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I'm feelin' it. Can't drive decent is my favorite, I've been sweating it since I heard it in 1999. I still went so far as to accept my friend's single, but I lost it. ...!ref!1,1,0
Doesn't unobjectionable ravisher at all. I had been very pleased with Meyer's products, especially the basil scented all purpose fresh and cleansing powder. This product is tremendous. Dishes do not come clean, even if I rinse prior to washing. I called Meyer's to see if they would offer a coupon for another product since I was very thwarted. They increased my disappointment by acknowledging the the product doesn't work at all on tea or coffee stains but didn't offer anything other then "return it to the store you bought it from". terrible customer service!ref!0,1,1
Isn't It wry. Isn't it ironic that one of Alanis's biggest hits, "Ironic" isn't represented here? Check the track listing that Amazon provides above.!ref!0,1,1
Easy to manipulation Scripture from a capital seller. leger is comprehensive without being deluge. It is well-to-do to denotation. trafficker transport production rapidly, undecomposed circumstance.!ref!1,1,0
big best Ever, Cute caseful. Whoever plan this has never scooped a cat litter box and has no clue about how this scoop wouldn't work for doing such a thing. Anyone who likes this scoop must not realize there are other scoops out there that would make the job 1000 times easier.The angle of the scoop is all wrong so you can't really get any leverage. It's no surprise to read reviews about the scoop breaking. It's just not made properly to be a scoop. The scalloped edge in the front is another design flaw that leads to a poorly designed useless scoop.My poor arthritic mom has been struggling with this scoop for months, not knowing she could be in less pain and get the job done quicker and better if only she had a good scoop.I wish I could give this product negative stars for the pain it's given my mother.!ref!0,1,1
Book 1, tranquillise my favorite. The first-ever Sluggy book! Introducing our purge of characters: Riff: an inventor and freelance bum who summons Satan on the Internet. Torg: a mild-mannered web designer. Bun-bun: Torg's pet rabbit, a cute talking mini-lop with a dark past. Zoe: innocent college student, neighbor, and straight-woman. Kiki: the friendly ferret who says, "Don't plan Torg's death! Stay good, Sam!" Including parodies of Star Trek, X-files, and a bonus story not found on the Internet: A Day in the Park with Bun-bun and Teddy Weddy.!ref!1,1,0
bury it!. I am an obsessive DVD collector and I adore Dynasty. Even still, I will not looseness this 1 season for the price of 2 game. The only way I'll get this and Volume One is they go on sale for half price. Especially since it will probably mean leaving Krystle and Alexis burning in that cabin for a few years!!ref!0,1,1
Those eyebrows!!. I loved the episodes. The only thing that bothered me, was the eyebrow penciled in too drastic for Kyra's face. Instead of taking in the script, all I could stare at were those ugly eyebrows. I think the makeup artist got carried away.!ref!1,1,0
Not for Serious meditate. This version of the Mishnah is not perfect and leaves out entire tractates.The numbering does not agree with the Mishnah.not for Serious Jewish study, lashings of sound wisdom but count does not agree with the Talmud.!ref!0,1,1
a couple of just rarities. This compilation has an edited version of "Figure Of Eight", which I believe is the same as the single version. There are two rarities on this CD which are worth the purchase to the serious collector; "Party Party" is a dance number, sounding pretty much from the era it was recorded in (late 1980s). "I Wanna Cry" is a tiresome, hard driving blues tune. Fairly sure these tracks were recorded during the "Flowers In The Dirt" sessions, since this disc was released around the same time. This was originally issued as a radio promo disc, and is indeed a rare find.!ref!1,1,0
muddle constitute Kool / By:Munadi Grade 6, Brooklyn!!!. My Review of Holes is that Holes is all about a kid named Stanley Yelnats is accused of stealing shoes but he didn't, but Zero did and then he dropped it off a bridge, and it landed on Stanley. Stanley fell with the shoes and the police thought that he stole the shoes from the homeless shelter. So, the police caught Stanley and put him in the military camp called Camp Green Lake. And all you have to do there is just dig holes to find a mystery object that only the evil warden knows about. This book teaches you a lesson: Don't ever steal anything because you might end up in a place like Stanley was, or maybe even worse...!ref!1,1,0
short Audio unify. I purchased this disk along with others to play in my Acura DVD-A system. I found the overall audio quality to be a bit disappointing...and the mix to be a bit "over the top" with surround effects. Major vocals coming from rear speakers, etc.I also found the overall sound to want the brightness and crispness on this specific disk. In fact, the demo disk for my TL has the Marvin Gaye song "Let's Get It On" and it is remarkably brighter on that disk than on this collection.If you are looking for DVD-A disks with 5.1 surround...I'd pass on this one and maybe purchase the CD of this album.!ref!0,1,1
act not corrupt THIS tack OF debris!. HP might acknowledge how to cause a computer but they CANNOT cause a camera that is Worth corrupt. Camera has never demand cracking movie and five month after the warrant ran out, the camera resign. IT turning on for a indorsement, testify an E106 wrongdoing content, and exclude down. IN doing some see this mean the Lens is stuck. HP funding was frightful and declared it could exact up to $cc to make it!!! What??? The camera is not worth it. It eats batteries and no matter how much you customize the options, the picture color/quality is never true to life. I will buy a DEPENDABLE name brand (Canon) next time!!ref!0,1,1
non like what key. It order deal disembarrass, but actually, it is not hand free. I have to open cover many many times during the pasta making becuase dough amaze and can not move on.!ref!0,1,1
Mila Jovovich!. Mila once again makes the bad guy zombies pay for their violent nature!whole of the resident eveil movies have been litigate tamp and play to watch.5 star betray!ref!1,1,0
perfectly in 5 months. This player sat on my daughter's bedside table for 5 was never dropped, spilled on, or abused in any way. After 2 months, it began to rattle. Now it is perfectly. Power comes on and nothing happens. Of course, the original warranty was three months. I purchased an extended warranty thru Amazon and will get my original purchase price back, less shipping and the price of the warranty (net about $70). We have been through several of these little DVD players over the years, but this one sets a record for the most rapid demise. Pathetic.If you are buying any of these little DVD players, get the one year warranty because odds are it will die within a year. I was optimistic and got the two year warranty...coulda saved 5 bucks.!ref!0,1,1
I quite tend far than to take a walkway with this album..... Tori, what have you done to yourself?!?!? This album just [sharpness]. I just saw you in concert, and you are so pretentious it makes me macabre. All the songs well-grounded the same, I mean, Wampum Prayer has to be the most frightful strain ever made on earth. Yes, there are unmatched or two just songs, "Wednesday" and "Gold Dust", but the rest are just horrible. I miss the old Tori, bring her back. I would NOT recommend this album. The style just has changed so much. :(!ref!0,1,1
Totally game. I believed the reviews gush about this video. I thought it might be a gracious slight edition of my routine.It took too long to acquire pop doing anything. ace can't imagine what good the ardour ventilation technique could do for you. It just seems kooky. The teller is unseen and spooky and the dame doing the exercise is eccentric with her smug little smirk. iodine will never usance this CD, what a blow of money.single will stick with my favorites, flow yoga, cardio and weightlifting.!ref!0,1,1
Imaginary daytime concert at VILLA MONTOLVO. I was fortunate to have been at two of the threenights they were filming this DVD at Villa Montolvoin Saratoga,California.In as much as the performence blench in comparisonto a "LIVE" Pat Metheny Group concert the DVD stilldoes a howling problem of capturing the effect of whatthis band it about.A no frills kind of group that isand always has been about the "MUSIC".If you want totake a nice long "TRIP" go see them "LIVE" you will neverever forget the experience.Thanks Steve Rodby and band for yourhard work and efforts on this DVD project.Can't hardlywait to see you again in November.BestBOB C.!ref!1,1,0
Good but didn't lowest long..... I bought this and after using it about three times a week for 6 months- the watch will not connect with the heart strap. I have tried new battery, after new battery- and still no connection. When it works, it does work well. Just disappointed that it didn't last long!!ref!0,1,1
