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Combined ChatGPT with Moegoe TTS to create a Chatting Waifu", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Combined ChatGPT with Moegoe TTS to create a Chatting Waifu", "ja": "ChatGPTとMoegoe TTSを組み合わせて、チャットするワイフを作成します。", "zh-hans": "将ChatGPT与Moegoe TTS结合,创建一个聊天娇娃", "zh-hant": "將ChatGPT與Moegoe TTS結合,創建一個聊天妻子。" } }, "https://github.com/link-agi/autoagents": { "repository_name": "AutoAgents", "user_name": "Link-AGI", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "[IJCAI 2024] Generate different roles for GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "[IJCAI 2024] Generate different roles for GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks.", "ja": "[IJCAI 2024] GPTの異なる役割を生成し、複雑なタスクのための協力エンティティを形成します。", "zh-hans": "[IJCAI 2024] 为GPT生成不同角色,形成协作实体,完成复杂任务。", "zh-hant": "[IJCAI 2024] 生成不同角色的GPT,形成協作實體,以應對複雜任務。" } }, "https://github.com/gcui-art/suno-api": { "repository_name": "suno-api", "user_name": "gcui-art", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0", "description": "Use API to call the music generation AI of suno.ai, and easily integrate it into agents like GPTs.", "topics": [ "ai", "music", "suno", "suno-ai", "suno-ai-api", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Use API to call the music generation AI of suno.ai, and easily integrate it into agents like GPTs.", "ja": "APIを使用してsuno.aiの音楽生成AIを呼び出し、GPTなどのエージェントに簡単に統合します。", "zh-hans": "使用API调用suno.ai的音乐生成AI,并轻松集成到像GPTs这样的代理中。", "zh-hant": "使用API調用suno.ai的音樂生成AI,並輕鬆集成到像GPTs這樣的代理程序中。" } }, "https://github.com/leon-fong/chatgpt-miniprogram": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-miniprogram", "user_name": "leon-fong", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "🤖 ChatGPT 小程序 ", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "miniprogram", "weixin" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖 ChatGPT Mini Program", "ja": "🤖 ChatGPT 小プログラム 出力:", "zh-hans": "🤖 ChatGPT 小程序", "zh-hant": "🤖 ChatGPT 小程式" } }, "https://github.com/vastxie/99ai": { "repository_name": "99AI", "user_name": "vastxie", "language": "JavaScript", "license": null, "description": "99AI 稳定版:基于 NineAI 二开的可商业化 AI Web 应用(免授权,无后门,支持快速部署)。目标 ALL-IN-CHAT", "topics": [ "ai", "all-in-chat", "chatgpt", "dalle", "midjourney" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "99AI Stable Version: A commercially available AI Web application based on NineAI's secondary development (no authorization required, no backdoors, supports rapid deployment). Goal: ALL-IN-CHAT", "ja": "99AI 安定版:NineAIをベースにした商用利用可能なAI Webアプリケーション(ライセンス不要、バックドアなし、迅速な展開をサポート)。目標はALL-IN-CHATです。", "zh-hans": "99AI 稳定版:基于 NineAI 二开的可商业化 AI Web 应用(免授权,无后门,支持快速部署)。目标 ALL-IN-CHAT99AI 稳定版:基于 NineAI 二开的可商业化 AI 网页应用(无需授权,无后门,支持快速部署)。目标 ALL-IN-CHAT", "zh-hant": "99AI 穩定版:基於 NineAI 二開的可商業化 AI Web 應用(免授權,無後門,支持快速部署)。目標 ALL-IN-CHAT" } }, "https://github.com/yangjian102621/geekai": { "repository_name": "geekai", "user_name": "yangjian102621", "language": "Vue", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。", "topics": [ "azure", "chatgpt", "dalle3", "element-plus", "go", "midjourney", "stable-diffusion" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI assistant full set of open source solutions, with built-in operation management background, ready to use out of the box. Integrated with large language models from multiple platforms such as ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM, Xunfei Xinghuo, Wenxin Yiyuan, etc. Supports MJ AI drawing, Stable Diffusion AI drawing, Weibo hot search and other plugin tools. Implemented using Go + Vue3 + element-plus.", "ja": "AIアシスタントの完全なオープンソースソリューションで、運用管理用のバックエンドが付属しており、すぐに使用できます。