diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index a6344aac8c09253b3b630fb776ae94478aa0275b..a37a85082d4ce51e1e2fe4bc62a7c3bd3757c1a2 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -33,3 +33,11 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/general_2.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/kinetix_logo.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_1.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_3.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_4.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_5.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_6.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+Kinetix/images/random_7.gif filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/Kinetix/.gitignore b/Kinetix/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..19d580e9fd51b30673d17aa025aa1297f940562e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+# For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
+# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
+# .python-version
+# pipenv
+# According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+# However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+# having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+# install all needed dependencies.
+# poetry
+# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
+# This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
+# commonly ignored for libraries.
+# https://python-poetry.org/docs/basic-usage/#commit-your-poetrylock-file-to-version-control
+# pdm
+# Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
+# pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
+# in version control.
+# https://pdm.fming.dev/#use-with-ide
+# PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow and github.com/pdm-project/pdm
+# Celery stuff
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
+# pytype static type analyzer
+# Cython debug symbols
+# PyCharm
+# JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
+# be found at https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/main/Global/JetBrains.gitignore
+# and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
+# option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/Kinetix/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d09c1da9329a603975621978dfe11c7110dc807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
+ rev: 22.3.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: black
+ language_version: python3
+ args: [--line-length=120]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/LICENSE b/Kinetix/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..70b0f5878e5bd2bc15aec41eb21b98f5a4571ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Michael Matthews
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/README.md b/Kinetix/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e23f5db8c31cea8c13b61d56b83257c367bb5ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+# Kinetix
+Kinetix is a framework for reinforcement learning in a 2D rigid-body physics world, written entirely in [JAX](https://github.com/jax-ml/jax).
+Kinetix can represent a huge array of physics-based tasks within a unified framework.
+We use Kinetix to investigate the training of large, general reinforcement learning agents by procedurally generating millions of tasks for training.
+You can play with Kinetix in our [online editor](https://kinetix-env.github.io/), or have a look at the JAX [physics engine](https://github.com/MichaelTMatthews/Jax2D) and [graphics library](https://github.com/FLAIROx/JaxGL) we made for Kinetix. Finally, see our [docs](./docs/README.md) for more information and more in-depth examples.
+The above shows specialist agents trained on their respective levels.
+# 📊 Paper TL; DR
+We train a general agent on millions of procedurally generated physics tasks.
+Every task has the same goal: make the green and blue touch, without green touching red.
+The agent can act through applying torque via motors and force via thrusters.
+The above shows a general agent zero-shotting unseen randomly generated levels.
+We then investigate the transfer capabilities of this agent to unseen handmade levels.
+We find that the agent can zero-shot simple physics problems, but still struggles with harder tasks.
+The above shows a general agent zero-shotting unseen handmade levels.
+# 📜 Basic Usage
+Kinetix follows the interfaces established in [gymnax](https://github.com/RobertTLange/gymnax) and [jaxued](https://github.com/DramaCow/jaxued):
+# Use default parameters
+env_params = EnvParams()
+static_env_params = StaticEnvParams()
+ued_params = UEDParams()
+# Create the environment
+env = make_kinetix_env_from_args(
+ obs_type="pixels",
+ action_type="multidiscrete",
+ reset_type="replay",
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+# Sample a random level
+rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+level = sample_kinetix_level(_rng, env.physics_engine, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+# Reset the environment state to this level
+rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+obs, env_state = env.reset_to_level(_rng, level, env_params)
+# Take a step in the environment
+rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+action = env.action_space(env_params).sample(_rng)
+rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+obs, env_state, reward, done, info = env.step(_rng, env_state, action, env_params)
+# ⬇️ Installation
+To install Kinetix with a CUDA-enabled JAX backend (tested with python3.10):
+git clone https://github.com/FlairOx/Kinetix.git
+cd Kinetix
+pip install -e .
+pre-commit install
+# 🎯 Editor
+We recommend using the [KinetixJS editor](https://kinetix-env.github.io/gallery.html?editor=true), but also provide a native (less polished) Kinetix editor.
+To open this editor run the following command.
+python3 kinetix/editor.py
+The controls in the editor are:
+- Move between `edit` and `play` modes using `spacebar`
+- In `edit` mode, the type of edit is shown by the icon at the top and is changed by scrolling the mouse wheel. For instance, by navigating to the rectangle editing function you can click to place a rectangle.
+ - You can also press the number keys to cycle between modes.
+- To open handmade levels press ctrl-O and navigate to the ones in the L folder.
+- **When playing a level use the arrow keys to control motors and the numeric keys (1, 2) to control thrusters.**
+# 📈 Experiments
+We have three primary experiment files,
+1. [**SFL**](https://github.com/amacrutherford/sampling-for-learnability?tab=readme-ov-file): Training on levels with high learnability, this is how we trained our best general agents.
+2. **PLR** PLR/DR/ACCEL in the [JAXUED](https://github.com/DramaCow/jaxued) style.
+3. **PPO** Normal PPO in the [PureJaxRL](https://github.com/luchris429/purejaxrl/) style.
+To run experiments with default parameters run any of the following:
+python3 experiments/sfl.py
+python3 experiments/plr.py
+python3 experiments/ppo.py
+We use [hydra](https://hydra.cc/) for managing our configs. See the `configs/` folder for all the hydra configs that will be used by default.
+If you want to run experiments with different configurations, you can either edit these configs or pass command line arguments as so:
+python3 experiments/sfl.py model.transformer_depth=8
+These experiments use [wandb](https://wandb.ai/home) for logging by default.
+## 🏋️ Training RL Agents
+We provide several different ways to train RL agents, with the three most common options being, (a) [Training an agent on random levels](#training-on-random-levels), (b) [Training an agent on a single, hand-designed level](#training-on-a-single-hand-designed-level) or (c) [Training an agent on a set of hand-designed levels](#training-on-a-set-of-hand-designed-levels).
+> Kinetix has three different environment sizes, `s`, `m` and `l`. When running any of the scripts, you have to set the `env_size` option accordingly, for instance, `python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=random env_size=m` would train on random `m` levels.
+> It will give an error if you try and load large levels into a small env size, for instance `python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=m env_size=s` would error.
+### Training on random levels
+This is the default option, but we give the explicit command for completeness
+python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=random
+### Training on a single hand-designed level
+> [!NOTE]
+> Check the `worlds/` folder for handmade levels for each size category. By default, the loading functions require a relative path to the `worlds/` directory
+python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=s train_levels.train_levels_list='["s/h4_thrust_aim.json"]'
+### Training on a set of hand-designed levels
+python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=s env_size=s eval_env_size=s
+# python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=m env_size=m eval_env_size=m
+# python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=l env_size=l eval_env_size=l
+Or, on a custom set:
+python3 experiments/ppo.py train_levels=l eval_env_size=l env_size=l train_levels.train_levels_list='["s/h2_one_wheel_car","l/h11_obstacle_avoidance"]'
+# 🔎 See Also
+- 🌐 [Kinetix.js](https://github.com/Michael-Beukman/Kinetix.js) Kinetix reimplemented in Javascript, with a live demo [here](https://kinetix-env.github.io/gallery.html?editor=true).
+- 🍎 [Jax2D](https://github.com/MichaelTMatthews/Jax2D) The physics engine we made for Kinetix.
+- 👨💻 [JaxGL](https://github.com/FLAIROx/JaxGL) The graphics library we made for Kinetix.
+- 📋 [Our Paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23208) for more details and empirical results.
+# 📚 Citation
+Please cite Kinetix it as follows:
+ title={Kinetix: Investigating the Training of General Agents through Open-Ended Physics-Based Control Tasks},
+ author={Michael Matthews and Michael Beukman and Chris Lu and Jakob Foerster},
+ year={2024},
+ eprint={2410.23208},
+ archivePrefix={arXiv},
+ primaryClass={cs.LG},
+ url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.23208},
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/editor.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/editor.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4601d4bd1095bdcfd17901e6fa7b62bfd8f3438e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/editor.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ - env: entity
+ - env_size: l
+ - learning:
+ - ppo-base
+ - ppo-rnn
+ - misc: misc
+ - model:
+ - model-base
+ - model-transformer
+ - _self_
+seed: 0
+upscale: 2
+downscale: 1
+fps: 60
+debug: true
+ frame_skip: 1
+agent_taking_actions: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env/entity.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env/entity.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..042e4e472b4867070cad4064757a5beff8f165e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env/entity.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+env_name: "Kinetix-Entity-MultiDiscrete-v1"
+dense_reward_scale: 2.0
+frame_skip: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env/symbolic.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env/symbolic.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a1d948d89dc114c86e7a3dde22038b4d5bf1ce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env/symbolic.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+env_name: "Kinetix-Symbolic-MultiDiscrete-v1"
+dense_reward_scale: 2.0
+frame_skip: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env_size/custom.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/custom.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97eb42727c5889939d9f90a4cbbd249fd8c4dbe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/custom.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+custom_path: worlds/l/grasp_easy.json
+env_size_type: custom
+env_size_name: custom
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env_size/l.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/l.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4629607b90d3fc30e7d8594321ceec6b3af35ccb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/l.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+num_polygons: 12
+num_circles: 4
+num_joints: 6
+num_thrusters: 2
+env_size_name: l
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
+env_size_type: predefined
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env_size/m.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/m.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5b2c2abcf5e7ceb1eacc315221ee8253e745ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/m.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+num_polygons: 6
+num_circles: 3
+num_joints: 2
+num_thrusters: 2
+env_size_name: m
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
+env_size_type: predefined
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/env_size/s.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/s.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e0dfc1ce5ef8570f08331b17dd0c94208caec7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/env_size/s.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+num_polygons: 5
+num_circles: 2
+num_joints: 1
+num_thrusters: 1
+env_size_name: s
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
+env_size_type: predefined
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_all.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_all.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e502b48869d28c042be23704dab08b9800f170a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_all.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ [
+ "s/h0_weak_thrust",
+ "s/h7_unicycle_left",
+ "s/h3_point_the_thruster",
+ "s/h4_thrust_aim",
+ "s/h1_thrust_over_ball",
+ "s/h5_rotate_fall",
+ "s/h9_explode_then_thrust_over",
+ "s/h6_unicycle_right",
+ "s/h8_unicycle_balance",
+ "s/h2_one_wheel_car",
+ "m/h0_unicycle",
+ "m/h1_car_left",
+ "m/h2_car_right",
+ "m/h3_car_thrust",
+ "m/h4_thrust_the_needle",
+ "m/h5_angry_birds",
+ "m/h6_thrust_over",
+ "m/h7_car_flip",
+ "m/h8_weird_vehicle",
+ "m/h9_spin_the_right_way",
+ "m/h10_thrust_right_easy",
+ "m/h11_thrust_left_easy",
+ "m/h12_thrustfall_left",
+ "m/h13_thrustfall_right",
+ "m/h14_thrustblock",
+ "m/h15_thrustshoot",
+ "m/h16_thrustcontrol_right",
+ "m/h17_thrustcontrol_left",
+ "m/h18_thrust_right_very_easy",
+ "m/h19_thrust_left_very_easy",
+ "m/arm_left",
+ "m/arm_right",
+ "m/arm_up",
+ "m/arm_hard",
+ "l/h0_angrybirds",
+ "l/h1_car_left",
+ "l/h2_car_ramp",
+ "l/h3_car_right",
+ "l/h4_cartpole",
+ "l/h5_flappy_bird",
+ "l/h6_lorry",
+ "l/h7_maze_1",
+ "l/h8_maze_2",
+ "l/h9_morph_direction",
+ "l/h10_morph_direction_2",
+ "l/h11_obstacle_avoidance",
+ "l/h12_platformer_1",
+ "l/h13_platformer_2",
+ "l/h14_simple_thruster",
+ "l/h15_swing_up",
+ "l/h16_thruster_goal",
+ "l/h17_unicycle",
+ "l/hard_beam_balance",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_thrust",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_wheels",
+ "l/hard_lunar_lander",
+ "l/hard_pinball",
+ "l/grasp_hard",
+ "l/grasp_easy",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ "l/car_launch",
+ "l/car_swing_around",
+ "l/chain_lander",
+ "l/chain_thrust",
+ "l/gears",
+ "l/lever_puzzle",
+ "l/pr",
+ "l/rail",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_auto.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_auto.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aae572a209514e6885037c0ae04513ca82884d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_auto.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+eval_levels: "auto"
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_general.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_general.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00d2b00228e233dca097e56ff7c1213af0cd4ffe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/eval_general.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ [
+ "easy.simple_thruster",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/l.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/l.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71516b2093c0f10563ea5d9ccd71b9922b12d718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/l.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ [
+ "l/h0_angrybirds",
+ "l/h1_car_left",
+ "l/h2_car_ramp",
+ "l/h3_car_right",
+ "l/h4_cartpole",
+ "l/h5_flappy_bird",
+ "l/h6_lorry",
+ "l/h7_maze_1",
+ "l/h8_maze_2",
+ "l/h9_morph_direction",
+ "l/h10_morph_direction_2",
+ "l/h11_obstacle_avoidance",
+ "l/h12_platformer_1",
+ "l/h13_platformer_2",
+ "l/h14_simple_thruster",
+ "l/h15_swing_up",
+ "l/h16_thruster_goal",
+ "l/h17_unicycle",
+ "l/hard_beam_balance",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_thrust",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_wheels",
+ "l/hard_lunar_lander",
+ "l/hard_pinball",
+ "l/grasp_hard",
+ "l/grasp_easy",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ "l/car_launch",
+ "l/car_swing_around",
+ "l/chain_lander",
+ "l/chain_thrust",
+ "l/gears",
+ "l/lever_puzzle",
+ "l/pr",
+ "l/rail",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/m.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/m.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e274e6e6ecc8f39622b26c89e0f201cf7dd90a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/m.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ [
+ "m/h0_unicycle",
+ "m/h1_car_left",
+ "m/h2_car_right",
+ "m/h3_car_thrust",
+ "m/h4_thrust_the_needle",
+ "m/h5_angry_birds",
+ "m/h6_thrust_over",
+ "m/h7_car_flip",
+ "m/h8_weird_vehicle",
+ "m/h9_spin_the_right_way",
+ "m/h10_thrust_right_easy",
+ "m/h11_thrust_left_easy",
+ "m/h12_thrustfall_left",
+ "m/h13_thrustfall_right",
+ "m/h14_thrustblock",
+ "m/h15_thrustshoot",
+ "m/h16_thrustcontrol_right",
+ "m/h17_thrustcontrol_left",
+ "m/h18_thrust_right_very_easy",
+ "m/h19_thrust_left_very_easy",
+ "m/arm_left",
+ "m/arm_right",
+ "m/arm_up",
+ "m/arm_hard",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/mujoco.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/mujoco.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bbedb84fa36c520bdf9c79849e8f757eee067926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/mujoco.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ [
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval/s.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval/s.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52f305ce2f52ed36c011ef7c0020adbec3cfd673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval/s.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ [
+ "s/h0_weak_thrust",
+ "s/h7_unicycle_left",
+ "s/h3_point_the_thruster",
+ "s/h4_thrust_aim",
+ "s/h1_thrust_over_ball",
+ "s/h5_rotate_fall",
+ "s/h9_explode_then_thrust_over",
+ "s/h6_unicycle_right",
+ "s/h8_unicycle_balance",
+ "s/h2_one_wheel_car",
+ ]
+eval_num_attempts: 10
+eval_freq: 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/l.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/l.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5569d980463eeb274e741e931bd2a9be812dfb0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/l.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+num_polygons: 12
+num_circles: 4
+num_joints: 6
+num_thrusters: 2
+env_size_name: l
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/m.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/m.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3f7b4fe188f938103d8d9aeb7bc630b7d7bab6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/m.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+num_polygons: 6
+num_circles: 3
+num_joints: 2
+num_thrusters: 2
+env_size_name: m
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/s.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/s.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25af087a49c0d472e9f9ad2f049497af9ab7ff76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/eval_env_size/s.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+num_polygons: 5
+num_circles: 2
+num_joints: 1
+num_thrusters: 1
+env_size_name: s
+num_motor_bindings: 4
+num_thruster_bindings: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-base.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-base.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..48565ac32db1f9e836bdd73c2454375a257eb17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-base.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+lr: 5e-5
+peak_lr: 3e-4
+initial_lr: 1e-5
+warmup_frac: 0.1
+max_grad_norm: 1.0
+total_timesteps: 1073741824
+num_train_envs: 2048
+num_minibatches: 32
+gamma: 0.995
+update_epochs: 8
+clip_eps: 0.2
+gae_lambda: 0.9
+ent_coef: 0.01
+anneal_lr: false
+warmup_lr: false
+vf_coef: 0.5
+permute_state_during_training: false
+filter_levels: true
+level_filter_n_steps: 64
+level_filter_sample_ratio: 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-rnn.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-rnn.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5be41f56baa65e4201ce0625ef5c01e1e745b1fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-rnn.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+num_steps: 64
+num_repeats: 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-sfl.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-sfl.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa4e35e44f1a8aec0c0b8d10f93f54ab6fc21e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-sfl.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+num_steps: 512
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-ued.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-ued.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5e7d272118fc07f636dc03b486ef7651f4fbb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/learning/ppo-ued.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+num_steps: 64
+outer_rollout_steps: 4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/misc/misc.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/misc/misc.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..12970dda6e7dd8d63b9c4826eea9460cf383907d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/misc/misc.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+group: "auto"
+group_auto_prefix: ""
+save_path: "checkpoints/kinetix"
+use_wandb: true
+save_policy: true
+wandb_project: "kinetix-experiments"
+wandb_entity: null
+wandb_mode : online
+video_frequency: 10
+load_from_checkpoint: null
+load_only_params: true
+checkpoint_save_freq: 512
+checkpoint_human_numbers: false
+load_legacy_checkpoint: false
+load_train_levels_legacy: false
+economical_saving: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/model/model-base.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/model/model-base.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a85132c0fda8f20b0dccf553fabd5ebcc0f8f523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/model/model-base.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+fc_layer_depth: 5
+fc_layer_width: 128
+activation: "tanh"
+recurrent_model: False
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/model/model-transformer.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/model/model-transformer.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05d62c5ba16d491853c1899baaf1beca2a9bc16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/model/model-transformer.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+transformer_depth: 2
+transformer_size: 16
+transformer_encoder_size: 128
+num_heads: 8
+full_attention_mask: false
+aggregate_mode: dummy_and_mean
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/plr.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/plr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a63178e05f6e077dacbdbab5cf58a379078de9f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/plr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ - env: entity
+ - learning:
+ - ppo-base
+ - ppo-ued
+ - misc: misc
+ - env_size: s
+ - eval: s
+ - eval_env_size: s
+ - ued: plr
+ - train_levels: random
+ - model:
+ - model-base
+ - model-transformer
+ - _self_
+seed: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/ppo.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/ppo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..290bb3a2f31005e70b32b404452c35fcad20c620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/ppo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ - env: entity
+ - env_size: s
+ - learning:
+ - ppo-base
+ - ppo-rnn
+ - misc: misc
+ - eval: s
+ - eval_env_size: s
+ - train_levels: random
+ - model:
+ - model-base
+ - model-transformer
+ - _self_
+ eval_freq: 40
+seed: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/sfl.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/sfl.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae75296a19789f7cbfca91584134bf237a88b84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/sfl.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ - env: entity
+ - learning:
+ - ppo-base
+ - ppo-rnn
+ - misc: misc
+ - ued: sfl
+ - env_size: s
+ - eval: s
+ - eval_env_size: s
+ - train_levels: random
+ - model:
+ - model-base
+ - model-transformer
+ - _self_
+ eval_freq: 128
+ num_steps: 256
+seed: 0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/l.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/l.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5650fcfec0daec1432289148c533edf7b0734200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/l.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+train_level_mode: list
+ [
+ "l/h0_angrybirds",
+ "l/h1_car_left",
+ "l/h2_car_ramp",
+ "l/h3_car_right",
+ "l/h4_cartpole",
+ "l/h5_flappy_bird",
+ "l/h6_lorry",
+ "l/h7_maze_1",
+ "l/h8_maze_2",
+ "l/h9_morph_direction",
+ "l/h10_morph_direction_2",
+ "l/h11_obstacle_avoidance",
+ "l/h12_platformer_1",
+ "l/h13_platformer_2",
+ "l/h14_simple_thruster",
+ "l/h15_swing_up",
+ "l/h16_thruster_goal",
+ "l/h17_unicycle",
+ "l/hard_beam_balance",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_thrust",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_wheels",
+ "l/hard_lunar_lander",
+ "l/hard_pinball",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ "l/grasp_hard",
+ "l/grasp_easy",
+ "l/car_launch",
+ "l/car_swing_around",
+ "l/chain_lander",
+ "l/chain_thrust",
+ "l/gears",
+ "l/lever_puzzle",
+ "l/pr",
+ "l/rail",
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/m.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/m.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..41e1a6410507563e385d621978e4435cbd3bbbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/m.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+train_level_mode: list
+ [
+ "m/h0_unicycle",
+ "m/h1_car_left",
+ "m/h2_car_right",
+ "m/h3_car_thrust",
+ "m/h4_thrust_the_needle",
+ "m/h5_angry_birds",
+ "m/h6_thrust_over",
+ "m/h7_car_flip",
+ "m/h8_weird_vehicle",
+ "m/h9_spin_the_right_way",
+ "m/h10_thrust_right_easy",
+ "m/h11_thrust_left_easy",
+ "m/h12_thrustfall_left",
+ "m/h13_thrustfall_right",
+ "m/h14_thrustblock",
+ "m/h15_thrustshoot",
+ "m/h16_thrustcontrol_right",
+ "m/h17_thrustcontrol_left",
+ "m/h18_thrust_right_very_easy",
+ "m/h19_thrust_left_very_easy",
+ "m/arm_left",
+ "m/arm_right",
+ "m/arm_up",
+ "m/arm_hard",
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/mujoco.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/mujoco.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d76936f0a93c0b57cc7ddd39b921b58daeaebc0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/mujoco.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+train_level_mode: list
+ [
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/random.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/random.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81ca32ba2cf42f795402d16968ee6404a30975bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/random.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+train_level_mode: random
+train_level_distribution: distribution_v3
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/s.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/s.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4628d06ec8d074319e288ad2ebf1a76f77cc4521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/s.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+train_level_mode: list
+ [
+ "s/h0_weak_thrust",
+ "s/h7_unicycle_left",
+ "s/h3_point_the_thruster",
+ "s/h4_thrust_aim",
+ "s/h1_thrust_over_ball",
+ "s/h5_rotate_fall",
+ "s/h9_explode_then_thrust_over",
+ "s/h6_unicycle_right",
+ "s/h8_unicycle_balance",
+ "s/h2_one_wheel_car",
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/train_all.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/train_all.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f6cefde69da796163a3798a2e80c234f71c3fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/train_levels/train_all.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+train_level_mode: list
+ [
+ "s/h0_weak_thrust",
+ "s/h7_unicycle_left",
+ "s/h3_point_the_thruster",
+ "s/h4_thrust_aim",
+ "s/h1_thrust_over_ball",
+ "s/h5_rotate_fall",
+ "s/h9_explode_then_thrust_over",
+ "s/h6_unicycle_right",
+ "s/h8_unicycle_balance",
+ "s/h2_one_wheel_car",
+ "m/h0_unicycle",
+ "m/h1_car_left",
+ "m/h2_car_right",
+ "m/h3_car_thrust",
+ "m/h4_thrust_the_needle",
+ "m/h5_angry_birds",
+ "m/h6_thrust_over",
+ "m/h7_car_flip",
+ "m/h8_weird_vehicle",
+ "m/h9_spin_the_right_way",
+ "m/h10_thrust_right_easy",
+ "m/h11_thrust_left_easy",
+ "m/h12_thrustfall_left",
+ "m/h13_thrustfall_right",
+ "m/h14_thrustblock",
+ "m/h15_thrustshoot",
+ "m/h16_thrustcontrol_right",
+ "m/h17_thrustcontrol_left",
+ "m/h18_thrust_right_very_easy",
+ "m/h19_thrust_left_very_easy",
+ "m/arm_left",
+ "m/arm_right",
+ "m/arm_up",
+ "m/arm_hard",
+ "l/h0_angrybirds",
+ "l/h1_car_left",
+ "l/h2_car_ramp",
+ "l/h3_car_right",
+ "l/h4_cartpole",
+ "l/h5_flappy_bird",
+ "l/h6_lorry",
+ "l/h7_maze_1",
+ "l/h8_maze_2",
+ "l/h9_morph_direction",
+ "l/h10_morph_direction_2",
+ "l/h11_obstacle_avoidance",
+ "l/h12_platformer_1",
+ "l/h13_platformer_2",
+ "l/h14_simple_thruster",
+ "l/h15_swing_up",
+ "l/h16_thruster_goal",
+ "l/h17_unicycle",
+ "l/hard_beam_balance",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_thrust",
+ "l/hard_cartpole_wheels",
+ "l/hard_lunar_lander",
+ "l/hard_pinball",
+ "l/grasp_hard",
+ "l/grasp_easy",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah",
+ "l/mjc_half_cheetah_easy",
+ "l/mjc_hopper",
+ "l/mjc_hopper_easy",
+ "l/mjc_swimmer",
+ "l/mjc_walker",
+ "l/mjc_walker_easy",
+ "l/car_launch",
+ "l/car_swing_around",
+ "l/chain_lander",
+ "l/chain_thrust",
+ "l/gears",
+ "l/lever_puzzle",
+ "l/pr",
+ "l/rail",
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/ued/accel.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/ued/accel.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5d9085949105691bf6d2f6511632951c3552713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/ued/accel.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+use_accel: true
+exploratory_grad_updates: true
+num_edits: 5
+score_function: MaxMC
+level_buffer_capacity: 4000
+replay_prob: 0.5
+staleness_coeff: 0.3
+temperature: 1.0
+topk_k: 8
+minimum_fill_ratio: 0.5
+prioritization: rank
+buffer_duplicate_check: false
+buffer_train: false
+mode: train
+checkpoint_directory: checkpoints/physicsenv/ued
+max_number_of_checkpoints: 5
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/ued/plr.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/ued/plr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..681c169731af125fa782f83b0e37547349c3eb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/ued/plr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+use_accel: false
+exploratory_grad_updates: true
+num_edits: 2
+score_function: MaxMC
+level_buffer_capacity: 4000
+replay_prob: 0.5
+staleness_coeff: 0.3
+temperature: 1.0
+topk_k: 8
+minimum_fill_ratio: 0.5
+prioritization: rank
+buffer_duplicate_check: false
+buffer_train: false
+mode: train
+checkpoint_directory: checkpoints/physicsenv/ued
+max_number_of_checkpoints: 5
+accel_start_from_empty: True
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/configs/ued/sfl.yaml b/Kinetix/configs/ued/sfl.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecdfa6933c72ec2ce812cd4dc42af900a2481fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/configs/ued/sfl.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+"sampled_envs_ratio": 0.5
+"batch_size": 4096
+"num_batches": 3
+"rollout_steps": 512
+"num_to_save": 1024
+log_learnability_before_after: false
+put_eval_levels_in_buffer: false
+save_learnability_buffer_pickle: false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/docs/README.md b/Kinetix/docs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cacde3736a604a631eb30739ace86eeca1ac09b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/docs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Documentation
+This is intended to provide some more details about how Kinetix works, including more in-depth examples. If you are interested in the configuration options, see [here](./configs.md).
+- [Documentation](#documentation)
+ - [Different Versions of Kinetix Environments](#different-versions-of-kinetix-environments)
+ - [Action Spaces](#action-spaces)
+ - [Observation Spaces](#observation-spaces)
+ - [Resetting Functionality](#resetting-functionality)
+ - [Using Kinetix to easily design your own JAX Environments](#using-kinetix-to-easily-design-your-own-jax-environments)
+ - [Step 1 - Design an Environment](#step-1---design-an-environment)
+ - [Step 2 - Export It](#step-2---export-it)
+ - [Step 3 - Import It](#step-3---import-it)
+ - [Step 4 - Train](#step-4---train)
+## Different Versions of Kinetix Environments
+We provide several different variations on the standard Kinetix environment, where the primary difference is the action and observation spaces.
+Each of the environments has a different name, of the following form: `Kinetix---v1`, and can be made using the `make_kinetix_env_from_name` helper function.
+### Action Spaces
+For all action spaces, the agent can control joints and thrusters. Joints have a property `motor_binding`, which is a way to tie different joints to the same action. Two joints that have the same binding will always perform the same action, likewise for thrusters.
+We have three observation spaces, discrete, continuous and multi-discrete (which is the default).
+- **Discrete** has `2 * num_motor_bindings + num_thruster_bindings + 1` options, one of which can be active at any time. There are two options for every joint, i.e., backward and forward at full power. There is one option for each thruster, to activate it at full power. The final option is a no-op, meaning that no torque or force is applied to joints/thrusters.
+- **Continuous** has shape `num_motor_bindings + num_thruster_bindings`, where each motor element can take a value between -1 and 1, and thruster elements can take values between 0 and 1.
+- **Multi-Discrete**: This is a discrete action space, but allows multiple joints and thrusters to be active at any one time. The agent must output a flat vector of size `3 * num_motor_bindings + 2 * num_thruster_bindings`. For joints, each group of three represents a categorical distribution of `[0, -1, +1]` and for thrusters it represents `[0, +1]`.
+### Observation Spaces
+We provide three primary observation spaces, Symbolic-Flat (called just symbolic), Symbolic-Entity (called entity, which is also the default) and Pixels.
+- **Symbolic-Flat** returns a large vector, which is the flattened representation of all shapes and their properties.
+- **Symbolic-Entity** also returns a vector representation of all entities, but does not flatten it, instead returning it in a form that can be used with permutation-invariant network architectures, such as transformers.
+- **Pixels** returns an image representation of the scene. This is partially observable, as features such as the restitution and density of shapes is not shown.
+Each observation space has its own pros and cons. **Symbolic-Flat** is the fastest by far, but has two clear downsides. First, it is restricted to a single environment size, e.g. a model trained on `small` cannot be run on `medium` levels. Second, due to the large number of symmetries (e.g. any permutation of the same shapes would represent the same scene but would look very different in this observation space), this generalises worse than *entity*.
+**Symbolic-Entity** is faster than pixels, but slower than Symbolic-Flat. However, it can be applied to any number of shapes, and is natively permutation invariant. For these reasons we chose it as the default option.
+Finally, **Pixels** runs the slowest, and also requires more memory, which means that we cannot run as many parallel environments. However, pixels is potentially the most general format, and could theoretically allow transfer to other domains and simulators.
+## Resetting Functionality
+We have two primary resetting functions that control the environment's behaviour when an episode ends. The first of these is to train on a known, predefined set of levels, and resetting samples a new level from this set. In the extreme case, this also allows training only on a single level in the standard RL manner. The other main way of resetting is to sample a *random* level from some distribution, meaning that it is exceedingly unlikely to sample the same level twice.
+## Using Kinetix to easily design your own JAX Environments
+Since Kinetix has a general physics engine, you can design your own environments and train RL agents on them very fast! This section in the docs describes this pipeline.
+### Step 1 - Design an Environment
+You can go to our [online editor](https://kinetix-env.github.io/gallery.html?editor=true). You can also have a look at the [gallery](https://kinetix-env.github.io/gallery.html) if you need some inspiration.
+The following two images show the main editor page, and then the level I designed, where you have to spin the ball the right way. While designing the level, you can play it to test it out, seeing if it is possible and of the appropriate difficulty.
+### Step 2 - Export It
+Once you are satisfied with your level, you can download it as a json file by using the button on the bottom left. Once this is downloaded, move it to `$KINETIX_ROOT/worlds/custom/my_custom_level.json`, where `$KINETIX_ROOT` is the root of the Kinetix repo.
+### Step 3 - Import It
+In python, you can import the level as follows, see `examples/example_premade_level_replay.py` for an example.
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_from_json_file
+level, static_env_params, env_params = load_from_json_file("worlds/custom/my_custom_level.json")
+### Step 4 - Train
+You can use the above if you want to import the level and play around with it. If you want to train an RL agent on this level, you can do the following (see [here](https://github.com/FLAIROx/Kinetix?tab=readme-ov-file#training-on-a-single-hand-designed-level) from the main README).
+python3 experiments/ppo.py env_size=custom \
+ env_size.custom_path=custom/my_custom_level.json \
+ train_levels=s \
+ train_levels.train_levels_list='["custom/my_custom_level.json"]' \
+ eval=eval_auto
+And the agent will start training, with videos on this on [wandb](https://wandb.ai).
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..261e3340b4471607441ed9f9ed22a1146882c23f
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+++ b/Kinetix/docs/configs.md
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+# Configuration
+- [Configuration](#configuration)
+ - [Configuration Headings](#configuration-headings)
+ - [Env](#env)
+ - [Env Size](#env-size)
+ - [Learning](#learning)
+ - [Misc](#misc)
+ - [Eval](#eval)
+ - [Eval Env Size](#eval-env-size)
+ - [Train Levels](#train-levels)
+ - [Model](#model)
+ - [UED](#ued)
+We use [hydra](hydra.cc) for all of our configurations, and we use [hierarchical configuration](https://hydra.cc/docs/tutorials/structured_config/schema/) to organise everything better.
+In particular, we have the following configuration headings, with the base `ppo` config looking like:
+ - env: entity
+ - env_size: s
+ - learning:
+ - ppo-base
+ - ppo-rnn
+ - misc: misc
+ - eval: s
+ - eval_env_size: s
+ - train_levels: random
+ - model:
+ - model-base
+ - model-transformer
+ - _self_
+seed: 0
+## Configuration Headings
+### Env
+This controls the environment to be used.
+#### Preset Options
+We provide two options in `configs/env`, namely `entity` and `symbolic`; each of these can be used by running `python3 experiments/ppo.py env=symbolic` or `python3 experiments/ppo.py env=entity`. If you wish to customise the options further, you can add any of the following subkeys (e.g. by running `python3 experiments/ppo.py env=symbolic env.dense_reward_scale=0.0`):
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `env.env_name`: The name of the environment, with controls the observation and action space.
+- `env.dense_reward_scale`: How large the dense reward scale is, set this to zero to disable dense rewards.
+- `env.frame_skip`: The number of frames to skip, setting this to 2 (the default) seems to perform better.
+### Env Size
+This controls the maximum number of shapes present in the simulation. This has two important tradeoffs, namely speed and representational power: Small environments run much faster but some complex environments require a large number of shapes. See `configs/env_size`
+#### Preset Options
+- `s`: The `small` preset
+- `m`: `Medium` preset
+- `l`: `Large` preset
+- `custom`: Allows the use of a custom environment size loaded from a json file (see [here](#train-levels) for more).
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `num_polygons`: How many polygons
+- `num_circles`: How many circles
+- `num_joints`: How many joints
+- `num_thrusters`: How many thrusters
+- `env_size_name`: "s", "m" or "l"
+- `num_motor_bindings`: How many different joint bindings are there, meaning how many different actions are there associated with joints. All joints with the same binding will have the same action applied to them.
+- `num_thruster_bindings`: How many different thruster bindings are there
+- `env_size_type`: "predefined" or "custom"
+- `custom_path`: **Only for env_size_type=custom**, controls the json file to load the custom environment size from.
+### Learning
+This controls the agent's learning, see `configs/learning`
+#### Preset Options
+- `ppo-base`: This has all of the base PPO parameters, and is used by all methods
+- `ppo-rnn`: This has the PureJaxRL settings for some of PPO's hyperparameters (mainly `num_steps` is different)
+- `ppo-sfl`: This has the SFL-specific value of `num_steps`
+- `ppo-ued`: This has the JAXUED-specific `num_steps` and `outer_rollout_steps`
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `lr`: Learning Rate
+- `anneal_lr`: Whether to anneal LR
+- `warmup_lr`: Whether to warmup LR
+- `peak_lr`: If warming up, the peak
+- `initial_lr`: If warming up, the initial LR
+- `warmup_frac`: If warming up, the warmup fraction of training time
+- `max_grad_norm`: Maximum grad norm
+- `total_timesteps`: How many total environment interactions must be run
+- `num_train_envs`: Number of parallel environments to run simultaneously
+- `num_minibatches`: Minibatches for PPO learning
+- `gamma`: Discount factor
+- `update_epochs`: PPO update epochs
+- `clip_eps`: PPO clipping epsilon
+- `gae_lambda`: PPO Lambda for GAE
+- `ent_coef`: Entropy loss coefficient
+- `vf_coef`: Value function loss coefficient
+- `permute_state_during_training`: If true, the state is permuted on every reset.
+- `filter_levels`: If true, and we are training on random levels, this filters out levels that can be solved by a no-op
+- `level_filter_n_steps`: How many steps to allocate to the no-op policy for filtering
+- `level_filter_sample_ratio`: How many more levels to sample than required (ideally `level_filter_sample_ratio` is more than the fraction that will be filtered out).
+- `num_steps`: PPO rollout length
+- `outer_rollout_steps`: How many learning steps to do for e.g. PLR for each rollout (see the [Craftax paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.16801) for a more in-depth explanation).
+### Misc
+There are a plethora of miscellaneous options that are grouped under the `misc` category. There is only one preset option, `configs/misc/misc.yaml`.
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `group`: Wandb group ("auto" usually works well)
+- `group_auto_prefix`: If using group=auto, this is a user-defined prefix
+- `save_path`: Where to save checkpoints to
+- `use_wandb`: Should wandb be logged to
+- `save_policy`: Should we save the policy
+- `wandb_project`: Wandb project
+- `wandb_entity`: Wandb entity, leave as `null` to use your default one
+- `wandb_mode` : Wandb mode
+- `video_frequency`: How often to log videos (they are quite large)
+- `load_from_checkpoint`: WWandb artifact path to load from
+- `load_only_params`: Whether to load just the network parameters or entire train state.
+- `checkpoint_save_freq`: How often to log checkpoits
+- `checkpoint_human_numbers`: Should the checkpoints have human-readable timestep numbers
+- `load_legacy_checkpoint`: Do not use
+- `load_train_levels_legacy`: Do not use
+- `economical_saving`: If true, only saves a few important checkpoints for space conservation purposes.
+### Eval
+This option (see `configs/eval`) controls how evaluation works, and what levels are used.
+#### Preset Options
+- `s`: Eval on the `s` hand-designed levels located in `worlds/s`
+- `m`: Eval on the `m` hand-designed levels located in `worlds/m`
+- `l`: Eval on the `l` hand-designed levels located in `worlds/l`
+- `eval_all`: Eval on all of the hand-designed eval levels
+- `eval_auto`: If `train_levels` is not random, evaluate on the training levels.
+- `mujoco`: Eval on the recreations of the mujoco tasks.
+- `eval_general`: General option if you are planning on overwriting most options.
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `eval_levels`: List of eval levels or the string "auto"
+- `eval_num_attempts`: How many times to eval on the same level
+- `eval_freq`: How often to evaluate
+- `EVAL_ON_SAMPLED`: If true, in `plr.py` and `sfl.py`, evaluates on a fixed set of randomly-generated levels
+### Eval Env Size
+This controls the size of the evaluation environment. This is crucial to match up with the size of the evaluation levels.
+#### Preset Options
+- `s`: Same as the `env_size` option.
+- `m`: Same as the `env_size` option.
+- `l`: Same as the `env_size` option.
+### Train Levels
+Which levels to train on.
+#### Preset Options
+- `s`: All of the `s` holdout levels
+- `m`: All of the `m` holdout levels
+- `l`: All of the `l` holdout levels
+- `train_all`: All of the levels from all 3 holdout sets
+- `mujoco`: All of the mujoco recreation levels.
+- `random`: Train on random levels
+#### Individual Subkeys
+- `train_level_mode`: "random" or "list"
+- `train_level_distribution`: if train_level_mode=random, this controls which distribution to use. By default `distribution_v3`
+- `train_levels_list`: This is a list of levels to train on.
+### Model
+This controls the model architecture and options associated with that.
+#### Preset Options
+We use both of the following:
+- `model-base`
+- `model-entity`
+#### Individual Subkeys
+`fc_layer_depth`: How many layers in the FC model
+`fc_layer_width`: How wide is each FC layer
+`activation`: NN activation
+`recurrent_model`: Whether or not to use recurrence
+The following are just relevant when using `env=entity`
+`transformer_depth`: How many transformer layers to use
+`transformer_size`: How large are the KQV vectors
+`transformer_encoder_size`: How large are the initial embeddings
+`num_heads`: How many heads, must be a multiple of 4 and divide `transformer_size` evenly.
+`full_attention_mask`: If true, all heads use the full attention mask
+`aggregate_mode`: `dummy_and_mean` works well.
+### UED
+Options pertaining to UED (i.e., when using the scripts `plr.py` or `sfl.py`)
+#### Preset Options
+- `sfl`
+- `plr`
+- `accel`
+#### Individual Subkeys
+See the individual files for the configuration options used.
+For SFL, we have:
+- `sampled_envs_ratio`: How many environments are from the SFL buffer and how many are randomly generated
+- `batch_size`: How many levels to evaluate learnability on per batch
+- `num_batches`: How many batches to run when choosing the most learnable levels
+- `rollout_steps`: How many steps to rollout for when doing the learnability calculation.
+- `num_to_save`: How many levels to save in the learnability buffer
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diff --git a/Kinetix/examples/example_premade_level_replay.py b/Kinetix/examples/example_premade_level_replay.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9791a0f232bf2e1fdcc0928d9c93093c6949acf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/examples/example_premade_level_replay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import jax.random
+from jax2d.engine import PhysicsEngine
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from kinetix.environment.env import make_kinetix_env_from_args
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams, EnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.distributions import sample_kinetix_level
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_from_json_file
+def main():
+ # Load a premade level
+ level, static_env_params, env_params = load_from_json_file("worlds/l/grasp_easy.json")
+ # Create the environment
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_args(
+ obs_type="pixels", action_type="continuous", reset_type="replay", static_env_params=static_env_params
+ )
+ # Reset the environment state to this level
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs, env_state = env.reset_to_level(_rng, level, env_params)
+ # Take a step in the environment
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ action = env.action_space(env_params).sample(_rng)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs, env_state, reward, done, info = env.step(_rng, env_state, action, env_params)
+ # Render environment
+ renderer = make_render_pixels(env_params, static_env_params)
+ # There are a lot of wrappers
+ pixels = renderer(env_state.env_state.env_state.env_state)
+ plt.imshow(pixels.astype(jnp.uint8).transpose(1, 0, 2)[::-1])
+ plt.show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Kinetix/examples/example_random_level_replay.py b/Kinetix/examples/example_random_level_replay.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e2613b367f232a54ccfb9b1c5e1002a91094cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/examples/example_random_level_replay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import jax.random
+from jax2d.engine import PhysicsEngine
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from kinetix.environment.env import make_kinetix_env_from_args
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams, EnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.distributions import sample_kinetix_level
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+def main():
+ # Use default parameters
+ env_params = EnvParams()
+ static_env_params = StaticEnvParams()
+ ued_params = UEDParams()
+ # Create the environment
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_args(
+ obs_type="pixels", action_type="continuous", reset_type="replay", static_env_params=static_env_params
+ )
+ # Sample a random level
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ level = sample_kinetix_level(_rng, env.physics_engine, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ # Reset the environment state to this level
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs, env_state = env.reset_to_level(_rng, level, env_params)
+ # Take a step in the environment
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ action = env.action_space(env_params).sample(_rng)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs, env_state, reward, done, info = env.step(_rng, env_state, action, env_params)
+ # Render environment
+ renderer = make_render_pixels(env_params, static_env_params)
+ # There are a lot of wrappers
+ pixels = renderer(env_state.env_state.env_state.env_state)
+ plt.imshow(pixels.astype(jnp.uint8).transpose(1, 0, 2)[::-1])
+ plt.show()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Kinetix/experiments/plr.py b/Kinetix/experiments/plr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28778a86d4648875058a5d49d72b6b2a5faabcb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/experiments/plr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+from functools import partial
+import time
+from enum import IntEnum
+from typing import Tuple
+import chex
+import hydra
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+import optax
+from flax import core, struct
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState as BaseTrainState
+import wandb
+from kinetix.environment.ued.distributions import (
+ create_random_starting_distribution,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import (
+ make_mutate_env,
+ make_reset_train_function_with_mutations,
+ make_vmapped_filtered_level_sampler,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import (
+ make_mutate_env,
+ make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels,
+ make_reset_train_function_with_mutations,
+from kinetix.util.config import (
+ generate_ued_params_from_config,
+ get_video_frequency,
+ init_wandb,
+ normalise_config,
+ save_data_to_local_file,
+ generate_params_from_config,
+ get_eval_level_groups,
+from jaxued.environments.underspecified_env import EnvState
+from jaxued.level_sampler import LevelSampler
+from jaxued.utils import compute_max_returns, max_mc, positive_value_loss
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+import sys
+from kinetix.environment.env import make_kinetix_env_from_name
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import (
+ UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper,
+ LogWrapper,
+ DenseRewardWrapper,
+ AutoReplayWrapper,
+from kinetix.models import make_network_from_config
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.util.learning import (
+ general_eval,
+ get_eval_levels,
+ no_op_and_random_rollout,
+ sample_trajectories_and_learn,
+from kinetix.util.saving import (
+ load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path,
+ save_model_to_wandb,
+class UpdateState(IntEnum):
+ DR = 0
+ REPLAY = 1
+ MUTATE = 2
+def get_level_complexity_metrics(all_levels: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ def get_for_single_level(level):
+ return {
+ "complexity/num_shapes": level.polygon.active[static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys :].sum()
+ + level.circle.active.sum(),
+ "complexity/num_joints": level.joint.active.sum(),
+ "complexity/num_thrusters": level.thruster.active.sum(),
+ "complexity/num_rjoints": (level.joint.active * jnp.logical_not(level.joint.is_fixed_joint)).sum(),
+ "complexity/num_fjoints": (level.joint.active * (level.joint.is_fixed_joint)).sum(),
+ "complexity/has_ball": ((level.polygon_shape_roles == 1) * level.polygon.active).sum()
+ + ((level.circle_shape_roles == 1) * level.circle.active).sum(),
+ "complexity/has_goal": ((level.polygon_shape_roles == 2) * level.polygon.active).sum()
+ + ((level.circle_shape_roles == 2) * level.circle.active).sum(),
+ }
+ return jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.mean(), jax.vmap(get_for_single_level)(all_levels))
+def get_ued_score_metrics(all_ued_scores):
+ (mc, pvl, learn) = all_ued_scores
+ scores = {}
+ for score, name in zip([mc, pvl, learn], ["MaxMC", "PVL", "Learnability"]):
+ scores[f"ued_scores/{name}/Mean"] = score.mean()
+ scores[f"ued_scores_additional/{name}/Max"] = score.max()
+ scores[f"ued_scores_additional/{name}/Min"] = score.min()
+ return scores
+class TrainState(BaseTrainState):
+ sampler: core.FrozenDict[str, chex.ArrayTree] = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ update_state: UpdateState = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ # === Below is used for logging ===
+ num_dr_updates: int
+ num_replay_updates: int
+ num_mutation_updates: int
+ dr_last_level_batch_scores: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ replay_last_level_batch_scores: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ mutation_last_level_batch_scores: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ dr_last_level_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ replay_last_level_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ mutation_last_level_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ dr_last_rollout_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ replay_last_rollout_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+ mutation_last_rollout_batch: chex.ArrayTree = struct.field(pytree_node=True)
+# region PPO helper functions
+# endregion
+def train_state_to_log_dict(train_state: TrainState, level_sampler: LevelSampler) -> dict:
+ """To prevent the entire (large) train_state to be copied to the CPU when doing logging, this function returns all of the important information in a dictionary format.
+ Anything in the `log` key will be logged to wandb.
+ Args:
+ train_state (TrainState):
+ level_sampler (LevelSampler):
+ Returns:
+ dict:
+ """
+ sampler = train_state.sampler
+ idx = jnp.arange(level_sampler.capacity) < sampler["size"]
+ s = jnp.maximum(idx.sum(), 1)
+ return {
+ "log": {
+ "level_sampler/size": sampler["size"],
+ "level_sampler/episode_count": sampler["episode_count"],
+ "level_sampler/max_score": sampler["scores"].max(),
+ "level_sampler/weighted_score": (sampler["scores"] * level_sampler.level_weights(sampler)).sum(),
+ "level_sampler/mean_score": (sampler["scores"] * idx).sum() / s,
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "num_dr_updates": train_state.num_dr_updates,
+ "num_replay_updates": train_state.num_replay_updates,
+ "num_mutation_updates": train_state.num_mutation_updates,
+ },
+ }
+def compute_learnability(config, done, reward, info, num_envs):
+ num_agents = 1
+ BATCH_ACTORS = num_envs * num_agents
+ rollout_length = config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"]
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(None, 1, 1, 1))
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
+ def _calc_outcomes_by_agent(max_steps: int, dones, returns, info):
+ idxs = jnp.arange(max_steps)
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0))
+ def __ep_outcomes(start_idx, end_idx):
+ mask = (idxs > start_idx) & (idxs <= end_idx) & (end_idx != max_steps)
+ r = jnp.sum(returns * mask)
+ goal_r = info["GoalR"]
+ success = jnp.sum(goal_r * mask)
+ collision = 0
+ timeo = 0
+ l = end_idx - start_idx
+ return r, success, collision, timeo, l
+ done_idxs = jnp.argwhere(dones, size=50, fill_value=max_steps).squeeze()
+ mask_done = jnp.where(done_idxs == max_steps, 0, 1)
+ ep_return, success, collision, timeo, length = __ep_outcomes(
+ jnp.concatenate([jnp.array([-1]), done_idxs[:-1]]), done_idxs
+ )
+ return {
+ "ep_return": ep_return.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "num_episodes": mask_done.sum(),
+ "num_success": success.sum(where=mask_done),
+ "success_rate": success.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "collision_rate": collision.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "timeout_rate": timeo.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "ep_len": length.mean(where=mask_done),
+ }
+ done_by_env = done.reshape((-1, num_agents, num_envs))
+ reward_by_env = reward.reshape((-1, num_agents, num_envs))
+ o = _calc_outcomes_by_agent(rollout_length, done, reward, info)
+ success_by_env = o["success_rate"].reshape((num_agents, num_envs))
+ learnability_by_env = (success_by_env * (1 - success_by_env)).sum(axis=0)
+ return (
+ learnability_by_env,
+ o["num_episodes"].reshape(num_agents, num_envs).sum(axis=0),
+ o["num_success"].reshape(num_agents, num_envs).T,
+ ) # so agents is at the end.
+def compute_score(
+ config: dict, dones: chex.Array, values: chex.Array, max_returns: chex.Array, reward, info, advantages: chex.Array
+) -> chex.Array:
+ # Computes the score for each level
+ if config["score_function"] == "MaxMC":
+ return max_mc(dones, values, max_returns)
+ elif config["score_function"] == "pvl":
+ return positive_value_loss(dones, advantages)
+ elif config["score_function"] == "learnability":
+ learnability, num_episodes, num_success = compute_learnability(
+ config, dones, reward, info, config["num_train_envs"]
+ )
+ return learnability
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown score function: {config['score_function']}")
+def compute_all_scores(
+ config: dict,
+ dones: chex.Array,
+ values: chex.Array,
+ max_returns: chex.Array,
+ reward,
+ info,
+ advantages: chex.Array,
+ return_success_rate=False,
+ mc = max_mc(dones, values, max_returns)
+ pvl = positive_value_loss(dones, advantages)
+ learnability, num_episodes, num_success = compute_learnability(
+ config, dones, reward, info, config["num_train_envs"]
+ )
+ if config["score_function"] == "MaxMC":
+ main_score = mc
+ elif config["score_function"] == "pvl":
+ main_score = pvl
+ elif config["score_function"] == "learnability":
+ main_score = learnability
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown score function: {config['score_function']}")
+ if return_success_rate:
+ success_rate = num_success.squeeze(1) / jnp.maximum(num_episodes, 1)
+ return main_score, (mc, pvl, learnability, success_rate)
+ return main_score, (mc, pvl, learnability)
+@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../configs", config_name="plr")
+def main(config=None):
+ my_name = "PLR"
+ config = OmegaConf.to_container(config)
+ if config["ued"]["replay_prob"] == 0.0:
+ my_name = "DR"
+ elif config["ued"]["use_accel"]:
+ my_name = "ACCEL"
+ time_start = time.time()
+ config = normalise_config(config, my_name)
+ env_params, static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(config)
+ config["env_params"] = to_state_dict(env_params)
+ config["static_env_params"] = to_state_dict(static_env_params)
+ run = init_wandb(config, my_name)
+ config = wandb.config
+ time_prev = time.time()
+ def log_eval(stats, train_state_info):
+ nonlocal time_prev
+ print(f"Logging update: {stats['update_count']}")
+ total_loss = jnp.mean(stats["losses"][0])
+ if jnp.isnan(total_loss):
+ print("NaN loss, skipping logging")
+ raise ValueError("NaN loss")
+ # generic stats
+ env_steps = int(
+ int(stats["update_count"]) * config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"]
+ )
+ env_steps_delta = (
+ config["eval_freq"] * config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"]
+ )
+ time_now = time.time()
+ log_dict = {
+ "timing/num_updates": stats["update_count"],
+ "timing/num_env_steps": env_steps,
+ "timing/sps": env_steps_delta / (time_now - time_prev),
+ "timing/sps_agg": env_steps / (time_now - time_start),
+ "loss/total_loss": jnp.mean(stats["losses"][0]),
+ "loss/value_loss": jnp.mean(stats["losses"][1][0]),
+ "loss/policy_loss": jnp.mean(stats["losses"][1][1]),
+ "loss/entropy_loss": jnp.mean(stats["losses"][1][2]),
+ }
+ time_prev = time_now
+ # evaluation performance
+ returns = stats["eval_returns"]
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_return": returns.mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_learnability": stats["eval_learn"].mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_solve_rate": stats["eval_solves"].mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_eplen": stats["eval_ep_lengths"].mean()})
+ for i in range(config["num_eval_levels"]):
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_return/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = returns[i]
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_learnability/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = stats["eval_learn"][i]
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_solve_rate/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = stats["eval_solves"][i]
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_episode_length/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = stats["eval_ep_lengths"][i]
+ log_dict[f"eval_get_max_eplen/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = stats["eval_get_max_eplen"][i]
+ log_dict[f"episode_return_bigger_than_negative/{config['eval_levels'][i]}"] = stats[
+ "episode_return_bigger_than_negative"
+ ][i]
+ def _aggregate_per_size(values, name):
+ to_return = {}
+ for group_name, indices in eval_group_indices.items():
+ to_return[f"{name}_{group_name}"] = values[indices].mean()
+ return to_return
+ log_dict.update(_aggregate_per_size(returns, "eval_aggregate/return"))
+ log_dict.update(_aggregate_per_size(stats["eval_solves"], "eval_aggregate/solve_rate"))
+ if config["EVAL_ON_SAMPLED"]:
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_return_sampled": stats["eval_dr_returns"].mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_solve_rate_sampled": stats["eval_dr_solve_rates"].mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_eplen_sampled": stats["eval_dr_eplen"].mean()})
+ # level sampler
+ log_dict.update(train_state_info["log"])
+ # images
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ "images/highest_scoring_level": wandb.Image(
+ np.array(stats["highest_scoring_level"]), caption="Highest scoring level"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ "images/highest_weighted_level": wandb.Image(
+ np.array(stats["highest_weighted_level"]), caption="Highest weighted level"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ for s in ["dr", "replay", "mutation"]:
+ if train_state_info["info"][f"num_{s}_updates"] > 0:
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"images/{s}_levels": [
+ wandb.Image(np.array(image), caption=f"{score}")
+ for image, score in zip(stats[f"{s}_levels"], stats[f"{s}_scores"])
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ if stats["log_videos"]:
+ # animations
+ rollout_ep = stats[f"{s}_ep_len"]
+ arr = np.array(stats[f"{s}_rollout"][:rollout_ep])
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"media/{s}_eval": wandb.Video(
+ arr.astype(np.uint8), fps=15, caption=f"{s.capitalize()} (len {rollout_ep})"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ # * 255
+ # DR, Replay and Mutate Returns
+ dr_inds = (stats["update_state"] == UpdateState.DR).nonzero()[0]
+ rep_inds = (stats["update_state"] == UpdateState.REPLAY).nonzero()[0]
+ mut_inds = (stats["update_state"] == UpdateState.MUTATE).nonzero()[0]
+ for name, inds in [
+ ("DR", dr_inds),
+ ("REPLAY", rep_inds),
+ ("MUTATION", mut_inds),
+ ]:
+ if len(inds) > 0:
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"{name}/episode_return": stats["episode_return"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/mean_eplen": stats["returned_episode_lengths"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/mean_success": stats["returned_episode_solved"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/noop_return": stats["noop_returns"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/noop_eplen": stats["noop_eplen"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/noop_success": stats["noop_success"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/random_return": stats["random_returns"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/random_eplen": stats["random_eplen"][inds].mean(),
+ f"{name}/random_success": stats["random_success"][inds].mean(),
+ }
+ )
+ for k in stats:
+ if "complexity/" in k:
+ k2 = "complexity/" + name + "_" + k.replace("complexity/", "")
+ log_dict.update({k2: stats[k][inds].mean()})
+ if "ued_scores/" in k:
+ k2 = "ued_scores/" + name + "_" + k.replace("ued_scores/", "")
+ log_dict.update({k2: stats[k][inds].mean()})
+ # Eval rollout animations
+ if stats["log_videos"]:
+ for i in range((config["num_eval_levels"])):
+ frames, episode_length = stats["eval_animation"][0][:, i], stats["eval_animation"][1][i]
+ frames = np.array(frames[:episode_length])
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"media/eval_video_{config['eval_levels'][i]}": wandb.Video(
+ frames.astype(np.uint8), fps=15, caption=f"Len ({episode_length})"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ wandb.log(log_dict)
+ def get_all_metrics(
+ rng,
+ losses,
+ info,
+ init_env_state,
+ init_obs,
+ dones,
+ grads,
+ all_ued_scores,
+ new_levels,
+ ):
+ noop_returns, noop_len, noop_success, random_returns, random_lens, random_success = no_op_and_random_rollout(
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ rng,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ config["num_train_envs"],
+ config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"],
+ )
+ metrics = (
+ {
+ "losses": jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.mean(), losses),
+ "returned_episode_lengths": (info["returned_episode_lengths"] * dones).sum()
+ / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ "max_episode_length": info["returned_episode_lengths"].max(),
+ "levels_played": init_env_state.env_state.env_state,
+ "episode_return": (info["returned_episode_returns"] * dones).sum() / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ "episode_return_v2": (info["returned_episode_returns"] * info["returned_episode"]).sum()
+ / jnp.maximum(1, info["returned_episode"].sum()),
+ "grad_norms": grads.mean(),
+ "noop_returns": noop_returns,
+ "noop_eplen": noop_len,
+ "noop_success": noop_success,
+ "random_returns": random_returns,
+ "random_eplen": random_lens,
+ "random_success": random_success,
+ "returned_episode_solved": (info["returned_episode_solved"] * dones).sum()
+ / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ }
+ | get_level_complexity_metrics(new_levels, static_env_params)
+ | get_ued_score_metrics(all_ued_scores)
+ )
+ return metrics
+ # Setup the environment.