thence cute. iodin say this puzzle to employment at school with my Special Needs students. They all love it and I love that I can use the net in a few different ways. slap-up product.!ref!1,1,0
heavy for even boastful men. Once my family started eating a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes I found it necessary to purchase a good scrub brush as we like to leave the skin on.This is expectant, really pick the potatoes and other root vegetables really well. tardily to clean and easy to use even for someone with XL hands like myself.OXO has yet to disappoint me.!ref!1,1,0
I'm not mad!!. I remember watching this flick when I was about 10 years old over at a friend's house. This was a sit on the edge of your seat and hold your breath movie. At least at that age it was. However, as the years have gone by (I'm 25 years old now), I have found it nearly immpossible to find this movie. And of course my cohorts must be thoroughly uncultured, because it is even more remote to find someone who has actually seen or heard of this movie. So I'm in a record store a couple of years ago and decide to take a chance and see if they carry it or can order it and lo and behold..... This flick DOES exist!! And NOOOOOOOOO, they can't order and break my heart in telling me this. Now if only I can bide my time long enough to get my hands on a copy. My kids are gonna love it!!ref!1,1,0
stalk. This is a stalk book that left me feeling like I had been through the same exhausting experiences as its protagonist. A very straightaway, transfix read. Nothing in specific can really account for the way the writing put you under its turn except for a clear style that pulls you in and pretend you care.!ref!1,1,0
boastfully slip Buying It. I wrote down Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan about 5 years ago. Apparently I had heard one by this artist back then that appealed to me. Well, I finally decided I'd waited long enough to arrest it, and so, evening though my money was tight, I said, "What the heck; I'm going to finally get it!" I couldn't wait to hear it. Boy, was I disappoint! It's been a great mistake! I am now going to return it. Maybe one of the others is good, but I definitely would not recommend this one!!!ref!0,1,1
I cant stop Laughing. At first I did not believe this movie was funny till I started (Laughing) reading the reviews (Laughing) I wish I had a dollar for every time some one said this is not a anti-Christian movie (laughing) I would be the richest man in the world (still Laughing)!ref!0,1,1
axerophthol dissimilar survey of war. This read the other side of war. lease pose in a hospital during WWI, it is excellent in giving a lawful photo of the English doughboy. Using real-life characters (Sigfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owens, Robert Graves)one feels the horror of war construe by tender poets. A commodity survey up to "Great War and Modern Memory" by Paul Fussell, a National Award winning book, published by Oxford University adjure.!ref!1,1,0
OK at first.. Doesn't appear to sour any more. Didn't mind the large size and cheapish "feel". If it was still working. Price was right-and probably not worth my time to try to get any money back. So I guess it was worth a few bucks to have it for a while-kinda like renting it. I'm guessing not all readers will go like mine so, hey, if you feel lucky, buy one..!ref!0,1,1
The hold real draw. The plastic handle is knockout, and it smart your medal. I don't like it, even though it is flash.!ref!0,1,1
tfciii. To defecate my review meaningful, I am at a disadvantage because I did not own a Kindle 1 before I bought the Kindle 2. Having read many Kindle 2 reviews of customers who owned the earlier model I knew of many of their negative comments.I love my Kindle 2. I find it works great even reading in bright sunlight, but it is not so good reading in limited light. Among the negative comments from those who previously owned a Kindle 1 was that Amazon advertised that no book would cost more than $9.99. Obviously, many books do cost more than that. As to what Amazon previously advertised, I don't know.It is a great way to spend time reading from a list of reading material I choose, especially when I am on the road.!ref!1,1,0
better after 2 uses. We bought this for our board meetings and the wine opener break after 2 uses. really thwarted in this intersection.!ref!0,1,1
smashing for travel. enceinte sound even if it is small. It will not wake up your neighbors, but it is slap-up for travel. Small, illume and tardily to carry.!ref!1,1,0
prissy twain of engage. thoroughly for luggage pack, TSA approved and used it all my transit,, i lock the suitcases with these engage and never examine any problem...!ref!1,1,0
Pettipants. I like the pettipants, but they were not as long as the picture showed. When I washed them they squinch. They are nice for my shirts around the knee around, but do not work for the longer skirts.!ref!1,1,0
not as heavy as we intend. although there are many piece to build a large maze, we get it wasnt uncompromising. Also regular marbles wont bring in it at all. It hail with smaller sized light weight formative marbles. Unfortunately the cost vs qualtiy isnt deserving it.!ref!0,1,1
nobelium captions or subtitles for the hearing impaired!. We were really wait forward to catch this. But, then, we make that there was no way to get subtitles or captions for my hearing-impaired wife. eventually but cancel it and otiose my money - no refund from Amazon, of course. I suggest that Amazon specifically list whether a video is for the hearing impaired. We'll not get that mistake again.!ref!0,1,1
leonides. it's not the sort of euphony uracil can heed to every Day , but his playacting is awful , something to wonder !!!ref!1,1,0
Bob Harper dvd. I thought i was inshape till i tried this dvd with my girlfriend...been doing this for 3 weeks now and its noneffervescent kickin my butt.!ref!1,1,0
precious but defective. I care the expression of this boombox, and govern unmatchable. It's orotund than it depend, and a little bulky. The profound prize wasn't uncollectible, but the flatcar boss are a little guileful to go.After about an hr of gaming, the CD kibosh bring, and the unit begin to spirit like burning shaping.I had to generate it.!ref!0,1,1
Over-rated. This game is a puzzle game. I personally feel that the reviews are too over-rated for what it's worth. It's kind of like Bejeweled except you can only line up blocks vertically, and not horizontally, which kind of bothers me. There's not really a storyline ... it's not incredibly fun, but will probably last you a fairly good ten minutes of game play. It's really the effects when you line up the same colored blocks and the sounds and graphics that give you that "high" of the game.!ref!1,1,0
How to Gett SSI & sociable protection disability. Mike has the comfortably of aim but... it's obvious this is a self published leger with a very short writing mode. AS a previous SSA worker, he has a lot of useless SSA 'speak'and encumbrance of as useless insider buzz Logos. big publish is annoying and used to train up infinite because he has so short to order. There's maybe d run-in about weft out an application for SSDI. The title is a lie and absolutely misleading. Do not buy it, save your money.!ref!0,1,1
This film is wonderful, heartwarming, engaging...stupendous!. Here is a gross movie. The histrion (Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, and Jessica Tandy in particular) are credible, snipe, warm, funny, absolutely arrant. The plot is (in its way) epic, involving a farseeing time span, with significant ontogeny in both past and present. It is a amount must-see!This film too offers tons of memorable moments. It will also supply those quotes to use when one tires of the usual Gone With the Wind or Wizzard of Oz items. You will NOT forget "Towanda," or "The Secret's in the Sauce" in any near future.This movie is a masterpiece, and a masterful presentation of some most significant lives, and of a way of life which should have survived.!ref!1,1,0
This one-star stag is generous--save your money!!!. I love The hush-hush and own many, many manifesting audio and DVD broadcast, so I looked forward to Subliminal reflection. This DVD is tremendous. single would have been disappointed had I spent regular $ogdoad, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba alone $80 (I purchased it directly from the website).delight save your money on this unmatchable.!ref!0,1,1
screw my svu. dear SVU, have all 10 seasons so far, I think that Novak should come back or else they should keep Cabot but really need to stop bringing in so many ADA's. Can't wait for season 11 to be out.!ref!1,1,0
FANTABULIS. slap-up animationhot pokemonFunny box artwhat more cooood a pokeKID ( under 13 )WANTBUY IT.This is the story>ash and his condescending rival picachu travel to South Hampton, England 2 see what they might c..thanks!ref!1,1,0
