Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import os | |
import googleapiclient.discovery | |
import pandas as pd | |
import re | |
pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", -1) | |
def extract_all_comments(video_id,youtube,page_token='',comments_list =[]): | |
request = youtube.commentThreads().list(part = ['id','snippet'], | |
maxResults = 100,videoId = video_id ,pageToken= page_token) | |
response = request.execute() | |
for comment_details in response['items']: | |
text_dsiplay = comment_details.get('snippet').get('topLevelComment').get('snippet').get('textDisplay') | |
text_original = comment_details.get('snippet').get('topLevelComment').get('snippet').get('textOriginal') | |
likes = comment_details.get('snippet').get('topLevelComment').get('snippet').get('likeCount') | |
published_at = comment_details.get('snippet').get('topLevelComment').get('snippet').get('publishedAt') | |
updated_at = comment_details.get('snippet').get('topLevelComment').get('snippet').get('updatedAt') | |
reply_count = comment_details.get('snippet').get('totalReplyCount') | |
comments_list.append({'text_dsiplay':text_dsiplay,'text_original':text_original, | |
'likes':likes,'published_at':published_at,'updated_at':updated_at, | |
'reply_count':reply_count}) | |
if 'nextPageToken' in response.keys(): | |
if len(comments_list) < 500: | |
print("getting next batch of comments") | |
extract_all_comments(video_id = video_id,youtube = youtube,page_token= response['nextPageToken'],comments_list= comments_list) | |
else: | |
print("Limiting results for speed up") | |'Limiting results for speed up') | |
return comments_list | |
def extract_comments_from_video(video_id,youtube_api_key): | |
try: | |
youtube = | |
api_service_name, api_version, developerKey = youtube_api_key) | |
found_comments = extract_all_comments(video_id = video_id,youtube = youtube,page_token='') | |
print(len(found_comments)) | |
comments_df = pd.DataFrame(found_comments) | |
except: | |
print("An exception occurred") | |
return pd.DataFrame() | |
return comments_df | |
#os.environ["OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT"] = "1" | |
api_service_name = "youtube" | |
api_version = "v3" | |
def find_video_id(youtube_video_id): | |
if 'v=' in youtube_video_id: | |
video_filter = youtube_video_id.split('v=')[1] | |
video_filter = str(video_filter.split('&')[0]) | |
return video_filter | |
return youtube_video_id | |
st.header('Youtube Comments Extractor') | |
link='How to create FREE YouTube API for yourself [link](' | |
st.markdown(link,unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
with st.form("my_form"): | |
st.write('Enter Youtube API key( Will not be stored )') | |
youtube_api_key = st.text_input('API key',placeholder='For less frequent use,Keep this field empty') | |
st.write('Enter Youtube Video ID/ Video Link') | |
youtube_video_id = st.text_input('Video') | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") | |
if submitted: | |
youtube_video_id = find_video_id(youtube_video_id) | |
if len(youtube_api_key)==0: | |
st.warning('Using Default API,Please create your own for frequent use') | |
youtube_api_key= os.environ["youtube_api"] | |
#st.write("API here",os.environ["youtube_api"],len(os.environ["youtube_api"])) | |
df = extract_comments_from_video(youtube_video_id,youtube_api_key) | |
if len(df) > 0: | |
st.dataframe(df) | |
else: | |'This video comments are not found') |