+ def make_env(static_env_params):
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_name(config["env_name"], static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ env = AutoReplayWrapper(env)
+ env = UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(env)
+ env = DenseRewardWrapper(env, dense_reward_scale=config["dense_reward_scale"])
+ env = LogWrapper(env)
+ return env
+ env = make_env(static_env_params)
+ if config["train_level_mode"] == "list":
+ sample_random_level = make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels(
+ config, config["train_levels_list"], static_env_params, make_pcg_state=False, is_loading_train_levels=True
+ )
+ elif config["train_level_mode"] == "random":
+ sample_random_level = make_reset_train_function_with_mutations(
+ env.physics_engine, env_params, static_env_params, config, make_pcg_state=False
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown train_level_mode: {config['train_level_mode']}")
+ if config["use_accel"] and config["accel_start_from_empty"]:
+ def make_sample_random_level():
+ def inner(rng):
+ def _inner_accel(rng):
+ return create_random_starting_distribution(
+ rng, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params, config["env_size_name"], controllable=True
+ )
+ def _inner_accel_not_controllable(rng):
+ return create_random_starting_distribution(
+ rng, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params, config["env_size_name"], controllable=False
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ return _inner_accel(_rng)
+ return inner
+ sample_random_level = make_sample_random_level()
+ sample_random_levels = make_vmapped_filtered_level_sampler(
+ sample_random_level, env_params, static_env_params, config, make_pcg_state=False, env=env
+ )
+ def generate_world():
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ pass
+ def generate_eval_world(rng, env_params, static_env_params, level_idx):
+ # jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(101), num_levels), env_params, static_env_params, jnp.arange(num_levels)
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ _, eval_static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(
+ config["eval_env_size_true"] | {"frame_skip": config["frame_skip"]}
+ )
+ eval_env = make_env(eval_static_env_params)
+ ued_params = generate_ued_params_from_config(config)
+ mutate_world = make_mutate_env(static_env_params, env_params, ued_params)
+ def make_render_fn(static_env_params):
+ render_fn_inner = make_render_pixels(env_params, static_env_params)
+ render_fn = lambda x: render_fn_inner(x).transpose(1, 0, 2)[::-1]
+ return render_fn
+ render_fn = make_render_fn(static_env_params)
+ render_fn_eval = make_render_fn(eval_static_env_params)
+ if config["EVAL_ON_SAMPLED"]:
+ key_to_sample_dr_eval_set = jax.random.PRNGKey(100)
+ DR_EVAL_LEVELS = sample_random_levels(key_to_sample_dr_eval_set, NUM_EVAL_DR_LEVELS)
+ # And the level sampler
+ level_sampler = LevelSampler(
+ capacity=config["level_buffer_capacity"],
+ replay_prob=config["replay_prob"],
+ staleness_coeff=config["staleness_coeff"],
+ minimum_fill_ratio=config["minimum_fill_ratio"],
+ prioritization=config["prioritization"],
+ prioritization_params={"temperature": config["temperature"], "k": config["topk_k"]},
+ duplicate_check=config["buffer_duplicate_check"],
+ )
+ @jax.jit
+ def create_train_state(rng) -> TrainState:
+ # Creates the train state
+ def linear_schedule(count):
+ frac = 1.0 - (count // (config["num_minibatches"] * config["update_epochs"])) / (
+ config["num_updates"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"]
+ )
+ return config["lr"] * frac
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ init_state = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[0], sample_random_levels(_rng, 1))
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs, _ = env.reset_to_level(_rng, init_state, env_params)
+ ns = config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"]
+ obs = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: jnp.repeat(jnp.repeat(x[None, ...], config["num_train_envs"], axis=0)[None, ...], ns, axis=0),
+ obs,
+ )
+ init_x = (obs, jnp.zeros((ns, config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=jnp.bool_))
+ network = make_network_from_config(env, env_params, config)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ network_params = network.init(_rng, ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"]), init_x)
+ if config["anneal_lr"]:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(learning_rate=linear_schedule, eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ else:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(config["lr"], eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ pholder_level = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[0], sample_random_levels(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), 1))
+ sampler = level_sampler.initialize(pholder_level, {"max_return": -jnp.inf})
+ pholder_level_batch = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: jnp.array([x]).repeat(config["num_train_envs"], axis=0), pholder_level
+ )
+ pholder_rollout_batch = (
+ jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: jnp.repeat(
+ jnp.expand_dims(x, 0), repeats=config["num_steps"] * config["outer_rollout_steps"], axis=0
+ ),
+ init_state,
+ ),
+ init_x[1][:, 0],
+ )
+ pholder_level_batch_scores = jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"],), dtype=jnp.float32)
+ train_state = TrainState.create(
+ apply_fn=network.apply,
+ params=network_params,
+ tx=tx,
+ sampler=sampler,
+ update_state=0,
+ num_dr_updates=0,
+ num_replay_updates=0,
+ num_mutation_updates=0,
+ dr_last_level_batch_scores=pholder_level_batch_scores,
+ replay_last_level_batch_scores=pholder_level_batch_scores,
+ mutation_last_level_batch_scores=pholder_level_batch_scores,
+ dr_last_level_batch=pholder_level_batch,
+ replay_last_level_batch=pholder_level_batch,
+ mutation_last_level_batch=pholder_level_batch,
+ dr_last_rollout_batch=pholder_rollout_batch,
+ replay_last_rollout_batch=pholder_rollout_batch,
+ mutation_last_rollout_batch=pholder_rollout_batch,
+ )
+ if config["load_from_checkpoint"] != None:
+ print("LOADING from", config["load_from_checkpoint"], "with only params =", config["load_only_params"])
+ train_state = load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path(
+ train_state,
+ config["load_from_checkpoint"],
+ load_only_params=config["load_only_params"],
+ legacy=config["load_legacy_checkpoint"],
+ )
+ return train_state
+ all_eval_levels = get_eval_levels(config["eval_levels"], eval_env.static_env_params)
+ eval_group_indices = get_eval_level_groups(config["eval_levels"])
+ @jax.jit
+ def train_step(carry: Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState], _):
+ """
+ This is the main training loop. It basically calls either `on_new_levels`, `on_replay_levels`, or `on_mutate_levels` at every step.
+ """
+ def on_new_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState):
+ """
+ Samples new (randomly-generated) levels and evaluates the policy on these. It also then adds the levels to the level buffer if they have high-enough scores.
+ The agent is updated on these trajectories iff `config["exploratory_grad_updates"]` is True.
+ """
+ sampler = train_state.sampler
+ # Reset
+ rng, rng_levels, rng_reset = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ new_levels = sample_random_levels(rng_levels, config["num_train_envs"])
+ init_obs, init_env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_reset, config["num_train_envs"]), new_levels, env_params
+ )
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ # Rollout
+ (
+ (rng, train_state, new_hstate, last_obs, last_env_state),
+ (
+ obs,
+ actions,
+ rewards,
+ dones,
+ log_probs,
+ values,
+ info,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ losses,
+ grads,
+ rollout_states,
+ ),
+ ) = sample_trajectories_and_learn(
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ config,
+ rng,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ update_grad=config["exploratory_grad_updates"],
+ return_states=True,
+ )
+ max_returns = compute_max_returns(dones, rewards)
+ scores, all_ued_scores = compute_all_scores(config, dones, values, max_returns, rewards, info, advantages)
+ sampler, _ = level_sampler.insert_batch(sampler, new_levels, scores, {"max_return": max_returns})
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ metrics = {
+ "update_state": UpdateState.DR,
+ } | get_all_metrics(_rng, losses, info, init_env_state, init_obs, dones, grads, all_ued_scores, new_levels)
+ train_state = train_state.replace(
+ sampler=sampler,
+ update_state=UpdateState.DR,
+ num_dr_updates=train_state.num_dr_updates + 1,
+ dr_last_level_batch=new_levels,
+ dr_last_level_batch_scores=scores,
+ dr_last_rollout_batch=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x[:, 0], (rollout_states.env_state.env_state.env_state, dones)
+ ),
+ )
+ return (rng, train_state), metrics
+ def on_replay_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState):
+ """
+ This samples levels from the level buffer, and updates the policy on them.
+ """
+ sampler = train_state.sampler
+ # Collect trajectories on replay levels
+ rng, rng_levels, rng_reset = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ sampler, (level_inds, levels) = level_sampler.sample_replay_levels(
+ sampler, rng_levels, config["num_train_envs"]
+ )
+ init_obs, init_env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_reset, config["num_train_envs"]), levels, env_params
+ )
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ (
+ (rng, train_state, new_hstate, last_obs, last_env_state),
+ (
+ obs,
+ actions,
+ rewards,
+ dones,
+ log_probs,
+ values,
+ info,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ losses,
+ grads,
+ rollout_states,
+ ),
+ ) = sample_trajectories_and_learn(
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ config,
+ rng,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ update_grad=True,
+ return_states=True,
+ )
+ max_returns = jnp.maximum(
+ level_sampler.get_levels_extra(sampler, level_inds)["max_return"], compute_max_returns(dones, rewards)
+ )
+ scores, all_ued_scores = compute_all_scores(config, dones, values, max_returns, rewards, info, advantages)
+ sampler = level_sampler.update_batch(sampler, level_inds, scores, {"max_return": max_returns})
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ metrics = {
+ "update_state": UpdateState.REPLAY,
+ } | get_all_metrics(_rng, losses, info, init_env_state, init_obs, dones, grads, all_ued_scores, levels)
+ train_state = train_state.replace(
+ sampler=sampler,
+ update_state=UpdateState.REPLAY,
+ num_replay_updates=train_state.num_replay_updates + 1,
+ replay_last_level_batch=levels,
+ replay_last_level_batch_scores=scores,
+ replay_last_rollout_batch=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x[:, 0], (rollout_states.env_state.env_state.env_state, dones)
+ ),
+ )
+ return (rng, train_state), metrics
+ def on_mutate_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState):
+ """
+ This mutates the previous batch of replay levels and potentially adds them to the level buffer.
+ This also updates the policy iff `config["exploratory_grad_updates"]` is True.
+ """
+ sampler = train_state.sampler
+ rng, rng_mutate, rng_reset = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ # mutate
+ parent_levels = train_state.replay_last_level_batch
+ child_levels = jax.vmap(mutate_world, (0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_mutate, config["num_train_envs"]), parent_levels, config["num_edits"]
+ )
+ init_obs, init_env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_reset, config["num_train_envs"]), child_levels, env_params
+ )
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ # rollout
+ (
+ (rng, train_state, new_hstate, last_obs, last_env_state),
+ (
+ obs,
+ actions,
+ rewards,
+ dones,
+ log_probs,
+ values,
+ info,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ losses,
+ grads,
+ rollout_states,
+ ),
+ ) = sample_trajectories_and_learn(
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ config,
+ rng,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ update_grad=config["exploratory_grad_updates"],
+ return_states=True,
+ )
+ max_returns = compute_max_returns(dones, rewards)
+ scores, all_ued_scores = compute_all_scores(config, dones, values, max_returns, rewards, info, advantages)
+ sampler, _ = level_sampler.insert_batch(sampler, child_levels, scores, {"max_return": max_returns})
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ metrics = {"update_state": UpdateState.MUTATE,} | get_all_metrics(
+ _rng, losses, info, init_env_state, init_obs, dones, grads, all_ued_scores, child_levels
+ )
+ train_state = train_state.replace(
+ sampler=sampler,
+ update_state=UpdateState.DR,
+ num_mutation_updates=train_state.num_mutation_updates + 1,
+ mutation_last_level_batch=child_levels,
+ mutation_last_level_batch_scores=scores,
+ mutation_last_rollout_batch=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x[:, 0], (rollout_states.env_state.env_state.env_state, dones)
+ ),
+ )
+ return (rng, train_state), metrics
+ rng, train_state = carry
+ rng, rng_replay = jax.random.split(rng)
+ # The train step makes a decision on which branch to take, either on_new, on_replay or on_mutate.
+ # on_mutate is only called if the replay branch has been taken before (as it uses `train_state.update_state`).
+ branches = [
+ on_new_levels,
+ on_replay_levels,
+ ]
+ if config["use_accel"]:
+ s = train_state.update_state
+ branch = (1 - s) * level_sampler.sample_replay_decision(train_state.sampler, rng_replay) + 2 * s
+ branches.append(on_mutate_levels)
+ else:
+ branch = level_sampler.sample_replay_decision(train_state.sampler, rng_replay).astype(int)
+ return jax.lax.switch(branch, branches, rng, train_state)
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
+ def eval(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState, keep_states=True):
+ """
+ This evaluates the current policy on the set of evaluation levels specified by config["eval_levels"].
+ It returns (states, cum_rewards, episode_lengths), with shapes (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,), (num_eval_levels,)
+ """
+ num_levels = config["num_eval_levels"]
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ eval_env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ all_eval_levels,
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ num_levels,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ return_trajectories=True,
+ )
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
+ def eval_on_dr_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState, keep_states=False):
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ )
+ @jax.jit
+ def train_and_eval_step(runner_state, _):
+ """
+ This function runs the train_step for a certain number of iterations, and then evaluates the policy.
+ It returns the updated train state, and a dictionary of metrics.
+ """
+ # Train
+ (rng, train_state), metrics = jax.lax.scan(train_step, runner_state, None, config["eval_freq"])
+ # Eval
+ metrics["update_count"] = (
+ train_state.num_dr_updates + train_state.num_replay_updates + train_state.num_mutation_updates
+ )
+ vid_frequency = get_video_frequency(config, metrics["update_count"])
+ should_log_videos = metrics["update_count"] % vid_frequency == 0
+ def _compute_eval_learnability(dones, rewards, infos):
+ @jax.vmap
+ def _single(d, r, i):
+ learn, num_eps, num_succ = compute_learnability(config, d, r, i, config["num_eval_levels"])
+ return num_eps, num_succ.squeeze(-1)
+ num_eps, num_succ = _single(dones, rewards, infos)
+ num_eps, num_succ = num_eps.sum(axis=0), num_succ.sum(axis=0)
+ success_rate = num_succ / jnp.maximum(1, num_eps)
+ return success_rate * (1 - success_rate)
+ @jax.jit
+ def _get_eval(rng):
+ metrics = {}
+ rng, rng_eval = jax.random.split(rng)
+ (states, cum_rewards, done_idx, episode_lengths, eval_infos), (eval_dones, eval_rewards) = jax.vmap(
+ eval, (0, None)
+ )(jax.random.split(rng_eval, config["eval_num_attempts"]), train_state)
+ # learnability here of the holdout set:
+ eval_learn = _compute_eval_learnability(eval_dones, eval_rewards, eval_infos)
+ # Collect Metrics
+ eval_returns = cum_rewards.mean(axis=0) # (num_eval_levels,)
+ eval_solves = (eval_infos["returned_episode_solved"] * eval_dones).sum(axis=1) / jnp.maximum(
+ 1, eval_dones.sum(axis=1)
+ )
+ eval_solves = eval_solves.mean(axis=0)
+ metrics["eval_returns"] = eval_returns
+ metrics["eval_ep_lengths"] = episode_lengths.mean(axis=0)
+ metrics["eval_learn"] = eval_learn
+ metrics["eval_solves"] = eval_solves
+ metrics["eval_get_max_eplen"] = (episode_lengths == env_params.max_timesteps).mean(axis=0)
+ metrics["episode_return_bigger_than_negative"] = (cum_rewards > -0.4).mean(axis=0)
+ if config["EVAL_ON_SAMPLED"]:
+ states_dr, cum_rewards_dr, done_idx_dr, episode_lengths_dr, infos_dr = jax.vmap(
+ eval_on_dr_levels, (0, None)
+ )(jax.random.split(rng_eval, config["eval_num_attempts"]), train_state)
+ eval_dr_returns = cum_rewards_dr.mean(axis=0).mean()
+ eval_dr_eplen = episode_lengths_dr.mean(axis=0).mean()
+ my_eval_dones = infos_dr["returned_episode"]
+ eval_dr_solves = (infos_dr["returned_episode_solved"] * my_eval_dones).sum(axis=1) / jnp.maximum(
+ 1, my_eval_dones.sum(axis=1)
+ )
+ metrics["eval_dr_returns"] = eval_dr_returns
+ metrics["eval_dr_eplen"] = eval_dr_eplen
+ metrics["eval_dr_solve_rates"] = eval_dr_solves
+ return metrics, states, episode_lengths, cum_rewards
+ @jax.jit
+ def _get_videos(rng, states, episode_lengths, cum_rewards):
+ metrics = {"log_videos": True}
+ # just grab the first run
+ states, episode_lengths = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: x[0], (states, episode_lengths)
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,)
+ # And one attempt
+ states = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x[:, :], states)
+ episode_lengths = episode_lengths[:]
+ images = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(render_fn_eval))(
+ states.env_state.env_state.env_state
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...)
+ frames = images.transpose(
+ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3
+ ) # WandB expects color channel before image dimensions when dealing with animations for some reason
+ @jax.jit
+ def _get_video(rollout_batch):
+ states = rollout_batch[0]
+ images = jax.vmap(render_fn)(states) # dimensions are (steps, x, y, 3)
+ return (
+ # jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[:].transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)[:, ::-1], images).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2),
+ images.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2),
+ # images.transpose(0, 1, 4, 2, 3),
+ rollout_batch[1][:].argmax(),
+ )
+ # rollouts
+ metrics["dr_rollout"], metrics["dr_ep_len"] = _get_video(train_state.dr_last_rollout_batch)
+ metrics["replay_rollout"], metrics["replay_ep_len"] = _get_video(train_state.replay_last_rollout_batch)
+ metrics["mutation_rollout"], metrics["mutation_ep_len"] = _get_video(
+ train_state.mutation_last_rollout_batch
+ )
+ metrics["eval_animation"] = (frames, episode_lengths)
+ metrics["eval_returns_video"] = cum_rewards[0]
+ metrics["eval_len_video"] = episode_lengths
+ # Eval on sampled
+ return metrics
+ @jax.jit
+ def _get_dummy_videos(rng, states, episode_lengths, cum_rewards):
+ n_eval = config["num_eval_levels"]
+ nsteps = env_params.max_timesteps
+ nsteps2 = config["outer_rollout_steps"] * config["num_steps"]
+ img_size = (
+ env.static_env_params.screen_dim[0] // env.static_env_params.downscale,
+ env.static_env_params.screen_dim[1] // env.static_env_params.downscale,
+ )
+ return {
+ "log_videos": False,
+ "dr_rollout": jnp.zeros((nsteps2, 3, *img_size), jnp.float32),
+ "dr_ep_len": jnp.zeros((), jnp.int32),
+ "replay_rollout": jnp.zeros((nsteps2, 3, *img_size), jnp.float32),
+ "replay_ep_len": jnp.zeros((), jnp.int32),
+ "mutation_rollout": jnp.zeros((nsteps2, 3, *img_size), jnp.float32),
+ "mutation_ep_len": jnp.zeros((), jnp.int32),
+ # "eval_returns": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.float32),
+ # "eval_solves": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.float32),
+ # "eval_learn": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.float32),
+ # "eval_ep_lengths": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.int32),
+ "eval_animation": (
+ jnp.zeros((nsteps, n_eval, 3, *img_size), jnp.float32),
+ jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.int32),
+ ),
+ "eval_returns_video": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.float32),
+ "eval_len_video": jnp.zeros((n_eval,), jnp.int32),
+ }
+ rng, rng_eval, rng_vid = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ metrics_eval, states, episode_lengths, cum_rewards = _get_eval(rng_eval)
+ metrics = {
+ **metrics,
+ **metrics_eval,
+ **jax.lax.cond(
+ should_log_videos, _get_videos, _get_dummy_videos, rng_vid, states, episode_lengths, cum_rewards
+ ),
+ }
+ max_num_images = 8
+ top_regret_ones = max_num_images // 2
+ bot_regret_ones = max_num_images - top_regret_ones
+ @jax.jit
+ def get_values(level_batch, scores):
+ args = jnp.argsort(scores) # low scores are at the start, high scores are at the end
+ low_scores = args[:bot_regret_ones]
+ high_scores = args[-top_regret_ones:]
+ low_levels = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[low_scores], level_batch)
+ high_levels = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[high_scores], level_batch)
+ low_scores = scores[low_scores]
+ high_scores = scores[high_scores]
+ # now concatenate:
+ return jax.vmap(render_fn)(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x, y: jnp.concatenate([x, y], axis=0), low_levels, high_levels)
+ ), jnp.concatenate([low_scores, high_scores], axis=0)
+ metrics["dr_levels"], metrics["dr_scores"] = get_values(
+ train_state.dr_last_level_batch, train_state.dr_last_level_batch_scores
+ )
+ metrics["replay_levels"], metrics["replay_scores"] = get_values(
+ train_state.replay_last_level_batch, train_state.replay_last_level_batch_scores
+ )
+ metrics["mutation_levels"], metrics["mutation_scores"] = get_values(
+ train_state.mutation_last_level_batch, train_state.mutation_last_level_batch_scores
+ )
+ def _t(i):
+ return jax.lax.select(i == 0, config["num_steps"], i)
+ metrics["dr_ep_len"] = _t(train_state.dr_last_rollout_batch[1][:].argmax())
+ metrics["replay_ep_len"] = _t(train_state.replay_last_rollout_batch[1][:].argmax())
+ metrics["mutation_ep_len"] = _t(train_state.mutation_last_rollout_batch[1][:].argmax())
+ highest_scoring_level = level_sampler.get_levels(train_state.sampler, train_state.sampler["scores"].argmax())
+ highest_weighted_level = level_sampler.get_levels(
+ train_state.sampler, level_sampler.level_weights(train_state.sampler).argmax()
+ )
+ metrics["highest_scoring_level"] = render_fn(highest_scoring_level)
+ metrics["highest_weighted_level"] = render_fn(highest_weighted_level)
+ # log_eval(metrics, train_state_to_log_dict(runner_state[1], level_sampler))
+ jax.debug.callback(log_eval, metrics, train_state_to_log_dict(runner_state[1], level_sampler))
+ return (rng, train_state), {"update_count": metrics["update_count"]}
+ def log_checkpoint(update_count, train_state):
+ if config["save_path"] is not None and config["checkpoint_save_freq"] > 1:
+ steps = (
+ int(update_count)
+ * int(config["num_train_envs"])
+ * int(config["num_steps"])
+ * int(config["outer_rollout_steps"])
+ )
+ # save_params_to_wandb(train_state.params, steps, config)
+ save_model_to_wandb(train_state, steps, config)
+ def train_eval_and_checkpoint_step(runner_state, _):
+ runner_state, metrics = jax.lax.scan(
+ train_and_eval_step, runner_state, xs=jnp.arange(config["checkpoint_save_freq"] // config["eval_freq"])
+ )
+ jax.debug.callback(log_checkpoint, metrics["update_count"][-1], runner_state[1])
+ return runner_state, metrics
+ # Set up the train states
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(config["seed"])
+ rng_init, rng_train = jax.random.split(rng)
+ train_state = create_train_state(rng_init)
+ runner_state = (rng_train, train_state)
+ runner_state, metrics = jax.lax.scan(
+ train_eval_and_checkpoint_step,
+ runner_state,
+ xs=jnp.arange((config["num_updates"]) // (config["checkpoint_save_freq"])),
+ )
+ if config["save_path"] is not None:
+ # save_params_to_wandb(runner_state[1].params, config["total_timesteps"], config)
+ save_model_to_wandb(runner_state[1], config["total_timesteps"], config, is_final=True)
+ return runner_state[1]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Kinetix/experiments/ppo.py b/Kinetix/experiments/ppo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be450f6d6bb276519b5a1a15e8a8ae3f32fc1de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/experiments/ppo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+import os
+import hydra
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import (
+ make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels,
+ make_reset_train_function_with_mutations,
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.util.config import (
+ get_video_frequency,
+ init_wandb,
+ normalise_config,
+ generate_params_from_config,
+os.environ["WANDB_DISABLE_SERVICE"] = "True"
+import sys
+from typing import Any, NamedTuple
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+import optax
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState
+from kinetix.models import make_network_from_config
+from kinetix.util.learning import general_eval, get_eval_levels
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+import wandb
+from kinetix.environment.env import PixelObservations, make_kinetix_env_from_name
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import (
+ AutoReplayWrapper,
+ AutoResetWrapper,
+ BatchEnvWrapper,
+ DenseRewardWrapper,
+ LogWrapper,
+ UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper,
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.util.saving import (
+ load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path,
+ save_model_to_wandb,
+class Transition(NamedTuple):
+ done: jnp.ndarray
+ action: jnp.ndarray
+ value: jnp.ndarray
+ reward: jnp.ndarray
+ log_prob: jnp.ndarray
+ obs: Any
+ info: jnp.ndarray
+def make_train(config, env_params, static_env_params):
+ config["num_updates"] = config["total_timesteps"] // config["num_steps"] // config["num_train_envs"]
+ config["minibatch_size"] = config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"] // config["num_minibatches"]
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_name(config["env_name"], static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ if config["train_level_mode"] == "list":
+ reset_func = make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels(
+ config, config["train_levels_list"], static_env_params, is_loading_train_levels=True
+ )
+ elif config["train_level_mode"] == "random":
+ reset_func = make_reset_train_function_with_mutations(
+ env.physics_engine, env_params, env.static_env_params, config
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown train_level_mode: {config['train_level_mode']}")
+ env = UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(AutoResetWrapper(env, reset_func))
+ eval_env = make_kinetix_env_from_name(config["env_name"], static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ eval_env = UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(AutoReplayWrapper(eval_env))
+ env = DenseRewardWrapper(env)
+ env = LogWrapper(env)
+ env = BatchEnvWrapper(env, num_envs=config["num_train_envs"])
+ eval_env_nonbatch = LogWrapper(DenseRewardWrapper(eval_env))
+ def linear_schedule(count):
+ frac = 1.0 - (count // (config["num_minibatches"] * config["update_epochs"])) / config["num_updates"]
+ return config["lr"] * frac
+ def linear_warmup_cosine_decay_schedule(count):
+ frac = (count // (config["num_minibatches"] * config["update_epochs"])) / config[
+ "num_updates"
+ ] # between 0 and 1
+ delta = config["peak_lr"] - config["initial_lr"]
+ frac_diff_max = 1.0 - config["warmup_frac"]
+ frac_cosine = (frac - config["warmup_frac"]) / frac_diff_max
+ return jax.lax.select(
+ frac < config["warmup_frac"],
+ config["initial_lr"] + delta * frac / config["warmup_frac"],
+ config["peak_lr"] * jnp.maximum(0.0, 0.5 * (1.0 + jnp.cos(jnp.pi * ((frac_cosine) % 1.0)))),
+ )
+ def train(rng):
+ network = make_network_from_config(env, env_params, config)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obsv, env_state = env.reset(_rng, env_params)
+ dones = jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=jnp.bool_)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ init_x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (obsv, dones))
+ network_params = network.init(_rng, init_hstate, init_x)
+ param_count = sum(x.size for x in jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(network_params))
+ obs_size = sum(x.size for x in jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(obsv)) // config["num_train_envs"]
+ print("Number of parameters", param_count, "size of obs: ", obs_size)
+ if config["anneal_lr"]:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(learning_rate=linear_schedule, eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ elif config["warmup_lr"]:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adamw(learning_rate=linear_warmup_cosine_decay_schedule, eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ else:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(config["lr"], eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ train_state = TrainState.create(
+ apply_fn=network.apply,
+ params=network_params,
+ tx=tx,
+ )
+ if config["load_from_checkpoint"] != None:
+ print("LOADING from", config["load_from_checkpoint"], "with only params =", config["load_only_params"])
+ train_state = load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path(
+ train_state, config["load_from_checkpoint"], load_only_params=config["load_only_params"]
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obsv, env_state = env.reset(_rng, env_params)
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ render_static_env_params = env.static_env_params.replace(downscale=1)
+ pixel_renderer = jax.jit(make_render_pixels(env_params, render_static_env_params))
+ pixel_render_fn = lambda x: pixel_renderer(x) / 255.0
+ eval_levels = get_eval_levels(config["eval_levels"], env.static_env_params)
+ def _vmapped_eval_step(runner_state, rng):
+ def _single_eval_step(rng):
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ eval_env_nonbatch,
+ env_params,
+ runner_state[0],
+ eval_levels,
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ config["num_eval_levels"],
+ keep_states=True,
+ return_trajectories=True,
+ )
+ (states, returns, done_idxs, episode_lengths, eval_infos), (eval_dones, eval_rewards) = jax.vmap(
+ _single_eval_step
+ )(jax.random.split(rng, config["eval_num_attempts"]))
+ eval_solves = (eval_infos["returned_episode_solved"] * eval_dones).sum(axis=1) / jnp.maximum(
+ 1, eval_dones.sum(axis=1)
+ )
+ states_to_plot = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[0], states)
+ # obs = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(pixel_render_fn))(states_to_plot.env_state.env_state.env_state)
+ return (
+ states_to_plot,
+ done_idxs[0],
+ returns[0],
+ returns.mean(axis=0),
+ episode_lengths.mean(axis=0),
+ eval_solves.mean(axis=0),
+ )
+ def _update_step(runner_state, unused):
+ def _env_step(runner_state, unused):
+ (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ last_obs,
+ last_done,
+ hstate,
+ rng,
+ update_step,
+ ) = runner_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ ac_in = (jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], last_obs), last_done[np.newaxis, :])
+ hstate, pi, value = network.apply(train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=_rng)
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)
+ value, action, log_prob = (
+ value.squeeze(0),
+ action.squeeze(0),
+ log_prob.squeeze(0),
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obsv, env_state, reward, done, info = env.step(_rng, env_state, action, env_params)
+ transition = Transition(last_done, action, value, reward, log_prob, last_obs, info)
+ runner_state = (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ obsv,
+ done,
+ hstate,
+ rng,
+ update_step,
+ )
+ return runner_state, transition
+ initial_hstate = runner_state[-3]
+ runner_state, traj_batch = jax.lax.scan(_env_step, runner_state, None, config["num_steps"])
+ (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ last_obs,
+ last_done,
+ hstate,
+ rng,
+ update_step,
+ ) = runner_state
+ ac_in = (jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], last_obs), last_done[np.newaxis, :])
+ _, _, last_val = network.apply(train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ last_val = last_val.squeeze(0)
+ def _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val, last_done):
+ def _get_advantages(carry, transition):
+ gae, next_value, next_done = carry
+ done, value, reward = (
+ transition.done,
+ transition.value,
+ transition.reward,
+ )
+ delta = reward + config["gamma"] * next_value * (1 - next_done) - value
+ gae = delta + config["gamma"] * config["gae_lambda"] * (1 - next_done) * gae
+ return (gae, value, done), gae
+ _, advantages = jax.lax.scan(
+ _get_advantages,
+ (jnp.zeros_like(last_val), last_val, last_done),
+ traj_batch,
+ reverse=True,
+ unroll=16,
+ )
+ return advantages, advantages + traj_batch.value
+ advantages, targets = _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val, last_done)
+ def _update_epoch(update_state, unused):
+ def _update_minbatch(train_state, batch_info):
+ init_hstate, traj_batch, advantages, targets = batch_info
+ def _loss_fn(params, init_hstate, traj_batch, gae, targets):
+ _, pi, value = network.apply(params, init_hstate[0], (traj_batch.obs, traj_batch.done))
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(traj_batch.action)
+ value_pred_clipped = traj_batch.value + (value - traj_batch.value).clip(
+ -config["clip_eps"], config["clip_eps"]
+ )
+ value_losses = jnp.square(value - targets)
+ value_losses_clipped = jnp.square(value_pred_clipped - targets)
+ value_loss = 0.5 * jnp.maximum(value_losses, value_losses_clipped).mean()
+ ratio = jnp.exp(log_prob - traj_batch.log_prob)
+ gae = (gae - gae.mean()) / (gae.std() + 1e-8)
+ loss_actor1 = ratio * gae
+ loss_actor2 = (
+ jnp.clip(
+ ratio,
+ 1.0 - config["clip_eps"],
+ 1.0 + config["clip_eps"],
+ )
+ * gae
+ )
+ loss_actor = -jnp.minimum(loss_actor1, loss_actor2)
+ loss_actor = loss_actor.mean()
+ entropy = pi.entropy().mean()
+ total_loss = loss_actor + config["vf_coef"] * value_loss - config["ent_coef"] * entropy
+ return total_loss, (value_loss, loss_actor, entropy)
+ grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(_loss_fn, has_aux=True)
+ total_loss, grads = grad_fn(train_state.params, init_hstate, traj_batch, advantages, targets)
+ train_state = train_state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
+ return train_state, total_loss
+ (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ ) = update_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ permutation = jax.random.permutation(_rng, config["num_train_envs"])
+ batch = (init_hstate, traj_batch, advantages, targets)
+ shuffled_batch = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.take(x, permutation, axis=1), batch)
+ minibatches = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: jnp.swapaxes(
+ jnp.reshape(
+ x,
+ [x.shape[0], config["num_minibatches"], -1] + list(x.shape[2:]),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ shuffled_batch,
+ )
+ train_state, total_loss = jax.lax.scan(_update_minbatch, train_state, minibatches)
+ update_state = (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ )
+ return update_state, total_loss
+ init_hstate = initial_hstate[None, :] # TBH
+ update_state = (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ )
+ update_state, loss_info = jax.lax.scan(_update_epoch, update_state, None, config["update_epochs"])
+ train_state = update_state[0]
+ metric = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: (x * traj_batch.info["returned_episode"]).sum() / traj_batch.info["returned_episode"].sum(),
+ traj_batch.info,
+ )
+ rng = update_state[-1]
+ if config["use_wandb"]:
+ vid_frequency = get_video_frequency(config, update_step)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ to_log_videos = _vmapped_eval_step(runner_state, _rng)
+ should_log_videos = update_step % vid_frequency == 0
+ first = jax.lax.cond(
+ should_log_videos,
+ lambda: jax.vmap(jax.vmap(pixel_render_fn))(to_log_videos[0].env_state.env_state.env_state),
+ lambda: (
+ jnp.zeros(
+ (
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ config["num_eval_levels"],
+ *PixelObservations(env_params, render_static_env_params)
+ .observation_space(env_params)
+ .shape,
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ to_log_videos = (first, should_log_videos, *to_log_videos[1:])
+ def callback(metric, raw_info, loss_info, update_step, to_log_videos):
+ to_log = {}
+ to_log["timing/num_updates"] = update_step
+ to_log["timing/num_env_steps"] = update_step * config["num_steps"] * config["num_train_envs"]
+ (
+ obs_vid,
+ should_log_videos,
+ idx_vid,
+ eval_return_vid,
+ eval_return_mean,
+ eval_eplen_mean,
+ eval_solverate_mean,
+ ) = to_log_videos
+ to_log["eval/mean_eval_return"] = eval_return_mean.mean()
+ to_log["eval/mean_eval_eplen"] = eval_eplen_mean.mean()
+ for i, eval_name in enumerate(config["eval_levels"]):
+ return_on_video = eval_return_vid[i]
+ to_log[f"eval_video/return_{eval_name}"] = return_on_video
+ to_log[f"eval_video/len_{eval_name}"] = idx_vid[i]
+ to_log[f"eval_avg/return_{eval_name}"] = eval_return_mean[i]
+ to_log[f"eval_avg/solve_rate_{eval_name}"] = eval_solverate_mean[i]
+ if should_log_videos:
+ for i, eval_name in enumerate(config["eval_levels"]):
+ obs_to_use = obs_vid[: idx_vid[i], i]
+ obs_to_use = np.asarray(obs_to_use).transpose(0, 3, 2, 1)[:, :, ::-1, :]
+ to_log[f"media/eval_video_{eval_name}"] = wandb.Video((obs_to_use * 255).astype(np.uint8))
+ wandb.log(to_log)
+ jax.debug.callback(callback, metric, traj_batch.info, loss_info, update_step, to_log_videos)
+ runner_state = (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ last_obs,
+ last_done,
+ hstate,
+ rng,
+ update_step + 1,
+ )
+ return runner_state, metric
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ runner_state = (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ obsv,
+ jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=bool),
+ init_hstate,
+ _rng,
+ 0,
+ )
+ runner_state, metric = jax.lax.scan(_update_step, runner_state, None, config["num_updates"])
+ return {"runner_state": runner_state, "metric": metric}
+ return train
+@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../configs", config_name="ppo")
+def main(config):
+ config = normalise_config(OmegaConf.to_container(config), "PPO")
+ env_params, static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(config)
+ config["env_params"] = to_state_dict(env_params)
+ config["static_env_params"] = to_state_dict(static_env_params)
+ if config["use_wandb"]:
+ run = init_wandb(config, "PPO")
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(config["seed"])
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ train_jit = jax.jit(make_train(config, env_params, static_env_params))
+ out = train_jit(_rng)
+ if config["use_wandb"]:
+ if config["save_policy"]:
+ train_state = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x, out["runner_state"][0])
+ save_model_to_wandb(train_state, config["total_timesteps"], config)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Kinetix/experiments/sfl.py b/Kinetix/experiments/sfl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9958189de53f662ae79dce231953baf86b88b3d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/experiments/sfl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+Based on PureJaxRL Implementation of PPO
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import typing
+from functools import partial
+from typing import NamedTuple
+import chex
+import hydra
+import jax
+import jax.experimental
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import optax
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import make_reset_train_function_with_mutations, make_vmapped_filtered_level_sampler
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import (
+ make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels,
+ make_reset_train_function_with_mutations,
+from kinetix.util.config import (
+ generate_ued_params_from_config,
+ init_wandb,
+ normalise_config,
+ generate_params_from_config,
+ get_eval_level_groups,
+from jaxued.environments.underspecified_env import EnvParams, EnvState, Observation, UnderspecifiedEnv
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from PIL import Image
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+import wandb
+from kinetix.environment.env import make_kinetix_env_from_name
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import (
+ AutoReplayWrapper,
+ DenseRewardWrapper,
+ LogWrapper,
+ UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper,
+from kinetix.models import make_network_from_config
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.util.learning import general_eval, get_eval_levels
+from kinetix.util.saving import (
+ load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path,
+ save_model_to_wandb,
+from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict
+from safetensors.flax import load_file, save_file
+def save_params(params: typing.Dict, filename: typing.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None:
+ flattened_dict = flatten_dict(params, sep=",")
+ save_file(flattened_dict, filename)
+def load_params(filename: typing.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> typing.Dict:
+ flattened_dict = load_file(filename)
+ return unflatten_dict(flattened_dict, sep=",")
+class Transition(NamedTuple):
+ global_done: jnp.ndarray
+ done: jnp.ndarray
+ action: jnp.ndarray
+ value: jnp.ndarray
+ reward: jnp.ndarray
+ log_prob: jnp.ndarray
+ obs: jnp.ndarray
+ info: jnp.ndarray
+class RolloutBatch(NamedTuple):
+ obs: jnp.ndarray
+ actions: jnp.ndarray
+ rewards: jnp.ndarray
+ dones: jnp.ndarray
+ log_probs: jnp.ndarray
+ values: jnp.ndarray
+ targets: jnp.ndarray
+ advantages: jnp.ndarray
+ # carry: jnp.ndarray
+ mask: jnp.ndarray
+def evaluate_rnn(
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ init_hstate: chex.ArrayTree,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ max_episode_length: int,
+ keep_states=True,
+) -> tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array]:
+ """This runs the RNN on the environment, given an initial state and observation, and returns (states, rewards, episode_lengths)
+ Args:
+ rng (chex.PRNGKey):
+ env (UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ env_params (EnvParams):
+ train_state (TrainState):
+ init_hstate (chex.ArrayTree): Shape (num_levels, )
+ init_obs (Observation): Shape (num_levels, )
+ init_env_state (EnvState): Shape (num_levels, )
+ max_episode_length (int):
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array]: (States, rewards, episode lengths) ((NUM_STEPS, NUM_LEVELS), (NUM_STEPS, NUM_LEVELS), (NUM_LEVELS,)
+ """
+ num_levels = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(init_obs)[0][0].shape[0]
+ def step(carry, _):
+ rng, hstate, obs, state, done, mask, episode_length = carry
+ rng, rng_action, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (obs, done))
+ hstate, pi, _ = train_state.apply_fn(train_state.params, hstate, x)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=rng_action).squeeze(0)
+ obs, next_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_step, num_levels), state, action, env_params
+ )
+ next_mask = mask & ~done
+ episode_length += mask
+ if keep_states:
+ return (rng, hstate, obs, next_state, done, next_mask, episode_length), (state, reward, info)
+ else:
+ return (rng, hstate, obs, next_state, done, next_mask, episode_length), (None, reward, info)
+ (_, _, _, _, _, _, episode_lengths), (states, rewards, infos) = jax.lax.scan(
+ step,
+ (
+ rng,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ jnp.zeros(num_levels, dtype=bool),
+ jnp.ones(num_levels, dtype=bool),
+ jnp.zeros(num_levels, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ ),
+ None,
+ length=max_episode_length,
+ )
+ return states, rewards, episode_lengths, infos
+@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../configs", config_name="sfl")
+def main(config):
+ time_start = time.time()
+ config = OmegaConf.to_container(config)
+ config = normalise_config(config, "SFL" if config["ued"]["sampled_envs_ratio"] > 0 else "SFL-DR")
+ env_params, static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(config)
+ config["env_params"] = to_state_dict(env_params)
+ config["static_env_params"] = to_state_dict(static_env_params)
+ run = init_wandb(config, "SFL")
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(config["seed"])
+ config["num_envs_from_sampled"] = int(config["num_train_envs"] * config["sampled_envs_ratio"])
+ config["num_envs_to_generate"] = int(config["num_train_envs"] * (1 - config["sampled_envs_ratio"]))
+ assert (config["num_envs_from_sampled"] + config["num_envs_to_generate"]) == config["num_train_envs"]
+ def make_env(static_env_params):
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_name(config["env_name"], static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ env = AutoReplayWrapper(env)
+ env = UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(env)
+ env = DenseRewardWrapper(env, dense_reward_scale=config["dense_reward_scale"])
+ env = LogWrapper(env)
+ return env
+ env = make_env(static_env_params)
+ if config["train_level_mode"] == "list":
+ sample_random_level = make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels(
+ config, config["train_levels"], static_env_params, make_pcg_state=False, is_loading_train_levels=True
+ )
+ elif config["train_level_mode"] == "random":
+ sample_random_level = make_reset_train_function_with_mutations(
+ env.physics_engine, env_params, static_env_params, config, make_pcg_state=False
+ )
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown train_level_mode: {config['train_level_mode']}")
+ sample_random_levels = make_vmapped_filtered_level_sampler(
+ sample_random_level, env_params, static_env_params, config, make_pcg_state=False, env=env
+ )
+ _, eval_static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(
+ config["eval_env_size_true"] | {"frame_skip": config["frame_skip"]}
+ )
+ eval_env = make_env(eval_static_env_params)
+ ued_params = generate_ued_params_from_config(config)
+ def make_render_fn(static_env_params):
+ render_fn_inner = make_render_pixels(env_params, static_env_params)
+ render_fn = lambda x: render_fn_inner(x).transpose(1, 0, 2)[::-1]
+ return render_fn
+ render_fn = make_render_fn(static_env_params)
+ render_fn_eval = make_render_fn(eval_static_env_params)
+ key_to_sample_dr_eval_set = jax.random.PRNGKey(100)
+ DR_EVAL_LEVELS = sample_random_levels(key_to_sample_dr_eval_set, NUM_EVAL_DR_LEVELS)
+ print("Hello here num steps is ", config["num_steps"])
+ print("CONFIG is ", config)
+ config["total_timesteps"] = config["num_updates"] * config["num_steps"] * config["num_train_envs"]
+ config["minibatch_size"] = config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"] // config["num_minibatches"]
+ config["clip_eps"] = config["clip_eps"]
+ config["env_name"] = config["env_name"]
+ network = make_network_from_config(env, env_params, config)
+ def linear_schedule(count):
+ count = count // (config["num_minibatches"] * config["update_epochs"])
+ frac = 1.0 - count / config["num_updates"]
+ return config["lr"] * frac
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ train_envs = 32 # To not run out of memory, the initial sample size does not matter.
+ obs, _ = env.reset_to_level(rng, sample_random_level(rng), env_params)
+ obs = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: jnp.repeat(jnp.repeat(x[None, ...], train_envs, axis=0)[None, ...], 256, axis=0),
+ obs,
+ )
+ init_x = (obs, jnp.zeros((256, train_envs)))
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(train_envs)
+ network_params = network.init(_rng, init_hstate, init_x)
+ if config["anneal_lr"]:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(learning_rate=linear_schedule, eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ else:
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(config["lr"], eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ train_state = TrainState.create(
+ apply_fn=network.apply,
+ params=network_params,
+ tx=tx,
+ )
+ if config["load_from_checkpoint"] != None:
+ print("LOADING from", config["load_from_checkpoint"], "with only params =", config["load_only_params"])
+ train_state = load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path(
+ train_state,
+ config["load_from_checkpoint"],
+ load_only_params=config["load_only_params"],
+ legacy=config["load_legacy_checkpoint"],
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ rng_reset = jax.random.split(_rng, config["num_train_envs"])
+ new_levels = sample_random_levels(_rng2, config["num_train_envs"])
+ obsv, env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(rng_reset, new_levels, env_params)
+ start_state = env_state
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ @jax.jit
+ def log_buffer_learnability(rng, train_state, instances):
+ BATCH_SIZE = config["num_to_save"]
+ def _batch_step(unused, rng):
+ def _env_step(runner_state, unused):
+ env_state, start_state, last_obs, last_done, hstate, rng = runner_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs_batch = last_obs
+ ac_in = (
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], obs_batch),
+ last_done[np.newaxis, :],
+ )
+ hstate, pi, value = network.apply(train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=_rng).squeeze()
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)
+ env_act = action
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rng_step = jax.random.split(_rng, config["num_to_save"])
+ obsv, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ rng_step, env_state, env_act, env_params
+ )
+ done_batch = done
+ transition = Transition(
+ done,
+ last_done,
+ action.squeeze(),
+ value.squeeze(),
+ reward,
+ log_prob.squeeze(),
+ obs_batch,
+ info,
+ )
+ runner_state = (env_state, start_state, obsv, done_batch, hstate, rng)
+ return runner_state, transition
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(None, 1, 1, 1))
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
+ def _calc_outcomes_by_agent(max_steps: int, dones, returns, info):
+ idxs = jnp.arange(max_steps)
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0))
+ def __ep_outcomes(start_idx, end_idx):
+ mask = (idxs > start_idx) & (idxs <= end_idx) & (end_idx != max_steps)
+ r = jnp.sum(returns * mask)
+ goal_r = info["GoalR"] # (returns > 0) * 1.0
+ success = jnp.sum(goal_r * mask)
+ l = end_idx - start_idx
+ return r, success, l
+ done_idxs = jnp.argwhere(dones, size=50, fill_value=max_steps).squeeze()
+ mask_done = jnp.where(done_idxs == max_steps, 0, 1)
+ ep_return, success, length = __ep_outcomes(
+ jnp.concatenate([jnp.array([-1]), done_idxs[:-1]]), done_idxs
+ )
+ return {
+ "ep_return": ep_return.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "num_episodes": mask_done.sum(),
+ "success_rate": success.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "ep_len": length.mean(where=mask_done),
+ }
+ # sample envs
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ rng_reset = jax.random.split(_rng, config["num_to_save"])
+ rng_levels = jax.random.split(_rng2, config["num_to_save"])
+ # obsv, env_state = jax.vmap(sample_random_level, in_axes=(0,))(reset_rng)
+ # new_levels = jax.vmap(sample_random_level)(rng_levels)
+ obsv, env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(rng_reset, instances, env_params)
+ # env_instances = new_levels
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(
+ )
+ runner_state = (env_state, env_state, obsv, jnp.zeros((BATCH_ACTORS), dtype=bool), init_hstate, rng)
+ runner_state, traj_batch = jax.lax.scan(_env_step, runner_state, None, config["rollout_steps"])
+ done_by_env = traj_batch.done.reshape((-1, config["num_to_save"]))
+ reward_by_env = traj_batch.reward.reshape((-1, config["num_to_save"]))
+ # info_by_actor = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.swapaxes(2, 1).reshape((-1, BATCH_ACTORS)), traj_batch.info)
+ o = _calc_outcomes_by_agent(config["rollout_steps"], traj_batch.done, traj_batch.reward, traj_batch.info)
+ success_by_env = o["success_rate"].reshape((1, config["num_to_save"]))
+ learnability_by_env = (success_by_env * (1 - success_by_env)).sum(axis=0)
+ return None, (learnability_by_env, success_by_env.sum(axis=0))
+ rngs = jax.random.split(rng, 1)
+ _, (learnability, success_by_env) = jax.lax.scan(_batch_step, None, rngs, 1)
+ return learnability[0], success_by_env[0]
+ num_eval_levels = len(config["eval_levels"])
+ all_eval_levels = get_eval_levels(config["eval_levels"], eval_env.static_env_params)
+ eval_group_indices = get_eval_level_groups(config["eval_levels"])
+ print("group indices", eval_group_indices)
+ @jax.jit
+ def get_learnability_set(rng, network_params):
+ BATCH_ACTORS = config["batch_size"]
+ def _batch_step(unused, rng):
+ def _env_step(runner_state, unused):
+ env_state, start_state, last_obs, last_done, hstate, rng = runner_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs_batch = last_obs
+ ac_in = (
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], obs_batch),
+ last_done[np.newaxis, :],
+ )
+ hstate, pi, value = network.apply(network_params, hstate, ac_in)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=_rng).squeeze()
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)
+ env_act = action
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rng_step = jax.random.split(_rng, config["batch_size"])
+ obsv, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ rng_step, env_state, env_act, env_params
+ )
+ done_batch = done
+ transition = Transition(
+ done,
+ last_done,
+ action.squeeze(),
+ value.squeeze(),
+ reward,
+ log_prob.squeeze(),
+ obs_batch,
+ info,
+ )
+ runner_state = (env_state, start_state, obsv, done_batch, hstate, rng)
+ return runner_state, transition
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(None, 1, 1, 1))
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
+ def _calc_outcomes_by_agent(max_steps: int, dones, returns, info):
+ idxs = jnp.arange(max_steps)
+ @partial(jax.vmap, in_axes=(0, 0))
+ def __ep_outcomes(start_idx, end_idx):
+ mask = (idxs > start_idx) & (idxs <= end_idx) & (end_idx != max_steps)
+ r = jnp.sum(returns * mask)
+ goal_r = info["GoalR"] # (returns > 0) * 1.0
+ success = jnp.sum(goal_r * mask)
+ l = end_idx - start_idx
+ return r, success, l
+ done_idxs = jnp.argwhere(dones, size=50, fill_value=max_steps).squeeze()
+ mask_done = jnp.where(done_idxs == max_steps, 0, 1)
+ ep_return, success, length = __ep_outcomes(
+ jnp.concatenate([jnp.array([-1]), done_idxs[:-1]]), done_idxs
+ )
+ return {
+ "ep_return": ep_return.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "num_episodes": mask_done.sum(),
+ "success_rate": success.mean(where=mask_done),
+ "ep_len": length.mean(where=mask_done),
+ }
+ # sample envs
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ rng_reset = jax.random.split(_rng, config["batch_size"])
+ new_levels = sample_random_levels(_rng2, config["batch_size"])
+ obsv, env_state = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(rng_reset, new_levels, env_params)
+ env_instances = new_levels
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(
+ )
+ runner_state = (env_state, env_state, obsv, jnp.zeros((BATCH_ACTORS), dtype=bool), init_hstate, rng)
+ runner_state, traj_batch = jax.lax.scan(_env_step, runner_state, None, config["rollout_steps"])
+ done_by_env = traj_batch.done.reshape((-1, config["batch_size"]))
+ reward_by_env = traj_batch.reward.reshape((-1, config["batch_size"]))
+ # info_by_actor = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.swapaxes(2, 1).reshape((-1, BATCH_ACTORS)), traj_batch.info)
+ o = _calc_outcomes_by_agent(config["rollout_steps"], traj_batch.done, traj_batch.reward, traj_batch.info)
+ success_by_env = o["success_rate"].reshape((1, config["batch_size"]))
+ learnability_by_env = (success_by_env * (1 - success_by_env)).sum(axis=0)
+ return None, (learnability_by_env, success_by_env.sum(axis=0), env_instances)
+ if config["sampled_envs_ratio"] == 0.0:
+ print("Not doing any rollouts because sampled_envs_ratio is 0.0")
+ # Here we have zero envs, so we can literally just sample random ones because there is no point.
