from sys import platform from transformers import AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq, AutoProcessor, pipeline import logging import torch from transformers.utils import is_flash_attn_2_available from import Pipeline from pyannote.core import Segment import pandas as pd languages = { "English": "en", "Chinese": "zh", "German": "de", "Spanish": "es", "Russian": "ru", "Korean": "ko", "French": "fr", "Japanese": "ja", "Portuguese": "pt", "Turkish": "tr", "Polish": "pl", "Catalan": "ca", "Dutch": "nl", "Arabic": "ar", "Swedish": "sv", "Italian": "it", "Indonesian": "id", "Hindi": "hi", "Finnish": "fi", "Vietnamese": "vi", "Hebrew": "iw", "Ukrainian": "uk", "Greek": "el", "Malay": "ms", "Czech": "cs", "Romanian": "ro", "Danish": "da", "Hungarian": "hu", "Tamil": "ta", "Norwegian": "no", "Thai": "th", "Urdu": "ur", "Croatian": "hr", "Bulgarian": "bg", "Lithuanian": "lt", "Latin": "la", "Maori": "mi", "Malayalam": "ml", "Welsh": "cy", "Slovak": "sk", "Telugu": "te", "Persian": "fa", "Latvian": "lv", "Bengali": "bn", "Serbian": "sr", "Azerbaijani": "az", "Slovenian": "sl", "Kannada": "kn", "Estonian": "et", "Macedonian": "mk", "Breton": "br", "Basque": "eu", "Icelandic": "is", "Armenian": "hy", "Nepali": "ne", "Mongolian": "mn", "Bosnian": "bs", "Kazakh": "kk", "Albanian": "sq", "Swahili": "sw", "Galician": "gl", "Marathi": "mr", "Punjabi": "pa", "Sinhala": "si", "Khmer": "km", "Shona": "sn", "Yoruba": "yo", "Somali": "so", "Afrikaans": "af", "Occitan": "oc", "Georgian": "ka", "Belarusian": "be", "Tajik": "tg", "Sindhi": "sd", "Gujarati": "gu", "Amharic": "am", "Yiddish": "yi", "Lao": "lo", "Uzbek": "uz", "Faroese": "fo", "Haitian creole": "ht", "Pashto": "ps", "Turkmen": "tk", "Nynorsk": "nn", "Maltese": "mt", "Sanskrit": "sa", "Luxembourgish": "lb", "Myanmar": "my", "Tibetan": "bo", "Tagalog": "tl", "Malagasy": "mg", "Assamese": "as", "Tatar": "tt", "Hawaiian": "haw", "Lingala": "ln", "Hausa": "ha", "Bashkir": "ba", "Javanese": "jw", "Sundanese": "su", } if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda:0") elif platform == "darwin": device = torch.device("mps") else: device = torch.device("cpu") torch_dtype = torch.float16 if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.float32 def get_text_with_timestamp(transcribe_res): timestamp_texts = [] for item in transcribe_res["chunks"]: start = item["timestamp"][0] end = item["timestamp"][1] text = item["text"] timestamp_texts.append((Segment(start, end), text)) return timestamp_texts def add_speaker_info_to_text(timestamp_texts, ann): spk_text = [] for seg, text in timestamp_texts: spk = ann.crop(seg).argmax() spk_text.append((seg, spk, text)) return spk_text def merge_cache(text_cache): sentence = "".join([item[-1] for item in text_cache]) spk = text_cache[0][1] start = text_cache[0][0].start end = text_cache[-1][0].end return Segment(start, end), spk, sentence PUNC_SENT_END = [".", "?", "!"] def merge_sentence(spk_text): merged_spk_text = [] pre_spk = None text_cache = [] for seg, spk, text in spk_text: if spk != pre_spk and pre_spk is not None and len(text_cache) > 0: merged_spk_text.append(merge_cache(text_cache)) text_cache = [(seg, spk, text)] pre_spk = spk elif text[-1] in PUNC_SENT_END: text_cache.append((seg, spk, text)) merged_spk_text.append(merge_cache(text_cache)) text_cache = [] pre_spk = spk else: text_cache.append((seg, spk, text)) pre_spk = spk if len(text_cache) > 0: merged_spk_text.append(merge_cache(text_cache)) return merged_spk_text def diarize_text(transcribe_res, diarization_result): timestamp_texts = get_text_with_timestamp(transcribe_res) spk_text = add_speaker_info_to_text(timestamp_texts, diarization_result) res_processed = merge_sentence(spk_text) return res_processed def make_conversation(transcribe_result, diarization_result): processed = diarize_text(transcribe_result, diarization_result) df = pd.DataFrame(processed, columns=["segment", "speaker", "text"])[ ["speaker", "text"] ] df["key"] = (df["speaker"] != df["speaker"].shift(1)).astype(int).cumsum() conversation = df.groupby(["key", "speaker"])["text"].apply(" ".join).reset_index() conversation_list = list(zip(conversation.text, conversation.speaker)) return conversation_list # def transcriber(input: str, language: str, translate: bool, progress) -> dict: def transcriber(input: str, model: str, language: str, translate: bool, diarize: bool, input_diarization_token) -> dict: """Transcribes the audio using the OpenAI Whisper model. Args: input: file path to the audio file in any format language: name of the language in which the audio is recorded translate: boolean indicator to enable immediate translation Returns: transcription and segment-timestamps. """ model_id = model if diarize: pipeline_diarization = Pipeline.from_pretrained( "pyannote/speaker-diarization-3.1", use_auth_token=input_diarization_token) # send pipeline to GPU (when available) # apply pretrained pipeline diarization = pipeline_diarization(input) # print the result # for turn, _, speaker in diarization.itertracks(yield_label=True): # print(f"start={turn.start:.1f}s stop={turn.end:.1f}s speaker_{speaker}") model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained( model_id, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, low_cpu_mem_usage=True, use_safetensors=True, use_flash_attention_2=True if is_flash_attn_2_available() else False ) print(device) processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(model_id) language = languages.get(language, None) task = None if translate: task = "translate" pipe = pipeline( "automatic-speech-recognition", model=model, tokenizer=processor.tokenizer, feature_extractor=processor.feature_extractor, max_new_tokens=128, chunk_length_s=15, batch_size=16, return_timestamps=True, torch_dtype=torch_dtype, device=device, generate_kwargs={"task": task} ) results = pipe(input) results["text"] = results["text"].strip() text = "" chunks = results.get("chunks", []) for chunk in chunks: text += chunk["text"] + "\n" # conversation = make_conversation(transcription, diarization) # Transform the list to skip one line each time # conversation_gradio = [] # for i in range(0, len(conversation), 2): # Increment by 2 to skip one line each time # current_text = conversation[i][0] # next_text = conversation[i + 1][0] if i + 1 < len(conversation) else "" # conversation_gradio.append((current_text, next_text)) return text