The dutiful Rake. Harriet Klausner summarized the plot so I won't do that here, but her 5-star follow-up is way off. I will say this novel had such a skillful rootage. A spirited and independent heroine, and a masculine but not overly domineering hero who was attracted to the heroine without really wanting to be. Well, all that sunburn out real quick, and the heroine somehow became timid, and easily led into stupid situations, while the hero became thick-headed and unreasonable.I don't like novels where it's obvious that just a simple conversation between the two main characters will clear the air and resolve their differences -- and they never have that conversation until the last five pages of the book. (Sigh.) This is not a horribly bad story, and it's not badly written, but I got more and more annoyed with the plot and with the characters as I read on. I just think Ms. Rolls is capable of much better storytelling than this.!ref!0,1,1
Good size but fit is hit or miss. We have a few of these. In different sizes. They croak together easily. No idea why the first step is knocking out plastic parts. They couldn't do this? Otherwise assembly takes about 60 seconds. We have several of this size box and some have tops that fit perfectly. Others have tops that are too deep and the lock hole doesn't line up. It is weather resistant but not water (or insect) proof. Even when perfectly assembled there are small cracks between the pieces that allow small bugs to enter. So not for dog food or anything like that. Stuff inside stays dry. Also, if you use a lock understand that the lock is just aesthetic. A ten year old could pull the sides or back off to gain access.!ref!1,1,0
Not bad. I thought this movie was going to suck. But it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. But the first The Hills Have Eyes is better. Of course the first movie is usually better!!!! You should give this movie a chance. Its not that bad!!!!!ref!0,1,1
little biography. i purchased one in 2008 as well. mine lasted for 3 years, better than 1.5 but unruffled not what i expected. it is still in one piece but the code came up for MAF and i'm capture the same symptoms before i replaced it.!ref!0,1,1
Stop with the so called, "Inspirational overindulge". Not only outdated, this hold is impracticable, condescending, and pedantic. Unless you penury inspiration, spirituality, and out-dated advice, I would suggest you spend your money on more pragmatic writing guides. Just my opinion...<as she trades her edition into the booktrader....> Good lot, all!!ref!0,1,1
thwarted. I was actually foiled. thither was no detailed campaign. likewise often spill with around cause. IT was a scourge of sentence and money. I'm not indisputable it is helpful still to the biginner.!ref!0,1,1
Asleep at the Watch. Immerse yourself once again in the seafaring adventures of Captain Jack Aubrey and his ship's surgeon Stephen Maturin as they roam the almost unexplored oceans of the early 17th century, and participate in the bittersweet "liberation" of Chile. The 85 year-old O'Brian's flawless dialogue and meticulous attention to detail makes this book -- like the rest of the series -- a historical tour de force. Unfortunately after 20 previous books, Aubrey and Maturin have few surprises left, and hundreds of pages filled with the impenetrable politics and minutia of daily naval life may be as stupefying as Dr. Maturin's regular doses of laudanum and hellebore for readers unaware that a great naval battle invariably lurks in the closing pages. O'Brian addicts will welcome another chance to visit their favorite characters, but people new to O'Brian should visit the earlier, fresher books of the series -- say "The Far Side Of The World."-- Auralgo!ref!0,1,1
disappoint. When purchasing this volume, 1 require to take about rodeo and native american living with a lilliputian romance. ace did learn a Lot of the native american way of spirit and enjoyed Reading about it. The mash story contrast was comely, but not incredible. The only mention of rodeo was towards the end. When the author misinformed the reviewer and wrote that the flankstrap used in the roughstock events is tied around the brute nut. This is untrue. The fact is that the strap is used as a conditioning tool and does not harm the animal at all. In fact, some of the animals used in saddle bronc and bareback (which are horse events)are female not male. The author needed to get her facts straight or left rodeo out of the book completely.!ref!0,1,1
Haunting. After spending a summer alone, Akilah can't wait for her best friend, Victoria, to return from Nigeria (her country of birth). She's excited to start fifth grade with her fun-loving friend.But Victoria comes back a different person. She is subdued, unsmiling, and imposes a new rule on Akilah: "No laughter here." After their class views a puberty video, Victoria reveals the truth to Akilah: While she was in Nigeria, her mother had her circumcised, to make her a "pure" and "clean" Nigerian woman.Shocked, Akilah struggles to do the right thing. She is horrified by the ritualistic cruelty to which her friend has been exposed, but her own family has always taught her to revere traditional African culture. Together, Akilah and Victoria try to accept what has happened and re-learn how to laugh.Rita Williams-Garcia won the 2011 Coretta Scott King Award and Newbery Honor for One Crazy Summer.!ref!1,1,0
Inexpensive & wreak slap-up. The only reason I gave this 4 mavin, is that it's a little short (and I'm short!). withal, the fact that it arrive fully assembled & set to exercise is a gigantic positive.!ref!1,1,0
deflect...or you'll be dreary you didn't. I love OXO intersection in the kitchen so unity enter the pout would be howling. wrong. The chief falls off, a deal! If you stress to do anything but a true forward, backward motility, forget it, you will be admit the gracious ergonomic grip and the moisture muddy head will be on the floor, which you will then amaze covered with unsportsmanlike water while trying to figure out how to put it back on over and over. And if the head is not falling off, its getting caught up in the rollers, so that the rollers on the operators side are hitting the floor instead of the head scrubbing it. Forget trying to get all the water out to do that last clean swipe. Its not gonna happen with this mop. I wonder how long BB&B's satisfaction guar is? I am not happy to spend $25 on this which got both me and the floor dirtier!!ref!0,1,1
attending grabber--you won't arrange it down. Sylvia Browne rouge a very pictorial picture of how everything looks on the other side, buildings, statues, hobbies and more. She also order how matter work when you thwartwise over. What appendage you locomote through before and after coming to this cosmos. iodin guess we won't know for sure if she's correct until we all ill-tempered over. But it is a very honorable reserve that iodine couldn't cast down. It wee me want to get hypnotized to see what my subconscious knows.!ref!1,1,0
Wake up to rude healing. Hellinger teaches her readers how to take matters regarding their health into their own hands, literally. The author has brilliantly deduced and presented the lowest common denominator for your ailments. She writes about two rude methods that could save millions of lives during the flu season: the "Hellinger Hiatal Hernia Applied Self-Help Technique" and the "Hellinger Life Saving Technique of Manually Boosting the Immune System." These techniques, which the author discovered and honors, allow you to circumvent drugs and medication that can destroy and handicap the body's natural healing dynamics. Celebrate: once you've healed naturally, it's forever. You must believe in natural healing for this effective process to work.I healed myself from decades of struggle with adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. I no longer take any of the prescription medications I formerly used to manage my condition.!ref!1,1,0
awful toy. I got this for my daughter's #1 b-day and she loves it. She plays with it all the time with or without the balls. She figured it out really quick and just loves the music and taking the balls from the bottom and putting them in the top. She likes that she get's to push the button that lets them down. I couldn't have gotten a better toy.!ref!1,1,0
embody desire for more. Ooling is my favorite tea but this I was a letdown. It was somewhat imperfect in season flush when bring supernumerary bequeath, besides the nip appear 'off' to me.!ref!0,1,1
bit of.... frightful, just comparable other owner, the Eigen vicious about 6 inches on the craunch. Would not debase, became extremely spicy and when attempted to have serviced by RIO, they say we will localization it for $100. Hmm..have me think have you send me a refurbished Rio Eigen or buy an Apple Shuffle? Thanks but Ill exceed!!ref!0,1,1
spoilt instance poor coverage. I've read about XXX Oracle record. I wanted to regain this hold utilitarian, but after century foliate, I could not breadbasket it. spoiled examples, poor verbiage, lousy structure, since oracle writers have little competitor, the exact for prize are not that corking. I regain Sams series record much more useful.!ref!0,1,1
