import os | |
import pickle | |
import json | |
import time | |
import datetime | |
from xml.etree import ElementTree | |
import requests | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") | |
os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' | |
from utils import * | |
import thread6 | |
DAY_TIME = 60 * 60 * 24 | |
def feedback_thought(input_ls): # preload | |
agent, query, ansA, ansB, feedbackA, feedbackB = input_ls | |
filename_thought = agent.thought_path | |
filename = agent.feedback_path | |
date = | |
json_data = | |
json_data_thought = agent.thought | |
if date in json_data: | |
if query not in json_data[date]: | |
json_data[date][query] = {} | |
else: | |
json_data[date] = {} | |
json_data[date][query] = {} | |
if date not in json_data_thought: | |
json_data_thought[date] = [] | |
json_data[date][query]["answerA"] = (ansA) | |
json_data[date][query]["feedbackA"] = feedbackA | |
json_data[date][query]["answerB"] = (ansB) | |
json_data[date][query]["feedbackB"] = feedbackB | |
with open(filename,"w") as f: | |
json.dump(json_data,f) | |
preferred_ans = "" | |
if feedbackA == 1: | |
new_knowledge = response_verify([query], [ansA], verify=False) | |
preferred_ans = ansA | |
# json_data_thought[date].append(query + ansA) | |
else: | |
new_knowledge = response_verify([query], [ansB], verify=False) | |
preferred_ans = ansB | |
# json_data_thought[date].append(query + ansB) | |
if ('idk' not in new_knowledge[0]): | |
new_knowledge_embedding = get_bert_embedding(new_knowledge) | |
thought_embedding_all = [] | |
for k in agent.thought_embedding.keys(): | |
thought_embedding_all.extend(agent.thought_embedding[k]) | |
similarity = calculate_similarity(thought_embedding_all, new_knowledge_embedding[0]) | |
similarity_values = [s.item() for s in similarity] # Convert each tensor to a scalar | |
if all(s < 0.85 for s in similarity_values): | |
# self.update_feedback(an, answer_l_org, query) | |
tem_thought = query + preferred_ans | |
json_data_thought[date].append(tem_thought) | |
if date not in agent.thought_embedding: | |
agent.thought_embedding = {} | |
agent.thought_embedding[date] = [get_bert_embedding([tem_thought])[0]] | |
else: | |
agent.thought_embedding[date].append(get_bert_embedding([tem_thought])[0]) | |
with open(filename_thought,"w") as f: | |
json.dump(json_data_thought,f) | |
with open(agent.thought_embedding_path, "wb") as f: | |
pickle.dump(agent.thought_embedding, f) | |
# return "Give feedback successfully!" | |
def dailyDownload(agent_ls): | |
agent = agent_ls[0] | |
while True: | |
time.sleep(DAY_TIME) | |
data_collector = [] | |
keywords = dict() | |
keywords["Machine Learning"] = "Machine Learning" | |
for topic,keyword in keywords.items(): | |
data, agent.newest_day = get_daily_papers(topic, query = keyword, max_results = MAX_DAILY_PAPER) | |
data_collector.append(data) | |
json_file = agent.dataset_path | |
update_file=update_json_file(json_file, data_collector) | |
time_chunks_embed={} | |
for data in data_collector: | |
for date in data.keys(): | |
papers = data[date]['abstract'] | |
papers_embedding=get_bert_embedding(papers) | |
time_chunks_embed[date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")] = papers_embedding | |
update_paper_file=update_pickle_file(agent.embedding_path,time_chunks_embed) | |
agent.paper = update_file | |
agent.paper_embedding = update_paper_file | |
print("Today is " + agent.newest_day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")) | |
class ArxivAgent: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.dataset_path = "./dataset/paper.json" | |
self.thought_path = "./dataset/thought.json" | |
self.embedding_path = "./dataset/paper_embedding.pkl" | |
self.thought_embedding_path = './dataset/thought_embedding.pkl' | |
self.feedback_path = 'dataset/feedback.json' | | ="%m/%d/%Y") | |
self.newest_day = "" | |
self.load_thought() | |
