finance-assistant /
ofermend's picture
updated vectara-agentic and fixed bug in display
import os
import requests
import json
import re
import streamlit as st
from langdetect import detect_langs
from langcodes import Language
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': '*/*'
def identify_language(response):
lang_code = detect_langs(response)[0].lang
return Language.make(language=lang_code).display_name()
def thumbs_feedback(feedback, **kwargs):
Sends feedback to Amplitude Analytics
user_query=kwargs.get("user_query", "No user input"),
bot_response=kwargs.get("bot_response", "No bot response"),
demo_name=kwargs.get("demo_name", "Unknown"),
st.session_state.feedback_key += 1
def send_amplitude_data(user_query, bot_response, demo_name, feedback=None):
# Send query and response to Amplitude Analytics
data = {
"api_key": os.getenv('AMPLITUDE_TOKEN'),
"events": [{
"device_id": st.session_state.device_id,
"event_type": "submitted_query",
"event_properties": {
"Space Name": demo_name,
"Demo Type": "Agent",
"query": user_query,
"response": bot_response,
"Response Language": identify_language(bot_response)
if feedback:
data["events"][0]["event_properties"]["feedback"] = feedback
response ='', headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
if response.status_code != 200:
print(f"Amplitude request failed with status code {response.status_code}. Response Text: {response.text}")
def escape_dollars_outside_latex(text):
# Define a regex pattern to find LaTeX equations (double $$ only)
pattern = r'\$\$.*?\$\$'
latex_matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
# Placeholder to temporarily store LaTeX equations
placeholders = {}
for i, match in enumerate(latex_matches):
placeholder = f'__LATEX_PLACEHOLDER_{i}__'
placeholders[placeholder] = match
text = text.replace(match, placeholder)
# Escape dollar signs in the rest of the text
text = text.replace('$', '\\$')
# Replace placeholders with the original LaTeX equations
for placeholder, original in placeholders.items():
text = text.replace(placeholder, original)
return text