import gc import requests import subprocess import logging import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import torch, pdb, os, warnings, librosa import soundfile as sf from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import torch now_dir = os.getcwd() sys.path.append(now_dir) import mdx branch = "" model_params = "" _Models = "" # _models = "" _models = "" #stem_naming = "" file_folder = "Colab-for-MDX_B" model_ids = requests.get(_models).json() model_ids = model_ids["mdx_download_list"].values() #print(model_ids) model_params = requests.get(model_params).json() #stem_naming = requests.get(stem_naming).json() stem_naming = { "Vocals": "Instrumental", "Other": "Instruments", "Instrumental": "Vocals", "Drums": "Drumless", "Bass": "Bassless" } os.makedirs("tmp_models", exist_ok=True) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") cpu = torch.device("cpu") if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda:0") elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): device = torch.device("mps") else: device = torch.device("cpu") def get_model_list(): return model_ids def id_to_ptm(mkey): if mkey in model_ids: mpath = f"{now_dir}/tmp_models/{mkey}" if not os.path.exists(f'{now_dir}/tmp_models/{mkey}'): print('Downloading model...',end=' ') ["wget", _Models+mkey, "-O", mpath] ) print(f'saved to {mpath}') # get_ipython().system(f'gdown {model_id} -O /content/tmp_models/{mkey}') return mpath else: return mpath else: mpath = f'models/{mkey}' return mpath def prepare_mdx(onnx,custom_param=False, dim_f=None, dim_t=None, n_fft=None, stem_name=None, compensation=None): device = torch.device('cuda:0') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') if custom_param: assert not (dim_f is None or dim_t is None or n_fft is None or compensation is None), 'Custom parameter selected, but incomplete parameters are provided.' mdx_model = mdx.MDX_Model( device, dim_f = dim_f, dim_t = dim_t, n_fft = n_fft, stem_name=stem_name, compensation=compensation ) else: model_hash = mdx.MDX.get_hash(onnx) if model_hash in model_params: mp = model_params.get(model_hash) mdx_model = mdx.MDX_Model( device, dim_f = mp["mdx_dim_f_set"], dim_t = 2**mp["mdx_dim_t_set"], n_fft = mp["mdx_n_fft_scale_set"], stem_name=mp["primary_stem"], compensation=compensation if not custom_param and compensation is not None else mp["compensate"] ) return mdx_model def run_mdx(onnx, mdx_model,filename, output_format='wav',diff=False,suffix=None,diff_suffix=None, denoise=False, m_threads=2): mdx_sess = mdx.MDX(onnx,mdx_model) print(f"Processing: {filename}") if filename.lower().endswith('.wav'): wave, sr = librosa.load(filename, mono=False, sr=44100) else: temp_wav = 'temp_audio.wav'['ffmpeg', '-i', filename, '-ar', '44100', '-ac', '2', temp_wav]) # Convert to WAV format wave, sr = librosa.load(temp_wav, mono=False, sr=44100) os.remove(temp_wav) #wave, sr = librosa.load(filename,mono=False, sr=44100) # normalizing input wave gives better output peak = max(np.max(wave), abs(np.min(wave))) wave /= peak if denoise: wave_processed = -(mdx_sess.process_wave(-wave, m_threads)) + (mdx_sess.process_wave(wave, m_threads)) wave_processed *= 0.5 else: wave_processed = mdx_sess.process_wave(wave, m_threads) # return to previous peak wave_processed *= peak stem_name = mdx_model.stem_name if suffix is None else suffix # use suffix if provided save_path = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) #vocals_save_path = os.path.join(vocals_folder, f"{save_path}_{stem_name}.{output_format}") #instrumental_save_path = os.path.join(instrumental_folder, f"{save_path}_{stem_name}.{output_format}") save_path = f"{os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])}_{stem_name}.{output_format}" save_path = os.path.join( 'audios', save_path ) sf.write( save_path, wave_processed.T, sr ) print(f'done, saved to: {save_path}') if diff: diff_stem_name = stem_naming.get(stem_name) if diff_suffix is None else diff_suffix # use suffix if provided stem_name = f"{stem_name}_diff" if diff_stem_name is None else diff_stem_name save_path = f"{os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])}_{stem_name}.{output_format}" save_path = os.path.join( 'audio-others', save_path ) sf.write( save_path, (-wave_processed.T*mdx_model.compensation)+wave.T, sr ) print(f'invert done, saved to: {save_path}') del mdx_sess, wave_processed, wave gc.collect() if __name__ == "__main__": print()