+ top_instances = sample_random_levels(_rng, config["num_to_save"])
+ top_success = top_learn = learnability = success_rates = jnp.zeros(config["num_to_save"])
+ else:
+ rngs = jax.random.split(rng, config["num_batches"])
+ _, (learnability, success_rates, env_instances) = jax.lax.scan(
+ _batch_step, None, rngs, config["num_batches"]
+ )
+ flat_env_instances = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.reshape((-1,) + x.shape[2:]), env_instances)
+ learnability = learnability.flatten() + success_rates.flatten() * 0.001
+ top_1000 = jnp.argsort(learnability)[-config["num_to_save"] :]
+ top_1000_instances = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.at[top_1000].get(), flat_env_instances)
+ top_learn, top_instances = learnability.at[top_1000].get(), top_1000_instances
+ top_success = success_rates.at[top_1000].get()
+ if config["put_eval_levels_in_buffer"]:
+ top_instances = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: jnp.concatenate([all[:-num_eval_levels], new], axis=0),
+ top_instances,
+ all_eval_levels.env_state,
+ )
+ log = {
+ "learnability/learnability_sampled_mean": learnability.mean(),
+ "learnability/learnability_sampled_median": jnp.median(learnability),
+ "learnability/learnability_sampled_min": learnability.min(),
+ "learnability/learnability_sampled_max": learnability.max(),
+ "learnability/learnability_selected_mean": top_learn.mean(),
+ "learnability/learnability_selected_median": jnp.median(top_learn),
+ "learnability/learnability_selected_min": top_learn.min(),
+ "learnability/learnability_selected_max": top_learn.max(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_sampled_mean": top_success.mean(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_sampled_median": jnp.median(top_success),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_sampled_min": top_success.min(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_sampled_max": top_success.max(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_selected_mean": success_rates.mean(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_selected_median": jnp.median(success_rates),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_selected_min": success_rates.min(),
+ "learnability/solve_rate_selected_max": success_rates.max(),
+ }
+ return top_learn, top_instances, log
+ def eval(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState, keep_states=True):
+ """
+ This evaluates the current policy on the set of evaluation levels specified by config["eval_levels"].
+ It returns (states, cum_rewards, episode_lengths), with shapes (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,), (num_eval_levels,)
+ """
+ num_levels = len(config["eval_levels"])
+ # eval_levels = get_eval_levels(config["eval_levels"], eval_env.static_env_params)
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ eval_env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ all_eval_levels,
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ num_levels,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ return_trajectories=True,
+ )
+ def eval_on_dr_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState, keep_states=False):
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ )
+ def eval_on_top_learnable_levels(rng: chex.PRNGKey, train_state: TrainState, levels, keep_states=True):
+ N = 5
+ return general_eval(
+ rng,
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[:N], levels),
+ env_params.max_timesteps,
+ N,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ )
+ def train_step(runner_state_instances, unused):
+ runner_state, instances = runner_state_instances
+ num_env_instances = instances.polygon.position.shape[0]
+ def _env_step(runner_state, unused):
+ train_state, env_state, start_state, last_obs, last_done, hstate, update_steps, rng = runner_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs_batch = last_obs
+ ac_in = (
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], obs_batch),
+ last_done[np.newaxis, :],
+ )
+ hstate, pi, value = network.apply(train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=_rng).squeeze()
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)
+ env_act = action
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rng_step = jax.random.split(_rng, config["num_train_envs"])
+ obsv, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ rng_step, env_state, env_act, env_params
+ )
+ done_batch = done
+ transition = Transition(
+ done,
+ last_done,
+ action.squeeze(),
+ value.squeeze(),
+ reward,
+ log_prob.squeeze(),
+ obs_batch,
+ info,
+ )
+ runner_state = (train_state, env_state, start_state, obsv, done_batch, hstate, update_steps, rng)
+ return runner_state, (transition)
+ initial_hstate = runner_state[-3]
+ runner_state, traj_batch = jax.lax.scan(_env_step, runner_state, None, config["num_steps"])
+ train_state, env_state, start_state, last_obs, last_done, hstate, update_steps, rng = runner_state
+ last_obs_batch = last_obs # batchify(last_obs, env.agents, config["num_train_envs"])
+ ac_in = (
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], last_obs_batch),
+ last_done[np.newaxis, :],
+ )
+ _, _, last_val = network.apply(train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ last_val = last_val.squeeze()
+ def _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val):
+ def _get_advantages(gae_and_next_value, transition: Transition):
+ gae, next_value = gae_and_next_value
+ done, value, reward = (
+ transition.global_done,
+ transition.value,
+ transition.reward,
+ )
+ delta = reward + config["gamma"] * next_value * (1 - done) - value
+ gae = delta + config["gamma"] * config["gae_lambda"] * (1 - done) * gae
+ return (gae, value), gae
+ _, advantages = jax.lax.scan(
+ _get_advantages,
+ (jnp.zeros_like(last_val), last_val),
+ traj_batch,
+ reverse=True,
+ unroll=16,
+ )
+ return advantages, advantages + traj_batch.value
+ advantages, targets = _calculate_gae(traj_batch, last_val)
+ def _update_epoch(update_state, unused):
+ def _update_minbatch(train_state, batch_info):
+ init_hstate, traj_batch, advantages, targets = batch_info
+ def _loss_fn_masked(params, init_hstate, traj_batch, gae, targets):
+ _, pi, value = network.apply(
+ params,
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.transpose(), init_hstate),
+ (traj_batch.obs, traj_batch.done),
+ )
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(traj_batch.action)
+ value_pred_clipped = traj_batch.value + (value - traj_batch.value).clip(
+ -config["clip_eps"], config["clip_eps"]
+ )
+ value_losses = jnp.square(value - targets)
+ value_losses_clipped = jnp.square(value_pred_clipped - targets)
+ value_loss = 0.5 * jnp.maximum(value_losses, value_losses_clipped)
+ critic_loss = config["vf_coef"] * value_loss.mean()
+ logratio = log_prob - traj_batch.log_prob
+ ratio = jnp.exp(logratio)
+ # if env.do_sep_reward: gae = gae.sum(axis=-1)
+ gae = (gae - gae.mean()) / (gae.std() + 1e-8)
+ loss_actor1 = ratio * gae
+ loss_actor2 = (
+ jnp.clip(
+ ratio,
+ 1.0 - config["clip_eps"],
+ 1.0 + config["clip_eps"],
+ )
+ * gae
+ )
+ loss_actor = -jnp.minimum(loss_actor1, loss_actor2)
+ loss_actor = loss_actor.mean()
+ entropy = pi.entropy().mean()
+ approx_kl = jax.lax.stop_gradient(((ratio - 1) - logratio).mean())
+ clipfrac = jax.lax.stop_gradient((jnp.abs(ratio - 1) > config["clip_eps"]).mean())
+ total_loss = loss_actor + critic_loss - config["ent_coef"] * entropy
+ return total_loss, (value_loss, loss_actor, entropy, ratio, approx_kl, clipfrac)
+ grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(_loss_fn_masked, has_aux=True)
+ total_loss, grads = grad_fn(train_state.params, init_hstate, traj_batch, advantages, targets)
+ train_state = train_state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
+ return train_state, total_loss
+ (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ ) = update_state
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ init_hstate = jax.tree.map(lambda x: jnp.reshape(x, (256, config["num_train_envs"])), init_hstate)
+ batch = (
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages.squeeze(),
+ targets.squeeze(),
+ )
+ permutation = jax.random.permutation(_rng, config["num_train_envs"])
+ shuffled_batch = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.take(x, permutation, axis=1), batch)
+ minibatches = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: jnp.swapaxes(
+ jnp.reshape(
+ x,
+ [x.shape[0], config["num_minibatches"], -1] + list(x.shape[2:]),
+ ),
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ ),
+ shuffled_batch,
+ )
+ train_state, total_loss = jax.lax.scan(_update_minbatch, train_state, minibatches)
+ # total_loss = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.mean(), total_loss)
+ update_state = (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ )
+ return update_state, total_loss
+ # init_hstate = initial_hstate[None, :].squeeze().transpose()
+ init_hstate = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, :].squeeze().transpose(), initial_hstate)
+ update_state = (
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ traj_batch,
+ advantages,
+ targets,
+ rng,
+ )
+ update_state, loss_info = jax.lax.scan(_update_epoch, update_state, None, config["update_epochs"])
+ train_state = update_state[0]
+ metric = traj_batch.info
+ metric = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x.reshape((config["num_steps"], config["num_train_envs"])), # , env.num_agents
+ traj_batch.info,
+ )
+ rng = update_state[-1]
+ def callback(metric):
+ dones = metric["dones"]
+ wandb.log(
+ {
+ "episode_return": (metric["returned_episode_returns"] * dones).sum() / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ "episode_solved": (metric["returned_episode_solved"] * dones).sum() / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ "episode_length": (metric["returned_episode_lengths"] * dones).sum() / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum()),
+ "timing/num_env_steps": int(
+ int(metric["update_steps"]) * int(config["num_train_envs"]) * int(config["num_steps"])
+ ),
+ "timing/num_updates": metric["update_steps"],
+ **metric["loss_info"],
+ }
+ )
+ loss_info = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.mean(), loss_info)
+ metric["loss_info"] = {
+ "loss/total_loss": loss_info[0],
+ "loss/value_loss": loss_info[1][0],
+ "loss/policy_loss": loss_info[1][1],
+ "loss/entropy_loss": loss_info[1][2],
+ }
+ metric["dones"] = traj_batch.done
+ metric["update_steps"] = update_steps
+ jax.experimental.io_callback(callback, None, metric)
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ rng_reset = jax.random.split(_rng, config["num_envs_to_generate"])
+ new_levels = sample_random_levels(_rng2, config["num_envs_to_generate"])
+ obsv_gen, env_state_gen = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(rng_reset, new_levels, env_params)
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ sampled_env_instances_idxs = jax.random.randint(_rng, (config["num_envs_from_sampled"],), 0, num_env_instances)
+ sampled_env_instances = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.at[sampled_env_instances_idxs].get(), instances)
+ myrng = jax.random.split(_rng2, config["num_envs_from_sampled"])
+ obsv_sampled, env_state_sampled = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0))(myrng, sampled_env_instances)
+ obsv = jax.tree.map(lambda x, y: jnp.concatenate([x, y], axis=0), obsv_gen, obsv_sampled)
+ env_state = jax.tree.map(lambda x, y: jnp.concatenate([x, y], axis=0), env_state_gen, env_state_sampled)
+ start_state = env_state
+ hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ update_steps = update_steps + 1
+ runner_state = (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ start_state,
+ obsv,
+ jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=bool),
+ hstate,
+ update_steps,
+ rng,
+ )
+ return (runner_state, instances), metric
+ def log_buffer(learnability, levels, epoch):
+ num_samples = levels.polygon.position.shape[0]
+ states = levels
+ rows = 2
+ fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, int(num_samples / rows), figsize=(20, 10))
+ axes = axes.flatten()
+ all_imgs = jax.vmap(render_fn)(states)
+ for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
+ # ax.imshow(train_state.plr_buffer.get_sample(i))
+ score = learnability[i]
+ ax.imshow(all_imgs[i] / 255.0)
+ ax.set_xticks([])
+ ax.set_yticks([])
+ ax.set_title(f"learnability: {score:.3f}")
+ ax.set_aspect("equal", "box")
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ fig.canvas.draw()
+ im = Image.frombytes("RGB", fig.canvas.get_width_height(), fig.canvas.tostring_rgb())
+ plt.close()
+ return {"maps": wandb.Image(im)}
+ @jax.jit
+ def train_and_eval_step(runner_state, eval_rng):
+ learnability_rng, eval_singleton_rng, eval_sampled_rng, _rng = jax.random.split(eval_rng, 4)
+ learnabilty_scores, instances, test_metrics = get_learnability_set(learnability_rng, runner_state[0].params)
+ if config["log_learnability_before_after"]:
+ learn_scores_before, success_score_before = log_buffer_learnability(
+ learnability_rng, runner_state[0], instances
+ )
+ print("instance size", sum(x.size for x in jax.tree_util.tree_leaves(instances)))
+ runner_state_instances = (runner_state, instances)
+ runner_state_instances, metrics = jax.lax.scan(train_step, runner_state_instances, None, config["eval_freq"])
+ if config["log_learnability_before_after"]:
+ learn_scores_after, success_score_after = log_buffer_learnability(
+ learnability_rng, runner_state_instances[0][0], instances
+ )
+ # EVAL
+ rng, rng_eval = jax.random.split(eval_singleton_rng)
+ (states, cum_rewards, _, episode_lengths, eval_infos), (eval_dones, eval_rewards) = jax.vmap(eval, (0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_eval, config["eval_num_attempts"]), runner_state_instances[0][0]
+ )
+ all_eval_eplens = episode_lengths
+ # Collect Metrics
+ eval_returns = cum_rewards.mean(axis=0) # (num_eval_levels,)
+ eval_solves = (eval_infos["returned_episode_solved"] * eval_dones).sum(axis=1) / jnp.maximum(
+ 1, eval_dones.sum(axis=1)
+ )
+ eval_solves = eval_solves.mean(axis=0)
+ # just grab the first run
+ states, episode_lengths = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: x[0], (states, episode_lengths)
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,)
+ # And one attempt
+ states = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x[:, :], states)
+ episode_lengths = episode_lengths[:]
+ images = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(render_fn_eval))(
+ states.env_state.env_state.env_state
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...)
+ frames = images.transpose(
+ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3
+ ) # WandB expects color channel before image dimensions when dealing with animations for some reason
+ test_metrics["update_count"] = runner_state[-2]
+ test_metrics["eval_returns"] = eval_returns
+ test_metrics["eval_ep_lengths"] = episode_lengths
+ test_metrics["eval_animation"] = (frames, episode_lengths)
+ # Eval on sampled
+ dr_states, dr_cum_rewards, _, dr_episode_lengths, dr_infos = jax.vmap(eval_on_dr_levels, (0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_eval, config["eval_num_attempts"]), runner_state_instances[0][0]
+ )
+ eval_dr_returns = dr_cum_rewards.mean(axis=0).mean()
+ eval_dr_eplen = dr_episode_lengths.mean(axis=0).mean()
+ test_metrics["eval/mean_eval_return_sampled"] = eval_dr_returns
+ my_eval_dones = dr_infos["returned_episode"]
+ eval_dr_solves = (dr_infos["returned_episode_solved"] * my_eval_dones).sum(axis=1) / jnp.maximum(
+ 1, my_eval_dones.sum(axis=1)
+ )
+ test_metrics["eval/mean_eval_solve_rate_sampled"] = eval_dr_solves
+ test_metrics["eval/mean_eval_eplen_sampled"] = eval_dr_eplen
+ # Collect Metrics
+ eval_returns = cum_rewards.mean(axis=0) # (num_eval_levels,)
+ log_dict = {}
+ log_dict["to_remove"] = {
+ "eval_return": eval_returns,
+ "eval_solve_rate": eval_solves,
+ "eval_eplen": all_eval_eplens,
+ }
+ for i, name in enumerate(config["eval_levels"]):
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_return/{name}"] = eval_returns[i]
+ log_dict[f"eval_avg_solve_rate/{name}"] = eval_solves[i]
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_return": eval_returns.mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_solve_rate": eval_solves.mean()})
+ log_dict.update({"eval/mean_eval_eplen": all_eval_eplens.mean()})
+ test_metrics.update(log_dict)
+ runner_state, _ = runner_state_instances
+ test_metrics["update_count"] = runner_state[-2]
+ top_instances = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.at[-5:].get(), instances)
+ # Eval on top learnable levels
+ tl_states, tl_cum_rewards, _, tl_episode_lengths, tl_infos = jax.vmap(
+ eval_on_top_learnable_levels, (0, None, None)
+ )(jax.random.split(rng_eval, config["eval_num_attempts"]), runner_state_instances[0][0], top_instances)
+ # just grab the first run
+ states, episode_lengths = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ lambda x: x[0], (tl_states, tl_episode_lengths)
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,)
+ # And one attempt
+ states = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x[:, :], states)
+ episode_lengths = episode_lengths[:]
+ images = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(render_fn))(
+ states.env_state.env_state.env_state
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...)
+ frames = images.transpose(
+ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3
+ ) # WandB expects color channel before image dimensions when dealing with animations for some reason
+ test_metrics["top_learnable_animation"] = (frames, episode_lengths, tl_cum_rewards)
+ if config["log_learnability_before_after"]:
+ def single(x, name):
+ return {
+ f"{name}_mean": x.mean(),
+ f"{name}_std": x.std(),
+ f"{name}_min": x.min(),
+ f"{name}_max": x.max(),
+ f"{name}_median": jnp.median(x),
+ }
+ test_metrics["learnability_log_v2/"] = {
+ **single(learn_scores_before, "learnability_before"),
+ **single(learn_scores_after, "learnability_after"),
+ **single(success_score_before, "success_score_before"),
+ **single(success_score_after, "success_score_after"),
+ }
+ return runner_state, (learnabilty_scores.at[-20:].get(), top_instances), test_metrics
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ runner_state = (
+ train_state,
+ env_state,
+ start_state,
+ obsv,
+ jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=bool),
+ init_hstate,
+ 0,
+ _rng,
+ )
+ def log_eval(stats):
+ log_dict = {}
+ to_remove = stats["to_remove"]
+ del stats["to_remove"]
+ def _aggregate_per_size(values, name):
+ to_return = {}
+ for group_name, indices in eval_group_indices.items():
+ to_return[f"{name}_{group_name}"] = values[indices].mean()
+ return to_return
+ env_steps = stats["update_count"] * config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"]
+ env_steps_delta = config["eval_freq"] * config["num_train_envs"] * config["num_steps"]
+ time_now = time.time()
+ log_dict = {
+ "timing/num_updates": stats["update_count"],
+ "timing/num_env_steps": env_steps,
+ "timing/sps": env_steps_delta / stats["time_delta"],
+ "timing/sps_agg": env_steps / (time_now - time_start),
+ }
+ log_dict.update(_aggregate_per_size(to_remove["eval_return"], "eval_aggregate/return"))
+ log_dict.update(_aggregate_per_size(to_remove["eval_solve_rate"], "eval_aggregate/solve_rate"))
+ for i in range((len(config["eval_levels"]))):
+ frames, episode_length = stats["eval_animation"][0][:, i], stats["eval_animation"][1][i]
+ frames = np.array(frames[:episode_length])
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"media/eval_video_{config['eval_levels'][i]}": wandb.Video(
+ frames.astype(np.uint8), fps=15, caption=f"(len {episode_length})"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ for j in range(5):
+ frames, episode_length, cum_rewards = (
+ stats["top_learnable_animation"][0][:, j],
+ stats["top_learnable_animation"][1][j],
+ stats["top_learnable_animation"][2][:, j],
+ ) # num attempts
+ rr = "|".join([f"{r:<.2f}" for r in cum_rewards])
+ frames = np.array(frames[:episode_length])
+ log_dict.update(
+ {
+ f"media/tl_animation_{j}": wandb.Video(
+ frames.astype(np.uint8), fps=15, caption=f"(len {episode_length})\n{rr}"
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ stats.update(log_dict)
+ wandb.log(stats, step=stats["update_count"])
+ checkpoint_steps = config["checkpoint_save_freq"]
+ assert config["num_updates"] % config["eval_freq"] == 0, "num_updates must be divisible by eval_freq"
+ for eval_step in range(int(config["num_updates"] // config["eval_freq"])):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ rng, eval_rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ runner_state, instances, metrics = train_and_eval_step(runner_state, eval_rng)
+ curr_time = time.time()
+ metrics.update(log_buffer(*instances, metrics["update_count"]))
+ metrics["time_delta"] = curr_time - start_time
+ metrics["steps_per_section"] = (config["eval_freq"] * config["num_steps"] * config["num_train_envs"]) / metrics[
+ "time_delta"
+ ]
+ log_eval(metrics)
+ if ((eval_step + 1) * config["eval_freq"]) % checkpoint_steps == 0:
+ if config["save_path"] is not None:
+ steps = int(metrics["update_count"]) * int(config["num_train_envs"]) * int(config["num_steps"])
+ # save_params_to_wandb(runner_state[0].params, steps, config)
+ save_model_to_wandb(runner_state[0], steps, config)
+ if config["save_path"] is not None:
+ # save_params_to_wandb(runner_state[0].params, config["total_timesteps"], config)
+ save_model_to_wandb(runner_state[0], config["total_timesteps"], config)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # with jax.disable_jit():
+ # main()
+ main()
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/fjoint.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/hand.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/play.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/rjoint.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/rotate.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/thruster.png differ
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/thruster6.png b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/thruster6.png
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c73c04fcee7f4ea3bd992f4e6c5b584f38a02130
Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/thruster6.png differ
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/triangle.png b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/triangle.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/Kinetix/kinetix/assets/triangle.png differ
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/editor.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/editor.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fef599048d7bbe2519d8dbec4eed00b884918a5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/editor.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2671 @@
+import itertools
+import time
+from timeit import default_timer as tmr
+import optax
+from PIL import Image
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+from kinetix.environment.ued.distributions import sample_kinetix_level
+from kinetix.models import make_network_from_config
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_entity import make_render_entities
+ss = tmr()
+import jax
+jax.config.update("jax_compilation_cache_dir", ".cache-location")
+import hydra
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from kinetix.environment.ued.mutators import (
+ make_mutate_change_shape_rotation,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape,
+ mutate_add_shape,
+ make_mutate_change_shape_size,
+ mutate_change_shape_location,
+ mutate_swap_role,
+ mutate_remove_shape,
+ mutate_remove_joint,
+ mutate_toggle_fixture,
+ mutate_add_thruster,
+ mutate_remove_thruster,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued import make_mutate_env, ALL_MUTATION_FNS
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.util import rectangle_vertices
+from kinetix.util.config import generate_params_from_config, normalise_config
+import argparse
+import os
+import sys
+import tkinter
+import tkinter.filedialog
+from enum import Enum
+from timeit import default_timer as tmr
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+import pygame
+import pygame_widgets
+from pygame_widgets.slider import Slider
+from pygame_widgets.textbox import TextBox
+from pygame_widgets.toggle import Toggle
+from jax2d.engine import (
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon,
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon,
+ calculate_collision_matrix,
+ recalculate_mass_and_inertia,
+ recompute_global_joint_positions,
+ select_shape,
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody
+from kinetix.environment.env import (
+ create_empty_env,
+ make_kinetix_env_from_name,
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.utils import permute_pcg_state
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import AutoResetWrapper
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg import env_state_to_pcg_state, sample_pcg_state
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg_state import PCGState
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.render.textures import (
+from kinetix.util.saving import (
+ expand_pcg_state,
+ export_env_state_to_json,
+ get_pcg_state_from_json,
+ load_from_json_file,
+ load_pcg_state_pickle,
+ load_world_state_pickle,
+ save_pickle,
+ load_params_from_wandb_artifact_path,
+ load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path,
+from kinetix.util.timing import time_function
+from tkinter import Tk
+root = Tk()
+ee = tmr()
+print(f"Imported in {ee - ss} seconds")
+editor = None
+outer_timer = tmr()
+EMPTY_ENV = False
+class ObjectType(Enum):
+ CIRCLE = 1
+ JOINT = 2
+class EditMode(Enum):
+ SELECT = 3
+def select_object(state: EnvState, type: int, index: int):
+ if type is None:
+ type = ObjectType.POLYGON
+ li = {0: state.polygon, 1: state.circle, 2: state.joint, 3: state.thruster}[type.value]
+ return jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[index], li)
+def snap_to_center(shape: RigidBody, position: jnp.ndarray):
+ if jnp.linalg.norm(shape.position - position) < SNAPPING_DIST:
+ return shape.position
+ return position
+def snap_to_polygon_center_line(polygon: RigidBody, position: jnp.ndarray):
+ # Snap to the center line
+ r = rmat(polygon.rotation)
+ x = jnp.matmul(r, position - polygon.position)
+ if jnp.abs(x[0]) < SNAPPING_DIST:
+ x = x.at[0].set(0.0)
+ if jnp.abs(x[1]) < SNAPPING_DIST:
+ x = x.at[1].set(0.0)
+ x = jnp.matmul(r.transpose(), x)
+ return x + polygon.position
+def snap_to_circle_center_line(circle: RigidBody, position: jnp.ndarray):
+ # Snap to the center line, i.e. on the edge of the circle, if the position is close enough to directly below the circle, etc., snap the position to that
+ x = position - circle.position
+ if jnp.linalg.norm(x) < SNAPPING_DIST:
+ return circle.position
+ angle = (jnp.arctan2(x[1], x[0]) + 2 * jnp.pi) % (2 * jnp.pi)
+ for i in range(0, 8):
+ if jnp.abs(angle - i * jnp.pi / 4) < jnp.radians(25): # 25 degrees
+ angle = i * jnp.pi / 4
+ break
+ x = jnp.array([jnp.cos(angle), jnp.sin(angle)]) * circle.radius
+ return x + circle.position
+def prompt_file(save=False):
+ dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "worlds")
+ """Create a Tk file dialog and cleanup when finished"""
+ top = tkinter.Tk()
+ top.withdraw() # hide window
+ if save:
+ file_name = tkinter.filedialog.asksaveasfilename(parent=top, initialdir=dir)
+ else:
+ file_name = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(parent=top, initialdir=dir)
+ top.destroy()
+ return file_name
+def get_numeric_key_pressed(pygame_events, is_mod=False):
+ for event in pygame_events:
+ if not is_mod:
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.unicode.isdigit():
+ return int(event.unicode)
+ else:
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
+ pass
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key in [pygame.K_0 + i for i in range(10)]:
+ return int(event.key - pygame.K_0)
+ return None
+def new_env(static_env_params):
+ return create_empty_env(static_env_params)
+myrng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+def make_reset_function(static_env_params):
+ def reset(rng):
+ return env_state_to_pcg_state(create_empty_env(static_env_params))
+ return reset
+def new_pcg_env(static_env_params):
+ global myrng
+ env_state = create_empty_env(static_env_params)
+ else:
+ return get_pcg_state_from_json("worlds/l/h0_angrybirds.json")
+ return env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state)
+class Editor:
+ def __init__(self, env, env_params, config, upscale=1):
+ self.env = env
+ self.upscale = upscale
+ self.env_params = env_params
+ self.static_env_params = env.static_env_params
+ self.ued_params = UEDParams()
+ self.side_panel_width = env.static_env_params.screen_dim[0] // 3
+ self.rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ self.config = config
+ self.pcg_state = new_pcg_env(self.static_env_params)
+ self.rng, _rng = jax.random.split(self.rng)
+ self.play_state = sample_pcg_state(_rng, self.pcg_state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params)
+ self.last_played_level = None
+ self.pygame_events = []
+ self.mutate_world = make_mutate_env(env.static_env_params, env_params, self.ued_params)
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 0
+ self.triangle_order = jnp.array([0, 1, 2])
+ # Init rendering
+ pygame.init()
+ pygame.key.set_repeat(250, 75)
+ self.screen_surface = pygame.display.set_mode(
+ tuple(
+ (t + extra) * self.upscale
+ for t, extra in zip(self.static_env_params.screen_dim, (self.side_panel_width, 0))
+ ),
+ display=0,
+ )
+ self.all_widgets = {}
+ self._setup_side_panel()
+ self.has_done_action = False
+ self._setup_rendering(self.static_env_params, env_params)
+ self._render_edit_overlay_fn = jax.jit(self._render_edit_overlay)
+ self._step_fn = jax.jit(env.step)
+ # Agent
+ if self.config["agent_taking_actions"]:
+ self._entity_renderer = jax.jit(make_render_entities(env_params, self.env.static_env_params))
+ self.network = make_network_from_config(env, env_params, config)
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ dones = jnp.zeros((config["num_train_envs"]), dtype=jnp.bool_)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(config["num_train_envs"])
+ obsv = self._entity_renderer(self.play_state)
+ obsv = jax.tree.map(lambda x: jnp.repeat(x[None, ...], repeats=config["num_train_envs"], axis=0), obsv)
+ init_x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (obsv, dones))
+ network_params = self.network.init(_rng, init_hstate, init_x)
+ tx = optax.chain(
+ optax.clip_by_global_norm(config["max_grad_norm"]),
+ optax.adam(config["lr"], eps=1e-5),
+ )
+ self.train_state = TrainState.create(
+ apply_fn=self.network.apply,
+ params=network_params,
+ tx=tx,
+ )
+ self.train_state = load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path(self.train_state, config["agent_wandb_path"])
+ self.apply_fn = jax.jit(self.network.apply)
+ # JIT Compile
+ def _jit_step():
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ ans = self._step_fn(
+ rng,
+ self.env.reset_env_to_level(rng, self.play_state, self.env_params)[1],
+ jnp.zeros(
+ env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings + env.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings, dtype=int
+ ),
+ self.env_params,
+ )
+ def _jit_render():
+ self._render_fn(self.play_state)
+ self._render_fn_edit(self.play_state)
+ time_function(_jit_step, "_jit_step")
+ time_function(_jit_render, "_jit_render")
+ # self._step_fn(rng, self.play_state, 0, self.env_params)
+ # Editing
+ self.is_editing = True
+ self.edit_shape_mode = EditMode.ADD_CIRCLE
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ self.create_shape_position = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])
+ self.creating_shape_index = 0
+ self.selected_shape_index = -1
+ self.selected_shape_type = ObjectType.POLYGON
+ self.all_selected_shapes = []
+ self.rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ time_function(self._jit, "self._jit")
+ self._put_state_values_into_gui(self.pcg_state)
+ self.mutate_change_shape_size = make_mutate_change_shape_size(self.env_params, self.static_env_params)
+ self.mutate_change_shape_rotation = make_mutate_change_shape_rotation(self.env_params, self.static_env_params)
+ def _setup_rendering(self, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, env_params: EnvParams):
+ def _make_render(should_do_edit_additions=False):
+ def _render(env_state):
+ side_panel = self._render_side_panel()
+ render_pixels = make_render_pixels(params=env_params, static_params=static_env_params)
+ pixels = render_pixels(
+ env_state,
+ )
+ pixels = jnp.concatenate([side_panel, pixels], axis=0)
+ pixels = jnp.repeat(pixels, repeats=static_env_params.downscale * self.upscale, axis=0)
+ pixels = jnp.repeat(pixels, repeats=static_env_params.downscale * self.upscale, axis=1)
+ return pixels[:, ::-1, :]
+ return _render
+ def _make_screenshot_render():
+ def _render(env_state):
+ px_upscale = 4
+ static_params = static_env_params.replace(screen_dim=(500 * px_upscale, 500 * px_upscale))
+ ss_env_params = env_params.replace(
+ pixels_per_unit=100 * px_upscale,
+ )
+ render_pixels = make_render_pixels(
+ params=ss_env_params,
+ static_params=static_params,
+ render_rjoint_sectors=False,
+ pixel_upscale=2 * px_upscale,
+ )
+ pixels = render_pixels(
+ env_state,
+ )
+ return pixels[:, ::-1, :]
+ return _render
+ self._render_fn_edit = jax.jit(_make_render(True))
+ self._render_fn = jax.jit(_make_render(False))
+ self._render_fn_screenshot = jax.jit(_make_screenshot_render())
+ def _jit(self):
+ self._get_circles_on_mouse(self.pcg_state.env_state)
+ self._get_polygons_on_mouse(self.pcg_state.env_state)
+ self._get_revolute_joints_on_mouse(self.pcg_state.env_state)
+ self._get_thrusters_on_mouse(self.pcg_state.env_state)
+ self.pygame_events = list(pygame.event.get())
+ self._handle_events(do_dummy=True)
+ state = self.play_state
+ for mutation_fn in ALL_MUTATION_FNS:
+ mutation_fn(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ def update(self, rng):
+ # Update pygame events
+ self.pygame_events = list(pygame.event.get())
+ for event in self.pygame_events:
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
+ if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
+ self.has_done_action = False
+ self.is_editing = not self.is_editing
+ if not self.is_editing:
+ self.pcg_state = self._discard_shape_being_created(self.pcg_state)
+ self.pcg_state = self._reset_select_shape(self.pcg_state)
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=self.pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(
+ self.static_env_params, self.pcg_state.env_state.joint
+ ),
+ ),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.replace(
+ collision_matrix=jnp.zeros_like(self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.collision_matrix)
+ ),
+ )
+ self.rng, _rng = jax.random.split(self.rng)
+ self.play_state = sample_pcg_state(
+ _rng, self.pcg_state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params
+ )
+ self.last_played_level = self.play_state
+ elif event.key == pygame.K_s and not self.is_editing:
+ self.take_screenshot()
+ if self.is_editing:
+ self.pcg_state = self.edit()
+ else:
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ # action = []
+ action = jnp.zeros(
+ self.env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings + self.env.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings,
+ dtype=jnp.int32,
+ )
+ keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
+ if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:
+ action = action.at[0].set(1)
+ if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:
+ action = action.at[0].set(2)
+ if keys[pygame.K_UP]:
+ action = action.at[1].set(1)
+ if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:
+ action = action.at[1].set(2)
+ if keys[pygame.K_1]:
+ action = action.at[0 + self.env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings].set(1)
+ if keys[pygame.K_2]:
+ action = action.at[1 + self.env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings].set(1)
+ if keys[pygame.K_3]:
+ action = action.at[2 + self.env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings].set(1)
+ if keys[pygame.K_4]:
+ action = action.at[3 + self.env.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings].set(1)
+ # if self.has_done_action: action = action * 0
+ self.has_done_action = self.has_done_action | (action != 0).any()
+ if self.config["agent_taking_actions"]:
+ obs = self._entity_renderer(self.play_state)
+ obs = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], obs)
+ last_done = jnp.zeros((1, 1), dtype=bool)
+ ac_in = (jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[np.newaxis, :], obs), last_done[np.newaxis, :])
+ hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(1)
+ hstate, pi, value = self.apply_fn(self.train_state.params, hstate, ac_in)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=_rng)
+ action = action[0, 0]
+ _rng, __rng = jax.random.split(_rng)
+ obs, self.play_state, reward, done, info = self._step_fn(
+ _rng, self.env.reset_to_level(__rng, self.play_state, self.env_params)[1], action, self.env_params
+ )
+ if done:
+ self.rng, _rng = jax.random.split(self.rng)
+ self.play_state = sample_pcg_state(_rng, self.pcg_state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params)
+ state_to_render = self.pcg_state.env_state if self.is_editing else self.play_state
+ self.render(state_to_render)
+ self._handle_events()
+ # Update screen
+ pygame.display.flip()
+ def take_screenshot(self):
+ print("screenshot!")
+ pixels = self._render_fn_screenshot(self.play_state)
+ mtime = round(time.time() * 1000)
+ pixels = pixels.transpose((1, 0, 2))
+ # Black border
+ border_thickness = 5
+ pixels = pixels.at[:, :border_thickness].set(0.0)
+ pixels = pixels.at[:, -border_thickness:].set(0.0)
+ pixels = pixels.at[:border_thickness, :].set(0.0)
+ pixels = pixels.at[-border_thickness:, :].set(0.0)
+ im = Image.fromarray(np.array(pixels.astype(jnp.uint8)))
+ im.save(f"results/screenshot_{str(mtime)}.png")
+ def _get_selected_shape_global_indices(self):
+ def _idx(idx, type):
+ if type == ObjectType.CIRCLE:
+ return idx + self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ return idx
+ indices_to_use = jnp.array([_idx(idx, type) for idx, type in self.all_selected_shapes])
+ return indices_to_use
+ # flag1
+ def _handle_events(self, do_dummy=False):
+ pygame_widgets.update(self.pygame_events)
+ if do_dummy or self.selected_shape_index < 0:
+ gravity_main = self.all_widgets[None]["sldGravity"].getValue()
+ gravity_max = self.all_widgets[None]["sldMaxGravity"].getValue()
+ gravity_main, gravity_max = min(gravity_main, gravity_max), max(gravity_main, gravity_max)
+ gravity_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[None]["pcgTglGravity"].getValue()
+ def _set_single_global(state, gravity):
+ return state.replace(
+ gravity=state.gravity.at[1].set(gravity),
+ )
+ env_state = _set_single_global(self.pcg_state.env_state, gravity_main)
+ env_state_max = _set_single_global(self.pcg_state.env_state_max, gravity_max)
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _set_single_global(self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, gravity_pcg_mask)
+ if not do_dummy:
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ )
+ if self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.SELECT or do_dummy: # is on the hand.
+ if do_dummy or len(self.all_selected_shapes) > 1:
+ # this processes the tying together.
+ indices_to_use = self._get_selected_shape_global_indices()
+ if len(indices_to_use) > 1:
+ toggle_val = self.all_widgets["TIE_TOGETHER"]["tglTieTogether"].getValue()
+ idxs = itertools.product(indices_to_use, indices_to_use)
+ idxs_a = []
+ idxs_b = []
+ for i, j in idxs:
+ idxs_a.append(i)
+ idxs_b.append(j)
+ idxs = jnp.array(idxs_a), jnp.array(idxs_b)
+ if toggle_val:
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ tied_together=self.pcg_state.tied_together.at[idxs[0], idxs[1]].set(True)
+ )
+ else:
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ tied_together=self.pcg_state.tied_together.at[idxs[0], idxs[1]].set(False)
+ )
+ if self.selected_shape_index < 0 and not do_dummy:
+ return
+ if do_dummy or self.selected_shape_type in [ObjectType.POLYGON, ObjectType.CIRCLE]: # rigidbody
+ shape_main = select_object(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state, self.selected_shape_type, self.selected_shape_index
+ )
+ shape_max = select_object(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_max, self.selected_shape_type, self.selected_shape_index
+ )
+ parent_container_main = (
+ self.pcg_state.env_state.circle
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE
+ else self.pcg_state.env_state.polygon
+ )
+ parent_container_max = (
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_max.circle
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE
+ else self.pcg_state.env_state_max.polygon
+ )
+ parent_container_pcg_mask = (
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.circle
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE
+ else self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.polygon
+ )
+ new_density_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldDensity"].getValue()
+ new_density_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxDensity"].getValue()
+ density_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglDensity"].getValue()
+ if density_pcg_mask:
+ new_density_main, new_density_max = min(new_density_main, new_density_max), max(
+ new_density_main, new_density_max
+ )
+ fixated = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["tglFixate"].getValue()
+ fix_val = 0.0 if fixated else 1.0
+ def _density_calcs(base, new_density):
+ inv_mass = jax.lax.select(
+ self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE,
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle(base.radius, new_density),
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon(base.vertices, base.n_vertices, self.static_env_params, new_density)[
+ 0
+ ],
+ )
+ inv_inertia = jax.lax.select(
+ self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle(base.radius, new_density),
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon(
+ base.vertices, base.n_vertices, self.static_env_params, new_density
+ ),
+ )
+ return inv_mass, inv_inertia
+ inv_mass_main, inv_inertia_main = _density_calcs(shape_main, new_density_main)
+ inv_mass_max, inv_inertia_max = _density_calcs(shape_max, new_density_max)
+ friction_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldFriction"].getValue()
+ friction_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxFriction"].getValue()
+ friction_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglFriction"].getValue()
+ if friction_pcg_mask:
+ friction_main, friction_max = min(friction_main, friction_max), max(friction_main, friction_max)
+ restitution = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRestitution"].getValue()
+ position_main = jnp.array(
+ [
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldPosition_X"].getValue(),
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldPosition_Y"].getValue(),
+ ]
+ )
+ position_max = jnp.array(
+ [
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_X"].getValue(),
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_Y"].getValue(),
+ ]
+ )
+ position_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglPosition_X"].getValue()
+ if position_pcg_mask:
+ position_main, position_max = jnp.minimum(position_main, position_max), jnp.maximum(
+ position_main, position_max
+ )
+ rotation_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRotation"].getValue()
+ rotation_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRotation"].getValue()
+ rotation_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglRotation"].getValue()
+ if rotation_pcg_mask:
+ rotation_main, rotation_max = min(rotation_main, rotation_max), max(rotation_main, rotation_max)
+ velocity_main = jnp.array(
+ [
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldVelocity_X"].getValue(),
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldVelocity_Y"].getValue(),
+ ]
+ )
+ velocity_max = jnp.array(
+ [
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_X"].getValue(),
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_Y"].getValue(),
+ ]
+ )
+ velocity_main, velocity_max = jnp.minimum(velocity_main, velocity_max), jnp.maximum(
+ velocity_main, velocity_max
+ )
+ velocity_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglVelocity_X"].getValue()
+ angular_velocity_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldAngular_Velocity"].getValue()
+ angular_velocity_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxAngular_Velocity"].getValue()
+ angular_velocity_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][
+ "pcgTglAngular_Velocity"
+ ].getValue()
+ if angular_velocity_pcg_mask:
+ angular_velocity_main, angular_velocity_max = min(angular_velocity_main, angular_velocity_max), max(
+ angular_velocity_main, angular_velocity_max
+ )
+ # Circle stuff
+ radius_main, radius_max, radius_pcg_mask = None, None, None
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE:
+ radius_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRadius"].getValue()
+ radius_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRadius"].getValue()
+ radius_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglRadius"].getValue()
+ # Poly stuff
+ vertices_main, vertices_max, vertices_pcg_mask = None, None, None
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.POLYGON:
+ # Triangle
+ new_size_main = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldSize"].getValue()
+ new_size_max = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxSize"].getValue()
+ current_size = jnp.abs(self.pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices[self.selected_shape_index]).max()
+ scale_main = new_size_main / current_size
+ scale_max = new_size_max / current_size
+ vertices_main = self.pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices[self.selected_shape_index] * scale_main
+ vertices_max = self.pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices[self.selected_shape_index] * scale_max
+ vertices_pcg_mask = (
+ jnp.ones_like(vertices_main, dtype=bool)
+ * self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglSize"].getValue()
+ )
+ def _set_single_state_rbody(
+ state,
+ parent_container,
+ density,
+ inv_mass,
+ inv_inertia,
+ friction,
+ position,
+ radius,
+ rotation,
+ velocity,
+ angular_velocity,
+ vertices,
+ ):
+ new = {
+ "friction": parent_container.friction.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(friction),
+ "collision_mode": parent_container.collision_mode.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ int(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldCollidability"].getValue())
+ ),
+ "inverse_mass": parent_container.inverse_mass.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ inv_mass * fix_val
+ ),
+ "inverse_inertia": parent_container.inverse_inertia.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ inv_inertia * fix_val
+ ),
+ "position": parent_container.position.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(position),
+ "rotation": parent_container.rotation.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(rotation),
+ "velocity": parent_container.velocity.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(velocity),
+ "angular_velocity": parent_container.angular_velocity.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ angular_velocity
+ ),
+ "restitution": parent_container.restitution.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(restitution),
+ }
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE:
+ state = state.replace(
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ **new,
+ radius=parent_container.radius.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(radius),
+ ),
+ circle_shape_roles=state.circle_shape_roles.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ int(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRole"].getValue())
+ ),
+ circle_densities=state.circle_densities.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(density),
+ )
+ else:
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ **new,
+ vertices=parent_container.vertices.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(vertices),
+ ),
+ polygon_shape_roles=state.polygon_shape_roles.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ int(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRole"].getValue())
+ ),
+ polygon_densities=state.polygon_densities.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(density),
+ )
+ return state
+ position_delta = position_main - shape_main.position
+ env_state = _set_single_state_rbody(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state,
+ parent_container_main,
+ new_density_main,
+ inv_mass_main,
+ inv_inertia_main,
+ friction_main,
+ position_main,
+ radius_main,
+ rotation_main,
+ velocity_main,
+ angular_velocity_main,
+ vertices_main,
+ )
+ env_state_max = _set_single_state_rbody(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_max,
+ parent_container_max,
+ new_density_max,
+ inv_mass_max,
+ inv_inertia_max,
+ friction_max,
+ position_max,
+ radius_max,
+ rotation_max,
+ velocity_max,
+ angular_velocity_max,
+ vertices_max,
+ )
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _set_single_state_rbody(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask,
+ parent_container_pcg_mask,
+ density_pcg_mask,
+ density_pcg_mask,
+ density_pcg_mask,
+ friction_pcg_mask,
+ position_pcg_mask,
+ radius_pcg_mask,
+ rotation_pcg_mask,
+ velocity_pcg_mask,
+ angular_velocity_pcg_mask,
+ vertices_pcg_mask,
+ )
+ # Now, we must also set all of the tied shape's positions
+ correct_index = self.selected_shape_index + (
+ self.static_env_params.num_polygons if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE else 0
+ )
+ nonzero_indices = set(
+ jnp.nonzero(self.pcg_state.tied_together[correct_index].at[correct_index].set(False))[0].tolist()
+ )
+ for idx in nonzero_indices:
+ if idx < self.static_env_params.num_polygons:
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ polygon=env_state.polygon.replace(
+ position=env_state.polygon.position.at[idx].set(
+ env_state.polygon.position[idx] + position_delta
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ idx = idx - self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ circle=env_state.circle.replace(
+ position=env_state.circle.position.at[idx].set(
+ env_state.circle.position[idx] + position_delta
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if not do_dummy:
+ self.pcg_state = PCGState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ tied_together=self.pcg_state.tied_together,
+ )
+ if do_dummy or self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.JOINT: # rjoint
+ speed_main = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldSpeed"].getValue()
+ speed_max = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxSpeed"].getValue()
+ speed_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["pcgTglSpeed"].getValue()
+ if speed_pcg_mask:
+ speed_main, speed_max = min(speed_main, speed_max), max(speed_main, speed_max)
+ power_main = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldPower"].getValue()
+ power_max = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxPower"].getValue()
+ power_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["pcgTglPower"].getValue()
+ if power_pcg_mask:
+ power_main, power_max = min(power_main, power_max), max(power_main, power_max)
+ motor_binding_val_min = int(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldColour"].getValue())
+ motor_binding_val_max = int(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxColour"].getValue())
+ colour_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["pcgTglColour"].getValue()
+ if colour_pcg_mask:
+ motor_binding_val_min, motor_binding_val_max = min(
+ motor_binding_val_min, motor_binding_val_max
+ ), max(motor_binding_val_min, motor_binding_val_max)
+ auto_motor_val = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglAutoMotor"].getValue()
+ joint_limits_val = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglJointLimits"].getValue()
+ is_fixed_val = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsFixedJoint"].getValue()
+ is_motor_on = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsMotorOn"].getValue()
+ min_rot_val = jnp.deg2rad(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMin_Rotation"].getValue())
+ max_rot_val = jnp.deg2rad(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMax_Rotation"].getValue())
+ # ensure the min is less than the max
+ min_rot_val, max_rot_val = min(min_rot_val, max_rot_val), max(min_rot_val, max_rot_val)
+ def _set_single_state_joint(state, speed, power, colour):
+ state = state.replace(
+ joint=state.joint.replace(
+ motor_speed=state.joint.motor_speed.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(speed),
+ motor_power=state.joint.motor_power.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(power),
+ motor_has_joint_limits=state.joint.motor_has_joint_limits.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ joint_limits_val
+ ),
+ min_rotation=state.joint.min_rotation.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(min_rot_val),
+ max_rotation=state.joint.max_rotation.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(max_rot_val),
+ is_fixed_joint=state.joint.is_fixed_joint.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(is_fixed_val),
+ motor_on=state.joint.motor_on.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(is_motor_on),
+ ),
+ motor_bindings=state.motor_bindings.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(colour),
+ motor_auto=state.motor_auto.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(auto_motor_val),
+ )
+ return state
+ env_state = _set_single_state_joint(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state,
+ speed_main,
+ power_main,
+ motor_binding_val_min,
+ )
+ env_state_max = _set_single_state_joint(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_max,
+ speed_max,
+ power_max,
+ motor_binding_val_max,
+ )
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _set_single_state_joint(
+ self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, speed_pcg_mask, power_pcg_mask, colour_pcg_mask
+ )
+ if not do_dummy:
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ )
+ if do_dummy or self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.THRUSTER: # thruster
+ power_main = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldPower"].getValue()
+ power_max = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldMaxPower"].getValue()
+ power_pcg_mask = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["pcgTglPower"].getValue()
+ if power_pcg_mask:
+ power_main, power_max = min(power_main, power_max), max(power_main, power_max)
+ def _set_single_state_thruster(state, power):
+ return state.replace(
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(
+ power=state.thruster.power.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(power),
+ ),
+ thruster_bindings=state.thruster_bindings.at[self.selected_shape_index].set(
+ int(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldColour"].getValue())
+ ),
+ )
+ env_state = _set_single_state_thruster(self.pcg_state.env_state, power_main)
+ env_state_max = _set_single_state_thruster(self.pcg_state.env_state_max, power_max)
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _set_single_state_thruster(self.pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, power_pcg_mask)
+ if not do_dummy:
+ self.pcg_state = self.pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ )
+ # flag2
+ def _put_state_values_into_gui(self, pcg_state=None):
+ def _set_toggle_val(toggle, val):
+ if toggle.getValue() != val:
+ toggle.toggle()
+ def _enable_slider(slider):
+ slider.enable()
+ slider.colour = (200, 200, 200)
+ slider.handleColour = (0, 0, 0)
+ def _disable_slider(slider):
+ slider.disable()
+ slider.colour = (255, 0, 0)
+ slider.handleColour = (255, 0, 0)
+ if pcg_state is None:
+ # state = self.edit_state
+ raise ValueError
+ def pcg_text(main_val, max_val, pcg_mask):
+ if pcg_mask:
+ return f"{main_val:.2f} - {max_val:.2f}"
+ else:
+ return f"{main_val:.2f}"
+ # global ones
+ gravity_pcg_mask = pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.gravity[1]
+ self.all_widgets[None]["lblGravity"].setText(
+ f"Gravity: {pcg_text(pcg_state.env_state.gravity[1], pcg_state.env_state_max.gravity[1], pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.gravity[1])}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[None]["sldGravity"].setValue(pcg_state.env_state.gravity[1])
+ self.all_widgets[None]["sldMaxGravity"].setValue(pcg_state.env_state_max.gravity[1])
+ if not gravity_pcg_mask:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[None]["sldMaxGravity"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[None]["sldMaxGravity"])
+ if self.edit_shape_mode != EditMode.SELECT or self.selected_shape_index < 0:
+ return
+ obj_main = select_object(pcg_state.env_state, self.selected_shape_type, self.selected_shape_index)
+ obj_max = select_object(pcg_state.env_state_max, self.selected_shape_type, self.selected_shape_index)
+ obj_pcg_mask = select_object(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, self.selected_shape_type, self.selected_shape_index)
+ if len(self.all_selected_shapes) > 1:
+ indices_to_use = self._get_selected_shape_global_indices()
+ are_all_tied = pcg_state.tied_together[indices_to_use.min(), indices_to_use].all()
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets["TIE_TOGETHER"]["tglTieTogether"], are_all_tied)
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.JOINT:
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblSpeed"].setText(
+ f"Speed: {pcg_text(obj_main.motor_speed, obj_max.motor_speed, obj_pcg_mask.motor_speed)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldSpeed"].setValue(obj_main.motor_speed)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxSpeed"].setValue(obj_max.motor_speed)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["pcgTglSpeed"], obj_pcg_mask.motor_speed)
+ if obj_pcg_mask.motor_speed:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxSpeed"])
+ else:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxSpeed"])
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblPower"].setText(
+ f"Power: {pcg_text(obj_main.motor_power, obj_max.motor_power, obj_pcg_mask.motor_power)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldPower"].setValue(obj_main.motor_power)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxPower"].setValue(obj_max.motor_power)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["pcgTglPower"], obj_pcg_mask.motor_power)
+ if obj_pcg_mask.motor_power:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxPower"])
+ else:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxPower"])
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblColour"].setText(
+ f"Colour: {pcg_state.env_state.motor_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldColour"].setValue(
+ pcg_state.env_state.motor_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxColour"].setValue(
+ pcg_state.env_state_max.motor_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]
+ )
+ colour_pcg_mask = pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.motor_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]
+ if not colour_pcg_mask:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxColour"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMaxColour"])
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblJointLimits"].setText(
+ f"Joint Limits: {obj_main.motor_has_joint_limits}"
+ )
+ widget_motor_has_joint_limits = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglJointLimits"].getValue()
+ if obj_main.motor_has_joint_limits != widget_motor_has_joint_limits: # Update the toggle
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglJointLimits"].toggle()
+ mini, maxi = jnp.rad2deg(obj_main.min_rotation), jnp.rad2deg(obj_main.max_rotation)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblMin_Rotation"].setText(f"Min Rot: {int(mini)}")
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMin_Rotation"].setValue(mini)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblMax_Rotation"].setText(f"Max Rot: {int(maxi)}")
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["sldMax_Rotation"].setValue(maxi)
+ if not obj_main.motor_has_joint_limits:
+ for k in ["min_rotation", "max_rotation"]:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].disable()
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].colour = (255, 0, 0)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].handleColour = (255, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ for k in ["min_rotation", "max_rotation"]:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].enable()
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].colour = (200, 200, 200)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][f"sld{k.title()}"].handleColour = (0, 0, 0)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblAutoMotor"].setText(
+ f"Auto: {pcg_state.env_state.motor_auto[self.selected_shape_index]}"
+ )
+ widget_is_auto_motor = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglAutoMotor"].getValue()
+ if pcg_state.env_state.motor_auto[self.selected_shape_index] != widget_is_auto_motor: # Update the toggle
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglAutoMotor"].toggle()
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblIsFixedJoint"].setText(f"Fixed: {obj_main.is_fixed_joint}")
+ widget_is_motor_on = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsFixedJoint"].getValue()
+ if obj_main.is_fixed_joint != widget_is_motor_on: # Update the toggle
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsFixedJoint"].toggle()
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["lblIsMotorOn"].setText(f"Motor On: {obj_main.motor_on}")
+ widget_is_motor_on = self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsMotorOn"].getValue()
+ if obj_main.motor_on != widget_is_motor_on: # Update the toggle
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.JOINT]["tglIsMotorOn"].toggle()
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.THRUSTER:
+ # thruster
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["lblPower"].setText(
+ f"Power: {pcg_text(obj_main.power, obj_max.power, obj_pcg_mask.power)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldPower"].setValue(obj_main.power)
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldMaxPower"].setValue(obj_max.power)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["pcgTglPower"], obj_pcg_mask.power)
+ if obj_pcg_mask.power:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldMaxPower"])
+ else:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldMaxPower"])
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["sldColour"].setValue(
+ pcg_state.env_state.thruster_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[ObjectType.THRUSTER]["lblColour"].setText(
+ f"Colour: {pcg_state.env_state.thruster_bindings[self.selected_shape_index]}"
+ )
+ elif self.selected_shape_type in [ObjectType.POLYGON, ObjectType.CIRCLE]:
+ # rigidbody
+ # Position
+ # We use the mask for position_x for the entire position vector
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblPosition_X"].setText(
