import os import torch import boto3 import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel checkpoint = "vincentclaes/emoji-predictor" adjectives = pd.read_table("./adjectives.txt", header=None)[0].to_list() K = 10 THRESHOLD = 0.05 APP_NAME = "emoji-tagging" BUCKET = "drift-pilot-ml-model" processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(checkpoint) model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(checkpoint) def log_inference(): if os.environ["CLIENT"]: boto3.client("s3").put_object( Body=more_binary_data, Bucket=BUCKET, Key=f"${APP_NAME}/", ) def get_tag(emoji, tags="", expected="", model=model, processor=processor, K=K): if tags: tags = tags.strip().split(",") else: tags = adjectives inputs = processor( text=tags, images=emoji, return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True ) outputs = model(**inputs) # we take the softmax to get the label probabilities probs = outputs.logits_per_text.softmax(dim=0) probs_formatted = torch.tensor([prob[0] for prob in probs]) values, indices = probs_formatted.topk(K) return "Tag (confidence): " + ", ".join( [f"{tags[i]} ({round(v.item(), 2)})" for v, i in zip(values, indices) if v >= THRESHOLD] ) title = "Tagging an Emoji" description = """You provide an Emoji and our few-shot fine tuned CLIP model will suggest some tags that are appropriate.\n - We use the [228 most common adjectives in english](\n - You can also specify your own custom tags. Try with; love,hate,fun,bitterness,passion,dying,bliss - We show max 10 tags and only when the confidence is higher than 5% (0.05) """ examples = [[f"emojis/{i}.png"] for i in range(32)] text = gr.inputs.Textbox( placeholder="Enter a text and we will try to predict an emoji..." ) app = gr.Interface( fn=get_tag, inputs=[ gr.components.Image(type="pil", label="emoji"), gr.components.Textbox( label="tags", placeholder="Provide a comma seperated list of tags; tag1,tag2,tag3,...", ) ], outputs=gr.Textbox(), examples=examples, examples_per_page=32, title=title, description=description, ) if __name__ == "__main__": app.launch()