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Intro,News description,Connection,Sponser,End of the video
"well when it comes to AI news October ended with a bang and November's off to a really good start there's been a lot
of cool stuff released just in the last few days and I don't want to waste your time so let's get right into it starting","with a brand new update that came out from midJourney midJourney now has what they call the style tuner feature
you could basically create your own style and then reuse that style over and over again now if you pop into the mid
Journey Discord there's a complete tutorial here here that walks you through how to use it but I want to test
it out myself real quick so if I jump into my midJourney room here and I type slash tune I can now give it a prompt
for a style that I want to recreate over and over again for example colorful glowing neon line art hit enter and now
it gives us some options here create a sharable style tuner based on your prompt to customize the style of your images I can have it do it in either
default mode or raw mode or select 16 Styles 32 64 or 128 I'm going to go
ahead and select 32 style directions and click submit going to ask me if I'm sure cuz it's going to cost me3 of my fast
hours confirm and it does say it will take around 2 minutes for the tuner to be generated you'll be notified when
it's ready and there we go it gave me a link to my custom tuner here so the next
step is I open this in my Chrome browser and you can see now it's giving me all
sorts of images and it wants me to select the images I like so that it will
essentially tune this prompt now there's 32 sets of two so there's actually 64
images to choose between and I just select the ones that I think are good so for example I think these ones are cool
here I like the colors I think these ones came out cool here these are interesting neither of these really
match what I was going for so I'm not going to select any of them same here these ones are kind of cool these ones
are cool here keep on skim in to find the style that I really like this one here is cool some of these are just like
really far off from what I had in mind honestly these here are pretty cool I like the sort of glowing effect on them
these down here are cool and you can see now that I've set my tuning it gives me a code here so I can actually copy this
code and you can see that I add it to the end of one of my prompts like this style and then my code so now if I jump
back into midjourney I can do a wolf howling at the moon and then I can put Dash Dash style and then paste my style
code in there that it gave me and if I hit enter it should follow the style that we just essentially tuned there we
go four different images of wolves howling at the moon they follow that style of my neon line art that I asked
for originally let's do a mad scientist holding up a beaker in my custom style here and this is what I got out of it I
could further tune this model by coming in here and selecting even more images and get it even closer to what I'm
looking for all right so I did a little more tuning selected a few more images here let's see how it changes things so
now I'm going to try a woman in the city with skyscrapers and then this new style code after I actually tweaked and picked
some more images it actually gave me a new code to use so let's go ahead and try this new code and here's what it
generated this time actually got a little bit further away than what I was hoping it would do but this is my first
time using this tune feature so I definitely need to play with it some more and once I really learn how to use
it I'll probably make a dedicated video just about how to use this cool new midgy feature this week meta also","started to give people access to their brand new emu image generator you can use it directly inside of Facebook
Messenger or you can use it inside of WhatsApp you can get to it inside of WhatsApp by clicking on the little chat
window up here and then selecting meta Ai and then when you're inside of the meta AI you just type imagine just like
you would with mid journey and say something like a woman in the city with skyscrapers and pretty quickly we get
our image of a woman in the city with skyscrapers now it's not super realistic here's a wolf image I also generated but
it's another option for image generation and as of right now it's free to use let's try imagine a photo of a man
holding out his hands showing them to the camera here's what that generated it appears to be the right amount of
fingers so there you go another potential free AI image generator that you can use it works in WhatsApp it
works in Facebook Messenger may work in Instagram messenger I haven't actually tried yet but I know for sure it works","in WhatsApp speaking of AI generated art AI art got a little bit of a win this week this week a US District Court Judge
filed a decision in a copyright infringement class action lawsuit it was brought against stability AI mid journey
and Deviant Art the AI image generator companies had filed a motion to dismiss the copyright infringement case this
week the judge largely granted it writing that the complaint is defective in numerous respects the biggest issue
that he found was that two of the artists that made the complaint did not actually file any sort of copyright on
their art with the copyright office and then the other artist Anderson had only actually copyrighted 16 of the hundreds
of works that they cited basically at the end of the day they concluded this because AI image generators reference
art by many different artists when generating new imagery unless it is possible to prove that the resulting
image referenced solely or primarily copyrighted art and is substantially similar to the original copyrighted work
it is likely not infringing on the original work if this precedent holds up very few artists unless they actually
