add ddim support
history blame
14.1 kB
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Iterable
import os.path as osp
from hydra.core.config_store import ConfigStore
from hydra.conf import RunDir
class CustomHydraRunDir(RunDir):
dir: str = './outputs/${run.name}/single'
class RunConfig:
name: str = 'debug'
job: str = 'train'
mixed_precision: str = 'fp16' # 'no'
cpu: bool = False
seed: int = 42
val_before_training: bool = True
vis_before_training: bool = True
limit_train_batches: Optional[int] = None
limit_val_batches: Optional[int] = None
max_steps: int = 100_000
checkpoint_freq: int = 1_000
val_freq: int = 5_000
vis_freq: int = 5_000
# vis_freq: int = 10_000
log_step_freq: int = 20
print_step_freq: int = 100
# config to run demo
stage1_name: str = 'stage1' # experiment name to the stage 1 model
stage2_name: str = 'stage2' # experiment name to the stage 2 model
image_path: str = '' # the path to the images for running demo, can be a single file or a glob pattern
share: bool = False # whether to run gradio with a temporal public url or not
# abs path to working dir
code_dir_abs: str = osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)))
# Inference configs
num_inference_steps: int = 1000
diffusion_scheduler: Optional[str] = 'ddpm'
num_samples: int = 1
# num_sample_batches: Optional[int] = None
num_sample_batches: Optional[int] = 2000 # XH: change to 2
sample_from_ema: bool = False
sample_save_evolutions: bool = False # temporarily set by default
save_name: str = 'sample' # XH: additional save name
redo: bool = False
# for parallel sampling in slurm
batch_start: int = 0
batch_end: Optional[int] = None
# Training configs
freeze_feature_model: bool = True
# Coloring training configs
coloring_training_noise_std: float = 0.0
coloring_sample_dir: Optional[str] = None
sample_mode: str = 'sample' # whether from noise or from some intermediate steps
sample_noise_step: int = 500 # add noise to GT up to some steps, and then denoise
sample_save_gt: bool = True
class LoggingConfig:
wandb: bool = True
wandb_project: str = 'pc2'
class PointCloudProjectionModelConfig:
# Feature extraction arguments
image_size: int = '${dataset.image_size}'
image_feature_model: str = 'vit_base_patch16_224_mae' # or 'vit_small_patch16_224_msn' or 'identity'
use_local_colors: bool = True
use_local_features: bool = True
use_global_features: bool = False
use_mask: bool = True
use_distance_transform: bool = True
# Point cloud data arguments. Note these are here because the processing happens
# inside the model, rather than inside the dataset.
scale_factor: float = "${dataset.scale_factor}"
colors_mean: float = 0.5
colors_std: float = 0.5
color_channels: int = 3
predict_shape: bool = True
predict_color: bool = False
# added by XH
load_sample_init: bool = False # load init samples from file
sample_init_scale: float = 1.0 # scale the initial pc samples
test_init_with_gtpc: bool = False # test time init samples with GT samples
consistent_center: bool = True # use consistent center prediction by CCD-3DR
voxel_resolution_multiplier: float = 1 # increase network voxel resolution
# predict binary segmentation
predict_binary: bool = False # True for stage 1 model, False for others
lw_binary: float = 3.0 # to have roughly the same magnitude of the binary segmentation loss
# for separate model
binary_training_noise_std: float = 0.1 # from github doc for predicting color
self_conditioning: bool = False
class PVCNNAEModelConfig(PointCloudProjectionModelConfig):
"my own model config, must inherit parent class"
model_name: str = 'pvcnn-ae'
latent_dim: int = 1024
num_dec_blocks: int = 6
block_dims: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [512, 256])
num_points: int = 1500
bottleneck_dim: int = -1 # the input dim to the last MLP layer
class PointCloudDiffusionModelConfig(PointCloudProjectionModelConfig):
model_name: str = 'pc2-diff-ho' # default as behave
# Diffusion arguments
beta_start: float = 1e-5 # 0.00085
beta_end: float = 8e-3 # 0.012
beta_schedule: str = 'linear' # 'custom'
dm_pred_type: str = 'epsilon' # diffusion model prediction type, sample (x0) or noise
ddim_eta: float = 1.0 # DDIM eta parameter: 0 is the default one which does deterministic generation
