DevToolKit /
acecalisto3's picture
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import os
import streamlit as st
import subprocess
from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, RagRetriever, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
import black
from pylint import lint
import sys
import torch
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url, cached_download, HfApi
import base64
# Set your Hugging Face API key here
# hf_token = "YOUR_HUGGING_FACE_API_KEY" # Replace with your actual token
# Get Hugging Face token from secrets.toml - this line should already be in the main code
hf_token = st.secrets["huggingface"]["hf_token"]
PROJECT_ROOT = "projects"
return refined_response
class AIAgent:
def __init__(self, name, description, skills, hf_api=None): = name
self.description = description
self.skills = skills
self._hf_api = hf_api
self._hf_token = hf_token # Store the token here
def hf_api(self):
if not self._hf_api and self.has_valid_hf_token():
self._hf_api = HfApi(token=self._hf_token)
return self._hf_api
def has_valid_hf_token(self):
return bool(self._hf_token)
async def autonomous_build(self, chat_history, workspace_projects, project_name, selected_model, hf_token):
self._hf_token = hf_token
# Continuation of previous methods
summary = "Chat History:\n" + "\n".join([f"User: {u}\nAgent: {a}" for u, a in chat_history])
summary += "\n\nWorkspace Projects:\n" + "\n".join([f"{p}: {details}" for p, details in workspace_projects.items()])
st.error(f"Build Error: {e}")
return summary, next_step
def deploy_built_space_to_hf(self):
if not self._hf_api or not self._hf_token:
raise ValueError("Cannot deploy the Space since no valid Hugoging Face API connection was established.")
# Assuming you have a function to get the files for your Space
repository_name = f"my-awesome-space_{}"
files = get_built_space_files() # Placeholder - you'll need to define this function
# Create the Space
create_space(self.hf_api, repository_name, "Description", True, files)
st.markdown("## Congratulations! Successfully deployed Space 🚀 ##")
st.markdown(f"[Check out your new Space here]({repository_name})")
# Add any missing functions from your original code (e.g., get_built_space_files)
def get_built_space_files():
# Replace with your logic to gather the files you want to deploy
return {
"": "# Your Streamlit app code here",
"requirements.txt": "streamlit\ntransformers"
# Add other files as needed
def save_agent_to_file(agent):
"""Saves the agent's prompt to a file."""
return f"Code added to '{file_name}' in project '{project_name}'."
def create_space(api, name, description, public, files, entrypoint=""):
url = f"{hf_hub_url()}spaces/{name}/prepare-repo"
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {api.access_token}"}
payload = {
"public": public,
"gitignore_template": "web",
"default_branch": "main",
"archived": False,
"files": []
for filename, contents in files.items():
data = {
"content": contents,
"path": filename,
"encoding": "utf-8",
"mode": "overwrite" if "#\{random.randint(0, 1)\}" not in contents else "merge",
response =, json=payload, headers=headers)
location = response.headers.get("Location")
# wait_for_processing(location, api) # You might need to implement this if it's not already defined
return Repository(name=name, api=api)
# Streamlit App
st.title("AI Agent Creator")
elif app_mode == "Workspace Chat App":
# Workspace Chat App
st.header("Workspace Chat App")
def get_built_space_files():
Gathers the necessary files for the Hugging Face Space,
handling different project structures and file types.
files = {}
# Get the current project name (adjust as needed)
project_name = st.session_state.get('project_name', 'my_project')
project_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, project_name)
# Define a list of files/directories to search for
targets = [
"docker-compose.yml", # Example YAML file
"src", # Example subdirectory
"assets" # Another example subdirectory
# Iterate through the targets
for target in targets:
target_path = os.path.join(project_path, target)
# If the target is a file, add it to the files dictionary
if os.path.isfile(target_path):
add_file_to_dictionary(files, target_path)
# If the target is a directory, recursively search for files within it
elif os.path.isdir(target_path):
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(target_path):
for filename in filenames:
file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
add_file_to_dictionary(files, file_path)
return files
def add_file_to_dictionary(files, file_path):
"""Helper function to add a file to the files dictionary."""
filename = os.path.relpath(file_path, PROJECT_ROOT) # Get relative path
# Handle text and binary files
if filename.endswith((".py", ".txt", ".json", ".html", ".css", ".yml", ".yaml")):
with open(file_path, "r") as f:
files[filename] =
with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
file_content =
files[filename] = base64.b64encode(file_content).decode("utf-8")
# Project Workspace Creation
st.subheader("Create a New Project")
project_name = st.text_input("Enter project name:")
st.write("Next Step:")
# Using the modified and extended class and functions, update the callback for the 'Automate' button in the Streamlit UI:
if st.button("Automate", args=(hf_token,)):
agent = AIAgent(selected_agent, "", []) # Load the agent without skills for now
summary, next_step = agent.autonomous_build(st.session_state.chat_history, st.session_state.workspace_projects, project_name, selected_model, hf_token)
st.write("Autonomous Build Summary:")
st.write("Next Step:")
# If everything went well, proceed to deploy the Space
if agent._hf_api and agent.has_valid_hf_token():
# Use the hf_token to interact with the Hugging Face API
api = HfApi(token=hf_token)
# Function to create a Space on Hugging Face