import random from typing import Any, Optional import numpy as np import os import cv2 from glob import glob from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from tqdm import tqdm import kornia import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import albumentations as albu import functools import math import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch import Tensor import torchvision as tv import torchvision.models as models from torchvision import transforms from torchvision.transforms import functional as F from losses import TempCombLoss ######## for loading checkpoint from googledrive google_drive_paths = { "BayesCap_SRGAN.pth": "", "BayesCap_ckpt.pth": "", } def ensure_checkpoint_exists(model_weights_filename): if not os.path.isfile(model_weights_filename) and ( model_weights_filename in google_drive_paths ): gdrive_url = google_drive_paths[model_weights_filename] try: from gdown import download as drive_download drive_download(gdrive_url, model_weights_filename, quiet=False) except ModuleNotFoundError: print( "gdown module not found.", "pip3 install gdown or, manually download the checkpoint file:", gdrive_url ) if not os.path.isfile(model_weights_filename) and ( model_weights_filename not in google_drive_paths ): print( model_weights_filename, " not found, you may need to manually download the model weights." ) ########### DeblurGAN function def get_norm_layer(norm_type='instance'): if norm_type == 'batch': norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.BatchNorm2d, affine=True) elif norm_type == 'instance': norm_layer = functools.partial(nn.InstanceNorm2d, affine=False, track_running_stats=True) else: raise NotImplementedError('normalization layer [%s] is not found' % norm_type) return norm_layer def _array_to_batch(x): x = np.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1)) x = np.expand_dims(x, 0) return torch.from_numpy(x) def get_normalize(): normalize = albu.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) normalize = albu.Compose([normalize], additional_targets={'target': 'image'}) def process(a, b): r = normalize(image=a, target=b) return r['image'], r['target'] return process def preprocess(x: np.ndarray, mask: Optional[np.ndarray]): x, _ = get_normalize()(x, x) if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(x, dtype=np.float32) else: mask = np.round(mask.astype('float32') / 255) h, w, _ = x.shape block_size = 32 min_height = (h // block_size + 1) * block_size min_width = (w // block_size + 1) * block_size pad_params = {'mode': 'constant', 'constant_values': 0, 'pad_width': ((0, min_height - h), (0, min_width - w), (0, 0)) } x = np.pad(x, **pad_params) mask = np.pad(mask, **pad_params) return map(_array_to_batch, (x, mask)), h, w def postprocess(x: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: x, = x x = x.detach().cpu().float().numpy() x = (np.transpose(x, (1, 2, 0)) + 1) / 2.0 * 255.0 return x.astype('uint8') def sorted_glob(pattern): return sorted(glob(pattern)) ########### def normalize(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Normalize the ``OpenCV.imread`` or ```` data. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image data read by ``OpenCV.imread`` or ````. Returns: Normalized image data. Data range [0, 1]. """ return image.astype(np.float64) / 255.0 def unnormalize(image: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Un-normalize the ``OpenCV.imread`` or ```` data. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image data read by ``OpenCV.imread`` or ````. Returns: Denormalized image data. Data range [0, 255]. """ return image.astype(np.float64) * 255.0 def image2tensor(image: np.ndarray, range_norm: bool, half: bool) -> torch.Tensor: """Convert ``PIL.Image`` to Tensor. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image data read by ``PIL.Image`` range_norm (bool): Scale [0, 1] data to between [-1, 1] half (bool): Whether to convert torch.float32 similarly to torch.half type. Returns: Normalized image data Examples: >>> image ="image.bmp") >>> tensor_image = image2tensor(image, range_norm=False, half=False) """ tensor = F.to_tensor(image) if range_norm: tensor = tensor.mul_(2.0).sub_(1.0) if half: tensor = tensor.half() return tensor def tensor2image(tensor: torch.Tensor, range_norm: bool, half: bool) -> Any: """Converts ``torch.Tensor`` to ``PIL.Image``. