import random import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from typeguard import check_argument_types from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import make_pad_mask from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import to_device from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.attentions import initial_att from espnet2.asr.decoder.abs_decoder import AbsDecoder from espnet2.utils.get_default_kwargs import get_default_kwargs def build_attention_list( eprojs: int, dunits: int, atype: str = "location", num_att: int = 1, num_encs: int = 1, aheads: int = 4, adim: int = 320, awin: int = 5, aconv_chans: int = 10, aconv_filts: int = 100, han_mode: bool = False, han_type=None, han_heads: int = 4, han_dim: int = 320, han_conv_chans: int = -1, han_conv_filts: int = 100, han_win: int = 5, ): att_list = torch.nn.ModuleList() if num_encs == 1: for i in range(num_att): att = initial_att( atype, eprojs, dunits, aheads, adim, awin, aconv_chans, aconv_filts, ) att_list.append(att) elif num_encs > 1: # no multi-speaker mode if han_mode: att = initial_att( han_type, eprojs, dunits, han_heads, han_dim, han_win, han_conv_chans, han_conv_filts, han_mode=True, ) return att else: att_list = torch.nn.ModuleList() for idx in range(num_encs): att = initial_att( atype[idx], eprojs, dunits, aheads[idx], adim[idx], awin[idx], aconv_chans[idx], aconv_filts[idx], ) att_list.append(att) else: raise ValueError( "Number of encoders needs to be more than one. {}".format(num_encs) ) return att_list class RNNDecoder(AbsDecoder): def __init__( self, vocab_size: int, encoder_output_size: int, rnn_type: str = "lstm", num_layers: int = 1, hidden_size: int = 320, sampling_probability: float = 0.0, dropout: float = 0.0, context_residual: bool = False, replace_sos: bool = False, num_encs: int = 1, att_conf: dict = get_default_kwargs(build_attention_list), ): # FIXME(kamo): The parts of num_spk should be refactored more more more assert check_argument_types() if rnn_type not in {"lstm", "gru"}: raise ValueError(f"Not supported: rnn_type={rnn_type}") super().__init__() eprojs = encoder_output_size self.dtype = rnn_type self.dunits = hidden_size self.dlayers = num_layers self.context_residual = context_residual self.sos = vocab_size - 1 self.eos = vocab_size - 1 self.odim = vocab_size self.sampling_probability = sampling_probability self.dropout = dropout self.num_encs = num_encs # for multilingual translation self.replace_sos = replace_sos self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(vocab_size, hidden_size) self.dropout_emb = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.decoder = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.dropout_dec = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.decoder += [ torch.nn.LSTMCell(hidden_size + eprojs, hidden_size) if self.dtype == "lstm" else torch.nn.GRUCell(hidden_size + eprojs, hidden_size) ] self.dropout_dec += [torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)] for _ in range(1, self.dlayers): self.decoder += [ torch.nn.LSTMCell(hidden_size, hidden_size) if self.dtype == "lstm" else torch.nn.GRUCell(hidden_size, hidden_size) ] self.dropout_dec += [torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)] # NOTE: dropout is applied only for the vertical connections # see if context_residual: self.output = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size + eprojs, vocab_size) else: self.output = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size) self.att_list = build_attention_list( eprojs=eprojs, dunits=hidden_size, **att_conf ) def zero_state(self, hs_pad): return hs_pad.new_zeros(hs_pad.size(0), self.dunits) def rnn_forward(self, ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev, c_prev): if self.dtype == "lstm": z_list[0], c_list[0] = self.decoder[0](ey, (z_prev[0], c_prev[0])) for i in range(1, self.dlayers): z_list[i], c_list[i] = self.decoder[i]( self.dropout_dec[i - 1](z_list[i - 1]), (z_prev[i], c_prev[i]), ) else: z_list[0] = self.decoder[0](ey, z_prev[0]) for i in range(1, self.dlayers): z_list[i] = self.decoder[i]( self.dropout_dec[i - 1](z_list[i - 1]), z_prev[i] ) return z_list, c_list def forward(self, hs_pad, hlens, ys_in_pad, ys_in_lens, strm_idx=0): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: hs_pad = [hs_pad] hlens = [hlens] # attention index for the attention module # in SPA (speaker parallel attention), # att_idx is used to select attention module. In other cases, it is 0. att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att_list) - 1) # hlens should be list of list of integer hlens = [list(map(int, hlens[idx])) for idx in range(self.num_encs)] # get dim, length info olength = ys_in_pad.size(1) # initialization c_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] z_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] for _ in range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) z_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) z_all = [] if self.num_encs == 1: att_w = None self.att_list[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * self.num_encs # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han self.att_list[idx].reset() # pre-computation of embedding eys = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(ys_in_pad)) # utt x olen x zdim # loop for an output sequence for i in range(olength): if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att_list[att_idx]( hs_pad[0], hlens[0], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w ) else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att_list[idx]( hs_pad[idx], hlens[idx], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[idx], ) hs_pad_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) hlens_han = [self.num_encs] * len(ys_in_pad) att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att_list[self.num_encs]( hs_pad_han, hlens_han, self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[self.num_encs], ) if i > 0 and random.random() < self.sampling_probability: z_out = self.output(z_all[-1]) z_out = np.argmax(z_out.detach().cpu(), axis=1) z_out = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(to_device(self, z_out))) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # utt x (zdim + hdim) else: # utt x (zdim + hdim) ey =[:, i, :], att_c), dim=1) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_list, c_list) if self.context_residual: z_all.append([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) # utt x (zdim + hdim) else: z_all.append(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) # utt x (zdim) z_all = torch.stack(z_all, dim=1) z_all = self.output(z_all) z_all.masked_fill_( make_pad_mask(ys_in_lens, z_all, 1), 0, ) return z_all, ys_in_lens def init_state(self, x): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: x = [x] c_list = [self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))] z_list = [self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))] for _ in range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))) z_list.append(self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))) # TODO(karita): support strm_index for `asr_mix` strm_index = 0 att_idx = min(strm_index, len(self.att_list) - 1) if self.num_encs == 1: a = None self.att_list[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: a = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han self.att_list[idx].reset() return dict( c_prev=c_list[:], z_prev=z_list[:], a_prev=a, workspace=(att_idx, z_list, c_list), ) def score(self, yseq, state, x): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: x = [x] att_idx, z_list, c_list = state["workspace"] vy = yseq[-1].unsqueeze(0) ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy)) # utt list (1) x zdim if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att_list[att_idx]( x[0].unsqueeze(0), [x[0].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"], ) else: att_w = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * self.num_encs # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w[idx] = self.att_list[idx]( x[idx].unsqueeze(0), [x[idx].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"][idx], ) h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) att_c, att_w[self.num_encs] = self.att_list[self.num_encs]( h_han, [self.num_encs], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"][self.num_encs], ) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward( ey, z_list, c_list, state["z_prev"], state["c_prev"] ) if self.context_residual: logits = self.output([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) else: logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) logp = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1).squeeze(0) return ( logp, dict( c_prev=c_list[:], z_prev=z_list[:], a_prev=att_w, workspace=(att_idx, z_list, c_list), ), )