ChatGPT、Azure、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、文心一言など、複数のプラットフォームの大規模言語モデルが統合されています。MJ AIドローイング、Stable Diffusion AIドローイング、Weibo Hot Searchなどのプラグインツールをサポートしています。Go + Vue3 + element-plusを使用して実装されています。", "zh-hans": "AI助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了ChatGPT,Azure,ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持MJ AI绘画,Stable Diffusion AI绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用Go + Vue3 + element-plus实现。", "zh-hant": "AI 助手全套開源解決方案,自帶運營管理後台,開箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,訊飛星火,文心一言等多個平台的大語言模型。支持 MJ AI 繪畫,Stable Diffusion AI 繪畫,微博熱搜等插件工具。採用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 實現。" } }, "https://github.com/kx-huang/chatgpt-on-wechat": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-on-WeChat", "user_name": "kx-Huang", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "🤖️ Deploy ChatGPT on your WeChat within 2 steps! 两步在云端部署你的微信ChatGPT聊天机器人!🤖️", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "gpt-4", "railway-app", "wechat-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🤖️ Deploy ChatGPT on your WeChat within 2 steps! 两步在云端部署你的微信ChatGPT聊天机器人!🤖️", "ja": "🤖️ 2つのステップでWeChatにChatGPTを展開する方法! 两步在云端部署你的微信ChatGPT聊天机器人!🤖️", "zh-hans": "🤖️ 在您的微信上部署ChatGPT只需两步!两步在云端部署您的微信ChatGPT聊天机器人!🤖️", "zh-hant": "🤖️ 在您的微信上部署ChatGPT只需2个步骤!兩步在雲端部署您的微信ChatGPT聊天機器人!🤖️" } }, "https://github.com/chatbookai/ai-to-pptx": { "repository_name": "ai-to-pptx", "user_name": "chatbookai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0", "description": "Ai-to-pptx是一个使用AI技术(ChatGpt和Gemini)制作PPTX的助手,支持在线修改和导出PPTX。 主要功能: 1 使用ChatGPT等大语言模型来生成大纲 2 生成的内容允许用户再次修改 3 生成PPTX的时候可以选择不同的模板 4 支持在线修改PPTX的文字内容,样式,图片等 5 支持导出PPTX,PDF,PNG等多种格式", "topics": [ "ai-to-pptx", "aippt", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-pptx", "chatgpt-to-", "chatgpt-to-pptx", "pptx", "slides", "vueppt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Ai-to-pptx is an assistant that uses AI technology (ChatGpt and Gemini) to create PPTX files, supporting online editing and exporting of PPTX files. Main features include: 1. Using large language models like ChatGPT to generate outlines. 2. Generated content can be further edited by users. 3. Different templates can be selected when generating PPTX files. 4. Supports online editing of text content, styles, images, etc. in PPTX files. 5. Supports exporting PPTX files in various formats such as PDF, PNG, etc.", "ja": "Ai-to-pptxは、AI技術(ChatGptとGemini)を使用してPPTXを作成するアシスタントです。オンラインでの編集とPPTXのエクスポートをサポートしています。主な機能:1. ChatGPTなどの大規模言語モデルを使用してアウトラインを生成する。2.生成されたコンテンツをユーザーが再度編集できる。3. PPTXを生成する際に異なるテンプレートを選択できる。4.オンラインでPPTXのテキストコンテンツ、スタイル、画像などを編集できる。5. PPTX、PDF、PNGなど、さまざまな形式でエクスポートをサポートしています。", "zh-hans": "Ai-to-pptx是一個使用AI技術(ChatGpt和Gemini)製作PPTX的助手,支持在線修改和導出PPTX。 主要功能: 1 使用ChatGPT等大語言模型來生成大綱 2 生成的內容允許用戶再次修改 3 生成PPTX的時候可以選擇不同的模板 4 支持在線修改PPTX的文字內容,樣式,圖片等 5 支持導出PPTX,PDF,PNG等多種格式", "zh-hant": "Ai-to-pptx是一個使用AI技術(ChatGpt和Gemini)製作PPTX的助手,支持線上修改和匯出PPTX。 主要功能: 1 使用ChatGPT等大語言模型來生成大綱 2 生成的內容允許用戶再次修改 3 生成PPTX的時候可以選擇不同的模板 4 支持線上修改PPTX的文字內容,樣式,圖片等 5 支持匯出PPTX,PDF,PNG等多種格式" } }, "https://github.com/beachwang/dail-sql": { "repository_name": "DAIL-SQL", "user_name": "BeachWang", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "A efficient and effective few-shot NL2SQL method on GPT-4.