File size: 6,178 Bytes
f04d975 403dd2f 27d01c0 403dd2f a287230 2cb1eff 403dd2f 27d01c0 2cb1eff 1fa9a79 403dd2f 27d01c0 2cb1eff 27d01c0 403dd2f 79914bb 2cb1eff 27d01c0 f04d975 27d01c0 e39c511 f04d975 403dd2f e39c511 f04d975 27d01c0 2cb1eff f76ec64 403dd2f f76ec64 27d01c0 e39c511 27d01c0 403dd2f 2cb1eff 27d01c0 9c5cf2b 9de97da 9c5cf2b e39c511 9c5cf2b 9de97da 9c5cf2b 81741bc 403dd2f 27d01c0 403dd2f 27d01c0 403dd2f 27d01c0 403dd2f 81741bc e39c511 403dd2f 81741bc 403dd2f 81741bc 403dd2f 27d01c0 93c13aa 403dd2f 27d01c0 93c13aa 403dd2f |
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import os; os.environ['no_proxy'] = '*' # 避免代理网络产生意外污染
import gradio as gr
from predict import predict
from toolbox import format_io, find_free_port, on_file_uploaded, on_report_generated
# 建议您复制一个config_private.py放自己的秘密, 如API和代理网址, 避免不小心传github被别人看到
try: from config_private import proxies, WEB_PORT, LLM_MODEL, CONCURRENT_COUNT, AUTHENTICATION
except: from config import proxies, WEB_PORT, LLM_MODEL, CONCURRENT_COUNT, AUTHENTICATION
# 如果WEB_PORT是-1, 则随机选取WEB端口
PORT = find_free_port() if WEB_PORT <= 0 else WEB_PORT
initial_prompt = "Serve me as a writing and programming assistant."
title_html = """<h1 align="center">ChatGPT 学术优化</h1>"""
# 问询记录, python 版本建议3.9+(越新越好)
import logging
os.makedirs('gpt_log', exist_ok=True)
try:logging.basicConfig(filename='gpt_log/chat_secrets.log', level=logging.INFO, encoding='utf-8')
except:logging.basicConfig(filename='gpt_log/chat_secrets.log', level=logging.INFO)
print('所有问询记录将自动保存在本地目录./gpt_log/chat_secrets.log, 请注意自我隐私保护哦!')
# 一些普通功能模块
from functional import get_functionals
functional = get_functionals()
# 对一些丧心病狂的实验性功能模块进行测试
from functional_crazy import get_crazy_functionals
crazy_functional = get_crazy_functionals()
# 处理markdown文本格式的转变
gr.Chatbot.postprocess = format_io
# 做一些外观色彩上的调整
from theme import adjust_theme
set_theme = adjust_theme()
cancel_handles = []
with gr.Blocks(theme=set_theme, analytics_enabled=False) as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=2):
chatbot = gr.Chatbot()
history = gr.State([])
with gr.Column(scale=1):
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=12):
txt = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Input question here.").style(container=False)
with gr.Column(scale=1):
with gr.Row():
resetBtn = gr.Button("重置", variant="secondary")
submitBtn = gr.Button("提交", variant="primary")
stopBtn = gr.Button("停止", variant="stop")
with gr.Row():
from check_proxy import check_proxy
statusDisplay = gr.Markdown(f"Tip: 按Enter提交, 按Shift+Enter换行. \nNetwork: {check_proxy(proxies)}\nModel: {LLM_MODEL}")
with gr.Row():
for k in functional:
variant = functional[k]["Color"] if "Color" in functional[k] else "secondary"
functional[k]["Button"] = gr.Button(k, variant=variant)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Row():
for k in crazy_functional:
variant = crazy_functional[k]["Color"] if "Color" in crazy_functional[k] else "secondary"
crazy_functional[k]["Button"] = gr.Button(k, variant=variant)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Row():
file_upload = gr.Files(label='任何文件,但推荐上传压缩文件(zip, tar)', file_count="multiple")
system_prompt = gr.Textbox(show_label=True, placeholder=f"System Prompt", label="System prompt", value=initial_prompt).style(container=True)
with gr.Accordion("arguments", open=False):
top_p = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=1.0, value=1.0, step=0.01,interactive=True, label="Top-p (nucleus sampling)",)
temperature = gr.Slider(minimum=-0, maximum=2.0, value=1.0, step=0.01, interactive=True, label="Temperature",)
predict_args = dict(fn=predict, inputs=[txt, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, system_prompt], outputs=[chatbot, history, statusDisplay], show_progress=True)
empty_txt_args = dict(fn=lambda: "", inputs=[], outputs=[txt]) # 用于在提交后清空输入栏
# txt.submit(**empty_txt_args) 在提交后清空输入栏
#**empty_txt_args) 在提交后清空输入栏 ([], [], "已重置"), None, [chatbot, history, statusDisplay])
for k in functional:
click_handle = functional[k]["Button"].click(predict,
[txt, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, system_prompt, gr.State(True), gr.State(k)], [chatbot, history, statusDisplay], show_progress=True)
file_upload.upload(on_file_uploaded, [file_upload, chatbot, txt], [chatbot, txt])
for k in crazy_functional:
click_handle = crazy_functional[k]["Button"].click(crazy_functional[k]["Function"],
[txt, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, system_prompt, gr.State(PORT)], [chatbot, history, statusDisplay]
try: click_handle.then(on_report_generated, [file_upload, chatbot], [file_upload, chatbot])
except: pass
cancel_handles.append(click_handle), inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=cancel_handles)
# gradio的inbrowser触发不太稳定,回滚代码到原始的浏览器打开函数
def auto_opentab_delay():
import threading, webbrowser, time
print(f"URL http://localhost:{PORT}")
def open():
t = threading.Thread(target=open)
t.daemon = True; t.start()
demo.title = "ChatGPT 学术优化"
demo.queue(concurrency_count=CONCURRENT_COUNT).launch(server_name="", share=True, server_port=PORT, auth=AUTHENTICATION)