copyrighted their work and can prove that new images are using that copyrighted work and very similar to
that copyrighted work almost all of these should get thrown out I would assume now there is a little bit of this
court case still ongoing the judge did allow one count and that was for the direct copyright infringement against
stability AI for copying those 16 actually copyrighted Works without authorization so that piece of the
lawsuit is still ongoing but still I believe Anderson has to prove that a new
art generated is substantially similar and actually infringed upon those
copyrights so it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out but nonetheless a pretty decent size win for
AI art this week which brings me to the sponsor of today's video wirestock doio If you're not familiar with wirestock it","Final Thoughts
out future tools. that was a ridiculous transition this is where I curate all of the coolest AI tools that I come across
on a daily basis I keep up to date on the news every day and I have a free newsletter that you can join and I will
send you the latest AI news and the coolest AI tools directly to your email inbox you can find it all over at future
tools. if you want to stay in the loop with the AI news you want AI tutorials you want to hear about the latest cool
AI research make sure you like this video And subscribe to this YouTube channel and I'll make sure more stuff
like this shows up directly in your YouTube feed thank you so much for tuning in I really really appreciate you
I hope you enjoyed this video I love nerding out about this stuff I hope you enjoyed nering out with me that's all the news I got for you this week and I'm
recording this on Thursday so there might be new news on Friday that I didn't get a chance to talk about but if there was I'll make sure it's in next
week's video thank you so much for tuning in and once again thank you to wirestock for sponsoring this video I
really appreciate you guys and everybody who spends the time to watch these videos and makes it this far to the
video you rock I love you guys I'll see you in the next video
bye-bye [Music]"
"it's been an interesting week in the AI
world and I don't want to waste your
time so let's just get right to",which yes we got a preview of it at a TED Talk and there was also some like runway show where people were wearing it but most of the world hasn't seen it yet and if you really want to know how biased time is check this out let's click into the Humane AI pin interesting investors in Humane include time co-chairs and owners Mark and Lynn benof hat tip to Nick St Pierre on Twitter for actually pointing that out to me also the biggest clear Omission obviously Future tools website I mean come on also this week mid Journey rolled out the beta version of their new long awaited website now while we can't actually generate images on the new website yet mid Journey claims that feature should be available probably next month but mid Journey does sometimes have a habit of underestimating when something is actually going to go live however the website they do have is actually really cool the search functionality up here is actually lightening fast if I click search Halloween and hit enter look how quickly it pulled up images that other people have generated related to Halloween that was almost instant you might think I sped up the video but I didn't and if I look into my images you can see I have a zoomed out view of all of the images I've generated so I can quickly hone in on the exact image I'm looking for and the search works just as well in this area so if I type robot you can see all the images I created that had the word robot somewhere in the prom ped you can also click on a specific image and press the numbers 1 through 4 to rate it 4 being the highest rating so if I press 4 you can see down in the bottom right it just gave it the hearty ey emoji here and when I go back to my search I can actually filter it down to just the ones that I rated a 4 and you can see all of the images that I've given that high rating to so it's another way to sort and filter all of the images that you've generated but quite honestly we're all just waiting for that generation inside the website so we get the heck out of Discord this week if you use shutter stock they actually integrated a feature that allows you to edit images using AI including Magic Brush creating variations expanding images smart resizing background removing and an AI image generator which was actually launched earlier but now you can hone in and get the exact image you're looking for in fact on their website it says craft Picture Perfect content with a pallet of creative AI features to design and edit any shutter stock image generated or stock so if you find a stock image that you really like but it's missing just one little touch you can do some sort of generative fill in it or remove the background or remove an element of it although if I'm totally honest I really don't understand why people wouldn't just go generate the exact image they're looking for and then use generative fill or one of the existing inpainting tools to get the exact image they're looking for Amazon's getting into the AI image generation game as well they rolled out an AI powered image generation tool to help advertisers deliver a better ad experience for customer customers so Amazon sellers that are advertising their products can now take a generic image and have ai apply a specific background to it to make the ads for their products stand out a little bit better and draw people's attention to them but as AI images become more prolific companies like Google are trying to help people better detect what's Ai and what's not this week Google announced tools to help users fact check images Google is going to allow people to view an image's history metadata and the context users used it with on different sites so Google announced in about this