vitaliykinakh's picture
This file is the framework for generating multiple Streamlit applications
through an object oriented framework.
# Import necessary libraries
import streamlit as st
# Define the multipage class to manage the multiple apps in our program
class MultiPage:
"""Framework for combining multiple streamlit applications."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Constructor class to generate a list which will store all our applications as an instance variable."""
self.pages = []
def add_page(self, title, func) -> None:
"""Class Method to Add pages to the project
title ([str]): The title of page which we are adding to the list of apps
func: Python function to render this page in Streamlit
"title": title,
"function": func
def run(self):
# Drodown to select the page to run
page = st.sidebar.selectbox(
'App Navigation',
format_func=lambda page: page['title']
# run the app function