import threading | |
from predict import predict_no_ui_long_connection | |
from toolbox import CatchException, write_results_to_file | |
def 全项目切换英文(txt, top_p, temperature, chatbot, history, sys_prompt, WEB_PORT): | |
history = [] # 清空历史,以免输入溢出 | |
# 集合文件 | |
import time, glob, os | |
file_manifest = [f for f in glob.glob('./**/*.py', recursive=True) if ('test_project' not in f) and ('gpt_log' not in f)] | |
i_say_show_user_buffer = [] | |
# 随便显示点什么防止卡顿 | |
for index, fp in enumerate(file_manifest): | |
# if 'test_project' in fp: continue | |
with open(fp, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
file_content = | |
i_say_show_user =f'[{index}/{len(file_manifest)}] 接下来请将以下代码中包含的所有中文转化为英文,只输出代码: {os.path.abspath(fp)}' | |
i_say_show_user_buffer.append(i_say_show_user) | |
chatbot.append((i_say_show_user, "[Local Message] 等待多线程操作,中间过程不予显示.")) | |
yield chatbot, history, '正常' | |
# 任务函数 | |
mutable_return = [None for _ in file_manifest] | |
def thread_worker(fp,index): | |
with open(fp, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: | |
file_content = | |
i_say = f'接下来请将以下代码中包含的所有中文转化为英文,只输出代码,文件名是{fp},文件代码是 ```{file_content}```' | |
# ** gpt request ** | |
gpt_say = predict_no_ui_long_connection(inputs=i_say, top_p=top_p, temperature=temperature, history=history, sys_prompt=sys_prompt) | |
mutable_return[index] = gpt_say | |
# 所有线程同时开始执行任务函数 | |
handles = [threading.Thread(target=thread_worker, args=(fp,index)) for index, fp in enumerate(file_manifest)] | |
for h in handles: | |
h.daemon = True | |
h.start() | |
chatbot.append(('开始了吗?', f'多线程操作已经开始')) | |
yield chatbot, history, '正常' | |
# 循环轮询各个线程是否执行完毕 | |
cnt = 0 | |
while True: | |
time.sleep(1) | |
th_alive = [h.is_alive() for h in handles] | |
if not any(th_alive): break | |
stat = ['执行中' if alive else '已完成' for alive in th_alive] | |
stat_str = '|'.join(stat) | |
cnt += 1 | |
chatbot[-1] = (chatbot[-1][0], f'多线程操作已经开始,完成情况: {stat_str}' + ''.join(['.']*(cnt%4))) | |
yield chatbot, history, '正常' | |
# 把结果写入文件 | |
for index, h in enumerate(handles): | |
h.join() # 这里其实不需要join了,肯定已经都结束了 | |
fp = file_manifest[index] | |
gpt_say = mutable_return[index] | |
i_say_show_user = i_say_show_user_buffer[index] | |
os.makedirs('gpt_log/generated_english_version', exist_ok=True) | |
os.makedirs('gpt_log/generated_english_version/crazy_functions', exist_ok=True) | |
where_to_relocate = f'gpt_log/generated_english_version/{fp}' | |
with open(where_to_relocate, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(gpt_say.lstrip('```').rstrip('```')) | |
chatbot.append((i_say_show_user, f'[Local Message] 已完成{os.path.abspath(fp)}的转化,\n\n存入{os.path.abspath(where_to_relocate)}')) | |
history.append(i_say_show_user); history.append(gpt_say) | |
yield chatbot, history, '正常' | |
time.sleep(1) | |
# 备份一个文件 | |
res = write_results_to_file(history) | |
chatbot.append(("给爷一份任务执行报告", res)) | |
yield chatbot, history, '正常' | |