self.load_feedback() | | | |
try: | |
thread6.run_threaded(dailyDownload, [self]) | |
# thread6.start_new_thread( print_time, ["Thread-2", 4] ) | |
except: | |
print("Error: unable to start thread") | |
# self.paper = | |
# self.paper_by_date = self.paper | |
def edit_profile(self, profile, author_name): | |
profile = profile | |
filename = 'dataset/profile.json' | |
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: | |
data = json.load(file) | |
data[author_name]=profile | |
with open(filename, "w") as f: | |
json.dump(data, f) | |
return "Successfully edit profile!" | |
def get_profile(self, author_name): | |
if author_name == "": return None | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
profile = self.get_arxiv_data_by_author(author_name) | |
return profile | |
def select_date(self, method, profile_input): | |
today = self.newest_day | |
chunk_embedding_date={} | |
paper_by_date = {} | |
if method == "day": | |
offset_day = today | |
str_day = offset_day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") | |
if str_day in self.paper: | |
paper_by_date[str_day] = self.paper[str_day] | |
chunk_embedding_date[str_day]=self.paper_embedding[str_day] | |
elif method == "week": | |
for i in range(7): | |
offset_day = today - datetime.timedelta(days=i) | |
str_day = offset_day.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") | |
if str_day in self.paper: | |
# print(str_day) | |
paper_by_date[str_day] = self.paper[str_day] | |
chunk_embedding_date[str_day] = self.paper_embedding[str_day] | |
else: | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
paper_by_date = self.paper | |
chunk_embedding_date=self.paper_embedding | |
dataset = paper_by_date | |
data_chunk_embedding=chunk_embedding_date | |
profile = profile_input | |
# trend, paper_link = summarize_research_field(profile, "Machine Learning", dataset) # trend | |
trend, paper_link = summarize_research_field(profile, "Machine Learning", dataset,data_chunk_embedding) # trend | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
reference = papertitleAndLink(paper_link) | |
# print("Trend:", self.trend,"\n") | |
idea = generate_ideas(trend) # idea | |
key_update = list(self.paper.keys())[-1] | |
if key_update not in self.thought: | |
self.thought[key_update] = [] | |
if key_update not in self.thought_embedding: | |
self.thought_embedding[key_update] = [] | |
self.thought[key_update].append(trend[0]) | |
self.thought_embedding[key_update].append(get_bert_embedding([trend])[0]) | |
self.thought[key_update].append(idea[0]) | |
self.thought_embedding[key_update].append(get_bert_embedding([idea])[0]) | |
# with open(self.dataset_path, "w") as f_: | |
# json.dump(self.paper, f_) | |
with open(self.thought_path, "w") as f_: | |
json.dump(self.thought, f_) | |
with open(self.thought_embedding_path, "wb") as f: | |
pickle.dump(self.thought_embedding, f) | |
return trend, reference, idea | |
def response(self, data, profile_input): | |
# dataset = self.paper_by_date | |
# dataset = self.paper | |
query = [data] | |
profile = profile_input | |
query_embedding=get_bert_embedding(query) | |
retrieve_text,retrieve_text_org=self.generate_pair_retrieve_text(query_embedding) | |
context,context_org = [retrieve_text],[retrieve_text_org] | |
answer_l = get_response_through_LLM_answer(query, context,profile) | |
answer_l_org = get_response_through_LLM_answer(query, context_org, profile) | |
return answer_l,answer_l_org | |
def generate_pair_retrieve_text(self, query_embedding): | |
# Access dataset | |
dataset = self.paper | |
thought = self.thought | |
text_chunk_l = [] | |
chunks_embedding_text_all = [] | |
text_org_chunk_l = [] | |
chunks_org_embedding_text_all = [] | |
# Include all text chunks and their embeddings | |
for k in dataset.keys(): | |
text_chunk_l.extend(dataset[k]['abstract']) | |
chunks_embedding_text_all.extend(self.paper_embedding[k]) | |