+ f"Position X: {pcg_text(obj_main.position[0], obj_max.position[0], obj_pcg_mask.position[0])}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldPosition_X"].setValue(obj_main.position[0])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_X"].setValue(obj_max.position[0])
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglPosition_X"], obj_pcg_mask.position[0])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblPosition_Y"].setText(
+ f"Position Y: {pcg_text(obj_main.position[1], obj_max.position[1], obj_pcg_mask.position[0])}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldPosition_Y"].setValue(obj_main.position[1])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_Y"].setValue(obj_max.position[1])
+ if obj_pcg_mask.position[0]:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_X"])
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_Y"])
+ else:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_X"])
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxPosition_Y"])
+ # Velocity
+ # We use the mask for velocity_x for the entire velocity vector
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblVelocity_X"].setText(
+ f"Velocity X: {pcg_text(obj_main.velocity[0], obj_max.velocity[0], obj_pcg_mask.velocity[0])}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldVelocity_X"].setValue(obj_main.velocity[0])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_X"].setValue(obj_max.velocity[0])
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglVelocity_X"], obj_pcg_mask.velocity[0])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblVelocity_Y"].setText(
+ f"Velocity Y: {pcg_text(obj_main.velocity[1], obj_max.velocity[1], obj_pcg_mask.velocity[0])}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldVelocity_Y"].setValue(obj_main.velocity[1])
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_Y"].setValue(obj_max.velocity[1])
+ if obj_pcg_mask.velocity[0]:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_X"])
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_Y"])
+ else:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_X"])
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxVelocity_Y"])
+ # Density
+ is_fixated = obj_main.inverse_mass == 0
+ def _calc_density(state):
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.POLYGON:
+ return state.polygon_densities[self.selected_shape_index]
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE:
+ return state.circle_densities[self.selected_shape_index]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ density_main = _calc_density(pcg_state.env_state)
+ density_max = _calc_density(pcg_state.env_state_max)
+ density_pcg_mask = obj_pcg_mask.inverse_mass
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblDensity"].setText(
+ f"Density: {pcg_text(density_main, density_max, density_pcg_mask)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldDensity"].setValue(density_main)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxDensity"].setValue(density_max)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglDensity"], density_pcg_mask)
+ if is_fixated:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldDensity"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldDensity"])
+ if is_fixated or (not density_pcg_mask):
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxDensity"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxDensity"])
+ # Friction
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblFriction"].setText(
+ f"Friction: {pcg_text(obj_main.friction, obj_max.friction, obj_pcg_mask.friction)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldFriction"].setValue(obj_main.friction)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxFriction"].setValue(obj_max.friction)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglFriction"], obj_pcg_mask.friction)
+ if not obj_pcg_mask.friction:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxFriction"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxFriction"])
+ # Restitution
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblRestitution"].setText(
+ f"Restitution: {obj_main.restitution:.2f}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRestitution"].setValue(obj_main.restitution)
+ # Rotation
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblRotation"].setText(
+ f"Rotation: {pcg_text(obj_main.rotation, obj_max.rotation, obj_pcg_mask.rotation)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRotation"].setValue(obj_main.rotation)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRotation"].setValue(obj_max.rotation)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglRotation"], obj_pcg_mask.rotation)
+ if not obj_pcg_mask.rotation:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRotation"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRotation"])
+ # Angular_Velocity
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblAngular_Velocity"].setText(
+ f"Angular_Velocity: {pcg_text(obj_main.angular_velocity, obj_max.angular_velocity, obj_pcg_mask.angular_velocity)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldAngular_Velocity"].setValue(obj_main.angular_velocity)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxAngular_Velocity"].setValue(obj_max.angular_velocity)
+ _set_toggle_val(
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglAngular_Velocity"], obj_pcg_mask.angular_velocity
+ )
+ if not obj_pcg_mask.angular_velocity:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxAngular_Velocity"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxAngular_Velocity"])
+ # Collision mode
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblCollidability"].setText(
+ f"Collidability: {obj_main.collision_mode}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldCollidability"].setValue(obj_main.collision_mode)
+ # Shape role
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.POLYGON:
+ shape_role = pcg_state.env_state.polygon_shape_roles[self.selected_shape_index]
+ else:
+ shape_role = pcg_state.env_state.circle_shape_roles[self.selected_shape_index]
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRole"].setValue(shape_role)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblRole"].setText(f"Role: {shape_role}")
+ # Fixate
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblFixate"].setText(f"Fixate: {is_fixated}")
+ widget_is_fixed = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["tglFixate"].getValue()
+ if is_fixated != widget_is_fixed: # Update the toggle
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["tglFixate"].toggle()
+ # Radius
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblRadius"].setText(
+ f"Radius: {pcg_text(obj_main.radius, obj_max.radius, obj_pcg_mask.radius)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRadius"].setValue(obj_main.radius)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRadius"].setValue(obj_max.radius)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglRadius"], obj_pcg_mask.radius)
+ if not obj_pcg_mask.radius:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRadius"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxRadius"])
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.POLYGON:
+ size_main = jnp.abs(obj_main.vertices).max()
+ size_max = jnp.abs(obj_max.vertices).max()
+ size_pcg_mask = obj_pcg_mask.vertices.any()
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["lblSize"].setText(
+ f"Size: {pcg_text(size_main, size_max, size_pcg_mask)}"
+ )
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldSize"].setValue(size_main)
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxSize"].setValue(size_max)
+ _set_toggle_val(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["pcgTglSize"], size_pcg_mask)
+ if not size_pcg_mask:
+ _disable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxSize"])
+ else:
+ _enable_slider(self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldMaxSize"])
+ def _render_side_panel(self):
+ arr = jnp.ones((self.side_panel_width, self.static_env_params.screen_dim[1], 3)) * (
+ jnp.array([135.0, 206.0, 235.0])[None, None] + 20
+ )
+ return arr
+ def make_label_and_slider(
+ self,
+ start_y,
+ label_text,
+ slider_min=0.0,
+ slider_max=1.0,
+ slider_step=0.05,
+ font_size=18,
+ is_toggle=False,
+ is_pcg=False,
+ add_pcg_toggle=True,
+ ):
+ Wl = round(self.W * 0.7)
+ pcg_lbl = None
+ pcg_toggle = None
+ widget_max = None
+ label = TextBox(
+ self.screen_surface,
+ self.MARGIN,
+ start_y,
+ Wl,
+ 20,
+ fontSize=font_size,
+ margin=0,
+ placeholderText=label_text,
+ font=pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", font_size),
+ )
+ label.disable() # Act as label instead of textbox
+ if is_toggle:
+ widget = Toggle(self.screen_surface, self.W // 2 - 20, start_y + 23, 20, 13)
+ else:
+ widget = Slider(
+ self.screen_surface,
+ self.MARGIN,
+ start_y + 23,
+ Wl,
+ 13,
+ min=slider_min,
+ max=slider_max,
+ step=slider_step,
+ )
+ if is_pcg:
+ widget_max = Slider(
+ self.screen_surface,
+ self.MARGIN,
+ start_y + 50,
+ Wl,
+ 13,
+ min=slider_min,
+ max=slider_max,
+ step=slider_step,
+ )
+ pcg_lbl = TextBox(
+ self.screen_surface,
+ self.MARGIN + Wl + 30,
+ start_y,
+ 60,
+ 20,
+ fontSize=font_size,
+ margin=0,
+ placeholderText="PCG",
+ font=pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", font_size),
+ )
+ if add_pcg_toggle:
+ pcg_toggle = Toggle(self.screen_surface, Wl + 80, start_y + 23, 20, 13)
+ return label, widget, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, widget_max)
+ def _setup_side_panel(self):
+ W = self.W = int(self.side_panel_width * self.upscale * 0.8)
+ MARGIN = self.MARGIN = (self.side_panel_width * self.upscale - W) // 2
+ # global values
+ G = {}
+ gravity_label, gravity_slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ 150, "Gravity", -20.0, 0.0, 0.2, is_pcg=True
+ )
+ G["lblGravity"] = gravity_label
+ G["sldGravity"] = gravity_slider
+ G["sldMaxGravity"] = slider_max
+ G["pcgLblGravity"] = pcg_lbl
+ G["pcgTglGravity"] = pcg_toggle
+ # thruster values
+ T = {}
+ thruster_power_label, thruster_power_slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ 150, "Power", slider_max=3.0, is_pcg=True
+ )
+ T["lblPower"] = thruster_power_label
+ T["sldPower"] = thruster_power_slider
+ T["sldMaxPower"] = slider_max
+ T["pcgLblPower"] = pcg_lbl
+ T["pcgTglPower"] = pcg_toggle
+ thruster_colour_label, thruster_colour_slider, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ 250, "Colour", 0, self.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings - 1, 1
+ )
+ T["lblColour"] = thruster_colour_label
+ T["sldColour"] = thruster_colour_slider
+ # joints
+ D = {}
+ for i, (name, (mini, maxi, step), is_pcg) in enumerate(
+ zip(
+ ["speed", "power", "colour", "min_rotation", "max_rotation"],
+ [
+ (-3, 3, 0.05),
+ (0, 3, 0.05),
+ (0, self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings - 1, 1),
+ (-180, 180, 5),
+ (-180, 180, 5),
+ ],
+ [True, True, True, False, False],
+ )
+ ):
+ label, slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ 150 + 80 * i,
+ f"Motor {name.title()}",
+ slider_min=mini,
+ slider_max=maxi,
+ slider_step=step,
+ is_pcg=is_pcg,
+ )
+ D["lbl" + name.title()] = label
+ D["sld" + name.title()] = slider
+ if is_pcg:
+ D["sldMax" + name.title()] = slider_max
+ D["pcgLbl" + name.title()] = pcg_lbl
+ D["pcgTgl" + name.title()] = pcg_toggle
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(150 + 80 * 5, "Joint Limits", is_toggle=True)
+ D["lblJointLimits"] = label
+ D["tglJointLimits"] = toggle
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(150 + 80 * 6, "Auto", is_toggle=True)
+ D["lblAutoMotor"] = label
+ D["tglAutoMotor"] = toggle
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(150 + 80 * 7, "Fixed", is_toggle=True)
+ D["lblIsFixedJoint"] = label
+ D["tglIsFixedJoint"] = toggle
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(150 + 80 * 8, "Motor On", is_toggle=True)
+ D["lblIsMotorOn"] = label
+ D["tglIsMotorOn"] = toggle
+ def _create_rigid_body_base_gui():
+ D_rigid = {}
+ # rigidbodies
+ total_toggles = 0
+ total_non_toggles = 0
+ for i, (name, bounds, is_pcg, add_pcg_toggle) in enumerate(
+ zip(
+ [
+ "position_x",
+ "position_y",
+ "rotation",
+ "velocity_x",
+ "velocity_y",
+ "angular_velocity",
+ "density",
+ "friction",
+ "restitution",
+ "collidability",
+ "role",
+ ],
+ [
+ (0, 5.0, 0.01),
+ (0, 5.0, 0.01),
+ (-2 * jnp.pi, 2 * jnp.pi, 0.01),
+ (-10.0, 10.0, 0.1),
+ (-10.0, 10.0, 0.1),
+ (-6, 6.0, 0.01),
+ (0.1, 5.0, 0.1),
+ (0.02, 1.0, 0.02),
+ (0.0, 0.8, 0.02),
+ (0, 2, 1),
+ (0, 3, 1),
+ ],
+ [True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False, False, False],
+ [True, False, True, True, False, True, True, True, False, False, False],
+ )
+ ):
+ location = 50 + 80 * total_toggles + 40 * total_non_toggles
+ label, slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ location, name.title(), *bounds, is_pcg=is_pcg, add_pcg_toggle=add_pcg_toggle
+ )
+ total_toggles += is_pcg
+ total_non_toggles += not is_pcg
+ D_rigid["lbl" + name.title()] = label
+ D_rigid["sld" + name.title()] = slider
+ if is_pcg:
+ D_rigid["sldMax" + name.title()] = slider_max
+ if add_pcg_toggle:
+ D_rigid["pcgLbl" + name.title()] = pcg_lbl
+ D_rigid["pcgTgl" + name.title()] = pcg_toggle
+ location = 50 + 80 * total_toggles + 40 * total_non_toggles
+ # toggles:
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(location, "Fixate", is_toggle=True)
+ D_rigid["lblFixate"] = label
+ D_rigid["tglFixate"] = toggle
+ return D_rigid, location
+ # Circle extras
+ D_circle, location = _create_rigid_body_base_gui()
+ label, slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ location + 40, "Radius", slider_min=0.1, slider_max=1.0, slider_step=0.02, is_pcg=True, add_pcg_toggle=True
+ )
+ D_circle["lblRadius"] = label
+ D_circle["sldRadius"] = slider
+ D_circle["sldMaxRadius"] = slider_max
+ D_circle["pcgLblRadius"] = pcg_lbl
+ D_circle["pcgTglRadius"] = pcg_toggle
+ # Polygon extras
+ D_poly, location = _create_rigid_body_base_gui()
+ label, slider, (pcg_toggle, pcg_lbl, slider_max) = self.make_label_and_slider(
+ location + 40, "Size", slider_min=0.1, slider_max=2.0, slider_step=0.02, is_pcg=True, add_pcg_toggle=True
+ )
+ D_poly["lblSize"] = label
+ D_poly["sldSize"] = slider
+ D_poly["sldMaxSize"] = slider_max
+ D_poly["pcgLblSize"] = pcg_lbl
+ D_poly["pcgTglSize"] = pcg_toggle
+ label, toggle, _ = self.make_label_and_slider(150 + 80 * 5, "Tie Positions Together", is_toggle=True)
+ "lblTieTogether": label,
+ "tglTieTogether": toggle,
+ }
+ self.all_widgets = {
+ ObjectType.THRUSTER: T,
+ ObjectType.JOINT: D,
+ "GENERAL": {
+ "lblGeneral": TextBox(
+ self.screen_surface,
+ 10,
+ W,
+ 30,
+ fontSize=20,
+ margin=0,
+ placeholderText="General",
+ font=pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", 35),
+ ),
+ },
+ ObjectType.POLYGON: D_poly,
+ ObjectType.CIRCLE: D_circle,
+ None: G,
+ }
+ self._hide_all_widgets()
+ def _render_edit_overlay(self, pixels, is_editing, edit_shape_mode):
+ is_editing_texture = jax.lax.select(is_editing, EDIT_TEXTURE_RGBA, PLAY_TEXTURE_RGBA)
+ is_editing_texture = jnp.repeat(jnp.repeat(is_editing_texture, self.upscale, axis=0), self.upscale, axis=1)
+ offset = self.side_panel_width * self.upscale
+ w = 64 * self.upscale
+ offset2 = int(w * 1.25)
+ offset_y = 16 * self.upscale
+ play_tex_with_background = (1 - is_editing_texture[:, :, 3:]) * pixels[
+ offset + 0 : offset + w, 0:w
+ ] + is_editing_texture[:, :, 3:] * is_editing_texture[:, :, :3]
+ pixels = pixels.at[offset : offset + w, 0:w].set(play_tex_with_background)
+ edit_shape_texture = jax.lax.switch(
+ edit_shape_mode,
+ [
+ ],
+ )
+ edit_shape_texture = jnp.repeat(jnp.repeat(edit_shape_texture, self.upscale, axis=0), self.upscale, axis=1)
+ edit_shape_texture_alpha = edit_shape_texture[:, :, 3:] * is_editing
+ w = 32 * self.upscale
+ edit_shape_texture_with_background = (1 - edit_shape_texture_alpha) * pixels[
+ offset + offset2 : offset + offset2 + w, offset_y : offset_y + w
+ ] + edit_shape_texture_alpha * edit_shape_texture[:, :, :3]
+ pixels = pixels.at[offset + offset2 : offset + offset2 + w, offset_y : offset_y + w].set(
+ edit_shape_texture_with_background
+ )
+ return pixels
+ def edit(self):
+ self.rng, _rng = jax.random.split(self.rng)
+ pcg_state = self.pcg_state
+ left_click = False
+ right_click = False
+ keys = []
+ keys_up_this_frame = set()
+ for event in self.pygame_events:
+ if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
+ if (
+ event.key == pygame.K_s
+ and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL)
+ and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT)
+ ):
+ filename = prompt_file(save=True)
+ if filename:
+ filename += ".level.pkl"
+ save_pickle(filename, self.last_played_level)
+ print(f"Saved last sampled level to {filename}")
+ elif event.key == pygame.K_s and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ pcg_state = self._reset_select_shape(pcg_state)
+ filename = prompt_file(save=True)
+ if filename:
+ if filename.endswith(".json"):
+ export_env_state_to_json(
+ filename, pcg_state.env_state, self.static_env_params, self.env_params
+ )
+ elif not filename.endswith(".pcg.pkl"):
+ filename += ".pcg.pkl"
+ save_pickle(filename, pcg_state)
+ print(f"Saved PCG state to {filename}")
+ elif event.key == pygame.K_o and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ filename = prompt_file(save=False)
+ if filename:
+ self._reset_select_shape(pcg_state)
+ if filename.endswith(".pcg.pkl"):
+ pcg_state = load_pcg_state_pickle(filename)
+ pcg_state = expand_pcg_state(pcg_state, self.static_env_params)
+ print(f"Loaded PCG state from {filename}")
+ elif filename.endswith(".level.pkl"):
+ env_state = load_world_state_pickle(filename)
+ pcg_state = env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state)
+ print(f"Converted level state to PCG state from {filename}")
+ elif filename.endswith(".json"):
+ env_state, new_static_env_params, new_env_params = load_from_json_file(filename)
+ self._update_params(new_static_env_params, new_env_params)
+ pcg_state = env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state)
+ self._reset_triangles()
+ elif event.key == pygame.K_n and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ self._reset_select_shape(pcg_state)
+ pcg_state = new_pcg_env(self.static_env_params)
+ self._reset_triangles()
+ else:
+ keys.append(event.key)
+ elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
+ keys_up_this_frame.add(event.key)
+ if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and self._get_mouse_position_world_space()[0] >= 0:
+ if event.button == 1:
+ left_click = True
+ if event.button == 3:
+ right_click = True
+ if event.type == pygame.MOUSEWHEEL:
+ pcg_state = self._handle_scroll_wheel(pcg_state, event.y)
+ if self.selected_shape_index == -1:
+ num = get_numeric_key_pressed(self.pygame_events)
+ if num is not None:
+ self.edit_shape_mode = EditMode(num % len(EditMode))
+ # We have to do these checks outside the loop, otherwise they get triggered multiple times per key press.
+ if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT:
+ state = pcg_state.env_state
+ if pygame.K_m in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = self.mutate_world(_rng, state, 1)
+ if pygame.K_c in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state, _ = mutate_add_connected_shape(
+ _rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params
+ )
+ elif pygame.K_s in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_add_shape(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_p in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_swap_role(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_r in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_remove_shape(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_j in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_remove_joint(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_t in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_toggle_fixture(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_g in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_add_thruster(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_l in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_remove_thruster(_rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params)
+ elif pygame.K_b in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = self.mutate_change_shape_size(
+ _rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params
+ )
+ elif pygame.K_x in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = mutate_change_shape_location(
+ _rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params
+ )
+ elif pygame.K_k in keys_up_this_frame:
+ state = self.mutate_change_shape_rotation(
+ _rng, state, self.env_params, self.static_env_params, self.ued_params
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=state)
+ if pygame.K_p in keys_up_this_frame:
+ global myrng
+ myrng, _rng = jax.random.split(myrng)
+ # use the same rng
+ pcg_state = permute_pcg_state(_rng, pcg_state, self.static_env_params)
+ if self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.SELECT: # select a shape
+ pcg_state = self._edit_select_shape(pcg_state, left_click, right_click, keys)
+ self._put_state_values_into_gui(pcg_state)
+ pcg_state = self._select_shape_keyboard_shortcuts(pcg_state, left_click, keys)
+ else:
+ pcg_state = self._reset_select_shape(pcg_state) # don't highlight
+ self._put_state_values_into_gui(pcg_state)
+ self._show_correct_widgets(None)
+ if self.edit_shape_mode != EditMode.ADD_TRIANGLE or not self.creating_shape:
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 0
+ if self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_CIRCLE:
+ pcg_state = self._edit_circle(pcg_state, left_click, right_click)
+ elif self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_RECTANGLE:
+ pcg_state = self._edit_rect(pcg_state, left_click, right_click)
+ elif self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_JOINT:
+ pcg_state = self._edit_joint(pcg_state, left_click, right_click)
+ elif self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_TRIANGLE:
+ pcg_state = self._edit_triangle(pcg_state, left_click, right_click)
+ elif self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_THRUSTER:
+ pcg_state = self._edit_thruster(pcg_state, left_click, right_click)
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=recompute_global_joint_positions(
+ pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(self.static_env_params, pcg_state.env_state.joint),
+ ),
+ self.static_env_params,
+ ),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.replace(
+ collision_matrix=jnp.zeros_like(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.collision_matrix)
+ ),
+ )
+ return pcg_state
+ def _update_params(self, new_static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, new_env_params: EnvParams):
+ self.static_env_params = new_static_env_params.replace(
+ frame_skip=self.config["frame_skip"], downscale=self.config["downscale"]
+ )
+ self.env_params = new_env_params
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_name("Kinetix-Entity-MultiDiscrete-v1", static_env_params=self.static_env_params)
+ self.env = AutoResetWrapper(env, make_reset_function(self.static_env_params))
+ self._setup_rendering(self.static_env_params, self.env_params)
+ def _discard_shape_being_created(self, pcg_state):
+ env_state = pcg_state.env_state
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ if self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_CIRCLE:
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ circle=env_state.circle.replace(
+ active=env_state.circle.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(False)
+ )
+ )
+ elif self.edit_shape_mode == EditMode.ADD_RECTANGLE:
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ polygon=env_state.polygon.replace(
+ active=env_state.polygon.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(False)
+ )
+ )
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ return pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state)
+ def _handle_scroll_wheel(self, pcg_state, y):
+ if y == 0:
+ return pcg_state
+ state = self._discard_shape_being_created(pcg_state)
+ self.edit_shape_mode = EditMode((self.edit_shape_mode.value + y) % len(EditMode))
+ return state
+ def _get_mouse_position_world_space(self):
+ mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
+ return (
+ jnp.array(
+ [
+ mouse_pos[0] / self.upscale - self.side_panel_width,
+ self.static_env_params.screen_dim[1] - mouse_pos[1] / self.upscale,
+ ]
+ )
+ / self.env_params.pixels_per_unit
+ )
+ def _get_circles_on_mouse(self, state):
+ mouse_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ cis = []
+ for ci in jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_circles)[::-1]:
+ circle = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ci], state.circle)
+ if not circle.active:
+ continue
+ dist = jnp.linalg.norm(mouse_pos - circle.position)
+ if dist <= circle.radius:
+ cis.append(ci)
+ return cis
+ def _get_revolute_joints_on_mouse(self, state: EnvState):
+ mouse_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ ris = []
+ for ri in jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_joints)[::-1]:
+ joint = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ri], state.joint)
+ if not joint.active:
+ continue
+ dist = jnp.linalg.norm(mouse_pos - joint.global_position)
+ if dist <= 10 / 100: # arbitrary
+ ris.append(ri)
+ return ris
+ def _get_thrusters_on_mouse(self, state: EnvState):
+ mouse_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ ris = []
+ for ri in jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_thrusters)[::-1]:
+ thruster = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ri], state.thruster)
+ if not thruster.active:
+ continue
+ dist = jnp.linalg.norm(mouse_pos - thruster.global_position)
+ if dist <= 16 / 100: # arbitrary
+ ris.append(ri)
+ return ris
+ def _get_joints_attached_to_shape(self, state, shape_index):
+ r_a = jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_joints)[state.joint.a_index == shape_index]
+ r_b = jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_joints)[state.joint.b_index == shape_index]
+ t = jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_thrusters)[state.thruster.object_index == shape_index]
+ return jnp.concatenate([r_a, r_b], axis=0), t
+ def _edit_thruster(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool):
+ if not self.creating_shape and (1 - pcg_state.env_state.thruster.active.astype(int)).sum() == 0:
+ if not right_click:
+ return pcg_state
+ thruster_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ idx = -1
+ for ri in self._get_polygons_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ r = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ri], pcg_state.env_state.polygon)
+ thruster_pos = snap_to_polygon_center_line(r, thruster_pos)
+ relative_pos = jnp.matmul(rmat(r.rotation).transpose((1, 0)), thruster_pos - r.position)
+ idx = ri
+ break
+ if idx == -1:
+ for ci in self._get_circles_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ c = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ci], pcg_state.env_state.circle)
+ thruster_pos = snap_to_center(c, thruster_pos)
+ thruster_pos = snap_to_circle_center_line(c, thruster_pos)
+ relative_pos = thruster_pos - c.position
+ idx = ci + self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ break
+ if left_click:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ else:
+ if idx >= 0:
+ self.creating_shape = True
+ self.creating_shape_position = thruster_pos
+ self.creating_shape_index = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.thruster.active)
+ shape = select_shape(pcg_state.env_state, idx, self.static_env_params)
+ def _add_thruster_to_state(state):
+ state = state.replace(
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(
+ object_index=state.thruster.object_index.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(idx),
+ relative_position=state.thruster.relative_position.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(
+ relative_pos
+ ),
+ power=state.thruster.power.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(
+ 1.0 / jax.lax.select(shape.inverse_mass == 0, 1.0, shape.inverse_mass)
+ ),
+ active=state.thruster.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(True),
+ global_position=state.thruster.global_position.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(
+ thruster_pos
+ ),
+ rotation=state.thruster.rotation.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(0.0),
+ ),
+ thruster_bindings=state.thruster_bindings.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(0),
+ )
+ return state
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_add_thruster_to_state(pcg_state.env_state),
+ env_state_max=_add_thruster_to_state(pcg_state.env_state_max),
+ )
+ elif right_click:
+ for ti in self._get_thrusters_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ def _remove_thruster_from_state(state):
+ return state.replace(
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(active=state.thruster.active.at[ti].set(False))
+ )
+ return pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_remove_thruster_from_state(pcg_state.env_state),
+ env_state_max=_remove_thruster_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_max),
+ )
+ else:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ curr_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ normal = pcg_state.env_state.thruster.relative_position[self.creating_shape_index]
+ angle = jnp.arctan2(normal[1], normal[0])
+ relative_pos = curr_pos - self.creating_shape_position
+ # rotation = jnp.arctan2(relative_pos[1], relative_pos[0])
+ rotation = jnp.pi + jnp.arctan2(relative_pos[1], relative_pos[0]) + angle
+ angle_round = jnp.round(rotation / (jnp.pi / 2))
+ angle_norm = rotation / (jnp.pi / 2)
+ if jnp.abs(angle_round - angle_norm) < 0.3:
+ rotation = angle_round * (jnp.pi / 2)
+ def _update_thruster_rotation(state):
+ return state.replace(
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(
+ rotation=state.thruster.rotation.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(rotation - angle),
+ )
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_update_thruster_rotation(pcg_state.env_state),
+ env_state_max=_update_thruster_rotation(pcg_state.env_state_max),
+ )
+ else:
+ pass
+ return pcg_state
+ def _edit_circle(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool):
+ if right_click:
+ for ci in self._get_circles_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ attached_j, attached_t = self._get_joints_attached_to_shape(
+ pcg_state.env_state, ci + self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ )
+ def _remove_circle_from_state(state):
+ return state.replace(
+ circle=state.circle.replace(active=state.circle.active.at[ci].set(False)),
+ joint=state.joint.replace(active=state.joint.active.at[attached_j].set(False)),
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(active=state.thruster.active.at[attached_t].set(False)),
+ )
+ env_state = _remove_circle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state)
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _remove_circle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask)
+ env_state_max = _remove_circle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_max)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(self.static_env_params, env_state.joint)
+ )
+ return PCGState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ tied_together=pcg_state.tied_together,
+ )
+ if not self.creating_shape and (1 - pcg_state.env_state.circle.active.astype(int)).sum() == 0:
+ return pcg_state
+ radius = jnp.linalg.norm(self._get_mouse_position_world_space() - self.create_shape_position)
+ radius = jnp.clip(radius, 5.0 / self.env_params.pixels_per_unit, self.static_env_params.max_shape_size / 2)
+ def _add_circle(state, highlight):
+ state = state.replace(
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ position=state.circle.position.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(self.create_shape_position),
+ velocity=state.circle.velocity.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])),
+ radius=state.circle.radius.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(radius),
+ inverse_mass=state.circle.inverse_mass.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ inverse_inertia=state.circle.inverse_inertia.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ active=state.circle.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(True),
+ collision_mode=state.circle.collision_mode.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1),
+ ),
+ circle_shape_roles=state.circle_shape_roles.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(0),
+ circle_highlighted=state.circle_highlighted.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(highlight),
+ circle_densities=state.circle_densities.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ )
+ return state
+ if left_click:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ env_state = _add_circle(pcg_state.env_state, False)
+ env_state_max = _add_circle(pcg_state.env_state_max, False)
+ env_state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ env_state,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ env_state.polygon_densities,
+ env_state.circle_densities,
+ )
+ env_state_max = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ env_state_max,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ env_state.polygon_densities,
+ env_state.circle_densities,
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ else:
+ self.creating_shape_index = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.circle.active)
+ self.create_shape_position = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ self.creating_shape = True
+ else:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ env_state = _add_circle(pcg_state.env_state, True)
+ env_state_max = _add_circle(pcg_state.env_state_max, True)
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return pcg_state
+ def _get_polygons_on_mouse(self, state, n_vertices=None):
+ # n_vertices=None selects both triangles and quads
+ ris = []
+ mouse_pos = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ for ri in jnp.arange(self.static_env_params.num_polygons)[::-1]:
+ polygon = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[ri], state.polygon)
+ if (not polygon.active) or ((n_vertices is not None) and polygon.n_vertices != n_vertices):
+ continue
+ mpos = rmat(-polygon.rotation) @ (mouse_pos - polygon.position)
+ def _signed_line_distance(a, b, c):
+ return (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - a[1]) - (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[0] - a[0])
+ inside = True
+ for fi in range(polygon.n_vertices):
+ v1 = polygon.vertices[fi]
+ v2 = polygon.vertices[(fi + 1) % polygon.n_vertices]
+ if _signed_line_distance(mpos, v1, v2) > 0:
+ inside = False
+ if inside:
+ ris.append(ri)
+ return ris
+ def _edit_rect(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool):
+ if right_click:
+ for ri in self._get_polygons_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state, n_vertices=4):
+ attached_j, attached_t = self._get_joints_attached_to_shape(pcg_state.env_state, ri)
+ def _remove_rect_from_state(state):
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ active=state.polygon.active.at[ri].set(False),
+ rotation=state.polygon.rotation.at[ri].set(0.0),
+ ),
+ joint=state.joint.replace(active=state.joint.active.at[attached_j].set(False)),
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(active=state.thruster.active.at[attached_t].set(False)),
+ )
+ return state
+ env_state = _remove_rect_from_state(pcg_state.env_state)
+ env_state_max = _remove_rect_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_max)
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _remove_rect_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(self.static_env_params, env_state.joint)
+ )
+ return PCGState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ tied_together=pcg_state.tied_together,
+ )
+ if not self.creating_shape and (1 - pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active.astype(int)).sum() == 0:
+ return pcg_state
+ diff = (self._get_mouse_position_world_space() - self.create_shape_position) / 2
+ diff = jnp.clip(
+ diff,
+ -(self.static_env_params.max_shape_size / 2) / jnp.sqrt(2),
+ (self.static_env_params.max_shape_size / 2) / jnp.sqrt(2),
+ )
+ half_dim = jnp.abs(diff)
+ half_dim = jnp.clip(half_dim, a_min=5.0 / self.env_params.pixels_per_unit)
+ vertices = rectangle_vertices(half_dim)
+ def _add_rect_to_state(state, highlight):
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ position=state.polygon.position.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(
+ self.create_shape_position + diff
+ ),
+ velocity=state.polygon.velocity.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])),
+ vertices=state.polygon.vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(vertices),
+ inverse_mass=state.polygon.inverse_mass.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ inverse_inertia=state.polygon.inverse_inertia.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ active=state.polygon.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(True),
+ collision_mode=state.polygon.collision_mode.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1),
+ n_vertices=state.polygon.n_vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(4),
+ ),
+ polygon_shape_roles=state.polygon_shape_roles.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(0),
+ polygon_highlighted=state.polygon_highlighted.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(highlight),
+ polygon_densities=state.polygon_densities.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ )
+ return state
+ if left_click:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ env_state = _add_rect_to_state(pcg_state.env_state, False)
+ env_state_max = _add_rect_to_state(pcg_state.env_state_max, False)
+ env_state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ env_state,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ env_state.polygon_densities,
+ env_state.circle_densities,
+ )
+ env_state_max = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ env_state_max,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ env_state.polygon_densities,
+ env_state.circle_densities,
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ else:
+ self.creating_shape_index = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active)
+ self.create_shape_position = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ self.creating_shape = True
+ else:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ env_state = _add_rect_to_state(pcg_state.env_state, True)
+ env_state_max = _add_rect_to_state(pcg_state.env_state_max, True)
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ else:
+ pass
+ return pcg_state
+ def _reset_triangles(self):
+ self.triangle_order = jnp.array([0, 1, 2])
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 0
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ def _edit_triangle(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool):
+ if right_click:
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 0
+ for ri in self._get_polygons_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state, n_vertices=3):
+ attached_r, attached_f = self._get_joints_attached_to_shape(pcg_state.env_state, ri)
+ def _remove_triangle_from_state(state):
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ active=state.polygon.active.at[ri].set(False),
+ rotation=state.polygon.rotation.at[ri].set(0.0),
+ ),
+ joint=state.joint.replace(active=state.joint.active.at[attached_r].set(False)),
+ )
+ return state
+ env_state = _remove_triangle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state)
+ env_state_max = _remove_triangle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_max)
+ env_state_pcg_mask = _remove_triangle_from_state(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(self.static_env_params, env_state.joint)
+ )
+ pcg_state = PCGState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state_max,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=env_state_pcg_mask,
+ tied_together=pcg_state.tied_together,
+ )
+ return pcg_state
+ if not self.creating_shape and (1 - pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active.astype(int)).sum() == 0:
+ return pcg_state
+ def get_correct_center_two_verts(verts):
+ return (jnp.max(verts, axis=0) + jnp.min(verts, axis=0)) / 2
+ def order_clockwise(verts, loose_ordering=False):
+ # verts has shape (3, 2), order them clockwise.
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51074984/sort-vertices-in-clockwise-order
+ # Calculate centroid
+ centroid = jnp.mean(verts, axis=0)
+ # Calculate angles
+ angles = jnp.round(jnp.arctan2(verts[:, 1] - centroid[1], verts[:, 0] - centroid[0]), 2)
+ # Order vertices
+ order = jnp.argsort(-angles, stable=True)
+ if loose_ordering:
+ order = jnp.arange(len(order))
+ ans = verts[order]
+ # order is of shape (2, ) or (3, ). I want it to always be of shape 3
+ if len(order) < 3:
+ order = jnp.concatenate([order, jnp.array([2])])
+ return ans, order
+ def do_triangle_n_click(pcg_state, how_many_clicks, is_on_a_click=False):
+ n = how_many_clicks
+ # if we must keep them clockwise all the time, then the one we edit / move around may have varying indices.
+ current_index_to_change = self.triangle_order[n]
+ sign = 1
+ idxs = jnp.arange(n + 1)
+ idxs_to_allow = idxs[~(idxs == current_index_to_change)]
+ # Get the new vertex and clip its position
+ new_tentative_vert = (
+ self._get_mouse_position_world_space() - pcg_state.env_state.polygon.position[self.creating_shape_index]
+ )
+ new_tentative_vert = jnp.clip(
+ new_tentative_vert,
+ jnp.max(pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices[self.creating_shape_index, idxs_to_allow], axis=0)
+ - self.static_env_params.max_shape_size * 0.8,
+ jnp.min(pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices[self.creating_shape_index, idxs_to_allow], axis=0)
+ + self.static_env_params.max_shape_size * 0.8,
+ )
+ new_verts = pcg_state.env_state.polygon.vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index, current_index_to_change].set(
+ new_tentative_vert
+ )
+ new_center_two = get_correct_center_two_verts(new_verts[self.creating_shape_index, : n + 1])
+ _, new_center_three = calc_inverse_mass_polygon(
+ new_verts[self.creating_shape_index],
+ 3,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ new_center = jax.lax.select(n == 1, new_center_two, new_center_three)
+ new_verts = new_verts.at[self.creating_shape_index].add(-sign * new_center)
+ vvs = new_verts[self.creating_shape_index, : n + 1]
+ ordered_vertices, new_permutation = order_clockwise(vvs, loose_ordering=not is_on_a_click)
+ self.triangle_order = self.triangle_order[new_permutation]
+ new_verts = new_verts.at[self.creating_shape_index, : n + 1].set(ordered_vertices)
+ env_state = pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ polygon=pcg_state.env_state.polygon.replace(
+ vertices=new_verts,
+ position=pcg_state.env_state.polygon.position.at[self.creating_shape_index].add(sign * new_center),
+ n_vertices=pcg_state.env_state.polygon.n_vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(n + 1),
+ ),
+ )
+ env_state_max = pcg_state.env_state_max.replace(
+ polygon=pcg_state.env_state_max.polygon.replace(
+ vertices=new_verts,
+ position=pcg_state.env_state_max.polygon.position.at[self.creating_shape_index].add(
+ sign * new_center
+ ),
+ n_vertices=pcg_state.env_state_max.polygon.n_vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(n + 1),
+ ),
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ return pcg_state
+ if left_click:
+ if self.creating_shape:
+ assert 3 > self.num_triangle_clicks > 0
+ if self.num_triangle_clicks == 1:
+ pcg_state = do_triangle_n_click(pcg_state, 1, is_on_a_click=True)
+ self.num_triangle_clicks += 1
+ else: # this finishes it
+ pcg_state = do_triangle_n_click(pcg_state, 2, is_on_a_click=True)
+ self.creating_shape = False
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 0
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ pcg_state.env_state,
+ self.static_env_params,
+ pcg_state.env_state.polygon_densities,
+ pcg_state.env_state.circle_densities,
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.triangle_order = jnp.array([0, 1, 2])
+ self.creating_shape_index = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active)
+ self.create_shape_position = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ self.creating_shape = True
+ self.num_triangle_clicks = 1
+ vertices = jnp.zeros((self.static_env_params.max_polygon_vertices, 2), dtype=jnp.float32)
+ def _add_triangle_to_state(state):
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ position=state.polygon.position.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(
+ self.create_shape_position
+ ),
+ velocity=state.polygon.velocity.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])),
+ vertices=state.polygon.vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(vertices),
+ inverse_mass=state.polygon.inverse_mass.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ inverse_inertia=state.polygon.inverse_inertia.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ active=state.polygon.active.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(True),
+ n_vertices=state.polygon.n_vertices.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1),
+ ),
+ polygon_shape_roles=state.polygon_shape_roles.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(0),
+ polygon_highlighted=state.polygon_highlighted.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(False),
+ polygon_densities=state.polygon_densities.at[self.creating_shape_index].set(1.0),
+ )
+ return state
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_add_triangle_to_state(pcg_state.env_state),
+ env_state_max=_add_triangle_to_state(pcg_state.env_state_max),
+ )
+ elif self.creating_shape:
+ assert 1 <= self.num_triangle_clicks <= 2
+ pcg_state = do_triangle_n_click(
+ pcg_state, self.num_triangle_clicks, is_on_a_click=self.num_triangle_clicks == 1
+ )
+ return pcg_state
+ def _edit_joint(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool):
+ if left_click and pcg_state.env_state.joint.active.all():
+ return pcg_state
+ if left_click:
+ joint_index = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.joint.active)
+ joint_position = self._get_mouse_position_world_space()
+ # reverse them so that the joint order and rendering order remains the same.
+ # We want the first shape to have a lower index than the second shape, with circles always having higher indices compared to rectangles.
+ circles = self._get_circles_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state)[::-1]
+ rects = self._get_polygons_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state)[::-1]
+ if len(rects) + len(circles) >= 2:
+ r1 = len(rects) >= 1
+ r2 = len(rects) >= 2
+ a_index = rects[0] if r1 else circles[0] # + self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ b_index = rects[r1 * 1] if r2 else circles[1 - 1 * r1] # + self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ a_shape = pcg_state.env_state.polygon if r1 else pcg_state.env_state.circle
+ b_shape = pcg_state.env_state.polygon if r2 else pcg_state.env_state.circle
+ a = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[a_index], a_shape)
+ b = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[b_index], b_shape)
+ a_index += (not r1) * self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ b_index += (not r2) * self.static_env_params.num_polygons
+ joint_position = snap_to_center(a, joint_position)
+ joint_position = snap_to_center(b, joint_position)
+ a_relative_pos = jnp.matmul(rmat(a.rotation).transpose((1, 0)), joint_position - a.position)
+ b_relative_pos = jnp.matmul(rmat(b.rotation).transpose((1, 0)), joint_position - b.position)
+ def _add_joint_to_state(state):
+ state = state.replace(
+ joint=state.joint.replace(
+ a_index=state.joint.a_index.at[joint_index].set(a_index),
+ b_index=state.joint.b_index.at[joint_index].set(b_index),
+ a_relative_pos=state.joint.a_relative_pos.at[joint_index].set(a_relative_pos),
+ b_relative_pos=state.joint.b_relative_pos.at[joint_index].set(b_relative_pos),
+ active=state.joint.active.at[joint_index].set(True),
+ global_position=state.joint.global_position.at[joint_index].set(joint_position),
+ motor_on=state.joint.motor_on.at[joint_index].set(True),
+ motor_speed=state.joint.motor_speed.at[joint_index].set(1.0),
+ motor_power=state.joint.motor_power.at[joint_index].set(1.0),
+ rotation=state.joint.rotation.at[joint_index].set(b.rotation - a.rotation),
+ )
+ )
+ return state
+ env_state = _add_joint_to_state(pcg_state.env_state)
+ env_state_max = _add_joint_to_state(pcg_state.env_state_max)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(self.static_env_params, env_state.joint)
+ )
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(env_state=env_state, env_state_max=env_state_max)
+ return pcg_state
+ def _reset_select_shape(self, pcg_state):
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ polygon_highlighted=jnp.zeros_like(pcg_state.env_state.polygon_highlighted),
+ circle_highlighted=jnp.zeros_like(pcg_state.env_state.circle_highlighted),
+ )
+ )
+ self.selected_shape_index = -1
+ self.selected_shape_type = ObjectType.POLYGON
+ self._hide_all_widgets()
+ return pcg_state
+ def _hide_all_widgets(self):
+ for widget in self.all_widgets.values():
+ for w in widget.values():
+ w.hide()
+ def _show_correct_widgets(self, type: ObjectType | None, do_tie_ui: bool = False):
+ for widget in self.all_widgets["GENERAL"].values():
+ widget.show()
+ if do_tie_ui:
+ for widget in self.all_widgets["TIE_TOGETHER"].values():
+ widget.show()
+ n = len(self.all_selected_shapes)
+ # {[int(i) for (i, t) in self.all_selected_shapes]}
+ self.all_widgets["GENERAL"]["lblGeneral"].setText(f"Selected {n} Objects")
+ return
+ for widget in self.all_widgets[type].values():
+ widget.show()
+ if type is None:
+ self.all_widgets["GENERAL"]["lblGeneral"].setText(f"Global")
+ else:
+ self.all_widgets["GENERAL"]["lblGeneral"].setText(f"{type.name} (idx {self.selected_shape_index})")
+ def _select_shape_keyboard_shortcuts(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, keys: list[int]):
+ if left_click:
+ return pcg_state
+ if len(keys) != 0 and self.selected_shape_index != -1:
+ s = 1.0
+ ang_s = 0.1
+ vel = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])
+ angular_vel = 0.0
+ should_toggle_fixed = False
+ should_toggle_collidable = False
+ change_angle = 0
+ def add_step(widget_name, direction, speed=10, overwrite_amount=None):
+ widget = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type][widget_name]
+ val = widget.getValue()
+ step = widget.step
+ amount_to_add = overwrite_amount or step * direction * speed
+ widget.setValue(jnp.clip(val + amount_to_add, widget.min, widget.max))
+ if pygame.K_w in keys:
+ add_step("sldPosition_Y", 1)
+ if pygame.K_s in keys:
+ add_step("sldPosition_Y", -1)
+ if pygame.K_a in keys:
+ add_step("sldPosition_X", -1)
+ if pygame.K_d in keys:
+ add_step("sldPosition_X", 1)
+ if pygame.K_q in keys:
+ add_step("sldRotation", 1)
+ if pygame.K_e in keys:
+ add_step("sldRotation", -1)
+ if pygame.K_f in keys:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["tglFixate"].toggle()
+ if pygame.K_c in keys and not (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ widget = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldCollidability"]
+ curr_val = int(widget.getValue())
+ widget.setValue((curr_val + 1) % (widget.max + 1))
+ if pygame.K_r in keys and not (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ widget = self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRole"]
+ curr_val = int(widget.getValue())
+ widget.setValue((curr_val + 1) % (widget.max + 1))
+ if pygame.K_LEFTBRACKET in keys:
+ add_step("sldRotation", 1, 10, jnp.pi / 4)
+ if pygame.K_RIGHTBRACKET in keys:
+ add_step("sldRotation", -1, 10, -jnp.pi / 4)
+ if pygame.K_c in keys and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL):
+ # copy
+ if self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.POLYGON: # rect
+ if not self.pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active.all():
+ where_to_add = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active)
+ if where_to_add < self.static_env_params.num_polygons:
+ def _copy_polygon(state, shift):
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x.at[where_to_add].set(x[self.selected_shape_index]), state.polygon
+ )
+ )
+ if shift:
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ position=state.polygon.position.at[where_to_add].add(0.1),
+ ),
+ polygon_highlighted=state.polygon_highlighted.at[where_to_add].set(False),
+ )
+ return state
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_copy_polygon(pcg_state.env_state, shift=True),
+ env_state_max=_copy_polygon(pcg_state.env_state_max, shift=True),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=_copy_polygon(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, shift=False),
+ )
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.CIRCLE: # circle
+ if not self.pcg_state.env_state.circle.active.all():
+ where_to_add = jnp.argmin(pcg_state.env_state.circle.active)
+ if where_to_add < self.static_env_params.num_circles:
+ def _copy_circle(state, shift=True):
+ state = state.replace(
+ circle=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: x.at[where_to_add].set(x[self.selected_shape_index]), state.circle
+ )
+ )
+ if shift:
+ state = state.replace(
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ position=state.circle.position.at[where_to_add].add(0.1),
+ ),
+ circle_highlighted=state.circle_highlighted.at[where_to_add].set(False),
+ )
+ return state
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=_copy_circle(pcg_state.env_state),
+ env_state_max=_copy_circle(pcg_state.env_state_max),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=_copy_circle(pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, shift=False),
+ )
+ if self.selected_shape_index >= 0:
+ num = get_numeric_key_pressed(self.pygame_events)
+ if num is not None:
+ if self.selected_shape_type in [ObjectType.CIRCLE, ObjectType.POLYGON]:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldRole"].setValue(num % 4)
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.JOINT:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldColour"].setValue(
+ num % self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings
+ )
+ elif self.selected_shape_type == ObjectType.THRUSTER:
+ self.all_widgets[self.selected_shape_type]["sldColour"].setValue(
+ num % self.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings
+ )
+ return pcg_state
+ def _edit_select_shape(self, pcg_state: PCGState, left_click: bool, right_click: bool, keys: list[int]):
+ def _find_shape(pcg_state):
+ found_shape = False
+ selected_shape_index, selected_shape_type = -1, ObjectType.POLYGON
+ for ri in self._get_revolute_joints_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ selected_shape_index = ri
+ selected_shape_type = ObjectType.JOINT
+ found_shape = True
+ break
+ if not found_shape:
+ for ti in self._get_thrusters_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ selected_shape_index = ti
+ selected_shape_type = ObjectType.THRUSTER
+ found_shape = True
+ break
+ if not found_shape:
+ for ri in self._get_polygons_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ polygon_highlighted=pcg_state.env_state.polygon_highlighted.at[ri].set(True),
+ )
+ )
+ selected_shape_index = ri
+ selected_shape_type = ObjectType.POLYGON
+ found_shape = True
+ break
+ if not found_shape:
+ for ci in self._get_circles_on_mouse(pcg_state.env_state):
+ pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=pcg_state.env_state.replace(
+ circle_highlighted=pcg_state.env_state.circle_highlighted.at[ci].set(True),
+ )
+ )
+ selected_shape_index = ci
+ selected_shape_type = ObjectType.CIRCLE
+ found_shape = True
+ break
+ return selected_shape_index, selected_shape_type, found_shape, pcg_state
+ if found_shape and self.selected_shape_type in self.all_widgets:
+ self._show_correct_widgets(self.selected_shape_type)
+ # if left and shift
+ if left_click and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT):
+ # This is trying to select multiple things.
+ idx, type, found, pcg_state = _find_shape(pcg_state)
+ if found:
+ t = (idx, type)
+ if t in self.all_selected_shapes:
+ self.all_selected_shapes.remove(t)
+ else:
+ self.all_selected_shapes.append(t)
+ self._hide_all_widgets()
+ self._show_correct_widgets(None, do_tie_ui=True)
+ elif left_click:
+ self.all_selected_shapes = []
+ self._hide_all_widgets()
+ pcg_state = self._reset_select_shape(pcg_state)
+ self.selected_shape_index, self.selected_shape_type, found_shape, pcg_state = _find_shape(pcg_state)
+ if found_shape:
+ self.all_selected_shapes = [(self.selected_shape_index, self.selected_shape_type)]
+ if self.selected_shape_type in self.all_widgets:
+ self._show_correct_widgets(self.selected_shape_type)
+ if self.selected_shape_index < 0:
+ self._show_correct_widgets(None)
+ return pcg_state
+ def render(self, env_state):
+ # Clear
+ self.screen_surface.fill((0, 0, 0))
+ if self.is_editing:
+ pixels = self._render_fn_edit(env_state)
+ else:
+ pixels = self._render_fn(env_state)
+ pixels = self._render_edit_overlay_fn(pixels, self.is_editing, self.edit_shape_mode.value)
+ surface = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(np.array(pixels))
+ self.screen_surface.blit(surface, (0, 0))
+ def is_quit_requested(self):
+ for event in self.pygame_events:
+ if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
+ return True
+ return False
+@hydra.main(version_base=None, config_path="../configs", config_name="editor")
+def main(config):
+ config = normalise_config(OmegaConf.to_container(config), "EDITOR", editor_config=True)
+ env_params, static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(config)
+ static_env_params = static_env_params.replace(frame_skip=config["frame_skip"], downscale=config["downscale"])
+ config["env_params"] = to_state_dict(env_params)
+ config["static_env_params"] = to_state_dict(static_env_params)
+ env = make_kinetix_env_from_name("Kinetix-Entity-MultiDiscrete-v1", static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ env = AutoResetWrapper(env, make_reset_function(static_env_params))
+ seed = config["seed"]
+ print("seed", seed)
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
+ outer_timer = tmr()
+ editor = Editor(env, env_params, config, upscale=config["upscale"])
+ time_e = tmr()
+ print("Took {:2f}s to create editor".format(time_e - outer_timer))
+ clock = pygame.time.Clock()
+ while not editor.is_quit_requested():
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ editor.update(_rng)
+ clock.tick(config["fps"])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/__init__.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e2689975694fdbb917a16a01003fed8a44d60a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env.py
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+import functools
+from functools import partial
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import chex
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+from chex._src.pytypes import PRNGKey
+from gymnax.environments import environment, spaces
+from gymnax.environments.environment import TEnvParams, TEnvState
+from gymnax.environments.spaces import Space
+from jax import lax
+from jax2d.engine import PhysicsEngine, create_empty_sim, recalculate_mass_and_inertia
+from jax2d.sim_state import CollisionManifold, SimState
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import (
+ AutoReplayWrapper,
+ AutoResetWrapper,
+ UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper,
+ DenseRewardWrapper,
+ LogWrapper,
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg import env_state_to_pcg_state, sample_pcg_state
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg_state import PCGState
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_entity import make_render_entities
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels, make_render_pixels_rl
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_flat import make_render_symbolic
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_pcg_state_pickle
+from jaxued.environments import UnderspecifiedEnv
+def create_empty_env(static_env_params):
+ sim_state = create_empty_sim(static_env_params)
+ return EnvState(
+ timestep=0,
+ thruster_bindings=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_thrusters, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ motor_bindings=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_joints, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ motor_auto=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_joints, dtype=bool),
+ polygon_shape_roles=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_polygons, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ circle_shape_roles=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_circles, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ polygon_highlighted=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_polygons, dtype=bool),
+ circle_highlighted=jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_circles, dtype=bool),
+ polygon_densities=jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_polygons, dtype=jnp.float32),
+ circle_densities=jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_circles, dtype=jnp.float32),
+ **sim_state.__dict__,
+ )
+def index_motor_actions(
+ action: jnp.ndarray,
+ state: EnvState,
+ clip_min=None,
+ clip_max=None,
+ # Expand the motor actions to all joints with the same colour
+ return jnp.clip(action[state.motor_bindings], clip_min, clip_max)
+def index_thruster_actions(
+ action: jnp.ndarray,
+ state: EnvState,
+ clip_min=None,
+ clip_max=None,
+ # Expand the thruster actions to all joints with the same colour
+ return jnp.clip(action[state.thruster_bindings], clip_min, clip_max)
+def convert_continuous_actions(
+ action: jnp.ndarray, state: SimState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, params: EnvParams
+ action_motor = action[: static_env_params.num_motor_bindings]
+ action_thruster = action[static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :]
+ action_motor = index_motor_actions(action_motor, state, -1, 1)
+ action_thruster = index_thruster_actions(action_thruster, state, 0, 1)
+ action_motor = jnp.where(state.motor_auto, jnp.ones_like(action_motor), action_motor)
+ action_to_perform = jnp.concatenate([action_motor, action_thruster], axis=0)
+ return action_to_perform
+def convert_discrete_actions(action: int, state: SimState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, params: EnvParams):
+ # so, we have
+ # 0 to NJC * 2 - 1: Joint Actions
+ # NJC * 2: No-op
+ # NJC * 2 + 1 to NJC * 2 + 1 + NTC - 1: Thruster Actions
+ # action here is a categorical action
+ which_idx = action // 2
+ which_dir = action % 2
+ actions = (
+ jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_motor_bindings + static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings)
+ .at[which_idx]
+ .set(which_dir * 2 - 1)
+ )
+ actions = actions * (
+ 1 - (action >= static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 2)
+ ) # if action is the last one, set it to zero, i.e., a no-op. Alternatively, if the action is larger than NJC * 2, then it is a thruster action and we shouldn't control the joints.