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor): The image that needs to be converted to ``PIL.Image`` range_norm (bool): Scale [-1, 1] data to between [0, 1] half (bool): Whether to convert torch.float32 similarly to torch.half type. Returns: Convert image data to support PIL library Examples: >>> tensor = torch.randn([1, 3, 128, 128]) >>> image = tensor2image(tensor, range_norm=False, half=False) """ if range_norm: tensor = tensor.add_(1.0).div_(2.0) if half: tensor = tensor.half() image = tensor.squeeze_(0).permute(1, 2, 0).mul_(255).clamp_(0, 255).cpu().numpy().astype("uint8") return image def convert_rgb_to_y(image: Any) -> Any: """Convert RGB image or tensor image data to YCbCr(Y) format. Args: image: RGB image data read by ``PIL.Image''. Returns: Y image array data. """ if type(image) == np.ndarray: return 16. + (64.738 * image[:, :, 0] + 129.057 * image[:, :, 1] + 25.064 * image[:, :, 2]) / 256. elif type(image) == torch.Tensor: if len(image.shape) == 4: image = image.squeeze_(0) return 16. + (64.738 * image[0, :, :] + 129.057 * image[1, :, :] + 25.064 * image[2, :, :]) / 256. else: raise Exception("Unknown Type", type(image)) def convert_rgb_to_ycbcr(image: Any) -> Any: """Convert RGB image or tensor image data to YCbCr format. Args: image: RGB image data read by ``PIL.Image''. Returns: YCbCr image array data. """ if type(image) == np.ndarray: y = 16. + (64.738 * image[:, :, 0] + 129.057 * image[:, :, 1] + 25.064 * image[:, :, 2]) / 256. cb = 128. + (-37.945 * image[:, :, 0] - 74.494 * image[:, :, 1] + 112.439 * image[:, :, 2]) / 256. cr = 128. + (112.439 * image[:, :, 0] - 94.154 * image[:, :, 1] - 18.285 * image[:, :, 2]) / 256. return np.array([y, cb, cr]).transpose([1, 2, 0]) elif type(image) == torch.Tensor: if len(image.shape) == 4: image = image.squeeze(0) y = 16. + (64.738 * image[0, :, :] + 129.057 * image[1, :, :] + 25.064 * image[2, :, :]) / 256. cb = 128. + (-37.945 * image[0, :, :] - 74.494 * image[1, :, :] + 112.439 * image[2, :, :]) / 256. cr = 128. + (112.439 * image[0, :, :] - 94.154 * image[1, :, :] - 18.285 * image[2, :, :]) / 256. return[y, cb, cr], 0).permute(1, 2, 0) else: raise Exception("Unknown Type", type(image)) def convert_ycbcr_to_rgb(image: Any) -> Any: """Convert YCbCr format image to RGB format. Args: image: YCbCr image data read by ``PIL.Image''. Returns: RGB image array data. """ if type(image) == np.ndarray: r = 298.082 * image[:, :, 0] / 256. + 408.583 * image[:, :, 2] / 256. - 222.921 g = 298.082 * image[:, :, 0] / 256. - 100.291 * image[:, :, 1] / 256. - 208.120 * image[:, :, 2] / 256. + 135.576 b = 298.082 * image[:, :, 0] / 256. + 516.412 * image[:, :, 1] / 256. - 276.836 return np.array([r, g, b]).transpose([1, 2, 0]) elif type(image) == torch.Tensor: if len(image.shape) == 4: image = image.squeeze(0) r = 298.082 * image[0, :, :] / 256. + 408.583 * image[2, :, :] / 256. - 222.921 g = 298.082 * image[0, :, :] / 256. - 100.291 * image[1, :, :] / 256. - 208.120 * image[2, :, :] / 256. + 135.576 b = 298.082 * image[0, :, :] / 256. + 516.412 * image[1, :, :] / 256. - 276.836 return[r, g, b], 0).permute(1, 2, 0) else: raise Exception("Unknown Type", type(image)) def center_crop(lr: Any, hr: Any, image_size: int, upscale_factor: int) -> [Any, Any]: """Cut ``PIL.Image`` in the center area of the image. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. image_size (int): The size of the captured image area. It should be the size of the high-resolution image. upscale_factor (int): magnification factor. Returns: Randomly cropped low-resolution images and high-resolution images. """ w, h = hr.size left = (w - image_size) // 2 top = (h - image_size) // 2 right = left + image_size bottom = top + image_size lr = lr.crop((left // upscale_factor, top // upscale_factor, right // upscale_factor, bottom // upscale_factor)) hr = hr.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) return lr, hr def random_crop(lr: Any, hr: Any, image_size: int, upscale_factor: int) -> [Any, Any]: """Will ``PIL.Image`` randomly capture the specified area of the image. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. image_size (int): The size of the captured image area. It should be the size of the high-resolution image. upscale_factor (int): magnification factor. Returns: Randomly cropped low-resolution images and high-resolution images. """ w, h = hr.size left = torch.randint(0, w - image_size + 1, size=(1,)).item() top = torch.randint(0, h - image_size + 1, size=(1,)).item() right = left + image_size bottom = top + image_size lr = lr.crop((left // upscale_factor, top // upscale_factor, right // upscale_factor, bottom // upscale_factor)) hr = hr.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) return lr, hr def random_rotate(lr: Any, hr: Any, angle: int) -> [Any, Any]: """Will ``PIL.Image`` randomly rotate the image. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. angle (int): rotation angle, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. Returns: Randomly rotated low-resolution images and high-resolution images. """ angle = random.choice((+angle, -angle)) lr = F.rotate(lr, angle) hr = F.rotate(hr, angle) return lr, hr def random_horizontally_flip(lr: Any, hr: Any, p=0.5) -> [Any, Any]: """Flip the ``PIL.Image`` image horizontally randomly. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. p (optional, float): rollover probability. (Default: 0.5) Returns: Low-resolution image and high-resolution image after random horizontal flip. """ if torch.rand(1).item() > p: lr = F.hflip(lr) hr = F.hflip(hr) return lr, hr def random_vertically_flip(lr: Any, hr: Any, p=0.5) -> [Any, Any]: """Turn the ``PIL.Image`` image upside down randomly. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. p (optional, float): rollover probability. (Default: 0.5) Returns: Randomly rotated up and down low-resolution images and high-resolution images. """ if torch.rand(1).item() > p: lr = F.vflip(lr) hr = F.vflip(hr) return lr, hr def random_adjust_brightness(lr: Any, hr: Any) -> [Any, Any]: """Set ``PIL.Image`` to randomly adjust the image brightness. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. Returns: Low-resolution image and high-resolution image with randomly adjusted brightness. """ # Randomly adjust the brightness gain range. factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) lr = F.adjust_brightness(lr, factor) hr = F.adjust_brightness(hr, factor) return lr, hr def random_adjust_contrast(lr: Any, hr: Any) -> [Any, Any]: """Set ``PIL.Image`` to randomly adjust the image contrast. Args: lr: Low-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. hr: High-resolution image data read by ``PIL.Image``. Returns: Low-resolution image and high-resolution image with randomly adjusted contrast. """ # Randomly adjust the contrast gain range. factor = random.uniform(0.5, 2) lr = F.adjust_contrast(lr, factor) hr = F.adjust_contrast(hr, factor) return lr, hr #### metrics to compute -- assumes single images, i.e., tensor of 3 dims def img_mae(x1, x2): m = torch.abs(x1-x2).mean() return m def img_mse(x1, x2): m = torch.pow(torch.abs(x1-x2),2).mean() return m def img_psnr(x1, x2): m = kornia.metrics.psnr(x1, x2, 1) return m def img_ssim(x1, x2): m = kornia.metrics.ssim(x1.unsqueeze(0), x2.unsqueeze(0), 5) m = m.mean() return m def show_SR_w_uncer(xLR, xHR, xSR, xSRvar, elim=(0,0.01), ulim=(0,0.15)): ''' xLR/SR/HR: 3xHxW xSRvar: 1xHxW ''' plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) plt.subplot(1,5,1) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,5,2) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,5,3) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,5,4) error_map = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSR-xHR),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.unsqueeze(0) print('error', error_map.min(), error_map.max()) plt.imshow(error_map.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='jet') plt.clim(elim[0], elim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,5,5) print('uncer', xSRvar.min(), xSRvar.max()) plt.imshow('cpu').data.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='hot') plt.clim(ulim[0], ulim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) def show_SR_w_err(xLR, xHR, xSR, elim=(0,0.01), task=None, xMask=None): ''' xLR/SR/HR: 3xHxW ''' plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) if task != 'm': plt.subplot(1,4,1) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,2) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,3) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1)) plt.axis('off') else: plt.subplot(1,4,1) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='gray') plt.clim(0,0.9) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,2) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='gray') plt.clim(0,0.9) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,3) plt.imshow('cpu').data.clip(0,1).transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='gray') plt.clim(0,0.9) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,4) if task == 'inpainting': error_map = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSR-xHR),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.unsqueeze(0)*'cpu').data else: error_map = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSR-xHR),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.unsqueeze(0) print('error', error_map.min(), error_map.max()) plt.imshow(error_map.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='jet') plt.clim(elim[0], elim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) def show_uncer4(xSRvar1, xSRvar2, xSRvar3, xSRvar4, ulim=(0,0.15)): ''' xSRvar: 1xHxW ''' plt.figure(figsize=(30,10)) plt.subplot(1,4,1) print('uncer', xSRvar1.min(), xSRvar1.max()) plt.imshow('cpu').data.