import os import fitz from pptx import Presentation import subprocess from datetime import datetime from llama_index.core import Document from utils import ( describe_image, is_graph, process_graph, extract_text_around_item, process_text_blocks, save_uploaded_file ) def get_pdf_documents(pdf_file): """Process a PDF file and extract text, tables, and images.""" all_pdf_documents = [] ongoing_tables = {} try: f =, filetype="pdf") except Exception as e: print(f"Error opening or processing the PDF file: {e}") return [] for i in range(len(f)): page = f[i] text_blocks = [block for block in page.get_text("blocks", sort=True) if block[-1] == 0 and not (block[1] < page.rect.height * 0.1 or block[3] > page.rect.height * 0.9)] grouped_text_blocks = process_text_blocks(text_blocks) table_docs, table_bboxes, ongoing_tables = parse_all_tables(, page, i, text_blocks, ongoing_tables) all_pdf_documents.extend(table_docs) image_docs = parse_all_images(, page, i, text_blocks) all_pdf_documents.extend(image_docs) for text_block_ctr, (heading_block, content) in enumerate(grouped_text_blocks, 1): heading_bbox = fitz.Rect(heading_block[:4]) if not any(heading_bbox.intersects(table_bbox) for table_bbox in table_bboxes): bbox = {"x1": heading_block[0], "y1": heading_block[1], "x2": heading_block[2], "x3": heading_block[3]} text_doc = Document( text=f"{heading_block[4]}\n{content}", metadata={ **bbox, "type": "text", "page_num": i, "source": f"{[:-4]}-page{i}-block{text_block_ctr}" }, id_=f"{[:-4]}-page{i}-block{text_block_ctr}" ) all_pdf_documents.append(text_doc) f.close() return all_pdf_documents def parse_all_tables(filename, page, pagenum, text_blocks, ongoing_tables): """Extract tables from a PDF page.""" table_docs = [] table_bboxes = [] try: tables = page.find_tables(horizontal_strategy="lines_strict", vertical_strategy="lines_strict") for tab in tables: if not tab.header.external: pandas_df = tab.to_pandas() tablerefdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "vectorstore/table_references") os.makedirs(tablerefdir, exist_ok=True) df_xlsx_path = os.path.join(tablerefdir, f"table{len(table_docs)+1}-page{pagenum}.xlsx") pandas_df.to_excel(df_xlsx_path) bbox = fitz.Rect(tab.bbox) table_bboxes.append(bbox) before_text, after_text = extract_text_around_item(text_blocks, bbox, page.rect.height) table_img = page.get_pixmap(clip=bbox) table_img_path = os.path.join(tablerefdir, f"table{len(table_docs)+1}-page{pagenum}.jpg") description = process_graph(table_img.tobytes()) caption = before_text.replace("\n", " ") + description + after_text.replace("\n", " ") if before_text == "" and after_text == "": caption = " ".join(tab.header.names) table_metadata = { "source": f"{filename[:-4]}-page{pagenum}-table{len(table_docs)+1}", "dataframe": df_xlsx_path, "image": table_img_path, "caption": caption, "type": "table", "page_num": pagenum } all_cols = ", ".join(list(pandas_df.columns.values)) doc = Document(text=f"This is a table with the caption: {caption}\nThe columns are {all_cols}", metadata=table_metadata) table_docs.append(doc) except Exception as e: print(f"Error during table extraction: {e}") return table_docs, table_bboxes, ongoing_tables def parse_all_images(filename, page, pagenum, text_blocks): """Extract images from a PDF page.""" image_docs = [] image_info_list = page.get_image_info(xrefs=True) page_rect = page.rect for image_info in image_info_list: xref = image_info['xref'] if xref == 0: continue img_bbox = fitz.Rect(image_info['bbox']) if img_bbox.width < page_rect.width / 20 or img_bbox.height < page_rect.height / 20: continue extracted_image = page.parent.extract_image(xref) image_data = extracted_image["image"] imgrefpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "vectorstore/image_references") os.makedirs(imgrefpath, exist_ok=True) image_path = os.path.join(imgrefpath, f"image{xref}-page{pagenum}.png") with open(image_path, "wb") as img_file: img_file.write(image_data) before_text, after_text = extract_text_around_item(text_blocks, img_bbox, page.rect.height) if before_text == "" and after_text == "": continue image_description = " " if is_graph(image_data): image_description = process_graph(image_data) caption = before_text.replace("\n", " ") + image_description + after_text.replace("\n", " ") image_metadata = { "source": f"{filename[:-4]}-page{pagenum}-image{xref}", "image": image_path, "caption": caption, "type": "image", "page_num": pagenum } image_docs.append(Document(text="This is an image with the caption: " + caption, metadata=image_metadata)) return image_docs def process_ppt_file(ppt_path): """Process a PowerPoint file.""" pdf_path = convert_ppt_to_pdf(ppt_path) images_data = convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_path) slide_texts = extract_text_and_notes_from_ppt(ppt_path) processed_data = [] for (image_path, page_num), (slide_text, notes) in zip(images_data, slide_texts): if notes: notes = "\n\nThe speaker notes for this slide are: " + notes with open(image_path, 'rb') as image_file: image_content = image_description = " " if is_graph(image_content): image_description = process_graph(image_content) image_metadata = { "source": f"{os.path.basename(ppt_path)}", "image": image_path, "caption": slide_text + image_description + notes, "type": "image", "page_num": page_num } processed_data.append(Document(text="This is a slide with the text: " + slide_text + image_description, metadata=image_metadata)) return processed_data def convert_ppt_to_pdf(ppt_path): """Convert a PowerPoint file to PDF using LibreOffice.""" base_name = os.path.basename(ppt_path) ppt_name_without_ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0].replace(' ', '_') new_dir_path = os.path.abspath("vectorstore/ppt_references") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) pdf_path = os.path.join(new_dir_path, f"{ppt_name_without_ext}.pdf") command = ['libreoffice', '--headless', '--convert-to', 'pdf', '--outdir', new_dir_path, ppt_path], check=True) return pdf_path def convert_pdf_to_images(pdf_path): """Convert a PDF file to a series of images using PyMuPDF.""" doc = base_name = os.path.basename(pdf_path) pdf_name_without_ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)[0].replace(' ', '_') new_dir_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "vectorstore/ppt_references") os.makedirs(new_dir_path, exist_ok=True) image_paths = [] for page_num in range(len(doc)): page = doc.load_page(page_num) pix = page.get_pixmap() output_image_path = os.path.join(new_dir_path, f"{pdf_name_without_ext}_{page_num:04d}.png") image_paths.append((output_image_path, page_num)) doc.close() return image_paths def extract_text_and_notes_from_ppt(ppt_path): """Extract text and notes from a PowerPoint file.""" prs = Presentation(ppt_path) text_and_notes = [] for slide in prs.slides: slide_text = ' '.join([shape.text for shape in slide.shapes if hasattr(shape, "text")]) try: notes = slide.notes_slide.notes_text_frame.text if slide.notes_slide else '' except: notes = '' text_and_notes.append((slide_text, notes)) return text_and_notes def load_multimodal_data(files): """Load and process multiple file types with timestamp metadata.""" documents = [] for file in files: # Get current timestamp current_timestamp = file_extension = os.path.splitext(file.lower())[1] if file_extension in ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'): image_content = open(file, "rb").read() image_text = describe_image(image_content) doc = Document( text=image_text, metadata={ "source": file.lower(), "type": "image", "timestamp": current_timestamp } ) documents.append(doc) elif file_extension == '.pdf': try: pdf_documents = get_pdf_documents(file) # Add timestamp to each PDF document for pdf_doc in pdf_documents: pdf_doc.metadata['timestamp'] = current_timestamp documents.extend(pdf_documents) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing PDF {file.lower()}: {e}") elif file_extension in ('.ppt', '.pptx'): try: ppt_documents = process_ppt_file(save_uploaded_file(file)) # Add timestamp to each PPT document for ppt_doc in ppt_documents: ppt_doc.metadata['timestamp'] = current_timestamp documents.extend(ppt_documents) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing PPT {file.lower()}: {e}") else: text ="utf-8") doc = Document( text=text, metadata={ "source": file.lower(), "type": "text", "timestamp": current_timestamp } ) documents.append(doc) return documents def load_data_from_directory(directory): """Load and process multiple file types from a directory with timestamp metadata.""" documents = [] for filename in os.listdir(directory): filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) # Get current timestamp current_timestamp = file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename.lower())[1] print(filename) if file_extension in ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'): with open(filepath, "rb") as image_file: image_content = image_text = describe_image(image_content) doc = Document( text=image_text, metadata={ "source": filename, "type": "image", "timestamp": current_timestamp } ) print(doc) documents.append(doc) elif file_extension == '.pdf': with open(filepath, "rb") as pdf_file: try: pdf_documents = get_pdf_documents(pdf_file) # Add timestamp to each PDF document for pdf_doc in pdf_documents: pdf_doc.metadata['timestamp'] = current_timestamp documents.extend(pdf_documents) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing PDF {filename}: {e}") elif file_extension in ('.ppt', '.pptx'): try: ppt_documents = process_ppt_file(filepath) # Add timestamp to each PPT document for ppt_doc in ppt_documents: ppt_doc.metadata['timestamp'] = current_timestamp documents.extend(ppt_documents) print(ppt_documents) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing PPT {filename}: {e}") else: with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as text_file: text = doc = Document( text=text, metadata={ "source": filename, "type": "text", "timestamp": current_timestamp } ) documents.append(doc) return documents