image feature so that users can understand when the image was first seen by Google's search it's also going to help people understand how people describe the image on the sites to help debunk any false claims so I was going to look at sites where these images appear and give contextual information about what those website said about the image also if an image was generated with one of Google's AI generators the company said that marks all images created by Google AI as well so if I go to Google Images I search for an image of a wolf here let's click on this one if I click these three dots up here we've got this about this image button and this image is at least 5 years old so we know it's probably not AI generated and we can see the web results of where this image appeared to get better context around what was actually said about this image but of course artists still want to protect themselves from their images being trained into AI models so so also this week we saw a new tool rolled out called Nightshade this is a tool that messes up training data in ways that can cause serious damage to image generating AI models a new tool lets artists add invisible changes to the pixels in their art before they upload it online so that if it's scraped into an AI training set it can cause the resulting model to break in chaotic and unpredictable ways here's some examples of what a clean model looks like and with poison samples within that model so here's what a dog looks like with stable diffusion XL here's what it will start to generate if there's 50 poison samples in there 100 poison samples 300 poison samples and you can see how it pretty much destroys what these images look like and starts to shift them to completely wrong images however stuff like this I think is also going to be a Perpetual cat and mouse game I think the people that are training the models are most likely going to figure out ways to circumvent the poisoning of the models as well but I I also believe that there's a constant push towards opin only so future models will likely be more and more just trained on images that permission was given for those images to be trained on so in my opinion the need for tools like this Nightshade are going to be less and less needed as time goes on,"this week open AI anthropic Google and Microsoft all gave an update about their model Forum they appointed their first executive director Chris meseri now we talked about the Forum in a previous video but just to sort of catch you up the mission of the Forum is to advance AI Safety Research to promote responsible development of Frontier models and minimize potential risks identify safety best practices for Frontier models share knowledge with policy makers academics civil society and others to advance responsible AI development and support efforts to leverage AI to address society's biggest challenges they also announced a $10 million AI safety fund the primary focus of the fund will be supporting the devel development of new model evaluations and techniques for red teaming AI models to help develop and test evaluation techniques for potentially dangerous capability of Frontier systems basically they're funding a team outside of the actual companies themselves that are funding it to find ways to make these tools more secure more private and also to try to break the tools and find vulnerabilities and bugs and issues with the tools open AI also announced an internal team this week that they're calling their preparedness team this preparedness team essentially has the same role as the forum team their goal is to manage the catastrophic risks from Frontier AI by answering questions like how dangerous are Frontier AI systems when put to misuse both now and in the future how can we build a robust framework for monitoring evaluation prediction and protection against the dangerous capabilities of Frontier AI systems and if our Frontier AI model weights were stolen how might malicious actors choose to leverage them they also launched their $25,000 AI preparedness challenge they're looking for 10 submissions of novel ideas to prevent catastrophic issues and if you end up helping them you could end up getting a piece of that $25,000 in API credits and if open AI is doing it Google might as well too so acting on our commitment to safe and secure AI so this week Google announced their bug Bounty program specific to generative AI they released some criteria over on the Google security blog of what sort of things are in scope and out of scope to potentially receive the bounties for helping them find bugs in their AI systems",also this week the British prime minister announced that he would establish a new artificial intelligence safety Institute as well as seeking buy in for a new Global expert panel on the emerging technology next week the UK is having their Global AI Summit where they intend to set up a body that will investigate AI risks and share those with Global Partners they also claim that they will make the work of their AI safety Institute available HubSpot they just put out a new guide all about chat GPT it's called The Ultimate Guide for using chat GPT at work and it's available to download for free as we all know AI is rapidly changing the way we work and of course chat GPT is at the front of this revolution it can help you write everything from blog posts to emails to YouTube scripts and AD copy and it's incredibly easy to use if you know the right way to do it so here's a few ways that HubSpot highlights using chat GPT at work you can generate highquality content quickly and easily because chat GPT can basically write at a human level but it's not a human so it does it a lot faster so you get to spend less time on writing and more time on other important tasks and chat GPT helps you save time and energy by helping you automate repetitive tasks things like research factchecking and even helping you come up with ideas for images within your writing which again frees up your time for the work that's actually important to you so if you're looking for a way to boost your productivity and improve the way you get work done I highly recommend checking out hubspot's guide for chat GPT again chat GPT can help you get a lot more done in a lot less time if you know how to use it correctly and HubSpot wants to help you demystify how to use this powerful tool so if you don't know where to start check out this guide to learn everything you need to know to learn more about this free resource and how it can help you with your work visit the link in the description below and thank you once again to HubSpot for sponsoring this video,"I come across as well as all of the AI
