import pandas as pd |
import gradio as gr |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import seaborn as sns |
from seaborn import FacetGrid |
from matplotlib.axes import Axes |
HEIGHT = 600 |
WIDTH = 1000 |
def plot_daily_dist_invalid_trades(invalid_trades: pd.DataFrame): |
"""Function to paint the distribution of daily invalid trades, no matter which market""" |
plt.title("Distribution of daily invalid trades over time") |
plt.xlabel("Creation date") |
plt.ylabel("Daily number of invalid trades") |
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right") |
plot2: Axes = sns.histplot(data=invalid_trades, x="creation_date", kde=True) |
daily_trades_fig = plot2.get_figure() |
return gr.Plot(value=daily_trades_fig) |
def plot_daily_nr_invalid_markets(invalid_trades: pd.DataFrame): |
"""Function to paint the number of invalid markets over time""" |
daily_invalid_markets = ( |
invalid_trades.groupby("creation_date") |
.agg(trades_count=("title", "count"), nr_markets=("title", "nunique")) |
.reset_index() |
) |
return gr.LinePlot( |
value=daily_invalid_markets, |
x="creation_date", |
y="nr_markets", |
interactive=True, |
show_actions_button=True, |
tooltip=["creation_date", "nr_markets", "count"], |
height=HEIGHT, |
width=WIDTH, |
) |
def plot_ratio_invalid_trades_per_market(invalid_trades: pd.DataFrame): |
"""Function to paint the number of invalid trades that the same market accummulates""" |
cat = invalid_trades["title"] |
codes, uniques = pd.factorize(cat) |
invalid_trades["title_id"] = codes |
plot: FacetGrid = sns.displot(invalid_trades, x="title_id") |
plt.xlabel("market id") |
plt.ylabel("Total number of invalid trades by market") |
plt.title("Distribution of invalid trades per market") |
return gr.Plot(value=plot.figure) |
def plot_top_invalid_markets(invalid_trades: pd.DataFrame): |
"""Function to paint the top markets with the highest number of invalid trades""" |
top_invalid_markets = invalid_trades.title.value_counts().reset_index() |
top_invalid_markets.rename(columns={"count": "nr_invalid_trades"}, inplace=True) |
return gr.BarPlot( |
title="Top markets with the highest number of invalid trades", |
x="nr_invalid_trades", |
y="title", |
x_title="Nr_invalid_trades", |
y_title="Market title", |
show_label=True, |
interactive=True, |
show_actions_button=True, |
value=top_invalid_markets, |
tooltip=["title", "nr_invalid_trades"], |
height=HEIGHT, |
width=WIDTH, |
) |