#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2017 Johns Hopkins University (Shinji Watanabe) # Apache 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) # This code is ported from the following implementation written in Torch. # https://github.com/chainer/chainer/blob/master/examples/ptb/train_ptb_custom_loop.py import chainer import h5py import logging import numpy as np import os import random import six from tqdm import tqdm from chainer.training import extension def load_dataset(path, label_dict, outdir=None): """Load and save HDF5 that contains a dataset and stats for LM Args: path (str): The path of an input text dataset file label_dict (dict[str, int]): dictionary that maps token label string to its ID number outdir (str): The path of an output dir Returns: tuple[list[np.ndarray], int, int]: Tuple of token IDs in np.int32 converted by `read_tokens` the number of tokens by `count_tokens`, and the number of OOVs by `count_tokens` """ if outdir is not None: os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) filename = outdir + "/" + os.path.basename(path) + ".h5" if os.path.exists(filename): logging.info(f"loading binary dataset: {filename}") f = h5py.File(filename, "r") return f["data"][:], f["n_tokens"][()], f["n_oovs"][()] else: logging.info("skip dump/load HDF5 because the output dir is not specified") logging.info(f"reading text dataset: {path}") ret = read_tokens(path, label_dict) n_tokens, n_oovs = count_tokens(ret, label_dict[""]) if outdir is not None: logging.info(f"saving binary dataset: {filename}") with h5py.File(filename, "w") as f: # http://docs.h5py.org/en/stable/special.html#arbitrary-vlen-data data = f.create_dataset( "data", (len(ret),), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=np.int32) ) data[:] = ret f["n_tokens"] = n_tokens f["n_oovs"] = n_oovs return ret, n_tokens, n_oovs def read_tokens(filename, label_dict): """Read tokens as a sequence of sentences :param str filename : The name of the input file :param dict label_dict : dictionary that maps token label string to its ID number :return list of ID sequences :rtype list """ data = [] unk = label_dict[""] for ln in tqdm(open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8")): data.append( np.array( [label_dict.get(label, unk) for label in ln.split()], dtype=np.int32 ) ) return data def count_tokens(data, unk_id=None): """Count tokens and oovs in token ID sequences. Args: data (list[np.ndarray]): list of token ID sequences unk_id (int): ID of unknown token Returns: tuple: tuple of number of token occurrences and number of oov tokens """ n_tokens = 0 n_oovs = 0 for sentence in data: n_tokens += len(sentence) if unk_id is not None: n_oovs += np.count_nonzero(sentence == unk_id) return n_tokens, n_oovs def compute_perplexity(result): """Computes and add the perplexity to the LogReport :param dict result: The current observations """ # Routine to rewrite the result dictionary of LogReport to add perplexity values result["perplexity"] = np.exp(result["main/loss"] / result["main/count"]) if "validation/main/loss" in result: result["val_perplexity"] = np.exp(result["validation/main/loss"]) class ParallelSentenceIterator(chainer.dataset.Iterator): """Dataset iterator to create a batch of sentences. This iterator returns a pair of sentences, where one token is shifted between the sentences like ' w1 w2 w3' and 'w1 w2 w3 ' Sentence batches are made in order of longer sentences, and then randomly shuffled. """ def __init__( self, dataset, batch_size, max_length=0, sos=0, eos=0, repeat=True, shuffle=True ): self.dataset = dataset self.batch_size = batch_size # batch size # Number of completed sweeps over the dataset. In this case, it is # incremented if every word is visited at least once after the last # increment. self.epoch = 0 # True if the epoch is incremented at the last iteration. self.is_new_epoch = False self.repeat = repeat length = len(dataset) self.batch_indices = [] # make mini-batches if batch_size > 1: indices = sorted(range(len(dataset)), key=lambda i: -len(dataset[i])) bs = 0 while bs < length: be = min(bs + batch_size, length) # batch size is automatically reduced if the sentence length # is larger than max_length if max_length > 0: sent_length = len(dataset[indices[bs]]) be = min( be, bs + max(batch_size // (sent_length // max_length + 1), 1) ) self.batch_indices.append(np.array(indices[bs:be])) bs = be if shuffle: # shuffle batches random.shuffle(self.batch_indices) else: self.batch_indices = [np.array([i]) for i in six.moves.range(length)] # NOTE: this is not a count of parameter updates. It is just a count of # calls of ``__next__``. self.iteration = 0 self.sos = sos self.eos = eos # use -1 instead of None internally self._previous_epoch_detail = -1.0 def __next__(self): # This iterator returns a list representing a mini-batch. Each item # indicates a sentence pair like ' w1 w2 w3' and 'w1 w2 w3 ' # represented by token IDs. n_batches = len(self.batch_indices) if not self.repeat and self.iteration >= n_batches: # If not self.repeat, this iterator stops at the end of the first # epoch (i.e., when all words are visited once). raise StopIteration batch = [] for idx in self.batch_indices[self.iteration % n_batches]: batch.append( ( np.append([self.sos], self.dataset[idx]), np.append(self.dataset[idx], [self.eos]), ) ) self._previous_epoch_detail = self.epoch_detail self.iteration += 1 epoch = self.iteration // n_batches self.is_new_epoch = self.epoch < epoch if self.is_new_epoch: self.epoch = epoch return batch def start_shuffle(self): random.shuffle(self.batch_indices) @property def epoch_detail(self): # Floating point version of epoch. return self.iteration / len(self.batch_indices) @property def previous_epoch_detail(self): if self._previous_epoch_detail < 0: return None return self._previous_epoch_detail def serialize(self, serializer): # It is important to serialize the state to be recovered on resume. self.iteration = serializer("iteration", self.iteration) self.epoch = serializer("epoch", self.epoch) try: self._previous_epoch_detail = serializer( "previous_epoch_detail", self._previous_epoch_detail ) except KeyError: # guess previous_epoch_detail for older version self._previous_epoch_detail = self.epoch + ( self.current_position - 1 ) / len(self.batch_indices) if self.epoch_detail > 0: self._previous_epoch_detail = max(self._previous_epoch_detail, 0.0) else: self._previous_epoch_detail = -1.0 class MakeSymlinkToBestModel(extension.Extension): """Extension that makes a symbolic link to the best model :param str key: Key of value :param str prefix: Prefix of model files and link target :param str suffix: Suffix of link target """ def __init__(self, key, prefix="model", suffix="best"): super(MakeSymlinkToBestModel, self).__init__() self.best_model = -1 self.min_loss = 0.0 self.key = key self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix def __call__(self, trainer): observation = trainer.observation if self.key in observation: loss = observation[self.key] if self.best_model == -1 or loss < self.min_loss: self.min_loss = loss self.best_model = trainer.updater.epoch src = "%s.%d" % (self.prefix, self.best_model) dest = os.path.join(trainer.out, "%s.%s" % (self.prefix, self.suffix)) if os.path.lexists(dest): os.remove(dest) os.symlink(src, dest) logging.info("best model is " + src) def serialize(self, serializer): if isinstance(serializer, chainer.serializer.Serializer): serializer("_best_model", self.best_model) serializer("_min_loss", self.min_loss) serializer("_key", self.key) serializer("_prefix", self.prefix) serializer("_suffix", self.suffix) else: self.best_model = serializer("_best_model", -1) self.min_loss = serializer("_min_loss", 0.0) self.key = serializer("_key", "") self.prefix = serializer("_prefix", "model") self.suffix = serializer("_suffix", "best") # TODO(Hori): currently it only works with character-word level LM. # need to consider any types of subwords-to-word mapping. def make_lexical_tree(word_dict, subword_dict, word_unk): """Make a lexical tree to compute word-level probabilities""" # node [dict(subword_id -> node), word_id, word_set[start-1, end]] root = [{}, -1, None] for w, wid in word_dict.items(): if wid > 0 and wid != word_unk: # skip and if True in [c not in subword_dict for c in w]: # skip unknown subword continue succ = root[0] # get successors from root node for i, c in enumerate(w): cid = subword_dict[c] if cid not in succ: # if next node does not exist, make a new node succ[cid] = [{}, -1, (wid - 1, wid)] else: prev = succ[cid][2] succ[cid][2] = (min(prev[0], wid - 1), max(prev[1], wid)) if i == len(w) - 1: # if word end, set word id succ[cid][1] = wid succ = succ[cid][0] # move to the child successors return root