text_org_chunk_l.extend(dataset[k]['abstract']) | |
chunks_org_embedding_text_all.extend(self.paper_embedding[k]) | |
for k in thought.keys(): | |
if k in self.thought_embedding.keys(): | |
text_chunk_l.extend(thought[k]) | |
chunks_embedding_text_all.extend(self.thought_embedding[k]) | |
# Include thoughts if not excluded | |
neib_all = neiborhood_search(chunks_embedding_text_all, query_embedding, num=10) | |
neib_all = neib_all.reshape(-1) | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
# Compile retrieved text | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
retrieve_text = ''.join([text_chunk_l[i] for i in neib_all]) | |
neib_all = neiborhood_search(chunks_org_embedding_text_all, query_embedding, num=10) | |
neib_all = neib_all.reshape(-1) | |
# Compile retrieved text | |
retrieve_text_org = ''.join([text_org_chunk_l[i] for i in neib_all]) | |
return retrieve_text,retrieve_text_org | |
def download(self): | |
# key_word = "Machine Learning" | |
data_collector = [] | |
keywords = dict() | |
keywords["Machine Learning"] = "Machine Learning" | |
for topic,keyword in keywords.items(): | |
data, self.newest_day = get_daily_papers(topic, query = keyword, max_results = MAX_DAILY_PAPER) | |
data_collector.append(data) | |
json_file = self.dataset_path | |
if not os.path.exists(json_file): | |
with open(json_file,'w')as a: | |
print("create " + json_file) | |
update_file=update_json_file(json_file, data_collector) | |
if not os.path.exists(self.embedding_path): | |
with open(self.embedding_path,'wb')as a: | |
print("create " + self.embedding_path) | |
time_chunks_embed={} | |
for data in data_collector: | |
for date in data.keys(): | |
papers = data[date]['abstract'] | |
papers_embedding=get_bert_embedding(papers) | |
time_chunks_embed[date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")] = papers_embedding | |
update_paper_file=update_pickle_file(self.embedding_path,time_chunks_embed) | |
self.paper = update_file | |
self.paper_embedding = update_paper_file | |
def load_feedback(self): | |
filename = self.feedback_path | |
if os.path.exists(filename): | |
with open(filename,"rb") as f: | |
content = | |
if not content: | |
m = {} | |
else: | |
m = json.loads(content) | |
else: | |
with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: | |
m = {} | | = m.copy() | |
def load_thought(self): | |
filename = self.thought_path | |
filename_emb = self.thought_embedding_path | |
if os.path.exists(filename): | |
with open(filename,"rb") as f: | |
content = | |
if not content: | |
m = {} | |
else: | |
m = json.loads(content) | |
else: | |
with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: | |
m = {} | |
if os.path.exists(filename_emb): | |
with open(filename_emb,"rb") as f: | |
content = | |
if not content: | |
m_emb = {} | |
else: | |
m_emb = pickle.loads(content) | |
else: | |
with open(filename_emb, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: | |
m_emb = {} | |
self.thought = m.copy() | |
self.thought_embedding = m_emb.copy() | |
# for date in self.thought.keys(): | |
# papers = data[time]['abstract'] | |
# papers_embedding=get_bert_embedding(papers) | |
# time_chunks_embed[time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")] = papers_embedding | |
# return | |
# for k in json_data.keys(): | |
def update_feedback_thought(self, query, ansA, ansB, feedbackA, feedbackB): | |
try: | |
thread6.run_threaded(feedback_thought, [self, query, ansA, ansB, feedbackA, feedbackB]) | |
# thread6.start_new_thread( print_time, ["Thread-2", 4] ) | |
except: | |
print("Error: unable to start thread") | |
def update_comment(self, comment): | |
date ="%m/%d/%Y") | |
filename = 'dataset/comment.json' | |
if os.path.exists(filename): | |
with open(filename,"r") as f: | |
content = | |
if not content: | |
m = {} | |
else: | |
m = json.loads(content) | |
else: | |
