import math | |
import os | |
import json | |
import re | |
import cv2 | |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field | |
import random | |
import imageio | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
from import DataLoader, Dataset | |
from PIL import Image | |
from craftsman.utils.typing import * | |
def fit_bounding_box(img, mask, marign_pix_dis, background_color): | |
# alpha_channel = img[:, :, 3] | |
alpha_channel = mask.numpy().squeeze() | |
height = np.any(alpha_channel, axis=1) | |
width = np.any(alpha_channel, axis=0) | |
h_min, h_max = np.where(height)[0][[0, -1]] | |
w_min, w_max = np.where(width)[0][[0, -1]] | |
box_height = h_max - h_min | |
box_width = w_max - w_min | |
cropped_image = img[h_min:h_max, w_min:w_max] | |
if box_height > box_width: | |
new_hight = 512 - 2 * marign_pix_dis | |
new_width = int((512 - 2 * marign_pix_dis) / (box_height) * box_width) + 1 | |
else: | |
new_hight = int((512 - 2 * marign_pix_dis) / (box_width) * box_height) + 1 | |
new_width = 512 - 2 * marign_pix_dis | |
new_h_min_pos = int((512 - new_hight) / 2 + 1) | |
new_h_max_pos = new_hight + new_h_min_pos | |
new_w_min_pos = int((512 - new_width) / 2 + 1) | |
new_w_max_pos = new_width + new_w_min_pos | |
# extend of the bbox | |
new_image = np.full((512, 512, 3), background_color) | |
new_image[new_h_min_pos:new_h_max_pos, new_w_min_pos:new_w_max_pos, :] = cv2.resize(cropped_image.numpy(), (new_width, new_hight)) | |
return torch.from_numpy(new_image) | |
class BaseDataModuleConfig: | |
local_dir: str = None | |
################################# Geometry part ################################# | |
load_geometry: bool = True # whether to load geometry data | |
geo_data_type: str = "occupancy" # occupancy, sdf | |
geo_data_path: str = "" # path to the geometry data | |
# for occupancy and sdf data | |
n_samples: int = 4096 # number of points in input point cloud | |
upsample_ratio: int = 1 # upsample ratio for input point cloud | |
sampling_strategy: Optional[str] = None # sampling strategy for input point cloud | |
scale: float = 1.0 # scale of the input point cloud and target supervision | |
load_supervision: bool = True # whether to load supervision | |
supervision_type: str = "occupancy" # occupancy, sdf, tsdf | |
tsdf_threshold: float = 0.05 # threshold for truncating sdf values, used when input is sdf | |
n_supervision: int = 10000 # number of points in supervision | |
################################# Image part ################################# | |
load_image: bool = False # whether to load images | |
image_data_path: str = "" # path to the image data | |
image_type: str = "rgb" # rgb, normal | |
background_color: Tuple[float, float, float] = field( | |
default_factory=lambda: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) | |
) | |
idx: Optional[List[int]] = None # index of the image to load | |
n_views: int = 1 # number of views | |
marign_pix_dis: int = 30 # margin of the bounding box | |
batch_size: int = 32 | |
num_workers: int = 8 | |
class BaseDataset(Dataset): | |
def __init__(self, cfg: Any, split: str) -> None: | |
super().__init__() | |
self.cfg: BaseDataModuleConfig = cfg | |
self.split = split | |
self.uids = json.load(open(f'{cfg.local_dir}/{split}.json')) | |
print(f"Loaded {len(self.uids)} {split} uids") | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len(self.uids) | |
def _load_shape_from_occupancy_or_sdf(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: | |
if self.cfg.geo_data_type == "occupancy": | |
# for input point cloud, using Objaverse-MIX data | |
pointcloud = np.load(f'{self.cfg.geo_data_path}/{self.uids[index]}/pointcloud.npz') | |
surface = np.asarray(pointcloud['points']) * 2 # range from -1 to 1 | |
normal = np.asarray(pointcloud['normals']) | |
surface = np.concatenate([surface, normal], axis=1) | |
elif self.cfg.geo_data_type == "sdf": | |
# for sdf data with our own format | |
data = np.load(f'{self.cfg.geo_data_path}/{self.uids[index]}.npz') | |
# for input point cloud | |
surface = data["surface"] | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Data type {self.cfg.geo_data_type} not implemented") | |
# random sampling | |
if self.cfg.sampling_strategy == "random": | |
rng = np.random.default_rng() | |
ind = rng.choice(surface.shape[0], self.cfg.upsample_ratio * self.cfg.n_samples, replace=False) | |
surface = surface[ind] | |
elif self.cfg.sampling_strategy == "fps": | |
import fpsample | |
kdline_fps_samples_idx = fpsample.bucket_fps_kdline_sampling(surface[:, :3], self.cfg.n_samples, h=5) | |
surface = surface[kdline_fps_samples_idx] | |
elif self.cfg.sampling_strategy is None: | |
