import streamlit as st from utils import generation,load_model ## Site st.title("Gen of butterfly") st.markdown("This is lightweight_gan") # Sidebar st.sidebar.subheader("Even a sloth can learn Machine Learning—one slow line of code at a time!") st.sidebar.image("assets/logo.png", width=200) st.sidebar.caption("") # Values model_id="ceyda/butterfly_cropped_uniq1K_512" model = load_model(model_id) n_gen = 16 def run(): with st.spinner("Loading the model"): ims = generation(model,batch_size=n_gen) st.session_state["ims"] = ims if("ims" not in st.session_state): st.session_state["ims"] = None run() ims = st.session_state["ims"] run_button = st.button("Gen AI butterfly", on_click=run,help="This would run the model") if(ims is not None): cols = st.columns(n_gen) for j,im in enumerate(ims): i = j % n_gen cols[i].image(im, use_column_width=True)