import streamlit as st |
from utils import * |
import constants as cs |
if 'HuggingFace_API_Key' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['HuggingFace_API_Key'] ='' |
if 'Pinecone_API_Key' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key'] ='' |
st.title('π€ AI Assistance For Website') |
st.sidebar.title("πποΈ") |
st.session_state['HuggingFace_API_Key']= st.sidebar.text_input("What's your HuggingFace API key?",type="password") |
st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key']= st.sidebar.text_input("What's your Pinecone API key?",type="password") |
load_button = st.sidebar.button("Load data to Pinecone", key="load_button") |
if load_button: |
if st.session_state['HuggingFace_API_Key'] !="" and st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key']!="" : |
site_data=get_website_data(cs.WEBSITE_URL) |
st.write("Data pull done...") |
chunks_data=split_data(site_data) |
st.write("Spliting data done...") |
embeddings=create_embeddings() |
st.write("Embeddings instance creation done...") |
push_to_pinecone(st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key'],cs.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT,cs.PINECONE_INDEX,embeddings,chunks_data) |
st.write("Pushing data to Pinecone done...") |
st.sidebar.success("Data pushed to Pinecone successfully!") |
else: |
st.sidebar.error("Ooopssss!!! Please provide API keys.....") |
prompt = st.text_input('How can I help you my friend β',key="prompt") |
document_count = st.slider('No.Of links to return π - (0 LOW || 5 HIGH)', 0, 5, 2,step=1) |
submit = st.button("Search") |
if submit: |
if st.session_state['HuggingFace_API_Key'] !="" and st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key']!="" : |
embeddings=create_embeddings() |
st.write("Embeddings instance creation done...") |
index=pull_from_pinecone(st.session_state['Pinecone_API_Key'],cs.PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT,cs.PINECONE_INDEX,embeddings) |
st.write("Pinecone index retrieval done...") |
relavant_docs=get_similar_docs(index,prompt,document_count) |
st.write(relavant_docs) |
st.success("Please find the search results :") |
st.write("search results list....") |
for document in relavant_docs: |
st.write("π**Result : "+ str(relavant_docs.index(document)+1)+"**") |
st.write("**Info**: "+document.page_content) |
st.write("**Link**: "+ document.metadata['source']) |
else: |
st.sidebar.error("Ooopssss!!! Please provide API keys.....") |