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='hot') plt.clim(ulim[0], ulim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,2) print('uncer', xSRvar2.min(), xSRvar2.max()) plt.imshow('cpu').data.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='hot') plt.clim(ulim[0], ulim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,3) print('uncer', xSRvar3.min(), xSRvar3.max()) plt.imshow('cpu').data.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='hot') plt.clim(ulim[0], ulim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(1,4,4) print('uncer', xSRvar4.min(), xSRvar4.max()) plt.imshow('cpu').data.transpose(0,2).transpose(0,1), cmap='hot') plt.clim(ulim[0], ulim[1]) plt.axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) def get_UCE(list_err, list_yout_var, num_bins=100): err_min = np.min(list_err) err_max = np.max(list_err) err_len = (err_max-err_min)/num_bins num_points = len(list_err) bin_stats = {} for i in range(num_bins): bin_stats[i] = { 'start_idx': err_min + i*err_len, 'end_idx': err_min + (i+1)*err_len, 'num_points': 0, 'mean_err': 0, 'mean_var': 0, } for e,v in zip(list_err, list_yout_var): for i in range(num_bins): if e>=bin_stats[i]['start_idx'] and e0: list_x.append(bin_stats[i]['mean_err']) list_y.append(bin_stats[i]['mean_var']) # sns.set_style('darkgrid') # sns.scatterplot(x=list_x, y=list_y) # sns.regplot(x=list_x, y=list_y, order=1) # plt.xlabel('MSE', fontsize=34) # plt.ylabel('Uncertainty', fontsize=34) # plt.plot(list_x, list_x, color='r') # plt.xlim(np.min(list_x), np.max(list_x)) # plt.ylim(np.min(list_err), np.max(list_x)) # return bin_stats, uce ##################### training BayesCap def train_BayesCap( NetC, NetG, train_loader, eval_loader, Cri = TempCombLoss(), device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor(), init_lr=1e-4, num_epochs=100, eval_every=1, ckpt_path='../ckpt/BayesCap', T1=1e0, T2=5e-2, task=None, ): NetC.train() NetG.eval() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(list(NetC.parameters()), lr=init_lr) optim_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, num_epochs) score = -1e8 all_loss = [] for eph in range(num_epochs): eph_loss = 0 with tqdm(train_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): if idx>2000: break tepoch.set_description('Epoch {}'.format(eph)) ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) if task == 'inpainting': xMask = random_mask(xLR.shape[0], (xLR.shape[2], xLR.shape[3])) xMask = # pass them through the network with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSR1 = NetG(xLR, xMask) elif task == 'depth': xSR1 = NetG(xLR)[("disp", 0)] else: xSR1 = NetG(xLR) # with torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True): xSR = xSR1.clone() xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta = NetC(xSR) # print(xSRC_alpha) optimizer.zero_grad() if task == 'depth': loss = Cri(xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta, xSR, T1=T1, T2=T2) else: loss = Cri(xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta, xHR, T1=T1, T2=T2) # print(loss) loss.backward() optimizer.step() ## eph_loss += loss.item() tepoch.set_postfix(loss=loss.item()) eph_loss /= len(train_loader) all_loss.append(eph_loss) print('Avg. loss: {}'.format(eph_loss)) # evaluate and save the models, ckpt_path+'_last.pth') if eph%eval_every == 0: curr_score = eval_BayesCap( NetC, NetG, eval_loader, device=device, dtype=dtype, task=task, ) print('current score: {} | Last best score: {}'.format(curr_score, score)) if curr_score >= score: score = curr_score, ckpt_path+'_best.pth') optim_scheduler.step() #### get different uncertainty maps def get_uncer_BayesCap( NetC, NetG, xin, task=None, xMask=None, ): with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSR = NetG(xin, xMask) else: xSR = NetG(xin) xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta = NetC(xSR) a_map = (1/(xSRC_alpha + 1e-5)).to('cpu').data b_map ='cpu').data xSRvar = (a_map**2)*(torch.exp(torch.lgamma(3/(b_map + 1e-2)))/torch.exp(torch.lgamma(1/(b_map + 1e-2)))) return xSRvar def get_uncer_TTDAp( NetG, xin, p_mag=0.05, num_runs=50, task=None, xMask=None, ): list_xSR = [] with torch.no_grad(): for z in range(num_runs): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSRz = NetG(xin+p_mag*xin.max()*torch.randn_like(xin), xMask) else: xSRz = NetG(xin+p_mag*xin.max()*torch.randn_like(xin)) list_xSR.append(xSRz) xSRmean = torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) xSRvar = torch.mean(torch.var(, dim=0), dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) return xSRvar def