webcrawler / app.py
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Update app.py
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import requests
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
import hmac
import os
import time
from PIL import Image
from trend_crawl import get_trends
import re
1: "Autos and Vehicles",
2: "Beauty and Fashion",
3: "Business and Finance",
20: "Climate",
4: "Entertainment",
5: "Food and Drink",
6: "Games",
7: "Health",
8: "Hobbies and Leisure",
9: "Jobs and Education",
10: "Law and Government",
11: "Other",
13: "Pets and Animals",
14: "Politics",
15: "Science",
16: "Shopping",
17: "Sports",
18: "Technology",
19: "Travel and Transportation"
def parse_url(url):
response = requests.get(url)
root = ET.fromstring(response.content)
return root
def convert_into_dict(req_json):
result = {}
# Iterate over each category in the JSON data
for category, entries in req_json.items():
# Initialize the category if not already in result
if category not in result:
result[category] = {}
for entry in entries:
# Extract 'entityName' and 'searchQueries' from 'static_data'
static_data = entry.get("static_data", [])
if static_data and len(static_data[0]) >= 4:
entity_name = static_data[0][0] # First element
search_queries = static_data[0][3] # Fourth element
entity_name = None
search_queries = None
# Initialize the entity under the category if not already present
if entity_name:
if entity_name not in result[category]:
result[category][entity_name] = {
"searchQueries": search_queries,
"articles": []
# Extract articles from 'dynamic_data'
articles = entry.get("dynamic_data", {}).get("article", [])
for article in articles:
href = article.get("href")
article_title = article.get("title")
# Append the article information to the corresponding entity's article list
"href": href,
"title": article_title
return result
def find_details(req_json, gewünschter_titel):
gewünschte_details = []
for trend_info in req_json:
if trend_info['title'] == gewünschter_titel:
for article in trend_info['articles']:
article_details = {
'url': article['url'],
'snippet': article['snippet'],
'articleTitle': article['articleTitle'],
'time': article['time'],
'source' : article['source']
return gewünschte_details
def find_details2(req_json):
gewünschte_details = []
for article in req_json:
article_details = {
'url': article['url'],
'snippet': article['snippet'],
'articleTitle': article['title'],
'source' : article['source']
return gewünschte_details
if 'reset' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.reset = False
def display_trends_from_yesterday():
checkbox_statuses = {}
urls = []
timezone = 'Europe/Vienna'
today = datetime.now(pytz.timezone(timezone)).date()
feed = parse_url(feed_url1)
entries = []
ns = {'ht': 'https://trends.google.de/trends/trendingsearches/daily'} # Define namespace
for item in feed.findall('.//item'):
pubDate = datetime.strptime(item.find('pubDate').text, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z').date()
# Filter: Überspringe, wenn pubDate heute ist
if pubDate == today:
entry = {
'title': item.find('title').text,
'pubDate': item.find('pubDate').text,
'approx_traffic': item.find('ht:approx_traffic', ns).text if item.find('ht:approx_traffic', ns) is not None else None,
'news_items': []
for news_item in item.findall('ht:news_item', ns):
news_details = {
'title': news_item.find('ht:news_item_title', ns).text,
'snippet': news_item.find('ht:news_item_snippet', ns).text,
'url': news_item.find('ht:news_item_url', ns).text,
'source': news_item.find('ht:news_item_source', ns).text
count = 1
for entry in entries:
with st.expander(f"{count}{entry['title']} | Generated Traffic: {entry['approx_traffic']}"):
st.write(f"Veröffentlichungsdatum : {entry['pubDate']}")
for count2, link in enumerate(entry['news_items'], start=1):
checkbox_label = f"yesterday_{count}_{count2}"
if st.session_state.reset:
st.session_state[checkbox_label] = False
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = st.session_state.get(checkbox_label, False)
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = st.checkbox(
f"{count2}{link['title']} | {link['source']} | [Go To →]({link['url']})",
if checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label]:
# Button am Ende des Expanders
base_url = os.getenv("url")
query_params = "&".join([f"article-links[]={url}" for url in urls])
full_url = f"{base_url}{query_params}"
st.link_button("Open All Links" , url= full_url)
count += 1
# Function to display articles for a specific category
def display_articles_for_category(category):
checkbox_statuses = {}
urls = []
trending_data = st.session_state["real_trending_searches"][selected_country][selected_country][category]
if st.session_state.get("reset", False):
for idx, (topic, data) in enumerate(trending_data.items()):
for article_index, _ in enumerate(data["articles"]):
checkbox_label = f"{category}_{idx}_{article_index + 1}"
st.session_state[checkbox_label] = False
for idx, (topic, data) in enumerate(trending_data.items()):
with st.expander(f"{idx + 1}{topic} | Generated Traffic: {data['searchQueries']}"):
for article_index, article in enumerate(data["articles"], start=1):
checkbox_label = f"{category}_{idx}_{article_index}"
current_value = st.session_state.get(checkbox_label, False)
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = current_value
disabled = (not current_value) and (sum(checkbox_statuses.values()) >= MAX_CHECKED)
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = st.checkbox(
f"{article_index}{article['title']} | [Go To →]({article['href']})",
if checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label]:
base_url = os.getenv("url", "https://example.com/?")