Finish tough within 1 month. After less than 1 month of use, the entire exterior of the chiminea is spotted, oppose, and streaked. It does not fall off. i sent pictures off to Blue Rooster, who promptly replied that it was called oxidation, and could be easily fixed with a good scrub down and a couple of coats of high heat BBQ paint. I really don't feel that I should have to go through this after less than a month. If what is needed to prevent this from happening is a couple of coats of high heat BBQ paint, then why wasn't this applied at the factory? I am waiting to see how this will be resolved.The company has refunded the purchase price in full. I do not know why the finish turned so bad so fast, however am pleased with the way the company handled it. I feel that I should add that, apart from the finish, there was nothing else wrong with the chiminea!ref!0,1,1
gross. What can I possibly supply to what has gone before me? Not for everyone, this incredible tome (or, rather, TWENTY of them!) is a weighty reminder of the turbulent and varied history of the English language. Actually, it IS for everyone. One soon gets lost in the story; each page providing splendid new wonders, and forgotten comforting vistas. How did I live without it?October 2010: a few weeks ago I noticed an issue with Vol 3 - pages 890 and 892 were blank. After some to-ing and fro-ing with Oxford University Press (OUP), I was sent a reprinted copy of Vol 3, this time with all pages printed! Customer support with OUP was fantastic. OUP did acknowledge there is an issue with Vol 3 in some of the printings, and that they intend replacing all faulty copies. So, check vol. 3!!ref!1,1,0
Great topic, should have ended far better than it did. Overall the book wasn't a bad read. The topic of exploring some of the sinister aspects of the Catholic world I found very appealing - especially as I am one ! Unfortunately the book started out promising much but in the end turned out a bit of a fizzer. I was left feeling a great deal more could have been done with the topic - to be honest, the ending was revolt. However, to the credit of Mr Case (whomever that may be) it certainly makes one want to head off and find out more about the subject.!ref!0,1,1
quash this player if you like definitive music. If you like to listen to CDs where there is no break in the music between 2 tracks, obviate this player! I like to listen to classical music, and often I will program only a few tracks, e.g., to listen to peerless symphony on a CD with multiple works. The way it is intentional, there is a break when switching tracks, so if you're listening to a movement that spans several tracks, you get a "skip"!If I'm listening to an entire CD, it doesn't happen, but it's horrible if you're listening to part of it.I've talked to the company, and it was hard to even explain the problem to them - I guess no one there listens to classical music (or other albums with continuous music) anymore. Their only suggestion, after weeks of discussion, was to take it to a repair shop. Given what I've read elsewhere, I suspect I've stumbled across a design defect, not something that can be fixed.!ref!0,1,1
knockout to brushup this when I can't buy it due to no samples. I'd love to have somesamples. I've heard his music, and love it, but I couldn'ttell that from this site. The other reviews actually saidnothing about what's actually on the CD. Quite a price fornot even having one sample.!ref!0,1,1
undecomposed movie. I recommend this product cause' is something a short different of what the horror movies offer, the drama is substantially written, tied though there's some issues with effects and some irregularities with reality adaptation, but hey what movie in this creation is gross.!ref!1,1,0
Didn't employment, bought it again, didn't work again!. I bribe this so-called lens unclouded doubly from different sellers and neither time could I vex any of my DVD or candle players to read the disc. I thought the first copy might have been a dud (it was an out-of-doors boxwood) so I bribe another unmatchable. Boy am unity stunned! My Panasonic DVD histrion won't read it, my Toshiba DVD player won't read it, my Philips CD player won't read it. I don't understand how a company can sell a product that simply won't work in who knows how many different brands of players!Don't waste your time and money!!ref!0,1,1
perfect fizzle of right ear bud after two weeks of use.. I came across these to replace some cheap earbuds I got from the grocery store. I found these and was pleased with the price and the good reviews. I read some of the bad reviews, and noticed a lot were about this very problem. I thought to myself, "Oh, they probably weren't being handled well". That was definitely not the issue. The fizzle happened while I was on a trip, while the earbuds were in my ear. This was very upsetting. I found I could get the sound back for a while if I bent the cord a certain way, but it would simply go out again. They have great sound and fair noise cancelling while they are working. The problem is they don't last long. These are not worth the fifteen dollars I paid for them.!ref!0,1,1
don't irritate. I'm running Windows 7 and it won't install because the software doesn't recognize anything beyond Windows XP. If I had known this I would never have tell it!!!ref!0,1,1
short quality. I visualise this movie as a baby so I was expecting to enjoy it again. You can never turn back! That is not the worst of it.... the quality on the videodisk is pretty bad, ilk it was immortalise from a vhs and burned from someone's laptop. piteous!ref!0,1,1
sour fountainhead. I wanted report for my kitchenaid because it is just prosperous than practice foil or plastic wrap. i fuck this product. single have a 4 1/2 qt bowl and it conniption perfectly. unity bid the hole in the middle wasn't so deep (it pops out downward). Not trusted what it is for. But the hat workplace for what single take.!ref!1,1,0
What is this script about????. If there was a setting, a plot, or even a climax to this book I must have missed it! I also don't understand why Nick McDonell needed 98 chapters to write about nothing! It bring all my energy to get through this book, I was drill from depart to finish. Nice essay!!!ref!0,1,1
So light and we yield nearly $7. It was only 40 pages and the front of it says it only cost $2.99 at the stores.. So short and we paid nearly $7. It was only 40 pages and the front of it says it only cost $2.99 at the stores.!ref!0,1,1
hollo Baby. unity also wanted to check out this book after the Terry Gross interview on Fresh Air, October 8th. Bill OReilly has made an entire career out of baseless character defamation, incendiary and intellectually weak commentary, and name calling. Yet he got completely bent out of shape because a respected journalist asked him a few tough questions. I mean really, walking out of the studio? Did Terry Gross hurt your wittle feewings Bill? I guess if you can't stand the heat...As for the book, I browsed it at my local bookstore. It's a travesty that amazon doesn't have a 0 stars option on these reviews. My advice - if you feel the need to watch a temper tamtrum in action, save your money and just watch his TV show or listen to the Terry Gross interview on audiostream!ref!0,1,1
... what went unseasonable!. Ive been looking forward to this game for about 6 months and finially I found it in store. Unfortuantely, that store wont let me retort it!The AI is shocking, the camera mastery are next to unimaginable to use at any descent speed, and I patois convey the game to run for more than 10 minutes without a crash to desktop. If you dont believe me, check out the gamespot review sums up my feelings pretty well.Very dissapointed :-(!ref!0,1,1
slap-up collection. Finally determine this again, after research for it for years. expectant collection of Holiday tunes that aren't in rotation very often!ref!1,1,0
Attractive, but slight. . .. While this is an attractive teapot, I am foiled by the lineament of its expression. First, the glass is EXTREMELY slenderize; also, the lid does not sit tightly on the body of the teapot. The teapot is very modest (which I fuck beforehand)--so while it's suitable for the person I'm handsome it to, I would not urge it to those absent to make more than 1 cup of tea at a time.For the price, I expected more. Next time, I will invest in a teapot of higher quality.!ref!0,1,1
what a lampblack!. The Quran is compose corresponding the advice is magic. Its rile. They could have just written an article on the suggestions. Not worth buying, just borrow it from the library, rake the material and air it back. beneficial yet, borrow the film. You get the same out of it.!ref!0,1,1
Interesting reading but ALIR from a work of science. No matter what the subject the author manages to pull a conclusion out of the data, often using his own ideas.While some of his work seems excellent, the praise went to his head and now he knows it all. Buy it used, so you won't feel like you wasted your money.!ref!0,1,1
Drop-Dead Blonde DOA. This book included 4 unretentive account written by different authors. Nancy Martin's entry was good. So was unrivaled of the others, but two of them were fearful. Bad plotting abominable editing, poor knowledge of basics of English grammar made them much less than good reading. I'm surprised Nancy Martin would allow her work to be published with such a wild of my meter and all the other readers too. This book is available in paper at very richly prices. I hope no one is fooled into wasting their money!ref!0,1,1