+ actions = jax.lax.select(
+ action > static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 2,
+ actions.at[action - static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 2 - 1 + static_env_params.num_motor_bindings].set(1),
+ actions,
+ )
+ action_motor = index_motor_actions(actions[: static_env_params.num_motor_bindings], state, -1, 1)
+ action_motor = jnp.where(state.motor_auto, jnp.ones_like(action_motor), action_motor)
+ action_thruster = index_thruster_actions(actions[static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :], state, 0, 1)
+ action_to_perform = jnp.concatenate([action_motor, action_thruster], axis=0)
+ return action_to_perform
+def convert_multi_discrete_actions(
+ action: jnp.ndarray, state: SimState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, params: EnvParams
+ # Comes in with each action being in {0,1,2} for joints and {0,1} for thrusters
+ # Convert to [-1., 1.] for joints and [0., 1.] for thrusters
+ def _single_motor_action(act):
+ return jax.lax.switch(
+ act,
+ [lambda: 0.0, lambda: 1.0, lambda: -1.0],
+ )
+ def _single_thruster_act(act):
+ return jax.lax.select(
+ act == 0,
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0,
+ )
+ action_motor = jax.vmap(_single_motor_action)(action[: static_env_params.num_motor_bindings])
+ action_thruster = jax.vmap(_single_thruster_act)(action[static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :])
+ action_motor = index_motor_actions(action_motor, state, -1, 1)
+ action_thruster = index_thruster_actions(action_thruster, state, 0, 1)
+ action_motor = jnp.where(state.motor_auto, jnp.ones_like(action_motor), action_motor)
+ action_to_perform = jnp.concatenate([action_motor, action_thruster], axis=0)
+ return action_to_perform
+def make_kinetix_env_from_args(
+ obs_type, action_type, reset_type, static_env_params=None, auto_reset_fn=None, dense_reward_scale=1.0
+ if obs_type == "entity":
+ if action_type == "multidiscrete":
+ env = KinetixEntityMultiDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "discrete":
+ env = KinetixEntityDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "continuous":
+ env = KinetixEntityContinuousActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action type: {action_type}")
+ elif obs_type == "symbolic":
+ if action_type == "multidiscrete":
+ env = KinetixSymbolicMultiDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "discrete":
+ env = KinetixSymbolicDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "continuous":
+ env = KinetixSymbolicContinuousActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action type: {action_type}")
+ elif obs_type == "pixels":
+ if action_type == "multidiscrete":
+ env = KinetixPixelsMultiDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "discrete":
+ env = KinetixPixelsDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "continuous":
+ env = KinetixPixelsContinuousActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action type: {action_type}")
+ elif obs_type == "blind":
+ if action_type == "discrete":
+ env = KinetixBlindDiscreteActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ elif action_type == "continuous":
+ env = KinetixBlindContinuousActions(should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action type: {action_type}")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown observation type: {obs_type}")
+ # Wrap
+ if reset_type == "replay":
+ env = AutoReplayWrapper(env)
+ elif reset_type == "reset":
+ env = AutoResetWrapper(env, sample_level=auto_reset_fn)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown reset type {reset_type}")
+ env = UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(env)
+ env = DenseRewardWrapper(env, dense_reward_scale=dense_reward_scale)
+ env = LogWrapper(env)
+ return env
+def make_kinetix_env_from_name(name, static_env_params=None):
+ kwargs = dict(filename_to_use_for_reset=None, should_do_pcg_reset=True, static_env_params=static_env_params)
+ values = {
+ "Kinetix-Pixels-MultiDiscrete-v1": KinetixPixelsMultiDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Pixels-Discrete-v1": KinetixPixelsDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Pixels-Continuous-v1": KinetixPixelsContinuousActions,
+ "Kinetix-Symbolic-MultiDiscrete-v1": KinetixSymbolicMultiDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Symbolic-Discrete-v1": KinetixSymbolicDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Symbolic-Continuous-v1": KinetixSymbolicContinuousActions,
+ "Kinetix-Blind-Discrete-v1": KinetixBlindDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Blind-Continuous-v1": KinetixBlindContinuousActions,
+ "Kinetix-Entity-Discrete-v1": KinetixEntityDiscreteActions,
+ "Kinetix-Entity-Continuous-v1": KinetixEntityContinuousActions,
+ "Kinetix-Entity-MultiDiscrete-v1": KinetixEntityMultiDiscreteActions,
+ }
+ return values[name](**kwargs)
+class ObservationSpace:
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ pass
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def observation_space(self, params: EnvParams):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class PixelObservations(ObservationSpace):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ self.render_function = make_render_pixels_rl(params, static_env_params)
+ self.static_env_params = static_env_params
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ return self.render_function(state)
+ def observation_space(self, params: EnvParams) -> spaces.Box:
+ return spaces.Box(
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0,
+ tuple(a // self.static_env_params.downscale for a in self.static_env_params.screen_dim) + (3,),
+ dtype=jnp.float32,
+ )
+class SymbolicObservations(ObservationSpace):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ self.render_function = make_render_symbolic(params, static_env_params)
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ return self.render_function(state)
+class EntityObservations(ObservationSpace):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ self.render_function = make_render_entities(params, static_env_params)
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ return self.render_function(state)
+class BlindObservations(ObservationSpace):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ self.params = params
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ return jax.nn.one_hot(state.timestep, self.params.max_timesteps + 1)
+def get_observation_space_from_name(name: str, params, static_env_params):
+ if "Pixels" in name:
+ return PixelObservations(params, static_env_params)
+ elif "Symbolic" in name:
+ return SymbolicObservations(params, static_env_params)
+ elif "Entity" in name:
+ return EntityObservations(params, static_env_params)
+ if "Blind" in name:
+ return BlindObservations(params, static_env_params)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown name {name}")
+class ActionType:
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ # This is the processed, unified action space size that is shared with all action types
+ # 1 dim per motor and thruster
+ self.unified_action_space_size = static_env_params.num_motor_bindings + static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings
+ def action_space(self, params: Optional[EnvParams] = None) -> Union[spaces.Discrete, spaces.Box]:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def process_action(self, action: jnp.ndarray, state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def noop_action(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def random_action(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class ActionTypeContinuous(ActionType):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ super().__init__(params, static_env_params)
+ self.params = params
+ self.static_env_params = static_env_params
+ def action_space(self, params: EnvParams | None = None) -> spaces.Discrete | spaces.Box:
+ return spaces.Box(
+ low=jnp.ones(self.unified_action_space_size) * -1.0,
+ high=jnp.ones(self.unified_action_space_size) * 1.0,
+ shape=(self.unified_action_space_size,),
+ )
+ def process_action(self, action: PRNGKey, state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams) -> PRNGKey:
+ return convert_continuous_actions(action, state, static_env_params, self.params)
+ def noop_action(self) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ return jnp.zeros(self.unified_action_space_size, dtype=jnp.float32)
+ def random_action(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ actions = jax.random.uniform(rng, shape=(self.unified_action_space_size,), minval=-1.0, maxval=1.0)
+ # Motors between -1 and 1, thrusters between 0 and 1
+ actions = actions.at[self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :].set(
+ jnp.abs(actions[self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :])
+ )
+ return actions
+class ActionTypeDiscrete(ActionType):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ super().__init__(params, static_env_params)
+ self.params = params
+ self.static_env_params = static_env_params
+ self._n_actions = (
+ self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 2 + 1 + self.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings
+ )
+ def action_space(self, params: Optional[EnvParams] = None) -> spaces.Discrete:
+ return spaces.Discrete(self._n_actions)
+ def process_action(self, action: jnp.ndarray, state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ return convert_discrete_actions(action, state, static_env_params, self.params)
+ def noop_action(self) -> int:
+ return self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 2
+ def random_action(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey):
+ return jax.random.randint(rng, shape=(), minval=0, maxval=self._n_actions)
+class MultiDiscrete(Space):
+ def __init__(self, n, number_of_dims_per_distribution):
+ self.number_of_dims_per_distribution = number_of_dims_per_distribution
+ self.n = n
+ self.shape = (number_of_dims_per_distribution.shape[0],)
+ self.dtype = jnp.int_
+ def sample(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey) -> chex.Array:
+ """Sample random action uniformly from set of categorical choices."""
+ uniform_sample = jax.random.uniform(rng, shape=self.shape) * self.number_of_dims_per_distribution
+ md_dist = jnp.floor(uniform_sample)
+ return md_dist.astype(self.dtype)
+ def contains(self, x) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ """Check whether specific object is within space."""
+ range_cond = jnp.logical_and(x >= 0, (x < self.number_of_dims_per_distribution).all())
+ return range_cond
+class ActionTypeMultiDiscrete(ActionType):
+ def __init__(self, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ super().__init__(params, static_env_params)
+ self.params = params
+ self.static_env_params = static_env_params
+ # This is the action space that will be used internally by an agent
+ # 3 dims per motor (foward, backward, off) and 2 per thruster (on, off)
+ self.n_hot_action_space_size = (
+ self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings * 3 + self.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings * 2
+ )
+ def _make_sample_random():
+ minval = jnp.zeros(self.unified_action_space_size, dtype=jnp.int32)
+ maxval = jnp.ones(self.unified_action_space_size, dtype=jnp.int32) * 3
+ maxval = maxval.at[self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings :].set(2)
+ def random(rng):
+ return jax.random.randint(rng, shape=(self.unified_action_space_size,), minval=minval, maxval=maxval)
+ return random
+ self._random = _make_sample_random
+ self.number_of_dims_per_distribution = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ np.ones(self.static_env_params.num_motor_bindings) * 3,
+ np.ones(self.static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings) * 2,
+ ]
+ ).astype(np.int32)
+ def action_space(self, params: Optional[EnvParams] = None) -> MultiDiscrete:
+ return MultiDiscrete(self.n_hot_action_space_size, self.number_of_dims_per_distribution)
+ def process_action(self, action: jnp.ndarray, state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ return convert_multi_discrete_actions(action, state, static_env_params, self.params)
+ def noop_action(self):
+ return jnp.zeros(self.unified_action_space_size, dtype=jnp.int32)
+ def random_action(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey):
+ return self._random()(rng)
+class BasePhysicsEnv(UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ action_type: ActionType,
+ observation_space: ObservationSpace,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ target_index: int = 0,
+ filename_to_use_for_reset=None, # "worlds/games/bipedal_v1",
+ should_do_pcg_reset: bool = False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.target_index = target_index
+ self.static_env_params = static_env_params
+ self.action_type = action_type
+ self._observation_space = observation_space
+ self.physics_engine = PhysicsEngine(self.static_env_params)
+ self.should_do_pcg_reset = should_do_pcg_reset
+ self.filename_to_use_for_reset = filename_to_use_for_reset
+ if self.filename_to_use_for_reset is not None:
+ self.reset_state = load_pcg_state_pickle(filename_to_use_for_reset)
+ else:
+ env_state = create_empty_env(self.static_env_params)
+ self.reset_state = env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state)
+ # Action / Observations
+ def action_space(self, params: Optional[EnvParams] = None) -> Union[spaces.Discrete, spaces.Box]:
+ return self.action_type.action_space(params)
+ def observation_space(self, params: Any):
+ return self._observation_space.observation_space(params)
+ def get_obs(self, state: EnvState):
+ return self._observation_space.get_obs(state)
+ def step_env(self, rng, state, action: jnp.ndarray, params):
+ action_processed = self.action_type.process_action(action, state, self.static_env_params)
+ return self.engine_step(state, action_processed, params)
+ def reset_env(self, rng, params):
+ # Wrap in AutoResetWrapper or AutoReplayWrapper
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def reset_env_to_level(self, rng, state: EnvState, params):
+ if isinstance(state, PCGState):
+ return self.reset_env_to_pcg_level(rng, state, params)
+ return self.get_obs(state), state
+ def reset_env_to_pcg_level(self, rng, state: PCGState, params):
+ env_state = sample_pcg_state(rng, state, params, self.static_env_params)
+ return self.get_obs(env_state), env_state
+ @property
+ def default_params(self) -> EnvParams:
+ return EnvParams()
+ @staticmethod
+ def default_static_params() -> StaticEnvParams:
+ return StaticEnvParams()
+ def compute_reward_info(
+ self, state: EnvState, manifolds: tuple[CollisionManifold, CollisionManifold, CollisionManifold]
+ ) -> float:
+ def get_active(manifold: CollisionManifold) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ return manifold.active
+ def dist(a, b):
+ return jnp.linalg.norm(a - b)
+ @jax.vmap
+ def dist_rr(idxa, idxb):
+ return dist(state.polygon.position[idxa], state.polygon.position[idxb])
+ @jax.vmap
+ def dist_cc(idxa, idxb):
+ return dist(state.circle.position[idxa], state.circle.position[idxb])
+ @jax.vmap
+ def dist_cr(idxa, idxb):
+ return dist(state.circle.position[idxa], state.polygon.position[idxb])
+ info = {
+ "GoalR": False,
+ }
+ negative_reward = 0
+ reward = 0
+ distance = 0
+ rs = state.polygon_shape_roles * state.polygon.active
+ cs = state.circle_shape_roles * state.circle.active
+ # Polygon Polygon
+ r1 = rs[self.physics_engine.poly_poly_pairs[:, 0]]
+ r2 = rs[self.physics_engine.poly_poly_pairs[:, 1]]
+ reward += ((r1 * r2 == 2) * get_active(manifolds[0])).sum()
+ negative_reward += ((r1 * r2 == 3) * get_active(manifolds[0])).sum()
+ distance += (
+ (r1 * r2 == 2)
+ * dist_rr(self.physics_engine.poly_poly_pairs[:, 0], self.physics_engine.poly_poly_pairs[:, 1])
+ ).sum()
+ # Circle Polygon
+ c1 = cs[self.physics_engine.circle_poly_pairs[:, 0]]
+ r2 = rs[self.physics_engine.circle_poly_pairs[:, 1]]
+ reward += ((c1 * r2 == 2) * get_active(manifolds[1])).sum()
+ negative_reward += ((c1 * r2 == 3) * get_active(manifolds[1])).sum()
+ t = dist_cr(self.physics_engine.circle_poly_pairs[:, 0], self.physics_engine.circle_poly_pairs[:, 1])
+ distance += ((c1 * r2 == 2) * t).sum()
+ # Circle Circle
+ c1 = cs[self.physics_engine.circle_circle_pairs[:, 0]]
+ c2 = cs[self.physics_engine.circle_circle_pairs[:, 1]]
+ reward += ((c1 * c2 == 2) * get_active(manifolds[2])).sum()
+ negative_reward += ((c1 * c2 == 3) * get_active(manifolds[2])).sum()
+ distance += (
+ (c1 * c2 == 2)
+ * dist_cc(self.physics_engine.circle_circle_pairs[:, 0], self.physics_engine.circle_circle_pairs[:, 1])
+ ).sum()
+ reward = jax.lax.select(
+ negative_reward > 0,
+ -1.0,
+ jax.lax.select(
+ reward > 0,
+ 1.0,
+ 0.0,
+ ),
+ )
+ info["GoalR"] = reward > 0
+ info["distance"] = distance
+ return reward, info
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
+ def engine_step(self, env_state, action_to_perform, env_params):
+ def _single_step(env_state, unused):
+ env_state, mfolds = self.physics_engine.step(
+ env_state,
+ env_params,
+ action_to_perform,
+ )
+ reward, info = self.compute_reward_info(env_state, mfolds)
+ done = reward != 0
+ info = {"rr_manifolds": None, "cr_manifolds": None} | info
+ return env_state, (reward, done, info)
+ env_state, (rewards, dones, infos) = jax.lax.scan(
+ _single_step, env_state, xs=None, length=self.static_env_params.frame_skip
+ )
+ env_state = env_state.replace(timestep=env_state.timestep + 1)
+ reward = rewards.max()
+ done = dones.sum() > 0 | jax.tree.reduce(
+ jnp.logical_or, jax.tree.map(lambda x: jnp.isnan(x).any(), env_state), False
+ )
+ done |= env_state.timestep >= env_params.max_timesteps
+ info = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[-1], infos)
+ return (
+ lax.stop_gradient(self.get_obs(env_state)),
+ lax.stop_gradient(env_state),
+ reward,
+ done,
+ info,
+ )
+ @functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
+ def step(
+ self,
+ key: chex.PRNGKey,
+ state: TEnvState,
+ action: Union[int, float, chex.Array],
+ params: Optional[TEnvParams] = None,
+ ) -> Tuple[chex.Array, TEnvState, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, Dict[Any, Any]]:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class KinetixPixelsDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=PixelObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Pixels-Discrete-v1"
+class KinetixPixelsContinuousActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeContinuous(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=PixelObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Pixels-Continuous-v1"
+class KinetixPixelsMultiDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeMultiDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=PixelObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Pixels-MultiDiscrete-v1"
+class KinetixSymbolicDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=SymbolicObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Symbolic-Discrete-v1"
+class KinetixSymbolicContinuousActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeContinuous(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=SymbolicObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Symbolic-Continuous-v1"
+class KinetixSymbolicMultiDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeMultiDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=SymbolicObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Symbolic-MultiDiscrete-v1"
+class KinetixEntityDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=EntityObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Entity-Discrete-v1"
+class KinetixEntityContinuousActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeContinuous(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=EntityObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Entity-Continuous-v1"
+class KinetixEntityMultiDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeMultiDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=EntityObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Entity-MultiDiscrete-v1"
+class KinetixBlindDiscreteActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeDiscrete(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=BlindObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Blind-Discrete-v1"
+class KinetixBlindContinuousActions(BasePhysicsEnv):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams | None = None,
+ **kwargs,
+ ):
+ params = self.default_params
+ static_env_params = static_env_params or self.default_static_params()
+ super().__init__(
+ action_type=ActionTypeContinuous(params, static_env_params),
+ observation_space=BlindObservations(params, static_env_params),
+ static_env_params=static_env_params,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ return "Kinetix-Blind-Continuous-v1"
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env_state.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34b630e60d9a7ecd960c32242849c6e123892763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/env_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from dataclasses import field
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax import struct
+from jax2d.sim_state import SimState, SimParams, StaticSimParams
+class EnvState(SimState):
+ thruster_bindings: jnp.ndarray
+ motor_bindings: jnp.ndarray
+ motor_auto: jnp.ndarray
+ polygon_shape_roles: jnp.ndarray
+ circle_shape_roles: jnp.ndarray
+ polygon_highlighted: jnp.ndarray
+ circle_highlighted: jnp.ndarray
+ polygon_densities: jnp.ndarray
+ circle_densities: jnp.ndarray
+ timestep: int = 0
+class EnvParams(SimParams):
+ max_timesteps: int = 256
+ pixels_per_unit: int = 100
+ dense_reward_scale: float = 0.1
+ num_shape_roles: int = 4
+class StaticEnvParams(StaticSimParams):
+ screen_dim: tuple[int, int] = (500, 500)
+ downscale: int = 4
+ frame_skip: int = 1
+ max_shape_size: int = 2
+ num_motor_bindings: int = 4
+ num_thruster_bindings: int = 2
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/distributions.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/distributions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ec724ec467d0c8719c761536e3a515178cc0c66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/distributions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+from functools import partial
+import math
+import chex
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+from jax2d.engine import (
+ calculate_collision_matrix,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon,
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon,
+ recalculate_mass_and_inertia,
+ select_shape,
+ PhysicsEngine,
+from jax2d.sim_state import SimState, RigidBody, Joint, Thruster
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.mutators import (
+ mutate_add_connected_shape_proper,
+ mutate_add_shape,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape,
+ mutate_add_thruster,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.util import (
+ get_role,
+ sample_dimensions,
+ is_space_for_shape,
+ random_position_on_polygon,
+ random_position_on_circle,
+ are_there_shapes_present,
+ is_space_for_joint,
+from kinetix.environment.utils import permute_state
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_world_state_pickle
+from flax import struct
+from kinetix.environment.env import create_empty_env
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10))
+def create_vmapped_filtered_distribution(
+ rng,
+ level_sampler,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ n_samples: int,
+ env,
+ do_filter_levels: bool,
+ level_filter_sample_ratio: int,
+ env_size_name: str,
+ level_filter_n_steps: int,
+ if do_filter_levels and level_filter_n_steps > 0:
+ sample_ratio = level_filter_sample_ratio
+ n_unfiltered_samples = sample_ratio * n_samples
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, n_unfiltered_samples)
+ # unfiltered_levels = jax.vmap(level_sampler, in_axes=(0, None, None, None, None))(
+ # _rngs, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params, env_size_name
+ # )
+ unfiltered_levels = jax.vmap(level_sampler, in_axes=(0,))(_rngs)
+ #
+ # No-op filtering
+ def _noop_step(states, rng):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, n_unfiltered_samples)
+ action = jnp.zeros((n_unfiltered_samples, *env.action_space(env_params).shape), dtype=jnp.int32)
+ obs, states, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ _rngs, states, action, env_params
+ )
+ return states, (done, reward)
+ # Wrap levels
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, n_unfiltered_samples)
+ obsv, unfiltered_levels_wrapped = jax.vmap(env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))(
+ _rngs, unfiltered_levels, env_params
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, level_filter_n_steps)
+ _, (done, rewards) = jax.lax.scan(_noop_step, unfiltered_levels_wrapped, xs=_rngs)
+ done_indexes = jnp.argmax(done, axis=0)
+ done_rewards = rewards[done_indexes, jnp.arange(n_unfiltered_samples)]
+ noop_solved_indexes = done_rewards > 0.5
+ p = noop_solved_indexes * 0.001 + (1 - noop_solved_indexes) * 1.0
+ p /= p.sum()
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ level_indexes = jax.random.choice(
+ _rng, jnp.arange(n_unfiltered_samples), shape=(n_samples,), replace=False, p=p
+ )
+ levels = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[level_indexes], unfiltered_levels)
+ else:
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, n_samples)
+ levels = jax.vmap(level_sampler, in_axes=(0,))(_rngs)
+ return levels
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1, 3, 4, 5))
+def sample_kinetix_level(
+ rng,
+ engine: PhysicsEngine,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ env_size_name: str = "l",
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 12)
+ small_force_no_fixate = env_size_name == "s"
+ # Start with empty state
+ state = create_empty_env(static_env_params)
+ # Set the floor
+ prob_of_floor_colour = jnp.array(
+ [
+ ued_params.floor_prob_normal,
+ ued_params.floor_prob_green,
+ ued_params.floor_prob_blue,
+ ued_params.floor_prob_red,
+ ]
+ )
+ floor_colour = jax.random.choice(_rngs[0], jnp.arange(4), p=prob_of_floor_colour)
+ state = state.replace(polygon_shape_roles=state.polygon_shape_roles.at[0].set(floor_colour))
+ # When we add shapes we don't want them to collide with already existing shapes
+ def _choose_proposal_with_least_collisions(proposals, bias=None):
+ rr, cr, cc = jax.vmap(engine.calculate_collision_manifolds)(proposals)
+ rr_collisions = jnp.sum(jnp.sum(rr.active.astype(jnp.int32), axis=-1), axis=-1)
+ cr_collisions = jnp.sum(cr.active.astype(jnp.int32), axis=-1)
+ cc_collisions = jnp.sum(cc.active.astype(jnp.int32), axis=-1)
+ all_collisions = jnp.concatenate(
+ [rr_collisions[:, None], cr_collisions[:, None], cc_collisions[:, None]], axis=1
+ )
+ num_collisions = jnp.sum(all_collisions, axis=-1)
+ if bias is not None:
+ num_collisions = num_collisions + bias
+ chosen_addition_idx = jnp.argmin(num_collisions)
+ return jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[chosen_addition_idx], proposals)
+ def _add_filtered_shape(rng, state, force_no_fixate=False):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, ued_params.add_shape_n_proposals)
+ proposed_additions = jax.vmap(mutate_add_shape, in_axes=(0, None, None, None, None, None))(
+ _rngs,
+ state,
+ env_params,
+ static_env_params,
+ ued_params,
+ jnp.logical_or(force_no_fixate, small_force_no_fixate),
+ )
+ return _choose_proposal_with_least_collisions(proposed_additions)
+ def _add_filtered_connected_shape(rng, state, force_rjoint=False):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, ued_params.add_shape_n_proposals)
+ proposed_additions, valid = jax.vmap(mutate_add_connected_shape, in_axes=(0, None, None, None, None, None))(
+ _rngs, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params, force_rjoint
+ )
+ bias = (jnp.ones(ued_params.add_shape_n_proposals) - 1 * valid) * ued_params.connect_no_visibility_bias
+ return _choose_proposal_with_least_collisions(proposed_additions, bias=bias)
+ # Add green and blue - make sure they're not both fixated
+ force_green_no_fixate = (jax.random.uniform(_rngs[1]) < 0.5) | (state.polygon_shape_roles[0] == 2)
+ state = _add_filtered_shape(_rngs[2], state, force_green_no_fixate)
+ state = _add_filtered_shape(_rngs[3], state, ~force_green_no_fixate)
+ # Forced controls
+ forced_control = jnp.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])[jax.random.randint(_rngs[4], (), 0, 3)]
+ force_thruster, force_motor = forced_control[0], forced_control[1]
+ # Forced motor
+ state = jax.lax.cond(
+ force_motor,
+ lambda: _add_filtered_connected_shape(_rngs[5], state, force_rjoint=True), # force the rjoint
+ lambda: _add_filtered_shape(_rngs[6], state),
+ )
+ # Forced thruster
+ state = jax.lax.cond(
+ force_thruster,
+ lambda: mutate_add_thruster(_rngs[7], state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params),
+ lambda: state,
+ )
+ # Add rest of shapes
+ n_shapes_to_add = (
+ static_env_params.num_polygons + static_env_params.num_circles - 3 - static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys
+ )
+ def _add_shape(state, rng):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 3)
+ shape_add_type = jax.random.choice(
+ _rngs[0],
+ jnp.arange(3),
+ p=jnp.array(
+ [ued_params.add_connected_shape_chance, ued_params.add_shape_chance, ued_params.add_no_shape_chance]
+ ),
+ )
+ state = jax.lax.switch(
+ shape_add_type,
+ [
+ lambda: _add_filtered_connected_shape(_rngs[1], state),
+ lambda: _add_filtered_shape(_rngs[2], state),
+ lambda: state,
+ ],
+ )
+ return state, None
+ state, _ = jax.lax.scan(_add_shape, state, jax.random.split(_rngs[8], n_shapes_to_add))
+ # Add thrusters
+ n_thrusters_to_add = static_env_params.num_thrusters - 1
+ def _add_thruster(state, rng):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 3)
+ state = jax.lax.cond(
+ jax.random.uniform(_rngs[0]) < ued_params.add_thruster_chance,
+ lambda: mutate_add_thruster(_rngs[1], state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params),
+ lambda: state,
+ )
+ return state, None
+ state, _ = jax.lax.scan(_add_thruster, state, jax.random.split(_rngs[9], n_thrusters_to_add))
+ # Randomly swap green and blue to remove left-right bias
+ def _swap_roles(do_swap_roles, roles):
+ role1 = roles == 1
+ role2 = roles == 2
+ swapped_roles = roles * ~(role1 | role2) + role1.astype(int) * 2 + role2.astype(int) * 1
+ return jax.lax.select(do_swap_roles, swapped_roles, roles)
+ do_swap_roles = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[10], shape=()) < 0.5
+ # Don't want to swap if floor is non-standard
+ do_swap_roles &= state.polygon_shape_roles[0] == 0
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon_shape_roles=_swap_roles(do_swap_roles, state.polygon_shape_roles),
+ circle_shape_roles=_swap_roles(do_swap_roles, state.circle_shape_roles),
+ )
+ return permute_state(_rngs[11], state, static_env_params)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2, 4, 5))
+def create_random_starting_distribution(
+ rng,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ env_size_name: str,
+ controllable=True,
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 15)
+ d = to_state_dict(ued_params)
+ ued_params = UEDParams(
+ **(
+ d
+ | dict(
+ goal_body_size_factor=2.0,
+ thruster_power_multiplier=2.0,
+ max_shape_size=0.5,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ prob_of_large_shapes = 0.05
+ ued_params_large_shapes = ued_params.replace(
+ max_shape_size=static_env_params.max_shape_size * 1.0, goal_body_size_factor=1.0
+ )
+ state = create_empty_env(env_params, static_env_params)
+ def _get_ued_params(rng):
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ large_shapes = jax.random.uniform(_rng) < prob_of_large_shapes
+ params_to_use = jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(large_shapes, x, y), ued_params_large_shapes, ued_params
+ )
+ return params_to_use
+ def _my_add_shape(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ return mutate_add_shape(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, _get_ued_params(_rng2))
+ def _my_add_connected_shape(rng, state, **kwargs):
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ return mutate_add_connected_shape_proper(
+ _rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, _get_ued_params(_rng2), **kwargs
+ )
+ # Add the green thing and blue thing
+ state = _my_add_shape(_rngs[0], state)
+ state = _my_add_shape(_rngs[1], state)
+ if controllable:
+ # Forced controls
+ forced_control = jnp.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])[jax.random.randint(_rngs[2], (), 0, 3)]
+ force_thruster, force_motor = forced_control[0], forced_control[1]
+ # Forced motor
+ state = jax.lax.cond(
+ force_motor,
+ lambda: _my_add_connected_shape(_rngs[3], state, force_rjoint=True), # force the rjoint
+ lambda: state,
+ )
+ # Forced thruster
+ state = jax.lax.cond(
+ force_thruster,
+ lambda: mutate_add_thruster(_rngs[4], state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params),
+ lambda: state,
+ )
+ return permute_state(_rngs[7], state, static_env_params)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/mutators.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/mutators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ad87cc8b5b662838ee7572161ae8cf4dc964642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/mutators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+from functools import partial
+import math
+import chex
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+from jax2d.engine import (
+ PhysicsEngine,
+ calculate_collision_matrix,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon,
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon,
+ recalculate_mass_and_inertia,
+ select_shape,
+from jax2d.sim_state import SimState, RigidBody, Joint, Thruster
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.util import (
+ count_roles,
+ is_space_for_joint,
+ make_velocities_zero,
+ sample_dimensions,
+ random_position_on_polygon,
+ random_position_on_circle,
+ get_role,
+ is_space_for_shape,
+ are_there_shapes_present,
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_world_state_pickle
+from flax import struct
+from kinetix.environment.env import create_empty_env
+from kinetix.environment.ued.util import make_do_dummy_step
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_add_shape(
+ rng,
+ state: EnvState,
+ params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ force_no_fixate: bool = False,
+ def do_dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_add(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 9)
+ space_for_new_rect = state.polygon.active.astype(int).sum() < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ space_for_new_circle = state.circle.active.astype(int).sum() < static_env_params.num_circles
+ is_rect_p = jnp.array([space_for_new_rect * 1.0, space_for_new_circle * 1.0])
+ is_rect = jax.random.choice(_rngs[0], jnp.array([True, False], dtype=bool), p=is_rect_p)
+ rect_index = jnp.argmin(state.polygon.active)
+ circle_index = jnp.argmin(state.circle.active)
+ shape_role = get_role(_rngs[1], state, static_env_params)
+ max_shape_size = (
+ jnp.array([1.0, ued_params.goal_body_size_factor, ued_params.goal_body_size_factor, 1.0])[shape_role]
+ * ued_params.max_shape_size
+ )
+ vertices, half_dimensions, radius = sample_dimensions(
+ _rngs[2],
+ static_env_params,
+ is_rect,
+ ued_params,
+ max_shape_size=max_shape_size,
+ )
+ n_vertices = jax.lax.select(ued_params.generate_triangles, jax.random.choice(_rngs[3], jnp.array([3, 4])), 4)
+ largest = jnp.max(jnp.array([half_dimensions[0] * jnp.sqrt(2), half_dimensions[1] * jnp.sqrt(2), radius]))
+ screen_dim_world = (
+ static_env_params.screen_dim[0] / params.pixels_per_unit,
+ static_env_params.screen_dim[1] / params.pixels_per_unit,
+ )
+ min_x = largest
+ max_x = screen_dim_world[0] - largest
+ min_y = largest + 0.4
+ max_y = screen_dim_world[1] - largest
+ def _og_minmax():
+ return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
+ def _opposite_minmax():
+ return jax.lax.switch(
+ shape_role,
+ [
+ (lambda: (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)),
+ (lambda: (min_x, max_x - screen_dim_world[0] / 2, min_y, max_y)),
+ (lambda: (min_x + screen_dim_world[0] / 2, max_x, min_y, max_y)),
+ (lambda: (min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y)),
+ ],
+ )
+ min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = jax.lax.cond(
+ jax.random.uniform(_rngs[4], shape=()) < ued_params.goal_body_opposide_side_chance,
+ _opposite_minmax,
+ _og_minmax,
+ )
+ position = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[5], shape=(2,)) * jnp.array(
+ [
+ max_x - min_x,
+ max_y - min_y,
+ ]
+ ) + jnp.array([min_x, min_y])
+ rotation = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[6], shape=()) * 2 * math.pi
+ velocity = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])
+ angular_velocity = 0.0
+ density = 1.0
+ inverse_mass = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon(vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params, density)[0],
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle(radius, density),
+ )
+ inverse_inertia = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon(vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params, density),
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle(radius, density),
+ )
+ fixate_chance = ued_params.fixate_chance_min + (1.0 / inverse_mass) * ued_params.fixate_chance_scale
+ fixate_chance = jnp.minimum(fixate_chance, ued_params.fixate_chance_max)
+ is_fixated = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[7], shape=()) < fixate_chance
+ is_fixated &= ~force_no_fixate
+ inverse_mass *= 1 - is_fixated
+ inverse_inertia *= 1 - is_fixated
+ # We want to bias fixated shapes to starting nearer the bottom half of the screen
+ fixate_shape_bottom_bias = (
+ ued_params.fixate_shape_bottom_bias + ued_params.fixate_shape_bottom_bias_special_role * (shape_role != 0)
+ )
+ is_forcing_bottom = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[8]) < fixate_shape_bottom_bias
+ half_screen_height = (static_env_params.screen_dim[1] / params.pixels_per_unit) / 2.0
+ position = jax.lax.select(
+ is_fixated & is_forcing_bottom & (position[1] >= half_screen_height),
+ position.at[1].add(-half_screen_height),
+ position,
+ )
+ # This could be either a rect or a circle
+ new_rigid_body = RigidBody(
+ position=position,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ inverse_mass=inverse_mass,
+ inverse_inertia=inverse_inertia,
+ rotation=rotation,
+ angular_velocity=angular_velocity,
+ radius=radius,
+ active=True,
+ friction=1.0,
+ vertices=vertices,
+ n_vertices=n_vertices,
+ collision_mode=1,
+ restitution=0.0,
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(is_rect, y.at[rect_index].set(x), y), new_rigid_body, state.polygon
+ ),
+ circle=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(jnp.logical_not(is_rect), y.at[circle_index].set(x), y),
+ new_rigid_body,
+ state.circle,
+ ),
+ polygon_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ state.polygon_shape_roles.at[rect_index].set(shape_role),
+ state.polygon_shape_roles,
+ ),
+ circle_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle_shape_roles.at[circle_index].set(shape_role),
+ state.circle_shape_roles,
+ ),
+ )
+ return recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ return jax.lax.cond(is_space_for_shape(state), do_add, do_dummy, rng, state)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_add_connected_shape(
+ rng,
+ state: EnvState,
+ params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ force_rjoint: bool = False,
+ def do_dummy(rng, state):
+ return state, False
+ def do_add(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 21)
+ # Select a random index amongst the currently active shapes.
+ p_rect = state.polygon.active.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False)
+ p_circle = state.circle.active
+ p_rect = p_rect.astype(jnp.float32)
+ p_circle = p_circle.astype(jnp.float32)
+ p_rect *= (state.polygon.inverse_mass == 0) * ued_params.connect_to_fixated_prob_coeff + (
+ state.polygon.inverse_mass != 0
+ ) * 1.0
+ p_circle *= (state.circle.inverse_mass == 0) * ued_params.connect_to_fixated_prob_coeff + (
+ state.circle.inverse_mass != 0
+ ) * 1.0
+ # Bias based on number of existing connections
+ rect_connections = jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ circle_connections = jnp.zeros(static_env_params.num_circles)
+ rect_connections = rect_connections.at[state.joint.a_index].add(
+ jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_joints)
+ * state.joint.active
+ * (state.joint.a_index < static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ )
+ rect_connections = rect_connections.at[state.joint.b_index].add(
+ jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_joints)
+ * state.joint.active
+ * (state.joint.b_index < static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ )
+ circle_connections = circle_connections.at[state.joint.a_index - static_env_params.num_polygons].add(
+ jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_joints)
+ * state.joint.active
+ * (state.joint.a_index >= static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ )
+ circle_connections = circle_connections.at[state.joint.b_index - static_env_params.num_polygons].add(
+ jnp.ones(static_env_params.num_joints)
+ * state.joint.active
+ * (state.joint.b_index >= static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ )
+ # Rectangles can have up to 2 connections
+ p_rect *= (-rect_connections + 2.0) / 2.0
+ p_rect = jnp.maximum(p_rect, 0.0)
+ # Circles can have 1 connection
+ p_circle *= circle_connections == 0
+ # To sample a target rect/circle, we have to have at least one.
+ target_rect_p = jnp.array(
+ [
+ (state.polygon.active.astype(int).sum() > static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys) * 1.0,
+ (state.circle.active.astype(int).sum() > 0) * 1.0,
+ ]
+ )
+ # Don't connect to a circle if no connection-free ones exist
+ target_rect_p = target_rect_p.at[1].mul(p_circle.sum() > 0)
+ space_for_new_rect = state.polygon.active.astype(int).sum() < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ space_for_new_circle = state.circle.active.astype(int).sum() < static_env_params.num_circles
+ is_target_rect = jax.random.choice(_rngs[0], jnp.array([True, False], dtype=bool), p=target_rect_p) | (
+ ~space_for_new_rect
+ )
+ is_rect_p = jnp.array([space_for_new_rect * 1.0, space_for_new_circle * 1.0])
+ is_rect = jax.random.choice(_rngs[1], jnp.array([True, False], dtype=bool), p=is_rect_p) | (
+ ~is_target_rect & space_for_new_rect
+ )
+ shape_index = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ jnp.argmin(state.polygon.active),
+ jnp.argmin(state.circle.active),
+ )
+ unified_shape_index = shape_index + (~is_rect) * static_env_params.num_polygons
+ vertices, half_dimensions, radius = sample_dimensions(
+ _rngs[2], static_env_params, is_rect, ued_params, max_shape_size=ued_params.max_shape_size
+ )
+ n_vertices = jax.lax.select(ued_params.generate_triangles, jax.random.choice(_rngs[3], jnp.array([3, 4])), 4)
+ rotation = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[4], shape=()) * 2 * math.pi
+ velocity = jnp.array([0.0, 0.0])
+ angular_velocity = 0.0
+ density = 1.0
+ inverse_mass = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon(vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params, density)[0],
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle(radius, density),
+ )
+ inverse_inertia = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon(vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params, density),
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle(radius, density),
+ )
+ # Joint
+ current_num_rjoints = (jnp.logical_not(state.joint.is_fixed_joint) * state.joint.active).sum()
+ is_rjoint = jnp.logical_or(
+ jnp.logical_or(jax.random.uniform(_rngs[5]) < 0.5, force_rjoint),
+ current_num_rjoints < ued_params.min_rjoints_bias,
+ )
+ joint_index = jnp.argmin(state.joint.active)
+ local_joint_position_rect = random_position_on_polygon(_rngs[6], vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params)
+ local_joint_position_circle = random_position_on_circle(_rngs[7], radius, on_centre_chance=1.0)
+ local_joint_position = jax.lax.select(is_rect, local_joint_position_rect, local_joint_position_circle)
+ p_rect = jax.lax.select(p_rect.sum() == 0, state.polygon.active.astype(jnp.float32), p_rect)
+ p_circle = jax.lax.select(p_circle.sum() == 0, state.circle.active.astype(jnp.float32), p_circle)
+ target_index = jax.lax.select(
+ is_target_rect,
+ jax.random.choice(
+ _rngs[8],
+ jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_polygons),
+ p=p_rect,
+ ),
+ jax.random.choice(
+ _rngs[9],
+ jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_circles),
+ p=p_circle,
+ ),
+ )
+ unified_target_index = target_index + jnp.logical_not(is_target_rect) * static_env_params.num_polygons
+ target_shape = select_shape(state, unified_target_index, static_env_params)
+ target_joint_position_rect = random_position_on_polygon(
+ _rngs[10], state.polygon.vertices[target_index], state.polygon.n_vertices[target_index], static_env_params
+ )
+ target_joint_position_circle = random_position_on_circle(
+ _rngs[11], state.circle.radius[target_index], on_centre_chance=1.0
+ )
+ target_joint_position = jax.lax.select(is_target_rect, target_joint_position_rect, target_joint_position_circle)
+ # Calculate the world position of the new shape
+ # We know the rotation of the new shape. We also know the position of the current shape, which we want to remain fixed.
+ # Set `position` such that local_joint_position is the same as `target_joint_position`
+ global_joint_pos = target_shape.position + jnp.matmul(rmat(target_shape.rotation), target_joint_position)
+ position = global_joint_pos - jnp.matmul(rmat(rotation), local_joint_position)
+ _, pos_diff = calc_inverse_mass_polygon(vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params, density)
+ position = jax.lax.select(is_rect, position + pos_diff, position)
+ local_joint_position = jax.lax.select(is_rect, local_joint_position - pos_diff, local_joint_position)
+ vertices = jax.lax.select(is_rect, vertices - pos_diff[None], vertices)
+ target_role = jax.lax.select(
+ is_target_rect, state.polygon_shape_roles[target_index], state.circle_shape_roles[target_index]
+ )
+ # We cannot have role 1 and role 2 being connected.
+ p = jnp.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+ # If role is 0, keep all probs at 1, otherwise set the target role's complement to 0 prob
+ # 3 - role turns 1 to 2 and 2 to 1
+ # If the target role is three, we set everything to zero except for the default
+ p = jax.lax.select(
+ target_role == 0,
+ p,
+ jax.lax.select(
+ target_role <= 2,
+ p.at[3 - target_role].set(False).at[3].set(False),
+ (p.at[2].set(False).at[1].set(False)),
+ ),
+ )
+ shape_role = get_role(_rngs[12], state, static_env_params, initial_p=p)
+ # This could be either a rect or a circle
+ new_rigid_body = RigidBody(
+ position=position,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ inverse_mass=inverse_mass,
+ inverse_inertia=inverse_inertia,
+ rotation=rotation,
+ angular_velocity=angular_velocity,
+ radius=radius,
+ active=True,
+ friction=1.0,
+ vertices=vertices,
+ n_vertices=n_vertices,
+ collision_mode=1,
+ restitution=0.0,
+ )
+ # Change the shape indices such that a_index is less than b_index
+ a_index = shape_index + (1 - is_rect) * static_env_params.num_polygons
+ b_index = target_index + (1 - is_target_rect) * static_env_params.num_polygons
+ should_swap = a_index > b_index
+ a_index, b_index, local_joint_position, target_joint_position, shape_a, shape_b = jax.lax.cond(
+ should_swap,
+ lambda x: (x[1], x[0], x[3], x[2], x[5], x[4]), # pairwise swap
+ lambda x: x,
+ (a_index, b_index, local_joint_position, target_joint_position, new_rigid_body, target_shape),
+ )
+ motor_on = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[13], shape=()) < ued_params.motor_on_chance
+ joint_colour = jax.random.randint(_rngs[14], shape=(), minval=0, maxval=static_env_params.num_motor_bindings)
+ joint_rotation = shape_b.rotation - shape_a.rotation
+ motor_speed = jax.random.uniform(
+ _rngs[15], shape=(), minval=ued_params.motor_min_speed, maxval=ued_params.motor_max_speed
+ )
+ motor_power = jax.random.uniform(
+ _rngs[16], shape=(), minval=ued_params.motor_min_power, maxval=ued_params.motor_max_power
+ )
+ wheel_power = jax.random.uniform(
+ _rngs[20], shape=(), minval=ued_params.motor_min_power, maxval=ued_params.wheel_max_power
+ )
+ # High-powered wheels break the physics engine - this is a temporary fix
+ motor_power = jax.lax.select(is_rect & is_target_rect, motor_power, wheel_power)
+ motor_has_joint_limits = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[17], shape=()) < ued_params.joint_limit_chance
+ motor_has_joint_limits &= is_rect & is_target_rect
+ joint_limit_min = (
+ jax.random.uniform(_rngs[18], shape=(), minval=-ued_params.joint_limit_max, maxval=0.0)
+ * motor_has_joint_limits
+ )
+ joint_limit_max = (
+ jax.random.uniform(_rngs[19], shape=(), minval=0.0, maxval=ued_params.joint_limit_max)
+ * motor_has_joint_limits
+ )
+ rjoint = Joint(
+ a_index=a_index,
+ b_index=b_index,
+ a_relative_pos=local_joint_position,
+ b_relative_pos=target_joint_position,
+ global_position=global_joint_pos,
+ active=True,
+ motor_speed=motor_speed,
+ motor_power=motor_power,
+ motor_on=motor_on,
+ # colour=joint_colour,
+ motor_has_joint_limits=motor_has_joint_limits,
+ min_rotation=joint_limit_min,
+ max_rotation=joint_limit_max,
+ is_fixed_joint=False,
+ rotation=0.0,
+ acc_impulse=jnp.zeros((2,), dtype=jnp.float32),
+ acc_r_impulse=jnp.zeros((), dtype=jnp.float32),
+ )
+ fjoint = Joint(
+ a_index=a_index,
+ b_index=b_index,
+ a_relative_pos=local_joint_position,
+ b_relative_pos=target_joint_position,
+ global_position=global_joint_pos,
+ active=True,
+ rotation=joint_rotation,
+ acc_impulse=jnp.zeros((2,), dtype=jnp.float32),
+ acc_r_impulse=jnp.zeros((), dtype=jnp.float32),
+ is_fixed_joint=True,
+ motor_has_joint_limits=False,
+ min_rotation=0.0,
+ max_rotation=0.0,
+ motor_on=False,
+ motor_power=0.0,
+ motor_speed=0.0,
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(is_rect, y.at[shape_index].set(x), y), new_rigid_body, state.polygon
+ ),
+ circle=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(jnp.logical_not(is_rect), y.at[shape_index].set(x), y),
+ new_rigid_body,
+ state.circle,
+ ),
+ joint=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda rj, fj, y: jax.lax.select(is_rjoint, y.at[joint_index].set(rj), y.at[joint_index].set(fj)),
+ rjoint,
+ fjoint,
+ state.joint,
+ ),
+ polygon_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ state.polygon_shape_roles.at[shape_index].set(shape_role),
+ state.polygon_shape_roles,
+ ),
+ circle_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle_shape_roles.at[shape_index].set(shape_role),
+ state.circle_shape_roles,
+ ),
+ motor_bindings=state.motor_bindings.at[joint_index].set(joint_colour),
+ )
+ # We need the new collision matrix.
+ state = state.replace(collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, state.joint))
+ state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ # Was this a valid addition?
+ # We calculate whether (assuming the possiblity of 360 degree rotation around the joint)
+ # both shapes can be visible
+ # This is to remove the common degenerate pattern of connected shapes being fully inside each other
+ def _get_min_rect_dist(r_id, local_pos):
+ rect: RigidBody = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[r_id], state.polygon)
+ half_width = (jnp.max(rect.vertices[:, 0]) - jnp.min(rect.vertices[:, 0])) / 2.0
+ half_height = (jnp.max(rect.vertices[:, 1]) - jnp.min(rect.vertices[:, 1])) / 2.0
+ dist_x = half_width - jnp.abs(local_pos[0])
+ dist_y = half_height - jnp.abs(local_pos[1])
+ return jnp.minimum(dist_x, dist_y)
+ def _get_max_rect_dist(r_id, local_pos):
+ rect: RigidBody = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[r_id], state.polygon)
+ half_width = (jnp.max(rect.vertices[:, 0]) - jnp.min(rect.vertices[:, 0])) / 2.0
+ half_height = (jnp.max(rect.vertices[:, 1]) - jnp.min(rect.vertices[:, 1])) / 2.0
+ dist_x = jnp.maximum(
+ jnp.abs(half_width - local_pos[0]),
+ jnp.abs(-half_width - local_pos[0]),
+ )
+ dist_y = jnp.maximum(
+ jnp.abs(half_height - local_pos[1]),
+ jnp.abs(-half_height - local_pos[1]),
+ )
+ return jnp.sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y)
+ def are_both_shapes_showing(idx1, idx2, local_pos1, local_pos2):
+ def _is_small_shape_showing(small_idx, big_idx, small_local_pos, big_local_pos):
+ small_is_poly = small_idx < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ big_is_poly = big_idx < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ # CC
+ cc_result = False
+ # CR
+ cr_r_dist = _get_min_rect_dist(big_idx, big_local_pos)
+ cr_result = (
+ cr_r_dist + ued_params.connect_visibility_min
+ < state.circle.radius[small_idx - static_env_params.num_polygons]
+ )
+ # RC
+ rc_r_dist = _get_max_rect_dist(small_idx, small_local_pos)
+ rc_result = (
+ rc_r_dist
+ > state.circle.radius[big_idx - static_env_params.num_polygons] + ued_params.connect_visibility_min
+ )
+ # RR
+ rr_small_dist = _get_max_rect_dist(small_idx, small_local_pos)
+ rr_big_dist = _get_min_rect_dist(big_idx, big_local_pos)
+ rr_result = rr_small_dist > rr_big_dist + ued_params.connect_visibility_min
+ # Select
+ return jax.lax.select(
+ small_is_poly,
+ jax.lax.select(big_is_poly, rr_result, rc_result),
+ jax.lax.select(big_is_poly, cr_result, cc_result),
+ )
+ # Are both shapes showing?
+ return _is_small_shape_showing(idx1, idx2, local_pos1, local_pos2) & _is_small_shape_showing(
+ idx2, idx1, local_pos2, local_pos1
+ )
+ valid = are_both_shapes_showing(
+ unified_shape_index, unified_target_index, local_joint_position, target_joint_position
+ )
+ return state, valid
+ # To add a connected shape, we must have both at least one existing shape and space
+ return jax.lax.cond(
+ is_space_for_shape(state) & are_there_shapes_present(state, static_env_params) & is_space_for_joint(state),
+ do_add,
+ do_dummy,
+ rng,
+ state,
+ )
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_add_connected_shape_proper(
+ rng,
+ state: EnvState,
+ params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ ued_params: UEDParams,
+ force_rjoint: bool = False,
+ return mutate_add_connected_shape(rng, state, params, static_env_params, ued_params, force_rjoint=force_rjoint)[0]
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_remove_shape(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ can_remove_mask = (
+ jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active])
+ .at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys]
+ .set(False)
+ )
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_remove(rng, state: EnvState):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ p = can_remove_mask.astype(jnp.float32)
+ index_to_remove = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(can_remove_mask.shape[0]), p=p)
+ is_rect = index_to_remove < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ active=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect, state.polygon.active.at[index_to_remove].set(False), state.polygon.active
+ )
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ active=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle.active.at[index_to_remove - static_env_params.num_polygons].set(False),
+ state.circle.active,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ # We need to now remove any joints connected to this shape
+ joints_to_remove = (state.joint.a_index == index_to_remove) | (state.joint.b_index == index_to_remove)
+ thrusters_to_remove = state.thruster.object_index == index_to_remove
+ state = state.replace(
+ joint=state.joint.replace(active=jnp.where(joints_to_remove, False, state.joint.active)),
+ thruster=state.thruster.replace(active=jnp.where(thrusters_to_remove, False, state.thruster.active)),
+ )
+ # Now recalculate collision matrix
+ state = state.replace(collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, state.joint))
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(can_remove_mask.sum() > 0, do_remove, dummy, rng, state)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_remove_joint(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ can_remove_mask = state.joint.active
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_remove(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ p = can_remove_mask.astype(jnp.float32)
+ index_to_remove = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(can_remove_mask.shape[0]), p=p)
+ state = state.replace(joint=state.joint.replace(active=state.joint.active.at[index_to_remove].set(False)))
+ # Recalculate collision matrix.
+ state = state.replace(collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, state.joint))
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(can_remove_mask.sum() > 0, do_remove, dummy, rng, state)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_swap_role(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ def _cr(*args):
+ return count_roles(*args, include_static_polys=False)
+ role_counts = jax.vmap(_cr, (None, None, 0))(state, static_env_params, jnp.arange(4))
+ are_there_multiple_roles = (role_counts > 0).sum() > 1
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_swap(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ all_roles = jnp.concatenate([state.polygon_shape_roles, state.circle_shape_roles])
+ p = (
+ (jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active]))
+ .astype(jnp.float32)
+ .at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys]
+ .set(0.0)
+ )
+ shape_idx_a = jax.random.choice(
+ rngs[0], jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_polygons + static_env_params.num_circles), p=p
+ )
+ role_a = all_roles[shape_idx_a]
+ p = jnp.where(all_roles == role_a, 0.0, p)
+ shape_idx_b = jax.random.choice(
+ rngs[1], jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_polygons + static_env_params.num_circles), p=p
+ )
+ role_b = all_roles[shape_idx_b]
+ role_a, role_b = role_b, role_a
+ for idx, role in [(shape_idx_a, role_a), (shape_idx_b, role_b)]:
+ is_rect = idx < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect, state.polygon_shape_roles.at[idx].set(role), state.polygon_shape_roles
+ ),
+ circle_shape_roles=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle_shape_roles.at[idx - static_env_params.num_polygons].set(role),
+ state.circle_shape_roles,
+ ),
+ )
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(are_there_multiple_roles, do_swap, dummy, rng, state)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_toggle_fixture(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ can_toggle_mask = (
+ jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active])
+ .at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys]
+ .set(False)
+ )
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_toggle(rng, state: EnvState):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ p = can_toggle_mask.astype(jnp.float32)
+ index_to_remove = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(can_toggle_mask.shape[0]), p=p)
+ is_rect = index_to_remove < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ is_current_fixed = (
+ jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ state.polygon.inverse_inertia[index_to_remove],
+ state.circle.inverse_inertia[index_to_remove - static_env_params.num_polygons],
+ )
+ == 0.0
+ )
+ is_current_fixed = is_current_fixed * 1.0 # if it is fixed, we set it to 1.0 and recalc.
+ # If it is not fixed, this is 0.0, and it makes it fixed.