# Point cloud model arguments
point_cloud_model: str = 'pvcnn'
point_cloud_model_embed_dim: int = 64
dataset_type: str = '${dataset.type}'
class CrossAttnHOModelConfig(PointCloudDiffusionModelConfig):
model_name: str = 'diff-ho-attn'
attn_type: str = 'coord3d+posenc-learnable'
attn_weight: float = 1.0
point_visible_test: str = 'combine' # To compute point visibility: use all points or only human/object points
class DirectTransModelConfig(PointCloudProjectionModelConfig):
model_name: str = 'direct-transl-ho'
pooling: str = "avg"
act: str = 'gelu'
out_act: str = 'relu'
# feat_dims_transl: Iterable[Any] = (384, 256, 128, 6) # cannot use List[int] https://github.com/facebookresearch/hydra/issues/1752#issuecomment-893174197
# feat_dims_scale: Iterable[Any] = (384, 128, 64, 2)
feat_dims_transl: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [384, 256, 128, 6])
feat_dims_scale: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [384, 128, 64, 2])
lw_transl: float = 10000.0
lw_scale: float = 10000.0
class PointCloudColoringModelConfig(PointCloudProjectionModelConfig):
# Projection arguments
predict_shape: bool = False
predict_color: bool = True
# Point cloud model arguments
point_cloud_model: str = 'pvcnn'
point_cloud_model_layers: int = 1
point_cloud_model_embed_dim: int = 64
class DatasetConfig:
type: str
class PointCloudDatasetConfig(DatasetConfig):
eval_split: str = 'val'
max_points: int = 16_384
image_size: int = 224
scale_factor: float = 1.0
restrict_model_ids: Optional[List] = None # for only running on a subset of data points
class CO3DConfig(PointCloudDatasetConfig):
type: str = 'co3dv2'
# root: str = os.getenv('CO3DV2_DATASET_ROOT')
root: str = "/BS/xxie-2/work/co3d/hydrant"
category: str = 'hydrant'
subset_name: str = 'fewview_dev'
mask_images: bool = '${model.use_mask}'
class ShapeNetR2N2Config(PointCloudDatasetConfig):
# added by XH
fix_sample: bool = True
category: str = 'chair'
type: str = 'shapenet_r2n2'
root: str = "/BS/chiban2/work/data_shapenet/ShapeNetCore.v1"
r2n2_dir: str = "/BS/databases20/3d-r2n2"
shapenet_dir: str = "/BS/chiban2/work/data_shapenet/ShapeNetCore.v1"
preprocessed_r2n2_dir: str = "${dataset.root}/r2n2_preprocessed_renders"
splits_file: str = "${dataset.root}/r2n2_standard_splits_from_ShapeNet_taxonomy.json"
# splits_file: str = "${dataset.root}/pix2mesh_splits_val05.json" # <-- incorrect
scale_factor: float = 7.0
point_cloud_filename: str = 'pointcloud_r2n2.npz' # should use 'pointcloud_mesh.npz'
class BehaveDatasetConfig(PointCloudDatasetConfig):
# added by XH
type: str = 'behave'
fix_sample: bool = True
behave_dir: str = "/BS/xxie-5/static00/behave_release/sequences/"
split_file: str = "" # specify you dataset split file here
scale_factor: float = 7.0 # use the same as shapenet
sample_ratio_hum: float = 0.5
image_size: int = 224
normalize_type: str = 'comb'
smpl_type: str = 'gt' # use which SMPL mesh to obtain normalization parameters
test_transl_type: str = 'norm'
load_corr_points: bool = False # load autoencoder points for object and SMPL
uniform_obj_sample: bool = False
# configs for direct translation prediction
bkg_type: str = 'none'
bbox_params: str = 'none'
ho_segm_pred_path: Optional[str] = None
use_gt_transl: bool = False
cam_noise_std: float = 0. # add noise to the camera pose
sep_same_crop: bool = False # use same input image crop to separate models
aug_blur: float = 0. # blur augmentation
std_coverage: float=3.5 # a heuristic value to estimate translation
v2v_path: str = '' # object v2v corr path
class ShapeDatasetConfig(BehaveDatasetConfig):
"the dataset to train AE for aligned shapes"
type: str = 'shape'
fix_sample: bool = False
split_file: str = "/BS/xxie-2/work/pc2-diff/experiments/splits/shapes-chair.pkl"
class ShapeNetNMRConfig(PointCloudDatasetConfig):
type: str = 'shapenet_nmr'
shapenet_nmr_dir: str = "/work/lukemk/machine-learning-datasets/3d-reconstruction/ShapeNet_NMR/NMR_Dataset"
synset_names: str = 'chair' # comma-separated or 'all'
augmentation: str = 'all'
scale_factor: float = 7.0
class AugmentationConfig:
