import pandas as pd import re import random import Levenshtein import numpy as np import difflib # from torchmetrics.text import BLEUScore import time from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, Process import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from data.evaluate_data.utils import Ontology # bleu = BLEUScore(n_gram=1) def fuzzy_match(texts): text_dict = {} for context in texts: if context not in choices: # txt_dict[txt] = process.extractOne(txt, choices)[0] sim_list = difflib.get_close_matches(context, choices, n=1, cutoff=0.93) if len(sim_list) > 0: text_dict[context] = sim_list[0] else: text_dict[context] = '' return text_dict def get_sim(text, label): all_s = [] for x in label: s = 0 for y in text: temp = Levenshtein.ratio(x, y) if temp > s: s = temp all_s.append(s) all_s = [round(i, 3) for i in all_s] # bs = [bleu(x, [label]) for x in text] return all_s def txt_map(x, txt_dict): if type(x) == str: x = eval(x) x_ = [] for i in x: if i == '': continue if i in txt_dict: x_.append(txt_dict[i]) else: x_.append(i) return x_ def go_map(t): if t in GO_dict: return GO_dict[t] else: pass #print(t) def get_term(df): from collections import Counter cnt = Counter() for i, row in enumerate(df.itertuples()): for term in row.prop_annotations: cnt[term] += 1 terms = list(cnt.keys()) # remove top for top_term in ['GO:0005575', 'GO:0003674', 'GO:0008150']: if top_term in terms: terms.remove(top_term) terms_df = pd.DataFrame({'gos': terms}) terms_df.to_pickle(f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/terms.pkl') if __name__ == "__main__": go = Ontology(f'/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/data/go.obo', with_rels=True) go_des = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/go_descriptions_new.txt', sep='|', header=None) go_des.columns = ['GO', 'function'] go_des = go_des[go_des['function'].notnull()] go_des['function'] = go_des['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower().strip()) go_des['GO'] = go_des['GO'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('_', ':', x)) GO_dict = dict(zip(go_des['function'], go_des['GO'])) data = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/output/output_go_train.txt', sep='|', header=None, on_bad_lines='skip') data.columns = ['name', 'pred', 'label'] #data['label'] = data['label'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) data['pred'] = data['pred'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('', '', x)) #data['label_list'] = data['label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) data['pred_list'] = data['pred'].apply(lambda x: list(set([i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]))) #train = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/train_exp.csv', sep='|') test = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/data/pretrain/train_exp.csv', sep='|') test = test.drop_duplicates() test['function'] = test['function'].apply(lambda x: x.lower().strip()) test['function'] = test['function'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) test['GO_label'] = test['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) data = pd.merge(data, test[['name', 'function']], on='name', how='left') data['label_list'] = data['function'] test_dict = dict() for x, y in zip(test['function'], test['GO_label']): temp = dict(zip(x, y)) test_dict.update(temp) GO_dict.update(test_dict) choices = list(test_dict.keys()) ### 预测的文本如果不在GO标签词中,则算作最相似的GO标签 print("找到与预测文本最相似的GO标签......") t0 = time.time() txt_dict = {} all_txt = [] for txt in data['pred_list']: if type(txt) == str: all_txt.extend(eval(txt)) else: all_txt.extend(txt) all_txt = list(set(all_txt)) n = len(all_txt) thread = 40 size = int(n/thread) inds = list(range(0, n, size)) inds.append(n) all_txt_sep = [all_txt[i: min(i+size, n)] for i in inds[:-1]] with Pool(processes=thread) as pool: result =, all_txt_sep) pool.close() pool.join() for d in result: txt_dict.update(d) # for txt in all_txt[:10]: # fuzzy_match(txt) data['pred_list'] = data['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: txt_map(x, txt_dict)) data['pred_list'] = data['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x))) print("fuzzy matching time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) print("calculating f1 score ......") data['label_list_go'] = data['label_list'].apply(lambda x: [go_map(i) for i in x]) data['pred_list_go'] = data['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: [go_map(i) for i in x]) labels = [] pred_labels = [] for l in data['label_list_go']: if type(l) == str: l = eval(l) labels.extend(l) label_count = {} for x in labels: if x not in label_count: label_count[x] = 1 else: label_count[x] += 1 labels = list(set(labels)) total = len(labels) recalls = [] precisions = [] tp_dict, fp_dict, fn_dict = dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))), dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))), dict(zip(labels, [0]*len(labels))) for preds, label in zip(data['pred_list_go'], data['label_list_go']): if type(label) == str: label = eval(label) if type(preds) == str: txts = eval(preds) ll = len(label) for t in label: # supgo = go.get_anchestors(t) # if supgo.intersection(set(preds)): if t in preds: tp_dict[t] += 1 else: fn_dict[t] += 1 for p in preds: # supgo = go.get_anchestors(p) # if not supgo.intersection(set(label)): if p not in label: if p in fp_dict: fp_dict[p] += 1 else: fp_dict[p] = 1 pred_labels.extend(preds) p_total = len(set(pred_labels)) recall, pr = 0., 0. for x in labels: recall += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fn_dict[x] + 1e-8)) pr += tp_dict[x] / (1.0 * (tp_dict[x] + fp_dict[x] + 1e-8)) r = recall / total p = pr / p_total f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print("preds not in labels: {}".format(len(list(fp_dict.keys())) - total)) print("recall:{}; percision:{}; f1 score: {}".format(r, p, f1)) # 准备数据:blip2预测的Go标签作为feature,label加入祖先后作为预测的Y prepare_ancestors = False if prepare_ancestors: print("准备加入祖先后的数据......") def prop(df): prop_annotations = [] for i, row in df.iterrows(): # Propagate annotations annot_set = set() annots = row['GO_label'] for go_id in annots: annot_set |= go.get_anchestors(go_id) annots = list(annot_set) prop_annotations.append(annots) df['prop_annotations'] = prop_annotations return df def remove_nan(x): if '' in x: x.remove('') return x def pred_text_to_go(df): df['pred'] = df['pred'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('', '', x)) df['pred_list'] = df['pred'].apply(lambda x: list(set([i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]))) ### 预测的文本如果不在GO标签词中,则算作最相似的GO标签 t0 = time.time() txt_dict = {} all_txt = [] for txt in df['pred_list']: if type(txt) == str: all_txt.extend(eval(txt)) else: all_txt.extend(txt) all_txt = list(set(all_txt)) if '' in all_txt: all_txt.remove('') n = len(all_txt) thread = 40 size = int(n / thread) inds = list(range(0, n, size)) inds.append(n) all_txt_sep = [all_txt[i: min(i + size, n)] for i in inds[:-1]] with Pool(processes=thread) as pool: result =, all_txt_sep) pool.close() pool.join() for d in result: txt_dict.update(d) # for txt in all_txt[:10]: # fuzzy_match(txt) df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: txt_map(x, txt_dict)) df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: list(set(x))) df['pred_list'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: remove_nan(x)) print("fuzzy matching time: {}".format(time.time() - t0)) df['pred_list_go'] = df['pred_list'].apply(lambda x: [go_map(i) for i in x]) return df test_pred = pd.read_csv('/cluster/home/wenkai/LAVIS/pretrain/output_pretrain.txt', sep='|', header=None) test_pred.columns = ['protein', 'pred', 'GO_label'] test_pred['GO_label'] = test_pred['GO_label'].apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(';')]) test_pred = test_pred(test) get_term(test) test_pred = pred_text_to_go(test_pred) test_pred.to_pickle('/cluster/home/wenkai/deepgozero/data/blip2/{}/test_pretrain.pkl')