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ inverse_inertia=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ state.polygon.inverse_inertia.at[index_to_remove].set(is_current_fixed),
+ state.polygon.inverse_inertia,
+ ),
+ inverse_mass=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ state.polygon.inverse_mass.at[index_to_remove].set(is_current_fixed),
+ state.polygon.inverse_mass,
+ ),
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ inverse_inertia=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle.inverse_inertia.at[index_to_remove - static_env_params.num_polygons].set(
+ is_current_fixed
+ ),
+ state.circle.inverse_inertia,
+ ),
+ inverse_mass=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle.inverse_mass.at[index_to_remove - static_env_params.num_polygons].set(
+ is_current_fixed
+ ),
+ state.circle.inverse_mass,
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(can_toggle_mask.sum() > 0, do_toggle, dummy, rng, state)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_add_thruster(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ is_fixated = jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.inverse_mass == 0, state.circle.inverse_mass == 0])
+ # is_fixated = jnp.zeros_like(is_fixated, dtype=bool)
+ is_active = jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active])
+ can_add_mask = is_active & (~is_fixated)
+ can_add_mask = jnp.logical_and(is_active, jnp.logical_not(is_fixated))
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_add(rng, state: EnvState):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ _rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 10)
+ p = can_add_mask.astype(jnp.float32)
+ shape_index = jax.random.choice(_rngs[0], jnp.arange(can_add_mask.shape[0]), p=p)
+ thruster_idx = jnp.argmin(state.thruster.active)
+ shape = select_shape(state, shape_index, static_env_params)
+ position_to_add_thruster = jax.lax.select(
+ shape_index < static_env_params.num_polygons,
+ random_position_on_polygon(_rngs[1], shape.vertices, shape.n_vertices, static_env_params),
+ random_position_on_circle(_rngs[2], shape.radius, on_centre_chance=0.0),
+ )
+ direction_to_com = ((jax.random.uniform(_rngs[3]) > 0.5) * 2 - 1) * position_to_add_thruster
+ direction_to_com = jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.linalg.norm(direction_to_com) == 0.0, jnp.array([1.0, 0.0]), direction_to_com
+ )
+ thruster_angle = jax.lax.select(
+ jax.random.uniform(_rngs[4]) < ued_params.thruster_align_com_prob,
+ jnp.atan2(direction_to_com[1], direction_to_com[0]), # test this
+ jax.random.uniform(
+ _rngs[5],
+ (),
+ )
+ * 2
+ * jnp.pi,
+ )
+ thruster_power = jax.random.uniform(_rngs[6]) * 1.5 + 0.5
+ thruster = Thruster(
+ object_index=shape_index,
+ active=True,
+ relative_position=position_to_add_thruster, # jnp.array([0.0, 0.0]), # a bit of a hack but reasonable.
+ rotation=thruster_angle, # jax.random.choice(rngs[1], jnp.arange(4) * jnp.pi / 2),
+ power=1.0
+ / jax.lax.select(shape.inverse_mass == 0, 1.0, shape.inverse_mass)
+ * ued_params.thruster_power_multiplier
+ * thruster_power,
+ global_position=shape.position + jnp.matmul(rmat(shape.rotation), position_to_add_thruster),
+ )
+ thruster_colour = jax.random.randint(
+ _rngs[7], shape=(), minval=0, maxval=static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ thruster=jax.tree_map(lambda y, x: y.at[thruster_idx].set(x), state.thruster, thruster),
+ thruster_bindings=state.thruster_bindings.at[thruster_idx].set(thruster_colour),
+ )
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(
+ jnp.logical_and((can_add_mask.sum() > 0), (jnp.logical_not(state.thruster.active).sum() > 0)),
+ do_add,
+ dummy,
+ rng,
+ state,
+ )
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_change_gravity(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ new_gravity = jax.lax.select(
+ jax.random.uniform(rngs[0]) < 0.5,
+ jnp.array([0.0, -9.8]),
+ jnp.array([0.0, jax.random.uniform(rngs[1], minval=-9.8, maxval=0)]),
+ )
+ return state.replace(gravity=new_gravity)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_remove_thruster(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ are_there_thrusters = state.thruster.active
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_remove(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 2)
+ p = are_there_thrusters.astype(jnp.float32)
+ thruster_idx = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(are_there_thrusters.shape[0]), p=p)
+ return state.replace(thruster=state.thruster.replace(active=state.thruster.active.at[thruster_idx].set(False)))
+ return jax.lax.cond(are_there_thrusters.sum() > 0, do_remove, dummy, rng, state)
+def make_mutate_change_shape_size(params, static_env_params):
+ do_dummy_step = make_do_dummy_step(params, static_env_params)
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+ def mutate_change_shape_size(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ ):
+ shape_active = jnp.concatenate(
+ [state.polygon.active.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False), state.circle.active]
+ )
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_change(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 10)
+ p = shape_active.astype(jnp.float32)
+ shape_idx = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(shape_active.shape[0]), p=p)
+ is_rect = shape_idx < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ vertices, _, radius = sample_dimensions(
+ rngs[1], static_env_params, is_rect, ued_params, max_shape_size=ued_params.max_shape_size
+ )
+ idx_new_top_left = jnp.argmin(vertices[:, 0] * 100 + vertices[:, 1])
+ idx_old_top_left = jnp.argmin(
+ state.polygon.vertices[shape_idx, :, 0] * 100 + state.polygon.vertices[shape_idx, :, 1]
+ )
+ scale_rect = (vertices[idx_new_top_left]) / (state.polygon.vertices[shape_idx, idx_old_top_left])
+ scale_circle = radius / state.circle.radius[shape_idx - static_env_params.num_polygons]
+ vertices = state.polygon.vertices[shape_idx] * scale_rect
+ scale = jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect,
+ scale_rect,
+ jnp.array([scale_circle, scale_circle]),
+ )
+ is_a = ((state.joint.a_index == shape_idx) & state.joint.active)[:, None]
+ is_b = ((state.joint.b_index == shape_idx) & state.joint.active)[:, None]
+ state = state.replace(
+ joint=state.joint.replace(
+ a_relative_pos=(state.joint.a_relative_pos * scale[None]) * is_a
+ + (1 - is_a) * state.joint.a_relative_pos,
+ b_relative_pos=(state.joint.b_relative_pos * scale[None]) * is_b
+ + (1 - is_b) * state.joint.b_relative_pos,
+ ),
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ vertices=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect, state.polygon.vertices.at[shape_idx].set(vertices), state.polygon.vertices
+ ),
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ radius=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle.radius.at[shape_idx - static_env_params.num_polygons].set(radius),
+ state.circle.radius,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ def _ss(state, _):
+ return do_dummy_step(state), None
+ state = jax.lax.scan(_ss, state, jnp.arange(5))[0]
+ return recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities
+ )
+ return jax.lax.cond(shape_active.sum() > 0, do_change, dummy, rng, state)
+ return mutate_change_shape_size
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+def mutate_change_shape_location(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ shape_active = jnp.concatenate(
+ [state.polygon.active.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False), state.circle.active]
+ )
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_change(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 10)
+ p = shape_active.astype(jnp.float32)
+ shape_idx = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(shape_active.shape[0]), p=p)
+ delta_pos = jax.random.uniform(rngs[1], shape=(2,)) - 0.5 # [-0.5, 0.5]
+ positions = jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.position, state.circle.position])
+ mask_of_shape_locations_to_change = (
+ (state.collision_matrix[shape_idx] == 0).at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False)
+ )
+ # check the new positions, but then maybe revert if any shape becomes out of bounds now.
+ new_positions_tentative = positions * (
+ 1 - mask_of_shape_locations_to_change[:, None]
+ ) + mask_of_shape_locations_to_change[:, None] * (positions + delta_pos[None])
+ polys = state.polygon
+ p_pos = new_positions_tentative[: static_env_params.num_polygons]
+ c_pos = new_positions_tentative[static_env_params.num_polygons :] # state.circle.position
+ rad = state.circle.radius
+ rect_vertex_mask = jnp.arange(static_env_params.max_polygon_vertices)[None] < polys.n_vertices[:, None]
+ rect_mask = polys.active.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False)
+ circ_mask = state.circle.active
+ # check if new pos maybe goes out of bounds:
+ min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = (
+ jnp.minimum(
+ jnp.min(
+ p_pos[:, 0] + jnp.min(polys.vertices[:, :, 0], where=rect_vertex_mask, initial=0, axis=1),
+ where=rect_mask,
+ initial=jnp.inf,
+ ),
+ jnp.min(c_pos[:, 0] - rad, where=circ_mask, initial=jnp.inf),
+ ),
+ jnp.maximum(
+ jnp.max(
+ p_pos[:, 0] + jnp.max(polys.vertices[:, :, 0], where=rect_vertex_mask, initial=0, axis=1),
+ where=rect_mask,
+ initial=-jnp.inf,
+ ),
+ jnp.max(c_pos[:, 0] + rad, where=circ_mask, initial=-jnp.inf),
+ ),
+ jnp.minimum(
+ jnp.min(
+ p_pos[:, 1] + jnp.min(polys.vertices[:, :, 1], where=rect_vertex_mask, initial=0, axis=1),
+ where=rect_mask,
+ initial=jnp.inf,
+ ),
+ jnp.min(c_pos[:, 1] - rad, where=circ_mask, initial=jnp.inf),
+ ),
+ jnp.maximum(
+ jnp.max(
+ p_pos[:, 1] + jnp.max(polys.vertices[:, :, 1], where=rect_vertex_mask, initial=0, axis=1),
+ where=rect_mask,
+ initial=-jnp.inf,
+ ),
+ jnp.max(c_pos[:, 1] + rad, where=circ_mask, initial=-jnp.inf),
+ ),
+ )
+ how_much_oob_x_left = jnp.maximum(0, 0 - min_x)
+ how_much_oob_x_right = jnp.maximum(0, max_x - static_env_params.screen_dim[0] / params.pixels_per_unit)
+ how_much_oob_y_down = jnp.maximum(0, 0.4 - min_y) # this is for the floor
+ how_much_oob_y_up = jnp.maximum(0, max_y - static_env_params.screen_dim[1] / params.pixels_per_unit)
+ # correct by out of bounds factor
+ positions = (
+ new_positions_tentative
+ + jnp.array(
+ [
+ how_much_oob_x_left - how_much_oob_x_right,
+ how_much_oob_y_down - how_much_oob_y_up,
+ ]
+ )[None]
+ * mask_of_shape_locations_to_change[:, None]
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ position=positions[: static_env_params.num_polygons],
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ position=positions[static_env_params.num_polygons :],
+ ),
+ )
+ return recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ return jax.lax.cond(shape_active.sum() > 0, do_change, dummy, rng, state)
+def make_mutate_change_shape_rotation(params, static_env_params):
+ do_dummy_step = make_do_dummy_step(params, static_env_params)
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3, 4))
+ def mutate_change_shape_rotation(
+ rng, state: EnvState, params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams
+ ):
+ shape_active = jnp.concatenate(
+ [state.polygon.active.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False), state.circle.active]
+ )
+ def dummy(rng, state):
+ return state
+ def do_change(rng, state):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, 10)
+ p = shape_active.astype(jnp.float32)
+ shape_idx = jax.random.choice(rngs[0], jnp.arange(shape_active.shape[0]), p=p)
+ is_rect = shape_idx < static_env_params.num_polygons
+ rotation_delta = jax.random.uniform(rngs[1], shape=()) * math.pi / 2
+ has_fixed_joint_a = (state.joint.a_index == shape_idx) & state.joint.is_fixed_joint & state.joint.active
+ has_fixed_joint_b = (state.joint.b_index == shape_idx) & state.joint.is_fixed_joint & state.joint.active
+ state = state.replace(
+ joint=state.joint.replace(
+ rotation=jax.lax.select(
+ has_fixed_joint_a,
+ state.joint.rotation - rotation_delta,
+ jax.lax.select(
+ has_fixed_joint_b,
+ state.joint.rotation + rotation_delta,
+ state.joint.rotation,
+ ),
+ )
+ ),
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ rotation=jax.lax.select(
+ is_rect, state.polygon.rotation.at[shape_idx].add(rotation_delta), state.polygon.rotation
+ ),
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ rotation=jax.lax.select(
+ jnp.logical_not(is_rect),
+ state.circle.rotation.at[shape_idx - static_env_params.num_polygons].add(rotation_delta),
+ state.circle.rotation,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ def _ss(state, _):
+ return do_dummy_step(state), None
+ state = jax.lax.scan(_ss, state, jnp.arange(5))[0]
+ return recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities
+ )
+ return jax.lax.cond(shape_active.sum() > 0, do_change, dummy, rng, state)
+ return mutate_change_shape_rotation
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88ffe66e1da76aa56df36782ab2cad41e7d303dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued.py
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+from functools import partial
+import math
+import os
+import chex
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax.serialization import to_state_dict
+from jax2d.engine import (
+ calculate_collision_matrix,
+ calc_inverse_mass_polygon,
+ calc_inverse_mass_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_circle,
+ calc_inverse_inertia_polygon,
+ recalculate_mass_and_inertia,
+ select_shape,
+ PhysicsEngine,
+from jax2d.sim_state import SimState, RigidBody, Joint, Thruster
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.ued.distributions import (
+ create_vmapped_filtered_distribution,
+ sample_kinetix_level,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.mutators import (
+ make_mutate_change_shape_rotation,
+ make_mutate_change_shape_size,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape_proper,
+ mutate_add_shape,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape,
+ mutate_change_shape_location,
+ mutate_remove_joint,
+ mutate_remove_shape,
+ mutate_swap_role,
+ mutate_toggle_fixture,
+ mutate_add_thruster,
+ mutate_remove_thruster,
+ mutate_change_gravity,
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from kinetix.environment.utils import permute_pcg_state
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg import env_state_to_pcg_state, sample_pcg_state
+from kinetix.util.config import generate_ued_params_from_config, generate_params_from_config
+from kinetix.util.saving import get_pcg_state_from_json, load_pcg_state_pickle, load_world_state_pickle, stack_list_of_pytrees, expand_env_state
+from flax import struct
+from kinetix.environment.env import create_empty_env
+from kinetix.util.learning import BASE_DIR, general_eval, get_eval_levels
+def make_mutate_env(static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, params: EnvParams, ued_params: UEDParams):
+ mutate_size = make_mutate_change_shape_size(params, static_env_params)
+ mutate_rot = make_mutate_change_shape_rotation(params, static_env_params)
+ def mutate_level(rng, level: EnvState, n=1):
+ def inner(carry: tuple[chex.PRNGKey, EnvState], _):
+ rng, level = carry
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ any_rects_left = jnp.logical_not(level.polygon.active).sum() > 0
+ any_circles_left = jnp.logical_not(level.circle.active).sum() > 0
+ any_joints_left = jnp.logical_not(level.joint.active).sum() > 0
+ any_thrust_left = jnp.logical_not(level.thruster.active).sum() > 0
+ has_any_thursters = level.thruster.active.sum() > 0
+ can_do_add_shape = any_rects_left | any_circles_left
+ can_do_add_joint = can_do_add_shape & any_joints_left
+ all_mutations = [
+ mutate_add_shape,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape_proper,
+ mutate_remove_joint,
+ mutate_remove_shape,
+ mutate_swap_role,
+ mutate_add_thruster,
+ mutate_remove_thruster,
+ mutate_toggle_fixture,
+ mutate_size,
+ mutate_change_shape_location,
+ mutate_rot,
+ ]
+ def mypartial(f):
+ def inner(rng, level):
+ return f(rng, level, params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ return inner
+ probs = jnp.array(
+ [
+ can_do_add_shape * 1.0,
+ can_do_add_joint * 1.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0,
+ any_thrust_left * 1.0,
+ has_any_thursters * 1.0,
+ 0.1,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ 1.0,
+ ]
+ )
+ all_mutations = [mypartial(i) for i in all_mutations]
+ index = jax.random.choice(_rng, jnp.arange(len(all_mutations)), (), p=probs)
+ level = jax.lax.switch(index, all_mutations, _rng2, level)
+ return (rng, level), None
+ (_, level), _ = jax.lax.scan(inner, (rng, level), None, length=n)
+ return level
+ return mutate_level
+def make_create_eval_env():
+ eval_level1 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0610_car1")
+ eval_level2 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0610_car2")
+ eval_level3 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0628_ball_left")
+ eval_level4 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0628_ball_right")
+ eval_level5 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0628_hard_car_obstacle")
+ eval_level6 = load_world_state_pickle("worlds/eval/eval_0628_swingup")
+ def _create_eval_env(rng, env_params, static_env_params, index):
+ return jax.lax.switch(
+ index,
+ [
+ lambda: eval_level1,
+ lambda: eval_level2,
+ lambda: eval_level3,
+ lambda: eval_level4,
+ lambda: eval_level5,
+ lambda: eval_level6,
+ ],
+ )
+ return jax.tree.map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(index == 0, x, y), eval_level1, eval_level2)
+ return _create_eval_env
+def make_reset_train_function_with_mutations(
+ engine: PhysicsEngine, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, config, make_pcg_state=True
+ ued_params = generate_ued_params_from_config(config)
+ def reset(rng):
+ inner = sample_kinetix_level(
+ rng, engine, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params, env_size_name=config["env_size_name"]
+ )
+ if make_pcg_state:
+ return env_state_to_pcg_state(inner)
+ else:
+ return inner
+ return reset
+def make_vmapped_filtered_level_sampler(
+ level_sampler, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, config, make_pcg_state, env
+ ued_params = generate_ued_params_from_config(config)
+ def reset(rng, n_samples):
+ inner = create_vmapped_filtered_distribution(
+ rng,
+ level_sampler,
+ env_params,
+ static_env_params,
+ ued_params,
+ n_samples,
+ env,
+ config["filter_levels"],
+ config["level_filter_sample_ratio"],
+ config["env_size_name"],
+ config["level_filter_n_steps"],
+ )
+ if make_pcg_state:
+ return env_state_to_pcg_state(inner)
+ else:
+ return inner
+ return reset
+def make_reset_train_function_with_list_of_levels(config, levels, static_env_params, make_pcg_state=True,
+ is_loading_train_levels=False):
+ assert len(levels) > 0, "Need to provide at least one level to train on"
+ if config["load_train_levels_legacy"]:
+ ls = [get_pcg_state_from_json(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, l + ("" if l.endswith(".json") else ".json"))) for l in levels]
+ v = stack_list_of_pytrees(ls)
+ elif is_loading_train_levels:
+ v = get_eval_levels(levels, static_env_params)
+ else:
+ _, static_env_params = generate_params_from_config(
+ config["eval_env_size_true"] | {"frame_skip": config["frame_skip"]}
+ )
+ v = get_eval_levels(levels, static_env_params)
+ def reset(rng):
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ idx = jax.random.randint(_rng, (), 0, len(levels))
+ state_to_return = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[idx], v)
+ if config["permute_state_during_training"]:
+ state_to_return = permute_pcg_state(rng, state_to_return, static_env_params)
+ if not make_pcg_state:
+ state_to_return = sample_pcg_state(_rng2, state_to_return, params=None, static_params=static_env_params)
+ return state_to_return
+ return reset
+ mutate_add_shape,
+ mutate_add_connected_shape,
+ mutate_remove_joint,
+ mutate_swap_role,
+ mutate_toggle_fixture,
+ mutate_add_thruster,
+ mutate_remove_thruster,
+ mutate_remove_shape,
+ mutate_change_gravity,
+def test_ued():
+ from kinetix.environment.env import create_empty_env
+ env_params = EnvParams()
+ static_env_params = StaticEnvParams()
+ ued_params = UEDParams()
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ state = create_empty_env(env_params, static_env_params)
+ state = mutate_add_shape(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ state = mutate_add_connected_shape(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ state = mutate_remove_shape(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ state = mutate_remove_joint(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ state = mutate_swap_role(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ state = mutate_toggle_fixture(_rng, state, env_params, static_env_params, ued_params)
+ print("Successfully did this")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test_ued()
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued_state.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1c68c0eb77c8952e6eea6b139dd7f9249e9e9dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/ued_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+import math
+from flax import struct
+class UEDParams:
+ max_shape_size: float = 1.0
+ goal_body_opposide_side_chance: float = 0.5
+ goal_body_size_factor: float = 1.0
+ min_rjoints_bias: int = 2
+ large_rect_dim_chance: float = 0.3
+ large_rect_dim_scale: float = 2.0
+ generate_triangles: bool = False
+ thruster_power_multiplier: float = 2.0
+ thruster_align_com_prob: float = 0.8
+ motor_on_chance: float = 0.8
+ motor_min_speed: float = 0.4
+ motor_max_speed: float = 3.0
+ motor_min_power: float = 1.0
+ motor_max_power: float = 3.0
+ wheel_max_power: float = 1.0
+ joint_limit_chance: float = 0.4
+ joint_limit_max: float = math.pi
+ joint_fixed_chance: float = 0.1
+ fixate_chance_min: float = 0.02
+ fixate_chance_max: float = 1.0
+ fixate_chance_scale: float = 4.0 # Fixation probability scales with size
+ fixate_shape_bottom_bias: float = 0.0
+ fixate_shape_bottom_bias_special_role: float = 0.6
+ circle_max_size_coeff: float = 0.8
+ connect_to_fixated_prob_coeff: float = 0.05
+ connect_visibility_min: float = 0.05
+ connect_no_visibility_bias: float = 10.0
+ add_shape_chance: float = 0.35
+ add_connected_shape_chance: float = 0.35
+ add_no_shape_chance: float = 0.3
+ add_thruster_chance: float = 0.3
+ add_shape_n_proposals: int = 8
+ floor_prob_normal: float = 0.9
+ floor_prob_green: float = 0.0
+ floor_prob_blue: float = 0.02
+ floor_prob_red: float = 0.08
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/util.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c5a67956350e2bea4ed4e5347f75c79dfb211ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/ued/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+import math
+from functools import partial
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from jax2d.engine import PhysicsEngine, calculate_collision_matrix, recalculate_mass_and_inertia, select_shape
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody, Thruster
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+def sample_dimensions(rng, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, is_rect: bool, ued_params, max_shape_size=None):
+ if max_shape_size is None:
+ max_shape_size = static_env_params.max_shape_size
+ # Returns (half_dimensions, radius)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ # Don't want overly small shapes
+ min_rect_size = 0.05
+ min_circle_size = 0.1
+ cap_rect = max_shape_size / 2.0 / jnp.sqrt(2.0)
+ cap_circ = max_shape_size / 2.0 * ued_params.circle_max_size_coeff
+ half_dimensions = (
+ jax.lax.select(is_rect, jax.random.uniform(_rng, shape=(2,)), jnp.zeros(2, dtype=jnp.float32))
+ * (cap_rect - min_rect_size)
+ + min_rect_size
+ )
+ rng, _rng, __rng = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ dim_scale = (
+ jnp.ones(2)
+ .at[jax.random.randint(_rng, shape=(), minval=0, maxval=2)]
+ .set(
+ jax.lax.select(
+ jax.random.uniform(__rng) < ued_params.large_rect_dim_chance, ued_params.large_rect_dim_scale, 1.0
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ half_dimensions *= dim_scale
+ vertices = jnp.array(
+ [
+ half_dimensions * jnp.array([1, 1]),
+ half_dimensions * jnp.array([1, -1]),
+ half_dimensions * jnp.array([-1, -1]),
+ half_dimensions * jnp.array([-1, 1]),
+ ]
+ )
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ radius = (
+ jax.lax.select(is_rect, jnp.zeros((), dtype=jnp.float32), jax.random.uniform(_rng, shape=()))
+ * (cap_circ - min_circle_size)
+ + min_circle_size
+ )
+ return vertices, half_dimensions, radius
+def count_roles(state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, role: int, include_static_polys=True) -> int:
+ active_to_use = state.polygon.active
+ if not include_static_polys:
+ active_to_use = active_to_use.at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys].set(False)
+ return ((state.polygon_shape_roles == role) * active_to_use).sum() + (
+ (state.circle_shape_roles == role) * state.circle.active
+ ).sum()
+def random_position_on_triangle(rng, vertices):
+ verts = vertices[:3]
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ f1 = jax.random.uniform(_rng)
+ f2 = jax.random.uniform(_rng2)
+ # https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/mqp29g/how_do_i_get_a_random_position_inside_a_collision/
+ return verts[0] + jnp.sqrt(f1) * (-verts[0] + verts[1] + f2 * (verts[2] - verts[1]))
+def random_position_on_rectangle(rng, vertices):
+ verts = vertices[:4]
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ f1 = jax.random.uniform(_rng)
+ f2 = jax.random.uniform(_rng2)
+ min_x, max_x = jnp.min(verts[:, 0]), jnp.max(verts[:, 0])
+ min_y, max_y = jnp.min(verts[:, 1]), jnp.max(verts[:, 1])
+ random_x_pos = min_x + f1 * (max_x - min_x)
+ random_y_pos = min_y + f2 * (max_y - min_y)
+ return jnp.array([random_x_pos, random_y_pos])
+def random_position_on_polygon(rng, vertices, n_vertices, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ assert static_env_params.max_polygon_vertices <= 4, "Only supports up to 4 vertices"
+ return jax.lax.select(
+ n_vertices <= 3, random_position_on_triangle(rng, vertices), random_position_on_rectangle(rng, vertices)
+ )
+def random_position_on_circle(rng, radius, on_centre_chance):
+ rngs = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ on_centre = jax.random.uniform(rngs[0]) < on_centre_chance
+ local_joint_position_circle_theta = jax.random.uniform(rngs[1], shape=()) * 2 * math.pi
+ local_joint_position_circle_r = jax.random.uniform(rngs[2], shape=()) * radius
+ local_joint_position_circle = jnp.array(
+ [
+ local_joint_position_circle_r * jnp.cos(local_joint_position_circle_theta),
+ local_joint_position_circle_r * jnp.sin(local_joint_position_circle_theta),
+ ]
+ )
+ return jax.lax.select(on_centre, jnp.array([0.0, 0.0]), local_joint_position_circle)
+def get_role(rng, state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, initial_p=None) -> int:
+ if initial_p is None:
+ initial_p = jnp.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
+ needs_ball = count_roles(state, static_env_params, 1) == 0
+ needs_goal = count_roles(state, static_env_params, 2) == 0
+ needs_lava = count_roles(state, static_env_params, 3) == 0
+ # always put goal/ball first.
+ prob_of_something_else = (needs_ball == 0) & (needs_goal == 0)
+ p = initial_p * jnp.array(
+ [prob_of_something_else, needs_ball, needs_goal, prob_of_something_else * needs_lava / 3]
+ ) # This ensures we cannot more than one ball or goal.
+ return jax.random.choice(rng, jnp.array([0, 1, 2, 3]), p=p)
+def is_space_for_shape(state: EnvState):
+ return jnp.logical_not(jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active])).sum() > 0
+def is_space_for_joint(state: EnvState):
+ return jnp.logical_not(state.joint.active).sum() > 0
+def are_there_shapes_present(state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ m = (
+ jnp.concatenate([state.polygon.active, state.circle.active])
+ .at[: static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys]
+ .set(False)
+ )
+ return m.sum() > 0
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2, 9))
+def add_rigidbody_to_state(
+ state: EnvState,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ position: jnp.ndarray,
+ vertices: jnp.ndarray,
+ n_vertices: int,
+ radius: float,
+ shape_role: int,
+ density: float = 1,
+ is_circle: bool = False,
+ new_rigid_body = RigidBody(
+ position=position,
+ velocity=jnp.array([0.0, 0.0]),
+ inverse_mass=1.0,
+ inverse_inertia=1.0,
+ rotation=0.0,
+ angular_velocity=0.0,
+ radius=radius,
+ active=True,
+ friction=1.0,
+ vertices=vertices,
+ n_vertices=n_vertices,
+ collision_mode=1,
+ restitution=0.0,
+ )
+ if is_circle:
+ actives = state.circle.active
+ else:
+ actives = state.polygon.active
+ idx = jnp.argmin(actives)
+ def noop(state):
+ return state
+ def replace(state):
+ add_func = lambda all, new: all.at[idx].set(new)
+ if is_circle:
+ state = state.replace(
+ circle=jax.tree.map(add_func, state.circle, new_rigid_body),
+ circle_densities=state.circle_densities.at[idx].set(density),
+ circle_shape_roles=state.circle_shape_roles.at[idx].set(shape_role),
+ )
+ else:
+ state = state.replace(
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(add_func, state.polygon, new_rigid_body),
+ polygon_densities=state.polygon_densities.at[idx].set(density),
+ polygon_shape_roles=state.polygon_shape_roles.at[idx].set(shape_role),
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, state.joint),
+ )
+ state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_env_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(jnp.logical_not(actives).sum() > 0, replace, noop, state)
+def rectangle_vertices(half_dim):
+ return jnp.array(
+ [
+ half_dim * jnp.array([1, 1]),
+ half_dim * jnp.array([1, -1]),
+ half_dim * jnp.array([-1, -1]),
+ half_dim * jnp.array([-1, 1]),
+ ]
+ )
+# More Manual Control
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
+def add_rectangle_to_state(
+ state: EnvState,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ position: jnp.ndarray,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ shape_role: int,
+ density: float = 1,
+ return add_rigidbody_to_state(
+ state,
+ env_params,
+ static_env_params,
+ position,
+ rectangle_vertices(jnp.array([width, height]) / 2),
+ 4,
+ 0.0,
+ shape_role,
+ density,
+ is_circle=False,
+ )
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
+def add_circle_to_state(
+ state: EnvState,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ position: jnp.ndarray,
+ radius: float,
+ shape_role: int,
+ density: float = 1,
+ return add_rigidbody_to_state(
+ state,
+ env_params,
+ static_env_params,
+ position,
+ jnp.array([0.0, 0.0]),
+ 0,
+ radius,
+ shape_role,
+ density,
+ is_circle=True,
+ )
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(2,))
+def add_thruster_to_object(
+ state: EnvState,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ static_env_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ shape_index: int,
+ rotation: float,
+ colour: int,
+ thruster_power_multiplier: float,
+ def dummy(state):
+ return state
+ def do_add(state: EnvState):
+ thruster_idx = jnp.argmin(state.thruster.active)
+ shape = select_shape(state, shape_index, static_env_params)
+ thruster = Thruster(
+ object_index=shape_index,
+ active=True,
+ relative_position=jnp.array([0.0, 0.0]), # a bit of a hack but reasonable.
+ rotation=rotation,
+ power=1.0 / jax.lax.select(shape.inverse_mass == 0, 1.0, shape.inverse_mass) * thruster_power_multiplier,
+ global_position=select_shape(state, shape_index, static_env_params).position,
+ )
+ state = state.replace(
+ thruster=jax.tree_map(lambda y, x: y.at[thruster_idx].set(x), state.thruster, thruster),
+ thruster_bindings=state.thruster_bindings.at[thruster_idx].set(colour),
+ )
+ return state
+ return jax.lax.cond(
+ (select_shape(state, shape_index, static_env_params).active)
+ & (jnp.logical_not(state.thruster.active).sum() > 0),
+ do_add,
+ dummy,
+ state,
+ )
+def make_velocities_zero(state: EnvState):
+ def inner(state):
+ return state.replace(
+ polygon=state.polygon.replace(
+ angular_velocity=state.polygon.angular_velocity * 0,
+ velocity=state.polygon.velocity * 0,
+ ),
+ circle=state.circle.replace(
+ angular_velocity=state.circle.angular_velocity * 0,
+ velocity=state.circle.velocity * 0,
+ ),
+ )
+ return inner(state)
+def make_do_dummy_step(
+ params: EnvParams, static_sim_params: StaticEnvParams, zero_collisions=True, zero_velocities=True
+ env = PhysicsEngine(static_sim_params)
+ @jax.jit
+ def _step_fn(state):
+ state, _ = env.step(state, params, jnp.zeros((static_sim_params.num_joints + static_sim_params.num_thrusters,)))
+ return state
+ def do_dummy_step(state: EnvState) -> EnvState:
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ og_col = state.collision_matrix
+ g = state.gravity
+ state = state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=state.collision_matrix & (not zero_collisions), gravity=state.gravity * 0
+ )
+ state = _step_fn(state)
+ state = state.replace(gravity=g, collision_matrix=og_col)
+ if zero_velocities:
+ state = make_velocities_zero(state)
+ return state
+ return do_dummy_step
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/utils.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e92d6d498078e384f758ca073977d23801940fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import chex
+import jax
+from jax2d.engine import calculate_collision_matrix
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg_state import PCGState
+def permute_state(rng: chex.PRNGKey, env_state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ idxs_circles = jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_circles)
+ idxs_polygons = jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_polygons)
+ idxs_joints = jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_joints)
+ idxs_thrusters = jnp.arange(static_env_params.num_thrusters)
+ rng, *_rngs = jax.random.split(rng, 5)
+ idxs_circles_permuted = jax.random.permutation(_rngs[0], idxs_circles, independent=True)
+ idxs_polygons_permuted = idxs_polygons.at[static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys :].set(
+ jax.random.permutation(_rngs[1], idxs_polygons[static_env_params.num_static_fixated_polys :], independent=True)
+ )
+ idxs_joints_permuted = jax.random.permutation(_rngs[2], idxs_joints, independent=True)
+ idxs_thrusters_permuted = jax.random.permutation(_rngs[3], idxs_thrusters, independent=True)
+ combined = jnp.concatenate([idxs_polygons_permuted, idxs_circles_permuted + static_env_params.num_polygons])
+ # Change the ordering of the shapes, and also remember to change the indices associated with the joints
+ inverse_permutation = jnp.argsort(combined)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ polygon_shape_roles=env_state.polygon_shape_roles[idxs_polygons_permuted],
+ circle_shape_roles=env_state.circle_shape_roles[idxs_circles_permuted],
+ polygon_highlighted=env_state.polygon_highlighted[idxs_polygons_permuted],
+ circle_highlighted=env_state.circle_highlighted[idxs_circles_permuted],
+ polygon_densities=env_state.polygon_densities[idxs_polygons_permuted],
+ circle_densities=env_state.circle_densities[idxs_circles_permuted],
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[idxs_polygons_permuted], env_state.polygon),
+ circle=jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[idxs_circles_permuted], env_state.circle),
+ joint=env_state.joint.replace(
+ a_index=inverse_permutation[env_state.joint.a_index],
+ b_index=inverse_permutation[env_state.joint.b_index],
+ ),
+ thruster=env_state.thruster.replace(
+ object_index=inverse_permutation[env_state.thruster.object_index],
+ ),
+ )
+ # And now permute the thrusters and joints
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ thruster_bindings=env_state.thruster_bindings[idxs_thrusters_permuted],
+ motor_bindings=env_state.motor_bindings[idxs_joints_permuted],
+ motor_auto=env_state.motor_auto[idxs_joints_permuted],
+ joint=jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[idxs_joints_permuted], env_state.joint),
+ thruster=jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[idxs_thrusters_permuted], env_state.thruster),
+ )
+ # and collision matrix
+ env_state = env_state.replace(collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, env_state.joint))
+ return env_state
+def permute_pcg_state(rng: chex.PRNGKey, pcg_state: PCGState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ return pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=permute_state(rng, pcg_state.env_state, static_env_params),
+ env_state_max=permute_state(rng, pcg_state.env_state_max, static_env_params),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=jax.tree.map(lambda x: jnp.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool), pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask),
+ )
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/wrappers.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/wrappers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..047f72a1bca764e1b8b08db3b9be7484a730a121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/environment/wrappers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+import functools
+from chex._src.pytypes import PRNGKey
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import chex
+from jax.numpy import ndarray
+import numpy as np
+from flax import struct
+from functools import partial
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union, Any
+from gymnax.environments import spaces, environment
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState
+from jaxued.environments import UnderspecifiedEnv
+class UnderspecifiedEnvWrapper(UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ """Base class for Gymnax wrappers."""
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ self._env = env
+ # provide proxy access to regular attributes of wrapped object
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self._env, name)
+class GymnaxWrapper(object):
+ """Base class for Gymnax wrappers."""
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ self._env = env
+ # provide proxy access to regular attributes of wrapped object
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self._env, name)
+# From Here: https://github.com/DramaCow/jaxued/blob/main/src/jaxued/wrappers/autoreset.py
+class AutoResetWrapper(UnderspecifiedEnvWrapper):
+ """
+ This is a wrapper around an `UnderspecifiedEnv`, allowing for the environment to be automatically reset upon completion of an episode. This behaviour is similar to the default Gymnax interface. The user can specify a callable `sample_level` that takes in a PRNGKey and returns a level.
+ Warning:
+ To maintain compliance with UnderspecifiedEnv interface, user can reset to an
+ arbitrary level. This includes levels outside the support of sample_level(). Consequently,
+ the tagged rng is defaulted to jax.random.PRNGKey(0). If your code relies on this, careful
+ attention may be required.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env: UnderspecifiedEnv, sample_level: Callable[[chex.PRNGKey], EnvState]):
+ self._env = env
+ self.sample_level = sample_level
+ @property
+ def default_params(self) -> EnvParams:
+ return self._env.default_params
+ def reset_env(self, rng, params):
+ rng, rng_sample, rng_reset = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ state_to_reset_to = self.sample_level(rng_sample)
+ return self._env.reset_env_to_pcg_level(rng_reset, state_to_reset_to, params)
+ def step_env(
+ self,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ state: EnvState,
+ action: Union[int, float],
+ params: EnvParams,
+ ) -> Tuple[chex.ArrayTree, EnvState, float, bool, dict]:
+ rng_reset, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng, 2)
+ obs_st, env_state_st, reward, done, info = self._env.step_env(rng_step, state, action, params)
+ obs_re, env_state_re = self.reset_env(rng_reset, params)
+ env_state = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), env_state_re, env_state_st)
+ obs = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), obs_re, obs_st)
+ return obs, env_state, reward, done, info
+ def reset_env_to_level(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey, level: EnvState, params: EnvParams) -> Tuple[Any, EnvState]:
+ # raise NotImplementedError("This method should not be called directly. Use reset instead.")
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset_to_level(rng, level, params)
+ return obs, env_state
+ def action_space(self, params: EnvParams) -> Any:
+ return self._env.action_space(params)
+class AutoReplayWrapper(UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ """
+ This wrapper replay the **same** level over and over again by resetting to the same level after each episode.
+ This is useful for training/rolling out multiple times on the same level.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env: UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ self._env = env
+ @property
+ def default_params(self) -> EnvParams:
+ return self._env.default_params
+ def step_env(
+ self,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ state: EnvState,
+ action: Union[int, float],
+ params: EnvParams,
+ ) -> Tuple[chex.ArrayTree, EnvState, float, bool, dict]:
+ rng_reset, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs_re, env_state_re = self._env.reset_to_level(rng_reset, state.level, params)
+ obs_st, env_state_st, reward, done, info = self._env.step_env(rng_step, state.env_state, action, params)
+ env_state = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), env_state_re, env_state_st)
+ obs = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), obs_re, obs_st)
+ return obs, state.replace(env_state=env_state), reward, done, info
+ def reset_env_to_level(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey, level: EnvState, params: EnvParams) -> Tuple[Any, EnvState]:
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset_to_level(rng, level, params)
+ return obs, AutoReplayState(env_state=env_state, level=level)
+ def action_space(self, params: EnvParams) -> Any:
+ return self._env.action_space(params)
+class AutoReplayState:
+ env_state: EnvState
+ level: EnvState
+class AutoReplayWrapper(UnderspecifiedEnvWrapper):
+ """
+ This wrapper replay the **same** level over and over again by resetting to the same level after each episode.
+ This is useful for training/rolling out multiple times on the same level.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env: UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ self._env = env
+ @property
+ def default_params(self) -> EnvParams:
+ return self._env.default_params
+ def step_env(
+ self,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ state: EnvState,
+ action: Union[int, float],
+ params: EnvParams,
+ ) -> Tuple[chex.ArrayTree, EnvState, float, bool, dict]:
+ rng_reset, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng)
+ obs_re, env_state_re = self._env.reset_to_level(rng_reset, state.level, params)
+ obs_st, env_state_st, reward, done, info = self._env.step_env(rng_step, state.env_state, action, params)
+ env_state = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), env_state_re, env_state_st)
+ obs = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jax.lax.select(done, x, y), obs_re, obs_st)
+ return obs, state.replace(env_state=env_state), reward, done, info
+ def reset_env_to_level(self, rng: chex.PRNGKey, level: EnvState, params: EnvParams) -> Tuple[Any, EnvState]:
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset_to_level(rng, level, params)
+ return obs, AutoReplayState(env_state=env_state, level=level)
+ def action_space(self, params: EnvParams) -> Any:
+ return self._env.action_space(params)
+class UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper(environment.Environment):
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ self._env = env
+ # provide proxy access to regular attributes of wrapped object
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self._env, name)
+ @property
+ def default_params(self) -> Any:
+ return self._env.default_params
+ def step_env(
+ self, key: jax.Array, state: Any, action: int | float | jax.Array | ndarray | np.bool_ | np.number, params: Any
+ ) -> Tuple[jax.Array | ndarray | np.bool_ | np.number | Any | Dict[Any, Any]]:
+ return self._env.step_env(key, state, action, params)
+ def reset_env(self, key: PRNGKey, params: Any) -> Tuple[PRNGKey | np.ndarray | np.bool_ | np.number | Any]:
+ return self._env.reset_env(key, params)
+ def action_space(self, params: Any):
+ return self._env.action_space(params)
+class BatchEnvWrapper(GymnaxWrapper):
+ """Batches reset and step functions"""
+ def __init__(self, env, num_envs: int):
+ super().__init__(env)
+ self.num_envs = num_envs
+ self.reset_fn = jax.vmap(self._env.reset, in_axes=(0, None))
+ self.reset_to_level_fn = jax.vmap(self._env.reset_to_level, in_axes=(0, 0, None))
+ self.step_fn = jax.vmap(self._env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 2))
+ def reset(self, rng, params=None):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, self.num_envs)
+ obs, env_state = self.reset_fn(rngs, params)
+ return obs, env_state
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 3))
+ def reset_to_level(self, rng, level, params=None):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, self.num_envs)
+ obs, env_state = self.reset_to_level_fn(rngs, level, params)
+ return obs, env_state
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 4))
+ def step(self, rng, state, action, params=None):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(_rng, self.num_envs)
+ obs, state, reward, done, info = self.step_fn(rngs, state, action, params)
+ return obs, state, reward, done, info
+class DenseRewardState:
+ env_state: EnvState
+ last_distance: float = -1.0
+class DenseRewardWrapper(GymnaxWrapper):
+ def __init__(self, env, dense_reward_scale: float = 1.0) -> None:
+ super().__init__(env)
+ self.dense_reward_scale = dense_reward_scale
+ def step(self, key, state, action: int, params=None):
+ obs, env_state, reward, done, info = self._env.step_env(key, state.env_state, action, params)
+ delta_dist = (
+ -(info["distance"] - state.last_distance) * params.dense_reward_scale
+ ) # if distance got less, then reward is positive
+ delta_dist = jnp.nan_to_num(delta_dist, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0, neginf=0.0)
+ reward = reward + jax.lax.select(
+ (state.last_distance == -1) | (self.dense_reward_scale == 0.0), 0.0, delta_dist * self.dense_reward_scale
+ )
+ return obs, DenseRewardState(env_state, info["distance"]), reward, done, info
+ def reset(self, rng, params=None):
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset(rng, params)
+ return obs, DenseRewardState(env_state, -1.0)
+ def reset_to_level(self, rng, level, params=None):
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset_to_level(rng, level, params)
+ return obs, DenseRewardState(env_state, -1.0)
+class LogEnvState:
+ env_state: Any
+ episode_returns: float
+ episode_lengths: int
+ returned_episode_returns: float
+ returned_episode_lengths: int
+ timestep: int
+class LogWrapper(GymnaxWrapper):
+ """Log the episode returns and lengths."""
+ def __init__(self, env):
+ super().__init__(env)
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 2))
+ def reset(self, key: chex.PRNGKey, params=None):
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset(key, params)
+ state = LogEnvState(env_state, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0)
+ return obs, state
+ def reset_to_level(self, key: chex.PRNGKey, level: EnvState, params=None):
+ obs, env_state = self._env.reset_to_level(key, level, params)
+ state = LogEnvState(env_state, 0.0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0)
+ return obs, state
+ @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 4))
+ def step(
+ self,
+ key: chex.PRNGKey,
+ state,
+ action: Union[int, float],
+ params=None,
+ ):
+ obs, env_state, reward, done, info = self._env.step(key, state.env_state, action, params)
+ new_episode_return = state.episode_returns + reward
+ new_episode_length = state.episode_lengths + 1
+ state = LogEnvState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ episode_returns=new_episode_return * (1 - done),
+ episode_lengths=new_episode_length * (1 - done),
+ returned_episode_returns=state.returned_episode_returns * (1 - done) + new_episode_return * done,
+ returned_episode_lengths=state.returned_episode_lengths * (1 - done) + new_episode_length * done,
+ timestep=state.timestep + 1,
+ )
+ info["returned_episode_returns"] = state.returned_episode_returns
+ info["returned_episode_lengths"] = state.returned_episode_lengths
+ info["returned_episode_solved"] = info["GoalR"]
+ info["timestep"] = state.timestep
+ info["returned_episode"] = done
+ return obs, state, reward, done, info
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\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import (
+ ActorCriticPixelsRNN,
+ ActorCriticSymbolicRNN,
+from kinetix.models.transformer_model import ActorCriticTransformer
+def make_network_from_config(env, env_params, config, network_kws={}):
+ env_name = config["env_name"]
+ if "MultiDiscrete" in env_name:
+ action_mode = "multi_discrete"
+ elif "Discrete" in env_name:
+ action_mode = "discrete"
+ elif "Continuous" in env_name:
+ action_mode = "continuous"
+ elif "Hybrid" in env_name:
+ action_mode = "hybrid"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown action mode for {env_name}")
+ action_dim = (
+ env.action_space(env_params).shape[0] if action_mode == "continuous" else env.action_space(env_params).n
+ )
+ if "hybrid_action_continuous_dim" not in network_kws:
+ network_kws["hybrid_action_continuous_dim"] = action_dim
+ if "multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution" not in network_kws:
+ num_joint_bindings = config["static_env_params"]["num_motor_bindings"]
+ num_thruster_bindings = config["static_env_params"]["num_thruster_bindings"]
+ network_kws["multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution"] = [3 for _ in range(num_joint_bindings)] + [
+ 2 for _ in range(num_thruster_bindings)
+ ]
+ network_kws["recurrent"] = config.get("recurrent_model", True)
+ if "Pixels" in env_name:
+ cls_to_use = ActorCriticPixelsRNN
+ elif "Symbolic" in env_name or "Blind" in env_name:
+ cls_to_use = ActorCriticSymbolicRNN
+ if "Entity" in env_name:
+ network = ActorCriticTransformer(
+ action_dim=action_dim,
+ fc_layer_width=config["fc_layer_width"],
+ fc_layer_depth=config["fc_layer_depth"],
+ action_mode=action_mode,
+ num_heads=config["num_heads"],
+ transformer_depth=config["transformer_depth"],
+ transformer_size=config["transformer_size"],
+ transformer_encoder_size=config["transformer_encoder_size"],
+ aggregate_mode=config["aggregate_mode"],
+ full_attention_mask=config["full_attention_mask"],
+ activation=config["activation"],
+ **network_kws,
+ )
+ else:
+ network = cls_to_use(
+ action_dim,
+ fc_layer_width=config["fc_layer_width"],
+ fc_layer_depth=config["fc_layer_depth"],
+ activation=config["activation"],
+ action_mode=action_mode,
+ **network_kws,
+ )
+ return network
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/models/action_spaces.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/action_spaces.py
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+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/action_spaces.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+from typing import Any, Sequence
+from chex import PRNGKey
+import distrax
+from flax import struct
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+class HybridAction:
+ discrete: int
+ continuous: jnp.ndarray
+class HybridActionDistribution(distrax.Distribution):
+ def __init__(self, discrete_logits, continuous_mu, continuous_sigma) -> None:
+ self.discrete = distrax.Categorical(logits=discrete_logits)
+ self.continuous = distrax.MultivariateNormalDiag(continuous_mu, continuous_sigma)
+ def _sample_n(self, rng: PRNGKey, n: int) -> Any:
+ rng, _rng, _rng2 = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ a = self.discrete._sample_n(_rng, n)
+ b = self.continuous._sample_n(_rng2, n)
+ return HybridAction(a, b)
+ def log_prob(self, value: Any):
+ a = self.discrete.log_prob(value.discrete)
+ b = self.continuous.log_prob(value.continuous)
+ return a + b # log probs, we add.
+ def entropy(self):
+ return self.discrete.entropy() + self.continuous.entropy()
+ def event_shape(self) -> Sequence[int]:
+ return ()
+class MultiDiscreteActionDistribution(distrax.Distribution):
+ def __init__(self, flat_logits, number_of_dims_per_distribution) -> None:
+ self.distributions = []
+ total_dims = 0
+ for dims in number_of_dims_per_distribution:
+ self.distributions.append(distrax.Categorical(logits=flat_logits[..., total_dims : total_dims + dims]))
+ total_dims += dims
+ def _sample_n(self, key: PRNGKey, n: int) -> Any:
+ rngs = jax.random.split(key, len(self.distributions))
+ samples = [jnp.expand_dims(d._sample_n(rng, n), axis=-1) for rng, d in zip(rngs, self.distributions)]
+ return jnp.concatenate(samples, axis=-1)
+ def log_prob(self, value: Any):
+ return sum(d.log_prob(value[..., i]) for i, d in enumerate(self.distributions))
+ def entropy(self):
+ return sum(d.entropy() for d in self.distributions)
+ def event_shape(self) -> Sequence[int]:
+ return ()
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/models/actor_critic.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/actor_critic.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/actor_critic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+import functools
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import flax.linen as nn
+import numpy as np
+from flax.linen.initializers import constant, orthogonal
+from typing import List, Sequence
+import distrax
+from kinetix.models.action_spaces import HybridActionDistribution, MultiDiscreteActionDistribution
+class ScannedRNN(nn.Module):
+ @functools.partial(
+ nn.scan,
+ variable_broadcast="params",
+ in_axes=0,
+ out_axes=0,
+ split_rngs={"params": False},
+ )
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, carry, x):
+ """Applies the module."""
+ rnn_state = carry
+ ins, resets = x
+ rnn_state = jnp.where(
+ resets[:, np.newaxis],
+ self.initialize_carry(ins.shape[0], 256),
+ rnn_state,
+ )
+ new_rnn_state, y = nn.GRUCell(features=256)(rnn_state, ins)
+ return new_rnn_state, y
+ @staticmethod
+ def initialize_carry(batch_size, hidden_size=256):
+ # Use a dummy key since the default state init fn is just zeros.
+ cell = nn.GRUCell(features=256)
+ return cell.initialize_carry(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), (batch_size, hidden_size))
+class GeneralActorCriticRNN(nn.Module):
+ action_dim: Sequence[int]
+ fc_layer_depth: int
+ fc_layer_width: int
+ action_mode: str # "continuous" or "discrete" or "hybrid"
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim: int
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution: List[int]
+ add_generator_embedding: bool = False
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps: int = 10
+ recurrent: bool = False
+ # Given an embedding, return the action/values, since this is shared across all models.
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, hidden, obs, embedding, dones, activation):
+ if self.add_generator_embedding:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ if self.recurrent:
+ rnn_in = (embedding, dones)
+ hidden, embedding = ScannedRNN()(hidden, rnn_in)
+ actor_mean = embedding
+ critic = embedding
+ actor_mean_last = embedding
+ for _ in range(self.fc_layer_depth):
+ actor_mean = nn.Dense(
+ self.fc_layer_width,
+ kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)),
+ bias_init=constant(0.0),
+ )(actor_mean)
+ actor_mean = activation(actor_mean)
+ critic = nn.Dense(
+ self.fc_layer_width,
+ kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)),
+ bias_init=constant(0.0),
+ )(critic)
+ critic = activation(critic)
+ actor_mean_last = actor_mean
+ actor_mean = nn.Dense(self.action_dim, kernel_init=orthogonal(0.01), bias_init=constant(0.0))(actor_mean)
+ if self.action_mode == "discrete":
+ pi = distrax.Categorical(logits=actor_mean)
+ elif self.action_mode == "continuous":
+ actor_logtstd = self.param("log_std", nn.initializers.zeros, (self.action_dim,))
+ pi = distrax.MultivariateNormalDiag(actor_mean, jnp.exp(actor_logtstd))
+ elif self.action_mode == "multi_discrete":
+ pi = MultiDiscreteActionDistribution(actor_mean, self.multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution)
+ else:
+ actor_mean_continuous = nn.Dense(
+ self.hybrid_action_continuous_dim, kernel_init=orthogonal(0.01), bias_init=constant(0.0)
+ )(actor_mean_last)
+ actor_mean_sigma = jnp.exp(
+ nn.Dense(self.hybrid_action_continuous_dim, kernel_init=orthogonal(0.01), bias_init=constant(0.0))(
+ actor_mean_last
+ )
+ )
+ pi = HybridActionDistribution(actor_mean, actor_mean_continuous, actor_mean_sigma)
+ critic = nn.Dense(1, kernel_init=orthogonal(1.0), bias_init=constant(0.0))(critic)
+ return hidden, pi, jnp.squeeze(critic, axis=-1)
+class ActorCriticPixelsRNN(nn.Module):
+ action_dim: Sequence[int]
+ fc_layer_depth: int
+ fc_layer_width: int
+ action_mode: str
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim: int
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution: List[int]
+ activation: str
+ add_generator_embedding: bool = False
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps: int = 10
+ recurrent: bool = True
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, hidden, x, **kwargs):
+ if self.activation == "relu":
+ activation = nn.relu
+ else:
+ activation = nn.tanh
+ og_obs, dones = x
+ if self.add_generator_embedding:
+ obs = og_obs.obs
+ else:
+ obs = og_obs
+ image = obs.image
+ global_info = obs.global_info
+ x = nn.Conv(features=16, kernel_size=(8, 8), strides=(4, 4))(image)
+ x = nn.relu(x)
+ x = nn.Conv(features=32, kernel_size=(4, 4), strides=(2, 2))(x)
+ x = nn.relu(x)
+ embedding = x.reshape(x.shape[0], x.shape[1], -1)
+ embedding = jnp.concatenate([embedding, global_info], axis=-1)
+ return GeneralActorCriticRNN(
+ action_dim=self.action_dim,
+ fc_layer_depth=self.fc_layer_depth,
+ fc_layer_width=self.fc_layer_width,
+ action_mode=self.action_mode,
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim=self.hybrid_action_continuous_dim,
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution=self.multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution,
+ add_generator_embedding=self.add_generator_embedding,
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps=self.generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps,
+ recurrent=self.recurrent,
+ )(hidden, og_obs, embedding, dones, activation)
+ @staticmethod
+ def initialize_carry(batch_size, hidden_size=256):
+ return ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(batch_size, hidden_size)
+class ActorCriticSymbolicRNN(nn.Module):
+ action_dim: Sequence[int]
+ fc_layer_width: int
+ action_mode: str
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim: int
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution: List[int]
+ fc_layer_depth: int
+ activation: str
+ add_generator_embedding: bool = False
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps: int = 10
+ recurrent: bool = True
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, hidden, x):
+ if self.activation == "relu":
+ activation = nn.relu
+ else:
+ activation = nn.tanh
+ og_obs, dones = x
+ if self.add_generator_embedding:
+ obs = og_obs.obs
+ else:
+ obs = og_obs
+ embedding = nn.Dense(
+ self.fc_layer_width,
+ kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)),
+ bias_init=constant(0.0),
+ )(obs)
+ embedding = nn.relu(embedding)
+ return GeneralActorCriticRNN(
+ action_dim=self.action_dim,
+ fc_layer_depth=self.fc_layer_depth,
+ fc_layer_width=self.fc_layer_width,
+ action_mode=self.action_mode,
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim=self.hybrid_action_continuous_dim,
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution=self.multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution,
+ add_generator_embedding=self.add_generator_embedding,
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps=self.generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps,
+ recurrent=self.recurrent,
+ )(hidden, og_obs, embedding, dones, activation)
+ @staticmethod
+ def initialize_carry(batch_size, hidden_size=256):
+ return ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(batch_size, hidden_size)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/models/rel_multi_head.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/rel_multi_head.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d5db2427052eda3f609d4edbd7f3500d4e482c9
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+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/rel_multi_head.py
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+# Copyright 2023 The Flax Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# CODE IS HEAVILY INSPIRED FROM https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/v4.40.1/src/transformers/models/deprecated/transfo_xl/modeling_transfo_xl.py
+"""Relative Attention HEAVILY INSPIRED FROM https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/v4.40.1/src/transformers/models/deprecated/transfo_xl/modeling_transfo_xl.py
+, flax attention, https://github.com/kimiyoung/transformer-xl/blob/master/pytorch/mem_transformer.py#L143, most of the time just a flax/jax conversion """
+import functools
+from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple
+from flax.linen.dtypes import promote_dtype
+from flax.linen import initializers
+from flax.linen.linear import default_kernel_init
+from flax.linen.linear import DenseGeneral
+from flax.linen.linear import DotGeneralT
+from flax.linen.linear import PrecisionLike
+from flax.linen.module import compact
+from flax.linen.module import merge_param
+from flax.linen.module import Module
+import jax
+from jax import lax
+from jax import random
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+PRNGKey = Any
+Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
+Dtype = Any
+Array = Any
+roll_vmap = jax.vmap(jnp.roll, in_axes=(-2, 0, None), out_axes=-2)
+def _rel_shift(x):
+ zero_pad_shape = x.shape[:-2] + (x.shape[-2], 1)
+ zero_pad = jnp.zeros(zero_pad_shape, dtype=x.dtype)
+ x_padded = jnp.concatenate([zero_pad, x], axis=-1)
+ x_padded_shape = x.shape[:-2] + (x.shape[-1] + 1, x.shape[-2])
+ x_padded = x_padded.reshape(x_padded_shape)
+ # x_padded=jnp.swapaxes(x_padded,0,1)
+ x = jnp.take(x_padded, jnp.arange(1, x_padded.shape[-2]), axis=-2).reshape(x.shape)
+ return x
+def dot_product_attention_weights(
+ query: Array,
+ key: Array,
+ r_pos_embed,
+ r_r_bias,
+ r_w_bias,
+ bias: Optional[Array] = None,
+ mask: Optional[Array] = None,
+ broadcast_dropout: bool = True,
+ dropout_rng: Optional[PRNGKey] = None,
+ dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
+ deterministic: bool = False,
+ dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None,
+ precision: PrecisionLike = None,
+ """Computes dot-product attention weights given query and key.