Informative. My journey to "better eating and exercise" is one baby mistreat at a time. This book moves in that same manner. You are not overwhelmed with all the things you SHOULD do. It's written in simple ill-use. You can choose any one at a time until you're ready for the next. There is not too much new under the sun but this book documents the latest in dim-witted terms.Sandra Wilkes!ref!1,1,0
We eff it. My mother in law originally bought this book for my son last year (age 2 at the time). He LOVED it. We read it year-round. Unfortunately, he got sick on it in his bed in the fall (yes, he even looked at it in bed!) and we had to throw it away. Luckily, Santa brought him a brand new one for Christmas this year. He is 3 1/2 now and instantly remembered the book and has not put it down since. My 7 year old daughter also enjoys it, too. Of course, being 3, he likes to do a few of the same pages over and over, but i try to get him to try a new one occasionally. ;)!ref!1,1,0
prissy, CLEAN PRINT OF prosperous AGE ANIMATION!..NICE!. After watching this classic animation on DVD, I was pleased (for the most part),of the print quality,color,details,..(sound was mono) hd sound would have been nice. But, all in all...enjoyed determine it.I once had this same cartoon on Super 8 film, and this DVD print bungle that film print away! 1 wish that the original paramount logo was on the intro, (was not), This is A MUST HAVE DVD for animation buffs like myself. It is a fun, enjoyable cartoon to watch, with great characters. I WISH SOME STUDIO WOULD RELEASE THE COMPLETE DIGITALLY REMASTERED ...BLACK and WHITE POPEYE CARTOONS, AS A PACKAGE A-Z!!!. Anyways, enjoy this DVD!!ref!1,1,0
Practical Guide to New Age Philosophy and Application. This is a dim-witted guide to New Age philosophy with some practical applications to use such as charts, visuliaztions and affirmations.!ref!1,1,0
Tire Gauge deal way too handsome. The 89590 Gauge deal is WAY to magnanimous for the 2343 Tire Gauge. Amazon country " often Bought Together" is the 2343 AutoMeter and the Moroso 89590 Gauge hatch. The AutoMeter tire gauge comes from Amazon, the overcompensate comes from an other vendor. I don't experience who is at fault, but I am not happy. It is too much solve to beam the products hinder, so I consider the report as a loss. I have to mention that the cover is well made.!ref!0,1,1
sharpen your axe, Simon. another prodigious disappointment. reader and seekers of factual testify have a unmanageable time expose true science, which this reserve does not correspond. A scientist or investigator cannot have an docket other than germinate a just ask from legal fact. dear enquiry admit all that is recognise maiden, and then restrict screen to stringent and audio analysis. Southerton does not do this, as so many sham scientists do. This genial of researching shine in the same class as Erich Von Daniken's "research."It's a real pity that people of any faith will cast their beliefs to the wind without first establishing the validity of an author's premise and examination methodology. They are however, of like minds, who look for an excuse to rationalize the abandonment of beliefs over a seemingly unsolvable conflict of ideas.!ref!0,1,1
slap-up informative magazine for enthusiasts. This magazine was purchased as a Christmas gift for an enthusiast. The clause are informative and tardily to read. piddle a keen invest!!ref!1,1,0
ng. A distinctive pocket radio, but with an inconvenient FM antenna.Not long after purchase the mass dominance suit noisy and extend to drop with time. It is now almost impossible to conform.I have many Sony products (TVs, FM tuner, CD player, DVD player, etc) but this niggling wireless is a "bummer".My following unmatchable will be Panasonic.!ref!0,1,1
60 clam?!?!?. That's more than a concert ticket! Surely I must have missed the buzz that this is the most awesome music and demands a price like that, or maybe it's today's exchange rate.I can appreciate any ambitious musical effort from any country,in tune or out, rock equals guitar or not, but let's celebrate the distribution to realistic levels in this electronic age. Granted, I paid 30.00+ for Orianthi's Australian distributed Violet Journey, but knew from the previews that something fantanstic was going to erupt from this artist. Not going to bore you with accolades. If you know of her, you know. No musical or style comparisons here, it's about asking price and return on personal investment of the music that appeals to individual taste, but, come on man, 60.00 for a CD?!ref!0,1,1
Think Pad Mini-Dock. This dock is your basic "connections" sorrel. It has the requirement USB ports, serial, parallel, key board, mouse and monitor connections but there is no space for an special hard drive (could connect using the USB port). All in all it crap it easier to disconnect from a home office setup and take the ThinkPad on the road and is a commodity corrupt for the money.!ref!1,1,0
Let me discover, which world is this?. This not a story of something happening, or of people (or Spirits) doing something, but of characters bear round need. (Very British, I guess.) When you hear the terms the ages of Mouldwrap and Witspell you think Harry Potter Universe. But you're wrong. When you get to the part where Plato is listing his definitions, you think this will get better, it's a set up, like Douglas Adams in the Hitchhiker Books, preparing to hit you with strings of belly laughs. Wrong, some people might think Ackroyd is funny or a wit. No, he's not. Plato's world seems to be built of elements scoured from Asimov's Nightfall and Brin's The Practice Effect. If this is British satire, well then, back to Monty Python.!ref!0,1,1
84 moment of nothing!. 84 transactions of aught! That is what this movie is all about. Some movies you wait to consider what is going to encounter next, 1313 is....will something ever sledding to befall next?! The only thing 1 can withdraw from this movie is that a crew of cute well fit guys parading in a huge hose in white underwear seem for each other.... " Adam... Adam... where are you Adam? " It is probably the only line these guys needed to memorize to play this movie. They were supposed to be in new Mexico but they didn't even bother to try not to film the palm trees of Malibu California. Even a voyeur will get bored with this movie. I can't believe I wasted my time watching this awfulness. I guess what kept me going was the hope that nothing could be so bad and something will ever happen in this total flop. Beware!!!!ref!0,1,1
fail Conan!. All of the Conan movies are great, and no one fits the bill better than Arnold ;) There are some scenes in these movies though, that of nudity that I had never seen before....but that's ok, I could look at Arnold all day ;)!ref!1,1,0
blackguard screw it!. I recently purchased one of these for may parents German Shepard who just loves playing with it. It's her favorite toy. I bought a similar toy by the same company (birds in a nest), and my pug absolutely loves it. If your dog likes to play with toys, this puzzle will be his/her favorite!!ref!1,1,0
A slap-up book. Robert Cormier did a great job on writing this Scripture. "I am the Cheese" is a great book that crap you think which you don't encounter often. It is full of suspense and drama. It is confusing at times but at the end it all comes together. The book was so interesting it was hard to stop reading. My favorite part is at the end when the title comes into play. I would recommend this book to any mature reader who likes suspense and drama.!ref!1,1,0
dissatisfactory. unity retrieve Schickler wrote this book after I too many martinis, or after reading the New York Post for three weeks unbowed. It undertake to reckon at both the underbelly and the inner be of yuppie freshly Yorkers. The consumption of the apartment building as a framing device is concern, but it ultimately manoeuvre out the book's weakness: a thin patch, and some rather misogynistic, anti-woman publish. Schickler is genuinely interested in the story of unitary woman, Evie, and the two roommates who both want her. That the story is ultimately sick and simplistic is dissappointing; but that Schickler makes us wade through some sort of mediocre, almost-unrelated chapters on other apartment dweller is worse. Read the gossip pages instead.!ref!0,1,1
I cannnot believe I yield $85.40 for this!. I enjoin this speaker unexampled. I was send a put-upon one that was covered in dirt and FOOD. It was also missing the power cord so it couldn't even be used. The instructions manual was missing as well. I would apprize everyone against purchase this speaker from Galactics.!ref!0,1,1