get_uncer_DO( NetG, xin, dop=0.2, num_runs=50, task=None, xMask=None, ): list_xSR = [] with torch.no_grad(): for z in range(num_runs): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSRz = NetG(xin, xMask, dop=dop) else: xSRz = NetG(xin, dop=dop) list_xSR.append(xSRz) xSRmean = torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) xSRvar = torch.mean(torch.var(, dim=0), dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) return xSRvar ################### Different eval functions def eval_BayesCap( NetC, NetG, eval_loader, device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor, task=None, xMask=None, ): NetC.eval() NetG.eval() mean_ssim = 0 mean_psnr = 0 mean_mse = 0 mean_mae = 0 num_imgs = 0 list_error = [] list_var = [] with tqdm(eval_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): tepoch.set_description('Validating ...') ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) if task == 'inpainting': if xMask==None: xMask = random_mask(xLR.shape[0], (xLR.shape[2], xLR.shape[3])) xMask = else: xMask = # pass them through the network with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSR = NetG(xLR, xMask) elif task == 'depth': xSR = NetG(xLR)[("disp", 0)] else: xSR = NetG(xLR) xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta = NetC(xSR) a_map = (1/(xSRC_alpha + 1e-5)).to('cpu').data b_map ='cpu').data xSRvar = (a_map**2)*(torch.exp(torch.lgamma(3/(b_map + 1e-2)))/torch.exp(torch.lgamma(1/(b_map + 1e-2)))) n_batch = xSRC_mu.shape[0] if task == 'depth': xHR = xSR for j in range(n_batch): num_imgs += 1 mean_ssim += img_ssim(xSRC_mu[j], xHR[j]) mean_psnr += img_psnr(xSRC_mu[j], xHR[j]) mean_mse += img_mse(xSRC_mu[j], xHR[j]) mean_mae += img_mae(xSRC_mu[j], xHR[j]) show_SR_w_uncer(xLR[j], xHR[j], xSR[j], xSRvar[j]) error_map = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSR[j]-xHR[j]),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.reshape(-1) var_map = xSRvar[j].to('cpu').data.reshape(-1) list_error.extend(list(error_map.numpy())) list_var.extend(list(var_map.numpy())) ## mean_ssim /= num_imgs mean_psnr /= num_imgs mean_mse /= num_imgs mean_mae /= num_imgs print( 'Avg. SSIM: {} | Avg. PSNR: {} | Avg. MSE: {} | Avg. MAE: {}'.format ( mean_ssim, mean_psnr, mean_mse, mean_mae ) ) # print(len(list_error), len(list_var)) # print('UCE: ', get_UCE(list_error[::10], list_var[::10], num_bins=500)[1]) # print('C.Coeff: ', np.corrcoef(np.array(list_error[::10]), np.array(list_var[::10]))) return mean_ssim def eval_TTDA_p( NetG, eval_loader, device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor, p_mag=0.05, num_runs=50, task = None, xMask = None, ): NetG.eval() mean_ssim = 0 mean_psnr = 0 mean_mse = 0 mean_mae = 0 num_imgs = 0 with tqdm(eval_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): tepoch.set_description('Validating ...') ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) # pass them through the network list_xSR = [] with torch.no_grad(): if task=='inpainting': _, xSR = NetG(xLR, xMask) else: xSR = NetG(xLR) for z in range(num_runs): xSRz = NetG(xLR+p_mag*xLR.max()*torch.randn_like(xLR)) list_xSR.append(xSRz) xSRmean = torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) xSRvar = torch.mean(torch.var(, dim=0), dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) n_batch = xSR.shape[0] for j in range(n_batch): num_imgs += 1 mean_ssim += img_ssim(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_psnr += img_psnr(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_mse += img_mse(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_mae += img_mae(xSR[j], xHR[j]) show_SR_w_uncer(xLR[j], xHR[j], xSR[j], xSRvar[j]) mean_ssim /= num_imgs mean_psnr /= num_imgs mean_mse /= num_imgs mean_mae /= num_imgs print( 'Avg. SSIM: {} | Avg. PSNR: {} | Avg. MSE: {} | Avg. MAE: {}'.format ( mean_ssim, mean_psnr, mean_mse, mean_mae ) ) return mean_ssim def eval_DO( NetG, eval_loader, device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor, dop=0.2, num_runs=50, task=None, xMask=None, ): NetG.eval() mean_ssim = 0 mean_psnr = 0 mean_mse = 0 mean_mae = 0 num_imgs = 0 with tqdm(eval_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): tepoch.set_description('Validating ...') ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) # pass them through the network list_xSR = [] with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSR = NetG(xLR, xMask) else: xSR = NetG(xLR) for z in range(num_runs): xSRz = NetG(xLR, dop=dop) list_xSR.append(xSRz) xSRmean = torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) xSRvar = torch.mean(torch.var(, dim=0), dim=0), dim=0).