+ Used by :func:`dot_product_attention`, which is what you'll most likely use.
+ But if you want access to the attention weights for introspection, then
+ you can directly call this function and call einsum yourself.
+ Args:
+ query: queries for calculating attention with shape of
+ `[batch..., q_length, num_heads, qk_depth_per_head]`.
+ key: keys for calculating attention with shape of
+ `[batch..., kv_length, num_heads, qk_depth_per_head]`.
+ bias: bias for the attention weights. This should be broadcastable to the
+ shape `[batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length]`.
+ This can be used for incorporating causal masks, padding masks,
+ proximity bias, etc.
+ mask: mask for the attention weights. This should be broadcastable to the
+ shape `[batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length]`.
+ This can be used for incorporating causal masks.
+ Attention weights are masked out if their corresponding mask value
+ is `False`.
+ broadcast_dropout: bool: use a broadcasted dropout along batch dims.
+ dropout_rng: JAX PRNGKey: to be used for dropout
+ dropout_rate: dropout rate
+ deterministic: bool, deterministic or not (to apply dropout)
+ dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: infer from inputs and params)
+ precision: numerical precision of the computation see `jax.lax.Precision`
+ for details.
+ Returns:
+ Output of shape `[batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length]`.
+ """
+ query, key = promote_dtype(query, key, dtype=dtype)
+ dtype = query.dtype
+ assert query.ndim == key.ndim, "q, k must have same rank."
+ assert query.shape[:-3] == key.shape[:-3], "q, k batch dims must match."
+ assert query.shape[-2] == key.shape[-2], "q, k num_heads must match."
+ assert query.shape[-1] == key.shape[-1], "q, k depths must match."
+ # calculate attention matrix
+ depth = query.shape[-1]
+ # query = query
+ # attn weight shape is (batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length)
+ attn_weights = jnp.einsum("...qhd,...khd->...hqk", query + r_w_bias, key, precision=precision)
+ attn_weights_r = jnp.einsum("...qhd,khd->...hqk", query + r_r_bias, r_pos_embed, precision=precision)
+ attn_weights_r = roll_vmap(attn_weights_r, jnp.arange(0, query.shape[-3]) - (query.shape[-3] - 1), -1)
+ # attn_weights_r=_rel_shift(attn_weights_r)
+ attn_weights = attn_weights + attn_weights_r
+ attn_weights = attn_weights / jnp.sqrt(depth).astype(dtype)
+ # apply attention bias: masking, dropout, proximity bias, etc.
+ if bias is not None:
+ attn_weights = attn_weights + bias
+ # apply attention mask
+ if mask is not None:
+ big_neg = jnp.finfo(dtype).min
+ attn_weights = jnp.where(mask, attn_weights, big_neg)
+ # normalize the attention weights
+ attn_weights = jax.nn.softmax(attn_weights).astype(dtype)
+ # apply attention dropout
+ if not deterministic and dropout_rate > 0.0:
+ keep_prob = 1.0 - dropout_rate
+ if broadcast_dropout:
+ # dropout is broadcast across the batch + head dimensions
+ dropout_shape = tuple([1] * (key.ndim - 2)) + attn_weights.shape[-2:]
+ keep = random.bernoulli(dropout_rng, keep_prob, dropout_shape) # type: ignore
+ else:
+ keep = random.bernoulli(dropout_rng, keep_prob, attn_weights.shape) # type: ignore
+ multiplier = keep.astype(dtype) / jnp.asarray(keep_prob, dtype=dtype)
+ attn_weights = attn_weights * multiplier
+ return attn_weights
+def dot_product_attention(
+ query: Array,
+ key: Array,
+ value: Array,
+ r_pos_embed,
+ r_r_bias,
+ r_w_bias,
+ bias: Optional[Array] = None,
+ mask: Optional[Array] = None,
+ broadcast_dropout: bool = True,
+ dropout_rng: Optional[PRNGKey] = None,
+ dropout_rate: float = 0.0,
+ deterministic: bool = False,
+ dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None,
+ precision: PrecisionLike = None,
+ """Computes dot-product attention given query, key, and value.
+ This is the core function for applying attention based on
+ https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762. It calculates the attention weights given
+ query and key and combines the values using the attention weights.
+ Note: query, key, value needn't have any batch dimensions.
+ Args:
+ query: queries for calculating attention with shape of
+ `[batch..., q_length, num_heads, qk_depth_per_head]`.
+ key: keys for calculating attention with shape of
+ `[batch..., kv_length, num_heads, qk_depth_per_head]`.
+ value: values to be used in attention with shape of
+ `[batch..., kv_length, num_heads, v_depth_per_head]`.
+ bias: bias for the attention weights. This should be broadcastable to the
+ shape `[batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length]`.
+ This can be used for incorporating causal masks, padding masks,
+ proximity bias, etc.
+ mask: mask for the attention weights. This should be broadcastable to the
+ shape `[batch..., num_heads, q_length, kv_length]`.
+ This can be used for incorporating causal masks.
+ Attention weights are masked out if their corresponding mask value
+ is `False`.
+ broadcast_dropout: bool: use a broadcasted dropout along batch dims.
+ dropout_rng: JAX PRNGKey: to be used for dropout
+ dropout_rate: dropout rate
+ deterministic: bool, deterministic or not (to apply dropout)
+ dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: infer from inputs)
+ precision: numerical precision of the computation see `jax.lax.Precision`
+ for details.
+ Returns:
+ Output of shape `[batch..., q_length, num_heads, v_depth_per_head]`.
+ """
+ query, key, value = promote_dtype(query, key, value, dtype=dtype)
+ dtype = query.dtype
+ assert key.ndim == query.ndim == value.ndim, "q, k, v must have same rank."
+ assert query.shape[:-3] == key.shape[:-3] == value.shape[:-3], "q, k, v batch dims must match."
+ assert query.shape[-2] == key.shape[-2] == value.shape[-2], "q, k, v num_heads must match."
+ assert key.shape[-3] == value.shape[-3], "k, v lengths must match."
+ # compute attention weights
+ attn_weights = dot_product_attention_weights(
+ query,
+ key,
+ r_pos_embed,
+ r_r_bias,
+ r_w_bias,
+ bias,
+ mask,
+ broadcast_dropout,
+ dropout_rng,
+ dropout_rate,
+ deterministic,
+ dtype,
+ precision,
+ )
+ # return weighted sum over values for each query position
+ return jnp.einsum("...hqk,...khd->...qhd", attn_weights, value, precision=precision)
+class RelMultiHeadDotProductAttention(Module):
+ """Multi-head dot-product attention.
+ Attributes:
+ num_heads: number of attention heads. Features (i.e. inputs_q.shape[-1])
+ should be divisible by the number of heads.
+ dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: infer from inputs and params)
+ param_dtype: the dtype passed to parameter initializers (default: float32)
+ qkv_features: dimension of the key, query, and value.
+ out_features: dimension of the last projection
+ broadcast_dropout: bool: use a broadcasted dropout along batch dims.
+ dropout_rate: dropout rate
+ deterministic: if false, the attention weight is masked randomly using
+ dropout, whereas if true, the attention weights are deterministic.
+ precision: numerical precision of the computation see `jax.lax.Precision`
+ for details.
+ kernel_init: initializer for the kernel of the Dense layers.
+ bias_init: initializer for the bias of the Dense layers.
+ use_bias: bool: whether pointwise QKVO dense transforms use bias.
+ attention_fn: dot_product_attention or compatible function. Accepts query,
+ key, value, and returns output of shape `[bs, dim1, dim2, ..., dimN,,
+ num_heads, value_channels]``
+ decode: whether to prepare and use an autoregressive cache.
+ """
+ num_heads: int
+ dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None
+ param_dtype: Dtype = jnp.float32
+ qkv_features: Optional[int] = None
+ out_features: Optional[int] = None
+ broadcast_dropout: bool = True
+ dropout_rate: float = 0.0
+ deterministic: Optional[bool] = None
+ precision: PrecisionLike = None
+ kernel_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = default_kernel_init
+ bias_init: Callable[[PRNGKey, Shape, Dtype], Array] = initializers.zeros_init()
+ use_bias: bool = True
+ attention_fn: Callable[..., Array] = dot_product_attention
+ decode: bool = False
+ qkv_dot_general: DotGeneralT = lax.dot_general
+ out_dot_general: DotGeneralT = lax.dot_general
+ @compact
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ inputs_q: Array,
+ inputs_kv: Array,
+ pos_embed: Array,
+ mask: Optional[Array] = None,
+ deterministic: Optional[bool] = None,
+ ):
+ """Applies multi-head dot product attention on the input data.
+ Projects the inputs into multi-headed query, key, and value vectors,
+ applies dot-product attention and project the results to an output vector.
+ Args:
+ inputs_q: input queries of shape
+ `[batch_sizes..., length, features]`.
+ inputs_kv: key/values of shape
+ `[batch_sizes..., length, features]`.
+ mask: attention mask of shape
+ `[batch_sizes..., num_heads, query_length, key/value_length]`.
+ Attention weights are masked out if their corresponding mask value
+ is `False`.
+ deterministic: if false, the attention weight is masked randomly
+ using dropout, whereas if true, the attention weights
+ are deterministic.
+ Returns:
+ output of shape `[batch_sizes..., length, features]`.
+ """
+ features = self.out_features or inputs_q.shape[-1]
+ qkv_features = self.qkv_features or inputs_q.shape[-1]
+ assert qkv_features % self.num_heads == 0, (
+ f"Memory dimension ({qkv_features}) must be divisible by number of" f" heads ({self.num_heads})."
+ )
+ head_dim = qkv_features // self.num_heads
+ dense = functools.partial(
+ DenseGeneral,
+ axis=-1,
+ dtype=self.dtype,
+ param_dtype=self.param_dtype,
+ features=(self.num_heads, head_dim),
+ kernel_init=self.kernel_init,
+ bias_init=self.bias_init,
+ use_bias=self.use_bias,
+ precision=self.precision,
+ dot_general=self.qkv_dot_general,
+ )
+ # project inputs_q to multi-headed q/k/v
+ # dimensions are then [batch..., length, n_heads, n_features_per_head]
+ query, key, value = (
+ dense(name="query")(inputs_q),
+ dense(name="key")(inputs_kv),
+ dense(name="value")(inputs_kv),
+ )
+ # different bc no bias
+ dense_relpos = functools.partial(
+ DenseGeneral,
+ axis=-1,
+ dtype=self.dtype,
+ param_dtype=self.param_dtype,
+ features=(self.num_heads, head_dim),
+ kernel_init=self.kernel_init,
+ use_bias=False,
+ precision=self.precision,
+ dot_general=self.qkv_dot_general,
+ )
+ r_pos_embed = dense_relpos(name="pos_embed_mat")(pos_embed)
+ r_r_bias = self.param("r_r_bias", self.bias_init, (self.num_heads, head_dim)) # Initialization function
+ r_w_bias = self.param("r_w_bias", self.bias_init, (self.num_heads, head_dim)) # Initialization function
+ # During fast autoregressive decoding, we feed one position at a time,
+ # and cache the keys and values step by step.
+ if self.decode:
+ # detect if we're initializing by absence of existing cache data.
+ is_initialized = self.has_variable("cache", "cached_key")
+ cached_key = self.variable("cache", "cached_key", jnp.zeros, key.shape, key.dtype)
+ cached_value = self.variable("cache", "cached_value", jnp.zeros, value.shape, value.dtype)
+ cache_index = self.variable("cache", "cache_index", lambda: jnp.array(0, dtype=jnp.int32))
+ if is_initialized:
+ (
+ *batch_dims,
+ max_length,
+ num_heads,
+ depth_per_head,
+ ) = cached_key.value.shape
+ # shape check of cached keys against query input
+ expected_shape = tuple(batch_dims) + (1, num_heads, depth_per_head)
+ if expected_shape != query.shape:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Autoregressive cache shape error, "
+ "expected query shape %s instead got %s." % (expected_shape, query.shape)
+ )
+ # update key, value caches with our new 1d spatial slices
+ cur_index = cache_index.value
+ indices = (0,) * len(batch_dims) + (cur_index, 0, 0)
+ key = lax.dynamic_update_slice(cached_key.value, key, indices)
+ value = lax.dynamic_update_slice(cached_value.value, value, indices)
+ cached_key.value = key
+ cached_value.value = value
+ cache_index.value = cache_index.value + 1
+ # causal mask for cached decoder self-attention:
+ # our single query position should only attend to those key
+ # positions that have already been generated and cached,
+ # not the remaining zero elements.
+ mask = combine_masks(
+ mask,
+ jnp.broadcast_to(
+ jnp.arange(max_length) <= cur_index,
+ tuple(batch_dims) + (1, 1, max_length),
+ ),
+ )
+ dropout_rng = None
+ if self.dropout_rate > 0.0: # Require `deterministic` only if using dropout.
+ m_deterministic = merge_param("deterministic", self.deterministic, deterministic)
+ if not m_deterministic:
+ dropout_rng = self.make_rng("dropout")
+ else:
+ m_deterministic = True
+ # apply attention
+ x = self.attention_fn(
+ query,
+ key,
+ value,
+ r_pos_embed,
+ r_r_bias,
+ r_w_bias,
+ mask=mask,
+ dropout_rng=dropout_rng,
+ dropout_rate=self.dropout_rate,
+ broadcast_dropout=self.broadcast_dropout,
+ deterministic=m_deterministic,
+ dtype=self.dtype,
+ precision=self.precision,
+ ) # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args
+ # back to the original inputs dimensions
+ out = DenseGeneral(
+ features=features,
+ axis=(-2, -1),
+ kernel_init=self.kernel_init,
+ bias_init=self.bias_init,
+ use_bias=self.use_bias,
+ dtype=self.dtype,
+ param_dtype=self.param_dtype,
+ precision=self.precision,
+ dot_general=self.out_dot_general,
+ name="out", # type: ignore[call-arg]
+ )(x)
+ return out
+class SelfAttention(RelMultiHeadDotProductAttention):
+ """Self-attention special case of multi-head dot-product attention."""
+ @compact
+ def __call__( # type: ignore
+ self,
+ inputs_q: Array,
+ mask: Optional[Array] = None,
+ deterministic: Optional[bool] = None,
+ ):
+ """Applies multi-head dot product self-attention on the input data.
+ Projects the inputs into multi-headed query, key, and value vectors,
+ applies dot-product attention and project the results to an output vector.
+ Args:
+ inputs_q: input queries of shape
+ `[batch_sizes..., length, features]`.
+ mask: attention mask of shape
+ `[batch_sizes..., num_heads, query_length, key/value_length]`.
+ Attention weights are masked out if their corresponding mask value
+ is `False`.
+ deterministic: if false, the attention weight is masked randomly
+ using dropout, whereas if true, the attention weights
+ are deterministic.
+ Returns:
+ output of shape `[batch_sizes..., length, features]`.
+ """
+ return super().__call__(inputs_q, inputs_q, mask, deterministic=deterministic)
+# mask-making utility functions
+def make_attention_mask(
+ query_input: Array,
+ key_input: Array,
+ pairwise_fn: Callable[..., Any] = jnp.multiply,
+ extra_batch_dims: int = 0,
+ dtype: Dtype = jnp.float32,
+ """Mask-making helper for attention weights.
+ In case of 1d inputs (i.e., `[batch..., len_q]`, `[batch..., len_kv]`, the
+ attention weights will be `[batch..., heads, len_q, len_kv]` and this
+ function will produce `[batch..., 1, len_q, len_kv]`.
+ Args:
+ query_input: a batched, flat input of query_length size
+ key_input: a batched, flat input of key_length size
+ pairwise_fn: broadcasting elementwise comparison function
+ extra_batch_dims: number of extra batch dims to add singleton
+ axes for, none by default
+ dtype: mask return dtype
+ Returns:
+ A `[batch..., 1, len_q, len_kv]` shaped mask for 1d attention.
+ """
+ mask = pairwise_fn(jnp.expand_dims(query_input, axis=-1), jnp.expand_dims(key_input, axis=-2))
+ mask = jnp.expand_dims(mask, axis=-3)
+ mask = jnp.expand_dims(mask, axis=tuple(range(extra_batch_dims)))
+ return mask.astype(dtype)
+def make_causal_mask(x: Array, extra_batch_dims: int = 0, dtype: Dtype = jnp.float32) -> Array:
+ """Make a causal mask for self-attention.
+ In case of 1d inputs (i.e., `[batch..., len]`, the self-attention weights
+ will be `[batch..., heads, len, len]` and this function will produce a
+ causal mask of shape `[batch..., 1, len, len]`.
+ Args:
+ x: input array of shape `[batch..., len]`
+ extra_batch_dims: number of batch dims to add singleton axes for,
+ none by default
+ dtype: mask return dtype
+ Returns:
+ A `[batch..., 1, len, len]` shaped causal mask for 1d attention.
+ """
+ idxs = jnp.broadcast_to(jnp.arange(x.shape[-1], dtype=jnp.int32), x.shape)
+ return make_attention_mask(
+ idxs,
+ idxs,
+ jnp.greater_equal,
+ extra_batch_dims=extra_batch_dims,
+ dtype=dtype,
+ )
+def combine_masks(*masks: Optional[Array], dtype: Dtype = jnp.float32) -> Array:
+ """Combine attention masks.
+ Args:
+ *masks: set of attention mask arguments to combine, some can be None.
+ dtype: dtype for the returned mask.
+ Returns:
+ Combined mask, reduced by logical and, returns None if no masks given.
+ """
+ masks_list = [m for m in masks if m is not None]
+ if not masks_list:
+ return None
+ assert all(
+ map(lambda x: x.ndim == masks_list[0].ndim, masks_list)
+ ), f"masks must have same rank: {tuple(map(lambda x: x.ndim, masks_list))}"
+ mask, *other_masks = masks_list
+ for other_mask in other_masks:
+ mask = jnp.logical_and(mask, other_mask)
+ return mask.astype(dtype)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/models/transformer_model.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/transformer_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdb9c61ff67006fa7ab4db86c3505ed2baf3b432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/models/transformer_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+import functools
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import flax.linen as nn
+import numpy as np
+from flax.linen.initializers import constant, orthogonal
+from typing import List, Sequence
+import distrax
+import jax
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import GeneralActorCriticRNN, ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_entity import EntityObservation
+from flax.linen.attention import MultiHeadDotProductAttention
+class Gating(nn.Module):
+ # code taken from https://github.com/dhruvramani/Transformers-RL/blob/master/layers.py
+ d_input: int
+ bg: float = 0.0
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, x, y):
+ r = jax.nn.sigmoid(nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(y) + nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(x))
+ z = jax.nn.sigmoid(
+ nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(y)
+ + nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(x)
+ - self.param("gating_bias", constant(self.bg), (self.d_input,))
+ )
+ h = jnp.tanh(nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(y) + nn.Dense(self.d_input, use_bias=False)(r * x))
+ g = (1 - z) * x + (z * h)
+ return g
+class transformer_layer(nn.Module):
+ num_heads: int
+ out_features: int
+ qkv_features: int
+ gating: bool = False
+ gating_bias: float = 0.0
+ def setup(self):
+ self.attention1 = MultiHeadDotProductAttention(
+ num_heads=self.num_heads, qkv_features=self.qkv_features, out_features=self.out_features
+ )
+ self.ln1 = nn.LayerNorm()
+ self.dense1 = nn.Dense(self.out_features)
+ self.dense2 = nn.Dense(self.out_features)
+ self.ln2 = nn.LayerNorm()
+ if self.gating:
+ self.gate1 = Gating(self.out_features, self.gating_bias)
+ self.gate2 = Gating(self.out_features, self.gating_bias)
+ def __call__(self, queries: jnp.ndarray, mask: jnp.ndarray):
+ # After reading the paper, this is what I think we should do:
+ # First layernorm, then do attention
+ queries_n = self.ln1(queries)
+ y = self.attention1(queries_n, mask=mask)
+ if self.gating: # and gate
+ y = self.gate1(queries, jax.nn.relu(y))
+ else:
+ y = queries + y
+ # Dense after norming, crucially no relu.
+ e = self.dense1(self.ln2(y))
+ if self.gating: # and gate again
+ # This may be the wrong way around
+ e = self.gate2(y, jax.nn.relu(e))
+ else:
+ e = y + e
+ return e
+class Transformer(nn.Module):
+ encoder_size: int
+ num_heads: int
+ qkv_features: int
+ num_layers: int
+ gating: bool = False
+ gating_bias: float = 0.0
+ def setup(self):
+ # self.encoder = nn.Dense(self.encoder_size)
+ # self.positional_encoding = PositionalEncoding(self.encoder_size, max_len=self.max_len)
+ self.tf_layers = [
+ transformer_layer(
+ num_heads=self.num_heads,
+ qkv_features=self.qkv_features,
+ out_features=self.encoder_size,
+ gating=self.gating,
+ gating_bias=self.gating_bias,
+ )
+ for _ in range(self.num_layers)
+ ]
+ self.joint_layers = [nn.Dense(self.encoder_size) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
+ self.thruster_layers = [nn.Dense(self.encoder_size) for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
+ # self.pos_emb=PositionalEmbedding(self.encoder_size)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ shape_embeddings: jnp.ndarray,
+ shape_attention_mask,
+ joint_embeddings,
+ joint_mask,
+ joint_indexes,
+ thruster_embeddings,
+ thruster_mask,
+ thruster_indexes,
+ ):
+ # forward eval so obs is only one timestep
+ # encoded = self.encoder(shape_embeddings)
+ # pos_embed=self.pos_emb(jnp.arange(1+memories.shape[-3],-1,-1))[:1+memories.shape[-3]]
+ for tf_layer, joint_layer, thruster_layer in zip(self.tf_layers, self.joint_layers, self.thruster_layers):
+ # Do attention
+ shape_embeddings = tf_layer(shape_embeddings, shape_attention_mask)
+ # Joints
+ # T, B, 2J, (2SE + JE)
+ @jax.vmap
+ @jax.vmap
+ def do_index2(to_ind, ind):
+ return to_ind[ind]
+ joint_shape_embeddings = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ do_index2(shape_embeddings, joint_indexes[..., 0]),
+ do_index2(shape_embeddings, joint_indexes[..., 1]),
+ joint_embeddings,
+ ],
+ axis=-1,
+ )
+ shape_joint_entity_delta = joint_layer(joint_shape_embeddings) * joint_mask[..., None]
+ @jax.vmap
+ @jax.vmap
+ def add2(addee, index, adder):
+ return addee.at[index].add(adder)
+ # Thrusters
+ thruster_shape_embeddings = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ do_index2(shape_embeddings, thruster_indexes),
+ thruster_embeddings,
+ ],
+ axis=-1,
+ )
+ shape_thruster_entity_delta = thruster_layer(thruster_shape_embeddings) * thruster_mask[..., None]
+ shape_embeddings = add2(shape_embeddings, joint_indexes[..., 0], shape_joint_entity_delta)
+ shape_embeddings = add2(shape_embeddings, thruster_indexes, shape_thruster_entity_delta)
+ return shape_embeddings
+class ActorCriticTransformer(nn.Module):
+ action_dim: Sequence[int]
+ fc_layer_width: int
+ action_mode: str
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim: int
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution: List[int]
+ transformer_size: int
+ transformer_encoder_size: int
+ transformer_depth: int
+ fc_layer_depth: int
+ num_heads: int
+ activation: str
+ aggregate_mode: str # "dummy" or "mean" or "dummy_and_mean"
+ full_attention_mask: bool # if true, only mask out inactives, and have everything attend to everything else
+ add_generator_embedding: bool = False
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps: int = 10
+ recurrent: bool = True
+ @nn.compact
+ def __call__(self, hidden, x):
+ if self.activation == "relu":
+ activation = nn.relu
+ else:
+ activation = nn.tanh
+ og_obs, dones = x
+ if self.add_generator_embedding:
+ obs = og_obs.obs
+ else:
+ obs = og_obs
+ # obs._ is [T, B, N, L]
+ # B - batch size
+ # T - time
+ # N - number of things
+ # L - unembedded entity size
+ obs: EntityObservation
+ def _single_encoder(features, entity_id, concat=True):
+ # assume two entity types
+ num_to_remove = 1 if concat else 0
+ embedding = activation(
+ nn.Dense(
+ self.transformer_encoder_size - num_to_remove,
+ kernel_init=orthogonal(np.sqrt(2)),
+ bias_init=constant(0.0),
+ )(features)
+ )
+ if concat:
+ id_1h = jnp.zeros((*embedding.shape[:3], 1)).at[:, :, :, entity_id].set(entity_id)
+ return jnp.concatenate([embedding, id_1h], axis=-1)
+ else:
+ return embedding
+ circle_encodings = _single_encoder(obs.circles, 0)
+ polygon_encodings = _single_encoder(obs.polygons, 1)
+ joint_encodings = _single_encoder(obs.joints, -1, False)
+ thruster_encodings = _single_encoder(obs.thrusters, -1, False)
+ # Size of this is something like (T, B, N, K) (time, batch, num_entities, embedding_size)
+ # T, B, M, K
+ shape_encodings = jnp.concatenate([polygon_encodings, circle_encodings], axis=2)
+ # T, B, M
+ shape_mask = jnp.concatenate([obs.polygon_mask, obs.circle_mask], axis=2)
+ def mask_out_inactives(flat_active_mask, matrix_attention_mask):
+ matrix_attention_mask = matrix_attention_mask & (flat_active_mask[:, None]) & (flat_active_mask[None, :])
+ return matrix_attention_mask
+ joint_indexes = obs.joint_indexes
+ thruster_indexes = obs.thruster_indexes
+ if self.aggregate_mode == "dummy" or self.aggregate_mode == "dummy_and_mean":
+ T, B, _, K = circle_encodings.shape
+ dummy = jnp.ones((T, B, 1, K))
+ shape_encodings = jnp.concatenate([dummy, shape_encodings], axis=2)
+ shape_mask = jnp.concatenate(
+ [jnp.ones((T, B, 1), dtype=bool), shape_mask],
+ axis=2,
+ )
+ N = obs.attention_mask.shape[-1]
+ overall_mask = (
+ jnp.ones((T, B, obs.attention_mask.shape[2], N + 1, N + 1), dtype=bool)
+ .at[:, :, :, 1:, 1:]
+ .set(obs.attention_mask)
+ )
+ overall_mask = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(mask_out_inactives))(shape_mask, overall_mask)
+ # To account for the dummy entity
+ joint_indexes = joint_indexes + 1
+ thruster_indexes = thruster_indexes + 1
+ else:
+ overall_mask = obs.attention_mask
+ if self.full_attention_mask:
+ overall_mask = jnp.ones(overall_mask.shape, dtype=bool)
+ overall_mask = jax.vmap(jax.vmap(mask_out_inactives))(shape_mask, overall_mask)
+ # Now do attention on these
+ embedding = Transformer(
+ num_layers=self.transformer_depth,
+ num_heads=self.num_heads,
+ qkv_features=self.transformer_size,
+ encoder_size=self.transformer_encoder_size,
+ gating=True,
+ gating_bias=0.0,
+ )(
+ shape_encodings,
+ jnp.repeat(overall_mask, repeats=self.num_heads // overall_mask.shape[2], axis=2),
+ joint_encodings,
+ obs.joint_mask,
+ joint_indexes,
+ thruster_encodings,
+ obs.thruster_mask,
+ thruster_indexes,
+ ) # add the extra dimension for the heads
+ if self.aggregate_mode == "mean" or self.aggregate_mode == "dummy_and_mean":
+ embedding = jnp.mean(embedding, axis=2, where=shape_mask[..., None])
+ else:
+ embedding = embedding[:, :, 0] # Take the dummy entity as the embedding of the entire scene.
+ return GeneralActorCriticRNN(
+ action_dim=self.action_dim,
+ fc_layer_depth=self.fc_layer_depth,
+ fc_layer_width=self.fc_layer_width,
+ action_mode=self.action_mode,
+ hybrid_action_continuous_dim=self.hybrid_action_continuous_dim,
+ multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution=self.multi_discrete_number_of_dims_per_distribution,
+ add_generator_embedding=self.add_generator_embedding,
+ generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps=self.generator_embedding_number_of_timesteps,
+ recurrent=self.recurrent,
+ )(hidden, og_obs, embedding, dones, activation)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/__init__.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa29b254ecaef19b53e8d20aaaa37d1263c962a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+from functools import partial
+from jax2d.engine import recalculate_mass_and_inertia, recompute_global_joint_positions, select_shape
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg_state import PCGState
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+def _process_tied_together_shapes(pcg_state: PCGState, sampled_state: EnvState, static_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ # Get the matrix of tied together positions. Since we vmap, we only want one entry active for any (i, j, k). Thus, we mask out some of the duplicate ones.
+ tied = jnp.triu(pcg_state.tied_together & jnp.logical_not(jnp.eye(pcg_state.tied_together.shape[0], dtype=bool)))
+ has_anything_in_column = tied.any(axis=0)
+ tied = (
+ tied * jnp.logical_not(has_anything_in_column)[:, None]
+ ) # if there is something in a column, it means a previous one with a lower index has already been processed
+ should_use_delta_positions = tied.any(axis=0)
+ # This is the delta we have moved after sampling
+ delta_positions = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ sampled_state.polygon.position - pcg_state.env_state.polygon.position,
+ sampled_state.circle.position - pcg_state.env_state.circle.position,
+ ]
+ )
+ def _get_effect_of_shape_i_on_all_others(item_index, item_row_of_what_is_tied):
+ delta_pos = delta_positions[item_index]
+ return jnp.arange(len(item_row_of_what_is_tied)), delta_pos[None] * item_row_of_what_is_tied[:, None]
+ indices, positions = jax.vmap(_get_effect_of_shape_i_on_all_others, (0, 0))(jnp.arange(tied.shape[0]), tied)
+ indices = indices.flatten()
+ positions = positions.reshape(indices.shape[0], -1)
+ default_positions = jnp.concatenate(
+ [pcg_state.env_state.polygon.position, pcg_state.env_state.circle.position], axis=0
+ )
+ sampled_positions = jnp.concatenate([sampled_state.polygon.position, sampled_state.circle.position], axis=0)
+ updated_positions = default_positions.at[indices].add(positions)
+ # Use the deltas or the sampled positions
+ positions = jnp.where(should_use_delta_positions[:, None], updated_positions, sampled_positions)
+ sampled_state = sampled_state.replace(
+ polygon=sampled_state.polygon.replace(position=positions[: static_params.num_polygons]),
+ circle=sampled_state.circle.replace(position=positions[static_params.num_polygons :]),
+ )
+ return sampled_state
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(3,))
+def sample_pcg_state(rng, pcg_state: PCGState, params, static_params):
+ def _pcg_fn(rng, main_val, max_val, mask):
+ pcg_val = jax.random.uniform(rng, shape=main_val.shape) * (
+ max_val.astype(float) - main_val.astype(float)
+ ) + main_val.astype(float)
+ if jnp.issubdtype(main_val.dtype, jnp.integer) or jnp.issubdtype(main_val.dtype, jnp.bool_):
+ pcg_val = jnp.round(pcg_val)
+ pcg_val = pcg_val.astype(main_val.dtype)
+ new_val = jax.lax.select(mask.astype(bool), pcg_val, main_val)
+ return new_val
+ def _random_split_like_tree(rng, target):
+ tree_def = jax.tree_structure(target)
+ rngs = jax.random.split(rng, tree_def.num_leaves)
+ return jax.tree_unflatten(tree_def, rngs)
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ rng_tree = _random_split_like_tree(_rng, pcg_state.env_state)
+ sampled_state = jax.tree_util.tree_map(
+ _pcg_fn, rng_tree, pcg_state.env_state, pcg_state.env_state_max, pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask
+ )
+ sampled_state = _process_tied_together_shapes(pcg_state, sampled_state, static_params)
+ sampled_state = recompute_global_joint_positions(sampled_state, static_params)
+ env_state = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(
+ sampled_state, static_params, sampled_state.polygon_densities, sampled_state.circle_densities
+ )
+ return env_state
+def env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state: EnvState):
+ N = env_state.polygon.active.shape[0] + env_state.circle.active.shape[0]
+ pcg_state = PCGState(
+ env_state=env_state,
+ env_state_max=env_state,
+ env_state_pcg_mask=jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.zeros_like(x, dtype=bool), env_state),
+ tied_together=jnp.zeros((N, N), dtype=bool),
+ )
+ return pcg_state
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg_state.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg_state.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e88601e6d7cb2df8007fbf9ab447e66ea1a7a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/pcg/pcg_state.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+from dataclasses import field
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax import struct
+from jax2d.sim_state import SimState, SimParams, StaticSimParams, RigidBody, Joint, Thruster, CollisionManifold
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvState
+class PCGState:
+ # Primary env state
+ env_state: EnvState
+ # The PCG mask. If a value is truthy in this, then it is PCG not static
+ env_state_pcg_mask: EnvState
+ # In the case that a value is PCG, the env_state value is the min and this state represents the max
+ env_state_max: EnvState
+ tied_together: jnp.ndarray # NxN matrix of booleans, where N is the number of shapes
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ if "tied_together" not in state:
+ num_shapes = state["env_state"].polygon.active.shape[0] + state["env_state"].circle.active.shape[0]
+ state["tied_together"] = jnp.zeros((num_shapes, num_shapes), dtype=bool)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "__dict__", state)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/__init__.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_pixels.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_pixels.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4efcd43bc3a730a9a8e70e7cfcbbe1386087756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_pixels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+from functools import partial
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+from jax2d import joint
+from jax2d.engine import select_shape
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody
+from jaxgl.maths import dist_from_line
+from jaxgl.renderer import clear_screen, make_renderer
+from jaxgl.shaders import (
+ fragment_shader_quad,
+ fragment_shader_edged_quad,
+ make_fragment_shader_texture,
+ nearest_neighbour,
+ make_fragment_shader_quad_textured,
+from kinetix.render.textures import (
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams, EnvParams, EnvState
+from flax import struct
+def make_render_pixels(
+ params,
+ static_params: StaticEnvParams,
+ screen_dim = static_params.screen_dim
+ downscale = static_params.downscale
+ joint_tex_size = 6
+ thruster_tex_size = 16
+ FIXATED_COLOUR = jnp.array([80, 80, 80])
+ JOINT_COLOURS = jnp.array(
+ [
+ # [0, 0, 255],
+ [255, 255, 255], # yellow
+ [255, 255, 0], # yellow
+ [255, 0, 255], # purple/magenta
+ [0, 255, 255], # cyan
+ [255, 153, 51], # white
+ ]
+ )
+ def colour_thruster_texture(colour):
+ return THRUSTER_TEXTURE_16_RGBA.at[:9, :, :3].mul(colour[None, None, :] / 255.0)
+ coloured_thruster_textures = jax.vmap(colour_thruster_texture)(JOINT_COLOURS)
+ ROLE_COLOURS = jnp.array(
+ [
+ [160.0, 160.0, 160.0], # None
+ [0.0, 204.0, 0.0], # Green: The ball
+ [0.0, 102.0, 204.0], # Blue: The goal
+ [255.0, 102.0, 102.0], # Red: Death Objects
+ ]
+ )
+ BACKGROUND_COLOUR = jnp.array([255.0, 255.0, 255.0])
+ def _get_colour(shape_role, inverse_inertia):
+ base_colour = ROLE_COLOURS[shape_role]
+ f = (inverse_inertia == 0) * 1
+ is_not_normal = (shape_role != 0) * 1
+ return jnp.array(
+ [
+ base_colour,
+ base_colour,
+ base_colour * 0.5,
+ ]
+ )[2 * f + is_not_normal]
+ # Pixels per unit distance
+ ppud = params.pixels_per_unit // downscale
+ downscaled_screen_dim = (screen_dim[0] // downscale, screen_dim[1] // downscale)
+ full_screen_size = (
+ downscaled_screen_dim[0] + (static_params.max_shape_size * 2 * ppud),
+ downscaled_screen_dim[1] + (static_params.max_shape_size * 2 * ppud),
+ )
+ cleared_screen = clear_screen(full_screen_size, BACKGROUND_COLOUR)
+ def _world_space_to_pixel_space(x):
+ return (x + static_params.max_shape_size) * ppud
+ def fragment_shader_kinetix_circle(position, current_frag, unit_position, uniform):
+ centre, radius, rotation, colour, mask = uniform
+ dist = jnp.sqrt(jnp.square(position - centre).sum())
+ inside = dist <= radius
+ on_edge = dist > radius - 2
+ # TODO - precompute?
+ normal = jnp.array([jnp.sin(rotation), -jnp.cos(rotation)])
+ dist = dist_from_line(position, centre, centre + normal)
+ on_edge |= (dist < 1) & (jnp.dot(normal, position - centre) <= 0)
+ fragment = jax.lax.select(on_edge, jnp.zeros(3), colour)
+ return jax.lax.select(inside & mask, fragment, current_frag)
+ def fragment_shader_kinetix_joint(position, current_frag, unit_position, uniform):
+ texture, colour, mask = uniform
+ tex_coord = (
+ jnp.array(
+ [
+ joint_tex_size * unit_position[0],
+ joint_tex_size * unit_position[1],
+ ]
+ )
+ - 0.5
+ )
+ tex_frag = nearest_neighbour(texture, tex_coord)
+ tex_frag = tex_frag.at[3].mul(mask)
+ tex_frag = tex_frag.at[:3].mul(colour / 255.0)
+ tex_frag = (tex_frag[3] * tex_frag[:3]) + ((1.0 - tex_frag[3]) * current_frag)
+ return tex_frag
+ thruster_pixel_size = thruster_tex_size // downscale
+ thruster_pixel_size_diagonal = (thruster_pixel_size * np.sqrt(2)).astype(jnp.int32) + 1
+ def fragment_shader_kinetix_thruster(fragment_position, current_frag, unit_position, uniform):
+ thruster_position, rotation, texture, mask = uniform
+ tex_position = jnp.matmul(rmat(-rotation), (fragment_position - thruster_position)) / thruster_pixel_size + 0.5
+ mask &= (tex_position[0] >= 0) & (tex_position[0] <= 1) & (tex_position[1] >= 0) & (tex_position[1] <= 1)
+ eps = 0.001
+ tex_coord = (
+ jnp.array(
+ [
+ thruster_tex_size * tex_position[0],
+ thruster_tex_size * tex_position[1],
+ ]
+ )
+ - 0.5
+ + eps
+ )
+ tex_frag = nearest_neighbour(texture, tex_coord)
+ tex_frag = tex_frag.at[3].mul(mask)
+ tex_frag = (tex_frag[3] * tex_frag[:3]) + ((1.0 - tex_frag[3]) * current_frag)
+ return tex_frag
+ patch_size_1d = static_params.max_shape_size * ppud
+ patch_size = (patch_size_1d, patch_size_1d)
+ circle_renderer = make_renderer(full_screen_size, fragment_shader_kinetix_circle, patch_size, batched=True)
+ quad_renderer = make_renderer(full_screen_size, fragment_shader_edged_quad, patch_size, batched=True)
+ big_quad_renderer = make_renderer(full_screen_size, fragment_shader_edged_quad, downscaled_screen_dim)
+ joint_pixel_size = joint_tex_size // downscale
+ joint_renderer = make_renderer(
+ full_screen_size, fragment_shader_kinetix_joint, (joint_pixel_size, joint_pixel_size), batched=True
+ )
+ thruster_renderer = make_renderer(
+ full_screen_size,
+ fragment_shader_kinetix_thruster,
+ (thruster_pixel_size_diagonal, thruster_pixel_size_diagonal),
+ batched=True,
+ )
+ @jax.jit
+ def render_pixels(state: EnvState):
+ pixels = cleared_screen
+ # Floor
+ floor_uniform = (
+ _world_space_to_pixel_space(state.polygon.position[0, None, :] + state.polygon.vertices[0]),
+ _get_colour(state.polygon_shape_roles[0], 0),
+ jnp.zeros(3),
+ True,
+ )
+ pixels = big_quad_renderer(pixels, _world_space_to_pixel_space(jnp.zeros(2, dtype=jnp.int32)), floor_uniform)
+ # Rectangles
+ rectangle_patch_positions = _world_space_to_pixel_space(
+ state.polygon.position - (static_params.max_shape_size / 2.0)
+ ).astype(jnp.int32)
+ rectangle_rmats = jax.vmap(rmat)(state.polygon.rotation)
+ rectangle_rmats = jnp.repeat(rectangle_rmats[:, None, :, :], repeats=static_params.max_polygon_vertices, axis=1)
+ rectangle_vertices_pixel_space = _world_space_to_pixel_space(
+ state.polygon.position[:, None, :] + jax.vmap(jax.vmap(jnp.matmul))(rectangle_rmats, state.polygon.vertices)
+ )
+ rectangle_colours = jax.vmap(_get_colour)(state.polygon_shape_roles, state.polygon.inverse_mass)
+ rectangle_edge_colours = jnp.zeros((static_params.num_polygons, 3))
+ rectangle_uniforms = (
+ rectangle_vertices_pixel_space,
+ rectangle_colours,
+ rectangle_edge_colours,
+ state.polygon.active,
+ )
+ pixels = quad_renderer(pixels, rectangle_patch_positions, rectangle_uniforms)
+ # Circles
+ circle_positions_pixel_space = _world_space_to_pixel_space(state.circle.position)
+ circle_radii_pixel_space = state.circle.radius * ppud
+ circle_patch_positions = _world_space_to_pixel_space(
+ state.circle.position - (static_params.max_shape_size / 2.0)
+ ).astype(jnp.int32)
+ circle_colours = jax.vmap(_get_colour)(state.circle_shape_roles, state.circle.inverse_mass)
+ circle_uniforms = (
+ circle_positions_pixel_space,
+ circle_radii_pixel_space,
+ state.circle.rotation,
+ circle_colours,
+ state.circle.active,
+ )
+ pixels = circle_renderer(pixels, circle_patch_positions, circle_uniforms)
+ # Joints
+ joint_patch_positions = jnp.round(
+ _world_space_to_pixel_space(state.joint.global_position) - (joint_pixel_size // 2)
+ ).astype(jnp.int32)
+ joint_textures = jax.vmap(jax.lax.select, in_axes=(0, None, None))(
+ state.joint.is_fixed_joint, FJOINT_TEXTURE_6_RGBA, RJOINT_TEXTURE_6_RGBA
+ )
+ joint_colours = JOINT_COLOURS[
+ (state.motor_bindings + 1) * (state.joint.motor_on & (~state.joint.is_fixed_joint))
+ ]
+ joint_uniforms = (joint_textures, joint_colours, state.joint.active)
+ pixels = joint_renderer(pixels, joint_patch_positions, joint_uniforms)
+ # Thrusters
+ thruster_positions = jnp.round(_world_space_to_pixel_space(state.thruster.global_position)).astype(jnp.int32)
+ thruster_patch_positions = thruster_positions - (thruster_pixel_size_diagonal // 2)
+ thruster_textures = coloured_thruster_textures[state.thruster_bindings + 1]
+ thruster_rotations = (
+ state.thruster.rotation
+ + jax.vmap(select_shape, in_axes=(None, 0, None))(
+ state, state.thruster.object_index, static_params
+ ).rotation
+ )
+ thruster_uniforms = (thruster_positions, thruster_rotations, thruster_textures, state.thruster.active)
+ pixels = thruster_renderer(pixels, thruster_patch_positions, thruster_uniforms)
+ # Crop out the sides
+ crop_amount = static_params.max_shape_size * ppud
+ return pixels[crop_amount:-crop_amount, crop_amount:-crop_amount]
+ return render_pixels
+class PixelsObservation:
+ image: jnp.ndarray
+ global_info: jnp.ndarray
+def make_render_pixels_rl(params, static_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ render_fn = make_render_pixels(params, static_params)
+ def inner(state):
+ pixels = render_fn(state) / 255.0
+ return PixelsObservation(
+ image=pixels,
+ global_info=jnp.array([state.gravity[1] / 10.0]),
+ )
+ return inner
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_common.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90d066bc3380337beb2915e4516c1f77378687e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import jax
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, EnvState, StaticEnvParams
+def _get_base_shape_features(
+ density: jnp.ndarray, roles: jnp.ndarray, shapes: RigidBody, env_params: EnvParams
+) -> jnp.ndarray:
+ cos = jnp.cos(shapes.rotation)
+ sin = jnp.sin(shapes.rotation)
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ shapes.position,
+ shapes.velocity,
+ jnp.expand_dims(shapes.inverse_mass, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(shapes.inverse_inertia, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(density, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(jnp.tanh(shapes.angular_velocity / 10), axis=1),
+ jax.nn.one_hot(roles, env_params.num_shape_roles),
+ jnp.expand_dims(sin, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(cos, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(shapes.friction, axis=1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(shapes.restitution, axis=1),
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+def add_circle_features(
+ base_features: jnp.ndarray, shapes: RigidBody, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ base_features,
+ shapes.radius[:, None],
+ jnp.ones_like(base_features[:, :1]), # one for circle
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+def make_circle_features(
+ state: EnvState, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
+ base_features = _get_base_shape_features(state.circle_densities, state.circle_shape_roles, state.circle, env_params)
+ node_features = add_circle_features(base_features, state.circle, env_params, static_env_params)
+ return node_features, state.circle.active
+def add_polygon_features(
+ base_features: jnp.ndarray, shapes: RigidBody, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+ vertices = jnp.where(
+ jnp.arange(static_env_params.max_polygon_vertices)[None, :, None] < shapes.n_vertices[:, None, None],
+ shapes.vertices,
+ jnp.zeros_like(shapes.vertices) - 1,
+ )
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ base_features,
+ jnp.zeros_like(base_features[:, :1]), # zero for polygon
+ vertices.reshape((vertices.shape[0], -1)),
+ jnp.expand_dims((shapes.n_vertices <= 3), axis=1),
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+def make_polygon_features(
+ state: EnvState, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
+ base_features = _get_base_shape_features(
+ state.polygon_densities, state.polygon_shape_roles, state.polygon, env_params
+ )
+ node_features = add_polygon_features(base_features, state.polygon, env_params, static_env_params)
+ return node_features, state.polygon.active
+def make_unified_shape_features(
+ state: EnvState, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
+ base_p = _get_base_shape_features(state.polygon_densities, state.polygon_shape_roles, state.polygon, env_params)
+ base_c = _get_base_shape_features(state.circle_densities, state.circle_shape_roles, state.circle, env_params)
+ base_p = add_polygon_features(base_p, state.polygon, env_params, static_env_params)
+ base_p = add_circle_features(base_p, state.polygon, env_params, static_env_params)
+ base_c = add_polygon_features(base_c, state.circle, env_params, static_env_params)
+ base_c = add_circle_features(base_c, state.circle, env_params, static_env_params)
+ return jnp.concatenate([base_p, base_c], axis=0), jnp.concatenate(
+ [state.polygon.active, state.circle.active], axis=0
+ )
+def make_joint_features(
+ state: EnvState, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
+ # Returns joint_features, indexes, mask, of shape:
+ # (2 * J, K), (2 * J, 2), (2 * J,)
+ def _create_joint_features(joints):
+ # 2, J, A
+ J = joints.active.shape[0]
+ def _create_1way_joint_features(direction):
+ from_pos = jax.lax.select(direction, joints.a_relative_pos, joints.b_relative_pos)
+ to_pos = jax.lax.select(direction, joints.b_relative_pos, joints.a_relative_pos)
+ rotation_sin, rotation_cos = jnp.sin(joints.rotation), jnp.cos(joints.rotation)
+ rotation_max_sin = jnp.sin(joints.max_rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ rotation_max_cos = jnp.cos(joints.max_rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ rotation_min_sin = jnp.sin(joints.min_rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ rotation_min_cos = jnp.cos(joints.min_rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ rotation_diff_max = (joints.max_rotation - joints.rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ rotation_diff_min = (joints.min_rotation - joints.rotation) * joints.motor_has_joint_limits
+ base_features = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ (joints.active * 1.0)[:, None],
+ (joints.is_fixed_joint * 1.0)[:, None], # J, 1
+ from_pos,
+ to_pos,
+ rotation_sin[:, None],
+ rotation_cos[:, None],
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ rjoint_features = (
+ jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ joints.motor_speed[:, None],
+ joints.motor_power[:, None],
+ (joints.motor_on * 1.0)[:, None],
+ (joints.motor_has_joint_limits * 1.0)[:, None],
+ jax.nn.one_hot(state.motor_bindings, num_classes=static_env_params.num_motor_bindings),
+ rotation_min_sin[:, None],
+ rotation_min_cos[:, None],
+ rotation_max_sin[:, None],
+ rotation_max_cos[:, None],
+ rotation_diff_min[:, None],
+ rotation_diff_max[:, None],
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ * (1.0 - (joints.is_fixed_joint * 1.0))[:, None]
+ )
+ return jnp.concatenate([base_features, rjoint_features], axis=1)
+ # 2, J, A
+ joint_features = jax.vmap(_create_1way_joint_features)(jnp.array([False, True]))
+ # J, 2
+ indexes_from = jnp.concatenate([joints.b_index[:, None], joints.a_index[:, None]], axis=1)
+ indexes_to = jnp.concatenate([joints.a_index[:, None], joints.b_index[:, None]], axis=1)
+ indexes_from = jnp.where(joints.active[:, None], indexes_from, jnp.zeros_like(indexes_from))
+ indexes_to = jnp.where(joints.active[:, None], indexes_to, jnp.zeros_like(indexes_to))
+ indexes = jnp.concatenate([indexes_from, indexes_to], axis=0)
+ mask = jnp.concatenate([joints.active, joints.active], axis=0)
+ return joint_features.reshape((2 * J, -1)), indexes, mask
+ return _create_joint_features(state.joint)
+def make_thruster_features(
+ state: EnvState, env_params: EnvParams, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams
+) -> tuple[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray]:
+ # Returns thruster_features, indexes, mask, of shape:
+ # (T, K), (T,), (T,)
+ def _create_thruster_features(thrusters):
+ cos = jnp.cos(thrusters.rotation)
+ sin = jnp.sin(thrusters.rotation)
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ (thrusters.active * 1.0)[:, None],
+ (thrusters.relative_position),
+ jax.nn.one_hot(state.thruster_bindings, num_classes=static_env_params.num_thruster_bindings),
+ sin[:, None],
+ cos[:, None],
+ thrusters.power[:, None],
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ return _create_thruster_features(state.thruster), state.thruster.object_index, state.thruster.active
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_entity.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_entity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e04ed1db0bdbb0aa02777fd5782d05265b54bac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_entity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+from cmath import rect
+from functools import partial
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+from flax import struct
+from jax2d.engine import get_pairwise_interaction_indices
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvState
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_common import (
+ make_circle_features,
+ make_joint_features,
+ make_polygon_features,
+ make_thruster_features,
+ make_unified_shape_features,
+class EntityObservation:
+ circles: jnp.ndarray
+ polygons: jnp.ndarray
+ joints: jnp.ndarray
+ thrusters: jnp.ndarray
+ circle_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ polygon_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ joint_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ thruster_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ attention_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ # collision_mask: jnp.ndarray
+ joint_indexes: jnp.ndarray
+ thruster_indexes: jnp.ndarray
+def make_render_entities(params, static_params):
+ _, _, _, circle_circle_pairs, circle_rect_pairs, rect_rect_pairs = get_pairwise_interaction_indices(static_params)
+ circle_rect_pairs = circle_rect_pairs.at[:, 0].add(static_params.num_polygons)
+ circle_circle_pairs = circle_circle_pairs + static_params.num_polygons
+ def render_entities(state: EnvState):
+ state = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.nan_to_num(x), state)
+ joint_features, joint_indexes, joint_mask = make_joint_features(state, params, static_params)
+ thruster_features, thruster_indexes, thruster_mask = make_thruster_features(state, params, static_params)
+ poly_nodes, poly_mask = make_polygon_features(state, params, static_params)
+ circle_nodes, circle_mask = make_circle_features(state, params, static_params)
+ def _add_grav(nodes):
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [nodes, jnp.zeros((nodes.shape[0], 1)) + state.gravity[1] / 10], axis=-1
+ ) # add gravity to each shape's embedding
+ poly_nodes = _add_grav(poly_nodes)
+ circle_nodes = _add_grav(circle_nodes)
+ # Shape of something like (NPoly + NCircle + 2 * NJoint + NThruster )
+ mask_flat_shapes = jnp.concatenate([poly_mask, circle_mask], axis=0)
+ num_shapes = static_params.num_polygons + static_params.num_circles
+ def make_n_squared_mask(val):
+ # val has shape N of bools.
+ N = val.shape[0]
+ A = jnp.eye(N, N, dtype=bool) # also have things attend to themselves
+ # Make the shapes fully connected
+ full_mask = A.at[:num_shapes, :num_shapes].set(jnp.ones((num_shapes, num_shapes), dtype=bool))
+ one_hop_connected = jnp.zeros((N, N), dtype=bool)
+ one_hop_connected = one_hop_connected.at[joint_indexes[:, 0], joint_indexes[:, 1]].set(True)
+ one_hop_connected = one_hop_connected.at[0, 0].set(False) # invalid joints have indices of (0, 0)
+ multi_hop_connected = jnp.logical_not(state.collision_matrix)
+ collision_mask = state.collision_matrix
+ # where val is false, we want to mask out the row and column.