news on a daily basis I've also got a
free newsletter where I will send you
all the cool tools and latest AI news
directly to your email inbox you can
find it all over at futur tools. thank
you once again for tuning in thank you
once again to HubSpot for sponsoring
this video you really make it so that I
get to live my dream and make fun
YouTube videos and nerd out about AI all
day long so thank you again to HubSpot
you guys are rock stars and I appreciate
you and I appreciate you watching
watching this video because it is so
much fun to nerd out with you I am so
appreciative of every single person that
watches my videos even the ones that
make the negative comments I still
appreciate you taking the time to watch
the video so thank you so much you rock
I really appreciate you see you in the
next video"
"you're never going to believe this but
this week has been an insane week in AI
we've gotten a ton of announcements from
Adobe from Google from open AI from 11
Labs from character Ai and even from
Disney and I'm going to do my best to
break it down and show it all off so
let's get into it this week was the
Adobe Max event in Los Angeles and if
you haven't guessed the theme of the
whole event was pretty much AI they're
putting AI into everything in fact there
was so much news coming out of adobe Max
that I made a dedicated video All About
That event otherwise this entire video
would be taken up by Adobe news so if
you want a deeper dive breakdown of all
of the announcements that came out of
adobe Max check out this video right
here on my channel to get the Deep dive","Firefly Image 2
some of the standout announcements were
the new Firefly image 2 which creates
insanely realistic images like this one
this one and this one I mean this may
have even passed mid journey in realism
Adobe Premiere AI Updates
they also showed off some cool features
in Adobe Premiere where you can edit
videos directly by editing the text as
as well as a feature that will find the
filler words like us and ums and
automatically cut them out of your
videos for you they've also rolled out
adobe's speech enhancement features
directly inside of Adobe Premiere so if
you have bad audio quality or a lot of
background noise it will automatically
clean that up for you but by far the
Adobe Text-To-Vector
coolest thing they showed off during the
main keynote was the ability to do text
to vectors so directly inside of Adobe
Illustrator we can now create vector
graphics that are infinitely scalable
and that are completely editable and if
you have an illustrator account already
it's super quick and easy to do I'm
going to create a little square here
inside of Illustrator use my selection
tool you can see I've now got a new
generate beta button let's go ahead and
click on that let's have it create a
rocket ship and we'll click generate and
there you go I've got a vector graphic
of a rocket ship and I've got a few
options here too there's also this one
and this one they're infinitely scalable
so they won't lose quality the bigger
they get and I can edit any individual
part of this rocket sh ship that I want
to change let's say I want to adjust
this flame so it's a little bit further
back I can adjust every little element
maybe I want to change the shape of this
Wing they also added a feature to copy a
style from any other image so if I pull
this colorful image in right here I
could click this little style picker
here select my image and it will
actually model this style and try to
match the color scheme from this image
so now let's do our rocket ship one more
time click generate would you look at
that some rocket ships that kind of
match our colorful image over here let
me unselect them so you can see what it
looks like and here's a cool example I
came across on X from Paul from Adobe so
check this out he starts by showing off
some examples of some flat Vector images
that you can create he creates a little
space dog here he then uses the
generative AI to create a new scene
gives it the prompt 1950 style Alien
Planet landscape retro graphic style and
gets these options here he pulls a dog
into the scene some people into the
scene adds some text and now he has a
postcard available to get people to
visit Vector now when I made that adobe
video about Adobe Max I thought all of
the big announcements had come out
already because I for the most part
covered the first day main keynote but
would you believe it there's even more
that came out of adobe Max that I missed
in that video so I'm going to cover some
additional Adobe stuff that I didn't
even talk about in that other video
right now so after I recorded my Adobe
video about illustrator and Firefly and
all that stuff they actually had another
presentation that they call sneaks which
is basically their sneak peeks of some
of the upcoming features that are in the
works damn some of them are really
really cool","Project Neo
announced a new upcoming tool called
project Neo which actually looks similar
to like maybe adobe's version of blender
or something like that where he's adding
a bunch of images and dragging them out
and changing the shape to get exactly
what he's looking for and he showed off
this complex basketball court that he