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A efficient and effective few-shot NL2SQL method on GPT-4.", "ja": "GPT-4上で効率的かつ効果的なフューショットNL2SQLメソッド。", "zh-hans": "一个高效且有效的少样本NL2SQL方法在GPT-4上。", "zh-hant": "一種高效且有效的少樣本NL2SQL方法在GPT-4上。" } }, "https://github.com/lucgagan/auto-playwright": { "repository_name": "auto-playwright", "user_name": "lucgagan", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Automating Playwright steps using ChatGPT.", "topics": [ "ai", "playwright" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Automating Playwright steps using ChatGPT.", "ja": "ChatGPTを使用してPlaywrightのステップを自動化する。", "zh-hans": "使用ChatGPT自动化Playwright步骤。", "zh-hant": "使用ChatGPT自動化Playwright步驟。" } }, "https://github.com/idootop/mi-gpt": { "repository_name": "mi-gpt", "user_name": "idootop", "language": "TypeScript", "license": null, "description": "🏠 将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Connect the Xiaoai speaker to ChatGPT and Douyin, and transform it into your exclusive voice assistant.", "ja": "🏠 小愛音箱をChatGPTと豆包に接続し、あなた専用の音声アシスタントに改造します。", "zh-hans": "🏠 将小爱音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的专属语音助手。", "zh-hant": "🏠 將小愛音箱接入 ChatGPT 和豆包,改造成你的專屬語音助手。" } }, "https://github.com/allyourbot/hostedgpt": { "repository_name": "hostedgpt", "user_name": "AllYourBot", "language": "Ruby", "license": "MIT License", "description": "An open version of ChatGPT you can host anywhere or run locally.", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "An open version of ChatGPT you can host anywhere or run locally.", "ja": "どこでもホストできる、またはローカルで実行できるChatGPTのオープンバージョン。", "zh-hans": "一个开放版本的ChatGPT,您可以在任何地方托管或本地运行。", "zh-hant": "一個開放版本的ChatGPT,您可以在任何地方主持或在本地運行。" } }, "https://github.com/typingmind/typingmind": { "repository_name": "typingmind", "user_name": "TypingMind", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "Other", "description": "The most advanced Web UI for AI chat", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-ui", "claude", "claude2", "gemini", "gemini-pro", "gpt-4", "gpt-4-turbo", "gpt-4-vision", "typingmind", "webui" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The most advanced Web UI for AI chat", "ja": "AIチャットのための最も先進的なWeb UI", "zh-hans": "AI聊天的最先进的Web用户界面", "zh-hant": "AI聊天的最先進Web UI" } }, "https://github.com/reflex-dev/reflex-chat": { "repository_name": "reflex-chat", "user_name": "reflex-dev", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A ChatGPT clone built in Reflex", "topics": [ "chat-application", "chatgpt", "llms", "python" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A ChatGPT clone built in Reflex", "ja": "Reflexで構築されたChatGPTのクローン", "zh-hans": "一个在Reflex中构建的ChatGPT克隆", "zh-hant": "在 Reflex 中构建的 ChatGPT 克隆" } }, "https://github.com/cosmosshadow/gptpdf": { "repository_name": "gptpdf", "user_name": "CosmosShadow", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "Using GPT to parse PDF", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Using GPT to parse PDF", "ja": "PDFを解析するためにGPTを使用します。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT解析PDF", "zh-hant": "使用GPT解析PDF" } }, "https://github.com/guangzhengli/vectorhub": { "repository_name": "vectorhub", "user_name": "guangzhengli", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Quickly and easily build AI website or application by using embeddings!", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatpdf", "embedding", "embeddings", "gpt", "gpt-3", "nextjs", "supabase", "vector", "vector-database" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Quickly and easily build AI website or application by using embeddings!", "ja": "埋め込みを使用して、簡単かつ迅速にAIウェブサイトやアプリケーションを構築できます!", "zh-hans": "通过使用嵌入技术,快速轻松地构建人工智能网站或应用程序!", "zh-hant": "快速且輕鬆地使用嵌入式技術來建立人工智慧網站或應用程式!" } }, "https://github.com/ozgrozer/chatgpt-artifacts": { "repository_name": "chatgpt-artifacts", "user_name": "ozgrozer", "language": "JavaScript", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Bring Claude's Artifacts feature to ChatGPT", "topics": [ "artifacts", "chatgpt", "claude" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Bring Claude's Artifacts feature to