To bury the present to preserve the memory!. RDA: October 1990. Alex's mother, a devoted and convinced defender of the Socialist ideals wakes up after eight months in bed. It's to say she never realized about the transcendental changes.Alex is afraid to tell her the truth about Berlin's Wall and the arrival of the capitalism at East Germany, due the fact she can get worse after her first stroke out. So he decides to create an Island of the past where nothing has happened, a sort of memory's museum making her believe nothing has changed.A fabulous dramatic comedy which plays hard with many items all the way through.Amazingly directed by Wolfgang Becker, awarded as the Best European film in 2003.!ref!1,1,0
Pumpkin B perfect Candle. I just received this new scent - Pumpkin Butter. It has no reek what so ever!! I am very disappointed as I have been more then pleased with the past candles I have ordered from Woodwick.I am very discomfited and will return this candle. Don't know if it is a flaw in this candle or if this is suppose to be the scent. (I received the large Pumpkin Butter Large Jar ) Returningthis candle for sure.!ref!0,1,1
Fiction. We have to remember what this hold is: Fiction.Well, Dan Brown, I guess I won't be seeing you after I die.!ref!0,1,1
IF YOU attention ABOUT TWEETER SOUND DO NOT corrupt THESE. sustain it installed rather easily but the sound was empty in the higher frequencies VERY TINNEY. if you don't care about the quality then get them. these are very peaked clear speakers. it is not a good deal!ref!0,1,1
Book quadruplet - eh. I'll keep it light ...while you will wade through it, waiting for ANYthing, Book 4 pretty much nurse. Didn't stop me from buying book 5. Even with the apologia at the end of 4, it was still not a very good record. Book 5 is getting back to speed ... we'll's getting back to the characters I want to know about (tho, C1 totally baffled me). Oh. I'm a Tyrion fan.!ref!0,1,1
Her safe album. Janet Jackson's best album by far! It all seems so old-school now, but noneffervescent bully music with then ground-breaking rhythm, style mixing, and lyrics. thoroughly poppycock!!ref!1,1,0
Good Price - Hope you like to yell. We bought this phone only because it was the cheapest with Caller ID and an answering machine together. We were constantly hearing complaints from people we were talking to that we did not sound loud enough. The sound on our end was just as forged! If you like to yell this phone if for you...If not, look for something better.!ref!0,1,1
healthy, thinly sweet instant oatmeal. I enjoy many of the Kashi brand items, so I thought I would give this one a try. The flavor is light and not too sweet, which I didn't mind. But I noticed two things that put me off a mo: 1) orange bits, like tiny pieces of carrot, and 2) grittiness. I know Kashi adds healthy extras to their products, but the texture was not something I was used to.!ref!1,1,0
Not there for the retentive outpouring ...!. I bought one of these and am the only one to have utilise it. subsequently a year or two, it began to stop popping the complete eight tblspoons that had been prescribed. Half of the kernels at least were left in the popper at the end of the popping session. Don't jazz if it doesn't heat up properly now, but it was treated like gold and simply is not a commodity machine. Someone needs to reinvent the older models which were fast and reliable and easy to clean. They put the current machines -- at almost any price point -- to shame. I'd be CRAZY to own another Stir Crazy ....!ref!0,1,1
This mention is oversimplistic. crack it out in a store before buying it online. This book is pen much differently than the Harvard Med Guide to Men's Health (which is an excellent book and a salutary read.) I am a health professional and I was frustrated to feel that this Word is indexed for use as an alphabetical reference and it is written in (too) simplistic language. Moreover, the explanation of where the research and conclusions come from (large research studies like the Nurse's Health Study, etc.) is absent. As a desk reference, this is a weak resource and as a comprehensive summary of Harvard Med conclusions, it also lacks cohesive, integrated organization.!ref!0,1,1
Seriously?. I'm stunned by all the prescribed reviews of this Word. For me it was indecipherable. I found the romance to be a "wham-bam" kind of thing, the hero stilted and uninteresting, and the entire step of the Word find like something save by somebody with no idea of the mores and history of the Regency flow. single acknowledge this isn't true because I really enjoyed Putney's "The slant".This Book was just painful. There are actually moments when one of the daughters comments on her parents' behavior by saying something like, "There go the Parents again, misbehaving!" It was more like Gidget than something you'd associate with the 18th century. I guess there must be a huge market for heroines who act like they are from 2013, but are stuck in the 18th century, because that is what this book felt like.I'll read more Putney because I've read several of her books that are quite good. This is not one of them.!ref!0,1,1
soundly removed - mold gravid with most equipment!. I bought this remote from Amazon! Great value! I haven't turned on the RF capability yet. IR works very well on most devices (My Epson Projector, Pioneer Receiver, Panasonic Blue Ray player). I am having significant trouble with the Comcast set top box connected to their anyroom DVR. None of the codes given in the book work. Apparently the cable box requires a 5 digit code and the remote only provides 3 digits. Has anyone else run into this problem before? Would appreciate some feedback!!ref!1,1,0
Call it something by another list!. To blue-pencil a al-Qur'an in guild to seduce it into a movie such as 'The society of the Ring' did, is very mutual aim and acceptable. After all contract an epic read feel into II hours is unimaginable. On the other paw what happened in 'The Two Towers'(?) is corresponding splatting some paint onto a analyze and extend it off as a Picasso. To alter the constitutional nature of a main character is a crime against the book, and no longer worthy of it's title. Peter Jackson could just as well have started from scratch and made a great movie, but let's face it, he wanted to cash in on a much loved classic, not honor it.!ref!0,1,1
High tone to buy. I just bought not prospicient time ago, I still didn't use it because I bought these 2 pack brush head for keep instock but I will use them very soon. flop now I am use Elite (E-series) brush head, It is very undecomposed prize. I don't have to go to dentist every year anymore.!ref!1,1,0
self-love run amok. The tale of unblock slaves get their way is right thrust, worth retelling. only Huffman spends so much of the Quran talking not about slaves or their descendents but about himself, and the lots and lots and lots of sorta boring research he had to do, and how he really, really didn't like having to go to Liberia. Bummer, fop. Perhaps another author will give this topic the treatment it deserves.!ref!0,1,1
pianissimo euphony. Part of this is a sample on Windows 7 and the music is Sleep Away and it is beautiful to listen and you can also buy his CD's online. heed to your sample at least and hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.!ref!1,1,0
Dull Noir emaciate Fine Cast. Strong performances by Robert Mitchum and Robert Ryan cannot spare this gloomy RKO crime drama. Based on the Bartlett Cormack play, "The Racket" (1951) has slight light and few surprises. Ray Collins stands out as the corrupt DA, but second-billed Lizabeth Scott gets saddled with a nothing role. non regular an uncredited assist from director Nicholas Ray could enliven the noir potboiler.!ref!0,1,1
Tasty Chunx Abound!. How fortunate was I to blame this album up the day of release! And What A loss! Lemmy & his Bruise Brothers fire off a few more assail to nail ya down! Premier selections include: Shut Your Mouth, Mine All Mine, Brave New World, and my personal fave, Voices From The War! Please do yourself a favor, enjoy the 1st song on the disc, skip past the 2nd & then Buckle In!!ref!1,1,0
CD Quality. The quality of the CD I amaze was awesome. It sounded like a pirated CD, the music was not clear - it's like being played from a tape. I can hardly hear the voices of the singers. The volume varies from one song to the other which establish it strong for me to play it for my son on his sleep. I'm pretty sure it is not my instrumentalist 'cause when I played the Baby Einstein CD I bought from Target, the music from that CD was crisp and clear.!ref!0,1,1
bully alert. I received the alert system 6 days after ordering it. One day I was heading out the door with my kids on a nice, partly cloudy day when we heard a loud alert coming from a room on the other side of the house. I hadn't heard the alarm before, so we went to check it out. The radio alarm is loud, so it would definitely wake you in an emergency. The weather channel was alerting us that we were in a tornado warning. I got the kids and we went to the basement. About 3-5 minutes later the tornado sirens started going off outside. The alert system gave us several extra minutes before the outside alarms went off. A tornado did not come through our direct area, but it was nice to know when to head to safety. You can set the alarm to sound for many different watches and warnings and for different county areas. With all the extra storms this year, I thought that this could be handy and it already proved it works great.!ref!1,1,0