+ full_mask = full_mask & (val[:, None]) & (val[None, :])
+ collision_mask = collision_mask & (val[:, None]) & (val[None, :])
+ multi_hop_connected = multi_hop_connected & (val[:, None]) & (val[None, :])
+ one_hop_connected = one_hop_connected & (val[:, None]) & (val[None, :])
+ collision_manifold_mask = jnp.zeros_like(collision_mask)
+ def _set(collision_manifold_mask, pairs, active):
+ return collision_manifold_mask.at[
+ pairs[:, 0],
+ pairs[:, 1],
+ ].set(active)
+ collision_manifold_mask = _set(
+ collision_manifold_mask,
+ rect_rect_pairs,
+ jnp.logical_or(state.acc_rr_manifolds.active[..., 0], state.acc_rr_manifolds.active[..., 1]),
+ )
+ collision_manifold_mask = _set(collision_manifold_mask, circle_rect_pairs, state.acc_cr_manifolds.active)
+ collision_manifold_mask = _set(collision_manifold_mask, circle_circle_pairs, state.acc_cc_manifolds.active)
+ collision_manifold_mask = collision_manifold_mask & (val[:, None]) & (val[None, :])
+ return jnp.concatenate(
+ [full_mask[None], multi_hop_connected[None], one_hop_connected[None], collision_manifold_mask[None]],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ mask_n_squared = make_n_squared_mask(mask_flat_shapes)
+ return EntityObservation(
+ circles=circle_nodes,
+ polygons=poly_nodes,
+ joints=joint_features,
+ thrusters=thruster_features,
+ circle_mask=circle_mask,
+ polygon_mask=poly_mask,
+ joint_mask=joint_mask,
+ thruster_mask=thruster_mask,
+ attention_mask=mask_n_squared,
+ joint_indexes=joint_indexes,
+ thruster_indexes=thruster_indexes,
+ )
+ return render_entities
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_flat.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_flat.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2921aa34adb510dfd1a93a2ad09db7d8cf1adc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/renderer_symbolic_flat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+from functools import partial
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+from jax2d import joint
+from jax2d.engine import select_shape
+from jax2d.maths import rmat
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody
+from jaxgl.maths import dist_from_line
+from jaxgl.renderer import clear_screen, make_renderer
+from jaxgl.shaders import (
+ fragment_shader_quad,
+ fragment_shader_edged_quad,
+ make_fragment_shader_texture,
+ nearest_neighbour,
+ make_fragment_shader_quad_textured,
+from kinetix.render.renderer_symbolic_common import (
+ make_circle_features,
+ make_joint_features,
+ make_polygon_features,
+ make_thruster_features,
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams, EnvParams, EnvState
+from flax import struct
+def make_render_symbolic(params, static_params: StaticEnvParams):
+ def render_symbolic(state):
+ n_polys = static_params.num_polygons
+ nshapes = n_polys + static_params.num_circles
+ polygon_features, polygon_mask = make_polygon_features(state, params, static_params)
+ mask_to_ignore_walls_ceiling = np.ones(static_params.num_polygons, dtype=bool)
+ mask_to_ignore_walls_ceiling[np.array([1, 2, 3])] = False
+ polygon_features = polygon_features[mask_to_ignore_walls_ceiling]
+ polygon_mask = polygon_mask[mask_to_ignore_walls_ceiling]
+ circle_features, circle_mask = make_circle_features(state, params, static_params)
+ joint_features, joint_idxs, joint_mask = make_joint_features(state, params, static_params)
+ thruster_features, thruster_idxs, thruster_mask = make_thruster_features(state, params, static_params)
+ two_J = joint_features.shape[0]
+ J = two_J // 2 # for symbolic only have the one
+ joint_features = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ joint_features[:J], # shape (2 * J, K)
+ jax.nn.one_hot(joint_idxs[:J, 0], nshapes), # shape (2 * J, N)
+ jax.nn.one_hot(joint_idxs[:J, 1], nshapes), # shape (2 * J, N)
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ thruster_features = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ thruster_features,
+ jax.nn.one_hot(thruster_idxs, nshapes),
+ ],
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ polygon_features = jnp.where(polygon_mask[:, None], polygon_features, 0.0).flatten()
+ circle_features = jnp.where(circle_mask[:, None], circle_features, 0.0).flatten()
+ joint_features = jnp.where(joint_mask[:J, None], joint_features, 0.0).flatten()
+ thruster_features = jnp.where(thruster_mask[:, None], thruster_features, 0.0).flatten()
+ def _get_manifold_features(manifold):
+ collision_mask_features = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ manifold.normal,
+ jnp.expand_dims(manifold.penetration, axis=-1),
+ manifold.collision_point,
+ jnp.expand_dims(manifold.acc_impulse_normal, axis=-1),
+ jnp.expand_dims(manifold.acc_impulse_tangent, axis=-1),
+ ],
+ axis=-1,
+ )
+ return (collision_mask_features * manifold.active[..., None]).flatten()
+ obs = jnp.concatenate(
+ [
+ polygon_features,
+ circle_features,
+ joint_features,
+ thruster_features,
+ jnp.array([state.gravity[1]]) / 10,
+ # _get_manifold_features(state.acc_cc_manifolds),
+ # _get_manifold_features(state.acc_cr_manifolds),
+ # _get_manifold_features(state.acc_rr_manifolds),
+ ],
+ axis=0,
+ )
+ obs = jnp.clip(obs, a_min=-10.0, a_max=10.0)
+ obs = jnp.nan_to_num(obs)
+ return obs
+ return render_symbolic
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/render/textures.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/textures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73f720bff2037c8845ad75bed93b9e21e51b20c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/render/textures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import os
+import pathlib
+from enum import Enum
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import imageio.v3 as iio
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+def load_texture(filename, render_size):
+ filename = os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve(), "assets", filename)
+ img = iio.imread(filename)
+ jnp_img = jnp.array(img).astype(jnp.int32)
+ if jnp_img.shape[2] == 4:
+ jnp_img = jnp_img.at[:, :, 3].set(jnp_img[:, :, 3] // 255)
+ img = np.array(jnp_img, dtype=np.uint8)
+ image = Image.fromarray(img)
+ image = image.resize((render_size, render_size), resample=Image.NEAREST)
+ jnp_img = jnp.array(image, dtype=jnp.float32)
+ return jnp_img.transpose((1, 0, 2))
+EDIT_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("edit.png", 64)
+PLAY_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("play.png", 64)
+CIRCLE_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("circle.png", 32)
+RECT_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("square.png", 32)
+TRIANGLE_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("triangle.png", 32)
+RJOINT_TEXTURE_6_RGBA = load_texture("rjoint.png", 6)
+RJOINT_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("rjoint2.png", 32)
+FJOINT_TEXTURE_6_RGBA = load_texture("fjoint.png", 6)
+FJOINT_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("fjoint2.png", 32)
+ROTATION_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("rotate.png", 32)
+SELECT_TEXTURE_RGBA = load_texture("hand.png", 32)
+THRUSTER_TEXTURE_RGBA = jnp.rot90(load_texture("thruster6.png", 32), k=3)
+THRUSTER_TEXTURE_16_RGBA = jnp.rot90(load_texture("thruster.png", 16), k=3)
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/util/__init__.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/util/config.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e38b9e9ce7cdb3712670268ea8c220a3e185388c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+import copy
+import datetime
+import gzip
+import json
+import os
+from hashlib import md5
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import isin
+from kinetix.environment.ued.ued_state import UEDParams
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from pandas import isna
+from typing import List, Tuple
+import wandb
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvParams, StaticEnvParams
+from collections import defaultdict
+from kinetix.util.saving import load_from_json_file
+def get_hash_without_seed(config):
+ old_seed = config["seed"]
+ config["seed"] = 0
+ ans = md5(OmegaConf.to_yaml(config, sort_keys=True).encode()).hexdigest()
+ config["seed"] = old_seed
+ return ans
+def get_date() -> str:
+ return datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
+def generate_params_from_config(config):
+ if config.get("env_size_type", "predefined") == "custom":
+ # must load env params from a file
+ _, static_env_params, env_params = load_from_json_file(os.path.join("worlds", config["custom_path"]))
+ return env_params, static_env_params.replace(
+ frame_skip=config["frame_skip"],
+ )
+ env_params = EnvParams()
+ static_env_params = StaticEnvParams().replace(
+ num_polygons=config["num_polygons"],
+ num_circles=config["num_circles"],
+ num_joints=config["num_joints"],
+ num_thrusters=config["num_thrusters"],
+ frame_skip=config["frame_skip"],
+ num_motor_bindings=config["num_motor_bindings"],
+ num_thruster_bindings=config["num_thruster_bindings"],
+ )
+ return env_params, static_env_params
+def generate_ued_params_from_config(config) -> UEDParams:
+ ans = UEDParams()
+ if config["env_size_name"] == "s":
+ ans = ans.replace(add_shape_n_proposals=1) # otherwise we get a very weird XLA bug.
+ if "fixate_chance_max" in config:
+ print("Changing fixate chance max to", config["fixate_chance_max"])
+ ans = ans.replace(fixate_chance_max=config["fixate_chance_max"])
+ return ans
+def get_eval_level_groups(eval_levels: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
+ def get_groups(s):
+ # This is the size group
+ group_one = s.split("/")[0]
+ group_two = s.split("/")[1].split("_")[0]
+ group_two = "".join([i for i in group_two if not i.isdigit()])
+ if group_two == "h":
+ group_two = "handmade"
+ if group_two == "r":
+ group_two = "random"
+ return f"{group_one}_all", f"{group_one}_{group_two}"
+ indices = defaultdict(list)
+ for idx, s in enumerate(eval_levels):
+ groups = get_groups(s)
+ for group in groups:
+ indices[group].append(idx)
+ indices2 = {}
+ for g in indices:
+ indices2[g] = np.array(indices[g])
+ return indices2
+def normalise_config(config, name, editor_config=False):
+ old_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
+ keys = ["env", "learning", "model", "misc", "eval", "ued", "env_size", "train_levels"]
+ for k in keys:
+ if k not in config:
+ config[k] = {}
+ small_d = config[k]
+ del config[k]
+ for kk, vv in small_d.items():
+ assert kk not in config, kk
+ config[kk] = vv
+ if not editor_config:
+ config["eval_env_size_true"] = config["eval_env_size"]
+ if config["num_train_envs"] == 2048 and "Pixels" in config["env_name"]:
+ config["num_train_envs"] = 512
+ if "SFL" in name and config["env_size_name"] in ["m", "l"]:
+ config["eval_num_attempts"] = 6 # to avoid a very weird XLA bug.
+ config["hash"] = get_hash_without_seed(config)
+ config["random_hash"] = np.random.randint(2**31)
+ config["log_save_path"] = f"logs/{config['hash']}/{config['seed']}-{get_date()}"
+ os.makedirs(config["log_save_path"], exist_ok=True)
+ with open(f"{config['log_save_path']}/config.yaml", "w") as f:
+ f.write(OmegaConf.to_yaml(old_config))
+ if config["group"] == "auto":
+ config["group"] = f"{name}-" + config["group_auto_prefix"] + config["env_name"].replace("Kinetix-", "")
+ config["group"] += "-" + str(config["env_size_name"])
+ if config["eval_levels"] == ["auto"] or config["eval_levels"] == "auto":
+ config["eval_levels"] = config["train_levels_list"]
+ print("Using Auto eval levels:", config["eval_levels"])
+ config["num_eval_levels"] = len(config["eval_levels"])
+ steps = (
+ config["num_steps"]
+ * config.get("outer_rollout_steps", 1)
+ * config["num_train_envs"]
+ * (2 if name == "PAIRED" else 1)
+ )
+ config["num_updates"] = int(config["total_timesteps"]) // steps
+ nsteps = int(config["total_timesteps"] // 1e6)
+ letter = "M"
+ if nsteps >= 1000:
+ nsteps = nsteps // 1000
+ letter = "B"
+ config["run_name"] = (
+ config["env_name"] + f"-{name}-" + str(nsteps) + letter + "-" + str(config["num_train_envs"])
+ )
+ if config["checkpoint_save_freq"] >= config["num_updates"]:
+ config["checkpoint_save_freq"] = config["num_updates"]
+ return config
+def get_tags(config, name):
+ return [name]
+ tags = [name]
+ if name in ["PLR", "ACCEL", "DR"]:
+ if config["use_accel"]:
+ tags.append("ACCEL")
+ else:
+ tags.append("PLR")
+ return tags
+def init_wandb(config, name) -> wandb.run:
+ run = wandb.init(
+ config=config,
+ project=config["wandb_project"],
+ group=config["group"],
+ name=config["run_name"],
+ entity=config["wandb_entity"],
+ mode=config["wandb_mode"],
+ tags=get_tags(config, name),
+ )
+ wandb.define_metric("timing/num_updates")
+ wandb.define_metric("timing/num_env_steps")
+ wandb.define_metric("*", step_metric="timing/num_env_steps")
+ wandb.define_metric("timing/sps", step_metric="timing/num_env_steps")
+ return run
+def save_data_to_local_file(data_to_save, config):
+ if not config.get("save_local_data", False):
+ return
+ def reverse_in(li, value):
+ for i, v in enumerate(li):
+ if v in value:
+ return True
+ return False
+ clean_data = {k: v for k, v in data_to_save.items() if not reverse_in(["media/", "images/"], k)}
+ def _clean(x):
+ if isinstance(x, jnp.ndarray):
+ return x.tolist()
+ elif isinstance(x, jnp.float32):
+ if jnp.isnan(x):
+ return -float("inf")
+ return round(float(x) * 1000) / 1000
+ elif isinstance(x, jnp.int32):
+ return int(x)
+ return x
+ clean_data = jax.tree_map(lambda x: _clean(x), clean_data)
+ print("Saving this data:", clean_data)
+ with open(f"{config['log_save_path']}/data.jsonl", "a+") as f:
+ f.write(json.dumps(clean_data) + "\n")
+def compress_log_files_after_run(config):
+ fpath = f"{config['log_save_path']}/data.jsonl"
+ with open(fpath, "rb") as f_in, gzip.open(fpath + ".gz", "wb") as f_out:
+ f_out.writelines(f_in)
+def get_video_frequency(config, update_step):
+ frac_through_training = update_step / config["num_updates"]
+ vid_frequency = (
+ config["eval_freq"]
+ * config["video_frequency"]
+ * jax.lax.select(
+ (0.1 <= frac_through_training) & (frac_through_training < 0.3),
+ 1,
+ jax.lax.select(
+ (0.3 <= frac_through_training) & (frac_through_training < 0.6),
+ 2,
+ 4,
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ return vid_frequency
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/util/learning.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/learning.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..881edd94385217e9ce9ceb979b6987be00417463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/learning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+from functools import partial
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from enum import IntEnum
+from typing import Tuple
+import chex
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import numpy as np
+import optax
+import orbax.checkpoint as ocp
+from flax import core, struct
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState as BaseTrainState
+import wandb
+from jaxued.environments.underspecified_env import EnvParams, EnvState, Observation, UnderspecifiedEnv
+from jaxued.level_sampler import LevelSampler
+from jaxued.utils import compute_max_returns, max_mc, positive_value_loss
+from kinetix.environment.env import PixelObservations, make_kinetix_env_from_name
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import StaticEnvParams
+from kinetix.environment.utils import permute_pcg_state
+from kinetix.environment.wrappers import (
+ UnderspecifiedToGymnaxWrapper,
+ LogWrapper,
+ DenseRewardWrapper,
+ AutoReplayWrapper,
+from kinetix.models import make_network_from_config
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg import env_state_to_pcg_state
+from kinetix.render.renderer_pixels import make_render_pixels
+from kinetix.models.actor_critic import ScannedRNN
+from kinetix.util.saving import (
+ expand_pcg_state,
+ get_pcg_state_from_json,
+ load_pcg_state_pickle,
+ load_world_state_pickle,
+ stack_list_of_pytrees,
+ import_env_state_from_json,
+ load_from_json_file,
+from flax.training.train_state import TrainState
+BASE_DIR = "worlds"
+ "easy.cartpole",
+ "easy.flappy_bird",
+ "easy.unicycle",
+ "easy.car_left",
+ "easy.car_right",
+ "easy.pinball",
+ "easy.swing_up",
+ "easy.thruster",
+def get_eval_levels(eval_levels, static_env_params):
+ should_permute = [".permute" in l for l in eval_levels]
+ eval_levels = [re.sub(r"\.permute\d+", "", l) for l in eval_levels]
+ ls = [get_pcg_state_from_json(os.path.join(BASE_DIR, l + ("" if l.endswith(".json") else ".json"))) for l in eval_levels]
+ ls = [expand_pcg_state(l, static_env_params) for l in ls]
+ new_ls = []
+ rng = jax.random.PRNGKey(0)
+ for sp, l in zip(should_permute, ls):
+ rng, _rng = jax.random.split(rng)
+ if sp:
+ l = permute_pcg_state(_rng, l, static_env_params)
+ new_ls.append(l)
+ return stack_list_of_pytrees(new_ls)
+def evaluate_rnn( # from jaxued
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ init_hstate: chex.ArrayTree,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ max_episode_length: int,
+ keep_states=True,
+ return_trajectories=False,
+) -> Tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array]:
+ """This runs the RNN on the environment, given an initial state and observation, and returns (states, rewards, episode_lengths)
+ Args:
+ rng (chex.PRNGKey):
+ env (UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ env_params (EnvParams):
+ train_state (TrainState):
+ init_hstate (chex.ArrayTree): Shape (num_levels, )
+ init_obs (Observation): Shape (num_levels, )
+ init_env_state (EnvState): Shape (num_levels, )
+ max_episode_length (int):
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array]: (States, rewards, episode lengths) ((NUM_STEPS, NUM_LEVELS), (NUM_STEPS, NUM_LEVELS), (NUM_LEVELS,)
+ """
+ num_levels = jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(init_obs)[0][0].shape[0]
+ def step(carry, _):
+ rng, hstate, obs, state, done, mask, episode_length = carry
+ rng, rng_action, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (obs, done))
+ hstate, pi, _ = train_state.apply_fn(train_state.params, hstate, x)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=rng_action).squeeze(0)
+ obs, next_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_step, num_levels), state, action, env_params
+ )
+ next_mask = mask & ~done
+ episode_length += mask
+ if keep_states:
+ return (rng, hstate, obs, next_state, done, next_mask, episode_length), (state, reward, done, info)
+ else:
+ return (rng, hstate, obs, next_state, done, next_mask, episode_length), (None, reward, done, info)
+ (_, _, _, _, _, _, episode_lengths), (states, rewards, dones, infos) = jax.lax.scan(
+ step,
+ (
+ rng,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ jnp.zeros(num_levels, dtype=bool),
+ jnp.ones(num_levels, dtype=bool),
+ jnp.zeros(num_levels, dtype=jnp.int32),
+ ),
+ None,
+ length=max_episode_length,
+ )
+ done_idx = jnp.argmax(dones, axis=0)
+ to_return = (states, rewards, done_idx, episode_lengths, infos)
+ if return_trajectories:
+ return to_return, (dones, rewards)
+ return to_return
+def general_eval(
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ eval_env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ levels: EnvState,
+ num_eval_steps: int,
+ num_levels: int,
+ keep_states=True,
+ return_trajectories=False,
+ """
+ This evaluates the current policy on the set of evaluation levels
+ It returns (states, cum_rewards, episode_lengths), with shapes (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,), (num_eval_levels,)
+ """
+ rng, rng_reset = jax.random.split(rng)
+ init_obs, init_env_state = jax.vmap(eval_env.reset_to_level, (0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_reset, num_levels), levels, env_params
+ )
+ init_hstate = ScannedRNN.initialize_carry(num_levels)
+ (states, rewards, done_idx, episode_lengths, infos), (dones, reward) = evaluate_rnn(
+ rng,
+ eval_env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ num_eval_steps,
+ keep_states=keep_states,
+ return_trajectories=True,
+ )
+ mask = jnp.arange(num_eval_steps)[..., None] < episode_lengths
+ cum_rewards = (rewards * mask).sum(axis=0)
+ to_return = (
+ states,
+ cum_rewards,
+ done_idx,
+ episode_lengths,
+ infos,
+ ) # (num_steps, num_eval_levels, ...), (num_eval_levels,), (num_eval_levels,)
+ if return_trajectories:
+ return to_return, (dones, reward)
+ return to_return
+def compute_gae(
+ gamma: float,
+ lambd: float,
+ last_value: chex.Array,
+ values: chex.Array,
+ rewards: chex.Array,
+ dones: chex.Array,
+) -> Tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array]:
+ """This takes in arrays of shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS) and returns the advantages and targets.
+ Args:
+ gamma (float):
+ lambd (float):
+ last_value (chex.Array): Shape (NUM_ENVS)
+ values (chex.Array): Shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS)
+ rewards (chex.Array): Shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS)
+ dones (chex.Array): Shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS)
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[chex.Array, chex.Array]: advantages, targets; each of shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS)
+ """
+ def compute_gae_at_timestep(carry, x):
+ gae, next_value = carry
+ value, reward, done = x
+ delta = reward + gamma * next_value * (1 - done) - value
+ gae = delta + gamma * lambd * (1 - done) * gae
+ return (gae, value), gae
+ _, advantages = jax.lax.scan(
+ compute_gae_at_timestep,
+ (jnp.zeros_like(last_value), last_value),
+ (values, rewards, dones),
+ reverse=True,
+ unroll=16,
+ )
+ return advantages, advantages + values
+def sample_trajectories_rnn(
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ init_hstate: chex.ArrayTree,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ num_envs: int,
+ max_episode_length: int,
+ return_states: bool = False,
+) -> Tuple[
+ Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState, chex.ArrayTree, Observation, EnvState, chex.Array],
+ Tuple[Observation, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, dict],
+ """This samples trajectories from the environment using the agent specified by the `train_state`.
+ Args:
+ rng (chex.PRNGKey): Singleton
+ env (UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ env_params (EnvParams):
+ train_state (TrainState): Singleton
+ init_hstate (chex.ArrayTree): This is the init RNN hidden state, has to have shape (NUM_ENVS, ...)
+ init_obs (Observation): The initial observation, shape (NUM_ENVS, ...)
+ init_env_state (EnvState): The initial env state (NUM_ENVS, ...)
+ num_envs (int): The number of envs that are vmapped over.
+ max_episode_length (int): The maximum episode length, i.e., the number of steps to do the rollouts for.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState, chex.ArrayTree, Observation, EnvState, chex.Array], Tuple[Observation, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, dict]]: (rng, train_state, hstate, last_obs, last_env_state, last_value), traj, where traj is (obs, action, reward, done, log_prob, value, info). The first element in the tuple consists of arrays that have shapes (NUM_ENVS, ...) (except `rng` and and `train_state` which are singleton). The second element in the tuple is of shape (NUM_STEPS, NUM_ENVS, ...), and it contains the trajectory.
+ """
+ def sample_step(carry, _):
+ rng, train_state, hstate, obs, env_state, last_done = carry
+ prev_state = env_state
+ rng, rng_action, rng_step = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (obs, last_done))
+ hstate, pi, value = train_state.apply_fn(train_state.params, hstate, x)
+ action = pi.sample(seed=rng_action)
+ log_prob = pi.log_prob(action)
+ value, action, log_prob = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.squeeze(0), (value, action, log_prob))
+ next_obs, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_step, num_envs), env_state, action, env_params
+ )
+ carry = (rng, train_state, hstate, next_obs, env_state, done)
+ step = (obs, action, reward, done, log_prob, value, info)
+ if return_states:
+ step += (prev_state,)
+ return carry, step
+ (rng, train_state, hstate, last_obs, last_env_state, last_done), traj = jax.lax.scan(
+ sample_step,
+ (
+ rng,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ jnp.zeros(num_envs, dtype=bool),
+ ),
+ None,
+ length=max_episode_length,
+ )
+ x = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[None, ...], (last_obs, last_done))
+ _, _, last_value = train_state.apply_fn(train_state.params, hstate, x)
+ my_obs = traj[0]
+ rew = traj[2]
+ return (rng, train_state, hstate, last_obs, last_env_state, last_value.squeeze(0)), traj
+def update_actor_critic_rnn(
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ init_hstate: chex.ArrayTree,
+ batch: chex.ArrayTree,
+ num_envs: int,
+ n_steps: int,
+ n_minibatch: int,
+ n_epochs: int,
+ clip_eps: float,
+ entropy_coeff: float,
+ critic_coeff: float,
+ update_grad: bool = True,
+) -> Tuple[Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState], chex.ArrayTree]:
+ """This function takes in a rollout, and PPO hyperparameters, and updates the train state.
+ Args:
+ rng (chex.PRNGKey):
+ train_state (TrainState):
+ init_hstate (chex.ArrayTree):
+ batch (chex.ArrayTree): obs, actions, dones, log_probs, values, targets, advantages
+ num_envs (int):
+ n_steps (int):
+ n_minibatch (int):
+ n_epochs (int):
+ clip_eps (float):
+ entropy_coeff (float):
+ critic_coeff (float):
+ update_grad (bool, optional): If False, the train state does not actually get updated. Defaults to True.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState], chex.ArrayTree]: It returns a new rng, the updated train_state, and the losses. The losses have structure (loss, (l_vf, l_clip, entropy))
+ """
+ obs, actions, dones, log_probs, values, targets, advantages = batch
+ last_dones = jnp.roll(dones, 1, axis=0).at[0].set(False)
+ batch = obs, actions, last_dones, log_probs, values, targets, advantages
+ def update_epoch(carry, _):
+ def update_minibatch(train_state, minibatch):
+ init_hstate, obs, actions, last_dones, log_probs, values, targets, advantages = minibatch
+ def loss_fn(params):
+ _, pi, values_pred = train_state.apply_fn(params, init_hstate, (obs, last_dones))
+ log_probs_pred = pi.log_prob(actions)
+ entropy = pi.entropy().mean()
+ ratio = jnp.exp(log_probs_pred - log_probs)
+ A = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / (advantages.std() + 1e-8)
+ l_clip = (-jnp.minimum(ratio * A, jnp.clip(ratio, 1 - clip_eps, 1 + clip_eps) * A)).mean()
+ values_pred_clipped = values + (values_pred - values).clip(-clip_eps, clip_eps)
+ l_vf = 0.5 * jnp.maximum((values_pred - targets) ** 2, (values_pred_clipped - targets) ** 2).mean()
+ loss = l_clip + critic_coeff * l_vf - entropy_coeff * entropy
+ return loss, (l_vf, l_clip, entropy)
+ grad_fn = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn, has_aux=True)
+ loss, grads = grad_fn(train_state.params)
+ if update_grad:
+ train_state = train_state.apply_gradients(grads=grads)
+ grad_norm = jnp.linalg.norm(
+ jnp.concatenate(jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: x.flatten(), jax.tree_util.tree_flatten(grads)[0]))
+ )
+ return train_state, (loss, grad_norm)
+ rng, train_state = carry
+ rng, rng_perm = jax.random.split(rng)
+ permutation = jax.random.permutation(rng_perm, num_envs)
+ minibatches = (
+ jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: jnp.take(x, permutation, axis=0).reshape(n_minibatch, -1, *x.shape[1:]),
+ init_hstate,
+ ),
+ *jax.tree.map(
+ lambda x: jnp.take(x, permutation, axis=1)
+ .reshape(x.shape[0], n_minibatch, -1, *x.shape[2:])
+ .swapaxes(0, 1),
+ batch,
+ ),
+ )
+ train_state, (losses, grads) = jax.lax.scan(update_minibatch, train_state, minibatches)
+ return (rng, train_state), (losses, grads)
+ return jax.lax.scan(update_epoch, (rng, train_state), None, n_epochs)
+@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0, 2, 8, 9))
+def sample_trajectories_and_learn(
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ config: dict,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ train_state: TrainState,
+ init_hstate: chex.Array,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ update_grad: bool = True,
+ return_states: bool = False,
+) -> Tuple[
+ Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState, Observation, EnvState],
+ Tuple[
+ Observation,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.Array,
+ dict,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.Array,
+ chex.ArrayTree,
+ chex.Array,
+ ],
+ """This function loops the following:
+ - rollout for config['num_steps']
+ - learn / update policy
+ And it loops it for config['outer_rollout_steps'].
+ What is returns is a new carry (rng, train_state, init_obs, init_env_state), and concatenated rollouts. The shape of the rollouts are config['num_steps'] * config['outer_rollout_steps']. In other words, the trajectories returned by this function are the same as if we ran rollouts for config['num_steps'] * config['outer_rollout_steps'] steps, but the agent does perform PPO updates in between.
+ Args:
+ env (UnderspecifiedEnv):
+ env_params (EnvParams):
+ config (dict):
+ rng (chex.PRNGKey):
+ train_state (TrainState):
+ init_obs (Observation):
+ init_env_state (EnvState):
+ update_grad (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[Tuple[chex.PRNGKey, TrainState, Observation, EnvState], Tuple[Observation, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.Array, dict, chex.Array, chex.Array, chex.ArrayTree, chex.Array]]: This returns a tuple:
+ (
+ (rng, train_state, init_obs, init_env_state),
+ (obs, actions, rewards, dones, log_probs, values, info, advantages, targets, losses, grads)
+ )
+ """
+ def single_step(carry, _):
+ rng, train_state, init_hstate, init_obs, init_env_state = carry
+ ((rng, train_state, new_hstate, last_obs, last_env_state, last_value), traj,) = sample_trajectories_rnn(
+ rng,
+ env,
+ env_params,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ config["num_train_envs"],
+ config["num_steps"],
+ return_states=return_states,
+ )
+ if return_states:
+ states = traj[-1]
+ traj = traj[:-1]
+ (obs, actions, rewards, dones, log_probs, values, info) = traj
+ advantages, targets = compute_gae(config["gamma"], config["gae_lambda"], last_value, values, rewards, dones)
+ # Update the policy using trajectories collected from replay levels
+ (rng, train_state), (losses, grads) = update_actor_critic_rnn(
+ rng,
+ train_state,
+ init_hstate,
+ (obs, actions, dones, log_probs, values, targets, advantages),
+ config["num_train_envs"],
+ config["num_steps"],
+ config["num_minibatches"],
+ config["update_epochs"],
+ config["clip_eps"],
+ config["ent_coef"],
+ config["vf_coef"],
+ update_grad=update_grad,
+ )
+ new_carry = (rng, train_state, new_hstate, last_obs, last_env_state)
+ step = (obs, actions, rewards, dones, log_probs, values, info, advantages, targets, losses, grads)
+ if return_states:
+ step += (states,)
+ return new_carry, step
+ carry = (rng, train_state, init_hstate, init_obs, init_env_state)
+ new_carry, all_rollouts = jax.lax.scan(single_step, carry, None, length=config["outer_rollout_steps"])
+ all_rollouts = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.concatenate(x, axis=0), all_rollouts)
+ return new_carry, all_rollouts
+def no_op_rollout(
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ num_envs: int,
+ max_episode_length: int,
+ do_random=False,
+ noop = jnp.array(env.action_type.noop_action())
+ zero_action = jnp.repeat(noop[None, ...], num_envs, axis=0)
+ SHAPE = zero_action.shape
+ def sample_step(carry, _):
+ rng, obs, env_state, last_done = carry
+ rng, rng_step, _rng = jax.random.split(rng, 3)
+ if do_random:
+ action = jax.vmap(env.action_space(env_params).sample)(jax.random.split(_rng, num_envs))
+ else:
+ action = zero_action
+ next_obs, env_state, reward, done, info = jax.vmap(env.step, in_axes=(0, 0, 0, None))(
+ jax.random.split(rng_step, num_envs), env_state, action, env_params
+ )
+ carry = (rng, next_obs, env_state, done)
+ return carry, (obs, action, reward, done, info)
+ (rng, last_obs, last_env_state, last_done), traj = jax.lax.scan(
+ sample_step,
+ (
+ rng,
+ init_obs,
+ init_env_state,
+ jnp.zeros(num_envs, dtype=bool),
+ ),
+ None,
+ length=max_episode_length,
+ )
+ info = traj[-1]
+ dones = traj[-2]
+ returns_per_env = (info["returned_episode_returns"] * dones).sum(axis=0) / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum(axis=0))
+ lens_per_env = (info["returned_episode_lengths"] * dones).sum(axis=0) / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum(axis=0))
+ success_per_env = (info["returned_episode_solved"] * dones).sum(axis=0) / jnp.maximum(1, dones.sum(axis=0))
+ return returns_per_env, lens_per_env, success_per_env
+def no_op_and_random_rollout(
+ env: UnderspecifiedEnv,
+ env_params: EnvParams,
+ rng: chex.PRNGKey,
+ init_obs: Observation,
+ init_env_state: EnvState,
+ num_envs: int,
+ max_episode_length: int,
+ returns_noop, lens_noop, success_noop = no_op_rollout(
+ env, env_params, rng, init_obs, init_env_state, num_envs, max_episode_length, do_random=False
+ )
+ returns_random, lens_random, success_random = no_op_rollout(
+ env, env_params, rng, init_obs, init_env_state, num_envs, max_episode_length, do_random=True
+ )
+ return returns_noop, lens_noop, success_noop, returns_random, lens_random, success_random
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/util/saving.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/saving.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3291a58da66fab041eb3b0e47fd7e7420830010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/saving.py
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+import json
+import os
+import pickle
+from typing import Any, Dict, Union
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import flax.serialization
+import jax
+import jax.numpy as jnp
+import flax
+import wandb
+from jax2d.engine import (
+ calculate_collision_matrix,
+ get_empty_collision_manifolds,
+ get_pairwise_interaction_indices,
+ recalculate_mass_and_inertia,
+from jax2d.sim_state import RigidBody, SimState
+from kinetix.environment.env_state import EnvState, StaticEnvParams, EnvParams
+from flax.traverse_util import flatten_dict, unflatten_dict
+from safetensors.flax import save_file, load_file
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg import env_state_to_pcg_state
+from kinetix.pcg.pcg_state import PCGState
+import bz2
+def check_if_mass_and_inertia_are_correct(state: SimState, env_params: EnvParams, static_params):
+ new = recalculate_mass_and_inertia(state, static_params, state.polygon_densities, state.circle_densities)
+ def _check(a, b, shape, name):
+ a = jnp.where(shape.active, a, jnp.zeros_like(a))
+ b = jnp.where(shape.active, b, jnp.zeros_like(b))
+ if not jnp.allclose(a, b):
+ idxs = jnp.arange(len(shape.active))[(a != b) & shape.active]
+ new_one = a[idxs]
+ old_one = b[idxs]
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Error: {name} is not the same after loading. Indexes {idxs} are incorrect. New = {new_one} | Before = {old_one}"
+ )
+ _check(new.polygon.inverse_mass, state.polygon.inverse_mass, state.polygon, "Polygon inverse mass")
+ _check(new.circle.inverse_mass, state.circle.inverse_mass, state.circle, "Circle inverse mass")
+ _check(new.polygon.inverse_inertia, state.polygon.inverse_inertia, state.polygon, "Polygon inverse inertia")
+ _check(new.circle.inverse_inertia, state.circle.inverse_inertia, state.circle, "Circle inverse inertia")
+ return True
+def save_pickle(filename, state):
+ with open(filename, "wb") as f:
+ pickle.dump(state, f)
+def load_pcg_state_pickle(filename):
+ with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ return pickle.load(f)
+def expand_env_state(env_state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, ignore_collision_matrix=False):
+ num_rects = len(env_state.polygon.position)
+ num_circles = len(env_state.circle.position)
+ num_joints = len(env_state.joint.a_index)
+ num_thrusters = len(env_state.thruster.object_index)
+ def _add_dummy(num_to_add, obj):
+ return jax.tree_map(
+ lambda current: jnp.concatenate(
+ [current, jnp.zeros((num_to_add, *current.shape[1:]), dtype=current.dtype)], axis=0
+ ),
+ obj,
+ )
+ does_need_to_change = False
+ added_rects = 0
+ if (
+ num_rects > static_env_params.num_polygons
+ or num_circles > static_env_params.num_circles
+ or num_joints > static_env_params.num_joints
+ ):
+ raise Exception(
+ f"The current static_env_params is too small to accommodate the loaded env_state (needs num_rects={num_rects}, num_circles={num_circles}, num_joints={num_joints} but current is {static_env_params.num_polygons}, {static_env_params.num_circles}, {static_env_params.num_joints})."
+ )
+ if num_rects < static_env_params.num_polygons:
+ added_rects = static_env_params.num_polygons - num_rects
+ does_need_to_change = True
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ polygon=_add_dummy(added_rects, env_state.polygon),
+ polygon_shape_roles=_add_dummy(added_rects, env_state.polygon_shape_roles),
+ polygon_highlighted=_add_dummy(added_rects, env_state.polygon_highlighted),
+ polygon_densities=_add_dummy(added_rects, env_state.polygon_densities),
+ )
+ if num_circles < static_env_params.num_circles:
+ does_need_to_change = True
+ n_to_add = static_env_params.num_circles - num_circles
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ circle=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.circle),
+ circle_shape_roles=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.circle_shape_roles),
+ circle_highlighted=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.circle_highlighted),
+ circle_densities=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.circle_densities),
+ )
+ if num_joints < static_env_params.num_joints:
+ does_need_to_change = True
+ n_to_add = static_env_params.num_joints - num_joints
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ joint=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.joint),
+ motor_bindings=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.motor_bindings),
+ motor_auto=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.motor_auto),
+ )
+ if num_thrusters < static_env_params.num_thrusters:
+ does_need_to_change = True
+ n_to_add = static_env_params.num_thrusters - num_thrusters
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ thruster=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.thruster),
+ thruster_bindings=_add_dummy(n_to_add, env_state.thruster_bindings),
+ )
+ # This fixes the indices
+ def _modify_index(old_indices):
+ return jnp.where(old_indices >= num_rects, old_indices + added_rects, old_indices)
+ if added_rects > 0:
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ joint=env_state.joint.replace(
+ a_index=_modify_index(env_state.joint.a_index),
+ b_index=_modify_index(env_state.joint.b_index),
+ ),
+ thruster=env_state.thruster.replace(
+ object_index=_modify_index(env_state.thruster.object_index),
+ ),
+ )
+ # Double check the collision manifolds are fine
+ if does_need_to_change or 1:
+ # print("Loading but changing the shapes to match the current static params.")
+ acc_rr_manifolds, acc_cr_manifolds, acc_cc_manifolds = get_empty_collision_manifolds(static_env_params)
+ env_state = env_state.replace(
+ collision_matrix=(
+ env_state.collision_matrix
+ if ignore_collision_matrix
+ else calculate_collision_matrix(static_env_params, env_state.joint)
+ ),
+ acc_rr_manifolds=acc_rr_manifolds,
+ acc_cr_manifolds=acc_cr_manifolds,
+ acc_cc_manifolds=acc_cc_manifolds,
+ )
+ return env_state
+def expand_pcg_state(pcg_state: PCGState, static_env_params):
+ new_pcg_state = pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state=expand_env_state(pcg_state.env_state, static_env_params),
+ env_state_max=expand_env_state(pcg_state.env_state_max, static_env_params),
+ env_state_pcg_mask=expand_env_state(
+ pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask, static_env_params, ignore_collision_matrix=True
+ ),
+ )
+ new_pcg_state = new_pcg_state.replace(
+ env_state_pcg_mask=new_pcg_state.env_state_pcg_mask.replace(
+ collision_matrix=jnp.zeros_like(new_pcg_state.env_state.collision_matrix, dtype=bool),
+ )
+ )
+ num_shapes = new_pcg_state.env_state.polygon.active.shape[0] + new_pcg_state.env_state.circle.active.shape[0]
+ return new_pcg_state.replace(
+ tied_together=jnp.zeros((num_shapes, num_shapes), dtype=bool)
+ .at[
+ : pcg_state.tied_together.shape[0],
+ : pcg_state.tied_together.shape[1],
+ ]
+ .set(pcg_state.tied_together)
+ )
+def load_world_state_pickle(filename, params=None, static_env_params=None):
+ static_params = static_env_params or StaticEnvParams()
+ with open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ state: SimState = pickle.load(f)
+ state = jax.tree.map(lambda x: jnp.nan_to_num(x), state)
+ # Check if the mass and inertia are reasonable.
+ check_if_mass_and_inertia_are_correct(state, params or EnvParams(), static_params)
+ # Now check if the shapes are correct
+ return expand_env_state(state, static_params)
+def stack_list_of_pytrees(list_of_pytrees):
+ v = jax.tree_map(lambda x: jnp.expand_dims(x, 0), list_of_pytrees[0])
+ for l in list_of_pytrees[1:]:
+ v = jax.tree_map(lambda x, y: jnp.concatenate([x, jnp.expand_dims(y, 0)], axis=0), v, l)
+ return v
+def get_pcg_state_from_json(json_filename) -> PCGState:
+ env_state, _, _ = load_from_json_file(json_filename)
+ return env_state_to_pcg_state(env_state)
+def my_load_file(filename):
+ data = bz2.BZ2File(filename, "rb")
+ data = pickle.load(data)
+ return data
+def my_save_file(obj, filename):
+ with bz2.BZ2File(filename, "w") as f:
+ pickle.dump(obj, f)
+def save_params(params: Dict, filename: Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None:
+ my_save_file(params, filename)
+def load_params(filename: Union[str, os.PathLike], legacy=False) -> Dict:
+ if legacy:
+ filename = filename.replace("full_model.pbz2", "model.safetensors")
+ filename = filename.replace(".pbz2", ".safetensors")
+ return unflatten_dict(load_file(filename), sep=",")
+ return my_load_file(filename)
+def load_params_from_wandb_artifact_path(checkpoint_name, legacy=False):
+ api = wandb.Api()
+ name = api.artifact(checkpoint_name).download()
+ network_params = load_params(name + "/model.pbz2", legacy=legacy)
+ return network_params
+def save_params_to_wandb(params, timesteps, config):
+ if config["checkpoint_human_numbers"]:
+ timesteps = str(round(timesteps / 1e9)) + "B"
+ run_name = config["run_name"] + "-" + str(config["random_hash"]) + "-" + str(timesteps)
+ save_dir = os.path.join(config["save_path"], run_name)
+ os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ save_params(params, f"{save_dir}/model.pbz2")
+ # upload this to wandb as an artifact
+ artifact = wandb.Artifact(f"{run_name}-checkpoint", type="checkpoint")
+ artifact.add_file(f"{save_dir}/model.pbz2")
+ artifact.save()
+ print(f"Parameters of model saved in {save_dir}/model.pbz2")
+def load_params_wandb_artifact_path_full_model(checkpoint_name):
+ api = wandb.Api()
+ name = api.artifact(checkpoint_name).download()
+ all_dict = load_params(name + "/full_model.pbz2")
+ return all_dict["params"]
+def load_train_state_from_wandb_artifact_path(train_state, checkpoint_name, load_only_params=False, legacy=False):
+ api = wandb.Api()
+ name = api.artifact(checkpoint_name).download()
+ all_dict = load_params(name + "/full_model.pbz2", legacy=legacy)
+ if legacy:
+ return train_state.replace(params=all_dict)
+ train_state = train_state.replace(params=all_dict["params"])
+ if not load_only_params:
+ train_state = train_state.replace(
+ # step=all_dict["step"],
+ opt_state=all_dict["opt_state"]
+ )
+ return train_state
+def save_params_to_wandb(params, timesteps, config):
+ return save_dict_to_wandb(params, timesteps, config, "params")
+def save_dict_to_wandb(dict, timesteps, config, name):
+ timesteps = str(round(timesteps / 1e9)) + "B"
+ run_name = config["run_name"] + "-" + str(config["random_hash"]) + "-" + str(timesteps)
+ save_dir = os.path.join(config["save_path"], run_name)
+ os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ save_params(dict, f"{save_dir}/{name}.pbz2")
+ # upload this to wandb as an artifact
+ artifact = wandb.Artifact(f"{run_name}-checkpoint", type="checkpoint")
+ artifact.add_file(f"{save_dir}/{name}.pbz2")
+ artifact.save()
+ print(f"Parameters of model saved in {save_dir}/{name}.pbz2")
+def save_model_to_wandb(train_state, timesteps, config, is_final=False):
+ dict_to_use = {"step": train_state.step, "params": train_state.params, "opt_state": train_state.opt_state}
+ step = int(train_state.step)
+ if config["economical_saving"]:
+ if step in [2048, 10240, 40960, 81920] or is_final:
+ save_dict_to_wandb(dict_to_use, timesteps, config, "full_model")
+ else:
+ print("Not saving model because step is", step)
+ else:
+ save_dict_to_wandb(dict_to_use, timesteps, config, "full_model")
+def import_env_state_from_json(json_file: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[EnvState, StaticEnvParams, EnvParams]:
+ from kinetix.environment.env import create_empty_env
+ def normalise(k, v):
+ if k == "screen_dim":
+ return v
+ if type(v) == dict and "0" in v:
+ return jnp.array([normalise(k, v[str(i)]) for i in range(len(v))])
+ return v
+ env_state = json_file["env_state"]
+ env_params = json_file["env_params"]
+ static_env_params = json_file["static_env_params"]
+ env_params_target = EnvParams()
+ static_env_params_target = StaticEnvParams()
+ new_env_params = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ env_params_target, {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in env_params.items()}
+ )
+ norm_static = {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in static_env_params.items()}
+ # norm_static["screen_dim"] = tuple(static_env_params_target.screen_dim)
+ norm_static["downscale"] = static_env_params_target.downscale
+ # print(
+ # static_env_params_target,
+ # )
+ new_static_env_params = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(static_env_params_target, norm_static)
+ new_static_env_params = new_static_env_params.replace(screen_dim=static_env_params_target.screen_dim)
+ env_state_target = create_empty_env(new_static_env_params)
+ def astype(x, all):
+ return jnp.astype(x, all.dtype)
+ def _load_rigidbody(env_state_target, i, is_poly):
+ to_load_from: dict[str, Any] = env_state["circle" if not is_poly else "polygon"][i]
+ role = to_load_from.pop("role")
+ density = to_load_from.pop("density")
+ if "highlighted" in to_load_from:
+ _ = to_load_from.pop("highlighted")
+ new_obj = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.circle if not is_poly else env_state_target.polygon),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in to_load_from.items()},
+ )
+ if is_poly:
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ polygon_shape_roles=env_state_target.polygon_shape_roles.at[i].set(role),
+ polygon_densities=env_state_target.polygon_densities.at[i].set(density),
+ polygon=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.polygon, new_obj
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ circle_shape_roles=env_state_target.circle_shape_roles.at[i].set(role),
+ circle_densities=env_state_target.circle_densities.at[i].set(density),
+ circle=jax.tree.map(lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.circle, new_obj),
+ )
+ return env_state_target
+ # Now load the env state:
+ for i in range(new_static_env_params.num_circles):
+ env_state_target = _load_rigidbody(env_state_target, i, False)
+ for i in range(new_static_env_params.num_polygons):
+ env_state_target = _load_rigidbody(env_state_target, i, True)
+ for i in range(new_static_env_params.num_joints):
+ to_load_from = env_state["joint"][i]
+ motor_binding = to_load_from.pop("motor_binding")
+ new_obj = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.joint), {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in to_load_from.items()}
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ joint=jax.tree.map(lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.joint, new_obj),
+ motor_bindings=env_state_target.motor_bindings.at[i].set(motor_binding),
+ )
+ for i in range(new_static_env_params.num_thrusters):
+ to_load_from = env_state["thruster"][i]
+ thruster_binding = to_load_from.pop("thruster_binding")
+ new_obj = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.thruster),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in to_load_from.items()},
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ thruster=jax.tree.map(lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.thruster, new_obj),
+ thruster_bindings=env_state_target.thruster_bindings.at[i].set(thruster_binding),
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ collision_matrix=flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ env_state_target.collision_matrix, normalise("collision_matrix", env_state["collision_matrix"])
+ )
+ )
+ for i in range(env_state_target.acc_rr_manifolds.active.shape[0]):
+ a = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.acc_rr_manifolds),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in env_state["acc_rr_manifolds"][i].items()},
+ )
+ b = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.acc_rr_manifolds),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in env_state["acc_rr_manifolds"][i + 1].items()},
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ acc_rr_manifolds=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.acc_rr_manifolds, a
+ ),
+ )
+ env_state_target.replace(
+ acc_rr_manifolds=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: all.at[i + 1].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.acc_rr_manifolds, b
+ )
+ )
+ for i in range(env_state_target.acc_cr_manifolds.active.shape[0]):
+ a = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.acc_cr_manifolds),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in env_state["acc_cr_manifolds"][i].items()},
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ acc_cr_manifolds=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.acc_cr_manifolds, a
+ ),
+ )
+ for i in range(env_state_target.acc_cc_manifolds.active.shape[0]):
+ a = flax.serialization.from_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i], env_state_target.acc_cc_manifolds),
+ {k: normalise(k, v) for k, v in env_state["acc_cc_manifolds"][i].items()},
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ acc_cc_manifolds=jax.tree.map(
+ lambda all, new: all.at[i].set(astype(new, all)), env_state_target.acc_cc_manifolds, a
+ ),
+ )
+ env_state_target = env_state_target.replace(
+ collision_matrix=calculate_collision_matrix(new_static_env_params, env_state_target.joint)
+ )
+ return (
+ env_state_target,
+ new_static_env_params,
+ new_env_params.replace(max_timesteps=env_params_target.max_timesteps),
+ )
+def export_env_state_to_json(
+ filename: str, env_state: EnvState, static_env_params: StaticEnvParams, env_params: EnvParams
+ json_to_save = {
+ "polygon": [],
+ "circle": [],
+ "joint": [],
+ "thruster": [],
+ "collision_matrix": flax.serialization.to_state_dict(env_state.collision_matrix.tolist()),
+ "acc_rr_manifolds": [],
+ "acc_cr_manifolds": [],
+ "acc_cc_manifolds": [],
+ "gravity": flax.serialization.to_state_dict(env_state.gravity.tolist()),
+ }
+ def _rigidbody_to_json(index: int, is_poly):
+ main_arr = env_state.polygon if is_poly else env_state.circle
+ c = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[index].tolist(), main_arr)
+ roles = env_state.polygon_shape_roles if is_poly else env_state.circle_shape_roles
+ densities = env_state.polygon_densities if is_poly else env_state.circle_densities
+ highlighted = env_state.polygon_highlighted if is_poly else env_state.circle_highlighted
+ d = flax.serialization.to_state_dict(c)
+ d["role"] = roles[index].tolist()
+ d["density"] = densities[index].tolist()
+ d["highlighted"] = highlighted[index].tolist()
+ return d
+ def _joint_to_json(i):
+ joint = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i].tolist(), env_state.joint)
+ d = flax.serialization.to_state_dict(joint)
+ d["motor_binding"] = env_state.motor_bindings[i].tolist()
+ return d
+ def _thruster_to_json(i):
+ thruster = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i].tolist(), env_state.thruster)
+ d = flax.serialization.to_state_dict(thruster)
+ d["thruster_binding"] = env_state.thruster_bindings[i].tolist()
+ return d
+ for i in range(static_env_params.num_circles):
+ json_to_save["circle"].append(_rigidbody_to_json(i, False))
+ for i in range(static_env_params.num_polygons):
+ json_to_save["polygon"].append(_rigidbody_to_json(i, True))
+ for i in range(static_env_params.num_joints):
+ json_to_save["joint"].append(_joint_to_json(i))
+ for i in range(static_env_params.num_thrusters):
+ json_to_save["thruster"].append(_thruster_to_json(i))
+ ncc, ncr, nrr, circle_circle_pairs, circle_rect_pairs, rect_rect_pairs = get_pairwise_interaction_indices(
+ static_env_params
+ )
+ for i in range(nrr):
+ a = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i, 0].tolist(), env_state.acc_rr_manifolds)
+ b = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i, 1].tolist(), env_state.acc_rr_manifolds)
+ json_to_save["acc_rr_manifolds"].append(flax.serialization.to_state_dict(a))
+ json_to_save["acc_rr_manifolds"].append(flax.serialization.to_state_dict(b))
+ for i in range(ncr):
+ a = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i].tolist(), env_state.acc_cr_manifolds)
+ json_to_save["acc_cr_manifolds"].append(flax.serialization.to_state_dict(a))
+ for i in range(ncc):
+ a = jax.tree.map(lambda x: x[i].tolist(), env_state.acc_cc_manifolds)
+ json_to_save["acc_cc_manifolds"].append(flax.serialization.to_state_dict(a))
+ to_save = {
+ "env_state": json_to_save,
+ "env_params": flax.serialization.to_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.tolist() if type(x) == jnp.ndarray else x, env_params)
+ ),
+ "static_env_params": flax.serialization.to_state_dict(
+ jax.tree.map(lambda x: x.tolist() if type(x) == jnp.ndarray else x, static_env_params)
+ ),
+ }
+ with open(filename, "w+") as f:
+ json.dump(to_save, f)
+ return to_save
+def load_from_json_file(filename):
+ with open(filename, "r") as f:
+ return import_env_state_from_json(json.load(f))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pass
diff --git a/Kinetix/kinetix/util/timing.py b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/timing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9edc82c2b27b6ca4200e716fcf3b1d33a72b8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/kinetix/util/timing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from timeit import default_timer as tmr
+counter = 0
+def time_function(f, name):
+ global counter
+ t = "\t" * counter
+ # print(f"{t}Starting... {name}")
+ ss = tmr()
+ counter += 1
+ a = f()
+ counter -= 1
+ print(f"{t}{name} took {tmr() - ss} seconds")
+ return a
diff --git a/Kinetix/pyproject.toml b/Kinetix/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..221fd6cf1c7d4c3615a7d844a6a0533dea01ec63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+requires = ["setuptools>=64.0"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+name = "kinetix"
+version = "1.0.0"
+authors = [
+ { name="Michael Matthews", email="michael.matthews@eng.ox.ac.uk" },
+ { name="Michael Beukman", email="michael.beukman@eng.ox.ac.uk" },
+description = "An open-ended space of 2D physics-based RL environments"
+readme = "README.md"
+requires-python = ">=3.10"
+classifiers = [
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+dependencies = [
+ "jax[cuda12_pip]==0.4.26",
+ "distrax",
+ "optax",
+ "flax",
+ "numpy==1.26.4",
+ "black",
+ "pre-commit",
+ "argparse",
+ "wandb",
+ "orbax-checkpoint",
+ "pygame",
+ "gymnax",
+ "chex",
+ "matplotlib",
+ "imageio",
+ "seaborn",
+ "hydra-core",
+ "safetensors",
+ "pygame_widgets",
+ "jaxgl",
+ "jax2d",
+ "jaxued @ git+https://github.com/DramaCow/jaxued.git@main"
+Homepage = "https://github.com/FLAIROx/Kinetix"
+Issues = "https://github.com/FLAIROx/Kinetix/Issues"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Kinetix/worlds/l/car_launch.json b/Kinetix/worlds/l/car_launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c575abf893bb56164f8958d91e4ed16b3dea3957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Kinetix/worlds/l/car_launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/Kinetix/worlds/l/hard_cartpole_thrust.json b/Kinetix/worlds/l/hard_cartpole_thrust.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Kinetix/worlds/l/hard_cartpole_thrust.json
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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