pass | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"sampling strategy {self.cfg.sampling_strategy} not implemented") | |
# rescale data | |
surface[:, :3] = surface[:, :3] * self.cfg.scale # target scale | |
ret = { | |
"uid": self.uids[index].split('/')[-1], | |
"surface": surface.astype(np.float32), | |
} | |
return ret | |
def _load_shape_supervision_occupancy_or_sdf(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: | |
# for supervision | |
ret = {} | |
if self.cfg.data_type == "occupancy": | |
points = np.load(f'{self.cfg.geo_data_path}/{self.uids[index]}/points.npz') | |
rand_points = np.asarray(points['points']) * 2 # range from -1.1 to 1.1 | |
occupancies = np.asarray(points['occupancies']) | |
occupancies = np.unpackbits(occupancies) | |
elif self.cfg.data_type == "sdf": | |
data = np.load(f'{self.cfg.geo_data_path}/{self.uids[index]}.npz') | |
rand_points = data['rand_points'] | |
sdfs = data['sdfs'] | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Data type {self.cfg.data_type} not implemented") | |
# random sampling | |
rng = np.random.default_rng() | |
ind = rng.choice(rand_points.shape[0], self.cfg.n_supervision, replace=False) | |
rand_points = rand_points[ind] | |
rand_points = rand_points * self.cfg.scale | |
ret["rand_points"] = rand_points.astype(np.float32) | |
if self.cfg.data_type == "occupancy": | |
assert self.cfg.supervision_type == "occupancy", "Only occupancy supervision is supported for occupancy data" | |
occupancies = occupancies[ind] | |
ret["occupancies"] = occupancies.astype(np.float32) | |
elif self.cfg.data_type == "sdf": | |
if self.cfg.supervision_type == "sdf": | |
ret["sdf"] = sdfs[ind].flatten().astype(np.float32) | |
elif self.cfg.supervision_type == "occupancy": | |
ret["occupancies"] = np.where(sdfs[ind].flatten() < 1e-3, 0, 1).astype(np.float32) | |
elif self.cfg.supervision_type == "tsdf": | |
ret["sdf"] = sdfs[ind].flatten().astype(np.float32).clip(-self.cfg.tsdf_threshold, self.cfg.tsdf_threshold) / self.cfg.tsdf_threshold | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Supervision type {self.cfg.supervision_type} not implemented") | |
return ret | |
def _load_image(self, index: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: | |
def _load_single_image(img_path, background_color, marign_pix_dis=None): | |
img = torch.from_numpy( | |
np.asarray( | |
Image.fromarray(imageio.v2.imread(img_path)) | |
.convert("RGBA") | |
) | |
/ 255.0 | |
).float() | |
mask: Float[Tensor, "H W 1"] = img[:, :, -1:] | |
image: Float[Tensor, "H W 3"] = img[:, :, :3] * mask + background_color[ | |
None, None, : | |
] * (1 - mask) | |
if marign_pix_dis is not None: | |
image = fit_bounding_box(image, mask, marign_pix_dis, background_color) | |
return image, mask | |
if self.cfg.background_color == [-1, -1, -1]: | |
background_color = torch.randint(0, 256, (3,)) | |
else: | |
background_color = torch.as_tensor(self.cfg.background_color) | |
ret = {} | |
if self.cfg.image_type == "rgb" or self.cfg.image_type == "normal": | |
assert self.cfg.n_views == 1, "Only single view is supported for single image" | |
sel_idx = random.choice(self.cfg.idx) | |
ret["sel_image_idx"] = sel_idx | |
if self.cfg.image_type == "rgb": | |
img_path = f'{self.cfg.image_data_path}/' + "/".join(self.uids[index].split('/')[-2:]) + f"/{'{:04d}'.format(sel_idx)}_rgb.jpeg" | |
elif self.cfg.image_type == "normal": | |
img_path = f'{self.cfg.image_data_path}/' + "/".join(self.uids[index].split('/')[-2:]) + f"/{'{:04d}'.format(sel_idx)}_normal.jpeg" | |
ret["image"], ret["mask"] = _load_single_image(img_path, background_color, self.cfg.marign_pix_dis) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Image type {self.cfg.image_type} not implemented") | |
return ret | |
def _get_data(self, index): | |
ret = {"uid": self.uids[index]} | |
# load geometry | |
if self.cfg.load_geometry: | |
if self.cfg.geo_data_type == "occupancy" or self.cfg.geo_data_type == "sdf": | |
# load shape | |
ret = self._load_shape_from_occupancy_or_sdf(index) | |
# load supervision for shape | |
if self.cfg.load_supervision: | |
ret.update(self._load_shape_supervision_occupancy_or_sdf(index)) | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Geo data type {self.cfg.geo_data_type} not implemented") | |
# load image | |
if self.cfg.load_image: | |
ret.update(self._load_image(index)) | |
return ret | |
def __getitem__(self, index): | |
try: | |
return self._get_data(index) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(f"Error in {self.uids[index]}: {e}") | |
return self.__getitem__(np.random.randint(len(self))) | |
def collate(self, batch): | |
from import default_collate_fn_map | |
return | |