--- title: Bing Chat API emoji: 🧬 colorFrom: gray colorTo: gray sdk: docker app_port: 22222 --- # Bing-Chat-API Chat with Bing like what you do with OpenAI API. Project link: https://github.com/Hansimov/bing-chat-api ## Thanks - [EdgeGPT](https://github.com/acheong08/EdgeGPT) by [@acheong08](https://github.com/acheong08) - [bingo](https://github.com/weaigc/bingo) by [@weaigc](https://github.com/weaigc) - [@ninomae](https://github.com/NINOMAE1995) - [@Harry-zklcdc](https://github.com/Harry-zklcdc) ## Features ✅ Implemented: - Support all conversation styles in New Bing - `precise`, `balanced`, `creative` - Enable/Disable search - Model names suffixed with `offline` are disabling search - `precise-offline`, `balanced-offline`, `creative-offline` - Support OpenAI API format - Can use api endpoint via official `openai-python` package - Support stream response - Support system prompt - This means you could bring Sydney back! - Support infinite-round chat - As long as not exceeded the token limit (~32k) - Support Docker deployment 🔨 In progress: - [ ] Enhance performance and reduce session create requests - [ ] Authentication with API key ## Run API service ### Expected results After running the API service, you should be able to see the following UI and server logs. UI of visiting ``: ![](docs/bing-chat-api-ui.png) Server logs of calling `/chat/completions`: ![](docs/bing-chat-api-server.png) ### Run in Command Line **Install dependencies:** ```bash # pipreqs . --force --mode no-pin pip install -r requirements.txt ``` **Run API:** ```bash # on product mode python -m apis.chat_api # on develop mode python -m apis.chat_api -d ``` ## Run via Docker **Docker build:** ```bash sudo docker build -t bing-chat-api:1.0 . --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy ``` **Docker run:** ```bash # no proxy sudo docker run -p 22222:22222 bing-chat-api:1.0 # with proxy sudo docker run -p 22222:22222 --env http_proxy="http://:" bing-chat-api:1.0 ``` ## API Usage ### Using `openai-python` See: [`examples/chat_with_openai.py`](https://github.com/Hansimov/bing-chat-api/blob/main/examples/chat_with_openai.py) ```py from openai import OpenAI # If runnning this service with proxy, you might need to unset `http(s)_proxy`. base_url = "http://localhost:22222" api_key = "sk-xxxxx" client = OpenAI(base_url=base_url, api_key=api_key) response = client.chat.completions.create( model="precise", messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": "search california's weather for me", } ], stream=True, ) for chunk in response: if chunk.choices[0].delta.content is not None: print(chunk.choices[0].delta.content, end="", flush=True) elif chunk.choices[0].finish_reason == "stop": print() else: pass ``` ### Using post requests See: [`examples/chat_with_post.py`](https://github.com/Hansimov/bing-chat-api/blob/main/examples/chat_with_post.py) ```py import ast import httpx import json import re # If runnning this service with proxy, you might need to unset `http(s)_proxy`. chat_api = "http://localhost:22222" api_key = "sk-xxxxx" requests_headers = {} requests_payload = { "model": "precise", "messages": [ { "role": "user", "content": "search and tell me today's weather of california", } ], "stream": True, } with httpx.stream( "POST", chat_api + "/chat/completions", headers=requests_headers, json=requests_payload, timeout=httpx.Timeout(connect=20, read=60, write=20, pool=None), ) as response: response_content = "" for line in response.iter_lines(): remove_patterns = [r"^\s*data:\s*", r"^\s*\[DONE\]\s*"] for pattern in remove_patterns: line = re.sub(pattern, "", line).strip() if line: try: line_data = json.loads(line) except Exception as e: try: line_data = ast.literal_eval(line) except: print(f"Error: {line}") raise e delta_data = line_data["choices"][0]["delta"] finish_reason = line_data["choices"][0]["finish_reason"] if "role" in delta_data: role = delta_data["role"] if "content" in delta_data: delta_content = delta_data["content"] response_content += delta_content print(delta_content, end="", flush=True) if finish_reason == "stop": print() ```