import gradio as gr import subprocess import whisper from googletrans import Translator import asyncio import edge_tts import os # Extract and Transcribe Audio def extract_and_transcribe_audio(video_path): ffmpeg_command = f"ffmpeg -i '{video_path}' -acodec pcm_s24le -ar 48000 -q:a 0 -map a -y 'output_audio.wav'", shell=True) model = whisper.load_model("base") result = model.transcribe("output_audio.wav") return result["text"], result['language'] # Translate Text def translate_text(whisper_text, whisper_language, target_language): language_mapping = { 'English': 'en', 'Spanish': 'es', # ... (other mappings) } target_language_code = language_mapping[target_language] translator = Translator() translated_text = translator.translate(whisper_text, src=whisper_language, dest=target_language_code).text return translated_text # Generate Voice async def generate_voice(translated_text, target_language): VOICE_MAPPING = { 'English': 'en-GB-SoniaNeural', 'Spanish': 'es-ES-PabloNeural', # ... (other mappings) } voice = VOICE_MAPPING[target_language] communicate = edge_tts.Communicate(translated_text, voice) await"output_synth.wav") return "output_synth.wav" # Generate Lip-synced Video (Placeholder) def generate_lip_synced_video(video_path, output_audio_path): # Your lip-synced video generation code here # ... return "output_high_qual.mp4" # Main function to be called by Gradio def process_video(video, target_language): video_path = "uploaded_video.mp4" with open(video_path, "wb") as f: f.write( # Step 1: Extract and Transcribe Audio whisper_text, whisper_language = extract_and_transcribe_audio(video_path) # Step 2: Translate Text translated_text = translate_text(whisper_text, whisper_language, target_language) # Step 3: Generate Voice loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() output_audio_path = loop.run_until_complete(generate_voice(translated_text, target_language)) # Step 4: Generate Lip-synced Video output_video_path = generate_lip_synced_video(video_path, output_audio_path) return output_video_path # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_video, inputs=["file", gr.Interface.Component(type="dropdown", choices=["English", "Spanish"])], outputs="file", live=False ) iface.launch()