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) n_batch = xSR.shape[0] for j in range(n_batch): num_imgs += 1 mean_ssim += img_ssim(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_psnr += img_psnr(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_mse += img_mse(xSR[j], xHR[j]) mean_mae += img_mae(xSR[j], xHR[j]) show_SR_w_uncer(xLR[j], xHR[j], xSR[j], xSRvar[j]) ## mean_ssim /= num_imgs mean_psnr /= num_imgs mean_mse /= num_imgs mean_mae /= num_imgs print( 'Avg. SSIM: {} | Avg. PSNR: {} | Avg. MSE: {} | Avg. MAE: {}'.format ( mean_ssim, mean_psnr, mean_mse, mean_mae ) ) return mean_ssim ############### compare all function def compare_all( NetC, NetG, eval_loader, p_mag = 0.05, dop = 0.2, num_runs = 100, device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor, task=None, ): NetC.eval() NetG.eval() with tqdm(eval_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): tepoch.set_description('Comparing ...') ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) if task == 'inpainting': xMask = random_mask(xLR.shape[0], (xLR.shape[2], xLR.shape[3])) xMask = # pass them through the network with torch.no_grad(): if task == 'inpainting': _, xSR = NetG(xLR, xMask) else: xSR = NetG(xLR) xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta = NetC(xSR) if task == 'inpainting': xSRvar1 = get_uncer_TTDAp(NetG, xLR, p_mag=p_mag, num_runs=num_runs, task='inpainting', xMask=xMask) xSRvar2 = get_uncer_DO(NetG, xLR, dop=dop, num_runs=num_runs, task='inpainting', xMask=xMask) xSRvar3 = get_uncer_BayesCap(NetC, NetG, xLR, task='inpainting', xMask=xMask) else: xSRvar1 = get_uncer_TTDAp(NetG, xLR, p_mag=p_mag, num_runs=num_runs) xSRvar2 = get_uncer_DO(NetG, xLR, dop=dop, num_runs=num_runs) xSRvar3 = get_uncer_BayesCap(NetC, NetG, xLR) print('bdg', xSRvar1.shape, xSRvar2.shape, xSRvar3.shape) n_batch = xSR.shape[0] for j in range(n_batch): if task=='s': show_SR_w_err(xLR[j], xHR[j], xSR[j]) show_uncer4(xSRvar1[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar1[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.48), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.42)) show_uncer4(xSRvar2[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar2[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar3[j], 1.5), xSRvar3[j]) if task=='d': show_SR_w_err(xLR[j], xHR[j], 0.5*xSR[j]+0.5*xHR[j]) show_uncer4(xSRvar1[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar1[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.48), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.42)) show_uncer4(xSRvar2[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar2[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar3[j], 0.8), xSRvar3[j]) if task=='inpainting': show_SR_w_err(xLR[j]*(1-xMask[j]), xHR[j], xSR[j], elim=(0,0.25), task='inpainting', xMask=xMask[j]) show_uncer4(xSRvar1[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar1[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.45), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.4)) show_uncer4(xSRvar2[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar2[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar3[j], 0.8), xSRvar3[j]) if task=='m': show_SR_w_err(xLR[j], xHR[j], xSR[j], elim=(0,0.04), task='m') show_uncer4(0.4*xSRvar1[j]+0.6*xSRvar2[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar1[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.48), torch.pow(xSRvar1[j], 0.42), ulim=(0.02,0.15)) show_uncer4(xSRvar2[j], torch.sqrt(xSRvar2[j]), torch.pow(xSRvar3[j], 1.5), xSRvar3[j], ulim=(0.02,0.15)) ################# Degrading Identity def degrage_BayesCap_p( NetC, NetG, eval_loader, device='cuda', dtype=torch.cuda.FloatTensor, num_runs=50, ): NetC.eval() NetG.eval() p_mag_list = [0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2] list_s = [] list_p = [] list_u1 = [] list_u2 = [] list_c = [] for p_mag in p_mag_list: mean_ssim = 0 mean_psnr = 0 mean_mse = 0 mean_mae = 0 num_imgs = 0 list_error = [] list_error2 = [] list_var = [] with tqdm(eval_loader, unit='batch') as tepoch: for (idx, batch) in enumerate(tepoch): tepoch.set_description('Validating ...') ## xLR, xHR = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device) xLR, xHR = xLR.type(dtype), xHR.type(dtype) # pass them through the network with torch.no_grad(): xSR = NetG(xLR) xSRC_mu, xSRC_alpha, xSRC_beta = NetC(xSR + p_mag*xSR.max()*torch.randn_like(xSR)) a_map = (1/(xSRC_alpha + 1e-5)).to('cpu').data b_map ='cpu').data xSRvar = (a_map**2)*(torch.exp(torch.lgamma(3/(b_map + 1e-2)))/torch.exp(torch.lgamma(1/(b_map + 1e-2)))) n_batch = xSRC_mu.shape[0] for j in range(n_batch): num_imgs += 1 mean_ssim += img_ssim(xSRC_mu[j], xSR[j]) mean_psnr += img_psnr(xSRC_mu[j], xSR[j]) mean_mse += img_mse(xSRC_mu[j], xSR[j]) mean_mae += img_mae(xSRC_mu[j], xSR[j]) error_map = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSR[j]-xHR[j]),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.reshape(-1) error_map2 = torch.mean(torch.pow(torch.abs(xSRC_mu[j]-xHR[j]),2), dim=0).to('cpu').data.reshape(-1) var_map = xSRvar[j].to('cpu').data.reshape(-1) list_error.extend(list(error_map.numpy())) list_error2.extend(list(error_map2.numpy())) list_var.extend(list(var_map.numpy())) ## mean_ssim /= num_imgs mean_psnr /= num_imgs mean_mse /= num_imgs mean_mae /= num_imgs print( 'Avg. SSIM: {} | Avg. PSNR: {} | Avg. MSE: {} | Avg. MAE: {}'.format ( mean_ssim, mean_psnr, mean_mse, mean_mae ) ) uce1 = get_UCE(list_error[::100], list_var[::100], num_bins=200)[1] uce2 = get_UCE(list_error2[::100], list_var[::100], num_bins=200)[1] print('UCE1: ', uce1) print('UCE2: ', uce2) list_s.append(mean_ssim.item()) list_p.append(mean_psnr.item()) list_u1.append(uce1) list_u2.append(uce2) plt.plot(list_s) plt.plot(list_p) plt.plot(list_u1, label='wrt SR output') plt.plot(list_u2, label='wrt BayesCap output') plt.legend() sns.set_style('darkgrid') fig,ax = plt.subplots() # make a plot ax.plot(p_mag_list, list_s, color="red", marker="o") # set x-axis label ax.set_xlabel("Reducing faithfulness of BayesCap Reconstruction",fontsize=10) # set y-axis label ax.set_ylabel("SSIM btwn BayesCap and SRGAN outputs", color="red",fontsize=10) # twin object for two different y-axis on the sample plot ax2=ax.twinx() # make a plot with different y-axis using second axis object ax2.plot(p_mag_list, list_u1, color="blue", marker="o", label='UCE wrt to error btwn SRGAN output and GT') ax2.plot(p_mag_list, list_u2, color="orange", marker="o", label='UCE wrt to error btwn BayesCap output and GT') ax2.set_ylabel("UCE", color="green", fontsize=10) plt.legend(fontsize=10) plt.tight_layout() ################# DeepFill_v2 # ---------------------------------------- # PATH processing # ---------------------------------------- def text_readlines(filename): # Try to read a txt file and return a list.Return [] if there was a mistake. try: file = open(filename, 'r') except IOError: error = [] return error content = file.readlines() # This for loop deletes the EOF (like \n) for i in range(len(content)): content[i] = content[i][:len(content[i])-1] file.close() return content def savetxt(name, loss_log): np_loss_log = np.array(loss_log) np.savetxt(name, np_loss_log) def get_files(path): # read a folder, return the complete path ret = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filespath in files: ret.append(os.path.join(root, filespath)) return ret def get_names(path): # read a folder, return the image name ret = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filespath in files: ret.append(filespath) return ret def text_save(content, filename, mode = 'a'): # save a list to a txt # Try to save a list variable in txt file. file = open(filename, mode) for i in range(len(content)): file.write(str(content[i]) + '\n') file.close() def check_path(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # ---------------------------------------- # Validation and Sample at training # ---------------------------------------- def save_sample_png(sample_folder, sample_name, img_list, name_list, pixel_max_cnt = 255): # Save image one-by-one for i in range(len(img_list)): img = img_list[i] # Recover normalization: * 255 because last layer is sigmoid activated img = img * 255 # Process img_copy and do not destroy the data of img img_copy = img.clone().data.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)[0, :, :, :].cpu().numpy() img_copy = np.clip(img_copy, 0, pixel_max_cnt) img_copy = img_copy.astype(np.uint8) img_copy = cv2.cvtColor(img_copy, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Save to certain path save_img_name = sample_name + '_' + name_list[i] + '.jpg' save_img_path = os.path.join(sample_folder, save_img_name) cv2.imwrite(save_img_path, img_copy) def psnr(pred, target, pixel_max_cnt = 255): mse = torch.mul(target - pred, target - pred) rmse_avg = (torch.mean(mse).item()) ** 0.5 p = 20 * np.log10(pixel_max_cnt / rmse_avg) return p def grey_psnr(pred, target, pixel_max_cnt = 255): pred = torch.sum(pred, dim = 0) target = torch.sum(target, dim = 0) mse = torch.mul(target - pred, target - pred) rmse_avg = (torch.mean(mse).item()) ** 0.5 p = 20 * np.log10(pixel_max_cnt * 3 / rmse_avg) return p def ssim(pred, target): pred = pred.clone().data.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy() target = target.clone().data.