ChatGPT", "ja": "ChatGPTにクロードの遺物機能を持ってきてください。", "zh-hans": "将克劳德的文物功能带到ChatGPT", "zh-hant": "將克勞德的文物功能帶到ChatGPT" } }, "https://github.com/protofy-xyz/protofy": { "repository_name": "Protofy", "user_name": "Protofy-xyz", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "AI Supercharged LowCode Platform CMS and Framework 🚀🚀", "topics": [ "api", "backend", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "cms", "esphome", "express", "frontend", "full-stack", "fullstack", "iot", "leveldb", "low-code", "monorepo", "nextjs", "react", "reactjs", "redbird", "tamagui", "typescript" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI Supercharged LowCode Platform CMS and Framework 🚀🚀", "ja": "AI スーパーチャージド ローコードプラットフォーム CMS およびフレームワーク 🚀🚀", "zh-hans": "AI 强化的低代码平台 CMS 和框架 🚀🚀", "zh-hant": "AI 強化的 LowCode 平台 CMS 和框架 🚀🚀" } }, "https://github.com/go2coding/go2coding.github.io": { "repository_name": "go2coding.github.io", "user_name": "go2coding", "language": "HTML", "license": null, "description": "AI工具导航,免费chatgpt,chatgpt4,midjourney,notion ai,tome.app", "topics": [ "chatgpt" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "AI工具导航,免费chatgpt,chatgpt4,midjourney,notion ai,tome.app", "ja": "AIツールナビゲーション、無料のchatgpt、chatgpt4、midjourney、notion ai、tome.app", "zh-hans": "AI工具导航,免费chatgpt,chatgpt4,midjourney,notion ai,tome.app", "zh-hant": "AI工具導航,免費chatgpt,chatgpt4,midjourney,notion ai,tome.app" } }, "https://github.com/putyy/chatgpt": { "repository_name": "chatgpt", "user_name": "putyy", "language": "PHP", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin 实现的 chatgpt应用,支持小程序、h5、app!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin 实现的 chatgpt应用,支持小程序、h5、app!", "ja": "uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin で実装された chatgptアプリ、小プログラム、h5、アプリをサポートしています!", "zh-hans": "使用uniapp和hyperf MineAdmin实现的chatgpt应用,支持小程序、h5、app!", "zh-hant": "Input: uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin 實現的 chatgpt應用,支持小程序、h5、app!Output: uniapp、hyperf MineAdmin 實現的 chatgpt應用,支持小程序、h5、app!" } }, "https://github.com/christopher-hayes/vscode-chatgpt-reborn": { "repository_name": "vscode-chatgpt-reborn", "user_name": "Christopher-Hayes", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.", "ja": "VSCodeでコードをリファクタリング、改善、デバッグするために、GPT-3とGPT-4を使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3和GPT-4在VSCode中重构、改进和调试您的代码。", "zh-hant": "在VSCode中使用GPT-3和GPT-4重構、改進和除錯您的代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/xiaoming2028/chatgpt-makes-money": { "repository_name": "Chatgpt-Makes-Money", "user_name": "xiaoming2028", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT副业赚钱技巧必看, ChatGPT副业赚钱秘籍, ChatGPT从入门到精通", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-bot" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: Must-see tips for making money with ChatGPT as a side job, ChatGPT money-making secrets, ChatGPT from beginner to expertOutput: Must-see tips for making money with ChatGPT as a side job, ChatGPT money-making secrets, ChatGPT from beginner to expert", "ja": "Input: ChatGPT side hustle money-making tips must-see, ChatGPT side hustle money-making cheats, ChatGPT from beginner to expertOutput: ChatGPT副業でお金を稼ぐための必見のヒント、ChatGPT副業でお金を稼ぐための秘訣、ChatGPTの初心者からエキスパートまで", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT副业赚钱技巧必看,ChatGPT副业赚钱秘籍,ChatGPT从入门到精通", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT副業賺錢技巧必看, ChatGPT副業賺錢秘笈, ChatGPT從入門到精通" } }, "https://github.com/sendbird/sendbird-uikit-react": { "repository_name": "sendbird-uikit-react", "user_name": "sendbird", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build chat in minutes with Sendbird UIKit open source code.", "topics": [ "api-for-chat", "bard", "chat-api", "chat-api-platform", "chat-platform", "chat-sdk", "chat-ui", "chatbot-api", "chatbot-sdk", "chatbot-ui", "chatgpt", "communications-platform", "genai-chatbot", "genai-chatbot-api", "gpt-powered-chatbot", "llama2", "messaging-api", "messaging-platform", "messaging-sdk", "palm2" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build chat in minutes with Sendbird UIKit open source code.", "ja": "Sendbird UIKitのオープンソースコードを使用して、数分でチャットを構築できます。", "zh-hans": "使用Sendbird UIKit开源代码,可以在几分钟内构建聊天功能。", "zh-hant": "使用Sendbird UIKit開源代碼,幾分鐘內建立聊天功能。" } }, "https://github.com/blixt/sol-mate-eink": { "repository_name": "sol-mate-eink", "user_name": "blixt", "language": "Python", "license": null, "description": "The Sol Mate GPT but on your e-Paper display!", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The Sol Mate GPT but on your e-Paper display!", "ja": "Sol Mate GPTをあなたの電子ペーパーディスプレイで使用できます!", "zh-hans": "Sol Mate GPT但在您的电子纸显示屏上!", "zh-hant": "在您的電子紙顯示器上使用Sol Mate GPT!" } }, "https://github.com/ainativelab/gptstore-data-backup": { "repository_name": "gptstore-data-backup", "user_name": "AINativeLab", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "The daily archive of GPT Store's trending data", "topics": [ "gpt", "gpt-store", "gpts", "gptsstore", "gptstore" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "The daily archive of GPT Store's trending data", "ja": "GPTストアのトレンドデータの日次アーカイブ", "zh-hans": "GPT Store每日热门数据存档", "zh-hant": "GPT Store每日熱門數據存檔" } }, "https://github.com/axiba053/chatgpt-airport-tizi-fanqiang": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-airport-tizi-fanqiang", "user_name": "axiba053", "language": null, "license": null, "description": "ChatGPT科学上网梯子机场推荐,GPT4升级教程,Claude-3免费使用教程", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Input: ChatGPT scientific internet access ladder recommended, GPT4 upgrade tutorial, Claude-3 free usage tutorialOutput: ChatGPT scientific internet access ladder recommended, GPT4 upgrade tutorial, Claude-3 free usage tutorial", "ja": "ChatGPT科学上网梯子サービスのおすすめ、GPT4のアップグレード方法、Claude-3の無料利用方法", "zh-hans": "ChatGPT科学上网梯子机场推荐,GPT4升级教程,Claude-3免费使用教程ChatGPT科学上网梯子机场推荐,GPT4升级教程,Claude-3免费使用教程", "zh-hant": "ChatGPT科學上網梯子機場推薦,GPT4升級教程,Claude-3免費使用教程" } }, "https://github.com/vscode-reborn-ai/vscode-reborn-ai": { "repository_name": "vscode-reborn-ai", "user_name": "vscode-reborn-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "ISC License", "description": "Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "gpt-3", "gpt-4", "vscode-extension" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Refactor, improve, and debug your code in VSCode with GPT-3 and GPT-4.", "ja": "VSCodeでコードをリファクタリング、改善、デバッグするために、GPT-3とGPT-4を使用してください。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT-3和GPT-4在VSCode中重构、改进和调试您的代码。", "zh-hant": "在VSCode中使用GPT-3和GPT-4重構、改進和除錯您的代碼。" } }, "https://github.com/ruvnet/gpts": { "repository_name": "gpts", "user_name": "ruvnet", "language": null, "license": "MIT License", "description": "A collection of the GPTs created by rUv", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A collection of the GPTs created by rUv", "ja": "rUvによって作成されたGPTのコレクション", "zh-hans": "rUv创建的GPT集合", "zh-hant": "rUv創建的GPT集合" } }, "https://github.com/getomni-ai/zerox": { "repository_name": "zerox", "user_name": "getomni-ai", "language": "TypeScript", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Zero shot pdf OCR with gpt-4o-mini", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Zero shot pdf OCR with gpt-4o-mini", "ja": "ゼロショットpdf OCR with gpt-4o-mini", "zh-hans": "零射击pdf OCR与gpt-4o-mini", "zh-hant": "使用gpt-4o-mini进行零射击pdf OCR" } }, "https://github.com/jimliu/gpt-games": { "repository_name": "gpt-games", "user_name": "JimLiu", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "Build