import streamlit as st import requests import time from ast import literal_eval @st.cache def infer(prompt, model_name, max_new_tokens=10, temperature=0.8, top_p=1.0, num_completions=1, seed=42, stop="\n"): model_name_map = { "GPT-JT-6B-v1": "Together-gpt-JT-6B-v1", } if float(temperature) == 0: temperature = 0.01 my_post_dict = { "model": "Together-gpt-JT-6B-v1", "prompt": prompt, "top_p": float(top_p), "temperature": float(temperature), "max_tokens": int(max_new_tokens), "stop": stop.split(";") } response = requests.get("", params=my_post_dict).json() return response['output']['choices'][0]['text'] st.title("GPT-JT") col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 3]) with col1: model_name = st.selectbox("Model", ["GPT-JT-6B-v1"]) max_new_tokens = st.text_input('Max new tokens', "10") temperature = st.text_input('temperature', "0.8") top_p = st.text_input('top_p', "1.0") num_completions = st.text_input('num_completions (only the best one will be returend)', "1") stop = st.text_input('stop, split by;', r'\n') seed = st.text_input('seed', "42") with col2: s_example = "Please answer the following question:\n\nQuestion: Where is Zurich?\nAnswer:" prompt = st.text_area( "Prompt", value=s_example, max_chars=4096, height=400, ) generated_area = st.empty() generated_area.text("(Generate here)") button_submit = st.button("Submit") if button_submit: generated_area.text(prompt) report_text = infer( prompt, model_name=model_name, max_new_tokens=max_new_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, num_completions=num_completions, seed=seed, stop=literal_eval("'''"+stop+"'''"), ) generated_area.text(prompt + report_text)