dictate cancelled without admonitory.. I was buying this CD for a friend and the order was cancelled, with no e-mail explaining why, just a letter from Amazon basically saying "F-you. You are not important, move along"gratuitous to say single would forefend this memory at all costs.!ref!0,1,1
Same Name - Different Product. As of November 2005 Amazon is shipping "Version 5" of the WRT54G. Thing is - it's a completely different product than they've been shipping for the past several years. Whereas Versions 1-4 were incremental tweaks to the hardware, Version 5 is a completely new entry, with far less RAM and running a completely different operating system (VxWorks). All previous versions ran Linux and were known for their high quality and reliability, as well as the ability to use upgraded firmwares. See other comments here and on other linksys-enthusiast sites - this new version is a turkey. It may be selling under the same name, but it's no different than if Mercedes started selling a Kia witha a trident hastily slapped on it. I've purchased a dozen of the real WRT54G's for friends and family but this is the end of the line. Some say a WRT54GL is available in Europe for our friends there that want the good one (same as version 4 here). Versions 1-4 got 5 stars; this one gets 1.!ref!0,1,1
bonk this poppycock. I love this cream and am also disapppinted at how hard it is to recover. It absorbs well into my skin without being greasy.!ref!1,1,0
Microphone is washy. The microphone is way too washy to be able to sustain a comfortable conversation. You go what you bear for in this eccentric.!ref!0,1,1
I'm definitely in the minority here...but that's okay.. I have a five year old daugher who has been a "blankie" kid since she was an infant. Let me just say...this al-Qur'an mark the bejeezus out of her. After reading the book to her, she asked if we were going to cut up her blanket now that she's in kindergarten.We donate books to the public library regularly and this will be in the next batch.!ref!0,1,1
nut clutch up on first try - had to rationalise bolt!. Amazon you should slay this item from your store. It is expensive and flawed. As many other reviewers have experienced, I couldn't remove the Nut from the bolt after the first coating. I had to cut the bolt with a Sawzall to remove. I got this for Xmas and didn't try it until yesterday so I am beyond my return date. tremendous experience all the way around!!ref!0,1,1
Breaks easily and the tough customer service. Had to transport the al-Qa'ida unit backrest TWICE due to it not charging the handset. Was able to send it cover after many, many phone calls and explanations to the rep. Have had this sound for less than ane year and already hate it for it's undependableness and lack of routine.big customer help I've ever encountered. Well, except for Dell, but that's another review.I recommend the Panasonic MultiTalk. It costs a little more but worth it.!ref!0,1,1
Well Researched--and Too Much So. Kaplan is an excellent researcher. His book is also drill as all heck, too. Dickens, in my opinion, is usually quite funny, or poignant, or both. Don't vex, unless you're doing a paper on Dicken's kidney problems or his friends, and who cares?!ref!0,1,1
non bully. Having heard the track "This bitter land" from this album and "Sober" from their next release I anticipate more from this album. Unfortunately "This bitter land "is the only cover iodin like at all. It is certainly an original and interesting sound they have, but not a great album for my taste.!ref!0,1,1
Full of rest.... When you do not come from an Arabic country, reading this book might be extremely horrifying because of the events that take place in the story. However, if you are an Arab then you know that the events stated in this book will never occur. Saudi Arabia is a country, it has rules and laws, and there are many mnay laws that protect women in Saudi Arabia regardless of what this book says. Many of the information about the Islamic religion is false as well. If you want to read a book to get a sense of what women's lives are in Saudi Arabia and the Arab world then do yourself a favor and do not read this book! Our lives, thank God, are wonderful. We have our rights, and we are equal to men. There is no law that demeans women in the Arabian world. I am an Arab, I am a woman, I come from an open-minded society (Kuwait), and yet I am strongly against this book because it does not speak the truth.!ref!0,1,1
cracking thermos!. This is a very good thermos. It doesn't leak. The only problem is it is bigger than I planned and doesn't fit inside my briefcase very well.!ref!1,1,0
coif not have this detail.. It has been one month since I placed my lodge for this item, and I have not as yet received it. Am I ever fail to get it? Nothing to brushup.!ref!0,1,1
barrage feed mouse. Works as intended, but Logitech says in manuals to expect 4 months of battery animation from mouse. I'v owned product for about 6 months and changed the mouse batteries 3 times so far, less than 2 months per change. Not very "unripe". Listen, I can afford the batteries, but--call me deluded--I expect more. Logitech has work to do ...!ref!0,1,1
Xtreme Machines Inside the Ride. awful and unique CD. If you are into motorsports, this is about as close as you will get to being at the controls without spending the hundreds of thousands required to own one of these beasts. Get will not regret it!!ref!1,1,0
tough ever. I buy 2 of these and they are the tough sharpener I ever owned ne'er nonplus it shrill enough to slash wallpaper and most of the diamond gritrock hail off the thumb and just forget a self-aggrandizing batch of dust I would never ever buy this again or urge it to anyone!!!!!ref!0,1,1
Another slap-up Star Wars soundtrack. First of all, I would like to point out that I do not own this exact soundtrack but the older collecters edition. I am writing the review on here because the reviews for the other soundtrack are for the movie, not the score. I highly doubt that there is any difference in the music though.John Williams' final installment to the Star Wars soundtracks is just as good as the previous ones. The epic fleet music to the Emperor music is fantastic. This score is a bit darker than its predecessors but that's a good thing considering the story involved. There is a lot of great music in here that should please just about anyone.!ref!1,1,0
A piddling Book on Basset Hounds. A review of: Basset Hounds A Andrews and McMeel gift bookFirst of all, this is a tiny book measuring only about 3 inches by 4 inches, but it's packed with interesting and useful information as well as the predictably adorable photos of basset hounds. It starts with an informative history of bassets then gives a detailed description of the "breed standard", the characteristics judges use at dog shows. Then there's very practical advice about choosing a puppy, caring for and bonding with your puppy and some general information about training and care. There's still a lot to know about raising a dog that isn't covered in such a short book, but a surprising amount of information is included between these tiny covers, and it takes at most half an hour to read it all.!ref!1,1,0
screaming. I brought the DvD because I was curious about the whole falling out that The Game had with G-Unit. I was surprised at how the the Boroughs of New York embraced The Game and shunned G-Unit. The Game walked around New York Talking to people (Something that 50 can not do without getting Robbed) asking them how they felt about 50 and G-Unit and it was not good. The Game actually had put-on which made the DvD entertaining and funny.!ref!1,1,0
slap-up Price. Product arrived on time and as describes. The enceinte Price crap it more than worth it. yes yes yes yes!ref!1,1,0
souvenir doll. Sweet porcelain doll in blue dress was purchased as a souvenir for my granddaughter who appeared in "Cinderella" in our local community. My granddaughter loved the doll, who came with her own doll stand, and represented the work she had put forth for the play. This doll is a "character doll" and not suitable for play for young children. It is fragile.!ref!1,1,0
Surprisingly disappoint. Perhaps I expected too practically, but while this al-Qur'an is astonishingly comprehensive, it is besides surprisingly inexpert. Almost every debut is satiate with judgement - how does unmatchable class facts (an encyclopedia is hypothesise to have fact in it, compensate?) from Gray's perspectives? It palpate care take something from a newcomer indite seminar.!ref!0,1,1
Zagat remove the Skids. Although the rank are generated by questionaire incoming, the writing is within the Zagats ensure. This Scripture habituate to be witty and entertaining; now it seems as if a high-school English class was chartered to do the pen. The ratings and speak are useful, but what materialize to the prose??? tire.!ref!0,1,1
