# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. #! /bin/sh # Usage: bash /esm/scripts/download_weights.sh /path/to/weights/ # re run the command to continue downloading incomplete files. echo $0 run_dir=$(readlink -f $(dirname $0)) ; if [[ "$(which aria2c)" == "" ]];then echo aria2c is required for downloading! exit 1 fi for _sh_exec in /bin/sh bash zsh;do # only bash and zsh are tested. _sh_exec=$(which ${_sh_exec}) if [[ "$(${_sh_exec} --version)" =~ "bash" || "$(${_sh_exec} --version)" =~ "zsh" ]];then echo $(which ${_sh_exec}); break fi done model_pth=$1 if [[ "$model_pth" == "" ]];then model_pth=$PWD fi mkdir -p $model_pth/checkpoints pushd $model_pth/checkpoints cat $run_dir/../README.md |grep -e '^|' |grep -e 'fair-esm/models' |tr -d '|' | \ awk 'BEGIN{print "set -e"}; { # read urls starts with https split($0,arr,"https"); url="https"arr[2]; # remove blank spaces after url string split(url,url_arr," ") url=url_arr[1] # guessing regression pt url url_regression=url; sub("models","regression",url_regression); sub(".pt","-contact-regression.pt",url_regression); # downloading weight url_basename_idx=split(url,url_arr,"/") url_basename=url_arr[url_basename_idx] print "if [[ ! -f "url_basename" || -f "url_basename".aria2 ]];then echo Download not complete: "url_basename";aria2c -x 10 "url";else echo Download complete: "url_basename";fi" # downloading regression, if not existing and through an error, we just ignore it. url_regression_basename_idx=split(url_regression,url_arr,"/") url_regression_basename=url_arr[url_regression_basename_idx] print "if [[ ! -f "url_regression_basename" || -f "url_regression_basename".aria2 ]];then echo Download not complete: "url_regression_basename";aria2c -x 10 "url_regression" 2>/dev/null || echo Never mind. "url_regression_basename" may not exist. ;else echo Download complete: "url_regression_basename";fi" }' |$_sh_exec echo "Your model directory is located at \`$(readlink -f ${model_pth})\`." popd