# encoding: utf-8 """Transformer-based model for End-to-end ASR.""" from argparse import Namespace from distutils.util import strtobool import logging import math import chainer import chainer.functions as F from chainer import reporter import numpy as np import six from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.asr_interface import ChainerASRInterface from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.attention import MultiHeadAttention from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer import ctc from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.decoder import Decoder from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.encoder import Encoder from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.label_smoothing_loss import ( LabelSmoothingLoss, # noqa: H301 ) from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.training import CustomConverter from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.training import CustomUpdater from espnet.nets.chainer_backend.transformer.training import ( CustomParallelUpdater, # noqa: H301 ) from espnet.nets.ctc_prefix_score import CTCPrefixScore from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import ErrorCalculator from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import get_subsample from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.plot import PlotAttentionReport CTC_SCORING_RATIO = 1.5 MAX_DECODER_OUTPUT = 5 class E2E(ChainerASRInterface): """E2E module. Args: idim (int): Input dimmensions. odim (int): Output dimmensions. args (Namespace): Training config. ignore_id (int, optional): Id for ignoring a character. flag_return (bool, optional): If true, return a list with (loss, loss_ctc, loss_att, acc) in forward. Otherwise, return loss. """ @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser): """Customize flags for transformer setup. Args: parser (Namespace): Training config. """ group = parser.add_argument_group("transformer model setting") group.add_argument( "--transformer-init", type=str, default="pytorch", help="how to initialize transformer parameters", ) group.add_argument( "--transformer-input-layer", type=str, default="conv2d", choices=["conv2d", "linear", "embed"], help="transformer input layer type", ) group.add_argument( "--transformer-attn-dropout-rate", default=None, type=float, help="dropout in transformer attention. use --dropout-rate if None is set", ) group.add_argument( "--transformer-lr", default=10.0, type=float, help="Initial value of learning rate", ) group.add_argument( "--transformer-warmup-steps", default=25000, type=int, help="optimizer warmup steps", ) group.add_argument( "--transformer-length-normalized-loss", default=True, type=strtobool, help="normalize loss by length", ) group.add_argument( "--dropout-rate", default=0.0, type=float, help="Dropout rate for the encoder", ) # Encoder group.add_argument( "--elayers", default=4, type=int, help="Number of encoder layers (for shared recognition part " "in multi-speaker asr mode)", ) group.add_argument( "--eunits", "-u", default=300, type=int, help="Number of encoder hidden units", ) # Attention group.add_argument( "--adim", default=320, type=int, help="Number of attention transformation dimensions", ) group.add_argument( "--aheads", default=4, type=int, help="Number of heads for multi head attention", ) # Decoder group.add_argument( "--dlayers", default=1, type=int, help="Number of decoder layers" ) group.add_argument( "--dunits", default=320, type=int, help="Number of decoder hidden units" ) return parser def get_total_subsampling_factor(self): """Get total subsampling factor.""" return self.encoder.conv_subsampling_factor * int(np.prod(self.subsample)) def __init__(self, idim, odim, args, ignore_id=-1, flag_return=True): """Initialize the transformer.""" chainer.Chain.