# need to specify the variable type in order to define it properly
max_radius: int = 0 # generate a random square to mask object, this is the radius for the square in pixel size, zero means no occlusion
class DataloaderConfig:
# batch_size: int = 8 # 2 for debug
batch_size: int = 16
num_workers: int = 14 # 0 for debug # suggested by accelerator for gpu20
class LossConfig:
diffusion_weight: float = 1.0
rgb_weight: float = 1.0
consistency_weight: float = 1.0
class CheckpointConfig:
resume: Optional[str] = "test"
resume_training: bool = True
resume_training_optimizer: bool = True
resume_training_scheduler: bool = True
resume_training_state: bool = True
class ExponentialMovingAverageConfig:
use_ema: bool = False
# # From Diffusers EMA (should probably switch)
# ema_inv_gamma: float = 1.0
# ema_power: float = 0.75
# ema_max_decay: float = 0.9999
decay: float = 0.999
update_every: int = 20
class OptimizerConfig:
type: str
name: str
lr: float = 3e-4
weight_decay: float = 0.0
scale_learning_rate_with_batch_size: bool = False
gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 1
clip_grad_norm: Optional[float] = 50.0 # 5.0
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict())
class AdadeltaOptimizerConfig(OptimizerConfig):
type: str = 'torch'
name: str = 'Adadelta'
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(
class AdamOptimizerConfig(OptimizerConfig):
type: str = 'torch'
name: str = 'AdamW'
weight_decay: float = 1e-6
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(betas=(0.95, 0.999)))
class SchedulerConfig:
type: str
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict())
class LinearSchedulerConfig(SchedulerConfig):
type: str = 'transformers'
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(
class CosineSchedulerConfig(SchedulerConfig):
type: str = 'transformers'
kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=lambda: dict(
num_warmup_steps=2000, # 0
class ProjectConfig:
run: RunConfig
logging: LoggingConfig
dataset: PointCloudDatasetConfig
augmentations: AugmentationConfig
dataloader: DataloaderConfig
loss: LossConfig
model: PointCloudProjectionModelConfig
ema: ExponentialMovingAverageConfig
checkpoint: CheckpointConfig
optimizer: OptimizerConfig
scheduler: SchedulerConfig
defaults: List[Any] = field(default_factory=lambda: [
{'run': 'default'},
{'logging': 'default'},
{'model': 'ho-attn'},
# {'dataset': 'co3d'},
{'dataset': 'behave'},
{'augmentations': 'default'},
{'dataloader': 'default'},
{'ema': 'default'},
{'loss': 'default'},
{'checkpoint': 'default'},
{'optimizer': 'adam'}, # default adamw
{'scheduler': 'linear'},
# {'scheduler': 'cosine'},
cs = ConfigStore.instance()
cs.store(name='custom_hydra_run_dir', node=CustomHydraRunDir, package="hydra.run")
cs.store(group='run', name='default', node=RunConfig)
cs.store(group='logging', name='default', node=LoggingConfig)
cs.store(group='model', name='diffrec', node=PointCloudDiffusionModelConfig)
cs.store(group='model', name='coloring_model', node=PointCloudColoringModelConfig)
cs.store(group='model', name='direct-transl', node=DirectTransModelConfig)
cs.store(group='model', name='ho-attn', node=CrossAttnHOModelConfig)
cs.store(group='model', name='pvcnn-ae', node=PVCNNAEModelConfig)
cs.store(group='dataset', name='co3d', node=CO3DConfig)
cs.store(group='dataset', name='shapenet_r2n2', node=ShapeNetR2N2Config)
cs.store(group='dataset', name='behave', node=BehaveDatasetConfig)
cs.store(group='dataset', name='shape', node=ShapeDatasetConfig)
# cs.store(group='dataset', name='shapenet_nmr', node=ShapeNetNMRConfig)
cs.store(group='augmentations', name='default', node=AugmentationConfig)
cs.store(group='dataloader', name='default', node=DataloaderConfig)
cs.store(group='loss', name='default', node=LossConfig)
cs.store(group='ema', name='default', node=ExponentialMovingAverageConfig)
cs.store(group='checkpoint', name='default', node=CheckpointConfig)
cs.store(group='optimizer', name='adadelta', node=AdadeltaOptimizerConfig)
cs.store(group='optimizer', name='adam', node=AdamOptimizerConfig)
cs.store(group='scheduler', name='linear', node=LinearSchedulerConfig)
cs.store(group='scheduler', name='cosine', node=CosineSchedulerConfig)
cs.store(name='configs', node=ProjectConfig)