from openai import OpenAI import cohere from qdrant_client import models from src.prompts import RAG_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE class Retriever: """Retriever class for retrieving documents from the database For retrieving documents, the following steps are performed: 1. Create an embedding for the query 2. Get n documents from the database based on the query and filters (Mixed retrieval) 3. Rerank the documents based on the query and select top k documents, where k << n (ReRanking) 4. Create a context from the selected documents """ def __init__(self, embedding_model, llm_model, rerank_model, db_client, db_collection='hotels'): self.db_collection = db_collection self.db_client = db_client self.rerank_model = rerank_model self.openai_client = OpenAI() = cohere.Client() self.embedding_model = embedding_model self.llm_model = llm_model self.max_retrieved_docs = 13 def _get_documents(self, query, top_k, city, price, rating): """Retrieve top n documents from the database based on the query and filters Args: query (str): query top_k (int): number of documents to retrieve city (str): city name price (str): price range rating (float): rating Returns: list: list of documents """ embedding = self.openai_client.embeddings.create(input=query, model=self.embedding_model) filtr = [] if city: filtr.append(models.FieldCondition(key="city", match=models.MatchValue(value=city))) if price: filtr.append(models.FieldCondition(key="price", match=models.MatchValue(value=price))) if rating: filtr.append(models.FieldCondition(key="rating", range=models.Range(gte=rating))) response = collection_name=self.db_collection,[0].embedding, limit=top_k, query_filter=models.Filter( must=filtr ), ) return response def _get_context(self, docs): """Create a context from the retrieved documents Args: docs (list): list of documents Returns: str: context """ context = '' for i, doc in enumerate(docs, 1): context += RAG_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE.format(id=i, hotel_name=doc.payload['hotel_name'], description=doc.payload['description']) return context def _reranker(self, docs, query, top_k): """Rerank the retrieved documents using Cohere based on the query and select top k documents Args: docs (list): list of documents query (str): query top_k (int): number of documents to select Returns: list: list of reranked documents """ texts = [doc.payload['description'] for doc in docs] rerank_hits =, documents=texts, top_n=top_k, model=self.rerank_model) result = [docs[hit.index] for hit in rerank_hits[:top_k]] return result def __call__(self, query, top_k=3, city=None, price=None, rating=None): docs = self._get_documents(query, top_k=max(self.max_retrieved_docs, top_k), city=city, price=price, rating=rating) if len(docs) == 0: return 'There are no such hotels' docs = self._reranker(docs, query, top_k) context = self._get_context(docs) return context