from dataclasses import fields import mesop as me def load(e: me.LoadEvent): me.set_theme_mode("system") on_load=load, security_policy=me.SecurityPolicy( allowed_iframe_parents=["", ""] ), path="/headers", ) def app(): is_mobile = me.viewport_size().width < 640 with # Two section basic header with fluid width. # As an example, we don't use mobile view here since the header is short enough. with header(max_width=None): with header_section(): me.text( "Mesop", type="headline-6", style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0)) ) with header_section(): me.button("Home") me.button("About") me.button("FAQ") with # Two section basic header. with header(is_mobile=is_mobile): with header_section(): me.text( "Mesop", type="headline-6", style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0)) ) with header_section(): me.button("Home") me.button("About") me.button("FAQ") with # Three section basic header. with header(is_mobile=is_mobile): with header_section(): me.text( "Mesop", type="headline-6", style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0)) ) with header_section(): me.button("Home") me.button("About") me.button("FAQ") with header_section(): me.button("Login", type="flat") with # Centered header with overrides and icons with header(is_mobile=is_mobile, style=me.Style(justify_content="center")): with header_section(): with me.content_button( style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=30, horizontal=25) ) ): me.icon("home") me.text("Home") with me.content_button( style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=30, horizontal=25) ) ): me.icon("info") me.text("About") with me.content_button( style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=30, horizontal=25) ) ): me.icon("contact_support") me.text("FAQ") with me.content_button( style=me.Style( padding=me.Padding.symmetric(vertical=30, horizontal=25) ) ): me.icon("login") me.text("Login") with # Header with overridden background with header( is_mobile=is_mobile, style=me.Style(background="#0F0F11", color="#E3E3E3") ): with header_section(): me.text( "Mesop", type="headline-6", style=me.Style(margin=me.Margin(bottom=0)) ) with header_section(): me.button("Home", type="stroked", style=me.Style(color="#E3E3E3")) me.button("About", type="stroked", style=me.Style(color="#E3E3E3")) me.button("FAQ", type="stroked", style=me.Style(color="#E3E3E3")) with header_section(): me.button("Login", type="flat") @me.content_component def header( *, style: me.Style | None = None, is_mobile: bool = False, max_width: int | None = 1000, ): """Creates a simple header component. Args: style: Override the default styles, such as background color, etc. is_mobile: Use mobile layout. Arranges each section vertically. max_width: Sets the maximum width of the header. Use None for fluid header. """ default_flex_style = ( _DEFAULT_MOBILE_FLEX_STYLE if is_mobile else _DEFAULT_FLEX_STYLE ) if max_width and me.viewport_size().width >= max_width: default_flex_style = merge_styles( default_flex_style, me.Style(width=max_width, margin=me.Margin.symmetric(horizontal="auto")), ) # The style override is a bit hacky here since we apply the override styles to both # boxes here which could cause problems depending on what styles are added. with, style)): with, style)): me.slot() @me.content_component def header_section(): """Adds a section to the header.""" with"flex", gap=5)): me.slot() def merge_styles( default: me.Style, overrides: me.Style | None = None ) -> me.Style: """Merges two styles together. Args: default: The starting style overrides: Any set styles will override styles in default """ if not overrides: overrides = me.Style() default_fields = { getattr(default, for field in fields(me.Style) } override_fields = { getattr(overrides, for field in fields(me.Style) if getattr(overrides, is not None } return me.Style(**default_fields | override_fields) _DEFAULT_STYLE = me.Style( background=me.theme_var("surface-container"), border=me.Border.symmetric( vertical=me.BorderSide( width=1, style="solid", color=me.theme_var("outline-variant"), ) ), padding=me.Padding.all(10), ) _DEFAULT_FLEX_STYLE = me.Style( align_items="center", display="flex", gap=5, justify_content="space-between", ) _DEFAULT_MOBILE_FLEX_STYLE = me.Style( align_items="center", display="flex", flex_direction="column", gap=12, justify_content="center", )