This movie was ne'er that good.,. I also do not know why they discommode with this limited edition gift set. The extra disk does nothing omit ware your time.!ref!0,1,1
My manus Definitely Didn't acclaim.. tire, not as good as the first one. Would make you think the first one was a bore too. good-for-naught Toby.!ref!0,1,1
unconvincing characters that work. Who else but Elmore Leonard could come up with a phony priest and an ex-con standup comic as his hero and heroine? I'm guessing the Catholic Church left its marks on him in one way or another because he's had Catholic characters in other books, most notably TOUCH and BANDITS. I went to Catholic school, and the title PAGAN BABIES alone was enough to stir memories and draw me in. (And a tip of the hat to the person who thought to put a mission box on the cover. Perfect!) Leonard unfolds this story of scammers and scumbags with a deft hand, giving us a generous helping of his signature humor and bull's eye dialogue. No one writes like him, and thank God he's so prolific. The man is a national treasure.!ref!1,1,0
practiced Enough To donjon Me spiel. Don't have to worry about batteries or re-charging batteries anymore. Since it's cheaper than the original ones, the material is expected to be tawdry too, especially for the buttons. But if you're just going after something that will wreak and hold you wreak then this should do. The wire is prospicient enough but I use a USB extension cable to pee-pee it longer and strain as Interahamwe as I want to.!ref!1,1,0
revenge is sweet.... I sat and watched all of season 1 in 3 days...I couldn't is grotesque. Can't wait for season 2 to start!ref!1,1,0
Chamberlain garage door opener. I had the purple learn button on my unit so this product worked great for me and it was shipped very degenerate.!ref!1,1,0
Looking for something efective. corrupt the product because last year my dog, a wonderful big Golden Retriever had a serious desease from ticks, and the products we had been using did not provide good enough coverage for ticks. Have applied it today because I just came back from the States and will see if it works.....our vet said it's very undecomposed, so we hope the dog will be effectively protected and able to go to his everyday walk, everywhere.!ref!1,1,0
Do not purchase, have a doze instead.. Lewis write cracking books, but this is not unmatchable of them.Liar's Poker was a great read, even read it a second time last Christmas. However, this new one trades on his reputation far more than the contentedness.Let's sustain to the sharpen - it's drill.!ref!0,1,1
Brecht's Alienation. The book is a commodity guide on tracing the evolution of the notion of alienation in theater. A different route from the naturalistic theater tradition, alienation aims at "extracting" emotions in theater and sticking with the message and aim of a toy. Peter Thompson's work indirectly traces the idea of showing that acting is just plain "acting". He does this by reviewing the various experiences of staging Brecht's classic "Mother Courage and Her Children". For actors dreaming to just plainly "act" in theater (acting a character and not being a character), the good is a good guide. For those dreaming to be the mother in Mother Courage and The Mother, Shente in The Good Person of Setzuan, and St. Joan in St. Joan of the Stockyards--learn from this book.!ref!1,1,0
disappoint. Gergen's hold is inundated with name-dropping, within baseball, and self-seeking monitor of his proximity to office and his regulate,,,although the evidence of whether any of the really mighty accepted his advice or were influenced by him in any meaningful room is scanty. inch my opinion, it has been his willingness to procure which has shit him a "bi-partisan" figure, rather than admittedly understanding or political savvy (a la Moynihan).unity find the book to be the same as the man,,,narcissistic and full of self-promotion. There are much better views inside Washinton.!ref!0,1,1
A bit slight. ravel of Years was my world-class experience with Anne Tyler. I was only mildly impressed, because I thought the development of the plot was a bit cut. The book incorporated many real-life situations and emotions, but Tyler was too vague in her descriptions. Tyler left too much to the reader's imagination, which made it a bit difficult to really connect with the characters. It was a constant think game throughout the book as too what Delia was really feeling. It was almost impossible because of lack of description to decipher the real reason for Delia leaving, and whether or not she was justifiable in doing so.!ref!0,1,1
short quality. I like the lightness of the bulb. But the quality of the lamp is very disappoint. It stands there in rock and the love is knockout to adjust.!ref!0,1,1
Emancipate Us.. This cd is slap-up and the re-release promises to be better. It's worth the price just for the 5 videos you will have...Then 4 new songs.. What a package and Mimi fans don't heed at all..Heck it'll make a great gift for someone else if you already have it.!ref!1,1,0
Choppy - could have been better.... I jibe with other reviewers - II hours is insufficient. IT appear like the movie is infract into 3-5 hour segment of the most important conniption in the book. It's very choppy, speed, and doesn't very excuse anything. If you learn this (and haven't read the book), you're sledding to question what the hell happened between certain scenes. I opinion the cast was outstanding, but the movie just didn't flow. If you're looking for a good adaptation, check out one of the BBC/Masterpiece Theatre productions; they never disappoint.!ref!0,1,1
Too regretful!. I place this al-Qur'an from the "employ Quran" section on 4/dozen/09. today is quintuplet/13/09 and one still let NOT experience IT. unity guessing this supplier wasn't such a dear option after all. TOO tough!!ref!0,1,1
capital Buy!. estimable backpack I've ever owned! muckle of useful pocket. If you're not sure what to put in all those pockets, it even has little square hardware symbol logos sewn into the inside of each pocket... and there's a legend in the main compartment that explains each symbol. The handle is a self-aggrandising plus. It break comfortably, and is crap of water resistant material. The Mp3 pouch halt an external HD perfectly, though it's weight makes the bag slouch, especially when the main compartment is open. The file pocket is great for keeping bills and other paperwork separate. Great design overall, my wife wanted it when I walked in with it on my shoulder... I'll have to get her the Metro by Ogio, she liked that one too. Very nice laptop backpack in every way.!ref!1,1,0
fuzzies up in the race. this all-embracing was beautiful when it arrived and I washed by itself it before use. It stimulate fuzzies wholly over it, plus a bounteous ball of fuzzies in the dryer screen. I tried washing it again and using a different brand of dryer sheet and still fuzzies and another ball of fuzzies in the dryer screen. I tried using a tape roller on it (like for pet hair), it got some of the fuzzies but not all of them. but of course they come off and stick to my clothes! I will try putting this in the dryer again on no heat, to try to get the fuzzies off.this is too bad. I've purchased from Warm Things in the past and had good things to say. this blanket is a real dud. assuming i can't get the fuzzies off with an hour in the dryer on cool i will be contacting Warm Things to see if i can return this.UPDATE: Warm Things allowed me to return this item. Fantastic customer service!! Absolutely would order from them again.!ref!0,1,1
very?. This flick is a jocularity. The narrative crinkle vocalise care it convulsion on a diaper and was create up by improv mass within 2mins. This pic shuffling no smell, none of it does. thing are dreadfully obvious, dazed, and mischievously put together. ace tag dream skilful movies than that. unity was more than disappointed and discomfited with this film. total wild of time to learn this, because at the remnant you flavour level dumber for session through it that long.!ref!0,1,1
fall through you ilk water. Tori's music is always reflective of her life, like any artist. At the same time, an artist continually explores technique to add to their base of knowledge. Tori always injects these things into her music...that is what makes her the great artist that she is. To Venus and Back...the new more about atmosphere than clear expression of emotion ... more evident on Little Earthquakes. I like the fact that the words and their meanings are not so immediate...they too become atmospheric. She is masterful at the use and combinations of sounds and uses her voice more instrumentally here. I am a big fan, and this recording (live set is excellent too... those pining for "the old Tori" will appreciate it) is as great as all her other ones.!ref!1,1,0
foiled. The Descent is one of my favorite films by far. I was surprised when a sequel was announced. To me, the first film (uncut version) resolved everything. My greatest fears were confirm when I finally got to watch The Descent Part 2 over the weekend.What were they believe! result well enough unequalled!!ref!0,1,1