with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: | |
m = {} | |
json_data = m.copy() | |
if date not in json_data: | |
json_data[date] = [comment] | |
else: json_data[date].append(comment) | |
with open(filename,"w") as f: | |
json.dump(json_data,f) | |
return "Thanks for your comment!" | |
def get_arxiv_data_by_author(self, author_name): | |
filename = 'dataset/profile.json' | |
if os.path.exists(filename): | |
with open(filename,"r") as f: | |
content = | |
if not content: | |
m = {} | |
else: | |
m = json.loads(content) | |
else: | |
with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as ff: | |
m = {} | |
json_data = m.copy() | |
if author_name in json_data: return json_data[author_name] | |
author_query = author_name.replace(" ", "+") | |
url = f"{author_query}&start=0&max_results=300" # Adjust max_results if needed | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
papers_list = [] | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) | |
entries = root.findall('{}entry') | |
total_papers = 0 | |
data_to_save = [] | |
papers_by_year = {} | |
for entry in entries: | |
title = entry.find('{}title').text.strip() | |
published = entry.find('{}published').text.strip() | |
abstract = entry.find('{}summary').text.strip() | |
authors_elements = entry.findall('{}author') | |
authors = [author.find('{}name').text for author in authors_elements] | |
link = entry.find('{}id').text.strip() # Get the paper link | |
# Check if the specified author is exactly in the authors list | |
if author_name in authors: | |
# Remove the specified author from the coauthors list for display | |
coauthors = [author for author in authors if author != author_name] | |
coauthors_str = ", ".join(coauthors) | |
papers_list.append({ | |
"date": published, | |
"Title & Abstract": f"{title}; {abstract}", | |
"coauthors": coauthors_str, | |
"link": link # Add the paper link to the dictionary | |
}) | |
authors_elements = entry.findall('{}author') | |
authors = [author.find('{}name').text for author in authors_elements] | |
if author_name in authors: | |
# print(author_name) | |
# print(authors) | |
total_papers += 1 | |
published_date = entry.find('{}published').text.strip() | |
date_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(published_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') | |
year = date_obj.year | |
if year not in papers_by_year: | |
papers_by_year[year] = [] | |
papers_by_year[year].append(entry) | |
if total_papers > 40: | |
for cycle_start in range(min(papers_by_year), max(papers_by_year) + 1, 5): | |
cycle_end = cycle_start + 4 | |
for year in range(cycle_start, cycle_end + 1): | |
if year in papers_by_year: | |
selected_papers = papers_by_year[year][:2] | |
for paper in selected_papers: | |
title = paper.find('{}title').text.strip() | |
abstract = paper.find('{}summary').text.strip() | |
authors_elements = paper.findall('{}author') | |
co_authors = [author.find('{}name').text for author in authors_elements if author.find('{}name').text != author_name] | |
papers_list.append({ | |
"Author": author_name, | |
"Title & Abstract": f"{title}; {abstract}", | |
"Date Period": f"{year}", | |
"Cycle": f"{cycle_start}-{cycle_end}", | |
"Co_author": ", ".join(co_authors) | |
}) | |
# Trim the list to the 10 most recent papers | |
papers_list = papers_list[:10] | |
# Prepare the data dictionary with the author's name as a key | |
# import pdb | |
# pdb.set_trace() | |
personal_info = "; ".join([f"{details['Title & Abstract']}" for details in papers_list]) | |
info = summarize_research_direction(personal_info) | |
json_data[author_name] = info | |
with open(filename,"w") as f: | |
json.dump(json_data,f) | |
return json_data[author_name] | |
# data = {author_name: {"paper_{}".format(i+1): paper for i, paper in enumerate(papers_list)}} | |
else: | |
# print("Failed to fetch data from arXiv.") | |
return None | |