made and this really cool looking blend
feature where you can blend multiple
objects together and they sort of mold
like putty together so that was a pretty
cool announcement they also also
Project Scene Change
announced something called project scene
change where he shot this video of
himself walking in his office like this
and he wanted to put himself in a scene
from Bali and when he composited the two
together like he normally would it looks
very strange and unnatural but they
announc this project scene change which
actually takes the point cloud data from
the actual scene composits it with the
original video of him walking and gets a
much more natural looking scene of him
walking in that area yeah he also
demonstrated this table that has a
coffee mug and a handbag on it it used
the point cloud data from the scene
itself and then he was able to make
himself walking around on that table
next to the handbag and the coffee mug
Project Primrose
they also showed off this tool called
project Primrose it actually makes the
dress that she is wearing change colors
and change its entire appearance you can
see it changes to Silver here or mirror
or whatever you call it disco ball as
she's moving around you can see the look
of her dress completely changing this is
done with Adobe Primrose the dress
itself can also actually like animate so
you can see the dress is changing in
real time as they're talking to her they
also showed off an upcoming feature for
illustrator called glyph ease where he
created a few letters for a font but
didn't have the time to create all the
other letters in the font so he selected
the letters he already created he gave
it a little bit of a command to make it
look like bread I guess and then it
processed these letters and then changed
the rest of the letters to match the
font style of the letters that he
already created he then showed what it
would look like if some of these letters
had a bite taken out of them reprocessed
it and all of the letters now look like
they had a bite taken out of them check
this out he even took a picture of
handwritten letters that say rain used
illustrator to select those letters and
then created an image that said organic
honey with that same sort of drip look
from the handwritten image that he
created created before they showed off
Project Poseable
project posable which makes it a lot
easier to rig up and pose characters
that you create and then once they POS
the character they entered a prompt the
princess Knight sits on the throne in a
mid-century Castle she looks confident
and I think there's more to the prompt
but it's a little cut off here and you
can see it generated an image following
the pose that was just created it's like
a much much more advanced control net
pose sort of option here you can also
take existing images with a pose in them
load them into this tool and
automatically changed the character's
pose to the pose from the image they
Project Res Up
then showed off project res up they took
this cropped in image of an elephant
here submitted it through this res up
tool and it boosted the resolution of
that cropped in elephant and my guess is
that this is going to be added to
Premiere at some point in the future
that's my hope at least they also showed","before I do let me quickly tell you
about the sponsor of today's video GPT
trainer GPT trainer allows you to create
your own chatbot similar to chat GPT
train it on your own data and
information and then embed it directly
on your website all without needing to
know how to do any code you can upload
files directly for the context of your
chatbot you can have it use Google Drive
you can use website URLs website sit
maps and even add your own prean
questions and answers once inside you
can customize the appearance create an
initial message suggest some questions
for them to ask when the chatbot opens
you can even go back and review all of
the chats that your chatbot has had with
various people on your website to
analyze how it's doing and consistently
improve the quality of the responses the
user interface is simple and intuitive
and this is absolutely amazing to help
with customer support and getting
anybody visiting your site the answers
that they need without having to wait on
an actual human being to reply to them
not to mention that it easily integrates
with probably any of the website
builders that you're actually using
right now they also have API access on
their starter plan and they Pride
themselves on their own customer support
so you'll be able to get all of your
questions answered as you're trying to
figure out how to build your own bot you
can learn more over at GP t-trainer and use the coupon code Matt
wolf2 for 25% off that's mat a t w
lf25 for 25% off over at
gp-track you so much again to GPT
trainer for sponsoring this video I
really appreciate you guys now let's get
back to the news Google had a couple","happening in the AI world this week a
ton from Adobe from Google from open AI
it's just been a crazy week and if you
want to make sure that you're always
staying in the loop with the latest AI
news check out futur tools. this is
where I keep the news up to date on a
daily basis I also curate all the
coolest AI tools that I come across and
I have a Weekly Newsletter where I share
all of the coolest AI tools and AI news
directly to your inbox you can find it
all over at Future
tools. so thank you once again for
tuning into this video I had a blast
nerding out in this one so much cool
stuff came out this week that was so
much fun to play with hopefully you
learned about something new in this
video if you did give this video a
thumbs up if you haven't already maybe
consider subscribing to this channel
that'll make sure you see future videos
like this one in your YouTube feed and
thank you once again to GPT trainer for
sponsoring this video I really
appreciate you guys thank you so much
I'll see you in the next video"