import ffmpeg |
import os |
import random |
import yt_dlp |
import subprocess |
import json |
def getYoutubeVideoLink(url): |
if 'shorts' in url: |
ydl_opts = { |
"quiet": True, |
"no_warnings": True, |
"no_color": True, |
"no_call_home": True, |
"no_check_certificate": True, |
"format": "bestvideo[height<=1920]" |
} |
else: |
ydl_opts = { |
"quiet": True, |
"no_warnings": True, |
"no_color": True, |
"no_call_home": True, |
"no_check_certificate": True, |
"format": "bestvideo[height<=1080]" |
} |
try: |
with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: |
dictMeta = ydl.extract_info( |
url, |
download=False) |
return dictMeta['url'], dictMeta['duration'] |
except Exception as e: |
print("Failed getting video link from the following video/url", e.args[0]) |
return None, None |
def extract_random_clip_from_video(video_url, video_duration, clip_duration , output_file): |
print(video_url, video_duration, clip_duration , output_file) |
"""Extracts a clip from a video using a signed URL. |
Args: |
video_url (str): The signed URL of the video. |
video_url (int): Duration of the video. |
start_time (int): The start time of the clip in seconds. |
clip_duration (int): The duration of the clip in seconds. |
output_file (str): The output file path for the extracted clip. |
""" |
if not video_duration: |
raise Exception("Could not get video duration") |
if not video_duration*0.7 > 120: |
raise Exception("Video too short") |
start_time = video_duration*0.15 + random.random()* (0.7*video_duration-clip_duration) |
( |
ffmpeg |
.input(video_url, ss=start_time, t=clip_duration) |
.output(output_file, codec="libx264", preset="ultrafast") |
.run() |
) |
if not os.path.exists(output_file): |
raise Exception("Random clip failed to be written") |
return output_file |
def get_aspect_ratio(video_file): |
cmd = 'ffprobe -i "{}" -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams'.format(video_file) |
jsonstr = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, encoding='utf-8') |
r = json.loads(jsonstr) |
video_stream_info = [x for x in r['streams'] if x['codec_type']=='video'][0] |
if 'display_aspect_ratio' in video_stream_info and video_stream_info['display_aspect_ratio']!="0:1": |
a,b = video_stream_info['display_aspect_ratio'].split(':') |
dar = int(a)/int(b) |
else: |
w,h = video_stream_info['width'], video_stream_info['height'] |
dar = int(w)/int(h) |
if 'sample_aspect_ratio' in video_stream_info and video_stream_info['sample_aspect_ratio']!="0:1": |
a,b = video_stream_info['sample_aspect_ratio'].split(':') |
sar = int(a)/int(b) |
else: |
sar = dar |
par = dar/sar |
return dar |