__init__(self) self.mtlalpha = args.mtlalpha assert 0 <= self.mtlalpha <= 1, "mtlalpha must be [0,1]" if args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate is None: args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate = args.dropout_rate self.use_label_smoothing = False self.char_list = args.char_list self.space = args.sym_space self.blank = args.sym_blank self.scale_emb = args.adim ** 0.5 self.sos = odim - 1 self.eos = odim - 1 self.subsample = get_subsample(args, mode="asr", arch="transformer") self.ignore_id = ignore_id self.reset_parameters(args) with self.init_scope(): self.encoder = Encoder( idim=idim, attention_dim=args.adim, attention_heads=args.aheads, linear_units=args.eunits, input_layer=args.transformer_input_layer, dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, initialW=self.initialW, initial_bias=self.initialB, ) self.decoder = Decoder( odim, args, initialW=self.initialW, initial_bias=self.initialB ) self.criterion = LabelSmoothingLoss( args.lsm_weight, len(args.char_list), args.transformer_length_normalized_loss, ) if args.mtlalpha > 0.0: if args.ctc_type == "builtin": logging.info("Using chainer CTC implementation") self.ctc = ctc.CTC(odim, args.adim, args.dropout_rate) elif args.ctc_type == "warpctc": logging.info("Using warpctc CTC implementation") self.ctc = ctc.WarpCTC(odim, args.adim, args.dropout_rate) else: raise ValueError( 'ctc_type must be "builtin" or "warpctc": {}'.format( args.ctc_type ) ) else: self.ctc = None self.dims = args.adim self.odim = odim self.flag_return = flag_return if args.report_cer or args.report_wer: self.error_calculator = ErrorCalculator( args.char_list, args.sym_space, args.sym_blank, args.report_cer, args.report_wer, ) else: self.error_calculator = None if "Namespace" in str(type(args)): self.verbose = 0 if "verbose" not in args else args.verbose else: self.verbose = 0 if args.verbose is None else args.verbose def reset_parameters(self, args): """Initialize the Weight according to the give initialize-type. Args: args (Namespace): Transformer config. """ type_init = args.transformer_init if type_init == "lecun_uniform": logging.info("Using LeCunUniform as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.LeCunUniform elif type_init == "lecun_normal": logging.info("Using LeCunNormal as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.LeCunNormal elif type_init == "gorot_uniform": logging.info("Using GlorotUniform as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.GlorotUniform elif type_init == "gorot_normal": logging.info("Using GlorotNormal as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.GlorotNormal elif type_init == "he_uniform": logging.info("Using HeUniform as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.HeUniform elif type_init == "he_normal": logging.info("Using HeNormal as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.HeNormal elif type_init == "pytorch": logging.info("Using Pytorch initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.Uniform else: logging.info("Using Chainer default as Parameter initializer") self.initialW = chainer.initializers.Uniform self.initialB = chainer.initializers.Uniform def forward(self, xs, ilens, ys_pad, calculate_attentions=False): """E2E forward propagation. Args: xs (chainer.Variable): Batch of padded charactor ids. (B, Tmax) ilens (chainer.Variable): Batch of length of each input batch. (B,) ys (chainer.Variable): Batch of padded target features. (B, Lmax, odim) calculate_attentions (bool): If true, return value is the output of encoder. Returns: float: Training loss. float (optional): Training loss for ctc. float (optional): Training loss for attention. float (optional): Accuracy. chainer.Variable (Optional): Output of the encoder. """ alpha = self.mtlalpha # 1. Encoder xs, x_mask, ilens = self.encoder(xs, ilens) # 2. CTC loss cer_ctc = None if alpha == 0.0: loss_ctc = None else: _ys = [y.astype(np.int32) for y in ys_pad] loss_ctc = self.ctc(xs, _ys) if self.error_calculator is not None: with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): ys_hat = chainer.backends.cuda.to_cpu(self.ctc.argmax(xs).data) cer_ctc = self.error_calculator(ys_hat, ys_pad, is_ctc=True) # 3. Decoder if calculate_attentions: self.calculate_attentions(xs, x_mask, ys_pad) ys = self.decoder(ys_pad, xs, x_mask) # 4. Attention Loss cer, wer = None, None if alpha == 1: loss_att = None acc = None else: # Make target eos = np.array([self.eos], "i") with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): ys_pad_out = [np.concatenate([y, eos], axis=0) for y in ys_pad] ys_pad_out = F.pad_sequence(ys_pad_out, padding=-1).data ys_pad_out = self.xp.array(ys_pad_out) loss_att = self.criterion(ys, ys_pad_out) acc = F.accuracy( ys.reshape(-1, self.odim), ys_pad_out.reshape(-1), ignore_label=-1 ) if (not chainer.config.train) and (self.error_calculator is not None): cer, wer = self.error_calculator(ys, ys_pad) if alpha == 0.0: self.loss = loss_att loss_att_data = loss_att.data loss_ctc_data = None elif alpha == 1.0: self.loss = loss_ctc loss_att_data = None loss_ctc_data = loss_ctc.data else: self.loss = alpha * loss_ctc + (1 - alpha) * loss_att loss_att_data = loss_att.data loss_ctc_data = loss_ctc.data loss_data = self.loss.data if not math.isnan(loss_data): reporter.report({"loss_ctc": loss_ctc_data}, self) reporter.report({"loss_att": loss_att_data}, self) reporter.report({"acc": acc}, self) reporter.report({"cer_ctc": cer_ctc}, self) reporter.report({"cer": cer}, self) reporter.report({"wer": wer}, self) logging.info("mtl loss:" + str(loss_data)) reporter.report({"loss": loss_data}, self) else: logging.warning("loss (=%f) is not correct", loss_data) if self.flag_return: loss_ctc = None return self.loss, loss_ctc, loss_att, acc else: return self.loss def calculate_attentions(self, xs, x_mask, ys_pad): """Calculate Attentions.""" self.decoder(ys_pad, xs, x_mask) def recognize(self, x_block, recog_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None): """E2E recognition function. Args: x (ndarray): Input acouctic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D). recog_args (Namespace): Argment namespace contraining options. char_list (List[str]): List of characters. rnnlm (chainer.Chain): Language model module defined at `espnet.lm.chainer_backend.lm`. Returns: List: N-best decoding results. """ with chainer.no_backprop_mode(), chainer.using_config("train", False): # 1. encoder ilens = [x_block.shape[0]] batch = len(ilens) xs, _, _ = self.encoder(x_block[None, :, :], ilens) # calculate log P(z_t|X) for CTC scores if recog_args.ctc_weight > 0.0: lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(xs.reshape(batch, -1, self.dims)).data[0] else: lpz = None # 2. decoder if recog_args.lm_weight == 0.0: rnnlm = None y = self.recognize_beam(xs, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm) return y def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list=None, rnnlm=None): """E2E beam search. Args: h (ndarray): Encoder ouput features (B, T, D) or (T, D). lpz (ndarray): Log probabilities from CTC. recog_args (Namespace): Argment namespace contraining options. char_list (List[str]): List of characters. rnnlm (chainer.Chain): Language model module defined at `espnet.lm.chainer_backend.lm`. Returns: List: N-best decoding results. """ logging.info("input lengths: " + str(h.shape[1])) # initialization n_len = h.shape[1] xp = self.xp h_mask = xp.ones((1, n_len)) # search parms beam = recog_args.beam_size penalty = recog_args.penalty ctc_weight = recog_args.ctc_weight # prepare sos y = self.sos if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0: maxlen = n_len else: maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * n_len)) minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * n_len) logging.info("max output length: " + str(maxlen)) logging.info("min output length: " + str(minlen)) # initialize hypothesis if rnnlm: hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "rnnlm_prev": None} else: hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y]} if lpz is not None: ctc_prefix_score = CTCPrefixScore(lpz, 0, self.eos, self.xp) hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_prefix_score.initial_state() hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = 0.0 if ctc_weight != 1.0: # pre-pruning based on attention scores ctc_beam = min(lpz.shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO)) else: ctc_beam = lpz.shape[-1] hyps = [hyp] ended_hyps = [] for i in six.moves.range(maxlen): logging.debug("position " + str(i)) hyps_best_kept = [] for hyp in hyps: ys = F.expand_dims(xp.array(hyp["yseq"]), axis=0).data out = self.decoder(ys, h, h_mask) # get nbest local scores and their ids local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(out[:, -1], axis=-1).data if rnnlm: rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict( hyp["rnnlm_prev"], hyp["yseq"][i] ) local_scores = ( local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores ) else: local_scores = local_att_scores if lpz is not None: local_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][ :ctc_beam ] ctc_scores, ctc_states = ctc_prefix_score( hyp["yseq"], local_best_ids, hyp["ctc_state_prev"] ) local_scores = (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[ :, local_best_ids ] + ctc_weight * (ctc_scores - hyp["ctc_score_prev"]) if rnnlm: local_scores += ( recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids] ) joint_best_ids = xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][:beam] local_best_scores = local_scores[:, joint_best_ids] local_best_ids = local_best_ids[joint_best_ids] else: local_best_ids = self.xp.argsort(local_scores, axis=1)[0, ::-1][ :beam ] local_best_scores = local_scores[:, local_best_ids] for j in six.moves.range(beam): new_hyp = {} new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(local_best_scores[0, j]) new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"])) new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"] new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[j]) if rnnlm: new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state if lpz is not None: new_hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = ctc_states[joint_best_ids[j]] new_hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = ctc_scores[joint_best_ids[j]] hyps_best_kept.append(new_hyp) hyps_best_kept = sorted( hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True )[:beam] # sort and get nbest hyps = hyps_best_kept logging.debug("number of pruned hypothesis: " + str(len(hyps))) if char_list is not None: logging.debug( "best hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]]) + " score: " + str(hyps[0]["score"]) ) # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps if i == maxlen - 1: logging.info("adding in the last postion in the loop") for hyp in hyps: hyp["yseq"].append(self.eos) # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam) remained_hyps = [] for hyp in hyps: if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos: # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs # also add penalty if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen: hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty if rnnlm: # Word LM needs to add final score hyp["score"] += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm.final( hyp["rnnlm_prev"] ) ended_hyps.append(hyp) else: remained_hyps.append(hyp) # end detection if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0: logging.info("end detected at %d", i) break hyps = remained_hyps if len(hyps) > 0: logging.debug("remained hypothes: " + str(len(hyps))) else: logging.info("no hypothesis. Finish decoding.") break if char_list is not None: for hyp in hyps: logging.debug( "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]]) ) logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps))) nbest_hyps = sorted( ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True ) # [:min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest)] logging.debug(nbest_hyps) # check number of hypotheis if len(nbest_hyps) == 0: logging.warn( "there is no N-best results, perform recognition " "again with smaller minlenratio." ) # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args)) recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1) return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm) logging.info("total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"])) logging.info( "normalized log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"])) ) # remove sos return nbest_hyps def calculate_all_attentions(self, xs, ilens, ys): """E2E attention calculation. Args: xs (List[tuple()]): List of padded input sequences. [(T1, idim), (T2, idim), ...] ilens (ndarray): Batch of lengths of input sequences. (B) ys (List): List of character id sequence tensor. [(L1), (L2), (L3), ...] Returns: float ndarray: Attention weights. (B, Lmax, Tmax) """ with chainer.no_backprop_mode(): self(xs, ilens, ys, calculate_attentions=True) ret = dict() for name, m in self.namedlinks(): if isinstance(m, MultiHeadAttention): var = m.attn var.to_cpu() _name = name[1:].replace("/", "_") ret[_name] = var.data return ret @property def attention_plot_class(self): """Attention plot function. Redirects to PlotAttentionReport Returns: PlotAttentionReport """ return PlotAttentionReport @staticmethod def custom_converter(subsampling_factor=0): """Get customconverter of the model.""" return CustomConverter() @staticmethod def custom_updater(iters, optimizer, converter, device=-1, accum_grad=1): """Get custom_updater of the model.""" return CustomUpdater( iters, optimizer, converter=converter, device=device, accum_grad=accum_grad ) @staticmethod def custom_parallel_updater(iters, optimizer, converter, devices, accum_grad=1): """Get custom_parallel_updater of the model.""" return CustomParallelUpdater( iters, optimizer, converter=converter, devices=devices, accum_grad=accum_grad, )