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).cpu().numpy() target = target[0] pred = pred[0] ssim = skimage.measure.compare_ssim(target, pred, multichannel = True) return ssim ## for contextual attention def extract_image_patches(images, ksizes, strides, rates, padding='same'): """ Extract patches from images and put them in the C output dimension. :param padding: :param images: [batch, channels, in_rows, in_cols]. A 4-D Tensor with shape :param ksizes: [ksize_rows, ksize_cols]. The size of the sliding window for each dimension of images :param strides: [stride_rows, stride_cols] :param rates: [dilation_rows, dilation_cols] :return: A Tensor """ assert len(images.size()) == 4 assert padding in ['same', 'valid'] batch_size, channel, height, width = images.size() if padding == 'same': images = same_padding(images, ksizes, strides, rates) elif padding == 'valid': pass else: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported padding type: {}.\ Only "same" or "valid" are supported.'.format(padding)) unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(kernel_size=ksizes, dilation=rates, padding=0, stride=strides) patches = unfold(images) return patches # [N, C*k*k, L], L is the total number of such blocks def same_padding(images, ksizes, strides, rates): assert len(images.size()) == 4 batch_size, channel, rows, cols = images.size() out_rows = (rows + strides[0] - 1) // strides[0] out_cols = (cols + strides[1] - 1) // strides[1] effective_k_row = (ksizes[0] - 1) * rates[0] + 1 effective_k_col = (ksizes[1] - 1) * rates[1] + 1 padding_rows = max(0, (out_rows-1)*strides[0]+effective_k_row-rows) padding_cols = max(0, (out_cols-1)*strides[1]+effective_k_col-cols) # Pad the input padding_top = int(padding_rows / 2.) padding_left = int(padding_cols / 2.) padding_bottom = padding_rows - padding_top padding_right = padding_cols - padding_left paddings = (padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, padding_bottom) images = torch.nn.ZeroPad2d(paddings)(images) return images def reduce_mean(x, axis=None, keepdim=False): if not axis: axis = range(len(x.shape)) for i in sorted(axis, reverse=True): x = torch.mean(x, dim=i, keepdim=keepdim) return x def reduce_std(x, axis=None, keepdim=False): if not axis: axis = range(len(x.shape)) for i in sorted(axis, reverse=True): x = torch.std(x, dim=i, keepdim=keepdim) return x def reduce_sum(x, axis=None, keepdim=False): if not axis: axis = range(len(x.shape)) for i in sorted(axis, reverse=True): x = torch.sum(x, dim=i, keepdim=keepdim) return x def random_mask(num_batch=1, mask_shape=(256,256)): list_mask = [] for _ in range(num_batch): # rectangle mask image_height = mask_shape[0] image_width = mask_shape[1] max_delta_height = image_height//8 max_delta_width = image_width//8 height = image_height//4 width = image_width//4 max_t = image_height - height max_l = image_width - width t = random.randint(0, max_t) l = random.randint(0, max_l) # bbox = (t, l, height, width) h = random.randint(0, max_delta_height//2) w = random.randint(0, max_delta_width//2) mask = torch.zeros((1, 1, image_height, image_width)) mask[:, :, t+h:t+height-h, l+w:l+width-w] = 1 rect_mask = mask # brush mask min_num_vertex = 4 max_num_vertex = 12 mean_angle = 2 * math.pi / 5 angle_range = 2 * math.pi / 15 min_width = 12 max_width = 40 H, W = image_height, image_width average_radius = math.sqrt(H*H+W*W) / 8 mask ='L', (W, H), 0) for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, 4)): num_vertex = np.random.randint(min_num_vertex, max_num_vertex) angle_min = mean_angle - np.random.uniform(0, angle_range) angle_max = mean_angle + np.random.uniform(0, angle_range) angles = [] vertex = [] for i in range(num_vertex): if i % 2 == 0: angles.append(2*math.pi - np.random.uniform(angle_min, angle_max)) else: angles.append(np.random.uniform(angle_min, angle_max)) h, w = mask.size vertex.append((int(np.random.randint(0, w)), int(np.random.randint(0, h)))) for i in range(num_vertex): r = np.clip( np.random.normal(loc=average_radius, scale=average_radius//2), 0, 2*average_radius) new_x = np.clip(vertex[-1][0] + r * math.cos(angles[i]), 0, w) new_y = np.clip(vertex[-1][1] + r * math.sin(angles[i]), 0, h) vertex.append((int(new_x), int(new_y))) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) width = int(np.random.uniform(min_width, max_width)) draw.line(vertex, fill=255, width=width) for v in vertex: draw.ellipse((v[0] - width//2, v[1] - width//2, v[0] + width//2, v[1] + width//2), fill=255) if np.random.normal() > 0: mask.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if np.random.normal() > 0: mask.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) mask = transforms.ToTensor()(mask) mask = mask.reshape((1, 1, H, W)) brush_mask = mask mask =[rect_mask, brush_mask], dim=1).max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] list_mask.append(mask) mask =, dim=0) return mask