query_params = "&".join([f"article-links[]={u}" for u in urls])
full_url = f"{base_url}{query_params}"
st.link_button("Open All Links", url=full_url)
# Funktion zum Rendern von Artikeln für heute
def display_articles_for_today(count, index):
checkbox_statuses = {}
urls = []
# Dictionary zur Verwaltung des Status jeder Checkbox
for count2, url in enumerate(index['articles'], start=1):
checkbox_label = f"today_{count}_{count2}"
if st.session_state.reset:
st.session_state[checkbox_label] = False
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = st.session_state.get(checkbox_label, False)
with st.expander(f"{count+1}{index['title']['query']} | Generated Traffic: {index['formattedTraffic']}"):
articles = find_details2(index['articles'])
for count2, url in enumerate(articles, start=1):
checkbox_label = f"today_{count}_{count2}"
disabled = not checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] and sum(checkbox_statuses.values()) >= MAX_CHECKED
checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label] = st.checkbox(
f"{count2}{url['articleTitle']} | {url['source']} | [Go To →]({url['url']})",
if checkbox_statuses[checkbox_label]:
# Button am Ende des Expanders
base_url = os.getenv("url")
query_params = "&".join([f"article-links[]={url}" for url in urls])
full_url = f"{base_url}{query_params}"
st.link_button("Open All Links" , url= full_url)
country_list = {
"Germamy" : "DE",
"Austria" : "AT"
if 'base_load_finished' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["real_trending_searches"] = {}
st.session_state["base_data"] = {}
st.session_state["pn"] = "AT"
if 'base_load_finished' not in st.session_state or st.session_state.reset:
with st.spinner("Loading Trends"):
st.session_state["today"] = {}
st.session_state["base"] = {}
for country_name, pn_option in country_list.items():
st.session_state["base_data"][pn_option] = {}
st.session_state["real_trending_searches"][pn_option] = {}
st.session_state["real_trending_searches"][pn_option] = get_trends([pn_option])
st.session_state["base_load_finished"]= True
def check_password():
"""Returns `True` if the user had the correct password."""
def password_entered():
"""Checks whether a password entered by the user is correct."""
if hmac.compare_digest(st.session_state["password"], os.environ.get("PASSWORD")):
st.session_state["password_correct"] = True
del st.session_state["password"] # Don't store the password.
st.session_state["password_correct"] = False
# Return True if the password is validated.
if st.session_state.get("password_correct", False):
return True
# Show input for password.
"Password", type="password", on_change=password_entered, key="password"
if "password_correct" in st.session_state:
st.error("😕 Password incorrect")
return False
if not check_password():
st.stop() # Do not continue if check_password is not True.
fixed_order = [
"All categories",
"Autos and Vehicles",
"Beauty and Fashion",
"Business and Finance",
"Food and Drink",
"Hobbies and Leisure",
"Jobs and Education",
"Law and Government",
"Pets and Animals",
"Travel and Transportation",
if 'selected_option' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['selected_option'] = "default_value"
img = Image.open(r"heute_tensora.png")
# Selectbox to choose a country
selected_country = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a Country", ["AT", "DE"])
feed_url1 = f'https://trends.google.de/trends/trendingsearches/daily/rss?geo={selected_country}'
# Button to trigger actions
if st.sidebar.button("Change Country"):
if selected_country == "AT":
st.session_state["pn"] = selected_country
elif selected_country == "DE":
st.session_state["pn"] = selected_country
selected_option = st.sidebar.radio("Choose an option", ["Realzeit Anfragen", "Trends von Gestern"])#, "Tagesaktuelle Anfragen"
st.warning("Die aufgelisteten Keywörter für erhöhte Reichweite in den Überschriften verwenden")
#if selected_option == "Tagesaktuelle Anfragen":
# for count, index in enumerate(st.session_state["today"][selected_country], start=0):
# try:
# display_articles_for_today(count, index)
# except Exception as e:
# st.code(e)
# continue
if selected_option == "Realzeit Anfragen":
available_topics = st.session_state["real_trending_searches"][selected_country][selected_country].keys()
filtered_topics = [topic for topic in TREND_TOPICS.values() if topic in available_topics]
all_topics = ["All categories"] + filtered_topics
auswahl = st.selectbox("Select Ressort", all_topics, index=0)
elif selected_option == "Trends von Gestern":
st.error("Aktuell nicht Erreichbar")
if st.session_state.reset:
st.session_state["reset"] = False