%citationCount: 36 %tldr: It is argued that the evolution of quantum computing is unlikely to be different: hybrid algorithms are likely here to stay well past the NISQ era and even into full fault-tolerance, with the quantum processors augmenting the already powerful classical processors which exist by performing specialized tasks. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/f42a170d57260b1c1e518d9302139c3e7b416c58 @Article{Callison2022HybridQA, author = {A. Callison and N. Chancellor}, booktitle = {Physical Review A}, journal = {Physical Review A}, title = {Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms in the noisy intermediate-scale quantum era and beyond}, year = {2022} } %citationCount: 22 %tldr: This article presents artificial intelligence (AI)-based and heuristic-based methods recently reported in the literature that attempt to address quantum circuit compilation challenges, and group them based on underlying techniques that they implement. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/dea427b94e9734ccf7c28e4851e384689300d2bd @Article{Kusyk2021SurveyOQ, author = {Janusz Kusyk and S. Saeed and M. U. Uyar}, booktitle = {IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Survey on Quantum Circuit Compilation for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computers: Artificial Intelligence to Heuristics}, volume = {2}, year = {2021} } %citationCount: 8 %tldr: This work harnesses the SDP based formulation of the Hamiltonian ground state problem to design a NISQ eigensolver and solves constrained problems to calculate the excited states of Hamiltonians, the lowest energy of symmetry constrained Hamiltonians and determine the optimal measurements for quantum state discrimination. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/f436202291102b3dccbddb6d16f916fa04cc8c0f @Article{Bharti2021NoisyIQ, author = {Kishor Bharti and T. Haug and V. Vedral and L. Kwek}, booktitle = {Physical Review A}, journal = {Physical Review A}, title = {Noisy intermediate-scale quantum algorithm for semidefinite programming}, year = {2021} } %citationCount: 80 %tldr: This work proposes two strategies for partial compilation, exploiting the structure of variational circuits to pre-compile optimal pulses for specific blocks of gates, and indicates significant pulse speedups ranging from 1.5x-3x in typical benchmarks, with only a small fraction of the compilation latency of GRAPE. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/f787a1c99dc207ff18563547bea49f3f2ee5ca8a @Article{Gokhale2019PartialCO, author = {P. Gokhale and Yongshan Ding and T. Propson and Christopher Winkler and N. Leung and Yunong Shi and D. Schuster and H. Hoffmann and F. Chong}, booktitle = {Micro}, journal = {Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture}, title = {Partial Compilation of Variational Algorithms for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Machines}, year = {2019} } %citationCount: 87 %tldr: None %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/2b8e5a9567bb75b629d67c28ee4759e71097bfef @Article{Lavrijsen2020ClassicalOF, author = {W. Lavrijsen and Ana Tudor and Juliane Müller and Costin Iancu and W. A. Jong}, booktitle = {International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering}, journal = {2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)}, pages = {267-277}, title = {Classical Optimizers for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Devices}, year = {2020} } %citationCount: 17 %tldr: Simulations suggest that compared with conventional hardware efficient ansatz, the circuit-structure-tunable method can generate circuits apparently more robust against both coherent and incoherent noise, and hence is more likely to be implemented on near-term devices. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/b9018dcf5f0c59de097b89accbeec0abe60e0ee7 @Article{Huang2022RobustRQ, author = {Yuhan Huang and Qing Li and Xiaokai Hou and Rebing Wu and M. Yung and A. Bayat and Xiaoting Wang}, booktitle = {Physical Review A}, journal = {Physical Review A}, title = {Robust resource-efficient quantum variational ansatz through an evolutionary algorithm}, year = {2022} } %citationCount: 3 %tldr: A hardware architecture for quantum circuit simulation based on a 1-input single gate regardless of the number of qubits used in the circuit to implement simulator smaller and to reduce simulation time by skipping calculation and data transfer. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/9537338e6a5c83aca4f03a272c0cbc4db7d32670 @Article{Hong2022QuantumCS, author = {Yun-Shik Hong and Seokhun Jeon and Sihyeong Park and Byung-Soo Kim}, booktitle = {Information and Communication Technology Convergence}, journal = {2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)}, pages = {1909-1911}, title = {Quantum Circuit Simulator based on FPGA}, year = {2022} } %citationCount: 1 %tldr: The evaluation using a quantum computer simulator with a noise model based on a real NISQ device shows that the proposed offline pruning technique improves the accuracy of U CCSD-VQE while sustaining the potential accuracy of the UCCSD ansatz and has a synergy with a well-known noise mitigation method called zero noise extrapolation (ZNE). %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/d2308b29661dfd63fb12d8320d66bc39a6b102f1 @Article{Imamura2023OfflineQC, author = {Satoshi Imamura and Akihiko Kasagi and Eiji Yoshida}, booktitle = {International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering}, journal = {2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE)}, pages = {349-355}, title = {Offline Quantum Circuit Pruning for Quantum Chemical Calculations}, volume = {01}, year = {2023} } %citationCount: 1 %tldr: An investigation into the impact of realistic noise on the classical optimizer and the determination of optimal circuit depth for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) in the presence of noise shows that increasing the number of layers in the QAOA in an attempt to increase accuracy may not work well in a noisy device. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/b4d639c4c4d3719ba9ec9a60a48abeea26e28105 @Inproceedings{Pellow-Jarman2023QAOAPI, author = {Aidan Pellow-Jarman and Shane McFarthing and I. Sinayskiy and A. Pillay and Francesco Petruccione}, title = {QAOA Performance in Noisy Devices: The Effect of Classical Optimizers and Ansatz Depth}, year = {2023} } %citationCount: 5 %tldr: This work proposes the use of estimation of distribution algorithms for the parameter optimization in a specific case of VQAs, the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, and shows an statistically significant improvement of the cost function minimization compared to traditional optimizers. %url: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/29d82f13bd242855cd690f508c9cc31a0a8d9dc4 @Article{Soloviev2022QuantumPC, author = {Vicente P. Soloviev and P. Larrañaga and C. Bielza}, booktitle = {GECCO Companion}, journal = {Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion}, title = {Quantum parametric circuit optimization with estimation of distribution algorithms}, year = {2022} }