games with GPT", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Build games with GPT", "ja": "GPTを使用してゲームを作成します。", "zh-hans": "使用GPT构建游戏", "zh-hant": "使用GPT建立遊戲" } }, "https://github.com/mon-ius/docker-warp-socks": { "repository_name": "Docker-Warp-Socks", "user_name": "Mon-ius", "language": "Shell", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "Connet to CloudFlare WARP, exposing `socks5` proxy all together.", "topics": [ "chatgpt", "cloudflare", "docker", "warp-plus", "wireguard" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "Connet to CloudFlare WARP, exposing `socks5` proxy all together.", "ja": "CloudFlare WARPに接続し、一緒に`socks5`プロキシを公開します。", "zh-hans": "连接到CloudFlare WARP,同时暴露`soks5`代理。", "zh-hant": "連接到CloudFlare WARP,一起暴露`socls5`代理。" } }, "https://github.com/ai-secure/decodingtrust": { "repository_name": "DecodingTrust", "user_name": "AI-secure", "language": "Python", "license": "Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International", "description": "A Comprehensive Assessment of Trustworthiness in GPT Models", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A Comprehensive Assessment of Trustworthiness in GPT Models", "ja": "GPTモデルの信頼性に関する包括的評価", "zh-hans": "GPT模型信誉度的综合评估", "zh-hant": "GPT模型信任度的全面評估" } }, "https://github.com/ugorsahin/talkingheads": { "repository_name": "TalkingHeads", "user_name": "ugorsahin", "language": "Python", "license": "MIT License", "description": "A library to communicate with ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot, Gemini, HuggingChat, and Pi", "topics": [ "browser-automation", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "claude", "copilot", "free", "gemini", "huggingchat", "llm-inference", "python", "selenium", "undetected-chromedriver" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "A library to communicate with ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot, Gemini, HuggingChat, and Pi", "ja": "ChatGPT、Claude、Copilot、Gemini、HuggingChat、およびPiと通信するためのライブラリ", "zh-hans": "一个用于与ChatGPT、Claude、Copilot、Gemini、HuggingChat和Pi进行通信的库", "zh-hant": "一個與ChatGPT、Claude、Copilot、Gemini、HuggingChat和Pi通信的圖書館" } }, "https://github.com/dairoot/chatgpt-mirror": { "repository_name": "ChatGPT-Mirror", "user_name": "dairoot", "language": "Dockerfile", "license": "GNU General Public License v3.0", "description": "🚀 一键部署自己的 ChatGPT 镜像站", "topics": [ "chatapi", "chatgpt", "chatgpt-api", "chatgpt-plus", "chatgpt-share" ], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "🚀 One-click deployment of your own ChatGPT mirror site", "ja": "🚀 自分のChatGPTイメージサイトをワンクリックでデプロイ", "zh-hans": "🚀 一键部署您自己的 ChatGPT 镜像站", "zh-hant": "🚀 一鍵部署自己的 ChatGPT 鏡像站" } }, "https://github.com/winninghealth/wingpt2": { "repository_name": "WiNGPT2", "user_name": "winninghealth", "language": "Python", "license": "Apache License 2.0", "description": "WiNGPT是一个基于GPT的医疗垂直领域大模型,旨在将专业的医学知识、医疗信息、数据融会贯通,为医疗行业提供智能化的医疗问答、诊断支持和医学知识等信息服务,提高诊疗效率和医疗服务质量。", "topics": [], "multilingual_descriptions": { "en": "WiNGPT is a large model in the medical vertical field based on GPT, aiming to integrate professional medical knowledge, medical information, and data to provide intelligent medical question and answer, diagnostic support, and medical knowledge services for the medical industry, improving diagnostic efficiency and the quality of medical services.", "ja": "WiNGPTは、GPTを基にした医療分野の大規模モデルであり、専門の医学知識、医療情報、データを統合し、医療業界に知識を提供するためのインテリジェントな医療質問、診断支援、医学知識などの情報サービスを提供し、診療効率と医療サービスの質を向上させることを目的としています。", "zh-hans": "WiNGPT是一个基于GPT的医疗垂直领域大模型,旨在将专业的医学知识、医疗信息、数据融会贯通,为医疗行业提供智能化的医疗问答、诊断支持和医学知识等信息服务,提高诊疗效率和医疗服务质量。", "zh-hant": "WiNGPT是一個基於GPT的醫療垂直領域大模型,旨在將專業的醫學知識、醫療信息、數據融會貫通,為醫療行業提供智能化的醫療問答、診斷支持和醫學知識等信息服務,提高診療效率和醫療服務質量。" } } } } }