import streamlit as st import json import random import pandas as pd import pickle import json # set page configuration to wide mode st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # section 1 st.markdown("#### About") st.markdown("Differential diagnosis of dementia remains a challenge in neurology due to symptom overlap across etiologies, yet it is crucial for formulating early, personalized management strategies. Here, we present an AI model that harnesses a broad array of data, including demographics, individual and family medical history, medication use, neuropsychological assessments, functional evaluations, and multimodal neuroimaging, to identify the etiologies contributing to dementia in individuals.") st.markdown("Links:\n* Paper: [](\n* GitHub: [](\n* Our lab: [](") # section 2 st.markdown("#### Demo") st.markdown("This Hugging Face Space is published for demonstration purposes. Users can input over 300 clinical entries to assess mental status and the etiologies contributing to dementia. However, due to the computational power limitations of the Hugging Face free tier, imaging features and Shapley values analysis are not supported. For the full implementation, please refer to our GitHub repository.") st.markdown("To use the demo:\n* Provide input features in the form below. Feature missing is allowed.\n* Click the \"**RANDOM EXAMPLE**\" button to populate the form with a randomly selected datapoint.\n* Use the \"**PREDICT**\" button to submit all input features for assessment, then the predictions will be posted in a table.") # load model @st.cache_resource def load_model(): import adrd try: ckpt_path = './' model = adrd.model.ADRDModel.from_ckpt(ckpt_path, device='cpu') except: # ckpt_path = '../adrd_tool_copied_from_sahana/dev/ckpt/' ckpt_path = '/data_1/skowshik/ckpts_backbone_swinunet/' model = adrd.model.ADRDModel.from_ckpt(ckpt_path, device='cpu') return model model = load_model() def predict_proba(data_dict): pred_dict = model.predict_proba([data_dict])[1][0] return pred_dict # load meta data csv file_path = './data/input_meta_info.csv' input_meta_info = pd.read_csv(file_path) # load NACC testing data from data.dataset_csv import CSVDataset dat_tst = CSVDataset( dat_file = "./data/test_public.csv", cnf_file = "./data/input_meta_info.csv" ) def get_random_example(): idx = random.randint(0, len(dat_tst) - 1) random_case = dat_tst[idx][0] return random_case # Get random example features if the button is clicked if 'random_example' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.random_example = None st.markdown('---') cols = st.columns(3) with cols[1]: random_example_button = st.button("RANDOM EXAMPLE", use_container_width=True) if random_example_button: st.session_state.random_example = get_random_example() st.rerun() random_example = st.session_state.random_example def create_input(df, i): row = df.iloc[i] name = row['Name'] description = row['Description'] # dirty work, inspect keys and values values = row['Values'] values = values.replace('\'', '\"') values = values.replace('\"0\": nan, ', '') values = json.loads(values) for k, v in list(values.items()): if v == 'Unknown': values.pop(k) elif k in ('9', '99', '999'): values.pop(k) # get default value from random example if available default_value = random_example[name] if random_example and name in random_example else None if type(default_value) is float: default_value = int(default_value) # Determine the type of widget based on values if 'range' in values: if ' - ' in values['range']: min_value, max_value = map(float, values['range'].split(' - ')) min_value, max_value = int(min_value), int(max_value) if default_value is not None: if default_value > max_value or default_value < min_value: default_value = None st.number_input(description, key=name, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value, value=default_value, placeholder=values['range']) else: min_value = int(values['range'].replace('>= ', '')) if default_value is not None: if default_value < min_value or default_value == 8888: default_value = None st.number_input(description, key=name, min_value=min_value, value=default_value, placeholder=values['range']) else: values = {int(k): v for k, v in values.items()} if default_value in values: default_index = list(values.keys()).index(default_value) else: default_index = None st.selectbox( description, options = values.keys(), key = name, index = default_index, format_func=lambda x: values[x] ) # create form with st.form("dynamic_form"): sections = input_meta_info['Section'].unique() for section in sections: with st.container(): st.markdown(f"##### {section}") sub_df = input_meta_info[input_meta_info['Section'] == section] cols = st.columns(3) with cols[0]: for i in range(0, len(sub_df), 3): create_input(sub_df, i) with cols[1]: for i in range(1, len(sub_df), 3): create_input(sub_df, i) with cols[2]: for i in range(2, len(sub_df), 3): create_input(sub_df, i) # seperate line st.markdown("---") cols = st.columns(3) with cols[1]: predict_button = st.form_submit_button("PREDICT", use_container_width=True, type='primary') # load mapping with open('./data/nacc_variable_mappings.pkl', 'rb') as file: nacc_mapping = pickle.load(file) def convert_dictionary(original_dict, mappings): transformed_dict = {} for key, value in original_dict.items(): if key in mappings: new_key, transform_map = mappings[key] # If the value needs to be transformed if value in transform_map: transformed_value = transform_map[value] else: transformed_value = value # Keep the original value if no transformation is needed transformed_dict[new_key] = transformed_value return transformed_dict if predict_button: # get form input names = input_meta_info['Name'].tolist() data_dict = {} for name in names: data_dict[name] = st.session_state[name] # convert data_dict = convert_dictionary(data_dict, nacc_mapping) pred_dict = predict_proba(data_dict) # change key name and value representations key_mappings = { 'NC': 'Normal cognition', 'MCI': 'Mild cognitive impairment', 'DE': 'Dementia', 'AD': 'Alzheimer\'s disease', 'LBD': 'Lewy bodies and Parkinson\'s disease', 'VD': 'Vascular brain injury or vascular dementia including stroke', 'PRD': 'Prion disease including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease', 'FTD': 'Frontotemporal lobar degeneration', 'NPH': 'Normal pressure hydrocephalus', 'SEF': 'Systemic and external factors', 'PSY': 'Psychiatric diseases', 'TBI': 'Traumatic brain injury', 'ODE': 'Other causes which include neoplasms, multiple systems atrophy, essential tremor, Huntington\'s disease, Down syndrome, and seizures' } pred_dict = {key_mappings[k]: f"{v * 100:.2f}%" for k, v in pred_dict.items()} df = pd.DataFrame(list(pred_dict.items()), columns=['Label', 'Predicted probability']) st.table(df)